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Relationship between Self-Esteem and Social Anxiety: Role of Social
Connectedness as a Mediator
Mahmooda Fatima, Sadia Niazi, & Saba Ghayas
Department of Psychology,
University of Sargodha,
The present study was designed to investigate the role of social connectedness as a mediator in relation between
self-esteem and social anxiety. A purposive sample of 150 men and 150 women was drawn from Sargodha city.
Urdu translated Social Connectedness Scale-Revised (Fatima, 2014), Urdu Translated Liebowitz Social Anxiety
Scale (Shahid, 2012) and Urdu Translated Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Sardar, 1998), were used to measure
social connectedness, social anxiety and self-esteem respectively. Results revealed that self-esteem positively
and significantly predicted social connectedness and it significantly negatively predicted social anxiety.
Mediation analysis demonstrated that the relationship between self-esteem and social anxiety was fully
mediated by social connectedness. Results also revealed that self-esteem and social connectedness were high in
women than men while level of social anxiety was found to be higher among men as compared to women.
Implications of the research have been discussed.
Keywords: self-esteem, social anxiety, social connectedness, mediation
Self-esteem refers to views and values assigned to self, and
includes individual’s personal feelings toward self that result from
awareness in making judgments on different aspects of the self
(Stryker, 2002). These feelings and their assessments influence the
reactions towards different aspects of life. Terror management
theory proposes that self-esteem plays a vital role in reducing social
anxiety because it performs a buffering role in the life of individuals
(Loudin, Loukas, & Robinson, 2003; Pyszczynski et al., 2004;
Orth, Robins, & Meier, 2009).
People with low self-esteem demonstrate lack of confidence,
uncertainty, and experience negative feelings and maladjustment
more frequently than people with higher self-esteem. Individuals
with low self-esteem usually try to blame others for their failures
rather than taking responsibility for their own actions (Tracy &
Robins, 2003).Ultimately, this results in a tendency to avoid people,
new settings and a general social disconnectedness leading to
increased rates of social anxiety (Biemans, Halteren, Dijk,
Rijckenberg, & Poortinga, 2008). It has been reported that people
with low self-esteem are less friendly with reduced communications
to other people making it possible to develop adequate and close
relationships (e.g., family, friends and romantic relationships), and
are emotionally less expressive, revealing less information about
themselves (Cuming & Rapee, 2010).Social anxiety is a
multidimensional construct, which can arise from discrepancies in
others and one’s own perception about themself.
Studies show that social connectedness is strongly associated
with the level of self-esteem (Ashida & Heaney, 2008). Twenge and
Campbell (2002) reported a negative relation between social
connectedness and levels of anxiety. Social networks and social ties
have positive role in decreasing symptoms of emotional misery
including depression and anxiety, by making individual more
involved in their society (Williams & Galliher, 2006).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Saba
Ghayas, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of
Sargodha (Pakistan), Email:
Relationships and associations with others leads one to a sense of
being a valuable part of society and motivats them towards building
communities, culture and work for the welfare of others (Capon &
Blakely, 2007). Giordano and Lindstorm (2010) suggest that high
level of social connectedness improves physical and psychological
wellbeing. It leads to good relationships with others that provide
social support and satisfaction, which ultimately decreases different
types of psychological problems. Social connectedness is important
for development; individuals feel supported with a sense of
association and connectedness in their surroundings, which is one of
the essential psychological need required for better psychological
development and well-being (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Social
connectedness is negatively linked with anxiety and shields impact
of anxiety, as it creates confidence in individuals to deal with others
and with social settings ultimately reducing their level of anxiety
(Mashek, Stuewig, Furukawa & Tangney, 2006). It has been
recognized that individuals with close social ties and close relations
have protective buffer against anxiety (Stevenson & Zimmerman,
Lee, Dean and Jung (2008) proposed that social connectedness
plays a significant role of mediator in the relationship between self-
esteem and social anxiety. Research gives idea that people who are
sociable and participate in community will probably take part in
voluntary activities and help other people. Social disconnectedness
create anxiety, individual’s feels uneasiness in social settings and
have a fear of judgment and evaluation. It makes them unable to
move and work legitimately in their community.
According to Biemans et al. (2008), high self-esteem leads
individuals to feel confident and as a result they can effectively deal
with the all the type of situations, ultimately decreasing the chances
of social anxiety. Self-esteem works as a sociometery that provides
an individual with a sense of being loved and appreciated by people.
Therefore, when they feel less valued they feel less socially
connected, which leads to isolation, lonliness and social anxiety.
Previously it is consistently proved that self-esteem and social
connectedness help in decreasing different type of mental health
problems (Dang, 2014; Foster et al., 2017; Lee, Draper, & Lee,
Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
2017, Vol. 15, No.2, 12-17
Men and women differ in the way they value their self, and
develop and shape relationships. Women compare themselves with
others women more than men and this might reduce their level of
self-esteem (Martinez & Dukes, 1991; Rapee & Spence, 2004;
Sotelo, 2000). On similar lines, girls report larger fears, more
separation anxiety, and elevated levels of generalized anxiety as
compared to men (Angold, 2002). Women twice than men undergo
depression and anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety
disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias (Kessler, 1994).
Moller, Fouladi, MaCarthy and Hatch (2003) found women report
higher levels of social connectedness than men. Women and girls
were very likely to describe them as “connected self” including
response to others on their own terms caring and interdependence
(Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, & Tarule, 1986).
Study of Lee and Robins (1998) found that social connectedness
is positively correlated with self-esteem and negatively correlated
with anxiety. Moreover their findings revealed that same
relationships were found among men and women. The present study
aimed at exploring relationship between self-esteem and social
anxiety and furthermore the mediating role of social connectedness.
In Pakistan, a large number of researches have been directed on
aforementioned variables i.e., role of self-esteem in producing
social anxiety in adolescents (Bano, et al., 2013), self-esteem of
students and their perception of teacher behaviour (Ismail &
Majeed, 2011), relationship of low self-esteem deficits with
tendency to suicide (Rizwan, 2010), level of anxiety in high school
students (Deb, Chatterjee, & Walsh, 2010). However, these
variables are not studied in combination. Also studies on self-
esteem, social anxiety and social connectedness have been
conducted (Bano & Ahmad, 2013; Ismail & Majeed, 2011; Rizwan,
2010), however all previous studies explored only direct effect of
variables on the social anxiety but not an indirect effect. Keeping
this in view the present research aims to investigate these variables
in combination and relationship between them.
The present study aimed at assessing the relationship among self-
esteem, social connectedness and social anxiety. Its salient goal is to
examine the mediating role of social connectedness in relationship
between self-esteem and social anxiety. The selection of mediator
was made on the basis of literature which provides evidence for
covariates of relationship between variables of present study. This
model was already explored by Lee, Dean and Jung (2008) but
current study helped in getting idea about the relationship of these
variables regarding Pakistani population who have a different
cultural context.
These objectives are based on the review of literature and are
briefly phrased as follows:
1. To assess the relationship between self-esteem, social
connectedness and social anxiety.
2. To find out the mediating role of social connectedness in
predicting social anxiety on the basis of self-esteem and social
3. To measure gender differences in all variables of the study.
Based on literature above (e.g. Biemans et al., 2008; Lee, Dean &
Jung, 2008) we hypothesize that self-esteem would significantly
negatively predict social anxiety and social connectedness
significantly and negatively predict social anxiety. In other words,
part of social anxiety would be mediated and explained by social
connectedness. Self-esteem would significantly positively predict of
social connectedness. On the basis of literature (Angold, 2002;
Martinez & Dukes, 1991; Rapee & Spence, 2004) it is hypothesized
that there would be significant gender differences in the variables of
current study.
A convenient sample comprised of 150 men & 150 women taken
from Sargodha city. Married and unmarried participants both were
given equal representation in the sample. All men were
professionals and were working in public and private sector; while
working (n=50) and non-working (n=100) both were given
representation. Age of the participants ranged from 22 to 55 years
(M=38.00, SD=7.10) and had a minimum of eight years of school
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Urdu version of
Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (Sardar, 1998) was used to measure
levels of self-esteem in the participants. The scale comprised 10-
items having 4-point Likert-type scale i.e., “1=strongly agree
“4=strongly disagree”. The item no 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 are positive items
and 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 are reversely scored items. Scale demonstrated
good reliability and validity. Indices of test-re-test reliability ranged
from .82 to .88 and reported range of Cronbach’s alpha is .77 to .88
(Rosenberg, 1965). Internal consistency of Urdu translated scale
was .86 (Sardar, 1998)
Social Connectedness Scale-Revised (SCS-R). Social
connectedness was measured by Urdu version of SCS-R (Fatima,
2014). The scale comprised of 20 items using a 6-point Likert-type
scale in which response format is from 1=strongly disagree to
6=strongly agree. Scores range from 20 to 120. The reported
reliability coefficient of SCS-R is .94 (Lee, 2001). Reliability of
Urdu translated version was .89 (Fatima, 2014)
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS). Liebowitz (1987)
designed LSAS with 24-items. In the current study Urdu version of
LSAS was used (Shahid, 2012). It is commonly used as self-report
measure of social anxiety; it contains items depicting different
social situations. For each situation individual rates their level of
anxiety. Items are divided into two subscales: Social Interaction and
Performance Situation. The overall score is calculated by summing
the scores on six subscales (total fear, total avoidance, and fear of
social situations, fear of performance situations, avoidance of social
situations and avoidance of performance situations). Alpha
reliability for LSAS total score was reported to be .96 and the
reliability of the Urdu version was alpha = .87.
In order to collect the data participants were contacted at various
places for instance, their residence, and workplace etc. They were
briefed about the main purpose of study. After taking their informed
consent questionnaires were given to the willing participants. All
the queries regarding questionnaire and research purpose were are
solved and they were requested for accurate response.
Confidentiality of the obtained data was ensured to the participants.
In order to test the hypotheses of current study analysis was
carried out through SPSS. Hierarchical regression analysis was used
to test mediation and t-test was applied to test the hypothesis
regarding gender based differences in all variables.
Table 1
Descriptive, Psychometric Properties and Inter Scale Correlations
of Variables (N = 300)
Note. SE = self-esteem; SC = social connectedness; SA = social
anxiety. Standard deviations appear in parentheses below means.
**p< .01
Table 1 shows satisfactory index of mean, standard deviation,
alpha reliability coefficient and correlation for all the constructs
used in the current study. Table 1 shows that self-esteem and social
connectedness are positively correlated, while both are negatively
correlated with social anxiety.
Table 2
Predictors of Social Anxiety (N = 300)
Predictor Variables
Note. SE = self-esteem; SC = social connectedness
***p< .001
In Table 2 simple linear regression suggested that self-esteem
negatively predicts social anxiety (β = -.52, t = -10.47, p < .001) and
explained 27% variance in social anxiety {R2=.27, F(1, 298) =
109.59, p < .001}, while social connectedness also negatively
predicts social anxiety (β = -.85, t = -27.49, p < .001) and explained
72 % variance in it {R2 =.72, F(1, 298) = 755.86, p < .001}.
Table 3
Self Esteem as a Predictor of Social Connectedness (N = 300)
Predictor Variables
Note. SE = self-esteem
***p< .001
Table 3 indicates that self-esteem positively predicts social
connectedness (β = .57, t = 11.89, p < .001) and explains 32%
variance in social connectedness {R2= .32, F (1, 298) = 141.4, p <
Table 4
Hierarchical Regression for Social Connectedness, Mediating the
Relationship between Self-Esteem and Social Anxiety (N=300).
Step I
Step II
Total R2
***p< .001
Table 4 illustrates meditating impact of social connectedness
between the relationship of self-esteem and social anxiety. For
mediation three conditions must be fulfilled. The first condition is
that self-esteem is showing significant negative prediction of social
anxiety (β = -.52, t = -10.47, p <. 001), {F (1, 298) = 109.59, p <
.001} with 27% variance in social anxiety (R2 = .27). Second
condition is tested in which social connectedness is significantly
predicting social anxiety in negative direction (β = -.85, t = -27.49,
p < .001), {F (1, 298) = 755.86, p < .001}. This model explains
72% variance in social anxiety (R2 = .72.). Last condition is the
prediction of social connectedness by self-esteem which is also
found positively significant (β = .57, t = 11.89, p <. 001), {F (1,
298) = 144.10, p < .001} with 32% variance in social anxiety (R2 =
The final indication of mediation is clear as self-esteem which is
significant predictor of social anxiety (β = -.52, t = -10.47, p< .001)
becomes non-significant predictor of social anxiety (β = -.06, t = -
1.51, p> .05) when social connectedness was entered into the
model. Thus, findings indicate that social connectedness (β = -.82, t
= -21.84, p< .001) fully mediates the relationship among self-
esteem and social anxiety at {∆R2 = .45, F(1, 297) = 476.78, p<
.001}. This meditational model is further determined on the basis of
Sobel’s test (1986) for finding the significance of mediation which
proved to be significant with 55.1% variance in social anxiety
described by self-esteem is attributable to the mediational effect of
social connectedness. The hypothesis is supported that social
connectedness is mediating the relationship among self-esteem and
social anxiety and indirectly predicting social anxiety (Sobel’s Z=-
10.901, p < .001). The figure presented below represents the
mediation analysis with its significant path coefficients.
Table 5
Gender Differences on Study Variables (N=300)
Men(n = 150)
Women(n = 150)
Cohen’s d
Note. SE = self-esteem; SC = social connectedness; SA = social anxiety. Standard deviations appear in parentheses below means.
*p< .001
Figure 1. Social connectedness mediating the relationship between self-esteem and social anxiety.
Table 5 portrays significant gender differences in self-esteem,
social connectedness and social anxiety. Furthermore, the values of
Mean and SD of women and men are reflecting that level of self-
esteem and social connectedness is high in women than men. The
table also showed high level of social anxiety in men as compared
to women.
Analysis of the data revealed that self-esteem negatively
(significantly) predicted social anxiety (See Table 3) and supported
the first hypothesis that self-esteem provides a buffer against
anxiety (Crocker & Park, 2004; Pyszczynski et al., 2004). Results
also supported the second hypothesis that self-esteem significantly
positively predicted social connectedness (See Table 4). The results
are consistent with previous findings on the inter-relationship
between the variables, as Lasgaard and Elklit (2009) reported low
self-esteemed people try to be socially isolated and experience
diminished social connections and support. Alsosocial groups and
social ties have a positive effect on psychological wellbeing
decreasing the anxiety, mental health issues, and other signs of
emotional misery (Donald, Dower, Correa-Velez & Jones, 2006).
The present study revealed social connectedness fully mediated
self-esteem and social anxiety. These results are in line with the
results of study conducted by William and Gallaher (2006), as their
findings revealed that social connectedness play an important role
in connecting self-esteem with mental health of participants.
Similarly, previously it was maintained that social connectedness is
positively linked with self-esteem and negatively related to social
anxiety (Lee, Dean & Jung, 2008). Similarly other studies reported
that social connectedness improved self-esteem (Cacioppo &
Hawkley, 2003), reducing levels of social anxiety (Ashida &
Heaney, 2008). In contrast, low level of social connectedness, has
multiple negative outcomes for example, higher level of social
isolation, lead to greater signs of social anxiety and lower level of
self-esteem, in contrast to individuals with larger social networks
(Kim & Subramanian, 2006). People who are more involved in their
community services, interact with others have positive impact on
their personalities. Social involvement decreases their level of
social anxiety and also enhances their self-esteem (Mitchell &
LaGory, 2002). Yousaf and Li (2015) conducted a research on
Pakistani sample and reported that people in this culture had a keen
desire to belong to others in order to evaluate them favourably. This
tendency can be driving force for increasing self-esteem and
decreasing self-anxiety.
Results of the present study revealed significant gender
differences in social connectedness, social anxiety and self-esteem.
These findings are supported by pertinent literature (Sprecher,
Brooks, & Avogo, 2013). Bosak, Neff, and Schyns, (2004) reported
that men valued high self-esteem in each and every life matters such
as achievement and job satisfaction as compared to women. Keller,
Meier, Gross and Semmer (2013) suggested that self-esteem enable
people to use a variety of skills and attribute accomplishments to
them. Men are generally considered dominating and achievement-
oriented as compared to women, who are nurturing and socially
sensitive, and are caring with kind attributes. These attributes make
them socially connected more than men (Sczesny, Bosak, Neff, &
Schyns, 2004). Similarly, Moller, Fouladi, MaCarthy and Hatch
(2003) suggested that women reported higher levels of social
connectedness than men because they have sharing nature so have
more friends than men. On the other hand Azher, Khan, and Salim
(2014) reported high level of social anxiety in men than women.
Conclusions, Limitation and Implications
Since the study is based on a correlational design, so causal
connection among study variables cannot not be assumed. In future
research, true experimental research design should be utilized to
study causal relationships between these variables. As the measures
used in the current study were self- report, so it might cause social
desirability so it is suggested for future researchers to add some
measure of social desirability to control this element.
The present study has several implications for research and
practice. The present study clarified the role of social connectedness
in relation between self-esteem and social anxiety. These findings
can help counsellors and psychologists, dealing with socially
anxious people in various fields of life. They can design various
interventions or strategies to enhance self-esteem by guiding people
to improve their social involvement, and enable people to ultimately
cope with social anxiety.
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Received: 25th May, 2017
Revisions Received: 23rd November, 2017