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El diseño curricular, una herramienta para el logro educativo / Curriculum design, a tool for educational achievement

  • Instituto Superior Tecnológico España


The purpose of writing this article is to demonstrate the impact of the development of a correct curricular design as a structural tool in the educational teaching process. The importance of the management and application of educational processes understood as methodologies, strategies and teaching techniques are an initial part of this work; It also highlights the need to improve educational quality in institutional systems, through teaching practice with updated resources and according to the management and compliance of objectives and programmatic content in the classroom. The different educational models are then stressed, from which an educational system is structured, which in its essence should seek the application of teaching processes as methodological strategies, application of resources with a critical and proactive development approach and with the use of technological tools that facilitate this educational process. The current role of the teacher and the role played by the student are a fundamental part of the research carried out, which indicates the updating and educational reform that has been implemented as a global policy for the advancement and development of education.
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... The logic of the design must respond to several factors, among them the adoption of a pedagogical model that acts as the axis of institutional work. Freire Quintana et al. (2018) point out this element as foundational, so they aim to suggest that quality components designed from the requirements of a pedagogical model can generate quality curricular processes. In the opposite case, components that lack a logical relationship with other components, in the long run constitute evidence of the absence of a pedagogical model (Freire Quintana et al., 2018). ...
... Freire Quintana et al. (2018) point out this element as foundational, so they aim to suggest that quality components designed from the requirements of a pedagogical model can generate quality curricular processes. In the opposite case, components that lack a logical relationship with other components, in the long run constitute evidence of the absence of a pedagogical model (Freire Quintana et al., 2018). Paradoxically, it is the students who can identify to a greater degree the discrepancies that may occur between the curricular proposals of the subjects and, at the same time, between the subjects themselves. ...
p style="text-align: justify;">The study presents a semantic correlation model (SCM) of socioformative data, which is designed to support the evaluation of curriculum planning (CPE) that is developed from indicators derived from curriculum components such as graduate profile, study plan, area plan and subject plan. The objective of the research was to design a semantic correlation model of socio-formative data to support the evaluation of curriculum planning in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development in education. The study is a quasi-experimental research based in a Likert questionnaire applied on a group of 10 students (16 and 18 years old) belonging to the eleventh grade of the urban official educational institutions of Marsella, in the department of Risaralda in Colombia. The results indicate that the model has an impact on the evaluation of curricular planning, concluding that the design and implementation of a semantic correlation model of sociodemographic data does have an impact on the evaluation of curricular planning of a classroom subject in an educational institution in Marsella.</p
... Salas-Perea (2016) states that, for the scientific support of improvement, a curricular evaluation that considers the quality of the training process designed and executed is required. Thus, when investigating academic excellence in the training of professionals, it constitutes one of the aspirations in the curricular improvement processes (Freire-Quintana et al., 2018). ...
... In addition, the curricular development achieved by the teacher where they are used with active, playful and motivating strategies, which will demonstrate the degree of pedagogical updating for professional improvement, in what coincides with (Freire-Quintana et al., 2018). ...
This article was derived from a research project and its objective is to systematize the results of the diagnosis in the curricular improvement as part of the evaluation of the teaching-learning content of the redesigns in the Psychopedagogy and Initial Education careers of the Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte of Guayaquil. The problem was related to the need to refine the designs of the careers, which starts from the revision of the curricular design approved in 2016 by the Council of Higher Education where critical-reflective scenarios were raised that justified the need for curricular innovation. Work tables were organized that promoted a hermeneutical exercise, to obtain support information in the curricular update and production of knowledge about the elaborated design. The approach considered was mixed, with a non-experimental descriptive design. A survey was applied to teachers and students on situations observed in the curricular design and an interview to the graduates who were part of the analyzed fabric and includes the exploration of resources to diagnose the practice and lay the foundations of the new curricular design. From this, different perspectives of future curricular planning were determined, to respond to the sustainability of the quality of Higher Education in educational careers. The changes analyzed and proposed for the academic organization of the curriculum based on the diagnosis made, will favor the contextualization of knowledge and the articulation of substantive processes in order to optimize the profile of the future professional through innovation.
... Al respecto existen investigaciones que abordan esta temática, entre ellas las desarrolladas por Valarezo Serrano et al. (2018), Freire Quintana et al. (2018) y Espinoza (2021), quienes caracterizan el diseño curricular por competencias y su influencia en la calidad de la educación para el desarrollo de las fortalezas y habilidades incluyendo la organización y planificación como escenario gradual e idóneo de los entornos educativos en atención al contexto social. ...
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El artículo aborda el diseño curricular centrado en competencias y habilidades prácticas en la educación técnica y tecnológica. Este enfoque se ha convertido en una respuesta clave a las demandas contemporáneas del mercado laboral, que exige profesionales capacitados no solo en conocimientos teóricos, sino también en la aplicación efectiva de estos en contextos reales. Para el cumplimiento del propósito, se desarrolló un estudio de revisión sustentado en los métodos análisis de contenido y hermenéutico. Entre los hallazgos, resultantes de la consulta a los materiales bibliográficos, se destacan que: la formación por competencias de los profesionales técnicos y tecnólogos, es el medio que permite al profesional desarrollar habilidades en escenarios reales, dotándolos de actitudes y aptitudes, que posibiliten enfrentarse al mundo laboral de una mejor manera. En conclusión, este enfoque curricular no solo prepara a los estudiantes para el éxito profesional, sino que también contribuye al desarrollo económico y social, al fomentar profesionales capaces de adaptarse a los cambios y de impulsar la innovación en sus respectivos campos.
... Although curricular innovations cannot be reduced exclusively to the curricular dimension or curricular improvement [19], today they are one of the motivations behind university processes and institutional improvement projects. However, this involves responding not only to curriculum management processes but also to the monitoring and evaluation of the same. ...
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This study addresses the curricular components and operational conditions required for the success of curricular innovations in teacher education programs. This quantitative study analyzed components related to epistemic meanings, organization, design, and curricular policies, as well as operational conditions for the development of curricular innovations in teacher training. A Likert-scale survey was administered to academics from public universities in Chile that train teachers. The method of analysis used SPSSv28 software, establishing a descriptive and inferential analysis through descriptive statistics of sex, age, gender, and position in the organization. The results show that operational conditions, academic teams, organizational aspects, updating of regulatory frameworks, infrastructure, and curricular policies are essential for the success of curricular innovations. We conclude that curricular innovations at the institutional level require the generation of curricular policies that contemplate the design, monitoring, and evaluation of the curriculum to favor the processes of curriculum review and quality assurance.
... La utilización de acertadas técnicas y estrategias metodológicas o innovar las existentes contribuye a una mejor organización y logro previsto en la planificación. Esto influye en la alta probabilidad de lograr estudiantes críticos y con propuestas de solución a las dificultades (Freire, Páez, Núñez, Narváez e Infante, 2018). ...
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El Buen Vivir o Sumak Kawsay para el Ecuador se constituye en una condición política, jurídica y natural. Inicia su recorrido en el horizonte de las posibilidades humanas y va de la mano con el accionar de los pueblos andinos, este principio se robustece durante la presidencia del economista Rafael Correa, cuyas políticas permitieron apreciar la diversidad cultural, étnica y fortalecer la identidad nacional. Es importante, entonces, hacer una aproximación a la educación superior sobre la base de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador (2008), los planes de desarrollo que tienen la particularidad de incorporar los kichwismos Sumak Kawsay13 , que visualizan la consecución de objetivos y políticas de manera particular las orientadas a la universidad ecuatoriana.
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Los cambios acelerados de la sociedad y la economía contemporánea, los avances de la ciencia y de la tecnología tienen efectos en la innovación y cambio de las instituciones de educación superior, las cuales promueven una mejor calidad en la formación docente y en la investigación educativa y pedagógica. La innovación y el cambio educativo exigen a la educación superior reflexiones acerca de la formación docente, el saber pedagógico y la práctica pedagógica, abriendo un diálogo entre los saberes y los agentes educativos, en el marco de la dinámica socio-cultural, y de las posibilidades y limitaciones de la ciencia y tecnología, para la formación integral de personas y el desarrollo de las regiones y del país. Desde este escenario, el rol que desempeña la educación y la pedagogía en sus diferentes niveles de formación hace que se repiense y se replantee desde sus formas de comunicación, de su mediación, de sujetos intervinientes de prácticas y discursos, que se involucran hacia adentro y hacia fuera del contexto de la escuela y su relación con el territorio. Es así como, en el Doctorado en Pedagogía, se concibe, desde la concepción y propósito misional de la Universidad Mariana, al maestro como un sujeto de saber pedagógico y de práctica que se repiensa en su práctica pedagógica discursiva, en su práctica pedagógica institucional y en su práctica pedagógica de estrategias de enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación desde una espiritualidad mariana franciscana, permitiendo vínculos con los maestros a nivel nacional e internacional.
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El desarrollo de la presente investigación se enfoca en analizar la eficiencia que presenta la gestión académica y administrativa de los educadores, en la inclusión de estudiantes con deficiencias cognitivas a un aula regular, la investigación se desarrolló dentro de un marco metodológico, cuantitativo con un enfoque descriptivo, mediante el cual se pudo analizar las características y comportamientos que presentan los estudiantes con deficiencias de aprendizaje, así como también las acciones que efectúan los docentes para facilitar el proceso de enseñanza, para la obtenciones los datos se determinó como técnica dos encuestas, la una dirigida a los docentes de las diferentes unidades educativas con cargos administrativos y de aula, la segunda dirigida a los padres que tiene estudiantes con deficiencias cognitivas, en la tabulación de los datos se utilizó como herramienta software estadístico, mediante el cual se graficó y se porcentualiza la información, el análisis de los resultados denotó la importancia que tiene la acogida que proporcionan los docentes en la integración de los niños con deficiencias de aprendizaje.
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El contexto social y educativo presentan transformaciones sistémicas que irrumpen en el pensar, el ser y el devenir científico, este cambio, invade y confronta las fibras educativas que incitan a promover la investigación científica desde la formación temprana, asimismo, es evidente que el ser humanos es un ser pensante, analítico e inquieto por explorar y conocer el mundo. Proponer semilleros de investigación como estrategia curricular para la formación temprana en investigación científica en estudiantes, de ahí que la investigación científica a través de la formación temprana de los estudiantes se constituye en una apuesta tentativa y enriquecedora para los planteles educativos, la sociedad y significativamente para la construcción del conocimiento y la creación de ciencia ciencia, por consiguiente, visionar el ámbito investigativo con miras a fortalecer y promover la formación temprana en investigación científica fortalece todos los procesos educativos e investigativos de los estudiantes. Los semilleros de investigación son una apuesta importante, debido a que potencia el aprendizaje de los estudiantes con miras a desarrollar y generar nuevas habilidades que a su vez contribuyen al mejoramiento de las prácticas de enseñanza - aprendizaje, asimismo, incluirlos en el currículo visiona nuevas posibilidades a nivel institucional y social, permitiendo un enfoque significativo que involucra docentes, directivos docentes, estudiantes, padres de familia y entidades gubernamentales para la implementación y promoción de la investigación científica a temprana edad.
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Resumen La práctica social basada en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática en la Educación Superior hace explícita la necesidad de profundizar en los aspectos característicos de este, desde fundamentos didácticos que permitan diferenciar a dicho proceso a tenor de las cualidades que impone el contexto universitario. En este trabajo se presentan los fundamentos didácticos referidos, a la par de recomendaciones metodológicas que sirven como base orientadora para profesores de Matemática que tienen su actividad en este nivel educativo. Para ello, se fundamentan aquellos referentes que son propios de la Didáctica de la Educación Superior sobre los cuales, y a partir de las características del contenido matemático, se erigen las consideraciones teórico-metodológicas abordadas. El artículo propone una sistematización del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática en la Educación Superior a partir de una concepción desarrolladora del mismo, que permite contribuir a la didáctica de la Matemática de la Educación Superior. Palabras clave: dirección, proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática, Educación Superior
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La investigación tuvo como objetivo interpretar los significados de la Gestión del Conocimiento (GC) en la experiencia curricular de la carrera de administración en una universidad privada en Perú. Se empleó el método fenomenológico hermenéutico, bajo la orientación de la perspectiva metodológica cualitativa. Los sujetos del estudio se han denominado versionantes clave, constituidos por administradores universitarios. La información recolectada mediante entrevistas por pauta y testimonios focalizados fue categorizada y codificada. Se reveló que los requerimientos del campo laboral son incorporados por los docentes, para ejercer la gestión del conocimiento mediante la construcción de saberes, apoyados en el desarrollo del currículo a fin de formar al futuro egresado para enfrentar retos, dando alternativas de respuesta a sus necesidades y alcanzar un adecuado desarrollo profesional del estudiante de administración. Entre las reflexiones finales se destaca que la gestión del conocimiento se le considera un proceso que les permite a los administradores universitarios capitalizar los saberes contentivos en el talento humano de la organización (estudiantes y docentes).
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La evaluación auténtica abre nuevas perspectivas a una de las tareas docentes más complejas y difíciles de desarrollar, como es el caso de la evaluación de los aprendizajes de los alumnos. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión teórica de los principios fundamentales que rodean esta concepción de evaluación, que trata de consolidarse como un enfoque alternativo al enfoque tradicional de la evaluación y –por extensión– al de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Asimismo, se identifican algunos principios evaluativos acordes con esta perspectiva, en aras de facilitar al profesorado el diseño de tareas auténticas con las que evaluar los alcances y logros de sus estudiantes.
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Teacher inquiry holds promise in teacher education, but only if student teachers take up inquiry practices as they leave preservice and transition to teaching. As they learn to conduct inquiry during preservice, student teachers may begin to internalize dispositions that promote ongoing inquiry experiences. Through analysis of questionnaires conducted at preservice and inservice, and through a focus group discussion, the authors sought to understand how teachers who had experienced one scaffolded, student-focused, and data-based preservice teacher inquiry model conceptualized the relationship between teaching and inquiry. Analyses revealed that teachers’ conceptions cast inquiry overall as a tight fit with teaching in three ways: by fostering a focus on students, by generating metacognitive knowledge about inquiry as a useful classroom process, and by deepening teacher knowledge about ways to respond thoughtfully to diagnosed student need. Analyses suggest program model elements may have seeded these conceptions.
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This book offers a thorough and detailed overview of the scientific research undertaken as part of the European project “Create Your Future”. This project addresses the needs and challenges that chilhood cancer survivors have to face once they overcome the illness and resume their education. The collaboration between cancer patients, young survivors and the project and partner associations proved to be essential to carry out the study. A mixed design research with a total of 355 survivors taking part in the quantitative study and 26 participants in the in-depth interviews from Austria, Bulgaria, Greece and Spain provide relevant information about the need to improve the quality of life and expectations of childhood cancer survivors. The first part (Sections 1-5) comprises the research design and the instruments for data collection whilst the second part (Sections 6-9) is devoted to the analysis of the data obtained and sets forth the main findings. The results emphasize the need to adopt specific strategies to ensure facilities for the continuity of education during and after the illness, specific training for education guidance counsellors and psychologists and programs for survivors, the importance of families as emotional support and the prejudices often encountered in the labour market.
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The main problem of the educational evaluation validity is that it just copies the conceptual framework system of validity from educational measurement to its own conceptual system. The validity conceptual system that fits the need of theory and practice of educational evaluation has not been established yet. According to the inherent attributive character of educational evaluation, this paper constructs eight concepts of validity in educational evaluation: objective validity, construct validity, content validity, cross validity, subject validity, process validity, function validity and result validity, and elaborates its basis and connotation.
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This article covers college students’ educational activity issues while studying a foreign language; analyzes special aspects of motivation introduction, their specific features. It also defines role and structure of role-playing. The authors come to the conclusion that introduction of role-playing in an educational process will bring it closer to objective and social conditions of a future professional activity. A study conducted by the author showed that motivation in role-playing allows improving students’ education quality, that is, motivation maturity in an educational process, proficiency, an ability to set and achieve goals.
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The ‘pedagogic discourse’ can describe the power relations and fields of influence within schools. This article extends the approach to include ICT-mediated learning in schools by considering evidence from the InterActive project, undertaken by the University of Bristol, England, in 2000-04. The article also considers how the pedagogic discourse can complement post-Vygotskian sociocultural models of learning. ICT is presented as a ‘recontextualising field’ that exerts influence by weakening the classification and framing of the discourse. Successful uses of ICT tend to favour ‘invisible’ pedagogies: collaborative modes of active working with shared competences, in lessons containing elements of ‘discovery’. Tensions can arise if the dominant discourse is a ‘visible’ pedagogy that favours individual performance, with the teacher as the voice of authority and controller of the discourse. These tensions can lead to ICT being marginalised or discredited by teachers or lead to new modalities of pedagogy.
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This study investigated issues surrounding the implementation of competence based curriculum in Tanzanian secondary schools. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the teachers’ understanding of the objectives of competence based curriculum; to investigate the teachers’ abilities in preparing competence based lesson plans; to examine whether or not teachers involved students in classroom activities; and to find out whether or not teachers practiced formative students’ assessments as per the requirements of competence based curriculum. The respondents included 186 teachers who were randomly selected from 13 secondary schools found in Mbeya region of Tanzania. The data were collected through interview schedules, observation schedules, and review of documents. The collected data were analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings indicated that the majority (86%) of the interviewed teachers did not have the proper understanding of the objectives of competence based curriculum. In addition, the majority (78%) of the reviewed lesson plans did not reflect the qualities of a competence based lesson plan. Moreover, the involvement of students in classroom activities by the teachers who were observed was, in overall, very low. Lastly, teachers practiced formative students’ assessments in less than 50% of the observed classroom sessions. In view of these findings, it seemed that the implementation of competence based curriculum in the selected schools was ineffective. In view of these findings, it is recommended that regular training for in-service teachers should be conducted in order to enable them acquire up-to-date teaching skills as required by the changes introduced in the school curricula.
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The research analyses the impact of a teacher’s motivation strategies on the engagement of her students’ based on their preferred motivation type. We propose an innovative framework that combines motivation strategies used by teachers aligned to a continuum of student engagement (Schlechty, 2011). Using student and teacher voice to analyze perceptions about their own motivation type and the intersection/influence of these factors, we report how these may impact on the development and support of authentic student engagement. A qualitative research framework is used to collect data from one class of year five and six students and their teacher. The teacher used intrinsic motivation strategies to engage her students who exhibited a preference for intrinsic or integrated regulated motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000) and were authentically engaged in response. Students who preferred extrinsic motivation also showed ritual and retreatist forms of engagement, while students demonstrating both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation varied from authentic, ritual, retreatist and rebellious engagement (Schlechty, 2011). The findings reinforce the understanding that if teachers meet students’ needs for competence, relatedness and autonomy then students will become more self determined and thereby authentically engaged in their learning.
Research has shown that teacher collaboration is essential for boosting educational innovation and school improvement. However, not all collaborative practices can stimulate substantial changes in teaching or develop the capacity for innovation. Therefore, this study aims to describe and comprehend which collaborative practices can potentially have an impact on teacher learning while encouraging collective capacity to develop educational innovation and improvement processes. Given the qualitative nature of our inquiry on collaborative work, we conducted an instrumental and ethnographic case study in which we analyzed two high schools characterized by a collaborative culture with satisfactory innovative processes. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis and participant and nonparticipant observations. Our findings suggest that teacher collaboration can occur through different practices related to coordination, joint development and problem solving. Coordination appears as one of the weakest forms of collaborative work: it does not require shared values, no interdependent relationships are generated and it does not necessarily encourage teacher learning. Instead, the development of interdisciplinary projects and joint problem solving demands strong teacher interdependence on the basis of shared values, while offering exchanges with great potential to generate teacher learning. Research on teacher collaboration therefore appears strategic towards educational change: we need to comprehend what teachers do and what they talk about when they meet, and the impact these exchanges have on their ability to learn and their capacity to change. This will undoubtedly deepen our knowledge on educational innovation and school improvement. © 2018, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia. All rights reserved.
El motivo de la investigación son los resultados de PISA, ya que reflejan que los alumnos de secundaria en España tienen unos bajos resultados de aprendizaje en ciencias y se encuentran desmotivados. Se ha realizado una experiencia didáctica con alumnos del tercer curso de la ESO, de 14 y 15 años. Se han aprovechado los grupos hechos por el centro escolar, que distribuye de forma uniforme a los alumnos. La asignatura en la que nos hemos centrado es la de Física y Química, en concreto en los contenidos de densidad, presión, volumen, temperatura y calor. Se ha investigado el interés que tienen los alumnos ante la asignatura de Física y sus causas previas a la experiencia con un pretest motivacional. Después se han impartido los contenidos con metodologías diferentes a tres grupos. Un grupo ha seguido la metodología tradicional, otro el aprendizaje cooperativo y otro se le ha explicado mediante el empleo de las TIC por medio de la enseñanza expositiva. Posteriormente se ha realizado un postest motivacional para ver los cambios. Concluimos que los alumnos del grupo cooperativo y del grupo TIC han tenido un cambio motivacional mucho más positivo que los del grupo tradicional.