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Extended Abstract 1. Introduction Psychiatric disorders have a high prevalence and impose a huge burden to societies all over the world. Despite the recent trend to develop community-based psychiatry services, hospital-based services are still an inevitable part of treatment process, especially for patients in acute phases. Nowadays, interventions focusing on the transition phase from inpatient to outpatient are gaining increasing attention. Each patient, after discharge from psychiatric inpatient ward, needs to be monitored for optimum adherence to outpatient pharmacological and non-pharmacological services. Discharge planning is a dynamic, collaborative and comprehensive process, which is aimed to promote the continuity of care after discharge and providing necessary services and support to the client and his/her caregivers. Recently, the efficacy of discharge planning has been shown in multiple studies on factors like re-admission, treatment adherence, length of stay, treatment costs, symptoms resolution and patients’ quality of life. In line with the above, we decided to develop and implement a discharge planning service in Roozbeh Hospital. 2. Method We used an evidence-based service development model which contained five steps, including needs assessment, situation analysis, cost-effectiveness evaluation, prioritization and structural design. In the first step, the researchers must perform a comprehensive review of literature in the target field, to estimate the level of necessity of the service for their goal. The second step contains the assessment of the current level of the services provided in the field, based on some standard indices. Cost-Effectiveness study of the service comes after that, and in the fourth step the researcher must prioritize the possible suggested interventions based on indicators like the burden of disease, cost-effectiveness, feasibility and affordability. At the end, developing the service structure, process and details would happen. This is worth to mention that some authors refer to the fourth and fifth steps together as the implementation phase. Implementation is also defined as a series of specific activities directed to make a program with specific features work. This process contains determining the criteria for staff selection and education, providing pre-requisites, forms and devices, determining the data registry system, providing educational material, and choosing the corresponded and coordinator individuals for each step. The review of literature has been performed using international scientific databases including Medline, Elsevier and Cochrane; and domestic databases including Noormags, Magiran, SID and Medlib. The search performed on keywords including discharge planning, patient management, case management, service development, service implementation, and service planning, in English and Persian, with no time or study design restriction. 3. Results In brief, the majority of references found the discharge planning service efficient on improving factors like re-admission rate, treatment adherence, length of stay, costs of the treatment, symptom resolution, quality of life, suicide rate, and patients’ satisfaction. Needs assessment studies and situation analysis showed that Roozbeh Hospital had some deficits in both measured indicators. Based on the Health Information System of the hospital, we reviewed the adherence of the discharged patients to their outpatient visit, with more than half (56%) of the patients had no outpatient follow-up visit after discharge, and 37% had come just one time. Although 44% of our patients showed some degrees of follow-up visit adherence and it is about the average (21-76%) in other centers, this could be improved up to 47-95% like the centers developed discharge planning services. The other indicator was the length of stay, and its mean in Roozbeh Hospital (Based on the HIS data) was 28 days, and is above the national average (20.7 days), and far from other countries like Belgium (10.2 days), Italy (13.9 days) and Turkey (15 days). In the next step, prioritization among possible interventions and designing the structure and details of this service in Roozbeh Hospital performed based on special needs of the center and feasibility of services, considering the principles mentioned in the literature such as continuity of care, availability of the service, comprehensiveness of domains, maximal patient and his/her family collaboration, and the patients’ individuality. Finally, a discharge planning program designed which includes following steps: patient data registration, needs assessment, coordinating services and checklists of the services. Although the discharge planning is a team-based service which includes the psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, nurse, day center staff, and surely the patient and his/her caregivers, every patient would have a specific contact-person called treatment mediator, whom is one of the nurses of the admission ward. The content of discharge planning service in the time of admission ideally includes four sessions. The session zero contains welcoming the patient by the nurse and reminding the ward rules. The first session would be on needs assessment and planning for them, and the second session would be on specific educations for the patient and the caregivers. In the last session at the time of discharge, the forms and checklists will be fulfilled. 4. Discussion Discharge planning service development is proven to be efficient in many ways, and even seems to be an ethical necessity. We had some limitations in our study such as lacking a good relationship with extra-organizational structures and social support systems, and having no prior experience in this field in the country. Meanwhile, the results of integration of the service in other services of the hospital would be gathered and published later. Development and implementation of the discharge planning service has been performed for the first time in Iran, in Roozbeh Hospital and requires to be evaluated and revised continuously, and we hope that this program be prominent to other psychiatric inpatient centers and also higher order mental health organizations. Acknowledgements This paper was extracted from the PhD dissertation of the first author in Psychiatry and Psychology Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. We wish to thank Dr. Zahra Mirsepasi, Dr. Valentin Artounian, Dr. Fatemeh Ranjbar-Kermani and the staff of Roozbeh Hospital day center for their invaluable contribution in our study. Conflict of Interest The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Spring 2018, Volume 24, Number 1
Iranian Journal of
Research Paper
Development and Implementaon of Discharge Planning Service in Roozbeh Hospital
1. Resident of Psychiatry, Psychiatry and Psychology Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2. Psychiatrist, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Psychiatry and Psychology Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3. Child and Adolescents Psychiatrist, Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Psychology Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
4. Psychiatrist, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Iranian Naonal Center for Addicon Studies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Hamidreza Toughi1, Vandad Shari2, Javad Alaghband-Rad3, *Behrang Shadloo4
Objecves Discharge Planning is a dynamic, collaborave and comprehensive process which is aimed to
promote the connuity of care aer discharge and providing necessary services and support to the client
and his/her caregivers. Recently, the ecacy of discharge planning has been shown in mulple studies
on factors like re-admission, treatment adherence, length of stay, treatment costs, symptoms resoluon
and paents’ quality of life.
Methods We used an evidence-based service development model which contained ve steps, including
needs assessment, situaon analysis, cost-eecveness evaluaon, priorizaon and structural design.
Results Needs assessment studies and situaon analysis showed that Roozbeh Hospital had some de-
cits in adherence to outpaent visit and length of stay indices. In the next step, priorizaon among pos-
sible intervenons and designing the structure and details of this service in Roozbeh Hospital performed
based on the principles menoned in the literature, needs of the center and feasibility of services, and
nally a comprehensive, collaborave and connuous program designed which includes some steps
which are paent data registraon, needs assessment, coordinang services and checklists of the aairs.
Conclusion Development and implementaon of the discharge planning service has been performed as
the rst one in Iran, in Roozbeh Hospital and requires to be evaluated and revised connuously, and we
hope that this program be prominent to other psychiatric inpaent centers and also higher order mental
health organizaons.
Key words:
Mental disorders,
Paent discharge,
Health services
Received: 07 Nov. 2016
Accepted: 19 Jun. 2017
Extended Abract
1. Introduction
sychiatric disorders have a high prevalence
and impose a huge burden to societies all over
the world. Despite the recent trend to develop
community-based psychiatry services, hospi-
tal-based services are ill an inevitable part of
treatment process, especially for patients in acute phases.
Nowadays, interventions focusing on the transition phase
from inpatient to outpatient are gaining increasing atten-
tion. Each patient, after discharge from psychiatric inpa-
tient ward, needs to be monitored for optimum adherence
to outpatient pharmacological and non-pharmacological
services. Discharge planning is a dynamic, collaborative
and comprehensive process, which is aimed to promote the
continuity of care after discharge and providing necessary
services and support to the client and his/her caregivers. Re-
cently, the ecacy of discharge planning has been shown
in multiple udies on factors like re-admission, treatment
adherence, length of ay, treatment cos, symptoms reso-
* Corresponding Author:
Behrang Shadloo, MD
Address: Department of Psychiatry, Iranian Naonal Center for Addicon Studies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Tel: +98 (21) 55421155
Toughi H, Shari V, Alaghband-Rad J, Shadloo B. [Development and Implementation of Discharge Planning
Service in Roozbeh Hospital (Persian)]. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 2018; 24(1):56-69. https://doi.
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and read the arcle online
Spring 2018, Volume 24, Number 1
Iranian Journal of
lution and patients’ quality of life. In line with the above,
we decided to develop and implement a discharge planning
service in Roozbeh Hospital.
2. Method
We used an evidence-based service development model
which contained ve eps, including needs assessment, sit-
uation analysis, co-eectiveness evaluation, prioritization
and ructural design. In the r ep, the researchers mu
perform a comprehensive review of literature in the target
eld, to eimate the level of necessity of the service for
their goal. The second ep contains the assessment of the
current level of the services provided in the eld, based on
some andard indices. Co-Eectiveness udy of the ser-
vice comes after that, and in the fourth ep the researcher
mu prioritize the possible suggeed interventions based
on indicators like the burden of disease, co-eectiveness,
feasibility and aordability.
At the end, developing the service ructure, process
and details would happen. This is worth to mention that
some authors refer to the fourth and fth eps together
as the implementation phase. Implementation is also de-
ned as a series of specic activities directed to make a
program with specic features work. This process con-
tains determining the criteria for a selection and edu-
cation, providing pre-requisites, forms and devices, de-
termining the data regiry syem, providing educational
material, and choosing the corresponded and coordinator
individuals for each ep. The review of literature has
been performed using international scientic databases
including Medline, Elsevier and Cochrane; and domes-
tic databases including Noormags, Magiran, SID and
Medlib. The search performed on keywords including
discharge planning, patient management, case manage-
ment, service development, service implementation, and
service planning, in English and Persian, with no time or
udy design reriction.
3. Results
In brief, the majority of references found the discharge
planning service ecient on improving factors like re-ad-
mission rate, treatment adherence, length of ay, cos of
the treatment, symptom resolution, quality of life, suicide
rate, and patients’ satisfaction. Needs assessment udies
and situation analysis showed that Roozbeh Hospital had
some decits in both measured indicators. Based on the
Health Information Syem of the hospital, we reviewed the
adherence of the discharged patients to their outpatient visit,
with more than half (56%) of the patients had no outpatient
follow-up visit after discharge, and 37% had come ju one
time. Although 44% of our patients showed some degrees
of follow-up visit adherence and it is about the average (21-
76%) in other centers, this could be improved up to 47-95%
like the centers developed discharge planning services. The
other indicator was the length of ay, and its mean in Rooz-
beh Hospital (Based on the HIS data) was 28 days, and is
above the national average (20.7 days), and far from other
countries like Belgium (10.2 days), Italy (13.9 days) and
Turkey (15 days).
In the next ep, prioritization among possible interven-
tions and designing the ructure and details of this service
in Roozbeh Hospital performed based on special needs of
the center and feasibility of services, considering the prin-
ciples mentioned in the literature such as continuity of care,
availability of the service, comprehensiveness of domains,
maximal patient and his/her family collaboration, and the
patients’ individuality. Finally, a discharge planning pro-
gram designed which includes following eps: patient data
regiration, needs assessment, coordinating services and
checklis of the services. Although the discharge planning
is a team-based service which includes the psychiatri, psy-
chologi, social worker, nurse, day center a, and surely
the patient and his/her caregivers, every patient would have
a specic contact-person called treatment mediator, whom
is one of the nurses of the admission ward.
The content of discharge planning service in the time of
admission ideally includes four sessions. The session zero
contains welcoming the patient by the nurse and reminding
the ward rules. The r session would be on needs assess-
ment and planning for them, and the second session would
be on specic educations for the patient and the caregivers.
In the la session at the time of discharge, the forms and
checklis will be fullled.
4. Discussion
Discharge planning service development is proven to
be ecient in many ways, and even seems to be an ethi-
cal necessity. We had some limitations in our udy such
as lacking a good relationship with extra-organizational
ructures and social support syems, and having no
prior experience in this eld in the country. Meanwhile,
the results of integration of the service in other ser-
vices of the hospital would be gathered and published
later. Development and implementation of the discharge
planning service has been performed for the r time in
Iran, in Roozbeh Hospital and requires to be evaluated
and revised continuously, and we hope that this program
be prominent to other psychiatric inpatient centers and
also higher order mental health organizations.
Toughi H, et al. Development and Implementation of Discharge Planning Service in Roozbeh Hospital. IJPCP. 2018; 24(1):56-69.
Spring 2018, Volume 24, Number 1
Iranian Journal of
Ethical Considerations
This paper was extracted from the PhD dissertation of the
r author in Psychiatry and Psychology Research Center,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Conict of Intere
The authors declare no conict of intere.
We wish to thank Dr. Zahra Mirsepasi, Dr. Valentin Artou-
nian, Dr. Fatemeh Ranjbar-Kermani and the a of Rooz-
beh Hospital day center for their invaluable contribution in
our udy.
Toughi H, et al. Development and Implementation of Discharge Planning Service in Roozbeh Hospital. IJPCP. 2018; 24(1):56-69.
  
1. Burden of Diseases
      
      
2. Connuity of care
3. Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC)
4. Day Centers
5. Discharge Planning Services
   
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       
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          
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 
     
         
  
6. Caregivers
7. Deinstuonalizaon
8. Evidence Based
 
  
       
     
       
9. Cost-Eecveness
10. Implementaon
11. Medline
12. Elsevier
13. Cochrane
14. hp://
15. hp://
16. hp://
17. hp://
18. Case management
 
  
        
   
   
   
   
     
19. A small reducon
20. High level of evidence
21. Literature review
22. Consensus statement
23. Descripve studies
 
       
         
       
 
 
 
      
      
24. Adherence
25. Hospital Informaon System (HIS)
       
   
26. World Health Organizaon Assessment Instrument for Men-
tal Health Systems (WHO-AIMS)
 
       
Cuel, 2002 [31]
Forchuk, 2005
2000 [33]
Naji, 1999 [34]
Naoki, 2002 [35]
Nelson, 2014 [24]
Olfson, 1998 [36]
Orlosky, 2007
Reynolds, 2004
Sharma, 1995
Shaw, 2000 [21]
Swanson, 1999
1. Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT); 2. Controlled Clinical Trial (CCT); 3. Randomized Trial (RT)
 
       
       
   
 
27. Case management
       
        
       
 
 
 
       
  
  
       
        
   
   
      
 
28. Case manager
29. Incident report
    
        
      
   
     
   SMI 
         
  
  «»
 
30. Severe mental illness
31. Day Center (DC)
32. Telephone Follow up (TF)
33. Home Visit (HV)
34. SMS reminder
    
      
       
35. Global Assessment of Funconing (GAF)
36. Role play
37. Focused group sessions
 
      
       
      
 
        
        
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       
      
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... This will reduce the patient's anxiety and bring them to the highest level of health or activity. One of the key activities to achieving care continuity is to design a m-Health self-care application as a wide range of time-limited services (17,18). It is possible to prevent the mentioned complications by diagnosing the patient's educational needs and designing an appropriate self-care application with features such as medication, healthy diet, physical activities, individual counseling for patients and their monitoring (18). ...
... One of the key activities to achieving care continuity is to design a m-Health self-care application as a wide range of time-limited services (17,18). It is possible to prevent the mentioned complications by diagnosing the patient's educational needs and designing an appropriate self-care application with features such as medication, healthy diet, physical activities, individual counseling for patients and their monitoring (18). Researches (19,20) show that educating patients to discharge and provide health care services at home as a team can be very effective in reducing health care costs in the country. ...
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Background: The prevalence of kidney stones reduces the patients’ quality of life and imposes high costs on patients and health care system. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is a safe procedure to treat urinary stones. Appropriate strategies such as self-care programs can effectively reduce the prevalence and recurrence of this disease, and increase quality of life, save costs, and prevent diseases by increasing patient participation. The aim of this study is to design and implement a web-based self-care application for patients with kidney stones undergoing extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Methods: This paper is an applied study and was performed in Sabalan Hospital in Ardabil affiliated to the Social Security Organization of Iran in three stages including needs assessment, design and evaluation. For needs assessment and application design, a questionnaire was designed by searching library resources. The questionnaire was completed by clinical specialists and specialists in health information management and information technology. Then, based on the approved information elements and capabilities, a web-based self-care application was designed. The usability of the designed program was evaluated with the participation of 20 users. Results: The results of the survey showed that the experts confirmed all the identified items and components, and considered them necessary. Users rated the usability of the self-care program at a good level with an average score of 7.9 out of 9. Conclusion: The usability of the self-care application was satisfactory to users in various areas of overall application performance, screen, terminology and information, learning and general impressions.
... Pelaksanaan discharge planning sangat penting bagi keberlangsungan perawatan kesehatan, dan menjadi suatu implementasi yang harus dilaksanakan oleh perawat dengan baik, namun dalam pelaksanaan discharge planning dirumah sakit berdasarkan penelitian di luar negeri, penelitian yang dilakukan Graham (2013) bahwa sebanyak 23% perawat di Sydney, Australia belum melaksanan discharge planning dengan baik karena kurangnya kepatuhan perawat, dan penelitian yang dilakukan Morris et al.(2012) bahwa sebanyak 34 % perawat di Inggris tidak melakukan discharge planning dengan optimal dikarenakan kurangnya komunikasi perawat dan jumlah pegawai yang tidak memadai dan hubungan yang buruk dengan lembaga eksternal, serta berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan Gholizadeh (2015) di Iran menyatakan discharge planning belum menjadi prioritas dalam sistem kesehatan Iran karena tenaga kerja yang sedikit dan beban kerja yang banyak, dan penelitian yang dilakukan Toufighi et al. (2018) di Iran menyatakan bahwa ada kekurang patuhan pasien rawat jalan dan lama rawat inap dirumah sakit Roozbeh, sehingga perlunya pengembangan dan pelaksananan discharge planning yang menjadi hal utama sedangkan di Indonesia, penelitian yang dilakukan Zuhra (2016) di Yogyakarta bahwa 60% perawat melaksanakan discharge planning dengan kurang baik dikarenakan perawat hanya melakukan discharge planning di akhir dan hanya melakukan tindakan yang pentingpenting saja tanpa memperhatikan secara detail dari tindakan discharge planning. Penelitian yang dilakukan Okatiranti (2015) di Bandung menunjukkan 54% perawat tidak melaksanakan discharge planning dengan baik dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan dan sikap perawat yang tidak mendukung pelaksanaan discharge planning, sedangkan penelitian yang dilakukan Rezkiki & Fardilah (2019) di ruang rawat inap Embun Suri RSUD dr Achmad Mochtar Bukit Tinggi bahwa 50.3% perawat tidak melaksakan discharge planning secara optimal dikarenakan perawat hanya melakukan tindakan yang penting-penting saja tanpa memperhatikan secara detail dari tindakan discharge planning. ...
Discharge planning merupakan suatu proses dimulai pasien menerima pelayanan kesehatan yang diikuti dengan kesinambungan perawatan baik dalam proses penyembuhan maupun dalam mempertahankan derajat kesehatan sampai pasien merasa siap untuk kembali kelingkungannya, dan juga merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Dengan adanya discharge planning dapat mengurangi hari /lama perawatan pasien, mencegah kekambuhan, meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan pasien dan menurunkan angka mortalitas dan morbilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan pelaksanaan discharge planning diruang rawat inap RSUD Dumai. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan menggunakan uji Chi square. Sampel berjumlah 96 perawat pelaksana. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah Propotional Stratified Random Sampling. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagian besar perawat kurang baik dalam pelaksanaan discharge planning yaitu 72.9%. sebagian besar pengetahuan perawat kurang baik yaitu 89.6%. Hasil uji analisis menunjukan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor pengetahuan dengan pelaksanaan discharge planning (p=0.199 Kata Kunci : Discharge Planning, Pengetahuan.
... [5] Comprehensive discharge planning is a dynamic, continuous, and participatory process that should begin at the time of admission and aims to define the process of follow-up after discharge and provide the necessary support and care for patients and caregivers. [6] Various factors must be integrated to run an effective post-discharge follow-up program. Some studies pointed out to necessary interventions in the process of patient transition [7] continuing the treatment and have a care plan [8] also family involvement. ...
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BACKGROUND Mental illness is one of the most common problems in human societies and the continuation of care and post-discharge follow-up. This study was conducted to define a post-discharge follow-up framework for Farabi Hospital in Isfahan. MATERIAL AND METHODS This was a multistage study, including, interviews literature review, and focus group discussions. Participants included 18 purposefully selected nurses, physicians, and managers, directly involved in the discharge process of Farabi Hospital in Isfahan. The interviews were semi-structured. Data were organized using MAXQDA10 software. The initial framework was set through the extraction of semantic main and secondary codes. The framework was finalized through three several focus group discussion sessions. RESULTS Results included of 17 sub-categories and seven main categories as “education,” organizational arrangement,” “team-building,” “patient and family participation and trust,” “engaging some supportive institutions of community,” “process management” and “information management.” CONCLUSIONS To implement a post-discharge follow-up system for psychiatric patients in Farabi Hospital of Isfahan must be concentrated to patient and family education, team building, organizational arrangements, participation, and trust of patients and family, while engaging community health centers and notice to information and management and process management.
... 4 Discharge planning is a dynamic, comprehensive and collaborative process which aims to encourage an individual to continue his/her care after discharge and to ensure that the caregiver can also provide the necessary service and support. 5 A well-planned discharge education ensures a decrease in the duration of hospital stay and an increase in the quality of care both in hospital and at home, resulting in improved patient satisfaction. 6 The use of a clinical assessment tool to evaluate patient readiness for discharge has been recommended as an addition to standard care for discharge preparation. ...
... Pelaksanaan discharge planning sangat penting bagi keberlangsungan perawatan kesehatan, dan menjadi suatu implementasi yang harus dilaksanakan oleh perawat dengan baik, namun dalam pelaksanaan discharge planning dirumah sakit berdasarkan penelitian di luar negeri, penelitian yang dilakukan Graham (2013) bahwa sebanyak 23% perawat di Sydney, Australia belum melaksanan discharge planning dengan baik karena kurangnya kepatuhan perawat, dan penelitian yang dilakukan Morris et al.(2012) bahwa sebanyak 34 % perawat di Inggris tidak melakukan discharge planning dengan optimal dikarenakan kurangnya komunikasi perawat dan jumlah pegawai yang tidak memadai dan hubungan yang buruk dengan lembaga eksternal, serta berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan Gholizadeh (2015) di Iran menyatakan discharge planning belum menjadi prioritas dalam sistem kesehatan Iran karena tenaga kerja yang sedikit dan beban kerja yang banyak, dan penelitian yang dilakukan Toufighi et al. (2018) di Iran menyatakan bahwa ada kekurang patuhan pasien rawat jalan dan lama rawat inap dirumah sakit Roozbeh, sehingga perlunya pengembangan dan pelaksananan discharge planning yang menjadi hal utama sedangkan di Indonesia, penelitian yang dilakukan Zuhra (2016) di Yogyakarta bahwa 60% perawat melaksanakan discharge planning dengan kurang baik dikarenakan perawat hanya melakukan discharge planning di akhir dan hanya melakukan tindakan yang penting-penting saja tanpa memperhatikan secara detail dari tindakan discharge planning. Penelitian yang dilakukan Okatiranti (2015) di Bandung menunjukkan 54% perawat tidak melaksanakan discharge planning dengan baik dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan dan sikap perawat yang tidak mendukung pelaksanaan discharge planning, sedangkan penelitian yang dilakukan Rezkiki & Fardilah (2019) di ruang rawat inap Embun Suri RSUD dr Achmad Mochtar Bukit Tinggi bahwa 50.3% perawat tidak melaksakan discharge planning secara optimal dikarenakan perawat hanya melakukan tindakan yang penting-penting saja tanpa memperhatikan secara detail dari tindakan discharge planning. ...
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Discharge planning is a process that begins with the patient receiving health services followed by continuity of care both in the healing process and in maintaining the degree of health until the patient feels ready to return to his environment, and is also an important part of the implementation of nursing care. With the discharge planning can reduce the days / length of patient care, prevent recurrence, improve the patient's health condition and reduce mortality and morbidity. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and the implementation of discharge planning in the inpatient room of Dumai Hospital. The design of this study was cross sectional using the Chi square test. The sample consisted of 96 nurses. The sample technique used is proportional stratified random sampling. The results showed that most of the nurses were not good at discharge planning, namely 72.9%. Most of the nurses' knowledge was not good, namely 89.6%. The results of the analysis test showed that there was no significant relationship between the knowledge factor and the implementation of discharge planning (p = 0.199).
... Studies have shown that effective discharge planning encourages patients to go home and proceeds with good home care 1,2 . Several studies reported that an effective discharge planning system plays an important role in improving the quality of patient care, such as patients' satisfaction 3 , caregiver's satisfaction 4 , reduced length of hospital stay and readmission rates 5,6 and improved functional status 7,8 . ...
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Introduction: Patients' transition from hospital to home could be challenging for patients and caregivers. This is of utmost importance for patients requiring special or long-term care such as post-orthopaedic surgery. Effective discharge planning is required to ensure that patients are prepared to and get continuous care after returning home to prevent complications. Patients' need assessment is essential to develop effective discharge planning to meet the patient's needs. Materials and methods: This mixed-method study aimed to determine the patient's needs to develop a discharge planning for total knee replacement surgery. The needs for 96 total knee replacement patients were assessed using the Needs Evaluation Questionnaire (NEQ). The in-depth interview primary focus was to explore the lived experience of the post-total knee replacement patients receiving care in the hospital. Results: A total of 96 participants (100%) completed the NEQ questionnaire. Most of the needs concerned by the participants were expressed by at least 70% of them except the financial need (59.4%). The semi-structured interview found two elements which were a support group and patients' needs in terms of emotional, physical and spiritual preparation in developing effective discharge planning. Conclusion: This study clarified that the patient needs assessment in the patient care plan.
Background and purpose: Comprehensive discharge program refers to providing education, follow -up and continuity of care. This issue is one of the requirements for the effectiveness of treatment in patients with mental health diseases. This study aimed at investigating post discharge follow -up challenges in psychiatric patients in Isfahan Farabi Hospital, 2021. Materials and methods: A qualitative study with Conventional Content Analysis approach was conducted by interviewing 13 nurses, physicians, managers, and hospital discharge staff who were purposefully selected. Sampling was performed until reaching data saturation. Data were analyzed using MAXQDA V10. Results: Findings were organized into 32 Semantic codes and three main categories that each included two subcategories: I. Patient and Disease Challenges (nature of disease and patient/family condition), II. Hospital and Health System Challenges (hospital policy and procedures and poor intersectoral communication), and III. Socio -Economic Challenges (lack of social support and financial problems). Conclusion: Effective follow -up of psychiatric patients is faced with some problems such as insufficient insurance coverage, lack of awareness of families, and lack of a thorough follow -up process. Meanwhile, poor social services and supporting institutions contribute to aggravation of disease and hospital readmission.
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Background: Kidney stone is the third most common, painful and costly problem among diseases of the urinary system after urinary tract infections and prostate diseases. The prevalence of kidney stones reduces the patient's quality of life and imposes high costs on patients and health care system. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is a safe procedure to treat urinary stones. Appropriate strategies like self-care programs can effectively reduce the prevalence and recurrence of this disease, and increase quality of life, save costs, and prevent disease by increasing patient participation. The aim of this study is to design and implement a web-based self-care application for patients with kidney stones undergoing extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Methods: This paper is an applied study and was performed in Sabalan Hospital in Ardabil affiliated to the Social Security Organization of Iran in three stages including needs assessment, design and evaluation. For needs assessment and application design, a questionnaire was designed by searching library resources. The questionnaire was completed by clinical specialists and specialists in health information management and information technology. Then, based on the approved information elements and capabilities, a web-based self-care application was designed. The usability of the designed program was evaluated with the participation of 20 users. Results: The results of the survey showed that the experts confirmed all identified items and components, and considered them necessary. Users rated the usability of the self-care program at a good level with an average score of 7.9 out of 9. Conclusions: The usability of the self-care application was satisfactory to users in various areas of overall application performance, screen, terminology and information, learning and general impressions.
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Background Teaching interns patient-centered communication skills, including making structured telephone calls to patients following discharge, may improve transitions of care. Objective To explore associations between a patient-centered care (PCC) curriculum and patients’ perspectives of the quality of transitional care. Methods We implemented a novel PCC curriculum on one of four inpatient general medicine resident teaching teams in which interns make post-discharge telephone calls to patients, contact outpatient providers, perform medication adherence reviews, and engage in patient-centered discharge planning. Between July and November of 2011, we conducted telephone surveys of patients from all four teaching teams within 30 days of discharge. In addition to asking if patients received a call from their hospital physician (intern), we administered the 3-Item Care Transitions Measure (CTM-3), which assesses patients’ perceptions of preparedness for the transition from hospital to home (possible score range 0–100). Results The CTM-3 scores (mean±SD) of PCC team patients and standard team patients were not significantly different (82.4±17.3 vs. 79.6±17.6, p=0.53). However, regardless of team assignment, patients who reported receiving a post-discharge telephone call had significantly higher CTM-3 scores than those who did not (84.7±16.0 vs. 78.2±17.4, p=0.03). Interns exposed to the PCC curriculum called their patients after discharge more often than interns never exposed (OR=2.78, 95% CI [1.25, 6.18], p=0.013). Conclusions The post-discharge telephone call, one element of PCC, was associated with higher CTM-3 scores – which, in turn, have been shown to lessen patients’ risk of emergency department visits within 30 days of discharge.
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No national information is available on the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders in Iran for the last decade. To estimate the 12-month prevalence of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) psychiatric disorders in Iranian population, and to investigate the severity and correlates of psychiatric disorders. The Iranian Mental Health Survey (IranMHS) was a nationally representative face-to-face household survey with a multistage, cluster sampling design that was carried out in 2011. A total of 7886 community dwelling residents aged 15-64 were recruited. 12-month diagnoses of DSM-IV psychiatric disorders including mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders were assessed using a validated Persian translation of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI; version 2.1). The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders (SCID-I) was administered by a psychiatrist on subjects screened positive for the presence of a psychotic disorder. The severity of psychiatric disorders was determined using criteria that included markers for disability, particular diagnoses and suicide attempts. The response rate was 86.2%. The 12-month weighted prevalence of "any psychiatric disorder" was 23.6% [95% confidence interval (CI): 22.4-24.8] with 26.5% of women and 20.8% of men having one or more psychiatric disorders. The most common category of psychiatric disorders was any anxiety disorder (15.6%) and the most prevalent particular disorder was major depressive disorder (12.7%), followed by generalized anxiety disorder (5.2%) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (5.1%). A 12-month psychotic disorder was observed in 0.5% of the population (95% CI: 0.33-0.66). Almost two-thirds (63.8%) of individuals with a mental disorder had moderate or serious illness. Unemployment, being widowed/divorced and urban living were associated with a greater likelihood of 12-month disorders; while, higher socioeconomic status and having a university degree were associated with a lower likelihood. The high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, particularly major depression, merits further attention in the country's mental health policy and program planning.
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Non-communicable diseases have been established as a clear threat not only to human health, but also to development and economic growth. Claiming 63% of all deaths, these diseases are currently the world’s main killer. Eighty percent of these deaths now occur in low- and middle-income countries. Half of those who die of chronic non-communicable diseases are in the prime of their productive years, and thus, the disability imposed and the lives lost are also endangering industry competitiveness across borders.
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Caring letters is a suicide prevention intervention that entails the sending of brief messages that espouse caring concern to patients following discharge from treatment. First tested more than four decades ago, this intervention is one of the only interventions shown in a randomized controlled trial to reduce suicide mortality rates. Due to elevated suicide risk among patients following psychiatric hospitalization and the steady increase in suicide rates among U.S. military personnel, it is imperative to test interventions that may help prevent suicide among high-risk military personnel and veterans. This paper describes the design, methods, study protocol, and regulatory implementation processes for a multi-site randomized controlled trial that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a caring emails intervention for suicide prevention in the military and VA Healthcare Systems. The primary outcome is suicide mortality rates to be determined 24 months post-discharge from index hospital stay. Healthcare re-utilization rates will also be evaluated and comprehensive data will be collected regarding suicide risk factors. Recommendations for navigating the military and VA research regulatory processes and implementing a multi-site clinical trial at military and VA hospitals are discussed.
It is imperative that communication between secondary and primary care is optimal at the time of discharge, thereby reducing the risk of relapse and readmission. In a pragmatic randomized controlled trial, 343 patients were randomly allocated to a novel discharge protocol or to conventional discharge. The novel discharge incorporated telephoning the patient's general practitioner (GP) and arranging a GP appointment for that patient. Comparisons were made in terms of readmission within 6 months, mental health status, the speed and frequency of contact with services and appropriate continuation of medication, GPs and psychiatrists mere interviewed to elicit views of the two discharge procedures. There were no differences in mental health status at 1 month, numbers of patients readmitted, speed of contact with primary care, appropriate continuation of medication or absolute numbers of GP appointments. However, patients in the novel discharge group had more GP consultations related to mental health and a smaller proportion had hospital out-patient appointments. Ten (63%) GPs and eight (47%) psychiatrists preferred the novel protocol. The main perceived benefits were increased and up-to-date information received by GPs and the facilitation of contact between care sectors. Reservations were centred upon the practical difficulties of making and receiving telephone calls - the cost per patient of implementing the protocol was £1.14. Thus, useful benefits accrued from the introduction of the novel protocol at little cost and a possible saving in hospital out-patient costs. These advantages might be enhanced if the practical difficulties of implementation can be overcome.
Objective. To evaluate the effect of pharmacy discharge planning on the pharmaceutical care issues experienced by discharged mental health patients. Method. 97 patients recruited from three acute-admission psychiatric wards were randomly allocated to either an intervention group (receiving a baseline pharmaceutical needs assessment, information about medicines and then a pharmacy discharge plan sent to their community pharmacy) or a control group (no such additional pharmaceutical care). Domiciliary visits were carried out at one, four and 12 weeks post-discharge and medicine knowledge and the number and types of medication problems experienced were assessed at each visit. Community pharmacists were questioned about problems with individual prescriptions and use of the discharge plan, where relevant, after each domiciliary visit. Key findings. There was no significant difference between the groups in baseline medicine knowledge. One week post-discharge, both groups showed significant (P < 0.002) improvement in knowledge of medication from baseline and this improvement was maintained at 12 weeks. No significant difference was found between knowledge scores for the two groups on any occasion. Fewer medication problems were recorded for the intervention group. There was a trend for reduced readmissions for the intervention group, but this was not statistically significant (P = 0.065) Community pharmacists in receipt of plans were more likely to identify problems than other pharmacists. Conclusions. Further work is needed to evaluate whether the effectiveness of pharmacy discharge planning may be improved by providing information to general practitioners and community psychiatric nurses in addition to community pharmacists, as in this study.
To identify the evidence base related to discharge planning in the context of acute and community mental healthcare service provision to ascertain the need for future research. Discharge planning is an important activity when preparing consumers to transition from hospital to home. The efficiency of discharge planning for consumers living with a mental health issue can influence both the number of future readmissions to acute-care facilities and their quality of life at home. An integrative review of the peer-reviewed literature. This review uses specific search terms and a 21-year time frame to search two key nursing databases CINAHL (Cinahl Information Systems, Glendale, CA, USA) and PSYCHINFO (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA) for research reports investigating the substantive area of enquiry. Hand searches of reference lists and author searches were also conducted. Nineteen peer-reviewed journal articles met the inclusion criteria for this review. Research findings about discharge planning for people living with a mental health issue identify the importance of communication between health professionals, consumers and their families to maximise the effectiveness of this process. The complexity of consumer's healthcare needs influences the discharge planning process and impacts on aftercare compliance and readmission rates. There is a limited amount of research findings relating to differences between health professionals and families' perceptions of the level of information required for effective discharge planning, and the appropriate level of involvement of individuals living with a mental health issue in their own discharge planning. Results from this integrative review will inform future research related to this topic. Discharge planning for consumers living with a mental health issue involves many stakeholders who have different expectations regarding the type of information required and the necessary level of involvement of people living with a mental health issue in this process. Comprehensive discharge planning can result in reduced readmissions to both acute and community mental health services. Understanding the impact of effective communication on the outcomes of discharge planning is an important step in promoting success.