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Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
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Amplifying Prediction Accuracy using Swarm A.I.
Louis Rosenberg
Unanimous A.I.
San Francisco, CA, USA
Niccolo Pescetelli
University of Oxford
Clarendon, UK
Abstract— In the natural world, many species amplify the
accuracy of their decision-making abilities by working together
real-time closed-loop systems that converge on optimal solutions
in synchrony. Known as Swarm Intelligence (SI), the process has
been deeply studied in schools of fish, flocks of birds, and swarms
of bees. The present study looks at the ability of human groups
to make decisions as an Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) by
forming similar real-time closed-loop systems online. More
specifically, the present study tasked groups of sports fans with
predicting English Premier League matches over a period of five
weeks by working together in real-time swarm-based systems.
Results showed that individuals who averaged 55% accuracy
when working alone were able to amplify their accuracy to 72%
by forming real-time swarms. This corresponds to 131%
amplification in predictive accuracy across five consecutive
weeks (50 games).
Keywords— Swarm Intelligence, Artificial Swarm Intelligence,
Collective Intelligence, Human Swarming, Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) strives to amplify the
collective wisdom of human groups by connecting participants
online into real-time closed-loop systems that are modeled
after biological swarms. Prior studies have shown that such
“human swarms” can produce significantly more accurate
predictions than traditional methods for tapping the collective
intelligence of groups, such as votes, polls, surveys, and
markets. For example, one recent study tested the ability of
human swarms to forecast the outcome of College Bowl
football games (in the U.S.) against the Las Vegas spread. A
swarm was comprised of 75 amateur football fans was tasked
with predicting each of 10 college bowl games. As
individuals, the participants averaged 50% correct (i.e. coin flip
accuracy). But, when working together as a real-time swarm,
those same participants achieved 70% accuracy against the
spread. Not only is this a significant accuracy increase, it also
enabled the 75 amateur football fans to out-predict the football
experts at ESPN [1].
While prior studies have documented the ability of
Artificial Swarm Intelligence to amplify the predictive ability
of online groups in singular events, no long-term study has
been performed to assess consistency of swarm-based
predictions over time. To address this, the present study tasked
human swarms with predicting all of the scheduled English
Premier League (EPL) matches over a period of five weeks in
2016. The objective was to assess whether or not a statistically
significant amplification of human intelligence could be
measured when comparing individual prediction accuracy to
swarm accuracy. In addition, swarm performance over the five
week period was compared to the predictions made by the
Sports Analytics Machine (SAM), a super-computer built by
the University of Salford to predict English Premier League
games using rigorous mathematical models [2]. Because SAM
results are published weekly by the BBC to reflect an “expert”
assessment of weekly matches, this allowed for comparison of
professional level predictions with novice-based human
The decision-making processes in honeybee swarms have
been observed to be remarkably similar to the decision-making
processes in neurological brains [3,4]. Both employ large
populations of simple excitable units (i.e., bees and neurons)
that work in parallel to integrate noisy evidence, weigh
competing alternatives, and converge on decisions in
synchrony. In both, outcomes are arrived at through a real-time
competition among sub-populations of excitable units. When
one sub-population exceeds a threshold level of support, the
corresponding alternative is chosen. In honeybees, this enables
optimal decisions over 80% of the time [5,6,7]. It is this
amplification of intelligence that Artificial Swarm Intelligence
aims to enable among distributed networked humans.
Fig. 1. Usher-McClelland model of neurological decision-making
The similarity between neurological intelligence and swarm
intelligence becomes even more apparent when comparing
decision-making models that represent each. For example, the
Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
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decision-making process in primate brains is often modeled as
mutually inhibitory leaky integrators that aggregate incoming
evidence from competing neural populations. A common
framework is the Usher-McClelland model [8] represented in
Figure 1 above. This can be directly compared to swarm-based
decision models, like the honey-bee model in Figure 2 below.
As shown, these swarm-based decisions follows a very similar
process, aggregating incoming evidence from sub-populations
of swarm members through mutual excitation and inhibition.
Fig. 2. Mutually inhibitory decision-making model in bee swarms
Unlike many other social species, humans have not evolved
the natural ability to form a closed-loop Swarm Intelligence.
That’s because we lack the subtle connections that other
organisms use to establish tight-knit feedback-loops among
members. Schooling fish detect vibrations in the water around
them. Flocking birds detect motions propagating through the
group. Swarming bees use complex body vibrations called a
“Waggle Dance”. Thus to enable a real-time Artificial Swarm
Intelligence among groups of networked humans, specialized
technology is required to close the loop among members.
To address this need, an online platform called UNU was
developed in 2015 to allow distributed groups of users to login
from anywhere around the world and participate in a closed
loop swarming process [9]. Modeled after the decision-making
of honeybee swarms, the UNU platform allows groups of
independent actors to work in parallel to (a) integrate noisy
evidence, (b) weigh competing alternatives, and (c) converge
on final decisions in synchrony, while also allowing all
participants to perceive and react to the changing system in
real-time, thereby closing a feedback loop around the full
population of participants.
As shown in Figure 3, participants in the UNU platform
answer questions by collectively moving a graphical puck to
select among a set of alternatives. Each participant provides
input by manipulating a graphical magnet with a mouse or
touchscreen. By positioning their magnet, users impart their
personal intent on the puck. The input from each user is not a
discrete vote, but a stream of vectors that varies freely over
time. Because the full population of users can adjust their
intent at every time-step (200 ms), the puck moves, not based
on the input of any individual, but based on the dynamics of
the full system. This enables real-time physical negotiation
among all members, empowering the group to collectively
explore the decision-space and converge on the most agreeable
solution in synchrony.
Fig. 3. A human swarm answering a question in real-time
It is important to note that participants do not simply vary
the direction of their input, but also modulate the magnitude of
their input by adjusting the distance between the magnet and
the puck. Because the puck is in continuous motion across the
decision-space, in order to apply force users need to
continually move their magnet so that it stays close to the
puck’s rim. This is significant, for it requires participants to be
engaged continuously during the decision process, evaluating
and re-evaluating their contribution. If they stop adjusting their
magnet to the changing position of puck, the distance grows
and their applied force wanes. Thus, like bees vibrating their
bodies to express sentiment in a biological swarm or neurons
firing activation signals to express sentiment in a neural-
network, the participants in an artificial swarm must
continuously express their changing preferences during the
decision process, or lose their influence over the collective
To assess the predictive ability of human swarms over an
extended period, a formal study was conducted over a five
week period using groups of randomly selected human subjects
from a pool of individuals who self-reported being enthusiasts
of EPL football. Each weekly group consisted of 25 to 31
participants who engaged the experiment via online access to
the UNU swarming platform. Each subject was paid $2.50 for
their participation in each weekly session, which required them
to make predictions for the outcome of all 10 English Premier
League matches being played that week, first as individuals on
a standard online survey, and then as part of a real-time
Artificial Swarm Intelligence comprised of the full weekly
group. In addition, the researchers compared results to the
predictions made by SAM, a sports super-computer at the
Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
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University of Salford which uses ten years of data and
sophisticated algorithms to predict EPL games.
Across the full five week period, predictions were made for
a total of 50 games wherein the participants were required to
forecast one of three outcomes for each game: (i) Team A wins
the match, (ii) Team B wins the match, or (iii) the match ends
in a tie. It is worth noting that tie games occur at a rate of
approximately 25% in EPL matches, making it a significant
outcome possibility. It is also worth noting that 94% of the
swarm participants were American citizens for whom EPL is a
foreign sport covered mostly by foreign media. This context is
relevant when comparing performance of the human swarm to
the performance of the SAM super-computer, which is a UK-
based analytical system designed specifically to predict EPL
outcomes. In other words, it allows us to test if groups of
American fans, working together as artificial swarms, can
produce comparable results to a rigorous computational model
that is used by the BBC to forecast the UK’s national sport.
In Figure 2 below, a snapshot of a human swarm comprised
of 31 participants is shown in the process of predicting a match
between Arsenal and Watford. As shown in the figure, the
swarm is given five options to choose among, enabling the
swarm to identify which of the two teams will win and whether
the winning team will prevail by a single goal (“by 1”), by 2 or
more goals (“by 2+”), or if the swarm believes the match is too
close to call. In the example shown below, a large majority of
participants have already shifted their pull towards Arsenal,
and so the puck is currently heading in that direction.
Fig. 4. A human swarm predicting an EPL match in real-time
If the swarm converges on an answer that indicates one of
the two teams will win, that is selected as the predicted
outcome for the given match. If, on the other hand, the swarm
converges on “too close to call,” the swarm is given a second
question asking if the predicted outcome is most likely a tie. In
the example shown in Figure 4 above, the artificial swarm
demonstrated strong conviction that Arsenal would beat
Watford by a wide margin. In Figure 5, a series of snapshots
demonstrate how the swarm converged upon this final answer
over time. It should be noted that all predictions made by the
swarm were converged upon in under 60 seconds.
Fig. 5. A time-series of swarm converging on a final prediction
For each of the five weeks of the testing period, predictions
were made for the full slate of 10 matches that were played by
English Premier League teams. For each set of 10 matches, a
group of participants provided their individual predictions via a
Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
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private online survey. The group also logged into the UNU
platform for real-time swarming and made predictions by
working together as a unified swarm. In addition, data was
collected from the BBC indicating the predictions made by the
SAM super-computer for the same games. After the games
were played, the results were scored by computing the number
of correct predictions and the percentage of correct predictions
for each test case. For individuals, the average values were
computed across the 25 to 31 participants in each group. These
results are shown in Table 1 below:
Table 1. Summary of prediction results over 5 weeks.
Assessing the raw results, we see that the swarm had the
best performance of the three experimental cases tested,
achieving 72% accuracy when predicting English Premier
League games. This was significantly more accurate than the
same individuals, when predicting independently, as they
averaged only 55% accuracy across each group. And finally,
the analytical super-computer, SAM, achieved a result in the
middle of these two cases, generating 64% accuracy.
Thus, at a first level of analysis we see that by working
together as a swarm, individuals who averaged 55% accuracy
when working alone were able to amplify their accuracy to
72% by forming real-time swarms and making the predictions
together. This corresponds to 131% amplification in predictive
accuracy across five consecutive weeks (50 games). This also
corresponds to a performance level that not only matched, but
slightly exceeded, an “expert source” of game predictions, the
SAM super-computer used by the BBC to publish expert picks.
Thus, by forming artificial swarms of approximately 30
individuals, groups of EPL fans (mostly American) were able
to make game predictions at an expert level.
To assess statistical significance, we compared the swarm
performance to the performance that would be expected by
chance from a matching population using a bootstrap approach
as follows: each week, we took a random sample of 10
individuals who participated in that week’s trial and took the
first individual's prediction for the first match, the second
individual's prediction for the second match and so on until we
had ten predictions from the ten randomly selected individuals.
We then averaged the accuracy of these predictions. We
repeated the procedure (i.e. random selection of ten individuals
and response assignment) 10000 times and computed the
average distribution of correct answers for that week.
Distributions are shown in Figure 6 below. The mean of the
distribution represents the average number of correct
predictions that should be expected by chance, by a matching
forecasters population. It can be seen that swarms are well
above the mean as compared to individual predictions. We then
computed the distance of the swarm performance for each
week from that week's mean in the form of a z-score distance
and computed the value of the cumulative density function of a
normal distribution with that mean and standard deviation. The
value indicates the probability of obtaining the score of the
swarm by chance.
Fig. 6. Individual vs Swarm predictions, assessed weekly.
To aggregate the results from the five weeks into one, we
compared the overall number of hits made by the swarm in the
5 weeks and the number of hits made by the average individual
(rounded to the closest integer). We then used a two-proportion
z-test, with the null hypothesis that the two hit rates are the
same. A z-statistic was obtained using the following formula:
z=(pIND – pSWARM) / sqrt(p*(1-p)*(2/50))
where pIND is the hit rate of the average individual,
pSWARM is the hit rate of the swarm and p is the total sum of
hits made by both the average individual and the swarm and
divided by the total number of predictions (i.e. 100). The result
show that the average individual was significantly worse than
the unified swarm intelligence (z=-1.78, p=.03). The
aggregated results can be shown in a single profile, as depicted
in Figure 7 below. The red line indicates the superior
performance of the human swarm as compared to the
individual forecasters.
Fig. 7. Individual vs Swarm predictions aggregated for all five weeks.
Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
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Can swarms of novice participants such as casual sports
fans rival the predictive abilities of a respected expert source?
The results presented herein suggest this may be the case. As
demonstrated across five consecutive weeks of EPL match
predictions, swarms of approximately 30 average sports fans
were able to achieve competitive results to the SAM super-
computer that the BBC employs for providing expert level
predictions to the public. In fact, the 30 average sports fans,
when working together as an Artificial Swarm Intelligence,
out-predicted the SAM super-computer in four of the five
weeks. Even more significant, by thinking together as a
unified swarm intelligence, the groups of approximately 30
casual sports fans were able to significantly amplify their
collective performance across all five weeks of EPL match
predictions, boosting their overall prediction accuracy by 131%
as compared to the average individual participant.
Thanks to David Baltaxe and Chris Hornbostel of
Unanimous A.I. for their significant efforts in supporting the
data collection for this research study. Thanks also to
Unanimous A.I. for the use of the platform throughout
this five week experiment.
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