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The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Middle Grades Students’ Office Discipline Referrals


Abstract and Figures

Young adolescents who experience stress may also exhibit negative behaviors at school. Students whose misbehavior causes an interruption to classroom learning may be sent to the office and, as a result, lose instructional time and learning. The goal of this quasi-experimental pilot study was to determine if mindfulness training would decrease the number of office discipline referrals for middle grades students with a high number of office discipline referrals. The treatment required students to use a Muse brain-sensing headband paired with an app to train them to focus on calming and self-regulating behaviors. Data analysis indicated a statistically significant correlation between using the headband for 3 min a week and a lower number of times students were sent to the office for behavior redirection. Research with a larger sample size is recommended.
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The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Middle
Grades Students’ Office Discipline Referrals
Tonnie Martinez & Yuanyuan Zhao
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Published online: 12 Mar 2018.
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The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Middle Grades StudentsOfce
Discipline Referrals
Tonnie Martinez and Yuanyuan Zhao
College of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Young adolescents who experience stress may also
exhibit negative behaviors at school. Students whose
misbehavior causes an interruption to classroom learning
maybesenttotheofce and, as a result, lose
instructional time and learning. The goal of this quasi-
experimental pilot study was to determine if mindfulness
training would decrease the number of ofce discipline
referrals for middle grades students with a high number
of ofce discipline referrals. The treatment required
students to use a Muse brain-sensing headband paired
with an app to train them to focus on calming and self-
regulating behaviors. Data analysis indicated a
statistically signicant correlation between using the
headband for 3 min a week and a lower number of times
students were sent to the ofce for behavior redirection.
Research with a larger sample size is recommended.
Keywords: mindfulness, middle grades, middle
school, ofce discipline referrals, student behavior,
student discipline
Stress can be dened as a physiological response to the
perception of loss of control resulting from an adverse
situation or person (Jensen, 2009). Early research on
adolescent students and school-related stress indicates that
students may experience stress in the areas of adjustment,
performance, and behavior (Windle & Windle 1996).
Contemporary studies detail more specic stress-inducing
factors that, according to Broderick and Jennings (2012),
. . . disengagement from school, alienation from
parents, body image self-consciousness, susceptibility
to peer inuence, pressure to engage in sexual activity
and romantic relationships, participation in antisocial
or risky behaviors, and heavy exposure to media that
may mold behavioral expectations at odds with the
values of their families and communities. (p.112)
Students in poverty may experience stress more often and
more intensely than their afuent peers (Almeida,
Neupert, Banks, & Serido, 2005). Military-connected
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© 2018 Tonnie Martinez and Yuanyuan Zhao. Published with license by Taylor & Francis. 1
RMLE OnlineVolume 41, No. 3
2018 Volume 41 Number 3 ISSN 1940-4476
students also contend with the psychological stress and
emotional issues related to moving an average of six to
nine times during their schooling, and the reality and threat
of parental deployment (Chandra, Hawkins, &
Richardson, 2010;Petty,2009;Phelps,Dunham,&
Lyons, 2010).
Studentsstress levels may manifest in anger, poor
behavior, violent behavior, and poor classroom conduct
particularly at the secondary level (Feindler, 1995;
Ommundsen & Vaglum, 1991; Prins & Hanewald,
1999). According to the most recent indicators of school
crime and safety report (based on 20072008 data), a
high percentage of secondary school teachers reported
that student misbehavior interfered with teaching and
learning in their classrooms (National Center for
Educational Statistics [NCES], 2009). Students whose
misbehavior causes interruption to classroom learning
may nd themselves subsequently being sent to the
ofce for behavior redirection by a teacher seeking
additional support from a counselor, social worker, or
administrator. Such trips to the ofce can have additional
negative effects for students due to classroom absences
from valuable learning time (Scott & Barrett, 2004).
Alternatives to ofce discipline referrals for behavior
redirection may positively inuence student behavior
(Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki, Taylor, & Schelinger,
2011; Pilcher & Poland, 1992). Promising practices
include mindfulness, a psychological construct that is
dened across the literature as purposefully paying
attention to ones inner and outer experiences, in the
present moment (Kabat-Zinn, 2003). Mindfulness can
create pathways for students to self-regulate emotion
and stress and refrain from impulsive actions (Farb,
Anderson, & Segal, 2012; Ortner, Kilner, & Zelazo,
2007; Sayers, Creswell, & Taren, 2015). Using
mindfulness as a pathway to self-regulation, students
could potentially strengthen their ability to avoid
overreacting, increase their ability to pay attention,
and manage to stay in their classroom learning
environment (Zelazo & Cunningham, 2007).
To better understand the effects of mindfulness on
student behavior, a pilot study was conducted in a
middle school setting. The study investigated whether
Muse brain-sensing headbands could be used to guide
students through mindfulness training and affect the
number of times students were sent out of the
classroom for behavior redirection. It was
hypothesized that students that benet from
mindfulness training could increase their ability to
remain calm and focused, making it unnecessary to be
sent out of the classroom for behavior redirection,
resulting in missed instructional time.
Theoretical Background
For many years, a common approach to stress reduction
has been to elicit what Herbert Benson (1975,2000))
termed the relaxation response.The relaxation
response involves bodily changes when one experiences
a focus on breath and relaxation. This response is a
naturally occurring measure against overstress, bringing
the body back to a healthier balance.
Current literature offers a number of empirical
publications in the eld of neuroscience using the term
mindfulnessto describe a comprehensive theoretical
framework derived of four components that may work
to provide a calmer state: (a) attention regulation, (b)
body awareness, (c) emotion regulation (including
reappraisal and exposure, extinction, and
reconsolidation), and (d) change in perspective on the
self (Holzel et al., 2011). The incorporation of stress
reduction programs, such as mindfulness, into the
school curriculum is associated with improvement of
academic performance, self-esteem, mood,
concentration, and behavior (Ballinger & Heine, 1991;
Dendato & Diener, 1986; Kiselica, Baker, Thomas, &
Reedy, 1994; Napoli, 2004; Shillingford &
Shillingford-Mackin, 1991).
Mindfulness Training Options
The correlation between stress reduction and improved
academic and behavior performance in adolescents
motivated researchers to seek potential tools students
could use for guidance into a more concentrative and
focused state, resulting in a learner that is able to cope
with stressful situations (Langer, 1989,2000;
Beauchemin, Hutchins, & Patterson, 2008; Felver,
Celis-de Hoyos, Tezanos, & Singh, 2015). Of the tools
considered, one emerged that required very little time
or attention from classroom teachers, yet provided
students with an opportunity for self-guidance into
mindfulness: the Muse brain-sensing headband.
The Muse is a wearable device that senses the
electrical rhythms of the brain. Through a Bluetooth
connection, the Muse headband works with an app,
which can be downloaded to a smartphone, tablet, or
computer. When the user participates in a Muse-
guided meditation session, it gives spontaneous
feedback on brain activities during the session. While
practicing with the Muse, the user is required to calm
down and focus on respiration. Using the Muse for
mindfulness training with adults has been correlated to
2 © 2018 Tonnie Martinez and Yuanyuan Zhao. Published with license by Taylor & Francis.
RMLE OnlineVolume 41, No. 3
improved attention and reduced somatic symptoms,
such as headaches, pain, discomfort, stress, and so
forth (Bhayee et al., 2016).
To advance understanding in the correlation between
mindfulness training and student behavior, a quasi-
experimental study was planned and conducted to
discover the impact of Muse mindfulness training on
studentsbehaviors at school. Specically, the study
investigated the relationship between studentsofce
discipline referrals and Muse scores. It was
hypothesized that studentsMuse scores would
increase while their ofce discipline referrals would
decrease after 20 Muse practice sessions.
The project used a quasi-experimental matched
comparison group design to estimate the impact of guided
mindfulness on ofce discipline referrals. Random
assignment of the school student population to groups
was not feasible; however, in order to develop comparison
groups, school district data management software was
queried to generate the following criteria: students in
middle grades (7th8th grade) who averaged ve or more
ofce discipline referrals for two consecutive semesters.
Twenty students with more than ve referrals each were
recruited, and their parents signed consent forms. Ten
students were randomly assigned to the treatment group
and ten were assigned to the control group (N=10,seven
females, three males). One control group student was put
on an Individual Learning Plan for special education
services, leaving nine students in the control group (N=9,
four females, ve males). There were eight eighth-grade
students and one seventh-grade student in the treatment
group. The control group was comprised of six eighth-
grade students and three seventh-grade students.
Muse Headband and Muse App
The Muse headband is a wearable device that is able
to track brain activity, very similar to the way a heart
rate monitor can capture a heartbeat. The user is
guided through a calming sequence of his or her
choice, either an ocean or a rainforest scenario. The
user then is able to get real-time feedback on how
calm he or she remained during the guided session.
The information is then gathered and stored in the
Muse app that the user has downloaded to a
smartphone, tablet, or computer. By tracking Muse
progress on a personal account, the user is able to
monitor progress after each mindfulness training
From October 2016 to March 2017, students in the
treatment group each participated in 3 min of guided
mindfulness training with a Muse once per week during
their eighth class period (a homeroom study period)
from 1:55 p.m. to 2:40 p.m. in an assigned, quiet
classroom. Two students participated in Muse sessions
simultaneously as a graduate research assistant
monitored the room. In total, each participant in the
treatment group completed 20 Muse sessions. The
control group did not participate in any mindfulness
training sessions, but data on their ofce referrals for
behavioral redirection were tracked and collected.
Twice each week for the duration of the study, the
researcher went on site to the middle school. The
researchers routine included setting up two desks with a
Muse headband and an iPad with the Muse app. The
researcher then submitted the participantstime schedules
for Muse practice to the ofce staff. Each participant was
assigned 15 min to leave their homeroom, participate in
the Muse session, and return to class.
In the rst Muse session, students learned about the
Muse devices and the researcher introduced the guided
mindfulness training protocol. Students were
encouraged to nd a comfortable position and were
allowed to sit or lie down for the Muse session.
Students were briefed on how the Muse works
together with Muse app to guide them through 3 min
of mindfulness training. Students had their own
individual Muse accounts to record their progress.
During their rst Muse session, students used earbuds to
receive guidance from the app on how to concentrate on
their breathing. Nature sounds emitted from the Muse
provided students with spontaneous feedback about their
brain activity. If a students mind stayed deeply restful
and calm, they were rewarded with the sound of birds. If
the mind was active, the sound of wind or the ocean
intensied. After each session, the Muse app displayed
the resulting score. Upon completion of the 3-min
practice, participants received a piece of candy as
compensation. Meanwhile, the researcher recorded
studentsMuse scores in a password-protected le.
In subsequent mindfulness training sessions, no one
counseled the students or spoke to them, with the
exception of a person who acknowledged their arrival
and told them to sign in. Students did not speak to
each other and rarely arrived at the same time. All
students were able to opt out of the study at any time
for the duration of the project.
© 2018 Tonnie Martinez and Yuanyu an Zhao. Published with license by Taylor & Francis. 3
RMLE OnlineVolume 41, No. 3
Brain waves. Brain waves are the electrical activity
of neurons across the cortex of the brain that can be
recorded via electroencephalography (EEG) (Desai,
Tailor, & Bhatt, 2015). The brain generates activity as
waves or oscillations that are representative in two
states, either active or resting. Within those states,
human beings display ve types of brain wave
classications: alpha, beta, theta, gamma, and delta.
Alpha waves are prominently active when a person is
awake, but they are only moderately active when a
person is relaxed with eyes closed (Desai et al., 2015).
Alpha waves help people to relax and clam down.
Beta waves occur during a heightened state of
awarenesswhen people are alert and concentrating
on tasks (Desai et al., 2015, p. 114). Beta activities
correlate with academic performance and emotions.
Theta waves occur in sleep or deep relaxation and can
also relate to the inability to focus; they are prevalent
when a person is depressed. Gamma waves are
energetic waves and relate to the feeling of strong
capability (Desai et al., 2015). Delta waves are
generated in a state of extremely deep meditation and
dreamless sleep (Berman & Stevens, 2014).
The Muse utilizes the EEG system to investigate
neural mechanisms and detect the full range of brain
wave activity. The Muse app analyzes the brain
signals gathered by the Muse headband and divides
the data into three states: calm, neutral, and active
(Interaxon, 2017). The headband is placed over the
ears and across the forehead. The equipment calibrates
by measuring brain waves during two brief exercises:
a word association task and a brief focused attention
Following a calibration period, the app guided each
participant through the nature sounds that would serve
as auditory cues as to whether concentration was
focused or wandering. These auditory cues also were
gamied; participants scored points for maintaining
inward focus on their breathing. Hearing a bird ying
by indicated to users that they were deeply focused on
their breath, which earned them three points for every
second under this condition. Every second of a neutral
state of mind received one point. The accumulation of
points created a nal score for each Muse session. The
higher the score, the more focused the student was
during the Muse practice. The Muse app stored each
session score under the students individual Muse
Ofce referral records. An ofce referral occurs
when a students behavior impacts the learning of
other students in a negative way, so much so that
learning stops taking place. The middle school
research site had a policy and procedure for ofce
referrals. Students misbehaving rst received a
verbal warning. If the student did not correct the
behavior, he or she got a plan time.The teacher
placed a piece of paper face down on the students
desk with the word Warnin g printed on the back.
If the student did not correct the behavior at that
time, then the teacher ipped the sheet face up and
the student completed a questionnaire about his or
her negative behavior and how he or she would
correct it. This form was sent home for parent/
guardian signature. If the behavior was not corrected
after that procedure, students were sent to the ofce.
If the students negative behavior posed an
immediate danger to other students or self, the
procedure was skipped and the student was sent
directly to the ofce.
The district used a data management software package
to keep student records. When a student was referred
to the ofce, his or her information was entered into
the data management system and coded for record
keeping. Parents/guardians and students had access to
student data through a portal that allowed them to see
attendance, grades, discipline referrals, and other
instances of communication. Ofce referral data
queried from the building data management system
was used to determine participants for the matched
comparison group design and to estimate the impact of
guided meditation on ofce referrals. Ofce referral
data for students in both the treatment group and the
control group were recorded from September 2016 to
April 2017.
Muse Scores
StudentsMuse scores were collected for analysis to
measure improvement in the studentsability to be
mindful. Muse scores began at zero and had the
potential to increase or decrease with each session.
Each treatment group participant did 20 Muse
sessions, divided across the second and third
semesters of the academic year, with winter vacation
in between. Thus, Muse scores were grouped into rst
half scores and second half scores. The students
average Muse scores increased from 328 to 390
points. The largest individual increase went from 317
to 424 pointsan increase of 107 points. The smallest
increase was 24 pointsfrom 307 to 331 points.
Figure 1 provides data relevant to the rst research
question regarding Muse scores. It indicates students
4 © 2018 Tonnie Martinez and Yuanyuan Zhao. Published with license by Taylor & Francis.
RMLE OnlineVolume 41, No. 3
abilities to concentrate during Muse sessions. All
students in the treatment group increased their Muse
Ofce Referral Records
Figure 2 depicts the average number of participants
ofce referrals recorded from September 2016 to April
2017. In the Muse treatment group, participantsofce
referrals dropped signicantly from 6.33 to 1.78. In
contrast, students in the control group kept close to
their original number of ofce referrals, but with a
slight increase from 4.22 to 4.44.
A paired sample t-test was used to analyze students
ofce referrals and to explore whether mindfulness
training with the Muse had an impact on student
behavior. The study rejected the null hypothesis [t
(8) = 2.37, p= 0.045 < .05] and found that there was a
statistical signicant difference in studentsofce
referrals after participating in the Muse study.
Referrals dropped from (M= 6.33, SD = 5.05) to
(M= 1.78, SD = 1.09). Cohensd= 1.25 suggests that
mindfulness training with the Muse had a large impact
on studentsofce referrals.
Additional analysis comparing the Muse treatment
group with the control group employed an
independent sample t-test to measure whether students
who participated in Muse sessions and those who did
not were statistically different in their number of ofce
referrals. There was homogeneity of variance as
assessed by Levenes test for equality of variances.
The study rejected the null hypothesis [t(16) = 3.68,
p= 0.002 < .05], suggesting a statistically signicant
difference on studentsofce referrals between
students who participated in mindfulness training with
the Muse (M= 1.78, SD = 1.09) and those who did not
(M= 4.44, SD = 1.88). Cohensd=1.73 suggested
that Muse practices had a very large impact on
studentsofce referrals.
An analysis of covariance evaluated whether students
initial ofce referrals were inuenced by mindfulness
training. The homogeneity of variance was met by
Levenes test, p= 0.17 > .05. Studentsinitial ofce
referral numbers (covariate in this study) had no
signicant effect on their behavior at school [F(1,
15) = 2.58, p> .05], which means this covariate did
not inuence the studentsofce referrals in this study.
This result demonstrates that the effect of Muse
practices applies to any student without regard to his
or her former behavior record at school. The study
rejected the null [F(1,15) = 10.47, p= .006 < .05,
partial Eta squared = .41], and found that students who
participated in mindfulness training (M= 1.78,
SD = 1.09) had a smaller number of ofce referrals
than did those students who did not participate in the
training (M= 4.44, SD = 1.88).
2016.9-12 2017.1-4
Figure 2.Descriptive statistics of ofce referrals.
Figure 1.Descriptive statistics of Muse scores.
© 2018 Tonnie Martinez and Yuanyu an Zhao. Published with license by Taylor & Francis. 5
RMLE OnlineVolume 41, No. 3
This research contributes to understanding alternative
pathways to school discipline besides reliance on ofce
referrals. Though it is impossible to generalize from a
study with such a small sample size, the study offers
signicant insight into a specic strategymindfulness
trainingfor providing discipline support to students.
This strategy is currently not widely represented in
national discourse on student behavior and learning.
Data analysis suggests a strong correlation between
using Muse headbands for mindfulness training and
reducing the number of ofce referrals for middle-level
students. The implications for this phenomenon could
be far reaching for students in terms of their socio-
emotional and academic growth.
As state departments of education add requirements
for schools to meet standards for social and emotional
growth, this study sheds light on a viable strategy for
students to cope with the demands and stress from
inside and outside school. In exit interviews, students
used words like calmingand relaxingto describe
Muse use. Five students indicated that they could
employ mindfulness session techniques during the
school day without the use of the Muse. Mindfulness
training with the Muse may be able to assist students
in coping with negative stress outside of school. In the
exit interview, one student indicated, When I am at
home and there is lots of yelling, I can hear the Muse
in my mind and calm down.
The study also suggests that mindfulness training
could benet students academically. Students sent out
of their classroom for behavior redirection miss
important academic content instruction. This lost
instructional time exacerbates dropout rates and
achievement gaps. By reducing the amount of time
students are absent from the classroom environment
for ofce referrals, exposure to academic content is
increased and students are provided with additional
opportunities to increase their academic engagement
and achievement.
Data analysis of Muse scores indicated participants
also were able to grow in their ability to be mindful
over time. All students in the treatment group
increased their average levels of concentrationthe
ability to focus inwardly on their breath. The capacity
to be mindful and self-regulate has been studied in
adults (Goyal et al., 2014), but there is very little
research on mindfulness in students. More research is
needed into mindfulness training for students and how
it might be used (a) as an alternative to ofce referrals,
(b) for studentsself-regulation of negative classroom
behaviors, and (c) for helping students cope with
negative stress in and out of school.
The studys results must be viewed in light of several
limitations. The rst limitation to the pilot study is
sample size. The limited number of participants
inuences the generalizability of the results. Future
work should replicate the studys procedures and Muse
session protocols with a larger number of participants.
A second limitation is the duration of the study. This
study lasted for two grading periods (one-half of a
semester), and each student participated in 20
mindfulness training sessions. Future research into
guided mindfulness training could require daily
mindful practices; however, the challenge to any school
intervention is the agreement of all stakeholders that the
protocol is not an undue interruption of the learning
environment. In the current study, this challenge was
overcome by utilizing the homeroom period for
mindfulness sessions. A third potential limitation is the
difculty of controlling for the variability of conditions
present in middle-level schools, and the many
complicated and interrelated factors of studentslives.
Goals for Future Research
To gain a more complete understanding of the impact of
mindfulness training on middle-level students, research
should explore a larger sample of participants,
incorporate more frequent mindfulness training sessions,
and offer sessions of varying durations to determine
which duration produces the greatest effect. Results of
the guided mindfulness training disaggregated by gender
and ethnicity might address the alarming trend of
overrepresentation of African-American and Hispanic
males in ofce discipline referrals. Additionally, future
work could include teacher participation in Muse
sessions to measure the effect mindfulness training
might have on their perceived stress inside and outside
school. Finally, follow-up interviews months and years
after the study could reveal lasting effect of mindfulness
training on students and teachers.
All students deserve to thrive and learn in an optimal
learning environment. However, negative stress can
cause students to behave in ways that are detrimental
to themselves and others in their learning
environment. When students are unable to self-
monitor and redirect their behavior, they face negative
consequences and are frequently removed from the
classroom. The loss of valuable learning time can have
6 © 2018 Tonnie Martinez and Yuanyuan Zhao. Published with license by Taylor & Francis.
RMLE OnlineVolume 41, No. 3
far-reaching consequences that may impact the
trajectory of their lives. This pilot study contributes
toward understanding how guided mindfulness
training may provide students with a strategy that
positively inuences their ability to focus and could
correlate to fewer ofce referrals. With both goals in
mind, this modest pilot study begins a dialogue that
points to the potential of guided mindfulness training
for transforming school discipline from a reactive to a
proactive approach.
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8 © 2018 Tonnie Martinez and Yuanyuan Zhao. Published with license by Taylor & Francis.
RMLE OnlineVolume 41, No. 3
... We found research on attention or engagement during reading tasks (e.g., Huang et al., 2014), during the follow-up of educational videos (e.g., Lee & Chin, 2014), in the practice of educational games in 3D environments (e.g., Ghali et al., 2016), valuing attention in affective tutoring systems , in monitoring both online (e.g., Chen & Wang, 2017) and face-to-face classes (e.g., Sezer et al., 2017), effects of environment and posture (Kim et al., 2020;Yang et al., 2020), noting the effects on attention or engagement before short stimuli of less than 6 minutes (e.g., Poulsen et al., 2017) or carrying out prolonged follow-ups during the school day (Dikker et al., 2020). Related to attention, two programmes to improve mindfulness through neurofeedback provided by an EEG-based application are also included (Martinez & Zhao, 2018;Vekety et al., 2022). Some of these studies have identified neural patterns that correlate with attention, suggesting that EEG could be a valuable tool for monitoring engagement in real time and adjusting teaching strategies accordingly. ...
... Studies Number 1-5 Liu et al. (2013), Chen and Lin (2016), Sun (2014), Verkijika and De Wet (2015), Lai et al. (2016), Lin et al. (2016), Chen and Wang (2017), Huang et al. (2017), Hu and Kuo (2017), Sezer et al. (2017), Sun and Yeh (2017), Lin and Kao (2018), Martinez and Zhao (2018), Sethi et al. (2018), Kosmyna and Maes (2019) neurofeedback, and that provide teachers with information about the effect of their materials and proposals in order to better adjust them to personal needs and processes. Mainly, the studies aim to analyse the effects of different educational activities and materials on students (on attention, engagement, workload, or synchronicity among students and between students and teachers), and to build and test classifiers that allow real-time neurofeedback. ...
... al. (2016),Huang et al. (2017),Hu and Kuo (2017),Moldovan et al. (2017),Robinson et al. (2019),Sun and Yeh (2017),Zhou et al. (2017),Cohen et al. (2018),Dan and Reiner (2018),Lin and Kao (2018),Martinez and Zhao (2018),Meza et al. (2018), Mohamed et al. (2018), Sethi et al. (2018), Antonenko et al. (2019), Eldenfria and Al-Samarraie (2019), Khedher et al. (2019), Kosmyna and Maes (2019), Lai et al. (2019), Lin and Chen (2019), Makransky et al. (2019), Zhu et al. (2019), Kim et al. (2020), Kumari and Deb (2020), Ni et al. (2020), Shadiev and Huang (2020), Varnavsky and Romanova (2020), Wang et al. (2020), Yang et al. (2020), Yu et al. (2020), Aggarwal et al. (2021), Baceviciute et al. (2021), Chen et al. (2021), Grammer et al. (2021), Pajk et al. (2021), Zhang et al. (2021), Ramírez-Moreno et al. (2021), Bitner and Le (2022), García-Monge et al. (2022), Juan and Chen (2022), Sorochinsky et al. (2022), Sulaiman et al. (2022), Upadhyay et al. (2022), Vekety et al. (2022), Veronica et al. (2022), Xu et al. (2022), Xiaojun et al. (2022), Garces-Gomez et al. (2023), Suttidee and Ruanguttamanun (2022), Bouhdana et al. (2023), Kim and Gero (2023), Zheng et al. (2023) 60 Naturalistic Sun (2014), Chen and Wang (2017), Dikker et al. (2017), Ko et al. (2017), Poulsen et al. (2017), Sezer et al. (2017), Bevilacqua et al. (2019), Dikker et al. (2020), Hernandez-Cuevas et al. (2020), Du et al. (2022), Tang et al. (2023), Babiker et al. (2019), Babiker et al. (2020), Davidesco et al. (2023), Chen et al. ...
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This systematic review examines 76 studies that have utilised portable electroencephalographic (EEG) devices in naturalistic and semi‐naturalistic contexts. The review considers themes, purposes, contexts, application populations, device characteristics, and data use. The results show a dominance of studies focused on attention, in technology‐mediated semi‐naturalistic situations, in which records are made individually, with university students using low‐cost equipment with fewer than 15 channels. This review highlights an emerging field within educational research that has not yet been fully integrated into educational practice. However, these first experiences can gradually generate a body of knowledge that will facilitate future applications, together with the development of better and more accessible devices. The use of these devices in educational contexts raises ethical concerns, particularly the influence on teaching decisions by opaque commercial algorithms that may oversimplify assessments of specific cognitive processes and fail to adapt to individual student characteristics. Context and implications Rationale for this study: Portable EEG devices are emerging tools that offer new insights into cognitive processes in learning situations. Why the new findings are important: The findings of this study demonstrate the potential of EEG to monitor aspects such as attention and cognitive load in real time, which could enhance the personalisation of educational strategies. Implications for educators, researchers and policy makers: This study has implications for educators, researchers and policy makers, as it illustrates how neurotechnology can be integrated into educational settings and emphasises the need for more naturalistic studies to maximise its impact. It also highlights the ethical challenges associated with the use of commercial algorithms in educational decision‐making.
... Both groups demonstrated reduced distress and increased mindfulness scores following the mindfulness intervention. In another experimental study, Martinez et al. [123] randomized twenty students into a BCI-assisted mindfulness group (n = 10) and a control group. After 20 sessions, participants in the BCI mindfulness group were more able to perform self-regulated behaviors compared to the control group. ...
... Those who perform mindfulness frequently, even for a shorter interval, have shown benefits in resilience to stress, cognitive performance, neurobiological changes, and positive health benefits (Bostic et al., 2015). Several researchers have found that mindfulness has helped students from elementary level to all grades to gain more confidence, better mental and physical health, disciplined behavior, and more focus on their learning (Felton et al., 2013;Martinez and Zhao, 2018;Carboni et al., 2013;Boo et al., 2019;Wang and Kong, 2013;Lin and Mai, 2018;Parker et al., 2013). ...
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The department of education (DoE) of the government of NCT of Delhi (GNCT of Delhi) introduced Happiness Curriculum and Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum (EMC) in all government schools in 2019 for classes Nursery to VIII, and IX to XII respectively. Both curriculums have a strong component, Mindfulness; the state of being conscious or aware of the present moment. This is an ancient technique of meditation that somewhat differs from meditation and was discovered by Gautam Buddha more than 2500 years ago. The sole purpose of this component in both the curriculum is to teach the students to ensure harmony within their inner self, discover their self in the process of learning, and grow their self to achieve sustainable happiness from momentary happiness. To know the impact of mindfulness in students’ lives in the offline and online mode of teaching, an online survey was conducted by the State Council of Education Research and Teaching (SCERT), New Delhi among the students, teachers, and parents of DoE. This study presents the analysis with the help of statistical techniques such as mean, median, and mode of the teachers’ observations through the questionnaire on the impact of mindfulness on the students’ behavior and their learning process. More than 1400 teachers who are teaching approximately 70 thousand students participated in this survey. The insights drawn from this analysis are discussed in detail in the result section of the study which shows the positive and effective impact of mindfulness on students’ behavior and their learning process.
... Both groups showed significantly reduced distress and increased mindfulness scores following the intervention. Martinez et al. (2018) conducted a quasi-experimental pilot study to explore whether BCI-assisted mindfulness training could help middle grades students to regulate inappropriate behaviors. Ten students were randomly assigned to the BCI-assisted mindfulness group and ten were assigned to the control group (n=10). ...
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Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are specialized systems that allow users to control computer applications using their brain waves.With thearrival of consumer-grade electroencephalography (EEG) equipment, brain-controlled systems began to find fertile ground in mental training.One particular area that is gradually gainingattention is thatof mindfulnesstraining. In this paper, theresults of a literaturereview ofBCI-assistedmindfulness trainingusingBCI’sare presented.The specific aim is toreview the effects of BCIs embedded in mindfulness interventionsontrainingmetacognitive, emotional,and attentionregulation skills.Papers published the last10years were reviewed.The results showed that the useof BCIsprovidessubjects the unique opportunity to self-regulate mental and emotional functionsusing thefeedback derived from their own brain activity.Subjects were found toraise better awareness about the waysnon-conscious operations influence mental and emotional states.It was observedthat subjects by learning to dealwith the neurofeedback within immersive worlds or with the aidof mobile devices can better develop awarenessand self-regulation skills including inhibitionand flexibility.Learning environments havebeen undergoingrapid change driven by the evolution and availability of digital technologies.In that vein,BCIscombined with mobiles and immersive technologies could support mindfulness as an innovative practice for cognitive, emotional,and metacognitive development.This studyaimsto contribute to the debate about theuse of BCI-assisted mindfulness practices as proactive methods and trainingstrategies forvarious target groups such asstudents, teachers,and workers to achievewell-beingand peak performance.
... But also, in non-clinical samples of children and youths, mindfulness practices improve their cognitive capacity of attending and learning and their resilience while decreasing their emotional problems [99], depression and anxiety, or stress symptoms [100]. Moreover, mindfulness practices seem to facilitate a broad range of desirable youth outcomes such as academic achievement, decreased negative emotions and distress, and increased positive emotions, social competence, and prosocial behaviors [101], even lowering the visits to the principal's office for misbehavior in the classroom [102]. ...
... For students to develop self-awareness, stimuli needs to be addressed where students learn how not to be aroused by a situation that may cause an immediate reaction (Whitfield, 2006). External stimuli and stressors may affect academic performance, self-esteem, mood, concentration, and behavior (Martinez & Zhao, 2018). When students are able to remove themselves from stimuli, a mindfulness thought practice may be employed to assist in how to properly react to a situation. ...
Conference Paper
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Research has shown that mindfulness programs (MP) improve the likelihood that students will have greater self-awareness which may affect academic achievement and discipline. This present study sought to fill the literature gap to explore the influence of MP on learning, engagement, discipline, and mental health and wellness based on a collaborative effort between a public-school district and community-outreach programs based in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California. Results showed that student personal growth and self-awareness resulted in a positive increase in academic achievement and a reduction in discipline being attributed to classroom practices of mindfulness and the introduction of outreach programs in the school community. The findings may have important implications for implementing MP instruction and further expansion of community-outreach centers within school settings.
... Users are guided through a meditation session during which they are provided with neurofeedback on their brain activity. In adolescents, Muse mindfulness training has been associated with improved classroom behaviour and increased mindfulness (Martinez & Zhao, 2018). The Muse was used to measure the amount of time (seconds) participants spent in a calm brainwave state during a three-minute meditation. ...
This paper explores the process of co-designing a mātauranga-Māori-informed mindfulness intervention with rangatahi in a wharekura and examines the effects on wellbeing. Mahitahi co-design methodology underpinned the design, implementation and evaluation of the intervention, and quantitative psychological tests measured improvements in wellbeing and dispositional mindfulness. Findings showed positive indications for a decrease in levels of psychological distress, improvements in Māori quality of life domains and higher levels of dispositional mindfulness. The effective mātauranga-Māori-informed wellbeing components of the intervention were he āhuru mōwai, mahi a ngā tīpuna, ngā kaitiaki, te taiao, whanaungatanga and hohou te rongo. Future application of the intervention in mainstream schools and communities is needed to assess the efficacy of the intervention for rangatahi in other environments, the sustainability of mindfulness practice for rangatahi and the long-term effects on wellbeing.
The authors implemented an A–B–A with follow‐up quasi‐experimental single‐case research design to assess the effectiveness of a consumer‐grade neurofeedback (NFB)‐assisted mindfulness‐based intervention (MBI) for reducing anxiety in high‐achieving high school students ( N = 5). Three of the participants from racial/ethnic minority and lower socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds reported reduced anxiety as measured by the State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory for Youth (STAI‐Y) during the intervention. In contrast, the two participants who identified as White, higher SES did not report decreased anxiety during the intervention. Results provide initial support for the use of the NFB‐assisted MBI used in this study as a brief, targeted intervention for highly anxious, high‐achieving high school students—specifically those from racial/ethnic minority and lower SES backgrounds. Implications for practice and research are discussed.
Educator dispositions are a perpetual topic of interest and an ever-evolving construct but can be difficult to define. How a set of desired dispositions manifests within various teaching contexts and learning communities will continuously evolve with changing historical, social, and societal issues. This guiding conceptual framework will help teacher educators engaging in dispositional development and assessment. Drawing on social emotional learning (SEL), this chapter unpacks desired educator dispositions. Three guiding forces underscore the framework: dispositions toward one's inner world, dispositions toward learning, and dispositions toward human differences. It is imperative to address ongoing dispositional development meaningfully and thoroughly to nurture educator dispositions in teacher preparation programs and ongoing professional development. This chapter utilizes the three main guiding forces identified above to conceptualize a framework on the formative development of educator dispositions and to guide future research and practice.
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Background Mindfulness training (MT) programs represent an approach to attention training with well-validated mental health benefits. However, research supporting MT efficacy is based predominantly on weekly-meeting, facilitator-led, group-intervention formats. It is unknown whether participants might benefit from neurofeedback-assisted, technology-supported MT (N-tsMT), in which meditation is delivered individually, without the need for a facilitator, travel to a training site, or the presence of a supportive group environment. Mirroring the validation of group MT interventions, the first step in addressing this question requires identifying whether N-tsMT promotes measurable benefits. Here, we report on an initial investigation of a commercial N-tsMT system. Methods In a randomized, active control trial, community-dwelling healthy adult participants carried out 6 weeks of daily practice, receiving either N-tsMT (n = 13), or a control condition of daily online math training (n = 13). Training effects were assessed on target measures of attention and well-being. Participants also completed daily post-training surveys assessing effects on mood, body awareness, calm, effort, and stress. ResultsAnalysis revealed training effects specific to N-tsMT, with attentional improvements in overall reaction time on a Stroop task, and well-being improvements via reduced somatic symptoms on the Brief Symptom Inventory. Attention and well-being improvements were correlated, and effects were greatest for the most neurotic participants. However, secondary, exploratory measures of attention and well-being did not show training-specific effects. N-tsMT was associated with greater body awareness and calm, and initially greater effort that later converged with effort in the control condition. Conclusions Preliminary findings indicate that N-tsMT promotes modest benefits for attention and subjective well-being in a healthy community sample relative to an active control condition. However, the findings would benefit from replication in a larger sample, and more intensive practice or more comprehensive MT instruction might be required to promote the broader benefits typically reported in group format, facilitated MT. Trial registrationCurrent Controlled Trials ISRCTN43629398. Retrospectively registered on June 16, 2016.
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There is a growing interest in the use of mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) on youth, which has recently expanded to include the study of students in school settings. This article systematically reviewed the existing literature of applied studies using MBI with students in school settings in order to identify limitations in the scientific literature and inform future research directions. Twenty-eight studies were selected for review and were coded across multiple domains, including methodologies employed, student characteristics, intervention characteristics, and outcome variables. Results quantitatively summarized the coded variables, and strengths and limitations in the literature were subsequently identified. We conclude with specific recommendations for future interventions scientists wishing to study the utility of MBI in school settings.
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The holistic experiential benefits of meditation among a widely ranging population have been well established within the empirical literature. What remain less clear are the underlying mechanisms of the meditative process. A large impediment to this clarity is attributable to the lack of a unified and comprehensive taxonomy, as well as to the absence of clear differentiation within the literature between method of practice and resulting state. The present study discusses and then attempts to identify within our sample a theoretically universal culminating meditative state known as Nondual Awareness, which is differentiated from the method or practice state. Participants completed an in-lab meditation, during which neurological patterns were analyzed using electroencephalography (EEG). Analyses indicated significantly higher EEG power among slower wave frequencies (delta, theta, alpha) during the reported nondual events. These events appear neurologically distinct from meditation sessions as a whole, which interestingly demonstrated significant elevation within the gamma range.
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Importance Many people meditate to reduce psychological stress and stress-related health problems. To counsel people appropriately, clinicians need to know what the evidence says about the health benefits of meditation. Objective To determine the efficacy of meditation programs in improving stress-related outcomes (anxiety, depression, stress/distress, positive mood, mental health–related quality of life, attention, substance use, eating habits, sleep, pain, and weight) in diverse adult clinical populations. Evidence Review We identified randomized clinical trials with active controls for placebo effects through November 2012 from MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, PsycArticles, Scopus, CINAHL, AMED, the Cochrane Library, and hand searches. Two independent reviewers screened citations and extracted data. We graded the strength of evidence using 4 domains (risk of bias, precision, directness, and consistency) and determined the magnitude and direction of effect by calculating the relative difference between groups in change from baseline. When possible, we conducted meta-analyses using standardized mean differences to obtain aggregate estimates of effect size with 95% confidence intervals. Findings After reviewing 18 753 citations, we included 47 trials with 3515 participants. Mindfulness meditation programs had moderate evidence of improved anxiety (effect size, 0.38 [95% CI, 0.12-0.64] at 8 weeks and 0.22 [0.02-0.43] at 3-6 months), depression (0.30 [0.00-0.59] at 8 weeks and 0.23 [0.05-0.42] at 3-6 months), and pain (0.33 [0.03- 0.62]) and low evidence of improved stress/distress and mental health–related quality of life. We found low evidence of no effect or insufficient evidence of any effect of meditation programs on positive mood, attention, substance use, eating habits, sleep, and weight. We found no evidence that meditation programs were better than any active treatment (ie, drugs, exercise, and other behavioral therapies). Conclusions and Relevance Clinicians should be aware that meditation programs can result in small to moderate reductions of multiple negative dimensions of psychological stress. Thus, clinicians should be prepared to talk with their patients about the role that a meditation program could have in addressing psychological stress. Stronger study designs are needed to determine the effects of meditation programs in improving the positive dimensions of mental health and stress-related behavior.
Mindfulness is associated with reduced negative affective states, increased positive affective states, and reduced clinical affective symptomatology (e.g., depression, anxiety) in previous studies. This chapter examines an emerging body of fMRI and EEG research exploring how mindfulness alters neurobiological emotion processing systems. We examine how dispositional (trait) mindfulness and how adopting a mindful attentional stance (after varying levels of mindfulness training) relate to changes in neural responses to affective stimuli. Evidence suggests mindfulness-related changes in a ventral affective processing network associated with core affect, a dorsal processing network associated with making attributions and appraisals of one’s affective experience, and regulatory networks involved in modulating affective processes. These neural effects may underlie the previously observed relationships between mindfulness and changes in reported emotion processing and reactivity. Findings are discussed in light of existing neurobiological models of emotion and we describe important questions for the field in the coming years.
Previous research has shown the vast mental and physical health benefits associated with yoga. Yoga practice can be divided into subcategories that include posture-holding exercise (asana), breathing (pranayama, Kriya), and meditation (Sahaj) practice. Studies measuring mental health outcomes have shown decreases in anxiety, and increases in cognitive performance after yoga interventions. Similar studies have also shown cognitive advantages amongst yoga practitioners versus non-practitioners. The mental health and cognitive benefits of yoga are evident, but the physiological and structural changes in the brain that lead to this remain a topic that lacks consensus. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine and review existing literature on the effects of yoga on brain waves and structural changes and activation. After a narrowed search through a set of specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 articles were used in this review. It was concluded that breathing, meditation, and posture-based yoga increased overall brain wave activity. Increases in graygray matter along with increases in amygdala and frontal cortex activation were evident after a yoga intervention. Yoga practice may be an effective adjunctive treatment for a clinical and healthy aging population. Further research can examine the effects of specific branches of yoga on a designated clinical population. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this article we define wellness, place it in historical perspective, describe the wellness program at Bryn Mawr College, and explore the potential of wellness in an elementary school curriculum. We also describe the use of wellness in 3 elementary schools. Since wellness represents a self-responsibility for a healthy life-style, we illustrate how elementary educators assist students as they develop good self-esteem by using the components of wellness. Specific suggestions are made for developing curriculum and coordinating instructional efforts by classroom and physical education teachers.