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News Coverage of Cancer Research: Does Disclosure of Scientific Uncertainty Enhance Credibility?


Abstract and Figures

This study examined whether certain practices in journalism could systematically lower public perceptions of credibility with regard to biomedical research reports. We modeled this study on a prior experiment by Jensen (2008), which found a link between disclosure of scientific uncertainty attributed to the primary scientist and increased trustworthiness ratings for both the journalist and primary scientist. We aimed to see if Jensen’s (2008) earlier findings hold (a) with updated news credibility measures, (b) in a sample that is more representative of the general public, and (c) in a more current media environment. Additionally, we explored whether source and amount of uncertainty would influence public support for scientific research in general. Consistent with Jensen (2008), the present experiment found that amount and source of uncertainty significantly impacted audience perceptions of journalist credibility. Specifically, participants found the journalist more credible when the story contained a higher amount of uncertainty, but only when it was disclosed by the primary scientist (as opposed to an outside scientist, i.e., a “dueling” frame). The observed effect was small but significant and held across all four different cancer news articles, suggesting the effect occurs systematically and was not due to features of a particular article or cancer topic. The same conditions may affect credibility judgments for scientists, though it was not apparent in the current study. Neither amount nor source of uncertainty had an impact on support for science; that is, people were generally supportive regardless of uncertainty condition.
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News Coverage of Cancer Research:
Does Disclosure of Scientific Uncertainty Enhance Credibility?
Chelsea L. Ratcliff, University of Georgia*
Jakob D. Jensen, University of Utah
Katheryn Christy, University of Wisconsin-Madison*
Kaylee Crossley, University of Utah
Melinda Krakow, National Cancer Institute
*Authors were affiliated with University of Utah at the time of the research
This is a preprint of a published chapter that can be accessed at:
Ratcliff, C. L., Jensen, J. D., Christy, K., R., Crossley, K., & Krakow, M. (2018). News coverage
of cancer research: Does disclosure of scientific uncertainty enhance credibility? In H. D. O’Hair
(Ed.), Risk and health communication in an evolving media environment (pp. 156-175). New
York, NY: Routledge.
It is often assumed that news audiences prefer simple explanations of scientific research. One
way to simplify science is to remove uncertainty from the message—that is, to eliminate study
limitations, caveats, and hedged statements. Yet some communication scholars have suggested
that it may be the opposite: including scientific uncertainty might enhance credibility judgments
of both the communicator and the scientist responsible for the study. In a news experiment, we
test whether amount and source of uncertainty are related to lay readers’ perceptions of journalist
and scientist credibility. Participants (N = 880) were randomly exposed to one of 16 manipulated
news stories about cancer research in a 2 (high vs. low uncertainty) × 2 (disclosure by primary
vs. outside scientist) × 4 (news article) message design and then asked about their attitudes and
perceptions concerning the article. Source and amount of uncertainty were strongly related to
audience ratings of journalist credibility but not scientist credibility. Specifically, journalists
were perceived as more credible when their stories contained a greater amount of uncertainty
disclosed by the scientist responsible for the study. Including fuller explanations of scientific
uncertainty in news reports of scientific research may boost the perceived credibility of
journalists, which has important implications for communicating to the public about cancer and
other health risks.
Keywords: uncertainty, news credibility, science communication, science news, trust,
public support for science
News Coverage of Cancer Research:
Does Disclosure of Scientific Uncertainty Enhance Credibility?
The news media are recognized as an essential channel for communicating health
research and recommendations to the public (Atkin & Wallack, 1990; Jensen, Krakow, John, &
Liu, 2013; Johnson, 1997). News stories can educate lay audiences about methods for preventing
a myriad of health risks, including cancer, the second leading cause of death among Americans
(Siegel, Miller, & Jemal, 2015; Stryker, Moriarty, & Jensen, 2008). However, whether or not the
public trusts a source of risk information can influence how they interpret and respond to the
risks (Malka, Krosnick, & Langer, 2009; Priest, Bonfadelli, & Rusanen, 2003; Siegrist, Connor,
& Keller, 2012).
Prior research in the context of health journalism has identified a connection between
perceived credibility and hedging (Jensen, 2008). In general, hedged language is language that
employs modifying devices (hedges) to make tentative statements. In a scientific context,
hedging is more aptly described as the disclosure of scientific uncertainty (Hyland, 1996). It is
customary for scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals to include a discussion of
study limitations and caveats, and for inferences to be made cautiously (i.e., with language of
restrained possibility such as could, perhaps, and might; Reyna, 1981; Schwartz, Woloshin, &
Welch, 1999).
When reporting scientific research to the public, a journalist can choose how much
uncertainty to include. Sometimes the inclusion of hedging language is at direct odds with other
news values. For example, although accuracy is a strong marker of quality in newswriting
(Dudo, Dahlstrom, & Brossard, 2007; Kovach & Rosenstiel, 2007), journalists are expected to
present information simply and clearly to make it easier for audiences to understand (see Bender,
Drager, Davenport, & Fedler, 2009). Further, journalists are expected to appeal to audiences by
presenting engaging material (Groot Kormelink & Costera Meijer, 2015). This tension can lead
to the omission of uncertainty for the sake of clarity, novelty, or sensation value.
Journalists also choose whether to include disclosures of scientific uncertainty from the
primary scientists responsible for a study, or alternately to invite unaffiliated scientists to
comment. Casting a balanced view by interviewing multiple sources is a key tenet in journalism
(Bender et al., 2009). Yet attempts to create balance in science coverage are frequently made by
soliciting the point of view of an outside scientist in place of disclosure from the primary
scientist. This may create the appearance that the primary scientist failed to acknowledge the
uncertainty, or that scientists are dueling about the findings, either of which could inadvertently
impact perceived credibility.
The current study examines whether certain practices in journalism could be
systematically lowering public perceptions of credibility with regard to cancer research reports.
Though likely unintentional, this could lead to biased processing and, potentially, dismissal of
health information that is important in helping the public avoid health risks. We model this study
on a prior experiment by Jensen (2008), which found a link between disclosure of scientific
uncertainty attributed to the primary scientist and increased trustworthiness ratings for both the
journalist and the primary scientist. We aim to see if Jensen’s (2008) earlier findings hold (a)
with updated news credibility measures (Yale, Jensen, Carcioppolo, Sun, & Liu, 2015), (b) in a
sample that is more representative of the general public, and (c) in a more current media
environment. Additionally, we explore whether source and amount of uncertainty influence
public support for scientific research in general.
Capturing Perceptions of Credibility
In order to navigate the plethora of risks—including health risks—inherent in modern
society, people often select other social actors in whom to trust (Kohring & Matthes, 2007).
These are usually expert systems (such as news media, industry, scientists, and government) that
individuals deem suitable to act on their behalf. Here, trust replaces knowledge, and individuals
choose which information sources to trust based on certain criteria (Kohring & Matthes, 2007).
Credibility is one such heuristic.
Operational definitions of credibility are complex and vary widely in the literature. Early
trust and credibility research, which focused on communicators in general, identified two major
subdimensions of credibility: expertise and trustworthiness (Hovland et al., 1959). Expertise was
operationalized as believing an actor to be informed and intelligent, while trustworthiness
reflected a belief that the actor was impartial and not intending to persuade (Hovland et al.,
1959). McCroskey and Young (1981) proposed a refinement to these widely used measures of
credibility, identifying three distinct factors that comprised expertise: being intelligent,
competent, and an expert; and three distinct factors that comprised trustworthiness: being
trustworthy, honest, and ethical.
News Credibility
In measuring perceived credibility of newspapers and TV news, Gaziano and McGrath
(1986) grouped the following 12 items together as a single factor: fair, unbiased, tells the whole
story, accurate, respects the privacy of people, looks out for the interests of people, is concerned
about the well-being of the community, separates fact from opinion, can be trusted, is concerned
about the public interest, is factual, and has well-trained reporters. Their rationale was that these
concepts have typically been treated as indicators of credibility in past research.
Meyer (1988) outlined a simpler measure of credibility comprised of five items: fairness,
accuracy, unbiased, can be trusted, and tells the whole story. While each of these essentially
describes believability, according to Meyer, he argued that “[t]his redundancy provides a far
more accurate measurement than could be made by one of these items alone” (p. 574). Meyer
also suggested that community affiliation (e.g., being concerned about the well-being of the
community and the public interest) is distinct from credibility and should be measured with a
separate scale, though West (1994) later found that addition to be unreliable. West also noted
that the Gaziano-McGrath measure appeared to have multiple underlying factors.
Abdulla and colleagues (2005) used a variation of the Gaziano and McGrath (1986) scale,
grouping the following 11 items into three main factors: balanced, accurate, fair, objective,
reports the whole story (under the primary dimension of balance); honest, believable,
trustworthy (under the primary dimension of honesty); and current, up-to-date, timely (under the
primary dimension of currency). One major difference in Abdulla et al.’s modified credibility
scale is the replacement of concepts related to intent toward the receiver (e.g., community
affiliation, goodwill) with concepts related to currency. A 12th item, bias, was not included in
their final Abdulla et al. scale for newspaper credibility.
Recently, Yale and colleagues (2015) tested Abdulla et al.’s (2005) scale as a single
second-order factor (all nine items combined), as opposed to examining the honesty, balance,
and currency separately as three first-order factors. The new factor structure mitigated
discriminant validity issues observed in the original scale, suggesting that when testing all three
factors—balance, honesty, or currency—they should be tested as a single scale to measure
Some scholars distinguish between source credibility and message credibility with regard
to evaluations of news. Kiousis (2001) suggested that source credibility focuses on
communicator variables (e.g., the individual journalist, the news outlet) while message
credibility focuses on message variables (e.g., the content of news article). A third level of
credibility judgment is also evident: perceived credibility of the platform. For instance, Kiousis
(2001) found credibility ratings to be higher for print news than online or TV news. However,
Kiousis noted that to some extent these layers are intertwined in audiences’ minds.
The terms journalists and news media are sometimes used interchangeably in the
literature (Kohring & Matthes, 2007). Frequently when communication scholars refer to trust in
news media, they are actually speaking about trust in sources, such as journalists (Jensen, 2008).
After all, it is journalists who select topics and facts to report, are responsible for reporting the
information accurately, and offer their assessment of the issue—key dimensions of news trust,
according to Kohring and Matthes (2007). Yet Kiousis (2001) made the case that perceptions of
credibility—across layers, from journalist to outlet to media platform—are likely intertwined. In
the current study, we asked participants to judge the news article instead of the journalist. Our
aim was to keep the focus of their assessment on the content of the article, rather than shifting
their thoughts toward a judgment of the person who said it, in order to examine the effects of our
message characteristic variables. However, it is plausible that credibility evaluations of the
article transfer to evaluations of the journalist (and vice versa).
Scientist Credibility
Few attempts have been made to specifically measure perceived credibility of scientists.
Examinations of trust in scientists and scientific institutions have typically been embedded
within larger studies about public trust in expert institutions (e.g., scientists, industry,
government, and nonprofits; see Malka et al., 2009; Priest et al., 2003; Siegrist et al., 2012).
Earle and Siegrist (2006) proposed a general trust model that divides trust into morality-
based and performance-based assessment, with the former influencing social trust and the latter
influencing perceived competence. Siegrist et al. (2012) applied this to public trust in scientists
and industry, suggesting that public trust in these groups can be examined in terms of perceived
shared values and perceived competence. They proposed a multidimensional scale with items to
capture subdimensions of social trust (honesty, concern for public health and the environment)
and subdimensions of confidence (related to competence). Given these measures, trust and
confidence factors may be closely related to perceived credibility of scientists and industry;
however, this was specific to an environmental risk context.
Priest and colleagues (2003) examined trust in scientists along with industry,
government, and other social institutions. They operationalized trust as “doing a good job for
society,” arguing that the measure taps into a dimension of social trust (p. 754). Siegrist et al.
(2012), on the other hand, reasoned that trust and confidence are related but distinct concepts;
trust is based on value similarity (i.e., intentions toward society) while confidence (i.e.,
competence) is based on past performance. Both of these appear to mirror the traditional key
subdimensions of credibility—trustworthiness and expertise—although intentions toward society
may be more closely related to goodwill.
In a series of studies conducted during 1971–1975, McCroskey and colleagues identified
several dimensions of source credibility, including competence, character, sociability,
extroversion, and composure. McCroskey and Young (1981) evaluated multiple types of expert
sources, including organizations, peers, public figures, the media, and instructors. Their
dimensions pertained more to speech communication cases, where factors such as composure,
sociability, and character could be evaluated. A later credibility scale developed by McCroskey
examined credibility as it pertained to experts (McCroskey & Teven, 1999) and has been one of
the most widely used scales to assess perceptions of credibility via the subdimensions of
expertise and trustworthiness.
Sjöberg (2011, p. 189) argued that competence has two sides: “One is knowing, the other
is knowing the limits of one’s knowledge.” He suggested the latter is a consideration when
evaluating a source’s trustworthiness. In a science context, this aspect of competence—knowing
the limits of one’s knowledge—could be measured by a scientist’s willingness to disclose
uncertainty about her research, and potentially is a measure that audiences use to gauge scientist
Uncertainty and Credibility
In scientific research, uncertainty describes how well something (for instance, a study
finding or a conclusion) is known (Peters & Dunwoody, 2016). It is not fully understood how lay
audiences process uncertainty, and a growing body of literature has sought to understand
audience reactions (Binder, Hillback, & Brossard, 2016; Guenther, Froehlich, & Ruhrman, 2015;
Guenther & Ruhrman, 2016; Jensen et al., 2017; Kimmerle, Flemming, Feinkohl, & Cress, 2015;
Niederdeppe et al., 2014; Post & Maier, 2016; Winter, Kramer, Rosner, & Neubaum, 2015).
However, the concepts of uncertainty and credibility have previously been explored together
(Jensen, 2008; Priest et al., 2003), and there is reason to believe message characteristics—such as
whether, and to what extent, uncertainty is disclosed—can influence perceived credibility
(Hendriks, Kienhues, & Bromme, 2016a; Hendriks, Kienhues, & Bromme, 2016b).
Amount of Uncertainty
The inclusion of uncertainty in health news can take the form of hedging language, or
presentation of the limitations and caveats of research findings. A common newswriting
principle is streamlining word choice, or “cutting out the fat” (Bender et al., 2009, p. 99). For
example, journalists are often instilled with a belief that most adverbs and adjectives are
unnecessary (see Bender et al., 2009). Aiming for strong and simple phrasing could lead to the
removal of hedging language.
Yet research suggests that scientific uncertainty may be appreciated by lay audiences as
well as the scientific community. For example, after reading hedged news reports of cancer
research, participants in one study were less fatalistic about cancer than their peers who read
non-hedged reports (Jensen et al., 2011). Fuller expressions of uncertainty may even serve as a
heuristic for news consumers with lower quantitative literacy and/or lower scientific knowledge.
As Schwartz and colleagues (1999, p. 128) explain, sensing that an article has incomplete or
undisclosed data can give the impression of “an underlying attempt to persuade rather than
inform.” Perceived intention to persuade in turn can lower trust and credibility ratings (Hovland
et al., 1959; Kohring & Matthes, 2007).
People have heuristics for assessing the credibility of information even when it is not
fully understood (Chaiken & Maheswaran, 1994). Potentially, lay audiences evaluate the quality
of scientific research claims in news articles by recognizing the inclusion (or omission) of
ambivalent language, caution surrounding claims, and specific data to support conclusions.
Indeed, a study by Dahlstrom, Dudo, and Brossard (2012) found that audiences give more weight
to scientific stories about health risks when precise information is included, defined as
“specificity of information about a risk’s pervasiveness, potency, or effects” (p. 156).
Elimination of uncertainty can happen at many stages of the research communication
process. Journalists may assume audiences prefer streamlined health information (Allan, 2011).
Potentially, the belief is that powerful (i.e., certain) language will enhance trust in the
communicator or in health research in general, and thus promote positive health beliefs and
behaviors. Yet, as Dorothy Nelkin (1996, p. 1601) wrote, “scientists, eager to promote their latest
breakthrough, contribute to hyperbole” as well. Scientists may speak in overly certain terms
about their research out of a belief that it will enhance their credibility or increase support from
the public and decision-makers for their work (Star, 1983). Public relations professionals may
further remove uncertainty as the information goes from journal article to press release (Nelkin,
Attempts to present research in a saleable way may be misguided. Although powerful
language appears to heighten credibility in other contexts, such as business (Ober, Zhao, Davis,
& Alexander, 1999) and public speaking (see Hosman, 2002), the effect might not hold when
presenting health and medical research (Jensen, 2008). In fact, scholars have argued that using
powerless language in science communication is a demonstration of objectivity (Popper,
1934/2002), which could in turn reflect on scientists’ credibility. Potentially, a similar pattern
would hold for science journalists, as well.
In light of prior research, we predict the following about uncertainty in news coverage of
scientific studies:
H1a: Cancer news reports that include a higher amount of scientific uncertainty will
associate with greater perceived credibility of the journalist, compared with low-
uncertainty coverage.
H1b: Cancer news reports that include a higher amount of uncertainty will associate with
greater perceived credibility of the scientist leading the study, compared with low-
uncertainty coverage.
Source of Uncertainty
When journalists do include uncertainty in reports of scientific research, it is often by
way of a counter point of view from an expert or scientist unaffiliated with the study. Casting a
“balanced” view is a basic principle of newswriting, and seeking outside commentary is a
common and generally constructive practice in journalism (Bennett, 1996). However, whether
news audiences associate this kind of balance with quality or credibility may be context
dependent (Jensen, 2008). In science reporting, the balance frame may have unintended
consequences, giving the impression that the original scientists behind the study are ignorant
of—or even attempting to mask—limitations in their research (Jensen, 2008). Additionally, it
may create the appearance that scientists in the scientific community are pitted against each other
and lack accordance on health research, even when this is not the case (Allan, 2011).
Some have suggested that the news media incorporate fringe counter-perspectives for the
sake of sensationalism or to force balance where none exists (Dixon & Clarke, 2013). Journalists
have been accused of treating discussions of scientific breakthroughs like “football matches” and
giving equal weight to opposing viewpoints without scrutinizing the evidence behind them
(Allan, 2011, p. 773). Onora O’Neill (2004, p. 269) writes that news consumers hear about
highly publicized cases of “scandals, dereliction, cover up and even corruption in medicine and
biomedical research”—some of which is founded, she says, but most of it is not. This suggests
an already existing, biased lens through which news audiences may be processing news reports
about scientific discoveries (Chingching, 2015). The dueling frame—disclosures of scientific
uncertainty from an outside source, instead of the primary scientist responsible for the study—
could further impact perceptions of scientist credibility. Regardless of whether the aim is to
create an appearance of conflict and heighten a story’s sensation value or simply to employ a
balanced frame, we predict that source attribution of uncertainty will impact credibility:
H2a: Limitations disclosed by the primary scientist, as opposed to an outside scientist,
will lead to greater perceived credibility of the journalist.
H2b: Limitations disclosed by the primary scientist, as opposed to an outside scientist,
will lead to greater perceived credibility of the primary scientist.
Potentially, amount of uncertainty and source attributions interact to influence credibility
judgements. Jensen (2008) found a small but significant interaction between amount and source
of uncertainty such that greater uncertainty, when attributed to the primary scientist, increased
credibility ratings for the journalist and the scientist. In the current study, we test whether the
same uncertainty amount
source interaction emerges with updated credibility measures and a
population more representative of the general public.
H3a: A high amount of uncertainty attributed to the primary scientist, as opposed to an
outside scientist, will lead to greater perceived credibility of the journalist.
H3b: A high amount of uncertainty attributed to the primary scientist, as opposed to an
outside scientist, will lead to greater perceived credibility of the scientist.
Support for Scientific Research
Both uncertainty and perceived credibility could be related to public support for science.
First, past research has shown that the communication of scientific uncertainty is related to
public engagement with science (Retzbach & Maier, 2015; Retzbach, Otto, & Maier, 2016). If
uncertainty is related to engagement with science, then it stands to reason that it could also be
connected to support for the scientific enterprise. Moreover, support for scientific research seems
to be relatively high. As an illustration, the National Science Foundation administers a survey
every two years to assess U.S. public opinion about the federal funding of scientific research.
The survey has found Americans to be generally supportive of scientific research; most recently,
83% of Americans agreed or strongly agreed that the federal government should support
scientific research that advances the frontiers of knowledge, even if it does not bring immediate
benefits (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, 2014). Given that the majority
of the public likely hears about scientific research through the news, perceptions of credibility in
news coverage of health research could influence public support for science. This has not
previously been examined. Thus, we investigate the following:
RQ1: Is there a relationship among how scientific uncertainty is disclosed in the news,
perceived credibility, and support for science?
Participants were randomly assigned to one of 16 conditions in a 2 (uncertainty amount)
× 2 (uncertainty source) × 4 (cancer news article) between-subjects experiment. The amount of
uncertainty was either high or low. The source of uncertainty was either the primary scientist (the
scientist responsible for the study described in the article) or an outside scientist (a scientist
unaffiliated with the study). Four different news articles were manipulated on these variables.
Individuals completed a pretest, read a single news article, and then completed a posttest.
Participants were paid $10 for participating in the study.
Sample. Participants (N = 880) were recruited in seven shopping malls in the Midwest
and randomly assigned to one of the 16 news article conditions. Jensen’s (2008) initial study
surveyed a convenience sample of college students and was considered to be a starting point for
further research. Participants in the present study represent a greater diversity of educational
backgrounds and thus may be more representative of the U.S. population. Participants provided
demographic information, including age (M = 35.92, SD = .16; range: 18 – 84), sex (female:
66.10%), education (more than 12th grade: 53.30%), and race (83.2% Caucasian, 11.7% African
American, 3.1% Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin, 1.0% Asian or Pacific Islander, 1.8%
American Indian or Native American, and 2.3% self-described as “other”; participants could
check more than one category). The mean household income was $51,769 (SD = $42,954).
Stimulus materials. All participants randomly received a news article on one of four
cancer research topics embedded within a survey. Survey questions were the same for all
participants. The article was manipulated to represent one of four possible uncertainty
conditions: low-uncertainty/primary scientist disclosure, high-uncertainty/primary scientist
disclosure, low-uncertainty/dueling disclosure, high-uncertainty/dueling disclosure. Disclosure
refers to uncertainty addressed by the scientist affiliated with the study (the primary scientist),
while dueling refers to uncertainty addressed by an unaffiliated scientist.
Stimulus articles were developed by Jensen (2008) and involved the manipulation of real
news articles gathered from the Lexis Nexis database. Search parameters included: U.S. news
articles from major papers or Midwest regional sources that contained “cancer research” or
“cancer study” in the headline, lead paragraph(s), or key terms (Jensen, 2008). Using a random
number generator, four articles were selected from these search results for inclusion in the study:
two articles pertaining to research about cancer treatments (nanobombs, lung cancer treatment)
and two pertaining to research in cancer prevention (Mediterranean diet, lycopene pills). Full
stimulus materials available in the Appendix.
Survey Measures
Journalist credibility. After reading the article, participants were asked to evaluate the
journalist’s credibility. Journalist credibility was treated as a single second-order factor measured
by nine items (accurate, honest, believable, balanced, report the whole story, objective, up-to-
date, current, and timely; M = 3.47, SD = .60, α = .88) using a five-point scale ranging from
strongly disagree to strongly agree (Yale et al., 2015). These nine items were originally argued
to represent the first-order factors of honesty, balance, and currency, but discriminant validity
issues suggest that—when used together in the same analysis—they should be combined into a
single scale (Yale et al., 2015). In other words, researchers have the option to use a single
measure of credibility (all 9 items combined) or to investigate hypotheses about a single first-
order factor separately (e.g., an analysis that just includes the items representing the first-order
factor of honesty). The current study utilizes the full scale, and also tests hypotheses related to
the honesty factor (M = 3.57, SD = .65, α = .80).
Scientist credibility. Participants were also asked to evaluate the primary scientist in the
article. Expert source credibility has two underlying dimensions: expertise (intelligent, expert,
competent; M = 3.65, SD = .68, α = .83) and trustworthiness (trustworthy, honest, ethical; M =
3.48, SD = .68, α = .83). These six items were assessed on five-point scales ranging from
strongly disagree to strongly agree (McCroskey & Teven, 1999). Although McCroskey and
Teven (1999) proposed ‘goodwill’ as a third dimension of credibility, Jensen (2008) argued that
goodwill is a separate construct and did not include it in the credibility scale used in his 2008
study. It was not included in the present study.
Support for scientific research. Participants were also asked about level of support for
scientific research in general. Specifically, they reported how much they agree with the
following statement: “Even if it brings no immediate benefits, scientific research that advances
the frontiers of knowledge is necessary and should be supported by the Federal Government.”
Answers were given on a four-point scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree (M =
3.09, SD = .87). This single-item measure comes from the Science and Engineering Indicators of
the National Science Foundation, published by the National Center for Science and Engineering
Statistics (NCSES, 2014).
Power Analysis
G*Power was used to calculate power for the design (Faul, Erdfelder, Buchner, & Lang,
2009). Past studies have found small effects (Jensen, 2008; Jensen et al., 2011). For a three-way
ANOVA with 16 cells, the design was adequately powered (.84) to detect a small effect (f = .10).
That said, researchers should be mindful of both Type I and Type II error when searching for
small effects. Type I error is guarded against via replication. Type II error is countered by
focusing on effect size rather than relying heavily on the p-value logic of null hypothesis testing.
Five three-way ANOVAs were conducted to test hypotheses H1a – H3b and RQ1.
Uncertainty and source were fixed factors and news article was treated as a random factor (per
Jackson & Brashers, 1994). News article was treated as random as the variation on that factor
(i.e., 4 random news articles) represents natural variability rather than specific levels of interest
(Jackson & Brashers, 1994).
The first ANOVA included the single dimension journalist credibility measure from Yale
and colleagues (2015) as the outcome variable to test H1a, H2a, and H3a. The small uncertainty
× source interaction found in previous research manifested once again, F(1, 3.15) = 6.44, p =
.081. No other factors or interactions were significant (see Table 1). Consistent with Jensen
(2008), participants in the high uncertainty/primary scientist disclosure condition perceived
Table 1. ANOVA Results by Outcome Variable
× Source
Note. F-ratios for all main effects and the uncertainty × source interaction. p < .10 **p < .01
journalists as more credible than did their peers in the low uncertainty/primary scientist condition
(size of the effect between conditions: r = .10; for means and standard deviations, see Table 2).
As a follow-up analysis, a second ANOVA was carried out using only the credibility
items representing the subdimension of honesty. Using an older measure, Jensen (2008) found a
significant uncertainty × source interaction for trustworthiness. Consistent with the first ANOVA
and with Jensen (2008), the follow-up ANOVA revealed a small uncertainty × source
interaction, F(1, 3.18) = 7.58, p = .066. Once again, the high uncertainty/primary scientist
condition correlated with higher journalist honesty ratings compared to the low
uncertainty/primary scientist condition (size of the effect between conditions: r = .10; for means
and standard deviations, see Table 3).
Table 3. Uncertainty × Source Interaction Effects on Journalist’s Trustworthiness (Honesty)
High Uncertainty
3.63 (.62)
3.52 (.58)
Low Uncertainty
3.50 (.68)
3.56 (.72)
Note. Means and standard deviations (in parentheses). Post-hoc tests reveal that high uncertainty
disclosure is significantly different than low uncertainty disclosure (p < .05). No other means are
significantly different.
Table 2. Uncertainty × Source Interaction Effects on Journalist’s Credibility
High Uncertainty
3.52 (.56)
3.47 (.52)
Low Uncertainty
3.41 (.62)
3.48 (.68)
Note. Means and standard deviations (in parentheses). Post-hoc tests reveal that high uncertainty
disclosure is significantly different than low uncertainty disclosure (p < .05). No other means are
significantly different.
H1b, H2b, and H3b postulated that high uncertainty disclosed by the primary scientist
would also link with higher trustworthiness ratings for the primary scientist. The credibility of
experts is thought to have two underlying dimensions: trustworthiness and expertise. Two
ANOVAs were conducted, one with trustworthiness as an outcome and the other with expertise
as an outcome. No significant main effects or interactions were observed (see Table 1).
Using four different cancer news articles in the present experiment allowed us to
generalize across articles. We were not interested in whether one topic generated more perceived
credibility than another, but whether our factors would generalize above and beyond the variance
that could be attributed to a particular article. The observed interaction in the high uncertainty by
primary scientist condition occurred across all four articles.
RQ1 asked if uncertainty and source attribution were related to support for scientific
research. No significant main effects or interactions were observed (see Table 1).
Journalists are trusted as key translators of scientific research for the public. The news is
an especially important avenue for educating people about cancer and other major health risks
(Dudo, Dahlstrom, & Brossard, 2007; Jensen et al., 2013; Stryker et al., 2008). Yet current
norms in news coverage of health research could systematically lower public trust in these
reports. For example, journalists frequently minimize uncertainty when reporting scientific
findings. They may alternatively disclose it in a dueling frame by soliciting comments from an
outside source instead of the scientists responsible for the study (Jensen, 2008).
Using updated news credibility measures (Yale et al., 2015), the present experiment
found that amount and source of uncertainty in cancer news articles significantly impacted
audience perceptions of journalist credibility. Specifically, participants found the journalist more
credible and trustworthy when the story contained a higher amount of uncertainty attributed to
the primary scientist. The observed effect was small but significant and held across all four
different cancer news articles. This suggests that the effect occurs systematically and was not due
to features of a particular article or cancer topic.
The same conditions may affect credibility judgments for scientists, though it was not
apparent in the current study. Jensen (2008) did find that high uncertainty disclosed by the
primary scientist led to higher credibility ratings of both the journalist and the scientist. Thus, our
study only partially replicates Jensen’s earlier findings. Potentially, source and amount of
uncertainty did not impact scientist credibility in our study because there are better measures that
should be used to assess lay perceptions of scientist credibility (e.g., a scale specific to
scientists). There is also the possibility of a small drip effect. Media effects are typically modest
and often conceptualized as cumulative (Jensen, Bernat, Wilson, & Goonwardene, 2011). Thus,
subtle effects that are imperceptible during a single exposure can produce larger effects over
time. It could be that omitting uncertainty in scientific news coverage, or disclosing it by way of
a dueling frame, steadily undercuts journalists’ credibility.
Public Health Implications
Public understanding of health is in jeopardy when journalists present medical
discoveries as being more definite than they actually are (Allan, 2011; Schwartz et al., 1999;
Thiebach, Mayweg-Paus, & Jucks, 2015). To do so can “convey a false sense of the magnitude
and certainty of the benefits of interventions, engendering unrealistic expectations” (Schwartz et
al. 1999, p. 131). Unhedged depictions of health risks, meanwhile, can cause undue fear
(Schwartz et al., 1999) and lead to fatalistic beliefs (Jensen et al., 2011).
Minimizing scientific uncertainty could also increase skepticism in science and medicine.
Past research has suggested that streamlining (e.g., reducing the amount of uncertainty) may set
up research-based recommendations for backlash or rejection (Jensen et al., 2013).
Communicating in certain terms about health and medical discoveries may create public
confusion and even controversy by making the findings from multiple studies appear
contradictory. A survey for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) found that more than half
of respondents believed “scientists were always changing their minds” about cancer causes and
preventive measures (BBC, 2009). Indeed, sometimes news outlets report, seemingly back to
back, that the very same things can cause cancer and cure it (Anderson, Brossard, & Scheufele,
2010). These apparent extremes are likely, at times, to be the result of streamlined study
conclusions and omitted caveats. Disclosure of uncertainty in a dueling frame could also be a
In view of the results of this and prior studies, it seems that lay audiences have come to
interpret unhedged research claims as an indicator that the journalist or the scientist is overstating
study findings. This, in turn, could harm trust in these important sources of health information.
Several scholars have noted that trust in sources of risk information influences how people
respond to reported risks (Malka et al., 2009; Priest et al., 2003; Siegrist et al., 2012).
In the Context of an Evolving Media Environment
Because the news media have a latent influence on audience perceptions (Arendt, 2010),
it is vital to examine connections among health risk perceptions, trust in information sources
(e.g., scientists and journalists), and norms in science reporting (Jensen, 2008; Dahlstrom et al.,
2012). The current study examined print news articles. Although newspapers have garnered
higher trust ratings than other news platforms in past research (Kiousis, 2001), the majority of
Americans (57%) prefer to get their news from TV, followed by 38% who prefer online; only
20% get most of their news in print, according to a Pew Research Survey (Mitchell, Gottfried,
Barthel, & Shearer, 2016). Nonetheless, examining trust in print news remains important, and
findings from our study likely pertain to audience trust in TV, radio, and online news domains.
Kiousis (2001) suggested that layers of news credibility—the news content, the journalist, the
outlet, and the media platform—are intertwined. News consumers’ criteria for assessing
credibility may be constant across platforms and judgements of credibility may permeate across
news media layers.
Growing concerns about fake news—fictional news stories circulated online (Barthel,
Mitchel, & Holcomb, 2016)—could heighten audience skepticism toward news media. Roughly
two-thirds of U.S. adults who responded to a Pew Research Center survey claimed that fake
news has caused a great deal of confusion about current events (Barthel, Mitchel, & Holcomb,
2016). This could signal an era in which journalists must strive harder to win audience trust.
Careful reporting of cancer and other health risk research is an important area for consideration.
Limitations and Future Directions
The current study had a number of limitations. First, the length of the articles could have
influenced perceptions of credibility. Articles in the high uncertainty conditions were one or two
paragraphs longer. Potentially, some readers make heuristic judgments that more information is
more trustworthy (although, longer articles in the high uncertainty/dueling conditions did not
increase journalist credibility ratings). Second, the study only examined the impact of exposure
to a single news article. Given the small but consistent significant effect, and the possibility that
true impacts of exposure manifest cumulatively, it may be worthwhile for media effects scholars
to study the effects of uncertainty disclosure with longitudinal study designs. Research should
also continue to investigate how norms in news coverage impact scientist credibility, especially
given the observed effect on journalist credibility.
Despite its limitations, this study makes an important contribution to credibility
measurements. It replicated one major finding from Jensen (2008) with a diverse U.S. sample
that may be more representative of the population. Our results add to those of Jensen (2008) to
indicate that amount of scientific uncertainty and source attributions can influence public trust in
journalists. The results of our study indicate that lay audiences recognize a certain degree of
uncertainty is inherent in the scientific process and in turn place greater trust in hedged research
reports (or the journalists who write them).
While media are not always “exaggerating risk, whipping up hysteria and distorting
reality” (Kitzinger, 1999, p. 55), this may be the perception among audiences. To counter
skepticism and unintentional biases, journalists may consider which reporting practices, such as
including scientific uncertainty in research reports, will foster favorable credibility judgements
for both journalists and potentially also scientists.
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Article Manipulations
Low Uncertainty-Disclosure Conditions
Cancer bomb article
'Bomb' Blasts Cancer
Tiny Tubes Deliver Chemo Directly to Targeted Cells
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Sharon Lem, Chicago Sun-Times
Researchers have developed a tiny cancer "bomb" that can blow up cancerous cells.
The cancer bomb uses carbon nanotubes to deliver the chemotherapy to the tumor sites.
Nanotubes are smaller than a single cell. A nanotube is 10,000 times thinner than a human hair
and a couple of microns long.
"We found using carbon atom nanotubes in testing of breast cancer cells can destroy cancer cells
in very localized areas without any type of collateral damage," said Dr. Belaji Panchapakesan,
assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Delaware, in
Newark, Del. Chemotherapy kills cancerous cells, but also normal cells.
"These nanotubes can be used in conjunction with imaging techniques to see where the cancer
cells are and once you've found them, you can inject them with these nanotubes to blow them
up," Panchapakesan said.
"This can be used not just for cancer ... but a wide variety of procedures, such as people with
clogged arteries to remove the blockage in veins and arteries, and other minimally invasive
micro-surgeries," Panchapakesan said.
Panchapakesan said once nanobombs are exposed to light and the resulting heat, they start
exploding one after another.
In cancer cells, it works like a shockwave to kill not only the cancerous cells, but the cells that
carry instructions to multiply into more cancerous cells and the veins that feed cancer cells.
"The nanobombs are so localized and selective and minimally invasive that it might cause what I
would call a nanopain, like a prick of the finger," Panchapakesan said.
Though promising, Panchapakesan noted that it was too early to make definitive claims and that
more research needed to be done.
The study is published in the journals NanoBiotechnology and Oncology Issues.
Lycopene article
Tomatoes outdo pills as cancer preventer
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Michael Woods, Chicago Sun-Times
The substance that makes tomatoes red, hailed as a powerful cancer preventive, has no anti-
cancer effect when consumed in pure form like the pills now popular as nutritional supplements,
scientists reported yesterday.
Lycopene alone did virtually nothing to protect laboratory rats against fatal prostate cancer, they
found, while whole tomatoes reduced prostate cancer deaths by 26 percent.
In a study published in the latest edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,
researchers said it appears that an unidentified nutrient or combination of nutrients in tomatoes,
perhaps including lycopene, protect against prostate cancer. Tomatoes contain hundreds of
"phytochemicals," or plant-based chemicals, said Dr. Steven K. Clinton of Ohio State University,
one of the lead authors of the study.
Lycopene has been in the public and scientific spotlight ever since a landmark 1996 Harvard
University study found that men who ate at least 10 weekly servings of tomato sauce were a third
less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who rarely ate tomatoes. Later studies found that
a tomato-rich diet also may protect against other cancers, heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease.
Lycopene took credit, spawning a boom in sales of pricey lycopene pills and leading to the
development of genetically engineered tomatoes that contain extra lycopene.
Dr. Peter H. Gann of Northwestern University, who was not involved in the Clinton study,
described its findings as important in re-emphasizing a nagging question about naturally
healthful compounds: Which is best, eating the whole food or taking a single nutrient in pill
Beta-carotene pills, for instance, were popular cancer preventives for years, especially among
cigarette smokers. People took the pills rather than eat spinach, carrots and other foods rich in the
nutrient. Then a study found that smokers who took beta-carotene pills actually had an increased
risk of lung cancer.
"This study provides new evidence that eating a whole food might bring health benefits that we
cannot get from taking pills that isolate one or two food ingredients," Gann said. "Fortunately, in
this case, the food in question already is popular."
Americans eat an average of 100 pounds of tomatoes each year, mostly in salads, pasta and pizza
sauce, chili and salsa.
Clinton's team gave three groups of rats a powerful chemical that causes prostate cancer. One
group then was fed rat chow spiked with pure lycopene, another got chow plus a tomato powder
that contained lycopene and other phytochemicals, and the third group got standard rat food.
Rats on pure lycopene and ordinary chow died from prostate cancer at almost identical rates. The
cancer death rate among those given tomato powder was 26 percent less. Those rats that also ate
a little less chow, and thus fewer calories, cut their risk of prostate cancer even more -- by almost
33 percent.
Though promising, Clinton noted that it was too early to make definitive claims and that more
research needed to be done.
Gann and Clinton had similar advice for men interested in a diet that may reduce prostate cancer
Skip the lycopene pills, eat whole tomatoes and cut back on the calories.
Lung cancer article
Lung Cancer Patients Live Longer with Chemo
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Michelle Fay Cortez, Chicago Sun-Times
Chemotherapy following surgery to remove early lung cancer prolongs patients' lives by an
average of almost two years, a study in the June 23 New England Journal of Medicine found.
Patients traditionally were monitored for new tumors without drug treatment, as the toxic side
effects of chemotherapy were thought to outweigh the benefits.
The study, conducted by a team of researchers led by Timothy Winton, an oncologist at the
National Cancer Institute of Canada in Kingston, Ontario, found that patients taking two generic
drugs lived an average of almost eight years, compared with six for those without, at the expense
of nausea, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea and low white-cell counts.
The results should alter treatment for early-stage patients with lung cancer, researchers said.
Lung cancer claims more than 160,000 lives annually and is the leading cause of cancer death in
the United States. About half of those with early-stage disease survive at least five years. The
findings were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in New Orleans
last year.
Though promising, Winton noted that it was too early to make definitive claims and that more
research needed to be done.
The current study suggests that chemotherapy "can be safely administered in the outpatient
setting with limited toxicity and is beneficial in non-small-cell lung cancer," Winton said. "We
believe that a brief course of such chemotherapy should become the standard of care for patients
with good performance status after complete resection of stage IB or stage II non–small-cell lung
Most of the side effects, including low levels of infection-fighting white blood cells, were
resolved in about three months, the study of 482 patients in North America showed.
Mediterranean diet article
Recent Study Reinforces Benefits of Mediterranean Diet
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Stacie Bearing, Chicago Sun-Times
When I was growing up in California, I remember seeing a tantalizing TV ad. A large family was
joyously dining at a huge table artfully placed in the middle of a vineyard.
Never mind that the ad came from a vineyard known at the time for its jug wine. The diners were
eagerly helping themselves to pasta, fresh fruits and vegetables and freshly baked bread. Wine,
of course, was in ample supply.
I fantasized that this wasn't California, but somewhere on the Mediterranean coast: soft, gentle
breezes, the scent of ripening olives, and of course, the soundtrack from ''Zorba the Greek."
My fantasy resurfaced as I read a recent study that again extolled the health benefits of the so-
called Mediterranean diet.
The traditional Mediterranean diet includes lots of vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, whole grain
cereals (no Cocoa Puffs), and lots of olive oil.
Saturated fats are at a minimum. Fish is a frequent menu item, while meat and poultry are not.
Dairy products show up occasionally, mostly in the form of cheese and yogurt.
Finally, the Mediterranean diet contains a moderate amount of alcohol, mostly in the form of
wine (hence, the vineyard), and mostly with meals.
Researchers from the University of Athens and Harvard Medical Schools followed more than
22,000 men and women in Greece for an average of 44 months.
They wanted to know if the classic Mediterranean diet helped protect against cancer and heart
disease, and if mortality rates were lower in the group that ate that kind of diet.
They started off by interviewing each participant about their diet and lifestyle habits. Study
participants were graded on a scale of 0 to 9, with 0 being the least adherence to the
Mediterranean diet and 9 being the best.
The researchers looked at mortality rates over the time period of their study. Not surprisingly, the
mortality rate was higher in men than in women (sorry, guys), increased with age (the older you
get, the more likely you are to die), and was inversely related to exercise and educational level
(those who exercised the least and those with less education had higher mortality rates).
They also found that with every increase of two points in the Mediterranean-diet scale, there was
a 25 percent reduction in total mortality. This association was slightly stronger for deaths due to
heart disease than for cancer deaths, but deaths due to both were reduced significantly.
Interestingly, these figures held true regardless of gender, smoking status, level of education,
body-mass index, and level of activity. (No, this does not mean that it's OK to be a chain-
smoking couch potato!)
The findings of this study match those of earlier investigations. A study published in 1994 also
looked at the Mediterranean diet.
After an average follow-up of 27 months, they found a 73 percent reduction in the rate of
subsequent ''cardiac events" and a 70 percent reduction in mortality in a group following the
Mediterranean diet. A study in India had similar results.
Though promising, the researchers responsible for the present study noted that it was too early to
make definitive claims and that more research needed to be done.
So what are we waiting for? My postage-stamp of a back yard may not be bathed in
Mediterranean ocean breezes, but it's not bad. Local farmers' markets offer the most delicious
fresh vegetables this time of year; it would be silly not to take advantage.
Here's what I suggest: Splurge on a nice, fruity olive oil and some fine balsamic vinegar. Mix the
two with a bit of sugar and toss with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, fresh basil, and
maybe a bit of feta or fresh mozzarella cheese. Have lots of crusty Italian bread available
(delicious dipped in that olive oil) and serve it up for a light supper with a glass of wine. Cap it
with a toast to a longer, healthier life.
High Uncertainty-Disclosure Conditions
Cancer bomb article
'Bomb' Blasts Cancer
Tiny Tubes Deliver Chemo Directly to Targeted Cells
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Sharon Lem, Chicago Sun-Times
Researchers have developed a tiny cancer "bomb" that can blow up cancerous cells.
The cancer bomb uses carbon nanotubes to deliver the chemotherapy to the tumor sites.
Nanotubes are smaller than a single cell. A nanotube is 10,000 times thinner than a human hair
and a couple of microns long.
"We found using carbon atom nanotubes in testing of breast cancer cells can destroy cancer cells
in very localized areas without any type of collateral damage," said Dr. Belaji Panchapakesan,
assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Delaware, in
Newark, Del. Chemotherapy kills cancerous cells, but also normal cells.
"These nanotubes can be used in conjunction with imaging techniques to see where the cancer
cells are and once you've found them, you can inject them with these nanotubes to blow them
up," Panchapakesan said.
"This can be used not just for cancer ... but a wide variety of procedures, such as people with
clogged arteries to remove the blockage in veins and arteries, and other minimally invasive
micro-surgeries," Panchapakesan said.
Panchapakesan said once nanobombs are exposed to light and the resulting heat, they start
exploding one after another.
In cancer cells, it works like a shockwave to kill not only the cancerous cells, but the cells that
carry instructions to multiply into more cancerous cells and the veins that feed cancer cells.
"The nanobombs are so localized and selective and minimally invasive that it might cause what I
would call a nanopain, like a prick of the finger," Panchapakesan said.
Panchapakesan pointed out several limitations/uncertainties in the present study. For instance,
the research is at an early stage, and it will take years before nanobombs can be used in actual
treatment. “Although these preliminary results show the feasibility of this concept, much work is
necessary to understand this phenomenon,” Panchapakesan stressed.
As an example of the preliminary nature of this research, Panchapakesan noted that this study
only examined the ability of nanotubes to destroy breast cancer cells. "This technique may work
on other cancer cells as well, but that research has yet to be done," Panchapakesan said. In
addition, there are still concerns about the health risks of nanotubes. The tubes themselves are
potentially toxic (if not fully destroyed in the explosion) and researchers are still working on
reducing the amount of heat needed to destroy the tubes (right now, the heat is too extreme for
safe human exposure). "There's still a long way to go," Panchapakesan said.
The study is published in the journals NanoBiotechnology and Oncology Issues.
Lycopene article
Tomatoes outdo pills as cancer preventer
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Michael Woods, Chicago Sun-Times
The substance that makes tomatoes red, hailed as a powerful cancer preventive, has no anti-
cancer effect when consumed in pure form like the pills now popular as nutritional supplements,
scientists reported yesterday.
Lycopene alone did virtually nothing to protect laboratory rats against fatal prostate cancer, they
found, while whole tomatoes reduced prostate cancer deaths by 26 percent.
In a study published in the latest edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,
researchers said it appears that an unidentified nutrient or combination of nutrients in tomatoes,
perhaps including lycopene, protect against prostate cancer. Tomatoes contain hundreds of
"phytochemicals," or plant-based chemicals, said Dr. Steven K. Clinton of Ohio State University,
one of the lead authors of the study.
Lycopene has been in the public and scientific spotlight ever since a landmark 1996 Harvard
University study found that men who ate at least 10 weekly servings of tomato sauce were a third
less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who rarely ate tomatoes. Later studies found that
a tomato-rich diet also may protect against other cancers, heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease.
Lycopene took credit, spawning a boom in sales of pricey lycopene pills and leading to the
development of genetically engineered tomatoes that contain extra lycopene.
Dr. Peter H. Gann of Northwestern University, who was not involved in the Clinton study,
described its findings as important in re-emphasizing a nagging question about naturally
healthful compounds: Which is best, eating the whole food or taking a single nutrient in pill
Beta-carotene pills, for instance, were popular cancer preventives for years, especially among
cigarette smokers. People took the pills rather than eat spinach, carrots and other foods rich in the
nutrient. Then a study found that smokers who took beta-carotene pills actually had an increased
risk of lung cancer.
"This study provides new evidence that eating a whole food might bring health benefits that we
cannot get from taking pills that isolate one or two food ingredients," Gann said. "Fortunately, in
this case, the food in question already is popular."
Americans eat an average of 100 pounds of tomatoes each year, mostly in salads, pasta and pizza
sauce, chili and salsa.
Clinton's team gave three groups of rats a powerful chemical that causes prostate cancer. One
group then was fed rat chow spiked with pure lycopene, another got chow plus a tomato powder
that contained lycopene and other phytochemicals, and the third group got standard rat food.
Rats on pure lycopene and ordinary chow died from prostate cancer at almost identical rates. The
cancer death rate among those given tomato powder was 26 percent less. Those rats that also ate
a little less chow, and thus fewer calories, cut their risk of prostate cancer even more -- by almost
33 percent.
Clinton pointed out several limitations of the study. The first is that the study was done using rats
and not humans. Studies of this type typically utilize rats as participants (because rats have been
found to be good proxies for humans), but there are still physiological differences between the
In addition, the study does not rule out the possibility that lycopene helps to prevent prostate
cancer. “Although we can conclude that lycopene alone, in this model system and at this dose,
did no statistically significantly alter the risk of prostate cancer, it remains possible that
lycopene, when provided in combination with the other phytochemicals found in whole tomato
powder may contribute to the benefits observed,” Clinton noted.
Finally, rats in the pure lycopene condition received more than 10 times the lycopene that those
in the tomato powder diet did. Clinton suggested that this may have influenced the results.
Gann and Clinton had similar advice for men interested in a diet that may reduce prostate cancer
Skip the lycopene pills, eat whole tomatoes and cut back on the calories.
Lung cancer article
Lung Cancer Patients Live Longer with Chemo
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Michelle Fay Cortez, Chicago Sun-Times
Chemotherapy following surgery to remove early lung cancer prolongs patients' lives by an
average of almost two years, a study in the June 23 New England Journal of Medicine found.
Patients traditionally were monitored for new tumors without drug treatment, as the toxic side
effects of chemotherapy were thought to outweigh the benefits.
The study, conducted by a team of researchers led by Timothy Winton, an oncologist at the
National Cancer Institute of Canada in Kingston, Ontario, found that patients taking two generic
drugs lived an average of almost eight years, compared with six for those without, at the expense
of nausea, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea and low white-cell counts.
The results should alter treatment for early-stage patients with lung cancer, researchers said.
Lung cancer claims more than 160,000 lives annually and is the leading cause of cancer death in
the United States. About half of those with early-stage disease survive at least five years. The
findings were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in New Orleans
last year.
Winton pointed out several limitations/uncertainties in the present study. First, he noted that “the
effect [in this study] is considerably larger than that observed in previous research.” Several
factors may explain this difference, but Winton stressed three: the difference may stem from the
type of chemotherapy utilized in this study (a vinorelbine–cisplatin combination), the fact that
patients did not receive radiotherapy (which may reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy),
and/or the stage of the patients in the study. Concerning the latter, Winton pointed out that the
current study only examined early stage lung cancer patients (those with stage IB or stage II)
whereas past studies have examined patients from later stages as well (including stage III).
According to Winton, stage III patients “do not tolerate chemotherapy well” which may explain
the differences observed here.
He also noted that, like many chemotherapy research studies, the study had a problem with
compliance in the chemotherapy condition. Patients were randomly assigned to condition, but
those assigned to receive chemotherapy were less likely to comply than others in the study
(likely due to the toxicity of chemotherapy). Winton noted that the toxicity of chemotherapy
remains a question mark both for recruitment and the results of the study at large. “These
potential benefits must be balanced against the toxicities associated with treatment and the ability
to administer the therapy in an effective and timely fashion,” Winton said.
The current study suggests that chemotherapy "can be safely administered in the outpatient
setting with limited toxicity and is beneficial in non-small-cell lung cancer," Winton said. "We
believe that a brief course of such chemotherapy should become the standard of care for patients
with good performance status after complete resection of stage IB or stage II non–small-cell lung
Most of the side effects, including low levels of infection-fighting white blood cells, were
resolved in about three months, the study of 482 patients in North America showed.
Mediterranean diet article
Recent Study Reinforces Benefits of Mediterranean Diet
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Stacie Bearing, Chicago Sun-Times
When I was growing up in California, I remember seeing a tantalizing TV ad. A large family was
joyously dining at a huge table artfully placed in the middle of a vineyard.
Never mind that the ad came from a vineyard known at the time for its jug wine. The diners were
eagerly helping themselves to pasta, fresh fruits and vegetables and freshly baked bread. Wine,
of course, was in ample supply.
I fantasized that this wasn't California, but somewhere on the Mediterranean coast: soft, gentle
breezes, the scent of ripening olives, and of course, the soundtrack from ''Zorba the Greek."
My fantasy resurfaced as I read a recent study that again extolled the health benefits of the so-
called Mediterranean diet.
The traditional Mediterranean diet includes lots of vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, whole grain
cereals (no Cocoa Puffs), and lots of olive oil.
Saturated fats are at a minimum. Fish is a frequent menu item, while meat and poultry are not.
Dairy products show up occasionally, mostly in the form of cheese and yogurt.
Finally, the Mediterranean diet contains a moderate amount of alcohol, mostly in the form of
wine (hence, the vineyard), and mostly with meals.
Researchers from the University of Athens and Harvard Medical Schools followed more than
22,000 men and women in Greece for an average of 44 months.
They wanted to know if the classic Mediterranean diet helped protect against cancer and heart
disease, and if mortality rates were lower in the group that ate that kind of diet.
They started off by interviewing each participant about their diet and lifestyle habits. Study
participants were graded on a scale of 0 to 9, with 0 being the least adherence to the
Mediterranean diet and 9 being the best.
The researchers looked at mortality rates over the time period of their study. Not surprisingly, the
mortality rate was higher in men than in women (sorry, guys), increased with age (the older you
get, the more likely you are to die), and was inversely related to exercise and educational level
(those who exercised the least and those with less education had higher mortality rates).
They also found that with every increase of two points in the Mediterranean-diet scale, there was
a 25 percent reduction in total mortality. This association was slightly stronger for deaths due to
heart disease than for cancer deaths, but deaths due to both were reduced significantly.
Interestingly, these figures held true regardless of gender, smoking status, level of education,
body-mass index, and level of activity. (No, this does not mean that it's OK to be a chain-
smoking couch potato!)
The findings of this study match those of earlier investigations. A study published in 1994 also
looked at the Mediterranean diet.
After an average follow-up of 27 months, they found a 73 percent reduction in the rate of
subsequent ''cardiac events" and a 70 percent reduction in mortality in a group following the
Mediterranean diet. A study in India had similar results.
Antonia Trichopoulou, the lead author of the study and a researcher at the Harvard School of
Public Health, pointed out several limitations/uncertainties in the present study. For example, the
study found that only the Mediterranean diet as whole was linked to better health and not any
specific part of the diet. This is somewhat surprising. Both past research and folk wisdom
suggest that Mediterranean foods like olive oil are the driving force behind a healthy
Mediterranean diet, but olive oil (and every other individual component) was not significantly
related to mortality by itself. Trichopoulou noted that this could indicate a flaw in the study
(some unmeasured third factor accounting for the observed relationship), but it could also
indicate a cumulative or interactive effect (the diet only works as a whole and not as individual
Trichopoulu suggested that these uncertainties may also stem from the fact that “there is no
single ‘Mediterranean diet.’ More than 15 countries border the Mediterranean Sea, and their
dietary habits, the types of food produced, and their cultures vary considerably.” So, in reality,
the present study may just offer further support for a diet high in vegetables, fruits, nuts,
legumes, cereals, fish, and monounsaturaded fat, relatively low in red meat, poultry, and dairy
products, and moderate in consumption of alcohol. For now, researchers have an effect (better
health) and a likely cause (Mediterranean diet), but still don't completely understand the
relationship between the two.
So what are we waiting for? My postage-stamp of a back yard may not be bathed in
Mediterranean ocean breezes, but it's not bad. Local farmers' markets offer the most delicious
fresh vegetables this time of year; it would be silly not to take advantage.
Here's what I suggest: Splurge on a nice, fruity olive oil and some fine balsamic vinegar. Mix the
two with a bit of sugar and toss with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, fresh basil, and
maybe a bit of feta or fresh mozzarella cheese. Have lots of crusty Italian bread available
(delicious dipped in that olive oil) and serve it up for a light supper with a glass of wine. Cap it
with a toast to a longer, healthier life.
Low Uncertainty-Dueling Conditions
Cancer bomb article
'Bomb' Blasts Cancer
Tiny Tubes Deliver Chemo Directly to Targeted Cells
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Sharon Lem, Chicago Sun-Times
Researchers have developed a tiny cancer "bomb" that can blow up cancerous cells.
The cancer bomb uses carbon nanotubes to deliver the chemotherapy to the tumor sites.
Nanotubes are smaller than a single cell. A nanotube is 10,000 times thinner than a human hair
and a couple of microns long.
"We found using carbon atom nanotubes in testing of breast cancer cells can destroy cancer cells
in very localized areas without any type of collateral damage," said Dr. Belaji Panchapakesan,
assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Delaware, in
Newark, Del. Chemotherapy kills cancerous cells, but also normal cells.
"These nanotubes can be used in conjunction with imaging techniques to see where the cancer
cells are and once you've found them, you can inject them with these nanotubes to blow them
up," Panchapakesan said.
"This can be used not just for cancer ... but a wide variety of procedures, such as people with
clogged arteries to remove the blockage in veins and arteries, and other minimally invasive
micro-surgeries," Panchapakesan said.
Panchapakesan said once nanobombs are exposed to light and the resulting heat, they start
exploding one after another.
In cancer cells, it works like a shockwave to kill not only the cancerous cells, but the cells that
carry instructions to multiply into more cancerous cells and the veins that feed cancer cells.
"The nanobombs are so localized and selective and minimally invasive that it might cause what I
would call a nanopain, like a prick of the finger," Panchapakesan said.
Though promising, Dr. Joseph Hinneland, a cancer research unaffiliated with this study and
currently working at the University of Kentucky, noted that it was too early to make definitive
claims and that more research needed to be done.
The study is published in the journals NanoBiotechnology and Oncology Issues.
Lycopene article
Tomatoes outdo pills as cancer preventer
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Michael Woods, Chicago Sun-Times
The substance that makes tomatoes red, hailed as a powerful cancer preventive, has no anti-
cancer effect when consumed in pure form like the pills now popular as nutritional supplements,
scientists reported yesterday.
Lycopene alone did virtually nothing to protect laboratory rats against fatal prostate cancer, they
found, while whole tomatoes reduced prostate cancer deaths by 26 percent.
In a study published in the latest edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,
researchers said it appears that an unidentified nutrient or combination of nutrients in tomatoes,
perhaps including lycopene, protect against prostate cancer. Tomatoes contain hundreds of
"phytochemicals," or plant-based chemicals, said Dr. Steven K. Clinton of Ohio State University,
one of the lead authors of the study.
Lycopene has been in the public and scientific spotlight ever since a landmark 1996 Harvard
University study found that men who ate at least 10 weekly servings of tomato sauce were a third
less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who rarely ate tomatoes. Later studies found that
a tomato-rich diet also may protect against other cancers, heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease.
Lycopene took credit, spawning a boom in sales of pricey lycopene pills and leading to the
development of genetically engineered tomatoes that contain extra lycopene.
Dr. Peter H. Gann of Northwestern University, who was not involved in the Clinton study,
described its findings as important in re-emphasizing a nagging question about naturally
healthful compounds: Which is best, eating the whole food or taking a single nutrient in pill
Beta-carotene pills, for instance, were popular cancer preventives for years, especially among
cigarette smokers. People took the pills rather than eat spinach, carrots and other foods rich in the
nutrient. Then a study found that smokers who took beta-carotene pills actually had an increased
risk of lung cancer.
"This study provides new evidence that eating a whole food might bring health benefits that we
cannot get from taking pills that isolate one or two food ingredients," Gann said. "Fortunately, in
this case, the food in question already is popular."
Americans eat an average of 100 pounds of tomatoes each year, mostly in salads, pasta and pizza
sauce, chili and salsa.
Clinton's team gave three groups of rats a powerful chemical that causes prostate cancer. One
group then was fed rat chow spiked with pure lycopene, another got chow plus a tomato powder
that contained lycopene and other phytochemicals, and the third group got standard rat food.
Rats on pure lycopene and ordinary chow died from prostate cancer at almost identical rates. The
cancer death rate among those given tomato powder was 26 percent less. Those rats that also ate
a little less chow, and thus fewer calories, cut their risk of prostate cancer even more -- by almost
33 percent.
Though promising, Dr. Melissa Carson, an oncologist unaffiliated with Clinton's research team
and currently located at the Harvard School of Public Health, noted that it was too early to make
definitive claims and that more research needed to be done.
Gann and Clinton had similar advice for men interested in a diet that may reduce prostate cancer
Skip the lycopene pills, eat whole tomatoes and cut back on the calories.
Lung cancer article
Lung Cancer Patients Live Longer with Chemo
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Michelle Fay Cortez, Chicago Sun-Times
Chemotherapy following surgery to remove early lung cancer prolongs patients' lives by an
average of almost two years, a study in the June 23 New England Journal of Medicine found.
Patients traditionally were monitored for new tumors without drug treatment, as the toxic side
effects of chemotherapy were thought to outweigh the benefits.
The study, conducted by a team of researchers led by Timothy Winton, an oncologist at the
National Cancer Institute of Canada in Kingston, Ontario, found that patients taking two generic
drugs lived an average of almost eight years, compared with six for those without, at the expense
of nausea, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea and low white-cell counts.
The results should alter treatment for early-stage patients with lung cancer, researchers said.
Lung cancer claims more than 160,000 lives annually and is the leading cause of cancer death in
the United States. About half of those with early-stage disease survive at least five years. The
findings were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in New Orleans
last year.
Though promising, Dr. Emilio Bria, an oncologist at the National Cancer Institute in Atlanta,
GA, noted that it was too early to make definitive claims and that more research needed to be
The current study suggests that chemotherapy "can be safely administered in the outpatient
setting with limited toxicity and is beneficial in non-small-cell lung cancer," Winton said. "We
believe that a brief course of such chemotherapy should become the standard of care for patients
with good performance status after complete resection of stage IB or stage II non–small-cell lung
Most of the side effects, including low levels of infection-fighting white blood cells, were
resolved in about three months, the study of 482 patients in North America showed.
Mediterranean diet article
Recent Study Reinforces Benefits of Mediterranean Diet
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Stacie Bearing, Chicago Sun-Times
When I was growing up in California, I remember seeing a tantalizing TV ad. A large family was
joyously dining at a huge table artfully placed in the middle of a vineyard.
Never mind that the ad came from a vineyard known at the time for its jug wine. The diners were
eagerly helping themselves to pasta, fresh fruits and vegetables and freshly baked bread. Wine,
of course, was in ample supply.
I fantasized that this wasn't California, but somewhere on the Mediterranean coast: soft, gentle
breezes, the scent of ripening olives, and of course, the soundtrack from ''Zorba the Greek."
My fantasy resurfaced as I read a recent study that again extolled the health benefits of the so-
called Mediterranean diet.
The traditional Mediterranean diet includes lots of vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, whole grain
cereals (no Cocoa Puffs), and lots of olive oil.
Saturated fats are at a minimum. Fish is a frequent menu item, while meat and poultry are not.
Dairy products show up occasionally, mostly in the form of cheese and yogurt.
Finally, the Mediterranean diet contains a moderate amount of alcohol, mostly in the form of
wine (hence, the vineyard), and mostly with meals.
Researchers from the University of Athens and Harvard Medical Schools followed more than
22,000 men and women in Greece for an average of 44 months.
They wanted to know if the classic Mediterranean diet helped protect against cancer and heart
disease, and if mortality rates were lower in the group that ate that kind of diet.
They started off by interviewing each participant about their diet and lifestyle habits. Study
participants were graded on a scale of 0 to 9, with 0 being the least adherence to the
Mediterranean diet and 9 being the best.
The researchers looked at mortality rates over the time period of their study. Not surprisingly, the
mortality rate was higher in men than in women (sorry, guys), increased with age (the older you
get, the more likely you are to die), and was inversely related to exercise and educational level
(those who exercised the least and those with less education had higher mortality rates).
They also found that with every increase of two points in the Mediterranean-diet scale, there was
a 25 percent reduction in total mortality. This association was slightly stronger for deaths due to
heart disease than for cancer deaths, but deaths due to both were reduced significantly.
Interestingly, these figures held true regardless of gender, smoking status, level of education,
body-mass index, and level of activity. (No, this does not mean that it's OK to be a chain-
smoking couch potato!)
The findings of this study match those of earlier investigations. A study published in 1994 also
looked at the Mediterranean diet.
After an average follow-up of 27 months, they found a 73 percent reduction in the rate of
subsequent ''cardiac events" and a 70 percent reduction in mortality in a group following the
Mediterranean diet. A study in India had similar results.
Though promising, Victor Dobbs, a researcher unaffiliated with the study and currently working
at the National Cancer Institute in Ontario, Canada, noted that it was too early to make definitive
claims and that more research needed to be done.
So what are we waiting for? My postage-stamp of a back yard may not be bathed in
Mediterranean ocean breezes, but it's not bad. Local farmers' markets offer the most delicious
fresh vegetables this time of year; it would be silly not to take advantage.
Here's what I suggest: Splurge on a nice, fruity olive oil and some fine balsamic vinegar. Mix the
two with a bit of sugar and toss with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, fresh basil, and
maybe a bit of feta or fresh mozzarella cheese. Have lots of crusty Italian bread available
(delicious dipped in that olive oil) and serve it up for a light supper with a glass of wine. Cap it
with a toast to a longer, healthier life.
High Uncertainty-Dueling Conditions
Cancer bomb article
'Bomb' Blasts Cancer
Tiny Tubes Deliver Chemo Directly to Targeted Cells
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Sharon Lem, Chicago Sun-Times
Researchers have developed a tiny cancer "bomb" that can blow up cancerous cells.
The cancer bomb uses carbon nanotubes to deliver the chemotherapy to the tumor sites.
Nanotubes are smaller than a single cell. A nanotube is 10,000 times thinner than a human hair
and a couple of microns long.
"We found using carbon atom nanotubes in testing of breast cancer cells can destroy cancer cells
in very localized areas without any type of collateral damage," said Dr. Belaji Panchapakesan,
assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Delaware, in
Newark, Del. Chemotherapy kills cancerous cells, but also normal cells.
"These nanotubes can be used in conjunction with imaging techniques to see where the cancer
cells are and once you've found them, you can inject them with these nanotubes to blow them
up," Panchapakesan said.
"This can be used not just for cancer ... but a wide variety of procedures, such as people with
clogged arteries to remove the blockage in veins and arteries, and other minimally invasive
micro-surgeries," Panchapakesan said.
Panchapakesan said once nanobombs are exposed to light and the resulting heat, they start
exploding one after another.
In cancer cells, it works like a shockwave to kill not only the cancerous cells, but the cells that
carry instructions to multiply into more cancerous cells and the veins that feed cancer cells.
"The nanobombs are so localized and selective and minimally invasive that it might cause what I
would call a nanopain, like a prick of the finger," Panchapakesan said.
Dr. Joseph Hinneland, a cancer research unaffiliated with this study and currently working at the
University of Kentucky, pointed out several limitations/uncertainties in the present study. For
instance, the research is at an early stage, and it will take years before nanobombs can be used in
actual treatment. “Although these preliminary results show the feasibility of this concept, much
work is necessary to understand this phenomenon,” Hinneland stressed.
As an example of the preliminary nature of this research, Hinneland noted that this study only
examined the ability of nanotubes to destroy breast cancer cells. "This technique may work on
other cancer cells as well, but that research has yet to be done," Hinneland said. In addition, there
are still concerns about the health risks of nanotubes. The tubes themselves are potentially toxic
(if not fully destroyed in the explosion) and researchers are still working on reducing the amount
of heat needed to destroy the tubes (right now, the heat is too extreme for safe human exposure).
"There's still a long way to go," Hinneland said.
The study is published in the journals NanoBiotechnology and Oncology Issues.
Lycopene article
Tomatoes outdo pills as cancer preventer
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Michael Woods, Chicago Sun-Times
The substance that makes tomatoes red, hailed as a powerful cancer preventive, has no anti-
cancer effect when consumed in pure form like the pills now popular as nutritional supplements,
scientists reported yesterday.
Lycopene alone did virtually nothing to protect laboratory rats against fatal prostate cancer, they
found, while whole tomatoes reduced prostate cancer deaths by 26 percent.
In a study published in the latest edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,
researchers said it appears that an unidentified nutrient or combination of nutrients in tomatoes,
perhaps including lycopene, protect against prostate cancer. Tomatoes contain hundreds of
"phytochemicals," or plant-based chemicals, said Dr. Steven K. Clinton of Ohio State University,
one of the lead authors of the study.
Lycopene has been in the public and scientific spotlight ever since a landmark 1996 Harvard
University study found that men who ate at least 10 weekly servings of tomato sauce were a third
less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who rarely ate tomatoes. Later studies found that
a tomato-rich diet also may protect against other cancers, heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease.
Lycopene took credit, spawning a boom in sales of pricey lycopene pills and leading to the
development of genetically engineered tomatoes that contain extra lycopene.
Dr. Peter H. Gann of Northwestern University, who was not involved in the Clinton study,
described its findings as important in re-emphasizing a nagging question about naturally
healthful compounds: Which is best, eating the whole food or taking a single nutrient in pill
Beta-carotene pills, for instance, were popular cancer preventives for years, especially among
cigarette smokers. People took the pills rather than eat spinach, carrots and other foods rich in the
nutrient. Then a study found that smokers who took beta-carotene pills actually had an increased
risk of lung cancer.
"This study provides new evidence that eating a whole food might bring health benefits that we
cannot get from taking pills that isolate one or two food ingredients," Gann said. "Fortunately, in
this case, the food in question already is popular."
Americans eat an average of 100 pounds of tomatoes each year, mostly in salads, pasta and pizza
sauce, chili and salsa.
Clinton's team gave three groups of rats a powerful chemical that causes prostate cancer. One
group then was fed rat chow spiked with pure lycopene, another got chow plus a tomato powder
that contained lycopene and other phytochemicals, and the third group got standard rat food.
Rats on pure lycopene and ordinary chow died from prostate cancer at almost identical rates. The
cancer death rate among those given tomato powder was 26 percent less. Those rats that also ate
a little less chow, and thus fewer calories, cut their risk of prostate cancer even more -- by almost
33 percent.
Dr. Melissa Carson, an oncologist unaffiliated with Clinton's research team and currently located
at the Harvard School of Public Health, pointed out several limitations of the study. The first is
that the study was done using rats and not humans. Studies of this type typically utilize rats as
participants (because rats have been found to be good proxies for humans), but there are still
physiological differences between the two.
In addition, the study does not rule out the possibility that lycopene helps to prevent prostate
cancer. “Although we can conclude that lycopene alone, in this model system and at this dose,
did no statistically significantly alter the risk of prostate cancer, it remains possible that
lycopene, when provided in combination with the other phytochemicals found in whole tomato
powder may contribute to the benefits observed,” Carson noted.
Finally, rats in the pure lycopene condition received more than 10 times the lycopene that those
in the tomato powder diet did. Carson suggested that this may have influenced the results.
Gann and Clinton had similar advice for men interested in a diet that may reduce prostate cancer
Skip the lycopene pills, eat whole tomatoes and cut back on the calories.
Lung cancer article
Lung Cancer Patients Live Longer with Chemo
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Michelle Fay Cortez, Chicago Sun-Times
Chemotherapy following surgery to remove early lung cancer prolongs patients' lives by an
average of almost two years, a study in the June 23 New England Journal of Medicine found.
Patients traditionally were monitored for new tumors without drug treatment, as the toxic side
effects of chemotherapy were thought to outweigh the benefits.
The study, conducted by a team of researchers led by Timothy Winton, an oncologist at the
National Cancer Institute of Canada in Kingston, Ontario, found that patients taking two generic
drugs lived an average of almost eight years, compared with six for those without, at the expense
of nausea, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea and low white-cell counts.
The results should alter treatment for early-stage patients with lung cancer, researchers said.
Lung cancer claims more than 160,000 lives annually and is the leading cause of cancer death in
the United States. About half of those with early-stage disease survive at least five years. The
findings were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in New Orleans
last year.
Dr. Emilio Bria, an oncologist at the National Cancer Institute in Atlanta, GA, pointed out
several limitations/uncertainties in the present study. First, he noted that “the effect [in this
study] is considerably larger than that observed in previous research.” Several factors may
explain this difference, but Bria stressed three: the difference may stem from the type of
chemotherapy utilized in this study (a vinorelbine–cisplatin combination), the fact that patients
did not receive radiotherapy (which may reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy), and/or the
stage of the patients in the study. Concerning the latter, Bria pointed out that the current study
only examined early stage lung cancer patients (those with stage IB or stage II) whereas past
studies have examined patients from later stages as well (including stage III). According to Bria,
stage III patients “do not tolerate chemotherapy well” which may explain the differences
observed here.
He also noted that, like many chemotherapy research studies, the study had a problem with
compliance in the chemotherapy condition. Patients were randomly assigned to condition, but
those assigned to receive chemotherapy were less likely to comply than others in the study
(likely due to the toxicity of chemotherapy). Bria noted that the toxicity of chemotherapy
remains a question mark both for recruitment and the results of the study at large. “These
potential benefits must be balanced against the toxicities associated with treatment and the ability
to administer the therapy in an effective and timely fashion,” Bria said.
The current study suggests that chemotherapy "can be safely administered in the outpatient
setting with limited toxicity and is beneficial in non-small-cell lung cancer," Winton said. "We
believe that a brief course of such chemotherapy should become the standard of care for patients
with good performance status after complete resection of stage IB or stage II non–small-cell lung
Most of the side effects, including low levels of infection-fighting white blood cells, were
resolved in about three months, the study of 482 patients in North America showed.
Mediterranean diet article
Recent Study Reinforces Benefits of Mediterranean Diet
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
By Stacie Bearing, Chicago Sun-Times
When I was growing up in California, I remember seeing a tantalizing TV ad. A large family was
joyously dining at a huge table artfully placed in the middle of a vineyard.
Never mind that the ad came from a vineyard known at the time for its jug wine. The diners were
eagerly helping themselves to pasta, fresh fruits and vegetables and freshly baked bread. Wine,
of course, was in ample supply.
I fantasized that this wasn't California, but somewhere on the Mediterranean coast: soft, gentle
breezes, the scent of ripening olives, and of course, the soundtrack from ''Zorba the Greek."
My fantasy resurfaced as I read a recent study that again extolled the health benefits of the so-
called Mediterranean diet.
The traditional Mediterranean diet includes lots of vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, whole grain
cereals (no Cocoa Puffs), and lots of olive oil.
Saturated fats are at a minimum. Fish is a frequent menu item, while meat and poultry are not.
Dairy products show up occasionally, mostly in the form of cheese and yogurt.
Finally, the Mediterranean diet contains a moderate amount of alcohol, mostly in the form of
wine (hence, the vineyard), and mostly with meals.
Researchers from the University of Athens and Harvard Medical Schools followed more than
22,000 men and women in Greece for an average of 44 months.
They wanted to know if the classic Mediterranean diet helped protect against cancer and heart
disease, and if mortality rates were lower in the group that ate that kind of diet.
They started off by interviewing each participant about their diet and lifestyle habits. Study
participants were graded on a scale of 0 to 9, with 0 being the least adherence to the
Mediterranean diet and 9 being the best.
The researchers looked at mortality rates over the time period of their study. Not surprisingly, the
mortality rate was higher in men than in women (sorry, guys), increased with age (the older you
get, the more likely you are to die), and was inversely related to exercise and educational level
(those who exercised the least and those with less education had higher mortality rates).
They also found that with every increase of two points in the Mediterranean-diet scale, there was
a 25 percent reduction in total mortality. This association was slightly stronger for deaths due to
heart disease than for cancer deaths, but deaths due to both were reduced significantly.
Interestingly, these figures held true regardless of gender, smoking status, level of education,
body-mass index, and level of activity. (No, this does not mean that it's OK to be a chain-
smoking couch potato!)
The findings of this study match those of earlier investigations. A study published in 1994 also
looked at the Mediterranean diet.
After an average follow-up of 27 months, they found a 73 percent reduction in the rate of
subsequent ''cardiac events" and a 70 percent reduction in mortality in a group following the
Mediterranean diet. A study in India had similar results.
Victor Dobbs, a researcher unaffiliated with the study and currently working at the National
Cancer Institute in Ontario, Canada, pointed out several limitations/uncertainties in the present
study. For example, the study found that only the Mediterranean diet as whole was linked to
better health and not any specific part of the diet. This is somewhat surprising. Both past research
and folk wisdom suggest that Mediterranean foods like olive oil are the driving force behind a
healthy Mediterranean diet, but olive oil (and every other individual component) was not
significantly related to mortality by itself. Dobbs noted that this could indicate a flaw in the study
(some unmeasured third factor accounting for the observed relationship), but it could also
indicate a cumulative or interactive effect (the diet only works as a whole and not as individual
Dobbs suggested that these uncertainties may also stem from the fact that “there is no single
‘Mediterranean diet.’ More than 15 countries border the Mediterranean Sea, and their dietary
habits, the types of food produced, and their cultures vary considerably.” So, in reality, the
present study may just offer further support for a diet high in vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes,
cereals, fish, and monounsaturaded fat, relatively low in red meat, poultry, and dairy products,
and moderate in consumption of alcohol. For now, researchers have an effect (better health) and
a likely cause (Mediterranean diet), but still don't completely understand the relationship
between the two.
So what are we waiting for? My postage-stamp of a back yard may not be bathed in
Mediterranean ocean breezes, but it's not bad. Local farmers' markets offer the most delicious
fresh vegetables this time of year; it would be silly not to take advantage.
Here's what I suggest: Splurge on a nice, fruity olive oil and some fine balsamic vinegar. Mix the
two with a bit of sugar and toss with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, fresh basil, and
maybe a bit of feta or fresh mozzarella cheese. Have lots of crusty Italian bread available
(delicious dipped in that olive oil) and serve it up for a light supper with a glass of wine. Cap it
with a toast to a longer, healthier life.
... For example, Jensen (2008) found that both scientists and journalists were viewed as more trustworthy when high (vs low) uncertainty was disclosed, but only when the uncertainty was conveyed by affiliated scientists rather than outside scientists. Ratcliff et al. (2018) replicated this finding for trust in journalists, but not scientists. However, Hendriks et al. (2016a) did find that disclosure of study flaws by the affiliated scientist (compared to an outside scientist) boosted perceived integrity and benevolence of the scientist. ...
... Honesty and balance are also tenets of news credibility . Therefore, an unbiased disclosure on the part of scientists could enhance perceptions of news credibility, as observed by Jensen (2008) and Ratcliff et al. (2018). One possible reason is that trust in the affiliated scientist transfers to the journalist who chose to feature a trustworthy (or unbiased) expert source. ...
... Although there is always some uncertainty in science, genomic discoveries are often portrayed to the public without mention of caveats and limitations, instead "skewing toward hyperbole and promises of near-future benefits" (Caulfield, 2018: 560-561; for reviews, see Dumas-Mallet et al., 2018;Marcon et al., 2018). Therefore, while past research has typically compared disclosure of high and low uncertainty (Jensen, 2008;Ratcliff et al., 2018;Steijaert et al., 2021), in this study, we compare depictions of uncertainty and certainty. ...
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Understanding how to portray uncertain science to the public is a pressing goal for science communication. This study compared US public audience reactions to a news article depicting a novel discovery in neurogenomics as certain or uncertain, with statements of (un)certainty attributed to either affiliated or unaffiliated scientists. The uncertainty disclosure had no main effect on perceived news article credibility, scientist trustworthiness, objectivity of the scientists’ depiction, or willingness to participate in genomic research. However, news credibility and scientist objectivity ratings were higher for uncertainty disclosure attributed to the affiliated scientists. Participants with greater preference for information about uncertainty found the scientists more trustworthy, their depictions more balanced, and the news article more credible when the research was described as uncertain, and these effects were stronger for affiliated scientist attribution. Findings underscore the important roles of disclosure source and audience characteristics in public reactions to media representations of scientific uncertainty.
... However, the empirical literature shows mixed effects of hedging on public audience evaluations of source credibility. In non-pandemic health contexts, several studies found that news articles with hedged reporting of scientific claims were rated as more balanced and trustworthydimensions of news credibility (Yale et al., 2015) -compared to unhedged versions (Jensen, 2008;Ratcliff et al., 2018). These positive effects occurred only when the uncertainty disclosure was attributed to the scientists responsible for the research, not unaffiliated scientists -where, rather than being construed as transparency, it may have been perceived as lack of consensus. ...
... The version without preprint disclosure omitted these references and simply referred to "a study." The hedged versions contained both lexical and discourse-based hedging, similar to the original news report and in line with past experimental messages (e.g., Jensen, 2008;Ratcliff et al., 2018) and with the deficient knowledge uncertainty frame in Gustafson and Rice's (2020) typology. Given that scientific claims are often qualified using a combination of both types of hedges, we were not interested in testing each form of hedging separately. ...
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, journalists were encouraged to convey uncertainty surrounding preliminary scientific evidence, including mentioning when research is unpublished or unverified by peer review. To understand how public audiences interpret this information, we conducted a mixed method study with U.S. adults. Participants read a news article about preprint COVID-19 vaccine research in early April 2021, just as the vaccine was becoming widely available to the U.S. public. We modified the article to test two ways of conveying uncertainty (hedging of scientific claims and mention of preprint status) in a 2 × 2 between-participants factorial design. To complement this, we collected open-ended data to assess participants’ understanding of the concept of a scientific preprint. In all, participants who read hedged (vs. unhedged) versions of the article reported less favorable vaccine attitudes and intentions and found the scientists and news reporting less trustworthy. These effects were moderated by participants’ epistemic beliefs and their preference for information about scientific uncertainty. However, there was no impact of describing the study as a preprint, and participants’ qualitative responses indicated a limited understanding of the concept. We discuss implications of these findings for communicating initial scientific evidence to the public and we outline important next steps for research and theory-building.
... From that perspective, the negative pathway via trustworthiness is a cause for concern. Past work has found that a fuller disclosure of uncertainty enhances the trustworthiness of the communicator in the context of news coverage of science (Jensen, 2008;Ratcliff et al., 2018;Steijaert et al., 2021), which raises questions about why it negatively impacted trustworthiness here. A possible explanation is that the aforementioned studies examined the trustworthiness of the source, whereas the current study explored trustworthiness of the message itself, though more research into the differences is warranted. ...
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The World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared COVID‐19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020. It was a time of significant uncertainty as experts were not yet certain whether social distancing behaviors were necessary to slow the spread of the virus. Some public communicators opted to acknowledge uncertainty based on the limited evidence, whereas others downplayed uncertainty. This situation provided researchers with an opportunity to advance theory by explicating and testing cognitive responses to message uncertainty. Immediately following the WHO declaration (March 13–19, 2020), U.S. adults (N = 1186) were randomly assigned to one of six conditions in a 2 (message uncertainty: low, high) × 3 (argument support: expert, threat, precedent) between‐participants experiment. Overall, perceived uncertainty negatively mediated the impact of message uncertainty on intentions. However, participant education was a key moderator. For those with more than a high school education, uncertain messages were related to higher intentions to social distance through increased critical reflection. For those with a high school education or less, uncertain messages were related to lower intentions through decreased message credibility.
... In the context of cancer research news coverage, research findings demonstrated that reading hedged news articles may decrease reported fatalism and proneness to nutritional backlash [63]. Research has shown that journalists may be perceived as more credible when their articles fully explain uncertainty related to research covered in news reports and include uncertainty disclosed by the scientist responsible for the covered study [64]. Other research has demonstrated that media coverage communicating scientific uncertainties may not affect beliefs, credibility perceptions, or behavioral perceptions [65], and highlighting uncertainties related to nanotechnologies had no effect on trust in scientists [66]. ...
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Within the direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic test industry, attracting customers can be difficult especially due to the highly sensitive nature of these products. How these tests are communicated to consumers may be one avenue in which companies can impact customer purchase intentions. A 2 (message sidedness: one-way vs. two-way refutational) x 2 (hedging: present vs. absent) between-subjects experiment was conducted to understand how message features and prior product use influence information processing, risk and trust perceptions, and attitude toward the genetic test, which in turn, may influence direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic test purchase intentions. Results demonstrated that having used a genetic test in the past predicted participants’ trust in the company, information processing, and risk judgments; however, among those who used a genetic test, viewing a message that included hedging tended to increase their trust in the message. Trust in the message and company, information processing, and risk judgments significantly predicted participants’ attitudes toward genetic testing, which in turn predicted their purchase intentions. The results suggest that in the context of DTC genetic test messaging, practitioners should strive to increase consumer trust in the message and the company and facilitate information processing, and they should work to diminish perceived risk. These results suggest opportunities for identifying other message features that may influence message and company trust, information processing, risk judgments, and attitudes related to DTC genetic testing.
... A source may be viewed as credible and/or trustworthy or enhance views of their credibility/trustworthiness based on their disclosure of uncertainty. Although the public often believes that scientists lack transparency and accountability and that scientists act in self-serving ways (Funk et al., 2019), communicating uncertainty about scientific findings may counteract these beliefs (Jensen, 2008;Ratcliff, 2017). Research on uncertainty has primarily focused on evaluating messages of uncertainty, for example, their format and framing (Friedman et al., 2012;van der Bles et al., 2019) and on the communication of risk as probability, largely ignoring other forms of uncertainty (Kalke et al., 2021). ...
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Uncertainty is prevalent in various health contexts. It is imperative to understand how health-related uncertainty can impact individuals’ healthcare experiences and health decision making. The purpose of the present paper is to provide five overarching recommendations from an interdisciplinary team of experts to address gaps in the literature on health-related uncertainty. We present a case study of health-related uncertainty within the specific context of alcohol use to demonstrate these gaps and provide context for the recommendations. The five recommendations concerning health-related uncertainty include: (1) use common, consistent terminology to discuss uncertainty, (2) clarify measures of individual differences in response to uncertainty, (3) increase research on uncertainty and affect, (4) investigate the impact of the channel through which uncertainty is communicated, and (5) develop theory-driven interventions to improve uncertainty management. We conclude by reviewing health contexts in which health-related uncertainty exists and note how our recommendations complement existing reviews and data.
... Other studies have found that disclosure of evidence limitations by scientists in news or online reports can increase 28,29 or have no effect on perceptions of credibility or trustworthiness 30,31 . ...
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Does clear and transparent communication of risks, benefits, and uncertainties increase or undermine public trust in scientific information that people use to guide their decision-making? We examined the impact of reframing messages written in traditional persuasive style to align instead with recent “evidence communication” principles, aiming to inform decision-making: communicating a balance of risks and benefits, disclosing uncertainties and evidence quality, and prebunking misperceptions. In two pre-registered experiments, UK participants read either a persuasive message or a balanced and informative message adhering to evidence communication recommendations about COVID-19 vaccines (Study 1) or nuclear power plants (Study 2). We find that balanced messages are either perceived as trustworthy as persuasive messages (Study 1), or more so (Study 2). However, we note a moderating role of prior beliefs such that balanced messages were consistently perceived as more trustworthy among those with negative or neutral prior beliefs about the message content. We furthermore note that participants who had read the persuasive message on nuclear power plants voiced significantly stronger support for nuclear power than those who had read the balanced message, despite rating the information as less trustworthy. There was no difference in vaccination intentions between groups reading the different vaccine messages.
... Jensen's (2008) experiment demonstrated that scientific news coverage using hedging-and attributing the hedging to the scientist responsible for the reported scientific research-resulted in a higher level of perceived trustworthiness for both the attributed scientist and the news reporter (compared to the conditions without hedging). Ratcliff et al. (2018) also substantiated the hedging effect by demonstrating that the news about cancer research with high (vs. low) uncertainty disclosure prompted a higher level of perceived journalist credibility. ...
Given growing concerns regarding the spread of medical misinformation, the current research set out to assess the message effects of social media news on reader veracity assessments. A 2 (news report with hedging vs. without hedging) by 3 (uncivil vs. civil vs. no comments), between-subjects experiment on Facebook users was conducted (valid N = 824). Results reveal that news hedging was more predictive of perceived credibility, news sharing, and fact-checking tendencies than was comment incivility. Hedged reporting was also found to elevate perceived news credibility, which in turn predicted a greater likelihood of news sharing. Moreover, perceived credibility increased fact-checking tendency only when the news was reported with hedged messages. These findings indicate that when readers encounter an unfamiliar health news issue, the content of news played a more important role in veracity assessment than the style of reader comments.
... Importantly, neither the scientist's nor the journalist's expertise ratings were affected by the inclusion of hedging. Ratcliff et al. (2018) could only replicate these results for the ratings of the journalist. A more recent study by Butterfuss et al. (2020) did not detect an effect of hedged language on trust in information sources (including scientific information sources, liberal and conservative media sources) compared to a nonhedged language condition. ...
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Scientific knowledge is intrinsically uncertain; hence, it can only provide a tentative orientation for political decisions. One illustrative example is the discussion that has taken place on introducing mandatory mask-wearing to contain the coronavirus. In this context, this study investigates how the communication of uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of mandatory mask-wearing affects the perceived trustworthiness of communicators. Participants (N = 398) read a fictitious but evidence-based text supporting mandatory mask-wearing. First, epistemic uncertainty was communicated by including a high (vs. low) amount of lexical hedges (LHs) to the text (e.g., “maybe”). Second, we varied whether the source of information was a scientist or a politician. Thereafter, participants rated the source's trustworthiness. Results show that the scientist was perceived as more competent and as having more integrity but not as more benevolent than the politician. The use of LHs did not impact trustworthiness ratings.
... Yet it is also possible that being informed about uncertainties upfront increases public trust. In the context of cancer research, past work found a positive relationship between fuller disclosures of scientific uncertainty and audience trust in the scientists [32] and journalists [32,33]. However, in another study, communicating scientific uncertainty lowered trust in public health officials [34]. ...
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Background: Precision medicine research depends upon recruiting large and diverse participant cohorts to provide genetic, environmental, and lifestyle data. How prospective participants react to information about this research, including depictions of uncertainty, is not well understood. Purpose: The current study examined public responses to precision medicine research, focusing on reactions toward (a) uncertainty about the scientific impact of sharing data for research, and (b) uncertainty about the privacy, security, or intended uses of participant data. Methods: U.S. adults (N = 674; 51.9% male; 50% non-Hispanic white; Mage = 42.23) participated in an online experimental survey. Participants read a manipulated news article about precision medicine research that conveyed either certainty or uncertainty of each type (scientific, data). Participants then rated their attitudes toward the research, trust in the researchers, and willingness to join a cohort. We tested direct and mediated paths between message condition and outcomes and examined individual characteristics as moderators. Results: Overall attitudes were positive and a majority of participants (65%) reported being somewhat or very likely to participate in precision medicine research if invited. Conveying uncertainty of either type had no overall main effect on outcomes. Instead, those who reported perceiving greater uncertainty had lower attitudes, trust, and willingness to join, while those with more tolerance for uncertainty, support for science, and scientific understanding responded favorably to the scientific uncertainty disclosure. Conclusions: Findings suggest responses to precision medicine research uncertainty are nuanced and that successful cohort enrollment may be well-supported by a transparent approach to communicating with prospective participants.
Background Individuals are regularly exposed to conflicting information about health; however, understanding of how individuals respond to different types of conflicting information is limited. Methods In total, 1027 US adults were randomly assigned to 1 of 8 conflicting information messages about nutrition and cancer risk, depicting 1/4 conflicting information types (conflict in evidence - sources A and B agree the evidence is mixed; conflict between two expert sources - sources A and B present conflicting evidence about nutrition and cancer risk; conflict within the same expert source - source A changes its own recommendation about the evidence; no conflict control) crossed by 1/2 baseline recommendations with which new information conflicted (limit vs. do not limit red meat intake to reduce cancer risk). Results Compared to the control, each conflicting information type led to lower perceived scientific consensus about how much red meat one should eat (p < .001); conflict in evidence (p = .004) and between sources (p = .006) led to lower trust in scientists. Intentions to consume red meat more frequently were higher in the conflicting information conditions than control in the group initially told to “limit red meat” and lower in the “do not limit red meat” group (p = .022). Conflict within the same source led to higher perceived scientific consensus compared to conflict in evidence (p = .007) and between sources (p = .013); it also lowered intentions to consume red meat more frequently compared to conflict in evidence, but only in the “do not limit red meat” condition (p = .033). Conflict in evidence (p = .007) and within the same source (p = .013) increased cancer fatalism compared to conflict between sources. Conclusions Conflict in scientific evidence and conflict arising from the same expert source (e.g., a changing public health guideline) may have pernicious effects. Future efforts could investigate how best to publicly communicate these instances of scientific conflict to minimize negative impact.
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Although various stakeholders are involved in public communication about science and technology, research so far has focused on scientists, journalists, and the public. Based on representative telephone surveys of the spokespersons of 55 German companies, 31 government agencies, 43 public interest groups, as well as 105 scientists, we investigated actors’ intentions to point out the scientific uncertainty of biotechnological research in their public communications. The different groups of actors’ intentions to mention uncertain aspects of biotechnological research in public are guided by different rationales. Scientists and company representatives’ intentions to point out uncertainty are strengthened by their hope to promote biotechnological research and weakened by their fear to increase public criticism. Public interest groups’ intentions are strengthened by their hope to increase public criticism and are weakened by their fear to promote biotechnological research. Representatives of government agencies are predominantly influenced by their will to do justice to their organizations’ interests.
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Public dissemination of scientific research often focuses on the finding (e.g., nanobombs kill lung cancer) rather than the uncertainty/limitations (e.g., in mice). Adults (n = 880) participated in an experiment where they read a manipulated news report about cancer research (a) that contained either low or high uncertainty (b) that was attributed to the scientists responsible for the research (disclosure condition) or an unaffiliated scientist (dueling condition). Compared to the dueling condition, the disclosure condition triggered less prevention-focused cancer fatalism and nutritional backlash.
Laypeople need to trust experts, because they lack sufficient background knowledge to handle scientific evidence. This study investigates if a science blogger’s expertise, integrity, and benevolence are affected by an admission of a study’s flaw in contrast to a critique by another scientist. Results (N = 90) showed that ascriptions of expertise were lower when a flaw was disclosed, no matter by whom. However, ascriptions of integrity and benevolence were higher when admitted vs. when introduced via critique. Hence, epistemic trustworthiness is inferred from objective data (a flaw was made), but also from communicative actions (admission of the flaw).
This introduction sets the stage for the special issue on the public communication of scientific uncertainty that follows by sketching the wider landscape of issues related to the communication of uncertainty and showing how the individual contributions fit into that landscape. The first part of the introduction discusses the creation of media content as a process involving journalists, scientific sources, stakeholders, and the responsive audience. The second part then provides an overview of the perception of scientific uncertainty presented by the media and the consequences for the recipients’ own assessments of uncertainty. Finally, we briefly describe the six research articles included in this special issue.
The experimental studies presented here investigated whether discussing ethical implications of preliminary scientific results in a science blog would impact blog readers’ perception of the responsible scientist blogger’s epistemic trustworthiness (on the dimensions expertise, integrity, and benevolence). They also investigated whether it made a difference in who had brought forward the ethics aspects: the responsible scientist blogger or another expert. Results indicate that by the mere introduction of ethics, people infer something about the blogger’s communicative intentions: Introducing ethical aspects seems to raise vigilance about an expert’s benevolence and integrity. Moreover, ratings of epistemic trustworthiness differed depending on who added ethical arguments: If ethics were introduced by the scientist blogger himself, his benevolence and integrity were rated higher than when ethics were introduced by another expert. These results are relevant for science bloggers, science communicators, and researchers who study laypeople’s understanding of epistemic uncertainty within science.
Science journalists are responsible for the mass media’s representation of life sciences (e.g. biotechnology, genetics, and nanotechnology) and for the depiction of research findings in these areas as more scientifically (un)certain. Although researchers have determined that the representational styles of scientific evidence vary among science journalists, the reasons for these differences have not yet been fully investigated. Against this background, for the first time, the present study applies a reasoned action approach and investigates the predictors of the journalistic intention to represent scientific uncertainty, using computer-assisted telephone interviews with a representative sample of German science journalists (n = 202). The results indicate that beliefs about the coverage of other media, perceptions regarding scientific uncertainty of the main field of coverage, perceived expectations of the audience, past behavior, and gender were the predictors that most strongly affected the journalists’ intention to represent life sciences as more scientifically uncertain.
The construct of news credibility has been of interest to communication scholars for decades, yet researchers have struggled to develop a measure of news credibility that demonstrates a reliable factor structure and construct validity. This study uses confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and discriminant analysis to evaluate Abdulla and colleagues’ (2004) measure of news credibility. Results indicate that although the factor structure of the measure is replicable, the measure exhibits significant concerns related to discriminant validity. A revised measurement model employing a second-order factor for the news credibility scale that eliminates the discriminant validity concerns is proposed, and the implications of second-order factors in measurement models are discussed.