
Cultural Capital: The Problem of Literary Canon Formation

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... godine. Riječ je o prvom pregledu hrvatske dječje književnosti 3 , strukturiranju kanona hrvatske dječje književnosti u no-1 Detaljnije vidjeti u: Guillory 1993;Herrnstein Smith 1988;Bloom 1994. 2 Autorica pet godina kasnije, 2017. godine, sumira rezultate (radova objavljenih u novije vrijeme) u području istraživanja poredbene hrvatske dječje književnosti, pritom optimistično ocjenjujući da postoje dobri temelji za daljnja promišljanja i poredbena istraživanja, što je na tragu kulturološkoga pozicioniranja hrvatske dječje književnosti u europski, pa i svjetski kontekst dječje književnosti. ...
... summary When balancing between ideologies and aesthetic values, literary canon, despite it primarily signifying a specific list/rule, is understood to be an "imaginary totality" (Guillory 1993) and a permanently active and socially conditioned process (Bourdieu 1993). That is the direction of discussing and examining the canon of Croatian children's literature taken by Croatian theorists who focus on the social, historical and ideological context as well as changes reflected on the system of desirable social values, and consequently on shaping the canon of children's literature. ...
Balansirajući između ideologija i estetskih vrijednosti, književni se kanon, iako primarno označava određen p(r)opis, razumijeva kao “imaginarni totalitet” (Guillory 1993) te permanentno aktivan društveno uvjetovan proces (Bourdieu 1993). Na tom su tragu rasprave i propitivanja kanona hrvatske dječje književnosti i hrvatski teoretičari dječje književnosti koji fokus usmjeravaju društveno-povijesnom i ideološkom kontekstu i promjenama koje su se odražavale i na sustav poželjnih društvenih vrijednosti, a time i na oblikovanje dječjega književnog kanona, za što se hrvatska dječja književnost zbog svoje egzistencije unutar jugoslavenske dječje književnosti čini idealnim primjerom. S druge strane, malo se govori o regionalnim osobitostima hrvatskoga dječjeg kanona kao kulturnog kapitala koji se konstruirao u novim okolnostima devedesetih godina, a nastao je “preoblikovanjem kanonskih tablica” (Težak i Marušić 2015), čime su ujedno i regionalne poetike i politike dobile značajniju poziciju. Propitujući pojam književnoga regionalizma, Brešić (2004) nalazi opravdanost postojanja zasebnih književnih poetika vezanih uz pojedini prostor, govoreći o značajkama slavonske regionalne književnosti kao modelu autonomne strukture iz književnopovijesnoga i književnoteorijskoga motrišta. Pri tome ključnom kategorijom smatra prostor, koji je uvjetovao disperzivan karakter hrvatske književnosti. U tako shvaćenom pojmu književnoga regionalizma, moguće je govoriti o poetološkim osobitostima regionalnih književnih tekstova jedinstvenih po svomu povijesnom, kulturološkom, jezičnom hodu određenu prostorom. Polazeći, dakle, od “identiteta mjesta” (Brešić 2004) kao spoja prostora i kulture u radu se analiziraju regionalne teme unutar kanonskoga opusa, utvrđuje se pripadnost regionalnomu književnom modelu, što pridonosi potvrđivanju kanonskoga statusa, ali i pomicanju granica u definiranju kanona.
... Regrettably, this represents a realistic snapshot of the texts we have observed being taught in contemporary London classrooms, and indeed chimes with recent survey data (Smith 2023) suggestive of a constricted literary diet on ofer in English departments throughout England and Wales, even at KS3 where a degree of curricular fexibility is possible. Curricular arguments around literature, identity and representation are complex (Coles 2020;Guillory 1993), but a foundational principle of any English curriculum should be that all young people have the right to see themselves refected positively in some of the texts they encounter at school (Bishop 2012;Chetty 2017). Lesley Nelson-Addy (2020, p. 35) concludes that the current English curriculum, as amended in 2014, amounts to 'a violent political statement' that does not even acknowledge its 'erasure of the Black presence and experience in Britain'. ...
... Bourdieu and Passeron (1977, p. 4) contended that 'to impose meanings and to impose them as legitimate by concealing the power relations which are the basis of its force' amounted to what Bourdieu (1984, p. 358) famously termed as 'symbolic violence'. Guillory (1995) added that pedagogical institutions which appear to democratically distribute cultural capital, maintained power in possession within a certain social class of people, through the elimination of a classless curriculum via the production of a dominant curriculum. The social function of these institutions appeared not to just regulate cultural capital unequally but as Bourdieu and Passeron (1990, p. 16) argued that 'legitimate mode of producing cultural arbitrariness' and sustain modes of differentiation within society, the pedagogical system of Western societies produced cultural reproduction of class inequalities. ...
This study explores historic class-based obstacles in the dispensation of secular pedagogy in the Bengal region with the objective of presenting a better understating of the present pedagogical positioning of the British Bangladeshi diaspora of Tower Hamlets. This study charts the visitation of symbolic violence in the historical development of pedagogy under colonial rule and continues into the East Pakistan period. Through the application of Pierre Bourdieu’s primary thinking tools the discussion asserts Muslim Bengalis were educationally marginalised by both colonialists and local elites in the realisation of human capital consumption.
... ___________ el Derecho a la cultura. Debido a esta circunstancia tampoco se profundizará en los trabajos de autores tan relevantes como (selección): Richard Hoggart (Hoggart 1966), Raymond Williams (Williams 1980), John Guillory (Guillory 1993), Nestor Garcia Canclini (García Canclini 1995), Jesús Martín-Barbero (Martín-Barbero 1998) Entendemos como búsqueda intencionada aquella en la que el investigador en tanto que especialista asume un rol activo en la toma de decisiones, siendo consciente de las contradicciones y sesgos que estas pueden ocasionar para la investigación, y por lo tanto intenta establecer métodos para minimizarlas. En esta ocasión se crea un grupo de expertos (etapa 2) que tiene como una de las fuciones principales aportar nuevos enfoques, referencias y corregir el posibles sesgos que pudieran haberse dado en la primera etapa de la investigación. ...
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Partiendo de la hipótesis de la no existencia de investigaciones estrictamente mesoeconómicas y mesoanalíticas del libro y su industria, este artículo sistematiza la producción bibliográfica académica y profesional (1958-2021) más relevante relacionada con los dos objetos de estudio, organizándola en seis perspectivas de análisis, cuatro consolidadas y dos propositivas. Seguidamente clasifica dicha producción en el interior de cada una de esas perspectivas, para posteriormente identificar sus aportaciones más significativas en el marco de futuras investigaciones mesoeconómicas y mesoanalíticas. Finalmente, el artículo valida la hipótesis propuesta.
... En primer lugar, una postura esencialista y conservadora, basada en la defensa de una tradición cultural entendida como cumbre estética, y que tiene en Bloom (2004) a su más paradigmático representante. En segundo lugar, una postura dedicada a la superación de determinadas dicotomías erróneas por maniqueas -la ideología frente a la estética, el individuo frente a la institución-, a través de la problematización del concepto de canon, y que encontraría a algunos de sus más insignes ejemplos en Harris (1998), Guillory (1993) o Kermode (1998). En tercer lugar, una postura que cuestiona el canon tradicional, con el objetivo de ampliarlo con textos y autores que no han acostumbrado a ser considerados como canónicos, y en la que se hallan Gates Jr. (1998) con respecto al canon afroamericano, o Robinson (1998) en el ámbito del canon feminista. ...
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El análisis del canon cinematográfico ha dependido con frecuencia de lo dicho y pensado al respecto del canon literario. Este hecho ha provocado que se heredara una visión de la construcción del canon cinematográfico demasiado literaria, asociada a una discusión académica entre expertos. Sin embargo, la complejidad del campo cinematográfico impide esta traducción y obliga a repensar la configuración del canon cinematográfico. Concretamente, hace falta considerar el concepto de canon como algo mucho más amplio que la selección de películas y cineastas, un término que funciona como eje rector de las maneras en que los diferentes sujetos del campo fílmico se relacionan con los objetos y procesos de este campo cultural.
... This class is the "Professional-Managerial", characterized as sharing "one relation to the bourgeoisie and another to the working class"' (Ohmann, qtd in Fishelov 2010: 41). Then there is John Guillory (1993), who puts forward schools as creators of individuals' cultural capital and focuses on their role as transmitters of the canon. Guillory establishes the distinction between canonical and non-canonical and the ways it is institutionalized 'as the canonization of formerly noncanonical works, and as the development of distinct and separate noncanonical programs of study ' (1993: 3). ...
Although the literary canon has long been a subject of discussion, changes brought about by the rise of the Internet and social networks invite an overall rethinking of the mechanisms of its creation and, above all, of rankings that originate outside the Academy. The emergence of Twitter as a social network, characterized by immediacy and brevity, offers an interesting environment for examining the dialogic dynamics of canon creation (Fishelov) and social capital (Bourdieu) among its users. This article examines the correlation between the dialogues prompted on Twitter about new book releases and their sales figures and the dynamics of creating an alternative canon to that of the Academy. The research takes the form of a case study: the Dia Mundial del Libro, or Dia del Llibre in Catalan, which brings together the Hispanic literary ecosystem in Barcelona on the Dia de Sant Jordi.
... The latter efforts are also motivated by events acknowledging the persistent mistreatment and genocide of Indigenous peoples across Canada, such as the Idle No More protest movement and the publication of National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Palmater, 2016;Razack, 2016;Wood, 2015;Wotherspoon and Hansen, 2013). Efforts to decolonize curriculum occur alongside broader critiques of western-centric canons in North American higher education since the late 1980s (Bryson, 2005;Go, 2016;Guillory, 1993). These include a broad range of strategies, from incorporating Indigenous ontologies and epistemologies into western-centric curricula, to recognizing that westerncentric science is but one of many systems of knowledge and placing them on equal footing, to creating separate educational systems that prioritize Indigenous ontologies and epistemologies over western science (Barnes and Bloor, 1982;Hauser et al., 2009;Henry and Pene, 2001). ...
This article offers a regional spotlight introduction to Anglo-Canadian cultural sociology. The question of what makes Canada unique has long preoccupied Canadian writers, artists, and policy makers, and is central to scholarly debates about Canadian sociology’s position relative to British, American, and other national sociologies, as well as the need for decolonization and diversification of the disciplinary canon. As a subfield, Anglo-Canadian cultural sociology receives little attention within these wider debates despite its emphasis on issues of cultural difference, identity, and evaluation. We provide an analysis of the dynamics of the field. Using course syllabi and survey data from instructors (N = 28), we examine whether there is a unique canon in Anglo-Canadian cultural sociology, and how cultural sociology is taught across Canada. Network analysis of texts assigned on syllabi and survey responses from cultural sociology instructors reveal, first, a thematic canon in Canadian cultural sociology, with a plurality of authors used to teach four main themes: identity and representation, cultural production, cultural consumption, and conceptualizing and measuring culture. Second, we find the positionality of Anglo-Canadian cultural sociology (with respect to both other national sociologies and neighboring subfields/disciplines) is uncertain and widely variant. Finally, survey responses concerning identity and representation suggest a reflexivity about the politics of canonization, and a gendered interest in decolonizing curricula. We conclude by arguing that a thematic canon in cultural sociology facilitates the maintenance of fuzzy boundaries with other subfields, national and Indigenous intellectual traditions, and a critical feminist lens.
... The literary discourse has its own ways of internalizing the canon debate: metonymically, by allusions, echoes, references, quotations, but also metaphorically, by complex rewriting strategies 1 For example, the aesthetic, the curricular canon, the critical canon, but also the alternative, unofficial or semi-official lists, etc. Emilia Parpală has explained in detail the formation of alternative canons in Romania and the role of postmodernism in this process (2012b). 2 Thus, from the point of view of national cultures, I agree with Guillory (1993) that canons are a problem of "cultural capital", and this will result also from the texts I am about to consider. able to generate palimpsests: pastiche, parody, bricolage, collage, transpositions, à la manière de 1 , etc. ...
... Schulen können nicht alles anbieten und müssen sich auf Inhalte beziehen, die nicht von einem Kanon abzulösen sind. Soll von cultural capital die Rede sein, dann wesentlich in dieser Hinsicht (Guillory 1993). Wenn es verschiedene Anbieter neben dem Staat gibt, dann nur unter der Voraussetzung definierter kultureller Standards, sonst definiert der Markt, was Bildung ist, und man könnte nicht mehr unterscheiden, ob schulische Lernzeit für Hip-Hop-Training einer sozialpädagogischen Maßnahme oder einem Bildungsziel gilt. ...
... Tal compreensão dialógica da formação do cânone enfatiza não as qualidades intrínsecas de um texto e sua recepção passiva por um público, mas seu potencial para gerar interação, debate, proposição e oposição. Podemos, portanto, entender a canonicidade como um processo inerentemente complexo e confuso e o cânone como algo múltiplo e variado (temporal e geograficamente), sujeito a resistência e contestação (Guillory, 1993). Este artigo e os comentários subsequentes 8 tiveram origem em um painel -"Clássicos em Geografia Humana" -organizado pelos autores no Anual Meeting da Association of American Geographers. ...
... The literary disciplinary knowledge and resulting intertextual networks that English teachers develop prior to or alongside their educational studies needs to be critically appraised and evaluated (McLean Davies & Sawyer, 2020). Further to this, we are reminded of the powerful role of schools (Guillory, 1993) in maintaining and establishing canons, and thus the need for an institution-wide and comprehensive approach to establishing, unsettling, expanding and critiquing existing literary intertextual networks. Notes 1. ...
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This paper thinks with the concept of intertextuality to consider the multiple intersecting power structures inside and outside of literary education in secondary schools that continue to dominate text selection policies and teaching practices. We draw on our research with in-service teachers to reconsider how intertextual networks circulate on multiple levels: textual, social, cultural, and institutional. Although the concept of intertextuality has been activated as an alternative to rarified conceptualisations of literary heritage, as we unpack in this paper, intertextuality often distributes, reinforces, and perpetuates canonical power structures such as institutional whiteness, and Euro western values in secondary school subjects that feature literary studies. Rather than abandoning intertextuality, we attempt to tease out how it operates in various registers in schooling and we suggest how critically engaging with the concept might provide a way forward for English study in the twenty-first century.
... This was also the period when neoliberalist education policies and a rapid rise in short-contract university teaching really accelerated, thus adding even greater burdens onto departments trying to teach the standard English canon while catering now also 14. For some contributions to a much wider debate, see Bloom 1987;Graff 1992;Guillory 1993;Jay 1997. to new minority writings, multiculturalism, and the local national literature. ...
Though canons and faculty have greatly diversified in recent decades, English departments around the world fundamentally prioritize English and American literatures. To this extent, they resemble the Anglo-American imperial commonwealths that some toward the end of the nineteenth century advocated for in order to stave off the decline of the British Empire and to shore up a permanent Anglo-American supremacy against all threats. Still, as the English language becomes “global,” English departments today founder for a variety of reasons and convey a persistent sense of crisis. Has the time come radically to decolonize the English department, not only at the level of curriculum but also in terms of its basic organizational structures to facilitate the study of anglophone literatures now planetary in reach? If so, how might this best be achieved in the British and American core countries and also in the more peripheral regions of Anglophonia?
... Uma relação intensa com o cânone é fundamental à expansão do apego do fã ao produto de mídia que consome e sua participação ativa no fandom (BRENNAN, 2014;GOODMAN, 2015). Nestas interações, a discussão sobre as limitações que mídias distintas impõem ao cânone de um universo ficcional é uma prática comum e permite a identificação de lacunas narrativas, a proposição de novas perspectivas de leitura e uma gama de posições sobre o objeto cultural (GUILLORY, 1993). Por consequência, é comum que os fãs estabelecem a existência de formas para o consumo do cânone (URBANSKI, 2013). ...
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A série de televisão Game of Thrones (GoT) se tornou um fenômeno cultural, provocando sua avaliação por fãs da saga literária A Song of Ice and Fire (ASoIaF), na qual é baseada. Assumindo, a partir da teoria foucaultiana, as interações fânicas como práticas discursivas e estas como reveladoras de epistemes, a pesquisa analisa como a produção discursiva de fãs de ASoIaF sobre GoT é epistemicamente fundamentada. O método arqueológico foi aplicado à análise dos comentários produzidos em tais interações ocorridas no principal fórum de fãs de ASoIaF. Os resultados revelam quatro formações discursivas, que vão do reconhecimento à reclamação da adaptação. Elas têm em comum a referência ao cânone literário como balizar de tais avaliações, revelando esta instância como sua base epistêmica. Com base na noção foucaultiana de ordem do discurso, propomos haver uma ordem do cânone que norteia a construção de verdades pelos fãs acerca da transmidiação do universo ficcional.
... Brouillette points out that throughout his oeuvre Bourdieu insists that "autonomy is not autonomous" (Brouillette 2007, 64) and that the key ways in which this autonomy tends to be negotiated and expressed today is in authors' acknowledgement of and engagement with the fact that even when their work is highly critical of capitalism it is still available for consecration within the market. (Brouillette 2016, 103) Indicating the interpenetration of the world of money and the valuation of cultural products, John Guillory (1993), too, argues that canon formation is a "problem of access to the means of literary production" (ix). Industrialized countries present better access to the means of literary production and marketing, thereby increasing writers' prospects of literary recognition and economic success. ...
Utilizing and extending Kwasi Wiredu’s concept of conceptual decolonization and self-exorcism, this article makes observations about the ideological underpinnings and literary trajectory of post-2000 Zimbabwean fiction in English through readings of four novels: Harare North by Brian Chikwava, We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo, The Book of Memory by Petina Gappah, and The Maestro, The Magistrate and The Mathematician by Tendai Huchu. Chikwava, Bulawayo, Gappah, and Huchu self-consciously depict Zimbabwe in stereotypical terms to secure publishing contracts and to ensure the international marketability of their fiction. At the same time, they show that they are conceptually decolonized by employing insurrectionary tactics of self-exorcism which register their resistance to banal profit-driven portrayals of Zimbabwe. Thus, the article explores the paradoxical situation or what Mohammad Shabangu has called the “double bind” of how these writers employ and deploy stereotypes to ensure success in the global literary market while, at the same time, undermining them.
... In fact, if the canon of a country defines territorial belonging, and structures the idea of national literature (see Kolbas 2001), the act of canonical rethinking from an intercultural perspective outlines a transgressive idea, which undermines the concepts of territory and nation (see Bhabha 1990) and consequently leads to consideration of the literary space of canonicity as open and global (see Sturm-Trigonakis 2013)an empowered idea of world literature. Nevertheless, in order to reach a definition of the intercultural revision of the canon, it is necessary to start from its general classification: the literary canon represents a sophisticated socio-literary system (see Davis et al. 2009), which, on the one hand, is made up of all those texts and authors that can be recognized as classics (the canon is, in this sense, cultural capital; see Guillory 1995); on the other hand, it aspires to display itself as a 'lighthouse' in the vastness of texts, authors, styles and genres of the literary landscape. It is to this idea of guidance and preceptor that the rethinking process turns its criticisma criticism which does not intend to destabilize the role of those who are already part of the canon but rather prepares the ground for integration and incorporation of novelties. ...
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pubblicato nella rivista ''Aesthetique Journal for International Literary Enterprises (AJILE)'' Special volume July 2019- E-ISSN: 2456-1754
... Slijedeći jednu od ključnih postavki knjige Cultural Capital. The Problem of Canon Formation (Guillory 1993) Johna Guilloryija, smatram da je popise lektire, zbog društvene važnosti institucije kojom se distribuiraju, podatnije raščlaniti pitanjima o odnosu njihovih formi i društveno-institucijskih okružja u koje su uronjeni nego pitanjima o tome tko je unutar ili izvan njih (usp. Guillory 1993:xiii). ...
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Temeljem osnovnoškolskih popisa lektire u radu se propituje u literaturi prihvaćena odredba odnosa između književnog kanona i popisa tekstova koji se čitaju u okviru školovanja. Razumijevajući osnovnoškolske popise lektire kao lektirni kanon, autorica se bavi formom i formiranjem tog kanona. Gotovo stoljetnu (pre)tvorbu lektirnog kanona u Hrvatskoj rekonstruira i interpretira u kontekstu ekonomskih (nakladničkih, knjižarskih) i ideoloških (političkih, znanstvenih i dobnih) silnica.
... The question of whether literature is a social, political, or historical practice has been prominent (Felski, 2011;Guillory, 2013;Rancière, 2004;Shapiro, 1984), especially in the post-colonial period of twentieth century. Responding to the concept of modernism, some thinkers begin to question the possibility of literary works as others than just a product of creative or interpretative imagination. ...
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Pramoedya Ananta Toer's works are highly distinguished for their strong realist characteristic and profound analysis of interactions among pre-and post-colonial human beings and their place in society. One of the works that portray such characteristics is "Houseboy + Maid", the first story in Toer's collection Tales from Djakarta: Caricatures of Circumstances and Their Human Beings. In this research, post-colonialism and contrapuntal reading proposed by Edward Said are used as methods to interpret a literary work whose narration is about two characters who live in post-colonial Indonesia, or rather post-revolutionary Indonesia. Their unfixed identities which are interrelated through the changing event of the plot indicates that their very destiny cannot be separated from the "politicality, sociality, and historicality" of much bigger entities.
... A questão da legitimidade e erosão do cânone, ou da sua pluralidade na condição contemporânea, extravasa o tema ritual na sede literária. Estende à pedagogia escolar, universitária, pública, e cânone literário assimila-se a uma forma de capital cultural (Guillory, 1993) para o qual a literacia corresponde ao seu conhecimento e uso. ...
... However, research on the linkage between learning and skill development and PSTRE is scarce. Skills can be converted from accumulated cultural capital within individuals' sociocultural contexts through pedagogic action [10] or acquired directly through participation in training [11]. Learning by doing is known to play an important role in skill qualifications [22]. ...
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This study conducts an analysis about the impact of basic background, cultural capital, skill use, and participation in training on employees’ problem-solving proficiency in Japan and Korea based on data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies Survey (PIAAC). This research compared four clusters (basic background, cultural capital, participation in training, skill usage) to determine the factors affecting problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments (PSTRE) in Japan and Korea. In addition, we examined whether aging moderate the relationship between skill usage and participation in training and PSTRE. The finding shows that PSTRE is associated with the basic background, cultural capital, and skill usage. Moreover, the interaction effect between the use of skill at home and age is statistically significant in Japan. Our results provide new insights for vocational psychology and work-life research in the context of employers, employees, as well as policymakers.
... A signed poetry anthology can provide the same benefits to develop Libras poetry. Despite the implications of creating a canon of signed poetry (Guillory, 1993) and of focusing on recorded forms of an art form that has traditionally been primarily one of live performances (Bahan 2006, Krentz 2006, anthologies or collections of Libras poetry are necessary for its development. ...
This article reports on the findings of an investigation into the tensions perceived by students aged 14–15 studying Ancient History in England, between their interest in the ancient world itself and the status of Ancient History as a curriculum subject. We use Young's distinction between Powerful Knowledge and Knowledge of the Powerful as a critical tool. The empirical data arise from an interview study across three different school communities in England of 14–15‐year‐old students studying Ancient History as a curriculum subject. 32 students took part in the interview study across the three schools. Students focused on the ancient world's personal relevance for their own lives. They also ascribed value not just to expertise about the ancient world but to understanding how others responded to it. However, the students all felt that studying Ancient History was a sign of an elite and privileged education, an image with which they did not feel entirely comfortable.
Πολύωρο διδακτικό σχέδιο εργασίας στην Κοινωνική και Πολιτική Αγωγή Έκτης Δημοτικού με τη χρήση των Τ.Π.Ε. Το σενάριο διδασκαλίας είναι ενσωματωμένο στα πρακτικά του 8ου Συνεδρίου με τίτλο: "ΤΟ ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ" (2011)
This essay intervenes in current debates about the operation of creative writing as an academic discipline, and provides a polemical critique of practice-led research as a basis for disciplinary identity. It argues that the emergence of creative writing studies as a field of academic research is the product of an ongoing tension created by the pull of centrifugal intellectual forces that are interdisciplinary in focus and centripetal institutional forces that are driving towards disciplinary independence.
Australia has a lively and robust special-interest magazine market. Special-interest magazines are potentially an area of employment for graduates of creative and professional writing programs, a subject of instruction for writing teachers and an object of study for researchers in the discipline; however, there is little scholarship that sheds light on the generic characteristics, production processes and industry contexts of Australian special-interest magazines. This article draws attention to this gap in scholarship and uses it as an example of a field of study that, while traditionally considered the domain of other disciplines, can be positioned within creative and professional writing to enrich teaching programs in the discipline. In doing so, the article advocates an expansive and flexible view of research, and it continues ongoing discussion in the Australian Association of Writing Programs and TEXT about the discipline’s research base.
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L’articolo propone una riflessione intorno alla categoria di “transnazionalismo”, di derivazione storica e sociologica, al fine di coglierne le opportunità di impiego nel campo della teoria della comparatistica letteraria. In particolare, sono chiamati in causa alcuni temi centrali della storia della disciplina, quali la “letteratura mondiale” e il “canone”, i quali alla luce della dimensione transnazionale – da non confondere con quella internazionale – si aprono a nuove declinazioni e ai mutati panorami letterari della contemporaneità.
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The article is devoted to the menologion (calendar of saints) compiled in the 20th century for Russian Byzantine Catholics. The latter are a church community with its own Byzantine-Slavic worship and piety, which follow both the Catholic and the Eastern spiritual traditions. Like the entire liturgical literature of the Russian Eastern Catholics, the menologion was created in Rome under the auspices of the Congregation for Eastern Churches, as part of the activities of the Russian Catholic Apostolate, i.e., of the mission of the Catholic Church addressed to Russia and the Russian diaspora in the world. The corpus of service books for Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian Eastern Catholics was called Recensio Vulgata. The menologion under study is contained in the books of Recensio Vulgata and was compiled on the basis of the Orthodox menologia of pre-revolutionary Russia. The compilers of the Byzantine-Catholic menologion did not just select Russian liturgical memories in a certain way, they also included the names of several martyrs of the Eastern Catholic Churches and some additional commemorations of Western saints. According to the compilers of the menologion, the history of Catholic (orthodox) holiness in North-Eastern Russia ended at the turn of the 1440s, when the Principality of Moscow and the Novgorod Republic abandoned the Union of Florence. The menologion reflects the era after the Union of Florence in the events that show the invariable patronage of the Mother of God over the people and the Russian land. The Recensio Vulgata menologion (RVM) contains twelve Russia-specific holidays that honor icons of the Mother of God, nine of which celebrate the events of the period from the late 15th to the 17th centuries. The compilers of the menologion created a well-devised system in which the East Slavic saints, the ancient saints of the Byzantine menologion, the Latin teachers of the Church, the saints of the Byzantine Catholic churches of different eras all are subject to harmonious logic, and harmony serves to organize the whole.
La Renaissance de Harlem et le Black Arts Movement furent deux périodes d’ébullition artistique et éditoriale qui ont fortement contribué à dessiner les contours du canon littéraire africain-américain. Cette thèse examine l’histoire éditoriale de magazines et d’anthologies publiés au cours de ces périodes afin de mettre en lumière divers processus de canonisation propres à cette littérature. L’étude de publications qui, dans l’ensemble, ont fait l’objet de relativement peu de commentaires révèle que les circonstances de production, de reproduction et de préservation des textes influent sur l’évaluation littéraire et esthétique qui en est faite.La thèse souligne la façon dont une multitude de facteurs sociaux, politiques, économiques, intellectuels ou encore éditoriaux eurent une incidence directe sur la production de la littérature africaine-américaine, en servant d’inspiration thématique, en circonscrivant les espaces d’expression ou, au contraire, en permettant de créer de nouvelles publications. Les reproductions successives des mêmes textes permettent de voir apparaître une tradition littéraire en filigrane. Cependant, au gré de cadrages divergents, les anthologistes ne cessent d’étendre ou de réduire le périmètre de cette tradition qui laisse entrevoir toute sa labilité, fluctuant d’un volume à un autre, d’une époque à une autre. Les modalités de préservation de la littérature sont multiples et découlent de pratiques et de politiques susceptibles d’altérer sensiblement le statut des œuvres et, partant, de permettre une redéfinition des contours du canon littéraire africain-américain
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This essay brings probabilistic reasoning into concerted dialogue with book-historical and sociological approaches to world literature. Using extensive bibliographic data about literary translations into Japanese during the modern era, it develops a series of case studies at interrelated scales—the literary anthology, world library collections, and individual readers—to reason about the likelihood of certain authors or works being plucked from the swirling currents of the global traffic in books. At each scale, I consider how such data might inform the interpretations we give to the choice of one author over another in a given context. Woven into these case studies is an extended reflection on the history of probabilistic reasoning from the late-eighteenth century to the late-twentieth. What, this essay ultimately asks, might literary historians gain from taking this history seriously in our own appeals to chance as a form of historical explanation?
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This chapter presents the findings of an ongoing digital project of the Helsinki Computational History Group at Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG) focused on the history of eighteenth-century book publication. The authors have created a historical-biographical database based on The English Short-Title Catalogue (ESTC), a standard source for analytical bibliographic research, and extracted a data-driven canon which considers changes over time, subject-topics, top-works, authors, publishers, publication place, and materiality. This chapter provides both methodological and historical insights into the development of print and demonstrates the huge analytical potential of harmonized metadata catalogs. While quantitative analyses of the book trade were attempted before, they did not engage with the complex process of canon formation at such a large scale. The authors’ work highlights the formative role played by publishers in this process and the epistemological shift started at the end of the seventeenth century, when religious works were increasingly replaced by literary works. As the authors argue, this shift in the production and consumption of print allowed for a reinvention of the canon during the eighteenth century.
This essay seeks to explore how a doubly marginalized group such as Sinophone writers in Thailand uses intertextuality in order to come closer to what it perceives to be “the center” (namely, China). A close reading of some short stories and poems by two Sinophone writers from Thailand (Sima Gong and Zeng Xin) reveals not only the different intertextual references they contain but also the authors’ ambivalent sense of belonging at the same time to China and to Thailand. Their works give expression and development to the authors’ intention of introducing Sinophone literature from Thailand and offer a glimpse into their self-perception as writers. The essay specifically discusses the two Sinophone authors’ works in the light of the notion developed by Sigmund Freud in his classic 1919 essay on “The Uncanny”—namely, the “unheimlich” in its opposition to the “heimelig”—pointing up how the authors’ construction of a troubled bond with their intended readership on their ethnic “mainland” can also be understood in these Freudian terms. It is also shown how the authors not only confirm but also question the Chinese literary canon and create their own role for this latter. The essay thus focuses upon the ways in which Sinophone literature mirrors the fraught identity of the Sinophone writing community in Thailand. It raises questions regarding the limits of what constitutes “Chinese” literature and the circumstances under which additions to said literature can be made by members of a broader Sinophone world. Through this set of theoretical lenses I open up a new vantage point from which to perceive the practice of intertextuality—a practice which proves indispensable to Sinophone literature in Thailand inasmuch as it not only helps Sinophone Thai authors to achieve their goal of having their works recognized in China but also mirrors the authors’ fluid identity, which oscillates between this latter vast nation and Thailand itself.
Cet article aborde la problématique de l'enseignement de la littérature dite classique (pour notre propos, la littérature française du XIXe siècle) dans les universités anglophones au Canada, et propose de nouveaux critères pour la sélection des œuvres à enseigner: ancrage d'une œuvre dans sa propre époque, rapports de cette œuvre à notre époque, et rapports intertextuels. Des remarques sur les théories de la formation du canon littéraire, qui désigne ici le corpus des œuvres enseignées, sont suivies d'observations sur la situation dans les universités canadiennes, en prenant l'exemple de la littérature française du XIXe siècle. Le cas des œuvres de femmes, emblématique dans l'histoire de la formation du canon, est ensuite cité en exemple, avec à l'appui une brève étude des tendances actuelles dans la mise en ligne des textes de femmes, qui confirme le maintien des critères traditionnels sur Internet. Par ailleurs, les nouvelles technologies, en favorisant une réflexion sur le format même des cours de littérature, un format plus éloigné des périodisations et de la notion d'auteur, et plus favorable à une mise en réseaux intertextuels des textes littéraires, sont à même de susciter des changements substantiels dans les programmes et la sélection des œuvres enseignées.
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Making Media uncovers what it means and what it takes to make media, focusing on the lived experience of media professionals within the global media, including rich case studies of the main media industries and professions: television, journalism, social media entertainment, advertising and public relations, digital games, and music. This carefully edited volume features 35 authoritative essays by 53 researchers from 14 countries across 6 continents, all of whom are at the cutting edge of media production studies. The book is particularly designed for use in coursework on media production, media work, media management, and media industries. Specific topics highlighted: the history of media industries and production studies; production studies as a field and a research method; changing business models, economics, and management; global concentration and convergence of media industries and professions; the rise and role of startups and entrepreneurship; freelancing in the digital age; the role of creativity and innovation; the emotional quality of media work; diversity and inequality in the media industries. Open Uva Course: the University of Amsterdam has an open course around the book. The course offers a review of the key readings and debates in media production studies. Course slides 2020 Take a look at the Making Media Facebook page here. Take a look at the Table of Contents and Introduction here.
This paper discusses the role of privileged research objects (‘model systems') in producing patterns in transnational knowledge production. In its approach it follows Bourdieu's call to focus on contexts of production and forces internal to disciplines as well as his insistence on practice. Learning from work in science and technology studies it also considers material objects of knowledge and spaces of knowledge-production. It discusses the case of sociology and argues that conventions surrounding privileged research objects matter relatively independently of authors’ national origin or field-position. Examining model systems, I argue, can contribute to our understanding of how some well-established inequalities are produced and reproduced. This focus adds specific stakes to the debates about global knowledge production: we can discuss the problem of neglected cases in ways that are not always included in current reflections that draw on general political – rather than specifically knowledge-political – categories.
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Nakon osvrta na osnovne koordinate povijesti popisa lektire za osnovne škole u hrvatskom kontekstu, rad se bavi problemima statusa jugoslavenske (dječje) književnosti, odnosno jugoslavenskih (dječjih) književnosti na toj razini književne reprezentacije i institucionalizacije. U fokusu su mogućnosti definicije jugoslavenske dječje književnosti u kontekstu popisa lektire, kao i odnos popisa i kanona. Pojam jugoslavenske dječje književnosti, odnosno jugoslavenskih dječjih književnosti u radu se nastoji razumjeti relacijski i višerazinski, kao proizvod specifičnih društvenih konstelacija, ali i strategija književnopovijesnog, lingvističkog, i drugog isključivanja i uključivanja, dominacije i subordinacije unutar književnog polja.
لهذا البحث أربعة أسئلة أساسية يؤسس بها اختلافه عن الدراسات السابقة: أ‌. كيف قرأ فؤاد حدّاد الثقافة عبر قراءته لذاته الشعرية في علاقتها بالشعب باعتباره آخر؟ ب‌. إلى أي مدى نجح فؤاد حدّاد في تشكيل الهوية الثقافية لذاته الشعرية في حوارها مع السنن الأدبية؟ ت‌. إلى أي مدى يختلف نسق تمثيلات الشعب من موقع التكلم الخاص بالشاعر "فؤاد حدّاد" عن نظيره من موقع التكلم الخاص بالرئيس في الخطابات الرئاسية لـ(ناصر، السادات، مبارك) الموازية زمنيًا للخطاب الشعري؟ ث‌. هل ثمة علاقة بين نسق تمثيلات الشعب في الخطابين الاستعاريين؛ الشعري، والرئاسي، وإخفاق مشروع التحديث ذي الصبغة القومية التحررية الذي بدأ في النصف الثاني من القرن الماضي؟
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Originally defined as an Anglo-American phenomenon, starting with Helen Fielding’s best-selling novel Bridget Jones’s Diary (1996), chick lit has spread rapidly across various linguistic and cultural markets. There is a broad consensus that this is a transfer from the centre to the periphery, from the original genre to numerous adapted subgenres and variations. For the latter, the problematic term “‘ethnic’ chick lit,” which in the broadest sense includes all chick lit by authors with non-Western sociocultural backgrounds, has become established. The implicit (re-vision, recovery) and explicit (circulation, collage) comparative strategies introduced by Susan Stanford Friedman serve as a methodological framework for analysing such practices of ethnic labelling. These strategies are applied not through a close reading of primary literature but through a distant reading, or rather comparison, of the Anglo-American chick-lit label with two of its socalled “ethnic” subgenres or variations: African-American and African chick lit. A re-visioning of Anglo-American chick lit through a recovery of African-American chick lit, as well as a focus on the label’s circulation in Africa, resulting in a collage of African chick lit, demonstrates that the label’s dissemination was not as linear as has been suggested by the dominant discourse of chick lit gone global.
Many critics argue that the modernist avant-garde were always in opposition to the commercial values of market-driven society. For John Xiros Cooper, the avant-garde bears a more complex relation to capitalist culture than previously acknowledged. He argues that in their personal relationships, gender roles and sexual contacts, the modernist avant-garde epitomised the impact of capitalism on everyday life. Cooper shows how the new social, cultural and economic practices aimed to defend cultural values in a commercial age, but, in this task, modernism became the subject of a profound historical irony. Its own characterising techniques, styles and experiments, deployed to resist the new nihilism of the capitalist market, eventually became the preferred cultural style of the very market culture which the first modernists opposed. In this broad-ranging 2004 study John Xiros Cooper explores this provocative theme across a wide range of Modernist authors, including Joyce, Eliot, Stein and Barnes.
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