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Genetic Customization of Anti-aging Treatments

  • Polo Scientifico di Ricerca ed Alta Formazione


Skin aging is a multifactorial process that involves both intrinsic factors of genetic and hormonal origin and extrinsic factors of environmental and nutritional nature. The purpose of this open study on a case series of volunteers is to evaluate the impact of genetic customization of common anti-aging dermocosmetic treatments. We report how the treatment may be customized by acting selectively on the metabolic impairments identified by the analysis of specific DNA variants. The customized cosmetic method shows a significantly higher efficacy compared to non-specific cosmetic treatments such as radiofrequency, suggesting that the combination genetic signature may provide a useful tool for personalized and more effective anti‐aging therapies.
Genetic Customization of Anti-aging Treatments
Steven Paul Nistico1, Ester Del Duca2* and Flavio Garoia3
1Department of Health Science, University of Catanzaro, Italy
2Department of System Medicine, Unit of Dermatology, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
3Genetic Unit Department, MDM group, Bologna, Italy
*Corresponding author: Ester Del Duca, Department of System Medicine, Unit of Dermatology, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, Tel: + 3203163921; Fax:
3203163921; E-mail:
Received date: September 22, 2017; Accepted date: February 09, 2018; Published date: February 16, 2018
Copyright: ©2018 Nistico SP, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Skin aging is a multifactorial process that involves both intrinsic factors of genetic and hormonal origin and
extrinsic factors of environmental and nutritional nature.
The purpose of this open study on a case series of volunteers is to evaluate the impact of genetic customization
of common anti-aging dermocosmetic treatments. We report how the treatment may be customized by acting
selectively on the metabolic impairments identified by the analysis of specific DNA variants. The customized
cosmetic method shows a significantly higher efficacy compared to non-specific cosmetic treatments such as
radiofrequency, suggesting that the combination genetic signature may provide a useful tool for personalized and
more effective antiaging therapies.
Keywords: Genetic risk score; Aging skin; Stratum corneum; SNPs;
Skin elasticity; Hydration; Skin texture
Aging is caused by the accumulation of cell damages and
nonrepaired cells, which are an uncommon process between all
species. Some types of damages are unavoidable such as ultraviolet
(UV) radiation, free radicals, and genetic eects, and others involve
environmental and behavioural inuences.
ere are two distinct types of skin aging: chronoaging and
photoaging. Chronoaging, the natural aging process, is a continuous
process that normally begins in our mid-20s with reducing collagen
and production, and that enables skin to conserve its original status: it
causes cell hypo activity, i.e., a continuous and progressive slowing of
the cell repair and renewal processes, resulting in a decrease in cell
Photo aging instead is caused by sun exposure and is characterized
by the activation of oxidative stress phenomena and therefore, by cell
hyperactivity, whose main outcome is damage to nucleic acids,
proteins, and lipids.
Chronoaging and photoaging act synergistically in the generation of
the typical signs of skin aging.
e structural alterations responsible for the visible signs of skin
aging mainly aect the surface layers of the skin: the increase in
keratinocyte terminal dierentiation causes a progressive thickening of
the stratum corneum due to an accumulation of dead cells at the
surface level, forming a compact matrix which alters the hydration
functions of the skin and gives it a dry and wrinkled appearance [1].
e lower production of collagen and elastin is responsible for the
thinning of the dermis, whose degeneration leads to a reduction in
skin elasticity and rmness [2]. Frequent sun exposure can cause
photoaging that includes noticeable changes to the skin such as
freckles, age spots, telangiectasia, rough and leathery skin, loose skin,
actinic keratoses, and eventually skin cancer. Furthermore, repetitive
facial exercise and movements actually lead to ne lines and wrinkles;
photo-induced genetic damage is, in fact, responsible for the increased
expression of inammatory cytokines, involved in oxidative stress
phenomena and in the generation of accelerated aging phenotypes and
skin cell senescence phenotypes [1].
In response to genetic and environmental factors, aging skin can be
dened as a chronic degenerative disease in which the combination of
intrinsic and extrinsic factors play an important role in modifying
regenerative, structural, and defensive capability of the epidermis. e
importance of genetic variability on the development of complex
diseases is well known. In recent years, research focused the role of
genes and their variants in the onset of specic diseases.
Modications to a coding gene may result in the production of
proteins with a dierent functionality, characterized by primary and
tertiary structures, dierent from those expected and potentially
responsible for individual predisposition to certain diseases. Single-
Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most common genetic
In the context of chronoaging, modications to the genes that
encode for type 1 collagen (
) and elastin (
) are among the
most studied individual variability factors. Type 1 collagen is the main
structural component of the extracellular matrix of the dermis and its
decline in quality and quantity is directly involved in tissue relaxation
phenomena typical of senescence. Numerous studies have shown that
common polymorphisms of the
gene may change the
expression of the above-mentioned protein, consequently altering its
production and turnover [3]. Elastin is a structural protein of the
connective tissue and is the main component of the elastic bers that
make up the dermis. ere are polymorphisms associated to the
gene that code for proteins with altered mechanical properties, which
ISSN: 2155-9554
Journal of Clinical & Experimental
Dermatology Research Nistico et al., J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 2018, 9:2
DOI: 10.4172/2155-9554.1000443
Research Article Open Access
J Clin Exp Dermatol Res, an open access journal
Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 1000443
are, therefore, responsible for an increased risk of impairment of skin
elasticity [4].
In the context of photoaging, various genetic variability factors can
take part in degenerative metabolic processes.
Metalloprotease 3 (also known as MMP3) is a protease involved in
the degradation of the constituent components of the extracellular
matrix of the dermis and in the tissue remodeling process that is
commonly activated during inammatory phenomena. Aer sunlight
exposure, inammation, or skin oxidative stress, MMP3 is activated
and takes part in the degradation process of collagen bers and elastic
bers that comprise the dermis; enzymatic activity of MMP3 can be
modulated by genetic polymorphisms as shown by the literature [5].
Free radicals (ROS=Reactive Oxygen Species) are highly reactive
substances derived from molecular oxygen that can damage the DNA
and cell structures, thus altering the metabolic processes. Improper
diet, stress, and exposure to cigarette smoke and pollutants are just
some of the factors involved in increasing the cellular production of
reactive oxygen species; our body is physiologically equipped with
protective systems against ROS, in which the enzymes superoxide
dismutase 2 (SOD2), glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) and catalase
(CAT) play a key role in the transformation of radical species into inert
species, which can be easily removed.
It is well known that the variability due to the presence of
polymorphisms of the coding genes for these proteins modulates
enzymatic activity, thereby causing a dierent individual susceptibility
to oxidative stress [6]. Similarly, allelic variants of the genes that code
for the cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α
(TNF-α) can determine a dierent susceptibility to inammatory
stimuli [7-9].
e growing understanding of the genetic basis of many common
multifactorial diseases has opened the way to personalized medicine,
which means the creation of preventive and personalized therapeutic
actions based on genetics. Numerous studies have introduced
analytical methods able to assess the contribution of multiple variants
in the development of complex diseases, signicantly increasing the
predictive value of the test [10]. Using this approach we have
demonstrated how it is possible to correlate a genetic index (GRS-
Genetic Risk Score) that takes into account the contribution of
individual SNPs involved in the metabolic processes of the skin
(collagen turnover, elastin structure, and susceptibility to inammation
and oxidative stress) and that can be used for the formulation of
personalized beauty treatments.
e purpose of this work is to evaluate the possibility of genetic
customization of an anti-aging radiofrequency treatment, combined
with the simultaneous administration of phytotherapeutic active
ingredients acting selectively on the metabolic impairments identied
by the analysis of specic DNA variants.
Materials and Methods
Individual genetic susceptibility to skin aging
e GRS index (Genetic Risk Score) is constructed by means of
sampling and genotyping the patient's DNA, i.e., characterization of
the genetic constitution of an individual by identifying specic
polymorphisms of
involved in the chronoaging
process, and specic polymorphisms of the genes CAT, GPX,
MnSOD2, IL-1β, TNF-α, and MMP3 involved in the photoaging
e selected SNPs were
rs1800012, involved in the type I
collagen turnover [3], MMP3 rs3025058, that inuences the
breakdown of extracellular matrix and tissue remodelling [5];
rs2071307, that aects assembly and mechanical properties of the
elastic matrix4; CAT rs1001179, GPX rs1050450 and MnSOD2
rs1799725, that inuence individual antioxidant capacity [6]; IL-1β
rs1143634 and TNF-α rs1800629 that modulates anti-inammatory
response [7-9].
Each polymorphism analyzed is assigned an arbitrary numerical
value that quanties the impact of the previously mentioned genetic
variation on individual susceptibility to aging, based on the
information available in the literature cited above. is arbitrary
numerical value is equal to 1 if the detected genotype contains two
alleles considered to be unfavorable, and therefore is associated with
increased susceptibility to skin aging; it is equal to 0 if only one
unfavorable allele was detected; and it is equal to -1 if no unfavorable
alleles were detected. e correlation between the assigned numerical
value and the genotype and is exemplied in Table 1.
For each patient the GRS is calculated by means of an additive
model, by adding the scores obtained for each of the single-nucleotide
polymorphisms identied in the patient's genome and listed in Table 1,
according to the “single SNP based test” model described in the work
of Ballard and colleagues [11]. e genetic risk index can ideally
assume any value between -8 and 8, in which GRS=-8 indicate the
lowest genetic predisposition to skin aging, while GRS=8 indicate the
highest susceptibility. Once the patient’s GRS has been calculated,
individual sensitivity to chronoaging and photoaging is determined by
comparing each patient’s GRS (Table 2).
Gene SNP Value 1 Value 0 Value -1
COL1A1 rs1800012 TT GT GG
ELN rs2071307 AA AG GG
CAT rs1001179 GG AG AA
GPX rs1050450 TT CT CC
MnSOD2 rs1799725 CC CT TT
IL-1β rs1143634 TT CT CC
TNF-α rs1800629 GG AG AA
MMP3 rs3025058 0 T0 TT
Table 1: Correlation between the assigned numerical value and the
Table 2 was created by combining the calculation of GRS with the
frequencies of the polymorphisms under examination in the
population of European origin, as can be derived from published data
collected in the HapMap database [12] and in searchable databases on
the website of the National Centre for Biotechnology Information [13].
Area Sensitivity GRS Values Frequency
Chronoaging Low 0 ≤ GRS ≤
Citation: Nistico SP, Del Duca E, Garoia F (2018) Genetic Customization of Anti-aging Treatments. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 9: 443. doi:
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J Clin Exp Dermatol Res, an open access journal
Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 1000443
Intermediate 1 40.86%
High 2 22.42%
Photoaging Low -1 ≤ GRS
Intermediate 0 26.10%
High 1 ≤ GRS ≤ 6 32.20%
Table 2: Individual sensitivity to chronoaging and photoaging is
determined by comparing each patient’s GRS.
e distribution of the GRS, in relation to the genotype frequencies
of the polymorphisms analyzed, makes it possible to classify the
patients’ genotypes into three arbitrary categories of sensitivity to
chronoaging and photoaging. For each GRS there exists, therefore, a
combination of two cosmetic compositions, suitable respectively to
chronoaging and photoaging, standardizing the choice of products to
the categories of low, intermediate, and high sensitivity.
Choice of active ingredients for the personalized treatment
e treatment include compositions prepared in the form of inert
conductive gels, enriched with specic active ingredients and applied
to the patient by means of a radio frequency device, which facilitates
the deep absorption of the active ingredients.
e cosmetic compositions are divided into six formulations: three
developed for the prevention and personalized treatment of the eects
connected with Chronoaging (Table 3) and three containing specic
active ingredients for treating the eects of photoaging (Table 4).
Sensitivity Composition
Aqua [Water], Propylene glycol, Saccharide isomerate, Ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer, Sodium gluconate, Benzyl
alcohol, Coceth-7, PPG-1-PEG-9 lauryl glycol ether, Dehydroacetic acid, Parfum Fragrance], Hydrolyzed soy protein, PEG-40
hydrogenated castor oil.
Aqua [Water], Propylene glycol, Glycerin, Ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer, Saccharide isomerate, Sodium
gluconate, Benzyl alcohol, Palmitoyl tripeptide-5, Coceth-7, PPG-1-PEG-9 lauryl glycol ether, Dehydroacetic acid, Parfum [Fragrance],
PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil.
Aqua [Water], Propylene glycol, Glycerin, Ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer, Saccharide isomerate, Sodium
gluconate, Benzyl alcohol, Fagus sylvatica bud extract, Palmitoyl tripeptide-5, Coceth-7, PPG-1-PEG-9 lauryl glycol ether,
Dehydroacetic acid, Parfum [Fragrance], PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, Lecithin, Tocopherol, Ascorbyl palmitate, Citric acid.
Table 3: Formulae used according to the genetic predisposition of sensitivity to chronoaging (respectively: low, intermediate, high).
For skin that does not show an impairment in the production of
collagen and elastin, the cosmetic composition will be dedicated to
increasing the hydration and nourishment of the skin to allow good
cell functioning.
In the opposite case, if the genetic test detects a potential
impairment in the expression of the proteins that maintain dermal
tone, the composition of the gel used for the prevention and treatment
of Chronoaging is targeted at stimulating the metabolism of
broblasts, the cells responsible for collagen and elastin synthesis.
e extract of
Fagus sylvatica
(Beech tree bud) contains a high
amount of phytostimulines, which are molecules that are known for
their important eect of metabolic activation and have been shown
to signicantly stimulate the protein synthesis of keratinocyte
In vivo
studies have shown that
Fagus sylvatica
increases the smoothness of the skin by reducing the depth of wrinkles
and improving skin hydration [14].
e sugar moisturizing factor is a carbohydrate complex similar to
that contained in the skin, which acts by binding to the lysine amino
acid residues exposed by the keratins, attracting water [15] and
providing deep and lasting hydration, contributing to maintaining the
skin barrier’s functionality.
Palmitoyl tripeptide-3 is a synthetic peptide, able to penetrate the
skin and increase the broblasts’ production of collagen [16], my
mimicking the action of thrombospondin-1, a multifunctional protein
that activates the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) [17].
It has been shown that the peptides or proteins naturally extracted
from soybeans may inhibit the action of the proteinases of the
extracellular matrix, helping to maintain the integrity of the skin
structure. e use of hydrolyzed soy protein increases the tropism of
the broblasts [18], thereby promoting the synthesis of collagen and
glycosaminoglycans [19]. Moreover, the hydrolyzed soy protein extract
contains antioxidant peptides [20] with protective action towards the
peroxidation of linoleic acid, neutralizing the eects of the
peroxynitrite and oxygen free radicals [21].
e cosmetic method for the prevention and treatment of
photoaging employs cosmetic compositions that contain active
ingredients capable of combating and preventing the signs of
photoinduced skin aging, formulated according to the genetic
predisposition of sensitivity to dermatoheliosis (respectively: low,
intermediate, high).
ese compositions, which are shown in Table 4, act to preventively
protect the skin from photoinduced damage, while maintaining over
time an eective moisturizing action, preventing damage from free
radicals on the cell membranes and DNA, reducing damage from solar
radiation, and improving the sensation of well-being of the skin,
neutralizing the sensory manifestations of inammation.
Sensitivity Composition
Citation: Nistico SP, Del Duca E, Garoia F (2018) Genetic Customization of Anti-aging Treatments. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 9: 443. doi:
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J Clin Exp Dermatol Res, an open access journal
Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 1000443
Aqua [Water], Propylene glycol, Mentha piperita extract [Mentha piperita (Peppermint) extract], Ammonium
acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer, Saccharide isomerate, Sodium gluconate, Benzyl alcohol, Pyrus malus extract [Pyrus malus
(Apple) fruit extract], Coceth-7, PPG-1-PEG-9 lauryl glycol ether, Dehydroacetic acid, Parfum [Fragrance], PEG-40 hydrogenated
castor oil, Lecithin, Tocopherol, Ascorbyl palmitate, Citric acid.
Aqua [Water], Propylene glycol, Mentha piperita extract [Mentha piperita (Peppermint) extract], Hydrolyzed grape fruit, Ammonium
cryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer, Sodium gluconate, Benzyl alcohol, Coceth-7, PPG-1-PEG-9 lauryl glycol ether, Dehydroacetic
acid, Parfum [Fragrance], PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, Lecithin, Tocopherol, Ascorbyl palmitate, Citric acid.
Aqua [Water], Propylene glycol, Mentha piperita extract [Mentha piperita (Peppermint) extract], Hydrolyzed grape fruit, Ammonium
acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer, Sodium gluconate, Benzyl alcohol, Coceth-7, PPG-1-PEG-9 lauryl glycol ether, PEG-40
hydrogenated castor oil, Dehydroacetic acid, Oleyl alcohol, Parfum [Fragrance], Zanthoxylum bungeanum fruit extract, Lecithin,
Tocopherol, Ascorbyl palmitate, Citric acid.
Table 4: Formulae used according to the genetic predisposition of sensitivity to photoaging (respectively: low, intermediate, high).
Peppermint is a perennial herbaceous, stoloniferous, and highly
aromatic plant belonging to the Labiatae family (Lamiaceae) and to the
In vitro
studies have demonstrated that peppermint
possesses signicant antimicrobial, antiviral, and antioxidant action
(especially from eriocitrin) as well as anti-allergic action, and that
some of the avonoid glycosides it contains, such as luteolin-7-O-
rutinoside, have a powerful eect on the release of histamine triggered
by antigen/antibody reactions. Moreover, menthol can signicantly
suppress the production of inammatory mediators such as
leukotrienes (LT) B4, prostaglandin (PG) E2, and interleukin (IL)-β2.
Pyrus malus
extract is a natural antioxidant, rich in avonoids and
chalcones that preserves the health and vitality of the skin, limiting the
oxidation mechanisms of cellular proteins and enzymes, reducing
the risk of DNA degradation.
Zanthalene, extracted from
Zanthoxylum bungeanum
, is an active
ingredient that is capable of reducing wrinkles. e lipophilic
hydroxylamines contained in the Zanthalene extract act transiently
and reversibly on the nerve synaptic transmission of Na+-dependent
channels, aecting heat and tactile sensitivity, thus reducing skin
discomfort such as itching.
Vitis Vinifera
extract protects the skin from overexposure to UV
rays, environmental pollutants, and adverse weather conditions. Its
antioxidant ecacy is linked to the abundance of phenols,
anthocyanins, and catechins present in the skin of red grapes,
demonstrating an antimutagenic, antioxidant, anti-inammatory and
free-radical neutralizing action.
Vitis vinifera
extract possesses an
inhibitory action on the metalloproteases responsible for dermal
Experimental Design
e study involved 21 subjects aged between 26 and 49 years. ey
all signed informed consent to treatment and privacy data. All
treatments were applied by means of a radio frequency device, known
by its trade name Genotechnology-1®.
Genotechnology-1® device stimulates the regeneration of collagen
bers and the metabolism of broblasts at the dermal level through the
application of medium frequency radio waves. e device is equipped
with a specic bipolar handpiece, capable of delivering exogenous heat
that, together with the endogenous heat generated by the passage
through the dermis of the radio wave (the principle of radio
frequency), makes it possible to increase the penetration of the active
ingredients through the skin barrier [22]. e cosmetic compositions
were selected on the basis of the degree of personal susceptibility to
Chronoaging and Photoaging (Tables 3 and 4).
e rst experiment evaluate the variation of skin properties
induced by the personalized approach (Genotechnology) towards a
standard radiofrequency treatment.
Nine subjects were treated in 10 sessions, one every 14-21 days; on
one-half of the face were applied the cosmetic compositions chosen
according to the patient's susceptibility, following an application
procedure each session with the following order of application:
preparatory gel (2 min), chronoaging gel (5 min); photoaging gel (5
min). Aer each step of treatment, the cosmetic composition was
removed and replaced by the following one. e other half of the face
was used as a control and was treated by radiofrequency using the
same device (which allows the two treatment methods), by applying a
standard ultrasound conductive gel (placebo) and using the same
specic delivery methods as for the treated part. e choice of protocol
based on the treatment of one-half of the face was made in order to
eliminate individual variability, caused by exposure to dierent
environmental pressures.
Skin properties measurements were taken using a Skin Tester
Device (Selenia, Italia). Skin Tester uses ultrasound densitometry for
the investigation and the measurement of facial skin properties:
Total H2O (T_H2O),
Intracellular H2O (I_H2O),
Extracellular H2O (E_H2O),
Skin elasticity (SE),
ickness of the stratum corneum (SCT).
e device uses an ultrasound-emitted beam that is reected by the
dermal tissues, according to its stromal density and vascular tone,
allowing the analysis of skin structure. Furthermore, the diagnostic
device encompasses impedance variation as related to intracellular and
interstitial water content. erefore, total, extracellular and
intracellular water can be detected [23].
Two measurements per subject were performed in the right cheek
and in the le cheek, pre and post treatment. Average of the
measurements was calculated. All statistical analyses were performed
using the XLSTAT® (Addinso) soware.
e second experiment evaluate the variation of phenotypic features
(wrinkles) induced by the personalized approach (Genotechnology)
towards a standard radiofrequency treatment.
Citation: Nistico SP, Del Duca E, Garoia F (2018) Genetic Customization of Anti-aging Treatments. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 9: 443. doi:
Page 4 of 7
J Clin Exp Dermatol Res, an open access journal
Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 1000443
In this case 6 subjects were treated in 6 sessions, one every 14-21
days using the cosmetic compositions chosen according to the patient's
susceptibility, following an application procedure each session with the
following order of application: preparatory gel (2 min), chronoaging
gel (5 min); photoaging gel (5 min). Aer each step of treatment, the
cosmetic composition was removed and replaced by the following one.
e control group (n=6) was treated by radiofrequency using the same
device (which allows the two treatment methods), by applying a
standard ultrasound conductive gel (placebo) and using the same
specic delivery times and methods as for the Genotechnology group.
Phenotypic features were analyzed using Antera 3D (Miravex,
Ireland), an optical skin scanning device able to evaluate the changes
over the time of skin proles. Anthera 3D is based on the acquisition of
multiple images obtained with dierent lighting: diodes at dierent
wavelengths illuminate the skin with the incident light at dierent
illumination direction. e acquired data were used for spatial analysis
and multi-spectrum for the reconstruction of the texture of the skin
and the analysis of its chromophores. is device employs a specic
algorithm (Spot-On) that automatically registers two or more images
to one another, by correcting displacements due to dierent positions
of the patient when capturing an image. is algorithm allows
comparing “before-and-aer” images (Figure 1) in an objective
manner [24].
Figure 1: Example of Antera 3D® analysis output.
Five measurements were taken for each subject (Figure 2), and the
mean variation of wrinkle dimension was calculated. Measurements
were taken before the rst treatment and aer the sixth treatment. All
statistical analyses were performed using the XLSTAT® (Addinso)
Figure 2: Wrinkles measurement areas.
Regarding the eect of Genotechnology treatment on skin
parameters, post treatment results show a statistically signicant
dierence between the groups. A greater eciency of the
Genotechnology-1 treatment
radiofrequency has been shown in all
the parameters examined (Figure 3). e dierences between groups
were assessed using Student's t-test and were all found to be highly
signicant (P<0.01%). e relative advantage of Genotechnology
treatment range from a reduction of 40.1% more in stratum corneum
thickness (from -3.6% to -5.1%) to an increase of 84.6% more in total
H2O content (from +5.1% to +9.4%).
e Antera analysis shows an improvement of skin texture in both
groups (Figure 4). e Genotechnology treated group show a greater
decrease of wrinkles depth (<1 mm) respect to the Radiofrequency
treated group (-20.7%
-6.1%). e dierence was highly signicant
e results suggest a higher eciency of Genotechnology in the
anti-aging treatment.
Discussion and Conclusions
is is the rst study that describes the application of a genetic
personalized approach to the treatment of skin aging.
e use of genetic data to personalize medical therapies, based on
the assumption that "one size does not t all" has been demonstrated
over the recent years in studies on gene-diet interactions [25], as well
in pharmacogenetics [26].
Citation: Nistico SP, Del Duca E, Garoia F (2018) Genetic Customization of Anti-aging Treatments. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 9: 443. doi:
Page 5 of 7
J Clin Exp Dermatol Res, an open access journal
Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 1000443
Figure 3: Post treatment results show a statistically signicant
dierence between the groups. e data show increase/decrease in
percentage of skin parameters aer 10 treatments. Student's t-test
highly signicant (P<0.01%) for all parameters.
Figure 4: Wrinkle reduction results show a statistically signicant
dierence between the groups aer 6 treatments. e data show
increase/decrease in percentage of wrinkles under 1mm depth.
Student's t-test highly signicant (P<0.01%).
Naval and colleagues [27] identied genetic clusters dened by
genotypic variables linked with polymorphisms in genes associated
with inammation, oxidative stress and skin regeneration that
contribute to a persons perceived age, suggesting the possibility to
characterize human skin care and anti-aging needs based on
individual’s genetic signature. Starting from this approach, to better
capture the complex relationships between genetics and skin aging, we
used a multilocus genetic risk score approach [28].
Our results showed that the clusterization of subjects in dierent
risk levels and the use of cosmetic composition according with
individual genetic variability combined to a radiofrequency treatment,
lead to a signicant improvement of skin parameters as well to a
signicant decrease of wrinkles depth respect to a standard
radiofrequency treatment.
Active ingredients used for the cosmetic composition are well
known to act against metabolic impairments involved in accelerated
skin aging. Identication of the better cosmetic composition to
counteract metabolic mechanisms triggering skin aging was not the
primary aim of this work; however, this pilot study was drawn up with
the aim to evaluate whether genetic personalization may increase the
ecacy of aesthetic treatment.
Limitations of our study include the modest sample size (n=21) and
the limited number of SNPs included in the genetic analysis [8]. Only
genetic variants with suciently described eects on skin properties
were included for analysis. Although individually the impact of any
one genotype on risk is modest, it has been suggested that when such
risk-genotypes are common their combination may have a strong
predictive power [29]. Several studies demonstrated that the
aggregation of the contribution of multiple SNPs, selected from both
candidate genes and genes identied through large-scale genomic
association studies, into a single Genetic Risk Score (GRS) signicantly
increases the prediction power of the susceptibility to develop complex
diseases like cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, periodontitis or
psoriasis [30-33].
Taking account these limitations, aware that further studies will be
needed to conrm our data, this pilot study showed that genetic
analysis applied to the prevention of chronoaging and photoaging may
lead to a customized cosmetic method with signicantly higher
eectiveness compared to non-specic cosmetic treatments such as
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Citation: Nistico SP, Del Duca E, Garoia F (2018) Genetic Customization of Anti-aging Treatments. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 9: 443. doi:
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Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 1000443
... [16] NQO1 (rs1800566) [11] SLC45A2 (rs16891982) [12] COL1A1 (rs1800012) [17] CAT (rs1001179) [11] AHR (rs2066853) [18] IL6 (rs1800795) [11] ...
... These associations highlight their potential roles in maintaining liver health and immune system support. The associations found in our study are consistent with the results of other similar studies, where gene function and SNP associations suggest a multifactorial approach through different mechanisms or platforms and have been discussed in common pathophysiological pathways [11,13,17]. ...
... Recently, its heterozygous genotype was found to be associated with lymphoblastic leukemia [34]. Published studies revealed a direct association between rs1800629 and premature aging due to TNF-α synthesis defect [35], which is probably related to a lack of collagen turnover [17]. ...
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We conducted a research study to create the groundwork for personalized solutions within a skin aging segment. This test utilizes genetic and general laboratory data to predict individual susceptibility to weak skin characteristics, leveraging the research on genetic polymorphisms related to skin functional properties. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a collaboration between the Private Clinic Medicina Practica Laboratory (Vilnius, Lithuania) and the Public Institution Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Kaunas, Lithuania). A total of 370 participants agreed to participate in the project. The median age of the respondents was 40, with a range of 19 to 74 years. After the literature search, we selected 15 polymorphisms of the genes related to skin aging, which were subsequently categorized in terms of different skin functions: SOD2 (rs4880), GPX1 (rs1050450), NQO1 (rs1800566), CAT (rs1001179), TYR (rs1126809), SLC45A2 (rs26722), SLC45A2 (rs16891982), MMP1 (rs1799750), ELN (rs7787362), COL1A1 (rs1800012), AHR (rs2066853), IL6 (rs1800795), IL1Beta (rs1143634), TNF-α (rs1800629), and AQP3 (rs17553719). RT genotyping, blood count, and immunochemistry results were analyzed using statistical methods. The obtained results show significant associations between genotyping models and routine blood screens. These findings demonstrate the personalized medicine approach for the aging segment and further add to the growing literature. Further investigation is warranted to fully understand the complex interplay between genetic factors, environmental influences, and skin aging.
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Background and aims: Excessive exposure to the sun can cause severe photoaging as early as the second decade of life resulting in a loss of physiological elastic fiber functions. We designed a first study to assess differences in facial skin pH, sebum, elasticity, hydration and tonicity and serum levels of fibronectin, elastin, neutrophil elastase 2, hyaluronic acid and carbonylated proteins between patients affected by facial photoaging and healthy controls. In a second study we tested the hypothesis that a dietary supplement would improve facial photoaging, also promoting changes in the above mentioned skin and serum parameters. Methods: In the first study we enrolled 30 women [age: 47.5 ± 1.6 years (mean ± standard error of the mean)] affected by moderate facial photoaging (4 cm ≤ Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)<7 cm) and 30 healthy women [age: 45.9 ± 1.6 years (mean ± standard error of the mean)]. In the second study we enrolled a cohort of 30 women [age: 43.6 ± 1.2 years (mean ± standard error of the mean)], affected by moderate (n = 22) and severe (VAS ≥ 7 cm; n = 8) facial photoaging, who were randomized to receive a pharmaceutical formulation (VISCODERM Pearls; IBSA FARMACEUTICI ITALIA Srl, Lodi, Italy) containing Pycnogenol, collagen, coenzyme Q10, low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate (n = 15) or placebo (n = 15). Dietary supplement and placebo were administered 2 times a day for 4 weeks. Facial photoaging was assessed by VAS in the first cohort of patients affected by facial photoaging and healthy controls and, at baseline and 2 weeks after the end of treatment, in the second cohort of patients who underwent treatment with VISCODERM Pearls and placebo. Skin Tester was used to analyze differences in facial skin parameters between patients affected by facial photoaging and healthy controls. Skin Tester was also used to assess the effect of VISCODERM Pearls on facial skin parameters and compared with placebo 2 weeks after the end of treatment. Serum levels of fibronectin, elastin, neutrophil elastase 2, hyaluronic acid and carbonylated proteins were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the first cohort of patients affected by facial photoaging and healthy controls and, at baseline and 2 weeks after the end of treatment, in the second cohort of patients who underwent treatment with VISCODERM Pearls and placebo. Results: VAS photoaging score was higher in patients affected by photoaging, if compared with healthy controls (p < 0.0001). pH and sebum were increased in patients affected by photoaging, if compared with healthy controls (both p < 0.0001), while elasticity, hydration and tonicity were decreased in patients affected by photoaging, if compared with healthy controls (all p < 0.0001). Serum fibronectin and hyaluronic acid concentrations were lower in patients affected by photoaging, if compared with healthy controls (both p < 0.0001). Serum neutrophil elastase 2, elastin and carbonylated protein concentrations were higher in patients affected by photoaging, if compared with healthy controls (p < 0.01, p < 0.01 and p < 0.0001, respectively). Dietary supplement administration resulted in an improvement in VAS photoaging score, if compared with placebo (p < 0.0001), as observed 2 weeks after the end of treatment. Facial sebum, hydration and tonicity were increased in the active treatment group vs. placebo (p < 0.0001, p < 0.0001 and p < 0.05, respectively) 2 weeks after the end of treatment. Serum fibronectin and hyaluronic acid concentrations were increased in the dietary supplement group, if compared with placebo (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001) 2 weeks after the end of treatment, while no statistical difference in serum elastin concentration was observed between the two groups. Serum neutrophil elastase 2 and carbonylated protein concentrations were decreased in the dietary supplement group 2 weeks after the end of treatment, if compared with placebo (p < 0.001 and p < 0.0001). Conclusions: We found significantly increased serum levels of neutrophil elastase 2, elastin and carbonylated proteins and decreased levels of hyaluronic acid and fibronectin in patients affected by facial photoaging, if compared with healthy controls. These findings coupled with a significant decrease in skin hydration, tonicity and elasticity and increased skin pH and sebum. Treatment with the dietary supplement VISCODERM Pearls significantly improved VAS photoaging score and skin hydration, sebum and tonicity 2 weeks after the end of a 4-week treatment period in patients affected by moderate to severe facial photoaging. These findings coupled with a significant increase in serum fibronectin and hyaluronic acid and a decrease in serum carbonylated proteins and neutrophil elastase 2 in the active treatment group, if compared with placebo. Our findings suggest that VISCODERM Pearls is effective for treatment of facial photoaging but further studies in larger cohorts of patients are required.
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Purpose: Genetic risk assessment is becoming an important component of clinical decision-making. Genetic Risk Scores (GRSs) allow the composite assessment of genetic risk in complex traits. A technically and clinically pertinent question is how to most easily and effectively combine a GRS with an assessment of clinical risk derived from established non-genetic risk factors as well as to clearly present this information to patient and health care providers. Materials and Methods: We illustrate a means to combine a GRS with an independent assessment of clinical risk using a log-link function. We apply the method to the prediction of coronary heart disease (CHD) in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) cohort. We evaluate different constructions based on metrics of effect change, discrimination, and calibration. Results: The addition of a GRS to a clinical risk score (CRS) improves both discrimination and calibration for CHD in ARIC. Results are similar regardless of whether external vs. internal coefficients are used for the CRS, risk factor single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are included in the GRS, or subjects with diabetes at baseline are excluded. We outline how to report the construction and the performance of a GRS using our method and illustrate a means to present genetic risk information to subjects and/or their health care provider. Conclusion: The proposed method facilitates the standardized incorporation of a GRS in risk assessment.
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Introduction Skin changes are among the most visible signs of aging. Skin properties such as hydration, elasticity, and antioxidant capacity play a key role in the skin aging process. Skin aging is a complex process influenced by heritable and environmental factors. Recent studies on twins have revealed that up to 60% of the skin aging variation between individuals can be attributed to genetic factors, while the remaining 40% is due to non-genetic factors. Recent advances in genomics and bioinformatics approaches have led to the association of certain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to skin properties. Our aim was to classify individuals based on an ensemble of multiple polymorphisms associated with certain properties of the skin for providing personalized skin care and anti-aging therapies. Methods and results We identified the key proteins and SNPs associated with certain properties of the skin that contribute to skin aging. We selected a set of 13 SNPs in gene coding for these proteins which are potentially associated with skin aging. Finally, we classified a sample of 120 female volunteers into ten clusters exhibiting different skin properties according to their genotypic signature. Conclusion This is the first study that describes the actual frequency of genetic polymorphisms and their distribution in clusters involved in skin aging in a Caucasian population. Individuals can be divided into genetic clusters defined by genotypic variables. These genotypic variables are linked with polymorphisms in one or more genes associated with certain properties of the skin that contribute to a person’s perceived age. Therefore, by using this classification, it is possible to characterize human skin care and anti-aging needs on the basis of an individual’s genetic signature, thus opening the door to personalized treatments addressed at specific populations. This is part of an ongoing effort towards personalized anti-aging therapies combining genetic signatures with environmental and life style evaluations.
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Cellular senescence arrests the proliferation of mammalian cells at risk for neoplastic transformation, and is also associated with aging. However, the factors that cause cellular senescence during aging are unclear. Excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been shown to cause cellular senescence in culture, and accumulated molecular damage due to mitochondrial ROS has long been thought to drive aging phenotypesin vivo. Here, we test the hypothesis that mitochondrial oxidative stress can promote cellular senescence in vivo and contribute to aging phenotypes in vivo, specifically in the skin. We show that the number of senescent cells, as well as impaired mitochondrial (complex II) activity increase in naturally aged mouse skin. Using a mouse model of genetic Sod2 deficiency, we show that failure to express this important mitochondrial anti-oxidant enzyme also impairs mitochondrial complex II activity, causes nuclear DNA damage, and induces cellular senescence but not apoptosis in the epidermis. Sod2 deficiency also reduced the number of cells and thickness of the epidermis, while increasing terminal differentiation. Our results support the idea that mitochondrial oxidative stress and cellular senescence contribute to aging skin phenotypes in vivo.
Background: The skin imaging analysis instruments are widely used to record and measure the surface and subsurface skin conditions. The main aim of this study is to reveal the differences and correlations in measuring wrinkle, skin texture, coloration/evenness, vascular features, and pore between two commercially available instruments. Methods: Twenty-eight subjects were enrolled in the study. A 2*2 cm cardboard was used to make sure the two instruments analyze the same area. Pictures were taken and analyzed by the VISIA(®) from Canfield and the ANTERA 3D(®) CS from Miravex, in sequence. Results: The spot, ultraviolet spot, brown spot, red area, texture values measured with VISIA(®) were positively correlated with age, while the pore and wrinkle values showed no significance. The wrinkle, texture, melanin, hemoglobin, pore index, pore volume values measured with ANTERA 3D(®) had a significantly positive correlation with age. The spot, brown spot values from VISIA(®) were positively correlated with the melanin value from ANTERA 3D(®) . Texture value measured with the two instruments revealed positive linear correlation. Strong correlation was found between the red area value from VISIA(®) and the hemoglobin value from ANTERA 3D(®) . Ultraviolet spot from VISIA(®) showed no linear correlation with the melanin value from ANTERA 3D(®) . Neither of the wrinkle and pore measured with the two instruments showed linear correlation. Conclusions: ANTERA 3D(®) relies on multidirectional illumination obtained by LEDs of different wavelengths from different directions which make it advanced at the qualitative evaluation of various dermatologic conditions. Compared with VISIA(®) , ANTERA 3D(®) is more sensitive in the assessment of wrinkle and it may also be available to evaluate the aging-related enlarged pore.
Although the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) associated with single SNPs is modest it has been suggested that, in combination, several common risk-associated alleles could lead to a substantially better heart disease risk prediction. We have modelled this using 10 SNPs in ten candidate genes (APOB, NOS3, APOE, ACE, SERPINE1, MTHFR, ITGA2B, PON 1, LPL, and CETP) and their predicted summary risk estimates from meta-analysis. Based on published allele frequencies, approximately 29% of the general population would be expected to carry less than three risk alleles, approximately 55% would carry 3 or 4 risk alleles, 4% would have 6 and 1% 7 or more risk alleles. Compared to the mean of those with 3 or 4 risk associated genotypes, those with 6 and 7-or-more alleles have a significantly higher risk odds ratio (OR) of CHD (mean OR (95% Confidence Intervals), 1.70 (1.14 to 2.55); and 4.51 (2.89 to 7.04) respectively), while compared to those in the lowest decile of risk, those in the highest decile have a CHD odds ratio in the range of 3.05 (2.24 to 4.14). Taking into account age and the risk alleles carried, the mean 10 year probability for developing CHD for a 55 year old man was calculated to be 15% (8.6% to 24.8%), with nearly 1 in 5 having more than 20% risk. Whether this particular group of 10 SNPs will improve the accuracy of CHD predictions over the combination of classical risk factors in clinical use requires further experimental evidence.
While multiple genetic markers associated with cardiovascular disease have been identified by genome-wide association studies, their aggregate effect on risk beyond traditional factors is uncertain, particularly among women. To test the predictive ability of a literature-based genetic risk score for cardiovascular disease. Prospective cohort of 19,313 initially healthy white women in the Women's Genome Health Study followed up over a median of 12.3 years (interquartile range, 11.6-12.8 years). Genetic risk scores were constructed from the National Human Genome Research Institute's catalog of genome-wide association study results published between 2005 and June 2009. Incident myocardial infarction, stroke, arterial revascularization, and cardiovascular death. A total of 101 single nucleotide polymorphisms reported to be associated with cardiovascular disease or at least 1 intermediate cardiovascular disease phenotype at a published P value of less than 10(-7) were identified and risk alleles were added to create a genetic risk score. During follow-up, 777 cardiovascular disease events occurred (199 myocardial infarctions, 203 strokes, 63 cardiovascular deaths, 312 revascularizations). After adjustment for age, the genetic risk score had a hazard ratio (HR) for cardiovascular disease of 1.02 per risk allele (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00-1.03/risk allele; P = .006). This corresponds to an absolute cardiovascular disease risk of 3% over 10 years in the lowest tertile of genetic risk (73-99 risk alleles) and 3.7% in the highest tertile (106-125 risk alleles). However, after adjustment for traditional factors, the genetic risk score did not improve discrimination or reclassification (change in c index from Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults [ATP III] risk score, 0; net reclassification improvement, 0.5%; [P = .24]). The genetic risk score was not associated with cardiovascular disease risk (ATP III-adjusted HR/allele, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.99-1.01). In contrast, self-reported family history remained significantly associated with cardiovascular disease in multivariable models. After adjustment for traditional cardiovascular risk factors, a genetic risk score comprising 101 single nucleotide polymorphisms was not significantly associated with the incidence of total cardiovascular disease.