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Biochar amendments on physico-chemical and biological properties of soils

  • Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Govt. of India National Rainfed Area Authority
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Vol. 6, Dec 2017 Page No. 79-87
Biochar amendments on physico-chemical and biological properties of soils
The utilization of biochar as an amendment to
improve soil health and the environment has been a
catalyst for the recent global enthusiasm for advancing
biochar production technology and its management.
Biochar is simply carbon rich charcoal-like substance
which is created by heating biomass (organic matter) in
limited oxygen condition, through a process known as
pyrolysis. Locally available weed biomass which is not
economically important and caused crop loss can be
used as an important source of biomass for preparation
of biochar. Biochar is able to ameliorate soil acidity as
well as it is also able to increase the soil fertility. Biochar
reduces leaching of soil nutrients, increases soil
structure and pH, reduces dependency on artificial
fertilizers, enhances nutrient availability for plants,
increases water quality of runoff, reduces toxicity of
aluminum to plant roots and microbiota and thus
reducing the need for lime, reduces bioavailability of
heavy metals, thus works as bioremediation and
decreases N O and CH emissions from soils, thus
2 4
further reducing GHG emissions. Employment of
biochar as a specialized soil amendment provides a
practical approach to address the anticipated problems
in the agronomic and environmental sectors.
Incorporating huge quantity of biochar into soils
provides numerous agricultural benefits, which this
special paper examines. But, there is no concrete
compilation yet how to apply biochar at farm level. This
paper discusses on several factors related to biochar
that need to be considered for maximising the soil
DOI 10.5958/2394-448X.2017.00019.0
1 2 1
Shaon Kumar Das *, Goutam Kumar Ghosh and R. K. Avasthe
1ICAR- National Organic farming Research Institute, Tadong, Gangtok, India-737102
2Palli-Siksha Bhavan, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, West Bengal, India-731236
*Corresponding author:
Received : 12 July 2017 Accepted : 10 Sep 2017
amelioration and soil quality benefits from the use of
Keywords: Amendment; Biochar; Charcoal; GHG
Emissions; Soil Nutrients; Water Quality
Biochar is nothing but carbon rich charcoal-like
substance which is created by heating biomass (organic
matter) in a limited oxygen conditions, a process known
as pyrolysis. Biochar application in soil has received a
growing interest as a sustainable technology to improve
highly weathered or degraded soils (Das et al., 2014). It
guarantees a long term benefit for soil fertility and
productivity. It can enhance plant growth by improving
soil physical characteristics (i.e., bulk density, water
holding capacity, infiltration, porosity), soil chemical
characteristics (i.e., pH, nutrient retention, nutrient
availability), and soil biological properties (i.e.,
microbial biomass carbon), all contributing to an
increased crop productivity. The major quality of
biochar that makes it attractive as a soil amendment is
its highly porous structure which is responsible for
improved water retention and increased soil surface
area (Das et al., 2015).
Benefit of biochar
The major benefits of biochar are impressive
because it reduces leaching of soil nutrients, increases
soil pH and thus reducing the need for lime, enhances
nutrient availability for plants, reduces toxicity of
aluminium to plant roots, increases water quality of
runoff, reduces dependency on fertilisers, reduces
bioavailability of heavy metals and thus works as
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Vol. 6, Dec 2017 Page No. 79-87 80
bioremediation, decreases N O and CH emissions from
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soils, thus further reducing GHG emissions (Mate et al.,
Nutrient value
Biochar is able to improve soil fertility as well as
productivity directly and indirectly.
a. Indirect: The indirect responses due to biochar
application were attributed to either nutrient savings
(in term of fertilizers) or improved fertilizer-use
efficiency. Biochar being high C/N ratio can immobilize
nitrogen which sometimes results in reduced N
availability for short duration. This is the ability of
biochar to retain applied fertilizer against leaching
which results increase in fertilizer use efficiency (Gryze
et al., 2010).
b. Direct: Biochar itself contains some amount of
nutrients which is available directly to plants. Positive
yield responses as a result of biochar application to soils
have been reported for a wide range of crops and plants
in different parts of the world by improving soil quality,
with consequent improvement in the efficiency of
fertilizer use. From an agronomic perspective it is
suggested that biochar could improve soil health by
improving nutrient retention, particularly in coarsely
textured soils (Das et al., 2014).
How can biochar help farmer
Using locally available materials for making
biochar could provides an unique opportunity to
improve soil fertility for longer period of time to the
farmers. Biochar should apply along with other inputs
like compost, manure or biopesticides at the same rate
every year to realize actual benefits. Application rates of
these organic inputs can be reduced when nutrients are
combined with biochar because biochar itself contain
some nutrient (Major et al., 2009). During conversion of
organic residues into biochar farmers can also receive
an energy yield by capturing energy given off in the
biochar production process. In hilly and desert areas
soil loss, weathering and degradation occur at
unprecedented rates which causes imbalance in
ecosystem properties. Biochar can play a major role in
organic agriculture for sustainable soil management by
improving existing best management practices, not
only to decrease nutrient loss through leaching by
percolating water but also to improve soil productivity
(Jeffery et al., 2015).
Biochar and water availability
Biochar addition in soil increases water holding
capacity and plant available water in sandy soils. In dry
areas where water quantity and quality is extremely
variable, it would contribute a significant benefit.
Biochar has a high surface area with increased micro
pores and improves the water holding properties of
porus sandy soils. Therefore, biochar application for
soil water benefits is maximized in sandy soils (Das et
al., 2012). Thus, there are enormous benefits of biochar
in cropping areas where cost of water is very high such
as dry areas.
Effect on soil pH
Soil pH is an important factor for plant growth
because nutrient availability in soils depends on soil
pH. Most of the macronutrients are available in neutral
soils. In order to neutralize acidic soils, farmers apply
thousands of tons of lime to farm soils at great expense.
Biochar have an effect on soil pH (Rodr´ýguez-Vila et al.,
2014). It can react similarly as agricultural lime do (by
increasing soil pH). If a soil has a low cation exchange
capacity, it is not able to retain nutrients and the
nutrients are often washed out leaching. Biochar in its
pores having large surface area develops some negative
charges and thus provides more negatively charged
sites for cations to be retained when added to soil
(Steinbeiss et al., 2009).
Effect on soil physical properties
Biochar application improved the saturated
hydraulic conductivity of the top soil and xylem sap
flow of the rice plant. It increases water holding capacity
in sandy soil. Peanut hull biochar have ability to reduce
moisture stress in sandy soil. It improves soil physical
condition for earthworm populations. Application of
6.6 metric tons cassia biochar/ha is enough to initiate C-
accumulation, which reflect in an increase in organic
matter and a net reduction in soil bulk density (Das et al.,
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Vol. 6, Dec 2017 Page No. 79-87 81
Effect on soil chemical properties
Biochar contribute some quantity of nutrients in
soil through the negative charges that develops on its
surfaces. This negative charge can easily buffer acidity
in the soil (as does organic matter). Due to its high
alkalinity nature it has been demonstrated to reduce
aluminium toxicity in acid soils. Application of biochar
to acidic soils can avoid significant amounts of direct
and indirect costs by avoiding GHG emissions
(Hammes et al., 2009). Application of biochar in soil
increase soil pH, EC, CEC and decrease exchangeable
Effect of biochar on soil biology
Biochar is able to enhance soil microbial biomass
carbon and carbon mineralization. It stimulates the
activity of a variety of agriculturally important soil
mic roorga nisms and can grea tly affec t t h e
microbiological properties of soils. The pores in biochar
provide a suitable habitat for many microorganisms by
protecting them from predation and drying while
providing many of their diverse carbon (C), energy and
mineral nutrient needs. The intrinsic properties of
biochar and its ability to form complex with different
soil type, can have an impact on soil-plant-microbe
interactions (Hass et al., 2012). Thus, modifications in
the soil microbial community can subsequently
influence changes in nutrient cycling and crop growth
in biochar-amended soil. Biochar application increase
Co adsorption which lead to increase local nutrient
concentrations for microbial community species and
enhanced water retention Dehydrogenase activity and
microbial biomass carbon are enhanced due to biochar
application in soils (Das et al., 2012).
Application of biochar in soil
There are different methods for application of
biochar in soil like broadcasting, deep banding, band
application, spot placement, etc. However, method of
biochar application in soil mainly depends on farming
system, labour and available machinery. Generally
farmers apply biochar in their own field by hand only.
But due to prolonged contact with airborne biochar
particulates, it is not viable on large-scale considering
human health. Broadcasting application needs large
amount to cover whole field. Suitable method of
application deposits biochar directly into the
rhizosphere, and may be viable for perennial cropping
systems, and previously established crops (Jefferym et
al., 2011). Deep banding of biochar has been successfully
implemented in several wheat fields in Western
Australia. Mixing of biochar with composts, manures
and other organic input may reduce odours, colour and
improve nutrient performance over time due to slower
leaching rates. Mixtures may be applied for uniform
topsoil mixing without incorporation (Das et al., 2011).
Table. Effect of biochar on different soil properties
Table. Effect of biochar on different soil properties
Bulk density
Soil moisture retention
Liming agent
Cation exchange capacity
Nutrient use efficiency
Crop productivity
CH4 emission
N2O emission
Biological nitrogen fixation
Mycorrhizal fungi
Soil dependent
Upto 25% increase
1 point pH increase
50% increase
10-20% increase
30-100% increase
90% decrease
50% decrease
50% increase
30% increase
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Vol. 6, Dec 2017 Page No. 79-87 82
and offerin g the possibil i t y of decreas i n g
environmental pollution by nutrients and improving
crop yields. Thus, biochar application could provide a
new technology for both soil fertility and crop
productivity improvement, with potential positive and
quantifiable environmental benefits (Kookana et al.,
Land restoration/reclamation
Biochar have received considerable attention in
recent years as soil amendment for both sequestering
heavy metal contaminants and releasing essential
nutrients like sulphur. Biochar are porous with a polar
and aromatic surface (Das et al., 2015). They have a high
surface to volume ratio and a strong affinity to non-
polar substances such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), dioxins, PBDEs, furans
(PCDD/Fs), and PCBs. Through the intervention of
biochar, groundwater could be protected from the
hydrophobic herbicide, insecticide and fungicide.
Biochar applications have the potential to absorb
pollution by adsorbing ammonia to reduce ammonia
volatilization in agricultural soils (Laird et al., 2010).
Heavy metal sorption
The use of biochar to remove contaminants
such as organic contaminants or metals is a relatively
novel and promising technology. Biochar made from
bagasse and other agricultural residues is effective
alternative, low-cost environmental sorbents of lead or
other heavy metals. Several studies have reported the
effective removal of lead by biochar sorbents. Like
many other traditional sorbents, the high affinity for
lead and other metal ion species bound by biochar may
be controlled by other mechanisms as well, including
complexation, chelation, and ion exchange. Application
of maize stalk biochar is useful to ameliorate chromium
(Cr) polluted soils and reduce the amount of carbon
produced due to biomass burning (Rajkovich et al.,
Pathogen and biochar interaction
Researchers have reported both increased root
colonization and stimulated mycorrhizal fungus spore
germination in response to biochar application
Application rates
Application of biochar in soils is based on its
properties like agricultural value from enhanced soils
nutrient retention and water holding capacity, carbon
sequestration and reduced GHG emissions. There is no
specific rate of application of biochar in soil. It depends
on many factors including type of biomass used, the
types and proportions of various nutrients (N, P, etc.),
the degree of metal contamination in the biomass, and
also climatic and topographic factors of the land (Jones
et al., 2012). It was found that rates between 5-10 t/ha
(0.5-1 kg/m ) have often been found better. Due to
variability in biochar materials, nature of crop and soils,
farmer should always consider testing several rates of
biochar application on a small scale before setting out to
apply it on large areas. Even low rates of biochar
application can significantly increase crop productivity
assuming if the biochar is rich in nutrients. Biochar
application rates sometimes also depend on the amount
of dangerous metals present in the original biomass
(Das et al., 2014).
Soil health management
Biochar can act as a soil conditioner by
improving soil physical, chemical and biological
properties. Benefits from biochar application rates can
be maximized only if the soil is rich in nitrogen or if the
crops are nitrogen-fixing legumes. Researcher found
that application of biochar to soils in a legume-based
(e.g. peanut and maize) rotational cropping system,
clovers and lucernes is more beneficial. Significant
changes in soil quality, including increase in pH,
organic carbon and exchangeable cations were
observed at higher rates of biochar application, i.e. > 50
t/ha. When mixed with organic matter, biochar can
result in enhanced retention of soil water as a result of
its pore structure which contributes to nutrient
retention because of its ability to trap nutrient rich water
within the pores. Biochar is able strongly to adsorb
phosphate, even though it is an anion (Knowles et al.,
2011). It is reported that the higher BNF with biochar
additions is due to greater Mo and B availability. These
properties make biochar a unique substance, retaining
exchangeable and plant available nutrients in the soil,
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Vol. 6, Dec 2017 Page No. 79-87 83
providing additional incomes, and may reduce the
quantity of inorganic fertilizer use and importation
(Kimetu et al., 2010). The impact of biochar application is
seen most in highly degraded acidic or nutrient
depleted soils. Low biochar application in soil has
shown marked impact on various plant species,
whereas higher rates seemed to inhibit plant growth.
So, moderate additions of biochar are usually beneficial.
Effect on upland rice
Bio char impro ve satur a ted hydr aulic
conductivity of the top soil and the xylem sap flow in
upland rice plant. Researchers found that it increased
higher grain yields at sites with low P availability and
improved the response to N and NP chemical fertilizer
treatments (Lehmann et al., 2009). It also reduced leaf
SPAD values, possibly through a reduction of the
availability of soil nitrogen, indicating that biochar
without additional N fertilizer application could reduce
grain yields in soils with a low indigenous N supply.
Effect on nodulation and nitrogenise activity
Biochar addition increase root nodule number,
localised N fixation per nodule, nitrogenise activity in
legumes, mycorrhizal colonisation and plant-growth
promoting organisms in the rhizosphere. Increased
nodulation following biochar application could
increase sustainable N input into agro ecosystems.
Biochar applications also increase nitrogen fixation
rates. Increased micronutrient availability (e.g. Mo and
B), together with the liming effect on soil pH following
biochar application has been proposed as the
mechanisms for increased biological N fixation of pot
grown beans (Sohi et al., 2010). Symbiotic association
between biochar and mycorrhizal association showed
that biochar could influence mycorrhizal abundance.
Rice biochar showed greater microbial activities than
other biochar because of its higher liability (Gaskin et al.,
Carbon sequestration
In order to considerably increase long-term C
sequestration, biomass has to be converted to a
relatively non-degradable form, such as biochar. The
biochar is highly resistant to microbial activity,
probably due to improved soil physicochemical
properties through enhanced nutrient availability. The
efficacy of biochar is dependent on saprophytic fungal
activity, which, through their extracellular enzymatic
activity and hyphal growth/penetration, can violate the
integrity of the material. Citrus wood biochar @1%
(w/w) in sandy soil was found to be effective against
Leveillula taurica (powdery mildew) and Botrytis cinerea
(grey mold) in pepper and tomato and also in mite
Polyphagotarsonemus latus in pepper (Das et al., (2014).
Beside this, tolerance of asparagus seedlings to
Fusarium oxysporum is also enhanced by biochar.
Cattle feedlot biochar
Potential sources of organic materials for
biochar production include urban green wastes,
forestry and crop processing residues as well as animal
manures. Biochar made from cattle feedlot manure is an
effecti ve soil amendmen t for i mproving t he
productivity in acid soil. This biochar contain high
mineral P content which remained as plant available for
long period (3 years). The increase in P availability led
to enhanced P uptake which results in an increase in N
uptake and N use efficiency. Manure-based feedstocks
tend to have lower carbon content, and higher
nutrient/mineral content compared to wood based
biochar. Biochar from urban green waste have no
harmful effect on pasture productivity (Mohan et al.,
2014). Biochar has the capacity to increase soil C
accumulation rates in acidic pasture systems. Green
waste biochar enhance soil C accumulation at a faster
rate than farm manure biochar.
Crop production
Biochar applications to soils have shown
positive responses for net primary crop production,
grain yield and dry matter. Application of wheat straw
biochar along with NPK significantly increase the yield
of maize in Inceptisol than either crop residue
incorporation (CRI) or crop residue burning (CRB).
Higher agronomic nitrogen use efficiency was recorded
with application of biochar. The combined application
of biochar along with organic/inorganic fertilizer has
the potential to increase crop productivity, thus
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Overall, these benefits make the biochar process carbon
negative as long as biomass production is managed
sustainably. Biochar system also needs to be taken into
account, viz., emissions resulting from biomass growth,
collection, pyrolysis, spreading and transport, to
consider it a truly carbon negative. Due to its capability
to actively reduce the atmospheric concentrations of
greenhouse gases, biochar technology may be
considered as geoengineering solution. It may also be
considered as a long wave geoengineering option for
climate change mitigation as it plays a role into the
removal of CO from the atmosphere and enhances the
level of long wave radiation leaving from the planet. A
biochar system is a carbon sink, where agricultural
crops are grown and is subsequently pyrolysed to
produce biochar, which is then applied to soil. In carbon
cycle, plants remove CO from atmosphere via
photosynthesis and convert it into biomass. But all of
that carbon (99%) is returned to atmosphere as CO
when plants die and decay, or immediately if biomass is
burned as a renewable substitute for fossil fuels. In
biochar cycle, half (50%) of that carbon is removed and
sequestered as biochar and the rest half (50%) is
converted to renewable energy co-products before
being returned to the atmosphere. A more efficient way
to increase and maintain a high soil organic matter
content would be to apply more stable C products such
as biochar. Future political agreements may make it
profitable for farmers to add biochar to soil. Large
amounts of carbon in biochar may be sequestered in the
soil for long periods estimated to be hundreds to
thousands of years. Terra preta soils suggest that biochar
can have carbon storage permanence in soil for many
hundreds to thousands of years. Biochar mineralizes in
soils in a little fraction and remains in a very stable form
which provides it the potential to be a major carbon
sink. About 12% of the total anthropogenic carbon
emissions by land use change (0.21 Pg C) can be offset
annually in soil, if the slash-and-burn system is replaced
by the slash-and-char system. Compared with other
terrestrial sequestration strategies, such as afforestation
or re-forestation, carbon sequestration in biochar
increases its storage time. The principal mechanisms
considerably augmenting the recalcitrant fraction of
SOC and decreasing emissions of CO from soil. In
addition, biochar application was reported to decrease
emissions of CH , and N O from soils. Despite the
4 2
recalcitrant nature of biochar, about 40% of the total
biomass-C of the feedstock is lost during the pyrolysis
process, and an additional 10% is mineralized over a
few months after biochar application in soil.
Nevertheless, the remaining 50% of the total C is
relatively stable. The degree of stability of the biochar-C
depends on its specifications. While C in biochar
produced by high temperature pyrolysis is either
recalcitrant or degradable at an extremely slow rate,
some of the C in biochar produced under low
temperatures is biodegradable. In addition, compared
with fallow soils, application of biochar increases rates
of CO emissions from the amended soil. This response
may be explained by several factors, such as lower bulk
density, improved aeration, and higher pH, providing a
favorable habitat for soil microorganisms (Novak et al.,
Considering an application rate of between 10 and
100 Mg biochar per hectare and that biochar's C
concentration is between 50% and 78%, and assuming a
total area of 1,411Mha cropland around the world, then
the global capacity for storing biochar-C under this
landuse is between 7 and 110 Pg. Annual net emissions
of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide could be
reduced by a maximum of 1.8 Pg CO –C equivalent
(CO –Ce) per year (12% of current anthropogenic
CO –Ce emissions), and total net emissions over the
course of a century by 130 Pg CO –Ce, by utilizing the
maximum sustainable technical potential of biochar to
mitigate climate change, without endangering food
security, habitat or soil conservation. When the use of
the process of biochar sequesters more carbon than it
emitted, it is carbon negative. Biochar holds 50% of the
carbon biomass and it sequesters that carbon for
centuries when applied into the soil, removing the CO
from the active cycle and thus reduce overall amount of
atmospheric CO . Plant growth is also enhanced by this
process as it absorbs more CO from atmosphere.
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Vol. 6, Dec 2017 Page No. 79-87 85
decomposition and ensures that carbon remains locked
away from the atmosphere for hundreds to thousands
of years. In addition, gases released in the process of
creating biochar can be used to make bio fuels. If we
want to tackle climate change challenges, we must
emphasize the potential of soil to sequester carbon.
Sustainable biochar can be used now to combat global
warming by holding carbon in soil and by displacing
fossil fuel use.
Safety concern
Application of large amounts of biochar to
agricultural soils entails significant practical and
technical barriers like safe production and use. This risk
is similar to other dusts that can become combustible
hazards, such as coal, plastics, some metals, foods, and
woods. The dust of biochar can spontaneously combust
and poses a minor risk when handled, stored, or
transported in enclosed spaces (Liu et al., 2012, Nelissen
et al., 2012). Some biochar contain toxic materials that
are controlled by “permissible exposure limit”
standards in many countries. The levels of these toxic
materials in the biochar are highly dependent on both
the biomass feedstock and its production. So, there is no
straightforward permissible exposure limit available
for biochar as yet (Ogawa et al., 2010).
Soil amendment with biochar has attracted a
fair amount of research interest due to its abundant
usage and wide potential, which includes enhancing
crop production by improving soil fertility, decreasing
greenhouse gas emissions and increasing soil carbon
sequestration (Renner et al., 2007). Use of biochar in
agricultural systems is one viable option that can
improve the soil quality, increase carbon sequestration
in soil, and reduce farm waste. The initial outcomes
reveal that biochar application helps in improving soil
health and crop productivity (Sohi et al., 2010).
However, to promote the application of biochar as a soil
amendment and also as a climate change abatement
option, research, development and demonstration on
biochar production and application is very vital.
operating in soils through which biochar entering the
soil is stabilized and increase its residence time in soil
are due to formation of interactions between mineral
surfaces, intrinsic recalcitrance and spatial separation of
decomposers and substrate (Githinji et al., (2013).
Carbon credit
Application of higher amounts of biochar to
soils may increase the carbon credit benefit to the
farmers. Carbon added to the fields in the form of
biochar could give farmers C credits that can be sold on
a C credit market for additional income. Increasing the
C sink in soil will help reduce the amounts of CO , CH ,
and N O.
Stability in soil
Biochar is not a single material, and its
characteristics vary depending upon from where and
how it is made. Stability of biochar in soil is important in
determining environmental benefits because stability
determines how long carbon (C) applied to soil as
biochar will remain sequestered in soil and contribute
to mitigate climate change and how long biochar can
provide benefits to soil and water quality (Das et al.,
2012). Most of the biochar commonly used by the farmer
have a small labile (easily decomposed) fraction in
addition to a much larger stable fraction. The mean
residence time of this stable fraction is estimated to
range from hundred to thousand years.
Impact on climate change
Biochar technology is called as geoengineering
solution that has potential to actively reduce the
atmospheric concentrations of green house gases. As it
results in the removal of CO from the atmosphere and
increases level of long wave radiation leaving the
planet, it is considered as a long wave geoengineering
option for climate change mitigation. A biochar system,
where agricultural crops are grown, and subsequently
pyrolyzed to produce biochar, which is then applied to
soil, is a carbon sink. This means CO from atmosphere
is sequestered as carbohydrates in the growing plant
and conversion of the plant biomass to biochar
stabilizes this carbon (Keith et al., 2011). The
stabilization of carbon in biochar delays its
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Shaon Kumar Das is working as a
Scientist (Agricultural Chemistry/
Soil Science) at ICAR-National
Orga n i c F a r m in g R e s e a rc h
Institute, Gangtok, Sikkim under
ICAR. He did his M.Sc. in 2010
from Indian Agricultural Research
Institute, New Delhi with gold medal for his
outstanding contribution. Then he joined in
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in 2011 as scientist.
Dr. Das is a regular member of the Society of Pesticide
Sci ence, Ass ocia tion of Agro meteo rolog ists ,
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress
Management and Indian society of soil science. He has
published 17 national and 15 international research
articles, 8 review articles in national and International
journals, 19 popular article, 21 extension folder, 2 books,
21 book chapters in edited books. He is a regular
reviewer of many International journals and also a
member of the editorial board. He got DST-INSPIRE
fellowship in 2010. He has been awarded the Young
Scientist award by 5 faculty branding award of
education expo TV in 2017 and also by society for
scientific development in agriculture and technology in
2017. He also got 2 best oral presentation awards.
Several invited talk delivered by him. Now he has 2
internal projects as PI, 8 as Co-PI and 2 as Co-PI in DST
project. He has been involved in the research on carbon
sequestration, soil fertility management, soil acidity
reclamation, organic nutrient standardization of major
hill crops. Currently he is working on characterization
of biochar and their application on soil for management
of soil health.
... Application of biochar to soil can enhance the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil surface whereas in sandy soils biochar application maximizes the moisture holding capacity and minimizes the water stress also provides the suitable environments for the growth and development of earthworms (Das et al., 2017). Biochar applied @ 6.6 M t ha -1 maximizes the amount of organic matter due to the acquisition of carbon resulting in the decreasing bulk density of soil (Das 2014). ...
... Biochar applied @ 6.6 M t ha -1 maximizes the amount of organic matter due to the acquisition of carbon resulting in the decreasing bulk density of soil (Das 2014). Das et al., 2017 summarized the various properties of soil effected by the application of biochar at suitable ranges resulting in the increase of 30 % of water holding capacity of soil, where the bulk density is soil dependent, when biochar applied as liming agent showing single point raise in soil pH and the increase of fifty percentage of cation exchange capacity was found by the biochar application. Crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency increased by 30 to 100 % and 10 to 20 % respectively. ...
... Mycorrhizal fungi 30% increase (Das et al., 2017) (Subramanian et al., 2024) Figure.5 C:N ratio of soils amended with urea and biochar (RB or PB) either alone or in combination on day 60 of incubation. Bars with same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05). ...
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With a human population of eight billion which is destined to exceed 11.4 Billion by 2100, soil degradation is a global issue which is a risk multiplier in aggravating food and nutritional insecurity. Soil is the foundation for all crop production and to scavenge food security in future. Normally, soil health is consider as a basic functionality test or indicator which has a direct contact with the environmental ecosystem. Soil carbon is a key player which augment the soil health that includes physical, chemical and biological properties. It's also a critical component of climate change offsets. Suitable measures should be adopted to trade the carbon upon soil and for soil sustainability. Incorporation of carbonaceous material like Biochar will definitely improves the status of fertility in soil and can mitigate adverse climate situation to agriculture system. Generally, the biochar are thermally stabilized one and becomes a final product called “char” which exist as an organic material for current system of practices and its fine nature is definitely helpful for both physical and chemical properties of the soil and sure it helps to maintain carbon stock in soil and sustainability of soil. Here, addition of biochar enhances soil organic carbon, availability of other nutrient and its mobilization pattern. Hence it acts as an organic source for improving carbon status to the soil and keeping soil healthier.
... Geng et al. (2022) also reported that application of biochar increased pH of acidific brown soil by 8.48-79.25%. This increase was accompanied by reduction in soil exchangeable acidity, exchangeable Al, and exchangeable protons, as well as increase in soil exchangeable ions: K, Na, Ca, Mg (Das et al. 2017). Biochar ameliorated soil acidity owing to its alkaline nature and high pH buffering capacity. ...
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Purpose Degraded soils are unable to perform key functions and, thus, it is very important to develop effective reclamation methods. To restore utility or natural values to degraded ecosystems, various compounds are applied. In this study, the impacts of additives of various origin and composition on Polish (Eutric Cambisol) and Bulgarian (Epicalcic Chernozem) soils were compared. The main goal of the study was to make a comprehensive assessment of the validity of using popular soil additives in a real context. Materials and methods Physicochemical and hydrophysical parameters including pH, variable surface charge, porosity, specific surface area, wettability, sorption capacity relative to trace metals, and water retention of soils were taken into account. Surface charge and porosity of soils were determined using potentiometric titration and nitrogen adsorption/desorption method, respectively. Wettability was measured by sessile-drop method, whereas water retention, using different matric potentials (pF curves). Sorption study on trace metals included isotherm and kinetics determination as well as experimental data modeling. Results and discussion The most positive effect on soil surface charge, porosity, wettability, and cadmium (Cd) sorption was observed for synthetic zeolite, zeolite-carbon composite, and vermicompost. This effect was noted only for Polish soil characterized by poor porosity, low content of organic carbon, and moderately acidic reaction. For eroded Bulgarian soil, the condition of which was definitely better, the impact of modifiers was not spectacular. Among tested amendments, only divergan increased water retention properties of both examined soils significantly. Conclusions Zeolite, zeolite-carbon composite, and vermicompost can be apply for degraded soils of low organic carbon content, poor porosity, and moderately acidic pH to improve their physicochemical parameters and sorption ability toward trace metals. Divergan should be used to improve water retention of degraded soils during their reclamation.
... At both the biochar application rate, the mineralization quotient was more in BG followed by MS, PN, and low in LC biochar [55]. Thus, the four biochars followed the same trend for both decay constant and qmC [56][57][58][59]. The fraction of TOC that crystallized during the course of the incubation period is indicated by the C mineralization quotient (qM), and the computed qM value results are readily clarified in the context of the carbon mineralization style [60][61][62][63]. ...
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Application of biomass-derived low-cost biochar alter cropland soil’s ability to store organic carbon dynamics. At the ICAR-Sikkim Centre in Gangtok, India, a 10-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different organic manures (5.0 to 10.0 t ha⁻¹) and maize biomass-derived low-cost biochar (pyrolysis temperature 600 °C) applications on soil carbon dynamics. The biochar was characterized by TEM, SEM, TGA, EDS, XRD, and FT-IR for morpho-mineralogical data. Different organic manures and maize biomass–derived biochar considerably enhanced soil carbon dynamics and pools. Low-cost biochar application at 2.5 t ha⁻¹ significantly increased the very labile carbon followed by a decrease at 5 t ha⁻¹. Manure with biochar delivered a huge impact on the active carbon pool as compared with manure without biochar. Biochar 5 t ha⁻¹ + vermicompost 5 t ha⁻¹ (23.41) augmented the passive carbon pool more than control (8.90) significantly. Besides, augmenting biochar addition rate in soil significantly reduced the lability index having a higher value with 2.5 t ha⁻¹ than 5 t ha⁻¹. Also, vermicompost 5 t ha⁻¹ + biochar 5 t ha⁻¹ (2.31) increased the carbon pool index significantly than the control. Interestingly, augmenting the low-cost biochar addition rate significantly enhanced the carbon management index. With the increase in days of incubation, the cumulative carbon mineralization of different biochars increased. Among the biochars, the highest % C mineralization of the initial TOC was found in black gram biochar. Data showed that the addition rate and type of biochar caused a considerable change in the decay constant. The mineralization quotient was more at a lower rate than the higher rate of biochar application. Our research conclusively established that in order to improve SOC dynamics and pools in the maize-black gram system in India’s northeastern regions, low-cost biochar technology is advised.
... Yet, compared to biochar amendment, the mineralization process of organic manure is quicker [9]. It was discovered that adding biochar to soil could reduce labile soil organic carbon and microbial activity, allowing for longer-term soil carbon sequestration [10]. The cumulative CO 2 -C emission associated with increasing the rate at which rice husk biochar is applied has also been noted, as has an increase in the percentage of rice husk biochar that has been used [11]. ...
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In the process of carbon storage, fractionation, and mineralization in soil, biochar and organic manure are essential. Regarding the impact of these interconnected procedures that link to soil C-cycling, there are still some doubts. At the ICAR-Sikkim Centre in Gangtok, India, a ten-year field experiment was conducted during 2013–2022 to investigate the effects of maize stalk and cob biomass-derived biochar (pyrolyzed at 600 °C) and different organic manure (5.0 t ha⁻¹ to 10.0 t ha⁻¹) applications on soil carbon fractions and sequestration in maize-black gram system. The biochar was morpho-mineralogically characterized by SEM, TEM, EDS, TGA, FT-IR, and XRD. Types of organic manure and biochar significantly enhanced total carbon and oxidizable carbon. It also influenced water-soluble, hot water extractable, and particulate organic carbon than control. Combinations of biochar and organic manure both considerably lowered soil bulk density. The vermicompost influenced highest in particulate organic carbon and pig manure lowest compared to other manure and control. The treatment poultry manure 5 t ha⁻¹ + biochar 2.5 t ha⁻¹ (48.93) decreased water-soluble carbon (µg g⁻¹ soil) significantly, followed by pig manure 5 t ha⁻¹ + biochar 2.5 t ha⁻¹ (52.33) as compared to control T1 (76.24) from initial value 71.39. An increase in organic manure and biochar application rate significantly increased carbon sequestration potential. Manures with biochar resulted in more influence on the annual rate of carbon sequestration than only manure without biochar. Among the manures with biochar, the treatment vermicompost 5 t ha⁻¹ + biochar 5 t ha⁻¹ (30.41) increased carbon retention efficiency (%) significantly, followed by goat manure 5 t ha⁻¹ + biochar 5 t ha⁻¹ (30.10), as compared to control T1 (3.53). Manures with biochar resulted in less influence in potentially mineralizable carbon than manure without biochar. FYM at 10 t ha⁻¹ + biochar 5 t ha⁻¹ (33.49) decreased potentially mineralizable nitrogen (mg NH4⁺-N kg⁻¹) significantly, followed by pig manure 5 t ha⁻¹ + biochar 5 t ha⁻¹ (34.12) than manure without biochar. Our work unequivocally showed that applying biochar and organic manure to a maize-black gram system has great potential for C-sequestration and can play a vital role in C-fractionations.
... Biochar mixing with decomposed organic manures, composts, crop residues, and organic input may reduce odors and color along with improvement in nutrient use efficiency over time. Without incorporation, the mixtures may be applied for uniform topsoil mixing [37]. Biochar can also cause longterm negative priming of soil organic carbon but short-term positive priming. ...
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In recent years, the world has faced rising global temperatures, accumulative pollution, and energy crises, stimulating scientists worldwide to strive for eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions. Biochar has materialized as a favorable tool for environmental remediation, indicating efficacy as an efficient sorbent substance for both inorganic and organic pollutants in the environmental field. These unique properties exclude improved surface functionality, porous morphology, large specific surface area (SSA), cation exchange capacity (CEC), robust adsorption capabilities, environmental stability, and embedded micronutrients. Biochar exhibited potential characteristics for environmental oversight, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction, and soil fertility improvement. This review explores the impact of fundamental factors such as retention time, pyrolysis temperature, gas flow rate, and reactor design on biochar yield and properties. Collected data revealed the various applications of biochar, ranging from waste management and construction materials to the adsorptive removal of hydrocarbon lubricants from aqueous media, contaminant immobilization, and carbon sequestration. It has played a significant share in climate change mitigation and an important role in soil amendments. Biochar improves soil improvement by increasing water retention (10-30%), carbon sequestration, soil surface functionality, and providing high surface area with chemical stability. The assessment also reports the prospects and contests associated with biochar application uses in various agriculture cropping ecosystems. Inclusive, this review highlights the multifaceted characteristics of biochar as an adjustable on top of a sustainable solution addressing greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration, and environmental stresses. However, further research is needed to understand its long-term impacts and optimal applications fully.
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Biochar is increasingly gaining popularity due to its extensive recommendation as a potential solution for addressing the concerns of food security and climate change in agroecosystems, with biochar application for increased carbon sequestration, enhanced soil fertility, improved soil health, and increased crop yield and quality. There have been multiple studies on crop yield utilizing various biochar types and application amounts; however, none have focused on the influence of diverse biochar types at various pyrolysis temperatures with different application amounts and the integration of fertilizer regimes in maize crops. Therefore, a two-year factorial field experiment was designed in a temperate Himalayan region of India (THRI) to evaluate the residual effect of different biochar on maize yield under different pyrolysis temperatures, various application rates, and fertilizer regimes. The study included three factors viz., amendment type (factor 1), rate of application (factor 2) and fertilizer regime (factor 3). Amendment type included 7 treatments: No biochar-control (A1), apple biochar @ 400 • C pyrolysis temperature (A2), apple biochar @ 600 • C pyrolysis temperature (A3), apple residue biomass (A4), dal weed biochar @ 400 • C pyrolysis temperature (A5), dal weed biochar @ 600 • C pyrolysis temperatures (A6), and dal weed residue biomass (A7). The rate of application included 3 levels: Low (L-1 t ha −1), medium (M-2 t ha −1), and high (H-3 t ha −1). At the same time, the fertilizer regimes included 2 treatments: No fertilizer (N) and recommended dose of fertilizer (F). The results revealed that among the various amendment types, rate of application, and fertilizer regimes, the A3 amendment, H rate of application and F fertilizer regime gave the best maize growth and productivity outcome. Results revealed that among the different pyrolyzed residues used, the A3 amendment had the highest plant height (293.87 cm), most kernels cob −1 (535.75), highest soil plant analysis development (SPAD) value (58.10), greatest cob length (27.36 cm), maximum cob girth (18.18 cm), highest grain cob yield (1.40 Mg How to cite this article Wani OA, Akhter F, Kumar SS, Kanth RH, Dar ZA, Babu S, Hussain N, Mahdi SS, Alataway A, Dewidar AZ, Mattar MA. 2024. Pyrolyzed and unpyrolyzed residues enhance maize yield under varying rates of application and fertilization regimes. PeerJ 12:e17513 ha −1), highest grain yield (4.78 Mg ha −1), higher test weight (305.42 gm), and highest stover yield (2.50 Mg ha −1). The maximum dry weight in maize and the number of cobs plant −1 were recorded with amendments A4 (14.11 Mg ha −1) and A6 (1.77), respectively. The comparatively 2nd year of biochar application than the 1 st year, the H level of the rate of application than the L rate, and the application and integration of the recommended dose of fertilizer in maize results in significantly higher values of growth and productivity in maize. Overall, these findings suggest that the apple biochar @ 600 • C pyrolysis temperature (A3) at a high application rate with the addition of the recommended dose of fertilizer is the optimal biochar for enhancing the growth and productivity of maize in the THRI.
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In modern agricultural environment, plants are facing a number of challenges including various kind of environmental stress and pathogen attacks. These plant pathogens include fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, nematodes and arthropods. Pathogens in the soil have a detrimental impact on the production, yield and quality of numerous crops across the world. Various parasites of plant aboveground components (leaves, stems) persist in soil at various phases of their life cycle. Thus, soil quality is much important for the survival of pathogen into it even if they do not infect the roots of plants. In most cases, plant pathogens are managed with chemicals, which pollute the environment and contribute to pathogen resistance. Biochar is a strategy for managing plant diseases caused by pathogens in the soil, through various mechanisms such as fungitoxic, nematotoxic effect of biochar, sorption of allelopathic and phytotoxic compounds that can harm the plant, induction of plant resistance, increase in activities and abundance of beneficial microorganisms, changes in soil quality such as nutrient availability and abiotic conditions and induction of plant resistance. A variety of biochar effects contribute to the control diseases caused by pathogens by altering root exudates, soil characteristics and nutrient availability, all of which impact antagonist microbial proliferation. The induction of systemic plant defenses in the roots by biochar to diminish plant pathogens as well as the activation of stress-hormone responses and changes in active oxygen species, are all signs of coordinated hormonal signaling inside the plant. This review gives a brief summary of the effects of biochar on the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, as well as in the management of plant pathogens and future direction. This is the first review in the literature which focus on boosting the soil physico-chemical properties along with its potential effect on plant pathogens.
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Carbon neutrality is described in four groups, including "carbon neutral", "climate neutral", "carbonfree", and "carbon clean" which means not to release any carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. According to the European Parliament, carbon neutrality is reached when the same amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere as is removed by various means, leaving a zero balance, also known as a zero-carbon footprint. Whereas carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of GHG emissions caused by an individual, organization, service, or product. It also means recognizing the problem and gradually reducing its impact. We are only considering CO2 and carbon-neutral, but there are several other greenhouse gases, which are even more damaging which are methane (CH4) and Nitrous oxide (N2O) produced by agriculture. Many initiatives (carbon neutrality coalition, greenwise, climate neutral network, caring for climate, greenlife) seek to assist individuals, businesses and states in reducing their carbon footprint or achieving climate neutrality.
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Laboratory study on adsorption-desorption of flubendiamide was conducted in two soil types, varying in their physical and chemical properties, by batch equilibrium method. After 4 h of equilibrium time, adsorption of flubendiamide on soil matrix exhibited moderately low rate of accumulation with 4.52 ± 0.21 % in red soil and low rate with 3.55 ± 0.21 % in black soil. After amending soils with organic manure, adsorption percentage increased to 6.42 ± 0.21 % in red soil and (4.18 ± 0.21 %) in black soil indicating that amendment significantly increased sorption. Variation in sorption affinities of the soils as indicated by distribution coefficient (K d) for sorption was in the range of 2.98-4.32, 4.91-6.64, 1.04-1.45 and 1.92-2.81 ml/g for red soil, organic manure-treated red soil, black soil and organic manure-treated black soil, respectively. Desorption was slightly slower than adsorption indicating a hysteresis effect having hysteresis coefficient ranges between 0.023 and 0.149 in two test soils. The adsorption data for the insecticide fitted well the Freundlich equation. Results revealed that adsorption-desorption was influenced by soil types and showed that the maximum sorption and minimum desorption of the insecticide was observed in soils with higher organic carbon and clay content. It can be inferred that crystal lattice of the clay soil plays a significant role in flubendiamide adsorption and desorption. Adsorption was lower at acidic pH and gradually increased towards alkaline pH. As this insecticide is poorly sorbed in the two Indian soil types, there may be a possibility of their leaching to lower soil profiles.
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Persistence of spiromesifen in soil as affected by varying moisture, light, compost amendment, soil sterilization and pH in aqueous medium were studied. Degradation of spiromesifen in soil followed the first-order reaction kinetics. Effect of different moisture regimes indicated that spiromesifen dissipated faster in submerged soil (t 1/2 14.3–16.7 days) followed by field capacity (t 1/2 18.7–20.0 days), and dry soil (t 1/2 21.9–22.9 days). Dissipation was faster in sterilized submerged (t 1/2 17.7 days) than in sterilized dry (t 1/2 35.8 days). Photo spiromesifen metabolite was not detected under different moisture regimes. After 30 days, enol spiromesifen metabolite was detected under submerged condition and was below detectable limit (<0.001 μg g−1) after 90 days. Soil amendment compost (2.5 %) at field capacity enhanced dissipation of the insecticide, and half-life value was 14.3 against 22.4 days without compost amendment. Under different pH condition, residues persisted in water with half-life values 5.7 to 12.5 days. Dissipation in water was faster at pH 9.0 (t 1/2 5.7 days), followed by pH 4.0 (t 1/2 9.7 days) and pH 7.2 (t 1/2 12.5 days). Exposure of spiromesifen to different light conditions indicated that it was more prone to degradation under UV light (t 1/2 3–4 days) than sunlight exposure (t 1/2 5.2–8.1 days). Under sunlight exposure, photo spiromesifen metabolite was detected after 10 and 15 days as compared to 3 and 5 days under UV light exposure.
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Biochar, also called soil conditioner or zero waste, is a carbon-rich charcoal-like substance formed by heating the biomass in limited oxygen condition by a process called ‘pyrolysis’
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The soils at a depleted copper mine in Touro (Galicia, Spain) are chemically degraded. In order to determine the effect of amendments and vegetation on the chemical characteristics of a mine soil and on the plant uptake of metals, a greenhouse experiment was carried out for 3 months. A settling pond soil was amended with different percentages of a compost and biochar mixture and vegetated with Brassica juncea L. The results showed that the untreated settling pond soil was polluted by Cu. Amendments and planting mustards decreased the pseudototal concentration of this metal, reduced the extreme soil acidity and increased the soil concentrations of C and TN. Both treatments also decreased the CaCl2-extractable Co, Cu and Ni concentrations. However, the amendments increased the pseudototal concentration of Zn in the soil, provided by the compost that was used. The results also showed that mustards extracted Ni efficiently from soils, suggesting that B. juncea L. is a good phytoextractor of Ni in mine soils.
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Degradation of flubendiamide as affected by microbial population count in two Indian soils (red and alluvial) varying in physicochemical properties was studied under sterile and non-sterile conditions. Recovery of flubendiamide in soil was in the range of 94.7-95.9 % at 0.5 and 1.0 μg g(-1), respectively. The DT50 of flubendiamide at the level of 10 μg g(-1) in red soil under sterile and non-sterile conditions was found to be 140.3 and 93.7 days, respectively, and in alluvial soil under sterile and non-sterile condition was 181.1 and 158.4 days, respectively. Residues of flubendiamide dissipated faster in red soil (non-sterile followed by sterile) as compared to alluvial (non-sterile soil followed by sterile soil). A wide difference in half-life of red and alluvial soil under sterile and non-sterile conditions indicated that the variation in physicochemical properties of red and alluvial soil as well as the presence of microbes play a great role for degradation of flubendiamide. The results revealed that slower-degrading alluvial soil possessed microbes with degradative capacity. The degradation rate in this soil was significantly reduced by some of its physicochemical characteristics, despite sterile and non-sterile conditions, which was faster in red soil.
Due to its recalcitrance against microbial degradation, biochar is very stable in soil compared to other organic matter additions, making its application to soils a suitable approach for the build-up of soil organic carbon (SOC). The net effects of such biochar addition also depend on its interactions with existing organic matter in soils. A study was established to investigate how the status of pre-existing soil organic matter influences biochar stabilisation in soil in comparison to labile organic additions. Carbon loss was greater in the C-rich sites (C content 58.0 g C/kg) than C-poor soils (C content 21.0-24.0 g C/kg), regardless of the quality of the applied organic resource. Biochar-applied, C-rich soil showed greater C losses, by >0.5 kg/m(2). year, than biochar-applied C-poor soil, whereas the difference was only 0.1 kg/m(2). year with Tithonia diversifolia green manure. Biochar application reduced the rate of CO(2)-C loss by 27%, and T. diversifolia increased CO(2)-C losses by 22% in the C-poor soils. With biochar application, a greater proportion of C (6.8 times) was found in the intra-aggregate fraction per unit C respired than with green manure, indicating a more efficient stabilisation in addition to the chemical recalcitrance of biochar. In SOC-poor soils, biochar application enriched aromatic-C, carboxyl-C, and traces of ketones and esters mainly in unprotected organic matter and within aggregates, as determined by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. In contrast, additions of T. diversifolia biomass enriched conjugated carbonyl-C such as ketones and quinones, as well as CH deformations of aliphatic-C mainly in the intra-aggregate fraction. The data indicate that not only the stability but also the stabilisation of biochar exceeds that of a labile organic matter addition such as green manure.
In Asian countries, people have a long history of using rice husk charcoal or wood ash as an agricultural soil amendment, but evidence of this has been long obscured. Since the 1980s, microbiological studies, mainly on symbiotic organisms, have been performed in Japan. Charcoal is a porous material with high water and air retention capacities and high alkalinity. Therefore, it stimulates root growth and enhances the infection of various symbiotic microbes to plant partners. The use of carbonised materials in agriculture, forestry, and construction will contribute to the sustainability of crop production, soil conservation, and carbon sequestration. Biochar-related research accumulated mainly in Japan is reviewed.
Approaches to reduce N2O emission from crop ecosystems deserves urgent need for climate change mitigation in world agriculture. Yet, unique ecological measures to depress N emission while conserving crop productivity have not yet been well developed for wide ranges of crop ecosystems. In order to establish an ecological engineering option to mitigate N2O emission in rice ecosystems, we conducted a field experiment with biochar amendment on N2O emission from rice paddies in three sites across South China in 2010. This experiment was performed with 6 treatments of biochar rates of 0, 20, and 40 t ha−1 with and without N fertilization respectively. The rice ecosystem was managed with conventional crop production practices as seasonally man-managed wetlands, which were under flooding after seedling transplantation till panicling and drainage during spiking followed by a subsequent moist condition (F-D-M) till harvest across sites. Emission of N2O from rice soil was monitored with closed chambers at 7 days interval throughout the whole rice growing season (WRGS) and the gas samples analyzed with a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890D) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD). Total emission of N2O-N ranged from 1.5 kg N2O-N ha−1 to 1.9 kg N2O-N ha−1 without biochar, and from 0.8 kg N2O-N ha−1 to 1.3 kg N2O-N ha−1 and from 0.7 kg N2O-N ha−1 to 0.9 kg N2O-N ha−1 with biochar amendment at 20 t ha−1 and 40 t ha−1, respectively. Thus, biochar amendment depressed total N2O emission from chemical N fertilizer, as the calculated EF of N2O-N emission was reduced from 0.57 ± 0.15% under chemical N fertilizer only to 0.36 ± 0.08% and 0.22 ± 0.04% under biochar amendment at 20 t ha−1 and 40 t ha−1 respectively. The value under biochar amendment at 40 t ha−1 was found even much smaller than that of a continuously flooding rice ecosystem. As soil pH (H2O), content of soil organic carbon and total N were all upraised significantly, biochar amendment improved rice ecosystem functioning by decreasing N2O-N emission per metric ton of rice production from 0.17 ± 0.02 kg N2O-N without biochar to 0.10 ± 0.02 and 0.07 ± 0.03 kg N2O-N under biochar respectively at 20 t ha−1 and 40 t ha−1. Thus, soil amendment of biochar from crop straw could be adopted as a unique ecological engineering measure to reduce N2O emission while enhancing soil fertility and sustaining rice productivity in rice ecosystems.