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The Influence of Enjoyment Factor Toward the Acceptance of Social Commerce

IGI Global Scientific Publishing
International Journal of E-Business Research


Social commerce is a new extension of electronic commerce that involves using social media in the online shopping process. Although the adoption of social technologies was studied in several researches, it is still needed to investigate the specific characteristics of social commerce and the affecting factors on its acceptance. This article verifies the influence of the enjoyment factor on the adoption of social commerce through applying a questionnaire sample allocated to 282 Jordanian social media users from those who are interested in online shopping. The research model is developed to validate the impact of enjoyment, in addition to some other factors, on the behavioral intentions to adopt and use social commerce. The results show that the enjoyment is a key factor on accepting social commerce. The research model indicates that it is viable and has a good power in explaining the variance in the behavioral intentions to adopt and use social commerce.
DOI: 10.4018/IJEBR.2018040105
Volume 14 • Issue 2 • April-June 2018
Copyright © 2018, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Alaa M. Momani, Al-Madinah International University, Shah Alam, Malaysia
Wael M. Yafooz, Al-Madinah International University, Shah Alam, Malaysia
Mamoun M. Jamous, Al-Madinah International University, Shah Alam, Malaysia
Social commerce is a new extension of electronic commerce that involves using social media in
the online shopping process. Although the adoption of social technologies was studied in several
researches, it is still needed to investigate the specific characteristics of social commerce and the
affecting factors on its acceptance. This article verifies the influence of the enjoyment factor on the
adoption of social commerce through applying a questionnaire sample allocated to 282 Jordanian
social media users from those who are interested in online shopping. The research model is developed
to validate the impact of enjoyment, in addition to some other factors, on the behavioral intentions
to adopt and use social commerce. The results show that the enjoyment is a key factor on accepting
social commerce. The research model indicates that it is viable and has a good power in explaining
the variance in the behavioral intentions to adopt and use social commerce.
Behavioral Intentions, Enjoyment, Jordan, Social Commerce, Technology Acceptance, Usage Behavior, UTAUT
Social commerce (s-commerce) is a new stream in e-commerce, presented recently from the
development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), Web 2.0 technology, and
cloud technology. S-commerce represents the benefiting from the social networks to enhance the
e-commerce by adding some new activities for the online shopping process, in order to make it more
social and acceptable by users (Gatautis and Medziausiene, 2014). Some authors like Leitner and
Grechenig (2007) and Liang, Ho, Li, and Turban (2011) believe that s-commerce is affected by the
expansion of social networks. The research work of Hajli (2012) mentioned that s-commerce is the
resent development in e-commerce that using social technologies in order to create a new environment
for social interactions. These social interactions can push online social support in e-commerce, and
increase the trust, and as a result, the intention to use s-commerce will be increased. In the s-commerce
context, there were a few theoretical or empirical researches on the measurement of user satisfaction
of the s-commerce, and measuring the success of such systems in general (Alshibly, 2014; Huang and
Benyoucef, 2013). Accordingly, this study aims to investigate the influence of the enjoyment factor
Volume 14 • Issue 2 • April-June 2018
toward the acceptance of the s-commerce and the satisfaction from using it. It revised the unified
theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) that was developed by Venkatesh, Morris,
Davis, and Davis (2003) by adding the enjoyment factor in the form of enjoyment expectancy to the
model′s structure in order to personalize it to be more suitable to measure the technology acceptance
of s-commerce within the Jordanian society.
In general, the majority of the technology acceptance theories and models do not discuss the
impact of the enjoyment factor on the behavioral intentions and usage behavior of the technology,
because these theories were designed to explain the usage behavior and assess the acceptance of
adopting information systems in organizations with the mandatory style of usage. S-commerce is
a web-based, social-commercial, and voluntary-usage application, and the enjoyment is one of the
key-reasons from using it.
Since 1940′s, many theories resulted from motivation research (Momani and Jamous, 2017). Self-
Determination Theory (SDT) which developed by Deci and Ryan in 1985 is one of them. SDT
proposed that self-determination is a human quality. Deci and Ryan (1985) and Ryan and Deci (2000a)
explained the psychological innate human needs which are: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
These human needs are directly affecting on individuals′ motivations. The need to autonomy refers to
self-determination that causes freedom of action, mainly being self-initiating, and to self-regulating
one′s own actions. The need to relatedness refers to developing secure and satisfying connections
with others in same social environment (de Brabander, Rozendaal, and Martens, 2009; Hsu and Lin,
2008). According to Deci et al. (1991), these needs are necessary for individuals to be self-determined
rather than controlled.
Motivational theories have supported the researches in psychology as an explanation to behavior.
These researches resulted that the motivational theory contains two major factors of motivations:
extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation was defined as: “the perception
that users will want to perform an activity because it is perceived to be instrumental in achieving
valued outcomes that are distinct from the activity itself” (Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw, 1992, p 1112;
Venkatesh et al., 2003, p 448). While Intrinsic motivation was defined as: “the perception that users
will want to perform an activity for no apparent reinforcement other than the process of performing
the activity per se” (Davis et al., 1992, p 1112; Venkatesh et al., 2003, p 456). SDT represents the
extrinsic motivation that consists of four types of self-determinations, which are: external, introjected,
identified, and integrated form of regulation (Deci and Ryan, 1985; Deci et al., 1991; Ryan and Deci,
2000b). While the intrinsic motivation refers to intrinsic regulation. It also represents how the social
environment influencing on motivated behaviors. Davis et al. (1992) tested the extrinsic and intrinsic
motivation to use technology in workplaces and found that they are key drivers of an individual′s
intention to perform the behavior of technology usage. They explained the extrinsic motivation to
use technology as perceived usefulness from using the technology, and intrinsic motivation to use
technology as perceived enjoyment of using the technology (Ryan, Patrick, Deci, and Williams, 2008).
They noted the relation between usefulness and enjoyment. Enjoyment strongly effects on intentions
when information systems are perceived to be more useful, which means that the enjoyability of the
information system is enhancing the acceptance of useful systems, but in the same time, it has less
effect on acceptance of useless systems (Davis et al., 1992).
The same concept was discussed in several technology acceptance theories besides the motivational
theory such as: Model of PC Utilization (MPCU) and Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). These theories
are sharing the same features of intrinsic motivation in the motivational theory (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
Shen and Eder (2011) examined the factors that influence the user acceptance of social shopping
websites which are designed specifically to support social interactions with shoppers. Their study
utilized the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with specific constructs that may enhance the
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... In the social commerce context, most of the prior empirical studies on behavioural intention did not build their research model based on a unified concept. Some studies focused on trust (Yin et al., 2019;Phungphol, 2019), some paid attention to amusement (Momani et al., 2018;Akman & Mishra, 2017), some researchers studied easiness (Samarasinghe & Maddumarala, 2019;Biucky et al., 2017), and others investigated on positive recommendations (Ying et al., 2021;Wang & Yu, 2017). Furthermore, Sukhu, Zhang, and Bilgihan (2015) used a research framework which is similar to the T.E.A concept in their study; however, they emphasised intention to share as the outcome and did not consider antecedents of the T.E.A concept in the SNS context. ...
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Research Aims: This study explores the antecedents of customers' behavioural intention to purchase on the social media platform. In addition, the T.E.A concept, the group of consequences of positive recommendation (PR), is developed by amalgamating trust (T), easiness (E), and amusement (A). Design/Methodology/Approach: The data was collected from 260 random social media users from Myanmar. Both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were employed to examine the observed variables, and structural equation modelling (SEM) techniques were used to estimate the hypotheses in AMOS software. Research Findings: The results disclose that the T.E.A concept is fully mediating between positive recommendation and customers' purchase intention. Theoretical Contribution/Originality: This study gives clear direction for future research studies, notably, in the online shopping context by providing the T.E.A concept. Managerial Implication in the South East Asian Context: The retailers on social media develop effective marketing strategies based on T.E.A concept to attract more customers, especially from South East Asian countries. Research Limitations & Implications: The vivid limitation of this study is focusing on only the positive recommendation as an antecedent of the T.E.A concept and the findings of this study implicate both theoretically and practically the future research studies about customers' behaviour in the online shopping context.
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We live in a world where we are exposed to everyday changes that information and communication technologies (ICT) give us impose. These changes are largely related to education, and so the introduction of ICT in universities as institutions of higher education, clearly changing the way it is implemented. The policy of “Goce Delcev” University (UGD) is to fully implement ICT in all segments of management, administration and teaching. For this purpose, several projects for e-learning implementation at UGD have been conducted. But, as much as important introduction is, the more important is the acceptance of new technologies in education. Therefore, we shall use a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as the research methodology. The purpose of this paper is understanding teaching staff acceptance and use eLearning system (ELC) and investigating the influence of seven determinants (four UTAUT determinants, 2 additional determinants and one personal "selfconfidence" determinant). A survey was administered to 92 respondents (teaching staff) to capture their perceptions of e-learning. The findings of this research show that among the seven UTAUT factors, the effort expectancy and facilitating conditions have the strongest effect of intention to use new technology. Also according to the survey, social influence and facilitating conditions are in strongest correlation with the behavioral intention and thereby the most influence on the behavior of participants for acceptance and use of the e – learning system.
I: Background.- 1. An Introduction.- 2. Conceptualizations of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination.- II: Self-Determination Theory.- 3. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Perceived Causality and Perceived Competence.- 4. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Interpersonal Communication and Intrapersonal Regulation.- 5. Toward an Organismic Integration Theory: Motivation and Development.- 6. Causality Orientations Theory: Personality Influences on Motivation.- III: Alternative Approaches.- 7. Operant and Attributional Theories.- 8. Information-Processing Theories.- IV: Applications and Implications.- 9. Education.- 10. Psychotherapy.- 11. Work.- 12. Sports.- References.- Author Index.
Problem statement: The purposes of this research were (1) to study the quality evaluation psychology test Likert's scale 5 and 6 points (atti tude test, locus of control test and achievement motive test) focusing on construct validity, discri mination and reliability, (2) to compare the study of quality psychology test between Likert's scale 5 an d 6 points and (3) to compare the study for persona l decision making level between Likert's scale 5 and 6 points. Approach: The subjects were 180 (60 for each test) undergraduate students from Mahasarakham University who were selected by purposive sampling. Results: The research tools were attitude test, locus of co ntrol test and achievement motive test comprised of measurement patterns developed for different variables. Means, standard deviation, Factors Analysis, Alpha Coefficient and t-test were used for data analysis. Conclusion/Recommendations: The research revealed that (1) higher component an d Initial Eigenvalues cumulative percent of psychology test L ikert's scale 5 and 6 points, but psychology test Likert's scale 6 points had more higher trend of di scrimination and reliability than Likert's scale 5 points, (2) construct validity, discrimination and reliability among Likert's scale 5 and 6 points wer e compared. It was found different reliability at 0.0 5 level on achievement motive test only and (3) personal decision making level psychology test among Likert's scale 5 and 6 points was different at 0.05 level.
Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied, and the distinction between them has shed important light on both developmental and educational practices. In this review we revisit the classic definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in light of contemporary research and theory. Intrinsic motivation remains an important construct, reflecting the natural human propensity to learn and assimilate. However, extrinsic motivation is argued to vary considerably in its relative autonomy and thus can either reflect external control or true self-regulation. The relations of both classes of motives to basic human needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness are discussed.
Social Network Sites (SNSs) such as Facebook bring users enjoyment, which positively influences their Actual System Use. Whereas this finding is consistent across different studies and confirms hedonic motivations for SNS use, the question whether utilitarian motives also influence users’ usage behavior remains open. Indeed, the findings concerning the influence of Perceived Usefulness differ substantially. Building on both the hedonic and utilitarian foundations of the Technology Acceptance Model, we study whether SNS usage is determined by hedonic motivations, utilitarian motivations, or both. We find that SNSs are dual technologies since both Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Enjoyment are critical influence factors of their Actual System Use. SNS usage is thus determined by both hedonic and utilitarian motivations.