
Sports practice, leisure-Time activities, and notion of physical education in schoolchildren from A Coruña

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This research aims to define the most popular sports in a sample of schoolchildren, and to relate sports practice levels with the level of effort implicated, the kind of leisure-Time activities, and the notion about Physical Education (PE). A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 818 students of third cycle of Primary Education from the province of A Coruña (Spain). Gender representation was 52% for boys and 48% for girls, with age range between 10 and 13 years old (M = 11,17; SD = 0,44). The instrument employed was an Ad-Hoc questionnaire for recording sociodemographic factors and sports-related variables. Results show that one out of ten schoolchildren does not practice any sport, whilst collective sports with contact, mainly played in a federated way, are the most practiced. Football and water sports were the most popular, whereas track and field and cycling were the least practiced. Furthermore, the time spent on sports practice was positively related with leisure-Time sports and perceived aptitude towards PE, and negatively correlated with digital leisure time. The level of effort involved in sports was negatively correlated with sport leisure time, notion of PE, and perceived aptitude towards PE. Finally, sports leisure time was found to have a negative relation with academic and digital leisure times, as well as a positive relation with the notion of PE and perceived aptitude towards PE. © Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF).

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... It is also emphasized that these positive effects persist over both the short-and long-term, with sustained practice participants also emphasizing that experience with water sports encourages ongoing or occasional practice of these activities beyond the time spent in their classes, making programs a unique opportunity for leisure activities. In fact, authors such as [50] point out the positive relationship between participating in these activities in the classroom and engaging them in leisure time. ...
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This study focuses on the analysis of nautical activities in school environments. The primary objective is to highlight the pivotal role of educators in optimizing the benefits and mitigating the risks associated with water activities in educational settings. To achieve this goal, ten interviews were conducted, evenly distributed among men and women from different countries who work in nautical activities with students in aquatic settings. Additionally, the Delphi method was employed to validate the interviews with expert opinions in the field from a group of nine experts. The analysis of the interviews revealed three significant dimensions, including safety, benefits, and sports-related aspects. The results demonstrate that nautical activities offer physical and cognitive benefits, promote ecological awareness, and foster values such as group cohesion, leadership, and respect. Furthermore, these activities have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of participants, encouraging socialization and conflict resolution. In conclusion, nautical activities in school environments provide a wide range of benefits but require continuous attention in terms of safety and adaptation for individuals with disabilities. These findings underscore the importance of promoting these practices as an integral part of the school curriculum.
... Kim, Cardinal y Yun (2015) señalan que la motivación es una variable fundamental en la adolescencia para la práctica de actividad física de forma regular y la adquisición de estilos de vida activos. Dicha motivación dependerá tanto de aspectos individuales como de creencias y valores, así como de la influencia social que puede potenciar o inhibir la motivación del sujeto (Cuberos et al., 2017). ...
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Se pretenden analizar los motivos de práctica de actividad física extraescolar en estudiantes de secundaria, con el fin de obtener información útil para crear programas más motivantes y atractivos para ellos, favoreciendo su adherencia a la actividad física y el mantenimiento de hábitos saludables. Para ello, se ha utilizado como instrumento el Autoinforme de Motivación para la Práctica del Ejercicio Físico, versión española adaptada por Capdevila, Niñerola y Pintanel (2004), con una muestra de 97 sujetos. Tras el análisis, los resultados muestran que los factores de prevención y salud positiva, bienestar y diversión, y fuerza y resistencia muscular son los más valorados, indistintamente del género, curso o si son activos o no, mientras que el reconocimiento social y urgencias de salud son los factores menos valorados en todos los grupos. En cuanto a las comparativas, existen diferencias en función del género en el factor competición, mientras que en función del curso los alumnos de 1º de la E.S.O. muestran un interés significativamente mayor que el resto en la variable de peso e imagen corporal. En cuanto a la práctica de actividad física, quienes la realizan valoran más los factores de diversión y bienestar, competición, fuerza y resistencia muscular y desafío.
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El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar las capacidades físicas condicionales como fuerza y velocidad a fin de mejorar la condición física de los estudiantes, motivándolos a realizar cualquier tipo de actividad que conlleve movimiento personal como por diversión. El juego fue la pieza fundamental para llevar a cabo esta investigación, donde se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo y el tipo de investigación fue la observación cuantitativa con un enfoque descriptivo por las cifras utilizadas; el instrumento utilizado fue la prueba de aptitud física otorgada por el INEFI, esta mide las capacidades físicas condicionales y también utiliza la estatura y el peso, conjunto con la edad para medir el IMC de la persona. Los resultados sugieren que, si los niños tienen dificultad para desarrollar las capacidades físicas de fuerza y velocidad, pero a través del juego recreativo, se puede mejorar. Como conclusiones, el estudio muestra que los juegos recreativos son una estrategia efectiva para mejorar las capacidades físicas, como la fuerza y la velocidad, en niños y niñas. A través de actividades lúdicas y divertidas, los niños pueden desarrollar su potencial físico de una manera motivadora y estimulante. Además, el juego enriquece al discente en el ámbito cognitivo, social, familiar y cultural, debido a que permiten que hasta que las niñas que son las menos motivadas a la hora de realizar la actividad física sean las primeras que participar.
The generation of physical-sports habits that last throughout life is one of the main challenges that physical education teachers experience during their classes; thus, it is important to know what factors affect the generation of these habits. Therefore, the objectives of this research are: (1) to analyse which aspects of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) exhibit a higher level of correlation with the intention of students to be physically active once they finish their academic training and (2) to determine whether the environment of physical-sports practice by students (fathers, mothers, siblings, and friends) as well as other related factors affect this intention. Thus, a sample of 230 middle and high school students with an average age of 15.79 (SD = 1.05) years old was analysed using a questionnaire with previously validated scales as the measurement instrument. The results indicate that all TPB variables are correlated in a positive and significant way (p< 0.05) with the intention of being physically active; athletic identity exhibits greater correlation (r = 0.79) followed by the control of perceived behaviour (r = 0.40); siblings are the most influential element of the students' environment, and both their activity and that of parents and their equals cause the existence of significant differences in some variables related to the continuity of sport. Finally, a number of practical implications are proposed for physical education teachers, which provide relevant information for the education and sport field.
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