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Purpose The rise of new information and communication technologies forms the cornerstone for the future development of work. The term Industry 4.0 refers to the vision of a fourth industrial revolution that is based on a network of autonomous, self-controlling, self-configuring, knowledge-based, sensor-based and spatially distributed production resources. All in all, different forms of the application of the Industry 4.0 concept can be observed, ranging from autonomous logistic transport systems drawn upon the idea of swarm intelligence to smart knowledge management systems. This paper aims to develop a theoretical framework to analyze different applications of Industry 4.0 on an organizing continuum. The general research questions are: What forms of organizing digitalized work lead to the reproduction of routines, and what forms foster innovation within Industry 4.0? The authors thus analyze the consequences of different forms of organizing work on workers’ perceptions and the results of the working process. Design/methodology/approach – This paper provides case studies for different stages of the organizing continuum in the context of Industry 4.0. The cases and a further analysis of all 295 funded projects are based on the Platform Industry 4.0 Map, which is part of the Industry 4.0 initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The consequences for people acting in such organizational and digitally supported structures are discussed. Findings A variety of applications of Industry 4.0 can be found. These applications mainly vary in the dimensions of the degree of formalization, the location of control authority, the location of knowledge and the degree of professionalization. At the right side of the organizing continuum, the digitalization organizes a work environment that supports highly qualified humans. They have broad leeway and a high degree of autonomy to design and create innovative forms of digitalization for tomorrow. At the left side of the organizing continuum, Industry 4.0 structures a work environment with narrow leeway, a low degree of autonomy and a top-down structure of control authority predetermined by digital applications. In this case, employees fill the gaps the machines cannot handle. Research limitations/implications As the paper focuses on Industry 4.0 developments in Germany, the comparability with regard to other countries is limited. Moreover, the methodological approach is explorative, and broader quantitative verification is required. Specifically, future research could include quantitative methods to investigate the employees’ perspective on Industry 4.0. A comparison of Industry 4.0 applications in different countries would be another interesting option for further research. Practical implications – This paper shows that applications of Industry 4.0 are currently at a very early stage of development and momentarily organize more routines than innovations. From a practical point of view, professional vocational and academic training will be a key factor for the successful implementation of digitalization in future. A joint venture of industry and educational institutions could be a suitable way to meet the growing demand for qualified employees from the middle to the right-hand of the organizing continuum in the context of Industry 4.0. Social implications – Industry 4.0 is designed by men, and therefore, humans are responsible for whether the future work situation will be perceived as supportive or as an alienated routine. Therefore, designers of Industry 4.0, as well as politicians and scientists, absolutely must take the underlying outcomes of digitalized work into account and must jointly find socially acceptable solutions (e.g. unconditional basic income to absorb negative societal effects of unemployment caused by digitalization). Originality/value This paper provides a promising avenue for future research on Industry 4.0 by analyzing the underlying organizational structures of digital systems and their consequences for employees. Moreover, the paper shows how Industry 4.0 should be organized to simply reproduce routines or to support innovation.
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VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
Industry 4.0 – organizing routines or innovations?
Maximiliane Wilkesmann, Uwe Wilkesmann,
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Maximiliane Wilkesmann, Uwe Wilkesmann, (2018) "Industry 4.0 – organizing routines or
innovations?", VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 48 Issue: 2,
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Industry 4.0 organizing routines
or innovations?
Maximiliane Wilkesmann
Faculty of Business and Economics, TU Dortmund University,
Dortmund, Germany, and
Uwe Wilkesmann
Center for Higher Education, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany
Purpose The rise of new information and communication technologies forms the cornerstone for the
future development of work. The term Industry 4.0 refers to the vision of a fourth industrial revolution that is
based on a network of autonomous, self-controlling, self-conguring, knowledge-based, sensor-based and
spatially distributed production resources. All in all, different forms of the application of the Industry 4.0
concept can be observed, ranging from autonomous logistic transport systems drawn upon the idea of swarm
intelligence to smart knowledge management systems. This paper aims to develop a theoretical framework to
analyze different applications of Industry 4.0 on an organizing continuum. The general research questions
are: What forms of organizing digitalized work lead to the reproduction of routines, and what forms foster
innovation within Industry 4.0? The authors thus analyze the consequences of different forms of organizing
work on workersperceptions and the results of the working process.
Design/methodology/approach This paper provides case studies for different stages of the
organizing continuum in the context of Industry 4.0. The cases and a further analysis of all 295 funded
projects are based on the Platform Industry 4.0 Map, which is part of theIndustry 4.0 initiative of the German
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research. The consequences for people acting in such organizational and digitally supported structures are
Findings A variety of applications of Industry 4.0 can be found. These applications mainly vary in the
dimensions of the degree of formalization, the location of control authority, the location of knowledge and the
degree of professionalization. At the right side of the organizing continuum, the digitalization organizes a
work environment that supports highly qualied humans. They have broad leeway and a high degree of
autonomy to design and create innovative forms of digitalization for tomorrow. At the left side of the
organizing continuum, Industry 4.0 structures a work environment with narrow leeway, a low degree of
autonomy and a top-down structure of control authority predetermined by digital applications. In this case,
employees ll the gaps themachines cannot handle.
Research limitations/implications As the paper focuses on Industry 4.0 developments in Germany,
the comparability with regard to other countries is limited. Moreover, the methodological approach is
explorative, and broader quantitative verication is required. Specically, future research could include
quantitative methods to investigate the employeesperspective on Industry 4.0. A comparison of Industry 4.0
applications in different countries would be another interesting option for further research.
Practical implications This paper shows that applications of Industry 4.0 are currently at a very early
stage of development and momentarily organize more routines than innovations. From a practical point of
view, professional vocational and academic training will be a key factor for the successful implementation of
digitalization in future. A joint venture of industry and educational institutions could be a suitable way to
meet the growing demand for qualied employees from the middle to the right-hand of the organizing
continuum in the context of Industry 4.0.
Social implications Industry 4.0 is designed by men, and therefore, humans are responsible for whether
the future work situation will be perceived as supportive or as an alienated routine. Therefore, designers of
Industry 4.0, as well as politicians and scientists, absolutely must take the underlying outcomes of digitalized
work into account and must jointly nd socially acceptable solutions.
Received 7 April2017
Revised 4 June 2017
24 July 2017
27 September 2017
Accepted 8 October2017
VINE Journal of Information and
Knowledge Management Systems
Vol. 48 No. 2, 2018
pp. 238-254
DOI 10.1108/VJIKMS-04-2017-0019
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
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Originality/value This paper provides a promising avenue for future research on Industry 4.0 by
analyzing the underlying organizational structures of digital systems and their consequences for employees.
Moreover, the paper shows how Industry 4.0 should be organized to simply reproduce routines or to support
Keywords Digitization, Digitalization, Knowledge management, Industry 4.0, Digital Taylorism
Paper type Research paper
In recent discussions about the development of new information and communication
technologies, we can observe a paradigm shift marking the transition of work from a real-
physical world to a virtual world. In this vein, real products are linked to Web-based
applications and are increasingly integrated into production processes. The rise of these new
information and communication technologies forms the cornerstone for the future
development of work. Since the beginning of industrialization, technological leaps have led
to paradigm shifts and have had a strong impact on the functional areas of individual work
systems; in retrospect, these changes can be dened as industrial revolutions. The term
Industry 4.0 refers to the vision of a fourth industrial revolution, which is currently
considered a future project (Lasi et al., 2014). The vision of Industry 4.0 can be understood as
a comprehensive digitalization and linkage of production processes, starting from the
customers order, through the creation of production processes, to downstream product
services. In this regard, predominantly self-organized value-creation networks are expected
to lead to profound changes in economic interactions. Therefore, considerations in the
context of Industry 4.0 go beyond the mere optimization of IT-supported processes.
According to Kagermann et al. (2013, p. 5):
Industry 4.0 enables continuous resource productivity and eciency gains to be delivered across
the entire value network. It allows work to be organised in a way that takes demographic change
and social factors into account.
This phenomenon can be observed in various countries all over the world (for an overview
see Gausemeier and Klocke, 2016, p. 14f.), yet discussed under different terms, such as the
so-called Second Machine Ageby Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) in the USA or Made in
China 2025(Zhang et al., 2014). Nevertheless, the term Industry 4.0 is increasingly used to
encompass these developments (Zhang et al., 2016).
On the one hand, particularly in the initial phase of a sociotechnical change, there are
great expectations and visions related to the arising possibilities. On the other hand, there is
a high degree of uncertainty about the social consequences of these new technologies. This
discrepancy seems explicable given that different scientic disciplines are involved in the
research and implementation of Industry 4.0. The understanding of Industry 4.0 is based on
the disciplines of computer science, engineering, political science, sociology and economics ,
which impedes a uniform denition. A denition upon which representatives from different
backgrounds (politics, business, science and trade unions) agree was created within the
framework of the Industry Platform 4.0, initiated by industrial associations, companies,
the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research in Germany in 2015 and reads as follows:
The term Industrial 4.0 stands for the fourth industrial revolution, a new stage in the organization
and management of the entire value chain over the life cycle of products. This cycle addresses the
increasingly individualized customer requirements and extends from the idea of the development
and manufacturing, the delivery of a product to the customer up to the recycling, including
Industry 4.0
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associated services. The basis is the availability of all relevant information in real time through
the networking of all entities involved in the value creation as well as the ability to derive from
the data the optimal value ow at any time. By linking people, objects and systems, dynamic,
real-time and self-organizing, cross-company value-added networks emerge, which can be
optimized according to dierent criteria such as cost, availability and resource consumption
(German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, 2015 translated by the authors).
Roblek et al. (2016) and Hermann et al. (2016) identied cyber-physical systems, the internet
of things (IoT), the internet of services (IoS), and the concept of smart factories as the four
key components of Industry 4.0. As Baheti and Gill (2011, p. 161) point out, cyber-physical
systems refer to a new generation of systems with integrated computational and physical
capabilities that can interact with humans through many new modalities. Big data analysis
plays one of the most critical roles in IoT frameworks. Vermesan et al. (2009, p. 9) dene the
IoT as a dynamic global network infrastructure with self-conguring capabilities based on
standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual things
have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces
and are seamlessly integrated into the information network(for an overview of denitions,
see Li and Li, 2016, p. 75). In contrast to that, the IoS:
[...] presents a paradigm in which everything is available as a service on the Internet. It can also
be viewed as networked services or systems across the real and virtual worlds over the Internet.
In the IoS, services as encapsulated functional entities containing interaction processes by
service providers and customers are distributed, virtualized, and converged over the Internet to
meet the requirements of and create value for customers(Xu et al., 2015, p. 81).
Another major goal is the implementation of an intelligent and self-organizing factory,
which is also referred to as a smart factory (Lucke et al., 2008). Within this intelligent
factory, smart logistics, intelligent objects and mobile communication devices are produced
in consideration of the efcient use of resources. The goal is to produce intelligent products
that can be further developed even after delivery; the products hence become active elements
of the production process themselves (Sendler, 2013). This vision describes the independent
management and organization of individualized customer orders (batch size = 1) across the
entire value-added chain by implementing a continuous horizontal and vertical network.
Industry 4.0 encompasses different forms of information exchange: information exchange
between humans, humanmachine interaction (H2M) and, currently the most prominent,
information exchange between machines (M2M). M2M communication and smart products
build a single entity (Roblek et al., 2016). According to Dawid et al. (2017), smart products
can also be characterized and improved along the dimensions of input (e.g. sensors and
acquisition of relevant data), output (e.g. displays, including visual, auditory or haptic
signals), humancomputer interfaces (e.g. control and interaction), interoperability (e.g.
exchange of information between artifacts), integration (e.g. meaningfulnessor usefulness of
a larger-scale system) and resource efciency (e.g. obtaining, generating and saving energy
to deliver their service). From a technical view, the lack of standardized interfaces causes
most smart solutions to work in isolation, thus leading to a fragmentation of diverse
systems. Fragmentation occurs when a larger number of products co-exist in an
environment without really cooperatingand indicates missed opportunities for exploiting
synergies(Dawid et al., 2017, p. 207). In summary, we conclude that Industry 4.0 currently
remains in a very early stage of implementation and can rather be considered a vision than a
reality. Apart from these technical issues, Industry 4.0 may be an interesting opportunity for
massive reorganization processes in companies by making production processes truly
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Industry 4.0, like all information technologies in general, inheres in its own types or
models of organizing things. In a nutshell, so-called smart systems can, on the one hand,
reproduce simple and monotonous routines in the form of digitized mass production. In this
case, the cyber-physical systems of Industry 4.0 can be considered a reproduction or an
analogy of real-world forms of organizing social behavior to reproduce routines. On the
other hand, cyber-physical systems can rebuild exible, innovative and totally new H2M
interactions in a uid network with very smart and innovative forms of cooperation and
What type of Industry 4.0 will ultimately emerge strongly depends on such underlying
concepts of organizing. Therefore, our research questions are as follows:
RQ1. What forms of organizing digitalized work lead to the reproduction of routines?
RQ2. What forms of organizing digitalized work allow the creation of innovations by
Industry 4.0?
To analyze different forms of organizing digital architectures, we will elucidate some
general assumptions regarding different forms of organizing from the perspective of
social sciences and organizational studies. Then, we will discuss how these types of
organizing are reproduced or rebuilt in digital structures and which underlying digital
architecture or form of organizing leads to imitating and reproducing routines or to
creating innovations. Finally, we will provide relevant empirical evidence by presenting
different case studies on Industry 4.0.
The continuum of organizing digitalized work
The digital architecture of Industry 4.0 is not an end in itself but could support people
working in and with those structures to make production or service processes smarter
and more efcient. Therefore, we focus on the relationship between the underlying
digital architecture and the work assumed by the underlying digital architecture
(Figure 1). From an organizational perspective, we describe the forms and types of
organizing as a continuum (Meyer and Rowan, 1977), with its two poles of routinized
and innovative work tasks. The origin of our theoretical underpinning is Burns and
Stalkers(1961)differentiation between mechanistic and organic organizations. They
characterize the continuum with 11 features that are overlapping and not clearly
distinguished, yet according to Lam (2005, p. 118) can be summarized in four more
general attributes:
Figure 1.
continuum and cases
in the context of
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
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(1) degree of formalization;
(2) distinctness of control authority;
(3) location of knowledge; and
(4) degree of professionalization.
Accordingly, we draw on these four broad categories and demonstrate their applicability
with regard to the topic of Industry 4.0. In addition, we refer to other approaches that
support the distinction between mechanistic andorganic organizations.
As Figure 1 shows, mechanistic and organic types of organizations are opposite ends of
an organizing continuum. Between the two poles, mixtures and coexisting forms in one
organization (e.g. within different units) may occur (Lam, 2005,Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967).
In a meta-analysis, Damanpour (1991) found empirical evidence for the mechanistic-organic
model, especially regarding four characteristics we will discuss in more depth in the
following sections.
Degree of formalization
On the one hand, mechanistic organizations follow a strict and rigid structure whilst the
environment is assumed to be relatively stable and predictable (Burns and Stalker, 1961).
Hence, the employeesworking tasks are characteristically highly standardized and can
easily be broken down into functionally differentiated duties, making them suitable for a
support by digitalized structure (Lam, 2005). Task requirements in a mechanistic
organization are Taylor-made (Taylor, 2006/1911), e.g. the software or digital architecture
produces reiterative, specialized, easy to handle and formalized duties, what we call a high
degree of formalization. A high degree of formalization in a mechanistic-oriented
organization increases the probability for the workforce to be replaced by other employees
or by intelligent cyber-physical systems. This is true even for intelligent cyber-physical
systems, like the cellular transport system discussed below, since such systems exclusively
work in a predened and programmed logistic environment and cannot develop a new
environment or new strategic goals by themselves. The underlying process can be called
digitization, meaning that a pure reproduction of analog signals into a digital form (Tilson
et al., 2010). As of yet, there is no change in the former working tasks. In contrast to the
technical process of digitization,digitalization includes a sociotechnical process of applying
digitizing techniques to broader social and institutional contexts that render digital
technologies infrastructural(Tilson et al., 2010, p. 749), which is especially relevant for
organic organizations.
On the other hand, organic organizations are based on a more uid set of work
arrangements, which result from changing environmental conditions (Lam, 2005).
Therefore, organic organizations show a low emphasis on setting strict working rules,
which in turn facilitates innovations. Here, digitalization occurs as the underlying learning
algorithms develop a self-governing and self-changing digital structure of human working
tasks. A low degree of formalization (few formalized duties and broader working rules)
permits openness, which encourages the growth of new ideas and behaviors, as many
authors have already shown (Burns and Stalker, 1961;Damanpour, 1991;Pierce and
Delbecq, 1977). The organic structure can be seen as a learning work environment, which
creates the opportunity to constantly change working tasks. The low degree of formalization
assumes that the workforce is more specialized and skilled to ll the missing knowledge
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In this sense, we can differentiate a degree of formalization that can be reected in the
continuum from strong to fuzzy boundaries (e.g. communities of practice). The
characteristics of the underlying digital architecture can differ in various ways, i.e.
the architecture can range from strictly determining every employees single step to
complete a working task to facilitating the exchange of innovative ideas in the form of a
knowledge management system or e-learning system (Tsui, 2005;Lau and Tsui, 2009).
Thus, we must take into account whether a digital device can lead a xed, dened group of
employees to fulll a clearly structured and highly formalized work task (mechanistic) or
whether in an organic organization caused by a low degree of formalization, it can facilitate
an open and exible exchange for different networks and people who can use it in many
different ways (organic).
Distinctness of control authority
In mechanistic organizations, rights and obligations are attached to roles, and these are
translated to functional positions and hierarchical structure (Lam, 2005;Burns and Stalker,
1961). The overall direction for information processing and decision implementation is top-
down. A senior monitors and aligns the work of the subordinates top-down so that they co-
produce the required good. Here, digitalization is rebuilding given organizational structures
without any leeway for employees. They must follow the given digital structure alongside
strict rules and constraints without any divergence and can be thus characterized as
Taylors agents (Taylor, 2006/1911) in a digital environment. In mechanistic organizations,
no means or ends are exible, everything is default and no leeway for behavior or learning is
possible. All employees must follow the predened steps of the digital system.
In organic organizations, control authority is horizontal or organized in networks. Hence,
peers must discuss how they coordinate themselves requiring digital devices to support
interaction in a exible and open way. A spread of communication beyond any technical
denition exists (Lam, 2005). Means and ends of the working process are part of the
decision-making process within the structure (Offe and Wiesenthal, 1980). Participation is
incorporated into the analog and the digital structures of organizing, and employees are
highly valued experts (Wilkesmann and Wilkesmann, 2011). They may select their own
means to a prescribed end and jointly discuss the common goals in such network structures.
The digital architecture enables and supports this type of autonomy. The perception of self-
determination establishes fundamental differences in the perception of work, whether in
digitalized or organizational structures (Ryan and Deci, 2000;Ryan and Deci, 2006;
Wilkesmann and Schmid, 2014).
Location of knowledge
In a mechanistic organization, knowledge is located exclusively at the top (Lam, 2005;Burns
and Stalker, 1961). Therefore, a strict hierarchy communicates information only top-down.
In terms of digitalization, the software is the host of the knowledge that processes
information in a strict hierarchical way to the work activities.
In an organic organization, relevant knowledge to solve organizational problems can be
located anywhere, i.e. within the organization or in a broader network (Lam, 2005). As a
result, specialization is required in ensuring a broader knowledge base and increasing the
cross-fertilization of ideas (Damanpour, 1991). Moreover, expertise and personal knowledge
are important to enforce boundary-spanning activities to acquire new knowledge and new
ideas outside the organization (Pierce and Delbecq, 1977;OMahony and Bechky, 2008;
Kinnie and Swart, 2012;Swart et al., 2014). Digitalization supports the knowledge transfer in
Industry 4.0
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networks with different experts within or outside organizational boundaries (Wilkesmann
and Wilkesmann, 2011).
Degree of professionalization
In a mechanistic organizations, vertical communication between the superior and
subordinates prevails (Burns and Stalker, 1961). The employees need no expertise to fulll
their work tasks: therefore, no professionalization is required. With regard to the
implementation of structures of Industry 4.0, either low-qualied workers will ll the gaps,
that the digital device cannot fully automate, or the digitalization will establish a fully
standardized and automated routine. In organic organizations, importance and prestige are
attached to afliations, and expertise can also be also external to the rm (Lam, 2005).
Employees are highly qualied and mostly academics, which frequently entails a high
commitment to their profession rather than to their organization (Kinnie and Swart, 2012;
Wilkesmann et al., 2009;Wilkesmann 2015). On the one hand, digitalization should both be
based on and must foster professional networks to spread new ideas. On the other hand,
those new ideas require protection against data loss and leakage.
Drawing on these four criteria, we will now characterize and distinguish the two poles of
the organizing continuum within Industry 4.0, i.e. organizing routines in mechanistic
organizations vs organizing innovations in organic structures.
Organizing routines by Industry 4.0
At the mechanistic end of the continuum, we nd types of organizations or organizational
units that mostly operate under strong behavior controls (Ouchi and Maguire, 1975), as in
traditional production organizations, which Mintzberg (1979) describes as machine
bureaucracies. Most theories of organizational studies more or less describe this type of
organization (Eisenhardt, 1989). The core of these organizations or organizational units
consists of blue-collar workers. The classical form of organizing work or information
processes in a mechanistic organization is hierarchical, i.e. interests and information are
enforced top-down via domination. A digital system, which is implementedin a mechanistic
organization, constrains, monitors and steers people and coerces obedience. People cannot
truly interact with the digital system and much less dene the goals that must be fullled.
The perceived self-determination is low, and the leeway for action is constrained. For people
working in such an environment, individual and organizational goals are not congruent.
Moreover, the scope of inuence of the workers is very narrow. As Coleman (1990)
emphasizes, this perception could lead to a perception of alienation among the people
involved as the behavior of members and the actions of the organization or the digital
structure are entirely unrelated. Recurring activities can be routinized very easily, which is
the reason why such a Tayloristic organization produces, reproduces and improves routines
that are indispensable in a mass production system. A stricterversion of this understanding
can be realized by taking humans completely out of the organizing process, permitting
cyber-physical systems (M2M) to autonomously undertake classic routine operations. Our
rst two case studies (see below) will give examples that are located at the left-hand of the
organizing continuum.
Organizing innovations by Industry 4.0
At the organic end of the continuum, we nd more knowledge- and service-oriented
organizations or organizational units, so-called professional bureaucraciesor
adhocracies(Mintzberg, 1979), where the expertise of white-collar or gold-collar workers
(Kelley, 1985) is demanded. Burns and Stalker (1961) were the rst to compare the
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characteristics of organizations that positively inuence innovation. In their study, they
found that the adoption of innovation is more likely when organizations have an organic
rather than a mechanistic structure to respond to the environmental requirements. In this
sense, decentralized, at (organic) structures support the generation and the implementation
of innovative ideas effectively throughout the organization, whereas this is not found to be
the case for centralized, tall (mechanistic) organizations (Damanpour, 1991;Lam, 2005;
Burns and Stalker, 1961).
Knowledge and new ideas can ow very easily in an organic organization, because
all expertise is integrated in a horizontal decision-making or information process
(Wilkesmann and Wilkesmann, 2011). All the power of this type of organizing
originates from the network. The people involved determine the decision-making or
information process by horizontal communication because they possess the relevant
knowledge and need support from intelligent knowledge management systems or
digital devices to enhance their skills and competencies. These forms are located from
the middle to the right-hand side of the organizing continuum. The individual and
organizational goals are congruent. People act in a structure of that kind because their
goals and needs are congruent with the goals and needs of the organizational structure.
Therefore, the members of the organization receive no selective incentives but rather
invest their own resources in the form of time and engagement. Membership is clearly
dened but overall weaker than at the other end of the organizing continuum; owing to
their personal expertise, it is usually comparatively easy for the members to exit the
organic organization (Hirschman, 1970). At the right-hand side of the organizing
continuum (Figure 1), we nd organizing forms with fuzzier boundaries, which have in
recent years been called collaborate communities(Adler and Heckscher, 2006)or
communities of practice(Wenger, 1998). This form enables highly self-determined
actions, leading to a high degree of intrinsic motivation (Ryan and Deci,2000, 2006).
Members are engaged in those communities because they jointly pursue a common
goal. A digital system is open to every potential user for different purposes. The
employeesscope of inuence is very broad. High social homogeneity and a high degree
of specialization are necessary because of the missing formal structure. Technical
structures are exible and open; they permit autonomy to the employees and help
organize a structure with fuzzy boundaries. The likelihood that innovations will emerge
in such an open and exible organizing structure is high. Our last example will give
some empirical illustration of this extreme end of the continuum. In the following, we
will provide examples of all the different stages of the organizing continuum in the
context of Industry 4.0. Moreover, we will discuss consequences for people acting in
such organizational and digitally supported structures.
Case studies
Except for the last case,which remains only a vision, therst four cases presented below are
part of the so-called Platform Industry 4.0 Map[1], which belongs to the Industry 4.0
initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In Summer 2017, the Platform Industry 4.0
Map contained a total of 295 cases. The selected cases reect the characteristics and
problems that we have identied in the underlying theoretical framework. In this sense, our
methodological approach refers to multiple-case studies design described by Yin (2014,
p. 47): Each case must be carefully selected so that it either predicts similar results (a literal
replication) or produces contrasting results, but for predictable reasons (a theoretical
replication). Therefore, ve cases were selected to provide theoretical and practical
Industry 4.0
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evidence for different stages of the organizing continuum described above. After the
presentation of the selected cases, we further analyze all 295 listed cases in terms of their
distribution within the organizing continuum. The selected cases are in their own way quite
innovative along the continuum; however, most of them are not creating innovations per se.
In the following, we start at the mechanistic end and move on step by step toward the right-
hand end of the organizing continuum.
Intelligent automation
The rst case study is located in the eld of logistics. In 2011, the research center for
Cellular Conveyor Technology[2] of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and
Logistics (IML) was opened. The practical aim of this project is to make logistics supply
chains more energy-efcient and to react more exibly to unforeseen events. The starting
point of the center is to transfer the concept of swarm intelligence to the subject of logistics.
Based on the organizing of sh, bees or birds, which are more successful in swarms than by
themselves, the Fraunhofer IML simulates a complete storage center in a 1,000-m
hall using this nature-related organizing principle.
Agent-based software enables the vehicles to work together autonomously with other
components (e.g. lift) and coordinate with each other. Approximately 50 unmanned
transport vehicles autonomously seek out their tasks and autonomously decide on the best
method of transportation. The vehicles range freely within the research hall and move
practically everywhere, i.e. from goods arrivals to picking and shipping. Hence,
implemented into practice, this entire system would be able to adjust its capacities to
seasonal or daily uctuations, as well as to changed orders or customer demands. Moreover,
it can randomly shift output between the storage and transport processes and the single sub-
areas (Kamagaew et al., 2011).
Regarding the organizing type of the cellular transport system, we observe that humans
have completely been replaced by the system. The system directs its goals autonomously
and is no longer bound to rigid line management. Ultimately, the system seems to realize the
old dream, conceived in the 1980s, of an automated factory running without humans. In
contrast to that former vision, the developed cellular transport system now functions
without digital hierarchies by following the swarm approach.
Wearables and augmented reality
The next case is also located in the eld of logistics. In 2016, a German IT service
provider began using augmented reality (AR) glasses at its headquarterslogistics
hub[3]. The practical aim of this implementation is to allow hands-free picking in the
warehouse with the help of smart glasses. The smart glasses communicate with the
digital warehouse management system and the mobile AR warehouse picker app. A
small loudspeaker is installed in the earpiece of the frame. At the right edge of the glass
the word Welcomeappears, while a voice greets the picker and indicates what time it
is. As soon as the picker sits on the pallet truck, the glasses report, There is an order
for the customer 351, a delivery of 22 packages is to be put together.Conrmed,says
the picker, and the glasses navigate the person with colored arrows to the right shelf,
until a colored rectangle in the eld of view signals hit to the picker. The picker takes
the marked package, xes the glasses on it and the glasses scan the barcode.
Immediately, the conrmation done appears in the visual eld. Then, a new order pops
up, and the picker navigates to the next order, following the commands of the smart
glasses. The entire system also offers an integrated low stock check to ensure the
adequate inventory of the product just picked. The possibility of having both hands
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free at work and no longer having to handle large-hand scanners and delivery notes can
signicantly accelerate the work. In particular, AR can optimize standardized working
processes based on the decrease in mistakes and the reduction in paths and processing
This case shows that the formalization of the tasks to be fullled is quite high, and
the control authority is vertically organized as the entire working process is managed
top down by the applied digital device. Accordingly, the picker has no leeway to self-
organize the working procedure because the knowledge is located at the top of the
organization. As the pickers are not self-determined the control authority of
the digital system externally monitors them their motivation is extrinsic because even
the path the picker must follow is literally dictated by the AR system. The picker must
stick to the digital rules and follow the commands, which are stored within the software
system. In this sense, the employeesdegree of professionalization is low as the digital
device completely determines their behavior.
Collaborative robots In 2015, a large supplier of industrial motors introduced a
collaborative robot (Co-Bot) called YuMi
[4]. The company developed a collaborative, dual-
arm, small-parts-assembly robot solution that includes exible hands, parts-feeding
systems, camera-based part location and robot control. YuMi
comes from the words you
and me. In this sense, the main eld of application is smart-parts assembly, where humans
and robots work side-by-side on the same tasks. The important aspect of safety is built into
the functionality of the robot itself. For that reason, barriers to humanmachine
collaboration by erecting fencing and cages, as we know from automotive production, are no
longer necessary. The acceptance by the production staff is most important. The use of Co-
Bots in production must therefore be designed in such a way that the employees experience
the new technology as supportive rather than as a rival. This implies that during the
introductory phase, employees should be familiarized with the functions. The
conceptualization of the Co-Bot allows to easily teach the Co-Bot new moves. In this sense,
the workers obtain leeway to (re-)program the Co-Bot in a way that is supportive to their
own tasks. In terms of hierarchy, it is the workers who apply their knowledge to the Co-Bot;
hence, humans direct the digital system and not the other way around. The eld of
application is more exible than in the case described above, because the Co-Bot can be used
in different parts and for different purposes of small-parts assembly. In this sense, the
boundaries of the underlying digital structure are fuzzier.
Intelligent-adaptive assistance systems
Intelligent-adaptive assistance systems form a new generation of mobile, context-sensitive
systems for knowledge and management support in smart manufacturing. One of the main
aims is to broaden the qualication of the staff by compensating for skills that may be
lacking. APPsist[5] is an app developed by researchers, which automatically adjusts the
support requirements of employees working on the shop oor. The app takes into account
the specic, existing skills of the workers. If a machine breaks down, for example, the
worker usually contacts a colleague from maintenance. The app, installed on a device like a
tablet, allows the worker to x the problem on site. The worker is able to repair the machine
by him- or herself because the app provides the relevant knowledge to address the specic
problem. Thus, learning processes are built for a wide variety of requirements, e.g.
commissioning, operation, troubleshooting, maintenance, repair and preventive
maintenance of plants. In this Industry 4.0 case, the workers at the shop-oor level are
supported by the system to expand their own knowledge. As a result, the former lower-
qualied workers gain more competencies and, in return, more leeway within their
Industry 4.0
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workplace. Ultimately, the digital system facilitates work tasks and can be seen as a further
development of knowledge management (KM) practices within an industry-related context.
Therefore, typical problems of storing expert knowledge into the system can be anticipated.
In particular, employees at the next higher level are expected to lose their professional
expertise, as by storing their knowledge in the app, they make themselves superuous. In
turn, the location of their knowledge can be situated anywhere within the organization.
Nevertheless, the degree of formalization can be considered medium because the tasks are
neither reiterative nor highly complex. Additionally, this is also true for the distinctness of
control authority, because the app gives no strict instructions but proposed solutions. This
case can be interpreted as a practical application of a KM system. The only restriction is that
workers on the shop oor solely apply existing and already-stored knowledge; they do not
store their expertise in the digital system.
Knowledge management in the internet of things
Our last description is not an empirical case but rather a vision of the future of Industry 4.0.
It can be considered a further development of KM in the direction of the so-called IoT. KM
IoT refers to building a broader network among people, objects and systems (Roblek et al.,
2016). In comparison to classical knowledge management systems, automatically collected
data and information by Industry 4.0 applications (e.g. data collected by RFID-chips) allow
access to previously non-digital centralized data. A KM IoT system like that continuously
collects data (e.g. tracking transport goods, lling tanks and silos, measuring temperature of
compressors and monitoring machines and systems) and combines the data with smart
algorithms. In this way, organizations gain access to new sources of data and information
that can be used for decision-making processes in a more comprehensive view. Such data
systems may contribute to the detection of new patterns of behavior or machine interaction,
in this vein promoting think tanks of new services, products or ideas. In other words, the
access to those data enables managers at the strategic level or researchers in R&D units to
create new innovations. The analysis of the acquired data fosters the development of new
Industry 4.0 applications and novel business models, e.g. a change from pure production to
customer-oriented and personalized services for special solutions is possible. The roll-out of
those innovations is still linked to humansexpertise; however, KM IoT may strongly
support the underlying decisions.
Taking the other cases into account, the underlying knowledge work of those systems
(e.g. APPsist, Wearables/AR and Co-bots) would be arranged at the right-hand side of the
organizing continuum. As in this case, the leeway for creating innovations in general is
broad, employees are assumed to be highly intrinsically motivated. In addition, involved
persons, e.g. in communities of practice, can be part of networks (also beyond
organizational boundaries). The formalization of the underlying digital system of a KM
IoT is characteristically rather low, while the organization of activities proceeds in a
bottom-up way. Ultimately, such a system fosters the growth of innovative ideas, in
contrast to the strict replication of routines.
Distribution of Industry 4.0 cases
An interesting aspect is to further analyze how and to what extent the currently existing
cases of Industry 4.0 are located and distributed within the organizing continuum. To this
end, we conducted a document analysis of all 295 cases that are currently funded by the
German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research. The document analysis was based on their
descriptions within the German Platform Industry 4.0 Map[6]. The project descriptions were
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collected, jointly categorized and counted. The analysis of all the cases discloses some
interesting and, to some extent, unexpected results: Almost one-third of the funded projects
(n= 186) develop applications where the term Industry 4.0 seems barely justied. Most of
them (n= 146) can be interpreted as digitization efforts, i.e. merely converting formerly
analog processes into digital ones. The applications range from making IT infrastructures
available to simple information management systems to connecting data exchange
processes from one corporate division to another. The lack of innovation even applies to
applications in the context of (intelligent) automation. Only two cases contain self-adaptive
components, as we presented above, whereas the remaining 60 cases aim at simple digitized
automation processes (Figure 2). Actually, efforts of digitalization play only a secondary
role: ultimately, 15 cases focus on the implementation of wearables and/or AR within
industry-related working processes. With a total number of nine, Co-Bots also play a
secondary role. Cases that can be categorized under the term intelligent-adaptive assistant
systems and/or classical KM applications constitute a number of 23 projects. What remain
are 20 miscellaneous cases that range from virtual simulation environments or learning
factories (which are primarily run by universities not companies) to special sensor
applications and solely consulting activities to projects that focus primarily on data
protection (n= 4). The latter are remarkable, as a lively public debate on lacking data
protection is taking place in the context of Industry 4.0. Apart from that, only 41 of 295 cases
take enterprise resource planning systems as a future common facilitator into account.
Another result of our analysis reveals that in total, only nine projects focus on batch size of
one, of which the majority (n= 6) focus on three-dimensional printing. To date, the original
promise of Industry 4.0 has not been fullled.
In summary, the gure shows that most of the currently funded projects are located at
the left-hand side of the organizing continuum, whereas only few cases can be found in the
middle or at the right-hand end.
Discussion and conclusion
Starting from the denition of Industry 4.0, we must clarify that most elds of application
are still in the development phase. Moreover, currently, most applications do not t the
initial denition of Industry 4.0 because they are single solutions and do not encompass all
aspects in terms of self-organized value-creation networks. Nevertheless, we identify
Figure 2.
Distribution of
Industry 4.0 cases
Industry 4.0
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interesting practical solutions for digitalizing working processes. In this paper, we describe
an organizing continuum for analyzing digitalized work in the context of Industry 4.0
(Figure 1), i.e. from reproducingand improving routines (exploitation) at one end to enabling
inventions and innovations (exploration) at the other end in the sense of March (1991). This
framework constitutes a useful instrument to analyze the working conditions structured by
At the right-hand side, the digitalization of work processes organizes a work
environment that supports highly qualied humans with tools to enhance the ow of new
ideas. Employees working at the right-hand side of the continuum are highly qualied
people who probably program Industry 4.0 tools for the middle and left-hand side of the
continuum. They have broad leeway and a high degree of autonomy to design digital
applications for tomorrow. For that reason, these employees obtain rare skills which in turn
leads to a high degree of bargaining power within the organization. Employees with high
self-esteem cannot be effectively led by top-down decision structures. Highly qualied
persons solve complex problems in an egalitarian structure with vertical or bottom-up
participation. Often, commitment is given to a community or an innovative idea, not to a
formal organization. Therefore, they prefer working in organic structures that have fuzzy
boundaries given that boundary spanning is more probable. Most important, the form of
digitalized work at the right-hand side of the continuum organizes a structure that meets
their needs, as shown in the case of KM IoT.
Digitalization also organizes structures located at the left-hand side of the continuum,
which can be considered as the applied knowledge from the right-hand side of the
continuum. Knowledge workers from the right side program their vision of tomorrows
production process. As our cases show, Industry 4.0 also structures a work environment
with narrow leeway caused by a strict top-down digital control structure and a low degree of
autonomy. The high degree of formalization in a rather mechanistic-oriented organization
leads to a comparatively low skill level of the workforce, i.e. low-professionalized employees
are easily replaceable by other employees or intelligent cyber physical systems. The fear of
being replaced by machines or articial intelligence is a predominant motif in the discussion
of the societal consequences of Industry 4.0 and the future of employment against the
background of computerization, as Frey and Osborne (2013) empirically but more or less
hypothetically analyzed. If employees remain in the production processes, they must ll in
the gaps the machines cannot handle. At the left side of the continuum, workers do not have
to think; the knowledge is incorporated in the digital device, they thus have to perform in a
given structure. Even if digital systems follow the idea of swarm intelligence as shown in
the case of intelligent automation, the application itself momentarily remains at the stage of
reproducing and automating routine work, as the applications are not able to create
innovations themselves.
The application of Industry 4.0 at the left-hand side of the continuum strongly
reminds us of the debate and visions of the so-called computer integrated manufacturing
(CIM) of the 1980s (AWF, 1985) and basic principles of Taylorism (Taylor, 2006/1911).
Industry 4.0 and CIM have in common that all production processes are computerized,
leading to a deserted shop oor as humans have become superuous. The difference
between the two concepts is that Industry 4.0 allows for the fully automated production
of a batch size of one, thus meeting the individualized needs of the customers. Industry
4.0 can also be considered comparable with Taylorism because the right-hand side of the
continuum describes brainwork, whereas the left side refers to highly standardized
manual labor. The only difference is that in Industry 4.0, the work environment is
organized by digital structures and not by human hierarchies. In that sense, workers
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using wearables or AR systems in warehouses become a variation of Taylors vicarious
agents, as the digital system species every movement of warehousemen. Moreover, the
rise of digital Taylorism leads to an aggravated form of Tayloristic principles, as the
introduced systems do not allow any conversation with co-workers, which in turn
increases isolation and alienation in Marxs sense among workers (Marx, 1981/1844).
However, and there is always a however, digitalization also generates great
opportunities: knowledge workers at the right-hand side of the continuum can program,
organize and produce work environments with broad leeway and autonomy for
employees at the middle of the continuum, which means that workers gain more
autonomy and competencies by using the developed applications (e.g. APPsist). At the
far left-hand side, humans are released from performing rather boring and meaningless
human work. Apart from that, Industry 4.0 in this early stage of development causes new
forms of uncertainty and threats (e.g. societal changes, data protection and data security)
that must be taken more seriously into account (Magruk, 2016).
In summary, Industry 4.0 is designed by men, and therefore, humans are responsible for
whether the future work situation will be perceived as supportive or as an alienated routine.
Therefore, designers of Industry 4.0 applications, as well as politicians and scientists,
absolutely must take the underlying outcomes of digitalized work into account and must
jointly nd socially acceptable solutions (e.g. unconditional basic income to absorb negative
societal effects of unemployment caused by digitalization). Finally, we can conclude that
applications of Industry 4.0 are currently at a very early stage of development, and they
mostly focus on the left side of the organizing continuum, i.e. Industry 4.0 momentarily
organizes more routines than innovations.
From a practical point of view, professional vocational and academic training will be a
key factor for the successful implementation of digitalization in future. Training and further
training measures have to be created which take up the theoretical aspects of Industry 4.0
and link them to the practical aspects of the increasing complexity of machines. A joint
venture of industry and educational institutions could be a suitable way to meet the growing
demand for qualied employees from the middle to the right-hand of the organizing
continuum in the context of Industry 4.0.
The limitations of our paper are twofold: as we focus on the developments of Industry 4.0
in Germany, we cannot compare our results with the developments in different countries.
Moreover, our methodological approach is explorative, and quantitative verication is
necessary. Future research should include quantitative methods to investigate the employee
perspective on Industry 4.0, for example. A comparison of Industry 4.0 applications in
different countrieswould be another interesting option for further research.
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6. Source:
Industry 4.0
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... Significant generational differences are evident as each cohort brings unique traits and expectations to their roles, impacting workplace behaviors and productivity criteria (Lu & Gursoy, 2016;Smola & Sutton, 2002). The rapid pace of technological change necessitates that employees adapt, requiring changes in skill sets across all generational divides (Schwab, 2017;Wilkesmann & Wilkesmann, 2018). ...
... Technology unemployment results from technology replacing labor-intensive jobs, including robotics, automation, artificial intelligence, and biometric systems. Millennials may adapt more readily to complementing technology-driven business processes compared to preceding generations (Sung-jin Kim et al., 2012;Sungdoo Kim, 2018;Wilkesmann & Wilkesmann, 2018). Exceptions exist within each generation, with individuals displaying characteristics associated with other generations, as seen in successful technology-based companies led by Baby Boomers and Millennials (Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2014). ...
... The nature of work is undergoing a profound transformation, characterized by agile business models demanding greater employee adaptability and competence (Agostini & Filippini, 2019;Botha, 2018;Schwab, 2017;Wilkesmann & Wilkesmann, 2018). While technology like robotics is expected to handle routine tasks, creative professions will remain resilient until Artificial Intelligence advances enough to perform creative and intuitive tasks (Agostini & Filippini, 2019). ...
... Significant generational differences are evident as each cohort brings unique traits and expectations to their roles, impacting workplace behaviors and productivity criteria (Lu & Gursoy, 2016;Smola & Sutton, 2002). The rapid pace of technological change necessitates that employees adapt, requiring changes in skill sets across all generational divides (Schwab, 2017;Wilkesmann & Wilkesmann, 2018). ...
... Technology unemployment results from technology replacing labor-intensive jobs, including robotics, automation, artificial intelligence, and biometric systems. Millennials may adapt more readily to complementing technology-driven business processes compared to preceding generations (Sung-jin Kim et al., 2012;Sungdoo Kim, 2018;Wilkesmann & Wilkesmann, 2018). Exceptions exist within each generation, with individuals displaying characteristics associated with other generations, as seen in successful technology-based companies led by Baby Boomers and Millennials (Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2014). ...
... The nature of work is undergoing a profound transformation, characterized by agile business models demanding greater employee adaptability and competence (Agostini & Filippini, 2019;Botha, 2018;Schwab, 2017;Wilkesmann & Wilkesmann, 2018). While technology like robotics is expected to handle routine tasks, creative professions will remain resilient until Artificial Intelligence advances enough to perform creative and intuitive tasks (Agostini & Filippini, 2019). ...
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This systematic literature review examines the intricate interplay between generational differences, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), and the unanticipated effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the contemporary world of work. In response to the pandemic, organizations worldwide rapidly reevaluated their work processes, embracing digital technologies and remote work. This unforeseen shift underscored the world's capacity for rapid adaptation to unforeseen challenges. However, the 4IR extends beyond technological advancements, involving non-technological aspects such as evolving business models, workforce well-being, job security, and the changing nature of work. Understanding these dimensions is vital in shaping the modern workforce. Generational differences add another layer of complexity. Each generation, from Baby Boomers to Millennials, brings distinct worldviews and work values. This review explores how different generations perceive and adapt to the evolving nature of work, especially in the context of the 4IR. In addition, the 4IR highlights the critical role of knowledge in driving innovation and competitiveness. Knowledge-sharing practices within organizations have become pivotal in staying ahead in this era of rapid technological change. By addressing both technological and non-technological dimensions of the 4IR and considering generational perspectives, this review offers a comprehensive understanding of how these forces intersect and influence the modern workplace. It provides insights and recommendations to guide organizations, policymakers, and individuals in navigating the complexities of the modern world of work, harnessing 4IR opportunities, and addressing its multifaceted challenges.
... In addition, "Industry 4.0" is a new round of innovation in industrial production methods, which is a revolutionary change in industrial production brought by new technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things following the birth of the first automatic textile machine, the first assembly line, and the first programmable logic controller [16][17][18]. Under the new conditions of the new round of industrial revolution and the rapid development and wide application of information technology, Germany actively applies advanced and applicable information technology to the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry and has gained significant results in the field of embedded systems and automation engineering [19][20][21]. Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution, a digital Germanic ideology, while the first three industrial revolutions were the water and steam power revolution, the electric power revolution, and the computerized automation revolution [22]. ...
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Germany’s “Industry 4.0” strategy is a technological revolution that accelerates full penetration into industrial fields such as manufacturing, mainly based on the Internet of Things and the rapidly developing new generation of Internet technology as a carrier. This paper examines the implementation of Germany’s “Industry 4.0” strategy, focusing on R&D expenditures, capacity utilization rates, and CNC rates of key processes in the manufacturing industry. It also lays the groundwork for Germany’s economic development and the effects of industrial restructuring. We construct a regression model to analyze the impact of “Industry 4.0” on the German economy, using economic growth as a measure of economic development. We use the automobile industry as a representative to study the industrial restructuring and upgrading of Germany under the “Industry 4.0” strategy. The results demonstrate a positive correlation between the estimated coefficients of economic growth variables in each year from 2020 to 2022 and the industry’s value-added, passing the significance test at the 0.05 level. In the industrial restructuring, Germany’s automobile industry has realized the transformation from traditional manufacturing mode to intelligent manufacturing mode, and the 1387.2 billion euros of Volkswagen’s R&D investment also shows that Germany is still pursuing the technological upgrading of the industry.
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This study aims to assess, through individual performance, the influence of supply chain managerial competency of logistics managers on company logistics performance, taking into account the moderating effects of education and work experience. Using an empirical survey of Vietnamese developing nation logistics companies, this study applied the PLS-SEM approach for data analysis including assessments of mediation and moderation. The sample comprised 272 valid replies from a structured survey aimed at managerial personnel. The findings demonstrate that the competencies of logistics managers substantially improve individual performance, hence mediating the favorable correlation between management competencies and organizational logistics performance. The results indicate that both education and experience enhance these linkages at both individual and organizational levels. This study advances the application of RBV theory by highlighting human capital as an essential, distinctive resource that, when augmented by education and experience, enhances organizational performance. Nevertheless, this study’s shortcomings encompass a concentration on the Vietnamese logistics sector, indicating the need for future research across various businesses and geographical settings. These observations highlight the necessity for specialized education and training programs to develop managerial competencies for enduring organizational effectiveness.
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Zusammenfassung Im folgenden Beitrag wird die Rolle digitaler Technik in der Transformation von Arbeitsaufgaben und der Wahrnehmung von Autonomie und Kontrolle durch Beschäftigte in Hochzuverlässigkeitsorganisationen untersucht, insbesondere in Krankenhäusern und Flughäfen. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Einfluss der digitalen Transformation, die sowohl neue Arbeitsaufgaben schafft als auch bestehende Tätigkeiten verändert, verstärkt durch die zunehmende Selbstständigkeit digitaler Systeme. Der Beitrag verdeutlicht die Relevanz der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Technik und analysiert, wie digitale Technik die Autonomie- und Kontrollwahrnehmung der Beschäftigten beeinflussen kann, was sich wiederum auf das Engagement und die Zusammenarbeit in digitalen Arbeitskontexten auswirkt. Zudem werden die drei Heuristiken Durchdringung, Verfügbarmachung und Verselbstständigung diskutiert, die das Verständnis der Wechselwirkungen zwischen digitaler Technik und Arbeitsprozessen in Hochzuverlässigkeitsorganisationen vertiefen.
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Zusammenfassung Der Artikel untersucht die Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelten als eine systemische Transformation, die alle Institutionensysteme der Arbeitsgesellschaft tiefgreifend und nachhaltig verändert. Der Text legt die Grundlage für die Forschungsarbeiten im gleichnamigen DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 2267 und betrachtet die digitale Transformation als ein Zusammenwirken von drei Prozessdimensionen: soziale Vorbereitung, technische Ermöglichung und diskursive Aushandlung. Der interdisziplinäre Ansatz beleuchtet die vielfältigen Dynamiken und neuen Formen der Wertschöpfung, die durch die Digitalisierung entstehen. Ziel ist es, ein umfassendes Verständnis der digitalen Transformation als systemischen Wandel zu entwickeln und die theoretischen sowie methodischen Grundlagen für zukünftige Forschungen zu schaffen.
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The use of digital technologies or applications can have positive and negative effects on workers: Digital technologies might support workers’ decision-making by providing necessary information, but digital technologies might also lead to time pressure and mental strain. In this paper, the authors specifically analyze the characteristics of digital work and the link to mental strain to estimate the effects on work performance in industry. They report survey data from four German companies in the manufacturing, service, and logistics sector with N=279 participants. Results indicate that technology-based organizational and personal resources mitigate, while technology-based demands enhance mental stress and strain. Time pressure is the most important individual factor increasing mental stress and strain. Mental strain, in turn, negatively influences work performance. Considering such connections is crucial for human resource management in digital work contexts and specifically workers’ use of and interaction with technologies beyond the analyzed specific manufacturing, service, and logistics industries.
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The world stands on the threshold of a new age of technology, which will launch a fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). According to this idea, web-based network will support smart factories at every stage of the work on the product, from design through to servicing and recycling. It is a vision of a world in which the real environment connects to the digital one using follows driving forces: Internet of things, cloud computing, big data, cyber-physical systems, and others. The Industry 4.0 concept is based on developing smart chains preparation based on communicating with each other means of production, products, components, plants, humans. Established in Germany, the concept of Industry 4.0, is the brainchild – its beginning reaches 2011. It is therefore fraught with high level of uncertainty in many aspects (economic, social, technological, legal, etc.). The main aim of this article is to analyze different dimensions of uncertainty regarding the Industry 4.0, both in terms of opportunities and threats. Due to the freshness of the topic and the great complexity of the Industry 4.0 phenomenon, the main aim of the article is to identify potential areas requiring the necessary research in order minimizing negative – today uncertain – effects occurring in both the design concept Industry 4.0 as well as during its functioning.
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This article is focused on the importance and influence of Industry 4.0 and consequently the Internet-connected technologies for the creation of value added for organizations and society. The contribution of the article is mainly conceptual. With the development of the Internet, the Internet of things that is central to the new industrial revolution has led to ?Industry 4.0.? The aim of this article is to synthesize the known theory and practices of Industry 4.0, and to investigate the changes that will result from Industry 4.0 and with the development of the Internet of things.
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Smart products not only provide novel functionalities, but also may establish new business models, markets, or distribution channels, strengthen relationships with consumers, and/or add smart remote services. While many technical obstacles of such products have already been overcome, the broad market dissemination of smart products still poses some vital managerial challenges for decision makers. In this paper, we outline the technical potential and future trends of smart consumer products, discuss economic challenges in four scopes, namely, preference-based new product development, market analysis, supply chain design, and industry development, and, in particular, we highlight research perspectives for management science in this promising field.