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18 km northwards – Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage from Nahe LA 11 at Lake Itzstedt (Kr. Segeberg/D)


Abstract and Figures

The site of Nahe was partly excavated in two seasons in the years 2003 and 2004 in the hope of finding a second Stellmoor. To date, the site has not been published nor studied in any detail. Unfortunately, the stratigraphy of the site is complicated and the number of finds is rather small. A total of 112 reindeer remains was studied zooarchaeologically and technologically. The results indicate that there are at least five individuals in the assemblage. The presence of rich meat-parts indicates that the animals were at least processed locally, and, furthermore, hunted near the site. The processing of the bones led to the high rate of c. 25% anthropogenically modified bones. Different activity patterns can be distinguished from the skinning of animals to the extraction of marrow. The small herd identified points to a herd structure that is typical for the winter season. Taking this into consideration the analysis illustrates the potential of Nahe in the study of Younger Dryas reindeer migration routes as it may be possible that the people in Nahe hunted on the same reindeer herd paths only slightly later in the yearly cycle than the people in Stellmoor. Nevertheless, excavations will be necessary to prove the observed patterns of the zooarchaeological analysis, to further specify the stratigraphical knowledge and to unearth a bone industry to complement existing studies from Stellmoor. © 2017 Roemisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Sonderdruck aus
Jahrgang 47 · 2017 · Heft 4
Herausgegeben vom
Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz
Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie
Paläolithikum, Mesolithikum: Martina Barth · Harald Floss
Neolithikum: Johannes Müller · Doris Mischka
Bronzezeit: Christoph Huth · Stefan Wirth
Hallstattzeit: Markus Egg · Dirk Krausse
Latènezeit: Rupert Gebhard · Hans Nortmann · Martin Schönfelder
Römische Kaiserzeit im Barbaricum: Claus von Carnap-Bornheim · Haio Zimmermann
Provinzialrömische Archäologie: Peter Henrich · Gabriele Seitz
Frühmittelalter: Brigitte Haas-Gebhard · Dieter Quast
Wikingerzeit, Hochmittelalter: Hauke Jöns · Bernd Päffgen
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© 2017 Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums
Redaktion und Satz: Manfred Albert, Michael Braun, Marie Röder, Martin Schönfelder
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441Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
zooarchaeological and technological analysis
of the ahrensBurgian assemBlage from nahe la11
at lake itzstedt (kr. segeBerg / d)
              
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Fig. 1 
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442 M. Wild · Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage
 1
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Fig. 2      
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443Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
 2
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the stratigraphical setting of the site
       
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Rangifer tarandus
    
      
fig. 2
    
    
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fig. 3
  
Fig. 3 14
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
fig. 4
   
   
fig. 5
               
Fig. 4 
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      
   
      
     
    
     
       
Fig. 5 
   
thanatocoenosis 
       
       
  
       fig. 3
      
(see tab. 3   
fauna Belonging to a potentially natural thanatocoenosis
      
tab. 1Esox luciusLarus mari-
nus Larus  Cygnus cygnus or 
(Cygnus olor Anatidae
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
Lutra lutra
terrestrial fauna from the lake sediments
 
      Bos
primigenius phalanxAlces alces Cervus elaphus
Capreolus capreolus
Canis lupus familiaris Sus scrofa 
Os frontaleSus scrofa f. domesticascapula
     
             
  
taxa NISP NISP (%) MNI MNI (%)
Rangifer tarandus 112   
Alces alces 1  1 
Bos primigenius 1  1 
Capreolus capreolus 1  1 
Cervus elaphus 3 2.33 1 
Sus scrofa 1  1 
Sus scrofa f. domestica 1  1 
Canis cf. familaris 1  1 
Lutra lutra 1  1 
Esox lucius 1  1 
Larus marinus 1  1 
Laridae 1  1 
Anatidae 2  2 
Cygnus cygnus / olor 2  1 
  100.00  100.00
Tab. 1 
 M. Wild · Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage
   14 
          
              
     
Canis lupus
 
to the Federmessergruppen
  
       
 
    
fig. 3
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
 tab. 2
g. 6, tab. 3
      
       
   
fig. 7
    
element NISP NISP (%) MNI
  21  1
 1  1
 12 
 1  1
 atlas 1  1
axis 4  3
vertebrae thoracales  
vertebrae lumbales 4 
vertebrae cervicales  
vertebrae  3 
sternum 1  1
costae  
 scapula 2  1
humerus   2
radius 4  2
ulna 1  1
metacarpus 1  1
 pelvis 2  2
femur 3  2
tibia   2
tarsale centrale 1  1
 2  1
calcaneus 2  1
metatarsus 2  1
 phalanx I  1
 112 100.00
Tab. 2 
 M. Wild · Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage
 
atlasfemur epiphysis  
             
element (specimens) measurement values (mm) values (reference; mm)
   ant
  ant
atlas   
axis   
  
  
scapula   
 31.0 
  
humerus   
radius   
  
 
ulna   
metacarpus  42.0 
pelvis  
 24.1
sc 
tibia   
 
talus   
  
  
  
  
calcaneus   
  
metatarsus   
  
Tab. 3 
       
articularis distalis
caput femoris
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radiusmetacarpus metatarsus     
fig. 5axis
and seasonality of occupation
  
Fig. 6 
pn Nahe
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Fig. 7 ––p
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tab. 3
fig. 6
              
              
Figure 6
 3
  
tab. 3
terminus ante quem
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antler technology
fig. 8
fig. 8
fig. 8
   
 
     
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
implications of nahe for possiBle migration routes of reindeer
Fig. 8 
 M. Wild · Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage
     
fig. 1
      
       
     
       
     
      
       
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
    
  
      
         
    
           
   
 
    
    
   
     
          
  
       
          
       
    th  th   
       
          
       
      
     
      
  
        
    
      
       
         
        
             
       
      
        
 
    
   
       
    
        
 M. Wild · Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage
  
      
  
   
     
    
         
       
     
  
       
    
      
       
        
     
      
          
      
   th  th    
  
         
    
       
     
           
   
      
       
         
    
     
      
      
         
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
  
  
             
           
 
        
        
         
     
      
        
    
       
     
       
      
  
       
    
  
     st    
  
Zusammenfassung / Summary / Résumé
18 km nordwärts – Archäozoologische und technologische Analyse eines Inventars  
der Ahrensburger Kultur von Nahe LA11 am Itzstedter See (Kr. Segeberg / D)
  
 M. Wild · Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage
18 km Northwards – Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis  
of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage from Nahe LA11 at Lake Itzstedt (Kr. Segeberg / D)
18 km plus au Nord – Etude archéozoologique et technologique  
de l’ensemble Ahrensbourgien du site de Nahe LA11 au Lac Itzstedt (Kr. Segeberg / D)
  
                  
                
  
            
  
Schlagwörter / Keywords / Mots clés
Markus Wild
Jörg Orschiedt, Tim Schüler, Marta Połtowicz-Bobak, Dariusz Bobak,
Stefan Karol Kozłowski, Thomas Terberger, Human Remains
from Maszycka Cave (woj. małopolskie / PL): the Treatment of Human Bodies
in the Magdalenian ..........................................................423
Markus Wild, 18 km Northwards – Zooarchaeological and Technological Analysis
of the Ahrensburgian Assemblage from Nahe LA11 at Lake Itzstedt (Kr. Segeberg / D) ........441
Holger Baitinger, Das jungneolithische Steinbeildepot von Altenstadt (Wetteraukreis) –
neue Erkenntnisse zu einem alten Fundkomplex ....................................461
Josef Hložek, Petr Menšík, Miluše Dobisíková, Petr Tomášek, Ein versorgtes Schädeltrauma
aus dem Bereich der Aunjetitzer Kultur. Zu einem Grabfund
aus Holubice (okr. Praha-západ / CZ) ..............................................475
Martin Lemke, Zwei bronzene Acheloosmasken aus der hellenistischen Hafensiedlung Rhizon
(Montenegro) ..............................................................489
Stefan F. Pfahl, Ein neo-punischer Grafto und eine numidische Münze aus Oberhausen
bei Augsburg...............................................................501
Marko Jelusić, Zu einem Schildzeichen der Notitia dignitatum. Neubewertung einer Grabmalerei
mit der Darstellung des spätantiken Soldaten Flavius Maximianus
aus der Villa Maria-Katakombe in Syrakus (reg. Siciliana / I) .............................513
Ursula Koch, Merowingische Zierscheiben mit einem gekreuzten Menschenpaar ................533
Sebastian Messal, Imitationen karolingisch-ottonischer Vorbilder? Zwei runde Bleianhänger
mit Kreuzmotiv und Leiterbandkreis aus Rostock-Dierkow .............................549
Inhalt Jahrgang 47, 2017...........................................................563
ISSN 0342-734X
Das Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt versteht sich als eine aktuelle wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift zu Themen der vor-
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Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie,
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2, 55116 Mainz, Deutschland
Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz
Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2 · 55116 Mainz · Tel.: 0 61 31 / 9124-0 · Fax: 0 61 31 / 91 24-199
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Claus von Carnap-Bornheim · Falko Daim · Peter Ettel
Ursula Warnke (eds)
Harbours as Objects
of Interdisciplinary Research –
Archaeology + History + Geosciences
The Priority Programme 1630 »Harbours from the Roman Period to the
Middle Ages« funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft) from the years 2012-2018 involved 18 projects
working on the interdisciplinary research on the phenomenon »harbour«.
After the rst 3-year period an international conference titled »Harbours as
objects of interdisciplinary research – Archaeology + History + Geosciences«
was held in Kiel in 2015.
This volume includes 26 papers from lectures of the conference in which
participants from 15 nations present their work approaches and results on
harbour research within the ve sections »Plenum Keynotelectures «, »Geo-
physics and Field Research: Developing Methods«, »Geoarchaeology:
Changing Harbour Environments«, »Archaeological Features: Harbour
Facilities and Infrastructure« and »Written and Iconographic Sources: Com-
plementing the Material Evidence«.
The present volume is predominantly devoted to archaeological and histor-
ical oriented papers which are primarily structured geographically as well as
partly topical.
RGZM – Tagungen, Band 34
476 S., 279 meist farb. Abb.
ISBN 978-3-88467-293-8
€ 68,–
Ricarda Giljohann
Die römische Besiedlung
im Umland der antiken Tuffbergwerke
am Laacher See-Vulkan
Am Rhein nördlich der Mosel trafen Caesars Truppen auf eine mit Guts-
höfen besiedelte, fruchtbare Beckenlandschaft und einen orierenden
Mühlsteinhandel. Die germanische Okkupations- und Urbanisierungspolitik
des Kaisers Augustus bedeutete u. a. den Beginn der Steinbauweise. Vor
allem die Tuffvorkommen um den Laacher See-Vulkan traten ab diesem
Zeitpunkt in den Fokus der römischen Baumeister. Bereits in früheströmi-
scher Zeit entstand hier eine Industrielandschaft, für deren Entwicklung die
Voraussetzungen besonders günstig waren. In diesem Buch werden mehr
als 200 römische Siedlungsfundstellen und die gut 450 Jahre andauernde
Entwicklung der Gesellschaft in diesem Teil von Obergermanien behandelt.
Die Einführung der Tuffsteinindustrie und die Stationierung römischer Trup-
penverbände ließen rasch eine wohlhabende, provinzialrömische Mischkul-
tur entstehen. Selbst nach gravierenden Zerstörungen im 3. Jahrhundert
entwickelte sich im fortgeschrittenen 4. Jahrhundert erneut eine prosperie-
rende Gesellschaft bis in die erste Hälfte des 5. Jahrhunderts, unter zuneh-
mender Zuwanderung von Germanen. Neu vorgelegt wird Fundmaterial
aus dem 1.-5. Jahrhundert, vor allem aus Gräbern der frühen Kaiserzeit
sowie über 20 Wasserleitungsfunde und eine Bergmannssiedlung.
Monographien des RGZM, Band 140
278 S., 5 meist farb. Abb.,
12 farb. Karten, 135 teils farb. Taf.,
2 großformat. Beil.
ISBN 978-3-88467-291-4
€ 66,–
Monographien des RGZM
K. Kühtreiber u. M. Obenaus
Burgen des 9. bis zur Mitte
des 11. Jahrhunderts in Niederösterreich –
eine Bestandsaufnahme
Band 132 (2017); 252 S., 9 überw. farb. Abb.,
110 meist farb. Taf.
ISBN 978-3-88467-272-3 € 68,–
M. Geschwinde
Werla 3 –
In presidio urbis
. Die Befestigungen
der Königspfalz
Band 135 (2017); 211 S., 175 überw. farb. Abb., 1 CD
ISBN 978-3-88467-276-1 € 42,–
L. Sperber
Studien zur spätbronzezeitlichen Chronologie
im westlichen Mitteleuropa
und in Westeuropa
Band 136 (2017); 342 S., 120 Abb.
ISBN 978-3-88467-279-2 € 62,–
G. Bardelli (Hrsg.)
Das Prunkgrab von Bad Dürkheim
150 Jahre nach der Entdeckung
Band 137 (2017); 175 S., 91 meist farb. Abb.
ISBN 978-3-88467-280-8 € 42,–
R. Giljohann
Die römische Besiedlung im Umland der
antiken Tuffbergwerke am Laacher See-Vulkan
Band 140 (2017); 278 S., 5 meist farb. Abb.,
12 farb. Karten, 135 teils farb. Taf., 2 großformat. Beil.
ISBN 978-3-88467-291-4 € 66,–
RGZM – Tagungen
Th. Eser, M. Farrenkopf, D. Kimmel, A. Saupe
u. U. Warnke (Hrsg.)
Authentisierung im Museum.
Ein Werkstatt-Bericht
Band 32 (2017); 160 S., 61 überw. farb. Abb.
ISBN 978-3-88467-287-7 € 30,–
A. W. Busch, J. Griesbach u. J. Lipps (Hrsg.)
s – urbane Qualitäten. Die antike Stadt
als kulturelle Selbstverwirklichung
Band 33 (2017); 468 S., 238 häug farb. Abb.
ISBN 978-3-88467-289-1 € 64,–
C. von Carnap-Bornheim, F. Daim, P. Ettel
u. U. Warnke (eds)
Harbours as Objects of Interdisciplinary Research –
Archaeology + History + Geosciences
Band 34 (2017); 476 S, 279 meist farb. Abb.
ISBN 978-3-88467-293-1 € 68,–
Forschungen am RGZM
H. Baron
Auf Gedeih und Verderb. Mensch,
Tier und Umwelt im Byzantinischen Reich
Band 13 (2016); 62 S., 52 meist farb. Abb.
ISBN 978-3-88467-274-7 € 18,–
G. Bardelli
Die wahre italische Faszination. Die Funde
aus dem keltischen Grab von Bad Dürkheim
und ihre Geschichten
Band 14 (2017); 53 S., 80 meist farb. Abb.
ISBN 978-3-88467-284-6 € 18,–
Ältere Publikationen sind in der Regel ebenfalls noch lieferbar. Unser komplettes Publikations-
verzeichnis nden Sie im Internet auf unserer Homepage ( oder können es beim
Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut
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E-Mail:, kostenlos anfordern. Seinen Autorinnen und Autoren gewährt der Verlag
des RGZM einen Rabatt von in der Regel 25% auf den Ladenpreis.
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47 · 2017
inhalt jahrgang 47, 2017
 
 
thth ......................... 
...................................................................... 
 ................... 
 
 .................. 
 ..................................................................................
 cistae
 .................................................................. 
 
 .......................................... 
 
 ..................................................................................
 
 .......................................... 
 
 ..................................................................................
 
 ................................................. 
 ....................... 
 
 ......................... 
 ................... 
 ........................................... 
 ................ 
  ................... 
 
 .......................................... 
 
 ............ 
 
 .......................................... 
 
 ........................................... 
 cistae
 .................................................................. 
 
 .......................................... 
 
 ........................................... 
 Solidus
th ................................... 
 Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis
 
thth ......................... 
 ................................................ 
 ................................................. 
 .................. 
 ............. 
 ................................................................... 
............................................................... 
.................................... 
 
 .................. 
 ........................................................... 
 Waffenbrüder
 ................... 
 .............. 
 ...................................................................... 
 Waffenbrüder
........................... 
 
 ................................................. 
 ............................................................ 
 ..................... 
 .................. 
 
 ..................................................................................
 ................... 
 ................... 
 
 ...................................................................... 
 
 .................. 
 
 ................................................ 
.................................................................... 
...................................... 
 
 ..................................................................................
 .................................................................. 
 
 .......................................... 
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th ................................... 
 
 ................................................................... 
 ......................... 
 ......... 
 
 .................. 
 
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... In combination with the lithic artifacts the finds can be assigned to the Ahrensburgian. The excavated area is interpreted as a refuse zone of a nearby camp site, which is assumed to lay on a slight elevation (Wild, 2017). The investigation was accompanied by numerous drillings that were carried out by Hartmut Usinger. ...
... Succeeding excavations in the paleoshoreline were carried out by Ingo Clausen of the Archaeological State Department Schleswig-Holstein. These investigations revealed further stone artefacts as well as faunal remains (Weber et al., 2011;Wild, 2017). ...
... Faunal remains have been investigated by Wild (2017) and radiocarbon ages of bones and antler suggest a temporal classification into the Dryas 3 period and partly into the early Preboreal period. For that time, a ford situation can be reconstructed at the south-eastern end of the lake in the form of a shallow water area above a sand ridge, situated at the foot of the morain. ...
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The exploration of Lateglacial vegetation history in Schleswig-Holstein is elaborate and comprehensive. Despite being one of the most studied areas, regarding to the Lateglacial, no biostratigraphy covering the complete Lateglacial and Early Holocene periods without hiatus have so far been recovered. In this paper we present a biostratigraphy of the Nahe paleolake, therewith intending to deal with this desideratum. The special strength of the presented sequence is expressed in the fact that these are the only palynologically investigated sequentially annual laminated limnic sediments of the Lateglacial in Schleswig-Holstein. These laminated sediments, as well as radiocarbon dating of botanical macrofossils and three geochemically confirmed cryptotephra layers (Laacher See Tephra, Vedde Ash and Saksunarvatn Ash), provide excellent chronological control and allow for a Europe-wide correlation. Particularly important is a complete discussion of the vegetation history and the spatial proximity to Late Paleolithic sites, which renders it possible to evaluate potential human–environment-interaction long before classical palynological human indicators occur.
... Here, the top of the moraine was intensely surveyed by Thomas Poelmann for the last 30 years. These collections yielded > 12.000 lithics that were mostly attributed to the Ahrensburgian but also to the Hamburgian (Wild, 2017). ...
... The faunal assemblage has been investigated by Wild (2017). Altogether 154 bones and antler fragments originate to 86% from reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). ...
... Apart from that seven terrestrial mammal species and six fish species have been identified. According to Wild (2017) these can be regarded as background fauna as the species are mainly represented by single bones. ...
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Sediments from the Nahe palaeolake in Schleswig-Holstein provided a continuous and high-resolution palynological record in the vicinity of a Lateglacial archaeological site in northern Germany. The principal objective of the study was to investigate potential reflections of Palaeolithic human-environmental interaction, which is generally regarded as challenging. Charcoal particle frequencies in different size classes and coinciding fungal spores reveal a remarkable pattern at the transition from the Dryas 3 to the Preboreal period that corresponds to the chronological attribution of parts of the archaeological record. The applied indicators of human action render it possible to define a temporally limited phase of generally elevated large charcoal particle inputs, reflecting potentially anthropogenic activity. The interpretation of the palynological record leads to the hypothesis that the climatically driven rapid change of the vegetation at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition caused temporally increased hunting activities by Late Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers. The excellent age control of the record allowed to date this phase between 11,650 and 11,520 cal yr BP.
... A similar situation was found at the site of Nahe LA 11 only some 20 km north of Stellmoor. In regular surveys, a large Ahrensburgian assemblage was collected and in subsequent excavations mainly reindeer remains were found in the wetlands at the foot of the hill Wild 2017). ...
... Thus, they are also recovered due to external factors, i.e. infrastructural activities, rather than subject to systematic survey. However, the more prominent sites were the result of systematic surveys and excavations such as Stellmoor (Rust 1943) or Nahe LA 11 (Wild 2017). ...
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Time and timing are essential to many archaeological questions, especially when dealing with archaeo-cultural borders or transitions. In this paper, we address the transition from the Final Palaeolithic to the Early Mesolithic on the North German Plain with respect to chronological evidence. Based on several well-dated sites from the area, we aim to discuss preconditions and consequences for the spreading of Early Mesolithic technocomplexes. Furthermore, we highlight which problems have to be approached when dealing with this timeframe. It is shown that the onset of the Mesolithic in the area under consideration currently appears to date not prior to the Middle Preboreal, i.e. from ca. 9200 calBC onwards. The short cold spell, the Preboreal Oscillation, seems to coincide with a seizure between the hunter-gatherers of the Ahrensburgian and the aforementioned Early Holocene societies. It is made clear that the Pleistocene/Holocene border should not generally be parallelised with the Ahrensburgian/Early Mesolithic in the respective area.
... The Nahe palaeolake is located in Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany) about 30 km north of Hamburg. The former lake basin was part of a larger glacial lake system and is separated from further elongated incision lakes by two narrow sand ridges to the northwest and southeast (Wild 2017). To the southeast, Lake Itzstedt is the water-bearing remnant of the lake system. ...
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This paper presents evidence for a limnological response to the Laacher See eruption (LSE) as detected in lake sediments from Nahe, northern Germany. The sediment section of the Allerød period dating to between 13 422 and 12 708 cal. a BP is preserved in annual laminations. Within this section, the LSE was identified as a cryptotephra layer (12 944±44 cal. a BP). Microfacies analysis, continuous high‐resolution geochemical measurements and pollen analyses enabled a high‐resolution reconstruction of environmental change. The older part of the Allerød (c. 13 422 to 12 943 cal. a BP) was characterized by relatively stable sedimentation conditions. Evidence for windier conditions dating to c. 13 160 to 13 080 cal. a BP probably reflects the Gerzensee oscillation. Pronounced changes of the lake sedimentation followed the LSE. Four unusually thick varves with increased amounts of allochthonous material indicate serious disturbance of the local environment immediately after the LSE, related to increased storminess and/or the occurrence of high intensity rainfall events. A pronounced reduction of biogenic silica accumulation for c. 60 years after the LSE could reflect a period of acidification. Indications of a simultaneous lake level increase until c. 60 years after the LSE are in line with the supposed reduced evapotranspiration associated with cooler conditions. About 120 years after the LSE, increased oxygen access at the lake bottom, allochthonous input and Cl fluxes point to an onset of increasingly stronger westerly winds, probably as a long‐term response to the LSE. This supports the idea of a southward shift of the mid‐latitude westerlies wind system within the interval between the LSE and the beginning of the Younger Dryas. The pace of the southwards shift of this wind system decreased from 10 km a−1 in the initial phase (40–120 years after LSE) to 6 km a−1 in the later phase (120–200 years after LSE).
... The Nahe palaeolake is located in Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany) about 30 km north of Hamburg. The former lake basin was part of a larger glacial lake system and is separated from further elongated incision lakes by two narrow sand ridges to the northwest and southeast (Wild 2017). To the southeast, Lake Itzstedt is the water-bearing remnant of the lake system. ...
This paper presents evidence for a limnological response to the Laacher See eruption (LSE) as detected in lake sediments from Nahe, northern Germany. The sediment section of the Allerød period dating to between 13 422 and 12 708 cal. aBPis preserved in annual laminations.Within this section, theLSEwas identified as a cryptotephra layer (12 944+/-44 cal. a BP). Microfacies analysis, continuous high-resolution geochemical measurements and pollen analysesenabled ahigh-resolution reconstructionof environmental change.Theolder part of the Allerød(c. 13 422 to 12 943 cal. a BP) was characterized by relatively stable sedimentation conditions. Evidence for windier conditions dating to c. 13 160 to 13 080 cal. a BP probably reflects the Gerzensee oscillation. Pronounced changes of the lake sedimentation followed the LSE. Four unusually thick varves with increased amounts of allochthonous material indicate serious disturbance of the local environment immediately after the LSE, related to increased storminess and/ or the occurrence of high intensity rainfall events. A pronounced reduction of biogenic silica accumulation for c. 60 years after the LSE could reflect a period of acidification. Indications of a simultaneous lake level increase until c. 60 years after the LSE are in line with the supposed reduced evapotranspiration associated with cooler conditions. About120 years after the LSE, increasedoxygen access at the lake bottom, allochthonous inputand Cl fluxes point to anonset of increasinglystrongerwesterly winds, probablyasa long-term response to theLSE.This supports the idea of a southward shift of the mid-latitudewesterlies wind system within the interval between the LSE and the beginning of the Younger Dryas. Thepace of the southwards shift of thiswind system decreased from10 km a-1 in the initial phase (40–120 years after LSE) to 6 km a-1 in the later phase (120–200 years after LSE).
... Such a replacement occurred at the Pleistocene/ Holocene transition in most areas of the North European Plain. Large herds of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) migrated through the lowlands and gave rise to, and sustained, an osseous industry that relied on reindeer antler during the Ahrensburgian and Sviderian (Rust, 1943;Wild, 2017). With the warming trends of the Holocene, these herds disappeared and were replaced by more sedentary taxa. ...
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This paper focuses on the effects of environmental change, particularly of faunal replacement, on acquisition strategies and use of osseous raw materials for the production of tools around the Pleistocene/Holocene transition in north-western Central Europe. It is therefore a contribution to the overall question “10,000 BP (11,600 cal. BP) – what changes?”, which is discussed along three lines of argumentation: 1) Pleistocene/Holocene archaeology, 2) material properties of osseous raw materials and 3) the relationship between tool type and selected raw material. For typological classification and comparability, the osseous tools are partitioned into three functional classes: A – striking objects, B – hooking objects and C – perforating objects, which are further subdivided into hafted perforating tools (C1), and hand-held perforating tools (C2). The advantage of this very basic classification scheme is that it can be applied to compare assemblages from different cultural entities. From north-western Central Europe, only well preserved osseous assemblages securely dated to the Younger Dryas or the Preboreal that have been zooarchaeologically analysed were included (n = 5). The analysis led to the following results: Striking tools are exclusively produced from antler. Barbed tools are predominantly made of antler. The preferred raw material for perforating tools is bone. We explain this clear picture by the different mechanical properties of osseous raw materials. Though heterogeneous and incomplete, the currently available experimental data suggest that antler is flexible and tough whereas bone is rather stiff. Taking these archaeological and experimental observations into account, we postulate that no change in the general raw material choices took place at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. However, what changed were the raw material sources: Instead of migrating reindeer herds, more sedentary taxa provided antler and bone. Résumé: Cet article discute des effets des changements environnementaux, plus particulièrement du remplacement de la faune, sur les stratégies d'acquisition et l'utilisation des matières premières osseuses pour la production d'outils, autour de la transition Pléistocène/Holocène en Europe centrale du Nord-Ouest. Il s’agit donc d’une contribution à la question plus large des changements intervenant autour de 10 000 BP (11 600 cal. BP), en les déclinant selon trois domaines : 1) l’archéologie de la transition Pléistocène/Holocène ; 2) les propriétés des matières premières osseuses et 3) la relation entre type d’outil et matière première sélectionnée. Pour la classification typologique et les comparaisons, les outils osseux ont été répartis en trois classes fonctionnelles: A – objets percutants, B – objets accrochants et C – objets perforants. Cette dernière classe a été subdivisée en outils emmanchés (C1), et en outils tenus à la main (C2). Cette classification simple présente l’avantage de pouvoir être appliquée à des assemblages appartenant à des entités culturelles différentes. Pour l'Europe centrale du Nord-Ouest, seuls des assemblages osseux bien préservés, datés du Dryas récent ou du Préboréal et qui ont fait l’objet d’une analyse archéozoologique, ont été inclus dans l’étude (n = 5). Les résultats de cette analyse sont les suivants : les objets percutants sont exclusivement en bois de cervidé ; les objets accrochants sont principalement en bois de cervidé ; et la matière première prédominante pour les objets perforants est l'os. Nous expliquons ces distinctions nettes par les propriétés mécaniques respectives des différentes matières premières osseuses. Bien qu’hétérogènes et incomplètes, les données expérimentales actuellement disponibles suggèrent que le bois de cervidé présente une relative flexibilité et une certaine dureté, alors que l’os est plus rigide Prenant en compte ces observations archéologiques et expérimentales, nous postulons qu’aucun changement vis-à-vis des choix globaux en matières premières n’est survenu lors de la transition Pléistocène/Holocène. Cependant, les sources de matières premières ont bel et bien changé : les espèces sédentaires ont remplacé les troupeaux de rennes mobiles pour fournir des bois et des os.
It is clear from the subfossil record that aurochs (Bos primigenius) and European bison (Bison bonasus) coexisted in southern Scandinavia during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. However, the two species are unevenly represented, especially in zooarchaeological assemblages where the aurochs is the only identified bovine. By applying genetic taxonomic assignment from mitochondrial and shallow whole-genome shotgun data from prehistoric bovine remains, this study explores the proposition that the predominance of aurochs in the subfossil record in part results from misassignment of European bison remains caused by overlapping skeletal morphology. Although our results confirm that most aurochs assignments of bovine bones are valid, through our analysis we were able to expand the European bison subfossil record and also reveal the exploitation of the species by prehistoric Scandinavians during the very early Holocene. Hence, it would appear that Mesolithic communities’ hunting strategies centred primarily around the fauna local to their wetland settlements and/or indeed point to the early local disappearance of the European bison, as previously supposed.
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The Lieth Moor area, located in the district of Pinneberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, is a hotspot of Late Palaeolithic settlement activity. The exceptional abundance of archaeological sites is commonly attributed to the presence of a large palaeolake. However, in the Weichselian Late glacial, there were numerous large lakes in Schleswig-Holstein. Thus, a well-founded explanation for the find concentration in Lieth Moor is still lacking, and forming a research desideratum until today. To improve our understanding of this Late Pleistocene landscape and its appeal to hunter–gatherer groups of that time, we conducted a large-scale archaeogeophysical study focusing on a possible ford of the potential palaeolake. We employed Ground-Penetrating Radar and Electromagnetic Induction measurements, supplemented by existing legacy drill-probing data, to identify and map limnic gyttja (organic lake mud) sediments and their spatial distribution within the area. The findings of our study indicate that during the Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene, the Lieth Moor area comprised a cluster of small ponds rather than a continuous lake. These ponds likely interconnected during periods of increased water levels. The presence of dry islands within the region corresponds with archaeological evidence, suggesting that Late Palaeolithic communities visited some of these islands. The absence of the previously postulated palaeolake places the known findings within a completely new palaeoenvironmental context: instead of the previously suspected ford, we assume that the proximity to the Elbe Palaeovalley played a decisive role in the repeated habitation of Lieth Moor. This area, rich in fresh water and fish, along with the dune chain situated to the west, serving as both a vantage point and windbreak, presented an ideal location for awaiting animals migrating along the river Elbe and/or as a resting place within the settlement system of mobile hunter–fisher–gatherer groups.
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Funerary constructions of the Late Scythian culture contain, among others, flint artefacts untypical for this period. Their locations, in the skeleton's area, indicate that they were deposited intentionally in graves. On the basis of publications, archival documentation, and museum collections, an analysis was conducted. It has revealed that the flints discovered in the Late Scythian tombs had played an important role in the everyday life of the population. Flint was used particularly for making tools (strike-a-lights) and jewellery, occupying an important position in the material culture. The analysed flint artefacts were also associated with the sphere of spirituality. Layers of flints (found in graves), on which the dead were laid, or which covered them, indicate that this raw material was used for ritual practices that most probably were associated with the cult of fire. © 2018 Roemisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. All rights reserved.
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In Central Europe, human remains from the Magdalenian are a rare phenomenon. In Central and Western Europe, these remains are usually fragmented and often manipulated. The discovery of 50 human bone fragments from Maszycka Cave in the 19th and mid-20th century is an important source for studying the treatment of bodies in the Late Upper Palaeolithic. Skull fragments are dominating and the re-investigation of the material proves the presence of some cut marks. The re-dating of the remains and the bone artefacts to c. 16,200 cal BC together with the specific treatment of the human remains confirms the typological arguments for an early re-colonisation of Central Europe from the West after the Last Glacial Maximum.
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Eine Reevaluation artifiziell deformierter Schädel des Frühen Mittelalters aus Bayern Im Rahmen eines Projektes wurden 122 Individuen aus altbayerischen Gräberfeldern einer umfassenden Reevaluation unterzogen. Unter diesen befanden sich auch 26 Individuen, denen aufgrund visueller Begutachtung ein artifiziell deformierter Schädel und damit eine mögliche fremde Herkunft zugeschrieben wurde. Die Neuuntersuchung mit metrischen Analysen zeigte, dass lediglich zwölf der Individuen tatsächlich einen künstlich deformierten Schädel aufwiesen. Bei diesen handelt es sich mit einer Ausnahme ausschließlich um Frauen, die mindestens adult waren und keine weiteren Auffälligkeiten zeigten. Unter archäologischen Gesichtspunkten ergeben diese keine einheitlich definierbare Gruppe, da die Grabbeigaben auf unterschiedliche soziale Stellungen und diverse regionale Bezüge dieser Frauen hindeuten. Allein die neu durchgeführten 14C-Datierungen weisen alle Frauen mit deformiertem Schädel allesamt noch als mögliche Zeitzeugen Attilas aus, wogegen der einzige Mann, der einen deformierten Schädel besaß, deutlich früher gelebt zu haben scheint als die Frauen. Die vorgelegten Daten zeigen auch, dass sämtliche als künstlich deformiert klassifizierte Schädel Europas einer umfassenden Reevaluation, vor allem mit metrischen Analysen, bedürfen, will man dieses Phänomen auf überregionaler Ebene vergleichen.
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In the northern frontier region of the Roman Empire and Germania Magna, grey to black wheel-Thrown pottery is frequently encountered on Late Roman sites (4th and 5lh centuries). Despite the commonality of the foot-vessels of this Late Roman Terra Nigra group, not much is known about their production, consumption or socio-cultural meaning. After a brief overview of the research history, this study presents the first interregional and comprehensive characterisation of this ceramic group by focussing on the similarities in fabric, chemical and mineralogical properties of the Chenet 342 and Gellep 273/274 type foot-vessels from Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. The combination of portable XRF and ceramic petrography demonstrated the existence of at least two distinct major production areas in Westphalia and the Low Countries, alongside numerous smaller production workshops. Because of the interregional scale of this study, new ideas are proposed considering the origin, function and symbolic value of these Late Roman foot-vessels in light of the increasing hybridisation of societies along both sides of the Lower Rhine frontier.
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In this article I focus on the status of the woman in the main cultures (Baden complex and Yamna) of the Late Copper Age (3600-2800 BC) and the transitional period (2800-2600 BC). Although the Bell Beaker complex belongs to the Early Bronze Age in Hungary (2500-1900 BC), in European terminologies it is a Late Neolithic culture and belongs to the Reinecke AO horizon in its late phase, which is why I included it into my research. I identify charismatic people displaying signs of agression in these three culture complexes, whose personalities are associated with warfare. In all three cultures there were women with specialised status: Their knowledge, property and profession raised them above the average man and woman.
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In September 2016 geophysical surveys were conducted at Korshamn, as one of the main harbour bays of the island of Björkö, situated outside the town boundaries of the Viking town of Birka. The investigation of a solitarily raised Plateau at Erik Steffanssons hemland revealed the outline of a large Vendel-period house. Together with further anomalies at a one-sided terrace at Kalvhagen a whole manor complex might be seizable predating the Viking-Age settlement activities on the island. The latter dwelling is superimposed by a major Viking-Age hall connecting to a "fenced special area" as known from e. g. Lejre and Tissø and linked to cult activities. Both the structures and the chronological depth correlate well with the "ancestral property" of Birka’s royal bailiff Herigar as mentioned in Rimbert’s Vita Anskarii. If this assumption is correct even the whereabouts of Scandinavia’s first church should be located in the immediate vicinity. The consequences of this identification cannot be overestimated: In terms of the emergence of the Viking town, its royal administration and the earliest Christian mission to Scandinavia.
The Magdalenian cave sites Pekarna and Balcarka, both located in the Moravian Karst (CZ), yielded two decorated antler projectile points which resemble each other remarkably: both have a rounded cross section, very probably a solid base and bear a complex double line and rhomb ornaments which is without parallel in the Central European Magdalenian. Hence, the resemblance suggests that both points belonged to the same individual who had visited both Pekarna and Balcarka, which are approx. 15 km apart. One conventional 14C measurement dates the Balcarka cave at around M.OOOyrs BP (17,000yrscal BP). Assuming that this date can be applied to the visits that gave rise to the decorated points, one can conclude that the Pekarna was occupied already during the Middle Magdalenian. Consequently both projectiles bear witness to the onset of the Magdalenian in the Czech Republic.
Vorbericht zu den ausgrabungen bei watenstedt (lkr. helmstedt) in den Jahren
  • I H E S K E
  • Posselt
h e s k e, i., Posselt, m., die nördlichste kreisgrabenanlage der stichbandkeramik. Vorbericht zu den ausgrabungen bei watenstedt (lkr. helmstedt) in den Jahren 2015-2016................................................ h. 3, 291
ein versorgtes schädeltrauma aus dem Bereich der aunjetitzer kultur. zu einem grabfund aus holubice (okr. Praha-západ / cz)
  • P Menšík
  • J H L O Ž E K
  • P Tomášek
menšík, P., h l o ž e k, J., dobisíková, m., tomášek, P., ein versorgtes schädeltrauma aus dem Bereich der aunjetitzer kultur. zu einem grabfund aus holubice (okr. Praha-západ / cz)................................................. h. 4, 475
zu einem schildzeichen der notitia dignitatum. neubewertung einer grabmalerei mit der darstellung des spätantiken soldaten flavius maximianus aus der Villa maria-katakombe in syrakus (reg. siciliana / i)
  • J E L U S I Ć
J e l u s i ć, m., zu einem schildzeichen der notitia dignitatum. neubewertung einer grabmalerei mit der darstellung des spätantiken soldaten flavius maximianus aus der Villa maria-katakombe in syrakus (reg. siciliana / i)............. h. 4, 513