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Quantum violations in the Instrumental scenario and their relations to the Bell scenario


Abstract and Figures

The causal structure of any experiment implies restrictions on the observable correlations between measurement outcomes, which are different for experiments exploiting classical, quantum, or post-quantum resources. In the study of Bell nonlocality, these differences have been explored in great detail for more and more involved causal structures. Here, we go in the opposite direction and identify the simplest causal structure which exhibits a separation between classical, quantum, and postquantum correlations. It arises in the so-called Instrumental scenario, known from classical causal models. We derive inequalities for this scenario and show that they are closely related to well-known Bell inequalites, such as the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality, which enables us to easily identify their classical, quantum, and post-quantum bounds as well as strategies violating the first two. The relations that we uncover imply that the quantum or post-quantum advantages witnessed by the violation of our Instrumental inequalities are not fundamentally different from those witnessed by the violations of standard inequalities in the usual Bell scenario. However, non-classical tests in the Instrumental scenario are more efficient than their Bell scenario counterpart as regards the number of random input choices involved, which may have potential implications for device-independent protocols.
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Quantum violations in the Instrumental scenario
and their relations to the Bell scenario
Thomas Van Himbeeck,
1, 2
Jonatan Bohr Brask,
Stefano Pironio,
Ravishankar Ramanathan,
Ana Bel´en Sainz,
and Elie Wolfe
Laboratoire d’Information Quantique, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Centre for Quantum Information & Communication, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Department of Applied Physics, University of Geneva, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline St. N, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 2Y5
(Dated: April 12, 2018)
The causal structure of any experiment implies restrictions on the observable correlations between
measurement outcomes, which are different for experiments exploiting classical, quantum, or post-
quantum resources. In the study of Bell nonlocality, these differences have been explored in great
detail for more and more involved causal structures. Here, we go in the opposite direction and
identify the simplest causal structure which exhibits a separation between classical, quantum, and
postquantum correlations. It arises in the so-called Instrumental scenario, known from classical
causal models. We derive inequalities for this scenario and show that they are closely related to
well-known Bell inequalites, such as the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality, which enables us
to easily identify their classical, quantum, and post-quantum bounds as well as strategies violating
the first two. The relations that we uncover imply that the quantum or post-quantum advantages
witnessed by the violation of our Instrumental inequalities are not fundamentally different from
those witnessed by the violations of standard inequalities in the usual Bell scenario. However,
non-classical tests in the Instrumental scenario are more efficient than their Bell scenario counterpart
as regards the number of random input choices involved, which may have potential implications for
device-independent protocols.
Classical and quantum physics provide fundamentally
different predictions about the correlation which can be
observed in experiments with multiple parties. Under-
standing the exact nature of this difference is a central
problem in the foundations of quantum physics and is
also important for applications in information processing.
In any experiment, the causal structure of the setup
imposes restrictions on the observable correlations. De-
pending on whether the experiment is modeled using
classical random variables, quantum states and measure-
ments, or postquantum resources, these limitations may
be different, leading to observable differences between
classical models, quantum mechanics, and general prob-
abilistic theories. This was first pointed out by Bell [
who found that models which attempt to describe an
experiment in terms of causal relations between classical
random variables, and where the actions of one party
cannot influence the local observations of separate parties,
imply restrictions on the observable correlations, known
as Bell inequalities. Measurements on entangled quantum
states shared between the observers, on the other hand,
can lead to violation of these inequalities.
This discovery sparked the study of Bell nonlocality
which by now is an active field of research and a cor-
nerstone of quantum theory [
]. Bell’s original setting
involves two non-communicating parties each selecting
a measurement to perform, and each obtaining a mea-
surement outcome. Later studies have considered many
variations of this causal structure. For example, the use
of sequential measurements [
], multiple sources [
FIG. 1. DAGs for the standard Bell scenario, and the in-
strumental scenario. Circles and squares denote observable
and unobservable variables respectively. Arrows denote causal
Bipartite Bell scenario. Each party has an input
) and an output (
), which are observable.
An unobservable shared source Λ may influence the outputs.
Instrumental scenario. The second party has no input, but
the output of the first party is communicated to the second.
multiple parties [
], and communication between the par-
ties [
]. In general, the causal structures of all these
variants are more complicated than Bell’s original setting.
Here, we go in the opposite direction and identify the sim-
plest causal structure that exhibits a separation between
classical, quantum, and postquantum correlations.
To be a little more specific about what we mean by
‘simple’, let us first note how a causal structure can be
represented. In a given experiment there is a number
of observable variables. For instance, on a measurement
apparatus, one variable (the ’input’) may correspond to
the setting of a knob determining the measurement to
arXiv:1804.04119v1 [quant-ph] 11 Apr 2018
be made, and another variable (the ‘output’) to the mea-
surement outcome. In addition, there may be hidden or
latent variables, which are not observed, but which me-
diate correlations between the observable variables. For
instance, setting the knob on an apparatus in one way
may determine the reading of a distant apparatus through
an unobserved electromagnetic field. We can represent
the causal relationships between all these variables on
a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where the nodes corre-
spond to variables, and the edges between them signify
causal influence. For classical models, all the variables are
classical random variables. For quantum or postquantum
models, the hidden variables may be replaced by quantum
states or more generally by the resources of generalized
probabilistic theories (GPT), such as Popescu-Rohrlich
boxes [
]. Fig. 1(a) shows the DAG for the standard,
bipartite Bell scenario. We consider a causal structure to
be simpler the simpler the corresponding DAG is, i.e. the
fewer nodes and edges it has.
The causal structure represented by a DAG constrains
the possible correlations between the observed variables,
depending on whether the hidden variables are classi-
cal, quantum or GPT. For instance in the Bell DAG of
Fig. 1(a) the correlations between the observed random
A, B, X, Y
are characterized by the conditional
{pAB|X Y
, which in the classical
case take the form:
p∈ CBell iff p(ab|xy) = X
This is simply the usual Bell locality condition, and it
leads to linear constraints on
), which are Bell
In the quantum case,
p∈ QBell iff p(ab|xy) = tr ρ Ea|xFb|y,(2)
denotes a quantum state produced by Λ and
distributed to the quantum devices in
; for each
is a POVM defining a valid measurement with
; and for each
is a POVM defining
a valid measurement with outcomes b.
For the GPT case,
p∈ GBell iff p(ab|xy) = (ea|x|(eb|y|◦|Ψ) ,
where, using the notation of [
Ψ) denotes a GPT
generalization of the quantum state
in (2), and (
GPT generalizations of the quantum measurement
. An example of a GPT beyond
quantum theory is the one known as boxworld [
], and
the set of such GPT correlations for the Bell scenario
coincides with the set of no-signalling correlations.
Note that in (1), we omitted the subscripts in the conditional
probabilties, writing
) instead of
). We will
follow this use throughout the paper when there is no risk of
These definitions can be generalized to arbitrary DAGs
beyond the Bell scenario. The classical case has been
studied extensively in the classical causality literature [
Definitions of quantum and GPT correlations for arbitary
DAGs were introduced by Henson, Lal, and Pusey (HLP)
]. We will not present the HLP formalism in detail,
as we will not need it, and refer the interested reader to
their paper. It suffices to say that when thinking of a
set of correlations, be it classical, quantum, or any other
GPT, we can think of it as arising from ‘measurements’
being performed on a ‘state’, where the measurements
and state are dubbed classical, quantum or GPT. Since
classical states are a subset of quantum states which are
in turn a subset of GPT states, it follows that the sets of
correlations associated with the various generalization of
a causal structure form a hierarchy,
While the classical, quantum, and GPT sets are strictly
distinct in the Bell scenario, this is not always the case
for an arbitrary DAG. HLP have introduced a necessary
condition for these three sets to be distinct. Given a DAG,
one can thus evaluate the HLP condition. If this condition
is not satisfied, then the sets of classical, quantum, and
GPT correlations are equal, i.e., the causal structure
represented by the DAG is uninteresting as it does not
lead to observable differences between these theories. If
the HLP condition is satisfied, then one cannot conclude
anything yet: classical, quantum, and GPT models might
lead to observable differences, or might not – some further
analysis is required.
In their paper, HLP have applied their criterion to
all possible DAGs with 7 nodes or less [
], identifying
all DAGs that possibly admit a separation between clas-
sical, quantum, and postquantum correlations. They
have found a single DAG that is simpler than the Bell
DAG, where ‘simple’ means that it involves fewer nodes
and edges. This DAG is represented in Fig. 1(b). It
has been studied previously in the classical causality lit-
erature, where it is known as the ‘Instrumental DAG’
], a nomenclature we will follow. We show here
that the Instrumental scenario does indeed provide a sep-
aration between the sets of classical, quantum, and GPT
correlations. We derive an inequality which must hold
for classical correlations and relate it to the well known
Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) Bell inequality [
for the scenario of Fig. 1(a). In so doing, we identify
its maximal quantum and GPT violations. We start by
describing in more detail the instrumental scenario and
relating it to the Bell scenario.
Imagine possessing some quantum implementation of
the Bell scenario: this consists of three devices. The first
device (Alice’s apparatus) accepts as input one classical
system (Alice’s choice of setting) and one quantum system
(Alice’s share of
), and outputs a classical system (Alice’s
measurements outcome). The second device (Bob’s appa-
ratus) again accepts one classical input and one quantum
input, and returns one classical output. The third device
is Λ itself, which has no inputs, and outputs a bipartite
quantum system.
Now, consider taking the quantum Bell scenario imple-
mentation, and modifying it as follows: Instead of letting
Bob choose his setting
freely, copy Alice’s classical out-
and wire the copy into Bob’s classical input. This
creates a new scenario, characterized by the conditional
), since
is no longer freely chosen.
Of course,
) =
ab|x, y
) so we could describe
the probabilities
) that would characterize the new
scenario without ever needing to actually perform the
hypothetical modification, so long as we have a priori
knowledge of p(ab|xy).
But this hypothetical scenario which we have imag-
ined constructing by modifying the quantum Bell sce-
nario is identically the quantum Instrumental scenario
per Fig. 1(b). Furthermore, the same is true for the clas-
sical and GPT variants of the scenarios, as we can simply
take the third device Λ to be a source of either classical or
GPT states
. This leads us to the following fundamental
p∈ TInstr iff p(ab|x) = p0(ab|x, y=a) where p0∈ TBell
is a placeholder for a correlation set, such as
classical C, quantum Q, or GPT G.
In this sense, correlations in the Instrumental scenario
are essentially postselections of Bell scenario correlations:
An experimenter might perform many runs of the Bell
scenario experiment, but then postselect to examine only
those experimental runs when
. This postselected
data will exhibit Instrumental scenario statistics, and
moreover, every
correlation can arise via this sort
of postselection on Bell scenario statistics2.
To make this relationship between DAGs more concrete,
note that compatibility with the Instrumental scenario
is defined nearly identically to compatibility with the
Bell scenario, except all references to the variable
overwritten with references to the variable A:
p∈ CInstr iff p(ab|x) = Pλp(λ)p(a|)p(b|),
p∈ QInstr iff p(ab|x) = tr ρ Ea|xFb|a,
p∈ GInstr iff p(ab|x) = (ea|x|(eb|a|Ψ) .
Even though the Quantum- and GPT-Bell-Scenario sets
are in general distinct from the Classical-Bell-Scenario
The recognition that every
correlation must be compatible
is an example of a device-independent causal infer-
ence technique which we call Interruption. Relating pairs of
DAGs in this manner is explored more generally in a forthcoming
manuscript, currently in preparation [17].
FIG. 2. The Signalling-Between-Outputs scenario considered
in Refs. [
]. This scenario relaxes the no-communication
assumption between the variables
, thus modifying
the usual Bell scenario depicted in Fig. 1(a) by the addition
of an edge AB.
set, it may be that their postselections (defining the cor-
responding Instrumental-Scenario correlation sets) all co-
incide. Indeed, it is well known that postselection of
genuinely quantum, nonlocal data may admit a purely
classical explanation. This effect is at the basis, for in-
stance, of the infamous detection loophole in Bell ex-
periments [
]. It is thus not obvious a priori that the
Instrumental scenario should admit a separation between
classical, quantum and GPT correlations; it might be
another example of an uninteresting DAG, which simply
happens not to be identified by the HLP criterion.
The Instrumental scenario can also be understood as
a Bell scenario with relaxed causality constraints. Such
relaxations of the Bell scenario have been considered pre-
viously. For instance, the no-communication assumption
between the variables
in the Bell scenario has
been relaxed in Refs. [
], leading to the Signalling-
Between-Outputs scenario represented in Fig. 2. Other
works have considered modified Bell scenarios wherein
one no longer assumes that the measurement inputs
could have been set-up freely [
]. The In-
strumental scenario represents simultaneous relaxation of
both the measurement-freedom and no-communication as-
sumptions: not only may the outcome of the measurement
performed at
depend directly on the distant outcome
, but furthermore the measurement setting
is not
chosen freely but is instead fixed entirely by the value
output by the distant measurement device.
We remark that testing for membership in
, by
admitting an extension to
per Eq.
, generalizes to
any well defined correlation set in the Bell scenario. For
example, one might consider relaxations of the quantum
set corresponding to levels of the Navascu´es-Pironio-Ac´ın
(NPA) hierarchy [
], including the set known as Al-
most Quantum Correlations [
], or tests for compatibil-
ity with a restricted Hilbert space dimension [
]. All
those correlation membership tests for the Bell scenario
can be applied to the Instrumental scenario by simply
introducing existential quantifiers: Does an extension of
ab|x, y=a
) exist to
ab|x, y6=a
) such that the
relevant condition for membership in
is satisfied?
This modification is especially easy for testing NPA-level
compatibility, as those semidefinite tests already natively
support unspecified probabilities.
Before attempting to find a gap between classical and
quantum correlations in the instrumental scenario, let us
take a general geometric perspective to enhance our un-
derstanding. Every correlation in the Bell scenario can be
thought of as a high-dimensional vector,
where the coordinates are given by the many different
). Every correlation in the Instrumen-
tal scenario can be though as a somewhat lower dimension
, where the coordinates are given by
the probabilities
). The set of all correlations in
are formed by axial projection of those coordinates
p(ab|x, y6=a) of TBell .
In both the Bell and Instrumental scenarios, all sets
of correlations are convex. The sets
the no-signalling polytope and the local polytope respec-
tively, whereas the set
is a convex set but not a
polytope [
]. The projections of polytopes are also
polytopes, so we know that
will also form
polytopes. To obtain the Instrumental scenario polytopes
from the Bell scenario polytopes, we can use Fourier-
Motzkin elimination or any other polytope projection
technique [
]. Alternatively, we can directly compute
by taking the convex hull of all deterministic strate-
gies in the Instrumental scenario. We have performed
these operations for small cardinalities of the observed
variables X, A, B using the polytope software PORTA.
In the simplest case where
X, A, B ∈ {
are all
binary, we find that
and that these sets are
fully characterized by the trivial normalization
and positivity
conditions, together with the additional set of constraints
pAB|X(a0|x) + pAB|X(a1|x0)1 for all a, x 6=x0,(4)
which can be expressed compactly as
CInstr ⊆ QInstr ⊆ GInstr
, the above constraints also
fully characterize the quantum set QInstr.
Since the normalization condition is the only generic
equality constraint satisfied by correlations in the Instru-
mental scenario, the sets
, and
full-dimensional in the space of normalized probability
distributions. This should be contrasted with the Bell sce-
nario where
, and
are not full-dimensional
in the space of normalized probability distributions, since
they also satisfy the no-signaling equality constraints,
expressing that the marginal distribution of
cannot de-
pend on
and the marginal distribution of
. This
full-dimensional property of the Instrumental scenario is
not limited to the
case, but is valid for
any cardinalities of the inputs and outputs. Indeed, a
method to determine the complete set of equality con-
straints satisfied by classical correlations compatible with
an arbitrary DAG has been given in [
]. Applying it to
the Instrumental DAG yields no other equalities than the
normalization conditions in the classical case – and hence
in the quantum and GPT case as well, since they contain
classical correlations as a subset.
Even though the Instrumental scenario does not contain
no-signaling constraints – indeed the input
can depend
– some remnant of the no-signaling condi-
tions are preserved when projecting the Bell scenario to
the Instrumental scenario, as expressed by the inequalities
(4), which can be interpreted as limiting the magnitude
by which bcan depend on xwhen ais kept constant.
We can understand that such inequalities are GPT-
inviolable from the definition of
as as a projec-
tion of the no-signalling polytope. As an example,
let us derive one of the inequalities (4) from the fol-
lowing two positivity inequalities for the Bell scenario:
0 and
0. Sum-
ming those two inequalities together and then using no-
signalling to express the probabilities as linear combina-
tions of those where Alice’s output matches Bob’s input,
10) and
00), we obtain
pB|Y(0|0) + pB|Y(1|0)
pAB|X Y (00|00) pAB|X Y (01|10) 0,
or, equivalently,
pAB|X Y (00|00) + pAB|X Y (01|10) 1.
Having eliminated the non-Instrumental probabilities
ab|x, y 6
), the final inequality (as translated for the
Instrumental scenario) reads
pAB|X(00|0) + pAB|X(01|1) 1,(6)
This proves that eq.
– an instance of (4) – is an
Instrumental scenario inequality which is GPT inviolable.
Expressed in the general form (5), these inequalities
are valid for
, and
for arbitrary number
of inputs and outputs
. They were originally
derived by Pearl [
] for the classical Instrumental sce-
nario and have come to be known as the instrumental
inequalities. Henson, Lal, and Pusey then showed that
Pearl’s instrumental inequalities (5) are satisfied by all
GPTs for arbitrary inputs and outputs [13].
To summarize, we have found that in the case
the instrumental inequalities (5) are the
unique facets, besides the trivial positivity facets, of the
GPT polytope. We have verified that this is also the
case for
2 and
|A|=|B| ≤ 4
. We also know that the
instrumental inequalities are satisfied by the GPT poly-
tope for arbitrary number of inputs and outputs, but we
leave it as on open question whether they are the unique
non-trivial facets in this general case.
In the simplest possible Bell scenario where
X,Y,A,B ∈ {0,1}
well-known bounds on the violation
of the CHSH inequality imply that
CBell (QBell (GBell
We have found, however, that
CInstr =QInstr =GInstr
the corresponding Instrumental sets, i.e. all non-classical
features of Bell correlations are washed out when post-
selecting them to obtain the Instrumental correlations of
X,A,B ∈ {0,1}
set-up. Though, we have established
this fact by fully characterizing the Instrumental poly-
topes using the software PORTA, it is also instructive
to see more explicitly how all non-local correlations of
X,Y,A,B ∈ {0,1}
Bell scenario admit a classical ex-
planation when projected to the Instrumental scenario.
Consider for instance the Popescu-Rorhlich (PR) correla-
p(ab|xy) = 1/2 if b=a+xy
0 otherwise ,
which reach the algebraic value 4 for the CHSH expression.
Post-selecting the case where
ab|x, y
), we get the
following Instrumental scenario correlations
p(ab|x) = 1/2 if b=a(1 + x)
0 otherwise .
In other words,
2 and
, while
b= 0
. But now it is easy to see how these cor-
relations can be simulated classically. Consider a bi-
nary hidden variable
λ∈ {
that is unbiased, i.e.
p(λ=0) = p(λ=1) = 1/2
, and define
b:=λ a
We obviously have that
2 and
x=0, while b=λ(λ+ 1)=0 if x=1, as required.
Since any GPT correlations in the Bell scenario can
be written as a mixture of classical correlations and PR
correlations, any GPT correlations can be written as a
mixture of classical correlations and post-selected PR
correlations. But since we have just seen that the later
ones are classical, this establishes that
More generally, it was shown in [
] by a similar ar-
gument that classical models can reproduce any GPT
correlations in the Signalling-Between-Outputs scenario
is arbitrary. These
results translate to our case since the Instrumental DAG
is a subgraph of the Signalling-Between-Outputs DAG
in which the node
is dropped. They imply that there
cannot be any separation between classical, quantum and
GPT correlations in the Instrumental scenario whenever
|X|=|A|=2 and |B|is arbitrary.
Using PORTA, we have also determined the facets of
the classical polytope in the case
by taking the convex hull of all deterministic strategies.
We find again that Pearl’s instrumental inequalities are
the only non-trivial facets, implying that
in this case as well.
The case
X∈ {
A, B ∈ {
is more interesting
as we found that the facets of the classical polytope
comprise, in addition to Pearl’s instrumental inequalities,
a new family of inequalities, one representative of which
IBonet := p(a=b|0) + p(b=0|1) + p(a=0, b=1|2) 2.(7)
was found previously by Bonet [
] (also
using PORTA) who was looking for stronger classical con-
straints to complement Pearl’s instrumental inequalities
This inequality admits quantum violation, and more-
over also provides quantum/GPT separation, as we now
show. A quantum strategy violating (7) is as follows.
Let the source Λ distribute the two-qubit maximally
entangled state
= (
and let
perform the measurements
σx, σz,
she receives the input
= 0
2, respectively, while
Bob measures (
when he re-
= 0
1. A straightforward computation gives
IBonet = (3 + 2)/2'2.207 >2.
An example of GPT correlations violating Bonet’s in-
equality is given by
p(ab|x) = 1/2 if b=a+f(x, a)
0 otherwise ,
, a
) =
, a
) = 0, and
, a
) =
+ 1.
Inserting these probabilities in (7) yields
= 5
It can be verified that these correlations are GPT valid as
they satisfy Pearl’s instrumental inequalities, which are
the unique (non-trivial) facets of the GPT polytope in
= 3,
= 2 case. Alternatively, they can
be seen as postselection of the GPT (i.e., no-signalling)
Bell correlations
) defined by
) = 1
2 if
b=a+f(x, y) and 0 otherwise.
The fact that post-selections of the
Bell scenario, where non-locality is
entirely detected by the violation of the CHSH inequality,
do not lead to non-classical Instrumental correlations
might suggest, naively, that violation of Bonet’s inequality
(7) uncover a stronger form of non-locality, requiring
violating beyond the CHSH inequality. We show that
this is not the case by relating Bonet’s inequality to
the CHSH inequality. That such a link must exist also
follows directly from the fact that all (non-trivial) facets
of the
classical Bell polytopes
are liftings of the CHSH inequality [36].
Although we found inequality
by taking the convex
hull of deterministic strategies and without regard to the
relationship between the Bell and Instrumental scenarios,
it is enlightening to retrodictively explain
as a
projection of the classical Bell scenario polytope.
Let us rewrite the expression
in terms
); that is, let us interpret the facet of the clas-
sical Instrumental polytope as a valid inequality for the
Bell polytope. This operation is a trivial lifting of the
inequality via the mapping
ab|x, y=a
). We
find that
Lifting [IBonet]
=p(00|00) + p(11|01) + p(00|10) + p(10|11) + p(01|20) .
Using the normalization and no-signalling constraints
satisfied by the Bell scenario probabilities
, we
can rewrite this last expression as
Lifting [IBonet] = 1
4hCH S H i − p(11|20) + 3
hCH S H i≡hA0B0i+hA0B1i+hA1B0i−hA1B1i,
the expectation value of
given that
take values
. From this retrodiction it
becomes immediately clear that the classical, quantum,
and GPT bounds of bounds IBonet are
2 Classical
(3 + 2)/2 Quantum
5/2 GPT
as this follows from
hCH S H i ≤
2 Classical
22 Quantum
as well as the fact that
0 in all physical
A perhaps surprising consequence of the retrodictive
interpretation of
is that any nonclassical correla-
tion in the CHSH Bell scenario can be used as a resource
to generate nonclassical correlations in the Instrumen-
tal scenario, despite the fact that the Instrumental sce-
nario has coinciding GPT and classical polytopes for
. The trick which allows us to map arbitrary
non-classical No-Signalling correlations in the Bell sce-
nario where
into non-classical corre-
lations in the Instrumental scenario is as follows: Starting
from a
in the standard CHSH scenario where
x∈ {
, trivially map it to
in an extended sce-
nario where
x∈ {
by setting
) =
1 and
, y
) =
) when
That is, in the case
= 2, the output
is deterministi-
cally equal to 0. Then we have
20) = 0 and thus we
may substitute
4hCH S H ip0+p0(11|20) 1
4hCH S H ip
to recast
Lifting [IBonet]p0
= 3 as an explicit func-
tion of
= 2, with the trivial intermediate map
pp0taken for granted:
Lifting [IBonet]p0=1
4hCH S H ip+3
In particular, this trivial map allows us to relate the extent
of the violation of
2 in the Instrumental scenario
entirely as a function of the extent of the violation of
hCH S H i ≤
2 in the Bell scenario. A direct consequence
is that any non-classical correlations in the
= 2 Bell scenario, which necessarily violate the
CHSH inequality, give rise to non-classical correlations
violating Bonet’s inequality in the Instrumental scenario.
Another way to express this connection is as follows.
in term of
, we can rewrite the relation (8)
explicitly as the identity
4hCH S H ip+3
2=p(00|00) + p(11|01) (9)
+p(00|10) + p(10|11) + pB|Y(1|0) .
Thus, instead of testing CHSH in the regular way, which
involves estimating the correlations for 4 choices of input
pairs (
x, y
∈ {
, one can alterna-
tively test it using 3 choices of an input
. (
) If
one uses
on Alice’s side and uses Alice’s outputs as
an input for Bob. This allows to evaluate the first four
terms on the righ-hand side of (9). (
) If
2, one uses
0 as an input for Bob and registers his output (without
testing Alice). This allows to evaluate the last term of
The results of the last section show that, at least in
the specific input-output configuration we considered,
the Instrumental scenario is essentially equivalent to
the Bell scenario for the mere purpose of detecting non-
classicality, i.e., correlations in the CHSH Bell scenario are
non-classical if and only if they give rise to non-classical
correlations in the Instrumental scenario.
However, it is well known that many interesting proper-
ties of non-classical correlations do not merely reduce to
testing their non-classicality. For example, in the CHSH
Bell scenario, deciding if given correlations
are non-
classical can entirely be decided by testing the CHSH
inequality, and therefore other types of inequalities, such
as the tilted CHSH inequalities introduced in [
] are irrel-
evant from this perspective. However, such tilted CHSH
inequalities are useful for other purposes. For instance
they can be used to certify in a device-independent setting
more randomness that would be possible using the CHSH
inequality [37,38].
Similarly, the Instrumental scenario may provide new in-
teresting features not directly present in the Bell scenario.
As an example, notice that the smallest Bell scenario relies
on the violation of the CHSH inequality and hence need
two random bits at the inputs
. Interestingly,
we have seen that the same non-classical resources (using
the same quantum state and measurements) can be tested
in the Instrumental scenario using only a single random
. Indeed, we have seen that we can simply
interpret the Instrumental Bonet’s inequality as a new
way to test the violation of the CHSH inequality.
This could potentially have implications for device-
independent (DI) randomness certification [
] as it
could lead to schemes generating the same outputs ran-
domness as a standard CHSH protocol but consuming
less input randomness. This requires further examination,
however, as many parameters, such as the amount by
which the random inputs can be biased (resulting in a
consumption of randomness per round inferior to 2 bits
even using the CHSH inequality) or the sensitivity to sta-
tistical fluctuations, determine the randomness expansion
rate and such parameters might be more favorable in the
standard Bell scenario.
In the Bell scenario, the tilted CHSH inequalities have
useful properties from the perspective of randomness certi-
fication. Interestingly, we now show that such inequalities
admit an Instrumental version through a link analogous
to the one relating the CHSH and Bonet’s inequalities.
Let us start with the Instrumental version of the tilted
CHSH inequalities. For α1, define
2p(a= 0|0) + p(a= 0|1)
+α p(a= 0, b = 0|0) + p(a= 1, b = 1|0)
+α p(a= 0, b = 0|1) + p(a= 1, b = 0|1)
+α p(a= 0, b = 1|2).
= 1, we recover Bonet’s expression
defines valid (though not necessarily facet-defining) in-
equalities for the Instrumental scenario, and the tech-
niques presented above can be used to relate its lifting to
tilted CHSH inequalities and derive its classical, quantum,
and GPT bounds. In particular, one can show that
Lifting [Iα] = 1
4hCH S Hαi − α p(11|20) + 1 + α
hCH S Hαi ≡ αhA0B0i+hA0B1i+αhA1B0i−hA1B1i.
The tilted CHSH inequalities were introduced in Ref. [
and have the following properties
hCH S Hαi ≤
2α2+ 1 Quantum
2(1 + α) GPT
Hence, the corresponding bounds for the tilted instrumen-
tal inequalities read
1 + αClassical
(1 + α+α2+ 1)/2 Quantum
3/2 + αGPT
and they can be achieved by using the same trivial map-
ping from the Bell scenario to the Instrumental scenario.
We see then that these tilted inequalities admit not just
quantum violations, but also a GPT violation beyond the
quantum bound, for all α1.
It was shown in Ref. [
] that correlations maximally
violating the tilted CHSH inequality of Eq.
can be
used to certify 2
bits of randomness, which can
be made arbitrarily close to 2 by increasing
. By exploit-
ing the link with
, the same amount of randomness can
be certified by violating a tilted Instrumental inequality
instead. As here, at most a single trit of randomness
is used at the input, while 2
bits can be certified at
the ouput (for
arbitrarily small), we can generate two
random bits for the price of (at most) one trit.
The original motivation of Bell was to provide a testable
criterion for whether Nature is compatible with a classical
local causal description. In such an experiment, ideally
one does not wish to make any assumptions about the non-
existence of spurious communication channels between the
parties, which could be mediated via as-yet-undiscovered
physics. To rule out communication, which could explain
the observed correlations, one can instead arrange to have
space-like separation of the different parties’ measure-
ment events. Any communication would then need to
be superluminal, in violation of special relativity. The
minimal causal structure in which such an experiment
can be implemented is that of Fig. 1(a), and the minimal
scenario is that of CHSH (binary inputs and outputs for
each party). Several conclusive tests imposing space-like
separation have recently been realised [4143].
However, one of the consequences of Bell nonlocality
is to enable device-independent (DI) information process-
ing. Conditioned on the violation of a Bell inequality, it
becomes possible to certify the security or correct func-
tioning of an information processing protocol, without
any detailed knowledge of its implementation [
]. Prominent examples are quantum key distribution
and random number expansion and amplification. In DI
settings, it is typically assumed that devices are shielded,
i.e. that the experimenters control the inputs which enter
into the devices, and that the devices do not leak infor-
mation on spurious side channels. For DI information
processing therefore, the minimal non-trivial setting is
the Instrumental scenario Fig. 1(b) considered here.
We have shown here that the Bell and Instrumental
scenarios are closely related. Though correlations in the
simplest Bell scenario, the CHSH scenario, always admit a
classical model if they are directly projected on the Instru-
mental scenario, we have shown that their non-classical
nature is entirely preserved in the Instrumental scenario
provided some purely classical local processing is first
applied on Alice’s side. This finding has important impli-
cations: given some non-classical resource
) in an
arbitrary Bell scenario, determining whether this resource
gives rise to a non-classical behavior in the Instrumen-
tal scenario cannot simply be answered by considering
the Instrumental probabilities
) =
ab|x, y
(and determining if they are in the classical Instrumen-
tal polytope, e.g., using linear programming). Instead,
one should also take into account all possible local clas-
sical transformations that can be applied to the given
non-classical correlation
. By failing to consider such
trivial, free transformations of a correlation one obtains
false negatives from the standard causal inference tools –
correlations appear to be compatible with the classical In-
strumental DAG, but actually are not
. This observation
applies to other DAG derived from Bell-type scenarios,
such as the Signalling-Between-Outputs scenario of Fig. 2.
Another outcome of our results is that the Instrumental
versions of the CHSH and tilted CHSH inequalities require
less input choices than their standard Bell versions. We
have briefly discussed the potential of such Instrumental
inequalities for DI randomness certification, but this is
an issue that deserves further investigation.
From a fundamental point of view, we have identified
a fully device-independent scenario (in particular, that
does not rely on several independent hidden sources [
that require three random input choices only, whereas the
CHSH scenario requires in total four (2
2) random input
choices. We leave it as an open question whether it is
possible to find a DI scenario where a random choice be-
tween two values only is sufficient to observe non-classical
The results presented here partly overlap with those
obtained independently in [
], where Bonet’s inequal-
ity and the violating quantum and GPT correlations of
Section IV were also introduced, but where the one-to-
one relation between Bonet’s inequality and the CHSH
inequality presented in Section Vwas not noticed. All
our results up to Section Vhave been orally presented by
S.P. at the Quantum Networks 2017 Workshop, Oxford
(UK) in August 2017.
This research was supported by the Fondation Wiener-
Anspach, the Interuniversity Attraction Poles program of
the Belgian Science Policy Office under the grant IAP P7-
35 photonics@be, and the Perimeter Institute for Theoret-
ical Physics. Research at Perimeter Institute is supported
by the Government of Canada through the Department of
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of
Research, Innovation and Science. S.P. is Research Asso-
ciates of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-
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... In this work, we present a versatile numerical approach that circumvents these limitations. Building on the results of Ref. [60], we implement an artificial neural network-based (ANN-based) algorithm to carry out numerical optimizations over supersets of the quantum set, see Fig. 2. At first, we benchmark our approach by considering cases well studied in the literature, involving one quantum state source, i.e., the standard Bell's scenario [61] and the instrumental scenario [17,62], see Figs. 1(a)-1(c). Then, we move a step forward and apply our technique to investigate quantum networks with independent sources, a scenario for which the standard SDP approach simply cannot be applied. ...
... Another single source scenario that we consider is the instrumental one [17,25,62,75,76], whose causal structure is shown in Fig. 1(c). As in a Bell-like causal structure, two parties share a joint quantum state. ...
... The green dashed line stands for the theoretical upper limit, admitted by quantum mechanics. The orange and purple solid lines represent the experimental violations obtained through the apparatus depicted in Fig. 6, considering the two sources separately (i.e., two instances of Bell scenario, lifted to obtain instrumental correlations [62]). . This inequality drops the iid assumption, i.e., that the runs are independent and identically distributed, and hence these results are fully device-independent. ...
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Witnessing nonclassical behavior is a crucial ingredient in quantum information processing. For that, one has to optimize the quantum features a given physical setup can give rise to, which is a hard computational task currently tackled with semidefinite programming, a method limited to linear objective functions and that becomes prohibitive as the complexity of the system grows. Here, we propose an alternative strategy, which exploits a feedforward artificial neural network to optimize the correlations compatible with arbitrary quantum networks. A remarkable step forward with respect to existing methods is that it deals with nonlinear optimization constraints and objective functions, being applicable to scenarios featuring independent sources and nonlinear entanglement witnesses. Furthermore, it offers a significant speedup in comparison with other approaches, thus allowing to explore previously inaccessible regimes. We also extend the use of the neural network to the experimental realm, a situation in which the statistics are unavoidably affected by imperfections, retrieving device-independent uncertainty estimates on Bell-like violations obtained with independent sources of entangled photon states. In this way, this work paves the way for the certification of quantum resources in networks of growing size and complexity.
... However, following our remarks, we can see that classically the data tables only differ by a local operation that may change the response function of the B node. Since we are in the case where all variables are binary the only inequalities we have to consider for the individual data tables are the Pearl inequalities which were proven to be GPT inviolable [45]. ...
... This might suggest, naively, that violation of Bonet's inequality (38) uncovers a stronger form of non-locality, requiring violating beyond the CHSH inequality. It has been shown in [45] that this is not the case. In particular, we can see the Bonet inequalities are particular liftings of the CHSH inequality and, as a consequence of this relationship, any non-classical correlation in the CHSH Bell scenario can be used as a resource to generate non-classical correlations violating the Bonet inequality. ...
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Bell's theorem, a cornerstone of quantum theory, shows that quantum correlations are incompatible with a classical theory of cause and effect. Through the lens of causal inference, it can be understood as a particular case of causal compatibility, which delves into the alignment of observational data with a given causal structure. Here, we explore the problem of causal data fusion that aims to piece together data tables collected under heterogeneous conditions. We investigate the quantum non-classicality that emerges when integrating both passive observations and interventions within an experimental setup. Referred to as "non-classicality from data fusion," this phenomenon is identified and scrutinized across all latent exogenous causal structures involving three observed variables. Notably, we demonstrate the existence of quantum non-classicality resulting from data fusion, even in scenarios where achieving standard Bell non-classicality is impossible. Furthermore, we showcase the potential for attaining non-classicality across multiple interventions using quantum resources. This work extends a more compact parallel letter on the same subject and provides all the required technical proofs.
... We can relate the instrumental scenario with the CHSH Bell test in Fig. 1(a). By projecting the Bell test to the original causal structure, one can find that the following inequality holds for PS(G) and hence for any GPT [25,29]: ...
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Determining potential probability distributions with a given causal graph is vital for causality studies. To bypass the difficulty in characterizing latent variables in a Bayesian network, the nested Markov model provides an elegant algebraic approach by listing exactly all the equality constraints on the observed variables. However, this algebraically motivated causal model comprises distributions outside Bayesian networks, and its physical interpretation remains vague. In this work, we inspect the nested Markov model through the lens of generalized probabilistic theory, an axiomatic framework to describe general physical theories. We prove that all the equality constraints defining the nested Markov model hold valid theory-independently. Yet, we show this model generally contains distributions not implementable even within such relaxed physical theories subjected to merely the relativity principles and mild probabilistic rules. To interpret the origin of such a gap, we establish a new causal model that defines valid distributions as projected from a high-dimensional Bell-type causal structure. The new model unveils inequality constraints induced by relativity principles, or equivalently high-dimensional conditional independences, which are absent in the nested Markov model. Nevertheless, we also notice that the restrictions on states and measurements introduced by the generalized probabilistic theory framework can pose additional inequality constraints beyond the new causal model. As a by-product, we discover a new causal structure exhibiting strict gaps between the distribution sets of a Bayesian network, generalized probabilistic theories, and the nested Markov model. We anticipate our results will enlighten further explorations on the unification of algebraic and physical perspectives of causality.
... The classical random variable A is both a child of ρ AB and X , as well as a parent of B. This problem is resolved by a process known as maximal interruption [55][56][57][58]: the variable A is split into two random variables A and A # 1 , where A is only a child and A # 1 is only a parent. The causal structure is then effectively mapped to the Bell scenario. ...
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A causal structure is a description of the functional dependencies between random variables. A distribution is compatible with a given causal structure if it can be realized by a process respecting these dependencies. Deciding whether a distribution is compatible with a structure is a practically and fundamentally relevant, yet very difficult problem. Only recently has a general class of algorithms been proposed: These so-called inflation techniques associate to any causal structure a hierarchy of increasingly strict compatibility tests, where each test can be formulated as a computationally efficient convex optimization problem. Remarkably, it has been shown that in the classical case, this hierarchy is complete in the sense that each non-compatible distribution will be detected at some level of the hierarchy. An inflation hierarchy has also been formulated for causal structures that allow for the observed classical random variables to arise from measurements on quantum states—however, no proof of completeness of this quantum inflation hierarchy has been supplied. In this paper, we construct a first version of the quantum inflation hierarchy that is provably convergent. It takes an additional parameter, r, which can be interpreted as an upper bound on the Schmidt rank of the observables involved. For each r, it provides a family of increasingly strict and ultimately complete compatibility tests for correlations that are compatible with a given causal structure under this Schmidt rank constraint. From a technical point of view, convergence proofs are built on de Finetti theorems, which show that certain symmetries (which can be imposed in convex optimization problems) imply independence of random variables (which is not directly a convex constraint). A main technical ingredient to our proof is a Quantum de Finetti Theorem that holds for general tensor products of CC^*-algebras, generalizing previous work that was restricted to minimal tensor products.
... This is in contrast to the two other causal structures distinct from the Bell scenario that have been experimentally investigated previously, namely, the instrumental scenario 24 and the bilocality scenario 66,68,71,72,85,86 . In the case of the instrumental scenario, it suffices to process the Bell inequalities by forcing equality between the value of the setting variable at one wing and the value of the outcome variable at the opposite wing 87 . In the case of the bilocality scenario, by postselecting on the outcome of the measurement that accesses both sources, the other two measurements can be proven to satisfy the Bell inequalities in a classical causal model (via an analog of entanglementswapping) 16,17 . ...
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In a Bell experiment, it is natural to seek a causal account of correlations wherein only a common cause acts on the outcomes. For this causal structure, Bell inequality violations can be explained only if causal dependencies are modeled as intrinsically quantum. There also exists a vast landscape of causal structures beyond Bell that can witness nonclassicality, in some cases without even requiring free external inputs. Here, we undertake a photonic experiment realizing one such example: the triangle causal network, consisting of three measurement stations pairwise connected by common causes and no external inputs. To demonstrate the nonclassicality of the data, we adapt and improve three known techniques: (i) a machine-learning-based heuristic test, (ii) a data-seeded inflation technique generating polynomial Bell-type inequalities and (iii) entropic inequalities. The demonstrated experimental and data analysis tools are broadly applicable paving the way for future networks of growing complexity.
... at the opposite wing [81]. In the case of the bilocality scenario, by post-selecting on the outcome of the measurement that accesses both sources, the other two measurements can be proven to satisfy the Bell inequalities in a classical causal model (via an analogue of entanglement-swapping) [16,17]. ...
In a Bell experiment, it is natural to seek a causal account of correlations wherein only a common cause acts on the outcomes. For this causal structure, Bell inequality violations can be explained only if causal dependencies are modelled as intrinsically quantum. There also exists a vast landscape of causal structures beyond Bell that can witness nonclassicality, in some cases without even requiring free external inputs. Here, we undertake a photonic experiment realizing one such example: the triangle causal network, consisting of three measurement stations pairwise connected by common causes and no external inputs. To demonstrate the nonclassicality of the data, we adapt and improve three known techniques: (i) a machine-learning-based heuristic test, (ii) a data-seeded inflation technique generating polynomial Bell-type inequalities and (iii) entropic inequalities. The demonstrated experimental and data analysis tools are broadly applicable paving the way for future networks of growing complexity.
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We introduce Inflation, a Python library for assessing whether an observed probability distribution is compatible with a causal explanation. This is a central problem in both theoretical and applied sciences, which has recently witnessed significant advances from the area of quantum nonlocality, namely, in the development of inflation techniques. Inflation is an extensible toolkit that is capable of solving pure causal compatibility problems and optimization over (relaxations of) sets of compatible correlations in both the classical and quantum paradigms. The library is designed to be modular and with the ability of being ready-to-use, while keeping an easy access to low-level objects for custom modifications.
Estimating causal relations from observed correlations is a central content of science. Although a comprehensive mathematical framework has been developed to identify cause and effect, it is well known that such methods and techniques are not applicable to quantum systems due to Bell's theorem. Generally, the incompatibility between quantum correlation and classical causal theory is illustrated by the violation of Bell inequality. Gachechiladze provides a new method called the violation of lower bound of average causal effect (ACE) to witness the incompatibility. We consider a new lower bound of ACE derived by Cao in multiple measurement settings. We show that there are always pure entangled states and incompatible projective measurements that can generate correlations that violate this new classical lower bound. In Gachechiladze's work, the measurement settings are binary, while the measurement settings in our paper are K-ary (K≥2) and we give more general conclusions. When K=2, the same result as in Gachechiladze's work can be obtained.
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In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of quantum memory-assisted entropic uncertainty, uncertainty-induced nonlocality and log-negativity entanglement of two nitrogen-vacancy centers (NVC). In particular, we are interested in analyzing two nitrogen-vacancy centered qubits coupled with two coherent nanocavities. We consider two different configurations of NVC qubits: when the qubits are prepared initially in separable and maximally entangled states. We demonstrate that coherent nanocavities can be successfully used to generate nonlocality and entanglement in the two NVC qubits while suppressing the associated entropic uncertainty. When the system is considered initially in separable two-NVC qubits, we show that the coupled coherent nanocavities successfully generate nonlocality and entanglement while avoiding the associated entropic uncertainty. The parameter’s adjustment determines the degree of entanglement, non-locality generation, and preservation. In comparison, we find entanglement more vulnerable to the decoherence and entropic uncertainty action between the two NVC qubits and nanocavities than the uncertainty-induced nonlocality. Furthermore, the NVC-qubits coupled with two coherent nanocavities promote entanglement’s sudden birth and death phenomena. This study contributes to the quantum mechanical protocols requiring the robust practical generation of entanglement and nonlocality as well as the related information preservation for the increased efficiency of quantum devices.
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Inferring causal relations from experimental observations is of primal importance in science. Instrumental tests provide an essential tool for that aim, as they allow one to estimate causal dependencies even in the presence of unobserved common causes. In view of Bell’s theorem, which implies that quantum mechanics is incompatible with our most basic notions of causality, it is of utmost importance to understand whether and how paradigmatic causal tools obtained in a classical setting can be carried over to the quantum realm. Here we show that quantum effects imply radically different predictions in the instrumental scenario. Among other results, we show that an instrumental test can be violated by entangled quantum states. Furthermore, we demonstrate such violation using a photonic set-up with active feed-forward of information, thus providing an experimental proof of this new form of non-classical behaviour. Our findings have fundamental implications in causal inference and may also lead to new applications of quantum technologies.
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In quantum cryptography, device-independent (DI) protocols can be certified secure without requiring assumptions about the inner workings of the devices used to perform the protocol. In order to display nonlocality, which is an essential feature in DI protocols, the device must consist of at least two separate components sharing entanglement. This raises a fundamental question: how much entanglement is needed to run such DI protocols? We present a two-device protocol for DI random number generation (DIRNG) which produces approximately n bits of randomness starting from n pairs of arbitrarily weakly entangled qubits. We also consider a variant of the protocol where m singlet states are diluted into n partially entangled states before performing the first protocol, and show that the number m of singlet states need only scale sublinearly with the number n of random bits produced. Operationally, this leads to a DIRNG protocol between distant laboratories that requires only a sublinear amount of quantum communication to prepare the devices.
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Reichenbach's principle asserts that if two observed variables are found to be correlated, then there should be a causal explanation of these correlations. Furthermore, if the explanation is in terms of a common cause, then the conditional probability distribution over the variables given the complete common cause should factorize. The principle is generalized by the formalism of causal models, in which the causal relationships among variables constrain the form of their joint probability distribution. In the quantum case, however, the observed correlations in Bell experiments cannot be explained in the manner Reichenbach's principle would seem to demand. Motivated by this, we introduce a quantum counterpart to the principle. We demonstrate that under the assumption that quantum dynamics is fundamentally unitary, if a quantum channel with input A and outputs B and C is compatible with A being a complete common cause of B and C, then it must factorize in a particular way. Finally, we show how to generalize our quantum version of Reichenbach's principle to a formalism for quantum causal models, and provide examples of how the formalism works.
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Classical and quantum physics provide fundamentally different predictions about experiments with separate observers that do not communicate, a phenomenon known as quantum nonlocality. This insight is a key element of our present understanding of quantum physics, and also enables a number of information processing protocols with security beyond what is classically attainable. Relaxing the pivotal assumption of no communication leads to new insights into the nature quantum correlations, and may enable new applications where security can be established under less strict assumptions. Here, we study such relaxations where different forms of communication are allowed. We consider communication of inputs, outputs, and of a message between the parties. Using several measures, we study how much communication is required for classical models to reproduce quantum or general no-signalling correlations, as well as how quantum models can be augmented with classical communication to reproduce no-signalling correlations.
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Causal modelling provides a powerful set of tools for identifying causal structure from observed correlations. It is well known that such techniques fail for quantum systems, unless one introduces `spooky' hidden mechanisms. Whether one can produce a genuinely quantum framework in order to discover causal structure remains an open question. Here we introduce a new framework for quantum causal modelling that allows for the discovery of causal structure. We define quantum analogues for many of the core features of classical causal modelling techniques, including the Causal Markov Condition and Faithfulness. Based on the process matrix formalism, this framework naturally extends to generalised structures with indefinite causal order.
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We present a loophole-free violation of local realism using entangled photon pairs. We ensure that all relevant events in our Bell test are spacelike separated by placing the parties far enough apart and by using fast random number generators and high-speed polarization measurements. A high-quality polarization-entangled source of photons, combined with high-efficiency, low-noise, single-photon detectors, allows us to make measurements without requiring any fair-sampling assumptions. Using a hypothesis test, we compute p-values as small as 5.9×1095.9\times 10^{-9} for our Bell violation while maintaining the spacelike separation of our events. We estimate the degree to which a local realistic system could predict our measurement choices. Accounting for this predictability, our smallest adjusted p-value is 2.3×1072.3 \times 10^{-7}. We therefore reject the hypothesis that local realism governs our experiment.
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Local realism is the worldview in which physical properties of objects exist independently of measurement and where physical influences cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Bell's theorem states that this worldview is incompatible with the predictions of quantum mechanics, as is expressed in Bell's inequalities. Previous experiments convincingly supported the quantum predictions. Yet, every experiment performed to date required assumptions that provide loopholes for a local realist explanation. Here we report a Bell test that closes the most significant of these loopholes simultaneously. Using a well-optimized source of entangled photons, rapid setting generation, and highly efficient superconducting detectors, we observe a violation of a Bell inequality with high statistical significance.
Proving security of device-independent (DI) cryptographic protocols has been regarded to be a complex and tedious task. In this work we show that a newly developed tool, the "entropy accumulation theorem" of Dupuis et al., can be effectively applied to give fully general proofs of DI security. At a high level our technique amounts to establishing a reduction to the scenario in which the untrusted device operates in an identical and independent way in each round of the protocol. This makes the proof much simpler and yields significantly better, essentially tight, quantitative results when considering general quantum adversaries, compared to what was known before. As concrete applications we give simple and modular security proofs for DI quantum key distribution and randomness expansion protocols based on the CHSH inequality. For both tasks we establish essentially optimal key rates and noise tolerance. As loophole-free Bell tests are finally being realised, our results considerably decrease the gap between theory and experiments, thereby marking an important step towards practical DI protocols and their implementations.
This text is an introduction to an operational outlook on Bell inequalities, which has been very fruitful in the past few years. It has lead to the recognition that Bell tests have their own place in applied quantum technologies, because they quantify non-classicality in a device-independent way, that is, without any need to describe the degrees of freedom under study and the measurements that are performed. At the more fundamental level, the same device-independent outlook has allowed the falsification of several other alternative models that could hope to reproduce the observed statistics while keeping some classical features that quantum theory denies; and it has shed new light on the long-standing quest for deriving quantum theory from physical principles.