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Distributed Ledger Technology: Blockchain Compared to Directed Acyclic Graph

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Abstract and Figures

Nowadays, blockchain is becoming a synonym for distributed ledger technology. However, blockchain is only one of the specializations in the field and is currently well-covered in existing literature, but mostly from a cryptographic point of view. Besides blockchain technology, a new paradigm is gaining momentum: directed acyclic graphs. The contribution presented in this paper is twofold. Firstly, the paper analyzes distributed ledger technology with an emphasis on the features relevant to distributed systems. Secondly, the paper analyses the usage of directed acyclic graph paradigm in the context of distributed ledgers, and compares it with the blockchain-based solutions. The two paradigms are compared using representative implementations: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Nano. We examine representative solutions in terms of the applied data structures for maintaining the ledger, consensus mechanisms, transaction confirmation confidence, ledger size, and scalability.
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Distributed Ledger Technology: Blockchain
Compared to Directed Acyclic Graph
Federico Matteo Benˇ
c and Ivana Podnar ˇ
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Abstract—Nowadays, blockchain is becoming a synonym for
distributed ledger technology. However, blockchain is only one
of the specializations in the field and is currently well-covered
in existing literature, but mostly from a cryptographic point
of view. Besides blockchain technology, a new paradigm is
gaining momentum: directed acyclic graphs. The contribution
presented in this paper is twofold. Firstly, the paper analyzes
distributed ledger technology with an emphasis on the features
relevant to distributed systems. Secondly, the paper analyses
the usage of directed acyclic graph paradigm in the context of
distributed ledgers, and compares it with the blockchain-based
solutions. The two paradigms are compared using representative
implementations: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Nano. We examine
representative solutions in terms of the applied data structures
for maintaining the ledger, consensus mechanisms, transaction
confirmation confidence, ledger size, and scalability.
Distributed ledger technology (DLT) enables the mainte-
nance of a global, append only, data structure by a set of mu-
tually untrusted participants in a distributed environment [1].
The most notable features of distributed ledgers are immutabil-
ity, resistance to censorship, decentralized maintenance, and
elimination of the need for a centralized trusted third party. In
other words, there is no need for an entity to be in charge of
conflict resolution and upkeep of a global truth that is trusted
by all stakeholders which do not trust each other. Distributed
ledger is suitable for tracking the ownership of digital assets,
and hence it’s most prominent application is the Bitcoin
network [2]. DLT holds promise beyond mere cryptocurrency
transfer since an entry in the ledger may be generalized to hold
arbitrary data. However, before being applicable on a global
scale, DLT needs to solve a number of issues it is currently
facing. Blockchains, a specialization of DLTs, are getting a
new rival in the field: distributed acyclic graphs (DAG). The
most notable difference between the two is that blockchains
bundle transactions in cryptographically linked blocks forming
a single chain containing the global truth, while DAGs use a
graph where a transaction is represented as a node in the graph.
This paper compares the two DLT paradigms by focusing on
features relevant to their distributed design, and explains how
the two tackle some of the known issues distributed ledgers are
facing. In particular, we examine the applied data structures
for ledger maintenance, consensus mechanisms, transaction
confirmation confidence, as well as ledger size and scalability
issues. A comparative qualitative analysis is presented using
three reference implementations: Bitcoin [2] and Ethereum [3]
serve as reference implementations for blockchain, while Nano
(previously known as RaiBlocks) [4] is used to represent
DAG1. The listed systems are chosen as representative so-
lutions because of a relatively mature implementation with a
notable developer community.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
compares the data structures used to maintain a ledger based
on representative implementations. Section III explains the
algorithm for reaching a consensus within a set of nodes
maintaining the ledger. Section IV examines confidence levels
for the inclusion of new entries into the ledger. Section V
analyses the ledger ever growing size due to its append only
nature, and explains how ledger size may be reduced over
time. Section VI discusses the scalability issues which DLTs
are facing, as one of the main barriers for their global adoption.
Section VII concludes the paper.
This section analyzes data structures that are being used
to sustain a distributed ledger. Both DAG and blockchain
store transactions in an open ledger. A ledger has its state.
Transactions serve as inputs that cause the change to the state,
hence DLTs can generally be regarded as transaction-based
state machines. However, the two approaches use distinct
data structures for maintaining the ledger. While blockchain
stores transactions in blocks, DAG stores transactions in nodes.
The following subsections explain and compares the two data
A. Blockchain
Blockchain consists of ordered units called blocks [7].
Blocks contain headers and transactions, as depicted in Fig-
ure 1. Each block header, amongst other metadata, contains a
reference to its predecessor in the form of the predecessor’s
hash. The initial state is hard-coded in the first block called
the genesis block. Unlike other blocks, the genesis block has
no predecessor.
Transactions in Bitcoin and Ethereum are hashed in Merkle
Trees [1]. Bitcoin hashes transactions [8] in a single tree, while
Ethereum uses three different structures to store transactions,
receipts and state [9]. These structures are reviewed further in
Section V-A in order to explain how to decrease ledger size.
1Other DAG approaches are IOTA [5] and Byteball [6].
arXiv:1804.10013v1 [cs.DC] 26 Apr 2018
Fig. 1. Blockchain as a data structure.
B. Directed Acyclic Graph
In contrast to blocks, a DAG structure stores transactions
in nodes, where each node holds a single transaction. In
Nano, every account is linked to its own account-chain in a
structure called the block-lattice equivalent to the account’s
transaction/balance history. The structure of the block-lattice
is displayed in Figure 2. Each account is granted an account
chain. An account chain can be considered as a dedicated
blockchain, just for a single account. Nodes are appended to an
account-chain, each node representing a single transaction on
the account chain. Similar to the genesis block in blockchain,
a DAG holds a genesis transaction. The genesis transaction
defines the initial state.
Fig. 2. Nano’s DAG, the block-lattice.
In Nano, instead of having a single transaction that transfers
value, two transactions are needed to fully execute a transfer
of value. A sender generates a send transaction, while a
receiver generates a matching receive transaction, as depicted
in Figure 3. When a send transaction is issued, funds are
deducted from the balance of the sender’s account, and are
pending in the network awaiting for the recipient to generate
the corresponding receive transaction. While in this state,
transactions are deemed unsettled. When the receive transac-
tion is generated, the transaction is settled. The downside of
this approach is that a node has to be online in order to receive
a transaction.
In a public and permissionless environment where each
node can read from the ledger and append to the ledger,
blocks or nodes can be malicious and can not be implicitly
Fig. 3. Transaction handling in the block lattice. Srepresents a send
transaction, Rrepresents a receive transaction.
trusted [7], [10]. Bitcoin, Ethereum and Nano are all public
and permissionless solutions, and hereafter we discuss con-
sensus mechanisms for such environments.
A. Blockchain
For an entry to be appended to the ledger, consensus about
the entry needs to be reached in the network, that is, an
agreement must be reached regarding the validity of a new
entry that is to be appended to the ledger by all nodes. The
assumption is that a supermajority of nodes are honest and
Algorithms for achieving consensus with arbitrary faults
generally require some form of voting among a known set of
participants. One method, often referred to as the Nakamoto
consensus, elects a leader by some form of a lottery [11]. The
leader then proposes an entry that can be added to the ledger
containing a list of previously committed entries. The entries
are checked for validity by all other nodes and their consistent
ordering is verified. Both Bitcoin [2] and Ethereum [9] are
based on a lottery function called the Proof of Work (PoW)
(Ethereum has announced to support Proof of Stake (PoS) in
near future [12]). The elected leader broadcasts the new entry
to the rest of the participants who implicitly vote to accept
the entry by adding it to their local copy of the ledger, and
may propose subsequent transaction entries that build on the
ledger [11].
1) Proof of Work: In Proof of Work, the first participant
to successfully solve a cryptographic puzzle wins the leader-
election lottery. For example, Bitcoin uses partial hash inver-
sion as the cryptographic puzzle function. Partial hash inver-
sion requires that the hash of a block of transactions together
with a nonce (a free variable in the function) matches a certain
pattern. The pattern starts with at least a predefined number of
0 bits [2]. The function is difficult to solve intentionally since
to manipulate the ledger, an attacker would need to have the
supermajority of the computing power in the network, which
makes an attack expensive to perform. Nodes that generate
blocks in a Proof of Work driven systems are called miners
and the process is called mining. For the use of their resources,
miners are granted tokens in the network, as an economic
incentive to mine (Ether in Ethereum, Bitcoin in Bitcoin). If
there are no miners, no blocks can be mined and there is no
transaction throughput.
2) Proof of Stake: While miners in a PoW driven system
commit their computational resources to be elected for block
generation, in a PoS driven system users stake their tokens to
be able to create blocks. In Ethereum, PoS is implemented in
the form of a smart contract named Casper [12]. Validators
deposit their stake in the smart contract, which in turn picks
the validator allowed to create a block. The more tokens a
validator stakes, it has a higher chance to create the next block.
If an incorrect block is submitted (e.g., it contains double
spending transactions), the validator’s stake is burned, thus
penalizing the validator.
PoS has its advantages over PoW. Firstly, it consumes far
less electricity than PoW. For example, based on a recent
analysis, Bitcoin mining consumes more electricity in a year
that a selected set of 159 countries [13]). Secondly, attacks
on the network are easily penalized relative to PoW. After
an attack on a PoW driven network, the attacker still owns
the hardware used for the attack. In PoS, burning stake has
the same economic effect as dismantling an attackers mining
B. Directed Acyclic Graph
In Nano, there is no need for a leader election since users
are obligated to order their own transactions. PoW is still being
used, however not for the sake of leader election (since there
is none). In the context of Nano, PoW is used as a spam
protection measure to prevent over-generation of transactions
by a malicious user, similar to Hashcash [14]. However, a
different method for conflict resolution has been introduced,
a system of representatives. When an account is created, it
must choose a representative that can be to changed over time.
Representatives vote in order to resolve conflicts. Their votes
are weighted: a representative’s weight is calculated as the sum
of all balances for accounts that chose this representative. In
the case of a conflict, the wining transaction is the one that
gained the most votes with regards to the voters weight [4]. For
a transaction with no issues, no voting overhead is required.
A. Blockchain
As stated in Section III, PoW uses a stochastic process
which makes it impossible to know which node will be
elected as a leader. Furthermore, even though an entry has
been added to the ledger, there is no guarantee that it will
remain a valid entry. This seems to be counter intuitive to the
inherent feature of distributed ledger, immutability. However, it
is indeed expected that a ledger may find itself in a temporary
state where there are two different histories stored within the
ledger. This phenomena is called a soft fork [15] in blockchain.
The issue is eventually resolved by abandoning one version of
history over another.
Figure 4 depicts forks in a blockchain. A soft fork can occur
when two different blocks are created at roughly at the same
time. Due to network delays, some nodes will receive one
block over the other, resulting in a state where two blocks
claim the same predecessor. For the time being, nodes continue
to build the chain on top of their received blocks, effectively
creating two chains possibly containing conflicting transac-
tions. The problem resolves itself when a block is mined that
makes one chain longer than the other. The longer chain is
adopted, while the shorter one is discarded or orphaned, along
with all transactions within it. Orphaned transactions need to
be included in a new block.
Since a soft fork can occur at any time, if a block has been
appended to the chain, there is no guarantee that it will not get
orphaned. As the chain increases in length over the referent
block, the probability of the block being discarded decreases.
Depending on the implementation, there is a suggested number
of blocks that need to be appended above the referent one
before it is safe to say that it will remain in the chain with
great certainty. The number of appended blocks that guarantee
block inclusion with high probability are six for Bitcoin [12]
and five to eleven for Ethereum [16]. It is worth mentioning
that Ethereum is soon to introduce Casper FFG [17], a proof
of stake based finality system that is supposed to introduce
non-reversible checkpoints, guaranteeing block inclusion.
Fig. 4. Diagram demonstrating temporary Blockchain forks. The top chain
depicts a typical fork, while the bottom chain depicts an atypical fork.
B. Directed Acyclic Graph
In Nano, nodes can create transactions at their own dis-
cretion at any point in time. However, inconsistencies similar
to those in blockchain are still possible. For example, two
transactions may claim the same predecessor causing a fork
(forks in Nano are only possible as a result of a malicious
attack or bad programing) or a transaction may not have
been properly broadcasted, causing the network to ignore all
subsequent transactions on top of the missing block. When
an inconsistency occurs, representatives are called to vote
following the procedures explained in Section III-B.
It is important to note that even though a transaction may
be deemed settled, it is only confirmed when it receives
a majority vote for the send and receive transactions. Be-
side voting on conflicts, representatives vote automatically
on blocks they have not seen before. A representative that
sees a new transaction forwards the transaction with its vote-
signature attached if the transaction is valid. This means that
the network automatically broadcasts consensus information,
while the transaction is making its way through the network.
A feature that is supposed to be implemented in the future is
block-cementing which will prevent transactions from being
rolled back after a certain period of time, guaranteeing thus
transaction finality [4].
As every ledger contains all information since its genesis,
its size is constantly increasing. With further penetration of the
technology, the size will increase even faster. Bitcoin is esti-
mated to be 145,95 GB in size on 02.01.2018 [18], Ethereum
39.62 GB on 02.01.2018 [19]. Nano’s ledger size is 3.42GB
with around 6,700,078 blocks on 25.02.2018 [20][21]. In this
section we investigate how reference implementations tackle
the issue of increasing ledger size.
A. Blockchain
Bitcoin clients offer a pruning mode, allowing users to
delete raw block data after the entire ledger has been down-
loaded and validated, keeping only a small subset of the data.
The data is kept in order to be able to relay recent blocks
to peers and handle soft forks. The advantage of the method
is that disk space is saved. The downside is that other nodes
are no longer able to download the entire history of a pruned
node [22].
Similar to Bitcoin’s method of ledger pruning, Ethereum
offers a pruning mechanism. Ethereum keeps track of the
deltas in the global state maintained by a Merkle state tree. A
delta in a global state is the difference between two states of
the ledger. Changes made to the state are kept in the ledger in
the case of a soft fork, when a state needs to be rolled back,
and then updated correctly by the miners on the orphaned
branch. However, if one is not interested in past states, the
deltas can be discarded without harming the chain integrity. A
fast sync algorithm has been implemented to tackle this issue.
Instead of processing the entire blockchain one link at a time
and replaying all transactions that ever happened in history,
fast syncing downloads the transaction receipts along the
blocks, and pulls an entire recent state [23]. After downloading
a state which is recent enough (head of the chain - 1024 blocks,
also called the pivot point), the process is paused for state
sync where the Merkle state tree is downloaded from the pivot
point. For every account found in the tree, it’s contract code
and internal storage state tree is retrieved. From the pivot point
onward, all blocks are downloaded and the node continues its
usual operation. The result of the mechanism is a database
pruned of the state deltas.
B. Directed Acyclic Graph
Nano distinguishes between three types of nodes: historical
which keep record of all transactions, current which keep only
the head of account-chains, and light that do not hold any
ledger data and only observe or create new transactions (in
the current implementation, all nodes are historical nodes).
In order to reduce the ledger’s size, Nano plans to imple-
ment pruning. Since the accounts keep record of account bal-
ances instead of unspent transaction inputs, all other historical
data can be discarded to decrease ledger size. This feature is
yet to be implemented in 2018 [24].
One of the most relevant issues hindering global scale DLT
adoption is it’s scalability. At 05.01.2018. there were around
186,951 pending transactions in the Bitcoin network [18] and
around 22,473 pending in the Ethereum network [25]. This
section explains how the two technologies handle incoming
transactions in terms of scalability.
A. Blockchain
In order for a transaction to be included in a block (included
being different from confirmed, see Section IV-A), a block
must be created. A block is created every time when a PoW
puzzle is solved, a thus transaction rate is limited by the
periodicity at which blocks are created and also by the block
size. When increasing the number of nodes in the system, the
frequency of block creation does not increase significantly due
to the fact that the PoW puzzle difficulty is dynamic so that
the block generation time converges to a fixed value.
In Bitcoin, a block is mined roughly every 10 minutes
with a maximum block size of 1 MB, thereby limiting the
Bitcoin transaction rate to between 3 and 7 transactions per
second, depending on the size of individual transactions on
the blockchain [26] [27].
In Ethereum, a block is mined roughly every 15 sec-
onds [28] with a dynamic block size not measured in bytes
but rather in gas. Gas is the unit used to measure the fees
required for a particular computation [9]. In the context of
Ethereum block size, a measure called gas limit defines the
maximum amount of gas all transactions in the whole block
combined are allowed to consume. In contrast to Bitcoin, this
value is dynamic and will adapt to network conditions. This
enables Ethereum’s transaction rate to be roughly between
7 to 15 transactions per second [29]. The transition to PoS
should decrease Ethereums block generation time to 4 seconds
or lower [30]. However, this is still a rather limited block
generation rate.
Since Bitcoin and Ethereum are used for payments, it is
interesting to compare them with already existing payment
solutions, such as Visa which is able to process 56,000
transactions per second [31]. Note also that Ethereum has a
significant benefit compared to Bitcoin since it supports smart
contracts [9], which expands its potential to become a platform
rather than only a cryptocurrency.
A potential approach to improve scalability is to increase the
block size (be it in megabytes or in gas limit). Increasing the
block size also increases the maximum amount of transactions
that fit into a block, effectively increasing transaction rate.
However, the block size increase would eventually lead to
centralization due to the fact that consumer hardware would
become unable to process blocks leading to the network
relying on supercomputers [29]. One of such efforts is Seg-
wit2x [32] in Bitcoin which, among other features, tries to
increase the block size to 2MB.
Another approach is to create channels, scaling the trans-
action capacity. One such implementation is the Raiden Net-
work [33] on top of Ethereum or the Lightning Network [34]
on top of Bitcoin. The solution revolves around creating an
off chain channel to which a prepaid amount is locked in for
the lifetime of the channel. The involved parties are able to
run micro transactions at high volume and speed, avoiding
the transaction cap of the network. Any party may choose to
leave the channel, after which the final account balances are
recorded on chain and the channel is closed.
Another attempt to increase scaling in Ethereum is
Plasma [35]. The framework creates a nested blockchain struc-
ture by the use of smart contracts with a root chain being the
Ethereum main chain. Constraints and consensus mechanisms
are defined by a smart contract and based on PoS. Only Merkle
roots created in the sidechains are periodically broadcasted to
the main network during non-faulty states allowing scalable
transactions. For faulty states, stakeholders need to display
proof of fraud and the Byzantine node gets penalized. An
example network being written for the Plasma framework is
OmiseGO [36].
A more complex approach to further improve scalability
is sharding. Sharding splits the network in K partitions, no
longer forcing all nodes in the network to process all incoming
transactions. Every shard kK, in it’s simplest form, has
it’s own transaction history and the effects of a transition in
shard kwould effect only the state of k. In a more complex
scenario, cross shard communication is available, meaning
that for k, m K, k 6=ma transaction from kcan trigger
an event in m[29]. The downside of this approach is that
developers would need to be aware that they are programming
in a cross shard environment. The Ethereum foundation is
attempting to make cross shard communication transparent
for developers [29], which will in turn further increase the
complexity of the protocol.
B. Directed Acyclic Graph
Opposed to blockchain technology where dedicated valida-
tors must exist in order to generate and order blocks, a user in
Nano must sort his/her own transactions. This approach vastly
differs from the way transactions are executed on blockchain
systems. Namely, instead of having validating nodes charged
with transaction ordering, transaction ordering is done asyn-
chronously by the account owner being in charge of transaction
ordering. This approach greatly influences scalability. The con-
sequence of this design decision is that there is no inherent cap
in the transaction throughput in the protocol itself. However,
peak throughput on a test reached on the main network was
306 Transactions Per Second (TPS) with an average of 105.75
TPS [37]. The limit is currently determined by the quality of
consumer grade hardware and network conditions.
When comparing DAG and blockchain based ledgers, one
can conclude that DAG based ledgers store transactions as
edges in an directed acyclic graph while blockchains bundle
transactions in blocks and append blocks one after another.
Blockchain technology determines the global truth by choos-
ing a single branch that holds all the transactions. Global
truth and transaction ordering in public and permissionless
blockchains is generally done by some sort of leader election,
either using PoW or PoS. Leaders are elected stochastically
and the global truth is found in the longest chain, while
a shorter one is abandoned. Nano’s DAG abandons leader
election and delegates transaction ordering to users and their
representatives to resolve conflicts.
Due to the fact that a branch in a blockchain may become
orphaned, just the fact that a transaction is included in a
block doesn’t mean that it will remain in the ledger version
containing the global truth. For that reason, it is recommended
to wait for some number of blocks to be appended above the
referent one before concluding that it is confirmed. In Nano’s
DAG, a transaction is confirmed when there is a majority of
votes cast in favor of a transaction by the representatives.
Increased ledger size is a significant problem for all DLTs
and this issue is tackled by ledger pruning. The entire history is
federated to historical nodes while other nodes only maintain
a subset of historical data. Generally, a tradeoff between disk
space usage and historical data accessibility is being made.
A scalable DLT can be defined as a system where every
node does not need to process every transaction, and thus
existing DAG or blockchain implementations do not guar-
antee scalability per se. This paper describes how existing
blockchain and DAG implementations try to achieve scalabil-
ity: Blockchain solutions propose the following approaches:
increased block size, support of off-chain channels, hierarchi-
cal chains and ultimately sharding. DAGs can impove scala-
bility by coupling network usage and transaction verification,
meaning that a user must handle his/hers own transactions in
order to use the network. Even though theoretically uncapped
protocols for achieving global consensus exist (e.g. Nano’s
consensus protocol is theoretically uncapped while the Bitcoin
network creates a block every 10 minutes), one must take into
account real world limitations, e.g., network conditions and
processing power.
The authors would like to thank the Nano community for
their cooperation and responsiveness.
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... Scalability measurements were made: version 2 showed an average speed of 2,234 tps and version 3 -3,600 tps. The distributed protocol relies on the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) [15], [16] with rapid finality Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus. The launch of the public mainnet is scheduled for this autumn. ...
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Decentralized public platforms are becoming increasingly popular due to a growing number of applications for various areas ofbusiness, finance, and social life. Authorless nodes can easily join such networks without any confirmation, making a transparent system of rewards and punishments crucial for the self-sustainability of public platforms. To achieve this, a system for incentivizing and punishing Workers’ behavior should be tightly harmonized with the corresponding consensus protocol, taking into account all of its features, and facilitating a favorable and supportive environment with equal rights for all participants. The main purpose of re-wards is to incentivize Workers to follow the protocol properly, and to penalize them for any type of misbehavior. The issues of block rewarding and punishing in decentralized networks have been well studied, but the DAG referential structure of the distributed ledger forces us to design methods that are more relevant. Since referential structures cannot be reliably validated due to the fact that they are built on the basis of the instantaneous visibility of blocks by a certain node, we propose to set rewards for blocksin the DAG network based on the degree of confidence of topological structures. In doing so, all honest nodes make common decisions based only on information recorded into the ledger, without overloading the network with additional interactions, since such data are al-ways identical and available.The main goal of this work is to design a fair distribution of rewards among honest Workers and estab-lish values for penalties for faulty ones, to ensure the general economic equilibrium of the Waterfall platform. The proposedap-proach has a flexible and transparent architecture that allows for its use for a wide range of PoS-based consensus protocols. The core principles are that Workers' rewards depend on the importance of the conducted work for block producing and achieving consensusand their penalties must not be less than the potential profit from possible attacks. The incentivizing system can facilitate protection from various kinds of attacks, namely, so-called Nothing-at-stake, Rich-get-richer, Sybil, and Splitting attacks, and from some specif-ic threats related to a DAG structure.Keywords: Tokenomics;incentivizing; blockchain; directed acyclic graph; consensus protocolCopyright©Odessa Polytechnic National University, 2022. All rights reservedFor citation:Mazurok I., Leonchyk Y., Grybniak S., Nashyvan O., Masalskyi R.An incentive system for decentralized DAG-based platforms. Applied Aspects of Information Technology.2022; Vol.5No.3: 196–207. DOI: work deals with the incentivizationof nodes of the Waterfall platform to honestly perform their duties for achieving a sustainable, secure, and high-performing network, by driving behaviors of all participants with economic leverages. However, it can be considered as a standalone work thatpresents an incentive system that can be implemented, in part or in whole, to other Proof-of-Stake (PoS) [1] consensus protocols of decentralized networks. ©Mazurok I., Leonchyk Y., Grybniak S.,Nashyvan O., Masalskyi R., 2022The issues of creating a fair distribution of rewards among platform Workers and setting values of penalties are addressed in detail.The incentive mechanism is the backbone of any tokenomics system(tokenomics is a term that captures a token’s economics). Itshould facilitate nodes’ positive actions such as processing transactions,validating blocks,and finalizing the ledger.We should note that users can join or leave public networks at their own discretion. Obviously, ifrewards do not cover Workers’ expenditures or are distributed unfairly, honest participants have no incentive to participate in such a network. A good tokenomics practice includes buildingacommunityThis is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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We introduce Casper, a proof of stake-based finality system which overlays an existing proof of work blockchain. Casper is a partial consensus mechanism combining proof of stake algorithm research and Byzantine fault tolerant consensus theory. We introduce our system, prove some desirable features, and show defenses against long range revisions and catastrophic crashes. The Casper overlay provides almost any proof of work chain with additional protections against block reversions.
Conference Paper
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Most popular blockchain solutions rely on proof-of-work to guarantee that participants reach consensus on a unique block per index of the chain. As consensus is impossible in the general case, it seems that these blockchain systems require messages are delivered fast and no participant mines faster than the crowd. To date, no experimental settings have however been proposed to demonstrate this hypothesis. In this paper, we identify conditions under which these blockchain systems fail to ensure consensus and present a reproducible execution on our Ethereum private chain. To this end, we introduce the Blockchain Anomaly, the impossibility for the blockchain to guarantee that a committed transaction is not abortable. This anomaly may translate into dramatic consequences for the user of proof-of-work blockchains. Named after the infamous Paxos anomaly, this anomaly makes dependent transactions, like "Bob sends money to Carole after he received money from Alice" impossible and may lead to double spending. We also explain how the anomaly differs from a 51-percent attack and how one could avoid it by adapting the Ethereum implementation or by exploiting smart contracts.
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Hashcash was originally proposed as a mechanism to throttle systematic abuse of un-metered internet resources such as email, and anonymous remailers in May 1997. Five years on, this paper captures in one place the various applications, improvements suggested and related subsequent publications, and describes initial experience from experiments using hashcash.
Blockchain technologies are gaining massive momentum in the last few years. Blockchains are distributed ledgers that enable parties who do not fully trust each other to maintain a set of global states. The parties agree on the existence, values and histories of the states. As the technology landscape is expanding rapidly, it is both important and challenging to have a firm grasp of what the core technologies have to offer, especially with respect to their data processing capabilities. In this paper, we first survey the state of the art, focusing on private blockchains (in which parties are authenticated). We analyze both in-production and research systems in four dimensions: distributed ledger, cryptography, consensus protocol and smart contract. We then present BLOCKBENCH, a benchmarking framework for understanding performance of private blockchains against data processing workloads. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of three major blockchain systems based on BLOCKBENCH, namely Ethereum, Parity and Hyperledger Fabric. The results demonstrate several trade-offs in the design space, as well as big performance gaps between blockchain and database systems. Drawing from design principles of database systems, we discuss several research directions for bringing blockchain performance closer to the realm of databases.
Hash Functions Time-Stamp Proof-of-Work The Blockchain Double-Spend and Other Attacks Merkle Trees Scalability
The purpose of this paper is to explore applications of blockchain technology related to the 4th Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) and to present an example where blockchain is employed to facilitate machine-to-machine (M2M) interactions and establish a M2M electricity market in the context of the chemical industry. The presented scenario includes two electricity producers and one electricity consumer trading with each other over a blockchain. All participants are supplied with realistic data produced by process flow sheet models. This work contributes a proof-of-concept implementation of the scenario. Additionally, this paper describes and discusses the research and application landscape of blockchain technology in relation to the Industry 4.0. It concludes that this technology has significant under-researched potential to support and enhance the efficiency gains of the revolution and identifies areas for future research.
Conference Paper
Existing security mechanisms for managing the Internet infrastructural resources like IP addresses, AS numbers, BGP advertisements and DNS mappings rely on a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that can be potentially compromised by state actors and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). Ideally the Internet infrastructure needs a distributed and tamper-resistant resource management framework which cannot be subverted by any single entity. A secure, distributed ledger enables such a mechanism and the blockchain is the best known example of distributed ledgers. In this paper, we propose the use of a blockchain based mechanism to secure the Internet BGP and DNS infrastructure. While the blockchain has scaling issues to be overcome, the key advantages of such an approach include the elimination of any PKI-like root of trust, a verifiable and distributed transaction history log, multi-signature based authorizations for enhanced security, easy extensibility and scriptable programmability to secure new types of Internet resources and potential for a built in cryptocurrency. A tamper resistant DNS infrastructure also ensures that it is not possible for the application level PKI to spoof HTTPS traffic.
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.
Bitcoin ' s Academic Pedigree
  • B Y A Narayanan
  • J Clark
  • I F Y O U Have
B. Y. A. Narayanan, J. Clark, and I. F. Y. O. U. Have, "Bitcoin ' s Academic Pedigree," Communications of the Acm, vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 36-45, 2017. [Online]. Available:{&}coll= portal{&}dl=ACM{&}CFID=1011196797{&}CFTOKEN=79862492
A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform
  • V Buterin
V. Buterin, "A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform," Etherum, no. January, pp. 1-36, 2014. [Online].