
GUI Interaction Interviews in the Evolving Map of Design Research

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This chapter presents GUI-ii, Graphical User Interface interaction interview, a method used to remotely discuss, develop and test GUI prototypes with users and stakeholders. Examples of such sessions are presented to demonstrate that the main benefit of GUI-ii is that this way of co-designing allows for interaction-informed discussions around functions and user interfaces, where re-design and hands-on experience can be integrated and efficiently carried out remotely. Using a facilitation tool to enact GUI layout and responses allows participation and evaluation to be mixed in participatory design sessions in a productive way. This form of participatory design is discussed along the dimensions found in Sanders’ Map of Design Research. The discussion concludes that GUI-ii facilitates participation by relaxing demands for physical presence and by allowing people to participate from their own work environment while still making it easy for them to directly influence contents, structure and interaction. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.

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... The motivation behind this study is the scarcity of methods for involving the user over distance as an active participant in the system design process, particularly while he or she is in the use environment (cf. [7,8]). The purpose of the present study was to examine if and how co-design can be conducted for mobile applications in the intended use environment. ...
... [6] developed a mobile application for travelers with visual impairments and involved users in the evaluation of the application in the wild, and let users leave feedback via methods such as email. [7] and [8] tried a method called GUI-ii, which allowed stakeholders to be actively involved in prototype design and evaluations of computer-based systems over 2 Distributed Co-design ...
... Another common denominator of WOz studies is the use of a hidden "wizard" who simulates the functionality of a system. In the studies by [7,8], however, a method called Graphical User Interface Interaction Interviews (GUI-ii) was used. GUI-ii makes use of the wizardry of the WOz method, but the "magic" -that is, the human abilities of the designer -is done in plain sight. ...
This study explores a method for the co-design of mobile applications in the context of use. In 36 sessions with future users, synchronous co-design of a mobile navigation application was conducted in the intended use environment – a hospital – using an interactive Wizard-of-Oz-controlled prototype. The results show that co-design in the intended use environment contributes to the elicitation of design suggestions. Concerning the co-design method, the results show that by using interactive prototyping the user is actively involved as a co-designer, which empowers the user and enables the continuous evaluation of design suggestions.
... It is interesting to evaluate its benefits under different conditions, to find out its limitations, advantages, and disadvantages. There are various approaches for using the GUI-ii interview method, such as face-to-face interview, interviewing via screensharing and interviewing using the Ozlab web application (Pettersson and Siponen, 2002) which provides Wizard-of-Oz (Steinfeld et al., 2009) functionalities to enhance the interactive experience (Pettersson et al., 2018(Pettersson et al., , 2017. ...
... GUI-ii method has been developed by Pettersson, Wik and Andersson. in a research study called "Wizards of Oz in the Evolving Map of Design Research" (Pettersson et al., 2018(Pettersson et al., , 2017. The research focused on studying on how the GUI-ii method and the use of wizard of oz tool can benefit the designers while interacting with co-designer. ...
Participatory design is a technique which is being used by system designers to involve the end users and product owners throughout the design process. Even though utilizing this approach brings customers to the design process, implementing it requires a budget, a place, time, and other resources. This chapter demonstrates a model-based approach to facilitate the selection of interviews for each design phase such as listing elements for the interface, choosing location for components, making decision for the general look of the component, finally making the component interactable. Interface designers can use the model to choose different type of interview method for different design phases such as interface components, sketching, lo-fi prototyping and hi-fi prototyping, according to their resources. The research focus is on four different participatory design interview method, which are GUI-ii face-to-face, GUI-ii screen-sharing, GUI-ii Ozlab, and traditional face-to-face interview.
... However, there are few studies on the systematic layout design method of the GIS interface. Even in the encoding and characterisation of map information, most studies only focus on a single class of interface levels, such as symbols (Zhang and Zhu 2010), colours (Ooms, Maeyer, and Fack 2014), and functional architecture (Pettersson, Wik, and Andersson 2018), while lacking the adequate definition of comprehensive design patterns and strategies for GIS map information (Anand and Nidhi 2018). For example, Robinson et al. proposed a new hybrid method to standardise map symbols in geographic information based on the needs assessment study of map-making (Robinson et al. 2011). ...
Given that the unreasonable layout caused by the surge of map information will dramatically reduce the user's operation performance, this paper proposed a 3 V layout method based on human visual motion cognition. According to the visual flow method, two visual search experiments were designed to study the influence of label layouts and graphic overlap rates on users' search efficiency. By testing users' reaction time and gaze behaviour, it was found that L-LR layouts arranged in a vertically symmetrical way had the best search performance among the four layouts. The overall performance of L-LR and L-TB layouts arranged in a unidirectional and symmetrical way was better than that of LUG and L-EP layouts in the graphic and number search task. However, LUG and L-EP layouts performed better than L-LR and L-TB ones in the graphic search under lower overlap rates. Moreover, it is also worth noting that the performance of graphic search was significantly higher than that of number search, indicating that users distinguished the location-based information represented by graphics better than that by text. The results provide a certain theoretical basis and application value for the map information layout of the GIS interface. ARTICLE HISTORY
This case study describes a usability testing course in which students learn by practicing several evaluation methods. The on-campus format makes it possible for teachers and students to meet to discuss recorded test sessions and students can observe other students' execution of pilot studies conducted on campus. The COVID-19 pandemic placed new demands on this course. In-person activities were avoided by some students and many test participants. Some student teams tried remote usability testing. Interestingly, screen recordings (with sound) of the test sessions show that remote testing sometimes helped the students focus more on observation and less on (inappropriately) guiding the test subjects. Another effect was that the students found it easier to recruit participants than during the previous years when the university was teeming with students, lecturers, and non-academic staff. However, the recruited participants were often notably limited to the students' circles of friends.
By a longitudinal account of applications of one Wizard-of-Oz supporting tool, Ozlab, this paper highlights the utility of such tools beyond ordinary design evaluation. The Wizard-of-Oz method does not only allow for performing user test evaluation of interaction designs not yet programmed. Rather, the versatility of a digital but manually controlled prototype allows for many combinations of who determines the mocked up system’s responses and who acts as the prototypical user. It also supports co-design in that users will be presented interactive substantiations of their suggestions as the co-design sessions proceeds.
Many participatory design methods and techniques assume that the designer and the participant are in the same location. In this study, we explore methods for Distributed Participatory Design. Combining the Wizard-of-Oz technique with oral discussions, in three iterations, we allowed users to actively participate, over distance, in designing a solution for their Events Management and Booking System. A video prototype was captured and used as a specification to communicate the system requirements. System development issues that arose were captured in a log and used to explore the effectiveness of such a specification in the development process. The results show that using wizardry in distributed participatory design is a viable method for allowing active participation and that video prototypes can sufficiently communicate system requirements.
In this paper, we identify, analyze and propose generic requirements for software aiming at supporting crisis management training in local governments. The study builds on a Swedish-Norwegian R&D project based on a quadruple helix model. A design science approach was applied and the artifact presented in this paper is a list of generic requirements. The generic requirements are divided into overall requirements, requirements connected to the trainer’s role and requirements connected to the trainee’s role. The requirements are also mapped to the problems and opportunities identified in the project. Finally, we present examples of elaborations of the addressed requirements based on software design considerations. The presented requirements and the systems development process that was used provide guidelines for systems analysts and developers in future systems development projects aiming at constructing new software for crisis management training. KeywordsCrisis management trainingCrisis exercisesDesign science researchRequirements engineeringUser needs analysis
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Codesign allows a design team to combine two sets of knowledge that are key to service design: Customer insights into latent user needs and in-house professionals’ conversion of promising new ideas into viable concepts. While some studies highlight the potential of codesign, others are more skeptical pointing to a lack of clarity over how the involvement of customers affects the design process and outcomes. This article addresses this knowledge gap by reporting on a real-world comparison of design concepts generated by codesign teams with those generated by an in-house professional team and a team solely made up of users in the course of a library service ideation contest. The comparison indicates that codesign teams generate concepts that score significantly higher in user benefit and novelty but lower in feasibility. However, these outcomes are only possible in cohesive teams that develop design concepts collaboratively. In contrast, in teams where individuals dominate, conflict, less collaboration, and diminished innovation outcomes are more likely. The findings add to a better understanding of the value of codesign and shed light on the complex relationship between design team composition, intrateam factors, and innovation outcomes. Service designers obtain recommendations for selecting customers, assembling teams, and managing intrateam dynamics to enhance codesign success.
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Research on participatory design (PD) dates back to the 1970s, and has focused historically on internal organization settings. Recently, the proliferation of content-producing technologies such as social media and crowdsourcing has led to the explosion of user-generated content (UGC) that originates outside of organizations. Participative challenges in UGC differ from those in traditional organizational, as well as other distributed multi-user, settings; e.g.; open source software, multi-party systems. UGC is an interesting emerging domain and exploring PD in this context may contribute to knowledge and practices in PD itself. In this paper, we analyze the challenges and opportunities associated with PD in organization-directed UGC development, illustrate these with two UGC projects, and propose fruitful directions for future research.
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The role of making in the design process has been growing, taking on new forms and involving new players over the past 10 years. Where we once primarily saw designers using making to give shape to the future, today we can see designers and non-designers working together, using making as a way to make sense of the future. In this paper, we describe the landscape of design research and practice at the end of 2013 with special attention to the role of making across these perspectives: approach (cultural probes, generative toolkits and design prototypes), mindset (designing for people and designing with people), focus in time (the world as it is, the near future and the speculative future) as well as variations in design intent (provoking, engaging and serving).
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Participatory design is not one approach but a proliferating family of design practices that hosts many design agendas and comes with a varied set of toolboxes. In this chapter we will give examples of toolboxes with the ambition to show that there is a richness of tools and techniques available that may be combined, adapted and extended to form the basis for yet new PD practices. It is shown how the making of things, the telling of stories and the enactment of possible futures together provide the basis for forming a temporary community in which the new can be envisioned. The introduction frames tools and techniques within participatory design and describes participatory design as various practices of participation. The following sections give examples of how designers and non-designers participate in PD practices through activities focusing on telling, making and enacting. The final section reflects on present and future challenges. We present a wide selection of tools and techniques for PD, describing how they ´support participants in making, telling and enacting aspects of future design. The aim is to stimulate further proliferation of formats and procedures that may bring PD to new design challenges and to new designer/user communities. Our claim is not that tools and techniques have to be applied rigorously. Instead we suggest that sensitivity to the coherence of making, telling and enacting provides sufficient grounding for designers (and non-designers) to make the tools and techniques relevant for whatever participatory action they are involved in. This includes being aware of what is accomplished as particular tools and techniques become part of specific participatory design practices. Finding out how these in combination can create formats and procedures that can create engagement, a common image of the vision or PD development task, and last but not least, create ownership for the results
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Early prototyping is important for developing high-quality soft- ware. Wizard of Oz (WOZ) techniques are particularly useful for early stage evaluations of applications using Language Technology Components (LTC). However, an effective interface to support the task of the wizard is crucial. While several wizard interfaces have been built to date, most of them were designed for specific experiments. The more general issue of supporting the sometimes highly demanding cognitive task of the wizard has remained largely un- explored in the HCI literature. In this paper we report on work in progress that explores the wizard task and aims to define a generic wizard user interface layout that can be used in different experimental settings using LTCs. Informed by the literature different scenarios for WOZ experiments were identified. Based on a first WOZ experiment in which different wizards were observed and their behaviour was analysed, insight into the tasks of a wizard was gained. The results of this experiment were combined with sketch- ing to identify high-level concepts that can be applied in a generic wizard interface.
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This paper describes our experiences of collecting a corpus of 42,000 dialogues for a call-routing application using a Wizard-of-Oz approach. Contrary to common practice in the industry, we did not use the kind of automated application that elicits some speech from the customers and then sends all of them to the same destination, such as the existing touch-tone menu, without paying attention to what they have said. Contrary to the traditional Wizard-of-Oz paradigm, our data-collection application was fully integrated within an existing service, replacing the existing touch-tone navigation system with a simulated call-routing system. Thus, the subjects were real customers calling about real tasks, and the wizards were service agents from our customer care. We provide a detailed exposition of the data collection as such and the application used, and compare our approach to methods previously used.
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Hix, who for years has been teaching courses and workshops in interface design, says that people consistently enter the first Lo-fi exercise with skepticism. Having seen other skeptics converted, I'm confident in recommending this technique.
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The field of Participatory Design (PD) has grown rapidly over the last 20 to 30 years. For more than two decades non-designers have been increasingly involved in various design activities through a large number of participatory design projects all over the world. The project aims in PD have developed from being mainly about ICT development to today include, for instance, space design, product development, industrial design, architecture, service- and transformation design. As every project is unique, it is necessary to decide which design approach(es), methods, tools and techniques to use in a specific project. Thus many practices for how to involve people in designing have been used and developed during the years. There is some confusion as to which tools and techniques to use, when, and for what purpose. Therefore we are proposing a framework to help organize the proliferation of tools, techniques and methods in hopes that the PD community will benefit by discussing relevant applications and identifying potential areas for further exploration.
The first book to be published on the work of their partnership (in 2001), Design Noir is the essential primary source for understanding the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings for Dunne & Raby's work. Consisting of three elements - a 'manifesto' on the possibilities of designing with and for the 'secret life' of electronic objects; notes for an embryonic network of critical designers and, most famously, the presentation of the Placebo Project – a prototype for a critical design poetics enacted around electronic furniture-objects – Design Noir offers an in-depth exploration of one of the most seminal design projects of the last two decades, one that arguably initiated speculating through design in its contemporary forms. By detailing the logic and character of the objects that were constructed; the involvement of users with these objects over-time, and in the creation of a new kinds of spatially and temporally distributed moments of critique and engagement with things, Design Noir presents the case-study of the Placebo projectas a far more complex and subtler project than is often thought. As a bold and in many ways unprecedented experiment in design writing and book designing, Design Noir is itself an instance of the speculative propositional design it expounds.
Design in the 21st century has become increasingly more embedded in a complex system of disciplines (software and digital design, graphic design, architecture, construction, medical practices, business design and management, technology, graphic design, product design, etc.) and as a result, the intricacies of designing a product have increased. How can NASA test products for alien environments on Earth? How can a designer successfully test a digital program for a space that is not tangible? It is these problems that this collection responds to, allowing the reader to understand the significance of the prototype in modern design, and how designers must use this process to predict the potential future of their product. Prototype enables design students and professionals to explore the significance of the prototype and its influence and bearing on the future of design. As the prototype is a model of something not yet built, a kind of future in the present, its importance in the development of the finished product cannot be ignored. It allows designers to understand what needs to be changed and what needs to be manipulated in order to create a product that successfully understands and navigates all the complexities of the modern world. In this way, the book allows us to rethink the nature of the prototype for the 21st century and beyond.
Design in the 21st century has become increasingly more embedded in a complex system of disciplines (software and digital design, graphic design, architecture, construction, medical practices, business design and management, technology, graphic design, product design, etc.) and as a result, the intricacies of designing a product have increased. How can NASA test products for alien environments on Earth? How can a designer successfully test a digital program for a space that is not tangible? It is these problems that this collection responds to, allowing the reader to understand the significance of the prototype in modern design, and how designers must use this process to predict the potential future of their product. Prototype enables design students and professionals to explore the significance of the prototype and its influence and bearing on the future of design. As the prototype is a model of something not yet built, a kind of future in the present, its importance in the development of the finished product cannot be ignored. It allows designers to understand what needs to be changed and what needs to be manipulated in order to create a product that successfully understands and navigates all the complexities of the modern world. In this way, the book allows us to rethink the nature of the prototype for the 21st century and beyond.
Conference Paper
The Wizard-of-Oz method has been around for decades, allowing researchers and practitioners to conduct prototyping without programming. An extensive literature review conducted by the authors revealed, however, that the re-usable tools supporting the method did not seem to last more than a few years. While generic systems start to appear around the turn of the millennium, most have already fallen out of use. Our interest in undertaking this review was inspired by the ongoing re-development of our own Wizard-of-Oz tool, the Ozlab, into a system based on web technology. We found three factors that arguably explain why Ozlab is still in use after 15 years instead of the two-three years lifetime of other generic systems: the general approach used from its inception; its inclusion in introductory HCI curricula, and the flexible and situation-dependent design of the wizard's user interface.
Participatory design (PD) and its derivative distributed participatory design (DPD) are examples of collaborative research methods that have been successfully applied to in - formation systems problems. Yet, there are other collaborative research methods such as action research and design science that have also been used in the same context. This paper argues that this trifurcation in collaborative methods is unhelpful and that the 'walled gar - dens' in which these methods exist inhibit learning and the methods' development. As PD moves to tackle the problems that arise in distributed projects, it becomes more necessary to look outside its own domain for solutions. This paper investigates whether collaborative research projects that are categorized under one method also match the characteristics of the other methods. It finds that research projects using different methods demonstrate re - markable similarities concerning research contributions, roots, and methodological guide - lines, but use different terminologies, and also maintain method-specific publication out - lets and communities. Thus, insight into some of the issues raised by participatory design in distributed contexts may arise if PD looks outside its walled garden.
A six-step, iterative, empirical, human factors design methodology was used to develop CAL,a natural language computer application to help computer-naive business professionals manage their personal calendars. Language is processed by a simple, non-parsing algorithm having limited storage requirements and a quick response time. CAL allows unconstrained English inputs from users with no training (except for a 5 minute introduction to the keyboard and display) and no manual (except for a two-page overview of the system). In a controlled test of performance, CAL correctly responded to between 86% and 97% of the inputs it received, according to various criteria. This research demonstrates that the methodological tools of the engineering psychologist can help build user-friendly software that accommodates the unruly language of computer-naive, first-time users by eliciting the cooperation of such users as partners in an iterative, empirical development process. The principal purpose of the research reported here was to design and test a systematic, empirical methodology for developing natural language computer applications. This paper describes that methodology and its successful use in the development of a natural language computer application: CAL,Calendar Access Language. The limited context or domain in which the application operates is the management of a personal calendar, or appointment book, data base by computer-naive business professionals.
Conference Paper
Early prototyping is important for developing high-quality soft-ware. Wizard of Oz (WOZ) techniques are particularly useful for early stage evaluations of applications using Language Technology Components (LTC). However, an effective interface to support the task of the wizard is crucial. While several wizard interfaces have been built to date, most of them were designed for specific experi-ments. The more general issue of supporting the sometimes highly demanding cognitive task of the wizard has remained largely un-explored in the HCI literature. In this paper we report on work in progress that explores the wizard task and aims to define a generic wizard user interface layout that can be used in different experi-mental settings using LTCs. Informed by the literature different scenarios for WOZ experiments were identified. Based on a first WOZ experiment in which different wizards were observed and their behaviour was analysed, insight into the tasks of a wizard was gained. The results of this experiment were combined with sketch-ing to identify high-level concepts that can be applied in a generic wizard interface.
A six-step, iterative, empirical human factors design methodology was used to develop CAL, a natural language computer application to help computer-naive business professionals manage their personal calenders. Input language is processed by a simple, nonparsing algorithm with limited storage requirements and a quick response time. CAL allows unconstrained English inputs from users with no training (except for a five minute introduction to the keyboard and display) and no manual (except for a two-page overview of the system). In a controlled test of performance, CAL correctly responded to between 86 percent and 97 percent of the storage and retrieval requests it received, according to various criteria. This level of performance could never have been achieved with such a simple processing model were it not for the empirical approach used in the development of the program and its dictionaries. The tools of the engineering psychologist are clearly invaluable in the development of user-friendly software, if that software is to accommodate the unruly language of computer-naive, first-time users. The key is elicit the cooperation of such users as partners in an iterative, empirical development process. 15 references.
The map of design research methods can be used as a framework for organizing design research tools and methods and also as a net for capturing and revealing ideas about possible futures. The design research map is defined and described by two intersecting dimensions that is approach and mind-set. Approaches to design research have come from a research-led perspective and from a design-led perspective. The largest and most developed of the areas on the map is the user-centered design zone. The three-large areas of activity in the user-centered zone come from the applied social and behavioral sciences and from engineering. The participatory design zone spreads across both the research-led and design-led approaches on the right side of the map. Participatory design is an approach to design that attempts to actively involve the people who are being served through design in the process to help ensure that the designed product/service meets their needs.
To evaluate ubiquitous computing technologies, which may be embedded in the environment, embedded in objects, worn, or carried by the user throughout everyday life, it is essential to use methods that accommodate the often unpredictable, real-world environments in which the technologies are used. This article discusses how we have adapted and applied traditional methods from psychology and human-computer interaction, such as Wizard of Oz and Experience Sampling, to be more amenable to the in situ evaluations of ubiquitous computing applications, particularly in the early stages of design. The way that ubiquitous computing technologies can facilitate the in situ collection of self-report data is also discussed. Although the focus is on ubiquitous computing applications and tools for their assessment, it is believed that the in situ evaluation tools that are proposed will be generally useful for field trials of other technology, applications, or formative studies that are concerned with collecting data in situ.
With a listening typewriter, what an author says would be automatically recognized and displayed in front of him or her. However, speech recognition is not yet advanced enough to provide people with a reliable listening typewriter. An aim of the authors' experiments was to determine if an imperfect listening typewriter would be useful for composing letters. Participants dictated letters, either in isolated words or in consecutive word speech. They did this with simulations of listening typewriters that recognized either a limited vocabulary (1000 or 5000 words) or an unlimited vocabulary. Results suggest that some versions, even upon first using them, could be at least as good as traditional methods of handwriting and dictating. Isolated word speech with large vocabularies may provide the basis for a useful listening typewriter
Convivial Toolbox-Generative Research for the Front End of Design
  • E B Sanders
  • P J Stappers
  • EB Sanders
Activity diagrams with location context: experimental comparison of colour and icon annotations
  • S Gopalakrishnan
  • G Sindre
Remote usability tests: moderated and unmoderated
  • A Schade
Collaboration technologies
  • G M Olson
  • J S Olson
Perspectives on Ozlab in the cloud. A Literature Review of Tools Supporting Wizard-of-Oz Experimentation
  • J S Pettersson
  • M Wik
Inter-contextual distributed participatory design
  • H Obendorf
  • M Janneck
  • M Finck