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DEMO: Mobile Relay Architecture for Low-Power IoT Devices


Abstract and Figures

Internet of Things(IoT) devices need pervasive and secure connections to transfer the aggregated data to the central servers located in remote clouds where the collected data further processed and stored. However, most of low-power IoT devices can not transmit the collected the data directly to such servers due the limited transmission power and range. Thus, third-party devices such as smart mobile phones are used as an relay to establish the communication link between IoT devices and the cloud server. This paper demonstrate a mobile-based relay assistance solution for secure end-to-end connectivity between low-power IoT sensors and cloud servers by using Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) technology. The prototype implementation verifies the technical readiness of the proposed solution.
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DEMO: Mobile Relay Architecture for Low-Power IoT Devices
Ahsan Manzoor, Pawani Porambage, Madhsanka Liyanage, Mika Ylianttila, Andrei Gurtov
Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland,
Department of Computer and Information Science, Link¨
oping University, Sweden
Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) devices need pervasive and
secure connections to transfer the aggregated data to the central
servers located in remote clouds where the collected data further
processed and stored. However, most low-power IoT devices
cannot transmit the collected the data directly to such servers
due the limited transmission power and range. Thus, third-
party devices such as smart mobile phones are used as a relay
to establish the communication link between IoT devices and
the cloud server. This paper demonstrates a mobile-based relay
assistance solution for secure end-to-end connectivity between
low-power IoT sensors and cloud servers by using Bluetooth Low
Energy (BLE) technology. The prototype implementation verifies
the technical readiness of the proposed solution.
Index Terms—Bluetooth Low Energy, Internet of Things,
Relay, Security, Sensors, Ambient Assisted Living
Billions of smart devices are available in digital world
due to the advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Thus, the proliferation of IoT technologies is closely coupled
with day-to-day human activities[1]. Especially, IoT sensor
devices are widely used in healthcare applications. The IoT
integration into medical devices greatly improves the quality
and effectiveness of health service, bringing especially high
value for the elderly, patients with chronic conditions, and
those requiring constant supervision. IoT integration has the
potential to not only keep patients safe and healthy but to
improve how physicians deliver care as well.
Many IoT devices in healthcare and AAL applications
are equipped with unlicensed band short-range radio access
technologies, including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), HaLow,
ZigBee, and Smart Utility Networks (SUNs). [2]. Among
them, BLE is the best-known and most used low-power
communication technology that supports connectivity for Body
Area Networks (BANs) and a large number of medical IoT
devices which operate with coin cell batteries [3].
We define this particular objective of exploiting mobile-
based relays for the back-end connectivity of BLE devices
in terms of a specific AAL use case as illustrated in Figure 1.
The elderly or people with chronic conditions may require
continuous monitoring of their health records or localize with
the help of different BLE sensor nodes. There are certain inter-
ested parties (e.g., family or caretakers) who need to track their
behavior and examine the health conditions based on the data
retrieved from the remote central cloud. Typically, the back-
end connectivity between the BLE wearable sensor and the
cloud data center is maintained by a dedicated mobile phone
which possessed by the same individual [4], [5]. However, the
elderly people may forget to bring the mobile phone when
they are exceeding the comfort zone or the battery might be
dead. Therefore, we proposed to use the help of some random
mobile users who are performing as relays in our system. In
order to keep the in-line with this mechanism, the unknown
mobile user needs to be rewarded by the remote cloud for
his relaying service. To the best of authors’ knowledge, this
will be the first attempt of exploiting third-party unknown
mobile relays for the forwarding of medical data generated by
BLE sensors.In this demo, we show the viability of realizing
the proposed architecture through a prototype implementation
with off-the-shelf IoT sensors and mobile devices 1.
Section II describes the system architecture and Section
III presents a prototype implementation. Section IV gives
an overview of the showcase we intend to present at the
Demo Session, followed by Section V which specifies a set
of technical requirements.
The network architecture is illustrated in Figure 1 with
reference to the AAL use case. BLE sensor advertises its
availability of data. There can be one or number of anonymous
mobile phones who receive the advertisement and accept to
cooperate with further communication as a relay node. The
best relay node is selected based on the received signal strength
indicator (RSSI). The link between the mobile and the central
server (CS) in IoT cloud will be securely established over the
Internet in a conventional manner (e.g., Hypertext Transfer
Protocol Secured (HTTPS)). When the data is received from
the BLE device, CS will update the database which is dedi-
cated to that particular user.
The key attributes of this protocol should include the
1) Ubiquitous access and mobility support irrespective of
the user’s location.
2) Adaptability to arbitrary community or provider.
3) Real life compatibility.
4) Lightweight authentication between the BLE sensor and
We consider few pre-requisites and key assumptions: The
BLE devices will undergo an initial registration with CS in the
IoT cloud. In order to maintain E2E secure communication,
the BLE device and CS should share the cryptographic keys
for data encryption and decryption, and the authentication
credentials (e.g., User ID (UID), hash chain, etc.). The mobile
should be able to handle multiple peripherals in one instance.
1A teaser video about this demonstration is published here: https://www.$31.00 c
2018 IEEE
Fig. 1. The network architecture
Fig. 2. Testbed setup
The link quality is guaranteed for all the communication
channels over the period of communication. No mutual or
transitive trusts are required between the relay device and
sensor /CS. For the sake of rewarding mechanism, the mobile
needs to be registered with CS in advance and the secure
links (i.e. Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol) should be
established between the two entities. The functionality of CS
is utterly trusted which will grant the incentives to the relay
device at the end of successful service.
We have accomplished the prototype implementation on
a testbed with a BLE sensor, mobile, and cloud platform
(Figure 2). The Internet access was achieved by the general
university WiFi network (i.e., PanOULU network2).
Texas Instrument SensorTag3CC2650 and Samsung Galaxy
Note 8 were respectively used as the sensor and mobile hard-
ware platforms. In accordance with the protocol, we slightly
2 access
modified the BLE stack 2.2.1 on CC2650 using SmartRF
Flash programmer 2. Table I shows the custom BLE stack
configuration on the CC2650 sensor.
The mobile application (Figure 4) was developed on An-
droid 7.1.1 operating system using Android Studio 3.0 li-
braries. This mobile application scans in the background to
discover devices and connects to the BLE sensors. This BLE
sensor is then paired with the mobile automatically, using the
passcode 0000. After paring, sensor initiates data uploading
directly to the Cloud platform. The last part of the implementa-
tion was to deploy the cloud server on Google Firebase where
the user of the mobile application can authenticate himself and
the sensor can upload the sensed data to a JSON database. The
user needs to log in the application for authentication by CS
and the collection of rewards.
The application monitors the amount of data transferred
from the sensor to the cloud and after the confirmation from
the CS, the application automatically credits the reward to the
user account. In order to keep the reward mechanism simple
and profitable, for transferring every 1 KB of data, the user
Attribute Configured values
Transmission power 0 dB
Number of running services 6 services
Periodic event 1000 ms
Advertising interval 100 ms
Connection timeout 1000 ms
Broadcast delay 500 ms
Packet size 18 byte
Fig. 3. Demonstration Flowchart
Fig. 4. BLE Mobile Application
gets one point which can later be used for different purposes.
Moreover, Firebase uses HTTPS connection over TLS for
secure communications between the mobile and cloud server
along with real-time database security.
A. Demonstration Content
In this demonstration, we will visualize the whole process
as shown in Figure 3. The demonstration is divided into three
parts. The first part includes the user authentication from the
cloud server and initialization of the scanning process from the
mobile. After the scanning is complete, the application will
select the sensor based on its signal strength and establish
a connection. The last part includes the transfer of the data
from the sensor to the Google firebase cloud. As the data is
uploaded, the connection is terminated and the user account
is rewarded according to the amount of data transferred.
B. Interaction Content
The attendees will be able to interact with this demo in two
ways. In the first case, the attendee will be able to download
the developed Android application on their mobile phone and
register as a user. They will be able to visualize the whole
demonstration process on their mobiles. In the second case,
the attendee can use one of the authors mobile, with the pre-
installed android application. The attendees can also look at
the data uploaded using their account on the cloud server.
We require 3 Texas Instrument Sensor Tag CC2650 updated
with custom BLE stack 2.2.1, one laptop and one mobile
with Android version 7.1+. Authors will bring the required
equipment for demonstration.
This work has been performed under the framework of the
Infotech Doctoral Program of UniOGS and the three projects,
6Genesis Flagship (grant 318927), SECUREConnect (Secure
Connectivity of Future Cyber-Physical Systems) and Towards
Digital Paradise. These projects are funded by Academy of
Finland and TEKES, Finland. It is also supported by Center
for Industrial Information Technology (CENIIT).
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[2] N. Xia, H.-H. Chen, and C.-S. Yang, “Radio resource management in
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[3] J. Nieminen, C. Gomez, M. Isomaki, T. Savolainen, B. Patil, Z. Shelby,
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... As such, power-control mechanisms and intelligent mobility of the relay devices are critical in improving communication performance and energy utilization. Several relay-based research have tried to address the issue of communication outages [4], [5], [6], energy usage [7], [8], [9], relay selection [4], [5], [6], [10], mobility [4], [10], latency [5], [9] and congestion [9] within the IoT ecosystem. However, these research considered centralized approaches which are prone to several challenges. ...
... As such, power-control mechanisms and intelligent mobility of the relay devices are critical in improving communication performance and energy utilization. Several relay-based research have tried to address the issue of communication outages [4], [5], [6], energy usage [7], [8], [9], relay selection [4], [5], [6], [10], mobility [4], [10], latency [5], [9] and congestion [9] within the IoT ecosystem. However, these research considered centralized approaches which are prone to several challenges. ...
... The authors in [10] designed a prototype, a mobile relay architecture for low-power IoT devices, which exploits thirdparty unknown mobile relays for the forwarding of medical data generated by Bluetooth low energy sensors to some central server in the cloud. In [6], a relay selection scheme for large-scale energy-harvesting IoT networks was proposed. ...
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Recent research has shown the potential of using available mobile fog devices (such as smartphones, drones, domestic and industrial robots) as relays to minimize communication outages between sensors and destination devices, where localized Internet-of-Things services (e.g., manufacturing process control, health and security monitoring) are delivered. However, these mobile relays deplete energy when they move and transmit to distant destinations. As such, power-control mechanisms and intelligent mobility of the relay devices are critical in improving communication performance and energy utilization. In this paper, we propose a Q-learning-based decentralized approach where each mobile fog relay agent (MFRA) is controlled by an autonomous agent which uses reinforcement learning to simultaneously improve communication performance and energy utilization. Each autonomous agent learns based on the feedback from the destination and its own energy levels whether to remain active and forward the message, or become passive for that transmission phase. We evaluate the approach by comparing with the centralized approach, and observe that with lesser number of MFRAs, our approach is able to ensure reliable delivery of data and reduce overall energy cost by 56.76\% -- 88.03\%.
... In this regard, A study shows that current networking techniques like AWS IoT, Calvin, Brillo/Weave, Kura, ARM Mbed, Homekit, Azure IoT can benefit hardware-based security [61]. A mobile relay-based architecture for Bluetooth has also been discussed in [62]. Similarly, In [63], the authors focused on the security of practical devices like electric bulbs and cameras present in the market and their relation to basic security parameters like confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authentication. ...
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Internet of Things (IoT) is the paramount virtual network that enables remote users to access connected multimedia devices. It has dragged the attention of the community because it encompasses real-world scenarios with implicit environs. Despite several beneficial aspects, IoT is surrounded by provocations for successful implementation, as data travels in different layers. One of the critical challenges is the security of the data in these layers. Researchers conducted numerous studies focused on the level of security at a single technique, creating loopholes to address the entire scenario of securing an IoT network. This study aims to comprehensively review current security issues, wireless communication techniques, and technologies for securing IoT. This work’s utmost significance is addressing all the security perspectives at a glance. For this purpose, research contributions from the previous years are investigated for better understanding. Some countermeasures and snags from security perspectives have also been analyzed in detail concerning the current industry trends. Blockchain, machine learning, fog, and edge computing are possible solutions to secure IoT. After studying these techniques and their immunity to attacks, machine learning can become a hope if incorporated with end-to-end security. This comprehensive review will provide adequate understanding and knowledge in defining security lines of action for the successful implementation of IoT.
... These devices lack resources to run ML algorithms and bandwidth to connect with cloud. To solve the latter, mobile relaying is used by (Manzoor et al. 2018). Can we judiciously integrate the relay techniques with FL to have a scalable FL for IoT? ...
The paper proposes a Serverless and Mobile relay based architecture for a highly scalable Federated Learning system for low power IoT and Edge Devices. The aim is an easily deployable infrastructure on a public cloud platform by the end user and democratize the use of federated learning.
... Further improvements in efficiency and reliability can be expected by the deposition of an extra passivation film on our home-made device to minimize the optical reflection and balance the stress between the III-V epi-layers and copper substrate [32]. Bluetooth chip to be collected by the smart phone [33], which serves as a relay for remote communication with the central office. ...
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The functioning of self-sustaining smart dust modules plays a vital role in the development of the smart electric grid. In this work, we first devise a flexible triple-junction III-V solar cell embedded inside a smart dust module suitable for outdoor applications. These flexible solar cells are demonstrated to have a bending radius of over 5 cm and exhibit a conversion efficiency of around 25% under air mass 1.5G (1 sun) conditions. Under normal incidence of sunlight at the same conditions, our cell with its small active area of 0.4 cm² can generate around 10.1 mW of electrical power. This is sufficient to meet the direct current power consumption (∼5.4 mW) requirements of our dust module, which includes a temperature/moisture sensor, a 3-axis linear accelerometer, and a Bluetooth chip. In comparison to a silicon-based flexible solar cell, our demonstrated III-V solar cell is smaller, requiring approximately 40% of the area to produce the same electrical power output. Our dust module is controlled using a self-developed Android application installed on a smartphone and can sustain continuous-wave operation for data collection and wireless transmission even when the incident angle of the sunlight reaches 75°. Pulse-mode operation is still possible even in the case of nearly 90° illuminations (for example, at sunset). Overall, the measurement results for this flexible solar cell are promising, allowing for further reduction in the size of a self-sustaining smart dust module with improved reliability. These advantages could facilitate development of the next generation of energy saving smart electric grids.
... Many associated works based on IoT systems for healthcare are already available, and some use mobile phones for connection establishment. One such piece of work is in [8] [9], which introduces a mobile-based relay assistance system for establishing a secure end-to-end (E2E) connection between lowpower IoT sensors and cloud servers without using any specific and dedicated gateway. It proposes a basic prototype to accomplish communication tasks and E2E connection establishment through a secure AES-CCM encryption technique. ...
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Typical wearable devices use a dedicated mobile phone as relay node to transfer the collected sensor data to a server. However, such relay nodes can be faulty or inactive due to various reasons, leading to interruptions of the communication link. To mitigate this challenge, we propose a novel security-enhanced emergency situation detection system, where 3\textsuperscript{rd} party unknown mobile relays are used instead of dedicated gateways as opposed to many existing solutions for IoT healthcare applications. The proposed underlying key agreement and authentication scheme ensures anonymity and untraceability for both sensors (wearable devices) and relay nodes, and relies on symmetric key-based operations to function under resource-constrained environments. We have also developed a prototype of the system using commercial off-the-shelf devices to verify the proposed method's validity and evaluate the performance advantage over existing approaches. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication technology is used to connect sensor nodes (wearable devices) and mobile relays. After sending medical data to the cloud server, the relay node is responsible for emergency detection and alert generation.
... Clark et al. [45] showed that their power monitoring device WattsUpDoc was able to detect a compromised piece of medical equipment with an accuracy of 99.5%. Their device monitored system-wide power usage, unlike CPU specific monitoring of [46], [47]. The device required knowledge of the device's activity in both a normal and abnormal state before use. ...
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The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) allows the Cyber-Physical System (CPS) components to communicate with other devices, and to interact with safety-critical systems, posing new research challenges in security, privacy, and reliability. Efficient power measurement in smart IoT devices has become one of the key research topics. In this paper, we design and develop a CPS to detect IoT security threats via behavioral power profiling of a heterogeneous wireless sensor device using a Raspberry Pi and a smartphone. Experimentation and verification have been conducted on a group of smart IoT devices with different test scenarios, including the device in an idle and active state with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) and a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack. We propose to use the device power consumption rate to predict and detect a security threat using statistical signal processing and multivariate regression model. The proposed system can detect a potential security threat with an average accuracy of 80% and a device high of 89%.
... meters to several kilometers), and long ranges (extends up to few tens of km). Most of the IoT standards at present rely under the LP classification [6] . The high-power IoT systems are covered by present and developing Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) principles [7] , and by the cellular networks [8] , for example, the existing LTE/LTE-A (Long Term Evolution/Long Term Evolution-Advanced) standards [9] and the emerging 5G cellular communication framework [ 10 , 11 ]. ...
In the industrial scenarios, modern gadgets should communicate independently and in a robust and productive manner with one another, depending on an enormous degree on wireless communication channels, which will expand and enhance the current wired communication links. The wireless communication channels experience several channel impairments , for example, attenuation because of propagation losses, random fluctuations because of fading and shadowing impacts over the channel and the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) because of obstacles on the communication channel. Hence adequate channel modeling is necessary. Several pieces of research exist on channel models to model industrial environments , but a comprehensive analysis and measurement of their characteristics are still missing from the current literature. This paper has performed analyses and measurements on a vast number of wireless channel models applicable to the IIoT in terms of multiple analytical approaches in several sections of the paper. Performance estimation approaches, such as received signal strength, packet loss probability, and RMS (Root Mean Square) error , RMS delay spread are investigated with a focus on channel models and three prominent IoT technologies are also included. The research might be able to address the demand for adequate IIoT channel modeling with included channel models and all analytical approaches presented.
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The ever-increasing number of mobile end-user devices and the enormous amount of data processing have been the driving forces behind the growth of mobile cloud computing By integrating cloud computing capabilities into the mobile environment, MCC technology makes it possible for mobile users to make full advantage of cloud resources [2-8]. It is possible to meet the processing requirements of mobile devices by using resources at cloud providers other than the mobile devices themselves to host the execution of mobile applications. This is accomplished by offloading the computation data to the clouds. Mobile cloud computing is a kind of cloud computing infrastructure in which data processing and storage are performed off-site using mobile devices. The name "mobile cloud" alludes to this concept. Cellular core networks may be used by mobile user equipment (UEs) in order to get access to cloud computing services. Therefore, the elastic processing power and storage that is offered by the clouds can support a wide variety of applications that are designed for mobile user equipment (UEs) that have limited resources. By transferring computational tasks from user equipment (UEs) to infrastructure-based cloud servers, MCC has the potential to reduce the amount of energy that UEs use and improve the performance of mobile applications. During the course of the last several decades, cloud computing has seen rapid expansion as an efficient computing platform. This expansion is mostly attributable to the growing processing and computational requirements of various client devices. Considering the significant developments that have been made in networking and communication technologies, users are expecting higher quality standards in addition to the enormous computing requirements.
Internet of Health Things (IoHT) is an extension of the Internet of Things (IoT), which plays an important role in the observation, consultation, monitoring, and treatment process of remote exchange data processes in healthcare. The integration, computation, and interoperability are facilitated through various sensors, controllers, and actuators. Security is considered as one of the important factors for the communication of these devices to smoothly run the activities of healthcare. The current literature associated to the security of IoHT cover diverse aspects, though there is dire need of the knowledge, which can thoroughly show the review of current state‐of‐the‐art work in a systematic way. To overcome this limitation, the planned study offerings a systematic literature review (SLR) for the IoHT security and provenance. This review will support researchers to take benefit from the present literature and devise novel solutions considering the current study as evidence in IoHT. This paper focused on the security analysis and provenance for the IoHT and answering the defined questions in the current study.
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Current developments in ICTs such as in Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) allow us to develop healthcare solutions with more intelligent and prediction capabilities both for daily life (home/office) and in-hospitals. In most of IoT-based healthcare systems, especially at smart homes or hospitals, a bridging point (i.e., gateway) is needed between sensor infrastructure network and the Internet. The gateway at the edge of the network often just performs basic functions such as translating between the protocols used in the Internet and sensor networks. These gateways have beneficial knowledge and constructive control over both the sensor network and the data to be transmitted through the Internet. In this paper, we exploit the strategic position of such gateways at the edge of the network to offer several higher-level services such as local storage, real-time local data processing, embedded data mining, etc., presenting thus a Smart e-Health Gateway. We then propose to exploit the concept of Fog Computing in Healthcare IoT systems by forming a Geo-distributed intermediary layer of intelligence between sensor nodes and Cloud. By taking responsibility for handling some burdens of the sensor network and a remote healthcare center, our Fog-assisted system architecture can cope with many challenges in ubiquitous healthcare systems such as mobility, energy efficiency, scalability, and reliability issues. A successful implementation of Smart e-Health Gateways can enable massive deployment of ubiquitous health monitoring systems especially in clinical environments. We also present a prototype of a Smart e-Health Gateway called UT-GATE where some of the discussed higher-level features have been implemented. We also implement an IoT-based Early Warning Score (EWS) health monitoring to practically show the efficiency and relevance of our system on addressing a medical case study. Our proof-of-concept design demonstrates an IoT-based health monitoring system with enhanced overall system intelligence, energy efficiency, mobility, performance, interoperability, security, and reliability.
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The next wave driving the expansion of the Internet will come from the Internet of Things. Bluetooth LE is a rapidly emerging ultra-low-power radio technology expected to be incorporated in billions of IoT devices in the next few years. Consequently, it is particularly important to specify Internet connectivity solutions for Bluetooth LE. In this article we present such solutions based on the ongoing standardization work in the IETF and Bluetooth Special Interest Group. We prove the feasibility of a complete IP-based protocol stack on constrained devices and illustrate its performance, highlighting key trade-offs. In addition, we discuss gateway operation covering global IPv6 connectivity and proxy-cache functionality.
In futuristic wireless communications, a massive number of devices need to access networks with diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements. It is estimated that the number of connected devices will exceed twenty billions in 2020, and machine-to-machine (M2M) devices will account for nearly half of total connected devices. However, existing cellular systems and wireless standards, designed primarily for human-to-human (H2H) communications focusing on reducing access latency, increasing data rate and system throughput, are not well suited for M2M communications that require massive connections, diverse QoS requirements, and low energy consumption. Radio resource management (RRM) in conventional H2H communications aims at improving spectrum efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE). Similarly, RRM also plays a vital role in M2M communications. In this paper, we make a comprehensive survey on state-of-the-art research activities on RRM in M2M communications. First, we discuss the issues on RRM for MTC in LTE/LTE-A cellular networks including access control, radio resource allocation, power management, and the latest 3GPP standards supporting M2M communications. Acknowledging the fact that a single technology can not support all M2M applications, we discuss RRM issues for unlicensed band radio access technologies (RATs) in M2M capillary networks, including IEEE 802.11ah, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), ZigBee, and smart metering networks (SUNs). We also survey M2M RRM methods in heterogeneous networks consisting of cellular networks, capillary networks, and ultra dense networks (UDNs). Finally, we review recent standard activities and discuss the open issues and research challenges.
The Internet of Things, or the IoT, is an emerging, disruptive technology that enables physical devices to communicate across disparate networks. IP has been the de facto standard for seamless interconnectivity in the traditional Internet; and piggybacking on the success of IP, 6LoWPAN has been the first standardized technology to realize it for networks of resource-constrained devices. In the recent past Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) a.k.a Bluetooth Smart - a subset of the Bluetooth v4.0 and the latest v4.2 stack, has surfaced as an appealing alternative, with many competing advantages over available low-power communication technologies in the IoT space such as IEEE 802.15.4. However, BLE is a closed standard and lacks open hardware and firmware support, something that hinders innovation and development in this field. In this article, we aim to overcome some of the constraints in BLE’s core building blocks by making three contributions: first, we present the design of a new open hardware platform for BLE; second, we provide a Contiki O.S. port for the new platform; and third, we identify research challenges and opportunities in 6LoWPAN-connected Bluetooth Smart. We believe that the knowledge and insights will facilitate IoT innovations based on this promising technology.
Ubiquitous sensing enabled by Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies cuts across many areas of modern day living. This offers the ability to measure, infer and understand environmental indicators, from delicate ecologies and natural resources to urban environments. The proliferation of these devices in a communicating-actuating network creates the Internet of Things (IoT), wherein, sensors and actuators blend seamlessly with the environment around us, and the information is shared across platforms in order to develop a common operating picture (COP). Fuelled by the recent adaptation of a variety of enabling device technologies such as RFID tags and readers, near field communication (NFC) devices and embedded sensor and actuator nodes, the IoT has stepped out of its infancy and is the the next revolutionary technology in transforming the Internet into a fully integrated Future Internet. As we move from www (static pages web) to web2 (social networking web) to web3 (ubiquitous computing web), the need for data-on-demand using sophisticated intuitive queries increases significantly. This paper presents a cloud centric vision for worldwide implementation of Internet of Things. The key enabling technologies and application domains that are likely to drive IoT research in the near future are discussed. A cloud implementation using Aneka, which is based on interaction of private and public clouds is presented. We conclude our IoT vision by expanding on the need for convergence of WSN, the Internet and distributed computing directed at technological research community.