Content uploaded by Imad Hadi Hameed
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All content in this area was uploaded by Imad Hadi Hameed on Apr 09, 2018
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Content uploaded by Imad Hadi Hameed
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Imad Hadi Hameed on Apr 09, 2018
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Content uploaded by Imad Hadi Hameed
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Imad Hadi Hameed on Apr 09, 2018
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Anti-inammatory Eects and Other Uses of
Cyclamen Species: A Review
Ghaidaa Jihadi Mohammed1, Imad Hadi Hameed2, Sabreen A. Kamal3
1Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Hillah city, Iraq; 2Biomedical
Science Department, University of Babylon, College of Nursing, Hillah city, Iraq; 3Department of Biology,
College of Science for women, University of Babylon, Hillah city, Iraq
Cyclamen was traditionally classied in the family Primulaceae, was reclassied in the subfamily
Myrsinoideae within the family Primulaceae. The aqueous extract obtained from the Cyclamen europaeum
root-tuber is rich in saponins. These substances are known for their surfactant activity, which means they are
adsorbed through the nasal mucosa without being absorbed into the bloodstream. The action of cyclamen
extract is local, and it is never absorbed into the bloodstream, so there are no known medication interactions
associated with it. This product can be prescribed both as a monotherapy and, if needed, in combined
therapy with other medications for treating rhinosinusitis. These include antibiotics, corticosteroids and
antihistamines. If use of another nasal spray is required, waiting 2 hours between the two products is
recommended. The surfactant action of the cyclamen saponins on the nasal mucosa reduces surface tension,
mucous accumulated in the nasal cavity, facilitating its elimination and thereby relieving congestion.
Keyword: Cyclamen, species, Anti-inammatory, Bioactive compounds, Applications.
Corresponding Author:
Imad Hadi Hameed
Biomedical Science Department,
University of Babylon, College of Nursing,
Hillah city, Iraq;
Phone: 009647716150716
Cyclamen is Medieval Latin, from earlier Latin
cyclamīnos,becauseoftheroundtuber.In English,the
species of the genus are commonly called by the genus
plants in the family Primulaceae10-26. Cyclamen species
are native to Europe and the Mediterranean Basin east
to Iran, with one species in Somalia. They grow from
tubers and are valued for their owers with upswept
petals and variably patterned leaves. Species: Cyclamen
africanum, Cyclamen abchasicum, Cyclamen alpinum,
Cyclamen balearicum, Cyclamen cilicium, Cyclamen
colchicum, Cyclamen confusum, Cyclamen coum,
Cyclamen creticum, Cyclamen cyprium, Cyclamen
elegans, Cyclamen graecum, Cyclamen hederifolium,
Cyclamen intaminatum, Cyclamen libanoticum,
Cyclamen mirabile, Cyclamen parviorum, Cyclamen
persicum, Cyclamen pseudibericum, Cyclamen
purpurascens, Cyclamen repandum, Cyclamen rhodium,
Cyclamen rohlfsianum, and Cyclamen somalense. In
many languages26-34, cyclamen species are colloquially
called by a name like the English sowbread, because
they are said to be eaten by pigs: pain de pourceau in
French, pan porcino in Italian, varkensbrood in Dutch,
“pigs’ manjū” in Japanese. In addition, the saponins
stimulate the sensitive receptors present in the nasal
mucosa, inducing a nociceptive response transmitted by
the trigeminal nerve35-42. The nasal mucosa is entirely
innervated by the trigeminal nerve, and therefore the
cholinergic response generated in the nasal cavity
is observed throughout the nasal mucosa, favouring
opening of the ostium, increasing glandular secretions
and increasing ciliar movement in the entire area43-50. The
accumulated secretions in the sinuses are consequently
drained through the nose, providing rapid symptomatic
relief of nasal congestion51.
DOI Number: 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.00210.3
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2018, Vol.9, No. 3 207
Anti-inammatory eects of cyclamen: Cyclamens
are plants native to an area of southern Europe, northern
Africa and western Asia bordering the Mediterranean
sea. The Cyclamen genus comprises around 20 species,
the most familiar being purpurascens, widely cultivated
their familiar, reexed petals52-55. In medieval times
cyclamen retained its plethora of uses, but became used
increasingly in the treatment of rheumatic and arthritic
conditions. Recent research has focused on reported anti-
inammatory and antinociceptive eects of cyclamen
extracts. The roots contain triterpene glycosides known
as saponins and researchers at the University of Padua in
Italy have found that extracts of the tubers of Cyclamen
repandum show promising activity when tested on
rats and mice56-60. The researchers have isolated and
identied the various glycosides and have carried out
properties of cyclamen extracts. They concentrated
particularly upon the activity of a newly isolated saponin
called repandoside61-63. Results showed that repandoside
is one of several saponins that did indeed mediate the
inammatoryresponseby inuencingthebehaviour of
human macrophages. It is hoped that these compounds
can be developed for future use in the treatment of
Cyclamen,iswidely used intheanti-inammatory
andantinociceptiveeects.Cyclamen derived bioactive
compounds used as source of antibiotic properties and
pharmaceutical industries used for drug formulation.
Financial disclosure:Thereisnonancialdisclosure.
Conict of interest: None to declare.
Ethical Clearance: In this review, all information were
collected and completed analysis under the biological
department of college of Science in Hillah city.
1. Hussein JH, Hameed IH, Hadi MY. Using Gas
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3. Ubaid JM, Hadi MY, Hameed IH. Bioactive
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7. Hameed IH, Calixto MR, Hadi MY. Antimicrobial,
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8. Hameed IH, Calixto MR, Hadi MY. A Review:
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9. Hussein JH, Hameed IH, Hadi MY. A Review:
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10. Flayyih SS, Hameed IH, Fakhir FD. RoadTrac
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11. Fakhir DF, Hameed IH, Flayyih SS. Retrospective
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12. Khudhair ME, Hameed IH, Mekhlef AK. A
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13. Kamal SA, Hamza LF, Ibraheam IA.
Characterization of Antifungal Metabolites
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14. Mohammed GJ, Kadhim MJ, Hameed IH.
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15. Shireen SK, Hameed IH, Hamza LF. Acorus
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16. Huda JA, Hameed IH, Hamza LF. Anethum
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7. Altaee N, Kadhim MJ, Hameed IH. Detection of
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18. Ubaid JM, Hussein HM, Hameed IH.
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19. Ibraheam IA, Hussein HM, Hameed IH.
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20. Ibraheam IA, Hadi MY, Hameed IH. Analysis of
Bioactive Compounds of Methanolic Leaves extract
of Mentha pulegium Using Gas Chromatography-
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21. Hadi MY, Hameed IH, Ibraheam IA. Ceratonia
siliqua: Characterization, Pharmaceutical
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22. Hadi MY, Hameed IH, Ibraheam IA. Mentha
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23. Mohammed GJ, Kadhim MJ, Hussein HM.
Characterization of bioactive chemical compounds
from Aspergillus terreus and evaluation of
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24. Hameed IH, Altameme HJ, Idan SA. Artemisia
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25. Hussein AO, Mohammed GJ, Hadi MY, Hameed
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26. Sosa AA, Bagi SH, Hameed IH. Analysis of
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27. Altameme HJ, Hadi MY, Hameed IH.
Phytochemical analysis of Urtica dioica leaves by
fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of
Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy. 2015; 7(10):
28. Mohammed GJ, Omran AM, Hussein HM.
Antibacterial and Phytochemical Analysis of
Piper nigrum using Gas Chromatography-
Mass Spectrum and Fourier-Transform
Infrared Spectroscopy. International Journal of
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research.
2016; 8(6): 977-996.
29. Hamza LF, Kamal SA, Hameed IH. Determination
of metabolites products by Penicillium expansum
and evaluating antimicobial activity. Journal of
Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy. 2015; 7(9):
30. Jasim H, Hussein AO, Hameed IH, Kareem
MA. Characterization of alkaloid constitution
and evaluation of antimicrobial activity of
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31. Hadi MY, Mohammed GJ, Hameed IH. Analysis
of bioactive chemical compounds of Nigella sativa
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32. Hameed IH, Ibraheam IA, Kadhim HJ. Gas
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methanolic extract of Rosmarinus ocinalis leaves.
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33. Shareef HK, Muhammed HJ, Hussein HM,
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34. Al-Jassaci MJ, Mohammed GJ, Hameed
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35. Mohammed GJ, Al-Jassani MJ, Hameed IH.
Anti-bacterial, Antifungal Activity and Chemical
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36. Dhahir BM, Hameed IH, Jaber AR. Prospective
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37. Hapeep MA, Hameed IH, Jasim AA. Risk Factors,
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38. Jasim AA, Hameed IH, Hapeep MA. Traumatic
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39. Al-Marzoqi AH, Hadi MY, Hameed IH.
Determination of metabolites products by Cassia
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40. Altameme HJ, Hameed IH, Abu-Serag NA.
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41. Hameed IH, Hamza LF, Kamal SA. Analysis of
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42. Hameed IH, Hussein HJ, Kareem MA, Hamad NS.
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43. Hussein HM, Hameed IH, Ibraheem OA.
Antimicrobial Activity and spectral chemical
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Adiantum Capillus-Veneris using GC-MS and
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44. Hussein HJ, Hadi MY, Hameed IH. Study of
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45. Kadhim MJ, Mohammed GJ, Hameed IH. In
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46. Altameme HJ, Hameed IH, Idan SA, Hadi MY.
Biochemical analysis of Origanum vulgare seeds
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47. Hussein HM. Analysis of trace heavy metals
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48. Jaddoa HH, Hameed IH, Mohammed GJ. Analysis
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49. Hameed IH, Salman HD, Mohammed GJ.
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50. Kadhim MJ, Mohammed GJ, Hussein HM.
Analysis of bioactive metabolites from Candida
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51. Ubaid JM, Hussein HM, Hameed IH. Analysis of
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52. Hameed, I.H., Al-Rubaye A.F. and Kadhim, M.J.
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53. Kadhim WA, Kadhim, M.J., Hameed, I.H.
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54. Ahmed MD, Hameed IH, Abd-Ali MQ.
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55. Fakhir DF, Hameed IH, Flayyih SS. Burns
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58. Al-Rubaye AF, Hameed IH, Kadhim MJ. A
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