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Dossier: Polish-Brazilian experiences in economy and management: recent trends 2017, "Problemy Zarządzania", vol. 15, nr 3 (70), cz. 2


Abstract and Figures

Thematic dossier of the scientific journal of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, dedicated to recent Polish-Brazilian experiences in economy and entrepreneurship and including comparative Polish-Brazilian papers.
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The Catholic Church in Poland in the area of public life: A sociological analysis For the last few years, a slow process of a specific “cooling down” of religious and Church commitment has been taking place in Poland. In this article we assume that religiosity with institutional protection still plays an important role in the Church landscape of Polish society and the sphere of public life. In Poland, a positive attitude vis‑à‑vis the Catholic Church is an important determinant of one’s religiosity. Individuals who do not have confidence in the Church, and who evaluate it negatively as an institution, tend to participate less in religious practices, and their faith seems to be weakening. Religiosity and commitment to the Catholic Church in Poland are very closely related to each other. There are no major discrepancies in the opinion as to the extent of the secularization of society among Polish sociologists, but there are differences in the assessment and understanding in terms of the social role of the Church. Discussions on the position and role of the Catholic Church in society still go on, and we are far from a conclusive diagnosis, especially regarding our understanding and acceptance of a “model Church” that should function in a democratic and pluralistic society. The final answers remain in the realm of hypotheses and assumptions. The majority of Poles are convinced about the Church’s influence in various spheres of public life, including the political sphere. This view is predominant among almost two thirds of adult Poles, but also among the youth (even to a somewhat greater extent). This means that the Church is perceived by part of Polish society as a quasi‑political institution, or at least one that attempts to fulfill political functions. This view, which is quite popular among Poles, has been maintained at a relatively stable level since 1989. Among those who believe that the Church takes up too much space in the public life of Poland are found those people in whom every reference to public matters results in a rejection reaction, as well as among those who take on a moderate attitude, who consider that it would be better if the Church were less involved in matters of public life, particularly political. Most Poles accepts the principle of separation of Church and state, even though close to half of those surveyed have nothing against authorities who follow the Catholic social teaching. The views of many Poles on the place and role of the Church in the public life of the nation are to a certain extent ambivalent, and even inconsistent and incoherent. A major subject of public controversy is the presence of religious symbols in public life space, although most of Polish society speaks about such symbols with approval.
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TAVARES (Maria da Conceição) . — Da substituição de importações ao capi-talismo financeiro. Zahar Editores. Rio de Janeiro. 1972. 262 págs.
This paper considers the prospects for constructing a neoclassical theory of growth and international trade that is consistent with some of the main features of economic development. Three models are considered and compared to evidence: a model emphasizing physical capital accumulation and technological change, a model emphasizing human capital accumulation through schooling, and a model emphasizing specialized human capital accumulation through learning-by-doing.
Commitment is an essential part of successful long-term relationships. Whereas commitments by both parties in an exchange can provide the foundation for development of relational social norms, disproportionate commitments can lead to opportunism by the less committed partner. The authors study the effect of the credibility and proportionality of commitment inputs in an exchange upon the development of relational social norms, opportunism, and long-term commitment intentions. They also investigate longitudinal effects of the credibility of long-term commitment intentions, relational social norms, and opportunism in one time period on commitment inputs and long-term commitment intentions in later periods. Data gathered from a behavioral simulation suggest that (1) the credibility of commitment inputs in exchange is positively related to the development of relational social norms, (2) and is positively related to long-term commitment intentions in the same time period, (3) relational social norms may be undermined by opportunistic conduct, and (4) the presence of relational social norms in one time period is positively related to commitment inputs and long-term commitment intentions in later periods.
Purchasing arrangements for repetitively used industrial supplies assume many different forms. Drawing on transaction cost analysis, the authors advance a conceptual framework that organizes these arrangements along a continuum of relationships. They use data from a survey of 140 OEM purchasers of bearings to demonstrate that performance in terms of acquisition costs is enhanced when, under conditions of uncertainty, firms introduce more relational elements into their purchasing arrangements. Possession cost performance improved when larger volumes of bearings were purchased. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
Recently, there has been a growing trend toward long-term relationships between manufacturers and their suppliers. Although much as been written about the benefits of this shift to manufacturers, little is known about the benefits to supplier firms. In this study, we empirically assess the impact of long-term relationships with specific customers on the performance of supplier firms using cross-sectional and longitudinal information available in the Compustat collection of data bases and the Compact Disclosure data base. Our results indicate that maintaining long-term relationships with select customers does not come at the expense of the rate of sales growth. Suppliers in long-term relationships are able to achieve the same level of growth as firms that employ a transactional approach to servicing their customers. These suppliers are able to reduce costs over time through better inventory utilization; however, this reduction in cost seems to be bargained away by their customers through lower prices over time. Finally, the supplier firms in long-term relationships achieve higher profitability by differentially reducing their discretionary expenses such as selling, general, and administrative overhead costs to a greater extent than their counterparts who use a transactional approach to servicing their customers.
Transaction cost analysis is rapidly becoming an important theoretical paradigm in marketing. However, the accumulation of transaction cost studies has been accompanied by a growing body of criticism, primarily directed toward its underlying behavioral norm of opportunism. That norm is a serious theoretical deficiency, not only because it may be descriptively inaccurate, but also because it limits the applicability of the theoretical framework. The authors show that norms play a very significant role in structuring economically efficient relationships between independent firms. In the absence of supportive norms, it is not possible for parties whose specific assets are at risk to acquire vertical control as per the transaction cost prescription. Instead, those parties lose control because of their dependence. An empirical test of the conceptual model in a sample of manufacturer-supplier relationships shows good support for the authors’ hypotheses.
W teorii zarządzania i międzynarodowych stosunków gospodarczych wskazuje się, że zarówno kształtowanie silnych, bliskich relacji z podmiotami otoczenia, jak i ekspansja zagraniczna mogą w znacznym stopniu przyczynić się do poprawy wyników przedsiębiorstwa. W praktyce jednak często możemy zaobserwować sytuacje odwrotne. Szereg układów kooperacyjnych nie przynosi założonych rezultatów i kończy się zerwaniem współpracy. Podobnie, liczne przedsiębiorstwa osiągają na rynkach zagranicznych gorsze wyniki w porównaniu z rynkiem lokalnym i w efekcie wycofują się z nich. W opracowaniu autor poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytanie jakiego rodzaju powiązania sieciowe kształtowane z podmiotami na rynkach zagranicznych mogą w największym stopniu przyczynić się do poprawy wyników przedsiębiorstwa.