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Optimization of Teaching-Learning Process in E-Learning Software Using Student Model for Appropriate Selection of Teaching Strategy

  • Director, IIIT Kottayam, Kerala, India Institute of National Importance


After the development of the Teaching model and optimizing it for minimizing the learning efforts and for enhancing the apprehension level of the students, it is found that it can be further extended for better teaching quality. If the e-learning tool has the capacity to identify the category of the student as well as the capability to automatically adjust the learning curve according to the level of and category of the student then the process of teaching-learning can be greatly enhanced and optimized. This paper presents the generalized technique of developing the student model and automatic selection of teaching mode for a particular course for optimizing the teaching-learning process. The technique developed here has been applied to the CBT software for C language. It is found that trough this innovative technique the apprehension level of students can be substantially enhanced, the time efficiency has dramatically increased and quick delivery of only essential and required knowledge is possible.
... To execute the assembly program the .bin file is required which can be generate through AsmMiet2003 assembler [1][2][3][4]. ...
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The Microprocessor is one of the core & difficult subjects of Electronics & Computer discipline. Apart from blackboard teaching this subject required hands on experience. To develop e-learning software for teaching this subject is real challenge. The blackboard teaching can be replaced by simulated environment. But the students are always interested to watch the effect of every line of the assembly program on flags, registers, program counter, stack pointer etc. This can be achieved with the help of Assembler and Simulator. This paper describes this innovative e-learning product development technique.
... The multimedia is very useful to increase the human memory retention process i.e. storing the knowledge in long-term memory [29][30]. Content Development (CD): To increase the apprehension level of the student, the teaching-learning optimization techniques have been used [31][32][33]. This is the iterative process and applied over 300 students for getting optimized results. ...
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The Instructional design theory has a long history. In the last 50 years hundreds of theories have been introduced. The E-learning is changing the face with every new technological development like peer-to-peer networking, wireless technologies, simulation technology, multimedia etc. There is no comparison between E-learning in 1990 and in 2005. The old instructional design theories have not designed for this new face of E-learning. Thus there is a need of new Instructional Design Model for E-learning content development. Numbers of e-learning content development methodologies are available but they are not strictly based on Software Engineering principles and thus results in schedule slippage, budget overrun etc. To solve this burning problem, in this paper, a new E-learning content development approach is suggested, which is based on software engineering design principles.
... This is the iterative process and applied over 300 students for getting optimized results. For automatic and flexible content management as well as for selecting the better teaching strategy, the student model technique has been used [14]. The human learning process is equal to learning plus memory retention. ...
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The handheld devices have crossed the 1 billion mark in 2005. These devices have many advantages like ubiquity, convenience, instant connectivity, personalization, coverage, better battery life, localization of product and services. Thus the next generation E-learning will be M-learning (i.e. Mobile learning). In last decade, there is an exponential grown of e-learning tools and technologies. There is an ample choice for e-learning software development tools and technologies for desktop computers. But these tools cannot be used for developing e-learning softwares for mobile devices because of constraints of the device. Simulation of a teacher of programming languages with the help of multimedia and software simulations is a difficult job. In case of m-learning this task becomes more difficult. Thus entire new approach is necessary for developing the m-learning softwares for mobile devices. In this paper, the new techniques have been discussed to do this job effectively and efficiently. All the developed applications have been tested with the help of series 60 Symbian Operating System based Nokia 6630 device.
The Reusable Learning Objects (RLO) are small, self-contained modules of learning that tackle a single concept, information, procedure or fact that can be delivered independently. To develop independent RLO for linear teaching method is a straightforward job. But the process becomes tedious for non-linear Funnel approach teaching because of two characteristics of RLO namely reusability and independent nature. The interactive multimedia is a better choice for developing e-learning software. To use these technologies for effective e-learning solutions, the developer should have in-depth knowledge of e-pedagogy, which makes the process more complicated. To develop web-based e-learning solutions the Learning Management System (LMS) is essential. The SCORM compatible RLOs are needed for LMS, which adds further overheads. The magnitude of complexity increases if these RLOs are used to simulate the teacher of programming languages. This paper describes a special technique to do this job.
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