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Int. J. Export Marketing, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2018
1 Editorial
Dafnis N. Coudounaris and Stanley Joseph Paliwoda
4 The coordination of export promotion networks for the creative industries
Beatriz Kury, Angela da Rocha and Renato Cotta de Mello
28 Influences of international orientation and export commitment on the
export performance of emerging market SMEs
Marcelo André Machado, Walter Meucci Nique and Viviane Bischoff
47 Strategic application of the hazard analysis and critical control point
system for new export markets for Cyprus’ small and medium food
enterprises during the 2012 economic crisis
Marianna Charalambous, Konstantinos Mitosis and Michael A. Talias
63 Recapturing images after a brand crisis through marketing communication
in social networks: the Maggi controversy
R.K. Srivastava
Int. J. Export Marketing, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2018 1
Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Dafnis N. Coudounaris*
School of Economics and Business Administration,
University of Tartu,
J. Liivi 4-104, 50409 Tartu, Estonia
*Corresponding author
Stanley Joseph Paliwoda
Department of Marketing,
Strathclyde Business School,
University of Strathclyde,
199 Cathedral Street, G4 0QU Glasgow, UK
Biographical notes: Dafnis N. Coudounaris is an Associate Professor of
Innovation Management at the School of Economics and Business
Administration at the University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. He received his BSc
in Economics from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from Bristol Polytechnic, MSc in
International Business from UMIST and PhD in Industrial Marketing from
Luleå University of Technology. He has published several papers in
international journals such as MIR, JI Management, IBR, P&M and JBR. He
serves as a member of the editorial review boards of Journal of Business
Research and Journal of Innovation and Knowledge and is a member of the
Board of Governors of GIKA. He recently became a Fellow of the European
Mediterranean Academy of Business (EMAB).
Stanley Joseph Paliwoda is an Emeritus Professor of Marketing at the
Strathclyde Business School, Department of Marketing, University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow. He is a former Senior Examiner of the Institute of Export
in the UK and has written various textbooks and particularly a seminal one
entitled International Marketing with co-author Professor Michael Thomas. He
has published 63 articles in books and international journals. He is a Deputy
Editor of the Journal of Customer Behaviour and a Fellow of both the
Chartered Institute of Marketing and Chartered Management Institute. He is an
international trustee of IP Management Poland and has served as a member of
several editorial boards.
Welcome to the first issue of Volume 2 of the International Journal of Export Marketing
(IJEXPORTM). We would like to inform the academic community that, as from January
2018, IJEXPORTM will be published on a quarterly basis. This issue includes four papers
in the field of export marketing and international business. The four papers which are
included in this issue are summarised in the following paragraphs. The first paper deals
with the coordination of systems offered by different countries to facilitate cooperation
between institutions that provide export promotion assistance and services. The second
2 D.N. Coudounaris and S.J. Paliwoda
paper investigates the relationships between international orientation and export
performance, international orientation and export commitment and export commitment
and export performance of Brazilian SMEs which are engaged in exporting. The third
paper is concerned with the impact of the economic crisis of 2012 on the importance of
the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system for Cypriot SMEs in the
food industry, in relation to their effort to produce hygienic products to be consumed by
locals and foreigners. Finally, the fourth paper examines whether the Maggi controversy
due to brand crisis based on quality has some effects on consumer brand equity, brand
image, brand reliability, brand perception of quality, perceived value, brand sentiments
and purchase behaviour.
The first paper by Kury, da Rocha and de Mello investigates the different approaches
used by three countries in various industries: the design industry in the UK, filmmaking
in Colombia and creative industries in South Korea that are successfully supporting their
internationalisation. The results indicate that the three countries have adopted different
coordination systems to ensure cooperation among a number of public and private entities
that offer export promotion services and support. Furthermore, both the centralisation of
export promotion activities and the coordination of a network of institutions work well.
However, each of the approaches serves different purposes in relation to each country’s
cultural context and economic situation.
Machado, Nique and Bischoff investigate the internationalisation of 540 Brazilian
exporting SMEs. Previous studies have shown that the faster pace of internationalisation
of SMEs is related to more experienced executives engaging in international activities. In
addition, the international orientation of managers of SMEs seems to play a role in the
export performance of SMEs and the export performance of SMEs is influenced by the
commitment of organisational resources to export activities. This study evaluates the role
of international orientation and export commitment in export performance. The results
show that international orientation does not directly impact on export performance.
However, it influences the commitment to export activity of SMEs. Finally, the study
concludes that the export commitment of SMEs affects export performance.
In the third study, Charalambous, Mitosis and Talias investigate the strategic adoption
of the HACCP system in the search for new export markets among Cypriot small and
medium-sized food enterprises during the economic crisis of 2012. The study’s findings
are based on 90 food premises consisting of restaurants, fast food enterprises, catering
premises, traditional taverns, confectioneries and bakeries which have an operational
HACCP system. The findings of this study show that the majority of the businesses are
negatively affected by the economic crisis, resulting in the improper implementation of
the HACCP system. Therefore, there is a high risk in terms of health consequences to
both Cypriot consumers and citizens from other countries who consume Cypriot
products. Another key finding is that most of the respondents mention that they would
terminate the full implementation of the HACCP system due to financial constraints. The
government’s financial support and flexibility in the implementation of the HACCP
system seem to be essential for small and medium-sized food enterprises.
Finally, Srivastava investigates the Maggi controversy due to brand crisis based on
quality that has an impact on consumer’s brand equity, brand image, brand reliability,
brand perception of quality, perceived value, brand sentiments and purchase behaviour.
The methodology is based on secondary data comprising social media brand sentiments
and financial analysis. The primary data focuses on perception of brand quality,
consumer brand equity, brand reliability, brand image, purchase and brand switch
Editorial 3
behaviour. Maggi used social media to address the issue and rebuild the brand reliability
and confidence among its users. The study contributes to the upgrade of knowledge and
understanding of the influence of the controversy on brand equity and image and how the
crisis management strategy regains mind share and equity.
We would like to thank and express our appreciation to the following eight academics
who spent their valuable time in the development of this issue: Ahmad Arslan, Bilge
Aykol, Barbara Francioni, Iryna Litovchenko, Sharon Thach, Tiia Vissak, Xiaotian
Zhang, and Judith Zolkiewski.
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