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Male infertility can range from neurohormonal imbalances, reproductive tissue disruptions, qualitative and quantitative deterioration of semen to sexual behavioral problems. The global deterioration of male reproductive health is a major concern and the modern therapeutic approaches to combat male infertility are expensive, less accessible, have long term treatment tenure and possess various side effects. Whereas, the herbal therapies, are better positioned to offer more holistic approaches to improve male reproductive health. In Ayurvedic pharmacology, there exists a special group of herbs, classified as vajikarana or aphrodisiacs, which nourishes and stimulates the sexual tissues. This review concentrates on the Ayurvedic approach to ameliorate male reproductive health referring to some of the most important scientifically tested herbs which have been reported to accentuate male fertility by imposing either stimulating or nourishing effects on the male reproductive organs.
Review Article
Journal of Pregnancy and Reproduction
J Pregnancy Reprod , 2018 doi: 10.15761/JPR.1000128 Volume 2(1): 1-6
ISSN: 2515-1665
Medicinal herbs in the management of male infertility
Sulagna Dutta and Pallav Sengupta*
Department of Physiology, MAHSA University, Malaysia
Male infertility can range from neurohormonal imbalances, reproductive tissue disruptions, qualitative and quantitative deterioration of semen to sexual behavioral
problems. e global deterioration of male reproductive health is a major concern and the modern therapeutic approaches to combat male infertility are expensive,
less accessible, have long term treatment tenure and possess various side eects. Whereas, the herbal therapies, are better positioned to oer more holistic approaches
to improve male reproductive health. In Ayurvedic pharmacology, there exists a special group of herbs, classied as vajikarana or aphrodisiacs, which nourishes and
stimulates the sexual tissues. is review concentrates on the Ayurvedic approach to ameliorate male reproductive health referring to some of the most important
scientically tested herbs which have been reported to accentuate male fertility by imposing either stimulating or nourishing eects on the male reproductive organs.
Correspondence to: Pallav Sengupta, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Department of
Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, MAHSA University, Jalan SP 2, Jalan Saujana
Putra, 42610, Jenjarum, Selangor, Malaysia, Phone: +60 17 4523 780 E-mail:
Key words: aphrodisiac, erectile dysfunction, male infertility, testosterone
Received: February 03, 2018; Accepted: February 25, 2018; Published: February
28, 2018
Organisms strive to exist and preserve own genetic characteristics
through subsequent progenies owing to their reproductive potencies.
In this aspect, human being is one of the most successful survivors
on earth. But the present scenario is alarming, as besides female
reproductive complications and dysfunctions, male reproductive
health is suering a deteriorating trend throughout the globe [1-
6]. Sexual dysfunction, an earnest medical issue marring social and
biological relationships, occurs in 25%-63% of women and 10%-52%
in men. Sexual dysfunction in men can be explained as the failure to
accomplish normal sexual intercourse, inability to respond to erectile
stimuli or sustain an erection, retarded ejaculation, decreased libido,
unregulated sexual behavior etc. [7]. Innumerable synthetic products
are abundantly oating in the global market with quick remedial
claims. But most of them are associated with suppressing symptoms
and side eects [8]. ereby people are again oriented back to herbal
and ayurvedic aphrodisiacs having the holistic approach to cure male
reproductive problems from the root of the causes.
Aphrodisiacs, agents to arouse sexual desire and performance, when
derived from herbs, have been observed to directly been able to excite
male sexual libido, contribute to sustenance of reproductive activities,
restore healthy tissue functioning and also aid the neuroendocrine
regulation for exhibiting required sexual strength with content state of
mind and body [9]. is review, with the aim to highlight the healthy long-
term remedy of male sexual problems, concentrates on the scientically
tested herbs which have been reported to accentuate male fertility.
Overview of male reproductive disruptions
Standard clinical and laboratory evaluations are not enough to
nd out the causes behind most of the male infertility cases [10]. It
can range from hormonal or neuronal imbalances, reproductive tissue
disruptions to qualitative and quantitative deterioration of semen.
Oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a major
causative factor in male infertility [11,12]. e mature spermatozoa
are encased in polyunsaturated lipid membrane which is vulnerable to
the oxidative damage induced by ROS, and this, in turn, can impair
spermatogenesis and reduce sperm quality, motility and morphology
[10,14]. e regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG)
axis is the main controller of male reproductive function where the
hypothalamus produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
to stimulate the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinizing hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary. e secreted FSH
and LH act on the Sertoli cells and Leydig cells, respectively to stimulate
spermatogenesis and testosterone [11,14,15]. Spermatogenesis is
regulated by well-maintained crosstalk of FSH, LH, intratesticular
testosterone and other hormones. ereby, HPG axis disruptions are
detrimental to semen parameters [16,17].
Reproductive endocrinologist opts for injectable medications
including recombinant FSH, human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG),
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and gonadotropin-releasing
hormone (GnRH) to treat men with abnormal semen parameters. An
oral medication, Clomiphene citrate which is an estrogen receptor
antagonist, is also given to the patient in order stimulate gonadotropin
release from the pituitary. But these options are expensive, less
accessible, having long term treatment tenure and possess various side-
eects [18]. Whereas, the herbal therapies, are better positioned to oer
more holistic approaches to improve male reproductive health.
Dutta S (2018) Medicinal herbs in the management of male infertility
Volume 2(1): 2-6
J Pregnancy Reprod , 2018 doi: 10.15761/JPR.1000128
Herbal therapy and male reproductive health
According to the Ayurvedic concept, health depends upon balance
between three fundamental bodily bio-elements or doshas referred to as
Vata, Pitta and Kapha [19]
Vāt a or Vat a (airy element), characterised by dry, cold, light,
minute, and movement.
Pitta (ery element) or bile, owing through the liver and
permeating the overall heating of the body.
Kapha (watery element) is characterised by heaviness, cold,
tenderness, slowness, lubrication, nutrient carrier, nourishment.
In Ayurvedic pharmacology, there exists a special group belonging
to rasayana herbs, classied as vajikarana, that aid nourishment and
also stimulate the sexual tissues. Moreover, they also help to promote
beauty and sex appeal. Further classications of herbs that increase
spermatogenesis, are known as shukrala. With the knowledge of the
possible causes and factors leading to male infertility, the appropriate
herb can be selected to meet the need [19].
In Sanskrit ‘vaji’ and ‘karana’ mean ‘horse’ and ‘power’ respectively,
in order to convey the notion about the power or strength that a horse
possesses. ese are the herbs which can be referred to in Western
term as aphrodisiacs. Vajikarana herbs can be used as stimulants or
tonics to improve male reproductive vitality. Stimulants to reproductive
functions are typically heating substances like fenugreek, garlic,
damiana, and onion. ey have an invigorating action on the male
sexual organs. Tonics provide better nourishment to the reproductive
tissues to rejuvenate the quality and quantity of the same. Some herbs
have both stimulating as well as nourishing properties, such as garlic,
fenugreek, shilajit, and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).
e Ayurvedic herbal drugs can be classied in varied ways, and
one such simplied classication according to their functions on male
reproductive health is as follows [20]:
Herbs increasing the quantity of semen or stimulating semen
production, for example, Polygonatum verticillatum, Mucuna pruriens,
Microstylis wallichii, Roscoea procera, and Asparagus racemosus.
Herbs purifying and improving semen quality, for example,
Vetiveria zizanioides, Saussurea lappa, Myrica nagi, Sesamum indicum,
and Anthocephalus cadamba.
Herbs rejuvenating ejaculatory functions, for example, Strychnos
nux vomica, Myristica fragrans, Cannabis sativa, and Cassia
Herbs improving sustenance and ejaculatory performance, for
example, Cinnamomum tamala, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Sida cordifolia,
Asparagus racemosus, Mucuna pruriens, and Cannabis sativum.
Herbs increasing libido, namely, Asparagus racemosus, Withania
somnifera, Datura stramonium, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Hibiscus
abelmoschus, and Opium.
Some common Ayurvedic herbs to improve male
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
In Sanskrit, ashwagandha refers to ‘the smell of a horse’, owing to its
root’s strong odor resembling that of horse urine. Another reason for its
naming for mythological comparison of the sexual vitality it may impart
to men with that of a horse. Innumerable benecial qualities to alleviate
male reproductive disorders including induction of spermatogenesis,
improved blood ow to the reproductive tissues and regulated
endocrine functions. It relieves conditions such as spermatorrhea,
nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, and enlarged prostate.
Withania somnifera is able to combat stress-induced male infertility
and protects against swimming-induced endocrine dysfunctions of
male reproduction in rat [21]. e aqueous extract of this herb has been
shown to improve spermatogenesis, owing to elevated interstitial cell
stimulating hormone and testosterone-mimicking eects together with
induction of nitric oxide synthase [22]. Yet another study showed that
Ashwagandha root extract administration resulted in a signicantly
greater improvement in spermatogenic activity and increase in serum
hormone levels in the oligospermic patients as compared to the placebo
treated [23]. is herb evidently combats against oxidative stress
by reducing lipid peroxidation as well as protein carbonyl content,
increasing sperm count and motility, rejuvenating the seminal plasma
levels of antioxidant enzymes. Withania somnifera root powder when
administered to normozoospermic infertile man in a dosage of 5 g/
day for 3 months showed a signicant reduction in stress, improved
antioxidants, and enhanced semen volume and levels of vitamins A,
C, and E and also corrected fructose. is herbs action at the HPG
axis level is also evident through various studies, one such showed
signicant increased serum testosterone and LH levels and decreased
levels of FSH and prolactin (PRL) in infertile men [24-26].
In terms of ayurvedic explanations, the grounding and deeply
nourishing qualities of Withania somnifera contribute for its being one
of the best vata appeasing medicines. Its warming energy provokes pitta
if used in excess and so it is recommended to combine it with cooling
vajikarana herbs such as licorice, vidari, shatavari, bala, while using as a
drug. Owing to it stress relieving, relaxing eect on the body and mind,
as well as fortifying of all the dhatus, it is considered as the best herb to
target many of the contributing factors that are associated with reduced
sexual energy.
Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens)
is sweet yet sometimes bitter tasted herb is quite heavy and oily.
Mucuna pruriens is mainly used to balance vata and pitta, as both
kapha and ama are increased in excess by this herb. Typical doses of the
powdered Mucuna pruriens range from 1.5 to 6 grams [27]. Alkaloids
derived from M. pruriens seeds were found to stimulate spermatogenesis
and overall weight of the testicles and accessory glands in the male
albino rat [28]. M. pruriens is capable of stimulating sexual activities
in male rats as inferred by increased mounting frequency, ejaculation
latency and also enhanced intromission frequency [29,30]. In a study,
M. pruriens has been shown to eciently recover the spermatogenic
loss which was induced in male rats by ethinyl estradiol administration
and the herbs benecial eects were mediated by mitigation of ROS,
apoptosis regulation, and increase in the number of germ cells. e
major constituent of M. pruriens, L-D O PA, largely contributes to its
pro-spermatogenic properties [31]. e seed extract of M. pruriens
showed marked improvement in sexual potency and behavior, libido,
sperm parameters, and endocrine levels [32]. M. pruriens has been able
to ameliorate the levels lipids, triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids,
vitamin A, C, and E and corrected fructose nullifying oxidative stress
induced lipid peroxidation in seminal vesicles and restored the levels of
SOD, catalase, GSH, and ascorbic acid in seminal plasma [33, 34]. From
the neuroendocrine perspective, M. pruriens elevates testosterone, LH,
dopamine, adrenaline, as well as noradrenaline levels and decreased
Dutta S (2018) Medicinal herbs in the management of male infertility
Volume 2(1): 3-6
J Pregnancy Reprod , 2018 doi: 10.15761/JPR.1000128
levels of FSH and PRL in infertile men. M. pruriens treatment to
infertile men indeed improves steroidogenesis and semen quality [35].
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
Shatavari can serve as a powerful male tonic. With a bittersweet
taste, this herb renders cooling and purifying eect to the liver and
blood, and targets pitta at its main site in the small intestine. Its cooling
properties balance the heating herbs which are used to improve sperm
count, such as, garlic, onion, ashwagandha, etc. us, Shatavari prevents
depletion of sperm caused by burning via excess pitta. Owing to its
heavy and nourishing properties, it is useful for vata, especially when
combined with heating vajikaranas like ashwagandha or bala. As a drug,
it can be prepared as a milk decoction with 3 to 6 grams of the herb,
or can be taken alone or in combination with other herbs [19]. Sexual
desires are associated with emotional aspects and in such conditions,
this herb in combination with cooling nervine herbs like brahmi (gotu
kola) may enhance libido and help to overcome agonizing emotions like
anger and irritability. Shatavari is thus one of best pitta pratyanika herbs
which can be associated in several Ayurvedic formulas to balance pitta
and vata in mediating male reproductive functions. General fatigue,
low sexual energy, anger, stress, irritability, inammation, hyperacidity,
urogenital infections, burning sensations etc. are the conditions when
this herb can be used as drug in standardized dosage of 2 to 6 grams of
the powdered herb, 2 to 3 times daily. is herb is avoided in cases of
respiratory or sinus congestion [19].
Bala (Sida cordifolia)
Bala refers to ‘strength’ in Sanskrit, and being a rejuvenative tonic
herb for vata and pitta, this herb nds application in nourishment and
strengthening of all the bodily tissues, especially the muscle, plasma,
muscle, bone marrow and reproductive tissue. It is sweet, heavy and
oily and increase kapha when used in excess, and also is mildly cooling.
Bala is one of the best anti-vata herbs in Ayurveda which mitigates
disorders related to both body and mind. It plays a leading role as an
Ayurvedic herb in the treatment of balakshaya or chronic fatigue, to
rejuvenate overall health in exhaustion of physical or mental strength.
It serves as a tonic to restore sexual strength, promote spermatogenesis
and enhance male fertility [19,20].
is herb can be taken internally or even used as massaging oil in
combination with Ashwagandha onto penis to improve its tone and also
to prevent premature ejaculation. Its combination with herbs such as
gokshura, ashwagandha, vidarikandha, saw palmetto, and kapikacchu,
proved to be benecial for prostate health. A typical dose of Bala ranges
from 2 to 6 grams, to be taken 2 to 3 times daily [19].
Vidarikandha (Ipomoea digitata)
Vidarikandha is a starchy tuber, eective in promoting
spermatogenesis with faster action when taken as a milk decoction.
It is lighter for kapha types than shatavari and bala. Its combination
with kapikacchu is eective in the treatment of enlarged prostate. is
sweet and cool herb promotes ojas, muscle tone, motor coordination
and nullies sexual debility associated with nervousness and adrenal
stress when used in formulation with ginseng, licorice, gokshura, and
ashwagandha. It falls right between too warming and too cooling herbs
providing great value as both a vata and pitta balancing herb. A typical
dose of Vidarikandha ranges from 2 to 6 grams, 2 to 3 times daily [19].
Shilajit (Asphaltum, mineral pitch)
Shilajit is immensely important Ayurvedic herb which, with its
heating energy, increases virility and sexual stamina via removing excess
kapha, while maintaining the normal genital tone. In kapha related
reproductive imbalances, it is used in combination with Ashwagandha.
For enlarged prostate, its combination with saw palmetto, punarnava,
gokshuradiguggulu, ashwagandha, or vidhari, are eective herbal
remedies. is herb should be used in doses ranging from 250 to 500
mg twice daily [19].
Pippali (Piper longum)
Pippali is a rejuvenating herb with a warming, stimulating and
kapha reducing action. Its oily nature prevents it from drying making
it suitable for vata and its pleasant post digestive eect makes it more
calming to pitta than other hot spices and herbs. It aids blood ow to
the reproductive tissues when taken in combination with Ashwagandha
According to the Ayurveda, Pippali enhances life energy and expels
impurities via respiration. It also improves digestion, absorption,
assimilation, respiration and reduces arthritic agonies. e typical
dosage of this herb is 1 to 3 parts in complex formulas, or ranges
from 250 mg to 1.5 grams. Pippali should be avoided in high pitta or
inammatory conditions [19].
Butea superba
Buteasuperba Roxb (Leguminosae) or the ‘Red KwaoKrua’, has long
been consumed as a stimulant of male sexual vigor. Its alcoholic extract
(0.01, 0.1 or 1.0 mg/kg BW/day) for 6 months signicantly elevted the
sperm concentration and enhanced sperm motility with no disruptive
signs to sperm or testis [36]. Powdered crude extract of this herb at the
doses of 2, 25, 250, and 1250 mg/kg body weight in male rats for 8 weeks
increased testis weight and sperm counts [37]. Moreover, the ethanol
extract of B. superba has been shown to increase penile erection acting
through cAMP/cGMP pathways [38].
Curculigo orchioides
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn (Amaryllidaceae), or Kali Musli or
Syah (black) Musli, is an aphrodisiac or rejuvenator ameliorating
sexual arousal and performance by inducing penile erection, mating
sustenance, orientation behavior, etc. is herb also promotes
anabolic and spermatogenic eect by pronounced increased weight of
reproductive organs. Rats that received Curculigo orchioides treatment
displayed reduction in mount latency, increment in penile erection index,
and increase in mount frequency and anity towards female [39,40].
Its lyophilized aqueous extracts are shown to improve the
pendiculatory activity in male rats aer as well as preserve the in vitro
sperm aer 30 min. of incubation [41]. e aqueous extract of the herb
is eective at a dose of 200 mg/kg. In case of physically induced or heat
induced sexual dysfunction, this herb is useful in ameliorating the
decreased spermatogenesis and mitigated disruptions owing to the heat
shock protein [42].
Cynomorium coccineum
Cynomorium coccineum Linn. (Cynomoraceae) is a black leaess
parasitic plant without chlorophyll. Aqueous extract of this herb has
been shown to induce signicant elevation in the sperm count, the
percentage of viable sperm and sperm motility, reduced the number of
abnormal sperm, increased spermatogenesis [43].
Chlorophytum borivilianum
Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) of family Liliaceae is
claimed to be an eective aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant. Ethanolic
Dutta S (2018) Medicinal herbs in the management of male infertility
Volume 2(1): 4-6
J Pregnancy Reprod , 2018 doi: 10.15761/JPR.1000128
roots extract of this herb or sapogenins extracted from the roots showed
anabolic and spermatogenic eect in treated male rats evidenced by
total body weight increase and also increment in weight of reproductive
organs. e herb could also aect sexual behavior of animals by
reducing mount ejaculation, post-ejaculatory latency, and intromission
latency, increasing mount frequency and anity towards female [44].
Moreover, the aqueous extract of dried roots of this herb enhanced
sexual arousal, strength, and libido as well as sperm count in Wistar
male rats [45]. is herb also reportedly improves male reproductive
functions in diabetic scenario [46,47].
Epimedium koreanum
Epimedium L. (Berberidaceae), is a popular Chinese herb and
botanical supplement used as health tonic. Most important species
of this herb used for medicinal purposes are E. pubescensMaxim., E.
brevicornum Maxim, E. koreanumNakai, E. sagittatum (Sieb. EtZucc)
Maxim, and E. wushanense T.S. Ying [48]. Hydroalcholic extract of
the herb shown to display aphrodisiac eects and are commonly used
to enhance erectile function [49]. e primary active component
of Epimedium extracts, Icariin, is a type of avonoid and selectively
inhibits phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) improving erectile function
[50]. Icariin also can mimic the eects of testosterone inducing
spermatogenesis [51].
Eurycoma longifolia
Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Simaroubaceace) or Tongkat Ali, is one
of the major aphrodisiac herb from Malaysia [52]. E. longifolia extract
treatment showed successful induction of sexual motivation in naive
male rats [53]. Ethanol extract of this herb increased the sexual libido
and performance of the treated male rats by increasing the duration of
coitus and copulation frequency [54].
Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus terrestris Linn. (Zygophyllaceae) or puncture vine, a
perennial creeping herb, has worldwide distribution and is regarded
as an aphrodisiac since ancient times besides being used for various
ailments such as inammations, leucorrhoea, urinary infections, edema,
and ascites [55]. Administration of T. terrestris to animals showed to
improve plasma testosterone level and induced spermatogenesis [56]. It
also increases the levels of testosterone as well as luteinizing hormone
[57] and the activities of dehydroepiandrosterone, dihydrotestosterone,
and dehydroepiandrosteronesulphate [58]. e corpus cavernosal
tissues of New Zealand white rabbits following treatment with this
herb were tested in vitro with various pharmacological agents as well as
electrical eld stimulation and the herb was shown to have proerectile
eect [59]. It increases sexual behavior evident through increase in
mount frequency and intromission frequency, reduction in mount
latency, intromission latency, and penile erection index as well as
increase in prostate weight and intracavernosal pressure [60,61]. is
herb also possesses androgen, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
and Ddehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) increasing property having
stimulating eects on reproductive functions and thus used in mild to
moderate cases of endocrine disruptions [62,63]. e ability of to induce
nitric oxide release may also account for its claims as an aphrodisiac [64].
Mechanism of action
Male reproductive functions are restored and controlled
by induction or inhibition of neurochemicals, regulation of
neuroendocrine axis and their cross talks as well as by local mediators
acting within the reproductive tissues [65-67]. e herbal therapies
may ameliorate male reproductive functions possibly at three levels. (1)
Herbs may act on the central or peripheral nervous system improving
the responsiveness of male reproductive tissues. e neuronal control
over the male reproductive organs is mediated by an orchestra of
neurochemicals/neurotransmitters, among which the serotonin and
dopamine are the prime controllers of sexual behavior with serotonin
mediating inhibitory functions and dopamine playing an excitatory role
[68]. (2) e eects of herbal therapies to regulate the level of the nitric
oxide support their contribution towards treating erectile dysfunctions.
Nitric oxide (NO) is an established endogenous mediator of penile
erection [64] and its synthesis via NO synthase is mainly concentrated
in structures of the brain that are involved in sexual behavior (olfactory
bulb, amygdala, septal structures, supraoptic and paraventricular
nuclei, etc.) [69,70]. NO is a known vasodilator which can increase
blood ow to the penis inducing penile erection and to other male
reproductive organs facilitating better hormonal accessibility in the
same to promote robust reproductive functioning [71]. (3) Herbs can
favourably interfere in the HPG axis in the regulation of sex hormones
importantly testosterone, LH, FSH and interstitial hormones as well as
their cross- talks which synchronise male reproductive functioning,
such as, the development of secondary male sexual organs, accentuate
pubertal changes and increase overall male fertility [72].
Vajikarana or aphrodisiac herbs can be used as stimulants or tonics
to improve male reproductive vitality. Stimulants to reproductive
functions are typically heating herbs having an invigorating action
on the male sexual organs. Herbal tonics provide better nourishment
to the reproductive tissues to rejuvenate the quality and quantity of
the same. Some herbs have both stimulating as well as nourishing
properties. Owing to the health complications, partial impact and high
cost of modern therapies for male infertility, the herbal aphrodisiacs
are regaining popularity and laying their long-term impact on
male reproductive health by improving sexual behavior, vigor,
neuroendocrine control as well as structural and functional aspects
of reproductive tissues, qualitative and quantitative improvement in
semen and also sperm morphology and motility. Biomedical research
should pierce deeper to emerge with more hidden mechanisms by
which innumerable herbs may act to eradicate male infertility which is
becoming a major threat to upcoming progenies.
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J Pregnancy Reprod , 2018 doi: 10.15761/JPR.1000128
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distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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... Hormonal or neurological imbalances and reproductive tissue disorders can impact male fertility (Dutta & Sengupta, 2018). Fertility, derived from the word fertile, refers to the ability to produce offspring. ...
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Aphrodisiacs are stimulant that modulate the neuroendocrine system to enhance libido or sexual desire and affect reproductive activity. Hormonal or neurological imbalances, as well as disruptions in reproductive tissue, can affect male fertility. One plant known to stimulate sexual arousal is the clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.), with its active compound, primarily eugenol, presumed to enhance testicular function and thereby potentially address male sexual dysfunction. This study aims to examine the aphrodisiac activity of the n-hexane fraction of clove leaves (Syzygium aromaticum L.) on the fertility of male white rats by assessing parameters such as the mating index, fertility index, libido index, pregnancy index, and live fetus index. This research used an experimental method with a post-test modified randomized control group design, involving 20 male and 40 female white rats divided into four treatment groups in a 1:2 ratio. Each group comprised 5 male and 10 female rats. The groups included a normal control (Na-CMC), a positive control (X-Gra 51.37 mg/kg BW), a clove leaf extract group (250 mg/kg BW), and an n-hexane fraction of clove leaves group (250 mg/kg BW). The findings indicate that the n-hexane fraction of clove leaves (Syzygium aromaticum L.) at a dose of 250 mg/kg BW contains secondary metabolite steroids and exhibits significant aphrodisiac activity that affect fertility which is characterized by a significant differences in the percentages of pregnancy and fertility indices.
... Moisture content was 0.62% for SG1 and 0.61% for SG2, which were within normal limits. pH observed was 6.24 for SG1 and 6.32 for SG2, It indicates both samples of SG were weak acidic in nature 10 . The specific gravity of SG was 0.908 for SG1 and 916 for SG2, which indicated active constituents present in SG. ...
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Background: Sneha Kalpana is an important dosage form in Ayurveda known for treating various diseases. Sneha Kalpana involves extracting fat and transforming water-soluble active components from simple ingredients into a fatty substance known as Sneha. There are many rules mentioned for Sneha preparation, which include an essential guideline of adhering to a specific time duration for the Snehapaka process. This duration is not fixed and varies depending on the nature and constituents of the Dravya (ingredients) incorporated along with the Sneha. Aim: To prepare Shatavari Ghrut adhering to both the rules, develop SOP and then analyse its physicochemical properties, quantitative High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) analysis and microbial counts. Method: Shatavari Ghrut is one of the formulations which is broadly used in Ayurveda practice. In this formulation milk is used as liquid media and also the roots of Shatavari (Asparagus racemossus wild) are used. According to the time duration of snehapak, two rules are applicable here, which are, Sneha is prepared using milk for a duration of 2 days and Sneha is prepared using Mool (Roots) for 12 days, so accordingly Shatavari Ghrut 1 (SG1) is prepared in 2 days and Shatavari Ghrut 2 (SG2) is prepared in 12 days. Result: The physicochemical parameters suggest that both the SG1 (2 days) and SG2 (12 days) exhibit similar characteristics with minor variations, the HPTLC fingerprinting results for both the SG1 and SG2 samples observe that Shatavarin IV percentage is higher in SG2 (12 days) than SG1 (2 days). Conclusion: The higher concentration of Shatavarin IV in the SG2 (12 days) indicates that prolonged processing enhances the extraction or synthesis of this bioactive compound in Shatavari Ghrut. So SG2 may have better therapeutic efficacy and higher stability than SG1.
... These compounds have demonstrated synergistic effects with the body's own antioxidant systems, effectively protecting cells against the cytotoxic effects of ROS. Additionally, certain plants containing aphrodisiac compounds have shown efficacy in boosting the hypothalamicpituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA), leading to increased testosterone concentration and ultimately enhancing libido, erection, and ejaculation functions, as well as promoting prostate secretion (Dutta and Sengupta, 2018). ...
... Interruption of these processes at any functional event in either sex leads to fertility impairment (Tsutsumi [16]). Herbal therapy that has actions on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis may influence reproductive physiology and ameliorate some infertil- ity problems (Wang [17,18]). Thus, the identification of efficacious herbal plants that influence the hypothalamic pituitary-gonadal axis may provide alternative treatments for infertility and ultimately lead to more effective medicine. ...
... Bala improves sustenance and ejaculatory performance. 7 It is important to note that these findings are based on a single case study, and further research is required to establish the generalizability and efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments for Klaibya and teratozoospermia. ...
Male infertility is a significant factor in over 40% of infertility cases. This research paper presents a case study of a 35-year-old Indian labourer working in a steel factory who reported symptoms of Mlan-Shishnata (loss of erection during intercourse), Alpaharsha (reduced sexual desire) along with a history of 4 years without a child. The patient was diagnosed as Klaibya, a condition characterised by male sexual dysfunction, with teratozoospermia, a condition involving abnormal sperm morphology. Ayurvedic therapy, specifically Vajikaran chikitsa, was administered to the patient following an Abhyantar Shodhana (bio-cleansing) procedure. The treatment protocol included Koshtha-Shuddhi (purgation) with the decoction of herbal medicines and Yogbasti. Additionally, the patient received Bastand Vrushya Basti for two months and oral intake of specific Ayurvedic formulations for three months. The patient's progress was evaluated using the International Index of Erectile Function and semen analysis before and after three months of treatment. Semen analysis after treatment revealed that 63% of the patient's sperm exhibited normal morphology, indicating a substantial enhancement compared to the initial Teratozoospermia condition, along with significant improvement in erectile function, orgasmic function, Sexual desire, Intercourse satisfaction and Overall satisfaction of the individual demonstrating the successful use of Ayurvedic formulations in treating Klaibya w.s.r.t. teratozoospermia without any reported adverse side effects. This case study underscores the diverse range of Ayurvedic therapy options available for addressing male infertility disorders.
Importance of Study: Semen cryopreservation results in sperm damage due to lipid peroxidation or oxidative stress, leading to a decrease in conception rate. The sperm damage during cryopreservation can be minimized with the use of suitable antioxidant supplements in semen diluent. Some herbs have potent antioxidant potential and can be used in semen diluent to protect the spermatozoa. Objective: Hence, the investigation was planned to evaluate the effect of Asparagus racemosus (A. racemosus) aqueous extract on buck semen quality during cryopreservation. Methodology: In the current study, semen was collected from eight Sirohi bucks, and from each buck, 8 ejaculates were collected. Good-quality semen samples were pooled during each collection. Pooled semen samples were then divided into four equal parts and diluted in TRIS buffer containing different concentrations of A. racemosus aqueous extract (different groups, i.e., G I -5 mg, G II -2.5 mg, G III -1.25 mg, and G IV -0 mg of A. racemosus aqueous extract in 1 mL TRIS buffer). All the diluted semen samples were kept at equilibration temperature (5°C) for 2 hours and then cryopreserved by the manual method. Semen samples were evaluated for various sperm characteristics and antioxidant status before and after cryopreservation. Results: Asparagus racemosus aqueous extract showed significant (p < 0.05) enhancement of sperm viability, sperm motility, acrosomal integrity, and plasma membrane integrity, whereas it reduced sperm abnormality. Furthermore, in the experimental groups, the antioxidant gene expression was found to be increased compared to that of the treatment group. G III (p < 0.05) showed significantly better results in terms of sperm viability, sperm motility, acrosomal integrity, and plasma membrane integrity. Conclusion: Asparagus racemosus aqueous extract has the antioxidant potential to protect buck spermatozoa during semen cryopreservation.
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Since Tribulus Terrestris (TT) is known as an aphrodisiac and natural muscle-enhancing nutrition, this study aimed to investigate the effects of TT on the male reproductive system, including sex hormones, testicular histology, and sperm parameters. In this study, 35 adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups of seven rats including Control, Sham (normal saline, 2.5 ml), TT1, TT2 and TT3 (2.5, 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight, respectively). One day after receiving the last TT administration (by gavage once daily for 60 days), rats were sacrificed, testes were removed, blood samples were taken from the heart, and sperm analysis was performed. Results showed that administration of TT extract was significantly increased serum hormonal levels (Testosterone, FSH in 2.5 and 10 mg/kg, respectively), sperm parameters (sperm count and motility in 5 and 10 mg/kg of TT), and histology of the testis (the mean number of Sertoli (5 and 10 mg/kg of TT), Leydig in 2.5 mg/kg of dose) in rats (p<0.05). TT extract improves reproductive system parameters and fertility in the male rats. TT may also have beneficial effects on the male reproductive system by increasing the Testosterone hormone levels, sperm motility and testis histology.
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Objective: To reveal the trend in alterations of sperm counts in Asian men over the past 50 years. Methods: This study reviewed all the published reports to unveil the specific pattern of alterations of sperm concentrations in Asian men from 1965 till 2015. The time-related changes in sperm concentration were studied using linear regression analyses. Results: The present study elucidated the trend using the reports from Carlsen et al (1965-1990) and non-Carlsen studies published until 2015, on fertile Asian men. In the reports of Carlsen et al., no overall declining trend in Asian men (r = 0.509, P = 0.760) was observed during this tenure, but non- Carsen reports showed a significant time-dependent decline of sperm concentration (r = -0.754, P = 0.005) in Asian men. This present review also showed a mild time-dependant decline in sperm concentration (-0.44×106/mL/year, 95% CI: -0.65 to -0.23; r = -0.473, P = 0.040) which accounted for an overall 22.17% decrease in past 50 years. Conclusions: This study brings to the forefront that sperm concentration among Asian men follows a mild declining trend over the period of 50 years, and further studies addressing the causes of this decline are required.
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To manage male infertility caused by hormonal imbalance, infections and other predicaments, multifarious treatment strategies are emerging worldwide. Contemporary treatments, such as assisted reproductive techniques, are costly with low success rates of only 10-30%; however, herbal remedies are gaining more attention as an alternative or supplementary therapeutic modality for male infertility. The beneficial effects induced by oral intake of the roots of a small evergreen shrub, Withania sominifera (Ashwagandha) on semen quality of infertile men have previously been studied. Oral intake of Ashwagandha roots has been found to inhibit lipid peroxidation, improve sperm count and motility, and regulate reproductive hormone levels. The molecular mechanisms of these effects, however, are yet to be unveiled. In this review, we will discuss the role of herbal medicines in male infertility; provide a detailed analysis of various human and animal studies involving Withania somnifera; describe a proposed direct oxidative mechanism involving mitigation of oxidative stress as well as an indirect mechanism consisting of a gamma-aminobutyric acid-like-mimetic pathway ameliorating hormonal balance through crosstalk among different endocrine glands to improve male fertility; and how Withania somnifera supplementation mitigates risk factor-induced male infertility as well as ameliorates male fertility.
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Purpose: This meta-analysis, following our previous reports those documented an overall 57% diminution in mean sperm concentration around the globe over past 35 years and 32.5% decline in past 50 years in European population, attempts to report the declining trend of sperm concentrations in African population between 1965 and 2015. Methods: In the course of retrieval of data following MOOSE guidelines and PRISMA checklist, we found a total of fourteen studies that have been conducted during that period on altering sperm concentration in the African male. Results: Following analysis of the data, a time-dependent decline of sperm concentration (r = -0.597, p = 0.02) and an overall 72.6% decrease in mean sperm concentration was noted in the past 50 years. The major matter of concern is the present mean concentration (20.38×106/ml) is very near to WHO cut-off value of 2010 of 15×106/ml. Several epidemic diseases, genital tract infection, pesticides and heavy metal toxicity, regular consumption of tobacco and alcohol are reported as predominant causative factors. Conclusion: This comprehensive, evidence-based meta-analysis and systematic review concisely presents the evidence of decreased sperm concentration in the African male over past 50 years with possible causative factors to serve the scientific research zone related to male reproductive health. Keywords: Semen quality, sperm concentration, sperm count
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Purpose: To investigate whether the sperm concentration of European men is deteriorating over the past 50 years of time. Materials and methods: We analysed the data published in English language articles in the past 50 years in altering sperm concentration in European men. Results: A time-dependent decline of sperm concentration ( r = -0.307, p = 0.02) in the last 50 years and an overall 32.5% decrease in mean sperm concentration was noted. Conclusion: This comprehensive, evidence-based meta-analysis concisely presents the evidence of decreased sperm concentration in European male over the past 50 years to serve the scientific research zone related to male reproductive health.
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Reports regarding the changes in sperm concentration in different counties of the world are inconsistent. Furthermore, the reports that sprung up from specific epidemiological and experimental examinations did not include data of prior studies or geographical variations. The current study, following a previous report of massive fall in semen volume over the past 33 years, attempts to delineate the trend of altering sperm concentrations and factors responsible for this by reviewing article published from 1980 to July 2015 with geographic differences. The current study identified an overall 57% diminution in mean sperm concentration over the past 35 years (r= -.313,p= .0002), which, when analyzed for each geographical region, identified a significant decline in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. An increasing trend of sperm concentration was identified only in Australia. The association of male age with such a trend (R(2)= .979) is reported. The authors also correlated male fertility with sperm concentration. Thus, this comprehensive, evidence-based literature review aims to concisely and systematically present the available data on sperm concentration from 1980 to 2015, as well as to statistically analyze the same and correlate male health with the declining pattern of sperm count in a single scientific review to serve the scientific research zone related to reproductive health. It points to the threat of male infertility in times ahead.
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This review critically evaluates the current trends of male reproductive health problems in relation to semen quality. Increasing trend in male reproductive disorders observed in recent years, are principally found to associate with lifestyle and environmental factors. Lifestyle-allied diseases could be controlled with modification in diet, living and working environment etc. This review outlines the changing trends in male reproductive health and highlights the alterations in semen quality, in scientific manner. Though scientific and public concern regarding the changes on male reproductive health has grown in past few decades but the demonstration of a geographical differences in sperm concentration, still appears to be controversial. The amplitude of the difference observed cannot only be explained by methodological or confounding factors, and must to some extent be attributed to ethnic, genetic or environmental factors. However, there are numerous reports indicating the chronologically declining sperm count and standard semen parameters in various population indicating the increasing trend of male reproductive health disorders.
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Since several decades numerous experimental and epidemiological experiments tend to establish that in humans the semen volume declines with progression of age. This literature review is intended to report the association between male age and semen volume. Review of English language-published research over the last 33 years, from January 1, 1980, up to December 31, 2013, has been conveniently constructed using MEDLINE database. Studies with inadequate numbers of subjects and case reports were excluded. Among the methodologically stronger studies, declines in semen volume of 3%–22% were likely when comparing 30-year-old men to 50-year-old men. The report suggests that increased male age is associated with a decline in semen volume, i.e. there has been a genuine diminution in semen volume over the past 33 years. As male fertility is to some extent correlated with semen volume the results may reflect an overall reduction in male fertility.
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) has continued to grow over the past decade, and it is an important cause of organic impotence. In the present study we investigated the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of tubers of Chlorophytum borivilianum (CB) in alleviating the diabetic impotency in rats. Male wistar albino rats were classified into two groups as normal control and diabetic group. Normal control group rats were injected with 0.1 M citrate phosphate buffer (0.1 ml, i.p) while in diabetic group, DM was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ; 60 mg/kg) freshly dissolved in 0.1 M citrate phosphate buffer (pH 4.5). On confirming the diabetic state, the rats in diabetic group were individually tested for sexual potency by pairing them with pro-oestrus female rat. Diabetic rats showed a significant decline in the sexual potency as compared to the normal control groups. Following this, the diabetic rats were divided into four groups and treated orally as: diabetic control group with distilled water 2 ml/day, CB-100 group with CB 100 mg/kg/day, CB-300 group with CB 300 mg/kg/day and standard group with sildenafil citrate 4 mg/kg/day for 14 days. Their sexual behavior was evaluated on 15 th day by pairing with a pro-estrous female rat and evaluated for CB, at 100 mg/kg, for sexual vigor and sexual arousal as compared to diabetic control rats. The study revealed dose dependent improvement in all the parameters of sexual behavior were enhanced against diabetic control group, reflecting increased potency.