
Professionalism and Test-Driven Development

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Test-driven development is a discipline that helps professional software developers ship clean, flexible code that works, on time. In this article, the author discusses how test-driven development can help software developers achieve a higher degree of professionalism

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... We based our experiment on TFD because, together with unit testing, it was the main focus of the course in which the experiment was embedded. Moreover, TFD is well known and largely applied in software industry, its application requires discipline and rigor [13], [14], [15], and there exists non-invasive, validated tools that measure whether the process is followed correctly [16]. ...
... P17 -"Sleepiness remarkably slowed me down in each 13. The quotations were originally recorded in Italian and translated into English. ...
... • We provided some evidence supporting the idea that sleep deprivation can hinder the application of TFD. In fact, to be adequately applied, TFD requires discipline and rigor [13], [14]. The detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on the developers' attention level [32] may explain our results. ...
We present a quasi-experiment to investigate whether, and to what extent, sleep deprivation impacts the performance of novice software developers using the agile practice of test-first development (TFD). We recruited 45 undergraduates and asked them to tackle a programming task. Among the participants, 23 agreed to stay awake the night before carrying out the task, while 22 slept usually. We analyzed the quality (i.e., the functional correctness) of the implementations delivered by the participants in both groups, their engagement in writing source code (i.e., the amount of activities performed in the IDE while tackling the programming task) and ability to apply TFD (i.e., the extent to which a participant can use this practice). By comparing the two groups of participants, we found that a single night of sleep deprivation leads to a reduction of 50% in the quality of the implementations. There is important evidence that the developers' engagement and their prowess to apply TFD are negatively impacted. Our results also show that sleep-deprived developers make more fixes to syntactic mistakes in the source code. We conclude that sleep deprivation has possibly disruptive effects on software development activities. The results open opportunities for improving developers' performance by integrating the study of sleep with other psycho-physiological factors in which the software engineering research community has recently taken an interest in.
... Os detalhes das novas práticas do XP podem ser consultados em BECK (2004). De acordo com Martin (2007), os praticantes de TDD devem seguir três regras: não escrever código a menos que um teste de unidade falhe; não escrever mais de um teste de unidade que seja suficiente para falhar, e não escrever mais código do que é necessário para que o teste de unidade passe. ...
... Seguir essas regras do TDD nem sempre faz sentido, pois, em alguns casos, é necessário escrever um teste muito longo ou escrever código extra, ou, ainda, escrever o teste depois que tiver escrito o código que faz esse teste passar. O objetivo não é a perfeita adesão às regras, mas sim diminuir o intervalo entre escrever teste e produzir código para uma questão de minutos (MARTIN, 2007). ...
... A experiência mostra que esses testes cobrem mais de 90% do código produzido. Eles devem ser guardados, devem ser fáceis de executar e essa execução não deve demorar mais do que alguns minutos (MARTIN, 2007). Ainda neste capítulo detalha-se como implementar os casos de teste de uso da técnica EDCT. ...
... Denna arbetsgång innebär att ett test skrivs så fort ny funktionalitet ska läggas till och på så sätt ger utvecklaren ett slags "facit" att arbeta mot. (Beck, 2003) Robert Martin (2007) beskriver tre regler som ska följas när TDD används: ...
... Målet är att minska tiden mellan att skriva test och programkod. Enligt Martin (2007) kommer testen täcka mer än 90 % av hela kodbasen om de tre lagarna följs. Testen ska samlas på ett gemensamt ställe så de lätt kan hittas och får högst ta några minuter att köra. ...
... Jämförs detta med vad det tar att manuellt testa programmet inses snabbt fördelarna med TDD. (Martin, 2007) Microsoft försöker med VSTS2010 att underlätta integrationsarbetet i företagetgenom att erbjuda verktyg för att underlätta samarbetet mellan utvecklare och testare, men Microsoft erbjuder också verktyg för projektledare, arkitekter och designers (Microsoft, 2008a). I samband med VSTS2010 lanseras också .NET Framework 4.0. ...
... The XP methodology is conceived to reduce the time-to-market of software systems, and the use of TDD practice in XP allows developing more robust programs. Several studies showed this trend, claiming the attention of various researchers, which started to study the ability of TDD to detect software faults earlier in the development process [2][3][4][5]. ...
... In the literature, the features of TDD have been shown to bring benefits not only by reducing the development time, but also by producing more robust code [5]. Several empirical studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of TDD practice, both by industry and by academia. ...
... By inspecting less than 1% of the code, ReTool allowed finding more bugs than SOBER. Considering the inspection of at least 5% of the code (i.e., [0-1) and [1][2][3][4][5] intervals), SOBER outperforms metrics 1, but not metric 2 and 3; when the percentage goes up to 20% of inspected code, SOBER performance reaches metrics 2 and 3 (15,16, and 17 bugs are found, resp., for SOBER, metrics 2 and 3, whereas metric 1 finds 9 bugs). The other bugs are clearly found when more than 20% of the code is inspected. ...
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Software development teams that use agile methodologies are increasingly adopting the test-driven development practice (TDD). TDD allows to produce software by iterative and incremental work cycle, and with a strict control over the process, favouring an early detection of bugs. However, when applied to large and complex systems, TDD benefits are not so obvious; manually locating and fixing bugs introduced during the iterative development steps is a nontrivial task. In such systems, the propagation chains following the bugs activation can be unacceptably long and intricate, and the size of the code to be analyzed is often too large. In this paper, a bug localization technique specifically tailored to TDD is presented. The technique is embedded in the TDD cycle, and it aims to improve developers' ability to locate bugs as soon as possible. It is implemented in a tool and experimentally evaluated on newly developed Java programs.
... Since BDA is no exception to this statement, its utilization can also lead to severe failures and malicious effects if the system was not sufficiently tested (Abidin et al. 2016). While debugging is generally a huge unknown in terms of development time, as it adds about 100 to 200 percent of the amount of productive coding time to the total development time (Martin 2007), BDA additionally poses new challenges depending on the specific requirements, from processing capacities to adapted visualization techniques, and privacy issues due to legal restrictions (Jain and Bhatnagar 2016). The significance of these issues becomes even more apparent when considering that more than half of the BDA initiatives developed fail to achieve their strategic goal (Côrte-Real et al. 2019), either because of the underestimated complexity and diversity of the technologies involved (Lonetti and Marchetti 2018;Ordonez and Bellatreche 2020) or the unpredictability of the outcomes (Mithas et al. 2013). ...
... There is a trend towards automating the process of generating and processing test data sets (Palomba et al. 2016), leading to new paradigms of how a development cycle might be designed, notably test-driven development (TDD). The expectation is that the permanent execution of tests that are usually written before the actual program code, can significantly reduce the effort for debugging, since each newly occurring error must have just been added (Bissi et al. 2016;Martin 2007). A study conducted by Bissi et al. (2016) found that this focus on testing through TDD improved the internal software quality in about 76 percent and the external software quality in about 88 percent of the publications examined. ...
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As the complexity and diversity of big data systems reaches a new level, testing the solutions developed is becoming increasingly difficult. In this study, a systematic literature review is conducted on the role of testing and related quality assurance techniques in current big data systems in terms of applied strategies and design guidelines. After briefly introducing the necessary knowledge about big data in general, the methodology is explained in a detailed and reproducible manner, including the reasoned division of the main question into two concise research questions. The results show that methods such as individual experiments, standardized benchmarking, case studies and preparatory surveys are among the preferred approaches, but also have some drawbacks that need to be considered. In conclusion, testing alone may not guarantee a perfectly operating system, but can serve to minimize malfunctions to a limited number of special cases by revealing its principal weaknesses.
... The idea of "test-driven development" is to first write a (failing) test and afterwards the piece of software necessary to make it pass. [93,94] Used properly, this leads to software that is much more reliable and of higher quality. Important is to test already the smallest building blocks of software using automated unit tests and a testing framework to help with this. ...
... This requires automatic tests to be present together with a high test coverage. [62,63,65,80,[89][90][91][92] The best way to achieve testability and high test coverage is by using a test-first approach [93,94] and automatic testing via a unittest framework. [94][95][96] With this infrastructure in place, implementing the actual software can begin. ...
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Reproducibility is at the heart of science. However, most published results usually lack the information necessary to be independently reproduced. Even more, most authors will not be able to reproduce the results from a few years ago due to lacking a gap‐less record of every processing and analysis step including all parameters involved. There is only one way to overcome this problem: developing robust tools for data analysis that, while maintaining a maximum of flexibility in their application, allow the user to perform advanced processing steps in a scientifically sound way. At the same time, the only viable approach for reproducible and traceable analysis is to relieve the user of the responsibility for logging all processing steps and their parameters. This can only be achieved by using a system that takes care of these crucial though often neglected tasks. Here, we present a solution to this problem: a framework for the analysis of spectroscopic data (ASpecD) written in the Python programming language that can be used without any actual programming needed. This framework is made available open‐source and free of charge and focusses on usability, small footprint and modularity while ensuring reproducibility and good scientific practice. Furthermore, we present a set of best practices and design rules for scientific software development and data analysis. Together, this empowers scientists to focus on their research minimising the need to implement complex software tools while ensuring full reproducibility. We anticipate this to have a major impact on reproducibility and good scientific practice, as we raise the awareness of their importance, summarise proven best practices and present a working user‐friendly software solution.
... The idea of`test-driven development' is to rst write a (failing) test and afterwards the piece of software necessary to make it pass. [93,94] Used properly, this leads to software that is much more reliable and of higher quality. Important is to test already the smallest building blocks of software using automated unit tests and a testing framework to help with this. ...
... This requires automatic tests to be present together with a high test coverage. [62,89,90,80,63,91,65,92] The best way to achieve testability and high test coverage is by using a test-rst approach [93,94] and automatic testing via a unittest framework [95,94,96]. ...
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Reproducibility is at the heart of science. However, most published results usually lack the information necessary to be independently reproduced. Even more, most authors will not be able to reproduce the results from a few years ago due to lacking a gap-less record of every processing and analysis step including all parameters involved. There is only one way to overcome this problem: developing robust tools for data analysis that, while maintaining a maximum of flexibility in their application, allow the user to perform advanced processing steps in a scientifically sound way. At the same time, the only viable approach for reproducible and traceable analysis is to relieve the user of the responsibility for logging all processing steps and their parameters. This can only be achieved by using a system that takes care of these crucial though often neglected tasks. Here, we present a solution to this problem: a framework for the analysis of spectroscopic data (ASpecD) written in the Python programming language that can be used without any actual programming needed. This framework is made available open-source and free of charge and focusses on usability, small footprint and modularity while ensuring reproducibility and good scientific practice. Furthermore, we present a set of best practices and design rules for scientific software development and data analysis. Together, this empowers scientists to focus on their research minimising the need to implement complex software tools while ensuring full reproducibility. We anticipate this to have a major impact on reproducibility and good scientific practice, as we raise the awareness of their importance, summarise proven best practices and present a working user-friendly software solution.
... The idea of`test-driven development' is to rst write a (failing) test and afterwards the piece of software necessary to make it pass. [92,93] Used properly, this leads to software that is much more reliable and of higher quality. Important is to test already the smallest building blocks of software using automated unit tests and a testing framework to help with this. ...
... This requires automatic tests to be present together with a high test coverage. [61,88,89,79,62,90,64,91] The best way to achieve testability and high test coverage is by using a test-rst approach [92,93] and automatic testing via a unittest framework [94,93,95]. With this infrastructure in place, implementing the actual software can begin. ...
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Reproducibility is at the heart of science. However, most published results usually lack the information necessary to be independently reproduced. Even more, most authors will not be able to reproduce the results from a few years ago due to lacking a gap-less record of every processing and analysis step including all parameters involved. There is only one way to overcome this problem: developing robust tools for data analysis that, while maintaining a maximum of flexibility in their application, allow the user to perform advanced processing steps in a scientifically sound way. At the same time, the only viable approach for reproducible and traceable analysis is to relieve the user of the responsibility for logging all processing steps and their parameters. This can only be achieved by using a system that takes care of these crucial though often neglected tasks. Here, we present a solution to this problem: a framework for the analysis of spectroscopic data (ASpecD) written in the Python programming language that can be used without any actual programming needed. This framework is made available open-source and free of charge and focusses on usability, small footprint and modularity while ensuring reproducibility and good scientific practice. Furthermore, we present a set of best practices and design rules for scientific software development and data analysis. Together, this empowers scientists to focus on their research minimising the need to implement complex software tools while ensuring full reproducibility. We anticipate this to have a major impact on reproducibility and good scientific practice, as we raise the awareness of their importance, summarise proven best practices and present a working user-friendly software solution.
... Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development methodology that has been known since the beginning of 2000s as a central practice of extreme programming [51, 31, 16] . TDD strayed also outside the extreme programming movement due to its claimed positive effects on software quality (both internal and external), test quality and developers' productivity [37, 5, 17], until becoming part of the curricula for computer science and computer engineering degrees [12, 39]. On the other hand, TDD has been criticized Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. ...
... With this study we want to understand the relationship between process conformance and the the postulated benefits of TDD, specifically improved external quality, improved productivity, enhanced number of unit-tests written and improved coverage [37, 4, 18, 19]. ...
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Context: One limitation of the empirical studies about test-driven development (TDD) is knowing whether the developers followed the advocated test-code-refactor cycle. Research dealt with the issue of process conformance only in terms of internal validity, while investigating the role of other confounding variables that might explain the controversial effects of TDD. None of the research included process conformance as a fundamental part of the analysis. Goal: We aim to examine the impact of process conformance on the claimed effects of TDD on external quality, developers' productivity and test quality. Method: We used data collected during a previous study to create regression models in which the level of process conformance was used to predict external quality, productivity, and tests thoroughness. Result: Based on our analysis of the available data (n = 22), we observe that neither quality (p -- value = 0.21), productivity (p -- value = 0.80), number of tests (p -- value = 0.39) nor coverage (p -- value = 0.09) was correlated with the level of TDD process conformance. Conclusion: While based on a small sample, we raise concerns about how TDD is interpreted. We also question whether the cost of strictly following TDD will pay-off in terms of external quality, productivity, and tests thoroughness.
... In general, software practitioners have several means to detect bugs. These can range from QA practices such as code review Kononenko et al. (2016); Mäntylä and Lassenius (2008); Bacchelli and Bird (2013), and inspection to different testing approaches, and even development methodologies such as pair programming Williams et al. (2000); Nawrocki and Wojciechowski (2001); Sun et al. (2015), and Test Driven Development (TDD) Bhat and Nagappan (2006); Martin (2007); Aniche et al. (2013); Rafique and Mišić (2012). When a bug is detected, it is common for the development teams to consider the most severe/important bugs first which helps them to prevent extreme consequences. ...
... In general, software practitioners have several means to detect bugs. These can range from QA practices such as code review [50,56,14], and inspection to different testing approaches, and even development methodologies such as pair programming [109,66,95], and Test Driven Development (TDD) [18,57,10,78]. When a bug is detected, it is common for the development teams to consider the most severe/important bugs first which helps them to prevent extreme consequences. ...
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In the past couple of decades, significant research efforts are devoted to the prediction of software bugs (i.e., defects). These works leverage a diverse set of metrics, tools, and techniques to predict which classes, methods, lines, or commits are buggy. However, most existing work in this domain treats all bugs the same, which is not the case in practice. The more severe the bugs the higher their consequences. Therefore, it is important for a defect prediction method to estimate the severity of the identified bugs, so that the higher severity ones get immediate attention. In this paper, we provide a quantitative and qualitative study on two popular datasets (Defects4J and Bugs.jar), using 10 common source code metrics, and also two popular static analysis tools (SpotBugs and Infer) for analyzing their capability in predicting defects and their severity. We studied 3,358 buggy methods with different severity labels from 19 Java open-source projects. Results show that although code metrics are powerful in predicting the buggy code (Lines of the Code, Maintainable Index, FanOut, and Effort metrics are the best), they cannot estimate the severity level of the bugs. In addition, we observed that static analysis tools have weak performance in both predicting bugs (F1 score range of 3.1%-7.1%) and their severity label (F1 score under 2%). We also manually studied the characteristics of the severe bugs to identify possible reasons behind the weak performance of code metrics and static analysis tools in estimating the severity. Also, our categorization shows that Security bugs have high severity in most cases while Edge/Boundary faults have low severity. Finally, we show that code metrics and static analysis methods can be complementary in terms of estimating bug severity.
... Developers usually apply test drivers or stubs to check the correctness of test objects. In Test-Driven Development (TDD), software developers write unit tests before implementing components, enabling clean and exible code [84]. In AR applications, a large part of the code base consists of the implementation of interaction concepts. ...
Augmented reality changes the way we perceive reality and how we interact with computers. However, we argue that to create augmented reality solutions, we need to rethink the way we develop software. In this paper, we review the state of the art in software engineering for augmented reality applications, derive open questions, and define a research agenda. For this purpose, we consider different engineering phases and evaluate conventional techniques regarding their applicability for AR development. In requirements engineering, we found the integration of AR experts and the associated collaboration between actors to be of key aspect in the development process. Additionally, requirements about the physical world must be considered, which in turn has a huge impact on UI design. The relevance of the physical environment is not yet sufficiently addressed in applicable techniques, which also applies to current implementation frameworks and tools, complicating the AR development process. When evaluating AR software iterations, we found interaction testing and test automation to have great potential, although they have not yet been sufficiently researched. Our paper contributes to AR research by revealing current core challenges within the AR development process and formulating explicit research questions that should be considered by future research.
... Among the various best practices of agile software development processes, automated unit testing (AUT) and testdriven development (TDD) have received significant attention in recent years [23,9,1,32,40,18]. Often, both of these practices are used together to reap maximum benefits. ...
The best practices of agile software development have had a significant positive impact on the quality of software and time-to-delivery. As a result, many leading software companies employ some form of agile software development practices. Some of the most important best practices of agile software development, which have received significant attention in recent years, are automated unit testing (AUT) and test-driven development (TDD). Both of these practices work in conjunction to provide numerous benefits. AUT leads to reduced time to test, discover bugs, fix bugs, and implement new features; wider and measurable test coverage; reproducibility, reusability, consistency, and reliability of tests; improved accuracy, regression testing, parallel testing, faster feedback cycle, reduced cost, and higher team morale. The benefits of TDD include flexible and adaptive program design, cleaner interfaces, higher code quality, maintainability, extensibility, reliability, detailed evolving specification, reduced time on bug fixes and feature implementation, reliable refactoring, and code changes, reduced cost, reduced development time, and increased programmer productivity. Unfortunately, students in introductory programming courses are generally not introduced to AUT and TDD. This leads to the development of bad programming habits and practices which become harder to change later on. By introducing the students earlier to these industry-standard best practices, not only the motivation and interest of students in this area can be increased but also their academic success and job marketability can be enhanced. This paper presents the detailed design and efficacy study of an introductory C++ programming course designed using the principles of AUT and TDD. The paper presents the pedagogical techniques employed to build industry-proven agile software development practices in the students. As part of the paper, all the course material including the source code for the labs and the automated unit tests are being made available to encourage people to incorporate these best practices into their curricula.
... El software que se desarrolla actualmente impacta en nuestra vida diaria [4] donde cada línea de código representa una decisión con implicaciones y consecuencias [5]. A su vez, el código fuente y las prácticas asociadas a su construcción, gestión y mantenimiento suelen ser un elemento relevante para las empresas [6], donde mantener el código legible y libre de defectos es un aspecto esencial [7]. ...
... A simple search on Amazon for "software testing" returns more than 1,000 books. Well-known practitioners such as Fowler [17], Beck [13,18], Martin [19], Freeman and Pryce [20], and Hunt and Thomas [21], have written about the advantages of automated unit tests as well as how to pragmatically test software systems. Academics have also been proposing software testing theories, practices, and techniques, in forms of books. ...
One of the main challenges that developers face when testing their systems lies in engineering test cases that are good enough to reveal bugs. And while our body of knowledge on software testing and automated test case generation is already quite significant, in practice, developers are still the ones responsible for engineering test cases manually. Therefore, understanding the developers' thought- and decision-making processes while engineering test cases is a fundamental step in making developers better at testing software. In this paper, we observe 13 developers thinking-aloud while testing different real-world open-source methods, and use these observations to explain how developers engineer test cases. We then challenge and augment our main findings by surveying 72 software developers on their testing practices. We discuss our results from three different angles. First, we propose a general framework that explains how developers reason about testing. Second, we propose and describe in detail the three different overarching strategies that developers apply when testing. Third, we compare and relate our observations with the existing body of knowledge and propose future studies that would advance our knowledge on the topic.
... Adding new features one at a time, programmers who write more tests tend to be more productive (Erdogmus et al., 2005). The TDD's advantages, which are especially significant to continuously grow the complexity of software systems, include that it (a) makes the changes virtually risk free such that the development team can flexibly change the behavior of one part of the system without risking side effects in other parts (Martin, 2007); (b) delivers software in smaller units that are less complex (Janzen & Saiedian, 2008); and (c) effectively captures requirements such that development tools can be integrated to continue to improve system quality (Crispin, 2006 To start developing a demo application, we first create the project "UnitTestSimple" in Visual Studio .Net 2008 (see Figure 1). Figure 2 shows a simple class to be tested by NUnit. ...
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Test Driven Development (TDD) is powerful to create and maintain complex packaged soft-ware for enterprises. The .Net framework and the test-first approach provide synergy for de-veloping high-quality database applications in the fast-changing business world. This paper presents a TDD approach that uses unit test cases in the Visual Studio .Net 2008. The data access classes are quickly built and modified using models in the ADO.Net Entity Framework. NUnit, free and open software, is employed for unit testing to manage the change of entity models.
... If the tests all pass, it's unlikely that the change broke something unexpected. The tests make small changes virtually risk free [3]. The TDD is adoptive to change code by correction or requirement changing". ...
... These articles indicate that their studies do not result in a productivity gain and do not even improve the software quality. These results could be explained by the research of Muller and Hofer (2007) and Martin (2007), who express that the success of TDD depends on the team's seniority. ...
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For all companies that consider their Information Technology Department to be of strategic value, it is important to incorporate an innovation value chain into their software development lifecycles to enhance their teams’ performance. One model is TDD (Test-Driven Development), which is a process that detects failures and improves the productivity and quality of the team’s work. Data were collected from a Financial Company with 3,500 employees to demonstrate that software projects that require more than 4,000 hours of development benefit from TDD if a clear knowledge conversion step occurs between the client and the developers.
... Make it right [1]. " Martin offers three laws [17] which should be followed while executing test driven development, which are writing the test first, writing only enough code to fail the test, and finally writing no more code than is sufficient to pass the test. In practice this means that there is a profound emphasis on writing unit tests before writing code. ...
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Design and coding processes are an important part of an overall project methodology. However, perceptions of these processes influence how developers use them. A process perceived as desirable is more likely to be sustainable than one that is not. Test Driven Development has gained popularity in recent decades and we compared its perceived desirability with that of Clean room. Developers were given projects to complete using the processes and reported on their experience via a survey. Survey results were analyzed statistically to see if perceptions varied. No significant difference was discovered between the two processes in any of 5 subjective categories rated and developer comments indicated they would prefer a hybrid process. We recommend developers integrate ideas from both TDD and Clean room into their development processes.
... With an improvement in metrics scores of 21%, Test-Driven Development appears to be extremely valuable as a Software Engineering practice. This work lends a great deal of additional validity to the assertion by Martin (2007) that not following the disciplines of Test-Driven Development would simply be unprofessional. ...
Abstract Test-Driven Development is a Software Engineering practice gaining in- creasing popularity within the software industry. Many studies have been done to determine the eectiveness,of Test-Driven Development, but most of them evaluate eectiveness,according to a reduction in defects. This kind of evaluation ignores one of the primary claimed benets,of Test- Driven Development: that it improves the design of code. To evaluate this claim of Test-Driven Development advocates, it is important to eval- uate the eect,of Test-Driven Development upon object-oriented metrics that measure the quality of the code itself. Some studies have measured code in this manner, but they generally have not worked with real-world code written in a natural, industrial setting. Thus, this work utilizes Open Source Software as a sample for evaluation, separating Open Source projects that were written using Test-Driven Development from those that were not. These projects are then evaluated according to various object- oriented metrics to determine the overall eectiveness,of Test-Driven De- velopment as a practice for improving the quality of code. This study,nds that Test-Driven Development provides a substantial improvement in code quality in the categories of cohesion, coupling, and code complexity. Acknowledgements There are a number of people without whom,this work would not have
... They are so formal that they are executed together with a working code and, because of constant execution, they are never run out of synchronization with application code. Tests represent documentation for low level design which completely describes system interaction and structure, so if it happens to lose a production code, the same one could be created again by examining tests and writing a production code until all the tests are made successful [9]. ...
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Transducer services API provides the interface between the measure application and function defined by standrad IEEE 1451.0. This paper presents use Test-Driven Development (TDD) in implementation of methods of transducer services and Web application that access this services over the network. Characteristics of TDD and its benefits were presented and way of realization for one method was shown using Java and JUnit framework for run tests.
... They are so formal that they are executed together with a working code and, because of constant execution, they are never run out of synchronization with application code. Tests represent documentation for low level design which completely describes system interaction and structure, so if it happens to lose a production code, the same one could be created again by examining tests and writing a production code until all the tests are made successful [9]. ...
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IEEE 1451 standard defines the methods of integrating smart transducers into communicating networks. Interface between a user application and a field of transducers, known as Transducer Services API is defined by standard IEEE 1451.0. This paper presents the use of Test-Driven Design (TDD) in developing methods for accessing transducer services using Transducer Services API and developing web applications which access this services over the network. The characteristics of TDD and its benefits are presented and the way of realization for one method is shown using Java and JUnit framework to run tests.
... Test-Driven Development (TDD), an eXtreme Programming (XP) [2] prac- tice, is an approach to software implementation that attempts to minimize de- bugging time, ensure good test coverage and avoid the introduction of regression bugs by requiring that a developer reate a unit test for each unit of functionality to be implemented before writing the code that provides the functionality. The practice of TDD has been sumarized by Martin [5] in the following rules: ...
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Jemtte extends the JUnit testing framework with assertions that sim-plify the testing of model transformations. Jemtte is particularly useful for implementing model transformations in a highly incremental fashion. To demonstrate Jemtte's capabilities, we walk through the test-driven implementation of a simple model transformation.
... This study adopted the using of test driven approach by [10] which consist on coding and testing the proposed technique (a novel modern random key-stream generator). The proposed modern random key-stream generator called (ASH-32) consists of three major components that are: shift registers, RAM, and PER. ...
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Recently, the rapid development and the common use of electronic data processing administered through the Cyberspace, cooperatively with many incidents of attacks and breaches, fuelled the need for better methods of defending the computers and the information they store, process, and transmit. According to these difficulties, this research seeks to design a novel modern key-stream generator for high immunity correlation attacks. The research stated the main components of the proposed method, which divided into three diminutions RMA, MFSR & VLFCSR, and PER with 32 number to diffuse the output.
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La tercera edición del libro Investigación e innovación de la ingeniería de software compila los resultados de investigación que relacionan las líneas: Seguridad de la Información, Ingeniería de Software, y Gestión del Conocimiento. Son doce capítulos los que conforman esta tercera edición, con un formato que facilita la lectura, cuyo propósito es enriquecer a los lectores con la diversidad de contribuciones investigativas en diferentes tópicos. El libro presenta de forma estructurada los resultados de cada una de las investigaciones articuladas con la industria 4.0, y recoge, más que una tendencia, los temas de interés y aplicación tanto en el contexto académico como organizacional. Se resaltan los procesos soportados por la analítica de datos, la estadística, las bases de datos, la gestión de la información y del conocimiento, la ingeniería de software, al igual que la seguridad de la información. Son todas estas tecnologías, herramientas y metodologías las que permiten el mejoramiento continuo de los procesos, a través del monitoreo y la integración con otros sistemas específicos de las organizaciones que posibilitan la transferencia y la apropiación del conocimiento en contextos de investigación tanto a nivel de pregrado como de posgrado. Estamos seguros de que los resultados en este nuevo volumen se convierten en insumo para la formulación y el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos de investigación, de los cuales se generarán nuevas contribuciones que podrán ser los capítulos para la cuarta edición del libro de ingeniería de software.
One of the main challenges that developers face when testing their systems lies in engineering test cases that are good enough to reveal bugs. And while our body of knowledge on software testing and automated test case generation is already quite significant, in practice, developers are still the ones responsible for engineering test cases manually. Therefore, understanding the developers' thought- and decision-making processes while engineering test cases is a fundamental step in making developers better at testing software. In this paper, we observe 13 developers thinking-aloud while testing different real-world open-source methods, and use these observations to explain how developers engineer test cases. We then challenge and augment our main findings by surveying 72 software developers on their testing practices. We discuss our results from three different angles. First, we propose a general framework that explains how developers reason about testing. Second, we propose and describe in detail the three different overarching strategies that developers apply when testing. Third, we compare and relate our observations with the existing body of knowledge and propose future studies that would advance our knowledge on the topic.
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Η παρούσα διδακτική ενότητα περιγράφει τα στάδια ελέγχου, τις αρχές που διέπουν τις δοκιμές του συστήματος και των συστατικών στοιχείων, τις στρατηγικές ελέγχου που χρησιμοποιούνται καθώς επίσης και τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά των εργαλείων λογισμικού που χρησιμοποιούνται για να υποστηρίξουν την αυτοματοποίηση του λογισμικού. Σε αυτή την ενότητα, ο ειδικός ανάπτυξης λογισμικού θα αποκτήσει τις απαραίτητες γνώσεις για να μπορεί να ελέγξει, να επαληθεύσει και να επικυρώσει σωστά ολόκληρο το λογισμικό, από τις προδιαγραφές των απαιτήσεων και της σχεδίασης μέχρι και τον πηγαίο κώδικα, ώστε να παραδώσει το αναμενόμενο σύστημα λογισμικού στον πελάτη και τους τελικούς χρήστες.
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Στην παρούσα διδακτική ενότητα οι αναγνώστες θα μάθουν για τις διάφορες προσεγγίσεις υλοποίησης και τις διάφορες τεχνικές προγραμματισμού, καθώς επίσης και για τα αυτοματοποιημένα εργαλεία που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν για τη μετατροπή των προδιαγραφών του σχεδιασμού σε κώδικα.
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Στην παρούσα διδακτική ενότητα περιγράφονται οι βασικές αρχές της αξιοπιστίας και ασφάλειας των συστημάτων λογισμικού. Εξηγούνται οι βασικές αρχές της αποφυγής, ανίχνευσης και επαναφοράς συστημάτων λογισμικού που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη δημιουργία αξιόπιστων και ασφαλών συστημάτων. Επιπρόσθετα, περιγράφονται οι τεχνικές της τεχνολογίας λογισμικού για την ανάπτυξη αξιόπιστων και ασφαλών συστημάτων, ενώ επίσης αναφέρονται μετρικές που χρησιμοποιούνται για την διασφάλιση της αξιοπιστίας του συστήματος.
We present a quasiexperiment to investigate whether, and to what extent, sleep deprivation impacts performance of novice developers using the agile practice of test-first development (TFD). We recruited 45 undergraduates, and asked them to tackle a programming task. Among participants, 23 agreed to stay awake the night before carrying out the task, while 22 slept normally. We analyzed the quality of the implementations delivered by the participants in both groups, their engagement in writing source code and ability to apply TFD. By comparing the two groups of participants, we found that a single night of sleep deprivation leads to a reduction of 50% in the quality of the implementations. There is notable evidence that the developers' engagement and their prowess to apply TFD arenegatively impacted. Our results also show that sleep-deprived developers make more fixes to syntactic mistakes in the sourcecode. We conclude that sleep deprivation has possibly disruptive effects on development activities. Results open opportunities for improving developers' performance by integrating the study of sleep with other psycho-physiological factors in which the software engineering research community has recently taken an interest in.
Conference Paper
Test-driven development asserts that the test code is equally important as the production code. In this paper we propose a new unit testing framework in which the unit of work is an agent. The framework has emerged as a necessity during the development of our enterprise-scale multiagent middleware, and has therefore been designed as a practical solution. It includes a message-based and an interceptor-based architecture, and supports simultaneous testing of both client-side and server-side agents.
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"Serious" games aimed at professional training or teaching students in further and higher education have recently seen a surge in demand. With trainees and students expressing continuous disapproval of traditional teaching methods who fail to attract and/or maintain the interest of the attendees, educators are looking at games to offer a solution. Over the past decade there has been a considerable improvement in the way role-playing games have embraced education at higher levels. Despite major breakthroughs and achievements there is still the feeling the expectations have not been fully addressed and there is much room for improvement. Educators and students look at the way players/students engage with the game and how this fulfils the needs and meets the ever rising expectations of gamers as these are fuelled by experience with entertainment games. Achieving the educational objectives as well as maintaining the entertainment value through advanced playability of the game is the primary concern of the developers. Seeking ways of engaging the user in the development process and ensuring that the game undergoes rigorous review sessions and extensive testing throughout the development cycle is a way forward. Trying to do this within a restricted budget and time for development and without compromising the educational content and value is the main challenge. Test-Driven Development is a methodology currently employed in many disciplines of computing, including the games industry with notable levels of success. Exploring its use and effects on developing games for higher education is the key theme of this paper. The author reviews two educational game development projects that have been implemented under his direction and management. He discusses the use of TDD and story-test-driven development in the more recent of the two projects and highlights the effects of the approaches, with projections as to future developments.
Information systems (IS) are the backbone of any organization today, supporting all major business processes. This book deals with the question: how do these systems come into existence? It gives a comprehensive coverage of managerial, methodological and technological aspects including: Management decisions before and during IS development, acquisition and implementation Project management Requirements engineering and design using UML Implementation, testing and customization Software architecture and platforms Tool support (CASE tools, IDEs, collaboration tools) The book takes into account that for most organizations today, inhouse development is only one of several options to obtain an IS. A good deal of IS development has moved to software vendors - be it domestic, offshore or multinational software firms. Since an increasing share of this work is done in Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa, the making of information systems is discussed within a global context.
Test Driven Development (TDD), as a quality promotion approach, suffers from some shortages that discourage its usage. One of the most challenging shortcomings of TDD is the low level of granularity and abstraction. This may lead to production of software that is not acceptable by the end users. Additionally, exploiting of TDD is not applicable in the enterprise systems development. To overcome this defect, we have merged TDD with Model Based Testing (MBT) and suggested a framework named Model Based Test Driven Development (MBTDD). According to TDD, writing test cases comes before programming, and based on our improved method of TDD, modeling precedes writing test cases. To validate the applicability of the proposed framework, we have implemented a use case of Human Resource Management (HRM) system by means of MBTDD. The empirical results of using MBTTD show that our proposed method overwhelms existing deficiencies of TDD.
Conference Paper
This paper reports an experience of a solo programmer who added a new feature into an open source program called muCommander. The process is observed on two granularities: Granularity of software change (SC) and granularity of Solo Iterative Process (SIP). The experience confirms that both SC and SIP process models can be successfully enacted, are able to implement the described feature, and produced a high quality code in reasonable time. The lessons learned, particularly the exit criteria for SC phases, are discussed in more detail in the paper and may be applicable to team iterative processes, including agile processes.
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System- and acceptance-testing are primarily performed with manual practices in current software industry. However, these practices have several issues, e.g. they are tedious, error prone and time consuming with costs up towards 40 percent of the total development cost. Automated test techniques have been proposed as a solution to mitigate these issues, but they generally approach testing from a lower level of system abstraction, leaving a gap for a flexible, high system-level test automation technique/tool. In this paper we present JAutomate, a Visual GUI Testing (VGT) tool that fills this gap by combining image recognition with record and replay functionality for high system-level test automation performed through the system under test's graphical user interface. We present the tool, its benefits compared to other similar techniques and manual testing. In addition, we compare JAutomate with two other VGT tools based on their static properties. Finally, we present the results from a survey with industrial practitioners that identifies test-related problems that industry is currently facing and discuss how JAutomate can solve or mitigate these problems.
Conference Paper
Testing is necessary for evaluating the functional correctness, performance and reliability. The BPEL-based Web service composition having a large number of input parameters and the assigned values of individual parameters, the number of corresponding combination of input parameters is huge. A method needs to be established in order to limit the number of test cases and reduce space- and time-consuming. A reduction technique based on pair-wise combination of input parameters is presented in this paper. Relationship between BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) concepts and HPN (high-level Petri nets) is analyzed. After translation, the equivalent HPN of the Web service composition based on BPEL can be verified on existing mature tool according to the steps to reduce the size of test suite discussed in this paper. The method base on above technique can efficiently limit the number of test cases and reduce space- and time-consuming in theory and in practice.
In October 1999, the Northeast United States was plastered with ads for something called Acela, a new express train running from Boston to Washington. With TV ads, billboards, and posters everywhere, you’d think that it would have created some demand for Amtrak’s new express service.
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  • anthes
G. Anthes, "Sabre Takes Extreme Measures," Computerworld, 29 Mar. 2004; developmenttopics/development/story/0,10801,91646,00. html.
Why is Software So Brittle? OSGi Alliance blog
  • P Kriens
P. Kriens, " Why is Software So Brittle? " OSGi Alliance blog, Aug. 2006; software-so-brittle.html.
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R. Martin, "The Bowling Game Kata," June 2005;
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D. Putman, "Workshare Technology and eXtreme Programming (XP)," 2000; resources/articles/
why is software so brittle?
  • kriens
P. Kriens, "Why is Software So Brittle?" OSGi Alliance blog, Aug. 2006;