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Diagnostic performances of intravoxel incoherent motion and conventional diffusion-weighted imaging in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant portal vein thrombus

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Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) parameters in the differential diagnosis of portal vein thrombus (PVT). Methodology: Thirty-five patients with PVT were enrolled in this retrospective study. Precontrast axial in-phase and out-of-phase T1-weighted (W) turbo field echo (TFE), axial and coronal T2-W single-shot turbo spin echo, IVIM with b values between 0 and 1300 s/mm2 and conventional DWI with b factors of 50, 400, and 800 s/mm2 with single-shot echo-planar imaging, and postcontrast dynamic T1-W volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination images obtained with 1.5 T MR unit were evaluated. For quantitative analysis of conventional DWI, an ADC map was reconstructed from conventional DWI using all b values. For quantitative evaluation of IVIM, the SI was calculated from each b value. A specific software program was applied to calculate D (true diffusion coefficient), D* (pseudodiffusion coefficient associated with blood flow), and f (perfusion fraction). The differentiation between benign and malignant PVT was based on the criteria outlined in the study by Catalano et al. (Radiology 254:154-162, 2010). Results: The ADC values of the malignant PVT were significantly lower than those of benign PVTs (p = 0.005). Malignant PVTs had a tendency to show higher f values in comparison with benign PVTs without statistical significance (p = 0.750). The best discriminative parameter was ADC values, which demonstrated a sensitivity of 80.0% and a specificity of 72.7% with cut-off value of 1.00 × 10-3 mm2/s. Conclusion: ADC values might be more superior tool than IVIM parameters in differentiation between malignant and benign PVT.
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Diagnostic performances of intravoxel
incoherent motion and conventional diffusion-
weighted imaging in the differential diagnosis
of benign and malignant portal vein thrombus
Emel Kaya Aumann ,
Sadik Server,
Bedriye Koyuncu Sokmen,
Aysegul Oz,
Esat Namal,
Nagihan Inan Gurcan,
Numan Cem Balci,
Yaman Tokat
Department of Radiology, Istanbul Bilim University Medical School, Esentepe, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Medical Oncology, Istanbul Bilim University Medical School, Esentepe, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of General and Transplantation Surgery, Istanbul Bilim University Medical School, Esentepe, Istanbul, Turkey
Sisli Florence Nightingale Hospital Department of Radiology, Istanbul Bilim University, Abide-i Hurriyet Street, No:164, 34380
Istanbul, Turkey
Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of intra-
voxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and diffusion-weighted
imaging (DWI) parameters in the differential diagnosis
of portal vein thrombus (PVT).
Methodology: Thirty-five patients with PVT were en-
rolled in this retrospective study. Precontrast axial in-
phase and out-of-phase T1-weighted (W) turbo field
echo (TFE), axial and coronal T2-W single-shot turbo
spin echo, IVIM with bvalues between 0 and 1300 s/mm
and conventional DWI with bfactors of 50, 400, and
800 s/mm
with single-shot echo-planar imaging, and
postcontrast dynamic T1-W volumetric interpolated
breath-hold examination images obtained with 1.5 T
MR unit were evaluated. For quantitative analysis of
conventional DWI, an ADC map was reconstructed
from conventional DWI using all bvalues. For quanti-
tative evaluation of IVIM, the SI was calculated from
each bvalue. A specific software program was applied to
calculate D(true diffusion coefficient), D* (pseudodiffu-
sion coefficient associated with blood flow), and f(per-
fusion fraction). The differentiation between benign and
malignant PVT was based on the criteria outlined in the
study by Catalano et al. (Radiology 254:154–162, 2010).
Results: The ADC values of the malignant PVT were
significantly lower than those of benign PVTs
(p= 0.005). Malignant PVTs had a tendency to show
higher fvalues in comparison with benign PVTs without
statistical significance (p= 0.750). The best discrimina-
tive parameter was ADC values, which demonstrated a
sensitivity of 80.0%and a specificity of 72.7%with cut-
off value of 1.00 910
Conclusion: ADC values might be more superior tool
than IVIM parameters in differentiation between malig-
nant and benign PVT.
Key words: Portal vein thrombus—Malignant
thrombus—Benign thrombus—IVIM—DWI
Portal vein thrombus (PVT) can present in a variety of
conditions including benign (chronic liver disease,
infection, hypercoagulability) or malignant (hepatocel-
lular carcinoma (HCC), cholangiocarcinoma, metas-
tases) diseases [1]. Benign PVT occurs in 4.5–26%of
patients with chronic liver disease. On the other hand,
malignant PVT is found in 6.5–44%of patients with
HCC. In addition, benign and malignant PVT can be
coexistent [24]. The presence of malignant PVT serves
as an important determinant of tumor staging, as well as
prognosis, and influences treatment selection [58]. As
the patient with malignant PVT is an absolute con-
traindication for liver transplantation, careful differential
diagnosis of PVT etiology is required for the selection of
optimal treatment. Therefore, the detection and accurate
differentiation of benign and malignant PVT are crucial
for patient treatment.
Correspondence to: Emel Kaya Aumann; email: dremelkaya@gmail.
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of
Springer Nature 2018
Published online: 7 February 2018
Abdom Radiol (2018) 43:2270–2276
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Su moleküllerinin farklı dokulardaki Brownian hareketi farklılığı temeline dayanan DAG kullanımı ile benign karaciğer lezyonlarının malign lezyonlardan ayrımının yapılabileceği bildirilmiştir (17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22). Difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülemenin malign ve benign PVT ayrımında tanıya katkı sağlayabileceği de bildirilmiştir (8,23 ...
... ADC haritasında (h) malign portal ven trombozunda (ok) ve hepatosellüler karsinomda difüzyon kısıtlanması izlenmiştir. olarak anlamlı düşük saptanmıştır(23). Çalışmalarda elde edilmiş farklı sonuçların nedeni tam olarak aydınlatılamamış olsa da Ahn ve ark.nın yaptığı çalışmada benign PVT olgularında saptanan düşük ADC değerlerinin trombozun evresine bağlı olabileceği ileri sürülmüştür(26).Damar çapının artışı malign PVT tanısı için bir görüntüleme bulgusu olarak bildirilmiştir(15,24). ...
Giriş ve Amaç: Bu çalışmada malign ile benign portal ven trombozunun ayrımında 3 Tesla manyetik rezonans görüntülemede difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülemenin rolünün araştırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2011 - Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında 3 Tesla manyetik rezonans görüntüleme ünitesinde elde edilmiş abdomen manyetik rezonans görüntüleme incelemeleri portal ven trombozu mevcut olguları tespit etmek için retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Kontrastsız görüntüler ile karşılaştırıldığında arteriyel faz kontrastlı görüntülerde ≥%15 kontrast tutulumu gösteren portal ven trombozu malign olarak kabul edildi. Tromboz saptanan portal venin çapı ölçülüp difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülerde portal ven trombozu sinyal intensitesi kaydedildi. İki bağımsız gözlemci tarafından malign ve benign portal ven trombozlarının görünür difüzyon katsayısı değerleri ölçüldü. Bulgular: Malign portal ven trombozu bulgusu olan 23 olgu [19 erkek, 4 kadın; ortanca yaş 63 (52-83)] ve benign portal ven trombozu bulgusu olan 14 olgu [5 erkek, 9 kadın; ortanca yaş 65 (47-82)] tespit edildi. Difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülerde malign ile benign portal ven trombozu sinyal intensitesi yönünden istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptandı (p
... In line with our finding, a study found that ADC revealed 80% sensitivity and 72.7% specificity with a cutoff value of 1.00 × 10−3 mm2/s. 13 Also, another ROC curve in the Study revealed the cutoff value of ADC (⩽1) discriminated malignant from benign PVT with 100% sensitivity and 82.5% specificity. 14 Nevertheless, there is a study that stated an ADC value that discriminates among benign and malignant PVTs with a sensitivity of 22.2% due to the large range and significant overlap of ADC. ...
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Background: It is thought that many primary malignant, benign, and metastatic localized lesions share the liver as a location. In order to avoid inoperable tumors being falsely graded and cases with such tumors being scheduled for surgical treatments, accurate diagnosis and characterization of these tumors are essential pre-treatment steps. For individuals at high risk for complications following a biopsy, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) may be an ideal non-invasive way to assess particular tissue characteristics. Objective: To determine how useful diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) was for identifying and characterizing hepatic focal lesions (HFL) that were associated with portal vein thrombosis. Patients and methods: This prospective descriptive study will be done on 50 patients with pathological or radiological proof of focal liver lesion correlated with visible portal vein thrombosis to assess the role of DWI in the detection and characterization of HFL and associated portal vein thrombosis. Results: Regarding diffusion-weighted MRI in characterization of HFL with PVT, cases with malignant focal lesions had significantly lower mean apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) when contrasted to cases with benign focal lesions (0.96 ± 0.17 vs 1.88 ± 0.60; P<0.001), and among patients with malignant focal lesions, patients with malignant PVT had significantly lower mean ADC PVT (1.08 ± 0.16 vs 2.07 ± 0.13; P<0.001), as well as significantly lower ADC ratio (1.07 ± 0.07 vs 2.42 ± 0.50; P<0.001) when contrasted with cases with benign PVT. Conclusion: DW-MRI is a dependable modality for differentiating benign focal liver lesions from malignant ones. The characteristics of the portal vein thrombus can also be ascertained by calculating the ADC ratio between the thrombus and the tumor.
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Background: Many diseases are accompanied by portal vein thrombosis (PVT), and its nature is closely related to its prognosis and treatment. It is important to evaluate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) parameters, including susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) and qualitative diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), in the differentiation between benign and malignant PVT. Methods: In this retrospective study, we collected clinical imaging data from 140 patients with PVTs characterized as benign or malignant based on enhanced MRI between January 2011 and April 2016 and retrospectively analyzed PVTs using SWI and DWI. There were 37 benign and 103 malignant PVTs. Image review was performed by 2 radiologists blinded to clinical information. The signal intensity (SI) of PVTs was recorded on SWI. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and the ratio of signal intensity (SIR) on SWI (SIRSWI) and ADC (SIRADC) between the PVTs and the spinal cord were calculated. Finally, we generated receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves to evaluate the efficacy of SIRSWI and SIRADC for distinguishing benign and malignant PVTs. Results: On SWI and DWI, 100.0% (36/36) and 80.5% (29/36) of benign PVTs were hypointense, respectively. For malignant PVTs on SWI and DWI, 99.0% (103/104) and 89.4% (93/104) were hyperintense, respectively. The SIRSWI values of benign and malignant PVTs were 0.58±0.13 and 0.88±0.06, respectively, representing a significant difference (P<0.001). The SIRADC values of benign and malignant PVTs were 0.72±0.32 and 0.62±0.17, respectively, representing a significant difference (P=0.034). The area under the ROC curve (AUROC) for SIRSWI [0.990; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.971-1.000] was significantly higher than that for SIRADC (0.619; 95% CI: 0.500-0.737; P<0.001). The SIRSWI had a sensitivity of 100.0% and a specificity of 97.3% with a cutoff value of 0.749, while the SIRADC had a sensitivity of 45.9% and specificity of 83.3% with a cutoff value of 0.791. Conclusions: The diagnostic performance of SWI is superior to that of DWI in the differentiation of benign and malignant PVTs.
Rationale and Objectives To confirm the feasibility and compare the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and T2 mapping models for the differentiation of autoimmune myositis from muscular dystrophy. Materials and Methods Fourty-two autoimmune myositis and 11 muscular dystrophy patients proven by diagnostic criteria were enrolled in the study. Conventional MR sequences, IVIM, and T2 mapping through the bilateral thighs were obtained as well as blood samples for all patients. IVIM and T2 mapping parameters as well as serum markers were compared between the autoimmune myositis and muscular dystrophy groups. Mann-Whitney U tests were performed for statistical analysis along with receiver operating characteristic curves. Spearman correlation coefficient models were constructed to analyze the correlation between IVIM and T2 mapping with serological parameters. Results The intramuscular apparent diffusion coefficient, tissue diffusivity (D), perfusion fraction (fp), and T2 relaxation time values were statistically significantly different between the autoimmune myositis and muscular dystrophy groups (p < 0.05). Pseudo diffusivity (Dp) values showed no statistical difference between the groups (p > 0.05). D parameter of IVIM sequences differentiated autoimmune and muscular dystrophy with a higher specificity of 75.60%. T2 values within the thighs were correlated with serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase levels (p < 0.05). Conclusion Thigh muscle IVIM and T2 mapping parameters are useful in differentiating autoimmune myositis from muscular dystrophy, particularly the IVIM parameters.
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Purpose: To evaluate the Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) parameter alterations of liver metastases of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) during antiangiogenic bevacizumab combination therapy. Methods: Twenty-five CRC liver metastases who were all treated with bevacizumab in combination with FOLFOX-or-FOLFIRI protocols were enrolled in the study. MRI was performed in a 1.5T scanner pre-treatment (PT) and at the 3rd, 6th, and 9th months of the therapy. Routine abdominal MRI sequences and an IVIM-DWI (diffusion weighted imaging) sequence were obtained. IVIM-DWI sequence was executed with 16 b-values varying from 0-to-1400s/mm2. The mean values of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), true diffusion (D), pseudo-diffusion (D*), and perfusion fraction (f) of each metastases were obtained for all b-values and the time related changes were recorded to analyze the chronologic responses to antiangiogenic therapy. The RECIST1.1 criteria were used for the evaluation of treatment response. Results: The diameters of the metastases diminished significantly at 9th month when compared with PT (p=0.03). D (p= 0.10) and ADC (p= 0.21) values of the metastases increased at the 9th month of therapy. D* was the highest at 3rd month (p=0.24), and a decreased at 6th (p= 0.97) and 9th months (p= 0.87) of therapy. The f had the highest peak at 3rd month (p=0.51), and started to decrease after 3rd month. At the 6th month f decreased to lowest values (p=0.12). Conclusion: IVIM parameters, particularly the perfusion fraction may quantitatively reflect the response of antiangiogenic treatment. The antiangiogenic response manifests after the 3rd month of the therapy before the RECIST related response.
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Objective To validate the diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) for differentiation of benign from malignant portal vein thrombosis. Materials and Methods The Institutional Review Board approved this retrospective study and waived informed consent. A total of 59 consecutive patients (52 men and 7 women, aged 40–85 years) with grossly defined portal vein thrombus (PVT) on hepatic MRI were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, liver cirrhosis was found in 45 patients, and hepatocellular carcinoma in 47 patients. DWI was performed using b values of 50 and 800 sec/mm² at 1.5-T unit. A thrombus was considered malignant if it enhanced on dynamic CT or MRI; otherwise, it was considered bland. There were 18 bland thrombi and 49 malignant thrombi in 59 patients, including 8 patients with simultaneous benign and malignant PVT. Mean apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of benign and malignant PVTs were compared by using Mann-Whitney U test. Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results The mean ADC ± standard deviation of bland and malignant PVT were 1.00 ± 0.39 × 10⁻³ mm²/sec and 0.92 ± 0.25 × 10⁻³ mm²/sec, respectively; without significant difference (p = 0.799). The area under ROC curve for ADC was 0.520. An ADC value of > 1.35 × 10⁻³ mm²/sec predicted bland PVT with a specificity of 94.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 84.9–98.9%) and a sensitivity of 22.2% (95% CI: 6.4–47.6%), respectively. Conclusion Due to the wide range and considerable overlap of the ADCs, DWI cannot differentiate the benign from malignant thrombi efficiently.
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AIM: To assess the lifetime cumulative incidence of portal venous thrombosis (PVT) in the general population. METHODS: Between 1970 and 1982, 23 796 autopsies, representing 84% of all in-hospital deaths in the Malmö city population, were performed, using a standardised protocol including examination of the portal vein. PVT patients were characterised and the PVT prevalence at autopsy, an expression of life-time cumulative incidence, assessed in high-risk disease categories and expressed in terms of odds ratios and 95% CI. RESULTS: The population prevalence of PVT was 1.0%. Of the 254 patients with PVT 28% had cirrhosis, 23% primary and 44% secondary hepatobiliary malignancy, 10% major abdominal infectious or inflammatory disease and 3% had a myeloproliferative disorder. Patients with both cirrhosis and hepatic carcinoma had the highest PVT risk, OR 17.1 (95% CI 11.1 - 26.4). In 14% no cause was found; only a minority of them had developed portal-hypertension-related complications. CONCLUSION: In this population-based study, PVT was found to be more common than indicated by previous clinical series. The markedly excess risk in cirrhosis and hepatic carcinoma should warrant an increased awareness in these patients for whom prospective studies of directed intervention might be considered. Keywords: Epidemiology, Venous thrombosis, Portal hypertension, Cirrhosis, Gastrointestinal cancer Citation: Ögren M, Bergqvist D, Björck M, Acosta S, Eriksson H, Sternby NH. Portal vein thrombosis: Prevalence, patient characteristics and lifetime risk: A population study based on 23 796 consecutive autopsies. World J Gastroenterol 2006; 12(13): 2115-2119 -primary hepatobiliary cancer, comprising primary hepatic cancer (with or without cirrhosis), extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and gall bladder carcinoma; -myeloproliferative disorders: non-specific myeloproliferative disorder (SNOP code 7690); agnogenic myeloid metaplasia (7691); myelofibrosis (7692); histiocytic medullary reticulosis (7698); megablastic erythropoesis (7706); neutrophilic (7711) and eosinophilic (7713) leukocytosis; leukaemoid reaction (7714); erythrocytosis (7715); reticulocytosis (7716); lymphocytosis (7718); thrombocytosis (7719); erythrophagocytosis (7763); erythroid (7771), granulocytic (7772), reticular cell (7777) and megakaryocytic (7778) hyperplasia; polycythaemia vera rubra (7779); and chronic myeloic leukaemia (9867);
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Purpose: To compare intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of the liver between 1.5T and 3.0 T in terms of parameter quantification and inter-platform reproducibility. Materials and methods: In this IRB approved prospective study, 19 subjects (17 patients with chronic liver disease and 2 healthy volunteers) underwent two repeat scans at 1.5T and 3.0T. Each scan included IVIM DWI using 16 b values from 0 to 800 s/mm(2). A single observer measured IVIM parameters for each platform and estimated signal to noise ratio (eSNR) at b0, 200, 400 and 800 s/mm(2). Wilcoxon paired tests were used to compare liver eSNR and IVIM parameters. Inter-platform reproducibility was assessed by calculating within-subject coefficient of variation (CV) and Bland-Altman limits of agreement. An ice water phantom was used to test ADC variability between the two MRI systems. Results: The mean invitro difference in ADC between the two platforms was 6.8%. eSNR was significantly higher at 3.0T for all selected b values (p=0.006-0.020), except for b0 (p=0.239). Liver IVIM parameters were significantly different between 1.5T and 3.0T (p=0.005-0.044), except for ADC (p=0.748). The inter-platform reproducibility of true diffusion coefficient (D) and ADC were good, with mean CV of 10.9% and 11.1%, respectively. Perfusion fraction (PF) and pseudodiffusion coefficient (D*) showed more limited inter-platform reproducibility (mean CV of 22.6% for PF and 46.9% for D*). Conclusion: Liver D and ADC values showed good reproducibility between 1.5T and 3.0T platforms; while there was more variability in PF, and large variability in D* parameters between the two platforms. These findings may have implications for drug trials assessing the role of IVIM DWI in tumor response and liver fibrosis.
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Objective: The objective of our study was to determine the value of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and conventional MRI (non-DWI sequences) in differentiating benign portal vein thrombus (PVT) from malignant PVT in cirrhotic patients. Materials and methods: A retrospective search of the department of radiology's MRI database of examinations performed from October 2006 through December 2010 for "portal vein thrombosis" and "cirrhosis" and "hepatocellular cancer" was performed. Patients who underwent diagnostic DWI and had thrombus shown to be rapidly (< 3 months) increasing in size despite anticoagulation therapy were considered to have malignant PVT (n = 16 cases) and patients with MRI findings showing stability or reduction in the extent of thrombus over a 12-month follow-up were considered to have benign PVT (n = 20 cases). Two blinded and independent reviewers analyzed the DW images and conventional MR images. Results: There was no difference in the distribution of patients by age (p = 0.25) or sex (p = 0.68) between the benign and malignant PVT groups. On multivariate analysis, the only parameter to predict the type of PVT was the size of HCC (p = 0.05); other parameters were excluded from the model. There was substantial overlap in apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values and PVT/liver ADC ratios of benign PVT and malignant PVT. The presence of at least two of the three following MRI findings had a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 90% for the diagnosis of malignant PVT: distance from tumor to PVT of less than 2 cm, HCC size of greater than 5 cm, and arterial enhancement of PVT. Conclusion: Signal-intensity characteristics on DWI and measured ADC values do not reliably differentiate benign PVT from malignant PVT. On the other hand, careful assessment of conventional MRI findings may allow this distinction, thus obviating biopsy.
Portal vein thrombosis was thought to be a common complication of liver cirrhosis in the past. The incidence of angiographically demonstrable portal vein thrombosis was studied in 708 consecutive patients with unequivocal cirrhosis seen in the past 10 yr in whom either transhepatic portography or superior mesenteric arterial portography clearly delineated the major portal vein system. Excluding 2 cases that were thought to be associated with past splenectomy, there were 4 cases of portal vein thrombosis related to cirrhosis, all in a decompensated stage. The calculated incidence of portal vein thrombosis was 0.573% of all cirrhotic patients without splenectomy in the past. They constituted 23.5% of the 17 cases of extrahepatic portal vein obstruction encountered during the same period. There were 78 cases of idiopathic portal hypertension similarly studied angiographically, and the incidence of portal vein thrombosis unrelated to splenectomy was 2.86%. A statistical survey based on 247,728 necropsies recorded in the Japan Autopsy Registries of 1975–1982 showed a 0.05489% incidence of portal vein thrombosis and a 6.58857% incidence of cirrhosis of all types among them, suggesting that portal vein thrombosis is not a common complication of cirrhosis in Japan in recent years.
Purpose: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) as the most common malign and benign liver tumors are both hypervascularized and potentially difficult to differentiate. DWI in liver MRI has been shown to be helpful in the classification of liver lesions, although with a substantial ADC-values-overlap. First results suggest that IVIM allows for improved characterization of liver lesions. In this study we evaluated IVIM-derived parameters in HCC and FNH with two different MR-scanners. Material and methods: 72 patients (29 FNH, 43HCC) were examined prospectively using two 1.5 T-MRI scanners (Aera/MagnetomAvanto, Siemens, Germany). Quantitative analysis of IVIM-derived parameters and ADC800-values was performed independently by two radiologists. The concordance between the reviewers was tested using a Pearson-/Spearman-correlation. The mean values for significant differences between FNHs and HCCs and between the two MR scanners were compared using a two-tailed t-test/Mann-Whitney-U test. An ROC analysis assessing the diagnostic performance of the parameters was performed. Results: The concordance between the two f-, D- and D*-measurements were r=0.81, 0.81 and 0.84, and r=0.58 for ADC-values. D-values and ADC800-values were significantly lower in HCC compared to FNH (p<0.001), there was no significant difference for f and D*. D had the largest AUC (0.76) for the differentiation between the two entities. Most parameters were not significantly different between the two MRIs. Conclusion: IVIM-derived D and ADC are comparable for the differentiation between HCC and FNH. Since ADC-measurement means less effort than IVIM, ADC should be used for the differentiation between the two entities. Furthermore, quantitative results obtained from different scanners match closely.
Purpose To increase diffusion sampling efficiency in intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of the liver by reducing the number of diffusion weightings (b-values). Materials and Methods In this IRB approved HIPAA compliant prospective study, 53 subjects (M/F 38/15, mean age 52 ± 13 y) underwent IVIM DWI at 1.5 T using 16 b-values (0 to 800 s/mm2), with 14 subjects having repeat exams to assess IVIM parameter reproducibility. A biexponential diffusion model was used to quantify IVIM hepatic parameters (PF: perfusion fraction, D: true diffusion and D*: pseudo diffusion). All possible subsets of the 16 b-values were probed, with number of b values ranging from 4 to 15, and corresponding parameters were quantified for each subset. For each b-value subset, global parameter estimation error was computed against the parameters obtained with all 16 b-values and the subsets providing the lowest error were selected. Interscan estimation error was also evaluated between repeat exams to assess reproducibility of the IVIM technique in the liver. The optimal b-values distribution was selected such that the number of b-values was minimal while keeping parameter estimation error below interscan reproducibility error. Results As the number of b-values decreased, the estimation error increased for all parameters, reflecting decreased precision of IVIM metrics. Using an optimal set of 4 b-values (0, 15, 150 and 800 s/mm2), the errors were 6.5, 22.8 and 66.1% for D, PF and D* respectively. These values lie within the range of test-retest reproducibility for the corresponding parameters, with errors of 12.0, 32.3 and 193.8% for D, PF and D* respectively. Conclusion A set of 4 optimized b-values can be used to estimate IVIM parameters in the liver with significantly shorter acquisition time (up to 75%), without substantial degradation of IVIM parameter precision and reproducibility compared to the 16 b-value acquisition used as the reference.
Background Due to limited SNR the cerebral applications of the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) concept have been sparse. MRI hardware developments have resulted in improved SNR and this may justify a reassessment of IVIM imaging for non-invasive quantification of the cerebral blood volume (CBV) as a first step towards determining the optimal field strength. Purpose To investigate intravoxel incoherent motion imaging for its potential to assess cerebral blood volume (CBV) at three different MRI field strengths. Materials and Methods Four volunteers were scanned twice at 1.5 T, 3 T as well as 7 T. By correcting for field-strength-dependent effects of relaxation, estimates of corrected CBV (cCBV) were obtained in deep grey matter (DGM), frontal grey matter (FGM) and frontal white matter (FWM), using Bayesian analysis. In addition, simulations were performed to facilitate the interpretation of experimental data. Results In DGM, FGM and FWM we obtained cCBV estimates of 2.2 ml/100 ml, 2.7 ml/100 ml, 1.4 ml/100 ml at 1.5 T; 3.7 ml/100 ml, 5.0 ml/100 ml, 3.2 ml/100 ml at 3 T and 15.5 ml/100 ml, 20.3 ml/100 ml, 7.0 ml/100 ml at 7 T. Conclusion Quantitative cCBV values obtained at 1.5 T and 3 T corresponded better to physiological reference values, while 7 T showed the largest deviation from expected values. Simulations of synthetic tissue voxels indicated that the discrepancy at 7 T can partly be explained by SNR issues. Results were generally more repeatable at 7 T (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC = 0.84) than at 1.5 T (ICC = 0.68) and 3 T (ICC = 0.46).
Traditionally, the method of nonlinear least squares (NLLS) analysis has been used to estimate the parameters obtained from exponential decay data. In this study, we evaluated the use of Bayesian probability theory to analyze such data; specifically, that resulting from intravoxel incoherent motion NMR experiments. Analysis was done both on simulated data to which different amounts of Gaussian noise had been added and on actual data derived from rat brain. On simulated data, Bayesian analysis performed substantially better than NLLS under conditions of relatively low signal-to-noise ratio. Bayesian probability theory also offers the advantages of: a) not requiring initial parameter estimates and hence not being susceptible to errors due to incorrect starting values and b) providing a much better representation of the uncertainty in the parameter estimates in the form of the probability density function. Bayesian analysis of rat brain data was used to demonstrate the shape of the probability density function from data sets of different quality.
The sensitivity of ultrasonography (US) for the diagnosis of portal hypertension was assessed in 48 patients with known cirrhosis. These results were compared to the hemodynamic values obtained on the same day by hepatic vein catheterization. The sensitivity of US in detecting portal hypertension was about 40% considering either a > 13 mm diameter of the portal vein, or the lack of mild caliber variation of the superior mesenteric vein. The sensitivity was more than 80% considering the presence of portosystemic venous collaterals. Presence of numerous portosystemic shunts was significantly associated with high hepatic venous pressure gradients which reflected the severity of portal hypertension.