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Marital Satisfaction and Communication Skills among Married Couples


Abstract and Figures

Communication styles among the couples may have a key association with marital satisfaction. Marital communication patterns vary across cultures. The present study aims to understand the relationship between marital satisfaction and communication skills among married couples. Further this study aims to find out the influence of demographics such as age, gender, years of marriage on marital satisfaction. The sample for the present study consisted of 50 couples, (50 wives and 50 husbands) from Kannur district, Kerala. Marital Satisfaction Scale and Interpersonal Communication Inventory were administered on the couples. With the supporting studies, results have shown that the interpersonal communications among couples can predict satisfaction of their marital life. The study findings highlight the influence of gender and other demographic factors on marital satisfaction. The results of the study have an important implication for couples, family counselors and educators.
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Academic and Law Serials ISSN : 0019-5626
e-ISSN : 2454-3624
Farah Haris
M.Sc., Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Farook College (Affiliated to University of Calicut)
Kerala, India
Aneesh Kumar P.
Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Christ University
Bengaluru, India
Communication styles among the couples may have a key association with
marital satisfaction. Marital communication pa erns vary across cultures. The
present study aims to understand the relationship between marital satisfaction
and communication skills among married couples. Further this study aims to
nd out the infl uence of demographics such as age, gender, years of marriage on
marital satisfaction. The sample for the present study consisted of 50 couples,
(50 wives and 50 husbands) from Kannur district, Kerala. Marital Satisfaction
Scale and Interpersonal Communication Inventory were administered on the
couples. With the supporting studies, results have shown that the interpersonal
communications among couples can predict satisfaction of their marital life. The
study fi ndings highlight the infl uence of gender and other demographic factors
on marital satisfaction. The results of the study have an important implication for
couples, family counselors and educators.
Key Words: Marital Satisfaction, Communication Skills, Married
An overview of divorce cases in India, number of cases disposes
in family courts of the three years (2012, 2013 and 2014) and
pending cases. Kerala is apparently credited to be the divorce capital of
the country. Disposed cases in Kerala during the year 2012, 2013, and
2014 are 40499, 54215 and 47525 respectively, and the cases pending
are 52541 (till 31.12.2014). List is followed by Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Indian Journal of Social Research Vol. 59 (1) (Jan. - Feb., 2018) (35-44)
36 Farah Haris and Aneesh Kumar P.
etc., whereas Sikkim shows comparatively less (194, 300 and 245
respectively) among other states of the country (“Kerala has highest
number of divorces”, 2016).
According to the latest report released by the High Court of Kerala, the
number of divorce petitions filed in the family courts has surged up from
18,500 in 2014 to 19,028 in 2015. The total number of cases registered in
the courts in relation to family disputes is 51,153. Thiruvananthapuram
district recorded the maximum number of mutual consent petitions
at 2968, Kannur is 5th in position (1269), Wayanad (239) reported less
among other districts of Kerala (“Divorce rates surge in state”, 2016).
Another article points out, 1937 divorce cases is reported in three months
in Kerala (“Kerala has highest number of divorces, five cases every
hour”, 2016). From all the above articles, it is necessary to have a look
on the different factors influencing marital life among Keralites than
other states of India.
Marital satisfaction is the subjective evaluation of one’s experience
in their marriage. By subjective evaluation, we mean that marital
satisfaction can only be rated by each person in response to the question,
“How satisfied are you?” The level of a person’s satisfaction cannot be
determined by anyone else. Marital satisfaction is not a property of a
relationship; it is a subjective experience and opinion (Baghipour, 2010).
Communication skills are the ability to symbolically and efficiently
transfer the meanings and messages one has in mind, when the couple’s
communication is of a better quality, they can feel closer to each other, can
share thoughts and feelings, can feel more intimate, and by prevention
of any possible misunderstanding which is at the bottom of couple’s
conflicts, the couples can more enjoy being together (Baghipour, 2010).
Therefore, communication plays a central role in marriage, and the
communication skills are the key predictors of relationship satisfaction
between couple (Lavner, Karney and Bradbury, 2016).Communication
skills training leads to improvement of relationships, better handling
of difficult situations, mental and physical health, & better social
performance (Lundblad & Hansson, 2006).
Significance of study
As the contemporary situations is worth in need of solutions to the
problems related to marital satisfaction, so a clear cut attribution
regarding the problem should be obtained which will tell us whether
the major cause behind them is lack of communication or not. A
satisfied married life should get developed among people and
Marital Satisfaction and Communication Skills among Married Couples
awareness regarding to role of communication should be conveyed
to married couples. So that the influence of communication skill on
marital satisfaction among married couples are important because it
may help the professionals to implement proper training program, in
order to enhance better marital communication skill among the sample
population who experience lack of marital satisfaction due to poor
communication between the partners. Since a successful marital life
can provide a safe environment for meeting physical and psychological
needs and desires; it can help the couples live more happily and
satisfyingly, also can help them better to resolve their conflicts, and
therefore, can bring them a strong bond for the better family functioning
and social well-being. The finding of this study will expose prospective
married people to how to achieve satisfying marriage.
The present study was a type of correlational research design, whether
communication skills is correlated with marital satisfaction or not.
To understand the relationship between marital satisfaction and
communication skills.
To find out the relation between marital satisfaction and
communication skills.
To understand the gender differencemarital satisfaction and
communication skills.
To understand the relation among other demographic variables on
marital satisfaction and communication skills.
H1: There will be a positive correlation between marital satisfaction
and communication.
H2: Communication stylecanpredict marital satisfaction.
H3: There will be a significant gender difference between marital
satisfaction and communication.
H4: There will be a significant difference between marital satisfaction
and communication skills on demographic variables, such as age and
years of marriage of the couples.
38 Farah Haris and Aneesh Kumar P.
The sample for the present study consisted of wives and husbands
from different part of Kannur district, Kerala. The sample consisted
of 100 participants (50 wives and 50 husbands). Purposive sampling
technique has been used for selecting the samples.
Inclusion criteria
Age of the participants should be between 20 - 50 years.
Years of marriage of the participants were up to 30 years.
Exclusion criteria
Participants who have any form of mental or physical disability.
Couples who are separated or divorced.
Demographic Data Sheet
This consists of personal details such as age, gender, number of years
of marriage. It was prepared by the researcher. For the better analysis,
age and number of years of marriage has been further divided in to
three groups. Participants age 20 to 29, 30 to 39 & more than 40 years
old and the participants who got married less than 10, 11 to 19 & more
than 20 years of marriage.
Interpersonal Communication Inventory
The interpersonal communication inventory was used to measure
communication skills among participants. It was developed by
Millard J. Bienvenu, which consist of 40 items with three responses
(Yes /No /Sometimes).Internal consistency reliability established with
alpha coefficients from 0.92 to 0.95.The score ranges from 0-120. The
development of the inventory was based upon previous research in
related areas of marital communication (Bienvenu, 1971).
Marital Satisfaction Scale
The questionnaire was developed by BrundaAmrithraj and Indira
Jaiprakash (1988). It is used to measure marital satisfaction of the
participants. The questionnaire consists of 30 questions. Each question
has 3 alternatives. The split-half reliability of the test correlating odd-
even items applying Spearman-Brown formula was 0.94 and the
validity of the test was found to be 0.77. Score ranges from 0-60. Higher
the score, higher the marital satisfaction.
Marital Satisfaction and Communication Skills among Married Couples
Data collection
Prior permission was obtained from the participants for the data
collection. The sample consisted of 100 (50 wives and 50 husbands)
and they were selected following purposive sampling technique.
Initially rapport was established, and then the researcher approached
the participants directly with the questionnaire of both marital
satisfaction scale and interpersonal communication skills scale along
with demographic data sheet. Then the participants were given proper
instructions:‘the sheet given to you comprises 70 questions with
options. Read each statement carefully and give true response. There
is no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any
of the statement; feel free to withdraw the participation at any time.
Give the answer which seems to be desirable. We will maintain the
confidentiality of your response’.
Ethical Issues Considered
Participation in the study was voluntary, informed consent was
obtained from all the study subjects and the date and time of interview
was decided as per their convenience. All the participants were ensured
about confidentiality of the information.
Data analysis
Data sheets were collected from the selected samples and incomplete
data sheets were removed. The remaining data sheets were checked
and analyzed. The statistical analysis of the crosschecked data was
conducted with the help of SPSS.20 for windows. The data were
analyzed through descriptive statistics, bivariate correlation analysis,
linear regression, independent sample‘t’-test and one- way ANOVA.
The present study was conducted so as to understand the relation
between marital satisfaction and communication. Also aims to find out
the significance of the demographic variable on the study variables.
The study consisted of 100, in which 50 husbands and 50 wives were
participated. 44, 40 and 16 were participated in the age group 20-30, 31-
40 and 41-50 years old participants respectively. And the 70 participants
who got married within 10years (including 10), 22 participants were
got married in between 11 to 20 years (included both 11 and 20) and
only 7 comes under 21- 30 years of marriage.
40 Farah Haris and Aneesh Kumar P.
Table 1: Frequency table of samples
Samples ( N=100) Frequency Percent
Gender Husbands 50 50
Wives 50 50
(in years old)
20-30 44 44
31-40 40 40
41-50 16 16
Years of Marriage
(in years)
≤ 10 71 71
11-20 22 22
21-30 7 7
Table 2: Pearson Correlation among Marital Satisfaction Scores and Interpersonal
communication scores
(N = 100) Marital satisfaction Scores
Interpersonal Communication Scores r = +.56**
A Pearson product-moment correlation was run to determine the
relationship between marital satisfaction and communication. The
data showed there is a positive correlation between marital satisfaction
and communication (H1 accepted) which was statistically significant (r
=+.56, n =100, p<.01).
Table 3: Regression analysis between communication and marital satisfaction.
Predictor variable Dependent
Standardized Beta
value t value Model summary
Communication Marital
.56 6.75 R2 = .31
Adjusted R2 = .31
F = 45.65
Sig. =.000b
Marital satisfaction is significantly predicted by communication skills,
β = .56, t = 6.75, p< .001. Marital satisfaction also explained a significant
proportion of various in communication scores(H2 accepted), R2 = .31,
F =45.65, p <.001. About 31% of marital satisfaction is predicted by the
communication skills of the couple.
Table 4: t-test for gender differences of marital satisfaction and communication skills
Variables Category N Mean Std. Deviation t value Sig.
Male 50 33.14 5.59 1.53 .12
Female 50 31.62 4.21
Communication Male 50 68.72 19.06 .45 .64
Female 50 67.06 17.06
Marital Satisfaction and Communication Skills among Married Couples
Present study found that both marital satisfaction and communication
among couples are not statistically significant, (H3rejected) (t = 1.53,
p>.05 and t = .45, p>.05 marital satisfaction and communication
Table 5: ANOVA results based on demographic variables.
Demographic variable Study variable Between groups F Sig.
df Mean square
Age Marital satisfaction
Years of marriage Marital satisfaction
From the results, shows there is no significant difference between
marital satisfaction and communication on age and years of marriage
(p>.05) of the participants (H4rejected).
The study aims to understand the relationship between marital
satisfaction and communication skills among married couples. Further
this study aims to find out the influence of demographics such as age,
gender, years of marriage on marital satisfaction and communication.
From the results, study supports that communication plays a central
role in marriage. The quality of communication between spouses is
widely assumed to affect their subsequent judgments of relationship
satisfaction, yet this assumption is rarely tested against the alternative
prediction that communication is merely a consequence of spouses
prior levels of satisfaction. Couple communication skills are the
key predictors of relationship satisfaction (Lavner, Karney and
Bradbury, 2016).
Talking about the marital relationship among couple, discussing the
works or daily activities, expressing the things which they liked and
disliked, communicating about sexuality, etc. will have significant role
in maintaining the good relationship. And communication is negatively
effect on the relationship, if the spouse is telling more about their
children and activities of them more than telling his/her partner. Here
the communication is in between parent and children working out more
than communication husband and wife. It is also important the way in
which communication is made (Sanchez & Martinez, 2016). Sometimes,
partners often speak to each other using different terminology with
an intention to not understand the communication properly by other
42 Farah Haris and Aneesh Kumar P.
partner, also have personal agendas, and self-identity needs that
frequently negatively impact the communication in their marriage.
Unfortunately, communicating just isn’t as simple as exchanging
information using the words we speak or write (Smith, 2015).
Spark of the conflicts among couple starts, one among the couple could
not communicate well with their spouse or the way how husband
interpreted the communication which wife made and vice versa
(Tavakolizadeh, Nejatian & Soori, 2016). Therefore, communication
skills are important determinant of marital satisfaction. The couples
can enjoy more being together as long as their interpersonal
communication exists, which prevents any possible misunderstanding
from the conflicts (Baghipour, 2010).
Study also supports the gender equality for the satisfaction of the
marriage. Some wives and husbands used to complaint each other as,
all men are like this or all women are like this. It is necessary to wipe out
the rubbish comments by the partner. Since no specific gender group
are dominant either in marital satisfaction or communication among
couple (Jackson, Miller, Oka & Henry, 2014).
Alternatively, a family court lawyer, Jayachandran says in his article
that both men and women are equally responsible for making conflicts
and filling divorce cases (“Kerala is India’s divorce capital”, 2016).
From the findings, there is no significant difference between marital
satisfaction and communication on age and years of marriage of the
participants. When we look on to the ages of the couple, many study
(e.g., Dabone&Tawiah, 2014) results found that the younger ones were
significantly more dissatisfied with their marriage than the older ones.
The researcher identified that some studies were in contrast to the stand
point of this study. A study of Katz’s (2001) on nonfiction children and
youth divorce emotions stated that there is no significant difference
between young and old people with regards to their marital satisfaction.
The present study entitled as marital satisfaction and communication
among couples was conducted in 50 wives and 50 husbands of
Kannur district of Kerala. The study revealed that, the interpersonal
communication skills are necessary for making good relationship
bond between the partners. There also existed no statistical significant
difference in gender, age and years of marriage on the study variables
among couples.
Marital Satisfaction and Communication Skills among Married Couples
Since, the study points out the necessity of interpersonal communication
for a strong marital relation, it is important to provide communication
training to the couple before they get married which can promote
couples marital satisfaction and life quality, and it is one of the main
prevention programs in the initial levels.
For the purpose of the same, respected authorities such as family
counselors, educators and other governing bodies have to take
necessary steps forenhancing the couple to make a strong bond for the
better family functioning and social well-being.
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44 Farah Haris and Aneesh Kumar P.
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* * *
Received on 3.4.2017 and accepted on 5.5.2017
... [40]. In communication skill training couples who can maintain communication skills, the quality of the relationship or satisfaction in the relationship is found to increase [41]. Changes in more effective communication and more positive behavior from behavior exchange as well as reduced negative impacts such as avoiding each other, distancing and fighting make the assessment between husband and wife more positive and relationship satisfaction gradually increases. ...
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This case report aims to report the handling of cases of ineffective communication between husband and wife in families who have children with special needs. The problem that arises in this family is the problem of ineffective communication. This problem causes disharmony within the family which has an impact on children with special needs. Participants were husband and wife who had been married for 40 years. The husband works as a casual laborer and the wife is a housewife. The methods used are interviews and observation as an assessment as well as behavioral couple therapy intervention with behavior exchange techniques and communication skills training as an effort to overcome husband-wife communication problems. The results of the intervention showed that previously ineffective communication had changed to become more effective. Changes in communication make husband and wife closer. Wives begin to serve their husbands, such as preparing food and other household needs as well as dividing the tasks of caring for children. Husbands also started to work more diligently, and wanted to eat their wives' cooking which they previously didn't want to do. In conclusion, behavioral couples therapy can overcome the problem of ineffective communication between husband and wife. This finding is interesting because post-covid family problems are still common and can reduce the quality of a couple's relationship.
... The third factor is communication. According to (Haris & Kumar, 2018) found that the quality of interpersonal communication in couples can predict marital satisfaction. The fourth factor is the same interest. ...
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In the transition to parenthood, couples will face many changes until the child is two years old. Therefore, it is important for couples to apply common dyadic coping. However, common dyadic coping is influenced by individual attachment styles. This study aimed to determine the role of common dyadic coping during the transition to parenthood as a mediator between attachment style and marital satisfaction. This study uses a type of correlational research because correlational research is used to see the predictive relationship between variables. The measures used in this study are Experiences in Close Relationships - Revised (ECR-R), Couple Satisfaction Index (CSI), and Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI). Data were obtained through an online survey of Indonesian citizens aged ≥ 21 years, married, and having an only child aged zero to two years (N mothers = 90%, M age = 27.9, SD age = 2.8). The results of the mediation model analysis on Hayes' PROCESS macro showed that problem-focused common dyadic coping partially mediated the relationships between anxious attachment and marital satisfaction, and avoidant attachment and marital satisfaction. Similarly, emotion-focused dyadic coping partially mediated the relationships between anxious attachment and marital satisfaction, and avoidant attachment and marital satisfaction.
... Salah satu atau kedua pasangan memiliki kecenderungan untuk memilih menghindar dan tidak berusaha untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi dengan pasangan. Hal ini berdampak pada pola komunikasi yang buruk sebagai pemicu konflik muncul pada pasangan suami istri (Haris & Kumar, 2018). ...
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Seorang ayah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga, juga berperan dalam pengasuhan anak, sehingga kondisi ini dapat berdampak pada kondisi psikologis ayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran co-parenting dan konflik pasangan terhadap relationship flourishing pada ayah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif non-eksperimen. Responden penelitian berjumlah 209 orang ayah dengan rentang usia 27–47 tahun (M=33,3 tahun) yang diperoleh dengan metode convenience sampling. Proses pengambilan data penelitian dengan self-report questionnaire yang di dalamnya terdiri dari skala co-parenting (35 butir; α=0,780), konflik pasangan (tujuh butir; α=0,801) dan relationship flourishing (12 butir; α=0,871). Analisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa co-parenting dan konflik yang terjadi pada pasangan secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap relationship flourishing pada ayah. Hal itu berarti bahwa ayah yang menilai hubungan dengan pasangan berlandaskan keterbukaan, saling memotivasi dan komunikasi yang baik akan membuat hubungan mencapai tahap yang berkualitas (flourishing). Lebih lanjut lagi, ketika kerja sama pengasuhan terjalin antar pasangan dan pasangan suami istri dapat meminimalisir konflik maka dapat menciptakan hubungan yang berkualitas.
... These behaviors, in turn, lead to dissatisfaction and the breakdown of the marriage. The acquisition of communication skills is crucial in creating and maintaining intimacy, as most tensions arise from ineffective communication (Haris & Kumar, 2018). By acknowledging and developing effective ways of communicating with each other, many problems can be identified and managed. ...
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Background and Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between communication skills with martial satisfaction with considering the mediating role of perfectionism. Methods: The current study utilized a descriptive-correlation approach, employing structural equation modeling. The research focused on married individuals residing in Tehran, with a marriage duration of less than 25 years. A sample of 200 participants (100 couples) was chosen from this population using an available sampling method. Standard questionnaires were used for data collection. Pearson correlation test and the structural equation modeling were used for data analysis. Results: Results reveled that communication skills significantly affected martial satisfaction (T=6.284). Moreover, communication skills significantly affected perfectionism (T=11.594). Furthermore, perfectionism significantly affected martial satisfaction (T=9.509). Finally, perfectionism has significantly mediated the relationship between communication skills and martial satisfaction (P<0.001). Results of model fit indicated that the research model has good fit. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it is advised that couples concentrate on fostering and improving the aspects that support communication skills. Furthermore, more attention should be given to perfectionism.
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This study explores the link between family business success and marital breakdown using a mixed-methods approach. Data from 110 family business people in Kilimanjaro was collected using a cross-sectional survey design. The findings show that extramarital affairs, poor conflict resolution skills, poor communication, biased succession processes, and imbalanced work-life dynamics contribute to higher rates of marital failures among family business couples. Recommendations include interventions enhancing conflict resolution skills, fostering effective communication, ensuring fair succession processes, and promoting work-life balance to mitigate these risks.
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Structural modeling of the relationships between personal attractiveness, interpersonal relationships, and relationship satisfaction among both sexes of Saudis in the city of Mecca ‫أ.‬. Abstract: The study aimed to reveal statistically significant differences in personal attractiveness, interpersonal relationships, and relationship satisfaction among both sexes in Mecca according to the gender variable, and to determine the optimal model for the relationship between personal attractiveness variables, interpersonal relationships, and relationship satisfaction among married couples (male-female) in Mecca. The research sample of 270 Saudis was selected in a stratified random manner. The descriptive approach, both its correlational and analytical aspects, was used. The results of the research showed that there were differences between the sexes on the personal attractiveness scale, the interpersonal relations scale, and the relationship satisfaction scale in favor of males. While there are no differences between the sexes on the two dimensions of personal attractiveness (social attractiveness-task attractiveness), there are also no differences between the sexes in the measure of interpersonal relations on the two dimensions (self-disclosure-kindness). A number of matching indicators were also extracted, where the values reflect... Approaching 1 or more than 0.90 for each of the indicators (NFI, GFI, CFI, TLI, AGFI) is good evidence of the extent to which the data matches the default model. The results showed that the fit indicators did not fall into the ideal range, so the Modification Indices were referred to (Modification indicators) provided by AMOS software to improve the virtual model.
The study aimed to reveal statistically significant differences in personal attractiveness, interpersonal relationships, and relationship satisfaction among both sexes in Mecca according to the gender variable, and to determine the optimal model for the relationship between personal attractiveness variables, interpersonal relationships, and relationship satisfaction among married couples (male-female) in Mecca. The research sample of 270 Saudis was selected in a stratified random manner. The descriptive approach, both its correlational and analytical aspects, was used. The results of the research showed that there were differences between the sexes on the personal attractiveness scale, the interpersonal relations scale, and the relationship satisfaction scale in favor of males. While there are no differences between the sexes on the two dimensions of personal attractiveness (social attractiveness - task attractiveness), there are also no differences between the sexes in the measure of interpersonal relations on the two dimensions (self-disclosure - kindness). A number of matching indicators were also extracted, where the values reflect... Approaching 1 or more than 0.90 for each of the indicators (NFI, GFI, CFI, TLI, AGFI) is good evidence of the extent to which the data matches the default model. The results showed that the fit indicators did not fall into the ideal range, so the Modification Indices were referred to (Modification indicators) provided by AMOS software to improve the virtual model.
Aim: There are many problems in couples who experience infidelity, and one of the effective methods in this area is schema therapy. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of schema therapy on boredom and marital satisfaction in people who cheat in marriage. Methods: The current research was semi-experimental. The statistical population of the current research included clients who had experience cheating and had visited Sahel Counseling Center in Tehran during the winter and spring of 2022. The sample of 40 people were selected by purposful sampling method and randomly divided into two groups (20 people in each group) including experimental and control groups. The experimental group underwent schema therapy intervention and the control group did not receive any interventions. The measurement tools included the Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire and the Pines Marital Discomfort Questionnaire. Multivariate analysis of covariance test was used for analysis. Findings: The results showed that schema therapy is significantly effective in modulating all three components of marital dissatisfaction as well as improving all components of marital satisfaction except financial management and relationships with children (p<0.01). Conclusion: In general, the results of this research showed that schema therapy is useful in changing aspects of loneliness and marital satisfaction and can be used to reduce family and psychological problems of people who cheated.
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Marital problems have multiple causes. One factor leading to dissatisfaction is communication, both the inability to communicate in certain areas and the way in which communication is made. 104 Mexican couples who attend a reproductive healthcare institution in Mexico City took part in this study. The relationship between the amount and style of communication was studied in order to develop profiles with explanatory indicators. A study was carried out of two samples, (men and women), and classified in terms of marital satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Indicators related to marital satisfaction are: talking about the marital relationship, work (women and men), sexuality (women), and having a positive style of communication. Indicators of marital dissatisfaction are: talking about children (men) and having negative and violent styles of communication.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of communication skills training on marital conflicts and its aspects in married women who referred to health centers of Gonabad in 2013. At this experimental study with pretest-posttest design and control group, Sixty married women, who have referred to health centers of Gonabad city, had been randomly selected and distributed in two groups as case and control. First, the pretest was administered for both groups. The pretest was consisted of a questionnaire on demographic information, communication skills and marital conflicts. Then the case group was presented with ten 45-minute sessions on communication skills. At the end of trainings, which lasted for 2 weeks, both groups filled the questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20 and independent and paired T-tests. The results showed In comparison to control group, communication skills training significantly reduces marital conflicts in case group (P=0.001). These trainings had also significantly influenced the five aspects of marital conflicts of case group including cooperation (P=0.048), sexual relationship (P=0.001), emotional reactions (P=0.019), personal communication with relatives (P=0.033) and familial communication with spouse relatives and friends (P=0.20), but did not influence the other 2 aspects which are children support (P=0.13) and financial issues (P=0.12). Regarding the impact of communication skills training on marital conflicts, it is recommended to train the women with marital conflicts with communication skills.
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The purpose of the present meta-analysis was to empirically test the widely held assumption that women experience lower marital satisfaction than men. A total of 226 independent samples with a combined sum of 101,110 participants were included in the meta-analysis. Overall results indicated statistically significant yet very small gender differences in marital satisfaction between wives and husbands, with wives slightly less satisfied than husbands; moderator analyses, however, indicated that this difference was due to the inclusion of clinical samples, with wives in marital therapy 51% less likely to be satisfied with their marital relationship than their husbands. The effect size for nonclinical community-based samples indicated no significant gender differences among couples in the general population. Additional moderator analyses indicated that there were also no gender differences when the levels of marital satisfaction of husbands and wives in the same relationship (i.e., dyadic data) were compared.
The quality of communication between spouses is widely assumed to affect their subsequent judgments of relationship satisfaction, yet this assumption is rarely tested against the alternative prediction that communication is merely a consequence of spouses' prior levels of satisfaction. To evaluate these perspectives, newlywed couples' positivity, negativity, and effectiveness were observed four times at 9-month intervals, and these behaviors were examined in relation to corresponding self-reports of relationship satisfaction. Cross-sectionally, relatively satisfied couples engaged in more positive, less negative, and more effective communication. Longitudinally, reliable communication-to-satisfaction and satisfaction-to-communication associations were identified, yet neither pathway was particularly robust. These findings raise important doubts about theories and interventions that prioritize couple communication skills as the key predictor of relationship satisfaction, while raising new questions about other factors that might predict communication and satisfaction and that strengthen or moderate their association.
Patterns, characteristics and styles of interpersonal communication in 316 adult men and women were investigated by use of an Interpersonal Communication Inventoy. Development of the Inventory was based upon previous research in related areas of marital communication, parent-child communication, group therapy and intragroup communication. Item analysis yielded 50 items which discriminated between good and poor communicators. Factors of good and poor communication are identified and discussed. Uses of the Inteversonul Communication Inventory in counseling, teaching and research are proposed.
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  • B Amruthra
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The Influence of Education of Communication Skills on Marital Adjustment among Married University
  • Z Baghipour
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Effects of Age on Marital Satisfaction of Married People in Sunyanimunicipality
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Nonfiction Children & Youth Divorce Emotions Psychology Family Counseling
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Couples Therapy: Effectiveness of Treatment and long-term follow-up
  • A M Lundblad
  • K Hansson
Lundblad, A.M. & Hansson, K. (2006): Couples Therapy: Effectiveness of Treatment and long-term follow-up. Journal of Family Therapy, 28: 136-152. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6427.2006.00343.