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Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel tech, Avadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Student, B.E. Final year, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel tech,
Avadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
The world wide determination to switch from pollution causing conventional automobiles that run on fossil
fuels, to electric vehicles which are pollution free that function with electric power supply drawn from renewable
resources, is eventually increasing. This review work aims at the study of journals, blogs and statistical reports to bring
forth the evolution of electric hybrids, their sources of supply, pros and cons, their classification and major constituents.
The major drawbacks of electric vehicles are analyzed and solutions are rendered. Characteristics of Torque development,
emission and factors affecting the deployment of electric vehicles are also briefed. Load performance, range
characteristics, heat management, anti-jerking mechanisms, wireless charging and several other studies regarded to e-
vehicles are included. The rising demand for e-vehicles, their sales and their substantial increase in numbers, government
policies to promote the usage are also brought into the limelight. India’s promising e-vehicle plan for 2030 and the steps
taken to popularize electromobility are also reviewed. The journal summarizes that the renewable way of producing green
electricity and concepts of electromobility will lead to a pollution free environment in the distant future.
KEYWORDS: Pollution, Electric Vehicles, Drawbacks, Demand, Government Policies, Green Electricity &
Received: Feb 03, 2018; Accepted: Feb 24, 2018; Published: Mar 08, 2018; Paper Id: IJMPERDAPR201865
Fossil fuels are the most commonly and widely used fuels all over the world. And in the very short period
of time since then – just over 200 years –humans have consumed an incredible amount of them, leaving fossil fuels
all but gone and the climate seriously impacted. The fuel reserves are finite and the rate at which the world is
consuming fossil fuels is not standing still. Fossil fuels will therefore run out earlier. Globally, the consumption of
oil points to the equivalent of over 11 billion tonnes every year. Crude oil reserves are vanishing at the rate of 4
billion tons a year. If this gets carried on at this rate, without any increase for our growing population or
aspirations, our known oil deposits will last until 2052
. People need to switch to green energy and boycott energy
companies that don’t offer it. Switching to green energy is the single biggest thing we can do to fight climate.
Green energy can be sourced from all the renewable sources such as wind, the sun, tides, and the earth and so on.
Production of electricity and efficient usage determines the credibility of the future growth of industrial sector,
transportation and survival. With leading levels of pollution and environmental damage, the introduction of new
and hazard free form of energy deliberately becoming vital. The age of the fossil fuel engines are vanishing
gradually and development of innovative technologies has started to revolutionize the world.
Original Article
International Journal of Mechanical and Production
Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)
ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 2, Apr 2018, 557-566
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd
558 Sumathy Muniamuthu, Krishna Arjun. S, Jalapathy. M, Harikrishnan. S & Vignesh. A
Impact Factor (JCC):6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11
A vehicle is a hybrid, if it utilizes more than one form of onboard energy to achieve propulsion. A hybrid will
have a traditional internal combustion engine and a fuel tank, as well as one or more electric motors and battery pack.
Hybrid systems and diesel engines, both represent extra cost. So far, installing both in the same vehicle has proven to be
prohibitively expensive. The motor coupled with generator is to generate electricity to recharge the battery as it absorbs a
portion of the vehicle's momentum when slowing or coasting downhill. Normal cars waste all of their excess momentum as
heat in the brakes. Regenerative braking is insufficient to stop a car quickly, so conventional hydraulic brakes are still
necessary. Operating the vehicle on electric power alone is possible if the hybrid system has enough electrical capacity.
Plug-in hybrids began appearing in the market at the end of 2010. It provides a way to plug the battery into an electrical
outlet for recharging while parked. The benefit of the plug-in hybrid is its ability to travel in all-electric mode for most
short trips, reserving the gasoline engine for longer drives.
Classification of Hybrid and Electric Drive Vehicles
• Micro Hybrid Gasoline/Diesel driven engines where electric components are used in start stop functions alone.
• Mild Hybrid engines in which the electric motor supports the combustion engines using regenerative braking.
• Full Hybrid engines in which the electric motor supports the combustion process. It is possible to drive
exclusively using electricity alone.
• Emission-free vehicles that do not release exhaust gases into the environment during operation are also called
“zero-emission vehicles”.
• Battery-powered vehicles that are moved exclusively by an electric drive are also called “battery electric vehicles”
(BEV). The energy required to run the vehicle is supplied by a high-voltage battery that is charged externally.
• Plug-in-hybrids have high voltage batteries that can be charged externally.
• Hybrids with Range Extenders have combustion engines that produce electrical energy to run the electric motor.
• Electric vehicles with fuel cells in which the energy for operation is produced by a fuel cell. It is fuelled with
The Main Components of an Electric Vehicle
The electric vehicle drive system includes:
• High-voltage battery with control unit for battery regulation and charger.
• Electric motor/generator with electronic control and cooling system.
• Transmission including the differential.
• Brake system.
• High-voltage air conditioning for vehicle interior climate control.
The various components are listed below.
Review on Electric Vehicles
Electric motor/generator, Transmission with differential, Power electronics, High-voltage
Lines, High-voltage batteries, Electronics box with control unit for battery regulation, Cooling system, Brake
systems, High-voltage air conditioner compressors, High-voltage heating, Battery chargers, charging contact for external
charging, External charging sources.
Fuel Cell Vehicles
Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) have the potential to significantly reduce our dependence on foreign oil and lower
harmful emissions that contribute to climate change. FCVs run on hydrogen gas rather than gasoline and emit no harmful
tailpipe emissions. The Fuel cell has the following constituents. The Power control unit governs the flow of electricity.
The Electric motor propels the vehicle more quietly, smoothly, and efficiently than an internal combustion engine and
requires less maintenance. The Fuel Cell Stack converts hydrogen gas and oxygen into electricity to power the electric
motor. The High-Output Battery stores energy generated from regenerative braking and provides supplemental power to
the electric motor. The Hydrogen Storage Tank stores hydrogen gas compressed at extremely high pressure to increase
driving range. FCVs look like conventional vehicles, but use cutting edge technologies. The heart of the FCV is the Fuel
Cell Stack. The stack converts hydrogen gas stored onboard with oxygen from the air into electricity, which powers the
vehicle's electric motor.
Solar Powered Electric Vehicles
Solar cars harness energy from the sun by converting it into electricity. This electricity fuels the battery that runs
the car's motor. Instead of using a battery, some solar cars direct the power straight to an electric motor. Great examples of
the latest solar powered cars are the University of Michigan Car, the MIT Solar car, and the Berkley Solar car. Photovoltaic
cells are the components in solar panels that convert the sun's energy to electricity. They're made up of semiconductors,
usually silicon that absorbs the light. The sun’s energy frees electrons in the semiconductors, creating a flow of electrons.
That flow generates electricity that powers the battery and the specialized motor in solar cars. Their solar panel work
silently so they don’t add to the noise pollution already on the road. Solar panels don’t create greenhouse gases, as gasoline
engines do. Most importantly, solar energy is free, widely available, and grants the solar car driver complete independence
from foreign oil. Solar cars combine technology found in the aerospace, bicycle, alternative energy and automotive
When compared to gasoline engines, the price of fuel is almost eliminated and the recent advancements help in
the easy charging of electric vehicles. Currently, the fastest method of charging electric vehicles is known as DC fast
charging. EV owners can also pair home charging stations with solar panels, achieving true zero-carbon driving. But even
without a home charging station, it’s becoming easier than ever to charge an EV at a public station. Noise pollution is
detrimental to human health, and the engines of gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles are among its most significant
sources. Electric vehicles, on the other hand, are almost whisper-quiet. That’s because electric vehicles offer superior
power-to-weight-ratios compared to traditional cars. Furthermore, electric motors provide constant torque over time and a
greater amount of available power. It’s virtually impossible for a battery-powered car to explode on impact, and because
heavy battery packs significantly lower an EV’s centre of mass, the car is less likely to rollover. Electric vehicles come
with fewer maintenance requirements, and therefore the maintenance costs are lower as well.
560 Sumathy Muniamuthu, Krishna Arjun. S, Jalapathy. M, Harikrishnan. S & Vignesh. A
Impact Factor (JCC):6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11
It’s important to note, however the heavier vehicles are often accompanied by higher levels of non-exhaust
emissions, but those are going to decrease as the technology improves.
Torque Development Comparison
The electric drive motor will reach its maximum torque as early as the first revolution. It does not need a start-up
phase to reach idling speed. Once a specific rpm figure has reached, the available torque falls as the revolutions increase.
This motor speed is approximately 14,000 rpm. These characteristics of an electric drive motor mean that a complex
transmission is not required. The internal-combustion engine requires an idling speed to produce a torque. The available
torque increases as the engine speed increases. In addition, this characteristic of the internal-combustion engine requires a
transmission with several gear ratios. The torque is transferred to the transmission via clutch or torque converter.
Before 2050, global warming should not exceed the value of 3.6° F (2°C) related to the earth's temperature from
pre-industrial times. This goal can only be achieved by reducing CO
emissions. The plan is to reduce the CO
per capita from the current 45 tons per year to 0.7 tons per year by 2050. Electric vehicles do not directly produce
emissions. However, the analysis of CO
producers does not just evaluate the vehicle, but also the emissions that occur
during the production of the electrical energy (e.g. in coal power stations).
In Germany in particular, electromobility is closely linked to the use of “clean electricity” (i.e. from renewable
energy). It can be assumed that today's electricity mixture causes lower CO
emissions per vehicle compared with vehicles
with internal-combustion engines
The main disadvantages of electric car ownership concern range anxiety. It is the drawback that when the vehicle
stops and there is no charging station nearby. The introduction of electric vehicles should not only aim at their popularity
as a global concern, but should also point at the development of charging stations compulsorily. Another big disadvantage
is that many drivers will have to install a charging station at home. Overall battery life is expected to be around a decade,
and replacement battery packs can be costly. Finally, EV ownership doesn't eliminate fuel costs entirely. Generation of
electricity also requires capital costs. All other car accessories viz. radio, car air conditioners, etc. use up electric power
from batteries, which could drain quickly. The batteries that power these cars are a costly affair. While themselves being
clean, there are toxic elements within batteries and which could spew toxic fumes. Batteries are what make these vehicles
heavy. This is a disadvantage because weight puts pressure on batteries and they drain out faster.
Factors Affecting the Deployment of Electric Vehicles
Taeseok Yong et al
., proposed that there are several chronological factors affecting the deployment of electric
vehicles. Technology factors are closely related to the characteristics of the EV, such as driving distance, charging time,
EV purchase prices. Limited driving range, long charging time and EV’s high purchase prices are the obstacles to EV
adoption and diffusion. Moreover, Electric vehicles take longer to charge than internal combustion engine vehicles. In
addition, other technology factors, such as battery life, trunk space, top speed, are regarded as one of the technical barriers
for limiting consumer adoption. Therefore, the government's active policy support is a major factor for the initial market
creation and full-scale diffusion of EVs. Thus, many countries that promote electric vehicles are providing policy support
such as purchase subsidies, public expenditure, tax reduction, tax exemption, EV deployment target, free charging, and
Review on Electric Vehicles
parking permissions. Environmental factors mean those that will affect EV adoption indirectly, but are out of the direct
control of EV manufacturers. We can consider environmental factors as fuel prices, consumer characteristics, availability
of charging stations etc.
Parameters Influencing Electric Vehicle Range
Range is considered as a key parameter of electric vehicles. The increasing electric vehicles range is important for
acceptance of electro mobility. Martin Mruzek et al
., and their simulation results propose that the vehicle weight and
size of the battery pack have the main impact on the range. Vehicle weight increases directly with battery capacity.
Significant impact on the range has also driving style. It is better to use coasting when the traffic it enables instead of using
recuperation braking. Using coasting is still more efficient than recuperation braking even if the energy from braking
would be completely re-usable for driving. During acceleration, it is more important that the fact how long the motor
operates in the area with high efficiency. The rightly designed electric motor size influences its usage in the area with
highest efficiency. The result from the comparison of vehicles operating in urban traffic where the speed rarely exceeds 50
km/h is that the aerodynamic drag coefficient is not a major impact to the range.
Proposed Solutions, Studies and Other Drawbacks
Various other drawbacks faced are taken into study and several solutions are delivered by worldwide research
departments and authors thereby proposing a suitable breakthrough.
Heavy Load Performance Characteristics and Issues
A Load Adaptive Control Approach for a Zero-Voltage-Switching DC/DC Converter Used for Electric Vehicles
as proposed by IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics
. It presents a load adaptive control approach to optimally
control the amount of reactive current required to guarantee zero-voltage switching (ZVS) of the converter switches.
The proposed DC converter is used as a battery charger for an electric vehicle (EV). Since this application demands a wide
range of load variations, the converter should be able to sustain ZVS from full-load to no-load condition. The converter
employs an asymmetric auxiliary circuit to provide the reactive current for the full-bridge semiconductor switches, which
guarantees ZVS at turn-on times. The proposed control scheme is able to determine the optimum value of the reactive
current injected by the auxiliary circuit in order to minimize extra conduction losses in the power MOSFETs.
Real World Driving Energy Consumption and Losses
Xinmei et al
., recorded the real world driving energy consumptions of electric vehicles by performing various
tests. The energy from the grid suffers various losses such as charging losses, battery losses, motor losses, driveline losses,
brake losses and load losses. A physical-based statistical method for evaluating the energy consumption of an EV is
proposed. Using the relationship between the driving cycle and vehicle parameters, a simple binary linear function is
derived, and a method to decouple the independent energy consumption characteristics of EVs is derived by regression
analysis. The results show that the proposed method is able to represent the key energy consumption characteristics.
Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Mode on Load Characteristics
J.Wang et al
., proposed that the large scale development of electric vehicle will have both benefits and
potential stresses on the power grid. It is shown that uncoordinated charging of EVs’ on the grid will produce a series of
problems, while intelligent charging can improve the operation of the power grid. Based on several scenarios of charging
562 Sumathy Muniamuthu, Krishna Arjun. S, Jalapathy. M, Harikrishnan. S & Vignesh. A
Impact Factor (JCC):6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11
modes, such as plug and charge, night charging and intelligent charging, the corresponding EV load models have been
established. Therefore, an analysis is performed for the load characteristics of power grid to demonstrate the impacts of
different EV charging scenarios. The results demonstrate that rational utilization of EVs’ load and energy storage
property can help to decrease the maximum load of grid and the peak-valley difference, to stable load, and to raise the
utilization of the power facilities.
Pilot Line and High Voltage Safety
The pilot line is a completely independent safety system that determines if all high-voltage components are
correctly connected to the high-voltage system. The pilot line is a low-voltage system. The pilot line circuit is interrupted
as soon as a high voltage contact on a high-voltage component is disconnected. This happens whenever a cable is
disconnected, the maintenance connector is removed or when a high-voltage component is replaced. As soon as the high
voltage system detects that the pilot line is interrupted at any point, the protective relays are opened and the high-voltage
battery is isolated from the high voltage system.
Maintenance and Crash Safety
The high-voltage system normally has a maintenance connector near to the high-voltage battery as an additional
safety feature for de-energizing the high-voltage system. If the maintenance connector is unlocked and removed, the pilot
line is disconnected. This opens the contactors, causing the high voltage battery to be disconnected from the high-voltage
system. It also separates the two halves of the battery. The maintenance connector may also contain the main fuse for the
high voltage battery.
Deactivation of the high-voltage system and the de-energization of the high-voltage system are important for
occupant protection in accidents, the safety of rescue personnel and safety of accident vehicles that has been brought in for
repair. As a result, the high-voltage safety is linked to the crash detection system
via the airbag control module.
Wireless Charging of Electrical Vehicles
J Andersson et al
., concluded that the usability of inductive charging technology can have a high impact on
perceived attractiveness, and should therefore be of focus in future developments of the technology. The study indicates
that the charging behaviour will most likely be different with inductive charging. The clear benefit is no substantial
evidence that perceived safety should hinder a wider adoption of inductive charging.
Energy Usage Assist Device
Martin Mruzek et al
., proposed electric vehicle energy usage assists for increasing vehicle range, system
implementation and measured data for energy usage assist function. The system informs the driver about the limitations for
example, caused by weather conditions or low battery state of charge. The role of the intelligent Energy Usage Assist is
audiovisual communication with the driver. The Energy usage assistance will be receiving data from the vehicle control
unit and the battery management system. Integrated GPS receiver will be used for detecting speed limits. Based on
powertrain measured efficiency, maps system will inform driver through display how to behave.
Inter-Service Provider Charging Protocol (Ispcp): A Solution to Address Range
Anxiety of Electric Vehicle Owners
Range anxiety describes the drivers’ stress regarding the available battery range while driving an electric vehicle.
Review on Electric Vehicles
Khalil Salah et al
., highlighted that beside availability of charging stations, users need to have access to them. The
availability of charging facilities is not enough to address range anxiety issue. Applying a communication protocol on new
and existing networks will provide cross-network charging facilities to users by only subscribing to one network. Since
during the trip, users do not need to worry about whether they can use a charging station on their destination or not, their
range anxiety will be relieved. ISPCP is an interface protocol to standardize the communication among SP.
Active Anti-Jerking Control of Shifting for Electric Vehicle Driveline
Cheng Lin et al
., proposed a dynamic model of electric vehicle based on the Newton's second law, and an
optimal anti-jerking shifting controller, which is for interrupting power input when shifting without a clutch in the
powertrain, and a motor with quick response to an instruction signal to make it possible. The principle of optimal anti-
jerking shifting control is based on the powertrain motion state, to output torque of motor in accordance with the control
law, and by minimizing the cost function power is damped to zero before the gears detach in the transmission.
The electric vehicle market continues to expand, with more than two million electric vehicles sold worldwide by
early 2017. Automakers continue to make commitments to shift their production to electric drive, and national
governments have made ambitious plans to phase out internal combustion vehicles to meet their climate and air quality
The EV market in India is at a nascent but the promising stage.
• India's technology requirements for electric vehicles are different from that of the West due to the unique
environmental condition and driving pattern. Hence, investments to make electric vehicle technology affordable
are immense.
• Realization requires a consistent government policy. Bosch has plans to move into first series production in the
Indian market in 2018. Beyond focus on Battery Electric Vehicle, India should not lose the benefit that hybrid
vehicles can bring to a car owner and the environment.
• The ideal powertrain of the future will be a mix of electromobility and internal combustion engines combined
with renewable electric power for optimum value delivery.
• In order to resolve the issue of charging stations and lack of charging infrastructure in the country, public private
partnerships need to be explored.
• The fuel efficiency norms coming up in the next five years would warrant, high end technologies that include
hybrids to be able to meet the target legislations, says Jan-Oliver Rohrl, Chief Technology Officer and
Additional Director, Bosch
The world’s best-selling battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles include Tesla's Model S, Nissan’s Leaf and
Toyota’s Prius Plug-in Hybrid. Tesla and Panasonic paved the way for the construction and operation of the world's largest
battery factory in the United States. In the first quarter of 2017, Tesla delivered about 25,000 vehicles worldwide. China is
ranked as the largest market for all-electric vehicles.
564 Sumathy Muniamuthu, Krishna Arjun. S, Jalapathy. M, Harikrishnan. S & Vignesh. A
Impact Factor (JCC):6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11
India’s E-Vehicle Plan
The Indian government recently became proactive in making India a nation of electric cars.
• In January 2017, the Indian government announced to bear up to 60% of the research and development (R&D)
cost for developing the indigenous low-cost electric technology.
• The government is inking a deal with SoftBank for a low-interest funding of around 2 Lakh electric buses to be
deployed in public transport.
• A fleet of 200 electric-powered public transport vehicles would be run on Ola’s app platform in Nagpur. While
Mahindra Motors would supply 100 e2O Plus electric vehicles, the remaining 100 vehicles are being deployed by
Tata Motors, Kinetic, US electric vehicle maker Build Your Dreams (BYD), and TVS, among others.
• According to the Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles, there has been a 37.5% rise in the sale of EVs in
India; electric cars constitute only 9.09% of the figure.
• Delhi, Mumbai, Pune and many others top the list of the world’s most polluted cities. While at one end some
world leaders fail to recognize climate change as a real problem, India’s step to sell only Electric Cars by 2030
will prove to be a boon for the environment.
The journey of electric vehicles right from evolution to present day’s implementation has deeply undergone
several hindrances and conundrum. The global concern to curb the hazardous effects of vehicle exhaust and climatic
intolerance has transitioned minds of countries to face towards the change from the conventional oil run automobiles. The
shortage and soaring costs of oil, universally, has finally set up a stage for many nations to devise plans for e-vehicle
usage. Many on-road conditions and scenarios concerned with e-vehicles are studied and several technical and theoretical
remedies have been continuously posted front. The journal study concludes with a positive note that the renewable way of
producing green electricity and concepts of electromobility will lead to a pollution free environment in the distant future.
1. All fossil fuel reserve and consumption data from CIA World Factbook.
3. Taeseok Yong, Chankook Park: A qualitative comparative analysis on factors affecting the deployment of electric vehicles
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4. Martin Mruzek*, Igor Gajdáč, ĽubošKučera, DaliborBarta: Analysis of Parameters Influencing Electric Vehicle Range
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6. Xinmei Yuan, Chuanpu Zhang, Guokai Hong, Xueqi Huang, Lili Li: Method for evaluating the real-world driving energy
consumptions of electric vehicles (Energy(ELSEVIER), Volume 141, 15 December 2017, Pages 1955-1968)
7. J. Wang et al.,: Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Mode on Load Characteristic in the Shandong Electric Power Grid,
(Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 608-609, pp. 1582-1586, 2013)
Review on Electric Vehicles
8. Jonas Andersson, Maria Nilsson,Stefan Pettersson: Introducing Wireless Charging for Drivers of Electrical Vehicles in
Sweden—Effects on Charging Behaviour and Attitudes.
(Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation pp 951-962)
9. Khalil Salah, Nazri Kama: Inter-service provider charging protocol: a solution to address range anxiety of electric vehicle
owners (Energy Procedia Volume 136, October 2017, Pages 157-162)
10. Cheng Lin, Shengxiong Sun, Wenfei Jiang: Active anti-jerking control of shifting for electric vehicle driveline (Energy
Procedia, Volume 104, December 2016, Pages 348-353)