
Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

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... 17 The nonparametric Friedman 2-way ANOVA test was used to compare participants' ranked preference for the 6 communication modalities (face-to-face, telephone, email, videoconferencing, synchronous, and asynchronous texting). 18 Post hoc analysis was done using the sign test for the comparison of each pair using a P value adjusted with the Bonferroni correction method to < .003. 19,20 The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare paired responses between virtual and face-to-face experiences for the 8 items related to veterinarian communication. ...
... A total of 1,074 participants accessed the questionnaire online, of which 841 participants met the inclusion criteria and 714 (84.9% [714/841]) completed the first 2 sections of the questionnaire and were included in the final analyses (Table 1). Of these participants, 18 [37/714]). The majority of participants indicated they were extremely comfortable using the telephone, email, asynchronous texting/messaging, and synchronous texting/messaging ( Table 2). ...
OBJECTIVE To explore pet owners’ use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) during virtual veterinarian-client-patient consultations and to examine pet owners’ attitudes toward virtual consultations. SAMPLE 714 pet owners. METHODS In an anonymous online survey distributed using snowball sampling, all participants were asked about utilization of ICTs, preferred method of interaction (face-to-face and 5 ICTs), opinion on virtual communication, and demographics. Sentiment toward virtual veterinarian consultations was measured for participants who had experienced a “virtual only” or “combination virtual and face-to-face” consultation in the previous 6 months using the Net Promoter Score. For these participants, multivariable logistic regression was used to explore factors associated with recommending virtual consultations. RESULTS 92% (583/632) of participants resided in Ontario, Canada. Most (85.6% [611/714]) participants had experience using the telephone for veterinary care, while only 5.2% (37/714) had used live videoconferencing. Participants ranked face-to-face interactions as most preferred ( P < .001), followed by telephone and then live videoconferencing. Participants were significantly ( P < .001) less confident communicating during virtual consultations, particularly for building rapport. For participants experiencing a virtual consultation in the previous 6 months (n = 348), the overall Net Promoter Score was neutral at –1.43. Participants were divided about recommending virtual consultations, with 33.3% (116/348) being promoters and 34.8% (121/348) being detractors. Age of participant and comfort using videoconferencing were positively associated ( P < .05) with recommending virtual consultations. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Although participating pet owners significantly preferred face-to-face consultations with veterinarians, many appear willing to consider virtual consultations. Further exploration of pet owners’ preferences and concerns around virtual care, including communication, is needed.
... Because time did not interact significantly with the treatment factors, data were collapsed over the entire 60-min testing period and analyzed as a two-factor ANOVA. Parametric statistical tests performed on data obtained using an ordinal scale of measurement are both acceptable (Boneau, 1961;Davison & Sharma, 1988;Caito, 1980;Lord, 1953) and preferable lo nonparametric statistical tests because parametric statistics (a) test a more specific null hypothesis (Siegel, 1956;cf. Winer, Brown, & Michels, 1991); (b) are able to detect interactions between independent variables, whereas nonparamelric tests are not (Siegel, 1956); and (c) have greater power than nonparametric tests, even when the assumption of normally distributed data is grossly violated (Lunney, 1970;Seeger & Gabrielsson, 1969). ...
... Parametric statistical tests performed on data obtained using an ordinal scale of measurement are both acceptable (Boneau, 1961;Davison & Sharma, 1988;Caito, 1980;Lord, 1953) and preferable lo nonparametric statistical tests because parametric statistics (a) test a more specific null hypothesis (Siegel, 1956;cf. Winer, Brown, & Michels, 1991); (b) are able to detect interactions between independent variables, whereas nonparamelric tests are not (Siegel, 1956); and (c) have greater power than nonparametric tests, even when the assumption of normally distributed data is grossly violated (Lunney, 1970;Seeger & Gabrielsson, 1969). ...
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Chronic treatment with neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol (HAL) can result in a syndrome of abnormal involuntary movements known as tardive dyskinesia (TD). The authors have obtained evidence that TD in humans is reduced in patients also taking anticonvulsant drugs, primarily carbamazepine (CBZ). To test for a causal role of CBZ in this effect, the authors quantified abnormal movements elicited by dopamine (DA) receptor stimulation in rats (Rattus norvegius) withdrawn from chronic treatment with HAL or CBZ alone or in combination. The expected increased behavioral responsiveness to combined D1/D2 stimulation in rats treated with HAL for 8 weeks was significantly attenuated by chronic CBZ, which also attenuated behavioral responsiveness in otherwise untreated rats. Striatal D2 DA receptor density was elevated in rats treated chronically with HAL but unaffected by CBZ. Striatal D1 DA receptor density was elevated by chronic CBZ but unaffected by HAL. These findings suggest that by reducing DA supersensitivity, CBZ may be useful in treating TD and other hyperdopaminergic states.
... First, the range of life span in the sample is very large (with age of death varying from 20 to 109 years); second, the distribution of age of death has a marked deviation from the normal, with a pronounced positive skew; and third, there is a large disparity in the two sample sizes. Consequently, a nonparametric test of group differences was selected, namely the Wald-Wolfowitz Runs test (Siegel, 1956), which was conducted on the age of death rounded to the nearest year for the two handedness groups. This analysis showed that the difference between the groups is in fact significant with Z = 6.63, p < 0.001, suggesting greater longevity in the righthanders. ...
... More than 2.5% of the right banders, as compared with less than 0.5% of the left-handers, survived to the age of 90. The Moses Test of Extreme Reactions (Siegel, 1956) was conducted in order to assess the significance of these effects at the far end of the distribution. It confirmed that the groups differed in survival, with the right-handers more likely to survive to old age, p < 0.001. ...
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Life span studies have shown that the population percentage of left-handers diminishes steadily, so that they are drastically underrepresented in the oldest age groups. Data are reviewed that indicate that this population trend is due to the reduced longevity of left-handers. Some of the elevated risk for sinistrals is apparently due to environmental factors that elevate their accident susceptibility. Further evidence suggests that left-handedness may be a marker for birth stress related neuropathy, developmental delays and irregularities, and deficiencies in the immune system due to the intrauterine hormonal environment. Some statistical and physiological factors that may cause left-handedness to be selectively associated with earlier mortality are also presented.
... The goodness of fit tests contained 720 points using the resampled SVM data. In applying the χ 2 test to these data, the following should be noted: a. χ 2 tests are sensitive to the values in them and therefore data sets were scaled so that the smallest values in the tests were > 3 before the test was applied [16,28]. ...
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Weight and skin-fold measurements were made at five-day intervals during a 47-day expedition by six men and three women from the edge of the sea ice to the South Pole. From these, together with detailed manual records of the nutrition for individual participants, the average daily energy expenditure was determined before and after a resupply at approximately mid-point of the expedition. For all participants body weight fell during the expedition with the overall loss being much smaller for the three female participants (-4.0, -4.0, -4.4kg) than for the male participants, (mean±sd) -8.6±2.0kg. Fat weight fell approximately linearly during the expedition with a total loss of (-4.1, -6.5 and -2.5kg) for the three female participants and -6.8±1.7kg for the male participants. Individual fat-free weight changed by a smaller amount overall: (0.13, 2.5 and -1.8kg) for the three female participants; -1.8±2.0kg for the male participants who, with one exception, lost fat-free tissue All participants showed a substantial variation in fat-free tissue weight during the expedition. Analysis of the daily energy expenditure showed adequate nutrition but the intake fell for the second part of the expedition although the reasons for this are unclear, but adaptation to the cold, altitude and workload are possible explanations. The validity of this time-averaged measurement for individual participants was determined from analysing moments about the mean of time-series actigraphy data from wrist worn devices. The mean and autocorrelation function of the actigraphy data across subjects were analysed to determine whether measures could be compared between participants. The first, second and third moment about the mean of the day-to-day activity was found to be time-invariant for individual subjects (χ², p>0.05) and the normalized mean and autocorrelation measured over a day for each participant indistinguishable from the mean of the group (χ², p>0.05) allowing both longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis.
... The percentages of students enrolled in the course on each campus who reported growing up in a rural community or having spent considerable time visiting relatives who lived in rural communities were compared using Fisher's exact test [29]. For students completing rural interest questionnaires both at the beginning and the end of the course, rating scores from both years and both campuses were combined and paired. ...
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Background As of 2020, 20% of people residing in the United States of America (U.S.) lived in rural communities. Despite rural residents tending to be older, poorer, and having greater disease burden than their urban counterparts, the number of rural primary care providers continues to decline. Nearly 66% of U.S. Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas are designated as rural. Pharmacists can help address this shortage of rural primary care providers, often serving as providers of first-contact care; however, only 12% of U.S. pharmacists practice in rural communities. To help address this gap, in 2022 an elective Rural Pharmacy course was created at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy by a faculty member who has rural practice experience. Methods The course combines formal lectures, guest presentations by rural pharmacists and student interviews with additional rural pharmacists. For the 42 students enrolled in the course in 2022 and 2023, non-parametric statistics were used to compare the percentage of students who were raised in rural communities or who otherwise had extensive exposure to rural, and compare student interest ratings (1 to 7) about practicing/living rural at the beginning and end of the course. Students also wrote end-of-course reflection papers, commenting on the course and their interviews with rural pharmacists. Results Across both years, 45% of the enrolled students had previous experience in rural communities. The net change in Rural Interest scores among students completing both questionnaires was + 5 in 2022 and + 2 in 2023, both non-significant differences. The largest shifts in student interest were from “Not Sure” at the start of the course to “Interested” or “Not Interested” at the end of the course, and from “Interested” to “Very Interested.” In their reflection papers nearly 60% of students reported being most impressed by their interviews with rural pharmacists. Conclusions A course addressing the benefits and challenges of practicing pharmacy in rural communities was well-received by pharmacy students. Even students who have little interest in living in a rural community can benefit from being introduced to rural culture, enabling them to provide more culturally-responsive care for patients from rural communities.
... Allelic richness was calculated using the built-in repeated random sampling technique (999 bootstrap replications) to correct for sites of different sample sizes. To assess the presence of landscape patterns of genetic diversity, we tested the relationship between genetic diversity metrics and environmental (i.e., latitude, longitude, and elevation) and physiological (i.e., thermal thresholds) factors using a nonparametric Spearman rankorder correlation coefficient test [100]. Comparisons of the environmental factors were made at the individual level, whilst physiological associations were investigated at the population level. ...
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In alpine ecosystems, elevation broadly functions as a steep thermal gradient, with plant communities exposed to regular fluctuations in hot and cold temperatures. These conditions lead to selective filtering, potentially contributing to species-level variation in thermal tolerance and population-level genetic divergence. Few studies have explored the breadth of alpine plant thermal tolerances across a thermal gradient or the underlying genetic variation thereof. We measured photosystem heat (Tcrit-hot) and cold (Tcrit-cold) thresholds of ten Australian alpine species across elevation gradients and characterised their neutral genetic variation. To reveal the biogeographical drivers of present-day genetic signatures, we also reconstructed temporal changes in habitat suitability across potential distributional ranges. We found intraspecific variation in thermal thresholds, but this was not associated with elevation, nor underpinned by genetic differentiation on a local scale. Instead, regional population differentiation and considerable homozygosity within populations may, in part, be driven by distributional contractions, long-term persistence, and migrations following habitat suitability. Our habitat suitability models suggest that cool-climate-distributed alpine plants may be threatened by a warming climate. Yet, the observed wide thermal tolerances did not reflect this vulnerability. Conservation efforts should seek to understand variations in species-level thermal tolerance across alpine microclimates.
... Os metodos estatisticos usados estao em Siegel (1956) e Steel & Torrie (1960). ...
... Adaptado de . po. Inicialmente se hizo estadística descriptiva de los datos y posteriormente, para analizar los efectos del peso corporal sobre el consumo de O 2 , éstos fueron sometidos a análisis de varianza (ANOVA), seguido de la prueba de Tukey (Siegel, 1956). Finalmente, se hizo un análisis de regresión, donde los pesos corporales fueron transformados a logaritmo natural, con el fin de establecer la relación entre el consumo de O 2 y el peso corporal. ...
Titulo en ingles: Consumption of oxygen by white cachama (Piaractus brachypomus) during different stages of corporal development.RESUMEN: Con el objetivo de evaluar el consumo de oxígeno en cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus) durante diferentes etapas de desarrollo, ejemplares de 10, 50, 100, 200, 300 y 500 g de peso corporal, previo periodo de acostumbramiento de 30 min., se alojaron en un respirómetro cerrado de 172 L durante un periodo de dos a cuatro horas, manteniendo la temperatura del agua constante a 28°C. La concentración de oxígeno en el agua del respirómetro fue medida a intervalos de 5 min. durante dos horas mediante un oxímetro digital. Se determinó que el consumo de oxígeno por kg en esta especie está relacionado inversamente con el peso corporal y que animales con pesos corporales superiores a 50 g consumen menor cantidad de oxígeno por unidad de peso que animales de pesos inferiores. El consumo de oxígeno a esta temperatura podría expresarse mediante la siguiente ecuación de regresión: Y = 803.3 – 107.2 Ln (X), donde Y = consumo de oxígeno y Ln(X) = logaritmo natural del peso corporal expresado en kg.Palabras clave: cachama blanca, consumo de oxígeno, peso corporal, respirómetro.ABSTRACT: With the purpose of evaluating oxygen consumption of the cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus) during different stages of growth, after initial acclimatation during 30 min; fish with body weights of 10, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 500 g were placed in a closed respirometer of 172 liters, and the water temperature was maintained at (28°C) during 2 to 4 hours. The oxygen concentration in the water of the respirometer was measured every five min using a digital oxymeter. In this species, an inverse relationship between oxygen consumption per kg and corporal weight was observed; fish with body weight greater than 50 g consumed less oxygen than smaller fish. At 28°C, the oxygen consumption could be calculated using the following regression equation: Y = 803.3 – 107.2 Ln (X), where Y = oxygen consumption, and Ln (X) = natural logarithm of body weight expressed in kg.Keywords: cachama Blanca, oxygen consumption, body weight, respirometer.
... Similar to the sign test, this approach is aimed at testing the hypothesis that a distribution's median is equivalent to a specifi c value. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test can eff ectively replace a one-sample t-test or a paired t-test and can be applied to order categorical data where a numerical scale is unsuitable but ranking of observations is feasible (Davis and Pecar, 2013;Siegel, 1956). ...
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Context: The societal pressure to keep menstruation a taboo significantly affects women's health-related behavior in response to menstrual concerns. Understanding their decisions becomes more accessible while considering the social context in which women reside.
... Si se desea establecer la relación entre las variables, se puede usar la correlación producto-momento de Pearson. 12 Por último, debe reconocerse que la mayor parte de los temas relacionados con la educación (evaluación de conocimientos, predicción del rendimiento escolar, factores de riesgo y protección relacionados con el aprendizaje, evaluación de competencias, enseñanza basada en competencias, evaluación del desempeño docente, razonamiento clínico, estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje, percepción de autoeficacia académica, estrategias de estudio, etc.), hacen referencia a variables complejas, y la manera de abordarlos es utilizando análisis estadísticos multivariados. Entre ellos destacan la regresión múltiple (una variable dependiente, varias independientes), la regresión logística (variable dependiente dicotómica o politómica a nivel nominal), comparación de perfiles de variables mediante el análisis de correspondencia (variables nominales) o análisis discriminante (variables intervalares), escalamiento multidimensional, reducción de variables nominales por medio del análisis de conglomerados, y de variables intervalares y de razón por medio del análisis factorial en sus diversas modalidades. ...
El presente manuscrito ofrece un panorama global de varios conceptos relevantes para la investigación en educación aplicables a las ciencias de la salud, destacando las características (tradicionales y novedosas) de las diferentes aproximaciones en la búsqueda del conocimiento.
... Frequency distribution of prey was compared between years using chi-square contingency analysis (Siegel 1956 Marti 1987). Dietary evenness was calculated using Alatalo's (1981) modification of Hill's (1973) ratio: F = (N> -1) / (N, -1), where; N, is the antilog of Shannon's index (H!) and N>2 is the reciprocal of Simpson's index (1/D) (see Marti 1987). ...
... Statistical comparisons were generally made between blocks with high and low hunting pressure, i.e. with lower and higher Moose density. We used the sign test (two-tailed), the Mann-Whitney U test (two tailed), the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (two-tailed), and the chisquare test (Siegel 1956). ...
... Differences in numbers were compared by t-test and in proportions by Chi-square test following Sokal and Rohlf (1969) and Siegel (1956). Statements of significance refer to the P = 0.05 level or better. ...
... We calculated the expected ground speed using the surface wind, a preferred direction of 16.8° (the mean direction of the "goose echoes"), and an air speed of 56 km/h(the air speed for Snow Geese, Chen caerulescens caerulescens) (Blokpoel 1974). Only 'change in temperature from that on previous day' was significantly correlated with migration volume (r; = 0.628, P< 0.01, N= 16, Spearman's rank correlation test; Siegel 1956). Precipitation and visibility were not considered because the Spearman's rank correlation test could not be applied (only 2 d had precipitation and visibility was usually unlimited). ...
... The mean number of shorebirds per count is used to compare the abundance of the birds between the two years. For comparisons between years in both areas, Mann-Whitney U tests (Siegel 1956) are used. Variations in shorebird abundance in 1967and 1971 are then compared between Long Point and northeastern Lake Erie. ...
... It is of interest that on Whiteface Mountain, the ratio of Red-backed Voles to Rock Voles was only 1.4:1.0. A Spearman Rank Correlation analysis (Siegel 1956) of the species of small mammals collected on Whiteface Mountain and in the Transition zone habitats (Table 1) reveals a significant correlation (rs = 0.696, P< 0.05) between the relative abundance of species in small mammal communities containing Rock Voles in the two ecological zones. Thus, although the Rock Voles are occupying dissimilar plant communities, they are members of qualitatively similar small mammal communities. ...
... During two winter aerial surveys, 1976-77 and 1977-78, aggregations of Elk were designated as either female (antlerless), male or mixed-sex (having at least one adult of each sex). Student's ¢ test (two-tailed) was used to compare differences in aggregation size when the ¢ test's assumptions were met (Sokal and Rohlf 1969), otherwise the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test was employed (Siegel 1956). Since there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in size of aggregations between winters 1976-77 and 1977-78, the data in each sex classification were combined for both years. ...
... The main part of the study concerns the relationship of the two indices under study. The relationship between the indices was further examined using Kendall (1955) and Spearman (Siegel 1956) correlation analyses. These analyses were performed across the defined sub-periods to understand the changing dynamics of the indices' correlation over time. ...
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Tourism, a vital sector for many countries, faced unique challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The industry was profoundly affected as lockdowns halted the operations of key tourism components such as hotels, restaurants, airlines, and travel agencies. These issues led to significant costs associated with sanitation and safety protocols, which further strained the financial health of tourism businesses and impacted the market capitalization of publicly traded companies in this sector. This study aims to investigate the fluctuations in the market valuations of tourism companies in comparison to those within broader market indices before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. It seeks to address key questions such as: Did the market valuations of tourism companies follow similar or divergent trends compared to companies in broader market indices during these periods? Were there observable changes in the stock price behaviors of tourism-related firms in relation to companies in the wider economy during the pandemic? Additionally, did the relationship between the travel industry index and the broader market return to its pre-pandemic state after the pandemic subsided? The primary objective of this research is to uncover the unique dynamics of the tourism sector within the context of financial markets. It holds practical relevance, especially for investors looking to enhance their portfolio diversification through investments in tourism-related stocks. This study also lays the groundwork for more in-depth research on the tourism industry and its interconnectedness with the broader economy. By examining the complexities of this sector, the research aims to provide insights that can inform investment decisions and policy-making in the financial domain.
... We proceeded similarly for the computation of the nonincentivized indices: we included the participants whose patience score is stage 1 or 3 was missing and we computed their pre-and postintervention indices without including their score in patience. Siegel (1956), perhaps the most venerable and respected work on statistics in the social sciences, argues strongly for the use of one-tailed tests when one has an ex-ante hypothesis. We follow this policy in our analysis. ...
... Robust regression is a modern method conceptualized many decades ago. In the 1950s, Siegel (1956) stated that non-parametric and robust techniques of hypothesis testing are best suited to behavioral sciences data. However, robust regression has only recently been studied due to advancements in computer technology (Anderson & Schumacker, 2003). ...
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Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression is widely employed for statistical prediction and theoretical explanation in psychology studies. However, OLS regression has a critical drawback: it becomes less accurate in the presence of outliers and non-random error distribution. Several robust regression methods have been proposed as alternatives. However, each robust regression has its own strengths and limitations. Consequently, researchers are often at a loss as to which robust regression method to use for their studies. This study uses a Monte Carlo experiment to compare different types of robust regression methods with OLS regression based on relative efficiency (RE), bias, root mean squared error (RMSE), Type 1 error, power, coverage probability of the 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and the width of the CIs. The results show that, with sufficient samples per predictor (n = 100), the robust regression methods are as efficient as OLS regression. When errors follow non-normal distributions, i.e., mixed-normal, symmetric and heavy-tailed (SH), asymmetric and relatively light-tailed (AL), asymmetric and heavy-tailed (AH), and heteroscedastic, the robust method (GM-estimation) seems to consistently outperform OLS regression.
... Der er en lang diskussion inden for statistikken af om det er rimeligt at behandle svar på en ordinalskala som om det var 'rigtige' tal som man kan laegge sammen og traekke fra hinanden, tage gennemsnit af osv. (se fx Siegel 1956). Konsensus synes at vaere at jo flere trin på skalaen, des bedre, og at aggregerede skalaer (dvs. ...
I denne artikel undersøger vi hvordan danskeres selvoplevede kompetencer i, kontakt med og holdninger til det engelske sprog har ændret sig fra tiden omkring årtusindskiftet til i dag. Metoden er to spørgeskemasurveys med repræsentativ respondentudvælgelse i henholdsvis 1995–1996 og 2022. Surveyet, der blev gennemført i 1995–1996, er det som lå til grund for Preislers undersøgelse Danskerne og det engelske sprog (1999). Surveyet i 2022 blev gennemført inden for forskningsprojektet English and Globalisation in Denmark (Enida) og var (stort set) en gentagelse af Preislers undersøgelse. I begge surveys er respondenterne stillet de samme spørgsmål for at holde så mange ting som muligt konstante og sikre sammenligningsgrundlaget. Resultaterne viser at 1) yngre generationer rapporterer at de har højere kompetencer end ældre; og at en persons oplevelse af egne kompetencer er relativt stabil livet igennem. Med andre ord er danskernes engelskkompetencer blevet højere i takt med at de generationer der kan mindre engelsk, forsvinder og nye, engelskstærkere, generationer kommer til. 2) kontakten med engelsk er generelt øget, også i den enkeltes levetid, og det er især den ’produktive’ kontakt (tale og skrive) der er øget, mere end den ’receptive’ (høre og se). 3) danskeres holdninger til engelsk er blevet mere yderliggående, både i positiv og (især) i negativ retning. Ud over at fremlægge resultater overvejer vi de samfundshistoriske forhold som har forårsaget forandringerne, og vi diskuterer om det overhovedet er muligt at undersøge holdninger to gange med det samme spørgeskema.
... To measure the differences in attitudes before and after the Stewards of Children online course, pre and post survey Likert data were analyzed using the sign test (Roberson et al., 1995;Siegel, 1956). As the Likert items generate ordinal data, the non-parametric sign test is more appropriate than a paired t-test, especially for our sample size. ...
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The purpose of this project is to assess, for practicing pediatric nurses in the U.S., what is the impact of the Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) program on their attitudes about reporting suspected CSA. A sample size of 32 nurses completed an online 2-hour continuing education course by Stewards of Children, with a pre/post-test survey. A modified 14-item version of the Teachers Reporting Attitudes Scale for Child Sexual Abuse (TRAS-CSA) was used to measure the nurses’ attitudes before and after educational training. The surveys were analyzed to assess changes in attitudes using two-tailed sign tests. Nurses’ commitment to reporting CSA is high, even before training. Nurses’ confidence in the system of reporting and in the response of authorities related to CSA increased after taking the Stewards of Children online course. While these results are limited in strength by low sample sizes and some null changes, they indicate that trainings like the Stewards of Children course can positively impact nurses’ attitudes towards reporting CSA, particularly with regards to confidence in reporting, and therefore warrant further investigation into CSA training for nurses and its effects.
... Int, 1(1):43-52, 1976Correlação entre a fração gamaglobulina eletroforética e a IgG quantificada em imuno placa. Estudamos, em todos os grupos, a correlação entre os valores da fra-Estudo imunoquímico na hanseníase (II)ção gama eletroforética e os níveis de IgG obtidos na quantificação, através do coeficiente de Spearman(14). Na tabela IV estão os valores dos coeficientes de corre-lação e respectivos valores de "t". Encontramos em todos os grupos altíssima correlação entre a fração gama e a IgG.veis de IgD iguais a zero nem sempre indicam ausência total da mesma, podendo antes representar níveis muito baixos, não detectados pela concentração do anti-soro na placa.Quando comparamos as quantificações obtidas em soros normais com aquelas dos soros de hansenianos (Tabela II) verificamos o aumento de IgG em todos os grupos, o de IgA nos grupos virchovianos e o de IgM apenas no grupo virchoviano Rubino positivo, estando normal a IgD em todos eles.As observações quanto aos grupos Rubino positivo e Rubino negativos coincidiram com os dados obtidos por Sheagren et al.(13) IgG ; no grupo virchovia-no Rubino negativo, aumento de IgG e IgA e no grupo virchoviano Rubino positivo, aumento de IgG, IgA e IgM). ...
Foram analisados soros de 60 pacientes de hanseníase virchoviana (30 Rubino positivos e 30 Rubino negativos) e de 16 hansenianos tuberculóides (Rubino negativos), através da quantificação de imuneglobulinas pela técnica da imunodifusdo radial simples. Observou-se aumento dos níveis de IgG e IgA nos dois grupos virchovianos. Os níveis de IgM mostraram-se aumentados apenas no grupo virchoviano Rubino positivo. Os níveis de IgD estiveram normais nos três grupos. Os pacientes tuberculOides exibiram aumento apenas de IgG. Os resultados sugerem que o grupo Rubino positivo ou é mais estimulado antigenicamente, ou responde com maior intensidade ao estimulo antigénico.
... In Delphi studies, Kendall's W is among the main consensus attainment techniques (Ameyaw et al. 2016). Equation 3 was used, and before deriving the final coefficient value of W, R was computed using Equation 4 (Siegel 1956, Siegel et al. 1988). R indicates the squared deviation of the ranking given to each risk category. ...
The modular sector needs a precise guide to determine the most efficient risk management approaches. The main research objective of this study is to develop a multi-criteria decision-making model to find the most efficient risk management approach according to the relevant risk criteria. The risk criteria and risk management approaches for modular construction projects were also identified and classified within this scope. A systematic literature review, semi-structured interviews, and open-ended questionnaires were performed for identification and classification purposes. For ranking and quantifying the identified risks and risk approaches, as well as developing the decision-making model, the Delphi method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) were conducted. A two-round Delphi method, with eleven experts, was conducted to achieve efficient performance scores of the identified risk management approaches. The percentage standard deviation decreased, Relative Importance Index (RII), Cronbach's alpha, and Kendall's coefficient of concordance (Kendall's W) were calculated to ensure the outputs' reliability, validity , and agreement level. The AHP method opted to quantify the Delphi method outputs, solve the multi-criteria decision-making process, and develop the multi-criteria decision-making model for risk management of modular construction projects. Triangulation results show that the critical risk categories are supply chain, health and safety, stakeholders, and governmental support. Lean principles such as the Last Planner System, Value Stream Mapping, Just in Time, and Kaizen are top-rated risk management approaches. This research's novelty is identifying and analyzing crucial risk categories, providing the relevant risk management approaches ranked according to efficiency performance, and presenting a decision-making model as a guideline for risk management of modular construction projects. ARTICLE HISTORY
... We proceeded similarly for the computation of the nonincentivized indices: we included the participants whose patience score is stage 1 or 3 was missing and we computed their pre-and postintervention indices without including their score in patience. Siegel (1956), perhaps the most venerable and respected work on statistics in the social sciences, argues strongly for the use of one-tailed tests when one has an ex-ante hypothesis. We follow this policy in our analysis. ...
... Similarly, for responses related to self-efficacy that we coded at three levels (low, medium, or high self-efficacy), we used one-sided sign tests to compare changes in individual responses from pre-to post-surveys. All sign tests were performed by hand following Siegal (1956). For a question where students ranked their ability on a scale of 1-5, we used repeated measures analysis of variances with individual ID as a random effect and pre or post as a fixed effect (in JMP Pro 15.0; we could not use paired t tests because not all respondents answered each question in both the pre-and post-camp surveys). ...
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Women and racially and ethnically minoritized populations are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Out-of-school time programs like summer camps can provide positive science experiences that may increase self-efficacy and awareness of STEM opportunities. Such programs often use the same high-impact practices used in K–12 classrooms including relating concepts to real-world examples, engaging students as active participants in inquiry-driven projects, and facilitating learning in a cooperative context. They additionally provide opportunities for engaging in STEM without fear of failure, offer a community of mentors, and allow families to become more involved. We designed a summer camp for middle schoolers who identified as girls, low-income, and as a minoritized race or ethnicity. We describe the design of the camp as well as the results from a simple pre- and post-camp questionnaire that examined each camper’s relationship to science, scientific self-efficacy, and interest in having a job in STEM. We found an increase in self-efficacy in camp participants, which is important because high scientific self-efficacy predicts student performance and persistence in STEM, especially for girls. We did not detect an increase in interest in pursuing a STEM job, likely because of already high values for this question on the pre-camp survey. We add to the growing body of work recognizing the potential of out-of-school time STEM programs to increase scientific self-efficacy for girls and racially minoritized students. Tweet: Summer camp for minoritized middle-school girls increases scientific self-efficacy, a characteristic that may be important for removing barriers to participation in STEM.
... This difference was significant (N = 24, x = 7, p < .05, binomial test; Siegel, 1956). For the infants who saw the impossible 180° event first, all 12 looked longer overall at it. ...
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Two experiments investigated whether infants would look longer at a rotating “drawbridge” that appeared to violate physical laws because they knew that it was causally impossible, as claimed by R. Baillargeon, E. S. Spelke, and S. Wasserman (1985) and R. Baillargeon (1987a). Using a habituation paradigm, they reported that infants looked longer at a display that appeared impossible (rotated 180° while an obstructing box was behind it) than at one that appeared possible (rotated only 112°, appearing to stop at the box). Experiment 1 eliminated habituation to 180° screen rotations. Still, infants looked longer at the 180° impossible rotations. Critically, however, infants also looked longer at possible 180° rotations in Experiment 2, in which no obstruction was present. Moreover, no difference in effect size was found between the 2 experiments. These findings indicate that infants' longer looking at 180° rotations is due to simple perceptual preference for more motion. They question R. Baillargeon's (1987a) claim that it is due to infants' representational reasoning about physically impossible object permanence events.
... For data meeting interval criteria, t tests for independent samples and one-way analyses of variance were performed using the TTEST Procedure and the General Linear Model supplied by SAS Institute (1987). For categorical data, following Siegel's (1956) recommendations, chisquare tests with Yates's correction for fourfold tables were used when frequencies were 5 or more. When the smallest expected frequency was less than 5, Fisher's exact probability test was used. ...
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Twenty-nine female schizophrenics and 20 female controls were presented with a series of moderately intense tones in a standard orienting habituation paradigm while skin conductance was monitored. Premorbid adjustment and symptoms were also rated, and the schizophrenics were observed 2 years later. The total schizophrenic group was divided into a good-outcome group and a poor-outcome group. Good social functioning outcome required both self-supporting ability in the job market and at least a minimal social life. The poor-outcome group had a significantly higher skin-conductance level and frequency of spontaneous skin-conductance fluctuations than the control group, whereas the few patients with good outcome did not differ from controls. These results are contrary to previous findings with a group of schizophrenic men in which poor social functioning was associated with low electrodermal activity. This discrepancy is discussed in terms of sex differences in schizophrenic disorder.
... All 6 rats found the hidden platform at least once in 10 trials, while 5 of the 6 opossums did not ever locate the hidden platform. A Fisher exact probabilities test (Siegel, 1956) was used to evaluate the null hypothesis that rats and opossums show equal proportions in their ability to succeed or fail to find the platform. The results showed that the null hypothesis could be rejected (p = .0076), ...
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The spatial behavior displayed in a swimming pool and radial arm maze by the Brazilian gray, short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) was compared with that of the laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus). The performance of the opossums was clearly different from that of the rats in both tasks. The opossums failed to learn to find a hidden platform in the swimming pool (place task), but they did learn to swim to a visible platform. The opossums did learn working and reference memory components of the radial arm maze but showed different search strategies in this situation. The results are discussed with reference to possible species differences in motor behavior, ecology, brain structure and evolution.
... Comparisons between the treatments were made with the Watson U 2 test (Batschelet, 1981). The Mann-Whitney U test (Siegel, 1956) was used for differences between treatments in vanishing and homing times. If 2 or more pigeons belonging to different groups homed together, they were not included in data evaluation for that flight. ...
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Pigeons (Columba livia) with bilateral ablation of the posterodorsolateral neostriatum and the overlying corticoid were compared with unoperated control subjects in homing from both familiar and unfamilar sites. Before the operation all the pigeons were subjected to 8 training flights from a site destined to be the familar one. Postoperatively, the groups did not differ in orientation from the familiar site. In their releases from unfamiliar sites, however, the operated birds oriented in the training flight direction, whereas the control subjects were oriented homeward. In all the releases the homing performance, including both the homing speed and the number of returned birds, was significantly higher in the control group. Thus, the ablated tissue plays a role in homing behavior possibly through mediation of spatial orientation, of olfactory navigation, or of both.
... Statistics. Parametric (Winer, 1971) and nonparametric (Siegel, 1956) procedures were used to analyze the data. Parametric analysis was the method of choice when data were normally distributed. ...
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I examined preweanling rats' (Rattus norvegicus) expression of ultrasounds and secretion of ACTH when exposed to unfamiliar adult male rats or to their mothers. Pups at 7 days of age produced similar levels of ultrasonic vocalization near both unfamiliar males and mothers. However, these pups could discriminate familiar from unfamiliar adults because ACTH was significantly higher in pups near adult males than in those near mothers. At 14 days of age, pups avoided adult males but not their mothers; therefore, adult males represented a significant threat. Importantly, 14-day-old rats significantly reduced ultrasound production only when near adult males. Pups at 21 days of age no longer emitted ultrasounds when socially isolated or when near conspecific adults. In addition, 14- and 21-day-old rats produced similar elevated ACTH levels across stimulus conditions. Results show significant changes in preweanling rats' responses to conspecific adults.
... Post hoc tests were performed when significant interactions were found, and these were done according to the methods for simple main effects described by Winer (1971, p. 385). Nonparametric statistics were used to test for group differences in latency to first lick because the distributions of latencies were highly skewed (Siegel, 1956). ...
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Normal rats presented with a 5% alcohol solution followed by lithium chloride–induced illness quickly learned to avoid drinking alcohol. After training, the rats also avoided drinking water in the presence of the alcohol odor alone, whether tested immediately or 1 month later. In Experiment 1, rats with gustatory neocortex (GN) ablations also developed strong alcohol aversions when the alcohol solution was paired with illness. They also showed normal avoidance of drinking in the presence of the alcohol odor alone when tested soon after training. In Experiment 2, when normal rats were trained to avoid alcohol, given GN ablations, and then tested for retention 1 month later, avoidance of drinking water in the presence of the odor alone was significant but attenuated somewhat in relation to trained control rats. These data support the hypothesis that rats lacking GN partially acquire alcohol aversions by using odor cues and confirm that associative learning is intact in these rats despite the fact that GN rats display significant deficits in aversion learning when only tastes are paired with illness.
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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan nuorten uramuuntuvuususkomuksia toisen asteen opintojen alussa. Uramuuntuvuudella tarkoitetaan yksilön itsesäätelytaitoja ja psykososiaalisia resursseja, jotka auttavat yksilöä selviytymään ammatinvalintaan, ammatilliseen elämänkulkuun tai työmuutoksiin liittyvissä siirtymissä. Uramuuntuvuuden ulottuvuuksina ovat huoli, kontrolli, uteliaisuus ja itseluottamus. Tutkimus on uramuuntuvuusmittarin pilotointi pienellä suomalaisella näytteellä. Artikkelimme tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaisia ovat toisella asteella olevien nuorten uramuuntuvuususkomukset uramuuntuvuusmittarilla arvioituna sekä millä tavoin sosiaaliseen kontekstiin liittyvät tekijät – sukupuoli, koulutusreitti, koulumenestys sekä perheen koulutustaso ja vanhempien näkemykset nuoren koulunkäyntiasenteista – ovat yhteydessä nuorten uramuuntuvuususkomuksiin. Tutkimus kohdentuu myös CAAS-uramuuntuvuusmittarin kehittämiseen siten, että mittariin on lisätty suhteisuus-ulottuvuus. Aineistona ovat perusasteella toiselle asteelle siirtyneiden nuorten ja heidän huoltajiensa kyselyvastaukset (N = 127). Tulosten mukaan nuoret kuvaavat uramuuntuvuutensa vahvuutta tyypillisesti vahvana tai hyvin vahvana. Sukupuoli ja koulutusreitti eivät tämän pienen näytteen tulosten perusteella selkeästi erottele uramuuntuvuususkomusten tasoa. Keskeinen tulos on koulumenestyksen ja uramuuntuvuususkomusten yhteys. Perheen koulutustaso ja nuoren uramuuntuvuususkomukset eivät ole suoraviivaisesti yhteydessä keskenään näiden tulosten mukaan. Uramuuntuvuususkomuksia ja sosiaalisen kontekstin tekijöiden yhteyttä uramuuntuvuuteen on tutkittava laajemmalla näytteellä sekä suhteisuus-ulottuvuutta kehittäen.
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1) Ανάλυση και Αξιολόγηση της ‘Gateway Process,’ 1983: Το έγγραφο εξετάζει την χρήση ηχητικών τεχνικών και νοητικών ασκήσεων για την επίτευξη μεταβαλλόμενων καταστάσεων συνείδησης, με σκοπό την εξερεύνηση της συνείδησης και την διευκόλυνση φαινομένων όπως η "εξωσωματική εμπειρία," η απομακρυσμένη θέαση (remote viewing) και η μη τοπική επίγνωση. Η μέθοδος βασίζεται στην "εγκεφαλική συγχρονικότητα" (hemispheric synchronization), όπου τα ηχητικά κύματα εναρμονίζουν τα δύο ημισφαίρια του εγκεφάλου, επιτρέποντας πρόσβαση σε διευρυμένες καταστάσεις συνείδησης. Το έγγραφο περιγράφει την φυσική και επιστημονική βάση της μεθόδου, ενσωματώνοντας έννοιες από την νευρολογία, την κβαντική φυσική και τη μεταφυσική, ενώ διερευνά τις πιθανές εφαρμογές της στην ψυχολογία, την παραψυχολογία και την στρατιωτική νοημοσύνη. 2) Αστρικό Ταξίδι στον Άρη: Περιγράφεται ένα αστρικό ταξίδι ενός υποκειμένου (Subject) στον πλανήτη Άρη στο απώτατο παρελθόν (όπως αρχικά αναφέρεται), μαζί με κάποιον εποπτεύοντα (λεγόμενος ως ‘Monitor’) να του παίρνει συνέντευξη, δίνοντάς του λεκτικές υποδείξεις μετακίνησης. Παράλληλα, ο εποπτεύων ελέγχει -κατά τόσο- τις συνθήκες της συνέντευξης.
This chapter introduces students to nonparametric tests, which allow us to draw inferences about nominal or ordinal data. This chapter’s focus is the Chi-Square test, used for analyzing nominal-level data. The Goodness of Fit Χ2 tests an expectation of frequencies, whereas the Χ2 Test of Independence determines to what extent two categories of data differ from each other. These statistics are each discussed in turn, using examples and equations as students are walked step-by-step through the calculations. For the Goodness of Fit Χ2 test, we ask whether a specific course is populated by mostly seniors; the professor expects 75% of her students to be seniors, and we test this expectation. Students learn how to calculate expected frequencies, complete the calculations to arrive at the obtained value of Χ2, and then utilize the statistical table to find the critical value of Χ2 to complete the hypothesis test. For the Goodness of Fit test, Cohen’s ω provides our necessary measure of effect size. Results are presented in APA (seventh edition) formatting. For the Test of Independence, we ask whether two dating websites have similar levels of success. Again, students are walked step-by-step through determining the expected frequencies and computing the obtained value of Χ2. For the Test of Independence, ϕ is utilized to measure effect size; results are then interpreted and presented in APA (seventh edition) format. We then provide brief concluding remarks encouraging students to continue their study of statistics and explore multivariate statistics or additional nonparametric statistics. The chapter concludes with a brief summary, and step-by-step illustrated instructions are provided for helping students utilize Excel to calculate the Chi-Square statistic. Critical thinking questions and practice problems are provided.
Background Self-harm in young people is a growing concern and reducing rates a global priority. Rates of self-harm documented in general practice have been increasing for young people in the UK in the last two decades, especially in 13–16-year-olds. General practitioners (GPs) can intervene early after self-harm but there are no effective treatments presently available. We developed the GP-led COPING intervention, in partnership with young people with lived experience and GPs, to be delivered to young people 16–25 years across two consultations. This study aims to examine the feasibility and acceptability of conducting a fully powered effectiveness trial of the COPING intervention in NHS general practice. Methods This will be a mixed-methods external non-randomised before-after single arm feasibility study in NHS general practices in the West Midlands, England. Patients aged 16–25 years who have self-harmed in the last 12 months will be eligible to receive COPING. Feasibility outcomes will be recruitment rates, intervention delivery, retention rates, and completion of follow-up outcome measures. All participants will receive COPING with a target sample of 31 with final follow-up data collection at six months from baseline. Clinical data such as self-harm repetition will be collected. A nested qualitative study and national survey of GPs will explore COPING acceptability, deliverability, implementation, and likelihood of contamination. Discussion Brief GP-led interventions for young people after self-harm are needed to address national guideline and policy recommendations. This study of the COPING intervention will assess whether a main trial is feasible. Registration ISRCTN (ISRCTN16572400; 28.11.2023).
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The safety of bicycle infrastructure is a primary factor influencing bicycle travel. While cyclists’ perspectives on infrastructure safety are extensively studied, they are merely the end users. Decisions on infrastructure design are made by engineers and urban development specialists. Therefore, it is crucial to determine if these professionals’ safety assessments align with those of cyclists. A qualitative survey was conducted with 5 expert engineers and 5 urban development specialists, each having 5 to 20 years of experience in transportation infrastructure planning. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance W was used to assess the compatibility of their opinions. The results showed significant compatibility: W = 0.697 for engineers and W = 0.511 for urban development specialists. Seventeen cycling infrastructure installation schemes were evaluated. Both engineers (M = 10.0, SD = 0.0) and urban development specialists (M = 9.8, SD = 0.44) indicated the DT_2 option as providing the greatest sense of security, where the bicycle path is physically separated from both the carriageway and pedestrian path. The key findings reveal agreement on the safety of straight-street segments of bicycle infrastructure but diverging opinions at intersections zones. Urban development specialists are influenced by existing practices and legal frameworks lacking detailed cycling infrastructure guidelines at intersections. Engineers align more closely with cyclists’ perceptions, emphasising physical separation and speed reduction measures. The study concludes that urban development specialists need to better understand cyclists’ needs and prioritize safer infrastructure solutions.
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Hybridization is predicted to occur most frequently in closely related species when one species is rare (scarcity of mates hypothesis) and when the rare species of a heterospecific pair is more likely to be female (sexual selection hypothesis). We studied hybridization in mixed breeding colonies of the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) and Clark’s Grebe (A. clarkii) at Clear Lake, California, during 2011–2019. Of 203 mated pairs with at least one Clark’s Grebe (the rarer species, attending 15% of nests), 77.3% were conspecific pairs, 20.7% were heterospecific pairs, and 2.0% comprised a Clark’s Grebe paired with a presumed hybrid. The proportion of heterospecific pairs was no greater in smaller colonies or later during the breeding season, contradicting the scarcity of mates hypothesis. Of 42 heterospecific pairs, the Clark’s Grebe was just as likely to be male (45.2%) as female (54.8%), contradicting the sexual selection hypothesis. Hybridization between these species more likely results from an error in sexual imprinting due to interspecific brood parasitism or from extra-pair copulations.
In this study, we aimed to evaluate and characterise the microplastic pollution in the sediment and commercial fish species in the Gemlik Bay, the Marmara Sea. Our results showed that the highest concentration of microplastics in the sediment was at the station in the Gemport Harbour (9.73 and the lowest concentration was at the Kurşunlu offshore (3.33 The highest microplastic concentration per individual was in the gills of Synapturichthys kleinii (Risso, 1827) (14.5 pieces.ind-1) and the lowest in Diplodus annularis (Linnaeus, 1758) (0.33 pieces.ind-1). The highest concentration (8.75 pieces.ind-1) was indicated in the gastrointestinal tract of Chelidonichthys lucerna (Linnaeus, 1758), but the lowest concentration (0.88 pieces.ind-1) was in that of D. annularis species. The fiber-type particles were the most determined microplastics in both the sediment and fish samples. The Micro-Raman Spectrometer revealed that Polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene were dominant in the sediment, and polyoxymethylene and polyphenylene sulfone polymers were dominant in fish species.
Background Self-harm in young people is a growing concern and reducing rates a global priority. General practitioners (GPs) can intervene early after self-harm but there are no effective treatments presently available. We developed the GP-led COPING intervention, in partnership with young people with lived experience and GPs, to be delivered to young people 16–25 years across two consultations. This study aims to examine the feasibility and acceptability of conducting a fully powered effectiveness trial of the COPING intervention in NHS general practice. Methods This will be a mixed-methods external non-randomised before-after single arm feasibility study in NHS general practices in the West Midlands, England. Patients aged 16–25 years who have self-harmed in the last 12 months will be eligible to receive COPING. Feasibility outcomes will be recruitment rates, intervention delivery, retention rates, and completion of follow-up outcome measures. All participants will receive COPING with a target sample of 31 with final follow-up data collection at six months from baseline. Clinical data such as self-harm repetition will be collected. A nested qualitative study and national survey of GPs will explore COPING acceptability, deliverability, implementation, and likelihood of contamination. Discussion Brief GP-led interventions for young people after self-harm are needed and address national guideline and policy recommendations. This study of the COPING intervention will assess whether a main trial is feasible. Registration ISRCTN (ISRCTN16572400; 28.11.2023).
We identified species and approximate size of prey items in 109 digital photographs of North American River Otters (Lontra canadensis) hunting in a 2-km stretch of South Fork Eel River, California, from January 2017 through December 2021. Over the 5-y study, 403 observations of River Otter social-group types and sizes were recorded, including singles, family groups with pups, and groups of up to 8 adults. An average of 3.0 River Otters per week (sx = 0.2, range 1 to 13 individuals) were observed in the study area. Eleven species of prey were taken by River Otters, including primarily, Sacramento Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis; 54.1% of 109), followed by crayfish spp. (24.8%), Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus; 10.1%), herpetofauna (6.4%), and less-frequently taken fish species (4.6%). Contingency table frequencies indicated Sacramento Pikeminnow and crayfish were taken more in months of low water flows in the river. Herpetofauna prey included 1 American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeinus), 2 Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs (Rana boylii), 1 Northwestern Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata), and 3 Rough-skinned Newts (Taricha granulosa), apparently with no ill effects to the otters. Sacramento Pikeminnows were captured by social groups of 2 and 3 or more River Otters more often than expected, and by single otters and family groups less often than expected; whereas crayfish were captured by single otters and family groups more often than expected, and by social groups of 2 and 3 or more, less often than expected. Different River Otter social-group types and sizes captured smaller (<30 cm) and larger fish (≥30 cm) at similar frequencies.
Foi feita uma tentativa para determinar se pacientes de hanseníase, com reação de Rubino positiva, exibem características imunológicas que possam diferenciá-los daqueles com reação negativa. Observou-se, pela eletroforese, que os pacientes Rubino negativos (virchovianos e tuberculóides) apresentavam níveis de alfa2 globulina maiores que os pacientes Rubino positivos (virchovianos) e os indivíduos normais. Os níveis de beta globulina estavam diminuídos nos Rubino positivos e aumentados nos virchovianos Rubino negativos. Pela imunoeletroforese houve resultados semelhantes para os dois grupos virchovianos : aumento constante de IgG e IgM e eventual de IgA.
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Objective: This paper used three feature selection methods on a Jordanian automobile drivers’ dataset to identify the most significant features for stress prediction algorithm performance. The dataset contains “stress” and “no-stress” classes with 30 features, categorised into physiological and contextual subsets. Methods: Eighteen classifiers from six prediction algorithm categories were evaluated: Rule-based, Tree-based, Ensemble-based, Function-based, Naïve Bayes-based and Lazy-based. Three Feature Subset Selection (FSS) methods were used: Gain Ratio, Chi-square and feature separation. Eight evaluation measures included F1, Accuracy, Specificity, Sensitivity, Kappa Statistics, Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Area Under Curve (AUC) and Precision Recall Curve Area (PRCA). Results: Among the classifiers, Lazy-based LocalKNN performed significantly well in F1, Accuracy, Kappa and MAE. Naïve Bayes-based Bayesian Network excelled in other measures. The original dataset with all features yielded the best overall performance, followed by the physiological-only subset. Gain Ratio and Chi-square FSS methods also showed promising results, though not significant. Conclusion: Four physiological (EMG, EMG Amplitude, Heart rate, Respiration Amplitude) and seven contextual (time range of driving, gender, age, driving skills, general accidents, last year’s accidents, stress frequency) features contributed to the best prediction outcomes. The study highlights the importance of proper feature selection and identifies optimal algorithms for specific measures.
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Objectives. Parental burnout is a relatively newly studied phenomena characterized by exhaustion in one’s parental role, emotional distance from children and low parental self-esteem. Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) is the current gold-standard instrument for the measurement of parental burnout (PB). The aim of this study is to examine the psychometric properties of the Czech translation of the PBA (PBA-Czech). Theoretical four-factor structure of PBA-Czech and its internal consistency was tested. The correlations of PBA scores with some sociodemographic characteristics were calculated. Sample and settings. Data were collected from 355 highly-educated parents living in the Czech Republic, of whom 219 were mothers and 136 fathers. The study was conducted as part of the second wave of the International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB), Factors in Parental Satisfaction and Exhaustion. Hypotheses. The authors expected good reliability of the Czech version of the scale and the higher burnout in mothers compared to fathers and low correlations with other socio-demographic factors. Statistic analysis. The factor structure was examined by confirmatory factor analyses. For testing the internal consistency was used McDonald’s omega. Nonparametric Kendall correlations were used for calculating relations between sociodemographic variables and PB. Results. The confirmatory factor analyses supported both the four-factor model and the sec ond-order factor model. The inner consistency measured by McDonald’s omega was high. Mothers showed higher PB compared to fathers and mothers’ burnout increased with number of children as well as with number of children under 4 years of age. Fathers’ burnout increased with number of sons and number of children be- tween 5 and 9 years. Limitations. The main limitation of the study was a non-random sample selection strategy and high level of education in the sample. Another limitation relates to the time of the data collection at the end of the COVID pandemic as it could have affected the level of PB.
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Thoughts conveyed through gesture often differ from thoughts conveyed through speech. In this article, a model of the sources and consequences of such gesture–speech mismatches and their role during transitional periods in the acquisition of concepts is proposed. The model makes 2 major claims: (a) The transitional state is the source of gesture–speech mismatch. In gesture–speech mismatch, 2 beliefs are simultaneously expressed on the same problem—one in gesture and another in speech. This simultaneous activation of multiple beliefs characterizes the transitional knowledge state and creates gesture–speech mismatch. (b) Gesture–speech mismatch signals to the social world that a child is in a transitional state and is ready to learn. The child's spontaneous gestures index the zone of proximal development, thus providing a mechanism by which adults can calibrate their input to that child's level of understanding.
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This article provides a meta-analytic review of the experimental effects of media violence on viewers' aggression in unstructured social interaction. In the reviewed experiments, children or adolescents were exposed to violent or control presentations and their postexposure behavior was coded for aggression during spontaneous social interaction. Exposure to media violence significantly enhanced viewers' aggressive behavior when the findings were aggregated across studies, but the effect was not uniform across investigations. Only suggestive evidence was obtained concerning moderators of the effect: Marginally stronger relations were obtained in those studies using a cross-section of the normal population of children (vs. emotionally disturbed children) and in those studies conducted in laboratory settings (vs. other contexts).
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