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El diseño curricular, una herramienta para el logro educativo / Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement

  • Instituto Superior Tecnológico España


The purpose of writing this article is to demonstrate the impact of the development of a correct curricular design as a structural tool in the educational teaching process. The importance of the management and application of educational processes understood as methodologies, strategies and teaching techniques are an initial part of this work; It also highlights the need to improve educational quality in institutional systems, through teaching practice with updated resources and according to the management and compliance of objectives and programmatic content in the classroom. The different educational models are then stressed, from which an educational system is structured, which in its essence should seek the application of teaching processes as methodological strategies, application of resources with a critical and proactive development approach and with the use of technological tools that facilitate this educational process. The current role of the teacher and the role played by the student are a fundamental part of the research carried out, which indicates the updating and educational reform that has been implemented as a global policy for the advancement and development of education.
 75
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI.
nº 45, 15 marzo/15 julio 2018, 75-86
ISSN: 1576-3420
Received: 20/11/2017 --- Accepted: 15/01/2018 --- Published: 15/03/2018
José Luis Freire Quintana1: Technical University of Ambato. Ecuador.
María Cristina Páez: Technical University of Ambato. Ecuador.
Marcelo Núñez Espinoza: Technical University of Ambato. Ecuador.
Margarita Narváez Rios: Technical University of Ambato. Ecuador.
Ruth Infante Paredes: Technical University of Ambato. Ecuador.
The purpose of writing this article is to demonstrate the impact of the development
of a correct curricular design as a structural tool in the educational teaching process.
The importance of the management and application of educational processes
understood as methodologies, strategies and teaching techniques are an initial part
of this work; It also highlights the need to improve educational quality in institutional
systems, through teaching practice with updated resources and according to the
management and compliance of objectives and programmatic content in the
classroom. The different educational models are then stressed, from which an
educational system is structured, which in its essence should seek the application of
teaching processes as methodological strategies, application of resources with a
critical and proactive development approach and with the use of technological tools
that facilitate this educational process. The current role of the teacher and the role
played by the student are a fundamental part of the research carried out, which
indicates the updating and educational reform that has been implemented as a
global policy for the advancement and development of education.
KEY WORDS: Curricular Design - Educational Processes - Pedagogical Models -
Program Contents - Methodological Strategies - Education - Teaching Techniques.
1 José Luis Freire Quintana: Title of electrical technologist, Lcdo. in Basic Education, teacher for 19
years, Inspector for 5 years Atahualpa school, professor of electricity and electronics, vice chancellor
in charge of technical school Pichincha.
Freire Quintana, J. L. Páez, M. C. Núñez Espinoza, M. Narváez Ríos, M. Infante Paredes, R.
Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI. 15 marzo-15 julio, 2018, nº 45. 75-86
La finalidad de redactar este artículo es evidenciar la incidencia que tiene la
elaboración de un correcto diseño curricular como herramienta estructural en el
proceso de enseñanza educativa. La importancia del manejo y aplicación de procesos
educativos entendidos como metodologías, estrategias y técnicas de enseñanza
forman parte inicial del presente trabajo; además se pone de manifiesto la necesidad
del mejoramiento de la calidad educativa en los sistemas institucionales, a través de
la práctica docente con recursos actualizados y acorde al manejo y cumplimiento de
objetivos y contenidos programáticos en el aula de clase. Se recalcan posteriormente
los diferentes modelos educativos de los cuales se va estructurando un sistema
educativo que en su esencia debe procurar la aplicación de procesos de enseñanza
como estrategias metodológicas, aplicación de recursos con un enfoque de desarrollo
crítico y propositivo y con el uso de herramientas tecnológicas que faciliten dicho
proceso educativo. El papel que tiene actualmente el docente y el rol que cumple el
estudiante forman parte fundamental de la investigación realizada, con lo cual se
señala la actualización y reforma educativa que se viene implementando como
política mundial para el adelanto y desarrollo de la educación.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Diseño Curricular - Procesos Educativos - Modelos Pedagógicos
- Contenidos prograticos - Estrategias metodológicas Educación Técnicas de
A finalidade de relatar este artigo é evidenciar a incidência que tem a elaborão de
um correto desenho curricular como ferramenta estrutural no processo de
ensinamento educativo. A importância do manejo e aplicação de processos
educativos e técnicas de ensinamento formam parte inicial do presente trabalho;
ademais manifesta a necessidade do melhoramento da qualidade educativa nos
sistemas institucionais, através da pratica docente com recursos atualizados de
acordo com o manejo e cumprimento de objetivos e conteúdos programáticos nas
classes de aulas. Se recalcam posteriormente os diferentes modelos educativos dos
quais se vão estruturando um sistema educativo que em sua essência deve procurar
a aplicação de processos de ensinamentos como estratégias metodológicas,
aplicação de recursos com um enfoque de desenvolvimento crítico e propositivo e
com o uso de ferramentas tecnológicas que facilitem tal processo educativo. O papel
que tem atualmente o docente e o papel que cumpre o estudante formam parte
fundamental da investigação realizada, com o qual se assinala a atualização e
reforma educativa que vem implementando como política mundial para o adianto e
desenvolvimento da educação.
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Desenho curricular Processos Educativos. Modelos
Pedagógicos Conteúdosprogramáticos Estratégias metodológicas Educação
Técnicas de Ensinamentos
Freire Quintana, J. L. Páez, M. C. Núñez Espinoza, M. Narváez Ríos, M. Infante Paredes, R.
Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI. 15 marzo-15 julio, 2018, nº 45. 75-86
How to cite the article
Freire Quintana, J. L. Páez, M. C. Núñez Espinoza, M. Narváez Ríos, M. Infante
Paredes, R. (2018). Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement [El diseño
curricular, una herramienta para el logro educativo] Revista de Comunicación de la
SEECI, 45, 75-86. doi: Recuperado de
The present investigation has as a relevant role the importance of the structuring
of the curricular design suitable for the application of the educational processes in
the classroom; this is argued as the recurrent need that currently exists to improve
the educational quality in each of the educational levels (Casanova, 2015), this praxis
points out the integral formation of critical, reflective and propositive human beings;
based on a flexible curricular axis and adaptable to the educational needs of the
environment with the application and use of didactic resources that implement the
student activity as a fundamental axis of the process (Sanchez, 2015) , the
curriculum design is framed in its two aspects: scientific and educational, defining in
its scientific approach as the realization of plans and programs of study that sustain
the programmatic contents so that they can represent the cognitive domains within
the learning process; On the other hand, the educational focus emphasizes the
qualities and skills to be achieved by students with the participation of the teacher as
a facilitator of teaching (Huffman, 2016).
The need to implement technological tools such as teaching methodological
strategies currently make teachers seek the participation of students with the use of
interactive material, developing in them the use of collaborative tools and interaction
platforms with which the conceptualization of contents and the practical application
of new computer resources are carried out (Villalta, 2015).
All curricular innovation corresponds to changes and official proposals of the
pedagogical advance, the same that protects the use of all material, technological
and audiovisual resources that advance the progress and achievement of the
educational objective, this approach has its foundation in the sociocultural and
economic field of the medium; the recognition of the conditions in which this process
takes place must be taken into account; since the fulfillment of the academic
advances depend in a great way on the infrastructure and resources that each
institution possesses, these aspects are not relevant, but they are elements of great
importance for the good development of the educational process (Hernandez, 2016).
The research work has as one of its structural axes the evaluation process and its
praxis in the classroom (Hernandez, Farfan, & Garcia, 2015), the attitudinal change
on the part of the teachers when reviewing academic contents is fundamental, the
evaluation process becomes permanently a part of the class planning and in each
one of the programmed contents; based on the fact that Education is an organized
and systematized activity in search of the improvement and advancement of the
human being (Perez, 2015); The curriculum based on skills and competences is one
of the approaches of this work, it is clear that for this element of education to
contribute to the teaching process, it must have well-structured curricula, which must
be elaborated with the contents appropriate to the age and grade that the student is
Freire Quintana, J. L. Páez, M. C. Núñez Espinoza, M. Narváez Ríos, M. Infante Paredes, R.
Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI. 15 marzo-15 julio, 2018, nº 45. 75-86
studying, the contents should be flexible and readjust able to the needs of thinking
that means and with the help of technological resources as didactic tools of the
teaching process (Komba, 2015).
The research work has a mixed approach, because qualitative and quantitative
methods are applied within its process.
Quantitative because an educational reality is analyzed with the help of a
theoretical framework and Qualitative because numerical data are obtained that are
analyzed, based on population and sample, which are later part of the verification of
the hypothesis and the relationship of the variables. The level of research covers
several aspects such as:
Descriptive; because it helps to find a solution to the problem through the
structuring of the questions with which the field research is evidenced. Explanatory;
because it allows a structured analysis to determine the concordance between the
variables and their level of incidence.
The development of this research is carried out taking into account that it is of an
educational nature, therefore, the survey method is applied with its respective
instrument, which is the questionnaire
The survey that is carried out contributes to determine the degree of incidence
that the curricular design has in the application of the educational processes in the
classroom, which evidences the performance in the teaching process, taking
advantage of the methods, techniques and didactic tools for said effect.
The incidence of the curricular design with the educational processes is evident in
the results of this investigation, being this a causal for the academic performance of
the students, reason why, it is feasible to take actions to overcome this problem;
with the implementation of several curricular resources among which can be named:
the elaboration of an integrated curriculum, which focuses on the student's needs,
making them the main actors of their learning (Costley, 2015).
It is essential that teachers make an attitudinal change in terms of the
management and application of teaching processes, taking into account that each
student is a different world and needs to be evaluated continuously with current
methodologies and flexible learning techniques (War , 2015) ; surely the structural
part of the curricular design is the planning, this means the preparation of the
theoretical and supported planning of the activities that determine the development
of the educational process (Aranda, 2016).
It is important that the atmosphere or climate of the classroom is conducive to the
student to feel comfortable and mentally motivated so that the educational objective
is fulfilled, since it is based on the foundation that these factors influence and favor
the academic performance; it also takes into account the use of time as another
relevant factor in the teaching process (Gonzalez & Oriol, 2016) , that is, the time
that must be taken for academic improvement does not have to be subject only to
the amount of content factor but to elements such as the planning that must be
Freire Quintana, J. L. Páez, M. C. Núñez Espinoza, M. Narváez Ríos, M. Infante Paredes, R.
Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI. 15 marzo-15 julio, 2018, nº 45. 75-86
taken for the execution of each activity, especially in the classroom (Mora, Garcia, &
Molina, 2016) . It becomes fundamental that the teacher understands that not only
the intrinsic motivation is the adequate, but also the external aspect becomes
relevant, since it is not the fact of working in the classroom that is motivating, but
also the use of more active and playful strategies help the student to be motivated
for their learning (Zyngie, 2015).
It is clear that the best motivational element in teaching is teamwork because
participation and cooperation among students is fostered, in addition the
development of student criticality is obtained, and the teacher can opt for the
problem-based learning methodology (Mendez, 2015). The role of the teacher
according to the Latin American government policies is to be a guide in the teaching
process, so it is evident the continuous updating and professional improvement
(Reimers, 2014), this implies establishing institutional regulations in which the
preparation and execution of new methodological strategies is preponderant for the
achievement of objectives (Maciel de Oliveira, 2015); The effectiveness of the
teaching work with the adequate use of resources results in the student's educational
satisfaction, which is considered as the level of assessment of the teaching process
(Garrido & Del Valle, 2015) . The performance in the classroom must be carried out
taking into account aspects such as the conceptualization of knowledge through
research, the analysis of content and the relevance that should be given to the
criticality of students, these elements contribute to the development and
advancement of the programs of study (Bennett, Athanases, & Wahleithner, 2016).
It is necessary to undertake collaboration and participation programs among
teachers, so that in these periodic meetings that are usually established at the
beginning of each academic year teachers who are immersed in the different
learning areas, establish the parameters of organization, planning and execution. of
the curricula as well as of the programmatic contents that will be taught; leading to
the same style of teaching praxis with the same methodologies and in collaboration
with the available resources, making this teaching interaction the path to achieve
educational goals and objectives (Krichesky, 2016).
As part of the current educational process, the use of the technological resource is
included, in which the teacher becomes a fundamental pillar as mediator and agent
of knowledge. Teachers have to be equipped with these pedagogical and
technological tools to accept the need for change (Tolchinsky, 2014). The use of new
technologies becomes the new "invisible pedagogy" in the forms of active work with
shared activities between the teacher and the student (Neil, 2016), they become a
fundamental element in all systems and educational levels as a state policy, ICT
should be implemented as an educational tool for the intellectual and responsible
development of students (Sosa, 2015) . The competences of the teacher are then
linked with the so-called "pedagogical suitcase", in which this technological resource
is included as part of the educational process, the synergy of contents with the use
of virtual platforms and interactive software, allows both the teacher and the student
to work dynamically and with responsibility criteria since knowledge is formed to a
large extent by the student (Quinteros, 2016).
The context of educational quality is discussed as an established standard for the
improvement of education as a multidisciplinary axis now related to the use of new
Freire Quintana, J. L. Páez, M. C. Núñez Espinoza, M. Narváez Ríos, M. Infante Paredes, R.
Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI. 15 marzo-15 julio, 2018, nº 45. 75-86
technologies as part of the educational standard required at all levels of study
(Suarez & Pineda, 2015).
Therefore, we must be aware that an educational institution may have changes in
its pedagogical practices, based on the commitment of the educational community to
accept this challenge that makes the curriculum more flexible and meets the needs
of the environment, improving the educational processes for a better methodology of
teaching and obtaining educational achievements (Norris & Soloway, 2016).
It is important that at the end of each content treated it is established as part of
the process to the evaluation, the same that evidences the level of progress of
teaching, that is, the achievement obtained and to what extent it was made
(Mendoza, 2014), nevertheless, the evaluation must have certain elements so that it
is real, it must have objective validity, validity of process and validity of result; in this
way it becomes a reliable tool that qualitatively and quantitatively qualifies the work
done (Huang & Hu, 2015).
It is necessary to promote vocational training as teachers, the educational reform
with changes in form and substance, to modify the plans and programs of study with
the use of flexible strategies with teacher reflection and student acceptance (Rivera,
2014) , this will achieve that the educational process is carried out in the best terms
and with the use of didactic tools according to the needs of the environment, the
motivation in the assignment of roles and collaborative activities improve the
educational quality in each institution (Burenkova, 2015).
The approach of the present work establishes the interrelation between the
curricular design and the application of the educational processes, being this
principle the structure of the work in the classroom. The teaching update is one of
the predominant factors for the achievement of the teaching process, the use and
application of new methodological strategies with the use of didactic tools and a
correct planning of contents make the knowledge is easily assimilated and at the
same time the students become critical and proactive human beings.
The application of group participation techniques allows the student to be part of
a collaborative process and their performance becomes more formal; it is achieved
that each member of the working group contributes with his ideas and criteria, thus
achieving to conceptualize the proposed contents and build their own knowledge.
Each element that is part of the educational curriculum plays an important role in
obtaining achievements and objectives, so it is necessary to have a flexible and
adaptable curriculum to the realities of the environment; One must be very careful
with the contents to be taught, select the skills with performance criteria (the "know-
how" based on knowledge and with the ability to solve a problem), viable for each
degree of work, their methodological strategies must have a logical sequence, the
same that is applied according to a pedagogical model established as an institutional
work axis; the resources are applied with a suitable use, not to cover a lot of them.
but what is just and concrete; so that the teaching process can show the indicators
of achievement.
Freire Quintana, J. L. Páez, M. C. Núñez Espinoza, M. Narváez Ríos, M. Infante Paredes, R.
Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI. 15 marzo-15 julio, 2018, nº 45. 75-86
The inclusion of new technologies is part of the teaching as a tool of interactivity
between the teacher and the student, with its use the active participation of the
student who takes on new responsibilities is obtained, since the execution of works
through the virtual platforms and the use of interactive software awaken the field of
research, the main element when building knowledge.
Creating participatory work environments in the classroom leads to student
motivation, a relevant aspect for the development of skills and ultimately the
achievement of objectives.
Teachers have to be in continuous updating of knowledge, immersed in the
acquisition, implementation and use of new methodological proposals for the
teaching process, thus achieving the easy and correct assimilation of contents in the
The correct planning of contents, the application of methodological strategies and
the use of new technologies are a structural part of a good curricular design, with
the use of these elements it is possible to motivate the student to become
participatory and to build his learning.
The institutional pedagogical proposal must be socialized with all the teachers so
that in all the subjects the same didactic method of teaching is carried out.
Student participation should be the structural axis for the conceptualization of
contents and thus build their own knowledge with the help of appropriate didactic
tools and the use of ICT.
The teacher should seek permanent evaluation to demonstrate the progress and
achievement of the educational process, thus being able to take the necessary
corrective measures and avoid mismatches of knowledge among students, that is to
say, that all have to go hand in hand in what concerns to the assimilation of
knowledge and development of skills.
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Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
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Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI. 15 marzo-15 julio, 2018, nº 45. 75-86
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José Luis Freire Quintana
Technical professor of electricity, title of electrical technologist, title of Lic. in Basic
Ed., Teacher for 19 years, Inspector for 5 years in the Atahualpa School, professor of
electricity and electronics, Vice Chancellor in charge of the Pichincha technical school,
professor of technical drawing, San Alfonso school, Professor coordinator of the
company to promote electricity success, I currently work in the Atahualpa as a
professor in Entrepreneurship and management, and digital electronics.
Marcelo Núñez Espinoza
Master in Education Sciences mention Educational Management and Social
Development, Doctor in Educational Sciences, Research and Planning, Professor
and Subdecant of the Faculty of Humanities and Education .
Margarita Narváez Rios
Systems Engineer, Tics Assistant at the Technical University of Ambato María
Cristina Páez Engineer in Systems and Computing, Master in Technologies for
Management and Teaching Practice, Research Professor in the Faculty of Human
Sciences and Education, Administrative Academic Director of the Master in
Educational Computing, Design of a semantic framework to modeling human
behavior in survillance context
Ruth Infante Paredes
Freire Quintana, J. L. Páez, M. C. Núñez Espinoza, M. Narváez Ríos, M. Infante Paredes, R.
Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement
Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI. 15 marzo-15 julio, 2018, nº 45. 75-86
Professor at the Technical University of Ambato (UTA) since 2010, teaching at the
initial, school, high school and higher levels for 12 years. Coordinator of Redesigns
and Curricular Designs of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, approval of five
careers related to the area of Education by the Higher Education Council CES.
Member of the Academic Direction of the Technical University of Ambato carrying out
functions such as the guide and review of curricular design and redesign projects of
third level programs in the different fields of knowledge. Evaluator of language career
projects, qualified by the Council of Higher Education. Postgraduate Coordinator of
the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the UTA and one of the main objectives
is the design and approval of projects of Master's programs in the area of education.
... Se evidenció su motivación por aprender a realizar pequeñas reparaciones supervisadas en casa. Este hallazgo se relaciona con lo expresado por Freire et al. (2018) quienes manifiestan que los estudiantes con espectro autista pueden acceder y participar activamente en el proceso de aprendizaje, garantizando la formación significativa y eficaz. ...
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La investigación en referencia tuvo como objetivo principal de esta investigación determinar las adaptaciones curriculares necesarias para estudiantes con autismo en el primer año de Bachillerato Técnico en Electricidad de la Unidad Educativa Pujuli. Se empleó una metodología cualitativa con tipo de investigación-acción, lo que permitió no solo diseñar e implementar diversas estrategias educativas con la participación de todos los educadores implicados, sino también evaluar su efectividad en tiempo real. Los resultados reflejaron cambios significativos en el comportamiento y el aprendizaje del estudiante, quien mostró un aumento considerable en su motivación por comprender cómo funcionan los dispositivos eléctricos y realizar pequeñas reparaciones en casa. En este sentido, se destacó la importancia de utilizar métodos de enseñanza más visuales y prácticos, esta dualidad subraya la efectividad de un enfoque flexible en la metodología educativa.
... Con la necesidad de hacer ajustes de fondo al sistema de evaluación, en el año 2009 entra en vigor el decreto 1290, así como su guía de implementación (men, 2009) y con ello se formaliza, entre otros, el enfoque formativo de la evaluación articulado a niveles de desempeño por competencias. No obstante, en el fondo esta situación requería que las instituciones replantearan los instrumentos, los momentos, las herramientas de evaluación y, en general, cambios y propuestas del avance pedagógico (Freire et al., 2018), situación que a la fecha sigue estando en deuda por parte del sistema educativo. ...
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La evaluación es un componente integral de la educación. Para Colombia, en la educación básica y media, estos procesos de evaluación están regulados bajo un enfoque formativo y por competencias. Para evaluar competencias por medio de desempeños, las instituciones deben superar algunos retos conceptuales y metodológicos que les permita pasar de la teoría a la práctica. Con el fin de establecer un referente conceptual y describir las necesidades y tendencias actuales, se realizó la revisión del tema “evaluación por desempeños” a través de un enfoque cualitativo-descriptivo para 59 documentos recuperados de bases de datos indexadas (ScIELO, Redalyc, Dialnet, Publindex, Scopus, Ebsco y Google académico) y sintetizados bajo una matriz para seis unidades de análisis. Entre los hallazgos se evidencia que, si bien los exámenes estandarizados implementan metodologías y técnicas con suficiencia para evaluar por desempeños, para el caso de las instituciones educativas no hay orientaciones técnicas claras y replicables, lo que demuestra las necesidades de cualificación y contextualización debido a lo complejo de las metodologías. Así, es necesario articular todos los niveles de la evaluación por desempeños que se regulan en el país, establecer propuestas metodológicas objetivas para construir los niveles de desempeño y atender las necesidades particulares de los reguladores curriculares y del contexto institucional.
... principio curricular es asumido tanto por las instituciones fiscales, fiscomisionales, municipales y particulares, entidades que basan sus planificaciones en los lineamientos estipulados por el Currículo Nacional, como eje rector de la educación ecuatoriana, como lo manifiesta(Freire Quintana et al., 2018) los procesos educativos y el diseño curricular están estrechamente ligados en la efectivización de la labor docente en el aula (2018, p. 6).En la Unidad Educativa Santa Mariana de Jesús -Guaranda, institución particular con principios carismáticos y fundacionales que priorizan la formación integral sin fines de lucro, es fundamental el desarrollo de las potencialidades de sus estudiantes, tomando en cuenta que este proceso depende tanto de la infraestructura educativa, como de la calidad de los docentes que imparten las diferentes cátedras académicas; sin embargo, y a pesar de los esfuerzos de las autoridades, se ha evidenciado un preocupante desconocimiento, a la hora de diseñar planificaciones curriculares.En la institución objeto de estudio existe un alto nivel de rotación del personal docente, a causa de los contratos o nombramientos provisionales y definitivos que proporciona el Ministerio de Educación en las instituciones de sostenimiento fiscal y fiscomisional; mismos que son de interés de los docentes; esto les lleva a abandonar la unidad educativa por mejoras económicas; sin embargo, dejan de lado su compromiso con la educación.Citando a Ferreyra (2018) en Argentina se efectuó la construcción de conocimientos disciplinares entre asignaturas, seleccionados criterios y promoción de un conjunto de asignaturas troncales previstas en la mayoría de los currículos, forjando la correlación con el nombramiento de docentes por especialidad, en el marco de un trabajo docente por horas de clases. Las fisuras en el camino escolar de los estudiantes; asimismo, se asocian a saberes de insuficiente relevancia social, poco significativos para ellos denotando todavía una débil formación holística (p.5).En el contexto nacional Pilamunga Pilamunga & DT-Núñez Espinoza (2013) de acuerdo a su tesis de maestría en la Universidad Técnica de Ambato sostiene que la elaboración de un currículo por competencias demanda partir de la identificación de los vacíos y limitaciones, de forma similar, de los logros, que han estado vigentes en los últimos años escolares y, al mismo tiempo, incluir los elementos que proporcionen un diseño capaz de adaptarse y re-adaptarse, siendo dinámico y flexible a los contextos realesUn currículo por competencias, que propicie un aprendizaje integral mediante la interdisciplinariedad de contenidos, prácticas y actitudes. ...
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Bajo la premisa de que el Currículo Nacional es el eje rector en el proceso de planificación curricular, se procedió a realizar la investigación en la Unidad Educativa Santa Mariana de Jesús - Guaranda, institución particular que tiene como eje medular la calidad de los docentes que imparten las diferentes cátedras académicas. Sin embargo, y a pesar de los esfuerzos de sus líderes, se ha evidenciado un preocupante desconocimiento en cuanto al uso, manejo y aplicación de la Actualización y Fortalecimiento Curricular. Las causas de este problema radican en un alto nivel de rotación del personal docente, por contratos o nombramientos que provee el Ministerio de Educación, mismos que son de interés de los docentes. Esto les lleva a abandonar la unidad educativa por progresos económicos. Por consiguiente, se realiza contrataciones a profesionales que no cuentan con conocimientos en pedagogía. En el presente trabajo, se procedió a evaluar el aporte del conocimiento del Currículo Nacional para el desarrollo de habilidades de planificación, a través de la elaboración de un informe de investigación de los docentes de los niveles elemental, media, superior y bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa en mención. Asimismo, se realizó la exploración bibliográfica en diferentes fuentes fidedignas, tales como: artículos, revistas, tesis y fuentes oficiales que sustentan y vigorizan el marco referencial de la misma. Se aplicó el método descriptivo, al emplear una encuesta por Google Forms a 40 colegas de los niveles desde elemental a tercer año de bachillerato, con el fin de recoger, organizar e interpretar los datos estadísticos. El tratamiento estadístico fue una correlación de Pearson para medir las variables independiente: Conocimiento del Currículo Nacional y Dependiente: Desarrollo de habilidades de los docentes de los niveles elemental, media, superior y bachillerato. Es primordial que los líderes educativos realicen la revisión y análisis del ámbito curricular, para responder a las necesidades de la obra educativa y para que se garantice la inclusión del currículo nacional; con la finalidad de alcanzar altos estándares de calidad educativa.
... It is reflected that the teaching that takes place at the international level has a training perspective parallel to the current environment in which it develops. Decrees and to achieve that objective have been forged, regulations, resolutions, and policies have been generated, which contain the pedagogical designs of the guidelines and standards to be deployed within the educational institutions in the different areas of education to achieve that objective (Freire Quintana et al., 2018). ...
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El desarrollo de la presente investigación se enfoca en analizar la eficiencia que presenta la gestión académica y administrativa de los educadores, en la inclusión de estudiantes con deficiencias cognitivas a un aula regular, la investigación se desarrolló dentro de un marco metodológico, cuantitativo con un enfoque descriptivo, mediante el cual se pudo analizar las características y comportamientos que presentan los estudiantes con deficiencias de aprendizaje, así como también las acciones que efectúan los docentes para facilitar el proceso de enseñanza, para la obtenciones los datos se determinó como técnica dos encuestas, la una dirigida a los docentes de las diferentes unidades educativas con cargos administrativos y de aula, la segunda dirigida a los padres que tiene estudiantes con deficiencias cognitivas, en la tabulación de los datos se utilizó como herramienta software estadístico, mediante el cual se graficó y se porcentualiza la información, el análisis de los resultados denotó la importancia que tiene la acogida que proporcionan los docentes en la integración de los niños con deficiencias de aprendizaje.
... Por eso, no es posible otorgar a los estudiantes un plan de conocimiento estricto porque podría generarse un efecto contraproducente. En otras palabras, los estudiantes podrían sentirse poco atraídos a los procesos de investigación cuando estos se presentan de forma obligatoria con contenidos estrictos (Freire Quintana, Páez, Núñez Espinoza, Narváez Rios, & Infante Paredes, 2018) Esta perspectiva académica muestra el currículo como una detallada planeación de los conocimientos que son considerados esenciales para que todos los estudiantes puedan desarrollar adecuadamente su capacidad de inteligencia (Fonseca y Gamboa, 2017). En esta medida, los semilleros en su implementación contarían con limitantes en el conjunto de recursos que requieren (Numa Sanjuan & Márquez Delgado, 2019) ...
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El contexto social y educativo presentan transformaciones sistémicas que irrumpen en el pensar, el ser y el devenir científico, este cambio, invade y confronta las fibras educativas que incitan a promover la investigación científica desde la formación temprana, asimismo, es evidente que el ser humanos es un ser pensante, analítico e inquieto por explorar y conocer el mundo. Proponer semilleros de investigación como estrategia curricular para la formación temprana en investigación científica en estudiantes, de ahí que la investigación científica a través de la formación temprana de los estudiantes se constituye en una apuesta tentativa y enriquecedora para los planteles educativos, la sociedad y significativamente para la construcción del conocimiento y la creación de ciencia ciencia, por consiguiente, visionar el ámbito investigativo con miras a fortalecer y promover la formación temprana en investigación científica fortalece todos los procesos educativos e investigativos de los estudiantes. Los semilleros de investigación son una apuesta importante, debido a que potencia el aprendizaje de los estudiantes con miras a desarrollar y generar nuevas habilidades que a su vez contribuyen al mejoramiento de las prácticas de enseñanza - aprendizaje, asimismo, incluirlos en el currículo visiona nuevas posibilidades a nivel institucional y social, permitiendo un enfoque significativo que involucra docentes, directivos docentes, estudiantes, padres de familia y entidades gubernamentales para la implementación y promoción de la investigación científica a temprana edad.
... Los diseños curriculares en la contaduría pública: un acercamiento de ubicación conceptual necesario Los procesos formativos a nivel de educación superior gozan de claros lineamientos de enseñanza y aprendizaje organizados mediante el diseño de currículos académicos. Si bien estos no constituyen una camisa de fuerza para la labor docente, protegida en sus posturas por la libertad de catedra, actualmente constituyen el sello de calidad con el que una institución de educación superior decide los contenidos formativos para titular a los futuros profesionales (Freire et al., 2018). ...
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Los procesos de internacionalización en la educación superior comprenden una variedad de complejos compromisos institucionales a cargo de las universidades. Ante esto, la Internacionalización en Casa (IeC) surge como mecanismo alternativo para aquellas instituciones que inician procesos de implementación de este fenómeno, pues dentro de sus posibilidades está la inclusión de contenidos globales en los currículos de los programas que ofertan. Tal es el caso del programa de Contaduría de la Universidad del Magdalena, el cual ofrece un plan de estudios cuyo eje de profesionalización presenta un potencial de reforma bajo los estándares de educación contable (IES, por sus siglas en inglés) de la Federación Internacional de Contadores (IFAC, por sus siglas en inglés). Para establecer dicha posibilidad, se hizo un recorrido conceptual previo en virtud de las labores de una investigación doctoral, desde la cual se propone que esta institución inicie una evaluación curricular con miras a adaptar los contenidos de los IES de IFAC, considerados como las mejores prácticas de enseñanza contable a nivel mundial. Esto resulta posible, pues los procesos curriculares, sean estos de formulación, evaluación o reforma, constituyen momentos institucionales propicios para replantear el norte pedagógico de los procesos formativos que estas llevan a cabo al interior de sus aulas.
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El equilibrio entre el aprendizaje teórico y práctico de los estudiantes de cálculo de la carrera de Bioquímica y Farmacia de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí conlleva a una relación magnética pues, el aprendizaje teórico consiste en guiar al estudiante hacia un conjunto de métodos para incorporar nueva información y el aprendizaje práctico tiene como objeto desarrollar las habilidades de los estudiantes por medio de proyectos y ejercicios que deben basarse en algo más que los aspectos teóricos de la asignatura. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las estrategias de aprendizaje para el desarrollo de la asignatura de cálculo. Atendiendo a los requerimientos el trabajo de esta investigación científica se focalizó en la metodología cuantitativa, es preciso rescatar que la población y muestra encuestada fue de 133 estudiantes y tres docentes los mismos que fueron seleccionados mediante fórmula para determinar el tamaño de la muestra; la herramienta tomada en consideración para la respectiva investigación se basa en una encuesta asentada en un total de seis ítems de carácter anónimo y de alto grado de confiabilidad con consentimiento informado verbal. Por ello se concluye que los resultados infieren significativamente lo que conduce a un equilibrio permitiendo orientar metódicamente a los docentes para que adapten su práctica a los nuevos desafíos de la Educación Superior actual, percibiendo la importancia de conectar la teoría y la práctica para estimular el aprendizaje y formación integral en los estudiantes de cálculo y en sentido general adquieran conocimientos en el desarrollo de destrezas y valores.
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The treatment of the term competencies, and the attempt to apply it to education, has reached such levels in the present millennium that have resulted in a wide and diverse conceptual network that becomes approaches and conceptions that renew the significance of these and their implication in the training of the future professional. The article aims to theoretically analyze the importance of the competency-based curriculum in the current context, taking the didactic book as a guide in the orientation of developer learning. The study was based on all the theory of the historical-cultural approach and the developer didactics, with the use of the historical-logical method and analysis-synthesis as a procedure; The value attributed to the training of competencies in the university and the need to favor this training from the orientation of learning with the use of media, especially didactic books, were weighted in it. The main results show that professional skills cannot be reduced to knowledge or know-how, a curricular design is required that guarantees the comprehensive and flexible preparation of the student, through the promotion of developer learning from the orientation of learning through didactic book.
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El nivel preescolar en Ecuador está adquiriendo una importancia cada vez mayor debido a las investigaciones que se han realizado en torno a los niños de esta edad y su capacidad de aprendizaje. Este trabajo se enfoca en cuatro aspectos clave del proceso educativo en este subnivel: el currículo, el docente, las orientaciones metodológicas y la evaluación. A través de un análisis documental reflexivo, se ha determinado que hay importantes avances en la definición de directrices para la tarea pedagógica en el nivel preescolar, todavía hay algunos elementos que requieren atención para su aplicación efectiva. Entre estos elementos se incluyen la interculturalidad, el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), la capacitación docente y la revalorización de la evaluación. Es importante que los docentes cuenten con la capacitación necesaria para utilizar adecuadamente las TIC y aprovechar su potencial educativo. Por último, la evaluación debe ser revalorizada y entendida como una herramienta pedagógica para mejorar el aprendizaje y no solo como una medida de rendimiento.
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La evaluación auténtica abre nuevas perspectivas a una de las tareas docentes más complejas y difíciles de desarrollar, como es el caso de la evaluación de los aprendizajes de los alumnos. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión teórica de los principios fundamentales que rodean esta concepción de evaluación, que trata de consolidarse como un enfoque alternativo al enfoque tradicional de la evaluación y –por extensión– al de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Asimismo, se identifican algunos principios evaluativos acordes con esta perspectiva, en aras de facilitar al profesorado el diseño de tareas auténticas con las que evaluar los alcances y logros de sus estudiantes.
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Teacher inquiry holds promise in teacher education, but only if student teachers take up inquiry practices as they leave preservice and transition to teaching. As they learn to conduct inquiry during preservice, student teachers may begin to internalize dispositions that promote ongoing inquiry experiences. Through analysis of questionnaires conducted at preservice and inservice, and through a focus group discussion, the authors sought to understand how teachers who had experienced one scaffolded, student-focused, and data-based preservice teacher inquiry model conceptualized the relationship between teaching and inquiry. Analyses revealed that teachers’ conceptions cast inquiry overall as a tight fit with teaching in three ways: by fostering a focus on students, by generating metacognitive knowledge about inquiry as a useful classroom process, and by deepening teacher knowledge about ways to respond thoughtfully to diagnosed student need. Analyses suggest program model elements may have seeded these conceptions.
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This book offers a thorough and detailed overview of the scientific research undertaken as part of the European project “Create Your Future”. This project addresses the needs and challenges that chilhood cancer survivors have to face once they overcome the illness and resume their education. The collaboration between cancer patients, young survivors and the project and partner associations proved to be essential to carry out the study. A mixed design research with a total of 355 survivors taking part in the quantitative study and 26 participants in the in-depth interviews from Austria, Bulgaria, Greece and Spain provide relevant information about the need to improve the quality of life and expectations of childhood cancer survivors. The first part (Sections 1-5) comprises the research design and the instruments for data collection whilst the second part (Sections 6-9) is devoted to the analysis of the data obtained and sets forth the main findings. The results emphasize the need to adopt specific strategies to ensure facilities for the continuity of education during and after the illness, specific training for education guidance counsellors and psychologists and programs for survivors, the importance of families as emotional support and the prejudices often encountered in the labour market.
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The main problem of the educational evaluation validity is that it just copies the conceptual framework system of validity from educational measurement to its own conceptual system. The validity conceptual system that fits the need of theory and practice of educational evaluation has not been established yet. According to the inherent attributive character of educational evaluation, this paper constructs eight concepts of validity in educational evaluation: objective validity, construct validity, content validity, cross validity, subject validity, process validity, function validity and result validity, and elaborates its basis and connotation.
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This article covers college students’ educational activity issues while studying a foreign language; analyzes special aspects of motivation introduction, their specific features. It also defines role and structure of role-playing. The authors come to the conclusion that introduction of role-playing in an educational process will bring it closer to objective and social conditions of a future professional activity. A study conducted by the author showed that motivation in role-playing allows improving students’ education quality, that is, motivation maturity in an educational process, proficiency, an ability to set and achieve goals.
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The ‘pedagogic discourse’ can describe the power relations and fields of influence within schools. This article extends the approach to include ICT-mediated learning in schools by considering evidence from the InterActive project, undertaken by the University of Bristol, England, in 2000-04. The article also considers how the pedagogic discourse can complement post-Vygotskian sociocultural models of learning. ICT is presented as a ‘recontextualising field’ that exerts influence by weakening the classification and framing of the discourse. Successful uses of ICT tend to favour ‘invisible’ pedagogies: collaborative modes of active working with shared competences, in lessons containing elements of ‘discovery’. Tensions can arise if the dominant discourse is a ‘visible’ pedagogy that favours individual performance, with the teacher as the voice of authority and controller of the discourse. These tensions can lead to ICT being marginalised or discredited by teachers or lead to new modalities of pedagogy.
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This study investigated issues surrounding the implementation of competence based curriculum in Tanzanian secondary schools. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the teachers’ understanding of the objectives of competence based curriculum; to investigate the teachers’ abilities in preparing competence based lesson plans; to examine whether or not teachers involved students in classroom activities; and to find out whether or not teachers practiced formative students’ assessments as per the requirements of competence based curriculum. The respondents included 186 teachers who were randomly selected from 13 secondary schools found in Mbeya region of Tanzania. The data were collected through interview schedules, observation schedules, and review of documents. The collected data were analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings indicated that the majority (86%) of the interviewed teachers did not have the proper understanding of the objectives of competence based curriculum. In addition, the majority (78%) of the reviewed lesson plans did not reflect the qualities of a competence based lesson plan. Moreover, the involvement of students in classroom activities by the teachers who were observed was, in overall, very low. Lastly, teachers practiced formative students’ assessments in less than 50% of the observed classroom sessions. In view of these findings, it seemed that the implementation of competence based curriculum in the selected schools was ineffective. In view of these findings, it is recommended that regular training for in-service teachers should be conducted in order to enable them acquire up-to-date teaching skills as required by the changes introduced in the school curricula.
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The research analyses the impact of a teacher’s motivation strategies on the engagement of her students’ based on their preferred motivation type. We propose an innovative framework that combines motivation strategies used by teachers aligned to a continuum of student engagement (Schlechty, 2011). Using student and teacher voice to analyze perceptions about their own motivation type and the intersection/influence of these factors, we report how these may impact on the development and support of authentic student engagement. A qualitative research framework is used to collect data from one class of year five and six students and their teacher. The teacher used intrinsic motivation strategies to engage her students who exhibited a preference for intrinsic or integrated regulated motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000) and were authentically engaged in response. Students who preferred extrinsic motivation also showed ritual and retreatist forms of engagement, while students demonstrating both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation varied from authentic, ritual, retreatist and rebellious engagement (Schlechty, 2011). The findings reinforce the understanding that if teachers meet students’ needs for competence, relatedness and autonomy then students will become more self determined and thereby authentically engaged in their learning.
Research has shown that teacher collaboration is essential for boosting educational innovation and school improvement. However, not all collaborative practices can stimulate substantial changes in teaching or develop the capacity for innovation. Therefore, this study aims to describe and comprehend which collaborative practices can potentially have an impact on teacher learning while encouraging collective capacity to develop educational innovation and improvement processes. Given the qualitative nature of our inquiry on collaborative work, we conducted an instrumental and ethnographic case study in which we analyzed two high schools characterized by a collaborative culture with satisfactory innovative processes. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis and participant and nonparticipant observations. Our findings suggest that teacher collaboration can occur through different practices related to coordination, joint development and problem solving. Coordination appears as one of the weakest forms of collaborative work: it does not require shared values, no interdependent relationships are generated and it does not necessarily encourage teacher learning. Instead, the development of interdisciplinary projects and joint problem solving demands strong teacher interdependence on the basis of shared values, while offering exchanges with great potential to generate teacher learning. Research on teacher collaboration therefore appears strategic towards educational change: we need to comprehend what teachers do and what they talk about when they meet, and the impact these exchanges have on their ability to learn and their capacity to change. This will undoubtedly deepen our knowledge on educational innovation and school improvement. © 2018, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia. All rights reserved.
El motivo de la investigación son los resultados de PISA, ya que reflejan que los alumnos de secundaria en España tienen unos bajos resultados de aprendizaje en ciencias y se encuentran desmotivados. Se ha realizado una experiencia didáctica con alumnos del tercer curso de la ESO, de 14 y 15 años. Se han aprovechado los grupos hechos por el centro escolar, que distribuye de forma uniforme a los alumnos. La asignatura en la que nos hemos centrado es la de Física y Química, en concreto en los contenidos de densidad, presión, volumen, temperatura y calor. Se ha investigado el interés que tienen los alumnos ante la asignatura de Física y sus causas previas a la experiencia con un pretest motivacional. Después se han impartido los contenidos con metodologías diferentes a tres grupos. Un grupo ha seguido la metodología tradicional, otro el aprendizaje cooperativo y otro se le ha explicado mediante el empleo de las TIC por medio de la enseñanza expositiva. Posteriormente se ha realizado un postest motivacional para ver los cambios. Concluimos que los alumnos del grupo cooperativo y del grupo TIC han tenido un cambio motivacional mucho más positivo que los del grupo tradicional.