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Abstract and Figures

Where direct killing is rare and niche overlap low, sympatric carnivores may appear to coexist without conflict. Interference interactions, harassment and injury from larger carnivores may still pose a risk to smaller mesopredators. Foraging theory suggests that animals should adjust their behaviour accordingly to optimise foraging efficiency and overall fitness, trading off harvest rate with costs to fitness. The foraging behaviour of red foxes, Vulpes vulpes, was studied with automated cameras and a repeated measures giving-up density (GUD) experiment where olfactory risk cues were manipulated. In Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia, red foxes increased GUDs by 34% and quitting harvest rates by 29% in response to wolf urine. In addition to leaving more food behind, foxes also responded to wolf urine by spending less time visiting food patches each day and altering their behaviour in order to compensate for the increased risk when foraging from patches. Thus, red foxes utilised olfaction to assess risk and experienced foraging costs due to the presence of a cue from gray wolves, Canis lupus. This study identifies behavioural mechanisms which may enable competing predators to coexist, and highlights the potential for additional ecosystem service pathways arising from the behaviour of large carnivores. Given the vulnerability of large carnivores to anthropogenic disturbance, a growing human population and intensifying resource consumption, it becomes increasingly important to understand ecological processes so that land can be managed appropriately. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s00442-018-4133-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Oecologia (2018) 187:573–583
Fear, foraging andolfaction: howmesopredators avoid costly
interactions withapex predators
PeterM.Haswell1,2 · KatherineA.Jones1· JosipKusak3· MattW.Hayward1,4,5,6
Received: 13 June 2017 / Accepted: 27 March 2018 / Published online: 13 April 2018
© The Author(s) 2018
Where direct killing is rare and niche overlap low, sympatric carnivores may appear to coexist without conflict. Interference
interactions, harassment and injury from larger carnivores may still pose a risk to smaller mesopredators. Foraging theory
suggests that animals should adjust their behaviour accordingly to optimise foraging efficiency and overall fitness, trading off
harvest rate with costs to fitness. The foraging behaviour of red foxes, Vulpes vulpes, was studied with automated cameras
and a repeated measures giving-up density (GUD) experiment where olfactory risk cues were manipulated. In Plitvice Lakes
National Park, Croatia, red foxes increased GUDs by 34% and quitting harvest rates by 29% in response to wolf urine. In
addition to leaving more food behind, foxes also responded to wolf urine by spending less time visiting food patches each
day and altering their behaviour in order to compensate for the increased risk when foraging from patches. Thus, red foxes
utilised olfaction to assess risk and experienced foraging costs due to the presence of a cue from gray wolves, Canis lupus.
This study identifies behavioural mechanisms which may enable competing predators to coexist, and highlights the potential
for additional ecosystem service pathways arising from the behaviour of large carnivores. Given the vulnerability of large
carnivores to anthropogenic disturbance, a growing human population and intensifying resource consumption, it becomes
increasingly important to understand ecological processes so that land can be managed appropriately.
Keywords Mesopredator release· Risk· Giving-up density· Gray wolf· Red fox
Direct interactions between predators and other species can
lead to indirect consequences further down the food web
via trophic cascades (Ripple etal. 2016). Direct preda-
tion as well as behavioural/trait-mediated mechanisms can
be important drivers of such processes (Beckerman etal.
1997; Schmitz etal. 2004; Trussell etal. 2006). Evidence for
trophic cascades stemming from large carnivores is growing
(Ripple etal. 2014); however influence strength and study
validity are hotly debated (Allen etal. 2017; Kauffman etal.
2010; Newsome etal. 2015). Understanding the importance
of trophic interactions is a fundamental ecological question
(Sutherland etal. 2013). Understanding mechanisms, con-
sequences and behavioural responses to predation pressure
are crucial first steps in understanding the importance of
trophic interactions.
Mesopredator release describes the increase of meso-
predator populations after a decline in larger, apex preda-
tors (Crooks and Soulé 1999; Soulé etal. 1988). Intraguild
predation, competitive killing and interference competition
are common where niches overlap (Lourenco etal. 2014;
Palomares and Caro 1999; Ritchie and Johnson 2009). Inter-
ference interactions from larger carnivores pose a risk to
smaller mesopredators and may ultimately affect population
demography (Linnell and Strand 2000). Apex predators do
not always suppress spatial occupancy and mesopredator
abundance (Lesmeister etal. 2015; Lyly etal. 2015). How-
ever, continent-wide patterns of mesopredator release have
been identified (Letnic etal. 2011; Newsome and Ripple
Communicated by Christopher Whelan.
Having noteworthy implications for wildlife conservation and
management; this paper provides significant insight in the study of
giving-up densities, foraging ecology and intraguild interactions.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (https :// 2-018-4133-3) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
* Peter M. Haswell
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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574 Oecologia (2018) 187:573–583
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2014; Pasanen-Mortensen and Elmhagen 2015). Suppressive
interactions between carnivores combined with bottom-up
effects of environmental productivity can ultimately drive
predator and prey species abundance (Elmhagen etal. 2010;
Elmhagen and Rushton 2007).
Gray wolves, Canis lupus have been observed to kill and
chase foxes (Mech and Boitani 2005, p. 269). Some evidence
also suggests wolves may contribute to the control of red fox,
Vulpes vulpes populations (Elmhagen and Rushton 2007).
In much of eastern and southern Europe, red foxes co-occur
with wolves (Hoffmann and Sillero-Zubiri 2016; Mech and
Boitani 2010). A negligible presence of fox hair in wolf diet
suggests foxes are not regularly eaten by wolves in Europe
(Krofel and Kos 2010; Stahlberg etal. 2017; Štrbenac etal.
2005). Low mortality could reflect effective avoidance of
larger predators (Durant 2000). However, interspecific kill-
ing may of course occur without consumption (Murdoch
etal. 2010). Even in the absence of direct killing, it is plau-
sible that wolves may still behaviourally suppress red foxes
through harassment, injury and fear of encounters. Literature
suggests minimal dietary overlap between the two carni-
vores (Bassi etal. 2012; Patalano and Lovari 1993). Com-
petition for landscape features such as den sites, scavenging
opportunities and kleptoparasitism however, could still yield
negative interactions. Conversely, foxes scavenge from wolf
kills in Europe (Selva etal. 2005; Wikenros etal. 2014),
suggesting they may exhibit positive behavioural responses
toward the species presence even where kleptoparasitism
might be risky.
Foxes alter their behaviour in response to the presence
of larger carnivores, habitat features and hazardous objects
(Berger-Tal etal. 2009; Hall etal. 2013; Vanak etal. 2009).
This suggests they are capable of assessing and responding
to environmental risk cues. Red foxes have well-developed
sensory systems and are known for their flexible behav-
iour, diet and ability to thrive in anthropogenic landscapes
(Bateman and Fleming 2012; Lesmeister etal. 2015; Randa
etal. 2009). Olfaction plays an important role in detecting
scavengeable food sources (Ruzicka and Conover 2012)
and logic suggests it would also play an important role
in risk evaluation. A wealth of research exists supporting
the recognition and behavioural response of prey species
towards odours of their predators (Apfelbach etal. 2005).
However we know of only two studies examining the influ-
ence of olfactory predation risk cue’s on food harvest by red
foxes under the giving-up density (GUD) framework (Leo
etal. 2015; Mukherjee etal. 2009). We expanded upon this
knowledge by investigating the role of urine in risk analy-
sis and studying behavioural responses in order to explain
changes in food harvest.
When responding to predation risk, foragers must trade-
off the fitness benefits of avoiding predators with the costs
of avoidance in any given context (Brown and Kotler 2007;
Brown etal. 1999; Haswell etal. 2017). The better an indi-
vidual animal is at assessing risk, the more effectively it can
forage, balance its energetic cost-benefits and the greater its
overall fitness. Methodologies developed by Brown (1988;
1992) and Mukherjee etal. (2009) were adapted to inves-
tigate fox giving-up densities (GUDs) and foraging behav-
iour (methodological considerations, online resource 1). A
GUD is the amount of food left behind in a given food patch
after the forager quits the patch (Brown 1988). As a for-
ager devotes time to harvesting a food patch (assuming it is
depletable), the available resources decline as does the har-
vest rate (Brown 1988). Foragers should leave a given patch
once the harvest rate (H) is equal to the sum of the metabolic
costs (C), predation costs (P) and missed opportunity costs
(MOC) i.e. H = C + P + MOC (Brown 1988; Shrader etal.
2012). By holding other parameters constant between food
patches, it is possible to investigate species or habitat spe-
cific differences in predation cost (Brown 1988). Increases
in predation risk should increase the GUD with animals for-
aging less in risky patches (Brown 1988). GUDs can help
measure the response of organisms to olfactory cues and
their perception of the predation costs (P) associated with
foraging, thus illuminating ecological processes.
Understanding the contribution of different biodiversity
components to ecosystem functioning is vital (Sutherland
etal. 2013). Suitable scientific information becomes espe-
cially essential if wildlife is to be properly managed in pub-
lic trust (Treves etal. 2017). The existence of mesopreda-
tor release has become more widely supported (Newsome
etal. 2017; Ritchie and Johnson 2009), yet understanding
of the mechanisms and processes are still needed if the
consequences of anthropogenic intervention are to be fully
understood. Furthermore, cross-context assumptions should
be avoided and there is still great need to understand the
impacts of large carnivores for any given system (Haswell
etal. 2017; Kuijper etal. 2016). This paper examined red
fox foraging behaviour in response to an olfactory risk cue
(wolf urine) in order to test the importance of olfaction in
risk analysis, identify any resultant suppression and the for-
aging strategies employed where apex predators pose risk.
Study site
Plitvice Lakes National Park (PLNP) is in the Dinaric Alps,
Croatia between 44°4434 and 44°5748N and 15°2732
and 15°4223E (Šikić 2007). The park (297km2) is a
mosaic of mountains and valleys with altitude ranging from
367 to 1279m above sea level (Romanic etal. 2016). The
karst (limestone and dolomite) landscape of the park is
characterised by underground drainage systems, sink holes
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575Oecologia (2018) 187:573–583
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and caves, and contains ~ 1% surface water with a series of
streams, rivers, lakes and waterfalls (Šikić 2007). Topogra-
phy can influence microclimates within the park but in gen-
eral, summers tend to be mild and sunny and winters long
with heavy snowfall; temperatures range between winter
lows of − 3°C and summer maximums of 36°C and annual
precipitation is 1550mm (Šikić 2007).
Romanic etal. (2016) estimate approximately 1770 peo-
ple occupy 19 settlements within the park’s boundaries.
Being a national park, the only economic uses permitted
within the boundaries are tourism and recreation (Firšt etal.
Between July and September 2015, foraging experiments
were conducted within the mixed beech (Fagus sylvatica)
and fir (Abies alba) forests of PLNP. Forest roads were sur-
veyed for carnivore signs with the assistance of a detection
dog 1week prior to the experiments—maximising data
yield by selecting sites with fox presence. During surveys
the dog did not leave the road. Population density of red fox
in Croatia is estimated at 0.7 animals per km2, with a ter-
ritory size of 1.43km2 per fox (Galov etal. 2014; Slavica
etal. 2010). Home ranges between fox group members can
often overlap (30–100%) (Poulle etal. 1994). Fox individu-
als could not be identified by pelage markings but distance
between sites (≥ 1.5km) ensured site independence and was
greater than distances previously used (e.g., Leo etal. 2015;
Mukherjee etal. 2009). Twelve sites were attempted. In early
July, foxes foraged from three of those sites in the north-west
of the park; a less accessible area, partly open to hiking and
local traffic but receiving far fewer tourists than the lakes.
These sites were then repeated in late August to give a better
temporal representation of response consistency.
GUD methodology
Feeding stations were positioned similarly to those used by
Altendorf etal. (2001) with each site consisting of a 2 × 3
grid with six food patches spaced 60m apart. Patches were
placed in woodlands, with three patches on either side of an
unpaved forest road to maximise detection likelihood and
keep road related risk consistent. Each food patch contained
twenty 4g dog food pieces (80g per patch, Bakers Complete
Meaty Meals Chicken), systematically mixed in 8 L of local
substrate put through a 5mm sieve and placed inside a 14 L
bucket half submerged in the ground. To increase detection
of the food patches by foragers, 5ml of liquid leached from
raw meat was applied to the surface of the soil within the
bucket each day. We measured GUDs and replenished food
pieces daily. Sites were visited in the hottest parts of the day
(afternoon) to ensure foragers were not disturbed.
To standardise harvest rate (H), the structure of artifi-
cial patches was kept consistent (substrate and food). The
substrate to food ratio was chosen after trials with less
soil were harvested completely and trials with more soil
were harvested minimally (PMH unpubl. data). A decline
in harvest rate over time was thus ensured through the
use of a depletable food source in a suitable volume of
inedible soil matrix (Bedoya-Perez etal. 2013; Brown
1988). Six food patches were available to the same for-
ager to ensure consistent missed opportunity costs (MOC).
Patch consistency kept energetic costs (C) consistent and
data collection occurred during typical summer weather
conditions. Habitat-associated risks were kept somewhat
consistent by using just mixed beech and fir woodlands.
Although not explicitly mentioned in earlier studies (Leo
etal. 2015; Mukherjee etal. 2009), the influence of human
scent contamination was minimised during data collection
by wearing thick gloves, a mouth mask and long sleeved
clothes kept in the presence of the liquid leached from
meat rather than smelling of detergent. Predation costs (P)
were manipulated using scent treatments.
Foxes foraged from feeding stations within a day dur-
ing pilot studies (PMH unpubl. data). The first day of the
11-day experimental cycle was untreated to provide an
opportunity for detection and acclimatisation. A control
scent consisting of 25g of sand scented with 3ml of
mint extract (Asda extra special peppermint extract) was
spread across a piece of locally sourced moss (15 × 15cm)
placed on the ground 15cm to the north of the bucket
on day2 and left during the remaining control-treatment
days. On day7, the control treatment was removed from
all patches and 25g of granules scented with wolf urine
(PredatorPee®, Wolf Urine Yard Cover Granules) were
placed on fresh moss in the same location as the pro-
cedural control. Throughout the 5-day treatment peri-
ods, both odours and volumes used were detectable by
Daily replenishment of GUDs should result in higher
predictability and exploitation of patches by foragers
in what has been termed the “magic pudding” effect
(Bedoya-Perez etal. 2013). An 11-day window was used
for each experiment to reduce the likelihood of foragers
becoming over-reliant upon predictable food patches. We
deemed that there was less expectation of a response to
wolf urine given its application later in the test procedure
when foxes would be more familiar and reliant upon food
patches. Thus, the experimental approach was considered
During the experiment, automated cameras were set
to record 30-s videos with 30-s intervals. Cameras were
positioned 0.4m high on trees 2m from feed stations and
angled to ensure buckets were in central view. Camera-
traps permitted accurate species identification of those
responsible for the GUDs as well as the collection of addi-
tional behavioural data.
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576 Oecologia (2018) 187:573–583
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Additional variables
Soil penetration could affect GUDs if some substrates were
harder to dig through than others. This was measured by
dropping a wooden 1m ruler into the bucket from shoulder
height and measuring the depth that the ruler penetrated the
A photograph was taken from each GUD patch towards
the road, 30m away. Photos were taken consistently with a
3 megapixel camera always fully zoomed out. A systematic
grid sample of 100 pixels (10 × 10) was analysed from each
photograph (0.003% of pixels). Pixels were assigned to cat-
egories of open (no material blocking view to the road) or
other (biotic or abiotic material) to calculate the percentage
visibility to the road (number of open pixels) at each loca-
tion. Pictures were analysed using SamplePoint V1.58—a
method that provides accuracy comparable with field meth-
ods for ground cover measurements (Booth etal. 2006).
Data for the fraction of moonlight illuminated at mid-
night were obtained from the US naval observatory (http:// .php). Due to each experiment
day beginning one afternoon and running overnight until
the next afternoon, an experimental day beginning on the
afternoon of June 26th and finishing on the afternoon of
June 27th for example, was ascribed “moonlight data” from
midnight on June 27th.
GUD analysis
Camera-trap videos were used to identify the last known
forager and assign GUD data for each experiment day. On
rare occasions where cameras failed to trigger but the patch
had been visited (N = 8 from 195 total GUDs), field signs
were used to confirm fox visits. GUD scores were assigned
to foxes when they were the last species identified foraging
at the patch (every occasion foxes visited) with the exception
that once a patch was discovered by foxes, all following days
where a visit was not recorded were assigned the maximum
GUD of 20 to ensure data reflecting patch avoidance was
also included. Foxes were captured on video during both
scent treatments for all sites, so death of subjects could be
ruled out.
Following Leo etal. (2015), we treated GUDs as count
data. The counts were commonly occurring (food pieces
were often left behind resulting in higher GUDs) and, as
such, a negative binomial regression (negative binomial dis-
tribution with a log link) generalized linear mixed model
(GLMM) was used to examine the influence of independent
variables upon GUDs (Heck etal. 2012). All analysis was
conducted in IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The fixed effect was
scent treatment. Covariates were percentage visibility to the
road, soil penetration (cm) and fraction of the moon illu-
minated. The repeated measures aspect of data points from
the same patch and a random effect for patch location were
also included. Robust standard error estimation was used to
handle any violations of model assumptions and the Satter-
thwaite approximation was applied to denominator degrees
of freedom (few level 2 units, unbalanced data and more
complex covariance matrices).
Behavioural analysis
The number of visits and total visit duration per experiment
day was extracted from the videos. New visits were consid-
ered to begin if the period between two videos was greater
than 15min. Visit duration was recorded as the amount of
time in seconds from the beginning of the first video and the
exact time the fox (any body part) was no longer visible on
the last video for that visit. The influence of scent treatment,
percentage visibility to the road, soil penetration and frac-
tion of the moon illuminated upon total visit duration was
analysed with a negative binomial regression GLMM. Visit
frequency per experiment day was analysed with a loglinear
(Poisson distribution and log link) GLMM. All other model
parameters were the same as for the GUD analysis.
Where foxes visited patches, behavioural data were
extracted from videos taken by automated cameras using
Solomon Coder Beta 15.11.19. Strict definitions of behav-
iours were described in an ethogram (online resource 2).
Given that identification of most behaviour required the ori-
entation of the head or neck to be identifiable, the length of
videos was recorded as only the duration during which the
animals head orientation was identifiable i.e. once the head
and neck had left the visible field, video timing stopped. Vid-
eos where animals were not present throughout the entirety
of the 30-s video did not then skew the data. Duration of
time spent engaging in major and minor vigilance, foraging
from the bucket and sniffing the ground were extracted from
each video. Percentage of time spent enacting behaviours
[(total behaviour duration/total video length) × 100] was
calculated for each patch and experiment day. Percentage of
time spent enacting behaviours were analysed with negative
binomial regression GLMMs. All other model parameters
were the same as for the GUD analysis.
Quitting harvest rate curves
Following the protocol of Kotler etal. (2010) quitting harvest
rates (QHR) were calculated for each treatment. Overall han-
dling time (h) was estimated with Kotler and Brown’s (1990)
multiple regression equation derived from Holling’s (1959)
disc equation: t = (1/a) [ln (N0/Nf)] + h (N0 Nf). t = the total
time spent at patches (visit durations obtained from camera
trap footage), a = attack rate, N0 = Initial amount of dog food
pieces in the patch (20) and Nf = the GUD. Two variables,
ln (N0/Nf) and (N0 Nf) were created, these variables were
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577Oecologia (2018) 187:573–583
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then regressed against values for t, the coefficients of which
yielded estimates for 1/a and h, respectively.
We then used h, in this case 16.79s/food piece to create
a new variable tnew [tnew = t h (N0 Nf)]. Using the regres-
sion tnew = (1/a) [ln (N0/Nf)], subsets of values for tnew and
[ln (N0/Nf)] were then used to obtain coefficients giving esti-
mates for 1/a and thus a (1/coefficient value = a) for each
scent treatment. Estimates of h and treatment specific a were
then used in Hollings disc equation to calculate QHR for
each resource density (1–20 food pieces): QHR = (a*GUD)/
(1 + a*h*GUD). Mean GUDs were also used to obtain a
characteristic QHR for each treatment. In order to fully
characterize risk management strategy, the treatment spe-
cific harvest rate curves and QHR for mean GUD’s were
then plotted.
A total of 195 fox GUD measures were obtained. Even with
a conservative experimental approach (less expectation of a
response to wolf urine given its application later in the test
procedure when foxes would be more familiar and reliant
upon food patches), there was a significant effect of scent
treatment upon GUDs (F1,93 = 17.243, P < 0.001). GUDs
were significantly higher (less food harvested from patches)
during wolf urine treatment (14.98 ± 6.94 SD, N = 127) than
under the control treatment (mint, 11.16 ± 7.10 SD, N = 68).
Soil penetration (F1,45 = 0.376, P = 0.54), percentage visibil-
ity to road (F1, 5 = 2.629, P = 0.17) and fraction of the moon
illuminated (F1,38 = 0.747, P = 0.39) did not have a signifi-
cant effect on GUDs.
Behavioural analysis
Visit duration andfrequency
In total, 790 videos of fox visits were used to calculate total
visit duration (s) for 187 experiment days (camera malfunc-
tions excluded N = 8). Scent treatment had a significant
effect on total daily visit duration to the feeding patches
(F1,9 = 10.570, P = 0.01). Visits were longer under the con-
trol scent (mint, 269.14 ± 307.22 SD, N = 63) than with
wolf urine (132.59 ± 212.47 SD, N = 124). Soil penetration
(F1, 10 = 0.279, P = 0.61) and percentage visibility to road
(F1,6 = 1.396, P = 0.28) did not have a significant effect on
total daily visit duration. Even though moonlight levels did
not affect GUDs, total daily visit duration had a positive rela-
tionship with fraction of the moon illuminated (F1,11 = 7.388,
P = 0.021, Fig.1). No independent variables significantly
influenced visit frequency per experiment day.
Percentage oftime spent enacting behaviours
Behaviour was identifiable from 782 of the 790 videos
of fox visits, providing behavioural data for 114 experi-
ment days (72 patch avoidance days with no videos, 8days
with camera malfunctions, and 1day with fox on video
but behaviour identification not possible due to head
being out of view). At patches, foxes spent significantly
more of their time enacting major vigilance during wolf
urine treatment than when the control scent was pre-
sent (F1,26 = 31.996, P < 0.001, Fig.2). Soil penetration
(F1,9 = 3.679, P = 0.087), percentage visibility to road
(F1,8 = 0.037, P = 0.85) and fraction of the moon illumi-
nated (F1,104 = 2.493, P = 0.12) did not have a significant
effect. No independent variables had a significant effect
upon time spent enacting minor vigilance.
Foxes spent significantly less of their time foraging at
patches with wolf urine than with the control (F1,52 = 6.132,
P = 0.017, Fig.2). Soil penetration (F1,24 = 2.128, P = 0.16),
percentage visibility to road (F1,6 = 0.847, P = 0.39) and frac-
tion of the moon illuminated (F1,29 = 0.121, P = 0.73) did not
have a significant effect.
When at patches, foxes spent significantly more of their
time sniffing the ground during wolf urine treatment than the
control (F1,44 = 5.381, P = 0.025, Fig.2). Percentage of time
spent sniffing the ground had a negative relationship with
increasing soil penetration (F1,4 = 20.530, P = 0.009, Fig.3).
Percentage visibility to road (F1,5 = 0.489, P = 0.52) and
fraction of the moon illuminated (F1,109 = 2.892, P = 0.092)
did not have a significant effect.
Fig. 1 Total visit duration by red foxes, Vulpes vulpes, to food
patches each day had a positive relationship with fraction of the moon
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578 Oecologia (2018) 187:573–583
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Quitting harvest rate curves
Lower mean GUD and characteristic quitting harvest rate
(QHR) during mint treatment (0.034 food pieces/s) corre-
sponds with greater time allocation (Fig.4), as also shown
by our analysis of time spent at patches. Higher character-
istic QHR under wolf urine (0.044 food pieces/s) suggest
foxes required higher remuneration when predation costs
were higher. The QHR slope was however steeper and the
attack rate higher under wolf urine (10.86 × 10−3/s) than
under mint treatment (6.97 × 10−3/s), indicating quicker food
harvest under wolf urine treatment.
We show that wolf urine signifies risk for foxes and olfac-
tion is a mechanism by which foxes assess risk. The behav-
ioural responses of foxes to wolf urine presumably reduced
predation risk but also reduced their ability to utilise food
resources. These behavioural strategies help explain how
foxes are able to persist in sympatry with wolves, but also
help explain some of the suppressive impacts wolves have
on foxes.
When living in sympatry with larger carnivores, meso-
predators often employ strategies such as vigilance, spatial
or temporal avoidance, response to risk cues and adjustments
in feeding behaviour (Durant 2000; Hayward and Slotow
2009; Wikenros etal. 2014). In the presence of large carni-
vores, anti-predator strategies permit avoidance of danger
but can carry costs such as decreased activity, restricted
Fig. 2 Mean percentage of time spent by red foxes enacting major
vigilance (mint, 18.83 ± 13.37 SD, N = 48, wolf ur ine, 30.30 ± 16.56
SD, N = 66), minor vigilance (mint, 5.88 ± 5.44 SD, N = 48, wolf
urine, 7.48 ± 14.33 SD, N = 66), foraging (mint, 55.48 ± 21.38 SD,
N = 48, wolf urine, 44.09 ± 24.64 SD, N = 66) and sniffing the ground
(mint, 6.85 ± 13.80 SD, N = 48, wolf urine, 12.48 ± 23.46 SD, N = 66)
at artificial feeding stations during two scent treatments, a control
(mint) and wolf urine. Error bars represent ± 1 SEM
Fig. 3 Percentage of time spent by red foxes sniffing the ground had a
negative relationship with soil penetration Fig. 4 Harvest rate curves for red foxes foraging under two scent
treatments, a control (mint, solid line) and wolf urine (dashed line).
Quitting harvest rates (QHR) were plotted as a function of the num-
ber of food pieces in the patch. Points represent characteristic QHR
for mean GUD’s under each scent treatment
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579Oecologia (2018) 187:573–583
1 3
habitat use and reduced nutrient intake (Hernandez and
Laundre 2005; Lesmeister etal. 2015).
At least at a localised scale, wolves negatively affected
red fox foraging efficiency with foxes exploiting patches less
thoroughly in the presence of wolf urine. Reduction in time
spent at patches came at a cost of lower food harvest from
patches, with the amount of food left behind (mean GUD)
being 34% higher under wolf urine and quitting harvest rates
for mean GUDs being 29% larger under wolf urine than
under mint treatment. This indicates that foxes required a
higher payoff when olfactory cues suggested wolf presence.
Such fitness costs of antipredator responses could affect
survival and reproduction, ultimately impacting population
dynamics (Creel and Christianson 2008). Such processes
could contribute to the effect apex predators have on the
distribution of mesopredators (Newsome etal. 2017).
Contrary to expectation, additional strategies employed
by foxes in response to wolf urine did not come at a cost to
harvest rates. Kotler etal. (2010) proposed that a steeper
QHR curve (quicker harvest) suggests less time investment
in apprehensive behaviours. Our video analysis however
shows that foxes spent a significantly greater percentage of
time engaging in some forms of apprehension (major vigi-
lance and sniffing the ground) and a lower percentage of time
foraging under the wolf urine treatment, yet still achieved
higher harvest rates. For some species harvest rates may be
a product of more than just time allocation to apprehension
and foraging. They may also be affected by how these activi-
ties are performed as well as time allocation to different
types of apprehensive behaviour and other activities.
Having the head up in major vigilance, permits visual,
auditory and scent based detection of danger and likely rep-
resents an effective, albeit costly, investment of time spent
in risky food patches. Higher levels of predator detection
behaviour do not always come at a cost to foraging perfor-
mance and harvest rates can increase alongside proportion
of time spent vigilant (Cresswell etal. 2003). It is feasible
that foxes increased their digging speed and encounter rates
when foraging under wolf urine in order to compensate for
the reduction in time spent foraging.
Foxes were less casual and more focused about how time
was spent under wolf urine, investing highly in major vigi-
lance and spending less time engaging in “other” behaviours
that were not productive to obtaining food or ensuring safety
e.g. masticating without being vigilant (PMH unpubl. data).
Mastication could not be measured in a comparable way to
the behaviours recorded in this study as the jaws could not
always be seen, however we note that, where observable,
mastication without vigilance appeared to be the dominant
“other” behaviour. Herbivores have been observed to tem-
porally and spatially partition their ruminating behaviour
from their foraging behaviour (Lynch etal. 2013; Nelle-
mann 1998). Mesopredators like foxes may also adjust their
digestive behaviour in response to predation risk. Foxes may
have chewed more quickly, chewed less or even swallowed
pieces whole under wolf urine treatment, digesting away
from risky patches instead of investing time aiding the diges-
tive process by masticating while at patches. Mastication
may also be reduced in risky locations because it can inhibit
auditory vigilance (Lynch etal. 2013, 2015).
Mesopredators likely have a more complex olfactory
landscape than organisms on the periphery of food webs
and behavioural response to scent could be affected by scent
strength, integrity and context (Jones etal. 2016). Previ-
ous works investigating the response of foxes to alternative
risk cues have yielded varying results. Observations of red
(Scheinin etal. 2006) and Indian foxes, Vulpes bengalensis
(Vanak etal. 2009) only showed significant reductions in
food bait take in response to direct predator presence (golden
jackal, Canis aureus and domestic dog Canis lupus famil-
iaris, respectively), but not to olfactory risk cues (urine, or
scat and urine, respectively).Observations were short and
scents fresh so it could be concluded that foxes did not
respond to these particular risk cues and only responded to
immediate threats, or that foxes in these studies were bigger
risk takers than in our study. However, these studies did not
follow a GUD framework so responses to scent may have
reflected experimental setup more than fox behaviour. For-
aging may have been too easy or profitable and food to sub-
strate ratios in these experiments may have only permitted
observation of strong responses. Nonetheless, food take and
behavioural responses towards live animals in both studies
still suggest fearful responses of foxes towards larger preda-
tors. The studies also suggest that fearful responses to the
actual presence of predators are likely to be stronger than to
risk cues alone.
Under a GUD framework, Mukherjee etal. (2009)
observed that foxes foraged more from patches with wolf
scat present. They suggested that scat may provide infor-
mation of a predator’s whereabouts and could indicate that
a predator has moved on and that the patch in fact carries
less risk. The responses observed in this study suggest urine
presents a more immediate predator presence cue. Scat can
act as a territorial marker and conveyer of information about
the depositor (Barja 2009). Peters and Mech (1975) however
concluded that raised leg urination was probably the most
effective method of territory maintenance. Competitors may
associate higher risk with urine than with scat. Canids also
preferentially faecal mark on visually conspicuous features,
suggesting scat placement is an important aspect of com-
munication (Barja 2009; de Miguel etal. 2009; Hayward and
Hayward 2010). Dependent on the context and placement,
scat may communicate risk but could also be positively asso-
ciated with scavengeable food sources.
Mukherjee etal. (2009) also suggested that the lower
presence of wolves in the study area and higher presence
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580 Oecologia (2018) 187:573–583
1 3
of the larger striped hyena, Hyaena hyaena, could have
been responsible for their observations. Aversion to foreign
odours likely requires a social unit to have experience of
antagonistic events (Peters and Mech 1975). At 1.4–1.6
wolves per 100km2 (JK unpubl. data, estimates based on
100% MCP polygons and snow tracking of two packs utilis-
ing PLNP during 2015), wolf density was higher in PLNP
than the Croatian average of 1.3 (Štrbenac etal. 2005).
Given fox responses to wolf urine and wolf density, encoun-
ter rates might also have been higher in PLNP.
Leo etal. (2015) examined fox GUDs in response to a
combination of canid body odour (an indicator of close
proximity and hence immediate threat) and scat (territorial
demarcation and a less proximate threat). GUDs were higher
under dingo odour than control treatments. This is unsur-
prising given the threat dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) pose to
foxes through direct killing (Marsack and Campbell 1990;
Moseby etal. 2009). The dingo has a different ecology to
the wolf and exists in unique ecosystems (Mech and Boitani
2005; Purcell 2010). While interactions may vary depending
on context, the findings of Leo etal. (2015) suggest that the
combination of body odour and scat at locations such as den
sites are likely to affect foxes as well.
Context can be an important driver of interspecific rela-
tionships between predators (Haswell etal. 2017). The stud-
ies discussed suggest that cue type, species composition,
experience and demography might be important factors in
driving response to risk cues. A forager’s response to risk
may also vary dependent on factors such as social structure,
food patch quality and energetic state (Fortin etal. 2009;
Harvey and Fortin 2013; Hayward etal. 2015). Nonethe-
less, cues informing of more immediate risk (direct preda-
tor presence, urine or body odour) should in general yield
stronger behavioural responses. Inferences and responses to
olfactory cues will depend upon selection pressures (Jones
etal. 2016). Apex predator impacts may be weaker farther
away from core areas such as den sites (Miller etal. 2012).
The recently proposed “enemy constraint hypothesis” also
predicts weaker mesopredator suppression at peripheries
of large carnivore range (Newsome etal. 2017). At range
edges, reduction in apex predator presence and risk cues
would be expected. A reduction in behavioural suppression
through mesopredator response to olfactory risk cues would
thus also be expected. Factors affecting scent demarcation
and landscape use by apex predators should in-turn affect
risk perception and behavioural responses of mesopredators.
Suppression by larger predators can affect the abundance
and behaviour of mesopredators, often but not always hav-
ing consequent impacts upon mesopredator prey species
(Ritchie and Johnson 2009). Mesopredator response to risk
landscapes can have behavioural knock-on effects, influenc-
ing landscape and resource use by prey species (Palacios
etal. 2016). Predator odours including those of foxes have
a range of behavioural and physiological effects upon prey
species (Apfelbach etal. 2005). Foxes can also have stabi-
lising effects upon their prey populations (O’Mahony etal.
1999) or interact competitively with smaller carnivores (Bis-
chof etal. 2014; Petrov etal. 2016). Behavioural interac-
tions clearly play a part in maintaining functioning stable
ecosystems. Anthropogenic disturbance or direct loss of
processes through trophic simplification can however inter-
fere with these complicated systems, leading to problems
(Estes etal. 2011; Frid and Dill 2002; Prugh etal. 2009).
Removal or disturbance of large carnivores may interfere
with behavioural processes which also require consideration
when managing human landscape use.
Data availability Datasets analysed during the study can be
made available from the corresponding author on reason-
able request.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Bangor University, The
UK Wolf Conservation Trust, The Coalbourn Charitable Trust, Ann
Vernon Memorial Travel Fund and Sir Ian McKellen for funding the
work. Thanks to Nacionalni park Plitvička Jezera who provided accom-
modation and logistical support throughout fieldwork. PMH would
like to acknowledge M. Van Berkel for assistance during his internship
and Alfred for assistance with carnivore sign surveys. We thank Dr.
V. Leo (Australian Wildlife Conservancy) and Dr. J. Gibbons (Bangor
University) for their advice on statistical analysis. We are grateful to
the handling editor, Dr. C.J. Whelan, Prof. B.P. Kotler and another
anonymous reviewer for their useful comments that helped strengthen
the manuscript.
Author contribution statement The study was conceived, designed
and executed by PMH who also wrote the manuscript. MWH contrib-
uted to the design, analysis and writing of the manuscript. KAJ contrib-
uted to the design and analysis. JK assisted with permits, logistics and
execution of the study. MWH, KAJ and JK provided editorial advice.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
interest in the authorship of this article.Use of product or corporation
names is for descriptive purposes only and implies no endorsement by
any author or affiliation.
Ethical approval All applicable institutional and/or national guidelines
for the care and use of animals were followed.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat iveco
mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribu-
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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PeterM.Haswell1,2 · KatherineA.Jones1· JosipKusak3· MattW.Hayward1,4,5,6
1 School ofBiological Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor,
GwyneddLL572UW, UK
2 UK Wolf Conservation Trust, Butlers Farm, Beenham,
BerkshireRG75NT, UK
3 Department ofBiology, Veterinary Faculty, University
ofZagreb, Heinzelova 55, 10000Zagreb, Croatia
4 School ofEnvironment Natural Resources andGeography,
Bangor University, Bangor, GwyneddLL572UW, UK
5 Centre forAfrican Conservation Ecology, Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University, PortElizabeth, SouthAfrica
6 Centre forWildlife Management, University ofPretoria,
Pretoria, SouthAfrica
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... In the reserve, Red Fox Vulpes vulpes was recently recorded holding the carrion of a Blanford's Fox Vulpes cana during the summer season, indicating probable aggression between the two species. The competition between the two fox species could alter Blanford 's Fox's spatial or temporal behaviour and restrict habitat availability, limiting species distribution over the long term (Haswell et al., 2018;Pamperin et al., 2006). ...
... The niche overlap between Blanford's Fox and the Caracal can be related to several reasons. It may be that the species use similar resources or find prey in similar habitats, but it could also be due to Caracal providing some security to Blanford's through its suppressing the Red Fox; and additionally, Caracal may provide carrion from leftover prey (Haswell et al., 2018(Haswell et al., , 2020Levi & Wilmers, 2016;Newsome et al., 2017;Wang et al., 2015). Although we can not explain how Blanford's Fox can co-exist with the Caracal based on the research outcomes, we can only suggest that Blanford's Fox maintains temporal segregation with the Caracal or micro spatial adjustments to avoid direct encounters. ...
... Red Fox habitat associations may well be related to the active avoidance of the Caracal as its occupancy increased closer to areas with a 30-50% vegetation cover and a higher detection closer to water during winter. Although we have no direct evidence of the Caracal killing a Red Fox, the Caracal can suppress the Red Fox through harassment and fear of injury, competition on den sites and dietary opportunities (Haswell et al., 2018;Newsome et al., 2017). ...
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Understanding species habitat relationships and their relative importance to the carnivore guild is fundamental to determining optimal conservation strategies and guiding long-term management efforts in a man and biosphere reserve. In this study, I used occupancy models to estimate the impact of anthropogenic effects and other factors on the habitat use of carnivores. I used one year of camera trap monitoring data between April 2016 and March 2017 across a ∼160 km of the reserve core area to develop single-species, single-season occupancy models for the reserve's carnivores. I estimated the impact of anthropogenic, environmental, and biotic factors on the habitat use of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Blanford's Fox (Vulpes cana), and Caracal (Caracal caracal). Occupancy models indicated environmental and anthropogenic factors as the main driver of the Red Fox occupancy, while biotic variables had a more significant influence on Blanford's Fox and Caracal habitat use during summer. Understanding the main drivers behind habitat utilisation, including other underlying factors, such as prey availability, human/wildlife conflict, interspecific, intraguild competition, between these sympatric carnivores is essential for the reserve management. Variation in response to environmental and anthropogenic factors suggested spatial niche segregation between the Caracal and Red Fox and a high correlation between the occupancy of Blanford's Fox and freshwater habitats. In this study, I demonstrated the power of a single-species occupancy model providing a baseline of habitat factors affecting the carnivore guild based on the detection/non-detection records. This method enhanced our knowledge of the ecosystem function and priority habitats for carnivores' persistence in the reserve and mountain areas, where humans encroachment and activities have re-shaped the community assembly and niche selection in this rapidly developing region.
... Thus, provisioned carrion can be a dangerous resource for predators due to the elevated risk of encountering dominant predators (Périquet et al. 2015;Sivy et al. 2017;Klauder et al. 2021b;Ruprecht et al. 2021). Subordinate predators can mitigate risk by avoiding resources where they are most likely to encounter other predators (Allen et al. 2015;Haswell et al. 2018;Klauder et al. 2021b). Alternatively, they may use these sites but alter their behavior in response to the potential risk, such as by increasing vigilance at risky locations (Haswell et al. 2018;Twining et al. 2020;Klauder et al. 2021b;Sunde et al. 2022) or by accessing these resources at less risky times based on the activity patterns of dominant predators (Bischof et al. 2014;Wooster et al. 2021). ...
... Subordinate predators can mitigate risk by avoiding resources where they are most likely to encounter other predators (Allen et al. 2015;Haswell et al. 2018;Klauder et al. 2021b). Alternatively, they may use these sites but alter their behavior in response to the potential risk, such as by increasing vigilance at risky locations (Haswell et al. 2018;Twining et al. 2020;Klauder et al. 2021b;Sunde et al. 2022) or by accessing these resources at less risky times based on the activity patterns of dominant predators (Bischof et al. 2014;Wooster et al. 2021). ...
Interactions among predators can have cascading impacts on communities and ecosystems. These interactions often occur around carrion, where the carrion provides a food reward, but also a risk of encountering other, potentially dominant, predators. Understanding how predators balance risk and reward at carrion, and how perceived risk changes in response to carcass origins and conditions, provides valuable insight into intraguild interactions. We investigated Coyote (Canis latrans) behavior at carrion simulated as cache sites treated with Cougar (Puma concolor) scent versus carrion used as control sites to better understand how Coyotes assess risk while feeding on carrion. Coyotes displayed similar behavior between sites treated and untreated with Cougar scent, suggesting that the presence of Cougar scent did not alter perceived risk by Coyotes in our study. Instead, Coyote behavior responded to carcass age, elevation, and whether avian scavengers had visited the carcass. Coyotes spent more time feeding, more time on camera, and touched carcasses quicker as carcass age increased. Avian scavengers appeared to compete with Coyotes, and while the presence of avian scavengers reduced time to carcass detection by Coyotes, it also decreased time spent feeding. These results suggest that carcass condition is a more important indicator of risk and reward than the presence of dominant predator scent to Coyotes. Predator scent may be an unreliable cue of immediate predator presence. Alternatively, all carcasses may be risky because dominant predators also scavenge carrion, creating similar risk regardless of previous visitation by dominant predators. These results provide insights into predator interactions and can also inform the use of scent cues in wildlife management.
... Depending on the local circumstances, including the presence of large carnivores (that can induce fear), facultative scavengers establish a specific way of scavenging behaviour (Selva et al. 2005;Pereira, Owen-Smith, and Moleón 2014;Kane et al. 2017). For example, the willingness of species to forage in open areas decreases with increasing predation pressure (Allen et al. 2015), in line with the ecology of fear (Haswell et al. 2018(Haswell et al. , 2020Gaynor et al. 2021;Ramirez et al. 2024). This, in turn, might reduce the potential effects of habitat type on scavenging behaviour in general, meaning that scavengers might forage more in open landscapes instead of forests only, and vice versa (Wenting et al. 2024). ...
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Ungulates serve as the primary carrion source for facultative scavengers in European ecosystems. In the absence of large carnivores, such as wolves (Canis lupus), human hunting leftovers are the main source of carrion for these scavengers. Additionally, wild boars (Sus scrofa) are heavily culled in many ecosystems and are both a significant prey species for wolves as well as a key scavenger. Nowadays, wolves and wild boars are re‐establishing their historical home ranges. However, it remains unclear how their presence influences the population dynamics of facultative scavengers under different scenarios of human hunting strategies. We simulated the biomass densities of all states in the trophic web including European scavengers and wolves using an ordinary differential equations (ODE) model. The presence of wolves led to a positive trend in scavenger biomass in general. However, in general, we found that plant‐based resources were more important for scavenger dynamics than carrion, regardless of whether the carrion originated from human hunting or wolf predation. Only when wolves were absent but boars present, the human hunting strategy became important in determining scavenger dynamics via carrion supply. In conclusion, our model indicates that population dynamics of facultative scavengers are not mainly driven by the availability of carrion, but rather by the presence of and competition for vegetation. Furthermore, our simulations highlight the importance of adapting human hunting strategies in accordance with the re‐establishment of wolf and boar as these can cause fluctuating population patterns over the years.
... While increases in Great Horned Owl vocal activity resulted in elevated prey deliveries, this vocal activity showed no correlation with temperature (correlation coefficient: -0.016), indicating that the observed influence of temperature was not due to increased vocal activity by Great Horned Owls. In mammalian systems, meso-predators often curtail their foraging efforts to avoid encounters with higher-trophic-level predators (Haswell et al. 2018). Similarly, in birds, the presence of predator cues typically reduces foraging; this effect is reduced with auditory cues compared to visual ones (Arteaga-Torres et al. 2020). ...
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Global temperatures have risen dramatically in recent years, with the frequency and duration of extreme heat events expected to continue increasing. Thermal refugia could allow wildlife to escape extreme heat and adapt more readily to temperature shifts. Riparian areas have been shown to act as thermal refugia, offering the ability to escape the heat of the day. However, little research has focused on nocturnal wildlife, which may be particularly vulnerable given that nighttime temperatures are rising faster than daytime temperatures. This study examines how the Western Screech-owl, a nocturnal bird of prey threatened by habitat loss in Canada, responds behaviorally to climate fluctuations, particularly changes in temperature and humidity. I investigated whether these owls select nest sites in habitats that can buffer extreme temperatures by locating nest sites in south central British Columbia and comparing their thermal buffering capacity (TBC) to random sites and other available cavities within the owls' territories. Additionally, I trapped and tagged owls to observe whether they used these refugial habitats for roosting or foraging (n = 31). Using cameras and autonomous recording units, I monitored nests to assess prey delivery rates to nestlings, testing if increased temperatures affect parental investment. I applied generalized additive models (GAM) to determine whether owls were selecting for various features, and to test the relationship between prey delivery rates and climate. The findings revealed no significant preference for nest sites with enhanced temperature buffering, nor did the owls roost in cooler microclimates. However, the owls decreased prey deliveries to the nest when temperatures exceeded 30°C and were found foraging more often in riparian areas during high heat, favoring areas with taller shrubs and canopies, closer to rivers, and at lower elevations. This study provides a comprehensive look at the behavioral adaptations of Western Screech-owls to climate change.
... To understand the competition and coexistence among different carnivore species in this area, we explored the habitat use, activity patterns, and prey item composition of sympatric carnivore species comprised of apex carnivores and mesocarnivores across Qilian Mountain National Park using camera trap data and DNA metabarcoding data. Based on theories surrounding resource partitioning and niche differentiation, as well as studies on interactions and coexistence among carnivorous species (Haswell et al., 2018;Linnell and Strand, 2000), we hypothesized that differentiation along one or more niche axes is beneficial for the coexistence of the carnivorous guild in the Qilian Mountains. We expected that spatial niche differentiation promotes the coexistence of large carnivores in the Qilian Mountain region, as they are more likely than small carnivores to spatially avoid interspecific competition (Davis et al., 2018). ...
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Carnivores play key roles in maintaining ecosystem structure and function as well as ecological processes. Understanding how sympatric species coexist in natural ecosystems is a central research topic in community ecology and biodiversity conservation. In this study, we explored intra- and interspecific niche partitioning along spatial, temporal, and dietary niche partitioning between apex carnivores (wolf Canis lupus , snow leopard Panthera uncia , Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx ) and mesocarnivores (Pallas’s cat Otocolobus manul , red fox Vulpes vulpes , Tibetan fox Vulpes ferrilata ) in Qilian Mountain National Park, China, using camera trapping data and DNA metabarcoding sequencing data. Our study showed that apex carnivore species had more overlap temporally (coefficients of interspecific overlap ranging from 0.661 to 0.900) or trophically (Pianka’s index ranging from 0.458 to 0.892), mesocarnivore species had high dietary overlap with each other (Pianka’s index ranging from 0.945 to 0.997), and apex carnivore and mesocarnivore species had high temporal overlap (coefficients of interspecific overlap ranging from 0.497 to 0.855). Large dietary overlap was observed between wolf and snow leopard (Pianka’s index = 0.892) and Pallas’s cat and Tibetan fox (Pianka’s index = 0.997), suggesting the potential for increased resource competition for these species pairs. We concluded that spatial niche partitioning is likely to key driver in facilitating the coexistence of apex carnivore species, while spatial and temporal niche partitioning likely facilitate the coexistence of mesocarnivore species, and spatial and dietary niche partitioning facilitate the coexistence between apex and mesocarnivore species. Our findings consider partitioning across temporal, spatial, and dietary dimensions while examining diverse coexistence patterns of carnivore species in Qilian Mountain National Park, China. These findings will contribute substantially to current understanding of carnivore guilds and effective conservation management in fragile alpine ecosystems.
... Such a complex odor cue represents the presence of large carnivores more realistically, hence an imminent threat by proximity (Leo et al., 2015;Carthey and Banks, 2016;Ugarte et al., 2021). In these conditions, mesocarnivores should act to reduce the risk of being preyed upon or injured, even when food is available (Lima and Dill, 1990), reducing foraging times, increasing surveillance and eventually abandoning a food patch, evaluated as the density of abandoned food or giving up density (GUD) (Brown, 1988;Verdolin, 2006;Haswell et al., 2018). By manipulating this odor, a landscape of fear can be created, modifying mesocarnivores' behavior (van Bommel and Johnson, 2016). ...
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Predation risk is perceived by prey and mesocarnivores through risk signals given by large carnivores. These signals can be manipulated without exposing mesocarnivores to real risk, creating landscapes of fear through perceptual traps, altering behavior. Olfactory signals like urine and feces have been used to deter carnivores that predate on livestock, but a more biologically meaningful cue could be more effective. Livestock guardian dogs (LGD) deter carnivores and reduce predation, so using their whole- body odor as a risk signal in a livestock system could contribute to reduce livestock-carnivore conflict. We tested LGD whole-body odor effect on Patagonian foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus and Lycalopex griseus) present in sheep production in three different habitats—forest, scrubland and pastureland—and analyzed behavioral changes. The presence of LGD whole-body odor reduce the presence of foxes in scrubland habitats and could increase fear behavior and reduced food consumption compared to non-scented places. This technique could act as a complement to LGD, amplifying its effect, but the habitat characteristics must be considered to make it effective. LGD whole-body odor, a more realistic risk signal, representing the presence of LGD without exposing mesocarnivores to a real encounter, i.e. a perceptual trap, could contribute to reduce livestock losses and carnivore threats from livestock owners, aiming to facilitate coexistence between livestock production and native carnivores.
... Due to previous work showing that Crotalus atrox individuals display different personality types [36] and that C. atrox individuals vary immensely in movement and territory sizes [37,38], C. atrox can be used as a model for testing the correlation between personality and spatial ecology. Moreover, as a mesopredator, rattlesnakes' foraging decisions are in uenced by both apex predators [39] and prey availability [40]. Rattlesnakes are likely under considerable pressure to decide when and where to forage, resulting in trade-offs between resource acquisition and predator avoidance. ...
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The pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis predicts individuals, populations, and species that experience different ecological conditions will differ in spatial ecology resulting in contrasting life history strategies. We investigated the effect of personality on spatial ecology of the western diamond-backed rattlesnake ( Crotalus atrox ), and tested the predictions that bolder, more active, and exploratory individuals will move more and have larger territories compared to shyer, less active individuals. We tracked 14 rattlesnakes for one year and assessed their personality in captivity across four different axes: activity, boldness, exploration, and reactivity. Bolder and more active individuals travelled more than shy, less active individuals, but only during the non-mating season. Shy individuals increased movement significantly more than bold individuals during the mating season, thus leading to no significant difference in movements between shy and bold individuals during the mating season. Moreover, less bold and less active individuals were more responsive to changes in reproductive status. These results suggest the existence of two different strategies for resources acquisition within the same population, indicating that the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis may be context-dependent. Ultimately, we show that the existence of different life-history strategies within the same population are dependent upon the reproductive status of these individuals.
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Livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) are increasingly used to protect livestock from predators, but their effects on the distribution and behaviour of wild predators are mostly unknown. A key question is whether LGDs exclude predators from grazing land, or if predators continue to use areas with LGDs but modify their behaviour in ways that reduce impacts on livestock. We studied effects of LGDs (Maremma sheepdogs) on distribution and behaviour of red foxes Vulpes vulpes in north‐eastern Victoria, Australia. We mapped the activity of LGDs across the study areas using GPS tracking and measured fox activity using remote cameras. We also measured risk‐sensitive foraging in foxes to test if they reduced feeding time at sites regularly used by LGDs. Foxes occurred throughout areas occupied by LGDs, but their probability of detection was negatively related to the probability of LGD presence. Foxes extracted fewer food items from experimental food stations in proportion to the intensity of local activity of LGDs. This indicates that, though foxes overlapped with LGDs, they responded to risk of encountering LGDs by allocating less time to foraging. While LGDs do not necessarily exclude wild predators from areas used for livestock production, they can have strong effects on predator behaviour. Reduction in time allocated to foraging in areas regularly used by LGDs could lead to suppression of hunting behaviour and therefore a reduction in attacks on livestock. The flexible response of predators to LGDs should facilitate coexistence of wild predators with livestock farming, by allowing predators to continue to use areas occupied by livestock while still preventing attacks on those livestock. Our results therefore strengthen the case for use of LGDs in the conservation of predators threatened by conflict with farming. Suppression of hunting behaviour should also mean that prey species experience reduced rates of predation on farmland with LGDs. This effect could be valuable for conservation of threatened species of prey.
Carnivores play key roles in maintaining ecosystem structure and function as well as ecological processes, understanding how sympatric species coexistence mechanism in natural ecosystems is a central research topic in community ecology and biodiversity conservation. In this study, we explored intra- and interspecific niche partitioning along spatial, temporal, and dietary niche partitioning between apex carnivores (wolf Canis lupus , snow leopard Panthera uncia , Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx ) and mesocarnivores (Pallas’s cat Otocolobus manul , red fox Vulpes vulpes , Tibetan fox Vulpes ferrilata ) in the Qilian Mountain national park of China using camera trapping data and DNA metabarcoding sequencing data. Our study showed that apex carnivore species had more overlap temporally (the value of time overlap from 0.661 to 0.900) or trophically (the value of diet overlap from 0.458 to 0.892), mesocarnivore species had high dietary overlap with each other (the value of diet overlap from 0.945 to 0.997), and apex carnivore and mesocarnivore species had high temporal overlap (the value of time overlap from 0.497 to 0.855). Large dietary overlap was observed between wolf and snow leopard (Pianka’s index=0.892) and Pallas’s cat and Tibetan fox (Pianka’s index=0.997) and suggesting increased resource competition for these pair species were existed. We conclude that spatial niche partitioning playing a key role in facilitating the coexistence of apex carnivore species, spatial and temporal niche partitioning facilitate the coexistence of mesocarnivore species, and spatial and dietary niche partitioning facilitate the coexistence between apex and mesocarnivore species. Our findings address, for the first time, niche partitioning was considered across temporal, spatial and dietary dimensions and diverse coexistence patterns of carnivore species were presented in the Qilian Mountain national park of China. These finding will contribute substantially to current understanding of carnivore guilds and effective conservation management in fragile alpine ecosystems.
Objective Artificial light at night (ALAN) is one of the most pervasive and rapidly expanding sources of anthropogenic pollution. Aquatic ecosystems may be especially vulnerable to the effects of ALAN due to their disproportionate exposure to anthropogenic pressures. However, research on mechanisms of response to ALAN by aquatic species remains sparse. Our research investigated the extent to which ALAN influences the nocturnal feeding efficiency of Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus . Methods Using an array of outdoor mesocosm tanks, we assigned juvenile Bluegill to five nighttime lighting treatments (control dark, 1 lx, 4 lx, 12 lx, and intermittent 12 lx). We conducted weekly nighttime feeding trials for 6 weeks to assess four prey capture variables, including capture efficiency (the effectiveness of prey strikes), capture rate (the number of prey items captured), strike rate (the frequency of prey strikes), and latency (time elapsed before the first prey strike). Result The steady lighting treatments, which were selected based on nighttime urban light intensities we previously measured in the field, had no apparent effect on any of the prey capture variables. However, flashing high‐intensity lights (intended to mimic the effect of passing car headlights on a busy highway) had a significant negative effect on capture rate and strike rate, thereby inhibiting the ability of fish to strike at and capture prey. Conclusion Our results demonstrate the potential for light pollution (especially flashing or intermittent lights) to interfere with the foraging behavior of this ecologically and economically important sportfish.
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Top predators can suppress mesopredators by killing them, competing for resources and instilling fear, but it is unclear how suppression of mesopredators varies with the distribution and abundance of top predators at large spatial scales and among different ecological contexts. We suggest that suppression of mesopredators will be strongest where top predators occur at high densities over large areas. These conditions are more likely to occur in the core than on the margins of top predator ranges. We propose the Enemy Constraint Hypothesis, which predicts weakened top-down effects on mesopredators towards the edge of top predators' ranges. Using bounty data from North America, Europe and Australia we show that the effects of top predators on mesopredators increase from the margin towards the core of their ranges, as predicted. Continuing global contraction of top predator ranges could promote further release of mesopredator populations, altering ecosystem structure and contributing to biodiversity loss.
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Large carnivores are depicted to shape entire ecosystems through top-down processes. Studies describing these processes are often used to support interventionist wildlife management practices, including carnivore reintroduction or lethal control programs. Unfortunately, there is an increasing tendency to ignore, disregard or devalue fundamental principles of the scientific method when communicating the reliability of current evidence for the ecological roles that large carnivores may play, eroding public confidence in large carnivore science and scientists. Here, we discuss six interrelated issues that currently undermine the reliability of the available literature on the ecological roles of large carnivores: (1) the overall paucity of available data, (2) reliability of carnivore population sampling techniques, (3) general disregard for alternative hypotheses to top-down forcing, (4) lack of applied science studies, (5) frequent use of logical fallacies, and (6) generalisation of results from relatively pristine systems to those substantially altered by humans. We first describe how widespread these issues are, and given this, show, for example, that evidence for the roles of wolves (Canis lupus) and dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) in initiating trophic cascades is not as strong as is often claimed. Managers and policy makers should exercise caution when relying on this literature to inform wildlife management decisions. We emphasise the value of manipulative experiments, and discuss the role of scientific knowledge in the decision-making process. We hope that the issues we raise here prompt deeper consideration of actual evidence, leading towards an improvement in both the rigour and communication of large carnivore science.
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Wolf (Canis lupus) diet is determined by several ecological factors which can differ with latitude and human impact on the environment. Here we aim to compare Northern and Southern Europe with respect to wolf feeding habits. Scats were collected and analysed for nine years in South-central Scandinavia and four years in Tuscany, Italy, where prey density, predator-prey size relation and habitat heterogeneity, were compared in different ecological perspectives. Consumption followed prey density in Scandinavia but not in Tuscany and the main prey species, moose and wild boar respectively, were more seasonally age diversified in Scandinavia than in Tuscany. Most likely, the risk of injury was an important factor in prey age selection, especially in Tuscany. Diet composition in Scandinavia showed a negligible variance while in Tuscany, temporal and spatial variation were clearly recognised. The underlying mechanism is most likely related to the limited ecological diversity of landscape in Scandinavia contrasted with the higher variability of South European landscapes resulting in higher variation in prey abundance and consequently prey choice.
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Large carnivores are frequently presented as saviours of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning through their creation of trophic cascades, an idea largely based on studies coming primarily out of relatively natural landscapes. However, in large parts of the world, particularly in Europe, large carnivores live in and are returning to strongly human-modified ecosystems. At present, we lack a coherent framework to predict the effects of large carnivores in these anthropogenic landscapes. We review how human actions influence the ecological roles of large carnivores by affecting their density or behavior or those of mesopredators or prey species. We argue that the potential for density-mediated trophic cascades in anthropogenic landscapes is limited to unproductive areas where even low carnivore numbers may impact prey densities or to the limited parts of the landscape where carnivores are allowed to reach ecologically functional densities. The potential for behaviourally mediated trophic cascades may be larger and more widespread, because even low carnivore densities affect prey behaviour. We conclude that predator–prey interactions in anthropogenic landscapes will be highly context-dependent and human actions will often attenuate the ecological effects of large carnivores. We highlight the knowledge gaps and outline a new research avenue to study the role of carnivores in anthropogenic landscapes.
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Non-lethal management of wildlife, both “problem wildlife” and pest species, to protect crops and threatened species is becoming increasingly important as non-human animals and humans come into closer proximity. A particularly promising approach is to apply predator scents to manipulate the cost/benefit ratio that influences the behavioral decisions made by prey and other predators about where to forage or rest. However, such olfactory manipulations are not always successful. Using insights from size-structured food webs, we develop a novel integrative model of the information that animals acquire from eavesdropping on predator and conspecific scents. We show how animals can use the information content in predator scents to derive knowledge of other predators and competitors and thus influence their decision to stay in or leave an area. This model framework clarifies how predator scents can influence all trophic levels, from interference competition directed at smaller predators, to predation and herbivory, and exploits direct and indirect pathways to promote landscapes of fear that influence spatial and temporal patch use in target animals. We illustrate how the application of this conceptual model can focus future research to enhance the use of predator scent-based deterrents in conservation and management. This integrated model shows great promise for addressing wildlife management concerns and for eventually improving the success and efficacy of traditional management techniques.
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The trophic, spatial and temporal characteristics of the ecological niches of the red fox Vulpes vulpes (L.), stone marten Martes foina (Erxleben) and pine marten Martes martes (L.) were analysed based on col- lected scat samples and camera trap data from Vitosha and Pirin Mts, South-western Bulgaria. The trophic niches overlapped to a great extent in spring (93-97%) while the least level of overlap was observed in autumn (38-53%). We did not find clear niche partitioning by forest type and visibility nor patterns in the spatial strategies of the three species. These results suggested that their habitat preferences were similar. When fruits were abundant (in summer and autumn) and the studied species fed mainly on plant matter, we found higher tolerance to each other in terms of habitat selection and preferred altitudes. The food and space competition was likely alleviated by temporal avoidance between the species, as there were clear hourly shifts in their activity patterns.
Many present-day Australians see the dingo as a threat and a pest to human production systems. An alternative viewpoint, which is more in tune with Indigenous culture, allows others to see the dingo as a means to improve human civilisation. The dingo has thus become trapped between the status of pest animal and totemic creature. This book helps readers to recognise this dichotomy, as a deeper understanding of dingo behaviour is now possible through new technologies which have made it easier to monitor their daily lives. Recent research on genetic structure has indicated that dingo ‘purity’ may be a human construct and the genetic relatedness of wild dingo packs has been analysed for the first time. GPS telemetry and passive camera traps are new technologies that provide unique ways to monitor movements of dingoes, and analyses of their diet indicate that dietary shifts occur during the different biological seasons of dingoes, showing that they have a functional role in Australian landscapes. Dingo brings together more than 50 years of observations to provide a comprehensive portrayal of the life of a dingo. Throughout this book dingoes are compared with other hypercarnivores, such as wolves and African wild dogs, highlighting the similarities between dingoes and other large canid species around the world.
Few concepts in ecology have been so influential as that of the trophic cascade. Since the 1980s, the term has been a central or major theme of more than 2000 scientific articles. Despite this importance and widespread usage, basic questions remain about what constitutes a trophic cascade. Inconsistent usage of language impedes scientific progress and the utility of scientific concepts in management and conservation. Herein, we offer a definition of trophic cascade that is designed to be both widely applicable yet explicit enough to exclude extraneous interactions. We discuss our proposed definition and its implications, and define important related terms, thereby providing a common language for scientists, policy makers, conservationists, and other stakeholders with an interest in trophic cascades.