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Glycemic Index for Sucrose, Corn Syrup and Honey Entrained Highbush Cranberry Juice



Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of the effect foods have on blood glucose (i.e., blood sugar). In this study, it was aimed to find out the GI of highbush cranberry juice (HCJ) in four forms of use (juice with no added sugar and juice sweetened with corn syrup, sucrose or honey) based on data from a total of 20 healthy volunteers. After not eating for 12 hours and consuming the test foods and the reference food, the participants were subject to blood drawing by automatic lancet, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes into the application. GI values of HCJ samples were found by calculating incremental areas for each individual. GI of HCJ with no added sugar had the lowest value (40.95), followed by that of the sucrose added HCJ (42.75). GIs of HCJ with corn syrup and honey were found to be similar, 54.16 and 56.98, respectively. Moreover, those with no added sugar and those with sucrose and corn syrup fell into the low GI category, while the GI of HCJ with honey fell into the medium GI category. In conclusion, it is suggested that consuming HCJ with low GI values might be a healthier choice for individuals with chronical illnesses. Keywords: Glycemic index, highbush cranberry juice, sucrose, corn syrup, honey.
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International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review
ISSN 0976 4852
Research CrossRef DOI:
February, 2018|Volume 09|Issue 02|
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 02, Page no: BC 20253-20258
doi: Page | 20253
Section: Biochemistry
Glycemic Index for Sucrose, Corn Syrup and Honey Entrained
Highbush Cranberry Juice
Meltem Soylu
Nuh Naci Yazgan University, Faculty of Health, Nutrition and Dietetics Department Kayseri, Turkey
Received 2018-01-06; Accepted 2018-02-21
Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of the effect foods have on blood glucose (i.e., blood sugar). In this study,
it was aimed to find out the GI of high bush cranberry juice (HCJ) in four forms of use (juice with no added
sugar and juice sweetened with corn syrup, sucrose or honey) based on data from a total of 20 healthy
After not eating for 12 hours and consuming the test foods and the reference food, the participants were
subject to blood drawing by automatic lancet, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes into the application. GI
values of HCJ samples were found by calculating incremental areas for each individual. GI of HCJ with no
added sugar had the lowest value (40.95), followed by that of the sucrose added HCJ (42.75). GIs of HCJ
with corn syrup and honey were found to be similar, 54.16 and 56.98, respectively. Moreover, those with no
added sugar and those with sucrose and corn syrup fell into the low GI category, while the GI of HCJ with
honey fell into the medium GI category. In conclusion, it is suggested that consuming HCJ with low GI
values might be a healthier choice for individuals with chronicle illnesses.
Keywords: Glycemic index, high bush cranberry juice, sucrose, corn syrup, honey.
1. Introduction:
Research shows that carbohydrate sources have
different effects on blood sugar and insulin
secretion [1,2]. With the presence of such an effect,
the term Glycemic Index (GI) has become a current
topic for assessing the effect of different sources of
carbohydrates on blood glucose levels [3,4].
In recent years, the relation between GIs of food
items and their effects on body and health has
gained importance to a great extent. It is important
to know GIs of foods when administering diet
therapy and selecting healthy diets in many
chronical illnesses. For this reason, most doctors
and dietitians suggest that, in addition to consuming
sufficient and balanced nutrition, one should also
consume food items with low GIs to adhere to a
healthy diet.
Different countries are in an effort to determine the
GIs of food items they produce. International Tables
of GI were prepared in 1995, 2002 and 2008, and
GI values of more than three thousand nutrients
were determined [5,6]. GI values of essential
nutrients such as milk and yogurt are generally the
same, but GI values of fruit and fruit juice vary.
How fruit varieties and fruit are consumed also
changes their GI values. For example, when glucose
Meltem Soylu / Glycemic Index for Sucrose, Corn Syrup and Honey Entrained Highbush Cranberry Juice
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 02, Page no: BC 20253-20258
doi: Page | 20254
is taken as a reference nutrient, the GIs of pear,
plum, pineapple and watermelon are 38, 39, 59 and
72, respectively. Grapefruit has a GI of 25, while
grapefruit juice has that of 48; dried apricots, fresh
apricots, and canned apricots have GI values of 31,
57 and 64, respectively [7]. It is also important to
identify regional GI values, as there may be
differences in the composition of food items [6].
Highbush cranberry, within the family
Caprifoliaceous (Viburnum opulus), is a fruit native
to Anatolia. Highbush cranberry, after being picked
in SeptemberOctober, is soaked in water for one
three months. Its juice is traditionally produced at
homes or technologically in factories by flavoring
with different types of sugar such as sucrose, corn
syrup and honey. Highbush cranberry juice (HCJ) is
traditionally used for the treatment and prevention
of kidney diseases, gall bladder and liver diseases,
and diabetes. It is also used for pain and cramp
relief, as well as the improvement of general health.
Our country, Turkey, is one of the most important
countries of the world in beekeeping thanks to its
rich and highly varied flora. Honey that is found in
our dining tables as a sweetener is not only a
valuable nutrient in our country but also a medical
product favored for health. The International Tables
of GI lists honey as having GIs that range from 32
to 87, depending on the botanical origin and
fructose content [5].
While there is little information about physical and
chemical features of HCJ, there is no scientific
information about its GI. Therefore, in this study, it
was aimed to find out the GI of this regional juice,
HCJ, and the GIs of HCJ with different types of
sweeteners (sucrose, corn syrup, and honey). The
aim of the study was also to provide producers and
consumers with information on HCJ-related healthy
diets by comparing the results.
2. Materials and Methods:
2.1. High bush cranberry samples:
Highbush cranberries to be used in this study were
picked between September and October in 2014 in
İncesu, Bünyan and Akkışla, cities of Kayseri
province where they grow and are produced the
most. Four different samples of HCJ with a soaked
weight of at least 30 kg each were purchased.
Carbohydrate contents of the highbush cranberries
were determined at the Technological Research and
Application Laboratory of Erciyes University. The
HCJ sample with a carbohydrate value nearest to
the mean carbohydrate value was selected for the
2.2. Sucrose, corn syrup and citrus honey:
The HCJ sample that was sweetened with corn
syrup were bought from a business firm. The corn
syrup contained 55% fructose, 4244% glucose, and
13% polysaccharide (glucose polymers). Citrus
honey that was used in the study was bought
directly from an apiarist, and its GI value had
already been detected by Atalay et al. as 44.9 [8].
The common table sugar was used as the source of
2.3. Carbohydrate analysis of HCJ:
Carbohydrate analyses of the HCJ were carried out
using the HPLC technique, specifically by using an
Agilent 1260 Series LC (Degasser, pomp, automatic
sampler, column furnace, and fluorometric
detector), EC Nucleosil (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 µm,
NH2) (Macherey Nagel), and a column (Mobile
phase: Water: Acetonitrile (25:75), flow rate 1
mL/min., Column heat 30 °C , Detector: Reflector
index (RI) , Injection amount: 20 µL, Analysis
period 15 min). A sample of 0.1 g from each of the
fructose, glucose and sucrose were weighed and
dissolved in 10 mL super pure water (final density
10 mg/mL), and from those solutions, a standard
curve with a mean value of 3, within 2.5 and 6.6
mg/mL dilutions. Next, 0.25 g highbush cranberry
was weighed with 2 m capped tubes and 1.5 mL
acetonitrile. Water (50:50) was added and vortexed
for 20 seconds, and the tubes were centrifuged for 5
min. at 12.000 cycles. After filtering the liquid part
using 0.20 µ filters, a 20 µL volume of this material
was subject to the HPLC, and sugar levels were
determined. In the samples, the sugar analyses were
carried out according to the HPLC and the DIN
10758 method (DIN 10758: Untersuchung von
Honig Bestimmung des Gehaltes an den
Sacchariden Fructose, Glucose, Saccharose,
Turanose und Maltose HPLC-Verfahren). For this
purpose, a Waters and Alliance model HPLC
system was used, where reactive index detector
amin modified 4 ort h gel column (3 × 100 mm).
The method was implemented with the following
chromatographic conditions mobile phase:
acetonitrile/water (80/20), column temperature: 35
°C, and flow rate: 0.5 mL/minutes [9].
2.4. Research Sample:
The permission for the study was granted by the
Clinical Studies Ethical Review Board of Erciyes
Meltem Soylu / Glycemic Index for Sucrose, Corn Syrup and Honey Entrained Highbush Cranberry Juice
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 02, Page no: BC 20253-20258
doi: Page | 20255
University (with decision no. 2013/642 dated
11.22.2013). Research sample consisted of 20
healthy volunteer students from Nuh Naci Yazgan
University. Students who had a Body Mass Index
(BMI) higher than 30, regularly used pills, had
diabetes history in their family, had any chronical
illness and had been on a diet for any reasons were
not included in the study. Having 10 participants in
each group has a power of 80% to predict results at
the 0.05 level, and this level has 3 mean magnitude
for glycemic index studies [10].
2.5. Application:
The participants were instructed to avoid eating or
exercising excessively, to consume only 300 g
carbohydrate all day, and not to consume alcohol
one day prior to the test. Beginning with the night
before the test, the volunteers fasted for 1012 h
after dinner and drank only water during their
fasting period.
2.5.1. Reference food applications:
The reference food was tested twice, within
different weeks.
Glikosol (330 ml), which consists of 50 g glucose,
was used as the reference food.
2.5.2. Test food applications:
Based on the analysis results, HCJ with 50 gr of
carbohydrate was administered as the test food in
four different forms during different weeks, as
HCJ-Corn Syrup: Highbush cranberry juice with
10.2% corn syrup,
HCJ-Sucrose: Highbush cranberry juice with
10.2% (31.1 g) sucrose,
HCJ: Highbush cranberry juice with not added
flavor or sugar
HCJ-Honey: Highbush cranberry juice with 10.2%
(35 g)citrus honey.
2.6. Determination of Glycemic Index:
In this study, the GI values of HCJ were determined
in accordance with the procedures that have been
well-established in the GI literature [10, 11, 12].
Blood samples were taken from the finger using an
automatic lancet (Safe-T-Pro, Germany) 15, 30, 45,
60, 90, and 120 min into the application, and each
time the amount of glucose was determined by a
glucometer. The GI was calculated as the percent of
glycemic area determined after the consumption of
HCJ to the glycemic area produced by the glucose
that was chosen as the standard [13]. The
commonly-used GI classification system
categorizes food into 3 groups, as low (<55),
medium (5569) or high GI (>70) [11]. The HCJ
samples in this study were classified according to
the GI results.
2.7. Statistical Analysis:
All data gathered at the end of the study were
evaluated using SPSS (Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences) under the supervision of
academicians from Erciyes University, Faculty of
Medicine, Department of Biostatistics and Medical
Informatics. Whether the data were normally
distributed was checked using visual methods
(histograms and probability graphs) and the
Shapiro-Wilk test, one of the analytical methods.
Because the GI values of the test food showed
normal distribution, defining analyses were given
with using mean and standard deviations. In all
statistical tests, results with p<0.05 were considered
statistically significant [14].
3. Results:
The HCJ that was used in the study had 3.24%
fructose, 3.36% glucose, 0.08% sucrose and 0.21%
maltose content, while honey with a high amount of
carbohydrate content had 36.9% fructose, 29.5%
glucose, 2.6% sucrose and 2.6% maltose content
Table1. Digestible carbohydrate contents of HCJ*
and honey
* HCJ: Highbush Cranberry Juice
The GI of HCJ with no added sugar had the lowest
value (40.95), followed by that of HCJ with sucrose
(42.75). The GI values of HCJ with fructose and
HCJ with honey were found to be similar, 54.16 and
56.98, respectively, but the former was in the low
Meltem Soylu / Glycemic Index for Sucrose, Corn Syrup and Honey Entrained Highbush Cranberry Juice
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 02, Page no: BC 20253-20258
doi: Page | 20256
GI category, whereas the latter was in the medium
GI category (Table 2).
Table2. Glycemic and upper incremental index
values of HCJ*
GI Class
* HCJ: Highbush Cranberry Juice
However, as expected, HCJ, which was with no
added sugar at all times, increased blood sugar the
least, while the HCJ containing corn syrup
increased it the highest at the 30th minute (Figure
Figure 1. Changes in blood glucose level after the
reference food and the HCJ
4. Discussion:
The relationship between GI, chronic illnesses and
protection of health has been one of issues that has
been studied extensively. FAO/WHO Specialist
Committee specified the observation of GI as the
most important method for the maintenance of
health and treatment of chronical illness [15].
In our country, however, there is little data on the
GI values of food items. Only the GI values of
certain types of bread, pasta, rice and potato have
been determined in the studies that have been
carried out [16, 17]. In this first scientific study
where the GI was determined in the fruit category in
our country, the GI of the traditional type sugar-free
HCJ, which is frequently consumed in the Central
Anatolia Region, was found to be 40.95. Based on
this result, HCJ has a low GI.
Oboh et al. examined the GI of thirteen different
fruits grown in the Nigerian region [18]. They
found that the GI values of African star apples,
guavas, cashews, soursops and carrots were low
(28.01, 32.25, 31.60, 30.33, and 35.86,
respectively). However, they said that these results
may differ from the GI values of the fruits grown in
other countries.
Fructose is natural sugar, found in fruits and honey.
It’s important sources are sucrose and high fructose
corn syrup (HFCS) that added to foods and
The main area where corn syrup is used is the
carbonated drinks, followed by all flavored drinks
(juices, ice teas, juiced mineral waters, etc.),
chocolate, cake, candy types, jam, marmalade and
other jelly type foods [19]. In the past, fructose,
naturally found in fruits, became the most used
flavoring item within the food industry. It has been
reported in a study that since the time corn syrup
production began commercially, fructose
consumption has increased rapidly however the
consumption of naturally-produced fructose
remained the same. Recent studies indicate that
increasing in the intake of fructose parallels to the
increasing in type 2 diabetes and obesity. Despite
recent reports point out the association of high
fructose intake with several diseases, it should be
noted that not all the fructose source has the same
effect. Since there are limited number of human
studies examining the relationship between health
and fructose, plus the study concentrations are quite
high, it is difficult to directly relate these studies
with human health[20]
In order to facilitate and increase HCJ consumption,
a sugar-added form of it has also been produced in
the food industry, and it is being consumed with
sugar at homes using traditional methods, as well.
In this study, adding sucrose, corn syrup and honey
increased the GI value of HCJ. Within the tested
samples, the GI values of HCJ with corn syrup and
HCJ with honey were closer.
HCJ with honey had a medium level GI. Dried form
of honey consists of carbohydrates 95% fructose
and glucose. 510% of total carbohydrates are
Meltem Soylu / Glycemic Index for Sucrose, Corn Syrup and Honey Entrained Highbush Cranberry Juice
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 02, Page no: BC 20253-20258
doi: Page | 20257
oligosaccharide, and overall, there are 25 different
disaccharides and trisaccharides [21]. Honey with
its useful antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiradical, etc.
features is not only used as sweetener, but also as a
traditional medicine [22]. Bogdanov et al. stated
that certain types of honey have higher amounts of
concentrated fructose and lower levels of GI when
compared to other types of honey [21]. There are
lots of studies on the effects of honey and sugar in
honey (glucose, fructose and sucrose) on GI. Foster-
Powell et al. stated that in the international table of
GI and glycemic load values, honey has a lower GI
value than sucrose (0.55±0.05 and 1.10±0.21,
respectively) [5]. It was also shown that honey has
lower GIs in children (adolescence, mean age
10.95) [23, 24]. In a study conducted by Atalay et
al., the GI of citrus honey used in the study was
found to be 44.9 and classified as low [8].
Both controversy and confusion exist concerning
fructose, sucrose, and high-fructose corn syrup
(HFCS) with respect to their metabolism and health
effects. Whether there is a link between fructose,
HFCS, or sucrose and increased risk of heart
disease, metabolic syndrome, or fatty infiltration of
the liver or muscle remains in dispute with different
studies using different methodologies arriving at
different conclusions. [25].
In health policies and nutritional suggestions of
many countries, it is stated that sugar consumption
must be limited [26, 27]. WHO recommended a
reduced intake of free sugars throughout the
lifecourse, reducing the intake of free sugars to less
than 10% of total energy intake, WHO suggests a
further reduction of the intake of free sugars to
below 5% of total energy intake [28].
In this study, the HCJ samples, in this study, were
found to be in the low and medium GI category.
The GI of HCJ with no added sugar was found as
40.95. This result shows that HCJ has a low GI. The
other HCJ samples with corn syrup and those with
honey were found to have higher GI values. The
consumption of the sugar-free form of HCJ with
lower GI commonly preferred by people with
chronic diseases can be considered as a healthier
choice for people with obesity, especially with
diabetes and heart disease. In future research, it
might be useful to examine the responses of patients
especially with impaired glucose tolerance and
diabetes to foods with low glycemic index.
The authors express their thanks and gratitude to
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey) for the grant it
provided (Grant No. 3001-114S101).
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... Corn sugar's fructose and glucose content are 55% and 42%, respectively (Gultom et al., 2022). The glycemic index of cassava sugar is 54 (Soylu, 2018). ...
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Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn.) is a fruit plant from Indonesia that has a very sour taste because it contains citric acid and oxalic acid. This sour taste is why this fruit has yet to be optimally utilized. This study aimed to determine the effect of natural sweetener variations on wuluh star fruit jam's physico-chemical and organoleptic properties. This study used an experimental method in which the experiment was designed in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The results of this study showed that the addition of natural sweeteners to wuluh star fruit jam had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on viscosity (9143 – 9450 mpa.s), sineresis (1.295 – 4.592 mg), vitamin C test (17.540 – 25.629 mg/100g), moisture content (23.57 – 31.19%), total sugar content (58.01 – 69.41%wb) and which had no significant effect (p>0.05) on pH (3.38 – 3.64%). Meanwhile, organoleptic testing did not significantly affect taste, color, texture, aroma, and spreadability parameters. Keywords: Belimbing wuluh, Cassava sugar, Corn sugar, Honey, Jam
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Background/aim: Clinical trials have shown that low glycemic index (GI) nutrition reduces mean blood glucose concentrations and insulin secretions. The aim of the present study was to determine the GI values of various monofloral (citrus, milk-vetch, chestnut, thyme, lime, pine) honeys of Turkey, and the effect of their consumption on glucose metabolism. Materials and methods: Processing data from 20 healthy volunteers, GI values were determined from the glycemia values by using the incremental area method. Serum insulin and C-peptide levels were also measured before and 120 min after the test. Results: The GI values of citrus, thyme, lime, chestnut, pine, and milk-vetch honeys were found to be 44.9, 52.6, 55.3, 55.5, 58.8, and 69, respectively. Serum insulin and C-peptide values after honey consumption were relatively lower than those after reference food (glucose) consumption. By the end of the 120 min, serum insulin levels were significantly higher, while a significant decrease was observed after the consumption of chestnut honey (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Citrus and thyme honeys were determined to have low GI, while serum insulin levels were significantly lower after the consumption of chestnut honey. Long-term research is needed to compare the effects of honey consumption on healthy and diabetic individuals.
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Background: Studies have supported the protective effect of high fruit consumption in the management of chronic diseases such as diabetes. Methods: Thirteen fresh tropical fruits were sourced for and the fruits juices were extracted, freeze dried, and then reconstituted for analysis. The sugar, starch, amylose, and amylopectin contents as well as glycemic indices, antioxidant properties, and the ability of the fruits to inhibit starch-hydrolyzing enzymes were determined. Also, the phenolic constituents of the fruits were characterized using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector. Results: The starch, sugar, amylase, and amylopectin contents were 3.01–3.89 g/100 g, 35.34–60.91 g/100 g, 0.84–1.46 g/100 g, and 1.68–2.86 g/100 g, respectively, while the glycemic indices were 28.01–68.34, with African star apple (28.01) having the lowest and watermelon (68.34) the highest. Furthermore, the fruits exhibited high antioxidant properties as exemplified by their DPPH, ABTS+, ·≡OH, and NO radical scavenging abilities. Likewise, the fruits also demonstrated α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory property with Soursop (IC50 = 18.52 μg/mL), guava (IC50 = 19.77 μg/mL), and African star apple (IC50 = 20.86 μg/mL) showing the highest inhibitory potential among the 13 fruits. Similarly, the same trend was followed for α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. Conclusion: The fruits' low glycemic indices, strong antioxidant properties, and inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities could be possible mechanisms for their use in the management and prevention of type-2 diabetes.
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Both controversy and confusion exist concerning fructose, sucrose, and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) with respect to their metabolism and health effects. These concerns have often been fueled by speculation based on limited data or animal studies. In retrospect, recent controversies arose when a scientific commentary was published suggesting a possible unique link between HFCS consumption and obesity. Since then, a broad scientific consensus has emerged that there are no metabolic or endocrine response differences between HFCS and sucrose related to obesity or any other adverse health outcome. This equivalence is not surprising given that both of these sugars contain approximately equal amounts of fructose and glucose, contain the same number of calories, possess the same level of sweetness, and are absorbed identically through the gastrointestinal tract. Research comparing pure fructose with pure glucose, although interesting from a scientific point of view, has limited application to human nutrition given that neither is consumed to an appreciable degree in isolation in the human diet. Whether there is a link between fructose, HFCS, or sucrose and increased risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, or fatty infiltration of the liver or muscle remains in dispute with different studies using different methodologies arriving at different conclusions. Further randomized clinical trials are needed to resolve many of these issues. The purpose of this review is to summarize current knowledge about the metabolism, endocrine responses, and potential health effects of sucrose, HFCS, and fructose.
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A HPLC method with refractive index detection (RID) was developed for sugar determination in royal jelly (RJ). The method enables the determination of the three main sugars of royal jelly (fructose, glucose and sucrose), and maltose, which is sometimes present in RJ. The method ensures adequate sensitivity, quantitative recoveries, does not suffer from matrix interferences and shows good repeatability. It was used for the analysis of 97 RJ samples of different origin and the results were found to be in agreement with those reported in literature. The method is simple and suitable for a routine quality control of RJ sugar composition and represents an alternative to gas chromatographic methods, which require more complex purification and derivatisation steps.
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Due to the variation of botanical origin honey differs in appearance, sensory perception and composition. The main nutritional and health relevant components are carbohydrates, mainly fructose and glucose but also about 25 different oligosaccharides. Although honey is a high carbohydrate food, its glycemic index varies within a wide range from 32 to 85, depending on the botanical source. It contains small amounts of proteins, enzymes, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, aroma compounds and polyphenols. The review covers the composition, the nutritional contribution of its components, its physiological and nutritional effects. It shows that honey has a variety of positive nutritional and health effects, if consumed at higher doses of 50 to 80 g per intake.
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To systematically tabulate published and unpublished sources of reliable glycemic index (GI) values. A literature search identified 205 articles published between 1981 and 2007. Unpublished data were also included where the data quality could be verified. The data were separated into two lists: the first representing more precise data derived from testing healthy subjects and the second primarily from individuals with impaired glucose metabolism. The tables, which are available in the online-only appendix, list the GI of over 2,480 individual food items. Dairy products, legumes, and fruits were found to have a low GI. Breads, breakfast cereals, and rice, including whole grain, were available in both high and low GI versions. The correlation coefficient for 20 staple foods tested in both healthy and diabetic subjects was r = 0.94 (P < 0.001). These tables improve the quality and quantity of GI data available for research and clinical practice.
Our study was a case-control cross-sectional study that was conducted on 20 children and adolescents suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus and ten healthy non-diabetic children and adolescents serving as controls. The mean age of patients was 10.95 years. Oral sugar tolerance tests using glucose, sucrose and honey and measurement of fasting and postprandial serum C-peptide levels were done for all subjects in three separate sittings. The glycemic index (GI) and the peak incremental index (PII) were then calculated for each subject. Honey, compared to sucrose, had lower GI and PII in both patients (P < 0.001) and control (P < 0.05) groups. In the patients group, the increase in the level of C-peptide after using honey was not significant when compared with using either glucose or sucrose. However, in the control group, honey produced a significant higher C-peptide level, when compared with either glucose or sucrose. In conclusion, honey, because of its lower GI and PII when compared with sucrose, may be used as a sugar substitute in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
It is now recognized that dietary carbohydrate components influence the prevalence and severity of common degenerative diseases such as dental problems, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Fructose and sucrose have been evaluated and compared to glucose using glucose tolerance tests, but few such comparisons have been performed for a "natural" sugar source such as honey. In this study, 33 upper trimester chiropractic students volunteered for oral glucose tolerance testing comparing sucrose, fructose and honey during successive weeks. A 75-gm carbohydrate load in 250 ml of water was ingested and blood sugar readings were taken at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 240 minutes. Fructose showed minimal changes in blood sugar levels, consistent with other studies. Sucrose gave higher blood sugar readings than honey at every measurement, producing significantly (p less than .05) greater glucose intolerance. Honey provided the fewest subjective symptoms of discomfort. Given that honey has a gentler effect on blood sugar levels on a per gram basis, and tastes sweeter than sucrose so that fewer grams would be consumed, it would seem prudent to recommend honey over sucrose.
The determine the effect of different foods on the blood glucose, 62 commonly eaten foods and sugars were fed individually to groups of 5 to 10 healthy fasting volunteers. Blood glucose levels were measured over 2 h, and expressed as a percentage of the area under the glucose response curve when the same amount of carbohydrate was taken as glucose. The largest rises were seen with vegetables (70 +/- 5%), followed by breakfast cereals (65 +/- 5%), cereals and biscuits (60 +/- 3%), fruit (50 +/- 5%), dairy products (35 +/- 1%), and dried legumes (31 +/- 3%). A significant negative relationship was seen between fat (p less than 0.01) and protein (p less than 0.001) and postprandial glucose rise but not with fiber or sugar content.