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Abstract and Figures

The presence of emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment may affect human health via exposure to drinking water. And, even if some of these emerging contaminants are not a threat to human health, their presence might still influence the public perception of drinking water quality. Over the last decades, much research has been done on emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment, most of which has focused on the identification of emerging contaminants and the characterisation of their toxic potential. However, only limited information is available on if, and how, scientific information is implemented in current policy approaches. The opportunities for science to contribute to the policy of emerging contaminants in drinking water have, therefore, not yet been identified. A comparative analysis was performed of current approaches to the risk governance of emerging chemical contaminants in drinking water (resources) to identify any areas for improvement. The policy approaches used in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and the state of Minnesota were analysed using the International Risk Governance Council framework as a normative concept. Quality indicators for the analysis were selected based on recent literature. Information sources used were scientific literature, policy documents, and newspaper articles. Subsequently, suggestions for future research for proactive risk governance are given. Suggestions include the development of systematic analytical approaches to various information sources so that potential emerging contaminants to drinking water quality can be identified quickly. In addition, an investigation into the possibility and benefit of including the public concern about emerging contaminants into the risk governance process was encouraged.
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Risk governance of potential emerging risks to drinking water quality:
Analysing current practices
Julia Hartmann
, Monique van der Aa
, Susanne Wuijts
, Ana Maria de Roda Husman
Jan Peter van der Hoek
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), PO Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, P.O. Box 5, 2600 AA Delft, The Netherlands
Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80125, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, P.O. Box 80178, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands
Waternet, P.O. Box 94370, 1090 GJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Emerging contaminants
Risk governance
Drinking water quality
The presence of emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment may aect human health via exposure to
drinking water. And, even if some of these emerging contaminants are not a threat to human health, their
presence might still inuence the public perception of drinking water quality. Over the last decades, much
research has been done on emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment, most of which has focused on the
identication of emerging contaminants and the characterisation of their toxic potential. However, only limited
information is available on if, and how, scientic information is implemented in current policy approaches. The
opportunities for science to contribute to the policy of emerging contaminants in drinking water have, therefore,
not yet been identied.
A comparative analysis was performed of current approaches to the risk governance of emerging chemical
contaminants in drinking water (resources) to identify any areas for improvement. The policy approaches used in
the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and the state of Minnesota were analysed using the International Risk
Governance Council framework as a normative concept. Quality indicators for the analysis were selected based
on recent literature. Information sources used were scientic literature, policy documents, and newspaper ar-
Subsequently, suggestions for future research for proactive risk governance are given. Suggestions include the
development of systematic analytical approaches to various information sources so that potential emerging
contaminants to drinking water quality can be identied quickly. In addition, an investigation into the possi-
bility and benet of including the public concern about emerging contaminants into the risk governance process
was encouraged.
1. Introduction
Human activities aect the chemical and microbial composition of
the aquatic environment. The eects on water quality may be both
direct and indirect. Direct eects include the release of anthropogenic
chemicals into freshwater resources as a result of industrial and mu-
nicipal wastewater discharges (Pal et al., 2010). An example of an in-
direct eect is the positive correlation between the temperature in-
crease caused by climate change and pathogen survival in aquifers
(Sterk et al., 2013). Because of demographic and environmental
changes such as rapid urbanisation and extreme rainfall, the intensity
and number of these direct and indirect eects is expected to increase
(Gavrilescu et al., 2015;Lindahl & Grace, 2015).
Newly recognised potential hazards in the aquatic environment are
often referred to as emerging contaminants and may be of both mi-
crobial and chemical nature. In this study, we focus on emerging che-
mical contaminants. The presence of emerging chemical contaminants
in the aquatic environment may be a threat to human health, as water
resources are being used for recreation as well as food and drinking
water production. In addition, even if some of these emerging con-
taminants were not of concern from a public health point of view, their
presence might still inuence the public perception of drinking water
quality (Schriks et al., 2010). Negative risk perception of drinking water
quality might lead consumers to search for alternatives to tap water.
Received 14 November 2017; Received in revised form 26 February 2018; Accepted 28 February 2018
Corresponding author at: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
E-mail address: (J. Hartmann).
Environmental Science and Policy 84 (2018) 97–104
Available online 17 March 2018
1462-9011/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Alternatives include bottled water and sweetened beverages, which are
related to sustainability issues and in some cases even human health
concerns (Doria et al., 2009;Doria, 2006;Lustig et al., 2012). There-
fore, emerging contaminants are dened here as any chemical com-
pound that may pose a new, or increased, threat to public health
through the exposure to drinking water. The threat might be real,
perceived or expected.
In regard to drinking water production, it is the emerging chemical
contaminants found in groundwater (Lapworth et al., 2012), and sur-
face water resources (Pal et al., 2010) that are of particular concern.
Examples include pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and mi-
croplastics (Houtman et al., 2014). Technological advances in analy-
tical techniques will enable the detection of even more contaminants in
the future. Thus, the eective risk governance of emerging con-
taminants in drinking water and its resources is and will remain very
important in order to protect public health.
Over the past years, much research has focused on emerging con-
taminants in the aquatic environment (Noguera-Oviedo & Aga, 2016).
Studied topics include: the identication of emerging contaminants
through screening eorts (Richardson & Kimura, 2016), the prioritisa-
tion of monitoring programmes (Smital et al., 2013), and the in-
vestigation into the toxicological potential of emerging contaminants
(Houtman, 2010;Schwarzenbach et al., 2010). The risk management of
emerging contaminants in drinking water (Murphy et al., 2012), and in
the environment in general, has also been studied (Naidu et al., 2016a).
However, as far as we understand, any research into the risk govern-
ance of emerging contaminants in drinking water and if, and how,
scientic knowledge is implemented into current policy approaches has
not yet been published.
This paper describes a comparative analysis of a range of existing
policy approaches to the risk governance of emerging contaminants in
drinking water and its resources. The objective is to identify areas in
current risk governance approaches that are suitable for improvement
and make suggestions for future scientic research, which will add to
the proactive risk governance of emerging contaminants in drinking
2. Analytical approach
2.1. The IRGC risk governance framework
In this study, the risk governance framework issued by the
International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) was used as a normative
concept. Risk governance refers to the identication, assessment,
management, and communication of potential chemical risks to
drinking water quality (IRGC, 2012). The IRGC framework was chosen
because of its proven applicability to the risk governance of emerging
chemical and microbial risks (Assmuth et al., 2016;Roodenrijs et al.,
The IRGC risk governance framework consists of ve elements: pre-
assessment, risk appraisal, risk evaluation, risk management and risk
communication. We redened two steps of the ve elements to make
them more readily applicable to the governance of drinking water
contaminants. Pre-assessment and risk evaluation were redened into
identication of emerging contaminants and risk acceptance respec-
2.2. Selected countries and state
Transboundary dierences in a river catchment area were examined
using the policy approaches for emerging contaminants in drinking
water employed by the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland, coun-
tries which all lie within the Rhine River catchment area. The Rhine is a
multifunctional river that is used for transportation purposes, power
generation, and urban sanitation, while at the same time providing
drinking water for 25 million people (Uehlinger et al., 2009). These
characteristics make the Rhine highly susceptible to the inuence of
emerging contaminants and thus interesting for the purpose of this
Minnesota is one of the few jurisdictions which has a specic pro-
gramme in place aiming explicitly at the identication and risk as-
sessment of emerging contaminants in drinking water (The Minnesota
Department of Health Contaminants of Emerging Concern (MDH CEC)
program) ( Therefore, the policy
approaches used in the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland were
compared to the approach used in the state of Minnesota (the United
States of America). This programme has also been analysed by Naidu
et al. (2016b).
2.3. Quality indicators
For the analysis of the risk governance process, suggestions for best
practice in the governance of emerging contaminants proposed by
Naidu et al. (2016a) and Naidu et al. (2016b) were used for dening
quality indicators. The suggestions for best practice that were con-
sidered were (1) the integration of science into policymaking, (2) the
acceptance of the risk governance process by all stakeholders, (3) the
defensibility of decisions made, and (4) the consideration of other
factors as well as public health-risk reduction when choosing re-
mediation strategies.
Number 2 was not used as a direct indicator. To analyse the ac-
ceptance levels of all the relevant stakeholders during the risk gov-
ernance process required having insight into which stakeholders were
involved in the process rst. However, this information was not avail-
able. We therefore evaluated the stakeholders who were involved in
each of the ve elements of the risk governance process.
Furthermore, the defensibility of decisions made (3) can be ensured
by creating transparency. Indeed, transparency is stated by the IRGC
(2012) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop-
ment (OECD, 2015) as one of the principles of good governance. We
therefore chose to assess transparency as a quality indicator. Trans-
parency was evaluated upon the sharing of information with involved
stakeholders during all the elements of the risk governance process.
2.4. Incidences of PFOA in drinking water or its resources
Four incidences of the same emerging contaminant in drinking
water resources and/or treated drinking water were assessed. The
emerging contaminant of choice was Peruorooctanoic acid (PFOA).
Additional information on PFOA is included in Appendix A.
Table 1 shows the selected incidences of PFOA in drinking water per
country/state. From now on, these incidences of pollution will be re-
ferred to as cases. A description of each case study can be found in
Appendix B.
2.5. Risk communication
In risk communication, two dierent models of communication can
be distinguished, described by Ramirez-Andreotta et al. (2014) as the
technical and the cultural models. The technical model uses one-way
communication to inform the public, change behaviour and assure
people of the acceptability of the risk as determined by experts. In
contrast, the cultural model is based on two-way communication and
includes the opinions of the aected public in the risk assessment ele-
In this study, the type of communication model used in the dierent
cases was determined. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of the risk
communication process during the four selected cases was performed.
During this process, we assumed that less media coverage meant that
there would be less tumult in the aected society, and thus less public
concern. Although it is recognised that the relationship between news
media coverage and public opinion is a dynamic process, studies have
J. Hartmann et al. Environmental Science and Policy 84 (2018) 97–104
shown that information on risks provided by news media may inuence
public risk perception (Bakir, 2010). The analysis was therefore based
on the number of published newspaper articles before, during and after
the incident of pollution. Newspaper articles were searched in Lex-
isNexis®using search strings listed in Appendix B.
Fig. 1 is a graphical representation of the analytical approach used
in this study. The comparative analysis of the risk acceptance, risk
management and risk communication approaches is illustrated by the
selected cases (see paragraph 2.4). In Appendix E, a short description of
what the main elements are based on and the key questions used for the
interpretation of the quality indicators are shown.
3. Results
The results of the comparative analysis will be described per ele-
ment of the risk governance framework as shown in Fig. 1. The eva-
luation of one of the quality indicators, namely stakeholder involve-
ment, is described separately for practical reasons.
3.1. Identication of emerging contaminants
In Minnesota, the rst step in the identication process of possible
emerging contaminants in drinking water was voluntary nomination by
stakeholders via the website of the MDH CEC program.
By November
2016, state government agencies, advocacy organisations, and citizens
had nominated 117 contaminants (MDH CEC program, 2016). Nomi-
nations were mostly based on monitoring studies or studies that re-
vealed new toxicity data (Katie Nyquist, personal communication).
Nominated contaminants were selected for further review if (1) they
were, or potentially could be, found in surface water or groundwater in
Minnesota (2) there were no Health Based Guidance Values (HBGVs) in
Minnesota (3) they posed a real or perceived health threat, or (4) there
was new or changing health or exposure information (Lewandowski
et al., 2016). A list of nominated contaminants including argumentation
for nomination (if available) and whether the contaminant was selected
for further review was published on the MDH CEC webpage.
In Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands, identication of
emerging contaminants was mainly based on the monitoring of
drinking water (resources) and the screening eorts made by drinking
water suppliers as well as national government agencies (Bucheli, 2012;
Kleeschulte et al., 2007;Sacher, 2013;van der Aa et al., 2017). Details
on the trigger values used can be found in Appendix D. The identi-
cation process was less transparent compared to that of Minnesota, as
not all monitoring and screening data were publicly available.
Scientic literature (Wilhelm et al., 2010) and media articles were
also found to be sources for the identication of possible emerging
contaminants to drinking water. However, none of the analysed policy
approaches appeared to contain formal procedures for any evaluation
of these information sources to be made.
3.2. Risk appraisal
In the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland, the aim of the hazard
assessment was to determine whether there was a need to develop
HBGVs and whether it was feasible to do so. In the MDH CEC program,
the hazard and exposure assessments were merely two of the factors
that were taken into account by the MDH CEC program stawhen
evaluating the need for developing HBGVs. Other factors that were
taken into account include the need for and feasibility of developing
HBGVs (Lewandowski et al., 2016).
3.2.1. Hazard assessment
The potential risk posed by the contaminants selected for review in
Table 1
Overview of the selected incidences of PFOA contamination of drinking water resources and/or treated water.
Case Method by which the contaminant was identied When identied Source of pollution Time of pollution References
PFOA in the rivers Ruhr and Möhne, Germany A scientic publication 2006 Soil improver containing
industrial waste
Not known Kleeschulte et al. (2007) ;(Wilhelm et al.,
2010, 2008)
PFOA in Dordrecht, the Netherlands A publication of an investigation into the same
polluter in the United States
2016 Industrial wastewater 1970-2012 Bokkers et al. (2016);Zeilmaker et al.
PFOA in Basel, Switzerland Target monitoring of drinking water for per- and
poly-uorinated compounds
2011 Not known Not known Wiedemann (2011) ;Zwick and
Ackerman (2012)
MDH response to new health advisory Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), Minnesota
A publication of lower health advisory level by the
Industrial waste Not known EPA (2016);MDH (2017)
First discovery of contaminated groundwater was in 2002 (MDH, 2017).
J. Hartmann et al. Environmental Science and Policy 84 (2018) 97–104
the MDH CEC program was evaluated by scoring the contaminant using
relevant potency and exposure data. The method used for scoring the
contaminants was described extensively in a recent review by
Lewandowski et al. (2016). The hazard assessment was based on a
combination of scoring available threshold toxicity data (e.g. no ob-
served adverse eect levels) and non-threshold toxicity data (e.g.
cancer classications from the International Agency for Research on
Cancer) into one potency score.
In the Netherlands, the hazard assessment of unregulated con-
taminants found in drinking water (resources) was compound-specic
and highly dependent on the availability and reliability of toxicity data.
When reliable and sucient toxicity data were available, these were
used to derive a Tolerable Daily Intake (or comparable) value, which
was then used to calculate a HBGV for the contaminant in drinking
water. Also, HBGVs derived by other national or international organi-
sations were considered for evaluation (e.g. by the German
Environment Agency) (van der Aa et al., 2017). In Switzerland, a si-
milar approach was used (Bucheli, 2012).
However, in relation to emerging contaminants, toxicity data are
often insucient or unreliable. In those cases, experts in the
Netherlands and Switzerland were able to use the Threshold of
Toxicological Concern (TTC) or the Read-Across approach. The TTC
was rst developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is
considered to be a level of human exposure below which negligible risk
is expected even though toxicity data are unavailable (Mons et al.,
2013). The TTC approach allocates chemicals to ve dierent chemical
groups based on their chemical structure (International Life Sciences
Institute, 2005).
For some compounds the TTC approach is not applicable, e.g. in-
organic compounds, proteins, and steroids, as is described by the
European Food Safety Agency (2012). If the identied emerging con-
taminant belongs to one of these groups, the Read-Across-approach can
be used instead of the TTC-approach (Brüschweiler, 2010;European
Chemicals Agency, 2013). The use of the TTC approach to determine
safe levels in drinking water has been explained in depth elsewhere for
the Netherlands (van der Aa et al., 2017) and Switzerland
(Brüschweiler, 2010;Bucheli, 2012).
Although the Netherlands and Switzerland used similar approaches
during the hazard assessment element, several dierences can be
identied. Dierent standard body weights (70 vs. 60 kg), exposure
allocations to drinking water (20% vs. 100%), and human exposure
threshold values for the dierent classes in the TTC approach
(European Food Safety Agency (2012) vs. International Life Sciences
Institute (2005)) were used. These dierences resulted in diverse
In Germany, the hazard assessment of emerging contaminants with
insucient or unreliable toxicity data was based on a scheme of health
related indication values that was rst published in 2003 by the
German Environment Agency. The scheme consists of four possible
health related indication values, namely 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 3 μg/L. Health
related indication values increase with sucient and reliable toxicity
data, and decrease with the severity and irreversibility of the toxic
endpoints, as described by Dieter (2014).
3.2.2. Exposure assessment
The exposure assessment in Minnesota was based on a dierent
exposure-related data that are combined into three indicators for po-
tential exposure via drinking water intake. These indicators include
persistency (e.g. log K
, biodegradability), emission and disposal rates
(wastewater and industrial releases), and a measure of occurrence
(detected concentrations in dierent waterbodies and drinking water).
The scores as well as the data they are based on are not published on the
MDH website.
The exposure assessments performed in the Netherlands, Germany
and Switzerland were very similar to one another. Preferably, con-
centrations of the contaminant in treated drinking water were used.
When unavailable, concentrations in the drinking water resource were
used. The expected concentration in drinking water can then be cal-
culated using estimated removal rates by the drinking water treatment
3.2.3. Concern assessment
The IRGC (2012) has suggested relevant factors for the concern
assessment, such as the assessment of perceptions associated with the
hazard and the relationship between the perception and behaviour.
In three out of four cases (not in the Swiss case), public meetings
were held. It was unclear to the authors whether a formal concern as-
sessment of all stakeholders had taken place during the public meetings,
as no minutes of these meetings were available. Also, in Minnesota, the
opportunity for anyone to nominate a contaminant could be interpreted
as part of the concern assessment. However, these concerns and the
assessment of potential concern during the public meetings, do not
appear to have had any inuence on the further decision-making and
risk management steps to be taken. None of the analysed policy
Fig. 1. Graphical representation of the analytical approach used in this study.
J. Hartmann et al. Environmental Science and Policy 84 (2018) 97–104
approaches seem to have formal procedures in place for the concern
3.3. Risk acceptance and risk management
Risk management is the combination of actions taken to avoid,
decrease or retain the potential risk posed by a hazard. The need and
choice of risk reduction measures is based on the outcome of the risk
acceptance element.
The risk acceptance element is based on the decision of the involved
stakeholders on whether an identied risk is acceptable (no measures
need to be taken), tolerable (risk reduction measures are needed), or
intolerable (should be avoided) (IRGC, 2012). The IRGC framework is
unclear about who to involve and not involve in the concern assessment
and risk acceptance element respectively. It was thus decided that, in
this study, the concern assessment would include the assessment of
public associations with the hazard. In contrast, the risk acceptance
element included only the risk evaluation of professionals.
In the selected Dutch case no measures could be taken to reduce or
eliminate the risk, as the source of pollution had already been elimi-
nated and exposure to it had gone on since 2012 (Zeilmaker et al.,
2016). Also, considering the fact that the company had phased out the
PFOA on a voluntary basis, no relevant risk management steps initiated
by Dutch government agencies could be pointed out. The risk accep-
tance process and the resulting risk management steps in the remaining
cases are described below. Also, owcharts of the risk management
processes can be found in Appendix F.
No measures were taken in the Swiss case, where the drinking water
treatment system was able to remove PFOA. The risk of PFOA in
drinking water was thus considered acceptable. During the German and
Minnesotan case, the threat posed by PFOA was considered intolerable,
because the drinking water treatment system in place was not able to
remove PFOA from the resource water. However, by adding activated
carbon to the drinking water treatment system, the potential risk posed
by PFOA moved from being intolerable to tolerable (Kleeschulte et al.,
In all selected cases, the decision as to whether the posed risk by
PFOA was acceptable, tolerable or intolerable was solely based on the
ability of the drinking water treatment system to remove PFOA and thus
on the human health impact. No other aspects, such as economic im-
plications, were taken into consideration. This illustrates the need for
the timely identication of emerging contaminants to drinking water
quality and the inclusion of the risk acceptance element as soon as
possible after identication.
3.4. Risk communication
The technical risk communication model was used in all the selected
cases. The communication was one-way in order to induce protective
behaviour (in the German and Minnesotan case) or to reassure people
that the drinking water was safe despite the presence of PFOA (in the
Swiss and Dutch case).
Fig. 2 shows the number of articles published per month about
PFOA in drinking water in German newspapers from January 2005 to
January 2008 (N = 137). The articles were divided based upon pub-
lication in national or regional newspapers, as the selected cases were
local incidents of PFOA contamination. Also, a timeline of the most
important risk communication incidences by local, regional or national
government agencies is shown (based on Kleeschulte et al. (2007)).
Before May 2006 and after June 2007, no articles about PFOA in
drinking water were published in Germany. This indicates that the ar-
ticles shown in Fig. 1 are a reaction to the incidence of PFOA in the
Rivers Ruhr and Möhne. A clear decline in newspaper articles can be
seen after August 2006 indicating a decrease in public concern. This is
based on our assumption that lower media coverage indicates lower
public concern.
Fig. 3 illustrates the number of articles about PFOA in drinking
water published in Dutch newspapers from January 2015 to May 2017
(N = 50). In contrast to the German case, there was no clear decline in
the number of newspaper articles after the last communication in-
cidence. This indicates no decline in public concern. This is in line with
the fact that, in the Netherlands, research has been focussing on the
potential health eects of the alternative for PFOA that has been used
by industry since 2012 (Heydebreck et al., 2015;Smit, 2017). However,
it is recognised that dierences in the type of incidence, such as other
routes of exposure to PFOA (e.g. via air in the Dutch case), as well as the
timing of the incident, might have also contributed to the dierences in
media coverage.
No results that correlated to the selected Swiss case were found
between October 2010 and January 2014. Also, the search for articles
about PFOA in drinking water between January 2016 and June 2017 in
Minnesotan newspapers resulted in only two articles. This indicated low
to no public concern in the Minnesotan and Swiss case.
The presented cases show the inuence that risk communication has
on public concern about an emerging contaminant. Comparing the
German and Dutch case illustrates the need for timely risk commu-
3.5. Stakeholder involvement
Fig. 4 shows the range of stakeholders involved in the selected risk
governance approaches to emerging contaminants in drinking water. In
this analysis, stakeholders were dened as all those parties, which had
an interest in the matter of emerging contaminants in drinking water.
The risk appraisal element is divided into its sub elements. However, as
the concern assessment element was not represented in either of the
analysed policy approaches, it is not shown in Fig. 4. The analysis of
stakeholder involvement was based on dierent information sources,
mainly grey literature. An overview of the references used per element
is shown in Appendix G.
4. Areas identied for improvement
This study has shown that, with regard to proactive risk governance,
a key area for improvement in the risk governance of emerging con-
taminants is their timely identication. Timely identication enables
appropriate risk management options to be taken, allows other factors
as well as public health to be included in deliberating the need for risk
remediation measures, and can positively inuence risk communication
as was illustrated by the selected cases.
The identication process used by the MDH CEC program appeared
to be more proactive, as identication was based on the nomination of
contaminants and not necessarily on monitoring data. However, the
main reasons for contaminants to be nominated in the MDH CEC pro-
gram came from screening and monitoring data or from studies that
revealed new toxicity data. Therefore, it can be concluded that the in-
formation sources used in the selected risk governance approaches are
comparable. However, based on recent scientic literature, several
additional information sources could be used by government agencies
for the timely identication of possible emerging contaminants.
Firstly, the use of product registration under REACH (European
Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) for the identication of
persistent, mobile, and toxic contaminants has been suggested by
Reemtsma et al. (2016) and Arp et al. (2017). This could be a valuable
added classication of chemicals next to the persistent, bioaccumula-
tive, and toxic-chemicals, by which physical-chemical properties in-
dicate the possible threat a compound poses to drinking water quality.
The use of other product registration databases besides REACH is also
encouraged, such as the Biocidal Products Regulation.
Secondly, analysing driving forces behind current emerging con-
taminants in drinking water could be valuable. Driving forces in this
J. Hartmann et al. Environmental Science and Policy 84 (2018) 97–104
Fig. 2. Number of published articles about PFOA in drinking water per month in Germany (May 2006 to June 2007) in relation to important risk communication event times during the
selected German case.
Fig. 3. Number of published articles about PFOA in drinking water per month in Dutch newspapers (January 2015 to May 2017) in relation to important risk communication events
during the selected case.
Fig. 4. Stakeholders involved in the risk governance of emerging contaminants in drinking water in Minnesota, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany.
J. Hartmann et al. Environmental Science and Policy 84 (2018) 97–104
case relate to social, economic, technical and political processes that
have initiated drinking water contamination in the past. Correlating
driving forces to risks has been done for infectious disease threats in
Europe (Semenza et al., 2016) and chemical risks to biodiversity
(Maxim & Spangenberg, 2009). Finding relevant driving forces for
chemical and microbial risks to drinking water quality can result in
proactive risk governance by enabling timely interventions on relevant
Thirdly, the systematic review of newspaper articles could accel-
erate the identication of possible emerging contaminants. This was
illustrated by the Dutch case. Investigation into the same polluter in the
United States started already in 2001 (Krimsky, 2007). Therefore, sys-
tematic analysis of international newspaper articles would have ac-
celerated the identication of the possible PFOA contamination near
Dordrecht. However, to make the analysis of international news re-
levant, the chance of false positives has to be minimised. Well-struc-
tured analytical approaches, such as the media monitoring approach by
Alomar et al. (2015), are thus needed.
An additional area for improvement could be expanding the range
of involved stakeholders by including consumers in the risk governance
process. Participatory governance has been shown to positively inu-
ence stakeholder acceptance (Kochskämper et al., 2016;Ramirez-
Andreotta et al., 2014). However, who to involve and not to involve still
needs critical reection and further study.
Also, in terms of transparency, the results show that not all in-
formation is publicly available. Making monitoring data on micro-
pollutants publicly available could positively inuence risk perception
since studies have suggested that people evaluate drinking water
quality based on their expectations (Doria, 2010). By sharing mon-
itoring data, expectations can be managed. It is recognised that in order
to make this kind of information understandable for non-experts,
thorough explanation is needed.
Finally, harmonisation of the hazard assessment is encouraged for
contaminants with limited toxicity data. Dierent approaches are
shown to result in very dierent HBGVs, which impedes risk commu-
nication as communication on chemical drinking water contaminants is
mainly based on water quality standards (Johnson, 2008). A harmo-
nised shift from chemical specic risk assessment to assessing groups of
chemicals based on their modes of action and physical-chemical prop-
erties is suggested (Murphy et al., 2012). This will enable the timely
hazard assessment of contaminants with limited toxicological in-
5. Limitations
Some limitations of this study have to be considered. Firstly, it is
recognised that the selected cases are considerably dierent from one
another, both in terms of the size of the aected population and in
terms of the knowledge level on human health eects of PFOA. These
dierences may have had an eect on the dierences in the risk man-
agement and risk communication processes. In addition, the analyses of
which stakeholders were involved in the risk assessment, risk man-
agement and risk communication elements of the risk governance
process were based on the selected cases. The overview of the involved
stakeholders in these elements, as shown in Fig. 4, is therefore specic
for the selected case and may not be representative for each incident of
an emerging contaminant in a drinking water resource.
Furthermore, the LexisNexis®database is limited in terms of in-
cluded newspapers, which may have aected the results. Also, the
framing of the risk event by news media was not taken into account.
Recent literature shows that the framing of risk communication in case
of emerging contaminants in drinking water can have a positive and
negative eect on risk perception (Tobias, 2016). Therefore, further
analysis of the risk communication during the selected cases is con-
sidered valuable.
Finally, the analysis focused on policy approaches and did not
include voluntary actions taken by drinking water companies or other
involved stakeholders.
6. Conclusions
The IRGC framework with a few modications was found to be a
valuable instrument for identifying areas for improvement in current
risk governance approaches for emerging contaminants to drinking
water quality. A key area for improvement was found to be the timely
identication of and subsequent communication on emerging con-
taminants in drinking water. Similar results have been found for the risk
communication on infectious diseases (Roodenrijs et al., 2014).
7. Future research suggestions
Based on the areas identied for improvement, the following sug-
gestions for future scientic research that will add to the proactive risk
governance of emerging contaminants in drinking water can be made:
The development of systematic analytical approaches for the timely
identication of emerging contaminants to drinking water quality
using product registration databases, news media, drivers of risk,
and scientic literature is encouraged.
The possibility and benets of integrating the concern assessment
into the risk governance process of emerging contaminants in
drinking water and improving transparency by sharing monitoring
data should be investigated.
The risk communication process and consequent public risk per-
ception and risk behaviour that took place in past incidences of
emerging contaminants in drinking water should be further ana-
This research was funded by the RIVM Strategic Research Project
PS-DRINK (S/121014).
We would like to thank Liesbeth Claassen (RIVM) for her valuable
comments on the risk communication analysis. Also, we are grateful for
the input of Pierre Studer (Swiss Federal Food safety and Veterinary
Oce) and Katie Nyquist (MDH CEC program) on details of the risk
governance processes in Switzerland and the state of Minnesota.
Furthermore, we thank Ulrich Borchers (IWW Water Centre in
Germany) for making his presentation on drinking water analytics in
Germany accessible online. Finally, we would like to acknowledge
Friederike Vietoris (Ministry for Environment, Agriculture,
Conservation and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-
Westphalia) for her comments on an earlier draft of this work.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
online version, at doi:
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... 5 The protection of groundwater has been given priority by the European Commission, EU Member States, and European national institutions. 6,7 In addition, groundwater management policies such as the European Water Framework Directive, the Water Law in Israel, the Water Law in China, etc., have also been formulated. 8 With regard to groundwater and soil, a convenient and practical method needs to be proposed for the treatment of contaminated groundwater and soil. ...
... Threatening water quality by chemical compounds from human activities represents a severe worldwide problem with rising risks, especially in the consequences of climate change. Increasing numbers and quantities of organic pollutants, like pharmaceutical and personal care products, pesticides, surfactants, phthalates, and artificial sweeteners, continuously enter the aquatic environment (Galindo-Miranda et al., 2019;Hartmann et al., 2018;Tröger et al., 2018). These chemical micropollutants (MPs), which occur in water bodies at concentrations ranging from pg/L to ng/L, may migrate to various environmental compartments and endanger living organisms Gavrilescu et al., 2015;Schwarzenbach et al., 2006). ...
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A conventional evaluation methodology for drinking water pollution focuses on analysing hundreds of compounds, usually by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. High-resolution mass spectrometry allows comprehensive evaluation of all detected signals (compounds) based on their elemental composition, intensity, and numbers. We combined target analysis of 192 emerging micropollutants with nontarget (NT) full-scan/MS/MS methods to describe the impact of treatment steps in detail and assess drinking water treatment efficiency without compound identification. The removal efficiency based on target analytes ranged from − 143 to 97%, depending on the treatment section, technologies, and season. The same effect calculated for all signals detected in raw water by the NT method ranged between 19 and 65%. Ozonation increased the removal of micropollutants from the raw water but simultaneously caused the formation of new compounds. Moreover, ozonation byproducts showed higher persistence than products formed during other types of treatment. We evaluated chlorinated and brominated organics detected by specific isotopic patterns within the developed workflow. These compounds indicated anthropogenic raw water pollution but also potential treatment byproducts. We could match some of these compounds with libraries available in the software. We can conclude that passive sampling combined with nontargeted analysis shows to be a promising approach for water treatment control, especially for long-term monitoring of changes in technology lines because passive sampling dramatically reduces the number of samples and provides time-weighted average information for 2 to 4 weeks.
... The results agreed with those of Wuijts et al. (2018) who recorded that E. crassipes can actively minimize heavy metals and coloring agent concentrations from the water through bio-sorption, precipitation, and accumulation. Hartmann et al. (2018) also reported the high capabilities of E. crassipes to absorb dyes and heavy metals using electrostatic forces and improve water quality characteristics. Mahmood et al. (2010) recorded that E. crassipes water treatment contributed to a significant reduction of the biological and chemical oxygen demand (70.0%), the total solids (50.6%), and pH to a level that counteracts microbial survival. ...
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Background: The implementation of green technologies is continually gaining attention worldwide and was considered for removing water pollutants and treating municipal water before its disposal. Aim: Evaluation of the laboratory antimicrobial actions and chelating activities, and the field influence of Eichhornia crassipes on performance, biochemical and immunoglobulin concentrations, and intestinal microbiota in overwhelmed broiler chickens. Methods: We assessed the laboratory antimicrobial actions of E. crassipes 1% suspension against bacterial (Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium) and fungal (Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans) microorganisms using a 96-well minimal inhibitory concentration, and the chelating activities of E. crassipes against calcium sulfate and copper sulfate. Also, we designed randomly four equal groups out of 200 1-day-old Ross® 308 chicks on a deep litter system. Three groups (G1, G2, and G3) were supplied daily with E. crassipes suspension of 1% from the third day until the end of the experiment, while the fourth group (G4) received non-treated tap water. Broilers of G1-3 were challenged with calcium sulfate (75 mg.l-1), copper sulfate (200 mg.l-1), and S. Typhimurium (1.5 × 106 polluted water respectively on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th days of age. We collected 1,914 samples by the end of the study, these samples included 90 E. crassipes pollutants and 480 E. crassipes microbial mixes, 192 sera, 192 intestinal swabs, and 960 tissues. Results: Eichhornia crassipes treated water reveals highly significant (p < 0.01) improvements in water quality assessments and a highly significant (p < 0.01) increase in dissolved oxygen levels compared to tap water. Eichhornia crassipes 1% achieved a 100% adsorption capability for calcium and copper sulfate after 1-hour and 100% bactericidal (E. coli O157: H7 and S. Typhimurium) and fungicidal (A. niger and C. albicans) actions after 1, 2, 2, and 2-hours, respectively. Broilers treated with 1% E. crassipes revealed highly significant (p < 0.01) improvements in performance indices, carcasses characteristics, biochemical and immunological parameters, and highly significant (p < 0.01) decreases of cortisol hormone and bacteriological parameters in all treated broiler groups compared to the control. Conclusion: Eichhornia crassipes 1% reveals a significant improvement in drinking water quality, as well as produces high adsorptive and antimicrobial actions. Eichhornia crassipes 1% improved performance traits, carcass quality, and intestinal microbiota in overwhelmed broilers.
Conference Paper
Merkezi ısıtma sistemlerinde kazandaki yakıt tüketimini azaltmanın çeşitli yöntemleri vardır. Daha ekonomik ısıtma sistemi kurmak için yapılan çalışmaların birçoğu pasif iyileştirmelerden oluşur. Bu iyileştirmelerden biri de gidiş ve dönüş (sıcak-soğuk) hatlarının birlikte çalışmasını mümkün kılan üç yollu vana uygulamasıdır. Bu yöntem sayesinde nispeten yüksek dönüş sıcaklığındaki ısıtma suyunun bir kısmının, ayrıca kazanda ısıtılmadan doğrudan gidiş hattına aktarılmasını sağlar. Bu sayede daha az yakıt tüketimiyle istenilen sıcaklıkta gidiş suyu hazırlanabilir. Uygulamada, gidiş ve dönüş hatlarındaki karışması gereken su oranında ısıtma bölgesinde istenilen sıcaklık belirleyici rol oynar. Sıcaklık sensörleri sayesinde üç yollu vananın açıklık oranı otomatik olarak ayarlanır ve yeterli karışım suyu belirli sıcaklıkta ısıtma hatlarına gönderilir. Ancak, tüm vana açıklık kademeleri için dönüş beslemesi gidiş hattına 90o’lik bir açıyla besleme sağlanır. Bu anlamda, üç yollu vana haznesiz standart bir karışma odası gibi davranır. Akışların yönlerinin birleşme süresince davranışları çoğunlukla hesaba katılmaz. Bu çalışmada, kazan gidiş hattına bağlanan besleme dönüş hattı bağlantısı modellemesi yapıldı. Farklı bir uygulama olarak besleme hattının birleşme açısının elde edilen karışım akışına etkisi incelendi. Bu amaçla SW Flow Simulation yazılımı kullanılarak hesaplamalı akışkanlar mekaniği analizi yapıldı. Besleme hattı 30, 60 90 ve 120o’lik açılarla gidiş hattına bağlandı ve farklı hız ve sıcaklık koşullarında hatlarda ve birleşme gölgelerindeki değişimler incelendi. Dar açılı bağlantılar için gerekli pompa gücü artmakla birlikte daha kısa mesafede istenilen karışım sıcaklığına ulaşılabildi. Geniş açılı birleştirmeler ise daha az pompa gücü gerektirmekle birlikte yeterli uzunluktaki karışım hattı için ideal karışma açısı olabileceği sonucuna varıldı. Tüm modeller için akış parametrelerine ait konturler verildi.
Emerging contaminants (ECs) have attracted increasing attention in the past two decades because of their ubiquitous existence and high environmental risk. Understanding the progress of research and the evolution of hot topics is critical. This study provides a bibliometric review, along with a quantitative trend analysis of approximately 8000 publication records dated from 2001 to 2021. Wider distribution in various subjects was discovered in terms of publication numbers, indicating a strong tendency for EC research to become an interdisciplinary topic. Visualization of term co-occurrence analysis revealed that the ECs study went through three stages over time: identification and detection, traceability and risk, and process and control. Quantitative trend analysis revealed that antibiotics, microplastics, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), per/poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), pesticides, heavy metals, and nanoparticles are attracting increasing attention, whereas conventional pharmaceuticals, persistent organic pollutants, and materials such as benzotriazole, diclofenac, bisphenol A, carbamazepine, triclosan, and titanium dioxide exhibit a downward trend. PFAS and EDCs are considered potential future core hotspots for the hysteretic rise in research attention compared with conventional ECs. Furthermore, analysis of research linkage and the developing stages of ECs could be possible approach to determine the evolution of hotspots in ECs study. This study provides objective and comprehensive insights into the research landscape of ECs, which may shed light on future developmental directions for researchers interested in this field.
Full-text available
The presence of opportunistic bacteria such as coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) in drinking water poses public health concerns because of its potential to cause human infection and due to its antimicrobial resistance (AMR) diversity. This study evaluated the occurrence, virulence markers and AMR of CoNS in 468 drinking water samples from 15 public fountains located in four urban parks of São Paulo city (Brazil). Out of 104 samples positive for the presence of Staphylococcus genus, we detected CoNS in 75 of them (16%), which did not meet the Brazilian sanitary standards for residual chlorine. All isolates were of concern to public health for being responsible for infection in humans from low to high severity, nine of them are considered the most of concern due to 63.6% being multiresistant to antimicrobials. The results demonstrated that CoNS in drinking water must not be neglected. It is concluded that the presence of resistant staphylococci in drinking water is a potential health risk, which urges feasible and quick control measures to protect human health, especially in crowded public places.
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Emerging infectious diseases are of international concern because of the potential for, and impact of, pandemics; however, they are difficult to predict. To identify the drivers of disease emergence, we analyzed infectious disease threat events (IDTEs) detected through epidemic intelligence collected at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) between 2008 and 2013, and compared the observed results with a 2008 ECDC foresight study of projected drivers of future IDTEs in Europe. Among 10 categories of IDTEs, foodborne and waterborne IDTEs were the most common, vaccine-preventable IDTEs caused the highest number of cases, and airborne IDTEs caused the most deaths. Observed drivers for each IDTE were sorted into three main groups: globalization and environmental drivers contributed to 61% of all IDTEs, public health system drivers contributed to 21%, and social and demographic drivers to 18%. A multiple logistic regression analysis showed that four of the top five drivers for observed IDTEs were in the globalization and environment group. In the observational study, the globalization and environment group was related to all IDTE categories, but only to five of eight categories in the foresight study. Directly targeting these drivers with public health interventions may diminish the chances of IDTE occurrence from the outset.
The contaminants that have the greatest chances of appearing in drinking water are those that are mobile enough in the aquatic environment to enter drinking water sources and persistent enough to survive treatment processes. Herein a screening procedure to rank neutral, ionizable and ionic organic compounds for being persistent and mobile organic compounds (PMOCs) was developed and applied to the list of industrial substances registered under the EU REACH legislation as of December 2014. This comprised 5155 identifiable, unique organic structures. The minimum cut-off criteria considered for PMOC classification herein are a freshwaterhalf-life > 40 days, which is consistent with the REACH definition of freshwater persistency, and a log DOC < 4.5 between pH 4-10 (where DOC is the organic carbon-water distribution coefficient). Experimental data were given the highest priority, followed by data from an array of available quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs), and as a third resort, an original Iterative Fragment Selection (IFS) QSAR. In total, 52% of the unique REACH structures made the minimum criteria to be considered a PMOC, and 21% achieved the highest PMOC ranking (half-life > 40 days, log DOC < 1.0 between pH 4-10). Only 9% of neutral substances received the highest PMOC ranking, compared to 30% of ionizable compounds and 44% of ionic compounds. Predicted hydrolysis products for all REACH parents (contributing 5043 additional structures) were found to have higher PMOC rankings than their parents, due to increased mobility but not persistence. The fewest experimental data available were for ionic compounds; therefore, their ranking is more uncertain than neutral and ionizable compounds. The most sensitive parameter for the PMOC ranking was freshwater persistency, which was also the parameter that QSARs performed the most poorly at predicting. Several prioritized drinking water contaminants in the EU and USA, and other contaminants of concern, were identified as PMOCs. This identification and ranking procedure for PMOCs can be part of a strategy to better identify contaminants that pose a threat to drinking water sources.
p>Synthetic and naturally occurring substances present in food and feed, together with their possible breakdown or reaction products, represent a large number of substances, many of which require risk assessment. EFSA’s Scientific Committee was requested to evaluate the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) approach as a tool for providing scientific advice about possible human health risks from low level exposures, its applicability to EFSA’s work, and to advise on any additional data that might be needed to strengthen the underlying basis of the TTC approach. The Scientific Committee examined the published literature on the TTC approach, undertook its own analyses and commissioned an in silico investigation of the databases underpinning the TTC approach. The Scientific Committee concluded that the TTC approach can be recommended as a useful screening tool either for priority setting or for deciding whether exposure to a substance is so low that the probability of adverse health effects is low and that no further data are necessary. The following human exposure threshold values are sufficiently conservative to be used in EFSA’s work; 0.15 μg/person per day for substances with a structural alert for genotoxicity, 18 μg/person per day for organophosphate and carbamate substances with anti-cholinesterase activity, 90 μg/person per day for Cramer Class III and Cramer Class II substances, and 1800 μg/person per day for Cramer Class I substances, but for application to all groups in the population, these values should be expressed in terms of body weight, i.e. 0.0025, 0.3, 1.5 and 30 μg/kg body weight per day, respectively. Use of the TTC approach for infants under the age of 6 months, with immature metabolic and excretory systems, should be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Committee defined a number of exclusion categories of substances for which the TTC approach would not be used.</p
The discharge of persistent and mobile organic chemicals (PMOCs) into the aquatic environment is a threat to the quality of our water resources. PMOCs are highly polar (mobile in water) and can pass through wastewater treatment plants, subsurface environments and potentially also drinking water treatment processes. While a few such compounds are known, we infer that their number is actually much larger. This Feature highlights the issue of PMOCs from an environmental perspective and assesses the gaps that appear to exist in terms of analysis, monitoring, water treatment and regulation. On this basis we elaborate strategies on how to narrow these gaps with the intention to better protect our water resources.
Effectiveness of participation in environmental governance is a proliferating assertion in literature that is also reflected in European legislation, such as the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The Directive mandates participatory river basin management planning across the EU aiming at the delivery of better policy outputs and enhanced implementation. Yet, the impact of this planning mode in WFD implementation remains unclear, though the first planning phase was completed in 2009 and the first implementation cycle by the end of 2015. Notwithstanding the expanding body of literature on WFD implementation, a rather scattered single case study approach seems to predominate. This paper reports on implementation of the WFD in three case studies from Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom, reflecting three substantially different approaches to participatory river basin management planning, on the basis of a comparative case study design. We ask if and how participation improved the environmental standard of outputs and the quality of implementation. We found an increasing quality of outputs with increasing intensity of local participation. Further, social outcomes such as learning occurred within dialogical settings, whereas empowerment and network building emerged also in the case characterized mainly by one-way information. Finally, one important finding deviant from the literature is that stakeholder acceptance seems to be more related to processes than to outputs.
In the last twenty years, thousands of research papers covering different aspects of emerging contaminants have been published, ranging from environmental occurrence to treatment and ecological effects. Emerging contaminants are environmental pollutants that have been investigated widely only in the last 20 years and include anthropogenic and naturally occurring chemicals such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products and their metabolites, illicit drugs, engineered nanomaterials, and antibiotic resistance genes. The advancement in our knowledge on emerging contaminants has been the result of the appearance of highly sensitive and powerful analytical instrumentation that rapidly developed, allowing identification and trace quantification of unknown contaminants in complex environmental matrices. High efficiency chromatographic separations coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometers have become more common in environmental laboratories and are the pillars of environmental research, increasing our awareness and understanding of the presence of emerging contaminants in the environment, their transformation and fate, and the complex ecological consequences that they pose on exposed biological systems. This introductory paper for the Virtual Thematic Issue on Emerging Contaminants presents a brief literature overview on key research milestones in the area of emerging contaminants, focusing on pharmaceuticals and personal care products and endocrine disrupting compounds, and highlighting selected research papers previously published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials during the period of January 2012 to December 2015.
Best practice in regulating contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) must involve the integration of science and policy, be defensible and accepted by diverse stakeholders. Key elements of CEC frameworks include identification and prioritisation of emerging contaminants, evaluation of health and environmental impacts from key matrices such as soil, groundwater, surface waters and sediment, assessments of available data, methods and technologies (and limitations), and mechanisms to take cognisance of diverse interests. This paper discusses one of the few frameworks designed for emerging contaminants, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Drinking Water Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) program. Further review of mechanisms for CECs in other jurisdictions reveals that there is only a small number of regulatory and guidance regimes globally. There is also merit in a formal mechanism for the global exchange of knowledge and outcomes associated with CECs of global interest.
A scientific study showed increased PFT-values in the upper reaches of the rivers Ruhr and Möhne/Germany. Drinking water values of PFT varied between 0,04 and 0,56 μg/l in areas supplied by drinking water plants near the rivers Ruhr and Möhne. The cause of the contamination was found to be a mixture of biological waste, used as fertilizer on agricultural land. The lack of information on the health effects of PFT made the initial crisis management difficult. The results of a literature search and a toxicological opinion provided the basis for the initial public health action. The preventive measures were modified with increasing knowledge in the following weeks. It was recommended bythe public health service to use suitable mineral water for preparation of baby-food. This recommendation was withdrawn, when charcoal filters were available, which effectively eliminated PFT from drinking water. Active communication and disclosure of current knowledge at any stage of the crisis management proved to be helpful in dealing with the public and the media. The public was informed by press releases, a PFT-hotline and was provided with current information on the districts website.