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Excavations at Wallace Ruin (5MT6970) Montezuma County, Colorado 1998-2010

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... The Nonsuch Bay sediment samples consisted of well stratified hemic and sapric organic clays 23 . The American Southwestern samples were poorly consolidated clay, silt, and coarse to medium sand and sandy silty alluvium from Chaco Canyon and a fine-textured silt and fine to medium sandy alluvium overlying an iron-stained clayey silt and fine sandy loess at the Albert Porter Pueblo and Wallace Ruin [24][25][26] . The Midwestern samples from Big Bone Lick and the Wynema site consisted of a deep and uniformly finely laminated silty alluvium 27 . ...
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Changes in the global atmospheric budget of platinum reportedly correspond to explosive volcanic eruptions. Using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) elemental analysis we examined eight widely separated stratified sites to evaluate the geographic extent of three late Holocene high magnitude volcanic events. We found characteristic Pt anomalies across the Western Hemisphere dating to the Laki, Iceland (CE 1783-1784), Kuwae, Vanuatu (CE 1452-1453), and Eldgjá, Iceland (CE 934) explosive volcanic eruptions. Pt anomalies in sediments over a broad geographic area indicate distinctive time-correlative atmospheric deposition rates of platinum-rich volcanic ash. These anomalies provide new chronostratigraphic markers for these late Holocene high magnitude volcanic eruptions, which are especially valuable in the Western Hemisphere in strata with limited chronometric control. Pt anomalies provide an important tracer for the age of these volcanic events and ultimately a new chronostratigraphic marker in archaeological, geological, palynological, and paleontological sediments.
Occasional Electronic Papers No. 1: Homol'ovi IV
  • E Adams
  • Charles
Adams, E. Charles 2010 Occasional Electronic Papers No. 1: Homol'ovi IV. (accessed 9 August)
On-line Laboratory Manual
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center ( 2010 On-line Laboratory Manual (accessed 10 August)