
Nachhaltigkeitsperspektiven an der Schnittstelle globaler Supply Chains – Häfen als Treiber von Green Ports-Strategien

  • Bremen, Ministry of Science and Ports
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In den Häfen der Welt als unabdingbaren Schnittstellen globaler Supply Chains steht derzeit die Digitalisierung mit Ihren Auswirkungen auf die Transport- und Logistikwirtschaft ganz oben auf der Agenda. Ein anderes, für die langfristige strategische Entwicklung der Branche bedeutenderes Thema, nämlich die Nachhaltigkeit, gerät damit ein Stück weit aus dem aktuellen Blickfeld. Tatsächlich aber haben sich bereits viele Häfen längst den Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung gestellt und sich als Treiber von Green Ports-Strategien positioniert. Sie tun dies zum einen, um sich im verschärfenden Wettbewerb um die Kunden und zwischen Häfen und Regionen zu behaupten und zum anderen, in dem Bewusstsein, dass nur so ein dauerhaft leistungsfähiges, nachfragegerechtes und wirtschaftliches Transportwesen aufrecht erhalten werden kann. Am Beispiel der Bremischen Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative „greenports“ beschreibt dieser Artikel Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten, mit denen Häfen aktiven Einfluss auf die Gestaltung nachhaltiger Supply Chains nehmen und so ihre Rolle neu definieren.

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... Consequently, in the course of the last few years, many ports across the globe have either implemented a green port policy or adopted ideas akin to the concept, with the ports of Bremen being among the first ports globally to implement a green port strategy in 2009 [14,15]. Some ports in Europe and North America have since been either certified, labeled or conceived as green ports [16][17][18][19]. Being conceived as a green port or acquiring a green port status or label is said to be positively linked with higher port performance and economic benefits, and has the potential of attracting climate and green funds and trading partners [3,20,21]. ...
... Davarzani et al.'s [39] comprehensive review on green ports found that knowledge on green ports has been dominated by research on European and North American ports. This does not come as a surprise as the green port idea originated from European and North American contexts [19]. Pioneering ports in Europe including Bremen (Bremerhaven), Rotterdam and Antwerp are already labeled or conceived as green ports based on the implementation of measures geared mainly towards low carbon operations or improving air quality [1,9,[55][56][57], energy efficiency or the use of renewable energy and eco-friendly mobility at ports [8,17,29,58,59] or reducing impacts on climate change [5,60], which are considered to be priority green port measures. ...
... Thus while TPENs may create awareness and are mediums through which policy ideas and knowledge may be circulated, uptake of best practice technologies remains low. Yet, when network coordinators were asked their opinion concerning the influence of TPENs on participating ports, a rather surprising position was asserted: [19] We measure the success of the network based on the number of our members. This is how we measure success [...]. ...
The dissertation analyses the transitioning of the port sector towards sustainability in environmental and social terms. In specific, it explores how port authorities in Europe and West Africa engage with the globalising green port idea, and what role is played by contextual factors in determining the choice of policy measures and technological tools they adopt or implement. The dissertation further examines the extent to which sustainability-oriented network(ing) bring to bear positive influence on sustainability practices of participating ports (authorities) and facilitates environmental upgrading along the maritime value chain. Finally, it interrogates outcomes of stakeholder-inclusive port development discourses and mechanisms. It does this by combining concepts and theories such as policy mobilities, sustainability fix and critical debates on network theory and network governance. Methodologically, the dissertation draws on information collected through a triangulation of qualitative research methods and document analysis. The findings show that sustainability schemes and green initiatives of ports are crucially 'translocal', and draws attention to contested outcomes in port networks and stakeholder-inclusive initiatives and discourses of ports.
... Davarzani et al.'s [39] comprehensive review on green ports found that knowledge on green ports has been dominated by research on European and North American ports. This does not come as a surprise as the green port idea originated from European and North American contexts [19]. Pioneering ports in Europe including Bremen (Bremerhaven), Rotterdam and Antwerp are already labeled or conceived as green ports based on the implementation of measures geared mainly towards low carbon operations or improving air quality [1,9,[55][56][57], energy efficiency or the use of renewable energy and eco-friendly mobility at ports [8,17,29,58,59] or reducing impacts on climate change [5,60], which are considered to be priority green port measures. ...
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The scholarly debate on 'green ports' since it emerged in the policy discourse of international maritime organizations has largely focused on exploring the economic benefits associated with implementing related policies and developing green guides and codes of conduct for port authorities. In contrast, it has received little attention how the green port idea and according measures are taken up and what role is played by contextual factors in places of such uptake. By engaging with the expanding literature on policy mobilities and drawing on empirical information collected through interviews with port officials from four ports in Europe and West Africa, we argue that context-specific factors strongly influence what we call the selective adoption of green port tools and measures for transitioning ports towards sustainability. They include environmental priorities, regulatory requirements, financial resources and the immediate areas of competence of port authorities, which all vary widely across regions and specific ports.
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In its White Paper on “A Sustainable Future of Transport”, the European Commission promoted the idea of green transport corridors (GTCs) by establishing trans-shipment routes with concentration of freight traffic between major hubs. GTCs reduce environmental and climate impact of the traffic on these relatively long distances of transport while increasing safety and efficiency with the application of sustainable logistics solutions. The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) enjoys a vanguard position in the development and realisation of green transport concepts within Europe. Already the GTC definition of the European Commission emphasized the need for a fair and non-discriminatory access to corridors and trans-shipment facilities that enable all customers to participate in the corridor and make use of publicly available benefits. Research results of GTC initiatives revealed that cultural issues, cooperation quality and governance structures play a crucial role in the acceptance and success of the GTC concept. This paper highlights the current status and discussions on business and ownership models for GTCs and investigates the research question if and to which extent can cooperative concepts be used as a base principle for GTC governance. The authors participated in some of the most important GTC projects in the BSR, which provides them in terms of methodology easy access to literature reviews, secondary data analysis, expert interviews and surveys covering the entire BSR.
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Recent studies have shown an increased interest in the role of logistics function in supporting humanitarian relief operations. However, there is limited discussion in literature of how established technologies could be adopted effectively for supporting the delivery of basic relief items for beneficiaries. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the appropriateness of mobile phone technology to support humanitarian operations and to create new humanitarian logistics concepts. With mobile phone technology, an established (humanitarian) technology is selected to enhance the performance of humanitarian logistics in disaster relief operations. This research provides insights for improved humanitarian relief operations and delivery for refugees in sub-Saharan Africa, Jordanian refugee camps and Germany.
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The concept of tracing the ecologically-based life cycle impacts of agricultural and food industries (AFIs) has become a topic of interest worldwide due to their critical association with the climate change,water and land footprint, and food security. In this study, an in-depth analysis of ecological resource consumption, atmospheric emissions, land and water footprints of 54 agricultural and food industries in the U.S. were examined extensively. Initially, the supply-chain linked ecological life cycle assessment was performed with Ecologically-based Life Cycle Assessment (Eco-LCA) tool. Then, the results of life cycle inventory were used to assess the mid and end-point impacts by using the ReCiPe approach.Thirdly, ecological performance assessment was performed using well-known metrics, including loading and renewability ratios and eco-efficiency analysis. As a novel comprehensive approach, the integrated framework that consists of the Eco-LCA, ReCiPe and linear programming-based ecological performance assessment is of importance to have an overall understanding about the extent of impacts related to agri-cultural and food production activities across the U.S. Results indicated that grain farming, dairy food,and animal production-related sectors were found to have the greatest shares in both environmental and ecological impact categories as well as endpoint impacts on human health, ecosystem and resources.In terms of climate change, animal (except poultry) slaughtering, rendering, and processing (ASRP), cattle ranching and farming (CRF), fertilizer manufacturing (FM), grain farming (GF), fluid milk and butter manufacturing (FMBM) were found to be the top five dominant industries in climate change impacts accounting for about 60% share of the total impact.
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In the EU White Paper on Transport 2011 the emphasis was laid on green transport corridors, i.e. transhipment routes with concentration of freight traffic between major hubs and by relatively long distances of transport marked by reduced environmental and climate impact while increasing safety and efficiency with application of sustainable logistics solutions. Green transport is based on inter-modality and advanced ICT-systems improving traffic management, increase efficiency and better integrate the logistics components of a corridor. Until today only the first steps have been realised in the implementation of green corridor concepts, so that concrete requirements and frame conditions for ICT-systems of green corridors are described on conceptual basis. Baltic Sea Region (BSR) enjoys a vanguard position in the development and realisation of green transport concepts in Europe and some research projects delivered already the first results for the requirements of ICT-systems supporting green transport corridors. Of special importance is the EU initiative "East-West Transport Corridor (EWTC II)" since for the first time a green corridor manual has been presented formulating recommendations and requirements of green transport corridors to European level. The authors took part in some important green transport corridor initiatives around the Baltic Sea, including EWTC project, and were involved in related research activities. This paper aims at pointing out the current status and the future direction of ICT-systems for green transport corridors, especially under the viewpoint of secure and sustainable green corridor management.
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Viele Unternehmen und Institute beschäftigen sich aktuell mit dem Begriff Industrie 4.0 und seiner genauen Auslegung. Daraus resultierend existieren viele verschiedene Vorstellungen darüber, was unter dem Begriff genau zu verstehen ist. Ein Kernthema ist die Auflösung der starren Strukturen und Hierarchien der Ebenen der Automatisierungspyramide in den Unternehmen und über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg. Realisiert wird dieses durch eine gesteigerte vertikale (über die Ebenen der Automatisierung hinweg) und horizontale (unterschiedliche ITSysteme) Vernetzung.
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In the context of a harmonized transnational transport system the green corridor concept represents a cornerstone in the development and implementation of integrated and sustainable transport solutions. Important properties of green corridors are their transnational character and their high involvement of public and private stakeholders, including political level, requiring new governance models for the management of green corridors. Stakeholder governance models and instruments for green corridor governance are going to be developed and tested in different regional development projects in order to safeguard a better alignment of transport policies at various administrative levels and a strengthening of the business perspective. A crucial role in this context belongs to involvement of public and private stakeholders in order to safeguard efficient corridor performance. The paper presents recent research results about green supply chain management in the frame of network and stakeholder model theory and its application to the stakeholders of green transport corridors.
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Climate change and environmental aspects are key issues on public agenda. Governments and politicians try to implement new regulations and limits to reduce the environmental burden of the industries around the globe. However, success can be seen only to a limited extend in many areas. On the other hand some industrial sectors themselves start to think about solutions to handle the big impacts. Some pioneers in this field discovered already also the competitive and economic advantage of implementing so called green and sustainable solutions in their business. This includes production, manufacturing and transport activities but also ways how to manage and monitor such activities from an eco-friendly perspective. This paper will give an overview of the implication of green logistics along the supply chain in regard to the automotive industry including supply companies from SME sector and will demonstrate the application of this issue. For that an example of the European market leader Volkswagen AG in Germany is chosen and analyzed in the case description.
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"Green corridors" is an EU concept introduced in 2007 that aims at developing integrated, efficient and environmentally friendly transportation of freight between major hubs and by relative long distances. SuperGreen is a project co-financed by the European Commission to assist in further defining and developing the green corridor concept. A central activity of the project is the development of a corridor benchmarking methodology using a set of Key Performance Indicators that are suitable for monitoring the sustainable development goals of the European Union. The purpose of this paper is to present the SuperGreen project and the results achieved so far. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Programme Committee of he Transport Research Arena 2012
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Plastic recycling is a legal requirement and can yield environmental benefits. In the Netherlands, there is a complex network of various collection methods, separation centers, sorting centers and reprocessors. The first step of the recycling system, separating plastics from other waste, can occur within households (source-separation) or in separation centers (post-separation), making a difference in collection channel choice and technology requirements. The purpose of this paper is to provide decision support on choosing the most suitable combination of separation methods in the Netherlands. Decision support is given through optimized reverse logistics network design which makes the overall recycling system more efficient and sustainable, while taking into account the interests of various stakeholders (municipalities, households, etc.). A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model, which minimizes both transportation cost and environmental impact, is used in this network design. The research follows the approach of scenario study; the baseline scenario is the current situation and other scenarios are designed with various strategic alternatives. Modeling is conducted by using a graphical optimization tool IBM LogicNet Plus 7.1. Comparing these scenarios, the results show that the current network settings of the baseline situation is efficient in logistics terms but has a potential to adapt to strategic changes, depending on the assumptions regarding availability of the required processing facilities to treat plastic waste. In some of the tested scenarios, a separate collection channel for Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles is cost efficient and saves carbon emission. Although the figures differ depending on the separation method choices of municipalities, our modeling result of all the tested scenarios shows a saving of more than 25 % carbon emission compared to the current network.
Les ports des pays de la rive sud de la Méditerranée souffrent du déséquilibre de développement avec l'Europe. Cet article souhaite montrer comment la réaffirmation du rôle du carrefour méditerranéen dans les échanges maritimes mondiaux ouvre à ces ports des opportunités. Au-delà de la simple modernisation des terminaux, ce sont de véritables projets de développement qui sont à mettre en place dans le cadre d'un aménagement de l'ensemble du territoire de ces pays.
This work presents ToBLoOM – Triple Bottom Line Optimization Modelling, a decision support tool for the design and planning of sustainable supply chains. It consists of a multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model which integrates several interconnected decisions: facility location and capacity determination; supplier selection and purchase levels definition; technology selection and allocation; transportation network definition including both unimodal and intermodal options; supply planning; product recovery and remanufacturing. The three pillars of sustainability are addressed as objective functions: economic, through Net Present Value; environmental through the Life Cycle Analysis methodology ReCiPe; and social through a developed GDP-based metric. Uncertainty is considered using a stochastic ToBloOM. This applied to a case of a European based company with markets in Europe and South America. This work contributes to the literature by building on several identified research gaps such as the need for an integrated approach that allows simultaneous assessment of different interacting supply chain decisions, the need to explicitly assess the environmental impact in closed-loop supply chains, the need to assess the impact of supply chains on society, and the need for a multi-objective tool that includes all the three pillars of sustainability. Strategies towards a more sustainable supply chain are also derived from this work.
Dieses Lehrbuch stellt das Wertschöpfungsmanagement in Netzwerken als eine virtuose und dynamische Kombination der Alternativen Make (Eigenfertigung), Buy (Fremdbezug) und Cooperate (Wertschöpfungspartnerschaft) vor. Die Autoren zeigen anschaulich und theoriefundiert, wie die klassischen betrieblichen Funktionen der Produktion, Beschaffung und Logistik heute aus einer unternehmungsübergreifenden Netzwerkperspektive zu verstehen und zu gestalten sind. Das Buch zeichnet sich durch eine der heutigen kaufmännischen Praxis angemessene Verknüpfung der Funktionen untereinander und mit der Netzwerkebene aus. Dabei werden durchgängig neben einführenden Grundfragen jeweils die strategischen, organisatorischen und operativen Probleme behandelt und in ihren Wechselwirkungen (Organizing/Strategizing) diskutiert. Die 3. Auflage dieses bewährten Lehrbuchs ist durchgängig aktualisiert und u.a. um Ausführungen zum Umgang mit Risiken einer Produktion in Netzwerken erweitert worden
Forced by competitive, legislative and customers' pressures, corporate executives are supposed to consider sustainability aspects of value creation which induces a new set of challenges within decision-making. Unfortunately, guidelines supporting comprehensive analysis, especially concerning the evaluation of environmental and social performance of decision alternatives, are missing. This hinders the advancements in corporate sustainability. Questions arise on how to measure and balance respective indicators with traditional economic objectives. To fill this void, this research sets out to develop an intuitive and holistic planning framework for advancing sustainability along supply chains. In a first step, we identify sustainability issues and indicators as well as decision-support methods by scrutinizing literature on sustainable supply chain management. Based on this, we develop a planning framework that supports executives in evaluating and deciding upon corporate sustainability initiatives. The framework comprises three consecutive phases of planning: ‘Problem definition’, ‘Assessment of alternatives’, and ‘Decision analysis’. For each phase we propose appropriate tools distinguishing concepts of sustainable supply chain management (e.g. Sustainable Logistics and Sustainable Manufacturing), methods for measuring the ecological and social efficiency of decision alternatives, and quantitative decision-support techniques able to balance trade-offs between the three dimensions of the triple bottom line. As a result, this article presents a framework for guiding corporate decision-processes. From the academic angle, the article contributes to the research field by providing a structured integration of concepts and methods utilizable in the pursuit of ecological and social improvements along the value chain.
In this paper, we examine the suggested link between product architecture (i.e., the extent to which a product is modular vs. integral) and supply chain configuration (i.e., whether the product development is done internally by the manufacturer in an integrated supply chain or in collaboration with a supplier in a decentralized supply chain). Our model suggests that the choice of product architecture depends on firm, market, and product characteristics in addition to supply chain structure. In contrast to other studies, we find that the optimal mapping from architecture to supply chain structure is not always one-to-one. A decentralized supply chain may be associated with a more integral product when the technical collaboration penalty is not excessive and suppliers have significantly superior product development capabilities. Furthermore, in a decentralized supply chain, the nature of the relationship between the original equipment manufacturer and its supplier (adversarial or collaborative) plays a role in the choice of product architecture: modular architectures are more likely when the parties have adversarial relationships, while long-term trust-based relationships facilitate more integral product architectures.
A large number of journals and special volumes are publishing research concerned with sustainable supply chain (SSC). The importance of this the topic has significantly grown over time thus receiving increased attention from academics and practitioners in this area. This research critically analyzes the content of 286 papers published in different journals in the area over the span of fifteen years (2002–2016).). The reviewed literature was structured using the following categories: year, journal, research methodology, research design, operation research (OR)/mathematical tools and techniques, data analysis technique, industry sector, multi-criteria decision making (MCDM), authors, universities, country, enablers, and barriers. This enabled crucial gaps in knowledge of SSC to be identified allowing future research opportunities in the field to be determined. The major finding indicates that the research field is being dominated by the qualitative study. Also, of the quantitatively based studies that appeared in the literature, linear programming problem is the most often used solution approach to optimize the complex SSCM problems. Drawn results show that there is enough scope to expand the research field and several opportunities still exist which needs to be investigated such as quantitative modeling, use of advance techniques and development of efficient algorithms.
Durch die zunehmende Komplexität, bedingt durch sinkende Fertigungstiefen und der zunehmenden Internationalisierung, steigt die Anfälligkeit der logistischen Strukturen bezüglich Störungen, sowohl in deren Häufigkeit als auch in deren Ausmaß. Ziel eines Supply Chain Event Management ist es ohne vermeidbaren Zeitverzug auf Störungen, sogenannte Events, adäquat zu reagieren, um so die Auswirkungen auf die Supply Chain so gering wie möglich zu halten. Neben einer erhöhten Reaktivität soll durch nachhaltiges Lernen auf allen Ebenen des SCM eine langfristige Verbesserung der Planungs- und Ausführungsaktivitäten erreicht werden.
Increasing levels of industrialization of developed nations associated with globalization trends have been creating new challenges to supply chain management (SCM). For decades, the main focus of SCM has been on efficient ways of managing the flows through complex networks of supplier, producers and customers. More recently, and as a result of the exponential increase of energy and materials consumption rates of energy and materials, sustainable development arise as an urgent issue and new approaches to SCM are required to incorporate environmental and economic concerns in the design of supply chains. In this paper, a new green supply chain (GSC) design approach has been proposed to deal with the trade-offs between environmental and financial issues in order to reduce negative impacts on the environment caused by the increasing levels of industrialization. The new approach incorporates a closed loop network to accommodate the reprocessing paradigm of disposal products and a multi-objective optimization mathematical model to minimize overall costs and carbon dioxide emissions when setting the supply chain. Optimization process is performed using three scalarization approaches, namely weighted sum method, weighted Tchebycheff and augmented weighted Tchebycheff. Computational results are analyzed to identify the advantages and drawbacks of each approach. The model was tested in a case study and results allowed to identify the capability of the model to deal with the trade-offs between the costs and environmental issues as well as to identify its main limitation when addressing real size problems.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become part of the c-management agenda in Western countries since the 1990s, particularly in the manufacturing and retail industries (Chopra and Meindl 2012). More recently, interest in SCM has also been growing in the agrifood industry, both in developed and developing countries. Executives of agrifood companies are aware that successful coordination, integration, and management of key business processes in the supply chain will determine their competitive success. Sustainable Food Supply Chain Management (SFSCM) refers to all forward processes in the food chain, like procurement of materials, production and distribution, as well as the reverse processes to collect and process returned used or unused products and/or parts of products in order to ensure a socioeconomically and ecologically sustainable recovery (Bloemhof and van Nunen 2008).
The forward/reverse logistics network design is an important and strategic issue due to its effects on efficiency and responsiveness of a supply chain. In practice, it is needed to formulate and solve real problems through efficient algorithms in a reasonable time. Hence, this paper tries to cover real case problem with a multi-objective model and an integrated forward/reverse logistics network design. Further, the model is customized and implemented for a case study in gold industry where the reverse logistics play crucial role. A new solution approach is applied for the proposed 7-layer network of the case study and the solutions are achieved in order solve the current difficulties of the investigated supply chain. This paper seeks to address how a multi objective logistics model in the gold industry can be created and solved through an efficient meta-heuristic algorithm. A green approach based on the CO2 emission is considered in the network design approach. The developed model includes four echelons in the forward direction and three echelons in the reverse. First, an integer linear programming model is developed to minimize costs and emissions. Then, in order to solve the model, an algorithm based on ant colony optimization is developed. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been compared with the optimum solutions of the LINGO software through various numerical examples based on the random data and real-world instances. The evaluation studies demonstrate that the proposed model is practical and applicable and the developed algorithm is reliable and efficient. The results prove the managerial implications of the model and the solution approach in terms of presenting appropriate modifications to the mangers of the selected supply chain. Further, a Taguchi-based parameter setting is undertaken to ensure using the appropriate parameters for the algorithm.
Die fortschreitende Globalisierung der Märkte sowie die damit einhergehende Wettbewerbsverschärfung, beständig sich verkürzende Innovationszyklen sowie immer komplexer werdende Produkte, die zudem von immer kurzlebigerem Charakter sind, zwingen Unternehmen, bestehende und bisher auch erfolgreich angewandte Managementkonzepte neu zu überdenken, um das langfristige Überleben der Unternehmensorganisation zu sichern. Darüber hinaus fordert das seit den 1990er Jahren im deutschsprachigen Raum verstärkt diskutierte Konzept des Lean Management, das angebotene Leistungsspektrum von Unternehmen mehr und mehr zu verschlanken, um dadurch am Markt schneller und vor allem auch flexibler auftreten zu können. Diese Entwicklungen führten im Ergebnis dazu, dass Unternehmen sich wieder stärker auf die Verfolgung ihrer eigentlichen Kernkompetenzen zurückbesannen; die damit einhergehende Verlagerung von Wertschöpfungsaktivitäten auf Zulieferunternehmen entspricht der logischen Konsequenz, diesen veränderten Rahmenbedingungen entgegenzutreten. Werden in der deutschen Automobilindustrie heute bereits rund 70% der Wertschöpfung von externen Zulieferunternehmen erbracht, so unterstreicht dies die hohe Bedeutung der Zulieferindustrie für die Automobilindustrie insgesamt, sodass der Unternehmenserfolg eines Automobilherstellers, der gewissermaßen als „Orchestrator“ die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette beeinflusst, obwohl er selbst nur noch einen (geringen) Teil der Wertschöpfung abdeckt, somit zu einem wesentlichen Teil von der Leistungsfähigkeit der einzelnen Zulieferunternehmen bestimmt wird. Der bestmöglichen Integration der einzelnen Wertbeiträge der eingebundenen Zulieferer gilt damit das Hauptaugenmerk sämtlicher Automobilhersteller, wodurch sich ein wechselseitiges Abhängigkeitsverhältnis zwischen zulieferndem und abnehmendem Unternehmen ergibt. Die bisherigen Ausführungen berücksichtigend, steht die hohe Bedeutung des Wertschöpfungsnetzwerks als unternehmerischer Erfolgsfaktor damit außer Frage. Die Auswahl der für das eigene Zielsystem geeignetsten Lieferanten, deren systematische Steuerung im Hinblick auf die Erzielung optimaler Beziehungen zwischen eigenem Unternehmen und Lieferanten sowie die langfristige Bindung der potentesten Lieferanten an das eigene Unternehmen, sind die wesentlichen Aufgaben, die es gilt, in einem ganzheitlichen Konzept zu bündeln und umzusetzen. Unabhängig davon, wie gut es einem Unternehmen gelingt, die eigenen Lieferanten zu steuern und zu führen, belegen immer wieder auftretende Störungen unterschiedlichen Ausmaßes, die sowohl die Produktqualität erstellter Zwischen- und Enderzeugnisse entlang des gesamten Wertschöpfungsprozesses als auch die Prozessqualität der zugrunde liegenden Fertigungs- und Austauschprozesse zwischen Lieferanten und Abnehmern betreffen, dass Störungen, die innerhalb des Wertschöpfungsnetzwerks mehr oder weniger überraschend auftreten und dabei ein nicht unerhebliches Risiko für alle eingebundenen Unternehmen bergen, einen systemimmanenten Bestandteil automobiler Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke darstellen. Welche Bedeutung Störungen für automobile Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke besitzen, unabhängig davon, ob sie durch das eigene Unternehmen oder durch einen Lieferanten ausgelöst werden, war die zentrale Forschungsfrage einer empirischen Untersuchung, deren Ergebnisse in den folgenden Ausführungen vorgestellt werden. Darüber hinaus befasst sich der Beitrag mit den spezifischen Störungsarten, den der eigentlichen Störung vorausgehenden Auslösern bzw. möglichen Anzeichen und geht schließlich der Frage nach, welcher Partner im automobilen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk aus Automobilzuliefersicht letztlich für die jeweiligen Störungen verantwortlich zu machen ist. Um ferner ein möglichst ganzheitliches Bild abgeben zu können, wurden auf allen Hierarchieebenen der befragten Automobilzulieferer jeweils Unternehmensvertreter aus den Bereichen Einkauf/Beschaffung, Fertigung/Produktion, Qualität/Qualitätsmanagement, Logistik/Supply Chain Management sowie Mitglieder der Geschäftsbzw. Werksleitung befragt. Insgesamt konnten 675 Unternehmen und Unternehmensvertreter identifiziert werden, von denen 348 erreicht wurden. 147 Probanden nahmen schließlich an der Untersuchung teil, was einer für schriftliche Befragungen überdurchschnittlichen Rücklaufquote von rund 22% entspricht. Wie sich aus den Ergebnissen der empirischen Untersuchung ablesen lässt, stellt die Überwindung der nicht unerheblichen Anzahl an Störungen (die in der Mehrzahl der Fälle sowohl die Produkt- als auch die Prozessqualität betreffen) innerhalb des Leistungserstellungsprozesses eine große Herausforderung automobiler Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke dar. Darüber hinaus konnten Lieferanten als Hauptverursacher für Störungen innerhalb des automobilen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerks identifiziert werden. Hinsichtlich der Hauptstörungsauslöser sind für Automobilzulieferer insbesondere Qualitätsprobleme in der Fertigung, Material- bzw. Rohstoffengpässe sowie mehr oder weniger kurzfristig erfolgende Terminänderungen zu nennen.
Aufgrund verschärfter Wettbewerbsbedingungen und gestiegener Marktanforderungen erweisen sich Prozessoptimierungen innerhalb. von einzelnen Unternehmen alleine als nicht mehr ausreichend. Eine unternehmensübergreifende Gestaltung und ein Management der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette erweisen sich zunehmend als notwendig. Die Aktualität des Themas „Supply Chain Management“ spiegelt sich in den zahlreichen Publikationen wider. Auch die Unternehmen haben die große Bedeutung grundsätzlich erkannt. Jedoch ist der Implementierungsstand bisher insgesamt noch sehr niedrig. Das Internet und E-Commerce leisten einer weiteren Entwicklung Vorschub und schaffen die für ein Supply Chain Management notwendigen technischen Vorraussetzungen. Aber nicht nur die technischen Komponenten sind der Schlüssel zum Erfolg, wie es viele Software-Hersteller und Berater propagieren und auch die meisten Unternehmen glauben (Weber/Engelbrecht/Knobloch/Schmitt/Wallenberg 2002, S. 61f.). Erste Praxiserfahrungen zeigen, dass eine Vielzahl von ungelösten Problemen bzgl. Führung und Steuerung von unternehmensübergreifenden Wertschöpfungsketten existiert, die nach einem entsprechenden Controlling verlangt. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob traditionelle Controlling-Instrumente — wie z. B. eine Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung oder Kennzahlen — für den Einsatz im Rahmen des Supply Chain Controlling übernommen werden können, oder den speziellen Erfordernissen für das Supply Chain Controlling anzupassen bzw. neu zu gestalten sind. Dieser Beitrag beantwortet diese Fragestellung exemplarisch für ausgewählte Controlling-Instrumente.
Die Ausführungen in den vorangegangenen Kapiteln haben gezeigt, dass leanagile Supply Chains mit dem Vorliegen von Inkonsistenzen bzgl. der Koordination spezifischen Unsicherheiten unterliegen, welche entsprechende Maßnahmen erfordern.
Empowering decision makers with cost-effective solutions for reducing industrial processes environmental burden, at both design and operation stages, is nowadays a major worldwide concern. The paper addresses this issue for the sector of drinking water production plants (DWPPs), seeking for optimal solutions trading-off operation cost and life cycle assessment (LCA)-based environmental impact while satisfying outlet water quality criteria. This leads to a challenging bi-objective constrained optimization problem, which relies on a computationally expensive intricate process-modelling simulator of the DWPP and has to be solved with limited computational budget. Since mathematical programming methods are unusable in this case, the paper examines the performances in tackling these challenges of six off-the-shelf state-of-the-art global meta-heuristic optimization algorithms, suitable for such simulation-based optimization, namely Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2), Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II), Indicator-based Evolutionary Algorithm (IBEA), Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition (MOEA/D), Differential Evolution (DE), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The results of optimization reveal that good reduction in both operating cost and environmental impact of the DWPP can be obtained. Furthermore, NSGA-II outperforms the other competing algorithms while MOEA/D and DE perform unexpectedly poorly.
The increased use of forest and wood residues for the production of bioenergy, biofuels, and other bioproducts is essential to enhance the economic performance of forest products industries and reduce environmental impacts. Bi-objective optimization models have been developed recently to support the optimum design of either bioenergy or biofuels supply chains considering economic as well as environmental impacts. In an integrated bioenergy and biofuels supply chain where biofuel producers are also users of the generated energy, the energy flows among co-located supply chain entities affect the environmental and economic objective functions and consequently the optimal design of the supply chain, therefore, the energy flows have to be considered in the optimization model. This type of bi-objective problem has not been modeled in previous studies. In this paper, a bi-objective biorefinery supply chain optimization model for the production of bioenergy and biofuels using forest and wood residues is developed. The model considers energy flows among co-located technologies and is formulated as a multi-period mixed integer program (MIP) that calculates the net present value (NPV) and the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings associated with the biorefinery supply chain. The applicability of the proposed model is illustrated through a case study in British Columbia, Canada.
This contribution addresses the optimal design of the biomass supply chain as it is crucial to ensure long term viability of such a project. This work is focused on the multi objective optimization by considering all the dimension of the sustainable development, namely economic, environmental, and social. The environmental dimension is quantified through life cycle assessment, and more particularly the Ecocosts method. The social aspect is measured through two indicators: the competition between energy and food, and the total number of local accrued jobs. For the latter a new method based on financial accounting analysis is proposed to estimate the direct, indirect and induced jobs created. Once the superstructure described, the optimization problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear program (MILP) that accounts for biomass seasonality, geographical availability, biomass degradation, process conversion technologies and final product demand. The output results of the model propose the optimal network design, facilities location, process selection and inventory policy. Since multiple conflicting objectives are involved when optimizing the sustainability of the biomass supply chain and the binary variables have an important influence on the resolution, the MILP problem is solved with the goal programming method to reach the trade-off. The approach is illustrated through a bioethanol supply chain case study in France, for the comparison between agricultural and forest residues biomass.
In order to implement sustainable strategies in a supply chain, enterprises should provide highly favorable and effective solutions for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, which brings out the issues of designing and managing a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC). This paper studies an integrated CLSC network design problem with cost and environmental concerns in the solar energy industry from sustainability perspectives. A multi-objective closed-loop supply chain design (MCSCD) model has been proposed, in consideration of many practical characteristics including flow conservation at each production/recycling unit of forward/reverse logistics (FL/RL), capacity expansion, and recycled components. A deterministic multi-objective mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model capturing the tradeoffs between the total cost and total CO2 emissions was developed to address the multistage CSLC design problem. Subsequently, a multi-objective PSO (MOPSO) algorithm with crowding distance-based nondominated sorting approach is developed to search the near-optimal solution of the MCSCD model. The computational study shows that the proposed MOPSO algorithm is suitable and effective for solving large-scale complicated CLSC structure than the conventional branch-and-bound optimization approach. Analysis results show that an enterprise needs to apply an adequate recycling strategy or energy saving technology to achieve a better economic effectiveness if the carbon emission regulation is applied. Consequently, the Pareto optimal solution obtained from MOPSO algorithm may give the superior suggestions of CLSC design, such as factory location options, capacity expansion, technology selection, purchasing, and order fulfillment decisions in practice.
The tequila industry in Mexico generates large amounts of lignocellulosic residues from the cultivation fields as well as from the tequila processing industries. Nowadays, these residues are disposed, but they could be used as feedstock for a biorefinery. Before implementing a biorefinery system to treat the residues from the tequila industry in Mexico, it is necessary to assess the economic and environmental performance of the entire supply chain for biofuel production. Developing a proper optimization framework for supply chain management in the tequila industry in Mexico that will consider all the activities involved along with the conflicting objectives of its daily operation represents a scientific challenge. Therefore, this paper presents a multi-objective optimization approach for designing such a supply chain that accounts for the simultaneous maximization of the net present value and environmental performance of the network. The environmental objective function accounts for impacts in ecosystem quality, human health and damage to resources. These are quantified through the eco-indicator 99 method. Numerical results show that the implementation of a biorefinery system in Mexico based on the residues from the tequila industry can provide significant economic and environmental benefits. Particularly, results indicate that the best economic solution shows a profit of 7.9×108 USD/year. Furthermore, the distributed system involving several central and distributed processing plants allows obtaining significant economic improvements. Finally, the results reported through Pareto curves allow identifying several solutions that are appealing for decision makers.
Optimal supply chain design is vital to the success of industrial concerns now more than ever before. This paper reviews some principal research opportunities and challenges in the field of supply chain design. The growing area of enterprise-wide optimization and the increasing importance of energy and sustainability issues provide plentiful opportunities for supply chain design research. However, modeling, algorithmic, and computational challenges arise from these research opportunities. There are three major technical challenge areas where knowledge gaps can be addressed in supply chain design, namely multi-scale challenges, multi-objective and sustainability challenges, and multi-player challenges. This paper provides an overview of opportunity areas, a description of relevant technical challenges, and a perspective on how these challenges might be addressed in supply chain design. Illustrative examples are presented to illuminate avenues for future research.
Zusammenfassung Mit der Vergabe des Nobelpreises für Wirtschaft (2009) an Elinor Ostrom und Oliver E. Williamson wurden deren herausragende Leistungen zum besseren Verständnis von „Economic Governance“ – der „Organisation von Kooperation“ – gewürdigt. Beide haben neue Forschungsgebiete etabliert und die Genossenschaftswissenschaft stark beeinflusst. Der Beitrag greift inhaltliche Argumente sowie Stationen der Etablierung von Ostroms Forschungsgebiet heraus und zeigt Aspekte auf, die für die Weiterentwicklung der institutionellen Genossenschaftswissenschaften von Interesse sein könnten.