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Trends in Food Science & Technology
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Meeting the challenges in the development of risk-benefit assessment of
Maarten J. Nauta
, Rikke Andersen, Kirsten Pilegaard, Sara M. Pires, Gitte Ravn-Haren,
Inge Tetens, Morten Poulsen
Research Group for Risk-Benefit, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Kemitorvet, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Background: Risk-benefit assessment (RBA) of foods aims to assess the combined negative and positive health
effects associated with food intake. RBAs integrate chemical and microbiological risk assessment with risk and
benefit assessment in nutrition.
Scope and Approach: Based on the past experiences and the methodological differences between the underlying
research disciplines, this paper aims to describe the recent progress in RBAs, identifying the key challenges that
need to be addressed for further development, and making suggestions for meeting these challenges.
Key Findings and Conclusions: Ten specific challenges are identified and discussed. They include the variety of
different definitions and terminologies used in the underlying research disciplines, the differences between the
“bottom-up”and the “top-down”approaches and the need for clear risk-benefit questions. The frequent lack of
data and knowledge with their consequential uncertainties is considered, as well as the imbalance in the level of
scientific evidence associated with health risks and benefits. The challenges that are consequential to the need of
considering substitution issues are discussed, as are those related to the inclusion of microbiological hazards.
Further challenges include the choice of the integrative health metrics and the potential scope of RBAs, which
may go beyond the health effect. Finally, the need for more practical applications of RBA is stressed. Suggestions
for meeting the identified challenges include an increased interdisciplinary consensus, reconsideration of
methodological approaches and health metrics based on a categorisation of risk-benefit questions, and the
performance of case studies to experience the feasibility of the proposed approaches.
1. Introduction
Food is a basic requirement for life, providing the essential nutrients
and energy required for optimal health. However, food may also be
associated with adverse health effects, because it may contain natural
toxins, hazardous chemical substances or pathogenic microorganisms
that can affect health negatively. Additionally, it is possible that the
dietary intake of specific nutrients in foods is either too low or too high,
resulting in potential deficiencies or toxicity symptoms.
The diverse causes of these health effects associated with food
consumption and the demand for advice on safe and healthy diets have
led to the development of different research disciplines in food safety
and nutrition. The negative health impact of human exposure to che-
mical substances and pathogenic microorganisms through food is
evaluated in two separate disciplines, chemical and microbiological risk
assessment. Apart from that, both health risks and health benefits as-
sociated with foods and diets have been studied through the discipline
of nutrition. However, in the past decade, the joint assessment of risks
and benefits associated to hazardous agents, food compounds, nu-
trients, single foods and whole diets has been taken up, resulting in the
establishment of “risk-benefit assessment”(RBA) as a new multi-
disciplinary and integrated scientific discipline (Boué, Guillou,
Antignac, Bizec, & Membré, 2015;Tijhuis et al., 2012;Verhagen et al.,
With the overall aim of exploring how RBA can be further devel-
oped, this paper aims to describe the recent progress in RBAs and to
identify and discuss key challenges in RBA research. To clarify the
fundamentals of RBA and to provide a basic understanding of the
background of many of the challenges, the main concepts of the un-
derlying disciplines chemical risk assessment, microbiological risk as-
sessment and nutritional risk and benefit assessment are explained.
Following that, the developments in RBA thus far are addressed. The
major part of the paper is devoted to a discussion of ten challenges, as
well as to suggestions for how they can be met. The conclusion
Received 2 December 2016; Received in revised form 16 February 2018; Accepted 18 April 2018
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.J. Nauta).
Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
Available online 21 April 2018
0924-2244/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
summarizes the authors’vision on the future developments of the re-
search area.
1.1. Risk and benefit assessment in food safety and nutrition
The use of risk assessments has traditionally been an integrated part
of a common risk analysis framework (Fig. 1), where risk assessment is
done by risk assessors who provide scientific advice to support decision
making by risk managers, such as food authorities or food producers, on
the potential risks associated with food consumption. Risk commu-
nication is an essential part of the risk analysis, both between risk as-
sessors and risk managers, and between assessors, managers and other
stakeholders (FAO/WHO, 2006a).
Risk assessment was first formalised for chemicals by the estab-
lishment in 1980 of the International Programme on Chemical Safety
(IPCS), which proposed a scientifically based process including four
elements: hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure as-
sessment and risk characterization (Fig. 2). The first step, hazard
identification, involves the identification of the inherent toxicological
properties of a chemical substance in the food that may affect human
health adversely. Depending on the nature of the chemical substance,
the information on hazards may stem from in vitro studies (for example
on genotoxicity), experimental animal studies, and human data. The
next step, hazard characterization, involves dose-response evaluations
of the toxicological effects of the chemical substance that are identified
in the previous step, including identification of critical effect levels such
as no observed adversary effect level (NOAEL), lowest observed ad-
versary effect level (LOAEL), or a benchmark dose (BMD) (IPCS, 2010).
These critical effect levels are based on either acute or chronic effects
and are usually determined on the basis of results obtained from animal
experiments. After applying uncertainty factors to account for differ-
ences in sensitivity between species (e.g., animal to man) and within
the human population, the critical effect levels are translated to health-
based guidance values such as acceptable daily intake (ADI), tolerable
daily intake (TDI) or acute reference dose (ARfD) (IPCS, 2010). In ex-
posure assessment of the chemical substance, the exposure from food is
estimated by use of accurate and representative data of relevant food
consumption and occurrence of chemical substances in the foods. The
last step, risk characterization, integrates the outcomes of the hazard
characterization and the exposure assessment, and the output is given
to the risk managers.
Microbiological risk assessment has mainly been used for bacterial
pathogens, but it has also been applied to viruses and parasites. It was
developed after chemical risk assessment was established and adopted
much of the terminology. However, the nature of microorganisms has
led to specific challenges, which resulted in some essential differences
in the definitions (see Section 2.1), as well as in the risk assessment
methodology (Lammerding, 2013).
First, the definition and identification of the microbiological hazard
are complicated by the fact that microorganisms adapt and evolve over
time, so new strains can emerge with different characteristics than
those that were originally described. Next, the dose-response relation
typically describes acute health effects, with the probability of acute
illness being described as a function of the ingested dose in a single
meal. Due to the differences in responses between humans and animals,
data for microbiological dose-response models can usually not be de-
rived from animal experiments. As an alternative, human data are re-
quired, but these are not easily obtained. The use of biologically
plausible “single hit”models that assume that, with low probability, a
single bacterial cell can lead to illness, is a general practice in micro-
biological dose-response modelling (Haas, Rose, & Gerba, 2014;FAO/
WHO, 2003). Exposure assessment is complicated by the fact that living
organisms can multiply, and consequently, the occurrence of microbial
growth and inactivation imply that concentrations can change during
food processing and storage. Therefore, concentration data alone are
insufficient and the ingested doses have to be estimated by means of
mathematical modelling in so called “process risk models”that apply
predictive models for growth and inactivation (FAO/WHO, 2008;
Zwietering & Nauta, 2007). Note that this implies that, in contrast to
chemicals, exposure depends on the growth and inactivation char-
acteristics of the microorganism of concern (Fig. 2). Critical limits for
the presence of microorganisms are generally not determined on the
basis of the hazard characterization only, so equivalents of NOAEL and
BMD as used in toxicology are not applied. Instead, risk-based micro-
biological targets such as food safety objective (FSO) are used, which
are derived from risk characterization, i.e., a combination of hazard
Fig. 1. The risk analysis framework with the elements risk assessment, risk
management and risk communication. Adapted from WHO (2005).
Fig. 2. The elements of risk assessment as used in toxicology, microbiology and
nutrition. Differences in the approach used in the three disciplines are ex-
plained in the text. Traditionally, the link between hazard identification and
exposure assessment is not indicated in toxicology and nutrition, whereas it is
essential in microbiology, where exposure depends on the microorganism of
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
characterization and exposure assessment (FAO/WHO, 2006b).
Risk assessment of essential nutrients follows the same principles as
chemical risk assessment, with the notion that essential nutrients have a
dual risk relationship with risks occurring at both the upper end (‘ex-
cess’) and lower end (‘deficiency’) of the intake range (NCM, 2014).
Another distinct feature is that data on adverse effects in relation to
excessive or deficient amounts of nutrients are often available from
human studies, which compared with chemical risk assessments
overall, may reduce the size of uncertainty factors applied. The toler-
able upper intake level (UL) is the maximum level of chronic daily
nutrient intake from all sources judged to be unlikely to pose a risk of
adverse health effects to humans (EFSA, 2006) and thus includes an
uncertainty factor as in the case of chemicals. The lower threshold in-
take (LTI) is the level of intake below which, on the basis of current
knowledge, almost all individuals will be unable to maintain “metabolic
integrity”, according to the criterion chosen for each nutrient (EFSA,
Consideration of specific nutrient intakes associated with adverse
health effects above or below specific intake levels has received less
attention in the nutrition area compared with non-nutrients, such as
drugs, food additives, and pesticides (IOM, 2007). The concept of the
risk assessment of nutrients was stimulated by the IPCS in 2002 (IPCS,
2004), and by the Codex Alimentarius, FAO/WHO, EFSA and others
(FAO/WHO, 2006c;Aggett, 2010;Taylor & Yetleya, 2008). In addition,
the implementation of an organized nutritional risk assessment ap-
proach for scientific reviews has been stimulated by the increased use of
food supplements, fortified- and functional foods and subsequent re-
quests by regulatory agencies to identify upper levels of nutrient intake
(Taylor & Yetleya, 2008;Taylor, 2007). In 2010, EFSA published a
scientific opinion on the general principles for development and ap-
plication of dietary reference values (DRVs) (EFSA, 2010b), and other
DRV processes have followed the same risk assessment approach, in-
cluding the update of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NCM,
Current approaches thus predict a threshold above which the nu-
trient intake is excessive, and another threshold below which the intake
is inadequate, while an intake range between these two boundaries can
be considered an ‘optimal’intake range within which the recommended
intake and the benefitassessment is set (NCM, 2014). Nutritional
benefit assessment may thus be considered as the intake range beyond
which there is a risk. Nutritional RBA can be broadened to not only
consider nutrients, but also to include any excess or deficient intake of
foods, diets or energy.
One example of the application of benefit analyses is the European
health claim regulation, which states that health claims should be
“substantiated by generally accepted scientific evidence and by taking
into account the totality of the available scientific data, and by
weighing the evidence”(EU Commission, 2006). The steps involved in
the assessment of health claims include identification and character-
ization of the food or the food compound, definition of the effect and
assessment of whether such an effect can be considered beneficial to
human health. Finally, the scientific substantiation for a beneficial ef-
fect is assessed based on the totality of the current evidence between
the consumption of the food or the food compound and the claimed
effect studied in the appropriate target group (EU Commission, 2006).
A comparison of the application of risk and benefit assessment for
chemical substances, microorganisms and nutrients shows that, tradi-
tionally, risks are considered for all, but benefits only in nutrition. An
essential difference between different types of risk and benefit assess-
ment is illustrated in Fig. 3. Typically, looking at both acute and chronic
adverse effects, chemical and microbiological risk assessments in-
vestigate situations where exposure is to be considered “too high”. This
implies that the risk increases with higher doses, and threshold doses
may be derived as cut-offpoints below which the intake is considered
safe, or the associated risk is considered acceptable (Barlow et al.,
2015). In contrast, within nutrition, both the situation where there is a
risk of nutritional deficiency and the situation where there is a risk of
nutrient intoxication are relevant, creating a “window of benefit”
(Palou, Pico, & Keijer, 2009;Tijhuis et al., 2012)). Interestingly, re-
search in situations where the intake is too high (above the upper intake
level (UL)) is commonly referred to as toxicology, whereas research
considering beneficial intake or too low intake, is part of nutrition.
1.2. The development of risk-benefit assessment
Although independent risk and benefit assessments have proven to
be useful for decision support in food safety and nutrition, their results
may be too much focused on one hazard, one food compound or one
health effect. When establishing guidelines and advice on food con-
sumption, nutrient intake and diet choices, there is a need for an
overarching approach, in which all of the relevant health risks and
benefits are included and compared. This need for RBAs has been
identified earlier in several publications (EFSA, 2007;EFSA, 2010a;
Renwick et al., 2004) and led to the development of RBA of foods as a
new research discipline. An RBA is multidisciplinary by nature, and
may require expertise from not only toxicologists, microbiologists, and
nutritionists, but also from epidemiologists, chemists, librarians, sta-
tisticians, and medical scientists. As proposed in the EU-funded project
BRAFO (Benefit-Risk Analysis of FOods) (Boobis et al., 2013), it is
common to use the risk analysis and risk assessment frameworks
(Figs. 1 and 2) as the basis for the RBA methodology by applying the
established concepts to both risks and benefits. A recent extensive re-
view of studies related to the combined RBA of foods, nutrients and
compounds shows that the majority of published studies have been
related to fish consumption where the nutritional beneficial effects are
compared with the adverse effects from chemicals (Boué et al., 2015).
This RBA of fish (e.g. (Hoekstra, Hart et al., 2013)) is an example of an
RBA case where the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and in
particular docosahexaenoic (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic fatty acids
(EPA), recognized for their health benefits, is counterbalanced by the
content of pollutants such as methylmercury and dioxins, known to
potentially induce adverse health effects. There is also an example of
microbiological aspects being added to an RBA of fish (Berjia,
Andersen, Hoekstra, Poulsen, & Nauta, 2012).
Several European projects have been conducted in which methods
and modelling frameworks were developed, leading to considerable
progress in the risk-benefit area (Boobis et al., 2013;Hart et al., 2013;
Hoekstra et al., 2012;Verhagen et al., 2012a). Among others, the
BRAFO project and EFSA developed the ”tiered approach”to be used as
a general framework for RBA
(Fransen et al., 2010;Hoekstra et al.,
2012). The basis is that a number of tiers have to be evaluated before
making a decision on the required steps to be taken in the RBA. This
approach proposes that a qualitative assessment is sufficient if data are
scarce or there is clear evidence that risks outweigh the benefits (or vice
versa). If the balance between benefits and risks is unclear, the as-
sessment has to be performed at a higher tier, including quantitative
assessment. As part of the BRAFO project, a number of relevant risk-
benefit studies that illustrate the usefulness of a tiered approach for
RBAs have been performed (Hoekstra et al., 2008;Schütte et al., 2012;
Verhagen et al., 2012b;Watzl et al., 2012). A specific software tool,
QALIBRA, has been developed to facilitate the performance of quanti-
tative assessments in the final tier (Hart et al., 2013;Hoekstra, Fransen
et al., 2013).
2. Challenges in risk-benefit assessment
Although significant progress has been made in the development of
Within the BRAFO project, the term benefit-risk assessment was preferred over risk-
benefit. For consistency we consequently use risk-benefit assessment (RBA) throughout
this paper.
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
methods and terminology in RBA, several challenges remain. Some of
these challenges relate to the differences between the underlying re-
search disciplines, which have different use of terminology and dif-
ferent approaches for the assessment of health effects related to the
consumption of food. Other challenges relate to the specific objective of
RBAs, the scarcity of the required data, or the complexity of the char-
acterization of health effects. Below, we provide a description of ten
major challenges that were identified during the course of working with
RBAs, with explanations of the challenges and discussion on the way
forward for meeting them in the future.
2.1. Definitions
The different approaches used in the disciplines contributing to RBA
(Section 1.1) apply different terminology or may apply the same ter-
minology in a different way. Dissimilar definitions can lead to confusion
and lack of understanding of the risk-benefit question (Section 2.3). As
an example, the central concept of ”hazard”is defined differently in
various contexts. Published definitions of hazard include “inherent
property of an agent or situation having the potential to cause adverse
effects when an organism, system, or (sub)population is exposed to that
agent”(IPCS, 2004), ”the potential of a risk source to cause an adverse
effect(s)/event(s)”(Renwick et al., 2003) and ”a biological, chemical or
physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an
adverse health effect”(CAC, 2011, p. 112). In the latter definition, the
hazard is the agent (or risk source, that is the pathogen, chemical
substance or food compound) and in the others it is an inherent property
or the potential of this agent. Due to this difference in definitions, the
hazard is usually synonymous to the pathogen(s) of concern in micro-
biological risk assessment, whereas it usually is the potential health
effect caused by the chemical substance or food compound in chemical
risk assessment and nutrition (Barlow et al., 2015).
Similarly, there are different definitions of ”risk”, for example ”the
probability of an adverse effect in an organism, system, or (sub)popu-
lation in reaction to exposure to an agent”(EFSA, 2010a;IPCS, 2004),
or ”a function of the probability of an adverse health effect and the
severity of that effect, consequential to a hazard(s) in food”(CAC,
2011). So in one definition the risk is a probability, in the other, it is a
combination of probability and severity.
When mirroring risk assessment to benefit assessment, the benefitis
defined at a level comparable to both the hazard and the risk (Boobis
et al., 2013;EFSA, 2006), so ”benefit”is both the counterpart of ”ha-
zard”and the counterpart of ”risk”. Hence, the term ”benefit”can be
used for anything between the agent causing the health effect and the
probability and magnitude of that effect. Moreover, when used as
equivalent of ”risk”, the benefit is not necessarily interpreted as the
probability of a positive effect, but commonly as the decrease in the
probability of an adverse health effect. This wide interpretation of the
one of the central concepts in RBA can be considered confusing.
The present definitions can be well understood in a historical
perspective, given that RBA has evolved from a variety of disciplines.
However, for further development, the discipline ”risk-benefit assess-
ment of foods”needs a clearer set of definitions and harmonized ter-
minology that is comprehensible for all those involved. To accom-
modate the fact that some agents or food compounds (i.e. “hazards”of
“benefits”) can be both a source of positive and negative health effect
depending on the exposure (Fig. 3), Boué et al. (2015) propose to use
the term ”health effect contributing factor”(HECF) for ”the agent able
to cause an adverse or positive health effect in the case of exposure”.
This is a useful first step in the reconsideration of the terminology used
in RBA. Consensus within the international research community is re-
quired for clarification and harmonization purposes and definitely
when it would be used for regulatory purposes. Obtaining such a con-
sensus is a process that should be led by international authorities, and
should include representatives of all relevant disciplines involved in
2.2. Bottom-up versus top-down approach
In this paper, we distinguish between two overall approaches to
assess health effects in RBA and refer to them as “bottom-up”and “top-
down”. This terminology is derived from studies in microbiological food
safety aimed at ranking microbiological food risks (Cassini et al., 2016;
EFSA, 2015). The two approaches are characterised by their different
starting point. The typical risk assessment approach, which starts with
the hazard identification for the food product or its ingredients and
finishes with the human health outcome obtained after combining the
exposure assessment with a dose-response model (Fig. 2), is referred to
as the bottom-up approach. The alternative top-down approach starts
with the adverse (or beneficial) health outcomes as obtained from
human observational studies, i.e., incidence data and identified risk
factors. These are then traced back to the food sources that caused the
disease of concern (or benefit of desire), thus linking the health effect to
the food product.
A similar distinction in approaches can be made in nutritional and
chemical risk assessment. The usual risk assessment approach (i.e.,
bottom –up) is targeted at intake of specific nutrients or food com-
pounds, and the dose-response relation is typically derived from animal
experimental data. The alternative top-down approach is an approach
where relative risk estimates from human observational studies are
used and linked to foods or food compounds that are identified as risk
factors. In the review of the BRAFO project, Boobis et al. (2013) identify
these two approaches as one based on experimental animal data
(bottom-up) and one based on human observational studies (top-down).
We prefer the bottom-up and top-down terminology as it is more gen-
eric and can also be applied for microbiological risk assessment, which
does not apply animal data.
Hence, with the bottom-up approach, the assessment starts with the
food product, food compound or contaminant, followed by an exposure
assessment and a dose-response model used for the risk-benefit
Fig. 3. A comparison of approaches for hazard
characterization used in toxicology and microbiology
(left) and nutrition (right). In toxicology and micro-
biology, the risk increases with the dose; benefits are
not defined. In nutrition, intake of a food compound
can be too low or too high; intake between these
levels (“the window of benefit”) is considered bene-
ficial for health. X: Dose with critical response as
used in chemical risk assessment (e.g., LOAEL or
BMD); no equivalent metric exists in microbiological
risk assessment. LTI: Lower threshold intake, intake
below this level represents a deficiency; UL: Upper
intake level, intake above this level could give a toxic
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
characterization. An advantage of this approach is a direct causal link
between intake of the food product or food compound (or contaminant)
of concern and the associated health effect. A disadvantage is that there
may be a large uncertainty attending the exposure assessment and
(especially) the dose-response.
With a top-down approach, the starting point of the analysis is the
incidence of a health outcome in the consumer. Typically, data from
epidemiological studies (case-control studies, cohort studies, rando-
mized controlled trials) are used to associate human health outcomes
with risk factors that are defined in terms of food consumption, al-
lowing for the estimation of metrics such as the odds ratio or the re-
lative risk. These measures of association are then combined with po-
pulation statistics and incidence data to estimate the actual health risks
in the population. The relative risks may also be used to construct a
dose-response relation, where the relative risk is a function of the intake
as specified in the underlying study. The strength of human observa-
tional studies is that they are based on actual health effects, measured
in specified populations. Weaknesses are that the observed associations
are not a proof of causation, that the studied population may not be
representative for the population group of interest and that many data
are required if the health effect of interest is small. For microbial pa-
thogens, a top-down approach can be used to estimate the number of
cases of disease caused by a pathogen due to its presence in a specific
food, a method referred to as “source attribution”(Pires et al., 2009).
Here incidence data on a specific health outcome (e.g., gastroenteritis
caused by salmonellosis) is traced back to a specific food source (e.g.,
chicken meat) by the use of subtyping information of isolates of the
pathogen in human cases and food sources.
Generally, within RBA, it is necessary to use different approaches
for different health effects of food compounds or contaminants. For
example, in the studies on fish of (Berjia et al., 2012;Hoekstra, Hart
et al., 2013)(Fig. 4), the effects on coronary heart disease, stroke and
neurological development of children (IQ) are derived from top-down
approaches, but those related to exposure to dioxins and Listeria
monocytogenes are derived from bottom-up approaches. The reason for
the application of these different approaches is obviously the avail-
ability of data, which in turn is related to the feasibility of acquiring the
requested data and also the quality of the studies providing the data.
Still, if different approaches are used to obtain different heath effect
estimates in the same RBA, it may be hard to compare them. Not only
can there be a difference in the known bias associated with the ap-
proach (such as a potential to overestimate the risk obtained from dose-
response models derived from animal experiments), but also the nature
of the uncertainties associated with the assumptions of the approaches
will be different (Section 2.5).
Studies that combined and compared bottom-up and top-down ap-
proaches may help clarify how the two methods can be integrated in
RBA. For example, Bouwknegt, Knol, van der Sluijs, and Evers (2014)
compared the approaches in a case study on Campylobacter in the
Netherlands and identified the differences in the underlying un-
certainties. They found that the difference in the point estimates of the
risks as found by the different approaches can be large, but they still
have overlapping uncertainty intervals. This implies that one cannot a
priori conclude that one approach is better than the other. It is ad-
visable to aim for evidence synthesis by using an approach that takes
advantage of all available data and combines bottom-up and top-down
approaches. One option for evaluating such a combined approach is the
performance of simulation studies where the expected results of a hy-
pothetical epidemiological study are investigated on the basis of a risk
2.3. The risk-benefit question
The crucial initial step of an RBA is the definition of the risk-benefit
question (Hoekstra et al., 2008) or problem definition (Boobis et al.,
2013;Boué et al., 2015;EFSA, 2010a). The risk-benefit question is
generally a comparison between two, or a series of, choices, alternative
policies or courses of action, described in the form of scenarios (Boobis
et al., 2013). In these scenarios, both positive and negative health ef-
fects have to be taken into consideration. When a series of scenarios is
compared, the risk-benefit question can be used to identify the op-
timum intake (Berjia et al., 2014). An aim of the risk-benefit question is
to specify the RBA-task in such a way that it is feasible and will provide
useful results. For example, an RBA of fish should indicate what sort of
fish (e.g., lean/fatty, farmed/wild), target population group, and in
general any other constraint that could narrow the risk-benefit ques-
tion. In the end, the level of specification of the question will also de-
pend on the data available.
As a variety of risk-benefit questions can be asked, it can be helpful
to categorise them and to identify specific approaches that can be used
to answer these different categories of questions. Here, one type of
categorisation is the level of aggregation: the risk-benefit question can
be targeted at a food compound level (a nutrient, a chemical or mi-
crobiological contaminant), a food product level (e.g., fish) or a diet
level (Hoekstra et al., 2008).
When the risk-benefit question is targeted at the food compound
level, it should be a compound that is associated with both positive and
negative health effects, e.g., a (micro-) nutrient. Examples for RBAs
directed at the food compound are those for folic acid (Hoekstra et al.,
2008)and vitamin D (Berjia et al., 2014)(Fig. 4). The choice between a
bottom-up or top-down approach will depend on whether the health
effects associated with food compounds are obtained from animal ex-
periments or human observational studies. To assess the total intake of
the food compound, it will be necessary to consider the intake of all
relevant foods and food products in the diet that contain it, and the
concentrations of the compound in these foods and food products have
to be known. As this can be rather complicated, one can choose a risk-
benefit question that only considers a difference in intake or con-
centration in one or a few food products, making some assumptions for
the background diet.
When the risk-benefit question considers a food product, the posi-
tive and negative health effects can be associated with different food
compounds or contaminants that it contains. Typical examples of RBAs
directed at this level of aggregation are those performed for fish (Berjia
et al., 2012;Hoekstra, Hart et al., 2013,Fig. 4.) The health effects of the
intake of the food product may be directly available from epidemiolo-
gical data or a human trial study, allowing the use of a top-down ap-
proach. Relative risk estimates can inform about the health impact of
one intake scenario compared with another. Alternatively, a bottom-up
approach may be used where all relevant food compounds (and con-
taminants) in the food product have to be identified and comprised in
the RBA to assure that the health effects of interest are included. In that
case, a selection of relevant food compounds and contaminants needs to
be made based on the associated levels of evidence and the precise risk-
benefit question. However, because in some cases only exposure
through the selected food product is considered, and not the total ex-
posure from all food products containing the compounds, it is difficult
to use a bottom-up approach with a dose-response relation for each
When considering a whole diet, the bottom-up RBA approach will
usually not be feasible, unless the risk-benefit question is clearly de-
limited: the number of food compounds (and contaminants) and their
combined intakes easily get too large for a complete exposure assess-
ment and hazard characterization. However, a top-down approach
using studies on human consumption may be possible if the appropriate
data are available, for example from a dietary intervention study. Van
Kreyl, Knaap, & Van Raaij, 2006, performed a study to analyse the
health effects of the current diet in the Netherlands that may be re-
garded as an RBA of diets, but otherwise, to our knowledge, no formal
RBAs of whole diets have been performed so far.
In each of these three categories of risk-benefit questions, the op-
tions for inclusion and exclusion of food compounds and contaminants,
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
food products and health effects are large. To clarify the selected ele-
ments in the risk-benefit question, we propose the use of schematic
framing of the risk-benefit question, as exemplified in Fig. 4 for four
published risk-benefit studies for food compounds or food products. A
scheme like this is broadly applicable and may offer a transparent way
to identify different types of risk-benefit questions and clarify how the
risk-benefit question is addressed. In the case of an RBA of a whole diet,
the scheme would be pretty complex, which stresses the difficulty of
doing an RBA of a whole diet.
2.4. Lack of data and knowledge and the consequential uncertainties
The data needs for an RBA are large and diverse. RBAs frequently
face data gaps and lack of knowledge, such as lack of human data, in-
formation on dose-response and intake levels for specific population
groups. These challenges are also faced in other modelling exercises
(such as many risk assessments), and need to be addressed by doc-
umentation and discussion of the assumptions made. A consequence of
limited data and lack of knowledge is that the uncertainty related to the
assessment may be large. Yet, characterising this uncertainty is crucial
in the risk-benefit characterization.
As part of the QALIBRA project, Hart et al., 2013, provided an
overview and discussion on the importance and challenges related to
uncertainty in RBA and described strategies to deal with uncertainty.
The QALIBRA software tool developed in the project allows the user to
perform stochastic RBA and, as part of that, analyse uncertainty, either
by quantitative methods or by qualitative scenario analyses. This has
been an important step forward for the analysis of uncertainty within
Still, as previously identified by Boobis et al., 2013, and others,
there are different areas within RBAs where lacking data creates a
major challenge. An important area is dose-response modelling. For
chemical substances, the dose-response relations are usually derived
from animal experimental data, where a set of assumptions is needed to
establish a threshold that can be applied for human consumers. As the
objective of these dose-response relations in animals is often to identify
potentially dangerous doses and to set safe health-based guidance va-
lues such as the ADI or TDI, the assumptions may tend to overestimate
the true human health risks. Yet, for RBAs, it is important to derive the
magnitude of the positive and negative health effects in the same way
and therefore one needs the best possible estimate of the likelihood of
the health effect from a dose-response relationship, not the “worst case”
value. For chemical dose-response relationships, this means that the use
of BMD models may be preferred over NOAELs and LOAELs, and that
the uncertainty factors used to translate animal data to human guidance
values may not be appropriate if the dose-response relationship is to be
applied in RBAs.
The uncertainty attending the dose-response relations for microbial
pathogens is also large. These dose-response relations are usually based
on human volunteer studies or outbreak data, which means they are
based on limited data sets, for specific strains and specific population
groups, and generalised thereafter. Dose-response relations based on
studies with healthy young volunteers may be expected to under-
estimate the risk, whereas those derived from outbreaks (with more
Fig. 4. Examples of risk-benefit frames where the level of aggregation is the food product (above) or the food compound (below). The first two examples represent
elements of the studies from Hoekstra, Hart et al. (2013), and Berjia et al., 2012, and illustrate how an RBA of a food product may include several food compounds
and contaminants, which each can have several health effects (either negative or positive, indicated by + and -). Alternatively, effects can be directly linked to the
intake of the food products (i.e., CHD and stroke). The other two examples are derived from Berjia et al., 2014, and Hoekstra et al., 2008, and illustrate how an RBA of
a food compound can include several health effects and several food products, or even other sources of exposure. Note that Berjia et al., 2014, does not specifically
study the sources of vitamin D and Hoekstra et al., 2008, only considers scenarios involving fortified bread.
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
virulent strains) may overestimate the risk. Further, it is known that
immunity plays an important role and may lead to overestimation of
the risk, but it is difficult to include this in the modelling (Havelaar &
Swart, 2014).
Another uncertain element of the dose-response modelling is the
long-term effect of exposure, which is specifically relevant for chemical
substances. An acute effect is the direct consequence of in individual
ingested dose and therefore relatively easy to describe in dose-response
model. For long-term effects, however, it is much harder to identify
how different doses accumulate into health effects. The use of physio-
logically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models (Boobis et al., 2013;
Zeilmaker et al., 2013) can be useful, but these models still need further
If the dose-response modelling is based on relative risk estimates
obtained from human observational studies, uncertainties may be large
as well. Some important issues are, for example, the uncertainty re-
garding the causality of observed associations between risk factor and
effect and the representativeness of the data. To account for the un-
certainties, top-down approaches (using this type of effect modelling)
and bottom-up approaches (using the other dose-response relations)
may be combined in a comparative analysis (Section 2.2).
Uncertainties are an inevitable intrinsic element of science, risk
assessment and RBAs, and it is of utmost importance that they are not
ignored. A challenge here is that, as in risk assessment, it is not pri-
marily the objective of an RBA to assure that the uncertainty is small
enough (as aiming for a p-value smaller than 0.05), but to indicate how
large the uncertainty actually is (Nauta, 2007). One should deal with
the identified uncertainties by explicitly addressing and characterizing
them in the assessment and by clearly communicating them to all sta-
keholders. By framing the risk-benefit question (Fig. 4) and addressing
the required data, RBA models can be important in identifying the most
important data gaps and the crucial lack of knowledge. Thus, they can
guide future data generation and research. Setting the future research
agenda based on the most important sources of uncertainty can there-
fore be one of the key outputs of an RBA.
2.5. The imbalance in level of scientific evidence
The level of scientific evidence needed for identifying negative and/
or positive health effects of a food compound, food or diet is not con-
sistent (Boobis et al., 2013), because the presence of benefits and the
absence of risks need to be guaranteed (Hoekstra, Hart et al., 2013;
Tijhuis et al., 2012). In the case of health claims, a nutritional benefit
needs to be scientifically substantiated with convincing evidence of the
cause and effect relationship, before it can be accepted according to the
current EU regulation (Section 1.1). At the other hand, in the case of
setting dietary guidelines, a nutritional benefit of a food or food group
may only need to be scientifically substantiated at the level of probable
likelihood of an association (Kromhout, Spaaij, de Goede, &
Weggemans, 2016;Tetens et al., 2013;WHO, 2003). Finally, the level
of scientific evidence needed for identifying risks or negative health
effects may be small, as only an indication of a risk is sufficient for the
scientific substantiation.
Due to this discrepancy in the level of scientific evidence needed for
considering a food compound or contaminant as a “hazard”or a
“benefit”, risks are more likely to be included in an RBA than benefits,
thus leading to a potential bias in the RBA (Boobis et al., 2013;
Hoekstra, Hart et al., 2013;Tijhuis et al., 2012). Another consequence
of this discrepancy is that different types and levels of uncertainty will
be associated to the risk assessment on the one hand and the benefit
assessments on the other, which complicates the characterization of the
combined RBA even further (Section 2.4).
The imbalance in the required level of scientific evidence for risks
and benefits demands a paradigm shift from the RBA as a sum of risk
and benefit assessment to the RBA as a well-integrated risk-benefit as-
sessment. Such a well-integrated RBA deals not so much with studying a
hypothesis about the presence or absence of a health effect associated
with the intake of a (certain amount of) food product or food compound
or contaminant, but predominantly with the size of the health effects.
Even though the strength of evidence for the presence of a health effect
is strongly correlated to the size of the effect, these are not the same
thing. Stochastic modelling techniques, which include quantification of
uncertainty and variability, allow an evaluation of potential health ef-
fects, even if the effects themselves are not statistically significant. In
doing so, it may be possible to study how the estimated size of the
effect, and some alternative scenarios about these effects, may impact
public health. From this, one might conclude that the risk or benefitis
not very large, even if the evidence would be convincing, or the op-
posite, that a risk or benefit may be large, even if the level of evidence is
low. Findings like this can indicate crucial data gaps (Section 2.4) and
may, in an objective way, help identify where further research is
2.6. Substitution
In general, an RBA compares the health effects of two or more in-
take scenarios, defined as specified changes in the amount or type of
food consumed. As a side effect, these specified changes in intake may
also imply a change in the intake of other food products to compensate
for the part of the diet that is deleted or added. So far, however, such
“substitution”is rarely included in an RBA. The risks and benefits of
increasing fish intake are for example frequently studied, but the re-
lated decrease in the intake of one or more other foods and the con-
sequential health effects of that decrease are not included in the as-
sessment (Berjia et al., 2012;Hoekstra, Hart et al., 2013). Ideally, the
risks and benefits of the change in intake in these other foods are in-
cluded in the comparison of intake scenarios, but this severely com-
plicates the RBA because it extends the list of risks and benefits to be
included in the assessment. A complicating factor in this context is also
that this substitution in terms of alternative amounts and types of food
eaten may vary among individuals, adding even more to the complexity
of the RBA.
Alternatively, it can be that substitution is the specific purpose of
the RBA, as for example in the case of food fortification, when a non-
fortified food is replaced by a fortified food, and substitution is an in-
evitable part of the scenarios investigated (Hoekstra et al., 2008).
Likewise, substitution has been investigated in an RBA when added
sugar is substituted by artificial sweeteners (Hendriksen, Tijhuis,
Fransen, Verhagen, & Hoekstra, 2011;Husøy et al., 2008;Verhagen
et al., 2012b). In the first case, no additional precautions need to be
taken, as the fortified and non-fortified diets are similar except for the
content of the specific nutrient. In the sugar-artificial sweetener case,
the substitution leads to non-isocaloric diets and this may need to be
addressed because it implies that the diet may change in more aspects
than just the intended substitution.
To meet this challenge, it is a prerequisite that substitution is ac-
knowledged in the RBA, either by specifically addressing it in the intake
scenarios that are analysed, or by referring to it in the discussion of the
assumptions and in the uncertainty characterization. As simplified
substitution scenarios, one can consider replacements in the same food
groups (e.g. meat and fish) and isocaloric alternatives (to make sure the
energy intake stays similar). Next, the impact of substitution can be
analysed in separate scenarios, where different options for substitution
are compared.
2.7. The use of quantitative metrics
Within the tiered approach for RBA (Fransen et al., 2010;Hoekstra
et al., 2012), a qualitative approach can be sufficient if it is clear that
the risks dominate the benefits or vice versa. If, alternatively, a quan-
titative approach is applied, the use of one common integrated health
metric is needed to combine different positive and negative health
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
effects in an RBA and to compare different health effects within and
between assessments. The quantitative metric that is used most in
published RBAs of foods is the disability adjusted life years (DALY). The
DALY is a measure that indicates how many healthy years of life are lost
due to premature death or due to decreased quality of life associated
with a disease or hazard (Devleesschauwer et al., 2014;Havelaar et al.,
2000;Hoekstra et al., 2008;Murray, 1994). The quality of life is de-
termined by the duration of illness and a weighing factor that indicates
the severity of the specific disease considered (Salomon et al., 2015).
The DALY is increasingly used for risk ranking (Van der Fels-Klerx et al.,
2018) and in burden of disease studies (Havelaar et al., 2015), which
aim to compare and prioritise health risks, it is used as an aid to policy
makers when they have to decide where to spend their available re-
sources. Methods used and results obtained in these studies are also
useful for RBAs because the health effects considered can be the same
and a large part of the underlying calculations is similar.
The DALY is commonly applied at a population level. Burden of
disease, for example, is defined as the sum of individual DALY across
the population, and applied as a measurement of the gap between
current health status and an ideal health situation where the entire
population lives to an advanced age, free of disease and disability
(WHO, 2013). As risk-benefit questions are usually targeted at a change
of intake scenario within the population (Section 2.3), the DALY is also
commonly applied as a population metric in an RBA. However, popu-
lations consist of a large variety of individuals with varying food pre-
paration habits, consumption patterns and sensitivity to food hazards.
When the RBA is done and the risk-benefit balance for the population is
interpreted as the risk-benefit balance for the average consumer, this
does not mean that this balance is the same for all individual con-
sumers. It can be that the balance goes in different directions for dif-
ferent subpopulations, e.g., the elderly, pregnant women or children,
and because there are differences in intake and sensitivity between
individuals. Therefore, the variability between consumers has to be
taken into consideration, for example by using a stochastic approach
(Hart et al., 2013).
Apart from the DALY, other metrics can be used, such as monetary
integrated metrics like the cost-of-illness, which aims to calculate the
direct and indirect monetary costs to society related to disease and
death, or willingness-to-pay, a stated preference method which elicits
the resources an individual is willing to give up for a reduction in a
specific health risk. We refer to Mangen, Plass, & Kretzschmar, 2014,p.
196, for a comprehensive overview of these different metrics.
Even though the use of the DALY seems to be an established choice
in RBAs, one should consider alternatives and remain critical on the
choice of the preferred metric. Because this choice guides part of the
data needs of the RBA and may have an impact on the interpretation of
the final result, this choice should be made when the risk-benefit
question is defined. As different metrics may convey different messages,
the use of more than one metric could be considered as well. When
metrics are used beyond the level of the general population, it is im-
portant to consider the impact of variability between consumers. Both
the risk-benefit assessors and the decision makers should be aware of
the strengths and weaknesses of the health metric chosen, as well as the
underlying ethical dimensions (Arnesen & Kapiriri, 2004;Arnesen &
Nord, 1999;Van der Fels-Klerx et al., 2018).
2.8. Including microbiology
As RBAs have predominantly been developed within the research
areas of nutrition and toxicology, the concepts and definitions used are
largely based on these two research areas (Section 1.1) and micro-
biology is not often included (Magnússon et al., 2012). Even though one
of the first RBA publications relates to the risks and benefits of drinking
water disinfection (Havelaar et al., 2000), only 7 of the 70 references
indicated in the RBA review of Boué et al. (2015) include microbiology.
Among those, there is only one from the BRAFO project, which, among
topics not related to microbiology, discusses heat treatment of milk
(Schütte et al., 2012). Microbiological benefits, e.g., the use of probiotic
bacteria, have to our knowledge not yet been included in an RBA.
Reasons for this underrepresentation of microbiology in RBA are
probably the intrinsic differences in the underlying research disciplines
and the different nature of the associated health effects. Microbiological
risks are often linked with mild health effects such as short episodes of
gastro enteritis. They can also lead to long-term sequelae and severe
chronic effects, but these are typically not registered and less often
measured (Havelaar et al., 2012). In principle, microorganisms can
rather easily be eliminated from foods by application of a heating
process, which might suggest that microbiological risks from food can
quite easily be prevented. However, microbial contamination of food
products and exposure are common, and, to some extent, more easily
accepted by consumers (Kher et al., 2013).
Burden of disease studies (Section 2.7) show an opposite trend
compared with published RBA studies: because the availability of the
relevant data is larger, the recent World Health Organization (WHO)
study on the global burden of foodborne disease (Havelaar et al., 2015)
is primarily focused on microbiological hazards, and only four chemical
substances have been considered in the WHO report. The results suggest
that the disease burden related to the exposure to microorganisms may
be larger than that for chemicals, but more comparable disease burden
estimates for chemical substances are required before an overall com-
parison between the burden of chemical substances and microbiological
pathogens can be made. However, the results confirm that risk asso-
ciated with microbiological hazards can be quantified and that it is
important to include microbiological risks in RBAs as well.
The inclusion of microbiological risks and benefits in RBAs requires
that the specific characteristics of microbiological agents are acknowl-
edged, and that they are included in case studies. As illustrated by
Berjia et al. (2012) microbiological risks can specifically be of im-
portance when the effects of food processing are included in the risk-
benefit question, as the doses largely depend on the storage and food
preparation. It would therefore be advisable that data on food pre-
paration (such as storage times, temperatures and the applied cooking
style) are included in dietary surveys.
The challenges from differences in approach between chemical and
microbiological risk assessment needs further study to allow the de-
velopment of a more integrated approach towards RBAs (Sections 1.2
and 2.5). Recently developed tools that are increasingly adapted to
allow comparisons between chemical and microbiological health risks
(e.g. FDA-iRisk; Chen et al., 2013) can help to address these challenges.
2.9. The scope of risk-benefit assessments
The scope of a risk-benefit question in relation to food may be much
wider than direct health impact and can include socio-economic, psy-
chological and/or environmental dimensions (Boobis et al., 2013).
When consumers select their food, the health effect is only one of the
concerns; others include cost, taste, quality and sustainability of the
production. An indicated health risk may be counterbalanced by each of
these, for example, if low price and good taste are considered benefits
that outbalance the health risk.
One may consider widening the scope of RBAs of foods and include
some of the aspects mentioned above. Cost is an obvious choice, which
is an intrinsic part of the RBA when metrics such as the cost-of-illness or
willingness-to-pay are used (Section 2.7). It can also be added to the
RBA by means of a cost-utility, cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness ana-
lysis, as for example done for the costs of intervention strategies that
aim to lower the public health risks of Campylobacter from broiler meat
(Mangen et al., 2007;Van Wagenberg, Van Horne, Sommer, & Nauta,
2016). Measurements such as the “cost per avoided DALY”can be
highly informative for risk-benefit managers because they can indicate
the economic consequences of scenarios in RBAs and allow for a com-
parison of policies.
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
Also, environmental sustainability can be taken into account, for
example by the use of life cycle assessment (LCA), a product-oriented
environmental assessment tool that provides a systematic way to
quantify the environmental effects of individual products or services
(Hermansen & Nguyen, 2012). A methodology is being developed to
include nutritional health impacts in LCA (Stylianou et al., 2016),
which could clearly contribute to the development of RBAs with a scope
beyond immediate health effects of food intakes.
Ultimately, it can be attractive to address all of the relevant aspects
in one overall analysis, for example by the use of multi criteria decision
analysis (MCDA). This method has for example been applied to the
prioritisation of foodborne pathogens (Ruzante et al., 2010), taking into
account public health impact (expressed in DALY and cost-of-illness),
market impact, consumer perception and acceptance, and social sensi-
tivity to impacts on vulnerable consumer groups and industries. In
MCDA, an integrating scoring method is developed, which weighs the
importance of different factors that are considered relevant for the
decision making, allowing one to come with a final ranking that in-
cludes all of these factors.
Defining the scope of the RBA is clearly an issue that should be
decided upon when the risk-benefit question is formulated. A broader
scope includes more relevant issues, but also implies an increasing
demand for resources in terms of research efforts, data and method
development. Clearly, challenges that complicate RBAs, such as the lack
of data and knowledge, and the consequential uncertainties, the im-
balance in level of scientific evidence and the use of quantitative me-
trics, only get more weight when a broader scope is taken. Yet, the
ongoing developments show that progress can be made, and with
multidisciplinary scientific collaboration and investment in research
supporting RBAs, this progress can be strengthened in the future.
2.10. The application of risk-benefit assessments
So far, several RBAs have been performed, but mainly within re-
search projects that were directed at the development of RBA frame-
works and methodology. The aim of these RBAs was primarily to il-
lustrate the potential of the methodology and the risk-benefit question
was not posed by independent risk-benefit managers but by the re-
searchers themselves. There is now a need for more experience with the
practical application of RBAs and the proposed methodologies. These
practical applications of RBAs can fall into two categories: those leading
to recommendations or guidelines to food safety and health authorities,
and those leading to process and formulation design by industry (Boué
et al., 2015). The first application is the one considered most often and
typically the request for such an RBA originates from national or in-
ternational food and health authorities that have a mandate to advise
the public on a particular food or diet and have identified a need to
establish a scientific basis for this advice. Examples are an RBA on fish
and fish products performed in Norway (Skåre et al., 2015) and an RBA
on nuts performed in Denmark (Mejborn et al., 2015). Another reason
for the authorities to make requests for an RBA is a need for an eva-
luation of health effects of proposed fortification of foods, as for ex-
ample with vitamin D, folic acid (Hoekstra et al., 2008) or iodine
(Zimmermann, 2008).
Food producers may have an interest in RBAs when they change
their production or the formulation of their products. This is especially
of interest when this change is based on a wish to decrease one specific
health risk that can go at the expense of another. For example, when a
heating step is introduced to decrease microbiological health risks, this
can go at the expense of the formation of potentially carcinogenic
substances (Havelaar et al., 2000) and/or decreased vitamin levels. In
such cases, RBA can be an excellent tool to settle a dispute that cannot
be solved on the basis of the identification of risks and benefits alone.
The challenge from increased application of RBAs can only be met
by initiating more specific RBA projects based on current demands of
risk-benefit managers and by performing RBAs in practice. Food safety
and health authorities and the food industry should be open for mul-
tidisciplinary collaboration and should be made aware of the potential
of RBAs. When RBAs are performed, they should be published in the
international peer-reviewed literature, even if a lack of data or major
uncertainties obstruct firm conclusions. This is important to assure the
scientific quality, to increase the experience in the research community
and to aid the international discussion on the potential and challenges
of RBAs.
Table 1
A summary of the challenges in risk-benefit assessment as discussed in this paper, with a brief indication of the proposed way forward.
Topic Challenge Suggested way forward
Definitions Definitions of basic concepts differ between disciplines underlying RBA. Create awareness and reach consensus.
Top-down versus bottom-up Risk and benefit assessments can be based on top-down human
observational evidence or bottom-up risk assessment approaches,
which may provide different health effect estimates of food compounds
or contaminants.
Perform studies that combine the two approaches to compare potential
bias and uncertainties, either by case studies or simulation studies.
Risk-benefit question A wide and confusing range of questions is possible, which may require
different methods.
Define the risk-benefit question in close collaboration with risk-benefit
managers. Categorise questions and frame the risk-benefit question
Lack of data and knowledge;
Missing data and knowledge can lead to large uncertainties attending
Identify, characterise and communicate uncertainties; fill up the crucial
identified data gaps.
Imbalance of level of
The level of evidence required for benefits is usually larger than for
risks, hence risks are more likely to be included in RBAs.
Put emphasis on the size of the health effect rather than on the presence
or absence of the health effect.
Substitution When an alternative intake scenario implies a change in consumption
of one food product, it will have consequences for others. There can be
many options for substitution.
Find a comparable food product and include it in the analysis, use
isocaloric alternatives, or compare several scenarios.
Quantitative metrics Qualitative and quantitative approaches can be used and various health
metrics can be selected. They can be applied both at population level
and individual level.
More than one metric can be useful, quantitative assessments can be
preferable even if the risk-benefit balance is clear. Well balanced choices
for the metrics applied have to be made when the risk-benefit question is
Including microbiology Microbiology is not well integrated in current RBA methods, definitions
and concepts may be different. Yet it is an intrinsic part of food safety
with significant health implications and therefore it should be included
in RBAs.
Perform more RBAs that include microbiological hazards, take
advantage of experience in disease burden estimation and risk ranking.
Scope The scope of RBAs can be extended beyond health concerns, for
example by including costs and environmental sustainability.
Develop methods and metrics to do this further, integrate methods such
as LCA and MCDA into RBAs.
Application The (Quantitative) RBA methodology has not yet been applied much, it
is unclear to what extent the developed methods are practically
With case studies, show how useful the RBA can be in different areas and
discuss experiences.
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100
3. Conclusion
RBA is an evolving discipline in food safety and nutrition that takes
advantage of achievements in a variety of underlying disciplines. As it
integrates various health concerns, it is a valuable method to estimate
the overall health effects related to food consumption and diet choice,
which can be applied both by food and health authorities and the food
industry. Recognizing the progress that has been made in the past
decade and based on previous work, we have identified a series of
challenges that should be met to develop the area further and indicated
steps that should be taken for further progress. The challenges and
suggested ways forward in meeting them are summarized in Table 1.
To meet the challenges of RBA, it is important that researchers in
underlying disciplines and stakeholders in food regulation, production,
retail and consumption from different regions in the world agree on
definitions and concepts that are practical and agreeable for all. Based
on relevant risk-benefit questions, a series of risk-benefit studies should
be performed, not so much to develop methods, but predominantly to
identify the practical challenges that are met when working on RBA
case studies. When investigating these practical challenges, steps can be
made in categorizing them and in developing and harmonising agree-
able methods to address them.
For the future development of the RBA area, it is important to
perform methodological research into some of the identified challenges
because they cannot be met by performing case studies alone. Examples
are studies into the differences and similarities in results obtained from
top-down compared with bottom-up approaches (by the application of
comparative analytical tools and simulation studies), research into
uncertainty analysis and comparative studies on integrated health
metrics and metrics outside the health domain. Additionally, risk
communication is one of the key pillars in risk analysis and should also
be an inherent part of RBAs of foods, particularly for the communica-
tion of quantitative metrics and their attending uncertainties to all
Overall, with an increasing demand from different stakeholders for
holistic and objective assessments of the health effect of foods, multi-
disciplinary RBA is a promising research area for the future. Impressive
progress has been made and, despite the remaining challenges, we ex-
pect that more progress will be made in the next decade. The steps
forward proposed in this paper will be useful in taking the research area
further, allowing for transparent and reliable RBAs to be performed on
a wider scale in the future.
The preparation of this manuscript was funded through the Metrix
project by the Ministry for Environment and Food in Denmark.
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ADI: Acceptable daily intake
ARfD: Acute reference dose
BMD: Benchmark dose
BRAFO: Benefit and Risk Analysis for Foods (EU project)
DRV: Dietary reference value
DHA: Docosahexaenoic acid
EFSA: European Food Safety Authority
EPA: Eicosapentaenoic acid
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FSO: Food safety objective
IPCS: International Programme of International Safety
LCA: Life cycle assessment
LOAEL: Lowest observed adversary effect level
LTI: Lower threshold intake
MCDA: Multi criteria decision analysis
NOAEL: No observed adversary effect level
RBA: Risk-benefit assessment
TDI: Tolerable daily intake
UL: Upper intake level
WHO: World Health Organization
M.J. Nauta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76 (2018) 90–100