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Upright versus recumbent position during first stage of labor among primipara women on labor outcomes


Abstract and Figures

Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of upright versus recumbent position during the active phase of first stage of labor among primipara women on labor outcomes in term of progress, duration of labor, method of delivery, neonatal outcome and maternal satisfaction with assumed position.Methods: Quasi experimental design was used. The study was conducted in the labor unit in obstetric department at Benha University Hospital. A purposive sample of 100 parturient women in 1st stage of labor were recruited in the study, they divided into two groups; upright group (50) and recumbent group (50). Data were collected through four main tools: Structured Interviewing questionnaire sheet, Structured Observational Checklist include (Partograph and Apgar score), Visual analogue pain intensity scale and maternal satisfaction with assumed position questionnaire.Results: It revealed that high statistical significant difference between the upright and recumbent groups in term of decreases interval and increases duration, frequency and intensity of uterine contraction, cervical dilatation and fetal head descent/fifth among the upright group. While the recumbent group showed less progress. Moreover, the recumbent group expressed more pain score, consume longer duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage of labor than the upright group and statistical significant difference in Apgar score of the neonate during both first and fifth minute. In addition, the upright group had higher satisfaction scores compared to those assumed recumbent positions (p < .001).Conclusions: Upright position had positive effect on progress of labor, decreased duration of the three stages of labor, better neonatal outcomes and improving parturient women's satisfaction with assumed position. The study recommended that all parturient women in low-risk labor should be informed about the benefits of assuming upright positions during first stage of labor, and be encouraged and supported to use them.
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Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
Published by Sciedu Press
Upright versus recumbent position during first stage of
labor among primipara women on labor outcomes
Afaf Mohamed Mohamed Emam1, Ahlam Eidah Al-Zahrani2
1Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Benha, Egypt
2Faculty of Nursing, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Received: December 13, 2017 Accepted: February 8, 2018 Online Published: March 15, 2018
DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v8n7p113 URL:
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of upright versus recumbent position during the active phase of first
stage of labor among primipara women on labor outcomes in term of progress, duration of labor, mode of delivery, neonatal
outcome and maternal satisfaction with assumed position.
Methods: Quasi experimental design was used. The study was conducted in the labor unit in obstetric department at Benha
University Hospital. A purposive sample of 100 parturient women in 1st stage of labor were recruited in the study, they divided
into two groups; upright group (50) and recumbent group (50). Data were collected through four main tools: Structured
Interviewing questionnaire sheet, Structured Observational Checklist include (Partograph and Apgar score), Visual analogue pain
intensity scale and maternal satisfaction with assumed position questionnaire.
Results: revealed that high statistical significant difference between the upright and recumbent groups in term of decrease
interval and increases duration, frequency and intensity of uterine contraction, cervical dilatation and fetal head descent/fifth
among the upright group. While the recumbent group showed less progress. Moreover, the recumbent group expressed more pain
score, consume longer duration of 1st , 2nd , 3rd stage of labor than the upright group and statistical significant difference in Apgar
score of the neonate during both first and fifth minute. In addition, the upright group had higher satisfaction scores compared to
those assumed recumbent positions (p < .001).
Conclusions: Upright position had positive effect on progress of labor, decreased duration of the three stages of labor, better
neonatal outcomes and improving parturient women’s satisfaction with assumed position. The study recommended that all
parturient women in low-risk labor should be informed about the benefits of assuming upright positions during first stage of labor,
and be encouraged and supported to use them.
Key Words: First stage of labor, Upright position, Recumbent position, Labor outcomes
Childbirth is unique process for women. It is important pe-
riod in woman’s life and ends with giving baby which is
the most wonderful moment in women’s life, highly joyful
experience and celebrated event to their families.[1] The pro-
cess of giving a baby occurs in several stages which lasting
from hours to few days starting from onset of regular uterine
contraction to deliver the baby and placenta. The first stage
of labor is longer and painful. In primipara, usually lasts
from 12 to16 hours and about 6 to 8 hours for multipara.
First stage of labor consisted of three phases; latent, active
and transitional phase.[2]
A previous study conducted by Lawrence et al.[3] mentioned
Correspondence: Afaf Mohamed Mohamed Emam; Email:; Address: Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Benha,
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059
that, it is more common for women in both high- and low-
income countries giving birth in health facilities, to labor in
bed. There is no evidence that this is associated with any
advantage for women or babies, although it may be more
convenient for staff. Observational studies have suggested
that if women lie on their backs during labor this may have
adverse effects on uterine contractions and impede progress
in labor, and in some women reduce placental blood flow.
As well as Priddis et al.[4] reported that, position during labor
is influenced by cultural factors, obstetric practices, place of
delivery, technology and preference of the mother and health
care providers. Maternal positioning during labor affects
many aspects of the anatomy and physiology adaptations
needed to influence all aspects of labor including powers,
passage, passenger and psyche. In addition, influences the
characteristics and effectiveness of uterine contractions, fetal
well-being, maternal comfort, course of labor and enhancing
satisfaction with the birth experience.
Generally, women lie in the recumbent position (including
supine, semi-recumbent and lateral) during first stage of la-
bor makes it easier for nurses to monitor progress and carry
out procedures that restrict mobilization such as abdominal
examination to assess uterine contractions, to perform vagi-
nal examinations to assess progress of labour and invasive
manoeuvres, to check the fetal head position and to assess
the fetal heart rate as stated by Martin et al.[5] Unfortunately,
Recumbent positions results in supine hypotension dimin-
ished uterine activity and a reduction in the dimensions of
the pelvic outlet Leifer.[6]
Conversely, it is necessary for women to deliver naturally
to walking around, standing, sitting, kneeling or squatting,
which allow “gravity effect” to speed the cervix dilation.
Gizzo et al.[7] reported that an upright position (including
walking, sitting, standing, kneeling and squatting) during
first stage of labour have less vulvar edema and less blood
loss. If the membranes are intact, the woman is allowed to
walk about. This attitude prevent vena cava compression and
encourage descent of the head. Ambulation can reduce the
duration of labour, need for analgesia and improve maternal
Actively promoting and encouraging women to mobilize dur-
ing childbirth is a safe, effective way of providing optimum
care to healthy women, it is a cost-effective way of reducing
complications. Mobilization improves frequency, strength
and length of contractions, decrease the use of oxytocin to
augment labour and improves oxygen supply to the fetus.
It improves alignment of pelvic bones and the shape and
capacity of pelvis, and optimizes the good fit between fetus
and pelvis.[8]
Prolonged labour may increase the risk of maternal and
neonatal morbidity and mortality due to increase risks of
mother exhaustion, postpartum haemorrhage, sepsis and fatal
distress and requires early detection and appropriate medical
response. Pharmacological measures are using to enhance
contractions of the uterus and to decrease the duration of
labour. These measures are costly and cause adverse effects
on the women.[9] Encouraging upright position during the
first stage of labour has been a safe non-pharmacological
intervention used for many years. It is an effective and safest
intervention to increase the uterine contractions and to de-
crease the duration of labour; if not contraindicated.[10]
Nurses providing care in first stage of labor need to provide
clear, consistent, and evidence based explanation of both the
risks and benefits of the used positions and enable women to
make decisions about the position choices which will afford
the most comfort. Moreover, increasing a woman’s sense
of control may have the effect of decreasing the need for
Significance of the problem
Childbirth medicalization has reduced the parturient opportu-
nity to labor and deliver in a spontaneous position, constrict-
ing women to assume the recumbent one. Birth positions
are an important area of practice, in the past dominated by
traditional and old practices. In recent years, this has been
challenged by midwives, women and obstetricians, and the
advantages of the upright position have been highlighted,
supported by research and evidence.[7,12] Also, the effects of
different maternal positions during labor on maternal-fetal
and neonatal outcomes are rarely in agreement and available
evidences in this field are often controversial and fragmen-
tary. There is a lack of studies which address the effect of
two positions during the active phase of first stage of labor
on labor outcomes at Benha University Hospitals. Hence, the
current study aims to assess the effect of upright versus re-
cumbent position during first stage of labor among primipare
on labor outcome.
Aim of this study
This study aimed to assess the effect of upright versus re-
cumbent position during the active phase of first stage of
labor among primipara women on labor outcome in term
of progress of labor, duration of labor, method of delivery,
neonatal outcome and maternal satisfaction with assumed
Research hypothesis
The researchers hypothesized that the parturient women who
assumes upright positions during the first stage of labor
would be have faster progress of labor, shorten duration
Published by Sciedu Press
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
of labor, batter labor and neonatal outcome and higher sat-
isfaction with this position compared to those who assume
recumbent position.
Research design
Quasi-experimental research design was utilized to fulfill the
aim of this study.
This study was conducted in labor unit of obstetric depart-
ment at Benha University Hospital.
Sample type: A purposive sample was used in collecting
the data.
Sample size: A total of 100 parturient primipara were re-
cruited in this study according to the following criteria: in
early active phase of 1st stage of labor (i.e., from 4 cm to
6 cm cervical dilation), age between 20-35 years, with nor-
mal body mass index, labor occurring between gestational
weeks 37 and 41, with a normal course of pregnancy, a single
viable fetus with occipto anterior position, with spontaneous
onset of labor, with intact membranes, free from any medical
or obstetrical problems, and accepting to participate in the
Sampling technique: Data were collected for a period of
six months, in order to avoid bias through data collection the
parturient women with previous criteria and admitted to the
previous study setting for first three months from beginning
of data collection were recruited at the upright group (n = 50)
which assumed one of upright positions as (standing, sitting,
kneeling, squatting) during the active phase of first stage of
labor and other parturient women with same criteria, who
admitted at the second three months of data collection were
recruited at recumbent group (n = 50) which assumed one
of the recumbent positions as supine, semi recumbent, left
lateral) during the active phase of first stage of labor.
Tools for data collection
Four tools were used for collecting data.
Structured interviewing questionnaire: It was designed
and used by the researcher after reviewing the related litera-
ture. It consisted of two parts:
First part: Socio demographic data of studied sample such
as (age, educational level, residence, occupation, and gesta-
tional age).
Second part: Initial assessment on admission such as (fre-
quency, duration, interval and intensity of uterine contraction,
cervical dilatation, fetal head decent and pain intensity).
Structured observational checklist: It was constructed
by the researcher after reviewing related literature that cov-
ered the labour progress and labour and neonatal outcomes.
It included:
a) Partograph as appointed by WHO[13] is a graphic record-
ing used to monitor the progress of labor in term of dilatation
of cervical, the fetal head descent, progress of uterine con-
traction (duration, frequency, interval and intensity), duration
of first, second and third stage of labor.
b) Apgar score as appointed by Virginia[14] used to evaluate
neonatal outcome. It is calculating by adding points (2, 1,
or 0) for heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, response
to stimulation, and skin coloration; a score of ten represents
the good condition. It is done at first and fifth minutes af-
ter birth and if the score remains low may be repeated later.
Score(4) indicates sever asphyxia, (5-7) indicates moder-
ate asphyxia and (8-10) indicates good condition.
Visual analogue pain intensity scale (VAS): It is a stan-
dardized linear scale developed by Freyd et al.,[15] and it was
adopted and used by the researcher to assess the severity of
pain. It is a self-reported 10 cm horizontal line which repre-
sents the subjective estimation of pain intensity. It comprises
0-10 point, the two opposite ends representing no pain to
severe pain as follows: No pain (0), Mild pain (< 4),
Moderate pain(4-6), Sever pain (7-10).
Maternal satisfaction with assumed position: It is self
reported assessment and containing two-item questionnaire
developed by the researcher. Each parturient women were
asked to respond to two questions: 1) Are you satisfied with
your position assumed during 1st stage of labor? 2) Do
you prefer this assumed position in the next labor? Their
responses were recorded as either yes or no.
Tools validity and reliability
Tools content validity was reviewed for appropriateness of
items by five an expert jury panel in the field of maternity
nursing and obstetric medicine specialty. The questionnaires
were modified according to the panel judgment on clarity of
sentences and appropriateness of content. The reliability was
done by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient test equal to 0.85.
Ethical considerations
Ethical approval from the Nursing Faculty Ethical Commit-
tee of Benha University was obtained. Informed consent was
obtained from enrolled women after clarifying the purpose of
this study. Confidentiality of collecting data was maintained
as well as respect of women’s privacy was totally ensured.
Each participant was informed that that participation is vol-
ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
untary and has a right to withdraw from the study at any time
without given any reason.
Pilot study
The pilot study was carried out on 10.0% of the sample (10)
parturient primipara to test the applicability and clarity of the
study tools, as well as determine the time needed to fill the
study tools and find out any problem that may interfere with
the process of collecting data. And accordingly the necessary
modifications were done in the form of added or omission
of some questions. Women included in the pilot study were
excluded from the main study sample.
The following phases were adopted to fulfill the aim of the
current study: Assessment, implementation, and evaluation
phases. These phases were carried out from beginning of
January 2016 to the end of June 2016 covering six months.
An official permission was granted from the Dean of the
Faculty of Nursing, Benha University and delivered to the
director of Benha University Hospital in order to obtain their
approval for conduction of the research after explaining its
purpose. The previous mentioned settings were visited by
the researchers three days/week from 9.00 am and extended
to 2 hours after delivery of the mother.
Assessment phase
This phase encompassed interviewing the parturient primi-
para to collect the socio-demographic data, the researchers
greeted each women at the beginning of the interview, ex-
plained the aim, duration, and activities of the study and
taken informed consent. Then each participant assigned to
either upright or recumbent group according to their choose.
The baseline data of labor condition, such as uterine con-
traction (duration, interval, frequency and intensity) cervical
dilatation, fetal head descent/fifths were assessed on admis-
sion in both groups by the researcher by using tool (2) and
assessed the level of pain by using tool (3).
The implementation phase
During this phase, parturient primipara in both groups were
received the same management of first stage of labor ac-
cording to the applied guidelines in study setting except for
assumed position during 1st stage of labor. Each women in
the upright group were individually met in the latent phase,
mean while, an explanation of the benefits of changing their
position from walking, standing, sitting, kneeling and squat-
ting during first stage of labor. At the beginning of active
phase of labor, women were encouraged to assume one of
upright positions (i.e., walking and upright non-walking as
sitting, standing, kneeling, or squatting). Walking out of
bed and tell her to return to bed when medical or nursing
intervention needed, sitting position was assumed on chair
or in the bed with support the back, standing position with
support on wall was achieved by herself. Each women were
encouraged to assume such positions alternatively for the
15-20 minutes every one hour according to her comfort and
in between women were permitted to lie down on bed for
10-15 minutes and advice her to repeated these position up to
10 cm cervical dilatation. And tell her to return in bed if the
membrane ruptured. While, women in the recumbent group
were assumed one of recumbent position as supine, semi
recumbent and left lateral for 15-20 every hour and lasting
more than 50% of the first stage of labor duration.
The evaluation phase
The researcher evaluated and compared the effect of the up-
right and recumbent positions during first stage of labor on
progress of labor and labor outcomes, through assessing the
progress of labor every hour in terms of duration, interval, fre-
quency of uterine contraction, cervical dilatation, the descent
of fetal head/fifth and pain intensity. Besides the duration
of the first, second, third stage of labor, mode of delivery,
neonatal condition using (tool 2, 3). Maternal satisfaction
about the position they assumed and their preferences to this
position in next labor were assessed using (tool 4).
2.9Statistical analysis
The collected data were organized, categorized, tabulated and
analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS version 20.0). Descriptive statistics were applied (e.g.,
mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentages). Test
of significance (chi square and paired t test) was applied to
test the study hypothesis. A statistically significant differ-
ence was considered at p .05, and a highly statistically
significant difference was considered at p .001.
Table 1 shows socio-demographic data of the studied sample.
It was reveled that 48% & 56% of both upright and recum-
bent groups respectively were in age group (25-30) years
with mean age (26.18 ± 4.08 & 25.24 ± 4.09) respectively,
around half (48% & 54%) of both groups had secondary
education respectively. In addition, more than half of both
groups (54% & 60%) are live in rural areas respectively. The
majority (82.0% & 88.0%) of both groups were housewife
respectively. There was no statistically significant differ-
ences between both groups related to their age, the level of
education, occupation, residence and gestational age.
Published by Sciedu Press
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
Table 1. Distribution of the studied sample according to their socio-demographic data (n = 50 for each group)
Upright group (50)
Group (50)
P Value
0. 93
25.24 ± 4.09
Educational level
39.20 ± 0.55
39.60 ± 0.38
According to Table 2, the mean duration of uterine contrac-
tion in seconds among the upright and recumbent groups
was 19.38 ± 0.60 & 19.40 ± 0.49 at baseline with no sta-
tistically significant difference, but after assuming upright
position highly statistically significant difference between
both groups in the 1st hour was noticed (26.10 ± 0.24 &
21.50 ± 0.50) respectively, 2nd hour (44.94 ± 1.73 & 27.00
± 1.26) respectively, 3rd hours (66.00 ± 1.51 & 35.62 ±
0.63) respectively and 4th hours (70.80 ± 1.98 & 44.16 ±
1.50) respectively. As shown the upright group had a higher
mean duration of uterine contraction than the recumbent
group (p < .001*). Table 2 also shows no statistically signif-
icant difference between both groups regarding interval of
uterine contraction at baseline. In contrast in 1st hour after
assuming upright position statistically significant differences
were noticed between both groups for the favor of the upright
group (10.14 ± 0.72) shows less interval than the recumbent
group (12.48 ± 0.50). In 2nd, 3rd , and 4th hours (4.12 ±
0.77, 2.62 ± 0.53 & 0.95 ± 0.05) respectively compared
with higher mean score among the recumbent group (11.18
± 0.39, 8.24 ± 0.42 & 2.50 ± 0.50) respectively with highly
statistically significant differences between both groups (p <
As regards the mean number of uterine contractions/10 min-
utes, no statistically significant difference between both
group at baseline assessment (1.12 ± 0.06 & 1.56 ± 0.65)
respectively. However, after one hour statistically significant
difference was noted between both groups. Also a highly
statistically significant progress of frequency of uterine con-
tractions/10 minutes was evident among the upright group
in 2nd hour (4.06 ± 0.71), 3rd hour (4.88 ± 0.33), and 4th
hour (5.06 ± 0.37). On the other hands the recumbent group
shows slow progress of frequency of uterine contraction in
the 2nd , 3rd and 4th hours (1.84 ± 0.3, 2.50 ± 0.50 & 3.58
± 0.50) respectively (p < .001*).
Table 3 shows no statistically significant differences between
the upright and recumbent groups regarding intensity of uter-
ine contraction before intervention (p < .05). However, after
assuming different position a highly statistically significant
differences was obvious between both groups. The improve-
ment in intensity of uterine contraction was evident among
the upright group. Notably, in 1st hour (48.0% & 18.0%) of
the upright group had moderate and sever intensity compared
to (38.0% & 14.0%) of the recumbent group. Moreover,
marked progress in intensity in the upright group 2nd , 3rd
and 4th hours (22.0%, 70.0% & 100.0%) had sever intensity
compared to (12.0%, 36.0% & 66.0%) respectively of the
recumbent group (p <.001*).
Table 4 reveals that there was no statistically significant dif-
ference between the upright and recumbent group in relation
to cervical dilatation at baseline. However, a highly statisti-
cally significant difference was found between both groups
in the 2nd , 3rd & 4th hours after implementing different
position as the upright group had a higher mean score of
cervical dilatation (5.68 ± 0.47, 9.02 ± 0.32 & 9.94 ± 0.24)
ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
respectively compared to 4.08 ± 0.80, 5.54 ± 0.50 & 6.48 ±
0.50 respectively of the recumbent group (p < .001*). Also
no significant difference is recognized between both groups
at baseline regarding the fetal head descent/fifth. A slight im-
provement in the head descent was noted among the upright
group after one hour with significant difference and highly
statistically significant after 2nd , 3rd , & 4th hours from as-
suming upright position. Concerning mean score of pain,
no significant difference was noted between the both groups
at baseline. However, one hour from assuming positions
the upright group experienced less pain than the recumbent
group (p < .001*). A high statically significant difference
was noted between both groups after the 2nd , 3rd & 4th hours
(p < .001*).
Table 2. Distribution of the studied sample according to assessment of uterine contraction (n = 50 for each group)
Upright group (50)
Recumbent Group (50)
N = 50 Mean ± SD
N = 50 Mean ± SD Paired T test (p)
1-Duration of uterine contractions (seconds)
At baseline
19.38 ± 0.60
19.40 ± 0.49
0.15 (.89 )
After one hour
26.10 ± 0. 24
21.50 ± 0.50
4.49 (˂ .048)*
After two hours
44.94 ± 1.73
27.00 ±1.26
9.45 (˂ .0001)**
After three hours
66.00 ± 1.51
35.62 ± 0.63
13.54(˂ .0001)**
After four hours
70.80 ± 1.98
44.160 ± 1.50
5.66 (˂ .0001)**
2-Interval of uterine contractions (minutes)
At baseline 50 15.12 ± 0.74
14.88 ± 0.52
0.79 (.049)*
After one hour
10.14 ± 0.72
12.48 ± 0.50
After two hours
4.12 ± 0.77
11.18 ± 0.39
7.49 (˂ .0001)**
After three hours
2.62 ± 0.53
8.24 ± 0.43
5.34 (˂ .0001)**
After four hours
0.95 ± 0.05
2.50 ± 0.50
3.88 ( .001)**
3-Number of uterine contractions/10 minutes)
At baseline
1.12 ± 0.06
1.56 ± 0.65
1.70 (.32)
After one hour
2.78 ± 0.41
1.68 ± 0.47
3.12 (.05)*
After two hours
4.06 ± 0.71
1.84 ± 0.37
11.40 (˂ .0001)**
After three hours
4.88 ± 0.33
2.50 ± 0.50
13.95 (˂ .0001)**
After four hours
5.06 ± 0.37
3.58 ± 0.50
7.38 (˂ .0001)**
*Statistically significant difference (p < .05), **A highly statistically significant difference (p ≤ .001).
Table 5 illustrates the percent distribution of the study women
according to the duration of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd stage of
labor. Duration of the 1st stage was 10 to 12 hours of the
upright group (92%) compared to 66% of the recumbent
group. However, the duration of the 2nd stage of labor was
10 to 30 minutes of the upright group, 14% of compared to
(8%) of the recumbent group. On the other hand, duration
of the 2nd stage more than 30 minutes to 1 hour among the
majority (86%) of the upright group compared to 56% of the
recumbent group (p < .001*). Furthermore, the duration of
the 3rd stage of labor was 10 to 20 minutes among the up-
right group (92%) compared to 42% of the recumbent group.
There were statistically significant differences between the
upright and recumbent group regarding duration of 1st , 2nd
and 3rd stage of labor.
Table 6 shows that 14.0% and 86.0% of upright group had
spontaneous vaginal delivery and vaginal delivery with an
episiotomy compared to 8.0% & 92.0% of the recumbent
group respectively, and 10.0% & 10.0% had forceps or ven-
touse delivery in the recumbent group compared to nothing
in upright group (p < .04*). Also all participant in upright
group had spontaneous delivery of placenta compared to 98%
of the recumbent group.
Table 7 shows significant difference between both groups
in relation to Apgar score of the neonate during both first
and fifth minute (p < .05). Meanwhile, there was no statis-
tical significance difference between both groups regarding
admission of the neonate to neonatal intensive care unit.
Table 8 shows highly statistically significant differences be-
tween the upright and recumbent groups regarding satisfac-
tion with assumed position and preference of this assigned
position in the next labor (p < .001*).
Published by Sciedu Press
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
Paired T test (p)
Mean ± SD
N = 50 Mean ± SD N = 50
Recumbent Group (50)
Upright group (50)
Table 3. Distribution of the studied sample according to intensity of uterine contraction (n = 50 for each group)
Intensity of uterine contractions Upright group (50) Recumbent Group (50) χ2 P
No % No %
Before assume different position
0.77 (.5)
1st hour
48.0 29.54 (˂ .001)**
2nd hour
30.0 48.32 (˂ .001)**
3rd hour
18.0 57.24 (˂ .001)**
4th hour
N = 6
N = 50
8.0 14.46 (˂ .001)**
*Statistically significant difference (p < .05), **A highly statistically significant difference (p ≤ .001).
Table 4. Distribution of the studied sample according to mean cervical dilatation (cm), fetal head descent/fifths and mean
pain scores (n = 50 for each group)
1-Cervical dilatation (cm)
Before assume different position
3.26 ± 0.69
3.14 ± 0.35
0.53 (.59)
After one hour
4.42 ± 0.56
3.62 ± 0.53
4.99 (.037)*
After two hours
5.68 ± 0.47
4.08 ± 0.80
13.38 (˂ .001)**
After three hours
9.02 ± 0.32
5.54 ± 0.50
27.59 (˂ .001)**
After four hours
9.94 ± 0.24
6.48 ± 0.50
29.76 (˂ .001)**
3-Fetal head descent/fifth
Before assume different position
4.80 ± 0.40
4.38 ± 056
2.28 (.745)
After one hour
3.88 ± 0.33
4.14 ± 0.35
3.96 (.009)**
After two hours
2.18 ± 0.44
4.02 ± 0.14
13.29 (˂ .001)**
After three hours
0.85 ± 0.11
3.39 ± 0.62
25.11 (˂ .001)**
After four hours
0.31 ± 0.14
3.11 ± 0.53
14.39 (˂ .001)**
Mean Pain Scores
Before assume different position
7.61 ± 0.47
7.60 ± 0.74
After one hour
6.64 ± 0.48
8.22 ± 0.65
(˂ .001)**
After two hours
6.84 ± 0.37
8.56 ± 0.50
(˂ .001)**
After three hours
7.38 ± 0.49
9.36 ± 0.48
(˂ .001)**
After four hours
7.68 ± 0.47
9.74 ± 0.44
(˂ .001)**
**A highly statistically significant difference (p ≤ .001).
ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
No % No
Recumbent Group (50)
Upright group (50)
Table 5. Distribution of the studied sample according to duration of first, second and third stage of labor (n = 50 for each
Duration of 1st stage of labor (hours)
8- < 10
23.14 .000**
10- < 12
Duration of 2nd stage of labor (minute)
˂ 30 minutes
8.0 17.76 .001**
30 minutes-one hour
˃ one hour
Duration 3rd stage of labor (minute)
10-20 minutes
30 minutes > 20-
Note. χ2 Chi-Square test. **Highly statistically significant differences (p ≤ .001).
Table 6. Distribution of the studied sample according to mode of delivery and mode of placental delivery (n = 50 for each
Variable Upright group (50) Recumbent Group (50) χ2 p value
No % No %
Mode of delivery
Spontaneous vaginal delivery
Vaginal delivery with an episiotomy
Forceps delivery
Ventouse delivery
Mode of placental delivery
Spontaneous delivery
Manual separation
Note. χ2: Chi-Square test, *Statistically significant difference (p < .05)
Table 7. Distribution of the studied sample according to neonatal outcome (n = 50 for each group)
Upright group (50) Recumbent Group (50)
Variable χ2 p
No % No %
Apgar score at first minute
Good (8-10)
6.99 0.003**
Moderate asphyxia (5-7)
Sever asphyxia (≤ 4)
Apgar score at fifth minute
Good (8-10)
74.0 5.88 (0.05)*
Moderate asphyxia (5-7)
Sever asphyxia (≤ 4)
Admission to the neonatal intensive care unit
8.0 11.16 .06
Note. χ2: Chi-Square test, No statistically significant difference (p > .05), *Statistically significant difference (p < .05), **A highly statistically significant difference (p ≤ .001).
Published by Sciedu Press
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
No % No
Recumbent Group (50)
Upright group (50)
Table 8. Distribution of the studied sample according to satisfaction with assumed position and preference of this position
in the next labor (n = 50 for each group)
Are you satisfied with your position assumed during 1st stage of labor
**A highly statistically significant difference (p .001), χ2: Chi-Square test.
Despite a growing body of evidence reporting physical bene-
fits for birthing women and their babies when women adopt
an upright position, most women worldwide, with some few
exceptions, currently give birth to their babies lying in a bed,
on their backs which is a practice not based on systematic
scientific research.[12] The effect of upright versus recum-
bent position during first stage of labor on maternal-fetal
and neonatal outcomes are rarely in agreement and available
evidences in this field are often controversial and fragmen-
tary.[16,17] WHO[18] concluded that there is no evidence to
support of recumbent position during the first stage of labor.
But there is evidence that upright positions during the first
stage of labor shorten the duration of labor and decreased
intervention and not effects on mothers and fetus wellbeing.
Therefore, maternity nurses should encourage women to take
up whatever position they find most comfortable in the first
stage of labor. This study has shed some lights on effect of
upright versus recumbent position during first stage of labor
among primipare on labor outcomes.
The results of this study will be discussed in frame of pre-
viously mentioned research hypothesis. As regards general
characteristic of studied sample, the present study revealed
that participants of both upright and recumbent groups were
homogenous in demographic characters with no statistical
significant difference. This homogeneity is useful in limiting
extraneous variables, which may interfere with the effects
of the intended intervention on labor progress and labor out-
come. These findings were in the same line with Gizzo et
al.,[7] who reported in their study about women’s choice of
positions during labor that no significant difference between
upright and recumbent groups for age, educational level, ges-
tational age. Regarding progress of uterine contraction it
was obvious that women who assumed upright position dur-
ing first stage of labor had improved the progress of uterine
contraction, whereas no statistically significant differences
between the upright and recumbent group at baseline assess-
ment, however highly significant differences was evident
among the upright group in term of increase number of uter-
ine contraction/10 minutes, intensity and increased duration,
as well as decreased interval during the 2nd , 3rd and 4th
hours after assumed upright position. Likewise, the recum-
bent group show less progress of uterine contraction. These
findings may be that the upright positions may benefit from
gravity effect which potentially prevent aortocaval compres-
sion, resulting in strengthened uterine contraction. Effective
contractions are vital to cervical dilatation and fetal descent.
This finding was in the same line with Lawrence et al.[3]
who studied the maternal positions and mobility during first
stage labor and found that the strength of uterine contractions
increased in the upright position compared to the supine po-
sition. Moreover agreed with Kumud et al.[9] who studied
the effect of upright positions on the duration of first stage of
labor among nulliparous mothers and reported that parturient
women who assumed upright positions had increase strength
of uterine contractions than those assumed supine position.
Concerning the pain intensity the findings of the present
study revealed high statistical significant differences between
the upright and recumbent group in the Mean Pain Scores
during the 2nd , 3rd , and 4th hours after assumed upright
position. These may be due pain during the first stage of
labor result from a combination of uterine contractions and
cervical dilation.[19] Painful sensations travel from the uterus
through visceral afferent or sympathetic nerves that enter
the spinal cord through the posterior segments of thoracic
spinal nerves. Maternal physical and psychological comfort
in labor is crucial for preventing additional stress. This can
further be accomplished by allowing the mother to move
freely and follow her body’s signals to mobilize and change
position during labor. These findings was in the same line
with Angel Rajakumari et al.[20] who studied the effective-
ness of selected nursing measures on labor outcome among
primigravid mothers and reported that mothers who main-
tained upright positions had significantly less pain than those
5.88 .001**
Do you prefer this assumed position in the next labor?
Yes 36
No 14
ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
in other position. Moreover, Chaillet et al.[21] found that
women who spent the early stage of labor in the upright
position had less pain than in the supine position.
As regards cervical dilatation the present study findings
showed significant improvement of cervical dilatation during
the 2nd , 3rd and 4th hours of assuming the upright posi-
tion than in the recumbent position. These findings may be
due to that upright and mobile positions use the downward
force of gravity which assists the fetal head to descent into
the pelvis. As the head is applied directly and evenly on
the cervix, uterine contractions are intensified in frequency,
strength, and regularity. It is this uterine efficiency which
help in cervical dilatation and effacement. The present study
findings is compatible with the results of Hassan[22] studied
the effect of pelvic rocking exercise using sitting position
on birth ball during the first stage of labor on its progress
and found significant improvement of cervical dilatation in
the study group after intervention than the control group.
In addition, Lawrence[3] found that women who assumed
the upright position and frequently change it during the first
stage of labor had improved cervical dilatation than those
who assumed the supine position.
Concerning the descent of the fetal head the results of the
current study showed a significant difference during the 2nd,
3rd and 4th hours after assuming upright position than in the
recumbent position. These findings may be due to that up-
right position, movements with different positions increase
strengthen of pelvic floor muscles, increase diameters of
pelvis, and consequently help with descent of fetus into the
vaginal outlet. The present findings is compatible with Gizzo
et al.[7] who found that vertical positions appeared helpful
in descent of fetal head during labor, decreasing the rate
of operative vaginal deliveries and cesarean delivery. Also
these findings are in the same line with Simkin et al. and
Storton[23,24] who reported that the upright positions aid in
bring the baby down by using gravity, whereas frequently
changing maternal position moves the bones of the pelvis,
helping the baby down in the pelvis.
Regarding duration of 1st , 2nd and 3rd stage of labor, the
present study findings revealed a highly significantly shorter
duration of three stages among the upright than the recum-
bent group. These findings may be due to that during the
first stage of labor, upright positions such as sitting, standing
and kneeling allow the abdominal wall to relax and influence
gravity causes the uterine funds to fall forward. This directs
the fetal head into the pelvic inlet in an anterior position and
applies direct pressure to the cervix which helps to stimulate
and stretch the cervix. An upright position during the second
stage of labor has been associated with a decreased caesarean
birth, instrumental delivery and reduction in labor duration.
These findings are in agreement with Angel Rajakumari et
al.[20] who concluded that selected nursing measures is an ef-
fective method to reduce the duration of labor and enhances
for the normal vaginal delivery. Also this results in same line
with Hassan[22] who revealed that a high significantly shorter
duration of 1st , 2nd and 3rd stage of labor among the study
group than the control group.
Additionally, this finding is in congruence with Lawrence
et al. and Gizzo et al.[3,7] the first concluded that the mean
duration of labor among women who assumed alternative
upright position was significantly less than those who are
adopted supine or recumbent position. The second study,
in the comparison of upright and ambulant positions versus
recumbent positions during the first stage, concluded that
labor is shorter by approximately one hour and 22 min for
women randomized to upright as opposed to recumbent posi-
tions. As well as, this finding in the same line with Kumud et
al.[9] who found that the average reduction in the first stage
of labor in experimental group was 2 hours.
Concerning mode of the delivery the findings of the present
study revealed that the majority of participant in upright
group had vaginal delivery with episiotomy compared the
most in the recumbent group, and ten percent had forceps
and ventouse delivery in the recumbent group compared to
nothing in upright group. Also, all participant in upright
group had spontaneous delivery of placenta compared to
98% in the recumbent group with no statistically significant
difference. These findings are in the same line with Kumud
et al.[9] who found that women who assumed upright posi-
tions during the first stage of labor had vaginal delivery and
no any women had delivered by using forceps and ventouse.
On other hand, these findings disagree with Lawrence et
al.[25] who found that there were no significant differences
between women randomized to upright versus recumbent
positions in achieving spontaneous vaginal deliveries and
assisted deliveries.
In relation to neonatal outcome the findings of present study
revealed that a higher and good Apgar score of neonates
among upright group when compared with recumbent group.
Meanwhile, there was no significance difference between
both groups regarding admission of the neonate to inten-
sive neonatal care unit. These findings were disagree with
Lawrence et al.[25] who found no significant differences
between the studied groups in terms of fetal distress and
neonatal Apgar scores. Admission to neonate special care
units was reported only in one study and more likely for
babies delivered to mothers assigned to upright positions, but
this difference did not reach statistical significance.
Published by Sciedu Press
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2018, Vol. 8, No. 7
As regards maternal satisfaction with positions were assumed,
the findings of the present the study showed that more than
three quarter of upright group was satisfied with assuming
upright position compared to about one quarter of recum-
bent group was satisfied with recumbent position. Moreover,
nearly three quarters in upright group were preferred to as-
sume the upright position in the next labor compared to more
than one quarter in recumbent group who anticipated to as-
sume recumbent position in the next labor. These findings
are in the same line with Prabhakar et al.[26] who studied
the effectiveness of ambulation during first stage of labor,
on the outcome of labor among primigravida women and
found that mothers were stay in bed and not walk around
experienced lower satisfaction with childbirth than mothers
that were walk around or move from one position to another.
Also these findings supported by Hodnett et al.[10] who found
that women who encouraged to assuming upright position
were satisfied and more comfortable. On the other hand
this findings disagree with Mathew et al.[27] who found that
women who were choosing side lying or lying on back in
first stage of labor were more satisfied.
Based on the findings of the present study, it can be con-
cluded that the results of the present study support its hy-
pothesis and revealed that assuming upright position during
first stage of labor results in advantages for the parturient
primipara woman by significant improvement in the progress
of labor, shorten duration of the three stages of labor, faster
fetal head descent, significant reduction of pain score and
good Apgar score. And a highly statistical significant differ-
ence regarding maternal satisfaction and preference of the
assumed position in next labor.
Based on the findings of the present study, the following
recommendations were suggested:
All parturient women in low-risk labor should be in-
formed about the benefits of assuming upright posi-
tions during first stage of labor, and be encouraged and
supported to use them.
In service education program for maternity nurses
about different maternal positions during labor.
Poster, pamphlets and video illustrating the benefit
of upright positions should be available in antenatal
clinics and labor unit.
Replicated the study on a larger sample for generaliz-
ing the findings.
Researcher would like to thank all the mothers who partici-
pated in implementing of this study, all who have directly or
indirectly helped me to complete this study and their support
in each major step of the study.
It was enormous-time consuming to continue evaluate the
effect of different maternal position on labor progress, labor
outcome and neonatal outcome. The researcher excluded
seven women from the study who didn’t commit to the se-
lected maternal position. All excluded women were replaced
with other randomly selected participant.
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... Upright position pada persalinan kala I fase aktif dapat memperpendek waktu persalinan lebih kurang 1 jam dan dapat memberikan relaksasi pada pembuluh darah dan juga dapat memberikan percepatan penurunan kepala karena adanya gaya gravitasi bumi sehingga dapat memperpendek kala I. Upright position juga dapat meningkatkan kontrol diri terhadap rasa nyeri. Ada sedikit pengurangan tekanan pada sirkulasi darah sehingga memberikan suplai oksigen ke bayi lebih banyak yang sangat baik untuk ibu maupun bayi (Mohamed et al., 2018). ...
... Menurut penelitian Mohamed et al (2018), mobilisasi meningkatkan frekuensi, kekuatan dan lamanya kontraksi, kurangi penggunaan oksitosin untuk menambah tenaga kerja dan meningkatkan suplai oksigen ke janin. Ini meningkatkan keselarasan tulang panggul dan bentuk dan kapasitas panggul, dan mengoptimalkan kesesuaian antara janin dan panggul. ...
AbstrakPersalinan lama merupakan penyumbang komplikasi persalinan terbesar di Indonesia (41%). Salah satu upaya pencegahan yang mudah melakukan mobilisasi pada persalinan dengan upright position. Upright position pada persalinan kala I fase aktif dapat memperpendek waktu persalinan lebih kurang 1 jam dan dapat memberikan relaksasi pada pembuluh darah dan juga dapat memberikan percepatan penurunan kepala karena adanya gaya gravitasi bumi sehingga dapat memperpendek kala I. Sebagian besar PMB di Muara Enim sudah mengajar posisi persalinan namun belum dilihat efektifitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama kala I fase aktif dengan upright position pada primigravida di PMB Wilayah Sekitar Muara Enim Tahun 2021.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy experiment dengan pendekatan post test only with control group. Subjek penelitian ini adalah ibu bersalin kala I primigravida di PMB Wilayah Sekitar Muara Enim Tahun 2021. Jumlah sampel adalah 30 orang kelompok intervensi dan 30 orang kelompok control. Teknik sampling menggunakan quota sampling. Pengukuran lama kala I menggunakan durasi menit pada kedua kelompok sejak ibu berssalin di diagnosis persalinan kala I fase aktif. Analisis data menggunakan uji T Independent test.Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa rata-rata lama kala I pada fase aktif pada kelompok kontrol adalah 317±64,0 menit, sedangkan pada kelompok intervensi adalah 212±53,5menit. Ada Pengaruh Upright position Terhadap Lama Kala I Fase Aktif Pada Primigravida Di PMB Wilayah Sekitar Muara Enim Tahun 2021 ( P value= 0,000). Disarankan agar bidan mempromosikan ibu bersalin menggunakan upright position untuk memperpendek waktu persalinan sehingga morbiditas ibu lebih berkurang Kata Kunci: Ibu bersalin, lama kala I, upright position AbstractProplonged labor is the largest contributor to childbirth complications in Indonesia (41%). One of the prevention efforts that is easy to mobilize in labor is the upright position. The upright position in the active phase of the first stage of labor can shorten the delivery time by approximately 1 hour and can provide relaxation to the blood vessels and can also accelerate the descent of the head due to the gravitational force of the earth so that it can shorten the first stage. Most of the PMB in Muara Enim have taught the position delivery but its effectiveness has not been seen. This study aims to determine the effect of the duration of the active phase I with the upright position on primigravida in PMB in the area around Muara Enim in 2021.This study uses a quasi-experimental design with a post-test only approach with a control group. The subjects of this study were mothers who gave birth in the first stage of primigravida in PMB in the area around Muara Enim in 2021. The number of samples was 30 people in the intervention group and 30 people in the control group. The sampling technique uses quota sampling. Measurement of the length of the first stage using the duration of minutes in both groups since the mother gave birth to the diagnosis of active phase I labor. Data analysis using T test Independent test.The results showed that the average length of the first stage in the active phase in the control group was 317±64.0 minutes, while in the intervention group it was 212±53.5 minutes. There is an Effect of Upright Position on the First Stage of Active Phase in Primigravida in PMB Areas Around Muara Enim in 2021 (P value = 0.000). It is recommended that midwives promote childbirth using an upright position to shorten delivery time so that maternal morbidity is reduced Keywords: Labor, Duration first stage, upright position
... The upright position will encourage stronger and more efficient contractions, wherein gravity will occur to keep the baby's head pressed towards the lower uterine segment so as to help cervical dilation and shorten the duration of labor (Deliktas & Kukulu, 2018). During the first stage of labor, upright positions include walking, standing, sitting, half-sitting, kneeling, and crawling (Emam & Al-Zahrani, 2018). ...
... It not only depends on the intensity of uterine contractions but also depends on the mental state of the women in labor (Deliktas & Kukulu, 2018) Previous studies showed that ambulation with a specific rhythm could increase tolerance for labor pain during uterine contractions. Furthermore, changes in position could reduce pain, facilitate blood flow to the uterus, uterine contractions, fetal decline, and personal control (Marwiyah & Pusporini, 2017;Emam & Al-Zahrani, 2018). Upright position is expected to reduce labor pain since it is known that position in labor can affect the duration of labor process. ...
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Prolonged labor is one of causes of maternal and infant death. Several causes of prolonged labor are inefficient uterine contractions, presentation or position of the fetus, inadequate pelvic bones or abnormalities of maternal soft tissues, which result in failure to progress in labor and an increase in the incidence of Caesarean section delivery. The upright position will encourage stronger and more efficient contractions, wherein gravity will occur to keep the baby's head pressed towards the lower uterine segment so as to help cervical dilation and shorten the duration of labor. Upright positions in the first stage of labor include walking, standing, sitting, half-sitting, kneeling, and crawling positions. This study aims to determine the effect of upright position compared to supine position on the level of pain and the duration of the active phase of the first stage of labor among primigravida women in labor. This was a quasi-experimental study with a post-test only design. There were 100 study samples who were assigned in the control group and the intervention group, consisting of 50 respondents, respectively. The study was conducted at the Tasikmalaya TPMB. Data collection was carried out for approximately 6 months on March-August 2022. The results showed that primigravida women in the active phase of the first stage of labor with upright position had a shorter duration of labor compared to those with supine position. Independent t test results obtained a p value equals 0.000 (p is less than 0.05). Such finding indicated a statistically significant difference. Based on the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference in the duration of the active phase of the first stage of labor between upright position and supine position among women in labor in the Work Area of Tasikmalaya TPMB.
... There is evidence in the literature that the use of peanut balls during labor reduces labor pain [2,5,16]. The peanut ball may increase a woman's mobility during labor, increasing her sense of control and reducing the need for analgesia [41]. The peanut ball, which is easy and safe to use, can be integrated into care practices by educating midwives and women's health nurses about the use of the peanut ball to reduce labor pain and improve the birth experience for mothers during labor. ...
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Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of using peanut balls on labor pain, fatigue, and the mother’s perception of labor. Methods This is a randomized controlled intervention trial. Data were collected from the Intervention (peanut ball) and Control groups between July 2022 and June 2023, with 45 pregnant women in each group. Data were collected using a personal information form, the Visual Analog Scale-Pain (VAS-P), the Visual Analog Scale for Fatigue (VAS-F), and the Maternal Perception of Childbirth Scale (MPCS). Results The VAS-P scores of the intervention group were statistically significantly lower than those of the control group 15 min after peanut ball application (p = .000). Immediately after and 15 min after peanut ball application, the mean fatigue score of the Intervention group was statistically significantly lower than that of the Control group (p = .000). There was no statistically significant difference between the mean duration of labor minutes in the two groups (p = .177). The mean MPCS scores of the intervention group and control groups were 62.73 + 7.30 and 47.17 + 9.12, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (p = .000). Conclusions The findings of this study indicate that the use of peanut balls during labor can effectively reduce labor pain and fatigue in pregnant women, without affecting the duration of labor. Additionally, the use of peanut balls has been shown to positively influence the perception of labor among pregnant women. Therefore, it is recommended that midwives educate pregnant women about the use of peanut balls during labor and provide support in their use.
... Upright positions (walking, standing, sitting, kneeling, squatting, and rocking hips) during labor and birthing have always shown positive results in terms to improved maternal outcomes and an optimal progress in labor. [3] With gravity at work, baby has better and a quicker chance of coming out and resulting in increased maternal satisfaction. [4] American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists suggests that there be "no one position that needs to be mandated nor prescribed" when a woman is giving birth. ...
Background: Maternal positioning affects all views of labor including the power, passenger, passage, and the psyche. The position of the woman during the labor could be freely modified according to her desires and comfort. Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of squatting position on the duration of first stage of labor and the maternal satisfaction with the position. Materials and Methods: A mixed method approach was adopted and the duration of active phase of labor was assessed for the 40 samples. In-depth interview was taken to explore the concern and satisfaction of the mothers with the squatting position. Results: Major findings of the study revealed that the mean duration of the active labor of the experimental group was 224.75 min ± 15.96 while that of the control group was 253.25 min ± 27.24. The mean difference was calculated to be 28.25 and the standard error was found to be 7.06. At the level of P < 0.005, the computed “t” value was 4.03 at the degree of freedom 38. Thus, as per the analysis, squatting position was found to be effective in reducing the duration of active phase of labor. During the qualitative analysis, five themes emerged were experience of mothers, effectiveness of squatting position, issues while squatting, respectful care during the childbirth, and recommendations. Conclusion: The study illustrates that most of the primi-gravida mothers had positive attitude toward squatting and preferred supportive squatting. The study concluded that squatting is an effective position which needs to be encouraged during active labor
Maternal positioning during labor affects many aspects of the anatomy and physiology adaptations needed to influence all aspects of labor including powers, passage, passenger and psyche. upright and mobile positions , use gravity to aid descent of the fetal head into the pelvis, as the head is applied directly and evenly on the cervix, uterine contractions are intensied in strength, regularity and frequency, as effective contractions are vital to aid cervical dilatation and fetal descent, they have an important role in helping to reduce dystocia (slow progress in labor).
Background Maternal positioning during labor especially upright position may affect course of labor as related to powers, passage, passenger and psyche. It is considered one of non-pharmacological methods that have been proposed to reduce labor pain, fatigue, need for analgesia. and increasing maternal comfort . Aim: The aim of the current study was of two folds: 1) Perform randomized control study to examine the impact of different upright positions versus recumbent positions on labor outcomes of primipara women in the first stage of labor. 2) Develop systematic review to analyze previous studies related to upright and recumbent positions for women in the first stage of labour on maternal &neonatal outcomes, in addition to the findings of the current RCT. Design: Two designs were utilized for this study: a randomized control trail as well as a systematic review. Methods: A total of 100 parturient women were recruited randomly and divided equally into study and control groups using sealed opaque envelops technique. Four tools were utilized for data collection: Structured Interviewing Questionnaire, World Health Organization Partograph, Neonatal Apgar's score, and visual analogue pain intensity scale. Parturient women in the study group, were encouraged to assume one of the upright positions, while, the control group assuming recumbent position. In systematic review, Pub-Med, Medscape, EMBASE, CINAHL and the Cochrane library were utilized to extract RCT full-text publications in English form, women who assumed one of upright positions during first stage of labor, comparison to women who assumed one of the recumbent positions during the same labor stage. Results: Current RCT findings revealed that, mean pain score in the study group was significantly lower than the control group (P < 0.05). The study group received extra analgesia less than the control group with (P= 0.003 & RR= 0.417). The mean satisfaction score in the study group was significantly higher than in the control group (P =0.000& RR= 0.020). The duration of the first stage of labour significantly reduced in the study group as compared with control group (P = 0.00, 95% CI=-1.930,-1.106). No significant differences were observed between both groups in relation to neonatal outcomes first min APGAR (P= 0.183) & fifth minute (P= 0.367). Also a total of 75 studies were examined, 49 of them excluded & 8 studies were included with a total of 903 women in the review. Five trials from included study reported significance differences between groups related to duration of first stage of labor in favor of the intervention group with total mean was (8.41 hrs) as compared to (10.14 hrs) in control group. There were significant differences
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Background: Prolonged labor in the active phase of first stage increase discomfort on birthing mother, including experience more pain, anxiety, and fatigue. The discomfort during labor can be decreased by doing a birthing position. This study aims to determine the effect of upright position on the length of labor in the active phase of first stage. Methods: The study used a quasi-experimental posttest only design with control group. A total of thirty birthing mothers in the active phase of first stage became the subject of the study. Subjects were grouped into two: the upright position group (n=15) and the control group (n=15). The upright position group regularly performed an upright position, including squatting and standing during the active phase of first stage labor. The control group was not directed to perform the upright position. The length of labor in the active phase of first stage between two groups was compared when the cervical dilatation reached 10 cm (complete cervical dilatation). Results: Upright position significantly affected the length of labor in the active phase of first stage, p-value=0,009 (<0,05). There were twelve subjects (80%) of upright position group experienced the length of labor in the active phase of first stage less than six hours (fast category). Meanwhile, in the control group, there were only three subjects experienced the length of labor in the active phase of first stage in fast category. Conclusion: The upright position performed by birthing mother has a posiive effect, namely accelerate the duration of labor in the active phase of first stage. Keywords : Upright Position, Length of Labor, The Active Phase of First Stage Labor.
Introduction The position of the woman during labour is an essential part of maternal care, but some care providers often neglect it. There are also some recommended birthing positions, but there is a lack of data on how midwives translate the findings into practice. Objective This study aimed to compare upright and supine births concerning the birth process and outcomes among women who have given birth in primary health care settings. Material and Methods This is a quantitative comparative study among parturient in primary health care setting. An observational checklist was used as a data collection tool. A total of 40 parturient (20 each for upright and recumbent position groups) were selected as the study participants. Data were analysed using an independent t-test and chi-square test. Results Findings indicated that although the uterus contracts more frequent in an upright position, there was no substantial difference between the groups concerning the progress of labour ( p > .05). However, findings suggested that the upright position is associated with a shorter duration in the third stage of labour compared to the recumbent position ( p < .05). Blood lost was <500 mils for 75% of the upright position and 55% of the recumbent position group ( p = .054). Conclusion Upright position may shorten the duration of the third stage of labour (compared to recumbent position) among parturients. Hence, midwives can utilise the upright/vertical protocol during their practice to ensure better outcome of the labour and minimise blood loss for the parturient.
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The study was conducted to assess the effect of ambulation and birthing ball on the maternal and newborn outcome from 01.08.2011 to 31.10.2011. This randomized control study was conducted on 60 primigravida mothers. Purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of samples followed by random allocation of 20 samples each to the three groups namely, ambulation, birthing ball and control group respectively using lottery method. Ambulation and birthing ball therapy were given to the respective samples between cervical dilatation of 1-3cm during first stage of labour, whereas the control group was not given any intervention. Here maternal outcome includes1st stage duration (Area1), 2nd stage duration (Area2), cervical dilatation rate (Area3), and type of delivery(Area4) and newborn outcome includes heart rate, respiratory rate, colour, reflex and muscle tone. Since the t calculated value in Area 1 (5.257), Area 2 (2.781), Area 3(5.438) is greater than t table value (2.042) and in Area 4, 75% of ambulation group underwent normal vaginal delivery, it shows that there is significant improvement in maternal outcome after the use of ambulation. The t calculated value in Area 1(7.223), Area 2 (5.556), Area 3(6.178) is greater than t table value (2.030) and in Area 4, 95% of birthing ball group underwent normal vaginal delivery. It shows that there is significant improvement in maternal outcome after the use of birthing ball therapy. Comparison of ambulation and birthing ball therapy on maternal outcome showed that, there is significant difference in second stage duration (t tab 2.031(df=36)< t cal 2.231= S) and type of delivery. In this study ambulation and birthing ball were found to be effective to improve maternal outcome and there was no harm to the baby. Both the experimental group mothers expressed that they were satisfied and comfortable.
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BACKGROUND: It is more common for women in the developed world, and those in low-income countries giving birth in health facilities, to labour in bed. There is no evidence that this is associated with any advantage for women or babies, although it may be more convenient for staff. Observational studies have suggested that if women lie on their backs during labour this may have adverse effects on uterine contractions and impede progress in labour. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the review is to assess the effects of encouraging women to assume different upright positions (including walking, sitting, standing and kneeling) versus recumbent positions (supine, semi-recumbent and lateral) for women in the first stage of labour on length of labour, type of delivery and other important outcomes for mothers and babies. CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERING STUDIES FOR THIS REVIEW: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (November 2008). SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised and quasi-randomised trials comparing women randomised to upright versus recumbent positions in the first stage of labour. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used methods described in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions for carrying out data collection, assessing study quality and analysing results. A minimum of two review authors independently assessed each study. MAIN RESULTS: The review includes 21 studies with a total of 3706 women. Overall, the first stage of labour was approximately one hour shorter for women randomised to upright as opposed to recumbent positions (MD -0.99, 95% CI -1.60 to -0.39). Women randomised to upright positions were less likely to have epidural analgesia (RR 0.83 95% CI 0.72 to 0.96).There were no differences between groups for other outcomes including length of the second stage of labour, mode of delivery, or other outcomes related to the wellbeing of mothers and babies. For women who had epidural analgesia there were no differences between those randomised to upright versus recumbent positions for any of the outcomes examined in the review. Little information on maternal satisfaction was collected, and none of the studies compared different upright or recumbent positions. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence that walking and upright positions in the first stage of labour reduce the length of labour and do not seem to be associated with increased intervention or negative effects on mothers' and babies' wellbeing. Women should be encouraged to take up whatever position they find most comfortable in the first stage of labour.
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Pregnancy and birth are unique processes for women. Women and families hold different expectation during childbearing based on their knowledge, experiences, belief systems, culture, and social and family backgrounds. These differences should be understood and respected, and care is adapted and organized to meet the individualized needs of women and families. The purpose of this study was to explore Iranian parturient needs, values and preferences during normal labor and delivery. An exploratory qualitative study was used. Twenty-four parturient women from three governmental medical training centers in Isfahan, Iran were recruited using purposive sampling. Participants were recruited to low-risk women after they had given birth, but before they were discharged from hospital. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews, informal observations and field notes. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by the conventional content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman approach. Women's needs and expectations fell into seven main categories: Physiological, psychological, informational, social and relational, esteem, security and medical needs. All of the key needs in these data relates to a fundamental need, named "sense of control and empowerment in childbirth." Knowing a woman's needs, values, preferences and expectations during normal labor and delivery assists healthcare professionals especially midwives in providing high-quality care to parturient women.
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Many women desire mobility during labour, which helps to enhance their physiological and psychological wellbeing. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of ambulation during first stage of labour, on the outcome of labour. Quasi experimental, post test only control group design was used in 60 samples. Statistical analysis of data revealed that ambulation during first stage of labour was effective in reducing duration of labour (t value = -2.27 and p value <0.05) also in bringing positive behavioural response (Mann-Whitney U test, p value< 0.05).
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Background: Childbirth medicalization has reduced the parturient's opportunity to labour and deliver in a spontaneous position, constricting her to assume the recumbent one. The aim of the study was to compare recumbent and alternative positions in terms of labour process, type of delivery, neonatal wellbeing, and intrapartum fetal head rotation. Methods: We conducted an observational cohort study on women at pregnancy term. Primiparous women with physiological pregnancies and single cephalic fetuses were eligible for the study. We considered data about maternal-general characteristics, labour process, type of delivery, and neonatal wellbeing at birth. Patients were divided into two groups: Group-A if they spent more than 50% of labour in a recumbent position and Group-B when in alternative ones. Results: 225 women were recruited (69 in Group-A and 156 in Group-B). We found significant differences between the groups in terms of labour length, Numeric Rating Scale score and analgesia request rate, type of delivery, need of episiotomy, and fetal occiput rotation. No differences were found in terms of neonatal outcomes. Conclusion: Alternative maternal positioning may positively influence labour process reducing maternal pain, operative vaginal delivery, caesarean section, and episiotomy rate. Women should be encouraged to move and deliver in the most comfortable position.
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Objectives To assess the effects of nonpharmacologic approaches to pain relief during labor, according to their endogenous mechanism of action, on obstetric interventions, maternal, and neonatal outcomes.Data sourceCochrane library, Medline, Embase, CINAHL and the MRCT databases were used to screen studies from January 1990 to December 2012.Study selectionAccording to Cochrane criteria, we selected randomized controlled trials that compared nonpharmacologic approaches for pain relief during labor to usual care, using intention-to-treat method.ResultsNonpharmacologic approaches, based on Gate Control (water immersion, massage, ambulation, positions) and Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Control (acupressure, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, water injections), are associated with a reduction in epidural analgesia and a higher maternal satisfaction with childbirth. When compared with nonpharmacologic approaches based on Central Nervous System Control (education, attention deviation, support), usual care is associated with increased odds of epidural OR 1.13 (95% CI 1.05–1.23), cesarean delivery OR 1.60 (95% CI 1.18–2.18), instrumental delivery OR 1.21 (95% CI 1.03–1.44), use of oxytocin OR 1.20 (95% CI 1.01–1.43), labor duration (29.7 min, 95% CI 4.5–54.8), and a lesser satisfaction with childbirth. Tailored nonpharmacologic approaches, based on continuous support, were the most effective for reducing obstetric interventions.Conclusion Nonpharmacologic approaches to relieve pain during labor, when used as a part of hospital pain relief strategies, provide significant benefits to women and their infants without causing additional harm.
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Women in western countries generally lie semi-recumbent during first stage of labour, when perhaps it is more natural to move around. Consequently carers are unaware of what constitutes instinctive behaviours and their outcomes. With this in mind, a structured narrative review of the literature identified what prior research has shown about the impact of maternal movement upon length of first stage; results are ambiguous, with 11 studies reporting no alteration to length and 7 reporting shortening. These studies fail to adequately detail time spent mobilising and what in fact constituted walking, squatting, upright, lying lateral, supine or semi-recumbent, and their direct effects upon progress of first stage. Advancements in knowledge are required to progress understanding about maternal activity during labour and its outcomes.
Background: Epidural analgesia for pain relief in labour prolongs the second stage of labour and results in more instrumental deliveries. It has been suggested that a more upright position of the mother during all or part of the second stage may counteract these adverse effects. Objectives: To assess the effects of different birthing positions (upright versus recumbent) during the second stage of labour, on important maternal and fetal outcomes for women with epidural analgesia. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (30 June 2012) and reference lists of retrieved studies Selection criteria: All randomised or quasi-randomised trials including pregnant women (either primigravidae or multigravidae) in the second stage of induced or spontaneous labour receiving epidural analgesia of any kind.We assumed the experimental type of intervention to be the maternal use of any upright position during the second stage of labour, compared with the control intervention of the use of any recumbent position. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion, assessed risk of bias, and extracted data. Data were checked for accuracy. We contacted authors to try to obtain missing data. Main results: Five randomised controlled trials, involving 879 women, were included in the review.Overall, we identified no statistically significant difference between upright and recumbent positions on our primary outcomes of operative birth (caesarean or instrumental vaginal) (average risk ratio (RR) 0.97; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76 to 1.29; five trials, 874 women), or duration of the second stage of labour measured as the randomisation to birth interval (average mean difference -22.98 minutes; 95% CI -99.09 to 53.13; two trials, 322 women). Nor did we identify any clear differences in the incidence of instrumental birth or caesarean section separately, nor in any other important maternal or fetal outcome, including trauma to the birth canal requiring suturing, operative birth for fetal distress, low cord pH or admission to neonatal intensive care unit. However, the CIs around each estimate were wide, and clinically important effects have not been ruled out.There were no data reported on excess blood loss, prolonged second stage or maternal experience and satisfaction with labour. Similarly, there were no analysable data on Apgar scores, and no data reported on the need for ventilation or for perinatal death. Authors' conclusions: There are insufficient data to say anything conclusive about the effect of position for the second stage of labour for women with epidural analgesia. Women with an epidural should be encouraged to use whatever position they find comfortable in the second stage of labour. Future research should involve large trials of positions that women can maintain and predefined endpoints. One large trial is ongoing.