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Cybersecurity applied to e-democracy: Cryptographic analysis and development of a Practical Evaluation Methodology for i-voting systems and its application to the most relevant solutions.



The Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) have had a huge impact in the day-to-day lives of billions of citizens around the globe in recent years. Back in the early 2000s, it was anticipated that its range would also include public elections, as an integral part of what has been labeled as e-democracy. This dissertation aims at contributing to a much needed harmonization by developing a practical methodology for the evaluation of REV systems and its application to the most relevant solutions to date.
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... D. chapter of the E-Vote-ID 2016 conference [8]. In particular, they considered the Council of Europe e-voting requirements [9], as well as a set of 73 technical and practical factors evaluated by 21 international experts in the e-voting field [10]. ...
... . For a complete explanation of the methodology, the definition of the sine-qua-non, re-quirements and the 73 evaluation items, refer to the original work in[8],[10]. ...
Conference Paper
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E-voting implantation is happening at a slower pace than anticipated. A plethora of technical and social challenges hinder a deeper implementation. In this article, the problem is addressed by applying a practical evaluation framework to two of the most relevant e-voting tools: Helios Voting and iVote from Scytl. The framework is strongly based on the technical requirements issued by the Council of Europe in 2017. The authors believe it can constitute a useful source of information for election officials, researchers and even voters. The final purpose is contributing to a gradual, secure and protocolized expansion of e-voting in Europe; more so in the present times, with mounting geo-political challenges and tensions.
... The explanation of the evaluation framework design, implementation and constituent requirements and items has been simplified because of page extension constraints. For a full version, the reader can refer to the original PhD thesis [27]. ...
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E-voting implantation has been facing important challenges in recent years. Several incidents, together with a lack of evaluation methodologies social and cultural customs hinder a broader application. In this work, the authors aim to contribute to a safer introduction of e-voting tools by applying a practical evaluation framework strongly based on the security requirements issued by the Council of Europe in 2017 to nvotes, a system that has been utilized to cast over 2 million votes over the last 6 years. The ultimate goal of the analysis is not to judge from a rigid, "infallible" but to contribute to a gradual and secure implementation of e-voting solutions in the democratic processes. The authors believe it can constitute a useful source of information for election officials, researchers and voters.
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The original version of the cover and book was revised. The seventh editor name has been updated.
E-voting implantation has been facing important challenges in recent years. Several incidents, together with a lack of evaluation methodologies social and cultural customs hinder a broader application. In this work, the authors aim to contribute to a safer introduction of e-voting tools by applying a practical evaluation framework strongly based on the security requirements issued by the Council of Europe (CoE) in 2017 to nvotes, a system that has been utilized to cast over 2 million votes over the last 6 years. The ultimate goal of the analysis is not to judge from a rigid, “infallible” but to contribute to a gradual and secure implementation of e-voting solutions in the democratic processes. The authors believe it can constitute a useful source of information for election officials, researchers and voters.
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