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Abstract and Figures

• Galaxias maculatus is a riparian spawning fish that supports an important recreational fishery in New Zealand, with spawning habitat requirements strongly structured by salinity gradients at river mouths. This study reports changes to the spawning habitat following a series of large earthquakes that resulted in the widespread deformation of ground surfaces in the vicinity of waterways. • Assessments of habitat recovery focused on two river systems, the Avon and Heathcote, with pre‐disturbance data available over a 20‐year period. Recovery dynamics were assessed by field survey and mapping of spawning habitat prior to and on seven occasions after the disturbance event. Riparian land‐use and management patterns were mapped and analysed using overlay methods in a geographical information system (GIS). • Habitat migration of up to 2 km occurred in comparison with all previous records, and several anthropogenic land uses have become threats because of changed patterns of co‐occurrence. Incompatible activities now affect more than half of the spawning habitat in both rivers, particularly in areas managed for flood control purposes and recreational use. • The results are an example of landscape‐scale responses to salinity and water‐level changes driven by tectonic dynamics. These dynamics are not the source of the stress per se; rather, they have increased the exposure of the species to pre‐existing stressors. • The case illustrates important principles for managing subtle, yet widespread, change. Adaptive conservation methods and investments in information are priorities for avoiding management failure following environmental change.
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Published version: 10.1002/aqc.2898
Earthquake-induced habitat migration in a riparian spawning fish
has implications for conservation management
Shane Orchard1,2
Michael J. H. Hickford2
David R. Schiel2
1 Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management, University of Canterbury and Lincoln
University, Christchurch, New Zealand
2 Marine Ecology Research Group, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
1. Galaxias maculatus is a riparian spawning fish that supports an important recreational
fishery in New Zealand with spawning habitat requirements strongly structured by
salinity gradients at rivermouths. This study reports changes to the spawning habitat
following a series of large earthquakes that resulted in widespread deformation of
ground surfaces in the vicinity of waterways.
2. Assessments of habitat recovery focused on two rivers systems, the Avon and
Heathcote, with pre-disturbance data available over a 20 year period. Recovery
dynamics were assessed by field survey and mapping of spawning habitat prior to and
on seven occasions after the disturbance event. Riparian land-use and management
patterns were mapped and analysed using overlay methods in a GIS.
3. Habitat migration of up to 2 km occurred in comparison to all previous records and
several anthropogenic land uses have become threats due to changed patterns of co-
occurrence. Incompatible activities now affect more than half of the spawning habitat in
both rivers, particularly in areas managed for flood control purposes and recreational
4. The results are an example of landscape scale responses to salinity and water level
changes driven by tectonic dynamics. These dynamics are not the source of the stress
per se, rather, they have increased exposure to pre-existing stressors.
5. The case illustrates important principles for managing subtle, yet widespread, change.
Adaptive conservation methods and investments in information are priorities for
avoiding management failure following environmental change.
Intertidal, estuary, conservation evaluation, fish, urban development, engineering
1. Introduction
1.1 Earthquake recovery context
The Canterbury region of New Zealand was affected by a sequence of major earthquakes in
2010 and 2011. The most devastating of these was a Mw 6.3 earthquake centred beneath the city
of Christchurch that caused widespread damage and loss of life (Quigley et al. 2016). After six
years of recovery activities the process has entered a more strategic phase. The focus is now on
longer term adaptation to environmental and societal change. Important land-use decisions
remain for many geographical areas and with regards to many aspects of the natural and built
environment. Examples relevant to waterway management include responses to water quality,
erosion, flood risk and coastal inundation issues, and the potential re-zoning of large tracts of
riparian and floodplain land. Existing statutory arrangements apply to many of the recovery
activities and identify institutional responsibilities. Due to the scale and impact of the event
bespoke legislation was also created. The organizations involved now include new planning
entities with specific tasks (Regenerate Christchurch 2017) and a wide range of interests across
central, regional, and local government, non-governmental organizations, and local community
Initially, urgent decisions were made to address risks to property and life, and to reinstate
essential infrastructure. Remaining decisions have the benefit of more time. There is a unique
opportunity to secure benefits through earthquake recovery planning in relation to historical
degradation of natural environments and improved resilience to future events. Natural values in
the affected areas have thus far received less attention, but include traditional cultural uses such
as the wild harvest of food and fibre (Jolly & Ngā Papatipu Rūnanga Working Group 2013;
Lang et al. 2012), risk reduction functions (Orchard 2014), nature-based recreation, and habitat
for many indigenous and migratory species with protected status. However, knowledge gaps are
a barrier to securing benefits through the planning process. Information requirements include
quantifying impacts of the earthquakes and identifying opportunities for future gains.
1.2 Riparian spawning habitat of īnanga
In the present study, the particular focus is Galaxias maculatus, or ‘īnanga’, a riparian spawning
fish. G. maculatus is an amphidromous species currently listed as ‘at risk - declining’ in the
New Zealand Threat Classification System (Dunn et al. 2018). Reversing the decline of īnanga
is addressed in many statutory documents as well as non-statutory plans and it is a priority issue
for Māori. Juvenile fish are harvested in an iconic recreational and culturally important fishery
(McDowall 1984). The harvest of īnanga and other whitebait species creates an ongoing
tension between conservation and sustainable use. However, use and non-use interests share the
objective of enhancing īnanga populations. The protection of spawning habitat is an urgent and
practical goal due to a history of degradation associated with land-use changes near lowland
waterways (McDowall 1992; McDowall & Charteris 2006).
Īnanga has a specialized reproductive strategy that is synchronized with the spring tide cycle
and strongly influences the distribution of spawning sites (Burnet 1965). Spawning sites occur
close to the maximum upstream extent of saltwater intrusion and occupy only a narrow
elevation range (Taylor 2002). Eggs are laid in riparian vegetation just below the spring tide
high-water mark and hatch in response to inundation after a 2-4 week development period
(Benzie 1968). The composition and condition of riparian margins at these specific sites is
critical to spawning success (Hickford & Schiel 2011a).
This specificity suggested that earthquake-induced land deformation could affect habitat in
several ways. First, disturbance could reduce the availability or condition of existing spawning
sites, and enduring changes might result from vegetation recovery effects. Second, large scale
impacts were possible due to physico-chemical effects. This was the particular focus of the
study in light of suspected earthquake-driven hydrodynamic changes and the reported
structuring of habitat by salinity (Richardson & Taylor 2002; Taylor 2002). Because there was
no prior salinity baseline available, the focus was on direct detection of changes in the
distribution of spawning sites. By reconstructing a spawning site distribution baseline using data
from previous studies, this comparison was possible for the consideration of earthquake effects.
The objectives of the study were therefore to quantify the pre- and post-quake spawning site
distribution against riparian land uses and evaluate distributional effects to identify management
2. Methods
2.1 Study area
The two study catchments are the Avon River (Ōtākaro) and Heathcote River (Ōpāwaho)
(Figure 1). These are spring-fed, lowland waterways with small average base flows (approx. 2
and 1 cumecs respectively) originating within the city of Christchurch, New Zealand (White et
al. 2007). The catchments are heavily urbanized, particularly in their upstream reaches. The two
waterways are extensively channelized through the use of bank stabilization engineering and
flow regulation structures including flood-gates. The lower catchments support riparian
saltmarsh areas that contribute to the Avon-Heathcote Estuary / Ihutai (Figure 1). These are
remnants of a larger and relatively mobile ecosystem of coastal hydrological features (Kirk
Vertical seismic shifts and lateral spread were pronounced in the vicinity of Christchurch
waterways particularly towards the estuary (Hughes et al. 2015). Changes in ground levels in
and around the estuary were in the order of ± 0.5 m with a trend towards uplift in the south and
subsidence in the north (Beaven & Litchfield, 2012). Hydrodynamic modelling of the estuary
showed extensive bathymetric change and an estimated 15% reduction in the estuarine tidal
prism (Measures et al. 2011).
[insert Figure 1 here]
2.2 Pre-earthquake baseline
A literature review was completed to identify pre-quake spawning records augmented with
information from current researchers (M. Taylor, S. McMurtrie, C. Meurk, pers. comm.). This
resulted in a database of 14 technical reports and additional personal communications together
with records from the National Īnanga Spawning Database (
Historical spawning site data were restricted to information associated with observations of eggs
in riparian vegetation. All information was digitized in GIS by identifying coordinates for the
upstream and downstream extent of spatially discrete spawning sites using the original data
sources. Sites were defined as semi-continuous stretches of eggs identified through riparian
vegetation surveys on waterway margins. These locations were identified using the co-
ordinates, maps, photographs and text descriptions provided in technical reports and direct
communication with researchers.
2.3 Post-earthquake studies
A census-style survey methodology was used with the objective of detecting all spawning
occurrences at the catchment scale following the methods of Orchard & Hickford (2018). The
search areas were approximately 4 km reaches in each river (Figure 1). The survey area
extended from the downstream transition to saltmarsh vegetation, which is unsuitable for
spawning (Mitchell & Eldon 1991), to 500 m upstream of the inland limit of saltwater. In the
Avon this included the confluence with a prominent tributary to the north. The saltwater limit
was established using conductivity/temperature loggers (Odyssey, Dataflow Systems Ltd, NZ)
deployed during spring tide sequences and additional spot measurements using a handheld
conductivity/salinity/temperature meter (YSI Model 30, YSI Inc., USA). The survey period
included the peak spawning months (Taylor 2002) over two years. Surveys commenced five
days after the peak tide in the spring tide sequence and followed a set schedule to minimize
temporal confounding effects between months (Table S1). Reaches surveyed later in the
schedule were more sensitive to egg mortality effects due to the time elapsed since spawning.
Results are more likely to underestimate the extent of spawning occurrences in these areas, but
are comparable between months.
The search area was surveyed systematically in the first two months of the study by conducting
three searches for eggs within contiguous 5 m blocks along each riverbank. Each search
involved opening up the vegetation down to ground level at random locations within the block
following a transect line perpendicular to and spanning the high water mark. On subsequent
months, the survey effort was reduced to areas of potential habitat following a habitat
classification system (Orchard & Hickford 2018). Whenever eggs were found, the survey was
extended 50 m either side of the last occurrence to confirm the full extent of the spawning site.
Spawning sites were defined as the area occupied by continuous or semi-continuous patches of
eggs. Upstream and downstream extents were established and the width of the egg band
measured on the centreline of the search transects within the extent of the site (minimum three).
Zero counts were recorded where these occurred such as when the egg patch was not
continuous. Area of occupancy (AOO) was calculated as length x mean width. The total number
of eggs present was calculated by sub-sampling patches. At each width measurement location,
eggs were counted in a 10 x 10 cm quadrat placed in the centre of the egg band. Productivity
was calculated as mean egg density x AOO.
Riparian land uses and management activities were mapped in the field using 0.075 m
resolution post-quake aerial photographs (Land Information New Zealand 2016).
Anthropogenic stressors were identified based on reported incompatibility with īnanga
spawning sites (Hickford & Schiel 2011a, 2011b; Mitchell 1994). Areas affected were
delineated using aerial photographs in the field and digitized for overlay analysis in QGIS
v2.8.18 (QGIS Development Team 2016). Four classes of land use activities were classified as
threats to spawning habitat. These were bank stabilization using engineered structures, invasive
species control, mowing of recreation reserves, and vegetation removal for flood management.
Threats from riverbank engineering were defined on the basis of surfaces devoid of any
vegetation capable of supporting spawning (Mitchell 1994). Examples include retaining walls,
bridge abutments, riprap, and other bank stabilization works. Invasive species control was
classed as a threat where it involved spraying or extensive mechanical clearance (e.g. using
scrub cutters, line trimmers & similar). This recognizes that vegetation suitable for spawning
may take several months to recover following clearance activities (Hickford & Schiel 2014).
Mowing was classed as a threat where it resulted in short grass conditions at the top of the
riverbank in the location of spawning habitat.
3. Results
3.1 Pre-earthquake spawning distribution
Eighteen pre-quake spawning studies spanning a 25 year period were identified, most of which
involved surveys in both catchments. Thirteen of these had quantified spawning in the Avon and
nine in the Heathcote (Table 1). In some years field surveys were conducted that did not find
any spawning and these records are not shown in Table 1. In the Avon, most of the spawning
occurrences have been in the Avondale Road area (Figure 2a) and often found a short distance
upstream from the road bridge on the true right (Table 1). The maximum extent of pre-quake
spawning sites recorded in any one year was 2000 m in 2007. This also represents the maximum
extent of the spawning reach based on all known records.
In the Heathcote, most of the records have been in the vicinity of Opawa Road (Figure 2b).
Although the downstream limit of all records is c. 1 km further downstream this relates to only
two observations of spawning below Opawa Road in the 25 year period (Table 1). However, the
first spawning recorded in the catchment was much further upstream (> 3 km). At the time the
river was under the influence of a floodway, constructed in 1986, that effectively shortened the
length of the river. In 1994 a tidal barrage was installed to reduced saline intrusion and this
resulted in a shift of c. 2km downstream in the upstream limit of spawning (Taylor 2004).
Although these variations in the location of pre-quake sites complicate historical analyses the
location of spawning has been remarkably consistent since 1994 (Table 1) centred on the Opawa
Road site. The maximum extent of pre-quake spawning recorded in any one year was 1050 m in
2004 (Table 1) associated with the discovery of small sites in a reserve ca.1 km upstream of
Opawa Road.
[insert Table 1 here]
3.1 Post-quake studies
Spawning distribution
A total of 85 spawning sites were identified in the 2015 post-quake survey. These were
distributed along 2.4 km of riverbank in the Avon and 2.5 km in the Heathcote. In both rivers
there were marked differences in the spawning distribution in comparison to previous records
(Figure 2). In the Avon, the spawning reach had expanded approximately 250 m upstream and
180 m downstream of the previous extent. In the Heathcote, the changes were more dramatic
with spawning recorded 1.5 km downstream of all previous records (Figure 2a).
The 2016 survey identified 101 spawning sites, some of which represented repeat use of 2015
sites. In the Avon, the upstream and downstream limits were very close to those recorded in
2015. In the Heathcote, the upstream limit was also similar to 2015, but the spawning reach
extended a further 400 m downstream. The furthest downstream sites were found in the final
month of the survey at a distance of nearly 2 km from all pre-quake spawning records and ca.3
km from the previous centre of spawning at Opawa Road (Figure 2b).
[insert Figure 2 here]
Distribution of threats and protected areas
There are three areas managed specifically to protect spawning habitat at well-known sites
(Figure 3). The protection mechanisms include recognition in local authority plans and
implementation of compatible riparian management on the ground. There is also a considerable
reach in the lower Heathcote that is not subject to vegetation clearance for flood or reserves
management purposes. Part of this reach is characterized by tall woody riverbank vegetation and
the remainder is downstream of the tidal barrage where there is less need for channel works
associated with flood management.
Collectively, the four classes of threats affect a large proportion of the study area (Figure 3). In
both rivers, threats from riverbank engineering occupied only a small proportion of the post-
quake spawning extent (Figure 3). Extensive channelization using gravel embankments also
occurs in the Avon. Although the area available for spawning may be reduced by these
structures they were not classified as threats based on observations of spawning if suitable
vegetation co-occurred. Invasive plant species that have historically been the subject of spraying
or mechanical clearance are widespread throughout the study area. In the Avon the major
concern is yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus). It is distributed throughout the spawning reach
with the exception of sections engineered with gabion baskets and in Lake Kate Sheppard. This
species is largely absent from the Heathcote and instead reed canary grass (Phalaris
arundinacea) is the major concern and is the dominant canopy species in many areas. In
addition, Glyceria maxima and Rubus fruticosus are present there. There were no major spray
eradication campaigns during the study period despite the severe level of infestation. Decisions
on control will be required in the near future under regional pest management plans. Riparian
mowing occurs in discrete areas in both river systems associated with a network of parks and
reserves (Figure 3). Vegetation control for flood management was conducted on a semi-regular
basis in both rivers using scrub cutters or line trimmers. This work is regularly scheduled
through the Avon study area with the exception of the two areas protected for spawning habitat
(Figure 3a) and in the upper section of the Heathcote study area (Figure 3b).
[insert Figure 3 here]
Area of occupancy and egg production
In 2015, the total area of occupancy (AOO) of spawning habitat was 152.5 m2 in the Avon and
75.4 m2 in the Heathcote as calculated using maximum figures recorded at each site across all
four surveys. Total egg production in 2015 was 11.8 million eggs (Avon 6.9 x 106, Heathcote
4.9 x 106). In 2016, egg production was higher (Avon 13.9 x 106, Heathcote 5.0 x 106) despite
the survey period being reduced to only three months. The AOO was also higher in both rivers
(Avon 472.9 m2, Heathcote 99.1 m2) although average egg densities were lower. The marked
increase in AOO in the Avon was associated with several new large spawning sites that were
not utilized in 2015 in addition to re-use of other sites. In both years, AOO and productivity
were not evenly distributed across the study area and high production was not always correlated
with AOO due to differences in egg densities (Figure 4). Egg densities of >10 eggs cm-2 were
recorded at several sites with the highest being 13.5 cm-2.
[insert Figure 4 here]
Effectiveness of protected areas
In the Avon, the proportion of the AOO occurring in protected areas was 70% in 2015. In 2016
this figure had decreased to only 28% reflecting many new sites discovered in other locations.
In the Heathcote, the proportion of AOO protected was very low (11% and 6% for the two years
respectively) reflecting the discovery of many spawning sites at locations never previously
known for spawning. Egg production was also considerable outside of the protected areas
(Figure 5). In the Avon, the proportion of egg production outside the protected areas was 28%
in 2015 and 38% in 2016 (Figure 5a). In the Heathcote, 82% of egg production occurred outside
of the protected areas in 2015 and 98% in 2016 (Figure 5b). On average across the two years of
post-quake studies, only 4.5% of the spawning reach was protected in the Heathcote and 27.6%
in the Avon (Figure 6). Although the timing of threats was variable in relation to the presence of
eggs, vegetation clearance for reserves and flood management purposes was observed at many
of the unprotected spawning sites after egg deposition had occurred (see Supplementary
Material). Repeat egg surveys at some of these sites after the vegetation clearance indicated
close to 100% egg mortality, consistent with previous studies (Hickford & Schiel 2014).
[insert Figure 5 here]
[insert Figure 6 here]
4. Discussion
4.1 Evidence for īnanga spawning habitat migration
There are several limitations for accurately characterizing the pre-quake spawning baseline.
They include the variable frequency, extent and intensity of historic surveys, and temporal
effects in relation to the peak months of spawning activity, all of which may lead to under-
estimation of the areas utilised. These sources of inaccuracy have a bearing on the identification
of change in relation to the distribution and area of occupancy spawning habitat. Despite this,
the Christchurch waterways have the most extensive record of īnanga spawning for any
catchment in New Zealand in terms of the total number of surveys conducted and the length of
the survey record (Taylor 2002). The relatively consistent results obtained by researchers over
the historical pre-quake period are another important aspect. Additionally, we have taken the
maximum values identified over all records. This produces a precautionary approach in relation
to the area and extent of pre-quake spawning habitat recorded in most years. In both catchments
these maximum values were atypical of the full survey record suggesting that they may over-
estimate the relevant habitat parameters. However, the prevalence of degraded riparian
vegetation in the study area is likely to have caused high egg mortality if spawning occurred in
those areas. This effect reduces the detectability of spawning sites in field surveys (Orchard &
Hickford 2018), and was specifically addressed in the design of post-quake surveys by attention
to the timing of surveys in relation to the estimated date of spawning events. For these reasons
the peak detected over all pre-quake records is considered to be the best estimator of typical
spawning activity over this period.
In the Avon, the majority of historical spawning has been recorded at the Avondale site (Figure
2a). In this vicinity, the spatial extent of spawning steadily increased since discovery of the site in
1989 and was assisted by protection from mowing (Taylor 1999). In 2004, new sites were
identified further downstream in the mainstem, and in 2006 spawning was found at Lake Kate
Sheppard and then regularly thereafter. This is an area of restored riparian margins in a tributary
waterway and lake system located close to the mainstem. In the Heathcote, the pre-quake
distribution shifted downstream in association with construction of the tidal barrage in 1994 to
reduce saltwater intrusion upstream (Taylor 1995, 1998). Subsequently, spawning has been
centred on the Opawa Road site with only two sites have been recorded further downstream in all
known records. Earthquake-induced migration of habitat a further 1.5 km downstream in 2015
and 1.9 km in 2016 represents a major change in spawning habitat distribution.
4.2 Effectiveness of protected areas
A high proportion of īnanga spawning now occurs outside of the areas designated for spawning
site protection. Risk exposure is now greater due to the co-occurrence of habitat with
anthropogenic threats. Earthquake-induced change is not the source of heightened vulnerability
per se. Rather, this is an effect of natural dynamics that have increased exposure to pre-existing
stressors. These activities are now threats that require management to achieve conservation
objectives. Mowing of vegetation within riparian reserves co-occurs with several spawning sites
in both river systems. It is a particular issue where the spring high tide water levels are
sufficient to inundate riparian terraces. These provide locations where spawning habitat may be
relatively expansive in comparison to areas with steeper topography. Vegetation clearance using
scrub bars also occurs on the bank face throughout much of the study area for flood
management purposes with the exception of locations specifically managed for īnanga spawning
(Figure 4). Compared to reserve maintenance activities, vegetation clearance for flood
management affects the upper intertidal zone of the waterway margin. At many locations this
results in a direct overlap with the spawning habitat elevation band. High egg mortality from
mowing and grazing has been previously reported (Hickford & Schiel, 2014). This is believed
to be mostly attributable to UV irradiation or the drying out of eggs (Hickford et al. 2010;
Hickford & Schiel 2011b). Recovery from vegetation clearance can take many months, with the
re-establishment of sufficient cover being a critical factor (Hickford & Schiel 2014). In addition,
these activities may occur after eggs have been laid in vegetation that would otherwise have
been suitable for spawning. This was observed at many of the spawning sites recorded in this
study and is particularly problematic for conservation. Due to the gregarious behavioural
ecology of G. maculatus (Benzie 1968; McDowall 1990), the majority of spawning production
is typically supported by only a few sites in the catchment in each spawning event. This
contributes to the vulnerability of spawning to stochastic events. Anthropogenic threats
affecting these highly productive sites may have a large impact on the total egg production on a
seasonal basis.
4.3 Learning for adaptive management
This case illustrates important principles for managing subtle yet widespread change. The
results demonstrate habitat migration that was not detected by conservation management
practitioners. Pre-disturbance land-use activities had continued without adaptation exposing the
habitat to increased risk despite its apparent expansion. Adaptive management responses are
needed to control anthropogenic stressors in areas that have now become īnanga spawning
habitat. Achieving this requires further work to develop solutions that accommodate other
necessary or desirable waterway management activities in the riparian zone. Although historical
AOO figures are not available, the post-quake studies indicate that in both catchments the
extent of spawning habitat is now greater than all previous records. This is a positive finding
and suggests a potential improvement in the opportunities available for accommodating
incompatible activities through tools such as spatial planning. If these are addressed and
solutions identified, conservation gains could be secured in terms of increasing the area of
protecting habitat and ultimately improved egg production.
This case also provides several important lessons for the wider community in relation to
conservation management following major disturbance events. These include the need to fully
characterise environmental change and consequences for protected species despite that
information acquisition may be difficult. Challenges to overcome include the likelihood that
post-disturbance landscapes will be in a state of transition until a new relatively stable state
becomes re-established. In our case, this was partly addressed by commencing investigative
work four years from the disturbance event but also demanded temporal replication in the post-
quake studies to confirm whether the apparent effects could be related to an enduring post-
disturbance change. These aspects of the study approach may be useful considerations for the
design of other post-disturbance studies, and the importance of baseline measurements is also
highlighted since these are essential for interpreting change. In our case, further work is also
required to establish the cause-effect relationship driving the observed change. Salinity effects
are thought to be the most likely driver of the large-scale catchment position changes in
consideration of the literature suggesting a close relationship between spawning habitat and
saltwater intrusion. As such the disturbance event offers a unique opportunity to test
fundamental knowledge for conservation biology. Taking such opportunities requires a
commitment to mobilize the necessary resources at the required time. However the potential
gains from attention to these ‘natural laboratories’ are considerable especially given that the
circumstances may represent relatively uncommon events that cannot be readily replicated or
otherwise observed.
The implementation of statutory protection mechanisms for the achievement of conservation
objectives adds another dimension to this case. It is important to note that protection of the
post-quake habitat is a legislative requirement. However, conservation policy often suffers from
implementation gaps in practice (Knight et al. 2008) which may result from a lack of attention
to methods that are effective in the societal context (Knight et al. 2010). Dynamic environments
and spatio-temporal variation create additional challenges for the design of conservation
methods that are effective and socially acceptable. Our results illustrate that investments in
information are a pivotal activity that contributes to all of these needs. In addition,
contemporary information must be coupled with appropriate responses to facilitate an adaptive
approach. Our case highlights that further policy-related work may be a necessary aspect of
addressing the societal dimension. In particular a review of current conservation planning
arrangements with a focus on role of protected areas is a practical necessity given that these are
important conservation management tools.
Lastly, the effects described here are an example of landscape-scale responses to infrequent
tectonic dynamics. They have likely been mediated by hydrological and salinity changes
together with smaller-scale effects on ground surfaces in the riparian zone. In the Heathcote in
particular, the magnitude of horizontal shift deserves further investigation and despite the
current unknowns regarding causative factors the opportunity for learning is clear. Post-
earthquake studies present opportunities to evaluate many aspects of socio-ecological systems
for impacts and associated responses. Not only are tectonic events relatively common in
evolutionary time, they may exert similar effects to climate change through influencing water
levels and salinity gradients relative to existing topography (Beavan & Litchfield 2012).
Earthquakes present unique and important opportunities to study vulnerable ecosystems and
provide examples of real-life adaptation in action. In turn, this may assist in developing
methods to achieve conservation objectives and avoid implementation failures in the face of
ongoing change.
We thank Mark Taylor, Shelley McMurtrie and Colin Meurk for providing historical records.
We acknowledge the many volunteers and staff of the Waterways Centre for Freshwater
Research and Marine Ecology Research Group who assisted with the post-quake field studies,
and local government staff for information on riparian management activities. Funding was
provided by the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre, Institute of Professional Engineers of New
Zealand Rivers Group, Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust, and a New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment grant (C01X1002) in conjunction with the
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research.
Beavan, J., & Litchfield, N. J. (2012). Vertical land movement around the New Zealand coastline:
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Burnet, A. M. R. (1965). Observations on the spawning migrations of Galaxias attenuatus. New
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Eldon, G. A., Kelly, G. R., Bonnett, M. L., & Taylor, M. J. (1989). Fisheries survey of the
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Hickford, M. J. H., & Schiel, D. R. (2011b). Synergistic interactions within disturbed habitats
between temperature, relative humidity and UVB radiation on egg survival in a
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Hickford, M. J. H., & Schiel, D. R. (2014). Experimental rehabilitation of degraded spawning
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Consultancy Report 2007/103. Taupo.
Table 1. Extent of īnanga spawning habitat utilised in the Avon and Heathcote Rivers over the
period 1989 2014 from all known records.
Extent of
spawning (m)
TRB 40m reach downstream and upstream of Avondale Road
bridge (ARb)
Meurk (1989); Taylor et al.
TRB 15m reach above ARb
Taylor (1996)
TRB 90m reach above and 25m reach below ARb
Taylor (1996)
TRB 90m reach above ARb
Taylor (1997)
TRB 70m reach above and 20m reach below ARb
Taylor (1998)
TRB 250m reach above ARb
Taylor (1999)
TRB at ARb
Taylor (2000)
TRB from Alloway Street to Orrick Crescent; TLB at Amelia
Rogers Reserve, above and below ARb, and at Corsers Stream
Taylor (2004)
TLB Amelia Rogers Reserve
TLB Lake Kate Sheppard
University of Canterbury
unpubl. data
TRB from ARb to Sharlick Street and in Lake Kate Sheppard
Taylor & Chapman (2007)
TRB above ARb
Hickford & Schiel (2014)
TRB above ARb
Taylor & Main unpubl. data
TRB above ARb
Taylor & Blair (2011)
TLB 70m reach downstream and 20m reach upstream of Wilsons
Road bridge, TRB 20m reach downstream of Wilsons Road
Eldon et al. (1989)
TRB 100m reach within King George V Reserve
Taylor et al. (1992)
TRB 30m reach below Opawa Road bridge (ORb)
Taylor (1994)
TRB 50m reach below ORb
Taylor (1995)
TRB 50m reach below ORb
Taylor (1998)
TRB from ORb to downstream of rail bridge
Taylor (1999)
TRB small patch in King George V Reserve
University of Canterbury
unpubl. data
TRB in King George V Reserve, TLB and TRB below ORb
Taylor (2004)
TLB 12m reach adjacent to Woolston Park
Taylor & Blair (2011)
Calculated as the distance between upstream and downstream limits of spawning as measured on the centreline of the mainstem for each
river. Where spawning also occurred in tributaries the location of the confluence was used for this calculation. TRB = true right bank. TLB
= true left bank.
... six months before migrating back into fresh water to mature into adults (McDowall & Eldon 1980). These characteristics have pronounced implications for conservation around the need to ensure connectivity between life stages and their associated the habitat requirement, which are susceptible to changes over time (McDowall 1992(McDowall , 1999Orchard et al. 2018b).. ...
... The reduction of lowland aquatic habitat through historical drainage (Ausseil et al. 2008;Larned et al. 2018), has undoubtedly contributed to īnanga decline. Īnanga are also reliant on riparian habitat for spawning (Benzie 1968), and this contributes to their vulnerability to land-use change (Hickford et al. 2010;Hickford & Schiel 2011;Orchard et al. 2018b). Important considerations for the recovery of īnanga populations in the contemporary environment include the condition and accessibility of instream habitat for adult fish, and the protection of spawning grounds as critical habitat for this particular life stage. ...
... Many of the known spawning sites are located close to the upstream limit of salt water in lowland tidal waterways (Burnet 1965;Taylor 2002). Recent research has found that spawning may occur over a relatively large salinity range (Orchard et al. 2018b). In some rivers this increases the size of the area that requires protection for spawning (Orchard & Hickford 2020), and is also reflected in the spatio-temporal dynamics of spawning locations which may 'move around' within a rivermouth system. ...
Technical Report
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A range of literature was reviewed and summary information compiled to support the development of a conservation prioritisation strategy for two migratory fish species (īnanga and shortjaw kōkopu) on the South Island’s West Coast. This strategy will support the development of migratory species recovery plans under the government-funded Bio18 programme being implemented by the Department of Conservation. Existing datasets were evaluated and a desktop assessment completed to provide an initial characterisation of conservation value and threat intensity at regional scale. Recommendations are provided for a progressive conservation prioritisation strategy using the best available data. Results of the desktop assessment are presented in this summary report and include a set of spatial data and maps prepared for the use of operational staff who will lead implementation of this project in the coming years. Findings of the desktop analyses included the characterisation of existing information on conservation value and the distribution of threats to the security of these species. Spatial disparities between species distribution models (SDMs) produced on different versions of the River Environment Classification were identified and are described. Model discrepancies may indicate the influences of differences in environmental predictor variables, areas of heightened uncertainty due to environmental conditions, or both. Since both models were able to simulate training data with high levels of accuracy, the uncertainties relate mostly to their ability to extrapolate into new spatial domains. This suggests a useful role for targeted ground-truthing surveys, both within areas of model congruence and also model discrepancy, and is recommended for inclusion in the Bio18 operational work. For the purposes of prioritising actions, these results also indicate challenges for the adoption of model predictions as indicators of conservation value. To address this, a linked-model approach is proposed that takes into account both data sources. A four-tier ‘priority class’ classification is assigned based on the strength of evidence for species presence.
... Unfortunately, the specific location of īnanga spawning habitat on the margins of lowland waterways often results in spatial overlap with human activities. During the spawning season, these may pose threats to successful spawning by reducing the availability of suitable habitat or impact on the survival rate of eggs after spawning has occurred (Hickford & Schiel 2011a;Orchard et al. 2018a). Common examples include riverbank engineering, drainage and other hydrological modifications, and disturbance activities such as vegetation clearance and grazing. ...
... Salinity effects also have the potential to drive spatial variability in spawning locations. For example, Orchard et al. (2018a) found a strong relationship between the upstream limit of salt water and the upstream limit of spawning in Christchurch waterways, despite that there is no physiological barrier to spawning taking place in entirely fresh water (Orchard et al. 2018a). In this study, the re-routing of Flowery Creek since the December 2019 storms may have generated movement in the preferred locations of spawning due to salinity effects in consideration of the major changes to waterway connections in this location (Fig. 10). ...
... Salinity effects also have the potential to drive spatial variability in spawning locations. For example, Orchard et al. (2018a) found a strong relationship between the upstream limit of salt water and the upstream limit of spawning in Christchurch waterways, despite that there is no physiological barrier to spawning taking place in entirely fresh water (Orchard et al. 2018a). In this study, the re-routing of Flowery Creek since the December 2019 storms may have generated movement in the preferred locations of spawning due to salinity effects in consideration of the major changes to waterway connections in this location (Fig. 10). ...
Technical Report
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This report summarises results from field surveys of the Arahura River lagoon system to support the Arahura River Restoration Project on the South Island’s West Coast. The focus of these surveys was to improve the understanding of locations used by īnanga (Galaxias maculatus) for spawning. Īnanga is a migratory fish that is the most abundant of the five galaxiid species that support New Zealand’s whitebait fishery. At the Arahura River the fishery has important cultural values for Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae and the Arahura Marae is located close to the river a short distance from the coast. Investigations were undertaken to characterise the tidal range and locate spawning sites to provide a baseline for future monitoring and support restoration work. Prior to this project, there were no previously reported spawning sites in the river system despite there being an abundance of suitable habitat for adult fish.
... Although the biogeography of G. maculatus spawning grounds has been relatively well characterised in tidal rivers where they are strongly influenced by spring high tides (Benzie 1968;Taylor 2002;Orchard et al. 2018aOrchard et al. , 2018b, many nontidal rivers also support fish populations. In New Zealand, these rivers are particularly common on the east coast of the South Island and south-eastern North Island where they are often associated with mixed sand-gravel beaches at the coast (Kirk 1980(Kirk , 1991. ...
... In the first month of the study (February 2019) intensive eggs searches and environmental measurements were completed in all catchments by a team of three researchers in all catchments beginning at the rivermouth and working upstream, with the distribution of spawning sites (if any) being unknown. Although March and April were expected to be the months of peak spawning activity based on previous work in tidal waterways in the Canterbury region (Orchard et al. 2018a(Orchard et al. , 2018b, significant spawning activity was detected in February that was apparently triggered by a rain event. This finding helped to establish the general location of spawning in the study catchments and define areas for repeat surveys in the following months. ...
... This highlights the need for further research on the characteristics of recruitment sources, and in turn emphasises the need for a solid understanding of the biogeography of spawning grounds, which are the ultimate larval source (McDowall 2010b). In New Zealand, there is a noticeable information gap on the characteristics of non-tidal rivers despite a considerable body of work on G. maculatus spawning in estuarine locations (McDowall 1968(McDowall , 1991Hickford and Schiel 2011;Orchard et al. 2018a), and contrasts with numerous studies on landlocked G. maculatus populations in Australian and South American rivers and lakes (Pollard 1971;Cussac et al. 2004;Chapman et al. 2006;Barriga et al. 2007). Recent advances in New Zealand have included the identification of non-diadromous recruitment in amphidromous galaxiid species, including G. maculatus, where suitable freshwater pelagic habitat was present in rivers open to the sea (Hicks et al. 2017;David et al. 2019). ...
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Galaxias maculatus is a declining amphidromous fish that supports New Zealand’s culturally-important whitebait fisheries targeting the migratory juvenile stage. Spawning ground protection and rehabilitation is required to reverse historical degradation and improve fisheries prospects alongside conservation goals. Although spawning habitat has been characterised in tidal rivers, there has been no previous study of spawning in non-tidal rivermouths that are open to the sea. We assessed seven non-tidal rivers over four months using census surveys to quantify spawning activity, identify environmental cues, and characterise fundamental aspects of the biogeography of spawning grounds. Results include the identification of compact spawning reaches near the rivermouths. Spawning events were triggered by periods of elevated water levels that were often of very short duration suggesting that potential lunar cues were less important, and that rapid fish movements had likely occurred within the catchment prior to spawning events. Spawning grounds exhibited consistent vertical structuring above typical low-flow levels, with associated horizontal translation away from the river channel leading to increased exposure to anthropogenic stressors and associated management implications for protecting the areas concerned. These consistent patterns provide a sound basis for advancing protective management at non-tidal rivermouths. Attention to flood management, vegetation control, and bankside recreational activities is needed and may be assisted by elucidating the biogeography of spawning grounds. The identification of rapid responses to environmental cues deserves further research to assess floodplain connectivity aspects that enable fish movements in emphemeral flowpaths, and as a confounding factor in commonly-used fish survey techniques.
... For a large part of their development period this places the eggs in a terrestrial environment where they are vulnerable to a variety of anthropogenic threats (McDowall & Charteris 2006). Examples include disturbance effects associated with mowing, grazing and trampling, flood management activities such as vegetation clearance and dredging, and the construction of retaining walls and other engineering works (Hickford & Schiel 2011;Orchard et al. 2018a). ...
... This task is best done by the original observers (rather than a 3 rd party), potentially in association with re-establishment of the NISD. There are also other known spawning site records not addressed in this project, including a large number of sites identified in Christchurch waterways in connection with post-earthquake research (Orchard 2017;Orchard & Hickford 2016;Orchard & Hickford 2018;Orchard et al. 2018a). However, these waterways are well represented in the NISD (Taylor 2002). ...
Technical Report
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Īnanga (Galaxias maculatus) is a highly valued diadromous fish that supports a popular recreational fishery. However, the species is currently listed in the ‘at risk - declining’ category of the New Zealand Threat Classification System in recognition of historic declines. The scope of this project included development of a draft methodology for guiding decisions on re-survey (and new survey) priority for inanga spawning sites, and a methodology for assigning conservation priorities to spawning sites. These were applied to develop a GIS shapefile layer showing conservation prioritisation results within defined spatial areas, in this case being the Department of Conservation's diadromous fish management units.
... Habitat loss associated with land development is a key issue for the conservation of galaxiid species and there is a need to consider threats affecting each stage of the life cycle (Department of Conservation 2005; Goodman 2018). Species with terrestrial egg development strategies may be especially vulnerable to anthropogenic activities due to their use of riparian habitats Schiel 2011, 2014;Orchard et al. 2018a;Orchard et al. 2018b). In previous work on giant kōkopu, McDowall and Kelly (1999) noted that the lack of any knowledge of spawning migrations and sites means that an area critical to the species' conservation remains unresolved. ...
... Salinity is essential for the development of eggs, success of hatchlings, and the survival of young fish (Fonds, 1979;Spies & Steele, 2016). Moreover, large scale changes in salinity can affect the spawning area (Orchard et al., 2018). The eggs and larval abundance of M. cephalus. ...
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Identifying the breeding grounds of fishes is crucial for the sustainable management of fisheries resources. The present study is aimed at identifying the potential breeding ground of Mugil cephalus along the estuary of the North Mumbai coast. A total of 1197 specimens of M. cephalus, including 546 eggs, 271 larvae, 235 juveniles, and 235 adults, were collected from four sampling stations in the Karanja estuary between January to October 2022. Water quality parameters, plankton dynamics in the estuary, and the reproductive and feeding biology of M. cephalus were also examined. The eggs, larvae, juveniles, and adults were identified using traditional morpho-meristic and DNA barcoding techniques. The results revealed a potential spawning ground of M. cephalus in the Karanja estuary. The results of reproductive biology also confirmed the occurrence of matured fishes during May–July. The abundance of eggs and larvae at the estuary’s mouth and the presence of juveniles and mature individuals of M. cephalus dominantly in the Karanja estuary from May to July infer the presence of a spawning site. It is also recorded that M. cephalus spawn in higher salinity (35 ppt) and seawater temperature (33 °C) where the hatching of offspring takes place successfully. This study emphasizes the significance of DNA barcoding in guiding routine monitoring surveys and demonstrates its usefulness when combined with these techniques in identifying fish spawning grounds. The study findings will serve as baseline information to develop effective conservation and management strategies and protect the ideal spawning stock.
... Hydrological changes also caused the loss of coastal wetlands and shorebird habitat in areas of relative sea-level rise as characteristic ecosystems moved landward [2,12,22]. In uplifted areas, impacts included shifts in the salt water intrusion characteristics of lowland waterways leading to the downstream migration of coastal zonation patterns and key habitats [23,24]. ...
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Widespread mortality of intertidal biota was observed following the 7.8 Mw Kaikoura earthquake in November 2016. To understand drivers of change and recovery in nearshore ecosystems, we quantified the variation in relative sea-level changes caused by tectonic uplift and evaluated their relationships with ecological impacts with a view to establishing the minimum threshold and overall extent of the major effects on rocky shores. Vertical displacement of contiguous 50 m shoreline sections was assessed using comparable LiDAR data to address initial and potential ongoing change across a 100 km study area. Co-seismic uplift accounted for the majority of relative sea-level change at most locations. Only small changes were detected beyond the initial earthquake event, but they included the weathering of reef platforms and accumulation of mobile gravels that continue to shape the coast. Intertidal vegetation losses were evident in equivalent intertidal zones at all uplifted sites despite considerable variation in the vertical displacement they experienced. Nine of ten uplifted sites suffered severe (>80%) loss in habitat-forming algae and included the lowest uplift values (0.6 m). These results show a functional threshold of c.1/4 of the tidal range above which major impacts were sustained. Evidently, compensatory recovery has not occurred—but more notably, previously subtidal algae that were uplifted into the low intertidal zone where they ought to persist (but did not) suggests additional post-disturbance adversities that have contributed to the overall effect. Continuing research will investigate differences in recovery trajectories across the affected area to identify factors and processes that will lead to the regeneration of ecosystems and resources.
... Studies have shown that lower or higher salinities can interfere with egg development and the hatching processes, and reduce the survival rate of larvae and juveniles [48,52]. Drastic changes in salinity can cause large-scale changes in the spawning area [53]. In the PRE, the optimum salinity for egg density was 17-35‰, and the egg density decreased when SSS was lower than 17‰ (Figure 2c). ...
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Spawning grounds are important areas for fish survival and reproduction, and play a key role in the supplement of fishery resources. This study investigated environmental effects on the spatiotemporal variability of spawning ground in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), China, using the generalized additive model (GAM), based on satellite remote sensing (sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a), sea surface salinity (SSS), depth), and in situ observations. Results showed that 39.8% of the total variation in fish egg density was explained by these factors. Among them, the most important factor was SST, accounting for 14.3%, followed by Depth, SSS, and Chl-a, with contributions of 9.7%, 8.5%, and 7.3%, respectively. Spawning grounds in the PRE were mainly distributed in the waters with SST of 22 °C, depth of 30–50 m, SSS of 16–35 ‰, and Chl-a of 6–15 mg/m3. From spring to summer, the spawning ground moved from the outlet of the PRE to the east. The distribution of the spawning ground in the PRE was mainly affected by the Pearl River Plume (PRP), Guangdong Coastal Current (GCC), and monsoons in this area.
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“Natural” disasters (also known as geophysical disasters) involve physical processes that have a direct or indirect impact on humans. These events occur rapidly and may have severe consequences for resident flora and fauna as their habitat undergoes dramatic and sudden change. Although most studies have focused on the impact of natural disasters on humans and terrestrial systems, geophysical disasters can also impact aquatic ecosystems. Here, we provide a synthesis on the effects of the most common and destructive geophysical disasters on aquatic systems (life and habitat). Our approach spanned realms (i.e., freshwater, estuarine, and marine) and taxa (i.e., plants, vertebrates, invertebrates, and microbes) and included floods, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes/cyclones/typhoons, tornadoes, dust storms, ice storms, avalanches (snow), landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes (including limnic eruptions), tsunamis, and cosmic events. Many geophysical disasters have dramatic effects on aquatic systems. The evidence base is somewhat limited for some natural disasters because transient events (e.g., tornadoes and floods) are difficult to study. Most natural disaster studies focus on geology/geomorphology and hazard assessment for humans and infrastructure. However, the destruction of aquatic systems can impact humans indirectly through loss of food security, cultural services, or livelihoods. Many geophysical disasters interact in complex ways (e.g., wildfires often lead to landslides and flooding) and can be magnified or otherwise mediated by human activities. Our synthesis reveals that geophysical events influence aquatic ecosystems, often in negative ways, yet systems can be resilient provided that effects are not compounded by anthropogenic stressors. It is difficult to predict or prevent geophysical disasters but understanding how aquatic ecosystems are influenced by geophysical events is important given the inherent connection between peoples and aquatic ecosystems.
Full-text available
Galaxias maculatus is a declining amphidromous fish that supports culturally-important whitebait fisheries in New Zealand and elsewhere in the Pacific. As a largely annual species, the seasonal productivity of spawning grounds has a strong influence on the availability of recruits. Spawning ground protection is urgently required to reverse historical degradation and improve prospects for the maintenance of sustainable fisheries. Although spawning habitat has been well characterised in tidal rivers where it is structured by water level changes on spring high tides, there has been no previous study of spawning in non-tidal rivermouths. We assessed seven non-tidal rivers over four months using a census survey approach to quantify spawning activity, identify environmental cues, and characterise fundamental aspects of the biogeography of spawning grounds. We report conclusive results that include a) identification of compact spawning reaches near the rivermouths, b) triggering of spawning events by periods of elevated water levels that were often of very short duration, suggesting that potential lunar cues were less important and that rapid fish movements had likely occurred within the catchment prior to spawning events, and c) consistent vertical structuring of spawning grounds above typical low-flow levels with associated horizontal translation away from the river channel, leading to increased exposure to anthropogenic stressors and associated management implications for protecting the areas concerned. These consistent patterns provide a sound basis for advancing the management of non-tidal rivermouths. Attention to flood management, vegetation control, and bankside recreational activities is required and may be assisted by quantifying spawning ground biogeography. The identification of rapid responses to environmental cues deserves further research to assess implications for floodplain connectivity management to support fish movements in emphemeral flowpaths, and as a potential source of bias in commonly-used fish survey methodologies.
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Here, we describe a methodology for quantifying the spawning habitat of īnanga (Galaxias maculatus), a protected native fish species. Our approach is demonstrated with a survey of the Heathcote/Ōpāwaho following the Canterbury earthquakes that produced unexpected findings. Spawning habitat was detected over a 2.5 km reach and the area occupied by spawning sites (75m²) was much larger than in previous records (ca. 21m²). Sites dominated by the invasive Phalaris arundinaceae were found to support high egg numbers. Spawning has not previously been recorded on this species and it is identified in the literature as a threat to spawning habitat. Considerable spatio-temporal variation was also detected in the location of spawning sites and pattern of egg production. Together, these aspects illustrate the need for a comprehensive survey methodology to reliably quantify spawning habitat. The Heathcote/Ōpāwaho example shows the utility of our census approach for achieving this, and supporting habitat conservation objectives.
Technical Report
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This report presents the results of a cultural environmental health assessment of Te Ihutai / Avon-Heathcote Estuary and its catchment undertaken by representatives from Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga and Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd between March and May 2012. The purpose of the 2012 State of the Takiwā programme was to undertake a cultural assessment of Te Ihutai (Avon-Heathcote Estuary) and its tributaries, the Ōtākaro (Avon) and Ōpāwaho (Heathcote) rivers at 31 sites within the catchment. This mahi is a continuation of the work initiated by Pauling et al. (2007) in their previous State of the Takiwā assessment, and in addition provides an indication of the post-earthquake state of these waterways in relation to Ngāi Tahu values. The same State of the Takiwā methodology as used in the 2007 programme was used. Two additional fishing survey techniques using hīnaki (set nets) and drag nets were employed to extend the fish survey component to a greater number of sites. In addition a new site was added in Mt Vernon valley to provide an example of a hill-country stream site within the monitoring programme since there are several such streams within the Ōpāwaho/ Heathcote catchment. The results from this assessment indicate that the catchment is in a state of poor cultural health. As was found in the previous State of the Takiwā programme (Pauling et al., 2007) the different assessments conducted indicated that a range of culturally relevant aspects are degraded, including both in-stream and riparian values. When compared with the 2007 study the 2012 results suggest that the catchment is in a similar state of cultural health. However modest improvements noted at some sites whilst further degradation was recorded at others which in some cases was related to earthquake damage. Although some adverse impacts associated with earthquake damage were expected, the results clearly indicated that many recommendations from the previous State of the Takiwā programme have not been implemented. Consequently, management responses needed to protect and enhance Ngāi Tahu values include all of the recommendations from the 2007 programme. In particular, improvement in water quality and habitat quality including the restoration and conservation of indigenous vegetation in the riparian zone is urgently required. In addition, there is a need to take Ngāi Tahu values into account in the planning and implementation of earthquake repair activities. This includes the need for comprehensive monitoring to establish whether important aspects of waterway recovery are being achieved as the earthquake repair process progresses.
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Dunes provide a range of benefits for coastal hazard management. This includes protection from erosion, inundation, and storm surge events, and may include disaster risk reduction benefits in large magnitude events. However, New Zealand’s coastal dune ecosystems have become heavily modified in recent decades and the space available for dunes has become severely restricted in many areas. The restoration and protective management of indigenous dune ecosystems is now an urgent conservation issue. Since plant communities influence dune form and dynamics, the protection of dune biodiversity is important to their coastal hazard management role. The management of dunes as Protected Areas is now a common approach and can be especially important in locations where development and land use patterns have encroached on the space available for dunes, or where intensive management responses to other threats are required. There are now many examples of dune restoration projects at sites where former dunes had largely disappeared, or where the dune plant community has been impacted by invasive species. These projects provide opportunities to assess the potential for protected area management to deliver benefits for coastal hazard management within an integrated approach to coastal management. Additionally, forward planning for the adaptive management of coastlines is needed in the context of predicted sea level rise, and includes consideration of the values of protected areas and the future roles they may play. This case study presents results from an example of restorative dune management within the Christchurch Coastal Park network with a focus on the potential roles of these parks in disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change.
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Airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data were acquired over the coastal city of Christchurch, New Zealand, prior to and throughout the 2010 to 2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence. Differencing of pre-and post-earthquake LiDAR data reveals land surface and waterway deformation due to seismic shaking and tectonic displacements above blind faults. Shaking caused floodplain subsidence in excess of 0.5 to 1 m along tidal stretches of the two main urban rivers, greatly enhancing the spatial extent and severity of inundation hazards posed by 100-year floods, storm surges, and sea-level rise. Additional shaking effects included river channel narrowing and shallowing, due primarily to liquefaction, and lateral spreading and sedimen-tation, which further increased flood hazard. Differential tectonic movement and associated narrowing of downstream river channels decreased channel gradients and volumetric capacities and increased upstream flood hazards. Flood mitigation along the large regional Waimakariri River north of Christchurch may have, paradoxically, increased the long-term flood hazard in the city by halting long-term aggradation of the alluvial plain upon which Christchurch is situated. Our findings highlight the potential for moderate magnitude (MW 6–7) earthquakes to cause major topo-graphic changes that influence flood hazard in coastal settings.
Seismic shaking and tectonic deformation during strong earthquakes can trigger widespread environmental effects. The severity and extent of a given effect relates to the characteristics of the causative earthquake and the intrinsic properties of the affected media. Documentation of earthquake environmental effects in well-instrumented, historical earthquakes can enable seismologic triggering thresholds to be estimated across a spectrum of geologic, topographic and hydrologic site conditions, and implemented into seismic hazard assessments, geotechnical engineering designs, paleoseismic interpretations, and forecasts of the impacts of future earthquakes. The 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence (CES), including the moment magnitude (Mw) 7.1 Darfield earthquake and Mw 6.2, 6.0, 5.9, and 5.8 aftershocks, occurred on a suite of previously unidentified, primarily blind, active faults in the eastern South Island of New Zealand. The CES is one of Earth’s best recorded historical earthquake sequences. The location of the CES proximal to and beneath a major urban centre enabled rapid and detailed collection of vast amounts of field, geospatial, geotechnical, hydrologic, biologic, and seismologic data, and allowed incremental and cumulative environmental responses to seismic forcing to be documented throughout a protracted earthquake sequence. The CES caused multiple instances of tectonic surface deformation (≥ 3 events), surface manifestations of liquefaction (≥ 11 events), lateral spreading (≥ 6 events), rockfall (≥ 6 events), cliff collapse (≥ 3 events), subsidence (≥ 4 events), and hydrological (10s of events) and biological shifts (≥ 3 events). The terrestrial area affected by strong shaking (e.g. peak ground acceleration (PGA) ≥ 0.1-0.3 g), and the maximum distances between earthquake rupture and environmental response (Rrup), both generally increased with increased earthquake Mw, but were also influenced by earthquake location and source characteristics. However, the severity of a given environmental response at any given site related predominantly to ground shaking characteristics (PGA, peak ground velocities) and site conditions (water table depth, soil type, geomorphic and topographic setting) rather than earthquake Mw. In most cases, the most severe liquefaction, rockfall, cliff collapse, subsidence, flooding, tree damage, and biologic habitat changes were triggered by proximal, moderate magnitude (Mw ≤ 6.2) earthquakes on blind faults. CES environmental effects will be incompletely preserved in the geologic record and variably diagnostic of spatial and temporal earthquake clustering. Liquefaction feeder dikes in areas of severe and recurrent liquefaction will provide the best preserved and potentially most diagnostic CES features. Rockfall talus deposits and boulders will be well preserved and potentially diagnostic of the strong intensity of CES shaking, but challenging to decipher in terms of single versus multiple events. Most other phenomena will be transient (e.g., distal groundwater responses), not uniquely diagnostic of earthquakes (e.g., flooding), or more ambiguous (e.g. biologic changes). Preliminary paleoseismic investigations in the CES region indicate recurrence of liquefaction in susceptible sediments of ~ 100 to 300 yr, recurrence of severe rockfall event(s) of ca. 6,000 to 8,000 yr, and recurrence of surface rupturing on the largest CES source fault of ca. 20,000 to 30,000 yr. These data highlight the importance of utilizing multiple proxy datasets in paleoearthquake studies. The severity of environmental effects triggered during the strongest CES earthquakes was as great as or equivalent to any historic or prehistoric effects recorded in the geologic record. We suggest that the shaking caused by rupture of local blind faults in the CES comprised a ‘worst case’ seismic shaking scenario for parts of the Christchurch urban area. Moderate Mw blind fault earthquakes may contribute the highest proportion of seismic hazard, be the most important drivers of landscape evolution, and dominate the paleoseismic record in some locations on Earth, including locations distal from any identified active faults. A high scientific priority should be placed on improving the spatial extent and quality of ‘off-fault’ shaking records of strong earthquakes, particularly near major urban centres.
New Zealand whitebait comprises the migratory juveniles of five species of native Galaxias. The most abundant of these is inanga, Galaxias maculatus. In 1987, the Department of Conservation (DOC) commissioned nationwide field surveys to identify (with the aim of protecting) inanga spawning sites, with data to be collated into a database administered by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA). The database currently holds 562 records from a total of 194 inanga spawning sites. Spawning sites have been located in every coastal DOC conservancy except Auckland. Further work to identify spawning sites is required, particularly in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Wellington and Southland Conservancies. At least some protection work has been carried out in every conservancy where spawning has been located. Inanga spawning usually occurs on autumnal spring tides, with the nationwide peak spawning activity taking place 2 or 3 days after the new or full moon; however, some spawning may also occur in spring. Preferred spawning sites appear to be the banks of tidally-influenced flow-stable waterways, and tributaries and small creeks in very large catchments, often where there are embayments and confluences. Inanga spawn gregariously amongst inundated bankside vegetation. Consequently, spawning sites and eggs are prone to damage by cattle trampling or grazing. Exotic vegetation commonly associated with inanga spawning includes a number of grass and herb communities, often dominated by tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). A wide variety of native plants are also associated with inanga spawning. These include New Zealand rush (wiwi, Juncus gregiflorus), bull rush (raupo, Typha orientalis), flax (harakeke, Phormium tenax) and toetoe (Cortaderia richardii). The spread of reed sweet grass (Glyceria maxima) and other exotic grass species unfavourable for fish spawning into spawning areas is of concern.
Riparian vegetation has been compromised worldwide by anthropogenic stressors, including urbanization and livestock grazing. In New Zealand, one consequence has been a reduction in the obligate riparian spawning habitat of Galaxias maculatus. This diadromous species forms the basis of an important fishery where juveniles are caught as they migrate into freshwater. Spawning success of G. maculatus is closely associated with the nature of available riparian habitat. We used a field experiment in a rural stream to test whether livestock grazing limits egg production and whether there is a lag in increased egg production after protection from grazing because of the recovery time of riparian vegetation. In a separate experiment in an urban stream we tested whether improved riparian management can increase egg production. Livestock exclusion produced an immediate and long-lasting increase in the height and density of riparian vegetation with reduced fluctuations in the ground-level physical environment, and positive changes to the density and survival of eggs. After 4 years, egg densities in exclosures were 400 times greater than in grazed controls and egg survival had doubled. Mowing riparian vegetation 2 months prior to spawning reduced egg densities by 75% and survival by 25%. Our experiments showed that altering grazing and mowing in spawning sites produced dense riparian vegetation, that this improved the microsite environment and resulted in greatly increased egg deposition and survival over several years. This clearly indicates that the single most effective step in rehabilitating G. maculatus spawning habitat is a simple reduction in grazing/mowing pressure.
1. Known diadromous fish number <250 species, and <1.5% of fish species. 2. They comprise ca. 3% of species regarded as ‘endangered’. 3. Amongst them are species of great importance to fisheries, and out of proportion to their number. 4. They occupy complexes of connected habitats between or through which passage is needed at two or more life history phases. 5. They therefore pose special problems for conservation which relate to: a. diversity of habitats; b. huge areas occupied; c. the spatial separation of the various habitats used; d. need for fish passage; e. often heavy exploitation. 6. These problems are often the opposite of those experienced with species that occupy local habitats and which are in danger of local extirpation.
Several diadromous New Zealand and Australian species of Galaxias are now known, or suspected, to deposit their eggs amongst riparian vegetation or substrates either supratidally in estuaries or in forested streams in locations that are only temporarily submerged by elevated water levels. The eggs develop in a humid atmosphere and hatch when the egg deposition sites are resubmerged; a significant role for agitation in stimulating hatching seeming likely. There are risks from the eggs becoming dehydrated, and also from a failure by water to resubmerge the eggs before they have exhausted their energy resources. Hatching is triggered by elevated flows, perhaps being an outcome of agitation of the eggs. Elevated flows may also increase the rate of downstream transport of the larvae, facilitating survival during dispersal to sea from spawning sites in streams that may be long distances inland. Hatching during flood events may favour survival of the larvae because turbid flows may provide ‘cover’ for the larvae as they emigrate to sea. Risks from egg predation by aquatic predators may be replaced by risks from terrestrial predators.