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High/Scope Youth PQA Technical Report
Findings From the Self-Assessment Pilot
in Michigan 21st Century Learning Centers
Charles Smith
High/Scope Educational Research Foundation
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Part I. The Youth PQA Self-Assessment Pilot Study in Michigan 21st Century Programs ......5
The Program Self-Assessment Method .....................................................................................................6
Pilot Study Sites and Staffing.......................................................................................................................7
Part II. Quality Ratings in 21st Century Programs ....................................................................9
Interpretation of Subscale and Item Scores ........................................................................................... 10
Conclusion: The Self-Assessment Process Yields Interpretable Data ............................................... 12
Part III. Psychometric Performance of the Youth PQA Using the Program Self-Assessment
Method......................................................................................................................... ............ 14
Score Distributions .................................................................................................................................... 14
Scale Reliability ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Concurrent Validity.................................................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion: The Self-Assessment Process Yields Psychometrically Acceptable Data.................... 17
Part IV. Evaluation of the Self-Assessment Process by 21st Century Staff .............................. 18
Survey of Site Administrators From the Pilot Study............................................................................. 18
Interviews With Site Administrators From the Pilot Study ................................................................. 18
Conclusion: The Self-Assessment Process Supports Organizational Learning and Change .......... 19
Part V. Use of the Youth PQA and Youth PQA Data for Program Improvement .................21
Improvement Models Developed Based on Pilot Study Data ............................................................ 21
Conclusion: The Self-Assessment Process Supports System-Level Decision Making About
Practices and Policies That Raise Quality............................................................................................... 21
Appendix A. Interview Transcripts .........................................................................................23
Appendix B. Program Improvement Models..........................................................................30
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Overall 24 sites within 17 grantees participated in the self-assessment pilot study by assembling staff
teams to collect data and score the Youth Program Quality Assessment (PQA).
At each site an average of 5 staff spent an average of 13 staff hours to complete the self-assessment
Whether using an absolute standard or group norms as a benchmark for interpretation of data from
the Youth PQA Self-Assessment Pilot Study (hereafter called the Pilot Study), quality scores were
very positive for participating programs and also reflected the tendency of self-assessment scores to
be biased toward higher quality levels.
The quality scores followed the same pattern as outside observer scores in other samples, highest on
for issues of safety and staff support and lowest on higher order practices focused on interaction
and engagement.
Youth PQA data collected using the self-assessment method demonstrated promising patterns of
both internal consistency and concurrent validity with aligned youth survey responses.
Two thirds or more of sites reported that the observation and scoring process helped the self-
assessment team to have greater insight into the operation of their programs, talk in greater depth
about the program quality than usual, and have more concrete understanding of program quality.
Site directors and local evaluators said that the self-assessment process was a source of good
conversations about program priorities and how to meet them. In almost all cases, concrete action
followed from the self-assessment process.
Site directors and local evaluators demonstrated the ability to improvise the self-assessment method
to fit local needs.
Program directors, site coordinators, and local evaluators have used the Youth PQA and statewide
Youth PQA data to generate statewide program change models, suggesting that the instrument and
data are useful for setting system-level improvement priorities.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Part I. The Youth PQA Self-Assessment Pilot Study in
Michigan 21st Century Programs
The Youth Program Quality Assessment (PQA) is an assessment of best practices in afterschool
programs, community organizations, schools, summer programs, and other places where youth have
fun, work, and learn with adults. The Youth PQA consists of seven subscales: safe environment,
supportive environment, interaction, engagement, youth-centered policies and practices, high expectations for all youth
and staff, and access. Administration of the Youth PQA employs direct observation for the first four
subscales and a structured interview for the remaining three. The instrument is structured by item-
level measurement rubrics that consist of multiple indicators. Indicators are scored using
observation and interview evidence and then averaged up to the item and subscale (multi-item)
levels. The Youth PQA was developed and validated during a 4-year validation study funded by the
W. T. Grant Foundation.1
Since 2003 the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation has collaborated with the Michigan
Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers program to develop a low-
stakes accountability and improvement system based on the Michigan Model Standards for Out of School
Time Standards.2 The system uses the Youth PQA as a primary accountability and improvement
measure. A low-stakes accountability system requires that grantees report on development and
implementation of high-quality, data-driven improvement plans and emphasizes organizational
learning and development of staff competencies based on model standards of practice. Low-stakes
accountability is an alternative to higher stakes approaches that focus on licensing compliance
and/or year-end child outcomes but which provide little guidance to staff about how to actually
change and improve organizational performance.
The Youth PQA is a dual-purpose instrument, designed as both a rigorous measure of quality and as
an effective support to organizational learning and staff development. A recently completed
validation study established the reliability and validity of Youth PQA scores produced using
intensive data collection procedures that employed trained outside observers and multiple ratings at
each site.3 This report focuses on instrument performance under a different data collection protocol,
the program self-assessment data collection method, designed specifically for use in Michigan 21st Century
afterschool programs. The program self-assessment method was developed to make both the
assessment process more cost-effective and to support a process of organizational learning by
building the program staff into the process of data collection, scoring, and interpretation of findings.
The Youth PQA Self-Assessment Pilot Study (hereafter called the Pilot Study) was conducted to
provide validation evidence for the Youth PQA when using the program self-assessment data
collection method. One central set research questions is focused on psychometric performance.
Does the self-assessment data achieve widely agreed upon benchmarks for score reliability and
1 For more information on the Youth PQA, visit the Youth Development Group page at the High/Scope Web site, For findings from the 4-year Youth PQA Validation Study, see the report entitled Youth Program Quality
Assessment Validation Study: Findings for Instrument Validation, also available at
2 The Michigan Model Standards for Out of School Time are available at
3 The original Youth PQA Validation Study employed trained outside observers and required completion of three separate offering-
level ratings at each participating organization. The three separate ratings were averaged together to create an offering quality score for
an entire organization. This method was too invasive (using outside observers not connected to the program), time consuming, and
expensive for use in Michigan’s 21st Century programs.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
validity (see discussion in Part III)? However, the primary focus of this study is to determine how
successfully program staff are able to use the data to improve personal and organizational
performance. We want to know if the scores are fair (reliable) and meaningful (valid) when the
instrument is used as a self-assessment and how these findings compare to similar tests of data
precision from trained outside observers. We also want to know if the self-assessment process
actually produces organizational learning about quality4 so we are really validating an assessment
process that uses the Youth PQA rather than just an assessment tool alone.
Primary research questions that guided the Pilot Study include:
• What does the Pilot Study tell us about program quality in Michigan 21st Century
afterschool programs?
• What are the psychometric characteristics of data collected using the program self-
assessment data collection method?
• Did use of the Youth PQA support high-impact conversations about quality
among staff?
• Were local teams able to improvise with the self-assessment protocol to make the
process supportive, informative, and doable for program staff?
• Did afterschool administrators find the Youth PQA useful for local accountability
purposes such as evaluation of line staff performance or communication with
school personnel about best practices in afterschool?
• Were cross-site groups of local program leaders able to use the Youth PQA and
aggregated Pilot Study scores for system-level program improvement planning?
The Program Self-Assessment Method
The program self-assessment method was developed for use of the Youth PQA in Michigan 21st
Century programs. For the Pilot Study, program staff attended a 1-day training that was focused
on learning how to collect objective anecdotal evidence and which provided practice scoring
each of the instrument’s 103 indicators using actual data from the validation study. Participating
grantees were advised to conduct the assessment at only one site, preferably at middle schools or
sites with older elementary children.5 The self-assessment method consisted of the following
five steps:
• Step 1: Select a team of staff for data collection. The team will collect observational
data by observing each other and then complete the administrative interview. The
4 We do not take this analysis toward the critical discussion of whether or not it is possible to have validity without
reliability — we are trying to achieve at least marginal measurement reliability and consequential validity at the same
time. See Moss (1994).
5 The Younger Youth (Grades K–6) version of the Youth PQA is currently the subject of its own validation study.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
team should consist of at least two direct service staff and one program supervisor
or site coordinator. More are welcome.
• Step 2: Select at 2-week time period (roughly) when anecdotal data will be collected.
Set a goal of 10–15 anecdotal records for each person that will result in a total of
40–50 anecdotal records for the whole team. One anecdotal record is roughly the
amount of written record that will fit on a 2 x 4 inch post-it note.
• Step 3: Start collecting data. Have members of the team observe and collect
anecdotal records while the other members of the team are leading youth in the
program. Do not use staff names.
• Step 4: At the end of the first week, do a check in. Make sure that you are collecting
datum that is a “fit” with the items in the Youth PQA Form A booklet (program-
offering items). Keep collecting data. Fitting data refers to the process of checking
to make sure that you have data that apply to the scoring indicators on the Youth
• Step 5: Schedule a 3-hour scoring meeting with the team. Make sure that you clearly
mark one “score” for each indicator in both of the booklets (unless it really doesn’t
apply to your program or you really just disagree with it). Do not score the
booklets beyond the indicator levels until all of the indicators have been scored.
o Start by scoring the indicators for items in Form A (program-offering
items) using the only the anecdotal data that you have collected. Try not to
use your prior knowledge — only the data from the anecdotal records. If
you need more data, go back and collect more if you can.
o Next, score the indicators for items in Form B (organization items). Score
these indicators by discussing each indicator and selecting the best score
that the site team can reach a consensus on.
Self-assessment is designed to represent enough of the reality of a youth program to support
powerful conversation and decision making about program polices and staff practices. It relies on
staff decisions about what to watch and an explicitly consensual process for completion of the
organizational-level form. This method was designed to first maximize effective participation and
secondarily to ensure objective measurement. Reliability and validity of the data produced when
using the self-assessment method is discussed in Part III. The effects of the Youth PQA and the
self-assessment data collection method for staff learning and program improvement are discussed in
Parts IV and V.
Pilot Study Sites and Staffing
The Pilot Study was conducted at 24 afterschool sites within 17 of Michigan 21st Century grantees.
Each participating grantee used the program self-assessment method to complete a Youth PQA
rating for at least one afterschool site per grantee. Some grantees elected to complete Youth PQA
ratings for multiple sites. The sample included afterschool programs at 7 elementary schools, 14
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
middle schools, and 1 high school (2 of the reports were not labeled). Self-assessment teams were
primarily composed of program directors, line staff, and local evaluators and over two thirds of the
teams contained at least one of each of these persons. On average, sites required 13 hours of staff
time to complete Forms A and B of the Youth PQA. The average number of frontline staff
involved in the self-assessment process was five.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Part II. Quality Ratings in 21st Century Programs
Program quality ratings for the Pilot Study sample are provided in Table 1 with a comparison to two
other samples where Youth PQA data were collected in the state of Michigan. The first four
subscales — safe environment, supportive environment, interaction, and engagement — were
completed using data collected through observation in afterschool settings. The final three subscales
— youth-centered policies and practices, high expectations for all youth and staff, and access —
were completed using data collected through a group interview. For the comparison samples, the
more rigorous outside observer data-collection method was used to produce Youth PQA scores: at the
offering-level scores are an average of multiple observational ratings (usually three) for each
organization and the organization-level scales were completed with evidence gathered by a trained
interviewer. The second column presents data from a small sample of 21st Century afterschool
programs for which outside observer data were available. The right-most column present scores for
the entire Youth PQA Validation Study sample.6
Table 1. Youth PQA Scores for the Pilot Study in Comparison With Two Additional Samples
Using an Outside Observer Data-Collection Method
Pilot Study
21st Century
Sites in the Youth
PQA Validation
Youth PQA
Study — Total
Average Scores
Average Scores
Average Scores
I. Safe Environment
4.39 4.16 4.35
II. Supportive Environment
4.16 3.91 3.74
III. Interaction
3.73 2.83 3.11
IV. Engagement
3.37 2.83 2.83
Observation Total Score (subscales I–IV)
3.99 3.43 3.51
V. Youth-Centered Policies & Practices
3.20 3.77 3.92
VI. High Expectations for Youth & Staff
3.91 3.83 3.86
VII. Access
4.18 3.00 3.86
Interview Total Score (subscales V–VII) 3.76 3.53 3.88
6 For findings from the 4-year Youth PQA Validation Study, see the report entitled Youth Program Quality Assessment Validation Study:
Findings for Instrument Validation, available at
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Interpretation of Subscale and Item Scores
Interpretation of the data in Table 1 can proceed in at least two directions. Scores can be interpreted
as degree of attainment of a predetermined performance standard. For example, when High/Scope
certifies a classroom or teacher in use of its methods, an overall score of 4 is required for
endorsement. Second, scores can be interpreted as a level of performance in relation to norms set by
other programs. If most of the programs in the field are scoring near a 3 on the engagement
subscale, then a score slightly over 3 might be seen as positive. Using either form of interpretation,
the self-assessment scores are quite positive. All of the scores exceed scores in the other samples
with the lowest scores occurring for the engagement and youth-centered policies and practices
Interpretation of these ratings is complicated by the fact that the self-assessment data collection
method is known to introduce systematic bias into program quality ratings.7 More specifically, self-
assessment is believed to produce ratings that are higher than those produced by outside observers.
Table 1 supports this belief, although the scores were not collected in the same programs so the
issue cannot be resolved definitively by data from these samples.
Perhaps most important, scores descend incrementally from subscale I to subscale IV suggesting
that items in the interaction and engagement subscales are likely candidates for improvement in
these organizations. At the organization level, the self-assessment sample scored most poorly on the
cluster of items that make up the youth-centered policies and practices subscale. Taken together, the
three lowest scoring subscales — interaction, engagement, and youth-centered policies and
practices — suggest an improvement agenda for 21st Century afterschool programs in the state of
Michigan. By examining the item- and indicator-level data that were used to construct these scores,
the improvement agenda can be much more precisely specified as a set of concrete organizational
and staff practices.
Tables 2–3 present item- and indicator-level data that were used to construct the subscale scores
presented in Table 1. This detail is provided so that the areas of relative strength and weakness in
subscale scores can be examined in greater detail. Table 2 provides scores for the offering-level
items, and Table 3 provides scores for the organization-level items.
7 See Part III.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Table 2. Pilot Study Youth PQA Item Scores for the Offering Level (Observation Data)
Items scores for the Safe Environment subscale Mean Score
I.A. Psychological and emotional safety are promoted 4.26 max 5
min 1
I.B. The physical environment is safe and healthy for youth
max 5
min 3
I.C. Appropriate emergency procedures and supplies are present
max 5
min 1
I.D. Rooms and furniture accommodate activities
max 5
min 4
I.E. Healthy food and drinks are provided New item
Item scores for the Supportive Environment subscale
II.F. Staff provides a welcoming atmosphere 4.32 max 5
min 2.5
II.G. Session flow is planned, presented, and paced for youth
max 5
min 1.4
II.H. Activities support active engagement
max 5
min 1.7
II.I. Staff support youth to build new skills
max 5
min 2
II.J. Staff support youth with encouragement
max 5
min 1
II.K. Staff use youth-centered approaches to reframe conflict
max 5
min 1
Item scores for the Interaction subscale
III.L. Youth have opportunities to develop a sense of belonging 3.89 max 5
min 2.5
III.M. Youth have opportunities to participate in small groups 3.78 max 5
min 1
III.N. Youth have opportunities to act as group facilitators and
max 5
min 1
III.O. Youth have opportunities for adult-youth partnership
max 5
min 1
Items scores for the Engagement subscale
IV.P. Youth have opportunities to set goals and make plans 3.29 max 5
min 1
IV.Q. Youth have opportunities to make choices based on interests
max 5
min 1
IV.R. Youth have opportunities to reflect
max 5
min 1
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Table 3. Pilot Study Youth PQA Item Scores for the Organization Level (Interview Data)
Items scores for the Youth-Centered Policies and Practices subscale Mean Score Range
V.A. Staff qualifications support a positive youth development focus 4.35 max 5
min 3.8
V.B. Offerings tap youth content interests to build multiple skills
max 5
min 3.7
V.C. Youth have influence on setting & activities in the organization
max 5
min 1
V.D. Youth have influence on structure & policy in the organization
max 5
min 1
Item scores for the High Expectations for Youth and Staff subscale
VI.E. Organization promotes staff development 3.70 max 5
min 2.2
VI.F. Organization promotes supportive social norms
max 5
min 1
VI.G. Organization promotes high expectations for youth
max 5
min 2
VI.H. Organization is committed to ongoing program improvement
max 5
min 1.8
Item scores for the Access subscale
VII.I. Staff availability & longevity support youth-staff relationships 4.39 max 5
min 3.5
VII.J. Schedules are in effect
max 5
min 2.3
VII.K. Barriers to participation are addressed
max 5
min 2
VII.L. Organization communicates w/ families, schools, & organizations
max 5
min 2.3
Conclusion: The Self-Assessment Process Yields Interpretable Data
The data suggest two broad implications for program improvement. First, the engagement subscale
had lower scores than other Form A subscales and suggests areas for improvement related to youth
planning and choice. Second, the lowest scoring subscale in the entire assessment is youth-centered
policies and practices, suggesting improvements in providing opportunities for youth input in
organization-level decision making.
The engagement subscale divides into three items that measure the presence of opportunities for
youth to make plans, make choices, and reflect on their experiences. Programs could improve these
scores by creating such opportunities for youth in program offerings. Youth organizations might
invest in staff training in these areas and set expectations for staff to implement training content
resulting in raised Youth PQA scores. An individual organization may also look at its particular low-
scoring indicators and address those issues specifically. For example, an organization might focus on
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
indicator IV-R.1 and begin to offer opportunities for youth to “reflect on their participation in
The youth-centered policies and procedures subscale measures youth involvement in organization-
level decision making. For many of the indicators contained within items in this subscale, a high
percentage of organizations received the lowest possible score, a 1. For example, indicator V-C.1,
for which 76% of organizations scored a 1, reads, “Youth and adults share decision-making
responsibility for design and use of physical environment.” Increasing the score, and therefore the
quality of youth experience in this area, would be fairly easy for an organization to do.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Part III. Psychometric Performance of the Youth PQA
Using the Program Self-Assessment Method
The primary purpose of the Youth PQA when using the self-assessment method is to support
effective conversation, planning, and action within groups of administrators and line staff. When
measurement efficacy is a paramount concern, the outside observer data collection method should
be used.8 We know from our work with the Preschool Program Quality Assessment9 that when
quality ratings produced by trained outside observers are compared to quality ratings produced
through self-assessment, several patterns are consistent: self-assessment ratings are higher, have
smaller standard deviations, and contain less explained variance in statistical models. This kind of
systematic bias raises concerns about interpretation of self-assessment data.
Several potential sources of bias are introduced by the self-assessment method. First, the program
self-assessment method instructs data collectors to gather evidence for only 10–15 minute periods in
each of several program offerings. Without sufficient observation time in each offering, it is possible
that important staff practices and student experiences will be missed. Second, self-assessment uses a
consensual and group-based method for data collection and scoring, introducing the possibility that
norms of social-acceptability could influence the scoring process. Finally, because line staff were
invited to observe each other in the Pilot Study, it is more likely that observers will allow prior
experience to influence their scoring process, rather than relying solely on the observed evidence.
Given these potential sources of bias when using the Youth PQA as a self-assessment, it is
important to know how reliable and valid the scores are. Three criteria were used to evaluate the
data produced during the Youth PQA Pilot Study: score distributions, scale reliabilities, and
concurrent relationships with youth survey data regarding program quality.
Score Distributions
Table 1 presented subscale mean scores for the Pilot Study in comparison to two additional samples:
21st Century programs assessed through multiple outside observations as part of the Youth PQA
Validation Study (second column) and the total sample for the Youth PQA Validation Study. For
the observational subscales, scores are about one half of a point higher in the Pilot Study, suggesting
the expected positive bias in the scores. However, the general pattern of the observational scores
descending steadily from highest on subscale I to lowest on subscale IV is the same across all three
samples, suggesting that the Youth PQA is capturing relative levels of quality using the program
self-assessment method, even if the scores are biased upward.
For the organization-level subscales, the comparative pattern is less clear. The interesting point is
that for the youth-centered policies and practices subscale, the self-assessment teams appear to have
scored themselves more critically than the outside interviewers in the validation study — unlike the
pattern in the observational data where self-assessment scores were uniformly higher than outside
observer scores.
8 For a thorough description of the continuum of use and data collection procedures, see High/Scope Educational
Research Foundation (2005).
9 For a review of research on the High/Scope Preschool PQA, see High/Scope Educational Research Foundation
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Tables 2 and 3 presented item-level scores for both the organization- and offering-level subscales
with score ranges. The score ranges demonstrate that for most of the items the lowest part of the 5-
point scale is being used. This alleviates some concern regarding bias toward the upper bound of the
Scale Reliability
Table 4 presents alpha coefficients for Youth PQA subscales using data from the Pilot Study. Three
of the observational scales — supportive environment, interaction, and engagement — achieve
acceptable alpha levels10 meaning that the items in each scale do appear to measure different
dimensions of a related construct. In comparison to the much larger sample from the Youth PQA
Validation Study, these alpha coefficients are similar — with the exception of the youth-centered
policies and practices and high expectations for all students and staff scales that have low alphas in
this sample. Scales I and VII were not expected to produce high alpha levels since they include items
that are individually important to the named construct but are not likely to co-occur in all settings.
Table 4. Alpha Coefficients for Youth PQA Scales
Pilot Study
Youth PQA
Validation Study
— Wave 1
Youth PQA
Validation Study
— Wave 2
I. Safe Environment (5 items)
.45 .38
II. Supportive Environment (6
.85 .85
III. Interaction (4 items)
.72 .72
IV. Engagement (3 items)
.71 .71
V. Youth-Centered Policies and
Practice (4 items)
.50 NA .71
VI. High Expectations for All
Students and Staff (4 items)
.49 NA .68
VII. Access (4 items)
.50 NA .45
Sample size, which is small at N=24, is of course a concern. However, given the small sample size
and use of the program self-assessment method, these are fairly positive results for psychometric
performance of the instrument.
10 Nunally's (1978) criteria of .70 is widely used as the acceptable standard for scale reliability, although Nunally's earlier work (1967)
and research by Davis (1964) view alpha's as low as .60 as being acceptable. For a thorough review, see Peterson (1994).
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Concurrent Validity
Concurrent validity of the Youth PQA data collected using the program self-assessment method was
evaluated using student responses to survey items collected as part of the annual statewide
evaluation of 21st Century programs.11 Table 5 provides Pearson-r correlation coefficients for Youth
PQA self-assessment data and aligned subscales from a survey of youth in these programs. Youth
survey responses for Grades 4–12 are aggregated to the site level for a total sample size of 12 pilot
sites that had both Youth PQA and youth survey data available.
Table 5. Bivariate Correlation: Youth PQA Subscales and Aligned Youth Survey Subscales for
Children Grades 4–12
Youth PQA Scales Aligned Youth Survey
Subscale and Pearson-r
Correlation Coefficient
Items on the Aligned Youth Survey
I. Safe
II. Supportive
Staff Support = .83** Staff Support: (1) Staff here keep their promises; (2)
Staff here try to be fair; (3) When staff tell me not to
do something, I know they have a good reason; (4)
Staff listen to our ideas about how to make the
program better; (5) Staff here care about me; (6) I
feel safe and comfortable with staff.
III. Interaction
IV. Engagement
Program Governance: (1) Kids get to decide what
goes on with this program; (2) Staff and students
decide together what the rules will be; (3) Kids help
plan what they will do; (4) Kids are asked what they
think should happen in the program; (5) Staff and
students decide together how to do activities.
Offering Total Score Academic Support = .50+
Peer Relations = .42++
Academic help: This program…(1) helped me stay
caught up with my homework; (2) helped me
understand what I was doing in class; (3) matched the
things we were doing in class; (4) Helped me learn
school subjects in new and interesting ways
Peer relations: (1) Kids help each other even if they
aren’t friends; (2) Kids treat each other with respect;
(3) Kids work together to solve problems; (4) When
I’m having a problem other kids help me; (5) Kids
here really care about each other.
**p<.01; *p<.05; +p<.1; ++p<.2
The staff support and program governance subscales were reasonable matches with the Youth
PQA’s supportive environment and engagement subscales. Levels of correlation were substantial for
both the supportive environment and engagement subscales and the aligned youth survey measures,
although not always statistically significant at the p<.05 level. There were no questions on the youth
11 Michigan’s statewide evaluation of the 21st Century program is conducted by a team of researchers at Michigan State University. See
the description at
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
survey that provided a concurrent test of Youth PQA’s safe environment or interaction subscales.
The final row of Table 5 provides other bivariate correlations of interest for the offering-level Youth
PQA data. The Youth PQA’s global quality rating for the offering level, the total score for subscales
I–IV, is positively associated with youth survey items tapping support for academic work and
feelings of attachment between peers suggesting that in high-quality programs youth experience
positive relationships with their peers and are able to do work that supports school success.
Although there were no concurrent youth responses for Youth PQA items at the organization level,
students’ overall ratings of satisfaction with the program were also positively associated with the
youth-centered policies and practices subscale (r=.46, p=.14).
Conclusion: The Self-Assessment Process Yields Psychometrically
Acceptable Data
The findings presented above provide reason for optimism concerning the reliability and validity of
Youth PQA self-assessment data. The three observational scales with greatest relevance to the field
of afterschool — supportive environment, interaction, and engagement — produced measures of
internal consistency that paralleled findings for samples collected by outside observers. However, it
also appears that self-assessment data for the observational scales may be biased toward higher
scores. The observational subscales I–IV demonstrated positive patterns of bivariate association
with aggregated responses from youth at pilot study sites, suggesting a concurrent evidence of
quality from the perspective of both outside observers using the Youth PQA and youth participants
in the programs.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Part IV. Evaluation of the Self-Assessment Process by 21st
Century Staff
Following the data collection phase of the Pilot Study, surveys and interviews were used to gather
feedback from site directors and local evaluators about how the self-assessment process went at
their sites. This section provides feedback from 12 of the 17 grantees that participated in the Pilot
Study, nine survey responses and five interviews (with two of the sites completing both).
Survey of Site Administrators From the Pilot Study
Survey responses were gathered from multiple staff at 9 of the 17 participating pilot sites. Self-
assessment teams were primarily composed of program directors, line staff, and local evaluators, and
more than two thirds of the teams contained at least one of each of these persons.
In general, the self-assessment process supported good conversation and learning among staff at the
pilot sites. When asked how the process of observing impacted them, site staff reported that they
gained greater insight into the operation of their programs (89%), talked in greater depth about
program quality (67%), and had a more concrete understanding of program quality (78%). Similar
responses followed regarding the process of scoring the instrument. Staff reported that scoring the
instrument led to greater insight into the operation of their programs (78%), talking in greater depth
about program quality (89%), and development of a more concrete understanding of program
quality (78%).
Site directors and local evaluators reported that that the Youth PQA training did effectively prepare
them to collect useful anecdotal evidence; however, 56% stated that they wanted their line staff to
attend the training. Site directors reported the following when asked how line staff responded to the
self-assessment process: “Line staff who work directly with program activity offerings were not
involved beyond providing input”; “Next step is to provide additional PD to them”;
“Helpful/insightful...time consuming”; “Interesting, gave them a model to run program
effectively”; “It was helpful in that it showed areas of improvement but skewed since it was self-
evaluation”; “Misunderstood at first, but eventually understood and got a deeper understanding of
purpose”; “Time consuming but useful/had to work at condensing anecdotes.”
Site directors reported that next year they would change the process of collecting observational data
and scoring of the instrument in the following ways: “Collect any data vs. positive data”; “Use the
instrument to directly gather info — not collect anecdotes. It is too time consuming”; “More staff
and time”; “Not sure yet. We at least want this on a computer database for direct entry. We are
currently planning for next year and will incorporate these things into our map of the year”;
“Nothing — our process worked fine”; “Our goal is that site coordinators will lead this effort and
facilitate site-bound PD using the Youth PQA”; “Start earlier, get more collectors, train!”
Interviews With Site Administrators From the Pilot Study
Interviews were conducted with program directors and local evaluators at 5 of the 17 grantees (see
Appendix A for the interview transcripts/notes). Several themes emerged from the interviews, and
nearly all were positive. Some interviewees thought that the process took too much time.
Like the survey, the interviews include repeated references to good conversations about program
quality. Further, the interviews provide specific examples of substantive changes in program
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
operation that followed from reflection on Youth PQA data. The interviews also demonstrate that
local sites were improvising with the data collection/reflection process to fit their own
circumstances. Sites collected data and scored the instrument using numerous configurations of
staff. Self-assessment teams included staff from the site, graduate students from a local university,
program directors, and paraprofessionals. At other sites data were not collected by teams but by a
local evaluator or the program director alone.
Also, different methods were used to return Youth PQA data to site directors and line staff: some
just had a conversation about scores once the self-assessment process had been completed, while
others used the process of scoring to generate conversation. One of the local evaluators described
framing a few key issues for site directors to take action around. Another program director
completed the data collection and scoring and then routed the data through building principals to
discuss with line staff. At another site, a pilot Youth PQA was completed during a scoring session
with all of the evidence stuck to the wall on post-it notes.
Conclusion: The Self-Assessment Process Supports Organizational Learning
and Change
Although some site staff found the self-assessment process too time consuming, most of the
feedback from staff was very positive. Site directors were able to customize the self-assessment
process to fit their organizational constraints and reported that individual and organizational
learning about program quality did occur as a result of the process. Several sites reported that
concrete program change followed the self-assessment process.
The Youth PQA program-use vignette below was provided by a 21st Century program director on
the back of one of the program surveys. This feedback reiterates several themes from the Pilot Study
regarding use of the Youth PQA and the self-assessment method by program staff. First, staff value
the opportunity to watch and gather evidence about what happens in their program. Second, the
combination of detailed quality rubrics and evidence from the program defines pathways of action
— Youth PQA users are able to make the jump from data to action steps that lead to improvement
of quality.
The third and most important message from the vignette is that training and practice are critical to
helping users get more efficient and more reliable. We know from extensive experience in preschool
and out-of-school-time settings that staff can be become efficient producers of quality data and that
quality assessment does not have to be a time burden on programs. We also know that subjectivity
in the scoring process can be reduced to acceptable levels of rater agreement. Both of these issues
emerge — efficiency and subjectivity — in a program where a program director with little prior
assessment experience received minimal training (1 day) and then several months later trained staff
to complete the instrument. From one perspective the vignette is very positive. Even when limited
resources dictate minimal preparation for staff, a program with strong leadership but little prior
assessment experience can complete the self-assessment process and learn from it. However, with
more support (more training for staff or more local expertise to help), these critical start-up costs
can be reduced dramatically.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Youth PQA Program-Use Vignette:
Informative — we were able to use the comparison to other programs in the state as a
measuring stick, but the most useful piece was that it required us to observe the program
from outside of our daily roles. The anecdotal evidence helped us to focus on specific
areas of our program. We realized from our observations, and interviews of staff and
students, that we were not offering activity choices for what our students could
participate in. We also did not allow for students to choose “how” that performed a task
or activity. With that information, we have decided to offer “clubs” that each student can
join and have a choice in what activities they participate in. Just one example of how we
were able to use the information. Again, the most beneficial aspect of the YPQA was that
it required staff to self-evaluate the program and find proof or evidence of specific
program areas. Some times what you think you do is different than what happens and the
YPQA does not allow you to “fake” an evaluation.
Miserable — the YPQA was a significant time commitment. We also found that we had
differing standards between our three program sites. What one site felt was a 3, the other
was sure that it should be a 1 when we completed the program level booklet. I can only
imagine that the same would be true if the sites evaluated each other along with their
own. One site might give all 5’s while the other might give all 3’s. The other difficulty we
had was that we did not do our evaluation until February (several months after our
training). The staff (specifically me) was confused about much of the evaluation and how
we were supposed to gather evidence and score it. After doing once, I know that we could
have collected better information and scored the program more accurately.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Part V. Use of the Youth PQA and Youth PQA Data for
Program Improvement
Improvement Models Developed Based on Pilot Study Data
On April 8, 2005, a meeting of approximately 75 program coordinators, site directors, and local
evaluators from across the state engaged in a program improvement session using data from the
Pilot Study to develop system-level program improvement models. These logic models provide a
unique perspective on the thinking of program leadership across the state.
Staff worked in table groups to analyze Youth PQA presented in Table 1 and to develop logic
models that described the improvement priorities for their cross-site teams. Teams were instructed
to pick one priority area of quality and to develop a quality improvement logic model that described
a sequence of action and outcomes that that would apply to their own programs. Each team was
asked to create a three-column model, moving from left to right on the page: The middle column
(center) was the quality improvement area that the team selected and represented the actions of line
staff that could be assessed using the Youth PQA. The first column (left) described the action of
administrators or other resources that could be used to initiate and support the quality improvement
area(s) listed in the middle column. The third column (right) describes student-level outputs and/or
outcomes that would follow from implementation of the quality improvement items listed in the
second column.
Twelve program improvement models developed by the leadership staff and local evaluators of
many of Michigan 21st Century grantees are presented as Appendix B. Interestingly, 6 of the 12
teams chose to focus on organizational-level factors that would give youth greater influence over
program design and delivery. Two teams each focused on offering-level factors related to
opportunities for active engagement and student reflection. One team focused on organization-level
factors related to high expectations for youth. The final team focused on offering-level opportunities
for youth to mentor and act as group facilitators.
Conclusion: The Self-Assessment Process Supports System-Level Decision
Making About Practices and Policies That Raise Quality
As demonstrated in Appendix B, Youth PQA data from the Pilot Study were successfully
interpreted by leadership teams from 21st Century programs across the state of Michigan and
translated into generic quality improvement plans. Interestingly, the content of these plans converge
with the sample program improvement agenda described in the second section of this report. In
general, 21st Century leadership would like to see program change in the following areas: staff
practices related to youth planning, decision making and reflection, and organizational policies
related to how youth input is built into program operation.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Davis, F. B. (1964). Educational measurements and their interpretation. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
High/Scope Educational Research Foundation. (2003). High/Scope program quality assessment —
Preschool version (2nd ed.). Ypsilanti, MI: High/Scope Press.
High/Scope Educational Research Foundation. (2005). Youth program quality assessment. Ypsilanti, MI:
High/Scope Press.
Moss, P. A. (1994). Can there be validity without reliability? Educational Researcher, 23, 5–12.
Nunally, J. C. (1967). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Nunally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Peterson, R. A. (1994). A meta-analysis of Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. The Journal of Consumer
Research, 21(2), 381–391.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Appendix A. Interview Transcripts
Site 1
Interview With Local Evaluator (LE)
How have you made the Youth PQA fit your program circumstances?
• Did not want to take time away from the program staff so LE and three graduate students
collected the data and scored the Youth PQA.
• Basic feedback was given to the teachers involved in the elementary program.
• Feedback was given to the site coordinator of the middle school program.
Process — How did you collect the data and score the instrument, and who participated?
• LE and one student went to the elementary school site and two students went to the
middle school site and collected data over a 2-week period of time totaling 2 hours of
• They met during that time to review the anecdotes and decide what needed to be focused
on (what information was missing).
• Data/anecdotes were typed, cut, and pasted by one person and then reviewed by the other.
What worked well in this process?
• Having one person decide where the anecdote fit.
What did you like about it?
• Using outside observers did not take time away from the program staff.
Did data collected or related conversations lead to any changes?
What changed as a result?
• Elementary school site: received feedback about the positive interactions observed and
specific items that need improvement (e.g., 911 procedures).
• LE is not certain of changes that may have occurred from this feedback.
What changed as a result (e.g., people’s perceptions about things and/or specific actions that you undertook
as a result of the data)?
• Middle school site: A major problem was observed with inconsistent discipline and staff
supervision and reported to the site coordinator. The coordinator reported that the week
observed was not a usual week. He was out of town and was concerned that the Youth PQA
was not an appropriate tool because of the small slice of time used to complete the
People’s perceptions about things:
• BUT then the coordinator received an e-mail from another source (not privy to the
Youth PQA information) with concerns about the “chaos” observed with the
program. He then considered that the Youth PQA information was appropriate and
Specific actions that you undertook as a result of the data:
• They use a third party to provide the program and feel that the third party isn’t
hiring qualified individuals; grantee is considering retaining the third party but doing
the hiring themselves.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Anything else?
• The process was cumbersome — cutting and pasting with scissors and paste. An electronic
version would make things easier.
• They spent 2 hours observing and 14 hours organizing and scoring. They felt the 14 hours
was excessive time spent analyzing a 2-hour block of time.
• One of the students created a scaled down version of the Youth PQA in their
opinion appropriate for elementary school children using more “general categories”:
• Youth PQA appropriate for middle school and high school; suggest another version for
• Examples of items not appropriate for elementary: Assisting with governing of
group, conflict resolution
• Suggest adding an item specific to the “consistency of discipline from staff”; they observed
staff not being consistent with the rules.
Site 2
Interview With the Program Director (PD)
How have you made the Youth PQA fit your program circumstances?
• PD and a paraprofessional attended the Youth PQA training. They serve an area that is
larger than the state of Rhode Island, yet there is not much there — a grocery store and a
blinking light. Some items did not fit their circumstances (e.g., partnering with others in the
Process — How did you collect the data and score the instrument, and who participated?
• PD and the paraprofessional took anecdotes for several weeks (6–8 hours each).
• The paraprofessional then sent her data to PD who then typed up the anecdotes
(approximately 2 hours).
• PD, the paraprofessional, and the rest of the program staff members (totaling 8) sat down
for lunch and placed the anecdotes in the Youth PQA. Then everyone collaborated on the
scoring (approximately 4 hours).
• When PD and the paraprofessional started collecting the anecdotes, there was some
concern from the staff but he assured them the assessment was for personal growth and he
felt they were receptive to the process.
What worked well in this process?
• The group working together to score the items. PD felt that a lot of enlightenment took
place. There were some areas they had never thought about.
• It helped them focus on their goals and objectives.
What did you like about it?
• The enlightenment that the staff experienced. “Oh my gosh! I never thought about that!”
Their eyes were opened to some areas they had not thought of. (PD reported that many of
the program staff are paid minimum wage and have little education.)
Did data collected or related conversations lead to any changes?
• Conversations were positive.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
What changed as a result (e.g., people’s perceptions about things and/or specific actions that you undertook
as a result of the data)?
People’s perceptions about things:
• The enlightenment of the staff to the many different areas of a self-evaluation/assessment.
Specific actions that you undertook as a result of the data:
• Talked about some improvements but were waiting for the scores to focus on areas of
major improvement.
• Some changes/improvements were processed as they talked through the scoring of the
Youth PQA. For example: The need to create an incident report and procedures and their
staffing ratio (they were understaffed).
Anything else?
• PD would like an “outside observer” to use the Youth PQA in their program. (Maybe a
trained individual from another school district.)
• They would like to use the Youth PQA twice a year: at the midway point and end of the
• “Youth PQA simple and straightforward; don’t want an assessment to be too long or
redundant.” (PD)
• High/Scope was great with support through the process.
• They enjoyed the Youth PQA process. It was their goal to be the first in the state to
complete the assessment. There was a lot of personal growth for them.
Site 3
Interview With Local Evaluator (LE)
How have you made the Youth PQA fit your program circumstances?
• Grantee has two different programs; elementary and middle school operated by different
site coordinators. LE is a consultant and she observed, wrote up, and scored the Youth
PQAs for both sites. She then met with the site coordinators to discuss the low scores that
fell within the foundation items — items that drove other items.
Process — How did you collect the data and score the instrument, and who participated?
• LE spent about 3 ½ hours observing (total time for both sites) and then 2 hours to write
up and score (total time for both sites). She felt that the write-up went quickly — “Best
practices are described.” She is also very familiar with the PQA.
What worked well in this process?
• She selected a couple of leverage points to address with each site coordinator and framed
the follow-up discussions around those key points needing improvement.
What did you like about it?
• LE was able to quickly observe and complete the Youth PQA for each site. She then met
alone with the site coordinators (no administrators) so she could be completely forward and
Did data collected or related conversations lead to any changes?
• Good conversations came from the process. “Youth PQA captures what she (LE) has
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
learned in her gut over 35 years. The Youth PQA gives you the common language and
position to have the discussions for improvement. It forces the difficult discussions that
administrators usually ignore instead of address (e.g., adult sits in chair and watches youth —
no interaction occurs).” (LE)
What changed as a result (e.g., people’s perceptions about things and/or specific actions that you undertook
as a result of the data)?
• Summer staff will meet to discuss the Youth PQA prior to the start of the program. They
will focus on 2–3 troublesome areas, talk about strategies, and allow the staff to work
through it themselves — come up with their own solutions. A follow-up meeting will host a
discussion of what was tried and what worked.
People’s perceptions about things:
• The elementary school site coordinator’s perception changed right away. She caught on
immediately and made positive and major changes — a major impact on the program. LE
believes that the site coordinator will continue to make changes.
• The middle school site coordinator didn’t get it as quickly. He wanted to argue about the
problems observed. LE has encouraged him to listen and observe and see what interests the
youth and work from that point. She isn’t sure what changes will truly occur.
Specific actions that you undertook as a result of the data:
• Elementary school program:
• LE observed the elementary program and found “chaos” — youth were sitting and waiting
for adults. They had nothing to do, and they were loud and physical. That high level of
energy was taken into the program activities.
• She targeted (1) Engagement — there was nothing for them to do while they waited for
the adults to start the activities, and (2) Choices — what options did they have other than
choosing to annoy each other?
• The elementary school site coordinator purchased materials and created a system for snack
and activities. The choices completely turned around the situation. The youth are able to
make choices immediately and independently — without waiting for an adult to offer, or
start, the process. Because they were actively engaged in activities of their choice, they did
not have time to get loud and physical with each other.
• Middle school program:
• LE observed the middle school program and found youth waiting around for the adults to
ready themselves for an activity to begin (gym person took 15 minutes to gather equipment)
and that “kids creating knowledge and process isn’t happening — needs to happen” (LE).
• She targeted the following areas for discussion of improvements: (1) Choices — youth
were doing the same things everyday derived from a choice given at the start of the school
year program. “They should have choices everyday — content choices, process choices....”
(LE), and (2) Staff Interaction — the adult sits in the chair and kids work on the same thing
everyday without any interaction — among themselves or with the adult.
• LE had the middle school site coordinator walk through the observation time period with
her and then read what she wrote up. She felt it helped him see what needed to be changed
— but there has been no evidence of change yet.
Anything else?
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
• It would be helpful to videotape a class or activity and have the program staff then write
anecdotes, score, and discuss.
Site 4
Interview With Program Director (PD)
How have you made the Youth PQA fit your program circumstances?
• PD observed and scored the Youth PQA as an outside observer. She provided initial
findings from the use of the Youth PQA to the grant administrator, site coordinator, and
principals of the schools. The principals were to follow up with the program staff and/or
Process — How did you collect the data and score the instrument and who participated?
• PD and two middle school administrative staff members collected the data and then scored
together. Then, PD completed one on her own (high school), and they completed their own
(middle school).
• PD met with the site coordinator and shared general findings. The general findings
“matched with his impression of things — Youth PQA looking at the right things — or he
was!” (PD)
What worked well in this process?
• The administrators were able to observe the program and learn things they could not have
known from hearsay or assumptions. It “helped them with giving them a perspective on
program happenings.” (PD)
Did data collected or related conversations lead to any changes?
• “Youth PQA opens door for conversations for additional improvements.” (PD)
• Conversations with the administrators and site coordinators made them think about doing
things better and having the conversation with the program staff about improvements.
What changed as a result (e.g., people’s perceptions about things and/or specific actions that you undertook
as a result of the data)?
People’s perceptions about things:
• The grant administrator and site coordinator thought the Youth PQA was a good measure
to use for training of staff. It will help provide a sense of what type of staff they are looking
• Some Youth PQA items may be done “instinctively — or not at all — but they (program
staff) may not think about them, particularly the traditionally trained people.” (PD)
• Youth leadership opportunities — or lack thereof — popped up as the biggest issue. This
seems to be related to the more traditionally trained staff.
Specific actions that you undertook as a result of the data:
• The site coordinator and principals used the Youth PQA findings to discuss and review
whether the provider used was good for the youth at their schools. They believe that the
provider is not up to par.
• They plan to/want to use the Youth PQA to build staff development for the next year.
Anything else?
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
• The Youth PQA “form” was easy to use — but it was time consuming to observe and
score — especially when a follow-up interview was necessary.
•The Organization piece was hard to use. Some questions weren’t relevant to the afterschool
program — their environment. The questions just didn’t relate to their setting — perhaps a
different set of questions would be appropriate for afterschool settings?
Site 5
Interview With the Program Director (PD)
How have you made the Youth PQA fit your program circumstances?
• They have embraced their local evaluator and asked them to also embrace and use the
Youth PQA. Together they philosophically believe the Youth PQA is getting at what they
need to/want to do and report that the changes are what the 21st Century Programs are
looking to create in youth’s lives.
• As a way of presenting the Youth PQA as a positive, low-key way to evaluate their
programs and work toward improvement, PD and four staff members embarked upon a
“mock Youth PQA.” In January the group met and looked through the Youth PQA and
then went back to their sites and collected a couple dozen anecdotes during the month. At
the end of the month, they met for a “retreat.” The collected anecdotes were posted into
items, and then the group collectively scored the mock Youth PQA. Discussions included
why the anecdotes fit and how the scoring was processed. This prompted many in-depth
conversations and many insights were encouraging. The approach of the Youth PQA gave
them a way to talk to program staff about thinking and planning programs — all details of
the planning process.
Process — How did you collect the data and score the instrument, and who participated?
• The site staff collected the data, and one staff person placed and scored the anecdotes
within the Youth PQA.
• The “mock Youth PQA” process was a terrific learning experience and truly set the stage
for staff acceptance of it as a tool for evaluation and improvement.
What worked well in this process?
• At the site, it was easiest to have one person assign and score the anecdotes because it is a
problem to get staff together to go over it all.
• The “mock Youth PQA” was a collective effort.
Did data collected or related conversations lead to any changes?
• The local evaluator put together a presentation, and there were many constructive
conversations between the local evaluator and staff with regards to strengths and
weaknesses; all geared toward improvement.
• PD believes that the Youth PQA “is a useful tool for really understanding their program
quality and how to have conversations to improve it.”
What changed as a result (e.g., people’s perceptions about things and/or specific actions that you undertook
as a result of the data)?
• Plan to encourage staff to use the Youth PQA as an orientation for new program staff.
• They will “keep it (Youth PQA) in front of us to continue conversations around quality”
(PD) and use for the purpose of planning.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Specific actions that you undertook as a result of the data:
• Plan to incorporate the Youth PQA with the site visits for communication and feedback
for local improvement efforts.
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Appendix B. Program Improvement Models
Make schedules
more flexible
Student set up
Students design
logo and market
Opportunities for
youth to influence
setting and activities
Survey students
and conduct focus
Develop youth
advisory councils
Ownership and
Increased program
attendance and
Decrease behavior
Team 1 — (Item V.C) Youth have influence on setting
and activities in the organization
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
PD for staff on
raising youth
participation in
decision making
Evaluate process
quality at sites
Increased sense of
Increased critical
Educate on a
systems model
Provide students
with more choice
Students will be
more engaged
Increase influence
in decision
Team 2 — (Item V.C) Youth have influence on setting
and activities in the organization
Provide PD on
Survey student
Increased follow
through or class
Increased recruitment
by students
Develop a youth
advisory council
Use input in
Conduct meetings
with youth
advisory council
Team 3 — (Item V.C) Youth have influence on setting
and activities in the organization
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Establish open
for line staff
Provide PD for
line staff based on
their own goals
Youth ownership of
Develop leadership
Make staff aware
of budget
Staff engage
youth in
brainstorm to
identify ideas
Youth have multiple
opportunities for
projects and activities
student surveys
and focus groups
Team 5 — (Item V.C) Youth have influence on setting
and activities in the organization
Staff do mapping
with youth —
“How do we get
there?” Improved academic
achievement and
Create logic
model with staff
— “they
Use Youth PQA
level 5 indicators
Increased work
Plan practical
ways to get
Staff share
Involve students
in lesson planning
Team 4 — (Item V.C) Youth have influence on setting
and activities in the organization
students for 3
activities that they
would like
Publish promote
student work and
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Strategic planning
participation and
meetings Academic
Leadership skills
Organize workshops
to develop stronger
relations between
admin. & parents,
student & staff
Respect for self,
others, places, and
education, career
days, and literacy
Team 7 — (Item VI.G) Organization promotes high
expectations for youth
workshops on
stop the violence
and parent and
child development
Develop survey
of student
Collect and
interpret data
Provide opportunities
for youth to make
choices based on
Youth engaged as
Compile list of
offerings and
create curriculum
to match choices
in survey
Conduct survey
Youth empowerment
and ownership of the
Purchase supplies
and implement
Team 6 — (Item V.C) Youth have influence on setting
and activities in the organization
Interact with
Monitor student
engagement and
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Develop curriculum
with assistance of
advisory board (site
supervisor, project
manager, teachers,
community members,
ISd, special ed.
department, student
reps, evaluators, comp.
ed. grants) Improve attendance
Students develop
leadership skills
PD for staff
(learning different
of delivery)
Improved attitudes
toward learning
Team 9 — (Item II.H) Activities support active
Students facilitate
Provide training
and TA
Allocate resources
Self-esteem and self-
Increased skill
Assessment and
Increased attendance
and participation
Offer youth initial
Team 8 — (Item II.H) Activities support active
Allow for group
Create tangible
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
Design program
schedule that allows
for reflection time
Provide staff with
tools, strategies,
facilitation skills for
modeling/teaching Reinforce & enrich
curriculum & build
en understandin
Invite/encourage youth
to explore and offer
ideas about reflection
Youth have
opportunities to
Students more en
Increased decision
making and team
Team 11 — (Item IV.R) Youth have opportunities to
Builds/affirms AHA
moments resulting in joy
& youth constructing
own knowled
Provide training
in shared
and higher level
Youth have input and
ownership in the
implementation of
program activities
MI. Dept. of
etc. —
connections to
resources for sites
Reflective journal
completed by
students at end of
each session/day
Team 10 — (Item IV.R) Youth have opportunities to
Students complete
a reflection of
change over time
that is facilitated
by the
teacher/leader at
the end of each
ram session
© 2005 High/Scope Educational Research Foundation ▪
resources for
Contact MDE to
provide resources
Increase in number of
students making
decisions on their own
Increased anecdotal
and observation of
students showing
leadership in real-life
Identify site leaders who
most influence w/others
as role models
Increase in scores on
Youth PQA leadership
Write anecdotes and do
Team 12 — (Item II.H) Youth have opportunities to act as group
facilitators and mentors
Present scenarios to
children of leadership
Provide opportunity for
classroom meetings,
workshops, to implement
leadership opportunities
Link with national
Include students in
decision making
More student initiative
to suggest
roved attendance