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Abstract and Figures

High intraspecific genetic variance in Collembola indicates that cryptic species are widespread and this chal- lenges the delimitation of morphologically defined species. Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Gmelin, 1788) is a widely distributed habitat generalist with high genetic variance between populations from different locations in Europe. In this study we investigated the genetic variance of L. lanuginosus from three dominant habitat types in Central Europe, i.e. forests, grasslands and arable fields, using four molecular markers (ribosomal subunit 28S rDNA D1–2 domain, elongation factor 1-α, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and subunit II). The results suggest that L. lanuginosus separates into three major genetic lineages with one of these lineages being close to Lepidocyrtus cyaneus Tullberg, 1871. The phylogenetic tree based on the concatenated data set of four genes suggests that all lineages of L. lanuginosus are monophyletic. Selective colonization of the three habitats by these lineages in- dicates that they are sorted by habitats: one lineage was common and occurred in each of the three habitat types but preferentially in arable land, the second was restricted to forest, and the third, although rare, preferentially occurred in grassland. Our results indicate that genetic markers allow delineating cryptic species in Collembola, which are widespread, morphologically coherent and differ in the habitats they colonize. The existence of cryptic species/lineages in widely distributed Collembola species that sort by habitat type calls for studies integrating genetic structure and ecological traits.
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Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology
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Cryptic species in (Collembola: Entomobryidae) areLepidocyrtus lanuginosus
sorted by habitat type
Bing Zhang
,Ting-Wen Chen
a 1,
,Eduardo Mateos
,Stefan Scheu
a c,
,Ina Schaefer
University of Göttingen, J.F. Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology, Animal Ecology, Untere Karspüle 2, 37073, Göttingen, Germany
Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Avinguda Diagonal 643, 08028, Barcelona, Spain
University of Göttingen, Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use, Von-Siebold-Str. 8, 37075, Göttingen, Germany
DNA barcoding
Genetic variation
Lepidocyrtus cyaneus
Mitochondrial genes
High intraspeci c genetic variance in Collembola indicates that cryptic species are widespread and this chal-
lenges the delimitation of morphologically de ned species. (Gmelin, 1788) is a widelyLepidocyrtus lanuginosus
distributed habitat generalist with high genetic variance between populations from di erent locations in Europe.
In this study we investigated the genetic variance of from three dominant habitat types in CentralL. lanuginosus
Europe, i.e. forests, grasslands and arable elds, using four molecular markers (ribosomal subunit 28S rDNA
D1 2 domain, elongation factor 1- , cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and subunit II). The results suggest thatαL.
lanuginosus Lepidocyrtusseparates into three major genetic lineages with one of these lineages being close to
cyaneus Tullberg, 1871. The phylogenetic tree based on the concatenated data set of four genes suggests that all
lineages of are monophyletic. Selective colonization of the three habitats by these lineages in-L. lanuginosus
dicates that they are sorted by habitats: one lineage was common and occurred in each of the three habitat types
but preferentially in arable land, the second was restricted to forest, and the third, although rare, preferentially
occurred in grassland. Our results indicate that genetic markers allow delineating cryptic species in Collembola,
which are widespread, morphologically coherent and di er in the habitats they colonize. The existence of cryptic
species/lineages in widely distributed Collembola species that sort by habitat type calls for studies integrating
genetic structure and ecological traits.
1. Introduction
The development of molecular methods in the past decade triggered
the discovery of cryptic species ( ;Bickford et al., 2007 Emerson et al.,
2011), in particular among soil organisms. Soil animal species show
exceptionally high genetic variability as documented for earthworms
( ; ), oribatid mites (James et al., 2010 King et al., 2008 Rosenberger
et al., 2013 Schä er et al., 2010 Cicconardi et al.,;) and springtails (
2013, 2010). High genetic variability of morphospecies suggests the
existence of cryptic species, which may substantially contribute to the
diversity of belowground invertebrates ( ). CrypticPorco et al., 2012a
species are morphologically indistinguishable but show genetic di er-
entiation, suggesting that they di er in their ecological niches
( ; ) as a result of niche-Bidochka et al., 2001 Davidson-Watts et al., 2006
di erentiation within a habitat or adaptation to di erent habitatsff ff
( ; ). Environmental di erencesEisenring et al., 2016 Tarjuelo et al., 2001
can impede gene ow across habitat boarders, promoting population
divergence (isolation by environment; ).Wang and Summers, 2010
Springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) are among the most abundant and
diverse soil invertebrates and occur in virtually any terrestrial habitat
( ). Currently, about 8,600 species have been described.Hopkin, 1997
Traditionally, delimitation of Collembola species relies on morpholo-
gical characters, mainly chaetotaxy, a method that examines arrange-
ment of chaetae on di erent body parts ( ). MolecularKatz et al., 2015
studies, however, indicated that the number of existing Collembola
species likely is much higher as many species comprise a number of
cryptic species ( ; ;Emerson et al., 2011 Porco et al., 2012a Soto-Adames,
2002). Notably, cryptic species appear to be common in widely dis-
tributed and locally abundant Collembola species, such as Orchesella
cincta Parisotoma(Linnaeus, 1758) ( ) andTimmermans et al., 2005
notabilis (Schä er, 1896) ( ;Porco et al., 2012b von Saltzwedel et al.,
Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Gmelin, 1788) is one of the most widely
distributed Collembola species in Central and Western Europe (Salmon
et al., 2014). It rapidly colonizes new habitats and is characterized by
long legs and antenna, developed furcula and complete visual apparatus
Received 26 September 2017; Received in revised form 25 March 2018; Accepted 26 March 2018
Corresponding author.
These authors contributed equally to this paper.
E-mail addresses: Zhang), (T.-W. Chen), (E. Mateos), (S. Scheu), (I. Schaefer).
Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 68 (2018) 12–19
0031-4056/ © 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
with eight ocella per eye spot ( ).Ponge et al., 2006 Lepidocyrtus lanu-
ginosus has been considered as habitat generalist ( )Auclerc et al., 2009
associated with arable elds ( ) and grasslandsQuerner et al., 2013
( ; ), i.e. anthropogenic habitatsAuclerc et al., 2009 Heiniger et al., 2015
characterized by disturbances of varying intensity. However, the spe-
cies also colonizes forests ( ), which are ratherCicconardi et al., 2010
stable habitats. In forests of the Mediterranean region, L. lanuginosus
displays high genetic variation, suggesting the existence of cryptic
species or impeded gene ow between forests ( ).Cicconardi et al., 2010
It is therefore likely that of di erent habitats also com-L. lanuginosus
prises cryptic species or lineages with distinct genetic structure.
In this study we investigated phylogenetic relationships and genetic
distances between populations of from three di erentL. lanuginosus
habitats in Central Europe, i.e. arable elds, grasslands and forests that
were replicated at six locations. Geographic distances between sam-
pling locations were considerably larger than between habitat types
allowing to identify habitat speci c genotypes. Intraspeci c geneticfi fi
variation was measured using two mitochondrial (COI and COII) and
two nuclear genes (28S ribosomal DNA D1 2 domain and elongation
factor 1- ). Mitochondrial COI is commonly used for animal DNAα
barcoding and reliably distinguishes between Collembola species as
well as cryptic species ( ; ;Hebert et al., 2003 Hogg and Hebert, 2004
Porco et al., 2012a), while COII has been used to reconstruct phylo-
genetic relationships of Collembola including the genus Lepidocyrtus
( ; ; ).Cicconardi et al., 2010, 2013 Frati et al., 2000 Stevens et al., 2007
The two nuclear genes represent markers independent from mi-
tochondrial genes strengthening the delineation of phylogenetic re-
lationships among individuals of each lineage of L. lanuginosus. We
checked if the phylogenetic structure of is best explainedL. lanuginosus
by habitat types or by sampling locations, i.e. geographic distance. If L.
lanuginosus comprises a single generalist species individuals should sort
by geographic distances due to limited dispersal, or generate a random
pattern of relatedness in the phylogenetic tree if locations and habitats
were colonized multiple times. In contrast, if comprisesL. lanuginosus
cryptic species that colonize certain habitat types, genetic lineages
should sort by habitat types rather than locations. Further, we com-
pared intraspeci c genetic variability of with geneticL. lanuginosus
distances between L. lanuginosus and ve other species of the same
genus. These species included Tullberg, 1871Lepidocyrtus cyaneus
which is morphologically very similar to and belongs toL. lanuginosus
the group (L. lanuginosus Mateos, 2012), but it di ers fromL. lanugi-
nosus by its purple body color ( ; ;Fjellberg, 2007 Hopkin, 2007 Mateos,
2. Material and methods
2.1. Sampling of animals and determination
The Collembola species and were collectedL. lanuginosus L. cyaneus
from six locations near the city of Göttingen, Germany; distances be-
tween sampling locations were between 4 and 28 km (Supplementary
Fig. S1). Each sampling location encompassed three types of habitats:
arable eld, grassland and forest that were close to each other with
distances below 1 km. Specimens in grasslands and arable elds were
collected using an aspirator (diameter of opening 14 cm). In forests
Collembola were collected from litter and extracted by heat (Kempson
et al., 1963). The collected litter from forest soil covered an area that
was similar to the aspirator opening used in grasslands and arable
elds. Animals were preserved in 96% EtOH and stored at 20 °C until
further analyses. Collembola were sorted using a dissecting microscope
and identi ed using . In total 58 individuals ofHopkin (2007) L. lanu-
ginosus L. cyaneus, six individuals of and ve to six individuals of four
other species ( cf Traser, 2000,Lepidocyrtus L. . arrabonicus L. paradoxus
Uzel, 1890, cf Lubbock, 1873 and cf Hüther,L. . violaceus L. . weidneri
1971) were analyzed. The sites at which the analyzed specimens of L.
lanuginosus were sampled are given in . Prior to DNA extraction,Table 1
we cut o the head of each specimen and only placed thorax and ab-
domen into the extraction solution. After the DNA extraction, the cu-
ticle of the thorax and abdomen was rescued, rinsed with 96% EtOH
and mounted on slides together with the head of the respective in-
dividual for inspection of the cephalic and dorsal chaetotaxy under a
phase contrast microscope (Zeiss Axio Scope A1, Jena, Germany) using
Mateos (2008). Microscopic slides are kept in the collection of the J.F.
Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology, University of
Göttingen, Germany.
2.2. DNA extraction and PCR
DNA of the thorax and abdomen of single individuals was extracted
using the DNeasy
Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany)
following the manufacturer s protocol. Puri ed DNA was eluted in 30 lμ
HPLC water for PCR. PCRs of the nuclear markers elongation factor 1-α
(EF1- ) and 28S rDNA (D1 2 region), and the mitochondrial markersα
COI and COII were performed separately in 25 l volumes containingμ
12.5 l SuperHot Taq Mastermix (Genaxxon Bioscience GmbH, Ulm,μ
Germany) with 1.5 l of each primer (10 pM), 3μ μl H
O, 1.5 l MgClμ
(25 mM) and 5 l template DNA. A 208 bp fragment of the nuclear EF1-μ
αexon was ampli ed using the primers EFLcuJ: 5 -ATG GGG GCA AGA
3 ( ). The 760 bp fragment domain of D1 andCicconardi et al., 2010
D2 loop of the nuclear 28S rDNA was ampli ed using the primers C1 :
5 -ACC CGC TGA ATT TAA GCA T-3 and D2coll: 5 - ACC ACG CAT GCW ′ ′
TTA GAT TG 3 ( ). A 709 bp fragment of the mi-D Haese, 2002
tochondrial COI gene was ampli ed using four primers LCO1490: 5 -
ACT TCA GGG TGA CCA AAA AAT CA-3 ( ); ColFol-Folmer et al., 1994
for: 5 -TTT CAA CAA ATC ATA ARG AYA TYG G-3 and ColFol-rev: 5 - ′ ′
TAA ACT TCN GGR TGN CCA AAA AAT CA-3 (Ramirez-Gonzalez et al.,
2013). A 681 bp fragment of the mitochondrial COII gene was ampli ed
using primers tRNA-K-LcuJ: 5 -GAG CGT ATT ATA AAG CGG TTT AAG-
( ). PCR conditions included one initial activationCicconardi et al., 2010
step at 95° C for 15 min, followed by 35 ampli cation cycles of dena-
turation at 94° C (COI and 28S D1 2) or 95° C (COII and EF1- ) for 30 s,α
annealing at 45° C (COI) or 56° C (COII and EF1- ) for 30 s or 50° C (28Sα
D1 2) for 45 s, and elongation at 72° C for 30 s, and a nal elongation
step at 72° C for 6 min. PCR products were puri ed with Genaxxon PCR
Puri cation Kit (Genaxxon Bioscience GmbH, Ulm, Germany) following
the manufacturer s protocol, eluted in 30 l HPLC water and sent forμ
sequencing in the Göttingen Genome Laboratory (Institute for Micro-
biology and Genetics, University of Göttingen). All sequences are
available at NCBI GenBank (MH143920-MH144050, MH160100-
MH160185, and MH177993-MH178033, Supplementary Table S1).
2.3. Data analyses
Sequences were checked by eye aided by the chromatograms and
ambiguous positions were corrected by hand. Nucleotide sequences
Table 1
Numbers of individuals of analyzed from three habitatsLepidocyrtus lanuginosus
at the six sampling sites. The lineage that the sampled specimens were ascribed
to is given in brackets. Names of sampling sites follow nearby villages; for exact
geographic locations see Supplementary Fig. S1.
Site No. Sampling site Arable land Grassland Forest
1 Herberhausen 4 (L1) 5 (L3) 5 (L2)
2 Deppoldshausen 5 (L1) 0 5 (L2)
3 Ellershausen 3 (L1) 0 5 (L2)
4 Ossenfeld 1 (L1) 0 3 (L2)
5 Waake 2 (L1)/3 (L3) 0 5 (L2)
6 Billingshausen 3 (L1) 4 (L1) 5 (L1)
B. Zhang et al. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 68 (2018) 12–19
were aligned separately for each marker using ClustalW (Thompson
et al., 1994 Hall, 1999) implemented in BioEdit v7.2.5 ( ). To analyze
relationships and identify lineages among all 58 individuals of L. la-
nuginosus, phylogenetic trees were constructed based on 28S D1 2 and
COII with (Geo roy, 1764) as outgroup. The best tOrchesella villosa ff fi
model of sequence evolution for each marker was estimated by jMo-
delTest v2.1.4 ( ). Phylogenetic trees were inferred usingPosada, 2008
Bayesian Inference in MrBayes v3.2 ( ). For Baye-Ronquist et al., 2012
sian Inference lset parameters were nst = 2 and rates = gamma for 28S
D1 2 and nst = 2 and rates = propinv for COII, the MCMC (Markov
Chain Monte Carlo) chains were run for six million generations that
were sampled every 6,000th generation. For the 1,000 sampled gen-
erations a burnin of 250 was used, eliminating the rst 25% of the
remaining generations. Intra- and inter-lineage and intra- and inter-
speci c sequence divergences of 28S D1 2, EF1- , COI and COII wereα
calculated based on Kimura two-parameter distances (K2P) and un-
corrected p-distances using Mega 5.1 ( ). IndividualsTamura et al., 2011
with identical 28S D1 2 sequences and less than 4% K2P distances of
COII were de ned as one lineage ( ).Porco et al., 2012b
We used six individuals from each lineage of andL. lanuginosus L.
cyaneus and one individual of the extra four species from genus
Lepidocyrtus Orchesella villosato construct a phylogenetic tree. was
chosen as outgroup. In a 2,282 bp concatenated alignment four genes
were merged: 28S D1 2, COII, COI and EF1- of a length of 740 bp,α
681 bp, 651 bp and 210 bp, respectively. The partitioned dataset was
analyzed using MrBayes v3.2.6 on online CIPRES services (Miller et al.,
2010). All three coding positions of the protein-coding genes COI, COII
and EF1- were included in the analyses. Best- tting substitutionα
models were assessed for each locus (partition) under the BIC criterion
in PartitionFinder 2.1.1 ( ).Lanfear et al., 2012
Habitat preference of each lineage of was character-L. lanuginosus
ized using the IndVal index ( ) whichDufrêne and Legendre, 1997
combines the speci city of a lineage for a habitat type (maximized
when the lineage is only present in the habitat type analyzed) and its
delity to this habitat (maximized when the lineage is present in all
samples of the habitat type analyzed): Ind
= A
× B
× 100, with A
the average abundance of lineage in samples of habitat divided by thei j
sum of the average abundance of lineage in all habitats, andi B
, the
number of samples of habitat where the lineage was present dividedj
by the total number of samples of habitat .j
ranges from 0, when lineage is absent from habitat , to 100,i j
when lineage is present in all samples of habitat and absent in alli j
other habitat samples. We obtained three IndVal values for each lineage
of , i.e. IndA, IndG and IndF indicating habitat preferenceL. lanuginosus
for arable land, grassland and forest, respectively.
To test whether there is a signi cant habitat association of each
lineage of we simulated the habitat distributions of theL. lanuginosus,
58 examined individuals by randomizing their habitats 9,999 times.
The observed number of a lineage in a habitat was compared to that
derived from the simulations and a p-value was calculated based on the
rank of the observed number as compared to the simulated ones. A p-
value smaller than 0.05 indicated signi cant association (or avoidance)
of the respective habitat by the lineage.
3. Results
3.1. Habitat sorting of lineages of Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus
All individuals studied under phase contrast microscope shared the
characters of and as indicated inL. lanuginosus L. cyaneus Mateos
(2008). Genetic analyses based on the nuclear marker 28S D1 2 and the
mitochondrial marker COII both revealed three distinct lineages of L.
lanuginosus, L. lanuginosusreferred to as lineage 1, 2 and 3 (L1, L2, L3)
( ). Among the 58 sequenced specimens, 21 individuals were fromFig. 1
arable elds, 9 from grasslands and 28 from forests. Most individuals
(n = 27) belonged to L1, which occurred in each of theL. lanuginosus
three habitat types but was signi cantly associated with arable land
(IndA = 66.7, IndG = 2.5, IndF = 3.1; ).Fig. 2 Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus
L2 also was common (n = 23), but was signi cantly associated with
forest (IndA = 0, IndG = 0, IndF = 83.3). L3Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus
was rare (n = 8), but was signi cantly associated with grassland
(IndA = 6.3, IndG = 10.4, IndF = 0).
At least two lineages were present in each habitatL. lanuginosus
( and ). Arable elds were dominated by L1,Fig. 1 Table 1 L. lanuginosus
while L3 only occurred in one of the six arable elds. InL. lanuginosus
grassland L1 and L3 were present but both were rare;L. lanuginosus
each lineage occurred in only one location. In forest, L2L. lanuginosus
dominated and L1 occurred in only one of the forest lo-L. lanuginosus
3.2. Genetic distances and variances and phylogenetic analysis
In each of the four markers, K2P and uncorrected p-distances be-
tween lineages were considerably larger than within lineages ( ).Table 2
For the mitochondrial markers, mean K2P and uncorrected p-distances
within L1, L2 and L3 were below 1.2%; both nuclearL. lanuginosus
markers were identical within lineages. By contrast, mean K2P between
the three lineages were similar and ranged betweenL. lanuginosus
22.2% and 27.5% for both mitochondrial markers (19% and 22.8% for
uncorrected p-distances), between 1.3% and 2.8% for 28S D1 2 (1.2%
and 2.9% for uncorrected p-distances), and between 1.5% and 5.1% for
EF1- (1.2% and 4.9% for uncorrected p-distances).α
Notably, mean K2P distances of mitochondrial markers between L.
cyaneus L. lanuginosusand L1 were 16.8% 17.7%, i.e. about one third
lower than between and the other two lineagesL. cyaneus
(22.8% 25.5% for L2 and 21.6% 25.9% for L3). Similarly, genetic– –
distances of the nuclear markers were lowest between andL. cyaneus L.
lanuginosus L1 (0.1% in 28S and 1.5% in EF1- ), but were larger be-α
tween and L2 (2.8% in 28S and 4.5% in EF1- )L. cyaneus L. lanuginosus α
and L3 (2.5% in 28S D1 2 and 4.6% in EF1- ). Patterns for uncorrectedα
p-distances were similar ( ). K2P distances of COI between theTable 2
three lineages of were larger than 20% (larger than 17.8%L. lanuginosus
for uncorrected p-distances). This resembled distances between the
three lineages of and four other well-de ned species ofL. lanuginosus
Lepidocyrtus L. . arrabonicus L. paradoxus L. . violaceus L. ., i.e. cf , , cf and cf
weidneri ( ). By contrast, for COII, 28S D1 2 and EF1- meanTable 2 α
genetic distances between the three lineages of wereL. lanuginosus
lower than the distances between these three lineages and the other
four species.Lepidocyrtus
The phylogenetic tree based on the combined matrix of the four
genes (28S D1 2, EF1- ,α COI and COII) showed that all lineages of L.
lanuginosus are monophyletic (Bayesian posterior probabilities
(PP) = 1; ). Applying the standard mutation rate of COI for ar-Fig. 3
thropods of 1.5 2.3% sequence divergence per million years (Brower,
1994 Avise, 1994; ) to the mean K2P distances suggests that the three L.
lanuginosus lineages diverged 15.9 9.7 million years ago (Mya) in the
Miocene (13.4 8.2 Mya based on p-distances).
4. Discussion
4.1. Habitat sorting
Results of the present study suggest that the morphotype of L. la-
nuginosus does not represent a single monophyletic species but rather
they suggest the existence of three distinct genetic lineages in a narrow
region in Central Europe. One lineage occurred in each of the three
habitat types (L1) and might be regarded as a habitat generalist but
with a preference for arable elds. The other two lineages were re-
stricted either to forests (L2) or to grasslands (L3), suggesting more
specialized ecotypes of . The proximity of the di erentL. lanuginosus
habitats at the six sites supports di erential colonization of forest and
open habitats (arable elds and grassland) indicating that the di erentfi ff
B. Zhang et al. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 68 (2018) 12–19
lineages were sorted by environmental factors. The high genetic dis-
tances between lineages suggest impeded gene ow either by isolation
by distance ( ) or isolation by environmentvan der Wur et al., 2005
( ). Dispersal limitation between habitats isWang and Summers, 2010
unlikely because is a mobile and surface active speciesL. lanuginosus
( ; ), exhibiting high mobility inPonge et al., 2006 Salmon et al., 2014
grasslands as well as forests ( ). Rather, sorting ofAuclerc et al., 2009
lineages into di erent habitats due to lineage-speci c preferences orff fi
physiological constraints to habitat characteristics is more likely. For-
ests are stable habitats usually with thick organic layers and high soil
carbon content providing a variety of resources ( ). InHopkin, 1997
contrast, open habitats such as arable elds and grasslands typically are
characterized by disturbances due to agricultural practices and stronger
uctuations in temperature and soil moisture (Batlle-Aguilar et al.,
2011). Di erences in tolerance to disturbances among lineages are
possible, but ecophysiological experiments are needed to test this hy-
pothesis. Our results suggest habitat preferences of genetic lineages in
L. lanuginosus but this needs to be con rmed by more extensive sam-
pling of di erent habitats over a larger geographic area in particular for
the rare genotype L3.L. lanuginosus
Fig. 1. Bayesian phylogenetic tree of based on single molecular markers: COII (left) and 28S D1-2 (right). Labels of OTUs represent samplingLepidocyrtus lanuginosus
locations 1-6 and habitat types: A, arable land (red); G, grassland (green); F, forest (yellow). (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
B. Zhang et al. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 68 (2018) 12–19
4.2. Genetic distances
High genetic distance between the three lineagesL. lanuginosus
suggests the existence of cryptic species in the collected morphologi-
cally coherent specimens. Each of the four genetic markers allowed to
separate the three lineages of and thus can be used asL. lanuginosus
barcoding marker. Inter-lineage K2P distances in COI were larger than
21%, which is similar to the inter-lineage distances of cryptic species
described by , and almost twice as high as thePorco et al. (2012a)
suggested boundary of intraspeci c variability of Collembola (Anslan
and Tedersoo, 2015 Porco et al., 2014; ). The inter-lineage genetic dis-
tances of the nuclear marker 28S D1 2 also exceeded the previously
suggested minimum interspeci c genetic distance between di erentfi ff
Collembola species ( ). In addition, K2P andAnslan and Tedersoo, 2015
uncorrected p-distances in both of the mitochondrial and nuclear
markers between the three lineages of exceeded thoseL. lanuginosus
between and L1 emphasizing the existence ofL. cyaneus L. lanuginosus
cryptic species within .L. lanuginosus
Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus is widespread and frequently reported in
soil ecological studies, as we obtained 355 hits for this species in Google
Scholar for publications before 2016. Cryptic species within L. lanugi-
nosus without clearly delimiting morphological characters suggest that
the diversity of Collembola is underestimated. Our study adds to recent
evidence that cryptic species commonly exist within morphospecies of
Collembola such as (Moniez, 1889),Heteromurus major Deutonura
monticola Parisotoma(Cassagnau, 1954) ( ), andPorco et al., 2012a
notabilis (Schä er, 1896) ( ). Generalist CollembolaPorco et al., 2012a,b
species colonize a variety of habitats ( ;Auclerc et al., 2009 Heiniger
et al., 2015 Carapelli et al., 1995). However, except for few studies ( ;
Porco et al., 2014) only single habitat types were investigated
( ; ; ;Cicconardi et al., 2013 Porco et al., 2012b Timmermans et al., 2005
von Saltzwedel et al., 2016), thereby disregarding environmental as-
sociations of cryptic species. Taking habitat types into account when
investigating genetic diversity of ubiquitous Collembola may lead to the
Fig. 2. Frequency of randomized numbers of individuals (58) of three lineages of in the three habitats studied. Red lines indicate observedLepidocyrtus lanuginosus
numbers of individuals; bars show the frequencies of simulated habitat distribution derived from 9,999 permutations. Stars indicate p-values based on the rank of
observed number compared to the simulated numbers: ***, p < 0.001; **, p < 0.01; NS, not signi cant. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gurefi fi
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
B. Zhang et al. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 68 (2018) 12–19
discovery of cryptic or new species and provide a more accurate picture
of local and regional diversity.
4.3. Systematics
According to identi cation keys ( ; ;Fjellberg, 2007 Hopkin, 2007
Mateos, 2008) all three lineages in this study unequivocally belong to L.
lanuginosus L.with common main characters, di ering clearly from
cyaneus in pigmentation. Earlier studies based on COI proposed that
color patterns are valid to discriminate species in NorthLepidocyrtus
America ( ). However, as shown in the concatenatedSoto-Adames, 2002
phylogenetic tree of this study, the three lineages of areL. lanuginosus
well separated, at least in Central Europe. At our study sites, L. cyaneus
is more closely related to L1 than L1 to L2L. lanuginosus L. lanuginosus
and L3, suggesting that may form part ofL. cyaneus L. lanuginosus
complex. Further taxonomic investigations are needed to explore
morphological di erences of the lineages found in ourL. lanuginosus
study and in the Mediterranean ( ), e.g. bodyCicconardi et al., 2010
chaetotaxy ( ). Unequivocal identi cation of lineages ofMateos, 2012 L.
lanuginosus with each of the four genetic markers used in this study
Table 2
Mean inter- and intraspeci c K2P and uncorrected p-distances (%) between the three lineages of (L1 L3) and between these lineages and veLepidocyrtus lanuginosus
other species of the genus . Upper rows represent distances in COI (left panel) and 28S D1 D2 (right panel), lower rows highlighted in grey representLepidocyrtus
distances in COII (left panel) and elongation factor 1- (right panel). For each lineage/species the number of individuals analyzed is given (N).α
B. Zhang et al. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 68 (2018) 12–19
demonstrates that molecular markers are a reliable and fast tool to
detect cryptic species, which may facilitate taxonomic research of
Collembola species and the identi cation of possible species-speci cfi fi
morphological characters.
5. Conclusions
Our ndings show that even at a narrow geographical scale di erentfi ff
genetic lineages or cryptic species of occur. LineageL. lanuginosus
sorting by habitat suggests that specimens from di erent habitats in
close vicinity may belong to di erent cryptic lineages. Genetically the
three lineages are as distant to each other as good species.L. lanuginosus
Future studies need to explore the physiological characters responsible
for habitat sorting of cryptic species/lineages of the L. lanuginosus
species complex.
We thank Jo-Fan Chao for her help in laboratory work. The study
was supported by the German Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology (BMBF). Bing Zhang was supported by the China
Scholarship Council.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
online version, at .
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B. Zhang et al. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 68 (2018) 12–19
... Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839, is the third largest genus of Collembola with~270 described species and is cosmopolitan in distribution [1]. Recent research on this cosmopolitan genus using both morphological and molecular data has revealed the existence of abundant species complexes in Europe [4][5][6][7] and the Neotropical regions [8,9]. These findings suggest that the real diversity of Lepidocyrtus may be vastly underestimated on a global scale. ...
... nigrosetosus specimens from Panama, indicating that the species we found in Panama may have a wide distribution along the Neotropical area. The existence of species complexes in the genus Lepidocyrtus has been detected in several studies using molecular data [4,[6][7][8][9]25]. The L. nigrosetosus group is defined solely by morphological data, and the molecular data analyzed in this work shed light on the true nature of this group. ...
Full-text available
Panama, located in the heart of the Mesoamerican hotspot, harbors an extraordinary species diversity across the Tree of Life. The Collembola species of the genus Lepidocyrtus play an important role in soil biological processes such as decomposition, being used to monitor soil health and functional parameters. However, the limitation of morphological characters and molecular resources hampers the evaluation of local soil diversity. Here, using 30 Lepidocyrtus specimens collected in the Parque Natural Metropolitano (PNM), we unravel the diversity of this Panamanian protected area through molecular tools and new taxonomic traits. Our phylogenies, in combination with species delimitation analyses, indicate that the PNM harbors an extremely rich community of Lepidocyrtus species, two of them cited in Panama for the first time, and three of them potentially new to science. We highlight that the presence of the dental tubercle and pseudopores on the BP4 region are not monophyletic and, therefore, can be used as supplementary characters to morphologically resolve species complexes. Overall, this study sheds light on the Lepidocyrtus richness of the PNM, which acts as a shelter for Panamanian and the Mesoamerican hotspot species.
... Тесная связь микроартропод с почвой позволяет успешно использовать их в биоиндикации различных нарушений среды (Culliney, 2013;Menta, Remelli, 2020). Генетические линии почвенных членистоногих, приуроченные к различным местообитаниям, обнаружены как для амфимиктических видов, например, ногохвостки Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Gmelin 1788) (Zhang et al., 2018), так и для партеногенетических видов, например, клеща Oppiella nova (Oudemans 1902) (Saltzwedel et al., 2014). Именно партеногенетические виды обычно обеспечивают основную численность населения коллембол в различных местообитаниях (Чернова и др., 2009). ...
... Сходные с нашими результаты были получены для Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus в центральной Европе (Zhang et al., 2018). Этот вид был разделен на три генетические линии: первая была многочисленной и встречалась в каждом из трех исследуемых мест обитания (леса, луга, пахотные поля), вторая -встречалась только в лесах, третьятолько на лугах и пахотных полях. ...
Widespread species of small soil arthropods are being traditionally used in the biological monitoring of the environment. A promising development in this direction could be the usage of genetic methods, namely the composition of genetic lineages in populations of polytypic species. These species include the widespread springtail, Parisotoma notabilis sensu lato, which is especially abundant in Europe. At present, six lineages of this complex are known, the genetic distances between which are sufficiently close to the species. Previously, we showed the differentiation of genetic lineages in an urbanization gradient (natural forest – forest park – urban lawn) using the Moscow region as an example. In this work, the divergence of genetic lineages in these habitats was confirmed for various natural zones. The least disturbed habitats are marked by lineages L2, L4-Hebert and L0, the most disturbed ones by L1. Monitoring changes in the soil layer of ecosystems is possible only in zones of sympatry of different P. notabilis genetic lineages, i.e. the areas where they co-occur. Such areas seem to include the entire European part of Russia.
... Studies that investigated intraspecific variation in stoichiometry showed that populations of the same species differed significantly in their body stoichiometry (González et al., 2011;El-Sabaawi et al., 2012;Ji et al., 2017), and laboratory feeding experiments confirmed that consumer body stoichiometry is driven by element concentrations in their food (Halvorson et al., 2018;Zheng et al., 2018). However, large intraspecific variation in stoichiometry may either indicate generalist species that live on diverse food resources and tolerate a broad range of environmental conditions or cryptic species that split into habitat-specific lineages (von Saltzwedel et al., 2014;Zhang et al., 2018). ...
... In the present study, higher body N concentration and lower C:N ratio in the smaller lineage suggest that the smaller lineage faces higher N mismatch with food resources resulting in smaller population biomass, however, relationships between population size/biomass and N concentrations in litter and/or soil need further investigation. Overall, both morphological and stoichiometric traits support the existence of cryptic species in E. nordenskioldi and this suggests that traits beyond genetic sequences help elucidating the cryptic species diversity in E. nordenskioldi (Shekhovtsov et al., 2020b;Zhang et al., 2022b), as well as in other soil animal species which often are characterized by high genetic variation (Rosenberger et al., 2013;von Saltzwedel et al., 2017;Zhang et al., 2018Zhang et al., , 2019. ...
Exploring species and their functional diversity is of fundamental importance in biology and ecology. Many earthworm species comprise a wide range of genetic lineages/cryptic species, but it remains unclear whether these lineages/cryptic species represent distinct ecological entities that differ in traits. We barcoded 280 individuals of the earthworm species Eisenia nordenskioldi from 42 forest plots across seven elevations (800–1700 m) on Changbai Mountain, northeast China, and found them to comprise two genetic lineages with a p-distance in the COI gene of 16.7%. We evaluated whether the two distinct lineages differ in morphological (body length, body with, body mass and length:width ratio) and stoichiometric traits (C, N and P concentrations and C:N, C:P and N:P ratios), and whether these traits vary with elevation. At elevations where lineages co-existed, we further evaluated their ecological niche overlap. When co-existing, the two lineages of E. nordenskioldi significantly differed in body length, body mass, length:width ratio, and C and N concentrations as well as C:N and N:P ratios. With increasing elevation, body length, body mass and the length:width ratio of the two lineages linearly increased, whereas body width and C:N ratio linearly decreased; while C and N concentrations as well as C:P and N:P ratios showed a hump-shaped relationship with elevation. Across elevations trait distribution overlapped by 29%–100%, but the overlap in body mass, body length and length:width ratio decreased to 0%–15% when the two lineages co-existed. The significant differences in multiple traits indicate that the two lineages have different physiologies, supporting their status as cryptic species. The documented variations in morphological and stoichiometric traits of the two lineages/cryptic species call for integration of genetics and ecology for understanding biodiversity and ecological functioning of soil animal species.
... ченными к различным по нарушенности местообитаниям [11,16]. Подобная дифференцировка линий позволяет рассматривать их как вероятные экотипы. ...
... Аналогичную реакцию на нарушение местообитаний показывают и другие микроартроподы. Так, для коллемболы Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus, известны три генетические линии: L1 встречается в каждом из трех исследуемых мест обитания (леса, луга, пахотные поля), L2 ограничена лесом, L3 обнаружена на лугах и пахотных полях [16]. Экологическая специализация линий обнаружена для космополитического партеногенетического панцирного клеща Oppiella nova: леса и луга заселены различными генетическими линиями этого вида, а переходные местообитания колонизированы как линиями лесов, так и лугов [11]. ...
Conference Paper
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This study presents preliminary data on the composition of P. notabilis lineages in open habitats of varying degrees of disturbance: mowed meadows, fallows (10 and 30 years), and fields (oats and winter barley). The collections were carried out in the center of the European part of Russia (Moscow and Ryazan regions). In the meadows, the L2 and L4-Hebert lineages were found mainly, in the fallows, the L1 and L4-Hebert lineages were found, and in the fields - only L1 (Fig. 1). These data are consistent with the previously obtained distribution: the populations of the most disturbed habitats (lawns and fields) are characterized by the maximum proportion of L1, while in undisturbed habitats this lineage is practically absent, and L2 becomes predominant. In view of the ubiquitous distribution of P. notabilis, especially in Europe, its easy morphological identification, and simple division into genetic lineages based on COI or 28S gene fragments, P. notabilis can be considered a promising object for genetic monitoring of the state of ecosystems.
... Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Gmelin, 1788) Holarktikus elterjedésű, változatos élőhelyeken előforduló faj. Ugyanakkor a legutóbbi genetikai vizsgálatok kimutatták, hogy a markánsan eltérő habitatokban élő L. lanuginosus-ként azonosított ugróvillások minden bizonnyal eltérő fajokat takarnak (Zhang et al 2018). Magas korhadási fokú (6) fekvő holtfán (MH11) gyűjtöttük néhány egyedét. ...
Kutatásunk célja a holtfa mikrohabitatokhoz kötődő ugróvillás-közösségek vizsgálata volt. Kutatási területként a Répce menti maradvány ligeterdőt (Csáfordi-erdő, Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye) választottuk, amelyben nagy mennyiségű álló és fekvő holtfa jelenléte jellemző. A felmérésekhez és mintavételekhez összesen 11 mikrohabitatot választottunk ki, amelyek között fekvő holtfák, dendrotelmák, kéregleválások, tőkorhadt odvak korhanya is szerepelt. A vizsgálat során összesen 1309 ugróvillás egyedet válogattunk le és határoztunk meg faj szinten. Összesen 40 fajt mutattunk ki a vizsgált mikrohabitatokból. A fajok közül három, a magyar faunára nézve új faj (Anurida granaria, Folsomia martynovae, F. cf. similis) is előkerült. A legnagyobb fajszám szerinti részaránnyal (25%) az Entomobryidae család képviseltette magát. A fajszám a vizsgált mikroélőhelyeken 1 és 21 között változott. A nagyobb fajszámú közösségek a fekvő holtfákhoz kötődtek, ezen belül pedig az előrehaladottabb stádiumban lévő, magasabb korhadási fokú holtfákhoz. Kevesebb faj kötődött a tőkorhadt fák odvainak korhanyához, míg a speciális mikroélőhelyek (élő fák leváló kérge, vízzel telt dendrotelma) csupán egy-két fajnak nyújtottak megfelelő élőhelyet.
... For analyses using species-level data, take care for synonymy of the taxa (see 'canonical name' and 'species' columns in the Taxonomy spreadsheet). As a note of caution, some species names represent complexes with cryptic genetic diversity 170,171 , or ambiguous (as in most invertebrate taxonomic systems), and thus interpretations about species distributions should be done with care. ...
Full-text available
Springtails (Collembola) inhabit soils from the Arctic to the Antarctic and comprise an estimated ~32% of all terrestrial arthropods on Earth. Here, we present a global, spatially-explicit database on springtail communities that includes 249,912 occurrences from 44,999 samples and 2,990 sites. These data are mainly raw sample-level records at the species level collected predominantly from private archives of the authors that were quality-controlled and taxonomically-standardised. Despite covering all continents, most of the sample-level data come from the European continent (82.5% of all samples) and represent four habitats: woodlands (57.4%), grasslands (14.0%), agrosystems (13.7%) and scrublands (9.0%). We included sampling by soil layers, and across seasons and years, representing temporal and spatial within-site variation in springtail communities. We also provided data use and sharing guidelines and R code to facilitate the use of the database by other researchers. This data paper describes a static version of the database at the publication date, but the database will be further expanded to include underrepresented regions and linked with trait data.
... Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Gmelin, 1788) Holarktikus elterjedésű, változatos élőhelyeken előforduló faj. Ugyanakkor a legutóbbi genetikai vizsgálatok kimutatták, hogy a markánsan eltérő habitatokban élő L. lanuginosus-ként azonosított ugróvillások minden bizonnyal eltérő fajokat takarnak (Zhang et al 2018). Magas korhadási fokú (6) fekvő holtfán (MH11) gyűjtöttük néhány egyedét. ...
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Our study aimed to investigate the Collembola communities inhabiting dead wood-related microhabitats. The study was carried out in an old remnant floodplain forest (Csáfordi-forest, Northwest Hungary) owing to the massive amount of dead wood in its area. For the survey, we selected 11 microhabitats, including lying dead wood of different stages of decay, dendrotelmata, peeling moss and bark, decaying wood material taken from tree hollows etc. A total of 1309 Collembola individuals belonging to 40 species were collected, three of them (Anurida granaria, Folsomia martynovae, F. cf. similis) are new to the Hungarian fauna. The most diverse microhabitats were the lying dead trees in a more advanced stadium of decay. The family Entomobryidae represented the largest proportion of species (25%). The number of species varied between 1 and 21 in the microhabitats studied. The communities with higher species numbers were associated with lying dead wood, including dead wood at a more advanced stage of decay. Fewer species were found in the dry wood decay of the tree's base hole, while special microhabitats (detached bark of living trees, dendrotelmata) provided suitable habitats for only one or two species.
... Однако вполне вероятно, что повсеместное распространение таких видов связано с экологической специализацией внутривидовых генетических линий. Так, у Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Linnaeus, 1788) были обнаружены три линии: L1 была многочисленной и встречалась в каждом из трех исследуемых мест обитания (леса, пастбища, пахотные поля), L2только в лесах, L3 -только на пастбищах и пахотных полях [11]. ...
В работе показан состав генетических линий многочисленного космополитического партеногенетического вида P. notabilis (Collembola) в трех различных по нарушенности местообитаниях: естественный лес, лесопарк, газон внутри городской застройки. Полученное соотношение генетических линий показывает, что, вероятно, биоиндикация состояния среды возможна не только на уровне сообществ и отдельных чувствительных видов, но и на внутривидовом уровне.
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Belowground invertebrate communities are dominated by species-rich and very small microarthropods that require long handling times and high taxonomic expertise for species determination. Molecular based methods like metabarcoding circumvent the morphological determination process by assigning taxa bioinformatically based on sequence information. The potential to analyse diverse and cryptic communities in short time at high taxonomic resolution is promising. However, metabarcoding studies revealed that taxonomic assignment below family-level in Collembola (Hexapoda) and Oribatida (Acariformes) is difficult and often fails. These are the most abundant and species-rich soil-living microarthropods, and the application of molecular-based, automated species determination would be most beneficial in these taxa . In this study, we analysed the presence of a barcoding gap in the standard barcoding gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI) in Collembola and Oribatida. The barcoding gap describes a significant difference between intra- and interspecific genetic distances among taxa and is essential for bioinformatic taxa assignment. We collected COI sequences of Collembola and Oribatida from BOLD and NCBI and focused on species with a wide geographic sampling to capture the range of their intraspecific variance. Our results show that intra- and interspecific genetic distances in COI overlapped in most species, impeding accurate assignment. When a barcoding gap was present, it exceeded the standard threshold of 3% intraspecific distances and also differed between species. Automatic specimen assignments also showed that most species comprised of multiple genetic lineages that caused ambiguous taxon assignments in distance-based methods. Character-based taxonomic assignment using phylogenetic trees and monophyletic clades as criteria worked for some species of Oribatida but failed completely for Collembola. Notably, parthenogenetic species showed lower genetic variance in COI and more accurate species assignment than sexual species. The different patterns in genetic diversity among species suggest that the different degrees of genetic variance result from deep evolutionary distances. This indicates that a single genetic threshold, or a single standard gene, will probably not be sufficient for the molecular species identification of many Collembola and Oribatida taxa. Our results also show that haplotype diversity in some of the investigated taxa was not even nearly covered, but coverage was better for Collembola than for Oribatida. Additional use of secondary barcoding genes and long-read sequencing of marker genes can improve metabarcoding studies. We also recommend the construction of pan-genomes and pan-barcodes of species lacking a barcoding gap. This will allow both to identify species boundaries, and to cover the full range of variability in the marker genes, making molecular identification also possible for species with highly diverse barcode sequences.
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Climatic and biome changes of the past million years influenced the population structure and genetic diversity of soil-living arthropods in Europe. However, their effects on the genetic structure of widespread and abundant soil animal species such as the Collembola Parisotoma notabilis remain virtually unknown. This generalist and parthenogenetic species is an early colonizer of disturbed habitats and often occurs in human modified environments. To investigate ancient climatic influence and recent distributions on the genetic structure of P. notabilis we analyzed populations on a pan-European scale using three genetic markers differing in substitution rates. The results showed that P. notabilis comprises several genetic lineages with distinct distribution ranges that diverged in the Miocene. Genetic distances of COI between lineages ranged between 15% and 18% and molecular clock estimates suggest Late Miocene divergences considering the standard arthropod rate of 2.3% per my. Compared to other soil-living arthropods like oribatid mites, European lineages of P. notabilis are rather young and genetically uniform. The close association with anthropogenic habitats presumably contributed to rapid spread in Europe.
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Background: Climate oscillations in the Cenozoic reduced species richness and genetic diversity of terrestrial and aquatic animals and plants in central and northern Europe. The most abundant arthropods in temperate soils are Collembola that live in almost any soil-related habitat. Extant species show little morphological variation to Eocene fossils, suggesting persistence of species in stable habitats for millions of years. Collembola are able to evade adverse climatic conditions by moving into deeper soil layers and are tolerant to frost and draught. If these adaptations sufficed for surviving glacial periods remains open and needs to be investigated in a phylogeographic context, i.e. investigating spatial structure on molecular level. We investigated the molecular variation of three common species of Collembola at a pan-European scale to identify glacial refuges and post-glacial colonization patterns with three genetic markers. Results: All genes revealed remarkable genetic structure between but not within populations, suggesting density dependent processes for establishment of populations (founder-takes-all principle), which is common for European animals and plants. In contrast to the post-glacial recolonization patterns of many aboveground organisms, divergence times of most geographic lineages indicate preservation of genetic structure since the Miocene. Conclusions: Collembola survived severe climatic changes including those during Quatenary glaciation and kept high genetic variance across Europe. Likely the buffering of temperature oscilliations in soil and the ability to evade adverse climatic conditions due to cold-tolerance and horizontal migration enabled Collembola to evade strong selective pressure of abiotic forces.
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Cryptic species are phylogenetically diverged taxa that are morphologically indistinguishable and may differ in their ecological and behavioral requirements. This may have important implications for ecosystem services and conservation of biodiversity. We investigated whether two ecologically important cryptic species of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus fossarum (types A and B) are associated with different habitats. We collected data on their occurrence at both the landscape scale (large watersheds) and at the local scale (river reach) to compare macro-and microscale environmental parameters associated with their presence. Analysis of the landscape scale data showed that occurrence of types A and B differ with respect to watershed and river size and, interestingly, human impact on river ecomorphology. Whereas type B was mainly found in less forested areas with higher human impact, type A showed the opposite occurrence pattern. Analyses of the local scale data suggested that habitats occupied by type A were characterized by larger gravel, larger stones and less macrophytes than habitats occupied by type B. The landscape and local data set showed contradicting patterns with regard to stream size. Overall, the observed differences between the two types of G. fossarum most likely reflect ecological differences between them, but alternative explanations (e.g., historical colonization processes) cannot be completely ruled out. Our study underlines that common cryptic species can differ in their ecology and response to anthropogenic influence. Such differences in habitat requirements among difficult-to- identify taxa present a challenge for biodiversity and ecosystem management. Our results emphasize the importance of conservative and precautionary approaches in maintenance of habitat diversity and environmental heterogeneity.
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Studies in soil meiofauna with traditional methods are highly laborious and identification exclusively by means of morphological traits usually underestimates species richness. Although the mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit I gene (COI, CO1, cox1, coxI) has been proposed as a standard DNA barcode for animals, nuclear ribosomal DNA markers such as Large Subunit (LSU, 28S) and Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) have proven efficient to distinguish among species of animals, eukaryotic microbes and plants. The COI and LSU markers discriminate among closely related species of Collembola, but the efficiency of ITS2 has never been tested. We evaluated the relative performance of these three markers for DNA barcoding of Collembola. All three markers proved highly efficient in discriminating species, but LSU exhibited very low differences among certain closely related species. We conclude that ITS2 may serve as an alternative barcode to identify Collembola and has a potential to be used for metabarcoding analyses.
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Evaluating species boundaries remains a significant challenge in rare, difficult to collect, and/or understudied groups because of a lack of available data. Uninformative morphology, unknown ecologies and/or geographical distributions, inadequate comparative sequence data, and limited sample sizes present substantial challenges when applying commonly used methods for species delimitation. Here we present an approach that overcomes the challenges previously mentioned by integrating phylogeny, genetic distances, and a fixed diagnostic character (i.e. colour pattern) into the species delimitation process. The genus Entomobrya (Collembola) includes many species marked by complex and variable colour patterns. Many Entomobrya species have been named based exclusively on colour pattern, but the value of this character as a species-level diagnostic marker has been challenged. To test the hypothesis that colour forms in Entomobrya represent independent evolutionary lineages, i.e. distinct species, we used phylogenetic methods to evaluate the association between colour pattern and molecular variation in the cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) in 11 species of North American Entomobrya. The comparative analysis focused on 13 colour forms distributed amongst the species Entomobrya assuta, Entomobrya clitellaria, Entomobrya ligata, and Entomobrya quadrilineata. Phylogenetic analysis and genetic divergences sorted the 13 colour forms into seven independent evolutionary lineages, including three morphologically cryptic lineages diagnosable by colour pattern. However, genetic divergence did not always correlate with colour pattern variation, indicating that the diagnostic utility of colour pattern is species dependent and requires individual evaluation for each species. We propose that incorporation of the explicit species delimitation criteria developed for this study will result in a substantial advance in the identification and description of species in understudied taxa.
This volume dealing with the 239 Nordic species of Entomobryomorpha and Symphypleona completes the survey which was started with Part 1, Poduromorpha, which appeared ten years ago (Fjellberg, 1998a). The number of Collembola species being recorded in the Nordic countries have now reached 403 (a few more Poduromorpha are added since 1998). The detailed studies and use of mouthpart morphology in species diagnostics was introduced in Part 1 and is continued here. Structures of labium, labrum and maxilla are found to be particularly useful in diagnostics of higher taxa of Symphypleona. Colour photographs are used to illustrate some of the more characteristic species. Three new species are described (Desoria potapovi sp. nov., Desoria tolya sp. nov., Isotomurus graminis sp. nov.). The following new synonyms are established: Folsomia janstachi Potapov & Babenko, 2000 = Isotoma (now Folsomia) coeruleogrisea Hammer, 1938; Folsomia norvegica Altner, 1963 = Folsomia thalassophila Bagnall, 1940; Proisotoma admaritima Murphy, 1953 = Isotoma (now Cryptopygus) clavata Schött, 1893; Isotoma ruseki Fjellberg, 1979 = Isotoma (now Desoria) fennica Reuter, 1895; Isotoma inupikella Fjellberg, 1978 = Isotoma (now Desoria) violacea Tullberg, 1876; Isotoma germanica Hüther & Winter, 1961 = Isotoma (now Desoria) intermedia Schött, 1902; Entomobrya subarctica Stach, 1962 = Podura (now Entomobrya) nivalis Linnaeus, 1758.