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Soil moisture sensors help Suwannee Valley growers manage irrigation



Soil Moisture Sensors (or SMS) are a precision agriculture technology on the rise in North Florida. With the help of a grower survey, agents at the North Florida Research and Education Center -Suwannee Valley evaluated the advantages and challenges of their use over the summer of 2017. Though soil moisture sensors have been around for over a decade, new equipment now provide 24-hour, multi-depth sensing that can help guide irrigation timing and amounts. Overwhelmingly, growers shared positive comments on the productive role SMS play in their field management, especially for irrigation scheduling. Our survey found that over 600 sensors are in operation in the region, representing almost 85,000 acres served by 8 vendors. Collectively, the nine survey participants are using 125 probes and collectively farm around 17,000 acres. It is evident by this small convenience survey that soil moisture sensors adoption is increasing in the Suwannee Valley region. Benefits varied for each farm, but most noted that mobile access allows for closer management of fields, especially geographically distant ones. Most growers indicated they have changed how they irrigate, and 89% are beginning to see savings in water, fuel, fertilizer, or electricity. One grower commented “I now have piece of mind, to worry less about watering my crops”. Another said probes “take the guesswork out” and figures he is saving 50,000 gallons of water each day. Long-term goals for UF/IFAS include quantifying the impact SMS have on yields, crop quality, water conservation, and nutrient management. With such information, we hope to document both practical and economics aspects of this BMP technology.
Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center
7580 County Road 136
Live Oak, FL 32060
October 5, 2017
Soil moisture sensors help Suwannee Valley growers manage irrigation
by Patrick Troy, Charles Barrett, Kevin Athearn, and Bob Hochmuth (UF/IFAS Suwannee Agricultural
Extension Center. Live Oak)
Soil Moisture Sensors (or SMS) are a precision agriculture technology on the rise in North Florida.
Using electronic sensors at various depths, moisture readings are taken continuously throughout the
day. By using this technology, growers are now able to “see underground” and at a distance through
cell phone transmission of data. UF/IFAS Extension, as part of the land grant system, typically works
to find solutions to production problems in agriculture and seeks out technologies or methods to
answer them. In the case of SMS, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
(FDACS) and the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) have made cost-sharing
(reimbursement) a high priority in promoting Best Management Practices. Now, many supporters of
this technology are eager to get feedback on their use and benefit.
Through an eight-week summer internship, the Suwannee
Valley Agricultural Extension Center hired a rising UF
Agricultural Education and Communication senior, Abby
Marion, to help evaluate sensor use in the Suwannee
Valley. Ms. Marion and UF/IFAS extension agents
visited nine growers, two vendors and two government
agency personnel to learn about their experiences with
soil moisture sensors. Though SMS have been around for
over a decade (in simpler forms), we were surprised to
find over 600 SMS probes currently in operation in the
Suwannee Valley. The difference in technology is that
the new instruments provide 24-hour, multi-depth,
sensing (volumetric content) that can help guide irrigation timing and amounts. Overwhelmingly, growers
shared positive comments on the productive role SMS play in their field management, especially for irrigation
As with any new technology, mastering how to use it takes time. In our small sample of grower interviews, we
found that most probes were purchased through cost-share programs. In all but one of the interviews, growers
said they have already changed the way they irrigate to better meet crop needs. Most growers expressed that the
real benefits came from reduced labor, tractor time, and input costs for production.
An Equal Opportunity Institution
Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center
7580 County Road 136
Live Oak, FL 32060
Our research found that:
Over 600 SMS sensors are in operation in the region, representing almost 85,000 acres
1 probe manages an average of 130 acres
8 SMS vendors serve North Florida
Of the 9 growers interviewed:
Collectively, they are using 125 probes (~21% of all probes in the SRWMD).
They collectively farm around 17,000 acres (~12% of SRWMD irrigated acres).
All (100%) received some financial assistance from FDACS, NRCS or SRWMD.
8 out of 9 indicated they have changed how they irrigate.
8 out of 9 saw savings in water, fuel, fertilizer, or electricity.
7 out of 9 showed labor reductions.
The benefits SMS provide varied for each farm, but most noted that continuous data availability on mobile
devices allows for closer management of fields, especially geographically distant ones. Soil moisture sensors
are now widely used in the area, and they are helping growers manage irrigation more efficiently. Long-term
goals include quantifying the impact SMS have on yields, crop quality, water conservation, and nutrient
Results from this survey demonstrate strong adoption of soil moisture sensors in the Suwannee Valley Basin
and positive feedback shows how diverse vegetable and row crop growers are using this technology. With
further outreach and education, UF/IFAS Extension hopes to work with them to better understand and use this
information to improve their production.
Please call us if you’d like technical assistance on a SMS or want to share your experience: 386/362-1725.
UF/IFAS is an equal opportunity institution
An Equal Opportunity Institution
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