
The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.

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... Bien qu'ils reconnaissaient les opportunités offertes par le commerce international et les investissements étrangers, ils ne les intégraient pas pleinement dans une théorie cohérente de la croissance économique. L'analyse de la croissance économique était au coeur des travaux des économistes classiques, notamment (Smith, 1776), (Malthus, 1798) et (Ricardo, 1817), qui ont établi les fondements de la théorie moderne de la croissance. Leur intérêt pour ce sujet était fortement influencé par les changements économiques et sociaux marquants de leur époque, en particulier durant la révolution industrielle, qui a vu l'émergence du capitalisme industriel. ...
... Ils s'efforçaient d'identifier les forces sociales qui favorisaient ou entravaient ce progrès, afin de formuler des recommandations politiques. Par exemple, l'opposition de (Ricardo, 1817) aux lois sur les grains 1 et les réflexions de (Malthus, 1798) sur la croissance de la population illustrent cette préoccupation. Le progrès était perçu comme une augmentation de la richesse nationale, tout en préservant la propriété privée, ce qui suggérait que l'initiative individuelle dans un cadre concurrentiel pouvait bénéficier à l'ensemble de la société. ...
... Ils voyaient le taux de profit comme un facteur déterminant de la croissance, (Ricardo, 1817) affirmant que le processus d'accumulation conduisait inévitablement à une baisse des taux de profit, ce qui pouvait potentiellement interrompre la croissance. Cette idée est liée à sa théorie des rendements décroissants, en particulier dans l'agriculture. ...
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Cette étude synthétise les recherches portant sur la relation entre le capital humain éducatif et la croissance économique. L’approche adoptée est exclusivement théorique et repose sur une revue de la littérature existante. Nous avons restreint notre sélection aux études les plus influentes, choisies de manière aléatoire. À partir de cette revue, nous avons distingué deux grandes catégories d’études sur l’éducation : celles qui se concentrent sur la quantité d’éducation et celles qui examinent sa qualité. Cette distinction entraîne souvent des résultats contradictoires, renforçant ainsi l’intérêt de notre analyse. L’examen des études révèle une diversité méthodologique notable, tant dans les modes de mesure de l’éducation que dans les spécifications économétriques des modèles. Les contextes géographiques et les périodes étudiées varient également, compliquant davantage l’interprétation des résultats. Les conclusions sont contrastées : certaines études démontrent un effet positif significatif de l’éducation sur la croissance, tandis que d’autres n’identifient pas de lien clair ou suggèrent même un effet négatif. Les économistes axés sur la quantité estiment que l’accès à l’éducation est le principal moteur de la croissance. En revanche, ceux axés sur la qualité soutiennent que la croissance ne peut être durable sans un investissement dans des compétences de qualité, qu’elles soient cognitives ou non cognitives, ces compétences étant cruciales pour l’innovation et la compétitivité sur le marché mondial.
... ii. Theory of Comparative Advantage The theory of comparative advantage suggests that countries should specialize in producing goods where they have a lower opportunity cost (Ricardo, 1817). Trade openness should enable Nigeria to focus on producing and exporting agricultural goods where it enjoys a cost advantage, thereby enhancing export performance. ...
... iii. Ricardian Model The Ricardian model, which is rooted in comparative advantage, asserts that technological differences between nations create opportunities for trade (Ricardo, 1817). Countries export goods in which they have a productivity advantage and import goods that other countries can produce more efficiently. ...
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Submission This study investigates the relationship between trade openness and agricultural export performance in Nigeria. Utilizing an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, the analysis examines the short-run and long-run effects of trade openness on the agricultural export sector. Empirical findings reveal a significant positive correlation between trade openness and agricultural export performance. The study underscores the importance of trade liberalization in enhancing the competitiveness of Nigeria's agricultural exports in the global market. However, it also highlights the need for complementary policies to address infrastructure, institutional challenges, and exchange rate volatility to fully maximize the benefits of trade openness.
... Benzer şekilde Musgrave (1959), vergilerin işletme faaliyetleri üzerindeki caydırıcı etkisinin minimum düzeyde olması gerektiğini geniş çapta tartışmıştır. Bir ülkede sermayeden alınan vergilerin, üretken faaliyetleri belirleyen fonları azaltacağını ifade eden Ricardo (1871), verginin gelir üzerinden alınması durumunda ise bunun düşük tasarrufla sonuçlanacağını ifade etmiştir. Vergilendirmeyi başlı başına bir amaç olarak değil, tam istihdam ve ekonomik istikrar gibi makroekonomik hedeflere ulaşmak için hükümetlerin ayarlayabileceği bir politika aracı olarak gören Keynes (1936), yatırım ve tasarruf kararlarının vergilemeden etkilenebileceğini açıklamıştır. ...
... Çünkü literatürde Dalton (1961), Evans (2012), Keynes (1936), Laffer (1981), Mankiw vd. (2009), Ricardo (1871 ve Smith (1776)'in verginin ekonomik ve mali etkilerine ilişkin tartışmaları dikkate alındığında, vergi yükünün bir sonuçtan ziyade genellikle bir neden olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Ancak farklı sosyal ihtiyaçlar, sanayileşme, sosyal gelişmeler, altyapının geliştirilmesi ve toplumsal refahın maksimuma çıkarılması gibi faktörler modern devletin genişlemesine, kamu harcamalarının artmasına ve vergilerin çeşitlenmesine yol açmıştır. ...
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Vergi yükünün dinamiklerini anlamak, bir ülkenin mali, ekonomik ve sosyal yapısını karakterize eden faktörlerin belirlenmesi noktasında yol gösterici olabilir. Çünkü vergi yükü, mali, ekonomik ve sosyal yapı üzerinde etkili olmakla birlikte mali, ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmelerden de önemli ölçüde etkilenmektedir. Buradan hareketle yapılan bu çalışma, Türkiye’de ekonomik ve mali göstergelerin vergi yükü üzerindeki etkilerini tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. 1980-2022 dönemi temel alınarak yapılan ARDL sınır testi sonuçları, vergi yükü ile diğer değişkenler arasında eşbütünleşme ilişkisinin olduğunu göstermektedir. ARDL modeli uzun dönem katsayı tahmin sonuçlarına göre, dış ticaret ve faiz ödemeleri vergi yükü üzerinde negatif yönlü etkiler yaratırken doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar, ekonomik büyüme, işsizlik ve kamu harcamaları değişkenleri ise vergi yükü üzerinde pozitif yönlü etkilere sahiptir. İşsizliğin vergi yükü üzerindeki zayıf etkisine karşın, doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar, kamu harcamaları ve ekonomik büyüme vergi yükü üzerinde güçlü etkilere sahiptir. Araştırma bulguları genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde, ekonomik ve mali gelişmelerin vergi yükünü etkilediği ve Türkiye’de sosyoekonomik alanların dinamiklerini şekillendirmede devletin önemli bir rol oynadığı görülmektedir. Bu yönüyle çalışmamız, vergi yükünün ekonomik ve mali gelişmelerin bir sonucu olabildiğini de göstermektedir.
... That is, what regulates the (relative) prices of individual commodities in the long period ? This question is at the heart of Ricardo's understanding of the LTV, as an accounting system that can explain the formation and evolution of prices [41]. ...
... w Once again, we can note that the convergence (albeit fast) is slightly slower than in the case of the SI. 41 Another thing we should note is that the process converges to the following MELT for the uniform rate of profit r (k) = 24.98% -which is much closer to Bortkiewicz's solution. ...
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The classical (Ricardian/Marxian) and the modern classical (Sraffian) political economy are formulated using linear production systems. In the long-period equilibrium, such a system provides the prices of production and the rate of profit of the economy assuming: (i) that competition between labourers and capitalists (and among labourers themselves) results to a uniform wage rate, (ii) that competition among capitalists within each industry results to a uniform price (the 'Law of One Price'), and (iii) that competition among capitalists operating in different sectors results to a uniform rate of profit (the 'Law of One Rate of Profit'). However, in Marx's system, each commodity when produced obtains a 'value form', which reflects the mbodied labour time. This 'value form' exists within the sphere of production of each commodity (that is, under the operation of the particular capital that produced it) and is distorted in the market due to the laws of circulation (the competition among and between capitals), so that the eventual price of production diverges from the labour value. Marx attempted to show, after presenting the laws of competition, that labour values can be transformed to prices of production. His attempt was incomplete and criticised as wrong; however, Okishio (1974) and Shaikh (1977) showed that Marx's solution indeed provides a 'transformation algorithm' from labour values to prices of production. However, in all discussion related to the 'transformation problem' (Shaikh's seminal work included, as well as the 'New Interpretation'), it is the inter-sectoral competition that is emphasised, with the transformation of a uniform rate of surplus value to a uniform rate of profit playing the fundamental role; the intra-sectoral competition is almost entirely ignored, as prices per industry are assumed identical. In this work, we attempt to incorporate this phase of competition and extend the Marx-Okishio-Shaikh algorithm, so as to make it applicable in realistic situations.
... The international trade theories consider trade liberalization as a catalyst to economic growth, while economic growth theories approach the liberalization -growth from the perspective of factor productivity. Ricardo (1817) developed the theory of comparative advantage and showed rigorously in his published book Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), that on assumptions of perfect competition and full employment of resources, countries can reap welfare gains by specializing in the production of those goods with the lowest opportunity cost over domestic demand. Ricardo further argued that even when one country has an absolute advantage in the production of two goods against another country; it might still be more beneficial to both countries if each of them specializes in the production of only one of the goods. ...
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This research examines the relationship between trade liberalization and economic growth in selected West African countries (Cote d‟Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria) the choice of these countries is as a result of steady GDP growth over the years, using secondary data in a multivariate panel framework for the period 1976 - 2023. The main objective was to establish the effects of trade liberalization on economic growth in these countries. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound tests and other diagnostic tests were employed for data estimation. The results indicated long run relationship between trade liberalization and economic growth in Cote d‟Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria. The relationship is positive and significant for the three countries. In the long run, the combination of other macroeconomic variables like investment, human capital, net inflow of FDI and the exchange rate complement the contribution of trade to economic growth. Therefore, these countries should promote appropriate trade policies devoted to foster increased local production of manufactured and agricultural goods to reduce importation and stimulate exports, as a strategy to boost economic growth
... The theory reasoned that there were flaws in Adam Smith's theory of absolute advantage which states that a country can only benefit from certain advantageresource, trade and offset situations when it has absolute advantage. According to Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage, even in the midst of assumed absolute cost disadvantage in a nation's production sector especially with resource, trade and offset situations, there still exists a basis for mutually beneficial advantage (Ricardo, 1817). This nexus between resource, trade and offset situations comparative advantage and growth vis-à-vis climate change has always been a source of debate among economic researchers and policy makers over the years. ...
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Climate change itself is not primarily only about carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, environmental degradation and health hazards. Producing cheap energy is structured-climate change possible although, producing cheap fuels is not the major goal advantage of structured climate change. Hence, transforming the existing climate change crisis via management systems sine qua none to the outlined and detailed structured climate change management model is a valuable synergy for benefit-supplies. Hence, implementing the structured climate change advantage model is of the essence both in utilizing and transforming the erstwhile climate change crisis into valuable end user consumables for benefits previously conduced as impossible. These “climate change crisis-consumables” possible is pragmatic of, recognizing the need for society to move away from a mindset of just carbon consumption to one of carbon custodianship, in which the “end user” has a duty to ensure structured carbon sustainable (re)use. Alongside this, is the move to a more circular economy and the consideration that neither carbon sequestration nor conversion are stand-alone carbon emission climate change solution. Consequently, both will be necessary, together with other measures of the structured climate change advantage model amidst such variables – short-, mid- and/or long-term of – reduced carbon-containing materials use or total avoided carbon-containing materials consumption to, consolidate on the structured climate change management model for optimum carbon provenance.
... Rather than nations striving for self-sufficiency in all areas of production, they engage in international trade by focusing on sectors where they possess a comparative advantage. This concept is rooted in classical economic theory (Ricardo, 1817). The assumption is that by doing so, countries can trade surplus goods and services with others to access what they lack, benefiting from the efficiency gains associated with specialization. ...
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Mercantilism, an economic theory that was once dominant but now outdated, is gaining appeal among some African progressive politicians and scholars. Proponents of Mercantilism argue that it is the African continent's best option when it comes to reclaiming control over the continent's vast natural resources-such as gold, diamonds, and other natural resources-that have historically fueled the prosperity of Western nations. They believe that a policy based on self-sufficiency, limiting imports, and increasing exports, has the potential to reverse Africa's long-standing economic woes. However, this paper argues that mercantilism is counterproductive in the context of today's globalized economy. Using the fallacy of composition as a framework, this paper demonstrates that even though mercantilist policies may appear beneficial when applied in isolation, their widespread adoption across the African continent would undermine the continent's economic potential rather than accelerate the sustainable economic development that the continent desperately needs. The article uses historical and economic case studies to critique the revival of mercantilism and advocates for more integrated and cooperative approaches to address the African continent's economic challenges
... Cela contribue à une distribution plus équitable des revenus et à une réduction de la pauvreté, tout en soutenant une croissance économique plus inclusive et durable. Selon la théorie de l'avantage comparatif(Ricardo, 1817), les pays devraient se spécialiser dans les secteurs où ils disposent d'un avantage relatif, permettant ainsi une allocation optimale des ressources. Cette spécialisation, bien que bénéfique en termes d'efficacité économique, comporte des risques, notamment celui de rendre les économies vulnérables aux chocs externes. ...
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Algeria faces several economic challenges given its strong dependence on hydrocarbons. Despite signs of recovery in 2022 after the covid-19 crisis, a reform of the growth model is essential to promote sectors with high added value by stimulating growth. The blue economy, centered on marine activities, offers a key opportunity for economic diversification and sustainable growth. This work consists of evaluating the blue economy in Algeria, examining the opportunities, identifying the determinants of its sustainable development, and proposing an adapted strategic plan. The blue economy represents 2.4% of Algerian GDP, provides 331,000 direct jobs (around 3% of the active population), and has strong potential to further develop the blue economy thanks to its long coastline of 2,148 km. The strategic development plan for 2050 is based on five pillars: scientific research, development of the EEZ, capacity building, sustainability and governance. This involves structural and institutional reforms, stakeholder involvement, and financial resource mobilization. This plan aims to increase the contribution to GDP to reach a value of more than 09% by 2035, through the investment of 15 billion USD over five years through 45 tasks in six interconnected niches: port infrastructure, maritime transport, aquaculture, energy marine, coastal tourism and marine biotechnology.
... Beyond measurement problems, such declining tendency, from a classical political economy perspective (Smith, 1776;Ricardo, 1819), is the reflection of the struggle between the relative (bargaining) power between capital and labour, to such an extent that Ricardo himself enlists the declining labour share as one of the scopes of his entire work: ...
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This article proposes a novel framework to investigate how globalisation affects workers’ share of value added. We explore functional income distribution by looking at industrial interdependence and thus identifying Global Value Chains (GVCs) as the unit of analysis; we then track inputs’ composition and their labour share evolution along the value chains. First, we find widespread heterogeneous patterns across value chains’ components, accounting for the direct, domestic and foreign requirements of the chains, inside an overall declining trend in the vertical labour share. Second, through a shift-share analysis, we investigate what drives such decline in the vertical labour share: albeit country-industry idiosyncratic factors accounted by the within-input component contribute the most, between-input reallocation—GVCs restructuring—matters, particularly highlighting the role played by foreign contributions. Finally, through a parsimonious regression estimation, we confirm the main results found in the shift-share analysis highlighting the role played by countries’ development level and structural change towards services. In essence, we provide evidence of the recombination of inputs toward emerging economies and service-based activities. Such recombination negatively affects GVCs labour share dynamics. Overall, our methodology contributes to linking the processes of fragmentation of production and the changing international division of labour with the ensuing implications for functional income distribution.
... (Spengler, 1991) Ricardo has studied the phenomenon of urbanization and the evolution of cities from the pre-industrial to the post-industrial period. He has studied the role of government structures at different levels, as well as the influence of economics, politics, and urban landscape on the cultural-generating factor of urban development (Ricardo, 1817). Similarly, the research of scientists from the Chicago school examines the processes of the emergence of towns. ...
Urbanization is a global phenomenon and is influenced by complex processes in the society. In Kazakhstan, the formation of towns was based on the implementation of a policy of the Russian Empire, which put in motion the processes of urbanization there. This policy was later continued in the Soviet times too. It began with the discovery of rich deposits of minerals on the sites of small Kazakh vernacular settlements, and their extraction. Gradually, these settlements turned into towns: infrastructure was built; population increased. Invariably, the living conditions of people engaged in industrial production also improved. However, at the end of the 20th century, these small towns are still experiencing a deep social and economic crisis. Although the modern independent Kazakhstan has begun to address them, this issue is still urgent. This paper examines the process of the formation of urban vernacular settlements in Kazakhstan with a case study of East Kazakhstan. The research employs archival documents containing objective information. It uses comparative historical analysis to identify the causes and reveal the processes of transformation of vernacular settlements into towns. It concludes that the emergence of some settlements in East Kazakhstan has been associated with the colonial policy of the Russian Empire. The towns are an important and inevitable part of urbanization. It is easier for the migrants and the villagers to adapt to the towns. This is because towns lack tensions and survival problems of the big cities, but retain all of their symbols and infrastructure.
... It was argued that exchange rate deviations are associated with higher speculative domestic inflation as compared to foreign inflation. Ricardo (1821) defined the exchange rate as the estimated value of the domestic currency in terms of a specified foreign currency. The author argues in favor of using the price index which includes tradable goods. ...
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The study aims to revalidate the purchasing power parity hypothesis in Pakistan using yearly exchange rate data from 1980-2012. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Zivot-Andrews unit root tests were used to validate the long run purchasing power parity hypothesis. The results suggest that the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test failed to validate the PPP hypothesis in Pakistan. However, the Zivot-Andrews unit root test with structural break provides evidence to support the PPP hypothesis. The finding is not consistent with several prior studies which did not find evidence to support the PPP hypothesis. Future studies may analyze the PPP hypothesis in other developing countries using advanced time series approaches.
... David Ricardo also addressed productivity and efficiency in his work On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817) [10], in which he develops the theory of comparative advantage. This theory argues that even if a country or region is less efficient in producing all goods relative to another country, it can still benefit from trade if it specializes in the production of those goods in which it has a comparative advantage. ...
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Eco-efficiency has emerged to reduce environmental impacts and improve competitiveness in various industries, including agriculture. However, the application of eco-efficiency in agroforestry, incorporating social variables, is a relatively recent development. This study conducted a review of the scientific literature on eco-efficiency to address key questions. The analysis utilized the Web of Science Core Collection database, focusing on categories such as sustainable eco-efficiency, agricultural eco-efficiency, forestry eco-efficiency, and socio-eco-efficiency. The objective of this work is to offer a bibliometric analysis on socio-eco-efficiency in agroforestry production systems. The results revealed three stages in eco-efficiency research: an initial stage with low publication numbers, a second stage marked by significant growth and a focus on sustainable development, and a third stage characterized by rapid growth and increasing interest. In the field of agricultural eco-efficiency, there has been a recent increase in publications, reflecting the growing importance of agriculture in eco-efficiency analyses. China emerged as the leading country in terms of scientific advancements in eco-efficiency. The study also identified key research areas and institutions contributing to the literature on agricultural eco-efficiency. Overall, the findings highlight the expanding interest and future potential of socio-eco-efficiency in agroforestry research.
... Kebijakan sektor unggulan regional bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengembangkan sektor-sektor yang memiliki potensi ekonomi besar di setiap wilayah. Pendekatan ini didasarkan pada teori keunggulan komparatif yang dikemukakan oleh Ricardo (1821), yang menyatakan bahwa setiap wilayah atau negara sebaiknya fokus pada produksi barang dan jasa yang memiliki keunggulan komparatif, sehingga dapat memaksimalkan produktivitas dan daya saing. ...
Tujuan penyusunan buku ini adalah untuk membantu para pembaca, memahami bahwa isi buku ini merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dan sangat penting dalam kelangsungan pembangunan regional masa sekarang dan masa yang akan datang. Buku ini berisi materi yang dapat digunakan baik oleh tenaga pengajar maupun mahasiswa, serta para pembaca umumnya untuk menambah wawasan berpikir dan ilmu yang berkenaan dengan Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Buku ini terdiri dari 11 Bab yang membahas tentang: Bab 1 Definisi dan Ruang Lingkup Ekonomi Regional Bab 2 Konsep Ekonomi Regional Bab 3 Konsep Pendapatan Regional Bab 4 Teori Basis Ekonomi Bab 5 Teori Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Wilayah Bab 6 Analisis Potensi Relatif Perekonomian Wilayah Bab 7 Aglomerasi Ekonomi dan Biaya Transportasi Bab 8 Konsep Ekonomi Perkotaan Bab 9 Teori Lokasi Bab 10 Kebijakan Regional Bab 11 Peluang Dan Tantangan Kerjasama Perekonomian Regional Buku ini dapat terwujud dan diterbitkan hanya dengan modal semangat kolaborasi yang solid tim penulis yang berasal dari berbagai Perguruan Tinggi dan Instansi. Penyusunan buku ini juga merupakan implementasi Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.
... Balanza Comercial Ricardo (1817): Resultado del intercambio de bienes. Salvatore (2021): Valor neto de las exportaciones menos las importaciones de bienes. ...
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Se abordan los principales conceptos relacionados con la Balanza de Pago de un país, su estructura y componentes. Se muestran dos casos prácticos, de Cuba y Colombia. Se desarrollan ejercicios sobre el tema y se proponen ejercicios a resolver.
... Keynes, 1929 ekonomik buhranının yaşandığı dönem için bir ekonomik dönemden diğerine uyum sağlamanın zorluklarını belirterek, teknik verimlilikteki artışın hızına ve emek üzerindeki 2 Bu mekanizma Marx tarafından daha sonra telafi teorisi olarak adlandırılmıştır. 3 Ricardo "Ekonomi Politik ve Vergilendirme İlkeleri Üzerine" eserinin üçüncü baskısına "Makineler Üzerine" başlıklı yeni bir bölüm ekleyerek bu görüş değişikliğini ifade etmektedir (Ricardo, 1951). Marx, Kapital'de bu görüş değişikliğini, Ricardo'nun bilimsel tarafsızlığının ve gerçek severliğinin bir gereği olduğunu vurgulamaktadır (Marx, 2018: 418). ...
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Çalışmada, teknolojik ilerlemenin iş kayıplarına ve işsizliğe neden olup olmadığı sorusuna odaklanılmaktadır. Ürün ve süreç yenilikle ortaya çıkan teknolojik ilerleme, bir yandan yeni iş alanları ortaya çıkarırken diğer yandan da mevcut işlerde ihtiyaç duyulan nitelikleri değiştirmektedir. Bu durum ise makinelerin insan emeğini ikame etmesiyle sonuçlanabilmektedir. Ortaya çıkan yeni iş alanları ve verimlilik artışları önemli birer fırsat olsa da bu fırsatların kaybolan meslekleri ve açığa çıkan işgücü arzını telafi etmekte yeterli olup olmadığı konusu gerek kuramsal gerekse ampirik olarak üzerinde fikir birliğine varılmış bir konu değildir. Nihai etkinin belirsizliği, yöntemsel gelişmeler ve veri setlerinin çeşitlenmesi konunun farklı boyutlarıyla ele alınması için önemli bir motivasyon kaynağıdır. Çalışmada, 1995-2021 dönemi ve 91 ülke kapsamında, işsizlik oranının geçmiş değerinin gelecek değerini etkilemesi eğiliminden hareket edilerek dinamik bir panel model çerçevesinde analizler yapılmıştır. Modeller iki aşamalı sistem Genelleştirilmiş Momentler Yöntemi (2SGMM) kullanılarak tahmin edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulguları, işsizliğin kalıcılığını doğrulamakta ve sabit sermaye yatırımına dahil edilen somutlaştırılmış süreç yeniliğin emek tasarruf edici niteliğine işaret etmektedir. Ürün yeniliğin bir ölçüsü olarak modele dahil edilen ekonomik karmaşıklık endeksinin ise alternatif modeller kapsamında işsizlik oranını azaltıcı etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bir diğer model kapsamında ürün yeniliği temsil etmek üzere analize dahil edilen patent sayısının gecikmeli olarak işsizliği etkilediği bulunmuştur. Buna göre patent sayılarındaki artış, gecikmeli olarak azalan işsizlik oranlarıyla ilişkilidir.
... There are two views on what is known as the "Rise and Fall" of Easter Island [141]. The first is based on the interaction between population growth and excessive use of resources as the main cause of the collapse based on the application of concepts from the Malthusian model of population growth and the predator-prey model of Lotka-Volterra [59,[142][143][144][145][146][147][148]. The second strand is based on the theory of conflict between different social groups on the island, reflected in the adoption of strategies such as non-cooperative negotiation concerning land use and population growth. ...
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Space exploration, with its enormous distances and extreme environments, is a challenge to technology, human habitation, sustainability, and supply chains. On the flip-side, however, it can provide a new vantage point on how to improve human life and planetary prosperity. This objective requires the development of economic and sustainable supply chains and a governance framework to guarantee fundamental human needs and well-being under the limitations of distant and inhospitable environments. This review describes learnings for human habitation in space from remote communities on Earth that have developed and survived over generations. These include a long history of human survival strategies on Tristan da Cunha, Pitcairn Islands, Nauru, and Easter Island. Their supply chain management solutions and their problems can guide the implementation of logistics systems for the efficient use of resources in space, to satisfy vital needs of human survival but also to ensure social and governance in space, e.g., build-up of thriving communities, mobility, and industrial activities. This review demonstrates that there are significant gaps in recent space supply chain studies with respect to the space environment, social and governance. Analysis of established practices and concepts from remote regions on Earth can readily respond to these deficiencies and thus supplement space exploration. This review recommends extending the assessment of supply-chain assets from the near future to long-term strategic. This implies going far beyond current space supply chain reports to include aspects of social responsibility and governance, such as sustainable health systems, product quality management, and local decision-making.
... Anything disrupting its ownership, inheritance, and the change of land-use patterns is bound to create complex problems that could hardly evade one's attention. Economic development depends on land allocation as history of economic thought informs one since the days of the physiocrats who placed immense importance on agriculture sector as the primary source of value and later Ricardo (2004) [1817] expounding rent on land as reflective of its quality. Although the modern era has placed emphasis on industrialization and service sector growth, and land has attracted less than deserving attention, the issue is complex but challenging in its own merit. ...
Abstract This article offers a synoptic overview of the current status of land use, land cover, and ensuing changes in them in the wake of drivers and anthropogenic changes in global biosphere. Also, it discusses the effects of such changes on global greenhouse gases, causing climate change and affecting biodiversity. This is also associated with factors leading to land acquisition. Analytical modeling to study the myriad of interlinakges is briefly surveyed. Given the preponderant role ascribed to climate change and human development in the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals, scientific research from a multidisciplinary perspective is needed for informed debate on growth, poverty, and the environment nexus.
... The second analysis of the division of labour is that of David Ricardo, who deals with international trade and the way a division of labour between, say, manufacture and agriculture, is established through following the doctrine of comparative advantage and the policy of free trade (Ricardo 1817). ...
In the global production system, there is a division of labour, based on a division of knowledge between lead (headquarter) firms and contract suppliers. While lead firms have, so far, largely been located in the Global North, some countries of the Global South have advanced along to progress from supplier to headquarter firms. This paper studies the manner in which the skill requirement or educational composition of the workforce changes in this process of technological advancement. The countries studied are China, India, and South Korea with the United States of America (USA) taken as the comparator country. The paper starts with the overall trajectory of technological upgrading in these countries. It then analyses the ways in which firm-level research & development (R&D), taken as the indicator and driver of firms’ technology development strategies, is related to changes in productivity and the educational composition of the workforce. The paper shows that there is a broad positive correlation between the three variables, R&D investment, labour productivity and educational composition of the workforce. It points to the need to advance this analysis to look at other workforce indicators, such as the gender composition, wages, the quality of employment and the nature of supervision. At a methodological level, the paper argues that it is necessary to look at the role of a firm within a global value chain (GVC) to understand the composition of its workforce.
... Here are some key aspects of Ricardo's views, ideologies, thoughts, and contributions: (1) 1. Iron Law of Wages: Ricardo developed the concept of the "iron law of wages," which suggested that wages tend to remain at subsistence levels due to the pressure of population growth. According to Ricardo, as population increases, the demand for labor rises, but this eventually leads to higher population levels and competition among workers, thereby driving wages back down to subsistence levels. ...
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This assignment explores the ideologies and contributions of three pivotal economists—David Ricardo, Adam Smith, and John Maynard Keynes—whose theories have significantly shaped the field of political economy. Adam Smith, often regarded as the father of economics, introduced the concept of the "invisible hand" and emphasized the importance of free markets in promoting economic growth and prosperity. David Ricardo built upon Smith's foundation, advancing theories such as comparative advantage and the theory of rent, which elucidate the dynamics of international trade and resource allocation. In contrast, John Maynard Keynes revolutionized economic thought during the Great Depression which is called Keynesian Economics. By examining the contributions and ideologies of these economists, this assignment highlights their enduring impact on contemporary economic theory and policy.
... Housing is a fundamental human right, with its definition evolving over time. Historically, housing has been viewed as a fixed asset (Jevons, 1871), a tangible asset (Ricardo, 2018), and a commodity (Smith, 2020). Beyond its economic implications, housing serves as a stabilizing force that significantly influences various aspects of life, including education, employment, recreation, and health (Kyle & Dunn, 2008). ...
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Not a day goes by without breaking news about overhang issues. These unsold houses have the potential to jeopardise the overall housing market. As buyers, we might ask, 'What defines an affordable house?' and "What specific challenges faced by stakeholders contribute to these overhang issues and affect housing availability?". Understanding the concept of affordable housing and the challenges encountered by various stakeholders is crucial for overcoming obstacles in purchasing a home. A thorough comprehension of these issues is essential for effectively navigating the housing market. To address these questions, this paper explores both the concepts and the specific challenges faced by three key stakeholders in affordable housing market in Selangor: buyers, developers, and policymakers or authorities. Through qualitative analysis, this study interviewed seven respondents who have extensive experience and knowledge of the affordable housing in Selangor. The findings reveal that affordable housing in Selangor is defined by seven criteria: controlled prices below RM300,000, housing costs within 30% of household income, prioritization of lower and middle-income groups, residency requirements, preference for first-time homebuyers, adherence to minimum standards, and locality-based pricing and housing types. These criteria collectively aim to ensure affordability, social equity, and effective community integration. Additionally, this study identifies several challenges encountered by the stakeholders: Buyers struggle with financial issues, including issues with loan approval, hidden costs, and bureaucratic barriers. Developers grapple with challenges related to resource allocation and delays in project approvals. Meanwhile, policymakers contend with issues such as high in-migration, insufficient research and development, inadequate enforcement, political instability, and perceived complexity, all of which impact the formulation of effective and sustainable housing strategies. Understanding both the concept and challenges is essential for developing effective strategies that can navigate the complexities of affordable housing and drive long-term progress in the sector.
... Incomes from crop sales can be used to meet household consumption expenditures, such as purchasing quality and nutritious foods to supplement their own consumption. This assertion corresponds to the Ricardian trade theory, which postulates that farmers sell their produce to gain some utility by concentrating on the production of comparatively advantaged crops in exchange for products that have no comparative advantage (see Ricardo 1817). The combined effect of their own consumption and purchased nutritious products is an improvement in households' nutrition, primarily a reduction in stunting, wasting, and underweight in children. ...
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Globally, and especially in developing economies, the quest to understand the impact of agricultural and food policies on nutritional outcomes has become a key policy issue. Typically, most agricultural policies highlight the critical role of credit in easing liquidity constraints of farm households as a means of spurring productivity under the belief that increased productivity would set the tone for boosting nutritional outcomes. This study estimates the effect of credit on anthropometric measures of children in the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) zone of Ghana. The study argues that children’s anthropometric measures share some relationship and thus must be modeled as a system. Therefore, we employ the three-stage system of simultaneous equations to deal with the structural system and endogeneity of credit. In addition, we test the pathways of credit to nutrition using data from the USAID Ghana Feed the Future (FTF) baseline survey. The results show that credit has a strong positive effect on the nutritional outcomes of children. Further, yield, market participation, income from crop sales, and nonfarm business ownership are the essential pathways credit influences nutrition. Therefore, the government should establish a full-blown farm credit policy through relevant institutions to provide credit to farm households.
... Ambos, no entanto, servem para mostrar que o problema da realização, da conversão de mercadorias em dinheiro, é o modo essencial de validar as decisões dos produtores. Em Marx, como em Keynes, em nenhum sentido "produção se troca por produção" (Ricardo, 1971). A validação de decisões pelo mercado, em Marx, resulta da natureza alienada da produção capitalista, subordinada à produção de valores de troca. ...
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Marx’s thoughts about money and its role in capitalist economies are scattered throughout his works. In particular, they constitute a major part of the 3rd volume of Capital and of the Grundrisse. In these two works, Marx presents the foundations for a theory of money that is very close to Keynes’s views. In the paper, this similarity is shown through the systematization of Marx’s monetary theory along (post) Keynesian lines. The demand for money is shown to be rooted not only in the transaction’s motive but also in the liquidity properties of money. These properties become important in capitalist economies characterized by market uncertainty. Both Marx and Keynes use the concept of money to break Say’s law. An essential difference between the two authors is shown to relate to the measure-of-value function of money and ways to reconcile them on this issue are developed. KEYWORDS: Marx; post-Keynesianism; monetary theory; history of economic thought
ÖZ Devletler kamu harcamalarını gerçekleştirmek için gelire ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Devlet eliyle yapılacak olan kamu harcamalarının finansmanı için en sık başvurulan gelir türleri arasında vergi gelirleri ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Vergiler sadece kamu harcamalarının finansmanında kullanmak için değil aynı zamanda ekonomik ve sosyal dengeyi sağlamak için de başvurulan gelir türü olması sebebiyle de önemli bir yere sahiptir. İlgili çerçevede, bazı sosyal amaçları yerine getirmek için vergi harcamaları olarak adlandırılan, vergilemede muafiyet, istisna, indirim, erteleme ve mahsup gibi çeşitli uygulamalar da vergi sistemlerinde yer almaktadır. Sözü edilen uygulamalar devletin elde edeceği vergi gelirlerini azaltıcı bir etki yaratması sebebiyle devletin elde edeceği gelirden vazgeçmesi manasına gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada 2015-2018 yılları arasında vergi harcama raporlarında yer alan gerçekleşen vergi harcamaları ile aynı yıllar için yapılan tahminler arasındaki sapma oranları hesaplanmıştır. 2010-2026 yılları arasında yapılan vergi harcama tahminleri bu sapma oranlarının ortalamasına göre tekrar hesaplanmıştır. Son olarak vergi harcamaları alanında meydana gelen artışın sebepleri üzerine görüşler ifade edilmiştir.
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This study examined the impact of fiscal policy on stock market performance in Nigeria from 1999 to 2023. Utilizing secondary data from the national bureau of statistics Annual bulletin, the study analysed the effects of government spending, taxation policies, and government borrowing on the stock market. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression method was employed to determine the relationship between these fiscal policy variables and stock market performance. The findings revealed that government spending has a statistically significant positive relationship with stock market performance, accounting for 64.8% of the variability (R² = 0.648, p < 0.05); the government taxation policies statistically significant effect on stock market performance accounts for 52.1% of the variability (R² = 0.521, p < 0.05); the government borrowing significantly influence stock market performance in Nigeria at 75.6% (R² = 0.75.6, p < 0.05). Government spending positively impacts the stock market by stimulating economic activities, while favourable taxation policies enhance investor confidence and market trends. Conversely, excessive government borrowing can negatively affect the stock market due to higher interest rates and crowding out of private investment. Effective fiscal policy tools are shown to promote long-term growth and stability in the stock market. The findings revealed that government spending has a statistically significant positive relationship with stock market performance, accounting for 64.8% of the variability (R² = 0.648, p < 0.05).". Based on these findings, it is recommended that the Nigerian government adopts prudent fiscal policies to foster a conducive investment environment and stimulate stock market performance.
Growth in the level of imports shows a strong domestic demand and a rising economy, particularly when these imports are productive and useful assets. However, there is a dearth of research carried on the relationship between GDP growth and imports. This research used Toda-Yamamoto Causality to investigate how imports affect Pakistan's economic growth. The years 1972 through 2020 are covered by yearly time series data. The study's findings suggest a long-run equilibrium relationship with bidirectional causality between imports and real GDP growth in Pakistan. Thus, it is proven that increasing imports will spur GDP growth in the long run. Whereas, in the short run true economic growth may result in an increase in the country's import demand. For a growing country like Pakistan, these two findings are very significant given the current scenario.
By exploring the historical and theoretical underpinnings of law as a source of distributional inequities and resource depletion, in tandem with its influence on investment in tangible and intangible assets in contemporary capitalism, this special issue paves the way for new understandings that might better promote shared community interests in sustainability and social equality.
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El objetivo del estudio es identificar el perfil del consumidor agroecológico en Colima (México), durante el año 2024, con el fin de comprender sus hábitos de consumo y percepciones sobre productos libres de agroquímicos. La investigación busca proporcionar información valiosa para la formulación de políticas públicas que faciliten la transición hacia un modelo agroecológico y promuevan hábitos de consumo más sostenibles. Metodológicamente, se empleó un enfoque mixto con cuestionario semiestructurado de 30 preguntas aplicado a 819 consumidores mediante muestreo por conveniencia. La recolección se realizó por WhatsApp y presencialmente con apoyo de 18 profesores y 214 estudiantes. El análisis cuantitativo usó SPSS 27 para estadística descriptiva e inferencial, mientras el cualitativo siguió el enfoque de Braun y Clarke (2008) con NVivo 12.
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An Overview of Central Asian Trade Growth and Economic Integration
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Smith’s theory of value and distribution, which emphasizes labor time as the determinant of prices, has been widely misunderstood. Ricardo misinterpreted it as relevant only to primitive societies, while Marx inaccurately aligned it with his own labor theory of value. In reality, Smith’s perspective oscillates between a labor-based and a labor-commanded approach to relative prices, intended for modern economies. Neoclassical economists further distorted Smith’s views by incorporating utility theory. Moreover, while Smith is often linked to the theory of a falling rate of profit due to competition, he actually attributed it to rising capital intensity. Contrary to the belief that Smith was a staunch advocate of free markets, he supported reasonable government intervention.
Article,LimileZ2 The paper departs from a broad definition of economic planning and presents a simple formalization of the law of value to develop a paralleled abstract and concrete analysis in comparative economic systems. Using the dialectical method to overcome superficial dichotomies involving structural processes of economies labeled as either capitalist or socialist, it argues that both economies can develop a form of planning that is at the same time formally similar to and real distinct from each other. By proposing this axis of separation, the paper explains that much of the confusion in the study of comparative economic systems in the 21st century stems from adopting a rigid perspective that fails to embrace the flexibility necessary to connect various levels of analysis, from abstract (theory) to concrete (empirics). Taking the current geopolitical systems under the influence of the United States and China as exemplary cases for the idealized separation between capitalism and socialism, it is shown in which way they can be considered simultaneously equal and different.
This article delves into the economic landscape of advanced countries in our current era, delineating the defining features and policies that shape it. Beginning with an examination of financial capitalism, we explore its close relationship with labour market reforms aimed at diminishing job security, weakening unions, and reducing workers' bargaining power. Moreover, we highlight the concurrent reduction of the welfare state's role, which, unless mitigated by addressing demand crises, poses challenges in financing workers' consumption. The intertwining dynamics of technological advancements are also scrutinised, with a focus on the associated risks and opportunities. Finally, we draw policy implications from these analyses, offering insights into navigating the complex economic terrain of the present era.
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The dearth of empirical evidence on the benefits of Nigeria-China trade relations regarding trade liberalization cum small and medium scale enterprises growth in Nigeria motivated this research. Utilizing time series data from 1986-2022 sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin (2023), data were analyzed using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression method. The study found a positive and significant influence of trade liberalization on SME growth, and a negative and significant link between the volume of trade with China and SME growth in Nigeria. The study concluded that trade liberalization, competitive exchange rates as well as affordable interest rates are critical factors that positively impacts SME growth in Nigeria. However, the specific trade relationship with China poses challenges for local SMEs.
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According to classical political economists, there was a correspondence between the type of income received and social class location. Labourers received wages, while capitalists and rentiers received profits and rents. As a result, the standard measures of functional income distribution would reflect the distribution of income between classes. However, this straightforward distinction is more complicated today than it was 200 years ago. This paper proposes a new classification of labourers and capitalists that, while retaining some of the original insights of classical political economists, considers three important features of contemporary capitalism: the fact that individuals and households can earn multiple sources of income, the role of managers, and that of wealth. We apply this approach in studying the distribution of income and wealth in Italy over the period 1991-2016. We find that the labour class is growing considerably in size, while suffering an absolute and relative loss of income. Despite some labourers move towards the top of income distribution, most of the increasing representation of wage income at the top of the distribution is due to managers.
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The EU’s economic relations with China are characterised by a significant trade deficit. Enhancing EU exports of high-tech products, in particular, to China is the best way out of this imbalance. In doing so, EU countries can take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that intends to improve connectivity between Europe and Asia. Objective: This study aims to identify the untapped potential for high-tech exports of selected EU countries in trade with China and to evaluate the opportunities arising from the BRI in utilising this potential. Research Design & Methods: To assess the overall high-tech export potential of selected EU countries to China, the export gap was calculated using the concept of revealed comparative advantages. Findings: Among the examined EU countries, Hungary and the Czech Republic were found to have the greatest high-tech export growth potential to China. The largest export gaps were recorded in electrical machinery and equipment. Implications & Recommendations: The findings of the study can be used by European businesses to adjust their export strategies. It can also be used by government institutions of the studied countries when designing their economic and trade policies, particularly vis-à-vis China and the BRI initiative, within the field of supporting infrastructure projects, as well as high-tech industries. Contribution & Value Added: The study contributes to the literature on the potential of EU export growth to China that has not been sufficiently explored yet. The novelty of the study is in identifying specific high-tech commodities with the highest potential for export to China.
This essay examines the implications of global population growth on sustainability and human development in the context of contemporary environmental challenges. With projections indicating a rise to 10.9 billion by 2100, concerns over resource scarcity and climate change intensify. The analysis utilizes the “IPAT” framework to explore how population size, affluence, and technology interact to shape environmental impacts. Historical perspectives, including Malthusian theory and the Green Revolution, are reviewed to assess their relevance in understanding current trends. Advances in agriculture, health sciences, and technology are highlighted as mitigating factors that challenge traditional notions of population limits. The essay concludes by discussing policy implications for achieving an “optimal” global population that balances sustainable development with improved living standards and environmental stewardship.
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Aby zrozumieć niezwykle skomplikowaną sytuację ekonomiczną współczesnej Japonii, niezbędne jest poznanie trudnej historii tego kraju. Restauracja Meiji stanowiła rewolucją w japońskim społeczeństwie i gospodarce. W jej wyniku Japonia przekształciła się z państwa quasi-feudalnego w globalną potęgę ekonomiczną. Industrializacja Japonii wraz ze znaczeniem, jakie miała dla całej Azji, znalazły odzwierciedlenie w teorii klucza lecących gęsi K. Akamatsu. Japończycy nadzwyczaj umiejętnie zaadaptowali najlepsze instytucje krajów zachodnich, jednocześnie zachowując swoją niepowtarzalną tożsamość. Restauracja Meiji stanowi inspirację dla twórców współczesnych reform gospodarczych, które mogą wyprowadzić Japonię z wieloletniej stagnacji. Tak zwane trzy strzały Abenomics to reformy monetarne, fiskalne i strukturalne, których najważniejszym i najbardziej kontrowersyjnym elementem są rewolucyjne zmiany polityki monetarnej wprowadzane przez Bank Japonii. Głównym celem badawczym autora niniejszej pracy była identyfikacja czynników i barier wzrostu gospodarczego w Japonii ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przyczyn długookresowej stagnacji gospodarczej po 1989 r. Przeprowadzona analiza japońskiej gospodarki dotycząca bardzo długiego okresu (1868–2018) pozwoli na głębsze zrozumienie przyczyn zarówno powojennego cudu gospodarczego, jak i okresu zwanego „straconymi dekadami”. Ewolucja gospodarki Japonii została przedstawiona na podstawie analizy źródeł historycznych, japońskich i międzynarodowych baz danych oraz najważniejszych pozycji w literaturze przedmiotu dotyczących wzrostu gospodarczego, polityki ekonomicznej i stagnacji sekularnej. Niniejsza praca stanowi atrakcyjną propozycję z perspektywy nauk ekonomicznych, politycznych i historycznych szczególnie dla osób zainteresowanych tematyką Japonii.
This chapter investigates further the slowdown in growth in the Caribbean and introduces the popular Middle-Income Trap (MIT) hypothesis to explain the slowdown. The MIT hypothesis says that middle-income countries tend to grow more slowly than both low- and high-income countries. The hypothesis has a certain logical appeal as it seems to make sense that middle-income countries will be squeezed between the more technologically advanced and the less technologically advanced that have the advantage of lower wages. The notion of a trap and the fear of economic stagnation tend to resonate with worried policymakers who usually need no prompting to engage in trap-talk. A test suggests that the MIT hypothesis is not confirmed in the Caribbean but rather the explanation for slow growth lies in lack of economic diversification. For the tourism-intensive Caribbean, this has been a major weakness. The chapter provides empirical support for the argument that tourism cannot lead the path to faster growth. Policymakers should also be concerned that the Caribbean population is ageing fast (faster in some countries like Barbados) and the demographic changes will affect productivity and growth. Not least in the list of concerns are the many obstacles and disincentives that make the investment and entrepreneurial environment less attractive than that of other regions of the world.
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Buku ini menyajikan pengantar awal untuk ilmu ekonomi baik sebagai referensi maupun bahan ajar. Buku ini memuat kumpulan teori ekonomi pengantar yang disertai dengan contohcontoh dalam bentuk skema dan kurva guna memudahkan untuk dipahami. Versi full dari buku ini dapat mengontak penulis utama untuk pemesanan
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Against the background of impressive growth of the value of export of services as well as its share in total value added as a result of the revolution in information and communication technology (ICT), this study empirically investigated the drivers of services export performance in Nigeria from 1981 to 2020. The export demand function introduced by Bahmani-Oskooee (1986) and adopted in this study with little modification was estimated using the ARDL Bounds testing approach to cointegration. The short-run and long-run results revealed that the value added by the services, real income of the world, human capital development, financial sector development and trade openness in services exerted a positive effects on services export. This result implies that the aforementioned variables were the utmost determinants of services export in Nigeria. The findings further showed that communication facilities, foreign direct investment and real effective exchange rate had negative effects on service exports growth in the long-run. In light of the evidences, the study recommends that government should establish a functional education curriculum for primary, secondary and tertiary level with ICT skill content and by so doing, it will improve its human capital hence, this will translate to more production and export of more sophisticated services. Also, effort should be channeled towards design and implementation of policies and programmes to expand and enhance the capacity of the financial system to extend credits at lower cost to the servicing industries; encourage domestic investment and foreign direct investment in the services sector of the economy so as to boost output from the sector and improve its global competitiveness, thereby boosting its export as well as contributions to economic growth.
This study aims to assess the impact and factors influencing Indonesian CPO exports to six main destination countries from 2000 to 2021. The variables analyzed include real GDP per capita in the destination countries, inflation rates in these countries, and international CPO prices over the same period. The analysis employs a Random Effect Model (REM) processed using Eviews-10. The urgency of this study is to evaluate the circumstances of the EU's deforestation law by examining the contribution of Indonesian CPO exports. The results indicate that real GDP per capita, inflation, and international CPO prices significantly affect the export value of CPO to these six countries during 2000-2021.
This chapter uses time to systematically determine the development process and practical characteristics of foreign direct investment theory. In the context of economic globalization, outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) is an important way for an economy to integrate into economic globalization. Since the 1950s, the theoretical development of foreign direct investment and the internationalization of multinational corporations has been divided into three stages, namely, from the beginning of the twentieth century to the end of the 1950s, from the early 1960s to the late 1970s, and from the early 1980s to the present. The increase in outward investment from emerging economies, as represented by China, has accelerated the evolution of related theories and differs from traditional foreign investment theory.
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Las políticas fiscales son un motor esencial en el desarrollo económico de Ecuador, influyendo directamente en la dinámica del crecimiento del país y enfrentando el desafío de mantener la estabilidad fiscal. Esta investigación analiza cómo el gasto público, la deuda pública y los ingresos tributarios impactan el PIB per cápita durante el período 2000-2021, identificando medidas efectivas y proponiendo estrategias para un desarrollo económico sostenible. A partir de datos longitudinales de fuentes oficiales como el Banco Central del Ecuador, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, el Banco Mundial y el Servicio de Rentas Internas del Ecuador, se aplica un enfoque mixto que incluye la estimación de un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple, basado en la teoría del crecimiento endógeno y la función de producción Cobb-Douglas. Los resultados muestran que el gasto público tiene un efecto significativo y positivo sobre el crecimiento económico, especialmente cuando se destina a sectores productivos e infraestructura. Estos hallazgos sugieren que, si las políticas fiscales se alinean con los objetivos de desarrollo a largo plazo, asegurando una distribución equitativa de los recursos y fomentando la inversión en sectores clave, pueden ser efectivas para promover un crecimiento económico sostenible en Ecuador.
This chapter explores the concept of production economy, or the contemporary version of plutology, the study of production and distribution of wealth originally found in classical economics, for the empirical analysis of industries as flows of specific value-carrying design information to the market. The concepts and logic discussed in this chapter include the following: industrial/manufacturing sites as basic economic agents; design information as the source of value-added; the combination of downward-sloping market demand curves and flat individual supply curves generated by design-based product differentiation; design as an additional variable to make profit and employment goals compatible; manufacturing capabilities and their evolutions; a substantial, flow-oriented view of industries; Sraffian steady-state price systems at the national level; the concept of industrial competitiveness; the Ricardian theory of international production cost comparison; design-based comparative advantage; the CAP (capability-architecture-performance) approach to industrial evolutionary analysis. The present framework of production economy is also applied to the case of global competition during the post-Cold-War era (1990s–2010s).
This chapter explores the transdisciplinary approach of evolutionary economics, which aims to integrate principles from both economics and biology. Evolutionary economics argues that neoclassical models of centralized market economies based on rationality and equilibrium are oversimplified and unrealistic. Instead, it conceptualizes the dynamics and complexity of real-world market economies as decentralized systems of money-mediated bilateral transactions, stressing the self-organizing nature of their emergence through bottom-up processes without a central auctioneer. Evolutionary economics studies the evolution of economic institutions and systems through mechanisms such as mutation, replication, and selection, akin to biological evolution and emphasizes the imitation and diffusion of external and internal rules to understand the qualitative and dynamic nature of the market economy as observed in financial crises and technological innovations. It also proposes a shift in scientific methodology peculiar to the social sciences to accommodate the complexity, diversity, reality, and evolution differently from natural sciences, advocating for the approaches of Lakatos, Caldwell, and Lawson. The author emphasizes the importance of basic concepts, methodologies, and policies in evolutionary economics, and advocates meta-theoretical “evolutionary perspectives” such as “evolutionary pluralism,” “coevolution of economy and economics,” and “theoretical institutional ecosystem.” He introduces the “micro-meso-macro loop” to explain complex interactions between “replicators” and “interactors” analogous to biological “genes” and “organisms” at multi-hierarchical nested levels of the socioeconomic system, and presents a novel policy framework in evolutionary economics called “Evolutionary Institutional Design (EID),” which aims to influence economic systems through altering both outer and inner institutions at the meso-level.
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