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Journal of Analytical & Pharmaceutical Research
Evaluation of Effect of Coconut Milk on Anxiety
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Abbreviations: ANOVA: Analysis of Variance; CBT: Cognitive
Behavior Therapy; GABA: Gamma Amino Butyric Acid; GAD:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder; OCD: Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder; SAD: Social Anxiety Disorder; PTSD: Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder; SNRI: Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake
Inhibitors; SPSS: Statistical Package for Social Sciences; SSRI:
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors; TCAs: Tricyclic
Anxiety is an emotion or it is a feeling of discomfort,
nervousness, apprehension, fear or worry. If it occurs for a short
period, it is a normal reaction but if prolonged at a regular basis, it
can be a serious mental illness [1]. It disturbs the normal routine
life of a person. It is accompanied by fatigue and restlessness. It
intake [2], caffeine or due to some drug withdrawal. It might occur
with other mental disorders [3] like major depressive disorder or
bipolar disorder etc. Another cause is reduced level of inhibitory
neurotransmitter like GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) [4].
There are major six types of anxiety disorders. Generalized
anxiety disorder (GAD), a chronic disorder [5] in which a person
has a persistent feeling that something bad or wrong might occur.
GAD patients feel nervousness all the time without any reason.
It keeps them from concentrating. In Panic disorder, person gets
a short lived and sudden attack of anxiety, in which discomfort
arises less than 10minutes and lasts to several hours, this attack
can be triggered due to some stress or fear. Obsessive-compulsive
disorder (OCD) is a persistent and uncontrollable feeling and
behavior [6] in which people feel the need to check things
repeatedly. Phobic disorder is the largest category of anxiety that
Social anxiety disorder (SAD), includes intense fear of social
interaction and public embarrassment. It is also known as social
phobia [7]. Performance anxiety is the most common type of SAD.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS) results from any extreme
trauma, natural disaster or life-threatening event [8].
General symptoms of all anxiety disorders includes
Palpitation, dry mouth, muscular tension, trembling, nausea,
irritability. Anxiety can be due to genetics but external stimuli
can also trigger its onset or any underlying disease such as
sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson’s
disease [9], rheumatoid arthritis [10], cancer or diabetes, history
of trauma [11], parenting factors [12], cultural factors etc.
Treatment can be variable according to the intensity of
anxiety. Normally anxiety is treated by changes in dietary intake
         
anxiety [13]. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a psychological
treatment that can also be done to treat anxiety [14].
       
from psychotherapy or they may be used as initial treatment
of an anxiety disorder. A combination of medication and
psychotherapy can be more effective [15]. Antidepressants are
         
        
[16]. Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are effective treatment. The
most commonly used anxiolytics also include Benzodiazepine.
Benzodiazepines are also often used as second line treatment
because it disturbs sleep pattern. It is only recommended for those
patients who fail to respond to safer and effective medication i.e.
SSRIs. Dietary and lifestyle changes like Regular exercise and
Volume 6 Issue 4 - 2017
1Department of Pharmacology, Jinnah University for Women,
2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Jinnah University
for Women, Pakistan
3Department of Pharmacognosy, Jinnah University for Women,
*Corresponding author: Sana Sarfaraz, Assistant Professor
at Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Jinnah University for women, 5c Nazimabad Karachi-74600,
Pakistan, Email:
Received: October 15, 2017 | Published: November 21,
Research Article
J Anal Pharm Res 2017, 6(4): 00182
Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, nervousness and fear, which can lead to a
serious mental illness. Currently the trend of population suffering from anxiety
is increasing. The study has been designed to evaluate the anxiolytic potential of
coconut milk. The study was carried out on albino mice weighing 18-25gm either
male or female. Mice were divided into 3 groups. Group I was taken as Control
and given distilled water 0.4ml. Group II was taken as treated and given coconut
milk 0.4ml and Group III was given 0.6ml of coconut milk. Head dip, light and dark
model, cage crossing, open field and elevated plus maze were used to evaluate
coconut milks effect on anxiety. Our study exposed significant effects of anxiolytic
activity of coconut milk in mice. Head dip activity and open field activity show
highly significant result. We conclude that administration of coconut milk gives
anxiolytic effects because it possesses anti-oxidant components as multi vitamins
and minerals. It has less adverse effect as compared to allopathic drugs, we can
use coconut milk in our daily diet.
Keywords: Anxiolytic; Coconut milk; Memory boosting
Citation: Zubair S, Sarfaraz S, Naveed S, Sarwar G (2017) Evaluation of Effect of Coconut Milk on Anxiety. J Anal Pharm Res 6(4): 00182. DOI:
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©2017 Zubair et al.
reduce caffeine consumption also reduces anxiety. Especially
aerobic exercise has a calming effect [17]. Due to the adverse
effect of these drugs, we have moved to natural therapy.
          
C, E. B1, B3, B5& B6) and minerals. It is lactose free so lactose
intolerance patient can use this milk. A 100 ml serving of
canned coconut milk contains 154 calories, 1.4g protein, 15g
fats and 3.4g carbohydrates [18]. It contains vitamin-C 6.7 mg,
vitamin-E 0.4mg, vitamin-K 0.2mcg, niacin 1.8mg, folate 38.4 mcg,
vitamin-B6 0.1mg, thiamine 0.1mg, calcium 3.4mg, iron 3mg,
magnesium 8.8 mg, potassium 631 mg, phosphorus 240mg, zinc
1.6mg, manganese 2.2mg, copper 0.6mg and selenium 14.9mcg.
New research shows that coconut oil is effective in preventing
and treating neurodegenerative disease states with a very fresh
supply of energy to the brain that prevents unnecessary short-
term symptoms [19]. It contains high level of saturated fats,
which gives instant energy to the body [20], several antioxidant
compounds, which provide protection from free radicals and
lauric acid [21], which is converted in the body to monolaurin,
which has antiviral and antibacterial property and also promotes
brain and bone development. It relieves from stomach & mouth
anemia, control the blood sugar level and lower blood pressure,
        
It is an excellent source of vitamin E, which is good for skin and
hair. It has cooling property. Consuming excessive amounts of
coconut meat, oil or milk gives side effect of weight gain due to
high calories. The present study has been designed to evaluate the
anxiolytic potential of Coconut milk at different doses.
Materials and Methods
Experimental animals
This study was carried out on albino mice either male or female
having weight between 18-25 gm. They were bred and kept in
animal house of Jinnah University for women. The animals were
given food and water ad libitum, and were kept under constant
Dosing regime
The mice were equally divided into 3 groups each group
containing 8 mice. Group I was taken as Control and given distilled
water 0.4ml. Group II was taken as treated and given coconut milk
0.4ml and Group III was given 0.6ml of coconut milk. All groups
were given dose orally once daily. The study was carried out for
15 days.
Coconut milk
       
by Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy Jinnah
University for Women.
Following CNS parameters were conducted on albino mice.
Head dip test
The apparatus of this test consists of a hole board which is an
enclosed wooden rectangular box having an area of 35 cm×45
cm × 45 cm. This box contains holes of 2.5 cm in diameter. Three
holes are found in all four walls [22]. Mice were familiarized with
environment before starting the test. Mice were individually
placed in the centre of the hole board and allowed to move freely
in the box for 5minutes. The number of holes explored by mice
is the measure of the head dips test [22,23]. After each reading
apparatus was cleared with 70% alcohol [24].
Cage crossing activity
This activity was performed in the transparent, Plexiglas cage
(26×26×26cm) apparatus. The mouse was placed in the centre
of the Plexiglas cage gently by its tail. The mouse was allowed to
move for 5 minutes and the number of times mouse crosses the
cage was observed. After performing test, apparatus was cleaned
with 70% alcohol.
Open field test
        
activity and exploratory activity of mice. Assessment took place in
25 squares with a diameter of 15cm each. In the middle arena of
this apparatus, a 15 × 15 cm central square is present.
The albino mouse was placed in the center of arena gently
by the tail. The animal was allowed to move freely for 5minutes.
The numbers of times the mouse moved in peripheral and
central squares were recorded. After performing experiment, the
apparatus was cleaned with 70% alcohol.
Light and dark test
This test was designed by Crawley and Goodwin (1980).
Rodents generally favor dark areas. The apparatus of this test
consists of two compartments, one is small dark compartment,
painted black, it is covered by black lid, other compartment
has transparent sides, it is covered by transparent lid, and this
compartment is illuminated with lamp. This test may be useful to
predict anxiolytic or anxiogenic activity of mice.
Mice were familiarized with the surrounding where the
apparatus was placed. The mice were transferred individually in
the center of the brightly illuminated compartment. Mice were
free to move in light and dark compartments for 5 minutes. The
time spent in each compartment by mice was observed [25].
Elevated plus maze test
This test may be used to check the anxiolytic or anxiogenic
activity of mice. In this test, we used plus shaped apparatus, in
which two arms are enclosed with open roof and two arms are
           
Albino mice were placed gently by the tail in the centre of the
plus shaped apparatus. Animals were allowed to move freely
for 5 minutes. Observe the time spent in each arm and observe
transition from enclosed arm to open arm. After performing test,
apparatus was cleaned with alcohol 70%.
Result and Discussion
The result was analyzed by applying SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Sciences) 19. We took the mean of all values and then
Citation: Zubair S, Sarfaraz S, Naveed S, Sarwar G (2017) Evaluation of Effect of Coconut Milk on Anxiety. J Anal Pharm Res 6(4): 00182. DOI:
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treated Group II and I were compared with control and with
        
determined by applying two way ANOVA (analysis of variance)
followed by post hoc Tukeys test. Value of p<0.05 is considered
Allopathic medicines have many adverse effects so we move to
natural remedies to treat different diseases. Here we took coconut
milk to check different parameters of CNS activity and our results
show that coconut milk possesses anxiolytic activity. Table 1
shows the effect of coconut milk on head dip activity (Figure 1).
Table 1: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on head dip activity.
Drugs Baseline 7 Days 15 Days
Control (0.4ml
Distill water) 25.5±0.84 21.8±1.03 21.3±1.15
Treated I (Coconut
Milk 0.4ml) 21.3±0.82 20.8±0.78IS 11.4±0.51
Treated II (Coconut
Milk 0.6ml) 25.5±0.70 13.9±0.87 12.3±1.12
Initially when mice were placed in head dip apparatus, they
tried to escape from the holes of apparatus due to neophobic
response [26]. So on exposure to apparatus anxiety developed
due to state of fear, so decrease in number of escapes after
administration of coconut milk, show anxiolytic property of it. In
        
to control after 15 days dosing by both the doses. It shows that
coconut milk reduces the anxiety (Table 2 & Figure 2).
Initially when mice were placed in cage crossing apparatus, due
to state of fear mice crossed the cage several times. However, after
administration of coconut milk number of crossing decreased, it
shows that coconut milk possesses anxiolytic property. Moreover,
   
& Figure 3b).
Table 2: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on cage crossing activity.
Drugs Baseline 7 Days 15 Days
Control (0.4ml Distill
water) 7.1±0.73 6.7±0.94 7.0±0.66
Treated I (Coconut
Milk 0.4ml) 7.3±0.83 5.0±0.56 3.8±0.63
Treated II (Coconut
Milk 0.6ml) 7.4±0.81 4.0±0.66 2.6±0.51
Table 3a: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on central square
Drugs Baseline 7 Days 15 Days
Control (0.4ml
Distill water) 8.7±0.67 8.5±0.65 9.1±0.56
Treated I (Coconut
Milk 0.4ml) 8.9±0.87 14.6±1.07 18.8±1.47
Treated II (Coconut
Milk 0.6ml) 8.6±0.51 14.4±1.17 17.4±1.26
Figure 1: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on head dip activity.
Two way Anova was performed for statistical analysis followed by
Figure 2: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on Cage crossing
Two way Anova was performed for statistical analysis followed by
post hoc Tukeys test. P values were represented as *** p<0.001: Highly
Figure 3a: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on Central square
activity (Open Field).
Two way Anova was performed for statistical analysis followed by
post hoc Tukeys test. P values were represented as ***p<0.001: Highly
Citation: Zubair S, Sarfaraz S, Naveed S, Sarwar G (2017) Evaluation of Effect of Coconut Milk on Anxiety. J Anal Pharm Res 6(4): 00182. DOI:
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Table 3b: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on peripheral square
Drugs Baseline 7 Days 15 Days
Control (0.4ml
Distill water) 263.9±1.64 260±0.99 261±1.42
Treated I (Coconut
Milk 0.4ml) 262±1.30 109±1.22 56.8±1.11
Treated II (Coconut
Milk 0.6ml) 264±1.21 89.2±0.98 19.3±1.0
Our results showed that the number of peripheral squares
       
coconut milk administration reduced anxiety. Table 4 shows the
effect of coconut milk on light & dark model (time spent in light)
(Figure 4).
Table 4: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on time spent in light
area (light and dark box).
Drugs Baseline 7 Days 15 Days
Control 0.4ml
Distill water 117.5±1.35 116.4±1.70 117.3±1.61
Treated I (Coconut
Milk 0.4ml) 117.6±1.44 123.4±1.55 132.2±0.99
Treated II (Coconut
Milk 0.6ml) 117.7±1.51 121.5±1.31 128.7±1.22
Time spend in light box was increased which shows the
Table 5 shows the effect of coconut milk on elevated plus maze
model (time spent in open arm) (Figure 5).
    
was increased, which showed the anxiolytic activity of coconut
Table 5: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on time spent in open
arm (elevated plus maze).
Drugs Baseline 7 Days 15 Days
Control (0.4ml
Distill water) 76.3±0.88 75.2±0.75 76.0±0.81
Treated I (Coconut
Milk 0.4ml) 74.6±0.99 81.4±1.11 90.4±0.76
Treated II (Coconut
Milk 0.6ml) 76.6±0.95 81.7±0.74 89.8±1.20
The mechanism of action of anxiolytic drug is it mediates the
effect of the GABA neurotransmitter by binding with receptor
of GABA, which causes opening of chloride ion and causes
hyperpolarization [27]. Due to antioxidant property of coconut
milk, it gives neuroprotective effects. The antioxidant effect of
Figure 3b: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on Peripheral
square activity (Open Field).
Two way Anova was performed for statistical analysis followed by
post hoc Tukeys test. P values were represented as *** p<0.001: Highly
Figure 4: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on Time spent in
Light area (Light and Dark box).
Two way Anova was performed for statistical analysis followed by
post hoc Tukeys test. P values were represented as *** p<0.001: Highly
        
within groups.
Figure 5: Effect of different doses of coconut milk on Time spent in
Open arm (Elevated Plus Maze).
Two way Anova was performed for statistical analysis followed by
post hoc Tukeys test. P values were represented as *** p<0.001: Highly
Citation: Zubair S, Sarfaraz S, Naveed S, Sarwar G (2017) Evaluation of Effect of Coconut Milk on Anxiety. J Anal Pharm Res 6(4): 00182. DOI:
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coconut milk is due to presence of vitamin C & E, selenium and
zinc. Hence, due to the presence of these agents coconut milk
produces relief from anxiety. Coconut milk is used commonly in
juices and drinks and this anxiolytic property of coconut milk
of anxiety.
From the above study, we came to conclude that coconut milk
produces anxiolytic effect at both the doses however increasing
the dose did not change the anxiolytic effect as shown by our
results. Further studies need to be carried out to determine the
exact mechanism by which coconut milk produces the anxiolytic
Conict of Interest
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... Two other milk products exerted similar anxiolytic-like effects in mice. Versus distilled water, 4 ml po lactose-free coconut milk increased open arm duration in the elevated plus-maze, time spent in the lit compartment of the light-dark box, and activity in the central zone of an open-field while reducing activity in the peripheral zone as well as hole-poking on the wall of an arena (Zubair et al., 2017). Like the elevated plus-maze test described above, time spent in the central zone of the open-field (Hazim et al., 2014) and time spent in the lit compartment of the light-dark box (Belzung et al., 1987) are sensitive to benzodiazepine effects. ...
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... Endosperm and coconut water contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytohormones, and monolaurin. They are useful as antioxidants, antimicrobial (DebMandal and Mandal 2011), decrease anxiety (Zubair et al. 2017), treatment for Alzheimer's (Bansal et al. 2019), healthy drinks, and hormone source for plant tissue culture (Yong et al. 2009). Coconut sap, obtained from tapping unopened spadix, has a higher nutritional and antioxidant content but a lower glycemic index than sugar palm and sugar cane juice (Asghar et al. 2019). ...
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Mawardi S, Romadhon MR, Rahma, Maskromo I, Dinarti D, Sudarsono. 2023. Flowering type and morphological diversity of Bido coconut from Morotai Island District, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 1473-1481. In general, coconuts are divided into Tall and Dwarf types. Dwarf coconut is early bearing and has a short trunk, while Tall coconut yields high-quality copra and has a large fruit size. Furthermore, Bido-Tall coconut is an early bearing with a short trunk, medium size fruit, and high-quality copra. This research aims to evaluate Bido coconut population variations and study the flowering types of Bido and other coconut types in the research locations. Morphological and flowering type observation was conducted for Bido Tall, Local Tall, Local Dwarf, and Bido Tall outcrossing progenies at Bido Village, North Maluku, Indonesia. Flowering-type observations were carried out on three successive inflorescences. The Bido Tall, Dwarf, and the Bido Tall outcrossing progenies exhibited natural autogamy pollination, while the Local Tall coconut was semi-autogamy. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) results indicated that the stem girth at 20 cm and 150 cm above ground, the internode length, the leaf numbers, the fruit color, and the fruit numbers cumulatively contributed to 68.80% of the observed coconut variabilities. Most Bido Tall coconut individuals were clustered separately from the existing local Tall and Dwarf coconuts. However, the clustering analysis showed average similarity among Bido Tall, the Local Tall, and Dwarf coconuts are still above 70%. The similarity coefficient among the Bido Tall coconut, the Bido Tall outcrossing progenies (natural hybrids), and the Local Tall were higher than among Bido Tall to the Local Dwarf coconuts.
... Despite their efficacy in anxiety, these drugs have serious CNS adverse effects such as altered cognition, sedation, memory impairment, loss of balance increase in falls, ataxia, depression of respiratory system, tolerance and dependency that reduces the patient compliance (Offidani et al., 2013). This augmented the researchers to work on the development of newer anxiolytics with fewer side effects (Zubair et al., 2017). ...
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Anxiety is a mental condition characterized by symptoms of agitation that impairs the life of a person. Available anxiolytics have variable efficacy which emphasizes the need of newer anxiolytic agents. To explore newer anxiolytics herbal medicines are the first approach of drug discovery. The current study was designed to detect the anxiolytic effect of methanolic extract of seeds of Tribulus terrestris. The anxiety model used was open field test. The selected doses were 50mg/Kg, 100mg/Kg and 200mg/Kg and standard drugs Diazepam 1 mg/Kg and Buspirone 5mg/Kg were administered orally in albino mice. The results have shown that it possess significant anxiolytic activity at dose 100mg/Kg as compared to control and insignificant effects compared to diazepam and buspirone. For exact mechanism and complete CNS effects, further studies should be performed on seeds of T. terrestris.
... Though after administration of Olive leaf tea number of cage crossing decreased significantly. 23 Olive leaf tea was administered to mice on daily basis, according to Table 2 which showed a marked reduction in the number of cage crossings on day 21 st , 15 which were further reduced on day 28 th . 10 This showed that anxiety levels of mice were significantly reduced. ...
Background and aim Anxiety has an effect on the common regular living of a human as it causes fatigue and restlessness. In the current study, an effort was undertaken to investigate the anti-anxiety behavior of male albino by the treatment of Avocado Powder and Juice in vivo. Methods: Avocado Powder 10% (AP1) and 15% (AP2) substituted from the diet and Avocado Juice 100ml/kg (AJ1) and150ml/kg body weight (AJ2) rat over control rats. Results: The oral intake of Avocado powder and Juice caused a significant decrease in the body weight gain, daily feed intake, and feed efficiency ratio (FER) in all experimental groups tested as compared to control. Also, the activity of the antioxidant enzymes like SOD, GST, GPX, and Catalase is not much influenced by the intake of avocado fruit. This significant result has confirmed the effectiveness of this fruit for the treatment of anxiety. The anti-anxiety effect of the avocado fruit was tested by exploring the behavioral changes tests in experimental rats. All the experiments conducted showed that the intake of dose AP2 and AJ2 has significantly decreased the number of head dips and cage crossing and increased the time spent in light side in light-dark transition box test, and increased time spent in open arm in elevated plus maze test. Conclusions: This result proved that the avocado fruit as powder then as juice have an anxiolytic effects and will be a better alternative for people with an anxiety disorder.
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This guideline focuses on the pharmacotherapy of obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD). OCD is characterised by obsessions and compulsions. A number of other disorders are also characterised by repetitive thoughts and rituals and may also respond to modifications of standard OCD treatment.
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Brains from ovariectomised (ovx) rats can display features similar to those observed in menopausal women with Alzheimer's disease (AD), and oestrogen seems to play a key role. Preliminary studies on young coconut juice (YCJ) have reported the presence of oestrogen-like components in it. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of YCJ on the AD pathological changes in the brains of ovx rats. Rat groups included sham-operated, ovx, ovx+oestradiol benzoate (EB) and ovx+YCJ. Brain sections (4 μm) were taken and were immunostained with β-amyloid (Aβ) 1-42, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (an intermediate neurofilament of astrocytes) and Tau-1 antibodies. Aβ 1-42, GFAP and Tau-1 are considered as reliable biomarkers of amyloidosis, astrogliosis and tauopathy (neurofibrillary tangles), respectively, which in turn are characteristic features associated with AD. The serum oestradiol (E2) level was measured using a chemiluminescent immunoassay technique. YCJ restored the serum E2 to levels significantly (P < 0·001) higher than that of the ovx group, and even that of the sham group. Aβ deposition was significantly (P < 0·0001) reduced in the cerebral cortex of the YCJ group, as compared with the ovx group and with the sham and ovx+EB groups (P < 0·01). A similar trend was observed in relation to GFAP expression in the cerebral cortex and to Tau-1 expression in the hippocampus. This is a novel study demonstrating that YCJ could have positive future implications in the prevention and treatment of AD in menopausal women.
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Coconut water (coconut liquid endosperm), with its many applications, is one of the world's most versatile natural product. This refreshing beverage is consumed worldwide as it is nutritious and beneficial for health. There is increasing scientific evidence that supports the role of coconut water in health and medicinal applications. Coconut water is traditionally used as a growth supplement in plant tissue culture/micropropagation. The wide applications of coconut water can be justified by its unique chemical composition of sugars, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones. This review attempts to summarise and evaluate the chemical composition and biological properties of coconut water.
A 7 x 7 foot space was marked off into 49 squares. The central square (25) contained a circular wire-mesh barrier. The animals were introduced into the field at a particular square. When food was present in the center of the field the animals made circular movements around the barrier, gradually reducing the number of movements on the edges of the field. When no food was present there was less of a tendency to circle the enclosed area and more of a tendency to explore the whole field than when food was present. The advantages of this method of observing behavior for the study of motivation are indicated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
To determine whether head-dipping could be validated as a measure of exploration a modified hole-board was developed with four holes in the floor, under which novel objects could be placed. Two criteria for considering head-dipping as a measure of exploration were proposed: firstly that it should reflect novel aspects of the environment; secondly, that exposure to the hole-board should result in information storage. That head-dipping reflected novelty was indicated by the longer duration of head-dips on initial exposure if objects were present, and also on a second exposure when objects were introduced for the first time. Information storage was indicated by habituation on re-exposure to the hole-board. A significant positive correlation between head-dipping in the "four" and "sixteen" hole-boards was obtained for rats, but not for mice. This provided some indirect evidence that rat head-dipping in the "sixteen hole-board" also reflects exploration. (+)Amphetamine and alcohol were tested in the modified hole-board, and (+)amphetamine decreased and alcohol increased the frequency and duration of head-dips.
Thirty-five patients and corresponding matched controls were investigated between 5 and 17 months from mild head trauma using the Self Rating Depression Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The findings indicate that compared with an appropriate control group mild head injured patients are at risk of developing depression, whereas their liability to anxiety is not increased. Our results strongly suggest that all head injured patients should be screened for depression.
The behavior of four groups of white mice was compared using the hole-board test. One male and one female group were chronically poisoned with disulfoton while similar untreated male and female groups served as controls. The scores of the poisoned animals were significantly higher than those of the controls, indicating that the poisoned animals exhibited increased exploratory behavior. There were no sex differences.