
The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception

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... The study findings align with several aspects of existing literature on educational technology and language learning. The reliance on personal test materials reflects the observations of Nunan (1992) and Gibson (1988), who emphasize the importance of standardized assessments in ensuring educational quality. Similarly, the need for improved material and technical resources in rural schools mirrors the concerns raised by about disparities in educational opportunities. ...
... This suggests that while urban schools may have better access to resources, both urban and rural settings face unique challenges-urban schools may require more emphasis on infrastructure, whereas rural schools need greater support for teacher training and methodological development. The collaborative approach to problem-solving observed among rural teachers, who frequently involve parents and fellow teachers in action plan development (Figure 15), aligns with the findings of Gibson (1988), who advocates for an ecological approach to education. These authors suggest that educational environments operate as interconnected systems, and collaboration among various stakeholders can lead to more effective solutions. ...
... Similar findings have been reported in studies on educational technology in low-resource settings, where teacher competencies and access to technology are significant barriers to innovation (Gibson, 1988;. This study contributes to the global conversation by providing empirical data from Kazakhstan, a context often underrepresented in international research. ...
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The study aims to examine methods for developing technology to bridge the learning gap between rural and urban schools by adapting to changes in the educational environment and meeting the demands of modern education. It describes the design of a technology and a method for creating a language-focused educational environment based on the factors mentioned. This method uses a structured approach to describe business processes, enabling subject matter experts to present situations as an organized sequence of events while simultaneously detailing objects directly related to the process. The study surveyed 1,926 teachers from urban and rural schools across several regions in Kazakhstan, with an average participant age of 39.9 years. It used a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, and processed data through MS Excel and Statistica/R software. Data collection was conducted using Google Forms on the Google Cloud Platform. As a result of the research, the authors propose psycho-pedagogical technology "5F" to bridge the learning gap between rural and urban schools. The technology is based on evaluating five functions of building a language educational environment in urban and rural schools. The five functions are "Problem and conflict assessment", "Analysis of the school’s educational system organization", "Development of an action plan", "Implementation of the project solution based on a tutorial", "Marketing of project results". These functions were identified during the decomposition of the language learning environment and its interaction with the external environment. This technology adapts to changes in the educational environment, meets modern education requirements, and effectively identifies and addresses real-world problems and tasks related to language teaching and learning in specific schools. This study also provides insights into the language educational environment in Kazakhstan, highlighting significant disparities between urban and rural schools in assessing language preparation, resource availability, and the integration of technology. The findings of the study demonstrate that reliance on personal test materials rather than standardized assessments raises concerns about the objectivity and validity of language proficiency evaluations.
... Tutkimuksen toisessa osassa (II) analyysin raamina toimii tämän tutkimuksen puitteissa rakentamani vuorovaikutteisuushypoteesi. Rakennan sen tarjouman (Gibson 1966(Gibson , 1979 ja affektin (Spinoza 1677(Spinoza /2002Massumi 1995Massumi , 2002Sedgwick ym. 1995) ...
... Ihmiset havainnoivat luonnon tarjoumia omien lähtökohtiensa ohjaamina, jotka voivat olla biologisia, kulttuurisia, mutta myös henkilökohtaisten elämäntyylien, mieltymysten, kykyjen ja tarpeiden värittämiä. (Gibson 1966(Gibson , 1979Ingold 2011). Ihminen on vuorovaikutuksessa ympäristönsä kanssa aistipohjaisesti (Rodaway 1994). ...
... Biofilianäkökulman mukaan tässä vuorovaikutuksessa ihminen on vuorovaikutuksessa aistiensa kautta muiden eliöiden kanssa nimenomaan biologisena olentona (Kellert ja Wilson 2013). Tarjoumateoriaa (Gibson 1966(Gibson , 1979 soveltaen, ensiksi ihminen havaitsee tarjouman aistimalla ja saa näin informaatiota ympäristöstä, sitten tulkitsee sen luoden merkityksiä henkilökohtaisen kokemusmaailmansa ja ympäröivän kulttuurin kautta (Rodaway 1994). Havaitseminen on siis aistimista, joka luo suhteen ympäristöön ja näyttäytyy siihen liittyvinä tuntemuksina, jotka voivat johtaa ympäristöön kohdistuvaan toimintaan ja päätöksiin (Rodaway 1994). ...
Puut ovat keskeinen osa ihmisten monilajista elinpiiriä: ne tuottavat iloa, auttavat tarkkailemaan luontoa, niiden parissa eletään arkea, niiden menetystä surraan. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkin monimuotoisia suhteita ihmisten ja heidän lempipuidensa välillä arkisissa ympäristöissä. Tutkimusotteeni on monitieteinen yhdistäen ympäristöekologian, humanistisen ympäristötutkimuksen ja ympäristöpsykologian tutkimusperinteitä ja menetelmiä. Tutkimukseni pääkysymys on, miten puusuhteet muodostuvat ja miten nämä suhteet ilmenevät käytännössä esimerkiksi toimintana, ideoina, muistoina ja merkityksinä. Keskityn tutkimaan puiden ja ihmisten ominaisuuksien vaikutusta puusuhteiden syntyyn, puiden tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia vuorovaikutukseen, sekä puusuhteiden roolia ihmisen identiteetin rakentumisessa. Tutkimus pohjaa toiminnallisen ekologian, biofiliahypoteesin ja posthumanistisen ajattelun tutkimusperinteisiin sekä hyödyntää aistitutkimuksen menetelmiä sekä tarjoumateoriaa. Lajienvälinen näkökulma haastaa tutkimaan myös puun toimijuutta vuorovaikutussuhteessa. Analyysi kiteytyi kolmeen yleiseen puusuhteiden tyyppiin: ihaileva/voimaannuttava, hoivaava ja nostalginen. Puiden toiminnallisilla ominaisuuksilla, kuten puun koolla ja iällä, oli merkitystä ihailevan/voimannuttavan ja hoivaavan suhteen synnyssä, mutta ei niinkään nostalgisessa suhteessa, jossa merkitsevää oli henkilöhistoriaan kytkeytyvä erityinen paikka ja muistot. Havaitsemani viisi puusuhdetta ohjaavaa yhteyden lajia­ – materiaalinen-, aistipohjainen-, transsendentti-, symbolinen- ja tiedollinen yhteys paljastavat, että puusuhteissa on erilaisia luonto- ja ihmislähtöisiä näkökulmia. Työni havainnot kuvaavat puusuhteiden kulttuurista-, symbolista- ja tunnemerkitystä heijastaen niiden monimuotoista luonnetta. Tuloksia voidaan laajemmin tarkastella esimerkkinä luontosuhteiden rakentumisen monisyisyydestä. Tämän moniarvoisuuden ymmärtäminen on tärkeää lähiympäristön inhimillistä hyvinvointia tukevan suunnittelun kannalta, koska näyttää siltä, että kaikki puut eivät ole ihmisten näkökulmasta samanarvoisia.
... Progressivement, ce cadre a été appliqué à l'ensemble du spectre de l'exercice, de la performance sportive, de la santé, des activités physiques et de l'EP (Renshaw, 2015) à travers, notamment, la mise en place d'une pédagogie non linéaire (Chow et al., 2006 ;Chow et al., 2007 ;Chow et al., 2009). Le cadre théorique de l'approche par contraintes emprunte à la fois à la psychologie écologique (Gibson, 1979) et à l'approche des systèmes dynamiques (Newell, 1986) (Davids, Handford & Williams, 1994). Chow et al., 2007) Ensuite, l'article de Des points communs existent donc entre TGFU et CLA (Renshaw, 2015) qui préconisent toutes les deux l'utilisation de jeux modifiés pour faciliter l'émergence de couplages fonctionnels perception-action chez les apprenants . ...
... phénoménologie énactive / écologie dynamique Récemment Baggs et Chemero (2021) ont plaidé en faveur d'une synthèse productive entre les approches énactives (Maturana & Varela, 1987) et écologiques (Gibson, 1979 ;Swenson & Turvey, 1991) afin d'expliquer comment un agent interagit avec l'environnement. ...
... Le comportement et l'expérience humaine doivent être saisis au niveau écologique de l'analyse, le système organisme-environnement étant considéré comme l'unité d'analyse la plus fondamentalement pertinente pour comprendre les comportements humains (Araujo & Davids, 2018). 47 Si Gibson (1979) n'a jamais soutenu que la perception (ou conscience) indirecte (médiatisée) était impossible, il a établi une forte distinction entre la perception basée sur les informations détectées et la perception basée sur le langage, les images et autres représentations. Par ailleurs, nos propositions nous semblent également reposer sur un niveau acceptable de cohérence méthodologique : mesure de l'action et complémentarité des méthodes basées sur la quantification des données qualitatives (Adé et al., 2022) via des questionnaires d'IS. ...
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“There is a growing awareness of the significance of affective learning outcomes as a central pedagogical concern among physical education teachers, but also an acknowledgement that teachers may have limited skills and resources to facilitate affective learning” (Kirk, 2020, cited by Teraoka et al., 2021, p. 460). Despite the popularity of game-based approaches across the Atlantic, it does not seem to have filled a gap in the scientific literature concerning the notion of 'engaging formats' in physical education. The ambition of this habilitation is to articulate, around the 'Constraints-Led-Approach' (CLA) paradigm, the theoretical frameworks of situational interest (SI), motor praxeology (PM) and the conative approach (CA), in order to create ‘affective learning design’ in which the teacher becomes the 'designer' of emotionally significant experiences for students. CLA and game theories are epistemologically compatible, which is often the poor relation of 'mixed' approaches. On the one hand, they are holistic approaches based on the perception-action coupling and the actor-environment symmetry. On the other hand, they are hedonistic conceptions insofar as they give a central place to emotions in adaptation processes. They thus share a bottom-up logic of interpreting behavior in situations and aim to design learning environments that are both adapted and rich in new possibilities, guiding each learner towards active exploration of their environment. CLA, PM and CA can be used in an integrated and complementary manner to explore the effectiveness of pedagogical designs in PE. While CA provides a classification of organismic constraint and PM a system for categorizing the games used, CLA provides a sound theoretical explanation of how task and environmental factors interact with personal factors to shape both the physical and psychological engagement of practitioners. Our work as part of this habilitation highlights: a) that practitioners can declare the same pleasure in a variety of formats while engaging in them differently from a physical point of view; b) that studying these phenomena requires us to look at the effects of interactions, as variables linked to expertise and gender modify the effect of certain formats (this calls for a twofold vigilance with regard to declarative measures and the myth of the ideal format for an epistemic student); and c) that there are also important inducers not directly linked to game formats that need to be analyzed over the medium and long term, particularly after major life transitions. Studying engagement is therefore eminently complex and requires above all focusing on the effects of engagement in order to uncover the individual-environment interactions that set the subject in motion (and interest). This research option cannot be carried out a priori by focusing on the presupposed effects of the proposed formats and/or a posteriori by focusing on the subjectivity of the experience recounted by the actor, but rather in situ by recording the action in context. This objectification of the effects of interactions or ‘ergo-conative consonances’ is therefore a central condition for attesting to the relevance of the format in terms of engagement. Finally, as for the teaching method used: "the only good format is the one that matches the specific interests of the students". This work, rooted in the ecological paradigm, to study the commitment of practitioners ‘from within’, requires a rapprochement between scientists and practitioners. By opening the doors of the gymnasium to the researcher, the PE teacher gives him/her access to the analysis of behaviors in situation. In return, the researcher's updating of the eco-engaging variables enables the teacher to develop real pedagogical content knowledge and thus rehabilitate non-interventionist pedagogies in PE. On the basis of this knowledge, teachers can switch from simply prescribing tasks, which often demotivate pupils, to co-designing an 'engaging' experiential design in PE. In this type of research project, the role of practitioners is therefore more important than ever, and if this could be the message of this habilitation, it would summarize my own career quite well, first as a badminton player, then as a coach, teacher-trainer and finally as a teacher-researcher.
... This multiplicity of urban scenarios can be particularly enhanced by Extended reality (XR), whether in the form of virtual (VR), mixed (MR), or augmented reality (AR) (Rosenberg, 2022). Expanding the cyberpunk original science fiction concept (Gibson, 1984;Stephenson, 1994), urban metaverses can be understood as several collective virtual shared spaces mirroring and expanding existing cities where people can interact, work, play, and socialize in real-time using avatars and digital identities with a plausible sense of presence (Ball, 2022). They can take the form of different XRs, whether as completely virtual environments or as virtual layers on top of the physical reality that is augmented, while they could consist of multiple coexisting and interconnected XRs (Rosenberg, 2022) (thereby, we would talk rather of a metaverse of metaverses). ...
... In the coming years, the use of smartphone apps and headsets will facilitate to augment our physical environment, hence expanding its affordances (Gibson, 1979). On one hand, adapting and customizing in real-time and continuously the outlook of our built environment will become common. ...
... Following the idea of the Internet as a predictor of what is yet to come in more immersive, interactive, and embodied virtual worlds coupled with physical reality, the Web is a socially produced space as it is the urban space (Lefebvre, 1974). However, it comes with the additional constraint that its affordances (Gibson, 1979) are fully limited by the underlying code (Proctor, 2021) even in a more restrictive way: ...
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Urban Digital Twins (UDTs) have become the new buzzword for researchers, planners, policymakers, and industry experts when it comes to designing, planning, and managing sustainable and efficient cities. It encapsulates the last iteration of the technocratic and ultra-efficient, post-modernist vision of smart cities. However, while more applications branded as UDTs appear around the world, its conceptualization remains ambiguous. Beyond being technically prescriptive about what UDTs are, this article focuses on their aspects of interaction and operationalization in connection to people in cities, and how enhanced by metaverse ideas they can deepen societal divides by offering divergent urban experiences based on different stakeholder preferences. Therefore, firstly this article repositions the term UDTs by comparing existing concrete and located applications that have a focus on interaction and participation, including some that may be closer to the concept of UDT than is commonly assumed. Based on the components found separately in the different studied cases, it is possible to hypothesize about possible future, more advanced realizations of UDTs. This enables us to contrast their positive and negative societal impacts. While the development of new immersive interactive digital worlds can improve planning using collective knowledge for more inclusive and diverse cities, they pose significant risks not only the common ones regarding privacy, transparency, or fairness, but also social fragmentation based on urban digital multiplicities. The potential benefits and challenges of integrating this multiplicity of UDTs into participatory urban governance emphasize the need for human-centric approaches to promote socio-technical frameworks able to mitigate risks as social division.
... James J. Gibson dedicated much of his work to studying the visual information that enables animals to perceive both their own locomotion and the movement of objects (Gibson, 1954(Gibson, , 1966(Gibson, , 1968(Gibson, , 1979(Gibson, /2015. He asserted that transformations of the entire optic array inform animals about their own locomotion, while transformations of a part of the array inform them about the motion of an object. ...
... 310). The emphasis he placed on the permanence of the environment in the study of perception in general can be traced in his subsequent works (Gibson, 1966(Gibson, , 1968(Gibson, , 1979(Gibson, /2015. ...
James J. Gibson affirmed that an object in motion is perceived relative to a permanent background. Based on this assertion, we assessed the perceived direction of a horizontal line (target) as it moved relative to a fixed (illuminated dashed line), or changing background (flashing dashed line). The perception of the direction of the target from a stationary (target crossing the screen) or mobile (target remains in the center of the screen) perspective of observation was also assessed since it is unclear whether motion perception from these two perspectives is influenced by background permanency. Participants were asked to judge whether the target moved to the right or left. Results showed that under the stationary perspective, high percentages of correct judgments were obtained regardless of the type of background. Significantly, under a mobile view, participants were more likely to judge the direction of the line correctly when it moved relative to a fixed rather than a changing background. Finally, response latency decreased with greater exposure to the task, indicating an effect of experience. Our results suggest that a permanent environment provides fixed frames of reference in relation to which the direction of a moving target is perceived under stationary and mobile views.
... Second, the notion of a bodyartefact functional system, as introduced by Shvarts, Alberto, Bakker, Doorman and Drijvers (2021). This is an elaboration of the instrumental approach (Verillon & Rabardel, 1995) within an embodied standpoint with particular attention to the role of the artefact's affordances (Gibson, 1986). ...
... [2] Affordance (Gibson, 1986) means the possibilities for actions which the environment offers to a subject. In our case, they are the actions that the Tracer offers to students to accomplish the requests of the given task. ...
Covariational reasoning in primary school settings is an under explored area, with limited research on how young students conceive the simultaneous variation of two quantities. One explanation for this is that for many people, even mathematics education researchers, as observed by Thompson and Harel (2021), 'varying' means replacing one value by another. Thompson and Carlson (2017) instead understand functions varying covariationally as an invariant relationship between two quantities' values as they vary simultaneously. This covariational approach to functional thinking is extremely important for students learning calculus , but it cannot be postponed until then, since it takes time to be learnt and practiced. In fact, Thompson and Harel (2021) claim it should be promoted from lower secondary school and early high school. In this article, we show how covariational reasoning can be prompted in primary school grades through the support of specifically designed activities making use of an artefact called Tracer.
... One of the core concepts in OS is the notion of affordances, borrowed from Gibson's theory of perception [33]. Gibson's theory posits that affordances are opportunities for action provided by the environment to an agent, which are directly perceived without requiring cognitive processing. ...
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In this paper, we introduce NOMIS (NOrmative Modelling of Information Systems), a novel human-centred approach to Information Systems (IS) modelling, that integrates insights from Organizational Semiotics, the Theory of Organized Activity, and Enterprise Ontology. NOMIS emphasizes the centrality of human observable actions and interactions in modelling and developing IS, grounded in the philosophical stance of Human Relativism. We present a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations of NOMIS and demonstrate its practical application through a case study. This case study highlights the differences between NOMIS and traditional business process modelling, showcasing the advantages of a human-centred approach in capturing real-world activities and interactions. The findings suggest that NOMIS provides a more accurate and effective framework for IS development, ensuring better alignment with organizational goals and user needs.
... According to the dynamic systems perspective, the influence of the environment and environmental factors may be the reason for the progress in the motor proficiency of these children. Therefore, although the development of motor proficiency may naturally be influenced by genetic predisposition, the learning of these skills requires practice and experience (Fathirezaie et al., 2021;Gibson, 2014). In children, it has been demonstrated that physical activities lead to enhanced communication between nerve cells in the brain, resulting in numerous beneficial outcomes such as improved motor proficiency (both gross and fine), increased self-awareness, social skills, language proficiency, creativity, and problem-solving abilities (Kantawala et al., 2024;Liu et al., 2019). ...
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The study investigated the effects of Heidelberg Ballschule motor proficiency and visual-motor skills of 7–9 year-old girls. A sample of 30 girls participated in a semi-experimental study, with pre-test and post-test evaluations conducted. The Bruininks-Oseretsky test and the test of visual-motor skills were used to assess motor proficiency and visual-motor skills. Results showed a significant improvement in both motor proficiency and visual-motor skills among the experimental group compared to the control group (p < 0.05). These findings highlight the substantial benefits of Heidelberg Ballschule Games in enhancing girl’s motor proficiency and visual-motor skills. The study recommends incorporating these ball games to promote children’s overall motor and visual development.
... Differences in platforms' features can be addressed through the conceptual framework of affordances (Evans et al., 2017;Treem & Leonardi, 2012). Originally, the concept of affordances referred to the possibility of an action being available in one's environment (Gibson, 1979). Adapted to computer-mediated communication, affordances can be described as the relational structure "between an object/technology and the user that enables or constrains potential behavioral outcomes in a particular context" (Evans et al., 2017, p. 36). ...
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Social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat offer adolescents many opportunities to control how other users see and perceive them. By observing their peers’ self-presentations and receiving feedback on their own self-presentations from them, adolescents learn what is typical (descriptive norms) and appropriate (injunctive norms) on different social media platforms. Based on computer-assisted face-to-face surveys with German Instagram and/or Snapchat users aged between 14 and 16 years ( N = 1,002), we examined the impact of descriptive and injunctive norms on adolescents’ self-presentation practices on social media. Drawing on the theory of normative social behavior and the affordances approach, we also considered the norm-moderating factors of outcome expectations, group identity, platform differences, and perceived content persistence. We provide evidence that both descriptive and injunctive peer norms influence adolescents’ staged self-presentations, authentic self-presentations, and presentations of everyday life, although none of the moderating factors reached practical significance.
... Stimmungen und Gefühle »erschließen« in Heideggers Terminologie die Welt (Heidegger 1986: 136), d. h., nur durch Gefühle wird sie für uns überhaupt zu einer sinnvollen und bedeutsamen Umwelt. Dabei kommt die Welt unseren Gefühlen entgegen, denn sie weist ihrerseits affektive oder Wertqualitäten, »Valenzen« (Lewin 1969) oder »Affordanzen« (Gibson 1979) auf: Dinge und Situationen wirken anziehend, behaglich, vertraut oder abstoßend, unheimlich, bedrohlich usw. Stimmungen und Atmosphären brei-ten sich über Situationen, Räume und ganze Landschaften aus. ...
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Gefühle gelten nach herrschender Auffassung als mentale Zustände, die in einer verborgenen Innenwelt des Subjekts bzw. in seinem Gehirn zu lokalisieren sind. Eine verkörperte Konzeption hingegen begreift Gefühle als umfassende Phänomene, die Selbst und Welt in leiblicher Resonanz miteinander verbinden. Auch die Intersubjektivität beginnt nicht mit einem abgeschlossenen Ich, das den Weg zu anderen erst finden müsste, sondern mit der Interaffektivität: Sie stiftet die primäre, zwischenleibliche Beziehung ebenso wie die dauerhaften Bindungen zu anderen Menschen. Diese Konzeption wird allgemein ebenso wie anhand zahlreicher Gefühle wie Empathie, Vertrauen, Scham, Hass, Trauer u.a. entwickelt.
... Affordance é o termo proposto emGibson (1979) para fazer referência às possibilidades que o meioambiente oferece a um determinado organismo e que orientam suas interações com ele. Basicamente, o que a conceito de affordance implica é que os objetos, seja por sua forma, seja pelo material de que são feitos, se apresentam a seus usuários de tal modo que eles imediatamente sabem como utilizá-los. ...
... An affordance is a concept originating from psychology that describes the relationship between an entity, its environment and the potential actions or behaviors it offers to a user (Gibson 2014). The concept has been widely applied in the field of Information Systems (Bansal and Shukla 2022;Carlo et al. 2012;Gal et al. 2014;Leonardi 2011), where affordances are not only properties of the IT system, but consists of the relationship between users and the technological features they interact with to achieve a business goal (Bansal and Shukla 2022;Treem and Leonardi 2013). ...
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This article identifies how decentralized and interoperable storage solutions create value for service providers. These solutions are invented to serve the fundamental principle that data should not be confined behind company walls. Instead, these solutions facilitate the flow of data between different stakeholders, enabling innovation in data ecosystems through the reuse of information. Through multiple stakeholder interviews, this research explored different ways in which such solutions bring value to service providers. Utilizing the affordance theory, we conclude that, compared to relating technologies such as blockchain and big data analytics, decentralized and interoperable storage solutions bring two additional opportunities; (1) an affordance on interoperable data exchange which enables the reduction of costs (e.g., data cleaning) and (2) an affordance on legal risks and compliance facilitating the reduction of compliancy costs and potential legal risks.
... Ce champ est celui de la psychologie é cologique ou de la perception directe de James Gibson [38] qui va reprendre et dé velopper le concept de validité é cologique de Brunswik dans le contexte de la perception visuelle [85,99]. La diffé rence repose sur une divergence fondamentale entre une adaptation des comportements basé s sur une infé rence probabiliste (i.e., le fonctionnalisme probabiliste) et une approche dé terministe (i.e., la perception directe). ...
... It involves a value-based relational process that identifies affordances -what the environment offers an individual (e.g. spatial layout) -and the environmental capabilities that influence how an individual interacts with the environment (Gibson, 1979). Similarly, Chemero et al. (2003) suggests that affordances are a function of both objective (real) and subjective (perceived) factors, and are not solely attributable to either the environment or the individual. ...
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This study investigates the relationship between various environmental capabilities (physical, social, leisure, and emotional) and adolescent well-being across multiple dimensions (physical, emotional, and social well-being). Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 737 adolescents aged 12 to 19 in Tabriz, Iran, in 2022. The study focused on selected sites displaying specific adolescent behaviours in urban spaces, including natural, commercial, sports, urban pathways and intersections, and cultural settings. The questionnaires were used to evaluate environmental capabilities as independent variables and adolescent well-being as the dependent variable.Multivariate regression Analyses were employed to examine the impact of environmental capabilities on adolescent well-being within the defined typologies of urban spaces. The regression analysis unveiled that the commercial sites significantly influenced adolescent well-being, particularly physical well-being (regression coefficient = 0.437). It was found that environmental capabilities, categorized as physical, social, leisure, and emotional, assume a pivotal role in adolescents’ well-being across physical, emotional, and social dimensions.
... While this has been described elsewhere (Rosić et al., 2022), we asked how train drivers evaluate potential collisions rather than avoid them. However, actions and action opportunities are a major influence on how people perceive and evaluate situations (Gibson, 1979;Neisser, 1976). A related limitation is that we did not investigate to what extent train drivers actually use the cues they reported. ...
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When trains collide with obstacles, the consequences are often severe. To assess how artificial intelligence might contribute to avoiding collisions, we need to understand how train drivers do it. What aspects of a situation do they consider when evaluating the risk of collision? In the present study, we assumed that train drivers do not only identify potential obstacles but interpret what they see in order to anticipate how the situation might unfold. However, to date it is unclear how exactly this is accomplished. Therefore, we assessed which cues train drivers use and what inferences they make. To this end, image-based expert interviews were conducted with 33 train drivers. Participants saw images with potential obstacles, rated the risk of collision, and explained their evaluation. Moreover, they were asked how the situation would need to change to decrease or increase collision risk. From their verbal reports, we extracted concepts about the potential obstacles, contexts, or consequences, and assigned these concepts to various categories (e.g., people’s identity, location, movement, action, physical features, and mental states). The results revealed that especially for people, train drivers reason about their actions and mental states, and draw relations between concepts to make further inferences. These inferences systematically differ between situations. Our findings emphasise the need to understand train drivers’ risk evaluation processes when aiming to enhance the safety of both human and automatic train operation.
... In 1986, James J. Gibson transformed the verb 'afford' into the noun 'affordance'. While the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines 'afford' as 'to make available, give forth, or provide naturally or inevitably', Gibson (1986) understands affordances as the give-and-take between individuals and the environment, that is, relations based on people's awareness and interpretation of possible functions derived from the environment (Fjørtoft, 2001). As such, affordances are considered located between the subjective and objective. ...
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Amidst major urbanization and technologization processes, scholars have been seeking innovative concepts and methods for studying urban environments and settings. Behavioral mapping was developed in the 1970s by environmental psychologists. However, despite its potential to address new challenges, the method remains relatively underdeveloped in the field of urban planning. This paper juxtaposes the new objectives of urban planning with the qualities of behavioral mapping to discuss the method’s relevance for studying dynamic urban environments. Drawing on case studies of complex urban settings of different scales (a community park and a hospital), we offer a systematic analysis of applying behavioral mapping in urban planning and conclude about the use of the methods and its potential to address contemporary challenges faced by urban planners.
... Both Piaget (1968) and Vygotsky (1967) emphasised sensorimotor engagement and physical experiences as an indispensable part of cognitive development, with recurring interactive experiences enabling children to become active respondents in control of their cognitive functions (Lock et al., 1989). Embodied cognition is based on the term of 'affordances' which examines movement-related interactions that stem from the environment, between objects and their related sensorimotor abilities (Garbarini & Adenzato, 2004;Gibson, 2014). Embodied cognition theories state that action and perception are inextricably bound (Barsalou et al., 2003). ...
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Theories linked to embodied cognition emphasise the importance of kinaesthetic learning in shaping higher-order cognitive processing. By spreading the cognitive load to other senses while still contributing to central schema, embodied learning can build long-term memory and engagement, especially in young children, leading to improved performance. This approach is particularly suited to computational thinking (CT) which is arguably the critical digital literacy skill of the twenty-first century. This article reports on the co-design of a digital exhibit in collaboration with a Science Discovery Centre (SDC) intended to encourage CT in young children , underpinned by an embodied cognition approach incorporating whole-body actions. Each stage of the exhibit co-design process was informed by research into embodied cognition as well as competencies associated with CT, namely deconstruc-tion, pattern identification, abstraction, and algorithmic thinking, over a 12-month period from conception to fruition. The article describes how theories surrounding embodied cognition and CT were enacted in the realisation process. It concludes by considering the value of co-designing with industry partners such as the SDC, as well as the value of learning designs incorporating kinaesthetic learning especially in relation to abstract concepts such as CT, as embodied knowledge can lead to the construction of enriched mental representations whereby new information is not just seen and heard but is connected to information from the physical environment.
... Among these, virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a promising educational tool to enhance learning in STEM disciplines [6]. agent the opportunity for action based on the agent's capabilities [7], IVR has two main affordances: the sense of presence and agency. The sense of presence, defined as the ''sense of being there'' [8], immerses users in a 3D simulated world. ...
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Immersive virtual reality (IVR) is widely recognized as an innovative technology that enhances learning experiences. IVR affordances could serve as a learning medium, and instructors and designers should consider using available tools to teach practical STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects, incorporating the latest practices and recommendations. Due to innovations in virtual reality hardware and affordability in recent years, there is a higher chance that IVR will be adopted in educational settings. Thus, designers and developers must stay informed about current IVR trends and the aspects addressed and recommended for instructing STEM concepts. To target this issue, we systematically reviewed the design and development of customized IVR experiences and their multiple effects on STEM learning settings. In this systematic review, we identified several advantages and disadvantages reported in 30 papers based on user studies in higher education scenarios. We proposed a conceptual framework to categorize the design and features of the IVR tools discussed in the papers, based on their levels of embodiment, immersion, and the type of learning they facilitate. IVR can provide an intuitive and practical immersive learning experience, reporting multiple results on motivation, engagement, usability, and learning performance. However, we should consider the features that could directly affect the user experience and learning outcomes. We recommend that designers and developers explore developing customized IVR experiences tailored for STEM learning, especially for invisible and complex subjects where 3D visualization could benefit students.
... Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2017;Unated nations, n.d.-b). We need a present and future pedagogy that gives children time and space to discover and develop familiarity with the identities of the materials (Vecchi, 2012), their properties, their possibilities and resistance; in brief, their affordances (Gibson, 1986). Materials change according to the environment or substances they appear in (Ingold, 2007). ...
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In Nordic kindergarten, activities with materials have had a significant position historically. The Norwegian term “forming” includes both the material-based craftwork and the art area. Research shows that creative activity with materials constitutes a smaller part of the content in the kindergarten than before. The aim of this article is 1) to provide a historical overview of the subject forming, 2) to put this retrospectively into an epistemological context that points towards 3) an actualization in relation to the UN Sustainability Goals and children’s right to expression according to the UN Convention. The article is based on an ethnographic study in kindergarten and an article on the topic written in Norwegian (Carlsen, 2015, 2022). The discussion illuminates how the anchoring of forming in natural and cultural materials is lifted into a sustainability perspective and how a shift in theoretical perspectives opens new understandings and contributes to the kindergarten’s content.
... The concept of affordance was first introduced by Gibson (1979) to refer to actors' capabilities in a particular context and then used to emphasize the relationship between individuals' behaviors and technologies' features (Evans et al., 2017). Through a systematic literature review, Ronzhyn, Cardenal, and Batlle Rubio (2022) proposed a unified definition of social media affordances-"perceived actual or imagined properties of social media, emerging through the relation of technological, social, and contextual, that enable and constrain specific uses of the platforms" (17). ...
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This study proposes affordances for discursive opportunities (ADO) as a theoretical framework that leverages the concept of technological affordances and the theory of discursive opportunities to understand platform potential in shaping social media activism. Specifically, ADO underscores how social media platform affordances (e.g., algorithmic curation, shared group identity and culture, connectivity) shape movement visibility, resonance, and legitimacy, all of which can mobilize activism efforts. We further situate our discussion in the cross-platform context to explore both differences and interconnections between different platforms in facilitating digital activism. By analyzing 20,363,128 English posts related to the #MeToo movement from 2017 to 2020 on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit using supervised machine learning and time series analysis, we reveal platform variations in affording discursive opportunities for visibility, resonance, and legitimacy, which shape activism efforts differently across platforms. We also find a unidirectional relationship from activism on Twitter and Reddit to activism on Facebook.
... There is evidence showing our visual system uses the prevalent ground surface, where terrestrial creatures populate, as a reference frame for coding spatial locations for distance judgments in the intermediate distance range. [1][2][3][4] Empirical findings have revealed the ground-based spatial coding scheme accurately localizes objects on the ground when the horizontal ground surface is continuous and carries rich depth cues (e.g. Loomis et al., 5 Loomis et al., 6 Ooi et al., 7 Philbeck et al., 8 Rieser et al., 9 Sinai et al., 10 Thomson, 11 and Wu et al. 12 ). ...
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Purpose Binocular depth discrimination in the near distance range (< 2 m) improves with stimulus duration. However, whether the same response-pattern holds in the intermediate distance range (approximately 2–25 m) remains unknown because the spatial coding mechanisms are thought to be different. Methods We used the two-interval forced choice procedure to measure absolute depth discrimination of paired asynchronous targets (3, 6, or 16 arc min). The paired targets (0.2 degrees) were located over a distance and height range, respectively, of 4.5 to 7.0 m and 0.15 to 0.7 m. Experiment 1 estimated duration thresholds for binocular depth discrimination at varying target durations (40–1610 ms), in the presence of a 2 × 6 array of parallel texture-elements spanning 1.5 × 5.83 m on the floor. The texture-elements provided a visible background in the light-tight room (9 × 3 m). Experiment 2 used a similar setup to control for viewing conditions: binocular versus monocular and with versus without texture background. Experiment 3 compared binocular depth discrimination between brief (40, 80, and 125 ms) and continuous texture background presentation. Results Stimulus duration threshold for depth discrimination decreased with increasing disparity in experiment 1. Experiment 2 revealed depth discrimination performance with texture background was near chance level with monocular viewing. Performance with binocular viewing degraded without texture background. Experiment 3 showed continuous texture background presentation enhances binocular depth discrimination. Conclusions Absolute depth discrimination improves with target duration, binocular viewing, and texture background. Performance further improved with longer background duration underscoring the role of ground surface representation in spatial coding.
... van Gelder was not the first, of course, to bring temporal dynamics to the forefront. As ecological psychologists, Gibson (1979) and Turvey (2018) had been arguing the case for decades and those insights were showing up in pockets of research on sensorimotor coordination (Kelso, 1995), cognitive development (Thelen & Smith, 1994), and robotics (Beer, 1995). But van Gelder (1998) brought the Dynamical Hypothesis to the attention of philosophers in cognitive science, some of the staunchest defenders of the digital computer metaphor of the mind. ...
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About 30 years ago, the Dynamical Hypothesis instigated a variety of insights and transformations in cognitive science. One of them was the simple observation that, quite unlike trial‐based tasks in a laboratory, natural ecologically valid behaviors almost never have context‐free starting points. Instead, they produce lengthy time series data that can be recorded with dense‐sampling measures, such as heartrate, eye movements, EEG, etc. That emphasis on studying the temporal dynamics of extended behaviors may have been the trigger that led to a rethinking of what a “representation” is, and then of what a “cognitive agent” is. This most recent and perhaps most revolutionary transformation is the idea that a cognitive agent need not be a singular physiological organism. Perhaps a group of organisms, such as several people working on a joint task, can temporarily function as one cognitive agent – at least while they're working adaptively and successfully.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Whilst the previous chapter discussed the specific boundaries and patterned characteristics of topological frames, this chapter examines the act of looking and the importance of the visual gaze in pattern identification. The identification of a topological frame is only visible because we receive details on a narrator’s or character’s view. However, how much of that fictional view is influenced by the times and places of the author? Through an illustration of spatial patterning in a range of Victorian and Modernist texts, this chapter begins with an assessment of aesthetic practices within this period to assess potential cultural influence on topological frames. The remainder of the chapter will examine the visual perceptual system and argue that the patterning within topological frames stems from a more universal human operation: the visual primitive.
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This article proposes a reconsidered chaîne opératoire framework drawing on theories of embodied, extended, and enacted cognition. I investigate three hypotheses: (1) the chaîne opératoire framework (as it is used) takes a cognitivist approach to the mind, (2) technical tendencies and milieus can encompass and support modern theories of embodied, extended, enactive cognition, and (3) that by reconsidering these elements of the chaîne opératoire framework alongside contemporary theories of cognition we may re-envision a novel chaîne opératoire framework which takes a non-cognitivist approach. First, the development of chaîne opératoire and its uses are reviewed and analyzed for evidence of a cognitivist approach. Second, I argue that elements of the chaîne opératoire framework (technical tendencies and milieus) can and do support contemporary theories of cognition. Similar methods for connecting methodological frameworks with the phenomenological nature of human being such as Cognigrams and the Four-Field Co-Evolutionary approach are analyzed to provide context for this work. Following this, I outline a unique approach to the chaîne opératoire framework which accounts for theories of embodied, enacted, and extended cognition.
Whilst illustrating spatial patterning in a late Modernist context, this chapter demonstrates a literary application to the patterns through the work of Beckett and Modernist techniques. Beckett understood that there were operations underlying the production of narrative and this chapter discusses how he sought to ‘un-arrive’ at written representation by undercutting the final salient product of text. This was of particular philosophical and aesthetic concern to Beckett and is witnessed by his attempts to overcome the end product of writing in favour of the process. Finding inspiration in the visual arts, particularly Impression, this chapter examines how he tries to achieve the same collaborative relationship with a reader as Impressionism does with its viewer. Comparing Beckett’s minimalism to Joyce’s maximalism, it is further argued in this chapter that Joyce’s punning produces the possibility of overloading the global properties of the visual perception with salient possibilities resulting in a complex and multiple series of accompanying visual images.
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Effort, commonly understood as the power of an action toward an intended goal, is acknowledged as an important aspect of music expressivity. Previous studies in Hindustani Dhrupad vocal improvisation, particularly those focusing on manual interactions with imaginary objects, have revealed the intricate connection between effort and various movement and melodic variables. The study employed manual annotations by participants who visually inspected and assessed the amount of effort that such interactions were perceived to require. However, since effort is inherently perceptual and subjective and the way that an observer makes assessments on effort levels remains a non-transparent process, the paper seeks to examine the applicability of the Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) system in this task. For this, it relies on a multi-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to infer manually annotated (numerical) effort levels from Laban’s (categorical) Effort Factors, namely Weight, Flow, Time, and Space, for two Dhrupad performances. The results suggest that apart from the Space factor, which was excluded for reasons delineated, a good part of effort’s variance can be explained through the remaining three statistically significant Effort Factors, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis that they are unrelated. By ascertaining this relationship, effort-related melodic aspects in Dhrupad improvisation can be predicted using the three Laban Effort Factors.
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Rapid urbanization has heightened attention fatigue and physiological stress among urban residents. However, high-density urban construction, mainly covered by streets, squares/plazas, and buildings, in particular, poses a challenge to traditional restoration dominated by green infrasturcture. This research aims to conduct a systematic review of the available body of knowledge regarding the relationship between public urban spaces and restorativeness based on combined multisensory effects. First, a conceptual framework was proposed to connect spatial properties of public realms, sensorial mechanisms, and restoration benefits. As a result, detailed spatial elements and organization affecting multiple sensory modalities combined via additive, antagonistic, and synergistic effects were extracted, which essentially act on urban restoration, including attention, stress, and emotional recovery. Last, but not least, compared with previous research, restoration design strategies of public urban spaces accelerating multisensory integration were drawn to contribute new insights for future high-density urban development.
The standard explanation model in neuroscience operates under the idea of the computational metaphor. With this in mind, the main motivation of this article is to undertake a review exercise prompted by a series of empirical evidence challenging the standard version from within the explanatory model itself. This leads us to consider that perhaps a conceptual revolution in neuroscience explanatory models may be plausible, with its conceptual foundations found in ecological psychology. The work will conclude by presenting some of the characteristics that ecological neuroscience should possess, in addition to offering some personal reflections on where this emerging research program should continue to evolve.
Do the theses on the intersubjective construction of reality, known from phenomenological philosophy and sociology, have a foundation in natural sciences? We answer this question in the affirmative from the position of the extended evolutionary synthesis, for which evolution means more than a generational change in the characteristics of groups of organisms under the selection pressure of the environment in which they find themselves. Contemporary theorizing of the multilevel empirical correlation of the subject and the surrounding world from a biological and ecological perspective assumes a more precise determination of how organisms construct their own niches, implying a process by which living beings significantly alter their environment through their actions, which in turn leads to evolutionary change. Every organism, not just humans, is also an object in the world, subject to physical forces and transformations of matter and energy, as well as a subject to the world it creates by shaping it through its autonomous behavior. Living things are subject to natural selection, which is why only those that are able to respond to external biotic and abiotic challenges survive and reproduce, but at the same time organisms themselves influence the course of evolution by shaping their own environment and changing selection pressures. Just as there is no organism without the environment, because it is not only a source of material that a living being processes, but also an extension of its bodily functions, so there is no world that surrounds it without an organism that gives it meaning through its actions and changes the conditions for the further evolutionary development of its own and other species with which it is in a complex relationship within the ecosystem.
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Conformity is the tendency to modify one’s behaviour to match the behaviour of others. Lisciandra et al. (2013) introduced the concept of conformorality to refer to the susceptibility of moral judgements to conformity. While it is often suggested that conformorality is generally bad, recent interdisciplinary work indicates that conformorality can also promote epistemically and morally positive outcomes under certain conditions. In the literature, little attention has been paid to the geometry of urban spaces. Here we combine results from the philosophy and psychology of conformity with general insights from urban studies to distinguish three ways in which the geometry of urban spaces might relate to conformorality, namely: urban spaces can exemplify, afford, or constitute conformorality. This paper’s analysis contributes a more nuanced understanding of the different faces of conformorality, as well as their bearing on urban planning and city living.
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Este artigo pretende apresentar uma fenomenologia das relações com, atra-vés e entre os média digitais num contexto de cultura plataformizada. Ana-lisando um conjunto de práticas sociais mediadas pelas tecnologias digitais, esboça-se a reconfiguração de um novo campo de experiências propedêuti-cas à formação de novos habitus cognitivos e percetivos. Para a compreen-são desse novo cenário sociotécnico, mostra-se a potencialidade heurística de uma metodologia analítica baseada na articulação entre as categorias de media ecology, material engagement e affordance. A complementaridade desses três prismas interpretativos revela-se pertinente no contexto da crítica cultural à plataformização das identidades, dos dispositivos de poder computacional, dos processos de valorização social e da epistemologia que lhes é subjacente. Palavras-chave Cognição incorporada; interpassividade; affordance; ecologia mídiatica; premediação.
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I argue for a version of evaluative sentimentalism according to which (i) affective responses are appearances of value and (ii) value judgments can repudiate or assent to these appearances. The starting point of my argument is Giovanna Colombetti’s enactive conception of affectivity. According to Colombetti, an affective being is one that through its sense-making activity enacts meaningful value-laden distinctions and, thus, brings forth an Umwelt (i.e., an environment that has a specific significance for it). The elements of that Umwelt strike the affective being as meaningful or valuable and to be thus struck is to be affected by those things. In that sense, affective responses can be characterized as appearances of value. I hold that appearances of value are best understood as perceptions of affordances. This view has consequences for our understanding of value judgments. The evaluative concepts that are relevant to us must map onto distinctions that are meaningful to us. As such, relevant evaluative concepts must capture the significance of the elements in the Umwelt that affect the organism. The upshot is that the significance value judgments ascribe to their objects can coincide with the meaning with which the object is presented to us in an affective response. Keywords: Affectivity; Enactivism; Affordances; Evaluative Sentimentalism
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This article seeks to outline the effective integration of semiotic methods, particularly the Peircean approach, with research on human creative cognition. The aim is to elucidate the involvement of the mind and neurological mechanisms in the process of semiosis. By examining how the mind externalizes thoughts and ideas, the article offers a fresh perspective on how external models and representations serve as essential anchors of meaning. Furthermore, this integrated approach provides a deeper understanding of how meaning is constructed and communicated, highlighting the importance of considering both internal cognitive processes and external manifestations in the study of semiotics.
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Denne multimodale artikkelen bygger på et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid der forfatteren har arbeidet utforskende med abstraktog poetiskmultiplananimasjon. Undersøkelsen plasseres metodologisk innenfor a/r/tografi,og teorier om kroppsliggjort kunnskap anvendes som læringsteoretisk rammeverk. Gjennom fotodokumentasjon, skriftlig tekst og animasjonsfilm synliggjøres kroppsliggjort kunnskap om multiplananimasjon som teknikk og kunstnerisk uttrykksform, og dens potensiale i en læringssammenheng med barn i barnehage og grunnskole. I en videre sammenheng undersøkes animasjonens mulighet til å utvikle ny og utvidet kunnskap om koblinger mellom materialer og teknologi, og utgjør dermed et bidrag til en ny material-digital praksissom ivaretar barns kroppslige måter å lære på. Forsknings-spørsmålet som stilles er; Hvilke kroppsliggjorte kunnskaper om multiplananimasjon kan utvikles gjennom kunstnerisk utforsking, og hvilket læringspotensial finnes i utforskende og skapende arbeid med multiplananimasjon sammen med barn?Spørsmålet drøftes gjennom følgende tre kategorier: (1) Abstrakt multiplananimasjon som en poetisk bevegelse; (2) Multiplananimasjonsom en romlig collage;(3) Multiplananimasjon som langsom kunnskap og langsomt håndverk.
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The purpose of this demonstration study was to determine the effect of prior experiences and gender on cognitive demands at the initial educational technology experience. The task of drone operation was selected as a novel educational technological tool and videogame use was determined to be a tangential prior experience. Through the framework of embodied cognition, the NASA Task Load Index was used to measure cognitive demand. Practicing middle- and high-school science teachers were recruited to participate in this study. Participants operated drones at three instances over two weeks. An additional challenging task was also presented. A mixed ANOVA suggested a significant interaction between videogame use and time: F(2, 28) = 3.77, p<p< 0.05. A significant interaction between gender and time was also observed: F(2, 29) = 3.72, p<p< 0.05. For both prior experience and gender, the differences were observed at the first instance of drone operation and not at subsequent trials. Results suggest prior experience and gender may only affect cognitive load at the initial experience and leveling of cognitive load occurs with continued practice. These findings can support an educator’s planning for drone-based activities and help to mitigate the stigma of gender differences regarding technology use. Additionally, these findings support the need to examine and enhance related and transferable skills, such as hand–eye coordination and spatial thinking, to lessen cognitive load at the initial educational experience.
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This paper introduces a theory of mind that positions language as a cognitive tool in its own right for the optimization of biological fitness. I argue that human language reconstruction of reality results from biological memory and adaptation to uncertain environmental conditions for the reaffirmation of the Self-as-symbol. I demonstrate that pre-trained language models, such as ChatGPT, lack embodied grounding, which compromises their ability to adequately model the world through language due to the absence of subjecthood and conscious states for event recognition and partition. At a deep level, I challenge the notion that the constitution of a semiotic Self relies on computational reflection, arguing against reducing human representation to data structures and emphasizing the importance of positing accurate models of human representation through language. This underscores the distinction between transformers as posthuman agents and humans as purposeful biological agents, which emphasizes the human capacity for purposeful biological adjustment and optimization. One of the main conclusions of this is that the capacity to integrate information does not amount to phenomenal consciousness as argued by Information Integration Theory. The conclusion is that while language models exhibit superior computational capacity, they lack the real consciousness providing them with multiscalar experience anchored in the physical world, a characteristic of human cognition. However, the paper anticipates the emergence of new in-silico conceptualizers capable of defining themselves as phenomenal agents with symbolic contours and specific goals.
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