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Impact of Different Environmental Temperature on Chemical Composition
Asparagus densiflorus sprengeri L.
Collected from Different Areas of
Punjab, Pakistan
Asma A*, Summiya F and Wajid M
Department of Plant Physiology, Nuclear Institute of Agriculture (NIA), Tandojam, Pakistan
*Corresponding author: Asma Akasha, Department of Plant Physiology, Nuclear Institute of Agriculture (NIA), Tandojam, Pakistan, Tel: 15150588304;
Rec date: January 23, 2018; Acc date: January 29, 2018; Pub date: February 10, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Asma A, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
A research work was conducted to find out the chemical composition of Asparagus densiflorus sprengeri under
the influence of different agro-climatic conditions of Punjab province, Pakistan. Experiment conducted with Complete
Randomized Design (CRD). Triplicate samples of shoots and roots collected from various localities were analyzed
for each treatment. Fresh plants of A. densiflorus sprengeri were collected from seven different sites of Punjab. Time
of sampling is from March to April. After air drying, samples were analyzed for their Malondialdehyde (MDA),
Ascorbic Acid (AsA) and Total Phenolic (TPhe). MDA, AsA and TPhe concentrations differed significantly (p<0.05)
from locality to locality. As the contents of MDA concerned the maximum concentrations were recorded from the
shoot (4.54 ± 0.027 mg g-1) and root (3.03 ± 0.307 mg g-1) of plants selected from University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad (UAF) and TT Singh respectively while the lowest from shoot (1.13 ± 0.165 mg g-1) and root (0.94 ±
0.120 mg g-1) collected from Multan and UAF respectively. The highest AsA concentrations of shoot (0.436 ± 0.0023
mg g-1) and root (0.424 ± 0.0035 mg g-1) were recorded from UAF and Govt. College University, Faisalabad (GCUF)
respectively whereas minimum of AsA of shoot (0.206 ± 0.0008 mg g-1) and root (0.224 ± 0.0093 mg g-1) from TT
Singh. The highest TPhe were present in the shoot (0.451 ± 0.019 mg g-1) and root (0.529 ± 0.019 mg g-1) of plants
collected from UAF and Nursery (Faisalabad) respectively while minimum of shoot (0.165 ± 0.0065 mg g-1) and root
(0.265 ± 0.012 mg g-1) from Multan and TT Singh respectively. On the basis of results obtained it can be concluded
that environmental conditions significantly (p<0.05) influenced the chemical composition of A. densiflorus.
A. densiorus
; Abiotic factors; Locality; Chemicals;
is a perennial garden plant belonging to the Lily family,
Liliaceae. Approximately 300 varieties of
have been noticed
and only 20 are edible. e genus name
is thought to be
derived from the Greek
for cultivated
and is
possibly derived from an intensive and sparassa to tear; referring to
sharp spines of many species and
refers to the way the
small owers are densely packed along the stem of plant [1]. Fleshy
green spears are succulent and tender which appears with coming of
spring [2]. It can use as mass planting, cascading down a wall,
container or above ground planter, border, ground cover and suitable
for growing indoor [3]. It can grow in soil which is decit in moisture;
we can call it fairly drought tolerant. But can be performed very well in
well watered and organic rich soil [4]. It is also shade loving and grow
well under shade [5].
It has epicurean delicate property and for its medicinal properties
since 2000 years ago. It is cultivated in subtropical and temperate parts
of the world [6]. It is used as the diuretic treatment because it is the
good source of potassium and contains quite low sodium.
has been used as for the treatment of swelling (Arthritis, rheumatism)
and has water retention quality [7]. Medicinal plants like
Bryophyllum pinnatum
have sucient amounts of
ascorbic acid, riboavin, thiamine and niacin [8]. e
is an important medicinal herb and have several
compounds with several important pharmacological properties [9].
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
Ascorbic acid is a small water soluble antioxidant molecule act as a
primary substrate in the cyclic pathway for enzymatic detoxication of
hydrogen peroxide and acts directly to neutralize super oxide radical’s
[10]. e peel and arils of pomegranate has vitamin C and
antimicrobial quality. Peel has more quantity of Vitamin C than in arils
[11]. e quantity of Vitamin C is greatly aected by the light periods.
Plants grown in light have more Vitamin C contents than grown in the
dark [12]. It works as antioxidant under oxidative stress [13,14]. Many
of the medicinal plant like
Aspilia africana
Bryophyllum pinnatum
contained Ascorbic acid as antioxidant molecule [8]. Amount of
ascorbic acid is strongly correlated with the seasonal changes and agro-
climatic conditions [15].
Total Phenols (TPhe)
Phenolic contents of peanut seedlings decreased at low temperature
and increased highest at 40°C [16]. Phenolic contents and superoxide
scavenging activity of
Cynara cardunculus
are directly aected by the
salinity. Phenolic contents increased by increasing temperature [17].
Many of the studies revealed that seasonal variations inuence on the
total phenolic contents of wild and cultivated populations of
Journal of Biochemical and Microbial
Asma et al., J Biochem Microb Toxicol 2018, 1:1
Research Article Open Access
J Biochem Microb Toxicol, an open access journal Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000103
Higher contents were found between May and October for cultivated
populations and from June to September for wild species [18].
Phenolic compounds in a medicinal plant
Hypericum brasiliense
directly related to environmental temperature [9]. Phenolic
compounds alleviate the oxidative stress performing role model as
antioxidant [13,14]. Seasons and agro-climatic locations strongly aect
the total phenolic contents and their antioxidant activity of many of the
plants [15].
Air temperature of 80 and 90°C resulted signicant variations in the
physicochemical, antioxidant capacity and nutritional properties of
Aloe barbadensis
and caused decrease in the antioxidant capacity of
gel [19]. Environmental factors strongly eects the phenolic
ingredients and antioxidant activities of plants [20]. Abiotic factor like
light period greatly inuences the vitamin C contents of plants [21].
Many of the studies revealed that low light intensity might have
inuenced the levels of phenolic compounds in a medicinal plant
Hypericum brasiliense
[9]. Heat shocks also increased the amount of
phenolic compounds as well as ascorbic acid in cabbage sprout [22].
Keeping in view the medicinal, antimicrobial activity and
pharmaceutical importance of
A. densiorus
, a research activity was
planned to investigate the variations in the quantity of chemicals
collected from dierent agro-climatic zones of province Punjab,
Pakistan. It was also planned to study the inuence of dierent agro-
climatic conditions on antioxidants status of
A. densiorus
Materials and Methods
e experiment was conducted to carry out the variations in
chemical composition of medicinal plant
Asparagus densiorus
sprengeri L
A. densiorus
). Plants were collected from dierent areas
of province Punjab with respect to their temperature in the month of
May-June (45-50°C) viz., Govt. College University Faisalabad (GCUF),
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF), Chenab Nursery,
Faisalabad (CNF), Lahore (LHR), Toba Tek Singh, Multan (MTN) and
Dera Ghazi Khan. Plants were collected during early summer season.
Each plant included stem, leaves and roots. Plant samples were
harvested with the help of scissor, put in 4 × 6 cm paper envelops,
stapled and air dried at temperature 30-35°C in a shade condition. e
chemical components determined in the current research work were,
Malondialdehyde (MDA), concentration of Ascorbic acid (AsA),
Vitamin C and Total Phenolic Contents (TPhe). MDA, TPhe and AsA
were determined by following the methodology determined by Dhinsa
et al. [23-25]. Multiple Range Test was used to compare treatment at 1
and 0.1% probability levels with the help of a CoStat Computer
Package (CoHort, CA, USA) (Table 1).
SOV Mean sum of squares
Df A. densiflorus sprengeri
Shoot Root Shoot Root Shoot Root
Location 6 4.6800*** 1.302** 0.017000000 0.0120*** 0.02600*** 0.013**
Error 7 0.177 0.10900 0.000035429 0.0001040 0.00031364 0.00100
Total 13 - - - - - -
Table 1: Showing mean some of squares related to Malondialdehyde (MDA), Ascorbic acid (AsA) and Total Phenols (TPhe) in
densiorus sprengeri L.
shoot and root.
e concentration of MDA (Table 2) varied signicantly (p<0.001)
in shoot of
A. densiorus
growing in dierent sites. e highest
concentration of MDA 4.54 mg g-1 was recorded for plants growing at
Lahore and Faisalabad, while it was minimum 1.13 mg g-1 in plants
collected from Multan and DG Khan. e plants collected from TT
Singh had intermediate values of MDA contents. Similarly the
concentration of MDA varied signicantly (p<0.001) in roots of
growing in dierent sites. e highest concentration of
MDA 3.031 mg g-1 was recorded for plants growing at TT Singh while
it was minimum 0.9405 mg g-1 in plants collected from University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF).
Location Shoot Root
LAHORE 4.54a ± 0.152 1.47bc ± 0.138
UAF 4.54a ± 0.027 0.94c ± 0.1200
GCUF 4.48a ± 0.023 1.41bc ± 0.008
CHENAB NURSERY (Faisalabad) 3.57a ± 0.220 2.95a ± 0.2010
T.T. SINGH 2.46b ± 0.163 3.03a ± 0.3070
D.G. KHAN 1.23c ± 0.013 1.73b ± 0.0950
MULTAN 1.13c ± 0.165 1.51bc ± 0.115
LSD% 0.995 0.78
Table 2: Mean ± SD of dierent concentrations of Malondialdehyde
(MDA) in shoot and root of
Asparagus densiorus sprengeri
(mg g-1
dry weight).
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) regarding AsA (Table 3) in shoots
clearly indicated that concentration of AsA (Vitamin C) signicantly
(p<0.001) diered in
A. densiorus
collected from dierent sites of
Punjab. All sites diered signicantly (p<0.001) for AsA contents. e
highest AsA concentration 0.4365 mg g-1 was in shoots collected from
Lahore and UAF while minimum 1.2065 mg g-1 in material collected
from TT Singh. Similarly the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for AsA
in roots clearly indicated that concentration of as (Vitamin C)
Citation: Asma A, Summiya F, Wajid M (2018) Impact of Different Environmental Temperature on Chemical Composition of Asparagus
densiflorus sprengeri L. Collected from Different Areas of Punjab, Pakistan. J Biochem Microb Toxicol 1: 103.
Page 2 of 4
J Biochem Microb Toxicol, an open access journal Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000103
signicantly (p<0.001) diered in
A. densiorus
collected from
dierent sites of Punjab. All sites diered signicantly (p<0.001) for
AsA contents. e highest AsA concentration 0.4245 mg g-1 was in
roots collected from Govt. College University Faisalabad (GCUF)
while it was minimum 0.224 mg g-1 in plants collected from TT Singh.
However, the samples collected from Multan (0.253 mg g-1), D.G.
Khan (0.3595 mg g-1), Lahore (0.3095 mg g-1) and Nursery (1.508 mg
g-1) diered signicantly (p<0.001) for AsA contents.
Location Shoot Root
LAHORE 0.436a ± 0.0020 0.309c ± 0.0020
UAF 0.436a ± 0.0023 0.423a ± 0.0020
GCUF 0.253e ± 0.0037 0.424a ± 0.0035
NURSERY(FAISALABAD) 0.421b ± 0.0064 0.253d ± 0.0021
T. T. SINGH 0.206f ± 0.0008 0.224e ± 0.0093
D. G. KHAN 0.389c ± 0.0005 0.359b ± 0.0110
MULTAN 0.363d ± 0.0020 0.377b ± 0.0062
LSD% 0.014 0.021
Table 3: Mean ± SD of dierent concentrations of ascorbic acid (AsA) in shoot and root of
Asparagus densiorus sprengeri
(mg g-1 dry weight).
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) regarding with reference to TPhe
(Table 4) in shoots clearly indicated that concentration of (Vitamin C)
signicantly (p<0.001) diered in
A. densiorus
collected from
dierent sites of Punjab. All sites diered signicantly (p<0.001) for
TPhe contents in shoot. e highest AsA concentration 0.4365 mg g-1
was in shoot collected from Lahore and UAF while it was minimum
1.2065 mg g-1 in shoot collected from T.T. Singh. Similarly Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) for TPhe in roots showed that there were
signicant (P<0.01) variations in the root samples collected from the
dierent sites under research studies. e highest quantity of TPhe in
roots was 0.529+0.0190 mg g-1 detected from plant samples collected
from Chenab Nursery, Faisalabad whereas, its minimum quantity
0.265=0.0060 mg g-1 found in the roots of
A. densiorus
from TT Singh.
Location Shoot Root
LAHORE 0.398b ± 0.0110 0.360c ± 0.0180
UAF 0.451a ± 0.0190 0.451ab ± 0.0110
GCUF 0.342c ± 0.0180 0.442abc ± 0.019
CHENAB NURSERY (FAISALABAD) 0.421ab ± 0.0026 0.529a ± 0.0190
T T SINGH 0.246d ± 0.0040 0.265d ± 0.0120
D G KHAN 0.193e ± 0.0053 0.393bc ± 0.0060
MULTAN 0.165e ± 0.0065 0.411bc ± 0.0005
LSD% 0.042 0.088
Table 4: Mean ± SD of dierent concentrations of total phenolics (TPhe) in shoot and root of
Asparagus densiorus sprengeri
(mg g-1 dry
e MDA contents were higher in
A. densiorus
tissues collected
from dierent locations that have relatively high temperature. An
experiment performed by Savicka and Skute [26] found that MDA
content become increased under heat stress. e MDA quantity also
varies with exposure time and parts of plant exposed to stress. e
results were in accordance with some recent ndings [27-30] that have
shown high temperature aected the concentration of MDA contents
in dierent plants. Contents of MDA were directly proportional to the
relative humidity of the all selected sites.
Present ndings were in collaboration with the ndings of Abreu
and Mazzafera [9], who stated that changes in relative water contents
could aect chemical composition of
Hypericum brasilliense
Total phenolics were varied from site to site in current research
ndings. Similar results were also endorsed by Iqbal and Bhanger [15],
who reported that chemical composition of phenolic contents varied
from locality to locality in the plants of same species. Variation in the
chemical compositions was due to the climatic conditions like rain fall,
humidity and temperatures. Present results revealed that minimum
and maximum temperatures mainly eect the total phenolic
concentrations in root and shoot materials. Many of the reports which
Citation: Asma A, Summiya F, Wajid M (2018) Impact of Different Environmental Temperature on Chemical Composition of Asparagus
densiflorus sprengeri L. Collected from Different Areas of Punjab, Pakistan. J Biochem Microb Toxicol 1: 103.
Page 3 of 4
J Biochem Microb Toxicol, an open access journal Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000103
conrmed that phenolic compound in
A. densiorus
changed due to
variations in the sample collection sites and environmental variations
[15,18,31]. According to Yang et al. [22] heat shock treatment (40, 50
and 60°C) increased phenolic compounds as compared to control.
Similarly AsA composition also signicantly varied with the
changes in the environmental conditions. Vitamin C in
A. densiorus
also signicantly aected by the abiotic factors at various localities.
Finding of present studies were also conrmed by many investigators
in the literature [5,8,11]. Various sites selected for the current
investigation were having dierent environmental factors which
signicantly aected by chemical composition of AsA. Maximum
values of AsA were recorded from Lahore and UAF whereas minimum
from TT Singh. AsA varied from site to site with the changes in the
environmental conditions. e results were in agreement with the
results of Iqbal and Bhanger [15,21,19] also reported that
concentrations of vitamin C were signicantly aected by the net
sunshine and temperature. Yang et al. concluded that heat shock also
increased AsA content in cabbage sprout with increasing temperature
intensity [22].
In the current research work few of antimicrobial medicinal and
pharmaceutical activities
A. densiorus
were worked out under
various agro-climatic conditions of Province Punjab, Pakistan. It was
also investigated with inuence of dierent agro-climatic conditions
on antioxidants activity of
A. densiorus
. Further studies are required
to explore the dierent aspects of
A. densiorus sprengeri
medicinal point of view under dierent environmental conditions in
Funding Source
ere is no funding source.
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Citation: Asma A, Summiya F, Wajid M (2018) Impact of Different Environmental Temperature on Chemical Composition of Asparagus
densiflorus sprengeri L. Collected from Different Areas of Punjab, Pakistan. J Biochem Microb Toxicol 1: 103.
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J Biochem Microb Toxicol, an open access journal Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000103