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Prototype development of a hand-held steerable tool for hip arthroscopy

Prototype Development of a Hand-Held Steerable
Tool for Hip Arthroscopy
Lindsey Paul, Timothy Chant, Ross Crawford, Jonathan Roberts, Liao Wu*
Australian Centre for Robotic Vision
Science and Engineering Faculty
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia
Email: *
Abstract—Instruments used in hip arthroscopy are designed
to navigate to a target within the hip joint capsule and actuate
repairs using various tools. Traditional arthroscopy instruments
feature rigid shafts with no ability to adjust the curvature of the
arm or reorient the approach vector of the tool within the joint
capsule. To overcome these limitations, this paper has proposed a
novel robotized hand-held instrument for hip arthroscopy based
on a tendon-driven continuum manipulator segment and pivot
joint in series, with arm parameters based on the anatomical
dimensions of the joint capsule. An intuitive control system
is implemented to assist in surgeons’ operations. Preliminary
evaluations were made based on the prototype and workspace
reachability demonstrating the feasibility of the design.
Arthroscopy of the hip is a form of minimally invasive
surgery (MIS), most commonly used to treat symptomatic
labral tears, femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), loose bod-
ies, synovitis, chondral defects and degenerative conditions
of the hip [1]. Typical procedures involve the use of an
arthroscope and rigid tools with varying end-effectors, such
as punches, scissors and probes to interact with the joint.
In this study, the tools used to actuate repairs, specifically
the rigid arm used to manipulate the position of the tool-
point, will be investigated. Typical arthroscopic tools consist
of a straight rigid tube, with a fixed tool at the distal end and
mechanical actuation of the tool controlled at the proximal end
of the device, which does not allow the operator to change the
approach vector of the tool point.
To overcome this drawback, a tendon-driven continuum
manipulator (TCM) segment is used to curve around the
femoral head, with a pivot joint in series to further manipulate
the approach angle of the tool, as illustrated in Fig. 1. These
two segments form 3 degrees of freedom (DOF) in the distal
15 mm of the arm, and by using an on-board gyroscope to
stabilize the base of the pivot joint, an additional DOF can be
added via manual rotation of the device.
A. Related Work
Hip arthroscopy has become increasingly popular, with
studies in the USA demonstrating a 365% increase in the
This work was supported by the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Fellowship
from Queensland University of Technology under Grant 322450-0096/08
awarded to Dr. Liao Wu.
Fig. 1. Illustration of the proposed arthroscopy device entering a distended
hip joint capsule through the standard anterior portal.
number of procedures performed between 2004 and 2009 and
a 250% increase between 2007 and 2011 [2].
The most prevalent arthroscopic instruments in current use
feature a straight or pre-curved rigid tube, between 2.7 mm and
3.4 mm in diameter, with a tendon operated tool mounted on
the distal 10 mm of the device. Although these instruments add
curvature to direct them through the cavity, most arthroscopic
tools cannot maneuverer in such small and tortuous spaces. To
overcome this difficulty in similar medical applications, nu-
merous works have been published on increasing tip dexterity
through modern methods of actuation, with methods typically
falling into two categories, extrinsic or intrinsic [3].
The EndoWrist R
created for da Vinci Surgical System
(Intuitive Surgical, U.S.A) and the telerobotic system for MIS
of the throat in [4], demonstrate the ability of extrinsic TCM
segments to increase tool dexterity, with both featuring 6 DOF
achieved by two TCM bending segments per arm, with diam-
eters of 5 mm and 4.2 mm respectively. The FlexDex TM [5]
and the flexible Cardioscope developed in [6] demonstrate the
adaptation of TCM for hand-held devices to create joints with
2 DOF, using mechanically controlled systems, with FlexDex
TM achieving a bend of 90 deg with a diameter of 8 mm and
the cardioscope bending 180 deg with an arm diameter of 6.5
mm. In [7], an example of a complex control system for hand-
held devices is demonstrated, designing a mechatronic tool for
computer assisted arthroscopy. This design features a 4 mm
diameter, 25 mm long TCM segment which provides 2 DOF
at the tip.
Concentric tube robots (CTRs), have been used to add 3
DOF to standard 3.8 mm diameter neuroendoscopes in [8],
and adopted as the mechanism for robotic tools in intraocular
[9] and transnasal surgery [10]. Like TCM, this mechnism
also reduces the outer diameter of the device at the expense
of control system weight and sizing.
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) have shown promise at
overcoming the control-sizing constraints of TCM and CTR,
with [11] achieving a maximum bending angle of 90 deg in
the distal 29 mm of a 5 mm diameter arm. Research in [12]
has also been done to combine SMA with a DC Micromotor
in series to achieve a 6 DOF surgical manipulator with a
spherical wrist and tool diameter of 5 mm. Although SMA
is significantly more compact than its counterparts, the low
stiffness, high activation voltage, and ineffectual heat removal
associated with this actuation method, lead to significant issues
in the implementation of SMA.
Devices allowing for the manipulation of the tool approach
angle are not common in related work, with no examples found
specifically for hip arthroscopy.
B. Contributions
This paper proposes the novel application of cable-actuated
arms in arthroscopy of the hip. The arm design features
two joints in series, designed to curve between the femoral
head and the acetabulum to the desired area, and allow for
manipulation of the tool point approach vector. The advantages
include: increased field of operation, having a design suitable
for a low-cost disposable arm, and decreasing the risk of dam-
age to cartilage and surrounding tissue by adding additional
dexterity. This arm design has been implemented in a hand-
held servo-actuated device for preliminary testing, but future
work will require a system with greater stability and accuracy
in actuation.
The designed prototype of the arthroscopic tool is shown
in Fig. 2. It comprises of: an arm with 3 DOF at the tip,
a channel for tool attachment through the arm, an actuation
system, housing, a control module, control circuits, a 12.6V
Li-ion battery (not shown in the figure), a handle with two
2-axis joysticks (not shown in the figure), and a USB port for
serial output. The total size of the arm is 3.4 mm x 3.4 mm x
11.2 mm, with a total weight of 30 g, and the total size of the
 
 
 
 
Fig. 2. Prototype of the proposed hand-held hip arthroscopy tool.
control system and housing is 70 mm x 75 mm x 155 mm,
with a total weight of 290 g.
A. Arm Design
For hip arthroscopy procedures, the end-effector needs to
be able to access and interact with the ligaments surrounding
the joint and all areas of the socket, including loose bodies
within the joint capsule. As the capsule is contained between
the femoral head and acetabulum, this can be used as the
bounds of the workspace. When a traction force is applied
to the hip joint, and the capsule is distended with saline, the
joint typically distracts 15 mm to 30 mm, with a joint capsule
volume of 3·105m3to 4·105m3[13]. With an average
femoral head diameter measurement of 47.3 mm [14] and an
average acetabulum diameter of 53.7 mm [15], the workspace
can be approximated as the gap between two spheres with the
given average diameters of the acetabulum and femoral head,
separated at the origins by 11.8 mm.
To achieve the desired movement, it was decided that two
joints were needed, with one to have 2 DOF of movement
and curve around the femoral head, and one to manipulate
the angle of the end-effector in that space. A 3-cable TCM
segment is suitable for the mid joint due to its maneuverability
and scalable dimensions. But due to the restricting nature of
the workspace, the bend radius of a TCM segment would not
be suitable for the distal joint. Therefore, a 2-tendon 1 DOF
pivot joint was selected to manipulate the tool approach, and
by applying manual rotation at the base of the device, 2 DOF
can be achieved, resulting in a total of 4 DOF in the device.
Design specifications for end-effector attachment were
based on dimensions suitable for the attachment of a standard
rolling shutter camera. Therefore, a 0.9 mm hollow was used
through the middle of the pivot joint and through the backbone
of the TCM joint, with a 2 mm slot at the tip of the pivot joint
to attach the end-effector. This also allows for the attachment
of standard rigid tools as they typically feature cables of less
than 0.9mm diameter to actuate their end-effectors, such as
graspers or punches.
Trocars used for tool insertion limit the diameter of the
arm to 4.5 mm, considering this as well as the confines of
the workspace, a maximum arm diameter of 3.4 mm was
chosen. Also, given that the pivot joint is designed for a
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Design of proposed arthroscopy arm with 90 deg bend at the TCM
segment and no base rotation. (a) Side view. (b) Front view.
maximum rotation of 90 deg in either direction, the length
of the tool attached measured from the middle of the pivot
axis combined with the radius of the arm must not exceed the
15 mm distraction mentioned above.
As increased length decreases stability, a TCM length of 10
mm was chosen. Due to the limited applied force needed by
arthroscopes; to achieve a maximum bending radius of 90 deg
in a length of 10 mm, the TCM backbone was constructed
from PVC tubing with an ID of 1 mm and an OD of 2 mm.
To attach the TCM actuation cables to the end of the arc, a
rigid section of 3.6 mm was added between the TCM segment
and pivot joint. These arm specifications have been illustrated
in Fig. 3.
Construction of this design was achieved by manually
constructing each wire separation disc from PVC and attaching
it to the backbone with cyanoacrylate. Stainless steel wire
was used for actuation of the arm and the pivot joint was
constructed from sheet aluminum.
B. Control Design
As mentioned previously, the arm is made up of; a 3-cable
actuated TCM segment, a 2-cable actuated pivot joint and
an optional 1-cable actuated end effector, totaling 6 control
cables. Each cable’s displacement is independently controlled
by a servo motor as shown in Fig. 4a. To convert the rotational
movement to the required linear displacement each servo
motor is fitted with a 20 mm long arm as shown in Fig. 4b. A
consequence of this method is the displacement of the cables
relative to arm angle is not linear due to the circular movement
of the lever tip however this is corrected for in the firmware
using basic trigonometric functions.
Each servo has a maximum travel of ±40, with positional
resolution of 1024, this is sufficient for a prototype however
given the requirements for hip-arthroscopy higher accuracy
linear actuators will be used for future revisions. The maxi-
mum displacement was experimentally verified to be ±9mm
while resolution and repeatability were 1 mm.
To prevent damage to the arm, limits were placed in the
firmware as to how far the servos can displace the cables
in addition to a simple current monitoring circuit to infer
(a) Overview.
(b) TCM Joint Group.
Fig. 4. Design of the actuation system.
Fig. 5. The proposed control interface based on joysticks and buttons.
approximate torque, powering down servos and sounding a
buzzer under over-torque conditions.
The device is based around an Atmel ATmega1280 MCU
(Micro Controller Unit), which accepts inputs from a combina-
tion of joysticks and buttons shown in Fig. 5, and actuates the
servos accordingly. Inputs from the first joystick control the
curvature, κ, and the rotation, φ, of the TCM segment, and the
second joystick controls the rotation, α, of the pivot joint and
the control of the tool attached. The peripheries shown in Fig.
5 allow the operator to manually control the arm, and the on-
board IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) can be implemented to
allow for mid-joint position stabilization given manual rotation
at the base. This will cause an apparent additional DOF at
the pivot hinge, allowing the end-effector to rotate about the
central axis of the distal segment.
During operation of the device, serial data is output from
the USB port for diagnostics or data logging during operation.
The device can be powered from an isolated 12 V DC power
supply or a 12.6 V 25 Wh Li-ion rechargeable battery for
untethered operation.
Fig. 6. Block diagram of micro controller unit (MCU) peripheries.
C. Firmware Design
Simple firmware was implemented, with a core structure
consisting of two threads scheduled by two hardware timers.
The first thread running at approximately 0.5 Hz handles
miscellaneous tasks such as overload detection, status LEDs,
monitoring voltages and sending serial data packets. The other,
repeating at 10 Hz handles the electromechanical system, such
a periphery inputs, simple calculations and servo control.
The two joysticks shown in Fig. 5 alter arm parameters, with
J1yadjusting base rotation φ,J1xadjusting TCM curvature
κ,J2yadjusting pivot joint orientation αand J2xadjusting
any cable actuated tools attached.
Tip-based control requires a mapping between the cable
displacement used to actuate arm movement, and the tip
orientation and position in space. If constant-curvature kine-
matics is assumed for the arc of the TCM joint, then the arc
can be considered as being made up of finite curved links
with arc parameters, which can be represented as analytical
frame transformations. This allows for the kinematics to be
decomposed into two mappings, findependent and fspecific.
The first, fspecific, transforms actuator space, q, representing
the cable lengths, to configuration space parameters that de-
scribe the various arm parameters. And the other, findependent,
transforms the configuration space to the task space, describing
the position and orientation of the tip of the device.
A. Robot-Independent Mapping
This section defines findependent as a homogeneous transfor-
mation matrix, T, parametrized by (κ, φ, α, l1, l2, l3), giving
 
       
 
 
         
 
Fig. 7. (a) When φ= 0, points A,B,Cand Dlie on the xzplane. (b)
The angle φrotates the arm out of the xzplane, as well as rotating the
pivot joint rotation plane around the vector made between points Band C.
task space coordinates x=T1...3,4. The forward kinematics
of the arm can be determined via its geometry, illustrated in
Fig. 7a. From this, we consider the +z-axis to be tangent to
the base of the arm. When φ= 0, adjusting κwill produce
bending movement around the +y-axis, with the tip moving
on the +x-z plane when κ > 0.
From [16], the transformation matrix of a TCM segment
parameterized by (κ, φ, l1)is as shown in (1).
cos2φ σ1+1 sin φcos φ σ1cos φsin κl1
σ1cos φ
sin φcos φ σ1σ1cos2φ+cos κl1sin φsin κl1
σ1sin φ
cos φsin κl1sin φsin κl1cos κl1
sin κl1
0 0 0 1
Where: σ1= cos κl11
This model takes into account, the θ=κl1rotation about
the +y-axis, the φrotation about the base and the φrotation
about the tip due to the actuation method, as shown in Fig. 7b.
To transform to point Cas shown in Fig. 7, a translation by
l2in the +z-axis is made. And to get the overall transform,
T, the transformation to point Cis rotated about the +y-axis
by αand translated by l3in the +zdirection, as shown in (2).
α(κ, φ, l1, lD, lE) =
8.4if l0
D5and l0
cos10.118 ((l0
D2)2+ 0.412 l02
E24.296)if l0
D>5and l0
cos10.049 (l02
E2)2+ 59.006)if l0
D5and l0
T=TAB hI[0 0 l2]>
0 1 i
| {z }
Translation by l2
Ry(α) 0
0 1
| {z }
Rotation by α
hI[0 0 l3]>
0 1 i
| {z }
Translation by l3
Once calculated, this gives (3).
cos(α)σ8σ10 σ9sin(α) cos(κl1)cos(φ)2σ8
cos(κl1) sin(α)σ5σ9
0 0
σ2l3σ2+l2sin(κl1) cos(φ)cos(φ)σ8
σ4l2cos(κl1) + l3σ4+sin(κl1)
0 1
Where: σ2= sin(α)σ6+σ5
σ3= sin(κl1) cos(α) sin(φ) + sin(α)σ7σ10
σ4= cos(κl1) cos(α)σ7
σ5= sin(κl1) cos(α) cos(φ)
σ6=σ7cos(φ)2+ 1
σ7= sin(κl1) cos(φ) sin(α)
σ8= cos(κl1)1
σ9= sin(κl1) sin(φ)
σ10 = cos(φ) sin(φ)
B. Robot-Specific Mapping
The set of equations making up robot-specific map-
ping fspecific, map from actuator space qto configura-
tion space (κ, φ, α, l1, l2, l3). The actuator space parameters
are the wire lengths, lA,lB,lC,lDand lE, and the dis-
tance from the center to the cable guide, d, as shown in
Fig. 8. From [16], expressions were derived for parameters
(φ(lA, lB, lC), κ(lA, lB, lC), l1(lA, lB, lC)), as shown in (4),
(5) and (6).
φ(lA, lB, lC) = tan13(lB+lC2lA)
κ(lA, lB, lC) = 2pl2
l1(lA, lB, lC) = 3d(lA+lB+lC)
Fig. 8. A distributed wire spacing disc used in the TCM segment, separating
wires A, B and C by 120 deg and wires D and E by 180 deg, with E at 0 deg
and A at 90 deg when φ= 0. The distance of each guide from the center is
represented by d, and the disc rotation is represented by φ.
Configuration space parameters, l2and l3, are constants
associated with the design of the arm and cannot be determined
by actuator space parameters. Pivot joint rotation, α, can be
calculated from parameters (κ, φ, d, l1, lD, lE)as a piecewise
function due to the geometry of the pivot joint itself. If α
exceeds ±22 deg, due to the restriction of the wire guide, one
of the cables will be forced to bend around the edge of the
pivoting section. To derive an expression for α, wire lengths,
lDand lE, were broken up into TCM segment lengths, l00
E, and pivot joint lengths, l0
Dand l0
E. Representing the overall
lengths as: lD=l00
Dand lE=l00
E, and
in combination with models derived in [16], the pivot lengths
are calculated using (7) and (8).
D=lDl26 sin l1κ
E=lEl26 sin l1κ
Therefore, assuming a maximum αof ±90 deg, αcan be
derived from geometry shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 8 to get (9).
C. Robot-Independent Rotation About the Backbone
To add an additional DOF to the pivot joint, a manual
rotation around the base can be added to the transformation
matrix shown in the Robot-Independent Mapping section. This
is done by rotating the whole system, calculated in (2), by β
around the +z-axis at the base, as shown in (10).
TM=Rz(β) 0
0 1
| {z }
Rotation by β
The product of the first two matrices in (10) is explicitly
shown in (11). Comparing the last two columns of (11) with
(1), it can be shown that both ends of the TCM segment
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. To track the trajectory to the tip (marked by a red dot), the arm was
filmed from the xy,xzand yzplanes, and the tip position was
measured from the axis (in green) for each frame. This figure shows the first
and last frames in the yzplane when κis varied from 0 to 0.157.
arc can be kept fixed by adjusting φfor changes in β. This
demonstrates the ability to keep the tool steady when rotating
the device manually.
Rz(β) 0
0 1
|{z }
Rotation by β
cos(β)σ14 σ12 σ13 sin(β)σ11
sin(β)σ14 +σ13 cos(β)σ11 +σ12
sin(κl1) cos(φ)sin(κl1) sin(φ)
0 0
cos(β+φ) sin(κl1)cos(β+φ)σ5
sin(β+φ) sin(κl1)sin(β+φ)σ15
0 1
Where: σ11 = cos(κl1)cos(φ)2σ15
σ12 = cos(φ) sin(β) sin(φ)σ15
σ13 = cos(β) cos(φ) sin(φ)σ15
σ14 =σ15 cos(φ)2+ 1
σ15 = cos(κl1)1
To validate the kinematic model produced, the expected
position of the tip was compared to experimental data collected
via cameras setup facing the x-y,x-z, and y-z planes. The
reachability of the arm was then validated using this kinematic
model, by modeling the accessible workspace of the end-
effector for seven separate entry vectors against a simplified
model of the joint capsule.
A. Evaluation of Position and Orientation-Ability
Using cameras facing the x-y,x-z, and y-z planes, the tip
position of the arm was recorded as the curvature was varied
with φ= 0 and α= 0. To obtain position data, each frame
was analyzed using a scale in the background to measure tip
location, as shown in Fig. 9. The results in Fig. 10, show the
relationship between theoretical and experimental data. From
the y-z and x-y planes, a maximum deviation of approximately
5 mm perpendicular to the bending plane can be seen, which
reduces the tip length in the z-direction by approximately 2
mm compared to theoretical results.
This deviation was determined to be due to prototype
limitations. The spacer discs restraining the cables in the TCM
segment have 5 separate holes to run the cable through on each
disc. In our prototype, we allowed too much space to run the
cables through, resulting in a twisting rotational movement
around the device when cables were under tension. In future
versions, smaller holes will be used in cable separation.
Rotation of the pivot joint was also evaluated and showed
smooth movement with little twisting movement.
B. Workspace Validation
To demonstrate the reachable workspace of the tool with
manual rotation around the base, an attached surgical end-
effector length of 4mm was assumed. Accessibility of the
tool was then demonstrated by overlaying the field of ac-
cess of the arm at a fixed entry point along seven separate
insertion vectors in a simplified model of the joint capsule.
Fig. 11 demonstrates that the majority of the workspace can
be accessed with only seven reorientations of the tool, by
using five cross sections along the x-y axis with blue markers
representing accessible space.
This paper proposes the novel application of cable-actuated
arms in arthroscopy of the hip. Using a TCM segment and
a pivot joint in series, a hand-held prototype was developed
for use with low-force surgical end-effectors or small rolling
shutter cameras. The design and control scheme is described.
The benefit of adding an additional DOF to the tip is evaluated.
It has been demonstrated that the kinematic modeling devel-
oped is appropriate, as well as the suitability for camera end-
effectors due to the arm’s reachability and dexterity to areas
of the surgical workspace, however, further improvements can
be made to enhance the feasibility of the proposed design.
The current control method does not use tip-based control,
and instead directly controls the TCM curvature and base
rotation, as well as tool actuation and pivot joint rotation.
Implementing the kinematics model demonstrated in this re-
port for tip control, as well as including a system for TCM
position stabilization using the on-board IMU would greatly
improve the usability and maneuverability of the device. The
positioning accuracy could be greatly improved by replacing
the current servo motor system with linear actuators. With an
improved prototype, the future work will further validate the
developed ideas in cadaveric experiments.
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Constant Curvature Continuum Robots: A Review, The International
Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 29, no. 13, pp. 16611683, Oct. 2010.
... Some of the mechanisms that have been proposed for the steerable robotic arthroscopic tools are depicted in figure 3. hinged-joint-based [11] c. lobed-feature-based [12] d. notched-tube-based [13] e. tubeand-slider-based [14] f. spine-and-hinge-based [15] Traditional serial-link robots have three structural components: links, joints and motors. Links are the main body of a robot and are connected by joints; joints are actuatable mechanisms that can move the links they connect; motors are actuators that drive the motion of the joints. ...
... In consideration of this, one DOF at the tip is sufficient for some operations inside the joint. The prototype in [15] added another bending DOF to the proximal part of the tool and a pivoting DOF to the distal tip. The additional DOFs enable the device to be bent in a different plane without changing the orientation of the handle, and adjust the approaching direction of tip without affecting the bending segment. ...
... The advantages of pure mechanical interfaces include the simpleness of implementation and the ease of sterilisation; the disadvantages, however, include the difficulty in controlling multiple DOFs simultaneously and integration with additional sensing. Therefore, more prototypes adopt mechatronic interfaces, such as in [10,13,15]. Usually, joysticks and buttons are used to relay the control signals from the surgeons to the onboard processors to actuate the associated motors. ...
... Usually designed with high degrees of freedom in small sizes, snake-like robots are highly suitable for tasks requiring traversing through narrow and tortuous passages or dexterous manipulation in confined environments [3,4]. As such, they have been proposed for various applications, including industrial inspection [5], search and rescue [6], and robotic surgery [7][8][9][10]. ...
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Stiffness-adjustable snake-like robots have been proposed for various applications, including minimally invasive surgery. Based on a variable neutral-line mechanism, previous works proposed a class of snake-like robots that can adjust their stiffness by changing the driving cables’ tensions. A constant curvature hypothesis was used to formulate such robots’ kinematics and was further verified by our previous work via rigorous force analysis and ADAMS simulations. However, all these models and analyses have ignored the effect of the robot links’ gravity, resulting in significant errors in real systems. In this paper, a static model considering gravity compensation is proposed for the stiffness-adjustable snake-like robots. The proposed model adopts a nonlinear Gauss–Seidel iteration scheme and consists of two parts: gravity update and pose estimation. In each iteration, the former updates the payload of each link caused by gravity, and the latter estimates the pose of the robot by refreshing the angle and position values. This iteration stops when the change in the tip position is less than a pre-set error ϵ. During the above process, the only dependent information is each cable’s tension. Simulations and experiments are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model. The impact of gravity is found to increase with growing material densities in the simulations. The experimental results further indicate that compared with a model without gravity compensation, our model reduces the tip estimation error by 91.5% on average.
... The set fixed at the 5 th disk's top has the starting orientation at 0 degrees, whereas the other set's 1 Referred to Fig. 5. 2 Arranged in counterclockwise order starting at 0 degree orientation of the base disk's reference frame. 3 Manipulator's length is 108 mm for the 4 th and 5 th configurations and 120 mm for the rest. ...
... The set fixed at the 5 th disk's top has the starting orientation at 0 degrees, whereas the other set's 1 Referred to Fig. 5. 2 Arranged in counterclockwise order starting at 0 degree orientation of the base disk's reference frame. 3 Manipulator's length is 108 mm for the 4 th and 5 th configurations and 120 mm for the rest. ...
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In minimally invasive surgery, miniaturisation and in situ adjustable stiffness of robotic manipulators are desired features. Previous research proposed a simple and effective tendon-driven curve-joint manipulator design using a variable neutral-line mechanism, which highly satisfies both criteria. A kinematic model was developed for such a manipulator based on the geometry of the structure. However, such a model assumes that joint angles are all equal between disks without a rigorous derivation, and fails if not all the shapes of the disks are identical. Moreover, the model does not involve an analysis of the tension of each tendon. This paper suggested a static model for predicting the articulation of such a manipulator given the applied tensions on driving tendons. It validates the assumption of equally distributed joint angles and works for manipulators with more general configurations of disks and tendons. It also sets a foundation for further development of tension based control and external force estimation. Simulations on Adams were conducted to prove the correctness of the proposed model. A video demonstrating the simulation results can be found via
... Continuum robots have been identified as a class of robots that are ideal for minimally invasive surgery [1]. Applications of these robots span from neurosurgeries [2], trans-oral and trans-nasal procedures [3]- [5], intracardiac procedures [6], to orthopaedic surgeries [7]. The main differences between the continuum robots and their discrete rigid counterparts lie in that the actuators of the continuum ones usually can be placed at the proximal end, making it possible to reduce the size of the distal end that is inserted into the human body through a small incision/orifice and a narrow passage, and thus causing minimal invasion to the patient. ...
... Continuum robots have been identified as a class of robots that are ideal for minimally invasive surgery [1]. Applications of these robots span from neurosurgeries [2], trans-oral and trans-nasal procedures [3]- [5], intracardiac procedures [6], to orthopaedic surgeries [7]. The main differences between the continuum robots and their discrete rigid counterparts lie in that the actuators of the continuum ones usually can be placed at the proximal end, making it possible to reduce the size of the distal end that is inserted into the human body through a small incision/orifice and a narrow passage, and thus causing minimal invasion to the patient. ...
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Endowing continuum robots with compliance while it is interacting with the internal environment of the human body is essential to prevent damage to the robot and the surrounding tissues. Compared with passive compliance, active compliance has the advantages in terms of increasing the force transmission ability and improving safety with monitored force output. Previous studies have demonstrated that active compliance can be achieved based on a complex model of the mechanics combined with a traditional machine learning technique such as a support vector machine. This paper proposes a recurrent neural network based approach that avoids the complexity of modeling while capturing nonlinear factors such as hysteresis, friction and delay of the electronics that are not easy to model. The approach is tested on a 3-tendon single-segment continuum robot with force sensors on each cable. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate that the continuum robot with an RNN based feed-forward controller is capable of responding to external forces quickly and entering an unknown environment compliantly.
... Continuum robots have been identified as a class of robots that are ideal for minimally invasive surgery [1]. Applications of these robots span from neurosurgeries [2], trans-oral and trans-nasal procedures [3]- [5], intracardiac procedures [6], to orthopaedic surgeries [7]. The main differences between the continuum robots and their discrete rigid counterparts lie in that the actuators of the continuum ones usually can be placed at the proximal end, making it possible to reduce the size of the distal end that is inserted into the human body through a small incision/orifice and a narrow passage, and thus causing minimal invasion to the patient. ...
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Endowing continuum robots with compliance while it is interacting with the internal environment of the human body is essential to prevent damage to the robot and the surrounding tissues. Compared with passive compliance, active compliance has the advantages in terms of increasing the force transmission ability and improving safety with monitored force output. Previous studies have demonstrated that active compliance can be achieved based on a complex model of the mechanics combined with a traditional machine learning technique such as a support vector machine. This paper proposes a recurrent neural network based approach that avoids the complexity of modeling while capturing nonlinear factors such as hysteresis, friction and delay of the electronics that are not easy to model. The approach is tested on a 3-tendon single-segment continuum robot with force sensors on each cable. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate that the continuum robot with an RNN based feed-forward controller is capable of responding to external forces quickly and entering an unknown environment compliantly.
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In order to treat synovial chondromatosis in minimally invasive way, the loose bodies in the joint cavity should be removed with arthroscopic surgery. However, since the joint cavity is narrow and round, it is difficult to approach with conventional straight surgical tools. To overcome this, existing studies have proposed motorized steerable surgical instruments, but they do not provide haptic feedback and intuitive understanding of the position of the end-effector. In this paper, we developed a motorless steerable arthroscopic surgery instrument. It was designed with the ergonomic aspects for intuitive manipulation. It is geometrically modeled to define the mechanical parameters; diameter 5 mm, bending angle 90°. Design values and clinical significance were verified by an experiment and a phantom test.
This article describes a novel hand-operated end-effector device developed for loose body removal in hip arthroscopy. This sterilizable and reusable device incorporates a wire-ball joint mechanism that provides motion with 5 degrees of freedom. The design accounted for the following: (1) the diameter of the femoral head, (2) range of motion of the wrist joint of the operator, (3) ease of assembly of modular parts, and (4) material stiffness and durability. The developed device is composed of three parts: a pistol-shaped hand-held unit, forceps module, and end-effector module, all of which were constructed using polyamide-imide. Experiments were conducted to characterize the range of motion, pushing force, and lateral stiffness of the end-effector. Seven consulting surgeons evaluated the performance of the device in arthroscopic hip model and cadaveric studies in comparison with that of a conventional linear grasper. The experimental results show that the developed device can perform tasks that conventional linear graspers cannot. A specialized end-effector device was developed for hip arthroscopy where a high degree of stiffness is required. The end-effector module is interchangeable based on the required outer diameter, and it is also reusable after sterilization at high temperature.
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Traditional posterior nasopharyngeal biopsy using a flexible nasal endoscope has the risks of abrasion and injury to the nasal mucosa and thus causing trauma to the patient. Recently, a new class of robots known as continuum tubular robots (CTRs) provide a novel solution to the challenge with miniaturized size, curvilinear maneuverability, and capability of avoiding collision within the nasal environment. This paper presents a compact CTR which is 35 cm in total length, 10 cm in diameter, 2.15 kg in weight, and easy to be integrated with a robotic arm to perform more complicated operations. Structural design, end-effector design, and workspace analysis are described in detail. In addition, teleoperation of the CTR using a haptic input device is developed for position control in 3D space. Moreover, by integrating the robot with three electromagnetic tracking sensors, a navigation system together with a shape reconstruction algorithm is developed. Comprehensive experiments are conducted to test the functionality of the proposed prototype; experiment results show that under teleoperation, the system has an accuracy of 2.20 mm in following a linear path, an accuracy of 2.01 mm in following a circular path, and a latency time of 0.1 s. It is also found that the proposed shape reconstruction algorithm has a mean error of around 1 mm along the length of the tubes. Besides, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed robotic system being applied to posterior nasopharyngeal biopsy are demonstrated by a cadaver experiment. The proposed robotic system holds promise to enhance clinical operation in transnasal procedures.
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Introduction Hip arthroscopy is increasingly adopted for the treatment of intra-articular and extra-articular pathologies. Studies from USA demonstrate a 365% increase in the number of procedures performed between 2004 and 2009 and 250% increase between 2007 and 2011. There is limited evidence of long-term efficacy for this procedure and hip arthroscopy is not universally funded across England. The aim of this study is to describe temporal trends in the adoption of hip arthroscopy in England between 2002 and 2013 and to forecast trends for the next 10 years. Methods A search of the Hospital Episodes Database was performed for all codes describing arthroscopic hip procedures with patient age, sex and area of residence. Results 11 329 hip arthroscopies were performed in National Health Service hospitals in England between 2002 and 2013. The number of hip arthroscopies performed increased by 727% (p<0.0001) during this period and is forecast to increase by 1388% in 2023. Females represent 60% of all patients undergoing hip arthroscopy (p<0.001). Median age category is 40–44 for females and 35–39 for males and average age decreased during the study period (p<0.0001). There is significant regional variation in procedure incidence. In the final year of this study the highest incidence was in the Southwest (8.63/100 000 population) and lowest in East Midlands (1.29/100 000 population). Conclusions The increase in number of hip arthroscopies performed in England reflects trends in USA and continued increases are forecast. Evidence from robust clinical trials is required to justify the increasing number of procedures performed and regional variation suggests potential inequality in the provision of this intervention.
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Light pipe is a tool providing illumination for delicate operations inside the eyeball in an eye surgery. Traditional light pipes with straight shafts have to be reoriented in order to enlarge its illustration range, which implies more risk of damage to the sclera and requires greater operation space for the handle. In order to overcome these limitations, this paper has proposed a novel robotized handheld light pipe based on concentric tubular structure. Tube parameters are selected based on the anatomical dimension of eyeballs. Novel actuation designs are described to meet the requirements of the intraocular procedures. Intuitive control scheme is implemented to facilitate surgeons' operations. Furthermore, the benefit of the precurved tube compared with that of a straight tube is evaluated through experiments. It has been demonstrated that the proposed design as a light pipe holds the promise of enhancing intraocular surgeries.
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Continuum robotics has rapidly become a rich and diverse area of research, with many designs and applications demonstrated. Despite this diversity in form and purpose, there exists remarkable similarity in the fundamental simplified kinematic models that have been applied to continuum robots. However, this can easily be obscured, especially to a newcomer to the field, by the different applications, coordinate frame choices, and analytical formalisms employed. In this paper we review several modeling approaches in a common frame and notational convention, illustrating that for piecewise constant curvature, they produce identical results. This discussion elucidates what has been articulated in different ways by a number of researchers in the past several years, namely that constant-curvature kinematics can be considered as consisting of two separate submappings: one that is general and applies to all continuum robots, and another that is robot-specific. These mappings are then developed both for the single-section and for the multi-section case. Similarly, we discuss the decomposition of differential kinematics (the robot’s Jacobian) into robot-specific and robot-independent portions. The paper concludes with a perspective on several of the themes of current research that are shaping the future of continuum robotics.
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Hip arthroscopies are often used in the treatment of intra-articular hip injuries. Patient-reported outcomes (PRO) are an important parameter in evaluating treatment. It is unclear which PRO questionnaires are specifically available for hip arthroscopy patients. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate which PRO questionnaires are valid and reliable in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. A search was conducted in Pubmed, Medline, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, Pedro, EMBASE and Web of Science from 1931 to October 2010. Studies assessing the quality of PRO questionnaires in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy were included. The quality of the questionnaires was evaluated by the psychometric properties of the outcome measures. The quality of the articles investigating the questionnaires was assessed by the COSMIN list. Five articles identified three questionnaires; the Modified Harris Hip Score (MHHS), the Nonarthritic Hip Score (NAHS) and the Hip Outcome Score (HOS). The NAHS scored best on the content validity, whereas the HOS scored best on agreement, internal consistency, reliability and responsiveness. The quality of the articles describing the HOS scored highest. The NAHS is the best quality questionnaire. The articles describing the HOS are the best quality articles. This systematic review shows that there is no conclusive evidence for the use of a single patient-reported outcome questionnaire in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. Based on available psychometric evidence we recommend using a combination of the NAHS and the HOS for patients undergoing hip arthroscopy.
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This paper presents the clinical motivation, design specifications, kinematics, statics, and actuation compensation for a newly constructed telerobotic system for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) of the throat. A hybrid dual-arm telesurgical slave, with twenty joint-space Degrees of Freedom (DoF), is used in this telerobotic system to provide the necessary dexterity in deep surgical fields such as the throat. The telerobotic slave uses novel continuum robots that use multiple super-elastic backbones for actuation and structural integrity. The paper presents the kinematics of the telesurgical slave and methods for actuation compensation to cancel the effects of backlash, friction, and flexibility of the actuation lines. A method for actuation compensation is presented in order to overcome uncertainties of modeling, friction, and backlash. This method uses a tiered hierarchy of two novel approaches of actuation compensation for remotely actuated snake-like robots. The tiered approach for actuation compensation uses compensation in both joint space and configuration space of the continuum robots. These actuation hybrid compensation schemes use intrinsic model information and external data through a recursive linear estimation algorithm and involve compensation using configuration space and joint space variables. Experimental results validate the ability of our integrated telemanipulation system through experiments of suturing and knot tying in confined spaces.
In this paper, we present a novel flexible endoscope (FE) which is well suited to minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS). It is named the cardioscope. The cardioscope is composed of a handle, a rigid shaft, a steerable flexible section, and the imaging system. The fexible section is composed of an elastic tube, a number of spacing disks, a constraint tube, and four wires. It employs the constrained wire-driven fexible mechanism (CWFM) with a continuum backbone, which enables the control of both the angulation and the length of the flexible section. Compared to other endoscopes, e.g., rigid endoscope (RE) and fixed-length FE, the cardioscope is much more dexterous. The cardioscope can bend over 180 deg in all directions, and the bending is decoupled from the distal tip position. Ex vivo tests show that the cardioscope is well suited to MICS. It provides much wider scope of vision than REs and provides good manipulation inside confned environments. In tests, the cardioscope successfully explored the full heart through a single hole, which shows that the design is promising. Despite being designed for MICS, the cardioscope can also be applied to other minimally invasive surgeries (MISs), such as laparoscopy, neurosurgery, transnasal surgery, and transoral surgery.
Published studies of the human hip make frequent reference to the normal pelvis and acetabulum. However, other than qualitative descriptions we found no clinically applicable published references describing a normal pelvis and acetabulum; such information is important for designing certain kinds of implants (eg, reconstruction cages). We describe a method to quantify, average, and apply data gathered from normal human specimens to create a standard representation of the ilium and ischium. One hundred healthy hemipelves from 50 human skeletons were evaluated. We measured angles and distances between major anatomic landmarks in the pelvis. The data collected were analyzed for variance and averaged to create a normal topographic map. Finally, we examined several commercially available acetabular reconstruction cages to determine the fit to the anatomically determined normal pelvis. These results provide a representation of true acetabular geometry and may serve as the basis for future acetabular reconstruction cage design.