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Basil is an aromatic plant that encompasses scores of species of herb and shrub species belonging to the genus Ocimum L. (Lamiaceae). The name basil comes from the Greek basileus or "king." Common basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) leaves have had culinary importance for centuries. Several Ocimum species, collectively known as Tulsi in India and Nepal, are used in Ayurvedic and other traditional medicine systems. Purported uses for Tulsi and other Ocimum species include relief of stress and treatment of respiratory, gastrointestinal, and kidney ailments, as well as blood disorders and skin and eye diseases, to name a few. The present report is intended to provide a brief summary based on human studies from the scientific literature of the potential health benefits of basil relating to alleviating metabolic disorders, cognitive enhancement, strengthening the immune system, and oral and skin health.
Basil: A Brief Summary of Potential Health
Keith W. Singletary, PhD
Basil is an aromatic plant that encompasses scores of
genus Ocimum L. (Lamiaceae). The name basil comes
from the Greek basileus or ‘‘king.’’ Common basil (Ocimum
basilicum L.) leaves have had culinary importance for cen-
turies. Several Ocimum species, collectively known as Tulsi
in India and Nepal, are used in Ayurvedic and other tradi-
tional medicine systems. Purported uses for Tulsi and other
Ocimum species include relief of stress and treatment of
respiratory, gastrointestinal, and kidney ailments, as well as
blood disorders and skin and eye diseases, to name a few.
The present report is intended to provide a brief summary
based on human studies from the scientific literature of
the potential health benefits of basil relating to alleviating
metabolic disorders, cognitive enhancement, strengthen-
ing the immune system, and oral and skin health. Nutr
Today. 2018;53(2):92Y97
There are numerous herbs and shrubs included in
the term basil, which collectively belong to the
genus Ocimum L. (Lamiaceae). The name basil
comes from the Greek basileus or ‘‘king.’’ Common basil
(Ocimum basilicum L.) leaves have had culinary im-
portance for centuries. More than 20 cultivars have been
identified with designations that include Napoletano,
Reunion, Genovese, sweet, oriental, Mexican, anise, and
purple basils, to name a few. This herb is cultivated widely
in Asia, Africa, South America, and the Mediterranean. In
foods, dried and fresh basil leaves season tomato dishes,
vegetables, fish, meat, soups, salads, and pizza. The es-
sential oils and aromatic extracts from Ocimum varieties
are also important components of dental products, phar-
maceuticals, cosmetics, and flavoring agents.
Basil plants can differ substantially in genotype and
chemical profiles, although they may present similar
morphologies. Generally, basil essential oils can be
grouped into several chemotypes, each characterized by
their most prevalent phytochemicals. Such a group clas-
sification is monoterpenoids (eg, linalool, camphor),
phenylpropanoids (eg, eugenol, methyleugenol, estragole,
and methyl cinnamates), and sesquiterpenoids (eg, A-
caryophyllene, >-bergamotene).
Phenolic profiles also
have been reported.
The variation in essential oil com-
position depends on region and conditions of cultiva-
species and cultivar,
season of growth,
age or position of leaves selected,
harvesting pro-
light exposure,
and methods of
Information about typical human intakes and bioavail-
ability of basil is limited. A Food Frequency Question-
naire completed by Norwegian adults determined intake
of fresh and dried basil to be approximately 2.2 g/mo.
To determine metabolites from basil, volunteers consumed
5 mL of a brewed basil beverage prepared from 500 g
Estragole, trans-anethole, and para-anisaldehyde
levels were then determined in plasma and urine after
consumption. The estragole concentrationinplasmasam-
ples at 8 hours following consumption was 324.7 Kg/mL or
60% of the initial amounts absorbed. Likewise, urine con-
centration of estragole at 9 hours was 59% of the initial dose
An Ocimum plant of note is holy basil, composed of
Ocimum tenuiflorum (previously Ocimum sanctum)and
sometimes Ocimum gratissimum species, also known as
Tulsi in India and Nepal, where it is used in Ayurvedic and
other traditional medicine systems. In South America, the
term altavaca refers to Ocimum used in traditional
medicines. Purported health benefits for Tulsi and other
Ocimum species include relief of stress and treatment of
respiratory, gastrointestinal, and kidney ailments, as well
as blood disorders and skin and eye diseases, to name a
The present report is intended to provide a brief
Spices Series
92 Nutrition Today
Volume 53, Number 2, March/April 2018
Keith W. Singletary, PhD, is professor emeritus of nutrition in the De-
partment of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois.
From 2001 to 2004, he was the director of the Functional Foods for Health
Program, an interdisciplinary program between the Chicago and Urbana-
Champaign campuses of the University of Illinois. Dr Singletary received
bachelor and master’s degrees in microbiology from Michigan State Uni-
versity and his doctor of philosophy degree in nutritional sciences from the
University of Illinois. Dr Singletary’s primary research interests are in molec-
ular carcinogenesis and cancer chemoprevention, specifically identifying and
determining the mechanism of action of phytochemicals in fruits, vegeta-
bles, and spices as cancer-protective agents. He has been recognized with
the Senior Faculty Award for Excellence in Research by the College of
Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of
Illinois. Dr Singletary currently resides in Florida.
Funding for the preparation of this article was provided by McCormick
and Co.
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Correspondence: Keith W. Singletary, PhD (
Copyright *2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1097/NT.0000000000000267
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
summary of the potential health benefits of basil as iden-
tified from published scientific investigations involving
humans and to identify areas for additional research.
A search of the PubMed database identified more than 100
relevant reports published prior to 2017. Search terms in-
cluded Ocimum, basil, altavaca, and Tulsi. Full reports of
English-language publications and English-language ab-
stracts of foreign-language articles from peer-reviewed
journals were the primary sources of information. Al-
though the quality of human studies varied consider-
ably, all published human investigations identified were
included in this discussion, so that the totality and diversity
of information can be evaluated, and issues for future re-
search can be identified.
Human Studies
As a component of Ayurvedic medicine for several millenia,
Tulsi was extensively studied in humans, especially in India.
A recent comprehensive review
of human trials systemat-
ically evaluated the efficacy of Tulsi in the treatment of
metabolic disorders, in modulation of the immune system,
and in improving neurocognition. For this published review,
the term Tulsi included both the O tenuiflorum (Osanctum)
and O gratissimum species. The current, brief summary
highlights select findings on topics covered by this com-
prehensive review and also adds newer information not
included for these Tulsi topics. In addition, biological actions
in humans of other Ocimum species are presented in the
current summary.
Metabolic Disorders
Seventeen Tulsi trials, conducted between 1964 and 2016,
were selected for the referenced, critical review publica-
The study populations numbered between 3 and
100. The form of Tulsi leaves administered varied con-
siderably (whole plant, powdered leaves, juice, and water
and ethanol extracts), as did the dose (300 mg/d to 6 g/d)
and frequency. Taken together, these studies observed
significant decreases in fasting and postprandial blood
glucose, improved lipid profiles, and lower blood pres-
sure in diabetic and obese participants. Those trials with
longer duration of intervention (12Y13 weeks) tended to
report more substantial beneficial changes. Where mea-
sured, hemoglobin A1C (HbA
) and body mass index
(BMI) of obese participants were reduced. Only 1 ran-
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was among
the studies evaluated, and this trial observed an improve-
ment in lipid profiles for 6 of 22 participants. No adverse
events were reported in any trial.
In a separate study of a different Ocimum species, seeds of
Ocimum canum (or OamericanumL.), also known as
hairy basil, were given to nonYinsulin-dependent (n = 14)
and insulin-dependent (n = 2) Thai patients with dia-
Thirty grams of dried seeds was consumed after
meals in divided doses for 1 month. Compared with
baseline values, the blood glucose concentration curves
determined from the oral glucose tolerance test were
significantly suppressed after 1 month of treatment. These
seeds provided approximately 24 g/d dietary fiber, which
the authors suggested contributed to the lowering of
postprandial glucose levels and long-term improvement
in glucose tolerance in both the nonYinsulin-dependent
and insulin-dependent patients with diabetes.
In another trial
with Ocanum, effects on body compo-
sition and metabolic parameters in obese and overweight
subjects were examined. Obese patients (n = 5) were
instructed to decrease total energy intake to achieve 20%,
30%, and 50% of total caloric intake as protein, fat, and
carbohydrate, respectively. After 4 weeks, individuals were
provided basil seed extract (4 g/d swollen in water) for
12 weeks. Compared with baseline values, there were
significant but small decreases of 2.3% and 2.4% for weight
and BMI, respectively. No changes in serum lipid and
blood glucose levels and in body fat were observed. No
adverse effects were detected, and hematologic, renal,
and electrolyte parameters were normal.
The high-fiber seeds of O basilicum were also investi-
gated for effects on anthropometric measures in patients
with nonalcoholic fatty liver.
For this randomized,
parallel, single-blind trial, patients (n = 18) consumed
10 g/d of seeds for 12 weeks. Compared with controls,
no significant effect of seed consumption was seen for BMI,
percent body fat, and lean body mass. The authors attrib-
uted this lack of effect to the lower dose of seeds given to
the subjects.
Four clinical trials evaluating the effect of Tulsi on
neurocognition were selected for the published sys-
tematic review.
double-blind, placebo-controlled designs. The form of
Tulsi provided included ethanolic extracts, whole plant,
or leaves, and doses varied from 300 mg/d to 6 g/d. All
trials were similar in outcomes, observing some degree
of positive changes, with benefits that included reduced
as enhanced working memory and cognitive attention.
No adverse events were reported.
A separate inhalation trial examined the impacts of basil (O
basilicum) or peppermint essential oils on mental work.
Adult volunteers were evaluated, in a single experimental
run, for changes in sensory perception and mental work
following use of inhalers loaded with the essential oils.
For basil, there was a positive association between inha-
lation of the essential oil and mental work, which was
accompanied by a significant increase in fingertip skin
Volume 53, Number 2, March/April 2018 Nutrition Today
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
temperature and an increase in magnitude of Awaves of
the brain. The authors suggested that these responses
for basil demonstrated this fragrance’s capacity to trigger
neurophysiologic stimuli and elevate the alert state, find-
ings consistent with those reported by others.
Immunomodulation and Inflammation
For this topic, 5 clinical trials were selected for the critical
Doses of ethanolic or aqueous extracts of Tulsi
leaves varied from 300 mg/d to 10 g/d, and durations of
intervention were shorter (1Y4 weeks). Beneficial immune
responses included increased natural killer and T-helper
cells in healthy adults and improved immune response to
viral infections. Patients with asthma reported enhanced
vital capacity and relief from asthmatic symptoms. Only 1
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was
among the 5 trials evaluated, and it found higher circu-
lating levels of select cytokines and interferons among the
22 subjects. The studies reported no adverse events.
Oral Health and Healing
Seven human studies evaluated basil for its effects on
oral cavity health in patients in India and Brazil. For 1
the teeth and gums of 50 adult patients
weretreatedwithanextractofO basilicum (250 mg/d)
for 3 weeks. Before and after treatment, plaque and soft
matter in the gingival area were quantitated (referred to
as a plaque index), as were changes in purulent dis-
charges and gingival bleeding and reports of adverse
effects. A significant 12% reduction in the plaque index
was reported after 3 weeks, compared with the initial
scores. The authors also observed a significant treatment-
associated reduction in the populations of several oral
bacteria, and in 80% of the patients, there was a substantial
improvement in gingival bleeding and purulent discharge.
No adverse effects were noted.
In India, a randomized, crossover, Latin squareYdesigned
study evaluated schoolchildren (n = 45) for the efficacy
of 0.2% chlorhexidine, Listerine, and 4% Tulsi extract
mouth rinses in reducing salivary Streptococcus mutans
All 3 rinses significantly decreased salivary S mutans
levels, with mean reductions for chlorhexidine, Listerine,
and Tulsi of 53%, 45%, and 43%, respectively, compared
with baseline values. The only adverse effect of the Tulsi
rinse was a bitter taste, which the authors attributed to the
higher 4% concentration chosen. Two other studies also
evaluated the oral health benefits of holy basil (Osanctum).
A triple-blind, randomized, parallel-design, controlled trial
(30-day duration) among medical student volunteers ex-
amined the strength of a 4% ethanolic extract of Tulsi
(prepared from dried, powdered leaves), 0.12% chlor-
hexidine, and saline (n = 36/group) in decreasing plaque
and gingival inflammation.
Both holy basil and chlor-
hexidine treatments significantly decreased supragingival
plaque and gingivitis, compared with saline controls, and
no significant difference in efficacy was observed between
the 2 treatment groups. Similarly, in a single-blind, ran-
domized, parallel-design study,
a 4-day treatment with a
water extract of holy basil was found to significantly sup-
press plaque regrowth among 30 adult volunteers, com-
pared with water controls, and showed similar clinical
efficacy to 0.2% chlorhexidine.
Using O gratissimum samples, a randomized, parallel,
double-blind trial
evaluated the effectiveness of a mouth
rinse containing an extract of this basil species in inhibiting
de novo development of dental plaque and gingival in-
flammation, compared with a rinse containing 0.12% chlor-
hexidine digluconate (CLX). Following tooth polishing to
remove existing plaque, subjects (n = 10/group) brushed
teeth and rinsed with one of the formulations (3 times per
day) for 3 months. Compared with controls (no antiseptic
agents) at 90 days, the plaque index for basil and CLX rinses
significantly decreased by 43% and 64%, respectively. The
gingival bleeding index also significantly decreased by 63%
and 77% for the basil and CLX groups, respectively, com-
pared with controls. Taken together, these results indicate
similar efficacy of basil and CLX groups, and no adverse
effects were recorded for those using the basil rinse. In a later
clinical study by the same research group,
a crossover,
double-blind trial design was used to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of mouth rinses of this basil and CLX on plaque
regrowth in the absence of tooth brushing. Dental plaque
remnants were removed from subjects (n = 15), who then
rinsed twice daily with control, basil (10% vol/vol essential
oil) and CLX (0.12%) formulations for 3 days, while
abstaining from mechanical cleaning of teeth. Compared
with controls, both basil and CLX rinses significantly
inhibited de novo plaque growth, but the efficacy of the
CLX rinse was significantly better than that of the basil rinse.
For a clinical trial in India,
individuals with jaw (man-
dibular) fractures (n = 9) consumed 2.5 g of an alcoholic
extract of Tulsi (O sanctum) leaves (4 times per day)
during the period of jaw immobilization and healing
(4Y6 weeks). Compared with placebo controls (starch
powder, n = 9), subjects given Tulsi extract showed a
significant 32% reduction in time of immobilization.
Comparable evidence of complete clinical healing among
the 2 groups was demonstrated radiologically and by
identical bite force tensile strength results. No adverse
effects were reported.
Skin Health
of male volunteers (n = 11) was
conducted evaluating a facial skin cream formulation
containing 3% concentrated ethanol extract of basil leaves
and flowers, compared with the base formulation without
basil. Subjects applied the 2 creams at night on separate
cheeks for 12 weeks. Biophysical measurements of skin
94 Nutrition Today
Volume 53, Number 2, March/April 2018
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
smoothness, moisture, and wrinkle prevalence were de-
termined. Compared with the base cream, the formulation
with basil significantly enhanced moisture content, de-
creased roughness, and suppressed wrinkling. No harm-
ful effects were noted. Dermatology outpatients in India
were randomly assigned to control (n = 26) and treatment
(n = 25) groups in a single-blind controlled study.
control group was administered a standard treatment for
acne consisting of oral tetracycline (500 mg, 2 times per
day) and a facial sulfur lotion (2 times per day), and the
treatment group members were instructed to manually
crush fresh Obasilicumleaves, smear the resulting juice
night until washing with mild soap the next morning. Both
groups continued these protocols for 8 weeks. The re-
sponses of the acne lesions (comedones, papules, pus-
tules, and cysts) to treatment indicated that the basil
treatment was just as effective as the standard acne drug. A
randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluated a
series of 16 O gratissimumYcontaining formulations (n =
7/formulation) on management of acnes vulgaris in uni-
versity students in Nigeria.
Test samples were pre-
pared from 1 of 4 doses of O gratissimum essential oil
along with 1 of 4 base blends and applied to the face
topically (2 times per day) for 4 weeks. Compared with
the lesion counts prior to the study, at 4 weeks the essential
oil preparations, especially at the higher doses, were sig-
nificantly more efficacious than a reference drug product
(10% benzoyl peroxide lotion) in reducing the number
of papules and pustules. Adverse effects were reported
to be minimal, with some higher doses producing skin
As reported in numerous human trials, adverse effects of
Tulsi appear to be minimal. This, along with its long his-
tory of use in Ayurvedic medicine, suggests that it has no
oral toxicity at the doses used.
Toxicological experiments
in animals of the essential oil and of alcoholic extracts
demonstrated no toxic effects of oral administration up to
the highest doses tested.
Some reports led to a con-
cern that excessive consumption of cultivars with high
contents of estragole could be problematic,
but ad-
verse effects are unlikely at typical levels of human con-
There are reports suggesting dietary Tulsi can
affect the reproductive behavior of male rats and rab-
although the relevance of the doses examined to
human intakes is not known.
Portions of the basil plant, especially the leaves, and its
extracts demonstrated health benefits in a variety of clinical
settings (Table). All the species tested, O tenuiflorum/O
sanctum,O basilicum, and Ocanum, showed some level
of benefit, with the magnitude of change depending on the
end point examined and the experimental methods. The
benefits identified include improving glucose homeostasis
and lipid profiles for patients with diabetes, strengthening
TABLE Reports Some of the Purported Benefits of Ocimum Species From Human Studies
Topic Ocimum Dose
Potential Benefits Adverse Events Ref.
Metabolic disorders 300 mg/d to 6 g/d
(whole plant, leaves,
seeds, extracts)
Improvement in blood
glucose regulation and
lipid profiles
Memory and cognition 300 mg/d to 6 g/d
(whole plant, leaves,
extracts, essential oil)
Reduced stress
response, anxiety,
depression; improved
mental performance
Immunity and
inflammation 300 mg/d to 10 g/d
(extracts of leaves) Improved immune
responses and relief
from asthmatic
Oral health and healing 250 mg/d, various oral
formulations (essential
oil, extracts of plant)
Decreased plaque
deposition, less gingival
inflammation and
bleeding, enhanced
healing jaw fractures
Skin health 3% cream, various skin
formulations (leaves,
essential oil)
Decreased wrinkling,
improved acne
Duration of dosing varied from 1 to 13 weeks depending on clinical trial.
Volume 53, Number 2, March/April 2018 Nutrition Today
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
of the immune system, alleviating stress and anxiety, and
enhancing memory. Oral and skin health and healing were
reported. Comparisons of beneficial effects among Ocimum
species exhibiting different chemotypes are difficult to make
at this point. The number of clinical trials evaluating specific
health issues vary greatly among species. Only 2 studies
were reported for Ocanumin which inconsistent responses
of postprandial glucose levels to basil administration were
noted. Similarly, only 4 reports indicated benefits for O
basilicum in mental performance, treatment of acne, and
tooth health, with no effect seen for BMI and percent body
fat. In contrast, at least 34 clinical trials have been conducted
for Tulsi (Osanctum,O tenuiflorum,Ogratissimum)in
which benefits were observed toward metabolic disorders,
mental and immune health, gingival inflammation and
tooth decay, and skin health. Valid comparisons of health
benefits among these species await more reports of trials
using species other than those in Tulsi.
Despite no adverse events being detected at the doses
and durations of basil evaluated in these human in-
vestigations, any adverse effects from long-term intake
of basil and its extracts need to be carefully documented.
Although there is encouragement to include basil in the
diet to improve management of diabetes and the meta-
bolic syndrome,
several issues need to be more thor-
oughly addressed when assessing all these purported
health benefits. As Jamshidi and Cohen
have pointed
out, only a minority of the published studies can be
considered high-quality, and approximately only 13%
of the trials incorporated a double-blind approach. The
methodological concerns, as well as the widespread lack
of details about the basil cultivars, dosage form, and
chemical composition of the test samples, suggest that
there are still insufficient data to support specific recom-
mendations for use. Additional studies are needed with
larger subject populations, longer periods of intervention,
and better characterization of the effective forms and the
active dietary doses of basil. Studies should report chem-
ical composition of samples, and, in any trials using basil
for adjunct or complementary treatments, data on in-
teractions with commonly prescribed drugs should be
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Volume 53, Number 2, March/April 2018 Nutrition Today
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
... The essential oils extracted from sweet basil are used in dental and oral hygiene products. There are many bioactive components present in essential oil of sweet basil which shows anti-plaque effect as well as anti-caries effect on teeth 22 . ...
... The bioactive compounds present in essential oil acts against dental plaque forming organisms. When essential oil extract of O. basilicum was administered to the patients suffering from dental plaque and purulent gingival diseases in dose of 250mg/ day for 3 weeks it showed reduction of dental plaque and gingival diseases 22 . Essential oil extract of sweet basil acts against S. mutans when tested using disc diffusion test and MIC in comparison with norfloxacin and ketoconazole. ...
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Dental plaque, a type of biofilm formed on the tooth surface, is one of the most common dental problems suffered by many individuals all over the world. Various mechanical methods are used to remove plaque and certain chemical agents are used for prevention from dental plaque formation. Though these agents have fast action, long term use of synthetic agents may cause certain side effects. People around the world have been using medicinal plants for oral health care from hundreds of years. Some of such plants that are used in the prevention of dental plaques are Ocimum basilicum, Azadirachta indica, Syzygium aromaticum, Acacia nilotica and Achyranthes aspera. The essential oils and extracts of these plants contain many bioactive compounds like linalool, estragole, methyl-cinnamate, eugenol, nerol, Betulin, 3,12-oleandione, 1-Hexadecanol, Phytol, Cinnamaldehyde, β-caryophyllene, nimbin, azadirachtin, catechin and quercetin which act against dental plaque forming organisms. When these essential oils and extracts are tested in vitro as well as on some patients it showed major activities against major plaque forming organisms equivalent to the chemical agents used for prevention from plaque. Hence, in long term use the products containing bioactive compounds of Ocimum basilicum, Azadirachta indica, Syzygium aromaticum, Acacia nilotica and Achyranthes aspera may prove more effective as well as safe. This review deals with the mechanism of plaque formation, its treatment and role of Ocimum basilicum, Azadirachta indica, Syzygium aromaticum, Acacia nilotica and Achyranthes aspera and their major compounds in the prevention of plaque formation.
... One of these microbes is endophytic microorganism including (bacteria, fungi and Streptomyces). Ocimum species are used as medical treatment for stress, gastrointestinal, respiratory and kidney disorder, as well as blood, skin and eye diseases (Singletary, 2018). Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) an annual herb, all the plant parts leaves, seeds and roots are edible. ...
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A total of 89 endophytic bacterial cultures were isolated by two techniques from seven medicinal plants; Coriandrum sativum, Anethum graveolens, Pelargonium graveolens, Ocimum basilicum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Saliva officinalis and Origanum majorana. To address the biological activity of these isolates as endophytic bacteria, preliminary screening showed 44, 36, 28, 22, 82 isolates out of total one (89 isolates) gave positive results for cellulase, pectinase, amylase activities, indole acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) production, respectively. In the secondary screening twenty endophytic bacterial isolates were selected and examined for their antagonistic effect against four phytopathogenic fungi, antioxidants activity, total phenols, indole acetic acid, ammonia (NH3), siderophores production and nitrogenase activity. According to the last screening; six isolates were chosen because of their multi-plant growth promoting (PGP) traits. They recorded a wide range of total flavonoids concentration in endophytic bacterial supernatant. The values of total flavonoids varied from 1.43 to 31.14 ppm. While the alkaloids production was detected by all tested isolates except isolate S14. Isolate B3 gave the maximum alkaloids concentration in its supernatant being 0.34 ppm. Four isolates are able to solubilize phosphate with low variations between them in soluble phosphate that ranged from 3.85 ppm by isolate C8 to 5.65 ppm by isolate RO14. All isolates showed negative result for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production. The colonization of the tested isolates (6 isolates) inside the tissue of two medicinal plant was detected using; 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) stain and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Based on some morphological and biochemical characteristics of the most efficient isolates; RO10, RO14, S14, D6, C8 and B3 were assigned to three genera (Enterobacter sp., Aeromonas sp. and Bacillus sp.). Hypersensitivity test proved that all the six endophytic bacterial isolates are nonpathogenic bacteria. Where, these isolates gave negative symptoms of hypersensitivity reaction (HR) test on the pepper plants (Capsicum annuum) used as indicator plant. Six bacterial isolates with multiple plant beneficial traits were chosen to evaluate their abilities to induce systemic resistance of basil plant grown in infested soil to Fusarium oxysporium B27. The bacterial treatments gave 100% survival rate against 40% for control treatment. Generally, all the bacterial treatments recorded high capacity of vegetative parameters compared with the control treatment (without bacteria). Higher level of N, P and K uptake of plant were observed with isolate S14, RO10 and D6 in presence of pathogenic fungi. Additionally, there was varied capacity of different bioactive compound in basil leaves, there was a significant effect between bacterial treatments and control treatments (without bacteria) for phenols, flavonoids, antioxidant activity and defense enzymes. As a result to induced systemic resistance experiment; the three potent isolates (S14, D6 and RO10), which display a good effect as endophytic bacteria on basil plant were chosen for molecular identification using 16s rRNA gene sequence. The identified strains were examined to study their performance on basil and coriander plants as a mixed culture. In basil plants survival rate reached 80% against 20% for infested plants, while coriander plants showed 90% survival against 10% for infested plants. The vegetative parameters were significantly increased with mixed culture. Also, positive effect was observed with bacterial treatments on NPK uptake, redox compounds and defense enzymes of basil and coriander plants compared to un-inoculated treatment.
... These compounds have been found to possess antihyperlipidemic, antiplatelet aggregation and vasorelaxant properties [8,9]. According to Prinsi, et al. [10], rosmarinic acid is the most abundant phenolic acid identified in basil. ...
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The use of basil and carob in traditional medicine to address inflammation and oxidative stress reflects a long-standing practice rooted in folk medicine. This study was conducted to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of a rosmarinic acid-rich extract of Ocimum basilicum (RAE) combined with a carob aqueous extract (CAE). Paw edema in rats and vascular permeability in mice were measured to investigate the anti-inflammatory effect. The assessment of lipoprotein oxidation was carried out by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substances as well as determining the scavenging activity towards lipoperoxyl radicals and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The combination (200 mg/kg) significantly decreased carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and vascular permeability in mice (p<0.001), and these effects were comparable to those of the indomethacin drug (50 mg/kg). Moreover, the combination significantly prevented plasma lipoprotein oxidation and efficiently scavenged lipoperoxyl (IC50= 160 ± 11 μg/ml) and DPPH (IC50= 80 ± 4 μg/ml) radicals. The present study indicates the potential nutraceutical benefits of combining Basil and Carob in the treatment of inflammatory and oxidative stress-related diseases, which is correlated with the high contents of rosmarinic acid, phenolic acids, and fibres.
... basilicum). Most culinary and ornamental basil cultivars of O. basilicum (Singletary, 2018), have several hybrids between the species such as Thai basil, Amazonian basil, holy basil, and lemon basil. In addition to their mature counterparts, they have also been commercialized at the microgreen stage. ...
... Mostly fresh leaves are used but dry leaves are rich source of nutrients as compared to the fresh. Its components have traditionally been used to flavor food, dental care, and oral drugs (Singletary, 2018). Iranian basils are used for managing fevers, inflammation of the throat, and stomachache (Babaeian et al., 2015;Kulkarni et al., 2012). ...
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The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of sweet basil leaf powder as a natural source of iron for the treatment of anemia in adolescent girls. Purposive sampling technique of two‐stage sampling; part of the nonprobability sampling approach. Out of 2400 approached adolescent girls, 1645 agreed to participate and their nutritional status was assessed. Of these, 89.95% had clinical signs and symptoms of anemia, and 59.79% were found to be anemic based on Hb levels. From the anemic group, 65.18% were randomly selected to receive either B0 (Control), B1 (12.699 g FeSO4.7H2O/100 g), and B3 (16 g SBLP/100 g) cookies for 4 months. At the end of the intervention, the assessment of nutritional status, complete blood count, serum iron, serum ferritin, serum total iron‐binding capacity (TIBC), and transferrin saturation was explored. Hematological parameters such as Hb, Hct, TIBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC, serum iron, and serum ferritin were significant (p ≤ .05). The result showed that the serum Fe was highest in group B3 while a significant decline was noted for group B0. Serum ferritin for B1 was better than B3. The entire treatment for transferrin saturation showed a highly significant increasing trend in B3 and B1, regardless of the control. TIBC levels raised in the control group while in all other treatments, it declined. The study demonstrated that SBLP‐fortified cookies can be an effective treatment option for anemia, as evidenced by significant improvements in key hematological parameters.
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Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum), also known as Tulsi, is revered both in traditional Indian medicine and spiritual practices for its extensive therapeutic properties. This article explores the historical and cultural significance of Holy Basil across different cultures with a particular emphasis on its role in Ayurveda and Hindu rituals. We detail the various types of Holy Basil-Rama Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi, and Vana Tulsi-highlighting their distinct medicinal benefits, from stress relief and antioxidant properties to their use in treating serious ailments like diabetes and respiratory disorders. A comparative analysis with other significant medicinal herbs such as Ashwagandha and Ginseng is also provided, underscoring Holy Basil's unique position in herbal medicine. The nutritional profile, along with a discussion on the modern applications and ongoing research into its health benefits, forms a comprehensive overview of this sacred herb.
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Basil Downy Mildew (BDM), caused by the oomycete Peronospora belbahrii, is a major issue for sweet basil ( Ocimum basilicum L.) production worldwide. Currently, the disease is mainly controlled by chemical fungicides, but the development of populations of the pathogen which are resistant to the most widely used compounds is leading to the research of alternative crop protection strategies. Therefore, in this paper, some cropping variables were tested in a field trial conducted in two consecutive years (2021 and 2022) in Northern Italy in organic farming conditions, with the overall objective to optimize basil productivity and quality and limit BDM occurrence. These include two basil varieties, two sowing densities (dense, 30 kg/ha, and sparse, 15 kg/ha), and two irrigation systems (drip and sprinkler). A higher incidence and severity of BDM in 2022 compared to 2021 was observed, mainly due to the different climatic conditions that occurred in the two years. Year 2022 was characterized by high temperatures and repeated drought phenomena that led to basil stress and BDM severe outbreak. Moreover, variety 1 (considered resistant to P. belbahrii ) was confirmed to be completely resistant in 2021 but it was found to be susceptible the following year, with disease incidence and severity comparable to variety 2 (medium susceptible). No differences were detected in terms of BDM occurrence and crop yield between the two sowing densities (mean of 58.4% and 26.6% of BDM incidence and severity, respectively; mean yield 1.4 kg/m ² ), while it emerged that drip irrigation can be useful in reducing BDM (−23.1% BDM severity). Therefore, this study suggests that the crop protection strategies tested, even if not definitive solutions, can significantly contribute to manage BDM more effectively, while preserving basil productivity and quality.
Essential oils (EOs) are complex mixtures of volatile secondary metabolites extracted from different parts of aromatic plants such as leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. They are also referred to as aromatic oils. In general, EOs are cocktail of different low-molecular-weight compounds, such as flavonoids, terpenoids, terpenes, and phenylpropanoids. They represent a diverse class of stereochemistry that results in a range of medicinal properties, viz., antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects. Additionally, EOs are biodegradable and hardly affect non-targeted species, which can be beneficial in delaying the development of resistance. EOs have been used for a long time in various areas such as food, medicine, cosmetics, and aromatherapy. However, due to certain limitations associated with them such as high volatility, intense aroma, and chemotypic variation, etc., they were replaced by chemical alternatives that were more efficient and better in terms of bioactivity. However, in view of green consumerism and the increased negative concerns (non-biodegradability and the adverse effects of their by-products on the environment and human health) associated with the indiscriminate use of synthetic chemicals, industries are looking toward green chemicals as a preferred alternative to synthetic ones.
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Five varieties of Ocimum basilicum L. namely lettuce, cinnamon, minimum, latifolia, and violetto were separately cultivated in field and greenhouse in the island Kefalonia (Greece). The effect of successive harvesting to the essential oil content was evaluated. In total 23 samples of essential oils (EOs) were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Ninety-six constituents, which accounted for almost 99% of the oils, were identified. Cluster analysis was performed for all of the varieties in greenhouse and field conditions, in order to investigate the possible differentiation on the chemical composition of the essential oils, obtained between harvests during growing period. Each basil variety showed a unique chemical profile, but also the essential oil composition within each variety seems to be differentiated, affected by the harvests and the cultivation site.
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Basil (Ocimum L.) species are used as medicinal plants due to their essential oils exhibiting specific biological activity. The present work demonstrated that both the variety and season/conditions of cultivation had a significant effect on (i) the produced amount (extraction yield), (ii) qualitative, as well as (iii) quantitative profile of basil essential oil. Among studied basil varieties, a new variety, ‘Mánes’, was characterized for the first time. Based on our quantitative evaluation of GC-MS profiles, the following chemotypes and average concentrations of a main component were detected in the studied basil varieties: ‘Ohře’, ‘Lettuce Leaf’, ‘Purple Opaal’, ‘Dark Green’ (linalool, 5.99, 2.49, 2.34, 2.01 mg/mL, respectively), and ‘Mammolo Genovese’, ‘Mánes’, ‘Red Rubin’ (eucalyptol, 1.34, 0.96, 0.76 mg/mL, respectively). At the same time, when considering other compounds identified in GC-MS profiles, all the studied varieties, except from ‘Lettuce Leaf’, were methyl eugenol-rich with a strong dependence of the eugenol:methyl eugenol ratio on the seasonal changes (mainly solar irradiation, but also temperature and relative humidity). More complex and/or variable (depending on the season and cultivation) chemotypes were observed with ‘Lettuce Leaf’ (plus estragole, 2.27 mg/mL), ‘Dark Green’ (plus eucalyptol, 1.36 mg/mL), ‘Mammolo Genovese’ (plus eugenol, 1.19 mg/mL), ‘Red Rubin’ (plus linalool and eugenol, 0.46 and 0.56 mg/mL, respectively), and ‘Mánes’ (plus linalool and eugenol, 0.58 and 0.40 mg/mL, respectively). When considering superior extraction yield (ca. 17 mL·kg−1, i.e., two to five times higher than other examined varieties) and consistent amounts (yields) of essential oil when comparing inter-seasonal or inter-year data (RSD and inter-year difference in mean yield values ˂2.5%), this new basil variety is very promising for use in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industries.
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Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is indigenous to the Indian continent and highly revered for its medicinal uses within the Ayurvedic and Siddha medical systems. Many in vitro, animal and human studies attest to tulsi having multiple therapeutic actions including adaptogenic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, and immunomodulatory effects, yet to date there are no systematic reviews of human research on tulsi’s clinical efficacy and safety. We conducted a comprehensive literature review of human studies that reported on a clinical outcome after ingestion of tulsi. We searched for studies published in books, theses, conference proceedings, and electronic databases including Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, Embase, Medline, PubMed, Science Direct, and Indian Medical databases. A total of 24 studies were identified that reported therapeutic effects on metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, immunity, and neurocognition. All studies reported favourable clinical outcomes with no studies reporting any significant adverse events. The reviewed studies reinforce traditional uses and suggest tulsi is an effective treatment for lifestyle-related chronic diseases including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and psychological stress. Further studies are required to explore mechanisms of action, clarify the dosage and dose form, and determine the populations most likely to benefit from tulsi’s therapeutic effects.
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Background The plants belonging to the Ocimum genus of the Lamiaceae family are considered to be a rich source of essential oils which have expressed biological activity and use in different area of human activity. There is a great variety of chemotypes within the same basil species. Essential oils from three different cultivars of basil, O. basilicum var. purpureum, O. basilicum var. thyrsiflora, and O. citriodorum Vis. were the subjects of our investigations. Methods The oils were obtained by steam distillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus. The gas chromatography mass selective analysis was used to determine their chemical composition. The antioxidant activities of these essential oils were measured using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl assays; the tyrosinase inhibition abilities of the given group of oils were also assessed spectophotometrically, and the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils was determined by the agar diffusion method, minimal inhibitory concentrations were expressed. Results According to the results, the qualitative and quantitative composition of essential oils was quite different: O. basilicum var. purpureum essential oil contained 57.3% methyl-chavicol (estragol); O. basilicum var. thyrsiflora oil had 68.0% linalool. The main constituents of O. citriodorum oil were nerol (23.0%) and citral (20.7%). The highest antioxidant activity was demonstrated by O. basilicum var. thyrsiflora essential oil. This oil has also exhibited the highest tyrosinase inhibition level, whereas the oil from O. citriodorum cultivar demonstrated the highest antimicrobial activity. Conclusions The results obtained indicate that these essential oils have antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal activity and can be used as natural antioxidant and antimicrobial agents in medicine, food industry and cosmetics.
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The profile and bioactivity of essential oil (EO) depends on genetic, environmental, and other factors. We hypothesized that the basil EO may be influenced by the distillation methods. Hence, a study was conducted to evaluate the effect of steam distillation (SD) and hydrodistillation (HD) extraction method on the yield, composition, and bioactivity of EO of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) and holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum). In both basil species, the EO yield (content) was significantly higher from SD than from HD. There were significant differences in the compounds’ concentrations of EO obtained from SD and HD as well, however, the same compounds were identified in the EO from HD and SD. In the EO of O. basilicum, the concentration of 74% of the identified compounds were higher in SD than HD, whereas in the EO of O. tenuiflorum, the concentration of 84% of identified compounds were higher in SD than in HD. However, the concentrations of two of the major compounds of O. basilicum EO (estragole and methyl cinnamate) and a major compound of O. tenuiflorum EO (methyl eugenol) were significantly higher in HD than in SD. The type of distillation did not affect the antioxidant capacity of basil EO within the species. This study demonstrated that the type of distillation may significantly affect oil yield and composition but not the antioxidant capacity of the EO from sweet and holy basil. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiplaque effect of Ocimum gratissimum (Og) by in vivo investigation. Fifteen healthy volunteers participated in a crossover, double-blind clinical study, using a 3-day partial-mouth plaque accumulation model. The participants abolished any method of mechanical oral hygiene and they were randomly assigned to initially use just the following mouthrinses: distilled water (DW solution), 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate (CLX solution) or 10% Og (Og solution). The plaque index (PLI) was recorded in all mandibular teeth at the end of the trial and the Kruskal-Wallis (α=0.05) and Mann-Whitney (α=0.05) tests were used to estimate the difference among groups. The clinical results showed statistically significant difference among the groups (p<0.05), favoring the CLX solution and Og solution, but the first was more effective (p<0.05). The mouthrinses containing 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate and 10% Og were able to inhibit plaque re-growth, however Og showed more limited results in comparison to CLX. © 2016, Associacao Brasileira de Divulgacao Cientifica. All rights reserved.
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Background Due to the attribution of fatty liver with some chronic diseases such as obesity, finding a way to control obesity can be useful for the management of fatty liver. This study was performed to assess the effects of Plantago psyllium (PP) and Ocimum basilicum (OB) on anthropometric measurements in people with hepatic steatosis. Methods All patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were enrolled in this four-arm parallel, randomized, and single blind trial. They randomly assigned into four groups receiving (1) OB 10 g/day; (2) PP 10 g/day; (3) mix of OB and PP 10 g/day; and (4) control group without placebo for 12 weeks. Anthropometric measurements were assessed during study baseline and after 12 weeks intervention. The data were analyzed using paired sample t-test for within group and analysis of covariance for between groups. Results In within group analysis, weight and body mass index show a significant reduction after 12 weeks intervention. In addition, soft lean mass and lean body mass were decreased in PP and mixed of PP and OB groups significantly; another group (OB) shows the same result for mass body fat. Although in intervention groups, we see considerable reduction, between group changes did not demonstrate the same consequences. Conclusions The results of this study showed that administration of OB, PP, or mix of them for 12 weeks does not affect any of the anthropometric measures in NAFLD.
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Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum Linnaeus) is aromatic herb that has been utilized in traditional medicine. To improve the phytochemical constituents and pharmaceutical quality of sweet basil leaves, ultraviolet (UV)-B irradiation at different intensities (2.30, 3.60, and 4.80 W/m²) and durations (4, 6, 8, and 10-h) was applied at the post-harvest stage. Total flavonoid content (TFC) and total phenolic content (TPC) were measured using spectrophotometric method, and individual flavonoids and phenolic acids were identified using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography. As a key enzyme for the metabolism of flavonoids, chalcone synthase (CHS) activity, was measured using a CHS assay. Antioxidant activity and antiproliferative activity of extracts against a breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) were evaluated using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assays and MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assays, respectively. UV-B irradiation at an intensity of 3.60 W/m² increased TFC approximately 0.85-fold and also increased quercetin (0.41-fold), catechin (0.85-fold), kaempferol (0.65-fold) rutin (0.68-fold) and luteolin (1.00-fold) content. The highest TPC and individual phenolic acid (gallic acid, cinnamic acid and ferulic acid) was observed in the 3.60 W/m² of UV-B treatment. Cinnamic acid and luteolin were not detected in the control plants, production being induced by UV-B irradiation. Production of these secondary metabolites was also significantly influenced by the duration of UV-B irradiation. Irradiation for 8-h led to higher TFC, TPC and individual flavonoids and phenolic acids than for the other durations (4, 8, and 10-h) except for cinnamic acid, which was detected at higher concentration when irradiated for 6-h. Irradiation for 10-h significantly decreased the secondary metabolite production in sweet basil leaves. CHS activity was induced by UV-B irradiation and highest activity was observed at 3.60 W/m² of UV-B irradiation. UV-B treated leaves presented the highest DPPH activity and antiproliferative activity with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of 56.0 and 40.8 µg/mL, respectively, over that of the control plants (78.0 and 58.2 µg/mL, respectively). These observations suggest that post-harvest irradiation with UV-B can be considered a promising technique to improve the healthy-nutritional and pharmaceutical properties of sweet basil leaves.
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Narrow-bandwidth light treatments may be used to manipulate plant growth, development and metabolism. In this report LED-based light treatments were used to affect yield and metabolic content of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L. cv “Ceasar”) grown in controlled environments. This culinary herb produces an aroma highly appreciated by consumers, primarily composed of terpenes/terpenoids, phenylpropanoids, and fatty-acid- derived volatile molecules. Basil plants were grown under narrow-bandwidth light conditions, and leaf area, height, mass, antioxidant capacity and volatile emissions were measured at various time points. The results indicate reproducible significant differences in specific volatiles, and in biochemical classes of volatiles, compared to greenhouse grown plants. For example, basil plants grown under blue/red/yellow or blue/red/green wavelengths emit higher levels of a subset of monoterpenoid volatiles, while a blue/red/far-red treatment leads to higher levels of most sesquiterpenoid volatile molecules. Specific light treatments increase volatile content, mass, and antioxidant capacity. The results show that narrow-bandwidth illumination can induce discrete suites of volatile classes that affect sensory quality in commercial herbs, and may be a useful tool in improving commercial production.
In this study, the chemical composition and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L. Lamiaceae family) were evaluated. Sweet basil is a food-related plant that is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. Sweet basil crude oil was processed via molecular distillation and further characterized using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) to screen for new compounds. The GC–MS analysis identified thirty-eight compounds. The major constituents of the residue fraction were estragole (17.06%), methyl eugenol (11.35%) and linoleic acid (11.40%), while the distillate fraction primarily contained methyl eugenol (16.96%), α-cadinol (16.24%) and α-bergamotene (11.92%). The antioxidant (DPPH and ABTS assays) and anti-inflammatory (in Raw264.7 cells) activities were evaluated. The residue fraction markedly scavenged the DPPH (IC50 = 1.092 ± 0.066 mg/mL) and ABTS (IC50 = 0.707 ± 0.042 mg/mL) radicals. Meanwhile, the distillate fraction distinctly suppressed the production of cytokines (TNF-α, IL-β, IL-6) and their gene expression in LPS-induced Raw264.7 cells and suppressed NO and iNOS in an in vitro model when compared with the crude oil. In conclusion, the fractions obtained from sweet basil crude oil showed different antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and they could be used as an effective source of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents after molecular distillation. Thus, the properties of essential oils in natural herbal medicines may be maximized to provide a valuable therapeutic strategy for treating various disorders caused by extreme oxidative stress.