
Review on the research in first language interference and cultural interference in second language learning

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The purpose of this paper is to review L1 and cultural interference in L2 learning. The author intends to show research in the topic of L1 interference, and also cultural interference. Each type of interference can affect L2 learning, and it is important to address these notions. Evaluations will also be done on how it affects students learning a second language and educators teaching a second language. There is some important contexts of where the L2 is taught, and the author will comment about these contexts. Teaching a second language at the student’s L1 environment or in the environment where L2 is normally used has implications in both kinds of interference and the author will try to discuss this further. After reviewing the research, the author believes more research is needed in researching cultural interference, and researchers need to find a way to substantiate cultural interference.

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... Over past decades, research about English as a second/foreign language learning (ESL/EFL) method has increased deeply. Currently, beyond the different ESL/EFL methods, we can make an elementary ESL/EFL Methods for Reading 3 classification: those approaches that consider ESL/EFL methods as an independent process of L1 (native language) (Mitchell and Myles 2004;Navarro 2018) and those that consider ESL/EFL related to L1 (Aragón et al. 2013;Lee 2018;Li 2018;Priya and Jayasridevi 2018). ...
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The present paper reports on the effectiveness of the Grammar-Translation Method, Communicative Language Teaching and Content and Language Integrated Learning upon reading comprehension and language awareness. The study recruited a convenience sample of 164 Spanish students from a rural area in southern Spain who randomly received these three ESL/EFL methods. The research was focused on two hypotheses. Firstly, L2 reading learning is more effective from CLT and CLIL than GTM. Secondly, CLT and CLIL demand more contextual learning. Results showed CLT method offered more similar results among the reading comprehension tasks (p<.01). However, from a descriptive study, GTM obtained the best performance globally. In all three methods, scores were weakest for pragmatic awareness. However, the interaction between reading comprehension and language awareness suggested that the intervention was more supportive for CLT. Also, significant intra-gender differences according to the learning methodology were found. Study limitations and future research recommendations also were discussed.
... При разработке упражнений, направленных на предупреждение интерференции важным моментом является выявление расхождений в форме и функционировании сходных языковых явлений в родном и изучаемом языках и демонстрация этих расхождений, способствующая осознанию различий в системах двух языков. Так, в исследовании F.N. Bacala показана необходимость осознания различий в системах родного и изучаемого языков [16]. ...
The research challenge actuality is caused by the requirement to prevent the native language interference, since the psychologically literate structuring of teaching foreign language specifies the need to prevent mistakes. Therefore, the authors of this article turn to the challenge of typical mistakes disclosure in students-bachelor degree holders, future foreign language teachers, third-year students, and to the issue of operational system development on preventing nature language interference. The article represents examples of exercises targeted to neutralize the interfering impact of native language, and the plan of special seminar on the issue of interfering impact of native language. The meaningfulness of investigation is defined by the fact that there were identified the reasons of mistakes occurrence in third-year students, being among them predominant the subconscious English phrase construction based on similar models of native language, witnessing the interference of native language skills and linguistic experience insufficiency, leading to construction of phrases, inappropriate with the viewpoint of English language consistency. The authors further describe the methods to prevent mistakes, like correlation to native language, targeted attraction of the students’ attention to differences in grammar and lexicon among Russian and English languages, and well-directed execution of exercises, promoting typical mistakes avoidance. The novelty of results consists in the fact that implementing of the developed operational system on preventing the native language interference, promotes the efficiency improvement in language learning by the students-bachelor degree holders, future foreign language teachers. The authors come to conclusion that native language interference may be destructed upon condition of targeted соordinated operation from the part of the teacher and the students in process of oral and written language skills improvement.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan interferensi bahasa yang berupa interferensi fonologis, interferensi leksikal, interferensi sintaksis dalam ujaran bahasa Indonesia pada penutur asli Prancis di kanal youtube Indra Sasak serta merumuskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi interferensi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Selanjutnya untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan metode simak yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik metode padan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 104 data terdiri dari 35 data interferensi fonologis, 50 data interferensi leksikal, dan 19 data interferensi sintaksis. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran bahasa Prancis bidang linguistik.
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