During present survey extending from July, 2015 through March, 2016 six amphibian species representing 6 genera and 3 families and 24 reptilian species representing 23 genera and 13 families, were recorded from Kalabagh Game Reserve, district Mianwali, Pakistan. Among the five capture techniques i.e., hand picking, use of snake sticks, forceps, drag nets and noose traps, hand picking appeared the most effective one. The captured amphibian species included Bufo stomaticus, Microhyla ornata, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis, Fejervarya limnocharis, Hoplobatrachus tigerinus, and Sphaeroteca breviceps. Single turtle species, Lissemys punctata andersoni was recorded from the study area. Among lizard species, Calotes versicolor, Laudakia nupta, Trapelus agilis pakistanensis, Eublepharis macularis, Cyrtopodion montiumsalsorum, Hemidactylus brookii, Hemidactylus flaviviridis, Ablepharus grayanus, Eutropis macularia, Lygosoma punctatum, Novoeumeces indothalensis, Uromastyx hardwickii, and Varanus bengalensis were recorded. Similarly, snake species included Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus, Ramphotyphlops braminus, Eryx johnii, Amphiesma stolatum, Platyceps rhodorachis, Lycodon aulicus, Ptyas mucosus, Bungarus caeruleus, Naja oxiana, and Echis carinatus. The venomous snake species of the study area included Naja oxiana, Bungarus caeruleus, and Echis carinatus.