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Revenue Maximization of Multi-Class Charging Stations with Opportunistic Charger Sharing



Distribution of limited smart grid resources among electric vehicles (EVs) with diverse service demands in an unfavorable manner can potentially degrade the overall profit achievable by the operating charging station (CS). In fact, inefficient resource management can lead to customer dissatisfaction arising due to prolonged queueing and blockage of EVs arriving at the CS for service. In this paper, a dynamic electric power allocation scheme for a charging facility is proposed and modeled as a bi-variate continuous-time Markovian process, with exclusive charging outlets being allotted to EVs of different classes in real-time. The presented mechanism enables the CS to guarantee the quality-of-service expected by customers in terms of blocking probability, while also maximizing its own overall revenue. By adopting a practical congestion pricing model within the defined profit function, the revenue optimization framework for a single CS is further extended to a load-balanced network of CSs. Simulation results for the single CS and networked models reveal considerably higher satisfaction levels for congested fast charging EV customers and improved attainable system revenue as compared to a baseline scenario which assumes no classification based on EV service preferences.
Revenue Maximization of Multi-class Charging
Stations with Opportunistic Charger Sharing
Kihong Ahn, Aresh Dadlani, Kiseon Kim, and Walid Saad
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, GIST, Gwangju, South Korea
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
Wireless@VT, Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Email: {gandio, kskim},,
Abstract—Distribution of limited smart grid resources among
electric vehicles (EVs) with diverse service demands in an
unfavorable manner can potentially degrade the overall profit
achievable by the operating charging station (CS). In fact,
inefficient resource management can lead to customer dissatis-
faction arising due to prolonged queueing and blockage of EVs
arriving at the CS for service. In this paper, a dynamic electric
power allocation scheme for a charging facility is proposed and
modeled as a bi-variate continuous-time Markovian process, with
exclusive charging outlets being allotted to EVs of different
classes in real-time. The presented mechanism enables the CS to
guarantee the quality-of-service expected by customers in terms
of blocking probability, while also maximizing its own overall
revenue. By adopting a practical congestion pricing model within
the defined profit function, the revenue optimization framework
for a single CS is further extended to a load-balanced network
of CSs. Simulation results for the single CS and networked
models reveal considerably higher satisfaction levels for congested
fast charging EV customers and improved attainable system
revenue as compared to a baseline scenario which assumes no
classification based on EV service preferences.
Index Terms—Electric vehicle charging model, continuous-time
Markov chain, revenue maximization, shared chargers.
Perceptible advancement of battery and converter technolo-
gies over recent years has stimulated the large-scale penetra-
tion of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) as eco-friendly and cost-
efficient substitutes in the transportation sector. With threefold
increase in global EV sales since 2013, a soaring 42% (i.e.
over 773,600 units) was recorded in 2016 alone [1]. Amid
the growth of EV market shares and energy policy regulations
worldwide, EV charging operations are foreseen to pose new
challenges for demand response management in smart grids
[2]–[4]. A key issue in this line concerns devising optimal
energy management paradigms that meet the expectations of
customers with different service preferences without over-
exploiting the limited resources and thus, jeopardizing the
stability of power grids. To avert potential supply-demand
imbalances arising due to the growing engagement of EVs,
it is thus crucial to address and control factors impacting the
performance limits of power supply infrastructures.
Customer satisfaction, in terms of waiting time and blocking
probability, is the foremost performance measure mostly re-
garded in the EV charging decision process [5]. Depending
on the queueing discipline and service distribution, a few
number of seminal studies aim at maximizing the profit of
a charging station (CS) by minimizing the penalty associated
with delayed and evicted EVs [6]–[8]. Despite the efforts
made to meet service-level agreements (SLAs), the works
referred above mandate all EVs arriving at a CS to enter a
waiting space prior to commencing service. Nonetheless, as
usually witnessed in conventional gas stations, an impatient
EV customer may prefer to be blocked on arrival (finding no
idle charging outlet) rather than to be delayed in queue for
service [9]. Early blockage of such EV owners permits them to
either retry after some random time period or visit another CS
in local proximity thus, eliminating the waiting cost incurred.
Intertwined with customer satisfaction is the strategy various
CS operators undertake to allocate scarce grid resources. The
non-trivial revenue maximization problem becomes even more
challenging when accommodating EVs with different battery
charging specifications and profiles (AC Level-1, AC Level-
2, DC Fast) [10], [11]. While more recent works consider
either dedicated or shared resource pools in determining the
utility of the charging network [12]–[14], theoretical aspects
of an opportunistic sharing-based charger provisioning strategy
under energy constraints have yet to be scrutinized.
Building on the premise of immediate resource allocation
to EVs upon arrival, this paper introduces a novel real-time
scheme for allocating shareable chargers to EVs subject to
distinct service needs by taking their incoming traffic rates into
account. To our best knowledge, all existing works allocate CS
chargers to EVs based on the simple first-come-first-served
sharing strategy. In contrast, here, we propose an efficient,
opportunistic charger allocation strategy in a bufferless CS
model that favors fast charging over slow charging requests
during congestion in both, single and networked CS settings.
Our results reveal higher attainable system revenue as com-
pared to the baseline counterpart which does not classify EV
service requests. In that course, our main contributions are:
Continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) characterization
of a dynamic resource allocation scheme for a single CS
with two EV service classes (i.e. slow and fast).
Optimal revenue framework formulation for the multi-
class CS model using an amended pricing function to
alleviate congestion and meet quality-of-service (QoS)
expectations of EV customers.
Network-level performance analysis of multiple CSs me-
Slow charging EV
. . . . . .
Fast charging EV
(݅א ͳǡʹ )
EV belongs
to class 1?
YAny idle ݏ
Any idle ܵെݏ
Fig. 1: Schematic design and charger allocation strategy of a
two-class charging model.
diated by a centralized load dispatching entity and sim-
ulation comparison with an undifferentiated single-class
baseline model under varying traffic intensities.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The proposed
performance model for a single CS is presented in Section II,
followed by details on the revenue maximization formulation
with an effective pricing mechanism in Section III. Section IV
discusses the optimal resource allocation scheme for a network
of multiple CSs. Numerical simulations and discussions follow
in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper.
We consider a CS facility equipped with 𝑆charging outlets
capable of charging 𝑀=2service-differentiated classes of
EVs. The CS is inflexible in meeting additional demands as
it is assumed to draw 𝑆discretized units of constant power
from the grid. In other words, the CS reaches its maximum
capacity when all the charging outlets are busy. For 𝑖∈{1,2},
EVs of class 𝑖are assumed to follow a Poisson arrival with
rate 𝜆𝑖>0and exponentially distributed customer service time
with mean 𝜇1
𝑖>0. To account for the diversity range in slow
and fast charging requests, EVs belonging to classes 1and 2
are allocated 𝑠1and 𝑠2chargers at any given time, respectively,
such that 𝑠1<𝑠2𝑆when class-2has non-preemptive priority
in using the charger outlets of class-1. Given these notations
and assumptions, the single CS model can thus, be expressed
as a finite-space CTMC {𝑋(𝑡),𝑡0}.
To capture the state of the system for 𝑀=2 at time 𝑡,we
define 𝑁1(𝑡)and 𝑁2(𝑡)as the number of class-1 and class-2
EVs being served by the system at time 𝑡, respectively. Without
loss of generality, we consider class-2 to have service priority
over class-1. An EV of class 2 is allocated one of the 𝑠1outlets
only if (i) all 𝑆𝑠1outlets are occupied by other class-2 EVs
1,SͲݏ+10,SͲݏ+1 ݏͲ2,
1,00,0 2,0 ݏͲ1,0
1,10,1 2,1 ݏͲ1,1
݅ǡ݆ Non-sharing states (ȳ)
݅ǡ݆ Sharing states (ȳ)
݅ǡ݆ Blocking states (ȳ)
Fig. 2: Markovian two-class charging model representation.
and (ii) at least one of the 𝑠1outlets is idle. Subsequently, the
system in Fig. 1 can be characterized by a bi-variate process
2(𝑡)taking values in the state space Ω=
{(𝑖, 𝑗)0𝑖𝑠1,𝑗 𝑆𝑖}, where Ω=𝑠1
For the corresponding birth-death process shown in Fig. 2, the
transition from some state 𝑥=(𝑖,𝑗)Ωto any adjacent state
𝑦Ωoccurs at the following rates:
𝑞𝑥,𝑦 =
𝜆1,if 𝑦=(𝑖+1,𝑗); 𝑖<𝑠1;𝑗<𝑆1𝑖,
𝜆2,if 𝑦=(𝑖,𝑗+1); 𝑖<𝑠1;𝑗<𝑆1𝑖,
𝑖𝜇1,if 𝑦=(𝑖1,𝑗); 1𝑖𝑠1;𝑗𝑆𝑖,
𝑗𝜇2,if 𝑦=(𝑖,𝑗1); 𝑖𝑠1;1𝑗𝑆𝑖,
0,if otherwise.
These rates can be re-arranged in matrix form as elements of
the infinitesimal generator matrix 𝑸×Ωsuch that:
𝑸Ω∣×∣Ω=𝑞𝑥,𝑦,if 𝑥=𝑦
𝑦Ω𝑞𝑥,𝑦,if 𝑥=𝑦. (2)
Defining Π=[𝜋𝑖,𝑗 ]1×∣Ωas the steady-state probability vector,
with each element 𝜋𝑖,𝑗 denoting the probability of having 𝑖
number of class-1 and 𝑗number of class-2 vehicles in service
at the CS, the linear system Π𝑸=0and Π𝒆=1 yields the
following closed-form solution:
𝜋𝑖,𝑗 =1
where 0𝑖𝑠1,0𝑗𝑆𝑖, and 𝜋0,0is the normalized
equation given by:
The blocking probability for each class can now be derived
from the stationary probability distribution. An incoming EV
of class-2 is blocked only if (i) all 𝑆𝑠1chargers are occupied
by other EVs of class-2 and (ii) the remaining 𝑠1chargers are
busy. Denoted by 𝑃2, the blocking probability of class-2 EVs
can be calculated as below:
𝜋𝑖,𝑗 =𝜋0,0
Similar to (5), the blocking probability of a class-1 EV, 𝑃1,
includes an additional term associated with threshold 𝑠1<𝑆:
𝜋𝑠1,𝑗 .(6)
As a result, the proportion of vehicles denied service due to
blockage is denoted by 𝒩𝑏and can be obtained as follows:
The revenue earned by the operating CS can be quantified
in terms of the charging model dynamics. As the power grid
resources are shared instantaneously among EV owners willing
to pay for services in accordance to their needs, the revenue
function ()is defined using three main cost components;
the mean profit (𝑓𝒫), the mean blocking penalty (𝑓), and
the mean maintenance cost (𝑓). To facilitate the definitions
that follow, we divide the state space into two disjoint sub-
spaces, such that for any given sub-space Ω𝑚,1𝑚𝑀,
the constituent system states correspond to cases when class-𝑚
EVs are assigned idle chargers primarily reserved for EVs with
lower service demands rather than being blocked from service.
Let Φ𝑚represent the set of class-𝑚idle chargers allocable to
faster charging EVs that find all dedicated chargers occupied
upon arrival. Thus, Ω𝑚can be formally generalized as:
0𝑖𝑚+1 𝑠𝑚+1,...,0𝑖𝑀𝑆
A. Derivation of 𝑓𝒫
The overall profit made by the CS is differentiated according
to the service grades of incoming EVs. For any state 𝑥Ω,
let 𝑛𝑚
𝑥and 𝜋𝑥denote the number of class-𝑚EVs in state
𝑥and the stationary probability of being in 𝑥, respectively.
Also, let 𝑝𝑚be the price paid by a class-𝑚EV for service; fast
charging customers are required to pay more amount of money
as compared to low charging customers [8], [9]. Subsequently,
the average profit achievable for any 𝑀number of EV service
classes is computed as:
𝑟=1 𝑝𝑟
B. Derivation of 𝑓
The average penalty incurred due to the blockage of a class-
𝑚EV from service is given below, where 𝑐𝑚symbolizes the
compensation cost reimbursed to the blocked EV customer and
Ω𝑏is the set of all blocking states exemplified in Fig. 2:
𝑟=1 𝑐𝑟
C. Derivation of 𝑓
Similar to [9], the final component in our revenue model is
related to the subsidiary maintenance fees covering ancillary
expenses (installation, labor, acquisition, etc.), with ¯𝑐0and ¯
taken to be positive constants:
𝑟=1 ¯𝑐0
𝑑0𝑆. (11)
D. Pricing Policies for 𝑝𝑘and 𝑐𝑘
To comply with the customer QoS satisfaction level speci-
fied in the SLA, an adjustable pricing mechanism is needed to
mitigate congestion of EV service requests at the CS without
compromising the net revenue substantially. By extending the
myopic pricing policy of [15] to our multi-class setting, we
adopt the following principle in steady-state:
¯𝑝𝑚,if 𝜆𝑚𝜆
¯𝑝𝑚𝑝𝑚log 𝜆
𝜆𝑚,if 𝜆𝑚>𝜆
where 𝜆
𝑚]is the maximum arrival rate satisfying
the QoS target denoted as 𝒩max
𝑏and ¯𝑝𝑚is the normal charging
price fixed by the CS operator. It is obvious that an arriving
fast charging EV finding all chargers dedicated to its class busy
is required to pay a relatively higher price to utilize an idle
charger of a slower charging class, i.e. 𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑘∈{1,2,...,𝑀},
𝑝𝑖𝑝𝑗𝑝𝑘if 𝑖<𝑗<𝑘. Likewise, since idle chargers of
low charging classes are shared with EVs from higher classes
opportunistically, we define the compensation cost to be 𝑐𝑚=
𝛼𝑝𝑚where 𝛼[0,1] is set by the CS operator.
Consequently, the total revenue of a single CS with multiple
service classes is calculated as below:
Fig. 3 plots as function of 𝑆for three different (𝑠1,𝑠
ratios in a single CS with 𝑀=2service classes. The revenue
model is evaluated for parameters (𝜆1,𝜆
𝛼=0.7,¯𝑐0=0.1, and ¯
𝑑0=0.02. The baseline is defined to be
a single-class system with traffic intensity equal to the sum of
the traffic intensities of customer classes 1 and 2, and 𝑠1=𝑆.
The blocking probability for such a system is thus, given as:
Fig. 3: Net revenue profile of a single CS in terms of 𝑆for a
two-class charging scenario.
The existence of an optimal 𝑆value for which the net revenue
peaks is evident in this figure. Moreover, the overall revenue
for all three ratios converges as 𝑆increases. This is because
abundance of chargers reduces the EV blocking probability.
In this section, we analyze the revenue maximization prob-
lem for a network of 𝑁closely-located CSs as in Fig. 4. We
assume a central load dispatcher that distributes the incoming
traffic to the most appropriate CS in a probabilistic manner.
Higher resource utilization and real-time decision-making are
the main advantages of a centrally operated load dispatcher
[15]–[17]. Also, we use 𝑆𝑛to denote the number of chargers
installed at station CS𝑛, where 𝑛∈{1,2,...,𝑁}. Based on
the decomposition property of Poisson processes, Λ𝑖denotes
a Poisson process with aggregated rate 𝑁
𝑛=1 𝜆(𝑛)
𝑖, where the
service requests arriving at CS𝑛are independent and follow a
Poisson process with rate 𝜆(𝑛)
𝑖. As a result, Λ𝑖𝑁
𝑛=1 𝜆(𝑛)
A. Undifferentiated Charging Requests
Serving as the baseline for our performance comparison, all
EV service requests are considered to be equally prioritized in
this case. In other words, chargers are allocated to EVs on a
first-come-first-served basis irrespective of their service class
thus, resulting in the following revenue maximization problem
for the classless scenario:
subject to 𝑃(𝑛)
The first term in (15) reflects the aggregated network revenue,
where 𝜆(𝑛)𝑛is the fraction contributed by CS𝑛. The second
term calculates the penalty associated with EVs blocked by the
central dispatcher when overwhelmed by service requests. The
fee 𝛽[0,1] is decided by the central dispatcher authorized
to decline service demands under high request rates. For the
classless scenario, where 𝑠1=𝑆,𝑃(𝑛)
0denotes the blocking
probability of EVs arriving at CS𝑛.
Ȧ൒෍ ߣ
Fig. 4: Network of CSs governed by a central load dispatcher.
Algorithm 1 Centralized pricing-based load balancing
Input: 𝑁,Λ𝑟,Δ𝜆,𝛽𝑟,𝑁max
𝑏,¯𝑝𝑟, where 𝑟∈{1,2,...,𝑀}
Output: Optimal 𝜆(𝑛)
𝑟values, corresponding net revenue
1: Find all 𝑟/Δ𝜆+1)
𝑁permutations with step size Δ𝜆.
2: Discard invalid permutations that add up to more than Λ𝑟.
3: for each valid permutation of class 𝑟do
4: if (𝑀
𝑟=1 𝑃(𝑛)
𝑏) and (Λ𝑟𝑁
𝑛=1 𝜆(𝑛)
5: 𝑛𝑒𝑡 Calculate revenue as in Section III
6: if 𝑛𝑒𝑡 is the maximum so far then
7: 𝜆𝑜𝑝𝑡
𝑟,𝑛 Save selected rate permutation.
8: end if
9: end if
10: end for
11: for each class 𝑟do
12: 𝐵𝐵+𝛽𝑟Λ𝑟𝑁
𝑛=1 𝜆𝑜𝑝𝑡
13: end for
14: return 𝜆𝑜𝑝𝑡
𝑟,𝑛 ,(𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝐵)
B. Differentiated Charging Requests
We now account for charger allocation in a setting where
the central entity optimally distributes the service traffic of
each class among the CSs so as to maximize the overall
revenue. Unlike the baseline, the computational complexity of
revenue optimization increases exponentially with the number
of EV classes. The central entity executes Algorithm 1 to
distribute the service requests to each CS in the network. The
algorithm returns the optimal 𝜆(𝑛)
𝑖values that generates the
maximum revenue. The revenue maximization framework for
a network of 𝑁CSsisasfollows,where𝛽𝑖and 𝑃(𝑛)
respectively, the eviction fee for class-𝑖(𝑖∈{1,2,...,𝑀})
and the blocking probability of class-𝑖EVs at CS𝑛:
subject to
The proposed CS performance model is evaluated in terms
of the charging blocking probabilities of each customer class
(a) 𝑆=10,𝜆1=12,(𝜇1,𝜇
2)=(1,3).(b) 𝑠1=4,(𝜇1,𝜇
2)=(1,3).(c) 𝑆=10,𝜆1= 12,(𝜇1,𝜇
Fig. 5: Single CS performance evaluation: (a) charging blocking probability versus 𝜆2, (b) charging blocking probability versus
𝑆, and (c) net revenue versus 𝜆2.
and the net system revenue. For sake of better demonstration,
we adopt the two-class model throughout this section. Unless
stated otherwise, the parameters are set to be as in Fig. 3.
A. Single CS Performance Analysis
Fig. 5 illustrates the impact of various control parameters
on the performance indicators in a single CS setting. In
particular, Fig. 5a shows the blocking probabilities of each
service class in terms of class-2 EV arrival rate. For lower
values of 𝜆2, class-2 EVs experience a much lesser chance
of service denial than the slow charging EVs of class-1. The
blocking probabilities of the two classes however, converge
towards the baseline mark as 𝜆2increases. Moreover, for
smaller 𝑠1values, newly arriving class-2 EVs are probable
to find an idle charger from a larger set of dedicated chargers
thus, yielding lower dissatisfaction of class-2 customers. For
instance, the blocking probability of fast charging EVs rises by
approximately 142% as 𝑠1increases from 3to 7at 𝜆2=10.In
contrast, 𝑃1is reduced by 28.5% for the same 𝜆2value. Here,
even though the satisfaction of class-1 customers are slightly
compromised over class-2 customers, the overall satisfaction
level determined as 𝑁max
𝑏is still guaranteed. Nonetheless,
such favoring behavior gradually fades away as 𝜆2increases.
In Fig. 5b, we observe the influence of the charger set size
on the system blocking probability for varying EV arrival rates.
Note that 𝑃2reaches zero for a smaller set size of 𝑆=10
chargers when 𝜆1>𝜆2, while 𝑃1stabilizes at 0.69. This figure
reveals that the proposed charging model prioritizes congested
fast-charging EVs over slow charging EVs as the number of
installed chargers at the CS increases. In comparison to the
baseline, our proposed strategy facilitates high charging EVs
(who pay more) opportunistically by allocating them any idle
𝑠1. Nonetheless, if a class-1 EV finds all 𝑠1chargers occupied
on arrival, it is unwillingly evicted for a compensation fee.
The net revenue earned by the CS under varying 𝜆2values
is shown in Fig. 5c. Note that unlike the case of 𝑠1=7,the
revenue for 𝑠1=3 slightly decreases at 𝜆2=12 before rising
up again. Such behavior for 𝜆2[12,40] can be explained
based on the high 𝑃1value used in Fig. 5a; the corresponding
penalty paid for evicting class-1 EVs is higher than the profit
made by accommodating congested class-2 EV customers. The
total revenue however, beats the baseline scenario and peaks
at an extreme value of 𝜆2500 (not shown in the figure).
B. Network-level Performance Analysis
We now evaluate the performance of our strategy in a net-
worked environment comprising of 𝑁=3 identical charging
stations with 𝑆=5 chargers each, 𝒩𝑚𝑎𝑥
2)=(7,7), and (𝜇1,𝜇
2)=(1,2). Table I
summarizes the optimal EV arrival rates distributed among the
three CSs by the central entity for which the maximum revenue
is obtained considering the undifferentiated service class (Type
A) and the differentiated service classes with 𝑠1=2 (Type B)
and 𝑠1=4 (Type C).
The impact of dedicating chargers to specific service classes
on the overall network revenue is manifold. Unlike the un-
differentiated baseline model, Type B and Type C scenarios
reveal reduction in the blocked fraction of fast charging EVs.
In addition, while the baseline case outperforms its Type B
counterpart in maximizing the net revenue, it is dominated
by Type C where slow charging EVs are primarily allocated
a larger number of installed chargers for service. On the
other hand, Type B demonstrates a more evenly balanced
service request load at the expense of evicting a fraction of
the low charging EV arrivals to meet the SLA requirements.
The revenue gap between Type A and Type B reduces as Λ2
becomes greater than Λ1, which is in complete agreement with
the results of Fig. 5. For instance, as Λ2increases from 3 to 5,
Type C yields almost 80% increase in revenue as compared to
the baseline case. For 1,Λ2)=(3,5), the system witnesses a
revenue increase of 104.7%. This is merely due to the fact that
congested fast charging EVs intrinsically tend to pay more to
utilize a lower class charger rather than be declined service.
Therefore, by dedicating a larger fraction of the charger set to
TABLE I: System performance and revenue comparison of Type A (undifferentiated service), Type B (differentiated service,
𝑠1=2), and Type C (differentiated service, 𝑠1=4) network scenarios.
1,Λ2)Type CS1CS2CS33
𝑛=1 𝑛
2) (𝜆(2)
2) (𝜆(3)
A(2,0) 2.4046 (0.0367,0.0367) (1,2) 2.4046 (0.0367,0.0367) (2,1) 2.7899 (0.0697,0.0697) 7.599
B(1,1) 1.7084 (0.2004,0.0032) (1,1) 1.7084 (0.2004,0.0032) (1,1) 1.7084 (0.2004,0.0032) 3.3252
C(3,0) 2.2687 (0.2061,0) (0,3) 7.5737 (0.0142,0.0142) (2,0) 1.9333 (0.0952,0) 11.7758
A(3,0) 3.06 (0.1101,0.1101) (0,5) 4.9487 (0.0697,0.0697) (2,0) 2.4046 (0.0367,0.0367) 10.4133
B(1,2) 2.7867 (0.2047,0.0197) (1,2) 2.7867 (0.2047,0.0197) (1,1) 1.7084 (0.2004,0.0032) 5.4819
C(3,0) 2.2687 (0.2061,0) (0,5) 14.6296 (0.0697,0.0697) (2,0) 1.9333 (0.0952,0) 18.8316
A(1,0) 1.2796 (0.0031,0.0031) (2,0) 2.4046 (0.0367,0.0367) (0,5) 4.9487 (0.0697,0.0697) 8.6329
B(1,2) 2.7867 (0.2047,0.0197) (1,1) 1.7084 (0.2004,0.2004) (1,2) 2.7867 (0.2047,0.2047) 7.2819
C(1,0) 1.1138 (0.0154,0) (2,0) 1.9333 (0.0952,0) (0,5) 14.6296 (0.0697,0.0697) 17.6768
slow charging EV customers, the proposed allocation strategy
generates more revenue while guaranteeing the satisfaction
expectation of customers belonging to both service classes.
Imposing a stricter QoS level would distribute the incoming
service load more evenly, while generating lower revenue due
to EVs blocked by the load balancer.
In this paper, we have proposed a novel congestion pricing-
based resource allocation model for electric vehicle charging
stations accommodating customers with distinct service pref-
erences in real-time. The presented charger sharing strategy
was formulated using a multi-dimensional Markovian chain
to attain the maximum possible revenue for a single as well
as network of charging stations. In comparison to the single-
class undifferentiated system set-up, the out-performance of
the proposed strategy in terms of blocking probability and
system revenue maximization was confirmed via simulation
results. Service classes permitted to non-preemptively utilize
chargers primarily reserved for slower EV charging classes
experience lower service eviction as compared to the classless
baseline. An interesting follow-up on this work would involve
analysis of the intrinsic retrial behavior of blocked EV owners
who randomly attempt to access grid resources and its impact
on various performance indicators under several system con-
figurations. In addition, finding the optimal number of chargers
allocable to each class under different EV traffic intensities
would provide better insights on the system model behavior
and deployment cost estimate.
This work was supported by the GIST Research Institute
(GRI), South Korea, in 2017 and, in part, by the US National
Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant ECCS-1549894.
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... A day ahead market framework for congestion management was introduced in [22] using distribution-level market operator (DMO) and data traffic operator (DTO). In Game theory-based approaches to V2G, [23]- [25], [33], [35] and [38] used several approaches for charging EVs with certain targets. Optimal EV charging strategy without disturbing network performance was discussed in [24]. ...
... A day ahead charging schedule of the EVs was proposed in [25] considering the impacts of charging demand on spot prices in electricity market. A revenue maximization method using Markovian process was proposed in [35] and [38] presented a detailed survey on applications of Game-theory in vehicular technology. To the best of our knowledge, no work has been done in game-theoretic solutions to solve network congestion using EVs. ...
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This paper presents a game-theoretic approach for solving network congestion in the Smart Grid. A smart grid environment with high penetration of Electric Vehicles (EVs) for a bidirectional power trade provides an opportunity to use the EVs for congestion management. Optimal power injected or drawn by the EV charging stations can be obtained to mitigate the congestion problem by solving a constrained optimization problem to minimize the change in the power injected at every bus while satisfying several constraints. EV charging stations will be requested to inject or draw optimal power as obtained from the optimization problem. This paper proposes a game-theoretic approach (Greed Game) to develop a smart pricing model and design a mechanism to remove congestion in the network. A unique Nash equilibrium is achieved in the game, which optimally fulfills the line power congestion management problem and yields maximum benefit for the EVs. The algorithm was applied to 16-machine 68-bus test systems, and it has been found that the proposed mechanism maximizes the gain of the EVs and solves the congestion problem in the Grid.
... Bu dağılımın parametresi ise ile ifade edilmektedir. Son olarak enerji depolama sisteminde bir müşteri talebine denk gelen miktarın şarj edilmesi de Üstel olasılıklı olup parametresi ile ifade edilmektedir [21] [22]. ...
Dünyada elektrik sektörleri, hızla entegrasyonu artan yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile elektrik üretiminden kaynaklanan karbon ayak izini azaltmaya yönelik yapılan çevresel ve ekonomik baskılar ile karşı karşıya gelmektedir. Enerji depolama sistemleri şebeke altyapı güvenliğini arttıran, şebekeye çalışma esnekliği sağlayan ve çevresel etkileri azaltan çözümler olarak büyük ilgi görmektedir. Bu nedenle, enerji depolama sistemleri kompleks elektrik şebeke operasyonlarında anahtar rol oynamaktadır. Bu makalede, tüketicilerin elektrik talepleri, elektrik şebekesinden çekilen güç ve enerji depolama ünitesinden oluşan bir sistem için Stokastik bir model sunularak, aralarındaki etkileşimler incelenmiştir. Enerji depolama sisteminin onlarca meskenden oluşan rezidans, villalardan oluşan site veya kampüs gibi yerlerde bir grup kullanıcı tarafından ortaklaşa kullanıldığı varsayılmaktadır. Geliştirilen Stokastik model, iki boyutlu sürekli zamanlı Markov zinciri tabanlı olup, sistem durumlarının rassal dağılımları nümerik metotlar ile hesaplanmıştır. Dikkate alınması gereken diğer bir husus ise, enerji depolama sisteminin yoğun zamanlarda pik talebi azaltmak için kullanılması ve müşteri talebinin azaldığı dönemlerde ise şebeke gücü tarafından iskontolu elektrik enerjisi ile doldurulmasıdır. Şebeke güvenliğinin sağlanması için müşteri talepleri, sınırlı miktardaki şebeke elektriği ve enerji depolama ünitesi tarafından karşılanmakta ancak bu seviyenin üstündeki taleplere cevap verilememektedir. Bu nedenle kesinti olasılığı doğal olarak sistem performans metriği olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Enerji depolama sistem kapasitesi, değişen kesinti olasılıkları ve sistem parametreleri altında hesaplanmıştır. Sunulan hesaplamalara göre enerji depolama sistemi optimum kapasitesinin belirlenmesinde tüketici talep istatistiklerinin büyük önem taşıdığı ortaya konulmuştur. Son olarak, geliştirilen ekonomik fayda modeli ile, sistem parametreleri ekonomik değişkenlerle ilişkilendirip, sistem operatörüne finansal dinamikleri göz önüne en iyi çalışma aralığını seçmesine olanak sağlamaktadır.
Electric vehicle (EV) could realize the role transformation between mobile load and energy storage by adjusting charging and discharging status, which is a promising reserve resource for power grid to cope with the power fluctuation problem. However, due to the quantity limit of charging equipment, the reserve capacity of EVs will be undermined as their accessing process become stunted. To this end, an accessing guidance model is established to alleviate the congestion of parking lot (PL), and a day-ahead energy management and reserve declaration strategy for PL operator is formulated with the goal of daily operation profit maximization. In this paper, the conception of electricity fluctuation feasible region is suggested to achieve the reliable evaluation of reserve declaration capacity. And the EV guidance feasibility between different PLs, as well as the asynchronous problem of EV appointment interval and reserve market time scale is also considered. Simulation verification is carried out to examine the effectiveness of our proposed model, where the results show that the congestion of PLs is effectively relieved after the guidance model is introduced, and the reserve declaration capacity, as well as the operation profit of PLs is enhanced accordingly.
As a new charging service for electric vehicles (EVs), private charge pile sharing can effectively alleviate the charging demand-supply imbalance, reduce the unnecessary construction of public charging facilities, and promote the sustainable development of cities. Based on Rubin’s rotating bargaining game, this paper constructs a bilateral bargaining game model with a private charge pile owner, electricity retailer, and EV user as agents under the condition of information asymmetry. In the bargaining game model with the private charge pile owner and the electricity retailer, the electricity retailer bids first, and the private charge pile owner chooses to accept or reject it, according to the situation. In the bargaining game model with the private charge pile owner and the EV user, the private charge pile owner prefers to bid, and the EV user chooses to accept or reject it. The results indicate that because the final price reached with the EV user (electricity retailer) is unknown, only the theoretically optimal quote for the electricity retailer (EV user) can be obtained, but the specific reported value cannot be determined. Finally, two models of BYD E6 and Toyota RAV4 are selected to estimate the cost limit of EV as perceived by EV users.
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Electric vehicles (EVs) are expected to be a major component of the smart grid. The rapid proliferation of EVs will introduce an unprecedented load on the existing electric grid due to the charging/discharging behavior of the EVs, thus motivating the need for novel approaches for routing EVs across the grid. In this paper, a novel distributed control framework based on noncooperative game theory for routing of EVs within the smart grid is proposed. The goal of this framework is to control and balance the electricity load in a distributed manner across the grid while taking into account the traffic congestion and the waiting time at charging stations. The EV routing problem is formulated as a repeated game, and it is shown that the selfish behavior of EVs will result in a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium with the price of anarchy upper bounded by the ratio of the variance of the ground load to the total number of EVs in the grid. In particular, it is shown that any achieved Nash equilibrium substantially improves the load balance across the grid. Moreover, the results are extended to capture the stochastic nature of induced ground load as well as the subjective behavior of the EV owners using the behavioral framework of prospect theory. Simulation results provide new insights on efficient energy pricing at charging stations and under realistic grid conditions.
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This paper develops a strategy to coordinate the charging of autonomous plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) using concepts from non-cooperative games. The foundation of the paper is a model that assumes PEVs are cost-minimizing and weakly coupled via a common electricity price. At a Nash equilibrium, each PEV reacts optimally with respect to a commonly observed charging trajectory that is the average of all PEV strategies. This average is given by the solution of a fixed point problem in the limit of infinite population size. The ideal solution minimizes electricity generation costs by scheduling PEV demand to fill the overnight non-PEV demand "valley". The paper's central theoretical result is a proof of the existence of a unique Nash equilibrium that almost satisfies that ideal. This result is accompanied by a decentralized computational algorithm and a proof that the algorithm converges to the Nash equilibrium in the infinite system limit. Several numerical examples are used to illustrate the performance of the solution strategy for finite populations. The examples demonstrate that convergence to the Nash equilibrium occurs very quickly over a broad range of parameters, and suggest this method could be useful in situations where frequent communication with PEVs is not possible. The method is useful in applications where fully centralized control is not possible, but where optimal or near-optimal charging patterns are essential to system operation.
Conference Paper
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In recent years, Electric vehicles (EVs) are receiving significant attention as an environmental-sustainable and cost-effective substitute of vehicles with internal combustion engine, for the solution of the dependence from fossil fuels and for the saving of Green-House Gasses emission The present paper deals with an overview on different types of EVs charging stations and a comparison between the related European and American Standards. The work includes also a summary on possible types of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs), that are important for the integration of EVs fast charging stations of the last generation in smart grids. Finally a brief analysis on the possible electrical layout for the ESS integration in EVs charging system, proposed in literature, is reported.
Conference Paper
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To facilitate the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and their plug-in hybrid (PHEVs) counterparts and to avoid straining the capacity of the power grid there is a strong need for developing a network of fast charging facilities and coordinate their service. Incorporation of EVs in the vehicle fleet would decrease green house gas emissions and overall dependency on fossil fuels. A key issue in charging EVs is that the corresponding time is fairly large, which can lead to very long delays. Hence, for the network of charging stations to provide good quality of service to customers, we first propose an admission control mechanism based on pricing for a single charging station. Subsequently, we develop a decentralized routing scheme of EV drivers, employing a game theoretic model. The latter entices drivers through price incentives to require charging from less busy stations, thus leading to a more efficient utilization of power across the network, while it enhances profit for the charging facilities operator. Of note, the proposed scheme does not require advanced monitoring tools for power usage and pricing calculations. The drivers receive and send back the necessary information through the a communications infrastructure and the routing is initiated only when the network has exceeded a critical threshold. The numerical results illustrate the discussed benefits of the proposed scheme.
Future "smart electric vehicles", expected to evolve from emerging electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) are becoming increasingly attractive. However, the current electric grid is not considered capable of handling the power demand increase required by a large number of charging stations, especially during peak loads. Furthermore, the envisioned critical infrastructure for such vehicles must include the capability for information exchange involving energy availability, distances, congestion levels and possibly, spot prices or priority incentives. In this chapter we discuss current trends and challenges in this fascinating and rapidly developing area of research. Our emphasis is on topics related to control, demand-response, infrastructure provisioning and the communications framework necessary to accomplish all of these "smart" features. As a particular application and a form of case study, we zero in on the design and development of charging stations. We describe a candidate PHEV charging station architecture, and a quantitative stochastic model that allows the analysis of its performance, using queuing theory and economics. The architecture we envision has the capability to store excess power obtained from the grid. Our goal is to promote a general architecture able to sustain grid stability, while providing a required level of quality of service; and to further the development of a general methodology to analyze the performance of such stations with respect to traffic characteristics, energy storage size, pricing and cost parameters. © 2012, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. All rights reserved.
Conference Paper
Typically, the charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) can be shifted in time. This flexibility can be used to reduce the cost and/or network impact of charging, and even to provide ancillary services. The focus of this paper is on the use of charging flexibility for cost minimization, either from the perspective of PEVs or from the society's point of view. Charging control approaches can be classified along two dimensions: a) The decisions can be taken locally by the PEVs (decentralized control) or centrally by an agent, typically called aggregator, (centralized control), b) The decision-making agent(s) (PEVs or aggregator) can take decisions that are socially optimal (cooperative), or can behave strategically, maximizing their own profit. We describe approaches that correspond to the related four possible configurations, and which take the uncertainty in driving patterns and the market-related uncertainty into account. We perform simulations with real market data and realistic driving patterns to compare the different approaches. Results show that the benefit from exploiting charging flexibility is substantial, even if the agents behave cooperatively. Moreover, driving uncertainty has a minor impact on costs compared to market-related uncertainty.
The charging power of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) decreases significantly when the state of charge (SoC) gets closer to the fully charged state, which leads to a longer charging duration. Each time when the battery is charged at high rates, it incurs a significant degradation cost that shortens the battery life. Furthermore, the differences between demand preferences, battery types, and charging technologies make the operation of the charging stations a complex problem. Even though some of these issues have been addressed in the literature, the charging station modeling with battery models and different customer preferences have been neglected. To that end, this paper proposes two queueing-based optimization frameworks. In the first one, the goal is to maximize the system revenue for single class customers by limiting the requested SoC targets. The PEV cost function is composed of battery degradation cost, the waiting cost in the queue, and the admission fee. Under this framework, the charging station is modeled as a $M/G/S/K$ queue, and the system performance is assessed based on the numerical and simulation results. In the second framework, we describe an optimal revenue model for multi-class PEVs, building upon the approach utilized in the first framework. Two charging strategies are proposed: 1) a dedicated charger model and 2) a shared charger model for the multi-class PEVs. We evaluate and compare these strategies. Results show that the proposed frameworks improve both the station performance and quality of service provided to customers. The results show that the system revenue is more than doubled when compared with the baseline scenario which includes no limitations on the requested SoC.
In this paper, we focus on the problems of load scheduling and power trading in systems with high penetration of renewable energy resources (RERs). We adopt approximate dynamic programming to schedule the operation of different types of appliances including must-run and controllable appliances. We assume that users can sell their excess power generation to other users or to the utility company. Since it is more profitable for users to trade energy with other users locally, users with excess generation compete with each other to sell their respective extra power to their neighbors. A game theoretic approach is adopted to model the interaction between users with excess generation. In our system model, each user aims to obtain a larger share of the market and to maximize its revenue by appropriately selecting its offered price and generation. In addition to yielding a higher revenue, consuming the excess generation locally reduces the reverse power flow, which impacts the stability of the system. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm reduces the energy expenses of the users. The proposed algorithm also facilitates the utilization of RERs by encouraging users to consume excess generation locally rather than injecting it back into the power grid.
Future “smart electric vehicles,” expected to evolve from emerging electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (EV & PHEV) are becoming increasingly attractive. However, the current electric grid is not considered capable of handling the power demand increase required by a large number of charging stations, especially during peak loads. Furthermore, the envisioned critical infrastructure for such vehicles must include the capability for information exchange involving energy availability, distances, congestion levels and possibly, spot prices or priority incentives. In this chapter, we discuss current trends and challenges in this fascinating and rapidly developing area of research. Our emphasis is on topics related to control, demand-response, infrastructure provisioning, and the communications framework necessary to accomplish all of these “smart” features. As a particular application and a form of case study, we zero in on the design and development of charging stations. We describe a candidate PHEV charging station architecture, and a quantitative stochastic model that allows the analysis of its performance, using queuing theory and economics. The architecture we envision has the capability to store excess power obtained from the grid. Our goal is to promote a general architecture able to sustain grid stability, while providing a required level of quality of service; and to further the development of a general methodology to analyze the performance of such stations with respect to traffic characteristics, energy storage size, pricing and cost parameters.
For dc fast charging stations (FCS), short charging time duration is its main advantage over other ac charging stations. However, due to the characteristics of internal resistance of electric vehicle (EV) batteries, if charging request of an EV is near the full state of charge (SoC), its charging time increases significantly. In this paper, considering the impact of requested SoC on charging time, we propose an operation analysis of FCS, where operators of FCS can set a limit on the EVs’ requested SoC to obtain maximized revenue. We model the FCS operation as an queue and incorporate the dc fast charging model into the queuing analysis, as well as the revenue model of FCS. Simulation results indicate that limiting the requested SoC in an overloaded condition at FCS can increase total charged energy and revenue of FCS, as well as decrease the probability of blocking arriving EVs.