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The Relationships among Leisure Involvement, Organizational Commitment and Well-Being: Viewpoints from Sport Fans in Asia


Abstract and Figures

Baseball spectating is one of the most popular leisure activities in Asia. Leisure participants with high well-being levels usually demonstrate loyal behavior to the teams they follow. Previous research indicates that professional sport fans are serious leisure participants and their participation has career qualities. The goal of this research was to investigate the relationship of leisure involvement with the well-being of professional sport fans and the possible mediating effect of organizational commitment, a career-related characteristic, on well-being. Some 406 fans of the Brother Elephants Baseball Team in Taiwan were surveyed. The results showed that leisure involvement positively and significantly influenced fans’ well-being and organizational commitment partially mediated the influence of leisure involvement on well-being. This study pioneers the integration of leisure involvement, well-being and organizational commitment in the context of a Professional Baseball League team within Asia. Implications and future research directions are presented.
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The Relationships among Leisure Involvement,
Organizational Commitment and Well-Being:
Viewpoints from Sport Fans in Asia
Su-Lan Pan 1ID , Homer C. Wu 2, Alastair M. Morrison 3,*ID , Min-Tzu Huang 4
and Wen-Shiung Huang 5ID
1School of Tourism & Hospitality Management and Institute for Development of Cross-strait Small and
Medium Enterprises, Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan 430205, China;
2Graduate Program of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Management,
National Taichung University of Education, Taichung 40306, Taiwan;
3National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
4Hualien Sun Dance High School, Hualien 97367, Taiwan;
5Department of Tourism and Leisure Management, Ling Tung University, Taichung 40852, Taiwan;
Received: 18 February 2018; Accepted: 28 February 2018; Published: 8 March 2018
Baseball spectating is one of the most popular leisure activities in Asia. Leisure participants
with high well-being levels usually demonstrate loyal behavior to the teams they follow. Previous
research indicates that professional sport fans are serious leisure participants and their participation
has career qualities. The goal of this research was to investigate the relationship of leisure involvement
with the well-being of professional sport fans and the possible mediating effect of organizational
commitment, a career-related characteristic, on well-being. Some 406 fans of the Brother Elephants
Baseball Team in Taiwan were surveyed. The results showed that leisure involvement positively
and significantly influenced fans’ well-being and organizational commitment partially mediated
the influence of leisure involvement on well-being. This study pioneers the integration of leisure
involvement, well-being and organizational commitment in the context of a Professional Baseball
League team within Asia. Implications and future research directions are presented.
leisure involvement; organizational commitment; serious leisure; professional sport fans;
1. Introduction
In Asia, professional sport is not yet as vibrant as in the USA and Europe and the current
population of sport fans is smaller. Since 1970, Taiwan
s Little League Baseball, Junior League Baseball
and Senior League Baseball teams have repeatedly won international competitions. The Chinese
Professional Baseball League (CPBL) began in Taiwan in 1989 and is the sixth professional baseball
league in the world. The total attendance reached 10 million in 1997 [
] but the population of Taiwan
is only 23 million. These statistics indicate that baseball spectating is a favorite leisure activity that has
blended into the lifestyles of Taiwanese.
The success of professional sports is derived from fans’ support and developing a loyal fan base
is a fundamental aim of professional sport organizations [
]. Each CPBL team is managed by an
enterprise. Usually, loyal fans travel to baseball fields around Taiwan to support their teams [
Hence fostering loyal fans is very important to every CPBL team. Fans benefit in many ways from the
association with teams, just as do the loyal customers of other companies. Much previous academic
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research has focused on sport fans’ loyalty. Some researchers assessed the attitudinal or behavioral
loyalty of sport fans [
]. Others analyzed fans’ sponsoring or consumption intentions [
However, if fans cannot obtain happiness or well-being from watching sports or participating in
sport activities, the relationship between fans and their teams will not be sustainable. Well-being
or happiness has positive affect and motivations that encourage people to pursue certain activities
and communicate favorable word of mouth about them [
]. For example, Chiu, Cheng, Huang and
Chen investigated users’ experiences with social network sites, showing that subjective well-being
positively influenced loyalty toward SNSs [
]. However, studies on well-being generated by sport
remain scarce [16].
In Taiwan, baseball spectating is a favorite leisure activity and baseball fans represent a
large community. The relationship between community well-being and community development
intersect; good community development fosters community well-being [
]. Hence, considering
the well-being of baseball fans contributes to a better understanding of community well-being and
community development.
The concept of serious leisure emerged through the work of Stebbins, which he defined as “the
systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer activity that is sufficiently substantial and
interesting for the participant to find a career there in the acquisition and expression of its special
skills and knowledge” (p3) [
]. According to Jones [
], quoting Stebbins [
], one of the six distinct
qualities of serious leisure is the delivery of significant benefits to individual participants. The normal
assumption is that these benefits outweigh the costs. However, Jones found that English professional
football fans engaged with the sport as serious leisure but continuously participated in unrewarding
activities [
]. Lamont, Kennelly and Moyle concluded that despite the costs and disappointment
of event cancellations, serious ironman triathlon participants persisted with their careers as amateur
athletes in this sport [
]. Previous research on outdoor activities has shown that well-being has a
positive effect on participants’ loyalty [
]. Thus, enhancing the well-being of sport fans could
increase their loyalty.
Leisure activities play a buffering role against stress [
] and assist with the effective
management of life stressors [
]. They have been found to reduce depression [
]; and enhance life
satisfaction [
] and well-being [
]. Researchers have demonstrated that increased levels of
leisure involvement have a positive impact on well-being [3538].
Empirical research on company employees suggests that organizational commitment is positively
associated with well-being [
]. Likewise, serious leisure participants involved with professional
sport may have high levels of organizational commitment to their favorite clubs and this can influence
their well-being. Based on this assumption, the main goal of this research was to explore the influence
of professional sport fans’ leisure involvement on their well-being and to determine the mediating
effect of organizational commitment. The specific research objectives were to:
1. Test the effect of leisure involvement on well-being.
2. Test the effect of leisure involvement on organizational commitment.
3. Test the effect of organizational commitment on well-being.
Examine the mediating role of organizational commitment between leisure involvement
and well-being.
This research examined the causal relationships among these three variables to provide a reference
for professional baseball teams in enhancing the well-being of their fans. Furthermore, the results could
assist the sport agencies of governments of other Asian communities in promoting the sustainable
development of professional baseball leagues.
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2. Literature Review
2.1. Leisure Involvement and Well-Being
The concept of involvement originated from psychology. Havitz and Dimanche consider
involvement as “undetected motivation, incentive, or interest toward a certain leisure activity or
related products, often elicited by a specific stimuli or situation.” In other words, “leisure involvement
refers to how we consider our leisure and how leisure influences our behavior” (p. 246) [
Therefore, to understand leisure involvement means to realize the leisure meaning for life and related
leisure behavior.
Many scholars divide measurement methods of leisure involvement into behavioral and
psychological involvement [
]. Behavioral involvement refers to the time and energy individuals
put into specific activities [
], measured in terms of participation frequency, time spent, related
resources available, etc. [
]. Psychological involvement refers to an individual’s internal
psychological process that prompts them to participate in leisure activities. Attraction, self-expression
and centrality are the most widely used constructs for psychological involvement [
]. Attraction
is the extent of a person’s connection to a specific situation after being stimulated by an activity;
the activity has importance and significance to the individual. Self-expression refers to a person’s
need to pursue self-realization, characterized by free self-expression and recognition for the activity,
which prompts the individual to convince others to participate in the activity. Centrality refers to a
person’s lifestyle or social network, the degree of integration with the activity in which the individual
participates and the central role the activity plays. In this research, the concept of McIntyre and Pigram
was adopted to identify suitable leisure involvement-related questions. Attraction, self-expression and
centrality served as the observed variables of leisure involvement [50].
Studies of well-being originated from three fields: mental health, quality of life and social
gerontology [
]. Diener believes that subjective well-being positively reflects a person’s overall life and
consists of high life satisfaction and positive feelings, along with minimal negative feelings [
]. Diener,
Emmons, Larsen and Griffin compiled the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), using assessments of
overall life to measure the degree of life satisfaction [
]. Diener and Emmons used eight affective
words to measure positive and negative affects [
]. Watson, Clark and Tellegen designed the Positive
and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), including 20 questions each for the positive and negative
dimensions [
]. Positive and negative affective responses and overall life satisfaction were adopted in
this research to represent well-being.
Previous researchers have shown that when participating consistently in a specific activity,
individuals experience less stress and a stronger sense of well-being [
]. In two studies of college
students, it was concluded that leisure involvement had a positive effect on well-being [
]. A study
of seniors showed that behavioral and socio-psychological involvement affected well-being [
Huang found that leisure involvement of serious leisure participants had a positive impact on
well-being [
]. Huang also pointed out that leisure involvement of baseball fans had a positive
influence on well-being [62]. Therefore, the first hypothesis of this research was:
Hypothesis 1. Leisure involvement has positive and significant effects on well-being.
2.2. Serious Leisure
Serious leisure has six distinguishing characteristics; perseverance, career, significant personal
effort, durable benefits, unique ethos and tendency to identify strongly. Serious leisure participation
is usually profound and long-lasting. Participants have strong skills, knowledge or experience with
the activities and they generally get no remuneration [
]. They gain various social and personal
benefits from the activities [
]. Sport fans usually have more knowledge and watch games in person,
online or on TV. In general, they do not receive any remuneration but derive various benefits from the
sport. Therefore, the researchers regard sport fans as serious leisure participants.
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 4 of 18
Many studies have shown that well-being positively correlates with different kinds of leisure
activities, including visiting family and friends, playing sport games, watching television and taking
trips [
]. Cheng found that those engaged in serious leisure activities received the highest
satisfaction, while casual leisure participants experienced moderate satisfaction [
]. Liu also reported
greater well-being when participants were engaging in a serious and committed leisure activity [
Therefore, it appears that serious leisure participants usually derive a higher level of well-being.
Before leaving this discussion of serious leisure, some criticism of the concept must be noted and
acknowledged. Veal, for example, assessed the serious leisure perspective (SLP) and challenged its
status as a theory and a three-level typology (casual, serious and project-based leisure). He argued
that SLP theory had been untested in forms other than serious leisure and that serious leisure was a
continuum rather than being represented by three discrete categories [71].
2.3. Organizational Commitment
The concept of organizational commitment originated from the side-bet theory of Becker [
Robbins believes that organizational commitment is members’ loyalty toward the organization,
recognition for the organization and degree of participation in organizational events [
]. Some
authors summarized previous research measurements of organizational commitment, dividing these
into personal affection, perceived costs and risks and social relations into affective, continuance
and normative commitment. Affective commitment is an individual’s degree of attachment to an
organization; continuance commitment refers to perceived costs and risks for leaving the existing
organization; and normative commitment is a type of moral commitment, deeming organizational
loyalty essential [
]. Some studies have used these three dimensions of organizational commitment
developed by Allen and Meyer [
] to analyze work commitment [
] and consumer commitment [
Lee, Allen, Meyer and Rhee used the three dimensions to measure the organizational commitment of
nurses and industrial hygiene technicians in South Korea [78].
Baseball spectating is a process that satisfies individuals’ subjective feelings and stimulates their
passion while creating a better quality of life [
]. When participants are involved in leisure activities,
as time goes by, they become committed to leisure service providers [
]. Research by Kyle and
Mowen showed that some variables of leisure involvement have a positive impact on organizational
commitment [
]. The paper of Wu, Pan and Huang indicated that if sport fans have more leisure
involvement, they will have more commitment to the organization [
], thus, the second hypothesis
was framed as:
Hypothesis 2. Leisure involvement has positive and significant effects on organizational commitment.
Organizational identification is a specific type of social identification [
]. However, the research
is inconsistent on the relationship between organizational identity and commitment. Some suggest
that organizational commitment is part of the organizational identity construct [
], whereas others
consider organizational identity to be an element of organizational commitment [
]. Still other
scholars believe that organizational identity leads to organizational commitment [
]. Ashforth and
Mael argued that organizational commitment and identification are different but organizational
identity is an important reference for organizational commitment [
]. Some past research has
found organizational identification to be closely related to organizational commitment [
Stinglhamber et al. explored the relationship between employee organizational identity and affective
organizational commitment [
]. The results showed organizational identification to be an antecedent
of organizational commitment.
In sport fans’ perceptions, organizational identification is close to team identification. Sport
fans who highly identify with their teams, maintain memberships in related social networks and this
enhances their social identity [
]. Wann, Melnick, Russell and Pease found that identification
with a team was positively associated with personal self-esteem and positive emotions and was
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 5 of 18
negatively correlated with depression and negative affection [
]. Team identification is associated
with higher levels of social self-esteem [
] and more frequent positive emotions [
]. Wann [
] and
Wann, Waddill, Polk and Weaver [
] found a positive relationship between sports team identification
and well-being.
Panaccio and Vandenberghe explored the correlations among organizational support,
organizational commitment (emotions, norms, perceived sacrificed leaving and perceived lack of
alternatives) and subjective well-being perceived by members. Their findings showed that the higher
the respondents’ attachment to an organization, the greater their well-being [
]. Galais and Moser
conducted a survey targeting temporary agency workers from 2000 to 2002. Temporary agency
employees’ commitment to the client organization had positive effects on individuals’ well-being [
Jamal and Khan revealed there is a positive relationship between survivors’ organizational commitment
and psychological well-being after the downsizing process [
]. Harris and Cameron indicated that
various dimensions of attachment to the organization (normative, affective, continuance commitment)
are important positive predictors of the well-being of employees [
]. Hence, employees’ organizational
commitment positively influences their well-being. Sport fans’ organizational identification positively
affects their well-being. There are stronger relationships between organizational identification and
organizational commitment. According to Stebbins’ serious leisure concept, sport fans are regarded
as serious leisure participants with career qualities [19]. Cuskelly, Harrington and Stebbins indicated
that participants in serious leisure activities identify positively with the organization and have more
commitment to it [
]. The study showed that organizational commitment of baseball fans has a
positive impact on their well-being [
]. Therefore, this research examined the mediating effect of
organizational commitment on the leisure involvement and well-being of sport fans. The third and
fourth hypotheses were posited as follows:
Hypothesis 3. Organizational commitment has positive and significant effects on well-being.
Hypothesis 4. Organizational commitment mediates the influence of leisure involvement on well-being.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Research Framework and Instrument
Based on these four hypotheses, structural equation modeling was applied to determine
the influential effects among leisure involvement, organizational commitment and well-being.
The mediating effect of organizational commitment on leisure involvement and well-being was
also measured.
Brother Elephants Baseball Team is one of the founding members of the CPBL. Since its foundation
in 1990 through 2013, the team set the record for winning the Taiwan Series for three consecutive years,
in 1992–1994 and 2001–2003 respectively, making it the first to have achieved three consecutive wins
twice in the history of the League. Brother Elephants Baseball Team also has most fans in Taiwan.
This team’s fans were selected as the focus for this research. The conceptual model proposed is shown
in Figure 1.
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Well-being was the fans’ perceived emotions and life satisfaction. The SWLS scale of Diener et
al. [53] and the questions of Diener and Emmons [54] served as references and revisions were made,
including three dimensions, namely life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect, consisting of
10 questions. A 7-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree) was applied. Thus,
the higher the degree of life satisfaction and positive affect, the higher the well-being; the higher the
perceived negative affect, the lower the well-being.
Figure 1. Conceptual Model. Note: Means directly affects Means indirectly affects.
3.2. Sampling and Research Tools
The original questionnaire was in English and was translated into Chinese. To ensure that it was
translated appropriately, the instrument was reviewed by six professors specializing in leisure, sport
and tourism. Before conducting the survey, this research was approved by five professors (Review
Committee) at the Graduate Institute of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Management, National
Taichung University of Education.
The researchers went to the stadium to survey the fans of Brother Elephants. Before
administering the survey, interviewees were asked whether they were Brother Elephants’ fans. Upon
confirmation, respondents completed the questionnaires. The sampling method was purposive. The
questionnaire was distributed before the break time in games, without unnecessarily disturbing the
respondents. The sampling period was from 23 September to 23 October 2010. A total of 450
questionnaires were distributed and 406 valid copies were received, indicating a response rate of
90.2%. The researchers did not offer any incentives to participate in the study. The average number
of home game spectators for the Brother Elephants Team was 4730 in the past 20 years, which is the
highest among the four teams. This is 1.35 times greater than the second team (LaNew).
The probability value of the questionnaire content validity was 0.83. The Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient of leisure involvement was 0.921 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of organizational
commitment was 0.955. Well-being had Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.857. All the reliability
coefficients were at satisfactory levels.
3.3. Reliability and Validity Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to verify whether the observed variables could
be used to measure the latent variables. The factor loading of all the questions of leisure involvement
were between 0.56 and 0.86; the composition reliability (CR value) was 0.93 and the Average
Variances Extracted (AVE) was 0.53 (Table 1). For organizational commitment, the factor loadings
were between 0.66 and 0.92; the CR value was 0.95 and the AVE value was 0.63 (Table 2). For well-
being, the factor loadings were between 0.63 and 0.94; the CR value was 0.96 and the AVE value was
0.72 (Table 3). Raines-Eudy pointed out that composite reliability values of over 0.5 were acceptable
[101]. Fornell and Larcker believed that AVE values over 0.5 indicated that the scale possessed
convergent validity [102].
H2 H3
H4 H4
Figure 1. Conceptual Model. Note:
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 17
Well-being was the fans’ perceived emotions and life satisfaction. The SWLS scale of Diener et
al. [53] and the questions of Diener and Emmons [54] served as references and revisions were made,
including three dimensions, namely life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect, consisting of
10 questions. A 7-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree) was applied. Thus,
the higher the degree of life satisfaction and positive affect, the higher the well-being; the higher the
perceived negative affect, the lower the well-being.
Figure 1. Conceptual Model. Note: Means directly affects Means indirectly affects.
3.2. Sampling and Research Tools
The original questionnaire was in English and was translated into Chinese. To ensure that it was
translated appropriately, the instrument was reviewed by six professors specializing in leisure, sport
and tourism. Before conducting the survey, this research was approved by five professors (Review
Committee) at the Graduate Institute of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Management, National
Taichung University of Education.
The researchers went to the stadium to survey the fans of Brother Elephants. Before
administering the survey, interviewees were asked whether they were Brother Elephants’ fans. Upon
confirmation, respondents completed the questionnaires. The sampling method was purposive. The
questionnaire was distributed before the break time in games, without unnecessarily disturbing the
respondents. The sampling period was from 23 September to 23 October 2010. A total of 450
questionnaires were distributed and 406 valid copies were received, indicating a response rate of
90.2%. The researchers did not offer any incentives to participate in the study. The average number
of home game spectators for the Brother Elephants Team was 4730 in the past 20 years, which is the
highest among the four teams. This is 1.35 times greater than the second team (LaNew).
The probability value of the questionnaire content validity was 0.83. The Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient of leisure involvement was 0.921 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of organizational
commitment was 0.955. Well-being had Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.857. All the reliability
coefficients were at satisfactory levels.
3.3. Reliability and Validity Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to verify whether the observed variables could
be used to measure the latent variables. The factor loading of all the questions of leisure involvement
were between 0.56 and 0.86; the composition reliability (CR value) was 0.93 and the Average
Variances Extracted (AVE) was 0.53 (Table 1). For organizational commitment, the factor loadings
were between 0.66 and 0.92; the CR value was 0.95 and the AVE value was 0.63 (Table 2). For well-
being, the factor loadings were between 0.63 and 0.94; the CR value was 0.96 and the AVE value was
0.72 (Table 3). Raines-Eudy pointed out that composite reliability values of over 0.5 were acceptable
[101]. Fornell and Larcker believed that AVE values over 0.5 indicated that the scale possessed
convergent validity [102].
Means directly affects
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 17
Well-being was the fans’ perceived emotions and life satisfaction. The SWLS scale of Diener et
al. [53] and the questions of Diener and Emmons [54] served as references and revisions were made,
including three dimensions, namely life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect, consisting of
10 questions. A 7-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree) was applied. Thus,
the higher the degree of life satisfaction and positive affect, the higher the well-being; the higher the
perceived negative affect, the lower the well-being.
Figure 1. Conceptual Model. Note: Means directly affects Means indirectly affects.
3.2. Sampling and Research Tools
The original questionnaire was in English and was translated into Chinese. To ensure that it was
translated appropriately, the instrument was reviewed by six professors specializing in leisure, sport
and tourism. Before conducting the survey, this research was approved by five professors (Review
Committee) at the Graduate Institute of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Management, National
Taichung University of Education.
The researchers went to the stadium to survey the fans of Brother Elephants. Before
administering the survey, interviewees were asked whether they were Brother Elephants’ fans. Upon
confirmation, respondents completed the questionnaires. The sampling method was purposive. The
questionnaire was distributed before the break time in games, without unnecessarily disturbing the
respondents. The sampling period was from 23 September to 23 October 2010. A total of 450
questionnaires were distributed and 406 valid copies were received, indicating a response rate of
90.2%. The researchers did not offer any incentives to participate in the study. The average number
of home game spectators for the Brother Elephants Team was 4730 in the past 20 years, which is the
highest among the four teams. This is 1.35 times greater than the second team (LaNew).
The probability value of the questionnaire content validity was 0.83. The Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient of leisure involvement was 0.921 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of organizational
commitment was 0.955. Well-being had Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.857. All the reliability
coefficients were at satisfactory levels.
3.3. Reliability and Validity Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to verify whether the observed variables could
be used to measure the latent variables. The factor loading of all the questions of leisure involvement
were between 0.56 and 0.86; the composition reliability (CR value) was 0.93 and the Average
Variances Extracted (AVE) was 0.53 (Table 1). For organizational commitment, the factor loadings
were between 0.66 and 0.92; the CR value was 0.95 and the AVE value was 0.63 (Table 2). For well-
being, the factor loadings were between 0.63 and 0.94; the CR value was 0.96 and the AVE value was
0.72 (Table 3). Raines-Eudy pointed out that composite reliability values of over 0.5 were acceptable
[101]. Fornell and Larcker believed that AVE values over 0.5 indicated that the scale possessed
convergent validity [102].
Means indirectly affects.
Leisure involvement was defined as the affective input, motivation, excitement and other
psychological states of a fan toward professional baseball games. The scales of McIntyre and
Pigram [
] and Kyle et al. [
] were used. The contents included three dimensions: attraction,
self-expression and centrality, consisting of 12 positive questions. A 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly
disagree to 5 = strongly agree) was adopted for measurement.
Organizational commitment was defined as the identity of a fan’s recognition, loyalty and
participation toward a baseball team. The scale of Lee et al. [
] was used combining the dimensions
of Meyer and Allen [
] and Meyer, Allen & Smith [
]. The questions were then revised where
appropriate to measure the organizational commitment toward Brother Elephants Baseball Team.
Three dimensions, namely affective, continuance and normative commitment were included, with a
total of 12 questions. A 7-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree) was applied.
Well-being was the fans’ perceived emotions and life satisfaction. The SWLS scale of
Diener et al. [53]
and the questions of Diener and Emmons [
] served as references and revisions
were made, including three dimensions, namely life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect,
consisting of 10 questions. A 7-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree) was
applied. Thus, the higher the degree of life satisfaction and positive affect, the higher the well-being;
the higher the perceived negative affect, the lower the well-being.
3.2. Sampling and Research Tools
The original questionnaire was in English and was translated into Chinese. To ensure that it
was translated appropriately, the instrument was reviewed by six professors specializing in leisure,
sport and tourism. Before conducting the survey, this research was approved by five professors
(Review Committee) at the Graduate Institute of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Management,
National Taichung University of Education.
The researchers went to the stadium to survey the fans of Brother Elephants. Before administering
the survey, interviewees were asked whether they were Brother Elephants’ fans. Upon confirmation,
respondents completed the questionnaires. The sampling method was purposive. The questionnaire
was distributed before the break time in games, without unnecessarily disturbing the respondents.
The sampling period was from 23 September to 23 October 2010. A total of 450 questionnaires were
distributed and 406 valid copies were received, indicating a response rate of 90.2%. The researchers
did not offer any incentives to participate in the study. The average number of home game spectators
for the Brother Elephants Team was 4730 in the past 20 years, which is the highest among the four
teams. This is 1.35 times greater than the second team (LaNew).
The probability value of the questionnaire content validity was 0.83. The Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient of leisure involvement was 0.921 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of organizational
commitment was 0.955. Well-being had Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.857. All the reliability
coefficients were at satisfactory levels.
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 7 of 18
3.3. Reliability and Validity Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to verify whether the observed variables could be
used to measure the latent variables. The factor loading of all the questions of leisure involvement
were between 0.56 and 0.86; the composition reliability (CR value) was 0.93 and the Average Variances
Extracted (AVE) was 0.53 (Table 1). For organizational commitment, the factor loadings were between
0.66 and 0.92; the CR value was 0.95 and the AVE value was 0.63 (Table 2). For well-being, the factor
loadings were between 0.63 and 0.94; the CR value was 0.96 and the AVE value was 0.72 (Table 3).
Raines-Eudy pointed out that composite reliability values of over 0.5 were acceptable [
]. Fornell and
Larcker believed that AVE values over 0.5 indicated that the scale possessed convergent validity [
Table 1. Statistical Analysis of Leisure Involvement.
Variables and Dimensions Mean Standard Deviation Factor Loading CR AVE
Leisure Involvement 3.99 0.58 0.93 0.53
Attraction 4.40 0.60 0.88 0.65
I am interested in watching
professional baseball. 4.58 0.62 0.76
It is important for me to watch
professional baseball. 4.25 0.78 0.86
To me, watching professional
baseball is one of the most
pleasurable things to do.
4.46 0.65 0.74
I really enjoy watching
professional baseball. 4.45 0.71 0.84
Self-Expression 4.01 0.64 0.75 0.43
Watching professional baseball
helps me relieve stress in life. 4.28 0.75 0.68
To me, watching professional
baseball allows me to truly
express myself.
3.91 0.84 0.72
I am mastering knowledge about
professional baseball watching. 3.96 0.82 0.60
I expect others to share the same
views on professional baseball
watching as mine.
3.90 0.91 0.62
Centrality 3.57 0.71 0.82 0.53
My life is centered on watching
professional baseball. 3.45 0.99 0.82
I met most of my friends through
professional baseball watching. 2.74 0.99 0.56
I am very willing to share
everything about professional
baseball watching with friends.
4.00 0.79 0.71
I derive higher satisfaction from
professional baseball watching
than I do in regular activities.
3.85 0.93 0.79
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 8 of 18
Table 2. Statistical Analysis of Organizational Commitment.
Variables and Dimensions Mean Standard Deviation Factor Loading CR AVE
Organizational Commitment 5.49 1.11 0.95 0.63
Affective Commitment 5.59 1.15 0.92 0.70
Problems faced by Brother
Elephants Baseball Team are like my
4.98 1.48 0.66
I feel a strong sense of
belongingness toward Brother
Elephants Baseball Team.
5.87 1.25 0.89
I have strong emotional attachment
to Brother Elephants Baseball Team.
5.71 1.29 0.92
Brother Elephants Baseball Team is
like family to me. 5.54 1.33 0.86
Brother Elephants Baseball Team
means a lot to me. 5.87 1.24 0.85
Continuance Commitment 5.57 1.17 0.85 0.59
If I don’t support brother Elephants
Baseball Team, I may never be able
to find a team to support.
5.86 1.43 0.68
To me, the cost of not supporting
Brother Elephants Baseball Team is
far higher than the benefits.
5.02 1.48 0.72
I will not stop supporting Brother
Elephants Baseball Team; otherwise,
I might lose my stand.
5.64 1.42 0.85
My life will be affected if I decide to
no longer support Brother
Elephants Baseball Team.
4.97 1.66 0.81
Normative Commitment 5.30 1.25 0.79 0.56
I feel obligated to continue
supporting Brother Elephants
Baseball Team.
5.63 1.45 0.82
Even if there is a better baseball
team to choose. I will still support
Brother Elephants Baseball Team.
6.04 1.28 0.71
If I stop supporting Brother
Elephants Baseball Team, I am a
person with no credibility.
4.35 1.84 0.71
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 9 of 18
Table 3. Statistical Analysis of Well-Being.
Variables and Dimensions Mean Standard Deviation Factor Loading CR AVE
Well-Being 4.95 0.85 0.96 0.72
Life Satisfaction 4.78 1.10 0.87 0.63
In general, my life is close to my
ideal. 4.96 1.20 0.77
My living condition is good. 5.41 1.09 0.83
I am quite satisfied with my life.
5.16 1.20 0.91
So far, I have acquired things
important to me in my life. 4.40 1.63 0.63
Positive Affect 5.49 1.02 0.94 0.84
I feel pleasurable 5.54 1.05 0.91
I feel satisfied 5.42 1.13 0.94
I feel enjoyable 5.45 1.08 0.91
Negative Affect 3.41 1.43 0.90 0.74
I feel depressed 3.42 1.34 0.84
I feel angry 3.24 1.50 0.87
I feel worried 3.67 1.29 0.87
4. Results
Among the research participants, 66.2% were males, 33.8% were female and 57.9% were aged
21–30. Most of the respondents (51.2%) had university educations. The highest proportions were whose
length of time engaged in baseball watching was 6–10 years (33.8%) and who had been supporting
Brother Elephants Baseball League for 6–10 years (33.3%).
4.1. Test of Hypothesis 1
The researchers determined whether leisure involvement had a positive effect on well-being.
The statistics for goodness of fit were
= 28.50 (p= 0.00), Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.98, Adjusted
Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) = 0.94,
Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) = 0.04
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.08
, Non-normed Fit Index (NNFI) = 0.96,
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.98,
/df = 3.56. It was concluded that the proposed model had a good
fit (Table 4). According to the path analysis results, the direct effect of baseball fans’ leisure involvement
on their well-being was significant, accounting for 0.47 (p< 0.01) (Figure 2). The relationship of leisure
involvement to well-being was positive and significant. Thus, Hypothesis 1 was supported.
Table 4. Goodness-of-fit Test for Leisure Involvement and Well-Being.
Indices Model fit Criteria
χ2/df 3.56
GFI 0.98 >0.90
AGFI 0.94 >0.90
SRMR 0.04 <0.05
RMSEA 0.08 <0.08
NNFI 0.96 >0.90
CFI 0.98 >0.90
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 10 of 18
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 17
Table 4. Goodness-of-fit Test for Leisure Involvement and Well-Being.
Indices Model fit Criteria
/df 3.56
GFI 0.98 >0.90
AGFI 0.94 >0.90
SRMR 0.04 <0.05
RMSEA 0.08 <0.08
NNFI 0.96 >0.90
CFI 0.98 >0.90
Figure 2. The effect of leisure involvement on well-being. Note: ** p < 0.01.
4.2. Tests of Hypotheses 2 and 3
The relationships among leisure involvement, organizational commitment and well-being were
examined. A mediating model was developed (Figure 3). The fit statistics of the model were as
follows: χ
=88.21 (p = 0.00), GFI = 0.95, AGFI = 0.91, SRMR = 0.04, RMSEA = 0.08, NNFI = 0.97, CFI =
0.98 and χ
/df = 3.70. Overall, the mediating model had good fit (Table 5). Moreover, the path analysis
results showed that the direct effect of leisure involvement on organizational commitment was
positive and significant at 0.77 (p < 0.01) and the direct effect of organizational commitment on well-
being was positive and significant at 0.39 (p < 0.01). In other words, the higher fans’ leisure
involvement, the higher was their organizational commitment; the higher fans’ organizational
commitment, the higher was their well-being. Thus, Hypothesis 2 and 3 were supported. It was found
that leisure involvement indirectly affected well-being through organizational commitment, the
indirect effect was 0.30 (0.77 × 0.39) (p < 0.01).
Figure 3. The test for the mediating model of organizational commitment. Note: ** p < 0.01 * p < 0.05.
Involvement Well-Being
Centrality to
lifestyle Negative
0.25 0.19 0.27
0.77** 0.39**
0.78* 0.54*
Satisfaction 0.49
Figure 2. The effect of leisure involvement on well-being. Note: ** p< 0.01.
4.2. Tests of Hypotheses 2 and 3
The relationships among leisure involvement, organizational commitment and well-being were
examined. A mediating model was developed (Figure 3). The fit statistics of the model were as follows:
=88.21 (p= 0.00), GFI = 0.95, AGFI = 0.91, SRMR = 0.04, RMSEA = 0.08, NNFI = 0.97, CFI = 0.98 and
/df = 3.70. Overall, the mediating model had good fit (Table 5). Moreover, the path analysis results
showed that the direct effect of leisure involvement on organizational commitment was positive and
significant at 0.77 (p< 0.01) and the direct effect of organizational commitment on well-being was
positive and significant at 0.39 (p< 0.01). In other words, the higher fans’ leisure involvement, the higher
was their organizational commitment; the higher fans’ organizational commitment, the higher was their
well-being. Thus, Hypothesis 2 and 3 were supported. It was found that leisure involvement indirectly
affected well-being through organizational commitment, the indirect effect was 0.30 (
0.77 ×0.39
(p< 0.01).
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 17
Table 4. Goodness-of-fit Test for Leisure Involvement and Well-Being.
Indices Model fit Criteria
/df 3.56
GFI 0.98 >0.90
AGFI 0.94 >0.90
SRMR 0.04 <0.05
RMSEA 0.08 <0.08
NNFI 0.96 >0.90
CFI 0.98 >0.90
Figure 2. The effect of leisure involvement on well-being. Note: ** p < 0.01.
4.2. Tests of Hypotheses 2 and 3
The relationships among leisure involvement, organizational commitment and well-being were
examined. A mediating model was developed (Figure 3). The fit statistics of the model were as
follows: χ
=88.21 (p = 0.00), GFI = 0.95, AGFI = 0.91, SRMR = 0.04, RMSEA = 0.08, NNFI = 0.97, CFI =
0.98 and χ
/df = 3.70. Overall, the mediating model had good fit (Table 5). Moreover, the path analysis
results showed that the direct effect of leisure involvement on organizational commitment was
positive and significant at 0.77 (p < 0.01) and the direct effect of organizational commitment on well-
being was positive and significant at 0.39 (p < 0.01). In other words, the higher fans’ leisure
involvement, the higher was their organizational commitment; the higher fans’ organizational
commitment, the higher was their well-being. Thus, Hypothesis 2 and 3 were supported. It was found
that leisure involvement indirectly affected well-being through organizational commitment, the
indirect effect was 0.30 (0.77 × 0.39) (p < 0.01).
Figure 3. The test for the mediating model of organizational commitment. Note: ** p < 0.01 * p < 0.05.
Involvement Well-Being
Centrality to
lifestyle Negative
0.25 0.19 0.27
0.77** 0.39**
0.78* 0.54*
Satisfaction 0.49
Figure 3. The test for the mediating model of organizational commitment. Note: ** p< 0.01 * p< 0.05.
Table 5. Goodness-of-fit Test for the Mediating Model.
Indices Model Fit Criteria
χ2/df 3.70
GFI 0.95 >0.90
AGFI 0.91 >0.90
SRMR 0.04 <0.05
RMSEA 0.08 <0.08
NNFI 0.97 >0.90
CFI 0.98 >0.90
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 11 of 18
4.3. Test of Hypothesis 4
Fans’ leisure involvement had a positive and significant effect on well-being, with a direct effect
of 0.47 (p< 0.01) (Figure 2). When organizational commitment was included in the model (Figure 3),
leisure involvement also had a significant effect on well-being but with a weak direct effect of 0.18
p< 0.05
). In the mediating model, leisure involvement had a significant effect on well-being through
organizational commitment and the indirect effect was 0.30. Thus, the total effect of leisure involvement
on well-being was 0.48 (0.18 + 0.30). The indirect effect value of leisure involvement through the effect
of organizational commitment accounted for 62.5% of the total effects (0.30/0.48), thus indicating
organizational commitment is a mediating variable of leisure involvement and well-being. Thus,
for Hypothesis 4, organizational commitment partially mediated the influence of leisure involvement
on well-being and it was supported.
The findings showed that the Brother Elephants Team fans’ performance was above average in
three respects: leisure involvement, organizational commitment and well-being. The average value of
the leisure involvement was 3.99 and the standard deviation was 0.58, thus indicating these baseball
fans’ positive leisure involvement. The concept with the most profound leisure involvement was
attraction, with an average value of 4.40, followed by self-expression (4.01) and centrality (3.57) (Table 1).
The average value of overall organizational commitment was 5.49 with a standard deviation of 1.11.
The concept with the highest value was affective commitment at 5.59. Continuance commitment
followed with the value of 5.57. Finally, normative commitment had an average value of 5.30 (Table 2).
For well-being, the overall average value was 4.95 with a standard deviation of 0.85. The concept with
the highest average value was positive affect (5.49), followed by life satisfaction (4.78) and negative
affect (3.41) (Table 3).
The results indicated that attraction, self-expression and centrality were representations of sport
fans’ leisure involvement, of which self-expression had the highest factor load (0.88), followed by
attraction (0.78) and centrality (0.78). The organizational commitment of baseball fans can be reflected
in affective, continuance and normative commitment, of which continuance commitment had the
highest factor load (0.90), followed by affective commitment (0.87) and normative commitment (0.85).
As for well-being, it was reflected by life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect, of which
positive affect had the highest factor load (0.82), followed by life satisfaction (0.71) and negative
affect (0.54).
5. Discussion
The overall goal of this research was to explore the influence of the leisure involvement of sport
fans on their well-being and the mediating effect of organizational commitment. The findings revealed
that the leisure involvement of baseball fans has a positive impact on their well-being. This finding
coincides with the research results of Lu and Hu [
], Dai et al. [
], Huang [
] and Doerksen et
al. [
]. Huang indicated the leisure involvement of sport volunteers had a positive impact on their
well-being [
]. Doerksen et al. not only suggested that leisure activity related to well-being but also
indicated that participating in specific activities (including social activities and volunteering) readily
enhanced well-being [
]. This analysis found that the leisure involvement of sport fans positively
influenced their well-being.
In this research, the sport fans with career-like qualities were assumed to be serious leisure
participants. Related studies of enterprises found that the higher the employees’ organizational
commitment, the higher the level of their well-being. Hence, the mediating effect of organizational
commitment on sport fans’ leisure involvement and well-being was explored. Indeed, the results
confirmed that organizational commitment possesses a partial mediating effect. The sport fans
with higher leisure involvement had higher organizational commitment. In other words, the
higher the involvement of the fans in watching baseball games, the more likely it was for them
to develop commitment to the baseball team. This result is comparable to previous research
findings [48,80,81]
. When the fans developed commitment to the baseball team they support, it
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 12 of 18
enhanced their well-being, as confirmed in previous studies [
]. Some previous studies
found organizational commitment to be an important positive predictor of the well-being of
employees [
]. This research investigated the effect of organizational commitment on the
well-being of sport fans and showed that organizational commitment was also a positive predictor
of fan well-being. Additionally, it demonstrated that the most effective way to promote well-being is
by simultaneously increasing fans’ leisure involvement and their organizational commitment. Since
community well-being interacts with community development [
], increasing the well-being of sport
fans will enhance community well-being and community development in teams’ locations.
6. Conclusions and Implications
6.1. Conclusions
This research explored the relationship between the leisure involvement and well-being of baseball
fans. The results are exploratory and provide initial support for the mediating role of organizational
commitment for sport fans. The leisure involvement of baseball fans had a positive impact on
their well-being and organizational commitment partially mediated between leisure involvement
and well-being.
Leisure involvement positively and significantly affected organizational commitment. That is,
the greater the extent of baseball fans’ involvement in the leisure activity, the more likely it is for
them to accumulate commitment to the baseball team. Furthermore, organizational commitment
also positively and significantly affected their well-being. When baseball fans are committed to the
sport team organization, their perceived emotions and life satisfaction are affected. Finally, leisure
involvement positively and significantly affects well-being, while organizational commitment enhances
the effect of leisure involvement on well-being.
These findings indicate that for baseball fans to enhance their well-being, in addition to their
involvement in watching professional baseball games (leisure involvement); they must also have a
commitment with the ball team organization to attain a higher-level well-being. The findings showed
that the baseball fans’ performance was above average regarding leisure involvement, organizational
commitment and well-being. Among the leisure involvement variables, attraction was the highest,
while centrality was the lowest. In organizational commitment, affective commitment was highest,
while normative commitment was the lowest. For well-being, positive affect was higher, while negative
affect was lower. After revising the model, it was found that the three dimensions of attraction,
self-expression and centrality sufficed as representations of the baseball fans’ leisure involvement.
Among them, the reflection of self-expression was more evident than attraction and centrality. Affective,
continuance and normative commitment were representative of the baseball fans’ commitment to
the baseball team organization. In particular, continuance commitment reflected more evident effects
compared to affective commitment and normative commitment. Life satisfaction, positive affect and
negative affect represented baseball fans’ well-being, of which positive affect showed the highest
reflection, followed by life satisfaction and negative affect.
There is insufficient research on the relationships among sport fans’ leisure involvement,
organizational commitment and well-being. This study regards fans as serious leisure participants
to understand the impact of their leisure involvement on well-being. Because of serious leisure
participants have career characteristics, this research explored whether organizational commitment
mediates the influence of leisure involvement on well-being. The results showed that the fans’ leisure
involvement will affect the sense of well-being and organizational commitment partially mediates the
influence of leisure involvement on well-being. This study extends the previous research and uses
the concept of organizational commitment to explore the relationships for sport fans among leisure
involvement, organizational commitment and well-being. Sport organizations may benefit from the
enhancement of sport fans’ well-being. Furthermore, increasing sport fans’ well-being may improve
sport community well-being and community development.
Sustainability 2018,10, 740 13 of 18
6.2. Implications, Limitations and Future Research Directions
Professional sport promotion not only encourages the public to take part in such activities. Also,
if participation in spectating activities promotes people’s psychological satisfaction (well-being), the
activities are said to be worthy of receiving promotion. The results showed that leisure involvement
and organizational commitment are influential in enhancing baseball fans’ well-being, Therefore, to
increase fans’ well-being, in addition to attracting sport fans to more frequently watch games, proper
sport fan management is a strategic option. These initiatives include organizing sport fan gatherings to
share baseball knowledge, making friends, exchanging ideas after watching games, giving baseball fans
face-to-face encounters with players, to link living, friend-making and baseball-spectating. Baseball
fans often choose to continue to support a baseball team because the main players stay on the side.
It is suggested that baseball teams sign multi-year contracts with players to ensure fans continue to
be supportive of the team. To have “hot” game topics to discuss and make games worth watching,
baseball teams may recruit domestic and foreign professionals who are experienced in international
games. Furthermore, territorialism, court adoption and so on may be increased to strengthen audience
cohesion and foster fan commitment to the team. Once the relationship is strengthened, well-being
will improve as well.
This research only sampled the sport fans of Taiwan’s Brother Elephants’ Baseball Team as the
subjects. Although the research results had good reliability and validity, this does not mean that
different samples still possess stable results or can be used to make inferences on the fans of other
baseball teams. Thus, it is recommended that the fans of other baseball teams be targeted as research
participants in future studies to further test the applicability of “the sport fans’ model of leisure
involvement, organizational commitment and well-being.” Furthermore, it is suggested that sport
fans for other sports be targeted for surveys, such as professional basketball, soccer and American
football, to examine the validity extension of the model. While most of the literature discusses the
relationship between two of the above three constructs [
], integrating all three constructs for
a Professional Baseball League has not yet been attempted. This study of Asian perspectives might
be considered as a pioneering research effort. The findings show that organizational commitment
indeed affects sport fans’ well-being. Therefore, it is advisable that future studies explore the effect
of enterprise organizational influential factors, such as organizational identification, organizational
loyalty and so on, on the well-being of sport fans.
The authors also acknowledge that there are other variables influencing sport fans’ commitment
and loyalty to specific clubs and that significant related research exists but was not extensively
covered in this analysis. Some of these variables can be controlled by the professional sport club
management and others cannot. These include, among others, branded online communities [
fan club membership [105]; and corporate social responsibility (CSR) [106].
This article is based on a paper presented at the 13th ApacCHRIE Conference in conjunction
with 14th Asia Pacific Forum Conference. Thanks for the comments from reviewers and audience of the conference.
Part of this research was supported by the National Science Council (now Ministry of Science and Technology) of
Taiwan, under project number NSC 100-2628-H-142-003 and NSC 99-2410-H-142-025-SSS.
Author Contributions:
Su-lan Pan revised the introduction, literature review, discussion and performed statistical
analysis. Homer C. Wu is the supervisor of this project and proposed the idea of the research framework.
Alastair M. Morrison revised the discussion and wrote the conclusion. He also coordinated the whole manuscript.
Min-Tzu Huang developed the instruments, collected the data and wrote the results. Wen-Shiung Huang
participated in the research discussion and offered statistical advice.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Literature shows that leisure can result in many positive outcomes that could contribute to developing human resources in diverse contexts. Many of those outcomes from leisure relate to HRD, such as individual work outcomes (Kuykendall et al., 2015;Wiese et al., 2017), organizational outcomes (Kuykendall et al., 2015;Wiese et al., 2017), creativity and innovation (Mainemelis & Ronson, 2006), work-related learning (Dattilo et al., 2012;Isopahkala-Bouret, 2008), career development (Isopahkala-Bouret, 2008), life-long learning and development (Lyu & Oh, 2015;Morris & Madsen, 2007;Pan et al., 2018), and personal well-being (Pan et al., 2018;Pereira et al., 2019). This study benefits both HRD and leisure by suggesting how leisure could benefit HRD as an intervention. ...
... Literature shows that leisure can result in many positive outcomes that could contribute to developing human resources in diverse contexts. Many of those outcomes from leisure relate to HRD, such as individual work outcomes (Kuykendall et al., 2015;Wiese et al., 2017), organizational outcomes (Kuykendall et al., 2015;Wiese et al., 2017), creativity and innovation (Mainemelis & Ronson, 2006), work-related learning (Dattilo et al., 2012;Isopahkala-Bouret, 2008), career development (Isopahkala-Bouret, 2008), life-long learning and development (Lyu & Oh, 2015;Morris & Madsen, 2007;Pan et al., 2018), and personal well-being (Pan et al., 2018;Pereira et al., 2019). This study benefits both HRD and leisure by suggesting how leisure could benefit HRD as an intervention. ...
... Reflecting on leisure could also result in self-actualization (Gould et al., 2008;Heo et al., 2012;Lyu & Oh, 2015). Leisure also allows people to express their abilities, knowledge, and related competencies without concern for the results (Pan et al., 2018). 3) Sharing one's leisure experiences with others, whether they share the same types of leisure or not, could affect their ability to learn and develop at both individual and organizational levels (Smith, 2004). ...
Leisure and work are often thought of as independent parts of life. While leisure has the potential of contributing to HRD and vice versa, it has received limited attention in HRD. Therefore, in this study, we used an integrative literature review to explore how leisure can contribute to HRD and become an HRD intervention. To search the literature, we used keywords relating to leisure, work, and HRD. One among several leisure types found was serious leisure. Serious leisure requires engagement in the activity with a sense of self-development. The results from serious leisure could include knowledge and skill development, which might not be related directly to short-term work performance improvement. Despite this, it allows for intrinsically sustainable self-development. Such self-development can yield positive results in every element of life, including work. To facilitate serious leisure as an HRD intervention, practitioners and policymakers need to eliminate leisure constraints.
... To date, the construct has garnered significant research attention and has been used in various leisure settings such as outdoor recreation (Havitz et al., 1993;Kyle & Chick, 2002;Matsumoto et al., 2018;McIntyre, 1989), physical activity (Havitz et al., 2013), sport events Sato et al., 2017Sato et al., , 2018, and tourism (Chang & Gibson, 2011;Ito & Hikoji, 2021). Moreover, researchers have found that leisure involvement is significantly associated with overall life satisfaction and well-being (Chen et al., 2013;Matte et al., 2021;Pan et al., 2018;Sato et al., 2014). ...
... To date, researchers have found that leisure involvement is positively associated with leisure satisfaction and wellbeing (Chen et al., 2013;Matte et al., 2021;Pan et al., 2018;Sato et al., 2014). However, they have also found that the involvement dimensions have rarely acted uniformly on different dependent variables (Kyle et al., 2007(Kyle et al., , 2003b. ...
... These findings align with the bottom-up theory of well-being (Heller et al., 2004;Diener et al., 2010;Diener, 1984) and highlight that leisure is one of the most important life domains of African Americans' SWB. Moreover, the findings support previous studies on leisure involvement and serious leisure documenting that in-depth leisure participation positively affects SWB Ito & Hikoji, 2021;Lee & Hwang, 2018;Liu & Yu, 2015;Pan et al., 2018;Yang et al., 2019). ...
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Although outdoor recreation significantly contributes to subjective well-being (SWB), existing studies suggest that African Americans are far less likely to participate in outdoor recreation compared to other racial and ethnic groups in the United States. This study examined African Americans’ leisure involvement in outdoor recreation and its impact on leisure satisfaction and the affective components of SWB. The results showed that the Attraction and Identity Expression dimensions of leisure involvement not only positively affected leisure satisfaction but also indirectly contributed to SWB through leisure satisfaction. Moreover, Identity Affirmation had a significant direct effect on SWB. However, Centrality and Social Bonding had no significant association with leisure satisfaction and SWB. These findings revealed that pleasure and enjoyment derived from outdoor recreation, as well as opportunities to express one’s identity to the self and others, were particularly important for African American outdoor recreationists’ leisure satisfaction and SWB. Overall, the study findings are consistent with existing well-being and leisure literature.
... Su-Lan Pan et al. investigated the relationship between leisure participation and well-being and the mediating role of occupation-related characteristics, organizational commitment on well-being among 406 fans. A study of a BE baseball team in Taiwan revealed that tournament participants' well-being led to a positive effect on their loyalty to the participating team (36). Katharine et al. demonstrated that social identities can satisfy or impede a range of psychological needs, including belonging and well-being (37). ...
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Introduction Large-scale sports events have a profound impact on the enhancement of residents' national identity. The study takes the Hangzhou Asian Games as an opportunity to investigate the influence of such events on national identity and the underlying factors. Methods The study takes the impact of residents' involvement in the Asian Games on their national identity as the research object, constructs a theoretical model with subjective well-being and city image as the mediator variables, randomly selects 1,096 residents by questionnaire survey, and analyzes their interrelationships as well as deeper influencing factors by using structural equation modeling and bootstrap. Results The results show that the involvement of Hangzhou residents in the Asian Games has a significant positive impact on national identity, subjective well-being and city image (Estimate = 0.237/0.287/0.3). Furthermore, subjective well-being and city image have a significant positive impact on national identity (Estimate = 0.321/0.141), and city image has a significant positive effect on subjective well-being (Estimate = 0.264). Discussion It can be concluded that the degree of involvement in major sports events has a direct positive effect on national identity, and subjective well-being and city image play a partially mediating role in this effect. The results of the study provide a resident's perspective for assessing the impact of large-scale sports events, and provide elements that can be used as a reference for governments, city planners and event organizers to assess large-scale sports events.
... Regarding specific learning activities, Kawakami et al. (2017) discovered that Japanese empty nesters experience improved positive emotions and subjective wellbeing when watching live sports events. Pan et al. (2018) suggested that indirect sports participation, such as watching matches, positively affects subjective wellbeing and is directly proportional. Escuder-Mollón et al. (2014) argued that engaging in learning activities can enhance the quality of life and increase happiness among the elderly. ...
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With the rapid development of China's socio-economic landscape and shifts in population structure, rural empty nesters have increasingly become a focal point of social concern. Compared to their urban counterparts, rural empty nesters face more life challenges and psychological stress, making their subjective wellbeing a significant issue. This study explores the impact of learning engagement on the subjective wellbeing of rural empty nesters in China, aiming to provide theoretical support and policy recommendations to enhance their wellbeing. Using a random sampling method, the study focused on elderly learners aged 50 and above from counties within Z Province, N City, where elderly learning is relatively concentrated. Data were processed using SPSS 27.0 software. The findings indicate that there is a significant difference in subjective wellbeing between rural empty nesters and rural non-empty nesters, with rural empty nesters exhibiting lower subjective wellbeing and more passive involvement in learning activities. Learning engagement has a significant effect on improving the subjective wellbeing of rural empty nesters, with a notable positive correlation between learning engagement dimensions and subjective wellbeing. Compared to rural non-empty nesters, learning engagement has a more pronounced positive effect on the subjective wellbeing of rural empty nesters.
... Sports spectators are different, often possessing high levels of involvement and an emotional attachment to sport(Stevens & Rosenberger III 2012:61). Studying the involvement construct to determine a sports spectator would offer a better understanding of motives, and what stimuli and circumstances direct behaviour (attendance, purchase of team goods, media consumption) and attitudinal development (e.g., commitment, preferences, loyalty).Pan, Wu, Morrison,Huang and Huang (2018:3) consider involvement as hidden motivation, reason, or interest concerning a certain leisure activity or associated products, often caused by a specific stimulus or situation. Several scholars have found that involvement has an important impact on people's consumption behaviour. ...
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Abstract Sport has become the great unifier globally since governments, countries and organisations are using it as a resource to bring people together. The sport industry is one of the fastest rising business segments and its primary aim/objective is to generate the revenue from sport spectators. In the past decade, the behaviour of sport spectators has received increasing attention in academic literature. A better understanding of how and why sport spectators go to stadiums and travel great distances to support their sport clubs is of great interest to sport marketers. Soccer, in particular, is perhaps one of the greatest sport phenomena in terms of its attraction for hundreds of thousands of occasional spectators of every age and gender, who come together in soccer stadiums around the globe every week to watch games. In South Africa, soccer is the leading sport from both a participation and spectator viewpoint. Understanding sport consumers willingness to attend is arguably one of the most important concerns in sport marketing and consumer-relationship management. As found in sport consumption literature, a “good relationship with sport consumers by sport clubs is an essential factor for a successful sport business” because it is much cheaper to serve satisfied consumers and easier to sustain their support. The purpose of this study was to examine selected motivational variables that influence spectators’ attendance of professional women’s soccer matches to better understand the development of the sports consumption sector. There is an absence of research conducted concerning this direction and subsequently a lack of existing literature, especially among women’s sport. To contribute to filling this void, this study attempts to measure the relationships between these variables. Earlier research has demonstrated that consumers’ willingness to attend is highly determined by their satisfaction. This study is descriptive and correlational in nature and follows a quantitative research approach. The target population comprised spectators of professional women’s soccer in the Gauteng province of South Africa. A snowball sampling technique was used to identify the participants fitting the predetermined sample standards. A total number of 316 questionnaires were received and analysed. Relevant areas, research approaches and data acquiring procedures were described. Additionally, means and factor analysis were performed to determine the level of selected motivational variables, team satisfaction and willingness to attend of spectators and to establish the underlying factors of the constructs respectively. Moreover, a correlation analysis was conducted to establish the strength and direction of the relationship between the study variables. Lastly, a regression analysis was performed to check the predictive relationship between the study’s constructs. The study revealed that motivational variables (vicarious achievement, involvement, social interaction, perceived value) have a significant relationship with spectator satisfaction. In addition, spectator satisfaction was found to be the determinant of spectator willingness to attend professional women’s soccer matches. Based on the results of this study, this research adds to the scant literature on spectators of women’s sport and proposes perspectives on the level of motives and behaviours of spectators, which can be used by women’s sport organisations and government organisations in elevating women’s soccer in South Africa. In this way, sport organisations could develop spectator engagement campaigns and marketing materials in order to engender and enhance women’s spectator participation. Further, sport managers and sport marketers should make every effort to increase the perceived value of services such as fees which are fair, albeit under the global negative economic climate, in order to satisfy the needs of spectators and at the same time reap rewards from the presence of spectators in stadiums and ensure that this presence continues. Based on these findings, limitations as well as future research opportunities and contributions of this study are discussed
... The study highlights how such theoretical approaches can invigorate local economies and increase residents' income by attracting tourists. The study by Pan et al. (2018), which appeared in Leisure Sciences, adds a practical dimension to the discussion. The authors conducted an indepth examination of the signi icant impact of sports facility development on the revitalization of small towns, utilizing a contextual study approach. ...
Purpose The paper reports the findings of a research project exploring the information experiences of bonsai growers in Australia as an example of a serious leisure pursuit. Design/methodology/approach The study used phenomenology as a qualitative approach in an interpretive paradigm. The data collection technique was a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions, and 23 volunteers were recruited via a maximum variation sampling strategy. The study employed the Serious Leisure Perspective and Information Experience as its theoretical frameworks. Findings Bonsai growers rely on three primary sources of information: publications, people, and plants. They use formal and informal publications across various media. They interact with fellow bonsai growers to share experiences and seek advice. The shape and conditions of bonsai trees are sources of embedded information that help them to make informed decisions in their practice. They have a culture of information sharing on many grounds, such as local clubs, online forums, and workshops. Their embodied information manifests in their sophisticated skills of shaping bonsai trees to express the aesthetic principles of this ancient art. Research limitations/implications The findings are contextual and cannot be generalised. A generalisation of the result needs to be tested in a broader population. Social implications Engaging in the bonsai hobby often fosters a sense of community among bonsai enthusiasts. Understanding these social connections can contribute to the development of supportive networks and enhance belongingness. Originality/value The study contributes to understanding the information experiences in serious leisure. It offers new evidence-based insights that can inform the design of information systems and services tailored to the needs of leisure pursuers.
Background: Workplace friendships, which are informal relationships in the workplace, foster mutual trust, assistance, and emotional support and create a sense of belonging among coworkers. Employees with positive perceptions of their job responsibilities, psychological needs, and work environment experience happiness, satisfaction, and an overall sense of well-being. A heightened sense of well-being in the workplace positively affects employee satisfaction with job tasks and the work environment, reinforcing employees' sense of belonging and organizational commitment. Objective: The study proposed and validated a theoretical model, with meta-analytic structural equation modeling employed to conduct quantitative, empirical research on workplace friendships, well-being, and organizational commitment in Taiwan and to analyze correlations between relevant variables. Methods: The theoretical model was further validated through structural equation modeling, which yielded favorable goodness of fit in terms of various indicators. Results: The mediating effect of well-being was verified through bootstrapping analysis. Within a 95% confidence interval, the total effect size of workplace friendships on organizational commitment was 0.549, which is the sum of its direct effect (0.255) and indirect effect (0.294). Conclusions: This finding indicates that well-being plays a mediating role in the association between workplace friendships and organizational commitment. The proposed theoretical model in this study is supported. Finally, the research results are discussed, and practical suggestions are provided.
In the current study, the aim is to determine the leisure involvement and life satisfaction levels of recreational skiers and to compare these factors with various demographics. The study group consists of 243 recreational skiers (Mage=32.71 ± 10.51). “Leisure Involvement Scale-LIS” and “Life Satisfaction Scale-LSS” were used to collect data. Besides the descriptive statistics, t-test, MANOVA, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation analysis were used to test the hypothesis. The results indicated that “gender” and “participation in skiing event” variables do not have a statistically significant differences in terms of LSS. On the other hand, although “gender” variable does not differ in terms of LIS and its subscales, “participation in skiing event” variable has a significant difference in terms of the subscales of LIS. The significant difference was due to those who participated in skiing events "often" against those who engaged in skiing events "sometimes" and "rarely." In addition, there is a statistically significant positive and low-level correlation between the total mean scores of LSS and the subscales of LIS. As a conclusion, it can be said that as the frequency of participation in the recreational skiing increases, leisure involvement and life satisfaction levels of the participants will increase.
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The present research reports the findings of three studies, with objectives to demonstrate the impacts of health-promoting behaviors on psychological well-being as well as the mediating roles of sense of control (SOC) and perceived severity of COVID-19 in these relationships. Study 1 was a cross-sectional survey conducted in 473 middle-aged and older Chinese adults before the COVID-19 pandemic to assess their health-promoting behaviors, personal mastery and perceived constraints, life satisfaction, and depressive symptoms. Study 2 was conducted during the second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong (between March to April 2020), in which 292 participants from Study 1 were successfully contacted to report their emotional responses to the pandemic. Using a different sample, Study 3 was a longitudinal study that measured 495 participants’ health-promoting behaviors, personal mastery and perceived constraints at baseline, and their perceived severity and mental health outcomes during the outbreak of omicron cases in Hong Kong (i.e., the fifth wave of the COVID-19 outbreak) in March 2022. All three studies demonstrate that the beneficial effects of health behaviors can be extended to psychological well-being and reveal possible underlying mechanisms through enhancing one’s SOC and lowering perceived severity of the COVID-19 outbreak. These results provide important insights to future health promotion programs for improving psychological resources and psychological well-being of middle-aged and older adults in face of disease-related threats.
This paper outlines antecedents of involvement and mediating roles of developmental processes leading to participants' behavioral loyalty (i.e., involvement → psychological commitment → resistance to change → behavioral loyalty). We propose that individuals go through sequential psychological processes to become loyal participants including: (a) the formation of high levels of involvement in an activity, (b) the development of psychological commitment to a brand, and (c) the maintenance of strong attitudes toward resistance to change preferences of the brand. Furthermore, because not all individuals show the identical processes in the development of participants' loyalty, we propose that both personal characteristics and social-situational factors moderate the developmental processes.
This briefs provides foundations of both community wellbeing and community development, and the relationships between the two areas, including both similarities and differences. Community well-being encompasses a large array of concepts and disciplines. Community development, as an established discipline, is one framework that can help further understanding of community well-being, and is an allied concept. The interaction between the two areas is worthy of exploration, as both a new way to think about community development as well as a way to understand what community well-being entails. Beginning with a discussion of the foundations, the first and second chapters provide grounding for conceptions and potential theory applications as well as constructs for moving community wellbeing forward. The remaining chapters provide applications of community well-being in the context of community development, with examples from North America and Asia. Community development focused community wellbeing policies and programs illustrate processes and outcomes.
Although the practice of building brand equity in the context of professional sport teams is popular, the formation of sport team brand equity in the sport marketing literature is still relatively unknown and incompletely understood. In this study, the authors propose a dual-identification model to examine the formation of sport team brand equity in an Asia-based professional team sport setting. Baseball fans (N = 548) of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) in Taiwan participated in the self-administered survey. A Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model analysis revealed that marketplace characteristics (including group experience, salient experience, team history, and fan rituals) and brand-identified-related factors (including self-congruity and team brand prestige) were significantly related to identification with sport team and identification with sport team brand, respectively. In turn, both identification with sport team and identification with sport team brand were significant predictors of sport team brand equity. These findings highlight the importance of studying a dual-identification model in order to understand how sport team brand equity forms and suggest implications for sport team managers.
Authors have disagreed on whether sports spectating has positive or negative consequences for individuals and society. Based on Smith's 1988 discussion of “the noble sports fan,” the current research tested the prediction that identification with a sports team would be positively related to collective or group's self-esteem and not related to trait scores of aggression. The hypothesis was confirmed. Discussion centers on patterns of the observed correlations.
I: Background.- 1. An Introduction.- 2. Conceptualizations of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination.- II: Self-Determination Theory.- 3. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Perceived Causality and Perceived Competence.- 4. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Interpersonal Communication and Intrapersonal Regulation.- 5. Toward an Organismic Integration Theory: Motivation and Development.- 6. Causality Orientations Theory: Personality Influences on Motivation.- III: Alternative Approaches.- 7. Operant and Attributional Theories.- 8. Information-Processing Theories.- IV: Applications and Implications.- 9. Education.- 10. Psychotherapy.- 11. Work.- 12. Sports.- References.- Author Index.
The serious leisure perspective (SLP) can be described, in simplest terms, as the theoretical framework that synthesizes three main forms of leisure showing, at once, their distinctive features, similarities, and interrelationships. The forms consist of the (1) serious pursuits (i.e., serious leisure [amateurism, hobbyism, and serious volunteering] and devotee work), (2) casual leisure, and (3) project-based leisure. The serious pursuits are distinguished by six qualities, are motivated by several special rewards, sometimes including flow, and offer a leisure career. Eight types of casual leisure are presented along with their benefits. Project-based leisure fits into leisure lifestyle in its own peculiar way as interstitial activity, like some casual leisure but not like most serious leisure. It can therefore help shape a persons optimal leisure lifestyle.